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Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station,Unit 2,Cycle 12 Startup Test Results
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/1992
To: Murley T
NUDOCS 9207270215
Download: ML20102A693 (10)


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, N C:mm:n=alth Edis:n

_ ) 1400 Opus Place a '--

Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 t

h July 23, 1992 Dr Thomas E. Murley, Director Office of Nucliar Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear hegulatory Commission Washington, DC_ 20555 Attn: Document Control Desk subject: Quad Cities Nuclear Station Unit 2 Stattup Test Report Summary KRC Oochtklo, 50:265 Dr. Hurley:

Enclosed is the Quad Cities Nuclear Station Unit 2 Cycle 12 Startup Test' Report. This report is submitted in accordance with the Quad Cities Technical Specifications and provided for your Staff's Information and use.

If there are any questions regarding this report, please contact me at (708) 515-7283.

interely ,

G ohn L. chrage Chf Nuci e Licensing Administrator cc: A. Bert Davis, Regional Administrator-RIII L.N. 01shan, Project Manager-NRR T.E. Taylor, Senior Resident Inspector-Qurd Cities 9207270215 420723 i PDR ADOCK 0500026b []


/sc1:1316:71 PDR

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1 Itst NL Iltif - - East .

1- Shutdown Margin 1 2 Core Verification 2 O

-3 Initial Critical 3 [


4 TIP Reproducibility and Core Power Symmetry 3 T

i l

l3 8TWOR3M

'm $RTFE- gr y, -p wg arr-P+y.qw- % +' m grygy-$ wt g g,-y r.r-pr to '1yr yd--hM w e 94 m 9 &n +4 tt 7 gy,W w tig tat mF 4 -gregNt*wM*P'F N*+ N M ?'WM ilWW W MW T*T-""W7Y N" W"W8 t'2' N'mWir- W m W F"'$9N '- W'"'9N'

1. Shu.tdoxalatsin_Demom tuttion.2nLCottr.0LRodlum '.onaLCheda Eutpass The purpose of this test is to demonstrate for this core loading in the most_ reactive condition during the operating cycle, that the reactor is subtritical with the strongest control rod full out and all other rods fully inserted.

Criterb If a shutdown margin of 0.333% AK (-0.25% + R + B 4 C settling penalty) cannot be demonstrated with the strongest control rod fully withdrawn, the core loading must be altered to achieve this margin. The core reactivity has been calculated to be at a maximum 4000 MHd/ST into the cycle _and R is given as 0.033% AK. 1he control rod B4 C settling penalty for Unit Two is 0.05% oK.

Reiults_andEicunion On April 11, 1992, control rod H-9 was fully withdrawn to demonstra_te that the reactor-would remain subtritical with the strongest rod out. This rod was calculated by GE to have the highest worth with the core fully loaded at the t,eginning of the cycle. The strongest rod out maneuver was

. performed to allow single control rod withdrawals for CRD testing.

Control' Rod functional subtritical checks were performed as part of control rod friction testing. No-unexpected reactivity. Insertions were obs'rved when any of the 177 control rods were withdrawn.

General Electric provided rod worth information for the two strongest l

diagonally adjacent rods G-10 and J-10 with rod H-9 fully withdrawn. This method provided an adequate reactivity insertion to demonstrate the desired shutdown margin. On April 11, 1992, a diagonally adjacent shutdown margin demonstration was successfully performed. Using the G.E. supplied rod

-worth for-H-9 (the. strongest rod) and diagonally adjacent-rod G-10, it was determined that with H-9 at position 48, and G-10 at position 24, a moderator temperature of 137'F, and the reactor subtritical, a shutdown l margin.of 0.592% AK was-demonstrated. The G.E. calculated shutdown margin

with H-9 withdrawn and 68'F reactor water terrperature was 3.001% AK at the L beginning of Cycle 12.

At approximately 4000 MHd/ST into Cycle 12 a minimum calculate <1 shutdown margin of 2.968% AM will occur with E-4 fully withdrawn.


$theQR 384 .

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. . i G.E.'s ability to determine rod oorth was deenstrated by the accuracy  ;

of their in-sequence criticality prediction. The 4K difference between the expected critica.1 rod pattern and the actual critical rod pattern was determined to be 0.2894% 4K. This initial critical demonstrated that the actual shutdown margin at the beginning of cycle 11 was 3.2895% AK and 3,2574 aK at 4000 MHd/ST into cycle 12,

2. Con Verification brRole The purpose of this test is to verify proper core location and orientation for each core fuel assembly.  !

fIlleIla Prior to reactor startup, the actual core configuration shall be verified to be identical to the planned core configuration.

Results and Dhr. union The Unit Two Cycle 12 core was verified on March 17, 1992. Fuel assembly orientation, seating, and ID serial number were verified for each assembly. Two inspection passes were made over each assembly. The first pass was made to verify orientation and seating of assemblies. The second pass was made to verify bundle ID numbers. A video camera was used during the inspection. All assemblies were found to be properly seated and orientated in their designated locations.

On March 21, 1992, 24 fuel assemblies were i nvertiled due to the unload and reload of 4 fuel assemblies for control rod J-14 drive replacement. Two passes were again made for orientation, seating and ID verification. .All 24 assemblies were found to be properly seated and orientated in their designated location. Similarly..on March 23, 1992, 22 fuel assemblies were revertfled due to the unload and reload of eight fuel assemblies to allow drive replacement for control rods P-10 and P-11. Two passes were again niade- for orientation, seating and ID verification. All 22 fuel assemblies i were found to be properly seated and orientated in the designated locations.

