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Control Room Log Entries Report for 10/06/2002
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/06/2002
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML030770688 (6)


Log Entries Report

1. iEntryDate/Ti] I Entry Type I r Entry Text

'1i010612002 00:40 Checklist CL-10J. Safeguards Service Water System Checklist Unit 1 is completed [Raasch. Dean - MISC

- Station Log - Mid Shift]

EntryDate/Time I- EntryType- I '..- "ý$' Ent -' .Text 1010612002 01:22 Unit-1 Facade sump contaminated, 506 gallons to WHUT Unit-2 Facade sump, 490 gallons to WWES [Baugniet, Jeff- PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

IEntr DateFlime'-- I ,,'Entry TypeE-ý] ,,74 --: '-'K,ýnz.Tx'Z" w~ -~ k 1010612002 02:32 Start A MT discharge at 91% Permit# 02-00111L [Burish, John - Ul TurbHall (FireBrigade) -Station Log Mid Shift]

I-Entry Date/Time;l 1- Entry Type'-; 7i* ` "

10/06/2002 03:00 IT-51OB LRPM of Safety Injection Test Line (Refueling) Unit I Completed-SAT. [Raasch, Dean - MISC Station Log - Mid Shift]

I Entry Da~te/Time ý IYý Entry Type:ýT [Pý 2--k45--- ~ n nx ~ ~ -~~i.~

10/06/2002 03:10 Added DI to 2T-12 CC Surge Tank per 2-SOP-CC-002 (48-50% on 2LI-618B) [Phelps, Mike -Trainee-COT

[ ;Entr

.. DateTme . .I*Enr yT'_J rype

ý7, ... ..2 -,-*,

Station._Log - Mid Shift]


  • _, tZ,*'.Etyet*]V:**;**"**.* 'ý.. _;,r*, -k-' ** 17 1010612002 03:17 WT Backwashed Commenced a blend of boric acid from the "A" BAST (T-6A) to the "B" CVCS HUT (T-8B) per OP-5B Part 4, Manual Blend to T-8B CVCS HUT via Unit I Blender. [Schleif, James - OS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

0E162try Date7Tim3e 2ngPypPypek Trie-O 2St Log -Md f 10/06/2002 03:30 2P-2C Charging Pump OOS per PC-23.5 [Phelps, Mike - Trainee-COT 2 - Station Log - Mid Shift]

.. Ent*..DateTinieo

.. ..... Entry..T pe'. F 2)


10/0612002 04:20 2P-2C Charging pump retumed to service per PC-23.5 [Phelps. Mike -Trainee-COT 2 - Station Log - Mid 10/06/2002 04:22 2P-213 charging pump OOS per PC-23.5 [Phelps. Mike - Trainee-COT 2 -Station Log - Mid Shift]

J-1,EntyDat/imFGe! [ En tryjpe,!_ xt ~ ~~' '72~T 1010612002 04:26 IT Completed partial performance of IT-280, Main Steam Stop Stroke Test Cold Shutdown on 1MS-2017, "B" Main Steam Isolation Valve. 1MS-2017 meets acceptance criteria for IT-280 and is returned to service.

Engineering evaluation must be performed on MSOV stroke vs. pressure data due to unacceptable results on Attachment C, Engineering Evaluation Requirements. [Schleif. James - OS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

10/06/2002 04:37 U-i, Completed adding 3400 gallons on boric acid to the "B" HUT lAW OP-5B part 4 [Lohr, Tim - Unit 1 CO - Station Log - Mid Shift]

10/0612002 04:46 WT Backwashed Commenced filling Unit I Condenser Hotwell to a level of 20", [Schleif, James - OS (Fire Brigade)

Station Log - Mid Shift]

y D ate/T ime [1 -Enitrz '.' ' -** " -Tex.....

.7 7 - ." __'

1010612002 05:07 2P-2B Charging pump return to service per PC-23.5 Start 2P-2B and secure 2P-2A [Phelps, Mike - Trainee-COT 2 - Station Log - Mid Shift]

10106/2002 05:20 Start 2P-2A charging pump and secured 2P-2B per PC-23.5 2P-2C in Auto and 2P-2A in Manual per PC-23.5 [Phelps, Mike - Trainee-COT 2 - Station Log - Mid Shift]

iEntryDa~te/Time' I4ntY-Fp '- ~ Te  :'

10/0612002 05:22 WT Backwashed Secured filling Unit 1 Condenser Hotwell. Indicated level remains <0". Water being conserved for IT-300B.

