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Inservice Inspection Document Request
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/24/2005
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051520213 (3)


t INSERVICE INSPECTION DOCUMENT REQUEST Inspection Dates: April 5 - 23, 2004 Inspection Procedures: IP 7111108 "Inservice Inspection" TI 2515/150 "Reactor Pressure Vessel Head and Vessel Head Penetration Nozzles" & TI-1 52 Lead Inspector: Inspector: Melvin Holmberg (630 829-9748)

A. Information Requested for the In-Office Preparation Week The following information is requested of Chuck Krowzy on March 24, 2004, and must be available by April 5th, to facilitate inspections which begin that week.

1) Open items identified by your staff from the initial request list which include:
a. Item A.2. Upper head non-visual NDE inspection procedures (Framatome) and supporting procedure qualification/demonstration documents.
b. Item A.2 SG ET data acquisition and analysis procedures.
c. Item A.1 1 ET in-situ test procedure.
d. Item A.17 Provide Westinghouse WCAP-1 5978 and identify crack growth rates used in this analysis.
2) The following NDE examinations with recorded indications which have been accepted' for continued service.
a. Provide summary report 004500 for CRD housings 1-49 (Code cat B-O item B14.10).

Specifically, provide the exam report identifying linear recordable indication and evaluation accepting this conditions.

b. Provide RPV head flange MT report 99U1-350P004 and evaluation accepting this indication.
c. Provide RPV Stud 44 MT report 99U-350P021 and evaluation accepting this indication.
3) Repair replacements records (with CAPs and corrective actions) for work orders:
a. WO 9812062, 0202406 (RR 2002-0066, 67) for reactor coolant valves/piping.
b. WO 0207877 (RR 2002-0082) safety injection valves/pipe pup piece.
c. WO 0212615, 0212682 (RR 2002-0095) modified safety injection nozzles.

See items 81 &2 of original request for any work involving welding in Code Class 1, and 2 systems which have been completed since the beginning of the last refueling outage (both Units and identify system, weld number and provide applicable Code Section Xl IWA-4000/500017000 documentation for repairs or replacements including copies of weld procedures and weld procedure qualification records and radiographic film if applicable). Additionally, provide completed copy of the acceptance pressure testing documentation for each of these components.


4) Provide a copy of the following CAPs including specified corrective actions as identified below including all the referenced documents supporting the completed corrective actions:

CAPs - 047990, 032045, 032290,003372, 029936, 006578, 033575, 051046, 051206, 051407, 052167, 053177, 054136.

5) Provide drawings for 1CH-1 0 core drilled hole in keyway area of liner plate and CAP reports/evaluations accepting corrosion in this area (Code Category E4.1 1, E4.12 and E5.30).
6) Provide drawings and CAP documents associated with component 1Q-15 which received a visual VT-1 and UT as supplemental inspection October 01, 2002 under 01MU1-L004).
7) Provide corrective action documents which evaluated IN 91-05 and supporting documents which directed inspection of the water level nozzles for the safety injection accumulators. Explain why time lag between IN and identification of nozzle indications and identify any remaining areas that require augmented inspections and the schedule for these inspections.
8) What new thermal sleeves were added to reactor vessel internals in September of 2002 (baseline VT-3 under summary 004100)? Please provide all welding related records and Code repair/replacement records if these were welded to a pressure boundary component.
9) Why were the limited examinations on the reactor vessel head to shell weld (summary 010000, cat B-B) and Shell to outlet nozzle (summary 010800, cat B-D) not identified during the prior ISI interval? If they were why isn't there an existing relief request to cover these?
10) Provide the governing procedure that assigns responsibility and identifies how limited ISI examinations are tracked to ensure that relief requests are issued. Provide an example from the prior Unit 1 ISI examination summary report of who is responsible for issuing the relief requests for the limited examinations and by what milestone dates actions need to occur so this happens.
11) Provide UT procedure used and the examination record for pipe to elbow weld (summary 032300) and pipe to valve weld (summary 039400) - cat R-A, item R1.11.
12) Provide procedure/document which identify's the required examination extent (coverage) and type (vol/surf/vis) for category R-A item R1.20 weldments. If your basis is Code Case N-578-1 please include a copy of the NRC safety evaluation which has approved use of this Code Case and your local procedures that implement this document.
13) For the 2 inch branch connection and weldolet in the SIS (summaries 348450, 348460 cat R-A, item R1.20), why was a PT examination done instead of a volumetric examination as specified in CC N-578-1? Provide a copy of these examinations and the

governing document which specified the extent of these examinations and the technical basis for this exam.

14) The body-to-bonnet joint was seal welded for a number of Code valves in the SI and chemical volume control systems. Were these activities performed under a design change process? If not, what evaluations reviews were performed to confirm the affect on joint design, bolt preload, bolt corrosion, and flange integrity and provide a copy of these documents. Was the welding done in accordance with Code welding procedures?
15) What FME needed to be removed from RHR & SI system (reference 2 inch hole and vent valve installation under WO 0202449, 0205506, CAP 030632, 030647)? Provide documents which identify source, extent of FME and items retrieved.