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2011-06 Final Operating Test
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 06/06/2011
From: J. J. Barton
Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards
Download: ML111730057 (312)


ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 06/06/11 Examination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code*

Document the Maintenance of your active Reactor Conduct of Operations N,R Operator License Conduct of Operations D,C Perform RO (SRO) Review of Daily Logs Equipment Control N,R Initiate an Operator Aid request.

Radiation Control D,R Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA Emergency Procedure/Plan N/A NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, then all 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (< 3 for ROs; < 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)

(P)revious 2 exams (< 1; randomly selected)

ES-301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 06/06/2011 Examination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: 1 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (see Note) Code*

Conduct of Operations N,R Determine If A Working Hour Waiver Is Required Conduct of Operations N,R Determine if Mode Change is Allowed Determine Refueling LCO for CRD Equipment Control D,R Drive Removal Radiation Control D,R Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA Emergency Procedure/Plan D,R Reportable Occurrence to NRC NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, then all 5 are required.

  • Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (< 3 for ROs; < 4 for SROs & RO retakes)

(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)

(P)revious 2 exams (< 1; randomly selected)

ES-301, Page 22 of 27

ES-301 Control Room/In Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 6/06/11 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test No.: 1 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

Safety System / JPM Title Type Code*


a. SKL034-20-100 SLC RWCU fails to isolate (Alt Path) A,D,S 1
b. SKL034-20-XXX Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alt A,N,L,S 7 Path)
c. SKL034-20-XXX Shift REC Heat Exchangers N,S 8
d. SKL034-21-47 Operate RCIC in Press Control (Alt Path) A,D,S 3
e. SKL034-21-06 Respond to a HPCI System Automatic A,D,En,S 4 Initiation.(Alt Path)
f. SKL034-20-XX Monitor SGT System Following A,N,S 9 Automatic Initiation (Alt Path)
g. SKL034-20-XXX Placing SDG In Service From N, S 6 Control Room
h. SKL034-21-XXX Vent Primary Containment using 2.4PC N, S 5 In-Plant Systems @ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
i. SKL034-XX-XX Reboot OPC A Computer Server N 7
j. SKL034-10-XX Transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B N 6 (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency)
k. SKL034-10-85 Place standby CRD Flow Control Valve in D,R 1 Service When In service Valve Fails Closed

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank <9/<8/<4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant >1/>1/>1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / >1 (control room system)

(L)ow-Power / Shutdown >1/>1/>1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) >2/>2/>1 (P)revious 2 exams < 3 / < 3 / < 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA >1/>1/>1 (S)imulator ES-301, Page 23 of 27

ES-301 Control Room/In Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Date of Examination: 6/06/11 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test No.: 1 Control Room Systems@ (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)

Safety System / JPM Title Type Code*


a. SKL034-20-100 SLC RWCU fails to isolate (Alt Path) A,D,S 1
b. SKL034-20-XXX Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alt A,N,L,S 7 Path)
c. SKL034-20-XXX Shift REC Heat Exchangers N,S 8
d. SKL034-21-47 Operate RCIC in Press Control (Alt Path) A,D,S 3
e. SKL034-21-06 Respond to a HPCI System Automatic A,D,En,S 4 Initiation (Alt Path)
f. SKL034-20-XX Monitor SGT System Following A,N,S 9 Automatic Initiation(Alt Path)
g. SKL034-20-XXX Placing SDG In Service From N, S 6 Control Room h.

In-Plant Systems @ (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. SKL034-XX-XX Reboot OPC A Computer Server N 7
j. SKL034-10-XX Transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B N 6 (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency)
k. SKL034-10-85 Place standby CRD Flow Control Valve in D,R 1 Service When In service Valve Fails Closed

@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.

  • Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank <9/<8/<4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant >1/>1/>1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / >1 (control room system)

(L)ow-Power / Shutdown >1/>1/>1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) >2/>2/>1 (P)revious 2 exams < 3 / < 3 / < 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA >1/>1/>1 (S)imulator ES-301, Page 23 of 27

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC-121 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Scenario No.: NRC 1 Op-Test No.: 1___

Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 85% power in single valve control with the Main Turbine Governor Valves. It is a red light day because record grid loads are expected.