[Schleif. James - OS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

10/06/2002 05:30 Placed Unit I RWST on recirc. per PC-25. [Burish, John - U1 TurbHall (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

1010612002 06:20 NLOGS01 DeBauche, Steve Assumed DOS (Fire Brigade) Position from Wilson, Jim, DOS (Fire Bngade).

[DeBauche, Steve - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

"[,En ',DateTnIme-,ý 777]~ ~~To~~9 1010612002 06:20 NLOGS01 Harrsch, Rob Assumed OS (Fire Brigade) Position from Schleif, James, OS (Fire Brigade).

[Harrsch, Rob - OS (Fire Bngade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

'ýEnfi Date/T~m~e;-' I ~ J~~ et'~'tL 10106/2002 06:23 A MT discharge complete at 8% level [Burish, John - Ul TurbHall (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

1*EntryDate/Time' *!. *, 'pev'*;

N  !*[*-,  ?, $$:,Th'*: Z'/, ' '-,  ;:Y' E=,, yOTXt'*-*'* A'  ; .. .*,*;,*  :

10/0612002 06:24 NLOGS01 Meyer, Mike Assumed Trainee-SROT I Position from Fouse, Jimmy, Trainee-SROT 1. [Meyer, Mike Trainee-SROT 1 - Station Log - Day Shift]

1'Etjb*Mmeý I-t; *j*ntry-Tyk--,: ý,i:*EtNffeq,#*;:*-- _**k 10/0612002 06:27 NLOGS01 Robbins, Rick Assumed STA Position from Rode, Ryan, STA. [Robbins, Rick - STA - S ge-Day Shift] t; " g iOage I of t

Log Entries Report F EntryDateTiFme Entry Type I-K  :.".. Entiy Text _

1010612002 06:32 NLOGS01 Schug, Mike Assumed DSS Position from Harper, Ron, DSS. [Schug, Mike - DSS - Station Log - Day Shift]

I Entry Datefllme 1 "Entry-Type 10106/2002 06:37 1 N-42, Power Range NI returned to service [Harrsch, Rob - MISC - Station Log - Mid Shift]

1Entr Da-t-e/Time Zý-Entr 'Tpe7-:7 ~~3~-' -,Entr Text--.- i' 1010612002 06:40 WT Backwashed Unit 1, I&C commenced 1ICP-2.15, Reactor Protection System Logic Test [Green, Jim - Unit 1 CO Station Log - Day Shift]

I* ** " " ** - h*;*;*::. . -:Entry Text.*;¢, -*:i",.-*!,  ;  ::"':.  :.

1;Entry Daterrime' ',^EntryType;T 1010612002 07:01 Unit 1, CL-13F. Circulating Water System Checklist complete [Harrsch, Rob - MISC - Station Log - Mid Shift]

I*: ***,..:;*-*.D. -'-"Entry*Text**}.-*

Z -'.*-,*,**A -** * ,

00EntryDate00ime'>02 EntrL.T 01 10106I2002 07:28 NLOGS01 Green, Jim Assumed Unit I CO Position from Lohr. Tim, Unit 1 CO. [Green, Jim - Unit 1 CO - Station Log Day Shift]

I0Entry Date0Time 1 EntryLType 1010612002 07:29 NLOGS01 Denneau, Scott Assumed PAB (FireBrigade) Position from Baugniet, Jeff, PAB (FireBrigade) [Denneau, Scott - PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

DatelTimej It Enty Type 1010612002 07:29 NLOGS01 Sheehan, Joe Assumed WtrTreatment(FireBrigade) Position from Purvis, Dale, WtrTreatment(FireBrigade).

[Sheehan. Joe - WtrTreatment(FireBrigade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

I!Entry Date/Tnme [1 1010612002 07:30 NLOGS01 Wolf, Bob Assumed Ul TurbHall (FireBrigade) Position from Burish, John, Ul TurbHall (FireBngade).

