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EP FFD Questions Not Asked
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/24/2005
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051520228 (1)


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EP FFD Questions Not Asked '3 oL-OoL Licens ee ID'ed, Section 40A7 Descri !tion:

On April 7, 2004 during a review of the call-in process the licensee identified that the call-in process was not in accordance with 10CFR26.20 requirements. 10CFR26.20 (e states, "A procedure that will ensure that persons called in to perform an unscheduled working tour are fit to perform the task assigned. As a minimum, this procedure must -

(1) Require a statement to be made by a called-in person as to wether he or she has consumed alcohol within the length to time stated in the pre-duty abstinence policy."

10CFR26.20 (a) (2) also requires the license to address other factors that could affect fit-for-duty. NP 1.7.18, Unscheduled Work Period (UWP) Call-in, step 4.3 states the actions for call-in of personnel for unscheduled work in reference to fit-for-duty requirements. Contrary to this the licensee's automatic call-in system did not ensure that the appropriate statements are made regarding fit-for-duty.for emergency responders. The licensee put compensatory measures in place to ensure that the questions are asked before the emergency responders assume their duties in the event of a facility activation. The licensee entered the condition as CAP055425, "Callout process does not meet requirements of 10CFR26.20(e)(1)."