Turnover: After turnover, the crew is to place the governor valves in Sequential GV control (Load Dispatcher has been notified) and continue the power ascension to 747 MWE net ~95% at <10 MWe per minute. Maintenance will be calling to start the HPCI Aux Oil Pump for Pump PM later in shift.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 N/A N Place MT Gov Valves into sequential valve control 2 N/A R Raise power with RR flow 3 3 C,TS HPCI Aux Oil system leak 4 4 I,TS CRD FC-301 Auto Output fails low, three CRDs with High Temps 5 5 C,TS SRV Fails Open 6 6 C, Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure, Manual ARI inserts rods 7 7 M, Earthquake; Suppression Pool Rupture: ED on Low SP/L

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Critical Tasks are located in Events 6 and 7.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 Scenario Objective Evaluate the crews ability to perform normal operations and raise power during non-emergency operations.

Evaluate the crews response to a lowering Suppression Pool Level and their ability to emergency depressurize the Reactor to suppress the steam in the torus before level gets too low and its energy is released into the Reactor Building.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at approximately 80% power
  • No equipment out of service.
  • It is a red light day because record grid loads are expected.


  • Place MT Gov Valves into sequential valve control
  • Raise power with RR flow
  • HPCI Aux Oil System Leak, TS
  • CRD FC-301 Auto Output fails low, three CRDs with High Temperatures, TS
  • SRV Fails Open, TS
  • Earthquake; Suppression Pool Rupture: ED on Low SP/L Scenario Sequence
  • Normal evolution - Place MT into Sequential Gov. Valve Control
  • Reactivity manipulation - Raise Power with RR Flow
  • Component Failure before the EOPs - HPCI Aux Oil System Leak
  • Instrument Failure - CRD Flow Controller Auto signal fails, three CRDs with High Temperatures
  • Component Failure before the EOPs - SRV Partial opening
  • Component Failure after the EOPs - Suppression Pool leak, below the water line:

Emergency Depressurization on low Suppression Pool Level.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 Event One: Place MT Gov Valves into sequential valve control Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required; this is a normal manipulation for the BOP.


Evaluate the crews ability to select the Digital Electro Hydraulic Controller and perform the required manipulations on the touch screen to shift the main turbine valve governor control to a Sequential alignment.

Success Path:

The Operator, in accordance with Procedure, performs the steps necessary to make the Turbine Governor Valves transition smoothly from single valve control to sequential valve control which causes turbine efficiency improvement (MWatts increase).

Event Two: Raise Power with Reactor Recirc to 737 MWE Net ~ 90%

Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required, this is a normal manipulation for the BOP.


Evaluate the RO ability to adjust Reactor Recirculation Pump flows to make power increase from ~80% to ~90%, by alternately raising flow on one RR Pump, letting the plant respond then making a similar adjustment on the other pumps controller.

Success Path:

Both Reactor Recirculation Pumps speeds are raised from ~65 to ~80; maintaining them within the required 5% allowed by Tech Specs, and it is done in accordance with Procedure 2.1.10.

Event Three: HPCI Aux Oil System Leak Malfunction Required:

HP12 Active set at 100%, at the start of the scenario. This failure will not start until the HPCI Aux Oil Pump is started.


Evaluate the crews response to an oil leak in the HPCI control oil system while performing the section of the Operating Procedure for the HPCI system 2.2.33 to start 3

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 the Aux Oil Pump for maintenance. During this event the Operator will be required to secure the pump.

Evaluate the CRSs ability to determine that HPCI is Inoperable.

Success Path:

The HPCI system is declared Inoperable per TS 3.5.1. Condition C 14 day LCO. RCIC is checked to be operable within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and the Aux Oil Pump is secured to prevent operation.

Event Four: CRD FC-301 Auto Signal Failure Malfunction Required:

Override 03A35A1 CRD-FC-301 CRD System Flow Control Setpoint set at 0%.

Malfunction PMIS N200 set at 380, N213 set at 402 and N214 set at 480.


Evaluate the crews response to CRD-FC-301 Automatic control signal failure resulting in high charging water pressure and low cooling water flow.

Evaluate the ROs ability to diagnose the controller has failed.

Evaluate the SROs ability to determine if the CRDs which have high temperatures should be declared slow or inoperable.

Success Path:

CRD-FC-301 placed in Manual and CRD system flows and pressures returned to normal. SRO addresses CRDs with high temperatures.

Event Five: SRV Fails Open Malfunction Required:

AD06b set at 50% to start the relief valve leaking then it is modified to 20% to minimize the heat addition to the torus.