[Wolf, Bob - U1 TurbHall (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

1010612002 07:30 NLOGS01 Wandrie, Tom Assumed U2 TurbHall (FlreBrigade) Position. [Wandrie, Tom - U2 TurbHall (FireBrigade)

Station Log - Day Shift]

_ :;EntryDate/TflmejI~':E yp JlZnt DatIITite .EnF riTYE D 10106/2002 07:30 NLOGSOT Phillips. Scott Assumed 4th License Position from Wallace, Rob, 4th License. [Phillips, Scott - 4th License Station Log - Day Shift]

Entry'Daterilme&' k Entr p 1010612002 07:31 NLOGS01 Stock, Lee Assumed Unit 2 CO Position from Scherwinski, Doug, Unit 2 CO. [Stock, Lee - Unit 2 CO Station Log - Day Shift]

10106/2002 07:40 IT Unit I Commenced IT-300B Steam Generator B Main Feed Line Check Valves (Cold Shutdown). [Stalzer, Charles - MISC - Station Log - Day Shift]

tJEntry Dt/~e~ E Tp E iDatrml~

1010612002 07:68e -]NLOGS02

  • ....... ',T pci Scherwinski, Doug Assumed 3rd License Position from Lewis. Al, 3rd License. [Scherwinski, Doug - 3rd 10106/2002ini~ ~W Bakwsed En:4 License - Station Log - Day Shift]

JýEn rDate1Tme f ~2Eintrý,Tyli 1010612002 08:24 Placed B MT on recirc per 01-140. Chem can sample @ 1040. [Denneau, Scott - PAB (FireBrigade)

Station Log - Day Shift]

1010612002 08:34 WT Backwashed Unit 2 - Completed 0-TS-RE-001 Power Level Determination, SaL [Stock, Lee - Unit 2 CO - Station Log Day Shift]

4 bag batch in BA batch tank per O-SOP-BS-02. [Denneau, Scott- PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

[.EntDaterTlmep -En Tiry2Typ '

Log turned over by Harrsch, Rob [Harrsch, Rob - MISC - Station Log - Mid Shift]

10/06/2002 09:03 NLOGS02 En1t6ry D0t9:25me , En " $1'.

Log approved by Harrsch, Rob [Harrsch, Rob - MISC - Station Log - MidShift]

10/0612002 09:04 NLOGS03 1010612002 09:17 ALARM Unit 1, Received POWER RANGE ROD DROP alarm (IC04 IA 4-5). Channel N41 caused the alarm.

I&C caused alarm due to induced noise during the performance of 1ICP-2.15. [Green, Jim - Unit I CO Station Log - Day Shift]

J.Eritry Dt/Tm 10/06/2002 09:21 DSS Midnight Entry Unit 1, Reset N41 POWER RANGE ROD DROP alarm. [Green, Jim - Unit 1 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

14'Enti DaeTe $'En ~ype 4 10/0612002 09:25 Commencing TS-81, EDG G-01 Test, G-01 Declared OOS. LCO 3.8.1. AC Sources, not met for Unit 2.

Entering TSAC "E for 1A05. RA "E.1" met, all redundant equipment is operable. RA "E.2.1 met, Inoperability is due to testing, not due to failure. RA "E.3" requires restoring an operable standby power supply within 7 days and 14 days from discovery to meet LCO.

Unit I Is in Mode 6 with LCO 3 8 2 met from 1A0611B04 train. [Stock, Lee - Unit 2 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

Page 2 of 6

Log Entries Report Entry Date/Time F

]IEnty Entry Text t1 1010612002 09:35 WT Backwashed Urnt 1, I&C completed 1ICP-2.15. SAT [Green. Jim - Unit 1 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

EntryDate/Tme .'EntryType I7'. '..." .. ý-EntryText , ,; '..- "

1010612002 09:37 DSS Midnight Entry Unit 1, Secured HOTWELL fill in support of IT-300B. Steam Generator B Main Feed Line Check Valves testing [Green, Jim - Unit 1 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

IEntr Date/7tfime] iý,-t Entry Type' IY#~ -~"  ; Entry Text- -ý _-- $*,r- :_'ý-I:-'4 'ý"

1010612002 10:37 Scott Phillips assigned as a Level 3 Dedicated Operator for AFW alignment lAW O-62A. Motor Driven Aux Feedwater System [Harrsch, Rob - OS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

Entry Dat~e/Time- j.-:Entlry Type 77Ety etj' 10/0612002 10:42 Unit 1,Started P-38B, Motor Driven Aux Feedwater pump and commenced Filling 1B SIG lAW O-62A and IT-300B, Steam Gen B Main Feed Line Check Valve Test. [Harrsch, Rob - OS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

