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Phone Line Through Containment Hatch While Fuel Movement in Progress
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/24/2005
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051520147 (1)


ej 4 A/4 V"--c)-, 4-(, C6,4--dc I Phone Line Through Containment Hatch While Fuel Movement In Progress Licensee ID'ed TSAC - 3.9.3 The inspectors identified a Non-Cited Violation (NCV) of TS having very low safety significance (Green) for the licensee's failure to enter Technical Specification 3.9.3.,

"Containment Penetrations," Section (b), "One door in each air lock is capable of being closed," when a phone line was placed through the Unit 1 66 foot containment hatch.

The phone line was installed from approximately 1000 on April 29, 2004 until 0410 April 29, 2004 to allow communications for the reactor head inspection work. The cable did have a quick disconnect at the hatch to facilitate quick removal. The control room was I1, not notified of the installation of the cable as required by plant procedures. The plant procedure provides specific instructions on the controls of cables running through the containment hatch. The basis for Technical Specifications 3.9.3 states "Administrative controls will be in effect when maintaining doors open during fuel movement." Contrary to the basis requirements the licencee did not meet the administrative controls during fuel motion. The finding also affected the cross-cutting area of Human Performance because operators did not recognize the entry requirements of Technical Specification 3.9.3 forl8 hours as personnel entered and exited through the hatch and fuel movement was in progress. This will bediscussed inh setion 40A4.