The bundle ID numbers are shown in Figure 1.

3. Initial Critica] Prediction hrnoia The purpose of this test is to demonstrate General Electric's ability to calculate control rod worths.and shutdown margin by predicting the insequence critical.

Criteria General Electric's prediction for the critical rod pattern must agree within 1% AK to actual rod pattern. A discrepancy greater than 1% aK will be cause for an On-Site Review and investigation by Nuclear Fuel Services.


i ResuLtt and Discus 1Lon On May 8, 1992, at 2041 hours0.0236 days <br />0.567 hours <br />0.00337 weeks <br />7.766005e-4 months <br /> the reactor-was brought critical with reactor water temperature at the time of criticality of 165*F. The 4K difference between the expected critical rod pattern at 68'T and the actual critical rod nattern at 165'F was 0.002894 from rod worth tables supplied by General Electric. The temperature effect was -0.00145 4K from General Electric supplied corrections. The excess reactivity yielding the 215 second positive period was 0.00029 AK. These reactivities resulted in a 0.001154 AK difference (0.1154% AK) between the expected critical rod pattern and tne actual rod pi.itern. This is within the 1% AK required in the criteria of this test, and General Electric's ability to predict control rod worth is, therefore, successfully demonstrated. j

' 1

4. Core _Eoxer D1stLthu110B_Symelry AaMy113 l

Eutpole The purpose of this test was to determine the magnitude of indicated core

-power distribution asymmetries using data (TIP traces and OD-1) collected in conjunction with the CMC update.

CLLteLLa A. The total TIP uncertainty (including random noise and geometric uncertainties obtained by averaging the uncertainties for all data

- sets)-must be less than 9%.

B. The gross check of TIP signal symmetry should yield a maximum

- deviation between sym.netrically located pairs of less than 25%.

Relutts_anLDistunton Core power symmetry calculations were performed based upon computer program OD-1 date runs on May 20 at 1303 and 2045 hours0.0237 days <br />0.568 hours <br />0.00338 weeks <br />7.781225e-4 months <br />, both at 99.2.% and 98.9%,

power respectively. The average total TIP uncertai,*ty from the two TIP sets.was 3.230%. The random noise uncertainty was 1.150%, This yields a geometrical uncertainty of 3.018%.- The total TIP uncertainty was well within the 9% limit.

Table 1 lists the symmetrical TIP pairs and their respective average deviations. Figure 1 shows the core location of.the TIP pairs and the average TIP readings. The maximum deviation betwcen symmetrical TIP pairs was 8.51% for pair 5-33. Thus, the second criterion, mentioned above, was also met.

The method used to obtain the uncertainties consisted of calculating the average of the nodal ratio of TIP pairs by:

n' 22

_ _L E I- Rij R - 18n j=1- i-5 where Rij is the ratio for the ith node of TIP pair j, there being n such

= pairs, where n-18.


i SNGR 384

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, _Next the standard dtviation of the ratios is calculated by:

'n 22 _~

I E (Rij - R)2 jfp o_- ,1- 1 _1_5 R (18n - 1) oR is multiplied by 100 to express oR as a percentage of the ideal value of oR of 1.0.

% oR " 'R x 100 The total TIP uncertainty is calculated by dividing % oR by / 2 in order to account for data being taken at 3-inch intervals and analyzed on a 6 inch nodal basis.

In order to calculate random noise uncertainty the average reading at each node for. nodes 5 thr ugh 22 is calculated by' MT NT 1 I r BASE (N. M. K)

BASE (K) - NT x HT H1 N1 where NT - number of runs per machine - 5 MT - number of machines - 5 BASE (K) - average reading at nodal level K.

K - 5 through 22 The random noise is derived from the average of the nodal variances by:


22 MT NT'. -

~2 1/2 I I .E BASE (N. H. Q - BASE (K)

%o noise - K-5 M-1 N-1 BASE (K) x 100 18 (NT x HT -1)


finally the i!P-geometric uncertainty can be calculated by:

% o g'eometric - (% o totalE - % e noise2 )1/2 l

'_ STMOR 364 7{


Table 1


" Based on OD.-l's from  :


. 05-20-92 at 1303 Hours and 2045 Hours (99.2% and 98.9% Power Pespectively) t


.a-b T= Ta-Tb  % = 100 X T/((T Th )/2) j 1-6 0.48 3.+71

.,. 2-12 5.06 5.48 '

3-19 3.32 3.33 '

4-26 2.66 3.07 5-33 3.15 8.51 8-13 1.43 1.28 9-20 1.87 1.86 i 10-27 1.38 1.33 t 11-34 5.51 6.07 l 15 2.18 2.02 .

16-28 3.54 3.53 17-35 2.60 2.52 18-39 2.11 3.59 -;

23 1.14 1.07 24-36 5.57. 5.56 25-40 3.65 5.32 31-37 6.95 7.06

  • 32-41 0.46 1.13 .

'r.* 22 Average Deviation - 3.52

/18 Tg i=5I Tg(K) ,

l I

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' CYCLE 1?



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