I Entry Daterrimeý ,4ýEtryType [r`& ý:"*' *

  • Entry9Textý_,2 "-
  • .Y* 4', * *"r:i*Y 1010612002 10:54 NLOGS01 Taylor, Tim Assumed 3rd License Position from Scherwinski, Doug [Taylor, Tim - 3rd License - Station Log

- Day Shift]

I Entry Date/Timed 4-iEntryType'; Ž--:,En.ry3ext .- : .'ic 7_ .f7 1010612002 11:03 Unit 2 - Entering LCO 3 8.1, TSAC *E"for 2AO5 perTS-81, G-01 aligned to 2A05. Per RA"E.1", declaring W-13B1 Control Room Recirc Fan inoperable (due to W-13B2 being inoperable), which makes LCO 3.7.9 CREFS not met. Entering TSAC 3.7.9.A to restore CREFS to operable status within 7 days. LCO 3.8.1 RA "E.2.1" met, inoperability is due to testing, not due to failure. RA "E.3" requires restoring an operable standby power supply within 7 days and 14 days from discovery to meet LCO. [Stock, Lee - Unit 2 CO Station Log - Day Shift]

Ent DaterTime4 1"En&rType--I '-_ iA-;-, Enntextry -4*ý i'd 10/0612002 11:35 G-02 aligned to 2A05. Unit 2 exiting LCO 3.8 1, TSAC "E"for 2A05 per TS-81. Remaining in LCO 3.8.1,

... I-1 'tA6. L-WO 117.0 C-EiSTs"ho-" rivut f6rOinit 2: et-diock # ior 2A52-73 b-57"[I6K-*""

Lee - Unit 2 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

'-Entry DateITime 'ý nr p &E ex]I ~

1010612002 11:50 Unit 2 - Commenced 60 min HOH MB run lAW OP-5D pt 7. (Stock, Lee - Unit 2 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

10106/2002 12:16 Commencing PC 75.3 (Monthly Smoke and Heat Ventilation Systems Surveillance Test). Per step 5.3.5, Declaring CREFS OOS. LCO 3.7.9 is not met. Entering TSAC 3.7.9.A to restore CREFS within 7 days.

Tom Wandrie Is stationed as Level 3 D.O. per PC 75.3, step 5 3.4. [Stock, Lee - Unit 2 CO - Station Log Day Shift]

W10612002 12:16 NLOGSOI Robbins, Rick Assumed STA Position from Robbins, Rick, STA. [Robbiýs, Rick - STA - Station Log - Swing Shift]

[:-EnityDatemmerm , :Einty'T

  • j ýe. .77E ..yText * - <

10106/2002 12:29 DSS Midnight Entry Unit 1, Secured letdown from RHR per Shift Management. [Green, Jim - Unit I CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

I Entry,DateTifmen - E*J y7Type'6 77'1P '* -,4 iF xt :

A, 10106/2002 12:31 Common - LCO 3.7.9 is now met and Tom Wandrie is released as a Level 3 Dedicated Operator per PC 75.3 steps 5.3.20 & 5.3.21. PC 75.3 complete - Sat. [Stock, Lee - Unit 2 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

10106/2002 12:56 WT Backwashed Unit 2 - Completed 60 min HOH MB run per OP-5D pt 7 - Sat. [Stock, Lee - Unit 2 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

10/0612002 13:01 WT Backwashed Unit I commenced O1-48A Transfer for Lube Oil for refilling LO Reservior. [Stalzer, Charles - MISC Station Log - Day Shift]

1010612002 13:10 DSS Midnight Entry Unit 1, Commenced lowenng Reactor Vessel level per OP-SA, Reactor Coolant Volume Control. [Green, Jim - Unit 1 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

I Entry Date/Tme* *7. En *Tj 'jk  ;; . NTextWv,ý&

1010612002 14:01 G-01 operable and aligned to 1A05 per TS-81. Exiting LCO 3.8.1. TSAC "E", LCO 3 8.1 met for Unit 2.

[Taylor, Tim - 3rd Ucense - Station Log - Day Shift]

I.F~ntrv flnateIT__m_ -a P =-Euitrv.Tvneý-&IIý .jýj~- En Tx~ W- ~ ~

10106/2002 14:03 DSS Midnight Entry Unit 1, Completed lowening Reactor Vessel level.

Vessle level is currently 75%. [Green, Jim - Unit 1 CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

-En Daýte/Tm~e,- ~EnWT peW.47 1010612002 14:11 WT Backwashed Unit 1, I&C commenced 1ICP-2.17-2. Reactor Protection System Automatic Trip Logic Pre-rod Motion test.