Evaluate the crews performance of Abnormal Procedure 2.4SRV for a leaking SRV which has the Operator cycle the leaking valve to reseat it.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specification for Suppression Pool Average Temperature, if the SRV is not closed within a short period of time.

Success Path:

The Operator notices and responds to the leaking SRV in accordance with Annunciator Procedures and 2.4SRV. The SRV will be cycled open then taken back to the closed position to reseat the valve. Once the valve has been cycled the tail pipe temperature starts lowering and the heat addition into the Torus is secured. The CRS determines 4

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 that Technical Specification for Suppression Pool Average Temperature may apply depending on whether Suppression Pool Temperature at 95F.

Event Six: Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure Manual ARI works Malfunction Required:

RD162615 CRD 26-15 Slow Scram Time RD162623 CRD 26-23 Slow Scram Time RD162615 CRD 26-15 Scrammed RD162623 CRD 26-23 Scrammed Override Reactor Manual Scram Push Button position Push Out Override Reactor Manual Scram Push Button light Off Objective:

Evaluate the crews response in accordance with Abnormal Procedure 2.4CRD and their ability to recognize Scram Actions with more than one rod is drifting in. Also to recognize that the One Channels Manual Scram Push Button failed to work and the need to manually initiate ARI.

Success Path:

The Operator determines the ATWS when a manual scram fails to work when more than one rod is drifting and initiates ARI manually.

Event Seven: Earthquake; Suppression Pool leak: ED on low SP/L Malfunction Required:

HV02b Major Earthquake set to 25%

PC08 Suppression Pool Water Leak 25% level lowers at -0.2/min Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a major earthquake in accordance with Emergency Procedure 5.1Quake.

Evaluate the crews ability to monitor and control the consequences of an Unisolable leak in the torus below the normal water level.

Evaluate the crews ability to anticipate emergency depressurization and transfer as much energy to the condenser prior to emergency depressurizing the Reactor.

Success Path:

The crew emergency depressurizes the reactor when suppression pool level lowers to 9.6.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 Scenario Termination:

When the reactor is depressurized (50 psig above Torus pressure) and level is being maintained between +3 to +54 and the lead examiner has seen enough, the scenario may be stopped.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Scenario No.: NRC 2 Op-Test No.: 1____

Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 100% with Surveillance 6.1DG101 in progress:

Turnover: After turnover, the crew is to secure DG#1 following its monthly test; LCO 3.8.1 Condition B is in effect.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 N/A N DG-1 Monthly Surveillance 2 2 I,TS RR Pump speed lowers 3 3 C Combustion in the Off-Gas system 4 4 I,TS FW and Main Turbine high water level instruments fail 5 5 M Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid, requiring Manual Scram 6 6 C Loss of Emergency Transformer, Loss of Critical Bus 1F 7 7 C, DG-1 Fails to Auto Start 8 8 M, Small Break LOCA, Containment Sprays

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Critical Tasks are located in Events 7 and 8.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Scenario Objective Evaluate the crews ability to perform normal surveillances and to respond to instrument and component failures during non-emergency conditions.

Evaluate the crews response to a rising reactor power level and a lowering Turbine High Pressure Fluid Reservoir.

Evaluate the crews response to a small break LOCA which causes Drywell temperatures and pressures to rise and before 280°F in the Drywell the crew initiates Drywell Sprays to maintain temperature below 280°F.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at approximately 100% power
  • No equipment out of service.
  • 6.1DG.101 is in progress.
  • DG-1 load was lowered to 1000 kW 5 minutes ago.


  • DG-1 Monthly Surveillance
  • RR Pump speed lowers - TS
  • Combustion in the Off-Gas system
  • Loss of Emergency Transformer, Loss of Critical Bus 1F
  • DG-1 Fails to Auto Start
  • Normal activity - DG-1 Monthly Surveillance
  • Instrument Failure - RR speed lowers
  • Component Failure before EOPs - Combustion in the Off-Gas System
  • Instrument Failure - FW and Main Turbine high water level instrument fails
  • Major Failure - Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid, requiring Manual Scram
  • Component Failure after EOPs - Loss of Emrg Transfmr, Loss of Critical Bus 1F
  • Component Failure after EOPs - DG-1Fails to Auto Start
  • Major Failure - Small break LOCA, with raising DW temperature and pressure

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Event One: DG-1 Monthly Surveillance Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required; this is a normal manipulation for the BOP.


Evaluate the crew during normal surveillance activities.