[Green, Jim - Unit 1 00 - Station Log - Day Shift]

I06En Date/2ime 0 3 - En ,TjpeY 10/06/2002 14:23 4 bag batch in BA batch tank per 0-SOP-BS-02. [Denneau, Scott - PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Day Shift]

Entr DaWte/Týmke' 2ýýtEntrjj 1010612002 14:32 Unit 1, l&C completed IICP-2.17-2, Reactor Protection System Automatic Trip Logic Pre-rod Motion test

[Hastings. Randy - MISC - Station Log - Day Shift]

Page 3 of 6

Log Entries Report IEntry Date/Tme-] Entry Type ]I I . Entry Text t 10/0612002 14:32 NLOGS01 Jessessky. Tom Assumed DOS (Fire Brigade) Position from DeBauche, Steve. DOS (Fire Brigade). [Jessessky, Tom - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

I EntryDaterTime I[ Yp -j' i3i-4U' . ---- o- Enr .Text,,...... .

1010612002 14:32 WT Backwashed Unit 1, I&C completed 1ICP-2.17-2. SAT [Green. Jim - Unit I CO - Station Log - Day Shift]

EnryDteTie Entry Type' g:j Entryext ýTh 1010612002 14:33 NLOGS01 Hastings, Randy Assumed OS (Fire Brigade) Position from Harrsch, Rob, OS (Fire Bngade).

[Hastings, Randy - OS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

Et' j Entry:[ype -!j r7-En . , -Text .' ,r. - .

1010612002 14:33 NLOGSO1 Schug, Mike Assumed DSS Position from Schug, Mike, DSS [Schug, Mike - DSS - Station Log - Swing Shift]

Entry Date/Time 1*. *,*Entry;ypEntry TextT-&;n

  • 1010612002 15:00 Requested an OPR for CAP 29715 that quetions the seismic adequacy of the 2 inch pipe spools associated with Valves 1/2 SI-832A/B and 1/2 SI-833A/B. OPR due at 1500 on 10-7-02. [Weber, Dan MISC - Station Log - Day Shift]

GEntry DaZeM~me*, 2 1týi EntryXType7.,ý 77 -77 .~ ~ * ~ i$nr'et~x ~

1010612002 15:10 TS-81 G-01 EDG Monthly Test complete SAT. Procedure still requires IST review. [Hastings, Randy MISC - Station Log - Day Shift]

Entry DaeTe EEnt ,Typ -ý,EnTexr 4.

1010612002 15:20 NLOGS01 Inman, Rick Assumed Unit I CO Position from Green, Jim, Unit I CO. [Inman, Rick - Unit 1 CO - Station Log - Swing Shift]

!'EntryDate/Timeý- Iýý-'Entry.Type6 -~~Entry t 10106/2002 15:20 NLOGS01 Hammill, Pete Assumed 3rd License Position from Taylor, Tim, 3rd License. [Hammill, Pete - 3rd Ucense

,-Entry - EntryTyp.e. *!7 L .. t.. . . . . -. .. 7 - .

10106/2002 15:21 NLOGS01 Taylor, Tim Assumed Unit 2 CO Position from Stock, Lee, Unit 2 CO. [Taylor, Tim - Unit 2 CO - Station Log

- Swing Shift]

10/06/2002 15:21 NLOGSOi Baumann, Steve Assumed Trainee-COT 2 Position. [Baumann, Steve - Trainee-COT 2 - Station Log Swing Shift]

t .,'En 'me;

.D.a.te7M. -. ,.EnrLT * - .... TextEn 7'7_7f 1010612002 15:21 NLOGS01 Scheppman, Darrell Assumed U2 TurbHall (FireBrigade) Position. [Scheppman, Darrell - U2 TurbHall (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

10/0612002 15:21 NLOGS01 Thilmony, Steve Assumed WtrTreatment(FireBngade) Position from Sheehan, Joe, WtrTreatment(FireBrigade) [Thilmony, Steve - WtrTreatment(FireBrigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

10106/2002 15:22 NLOGS01 Becker, Joe Assumed U1 TurbHall (FireBrigade) Position from Wolf, Bob, Ul TurbHall (FireBrigade).