Evaluate the BOP Operator unloading and securing DG1 in accordance with 6.1DG.101, 31 day load test.

Success Path:

The #1 DG is unloaded from 1000 KW and the engine is secured in accordance with the surveillance procedure.

Event Two: RR Pump speed lowers Malfunction Required:

RR17b set at 70%.

Override ZDIRRMGSWS16B(1) set to ON.


Evaluate the crews response to a failed Jordan RR controller.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications for RR loop mismatch.

Success Path:

RR Pump A speed is lowered until both loop flows are balanced within specification.

The CRS will review Tech Specs LCO 3.4.1 and consider RR Pump B not in service until pump speeds are matched.

Event Three: Combustion in the Off-Gas System Malfunction Required:


Evaluate the crews response to combustion in the off-gas train as indicated by Annunciator B-3 / E-3 AUG OFFGAS TROUBLE and elevated temperatures on the Off-gas lines.

Evaluate the BOP Operators ability to accurately communicate steps of the Abnormal Procedure to the Turbine Building Station Operator.

Success Path:

The steps on the Abnormal are performed and the combustion is extinguished.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Event Four: FW and Main Turbine high water level instruments fail Malfunction Required:

RR27a set at 0%.

RR27c set at 0%.


Evaluate the crews response to the failure 2 of the 3 RFP Turbine and Main Turbine high water level trip instrumentation.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications.

Success Path:

With only one instrument available (NBI-LT-52B) the crew will recognize that there is a loss of the two out of three logic for the high level trip for the RFP Turbines and the Main Turbine The CRS declares the instruments inoperable in accordance with Tech Specs LCO Condition A. Required Action A.1 Place channel in trip within 7 days, and Condition B Required Action B.1 Restore feedwater and main turbine high water level trip capability within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

Event Five: Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid, requiring a Manual Scram Malfunction Required:

TC10 Turbine High Press Fluid leak increased from 75%.


Evaluate the pre-staging and conservative decision making prior to the need to scram the Reactor prior to losing Turbine High Pressure Fluid Pumps and control of Turbine GVs, Stop Valves and Bypass Valves.

Success Path:

Reactor is scrammed and pressure control is transferred to HPCI and SRVs.

Event Six: Loss of Emergency Transformer, Loss of Critical Bus 1F Malfunction Required:


ED08A 4160 BUS 1A FAILURE Objective:

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Evaluate the crews response to the loss of the Emergency Transformer and a subsequent loss of 1F Critical Bus, during the Scram recovery.

Evaluate the BOPs ability to enter Procedure 5.3EM-PWR and ensure the Critical Busses are powered by an emergency power source.

Evaluate the crews ability to shift RPV level control to the High Pressure ECCS and RCIC systems due to a loss of all Condensate and Booster pumps.

Success Path:

Startup Transformer is supplying the Critical Busses until a fault causes the loss of 1F.

RPV Level is being controlled within the +3 to 54 inch range with RCIC, CRD and HPCI.

Event Seven: DG-1 Fails to Auto Start Malfunction Required:

DG06A Diesel Generator #1 Fails to Auto Start Objective:

Evaluate the crew recognition that Diesel 1failed to auto start when required and to perform the necessary steps to start Diesel 1 and energize the Critical Bus.

Success Path:

Both Critical Busses are Energized; one from the Diesel Generator, the other from the Startup Transformer.

Event Eight: LOCA Containment Sprays Malfunction Required:

RR20A Coolant Leakage Inside Primary Containment @ 12% with a ramp time of 10 minutes.


Evaluate the crew response to a slow increase in Drywell Temperature and pressure and to vent Primary Containment in an attempt to control the pressure rise.

Evaluate the crews ability to spray the Drywell in accordance with the EOPs to control pressure and temperature, as the LOCA gradually worsens.

Success Path:

Torus and Drywell Sprays are initiated prior to DW temperature reaching 280°F.

Scenario Termination:

When Reactor water level is being controlled between +3 and +54 inches and Drywell Sprays are controlling Drywell Pressure between 2 and 10 psig.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Scenario No.: NRC 3 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 2.0% power, holding here to perform the 500 psig Reactor Building walkdown. After turnover, the crew is to shift CRD Pumps.

Event Event Event No. Malf. No.