[Becker, Joe - Ul TurbHall (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

ýEntiy'D~ateTie, ý7tri iType I ý > -- ~ ~ Et~et ~

1010612002 15:22 NLOGS01 Shaw, Mike Assumed PAB (FireBrigade) Position from Denneau, Scott, PAB (FireBrigade). [Shaw, Mike PAB (FireBngade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

[!Entry Datiie ' Entr 4'>ý "W.E Tex 1* - ý 11 ý &

1010612002 15:23 NLOGS01 McGarry, Bill Assumed Trainee-AOT I Position. [McGarry, Bill - Trainee-AOT 1 - Station Log - Swing Shift]

'Eniti Date/Tfiim~e ~xEnir 7iTyp-:-' ý ý 7A 7 7P:11/2 ,:,Entryext'ýL, 1010612002 15:29 Dan Pond relieves Scott Phillips as a Level 3 Dedicated Operator for AFW alignment lAW OI-62A, Motor Driven Aux Feedwater System. [Hastings, Randy - MISC - Station Log - Day Shift]

[(EntD~a:te/TimeO 1i5Ent yTyp i-E Te tŽe 1010612002 15:29 NLOGS01 Pond, Dan Assumed 4th License Position from Phillips, Scott, 4th License. Stationed Dan Pond as Level 3 Dedicated Operator for AF-4019 per 01 62A. [Pond, Dan - 4th License - Station Log - Swing Shift]

'EntryDaeTm 4.>.. '7 7"x;4<4'En yText;: ~

1010612002 15:32 NLOGS02 Log turned over by Jessessky, Tom [Jessessky, Tom - MISC - Station Log - Day Shift]

' 'L . .Entry.Date/rTim Tex #. .....

. ... .Entry!Tjoe . ....

10106/2002 15:33 NLOGS03 Log approved by Jessessky, Tom [Jessessky, Tom - MISC - Station Log - Day Shift]

F-Entijae. xEtrT ~ ,~~ n Xx ~ ~ ~ 2 1010612002 15:45 Dropped Batch Tank to "A" BAST [Shaw, Mike - PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

SEtyDt/Tm 'nrl. EntryfText-,x :Y *  : i- J*

1010612002 16:05 Started "B" MT discharge [Shaw, Mike - PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

IlEntr Dafte/Tlm'e c >1En Type Tx~,A9~

10/0612002 16:35 Pumped 521 gals Ul FS to WHUT [Shaw, Mike - PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

En DteEnt yi Tpe l T7 '-' " - - -- 7 n Tt-,exTtW*

10/0612002 16:40 Placed Ul and U2 traveling screens and screen wash pumps in automatic. [Scheppman, Darrell - U2 TurbHall (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

Page 4 of 6

Log Entries Report Text SEntry

"-iEntry Date/Time II EntrType 1010612002 16:56 Unit 1: Secured P-38B Motor Driven Aux Feed Pump per 01 62A. [Pond, Dan - 4th License - Station Log Swing Shift]

+-+.",-., +. . , .;** r *-EntryText - .. - . " '," "'

'i Entr. Date/Time ' tryType CI ommenced processing "C" HUT to "A" MT [Shaw. Mike - PAB (FireBngade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

1010612002 17:00 Entry DatelTlme iý- Entry Type; I nit 1: Released Dan Pond as Level 3 Dedicated Operator for AF-4019. Controler back in Auto and set at 1010612002 17:03 200 gpm. [Pond, Dan - 4th License - Station Log - Swing Shift]

1 Ent Daterme-*l Entry7T Flode. Ryan Assumed STA Position from Robbins. Rick [Rode, Ryan - STA - Station Log - Swing Shift]

1010612002 17:51 NLOGS01 I Entry Date)rime i+ EntryjType 10106/2002 18:01 Common - T-24B North Condensate Storage Tank is now aligned to the AFP suction. T-24A is isolated per 01-150 Heating The Condensate Storage Tanks in preparation for sampling and discharging the south CST. T-24A is declared OOS. Sufficient volume exists in T-24B (Ref LCO 3.7.6). [Jessessky, Tom - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

'* Entry "TypeI].P+: ~ ~

-n+.-tryText E*l ,^- , .' "+ , +

I Entry Daterrimet (Fire Brigade) Position from Hastings, Randy [Ruesch, Scott - OS 10/0612002 18:27 NLOGS01 Ruesch. Scott Assumed OS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

I ,Etry:DateMme"] J-+.` Entry -Type Shift]

1010612002 18:33 NLOGS01 Mohr, Mike Assumed DSS Position from Sclug, Mike [Mohr, Mike - DSS - Station Log - Swing J.EntryDate6Mme1,. p 1010612002 19:00 Starting ORT-7, Operation of Backdraft Dampers Unit 1. [Raasch, Dean - MISC - Station Log - Swing Shift]

,EntryUateh'!  ;+... "iyl*

1010612002 19:08 W-13B2 Control Room Recirc Fan stopped. W-13B1 auto started as expected. W-13B2 Recirc fan was out restarted normally which showed that the fan did not trip off on a thermal overload. The fan is currently of service. (WO 0212792). [Jessessky, Tom - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

iEntiry:DateTimT & eEntryT 1010612002 19:13 Unit 1 - commencing ORT 58 Containment Test Connection Unit 1. (WO 0206994, 9943812) [Jessessky.

Tom - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

.Ent 'DaTeme[ EntT 1010612002 19:28 Completed "B" MT discharge [Shaw, Mike -PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

1En Datealm& I_ -'Ent 3y1*e

1. [Pond, 10106/2002 19:46 Unit 1: Commenced IT 770 Spray System RWST Suction Valves Leakage Test (Refueling) Unit Dan - 4th License - Station Log - Swing Shift]

,E Datei/Tim 27' Entry Typ 10/0612002 19:50 Unit 1- CL-5A, Chemical and Volume Control System completed. [Raasch, Dean - MISC - Station Log Swing Shift]

J,,EnI DaterTme f:.*lýEn yp the 1010612002 20:05 Injury Reported to control room An individual hurt his knee while removing shoe covers while exiting able to be lower hatch on Unit 1. AO and Ops Supervisor dispatched, EMT's notified. The individual was by the frisked out of containment (not contaminated) and was able to walk to south gate for further attention nurse. Facilities supervisor will complete associated paperwork. Referenced EPIP 11.2 Medical Emergency. [Jessessky, Tom - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

IIEntry DaTime~ Fyp .Ent, 10/0612002 20:06 EPIP 1.1 and 11.2 entry conditions reviewed. Minor injury does not warrant entry into either oftothese the NRC.

procedures. Injured person is not contaminated and therefore, this instance is not reportable

[Rode, Ryan - STA - Station Log - Swing Shift]

of Backdraft Dampers Unit 1. [Ruesch, Scott - OS (Fire Brigade) 1010612002 21:18 DSS Midnight Entry Completed ORT-7, Operation Station Log - Swing Shift]

I EntryDate/Tlme':* [I.:+ Entzy Tyi 1010612002 21:30 Unit 2, Secured forced vent lAW OP-9C. finial Cont. pressure on P-949 - 0 02 Finial Cont. Temp. on T-3284 - 87.3 [Taylor. Tim - Unit 2 CO - Station Log - Swing Shift]

1 ...... e +Entry TyB Swing 10/0612002 21:45 Shifted RHR and CCW pumps, "B"Train on "A" Train off. [Inman, Rick - Unit I CO - Station Log -


I, Ent.Datei. me iiE Ty Surveilance.

1010612002 21:46 Unit 1 - Commencing 1RMP 9071-1 A-05 41601480 Degraded and Loss of Voltage Monthly (WO 9943856) [Jessessky, Tom - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Swing Shift]

Ent r Date/Time' ii n 1010612002 22:29 Completed 1RMP 9071-1 for 1A05 [Inman, Rick - Unit 1 CO - Station Log - Swing Shift]

1 Ent Date/ime" Ent iyTy Mid Shift]

10106/2002 22:36 NLOGS01 Mohr, Mike Assumed DSS Position from Mohr, Mike, DSS. [Mohr, Mike - DSS - Station Log -

Page 5 of 6

Log Entres Report ___

Entry Text I'll I f iEntry Date/ime [ Entry Type 1 [

(Fire Brigade) Position from Jessessky, Tom, DOS (Fire Brigade) 1010612002 22:37 NLOGS01 Schleif, James Assumed DOS Schleif, James - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

"Entry Date/Time I Entry Type___j I S. , ,  :.C.* .+*.'-.f-Entry Text -; -. .

(Fire Brigade) Position from Ruesch. Scott, OS (Fire Bngade). [Wilson, 1010612002 22:37 NLOGS01 Wilson, Jim Assumed OS Jim - OS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

I-Entry Date/Time'l I' Entry Type

- Mid Shift]

10/0612002 22:38 NLOGS01 Rode, Ryan Assumed STA Position from Rode, Ryan, STA. (Rode, Ryan - STA - Station Log .. Entry Type IEntry ,e Log - Mid 1010612002 22:39 NLOGS01 Fouse, Jimmy Assumed Trainee-SROT I Position. [Fouse, Jimmy - Trainee-SROT 1 - Station Shift]

I-Entry Datemme t> Entry Type .. ,

Bill 1010612002 22:49 Unit 2 Charging pumps leak rates:2P-2A. 1cc/min; 2P-2B... lcc/min; 2P-2C... 2cc/min. [McGarry, Trainee-AOT 1 - Station Log - Swing Shift]

[.En Oaterrime

  • Entry Type 1010612002 22:55 NLOGS01 Baugniet, Jeff Assumed U2 TurbHall (FireBrigade) Position from Scheppman, Darrell, U2 TurbHall (FireBrigade). [Baugniet, Jeff - U2 TurbHall (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

tiEntqDate/T-me-zJ 'ý Entry Type :?] ~~ ~ En Tex

[Burish, 1010612002 23:20 A Monitor tank full at 95%, continue processing C HUT at 65.5% to B MT at 11.5% per 01-10k John - PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

JýEn tryDaterlime *] 1!.*. Entry Typeti&

- 4th License 10106/2002 23:28 NLOGS01 Wallace, Rob Assumed 4th License Position from Pond, Dan, 4th License. [Wallace, Rob Station Log - Mid Shift]

23:28 10/06/200 NLOGS01~k CO - Station Log 1010612002 23:28 NLOGS01 Lohr, Tim Assumed Unit 2 CO Position from Taylor, Tim, Unit 2 CO. [Lohr, Tim - Unit 2 Mid Shift]

lEn Date-1imeji , ,Entry ,

Doug 1010612002 23:28 NLOGS01 Scherwinski. Doug Assumed 3rd License Position from Hammill, Pete, 3rd License. [Scherwinski, 3rd License - Station Log - Mid Shift]

~EnOateT-me.t AEntryType-,L7 4 ~ C~Eiri*ýText~

[Alef, 1010612002 23:28 NLOGS01 Alef, Kurt Assumed U1 TurbHall (FireBrigade) Position from Becker, Joe, Ul TurbHall (FireBrigade).

Kurt - Ul TurbHall (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

j'Entt ateITimeWl -* Enty ypeWD


~ ~. > ~ ýEnt ,Text,12 ~~

Mike 1010612002 23:28 NLOGS01 Phelps, Mike Assumed Trainee-COT 2 Position from Baumann, Steve, Trainee-COT 2. [Phelps, Trainee-COT 2 - Station Log - Mid Shift]

ýEntryDateirrmej N4;Entry-Ty

  • John NLOGS01 Burish, John Assumed PAB (FireBrigade) Position from Shaw, Mike. PAB (FireBrigade). [Burish, 1010612002 23:30 PAB (FireBrigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

tEn Datel"ime ý,-EntryjType R-:


NLOGS02 Purvis, Dale Assumed WtrTreatment(FireBrigade) Position from Thilmony, Steve, 1010612002 23:30 WtrTreatment(FireBrigade). [Purvis, Dale - WtrTreatment(FireBrigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

F -;v~ I- Entryqext., , , 'ý C.~ -'4~

-Ent *Dapeiim e:1' ,,4EntryTypeM' 1 CO. (Lewis, Al - Unit I CO - Station Log NLOGS03 Lewis, Al Assumed Unit I CO Position from Inman. Rick, Unit 1010612002 23:30 Mid Shift]

';En iDat*/Tlmet 3 ,Entry Type

  • 10I0612002 23:45 NLOGS02 Log tumed over by Schleif, James [Schleif, James - MISC - Station Log - Swing Shift]

I Entil ',Enftiy-T ý Rltlým '

NLOGS03 Log approved by Schleif, James [Schleif, James - MISC - Station Log - Swing Shift) 10/06I2002 23:45 j-Entry DateMMe, 1-,ý,EntryType'i 1010612002 23:54 WT Backwashed Completed IRMP 9071-1, A-05 4160V/480V Degraded and Loss of Voltage Monthly Surveillance - SAT.

[Schleif. James - DOS (Fire Brigade) - Station Log - Mid Shift]

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