Type* Description 1 N/A N Shift CRD Pumps 2 2 C,TS REC Pump B trip 3 3 I IRM Inop Trip 4 4 I,TS Drywell Radiation Monitor Isolation 5 5 C,R Rod drop and stuck rods non-EOP rod driving 6 6 M RCIC Steam Line Leak 7 7 C, Fuel failure ATWS EOP rod driving 8 8 C, Reactor Recirc Pump speed fails high 9 9 C, ED on Secondary Containment 2 Areas

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Critical Tasks are located in Events 7, 8 and 9.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Scenario Objective Evaluate the Crews ability to operate at low power levels.

Evaluate the Crews response to a rod drop accident and fuel failure.

Evaluate the crews actions when RCIC develops a steam line leak that will not fully isolate and when two areas in Secondary Containment exceed their Max Safe values the RPV is Emergency Depressurized to limit the release of highly radioactive steam through the RCIC steam line break.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at approximately 2.0% power
  • The 500 psig Reactor Building walkdown is in progress.
  • Shift CRD Pumps following turnover.


  • Shift CRD Pumps
  • REC Pump B trip
  • DW Vent Radiation Monitor Isolation
  • Rod drop and stuck rods requiring EOP rod driving
  • RCIC Steam Line Leak
  • Reactor Recirc Pump speed fails high
  • Normal activity - Shift CRD Pumps B to A
  • Component Failure before EOPs - REC Pump B Trip
  • Instrument Failure before EOPs - IRM C Failure
  • Instrument Failure before EOPs - DW Vent Radiation Monitor Isolation
  • Component Failure before EOPs - Rod drop and stuck control rods requiring non-EOP driving
  • Major Event - RCIC Steam Line Leak
  • Component Failure after EOPs - Fuel failure ATWS EOP rod driving
  • Component Failure after EOPs - Reactor Recirc Pump speed fails high
  • Accident mitigation strategy - Emergency Depressurize the RPV 2

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Event One: Shift CRD Pumps Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required; this is a normal manipulation for the RO.


Evaluate the crew during normal equipment shifting.

Evaluate the Reactor Operator shifting from the B CRD Pump running to the A CRD Pump running and securing the B Pump.

Success Path:

The A CRD Pump is running and the B CRD Pump is secured. All CRD parameters indicated on Panel 9-5 restored to within their normal band.

Event Two: REC Pump B trip Malfunction Required:

SW11B - REC Pump Trip 1B.


Evaluate the crews response to the tripping of one of the three Reactor Equipment Cooling Pumps and takes appropriate action in accordance with the Annunciator Procedure to restart another pump prior to receiving an REC Isolation.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications.

Success Path:

The BOP Operator either responds quickly enough (within 1 minute) to the tripping of the pump and starts an additional REC Pump in accordance with the Annunciator Card.

Or, the REC system isolation is reset following the restart of the third REC Pump and system flows and pressures are returned to normal.

The SRO will address Tech Specs and determine that LCO 3.7.3 Condition B, a 30 day LCO on one sub system.

Event Three: IRM Inop trip Malfunction Required:

Malfunction NM13C - IRM INOP Channel-C.

NM06G IRM G Stuck and fully withdrawn Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a failed Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM).

Evaluate the At the Controls (ATC) Operators actions to determine the cause of the 1/2 Scram, and bypasses the failed IRM. This allows resetting the half-scram.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications for the failed IRM.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Success Path:

IRM - C is bypassed, and the CRS initiates an LCO on IRM C in accordance with Technical Specifications (RPS Instrumentation) Table Function 1. Also TRM T3.3.1 Function 2 potential LCO with one INOP IRM there remains the minimum number required of 6.

Event Four: Drywell Vent Radiation Monitor isolation Malfunction Required:

Override 02S87 ZDIRMARA10AV[1] = CLOSE Drywell Vent Rad Mon. Isol Vlv.

Override 12A2AR1 RMV-RR-4 DW Vent Rad Monitor - Gas to 4.0E-006 Objective:

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications for the failed Drywell Radiation Monitor.

Success Path:

CRS initiates an LCO on DW Radiation Monitor in accordance with Technical Specifications 3.4.5 (RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation) b. Condition B, Required Action B.1 Grab Sample once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and B.2 Restore within 30 days.

Event Five: Rod drop and stuck rods non-EOP rod driving Malfunction Required:

RD02B ATWS South Bank set at 75%

CR023827 Increased Rod Worth on rod 38-27 set at 40%

RD133827 Rod Uncoupled RD123827 Rod Stuck - Delete CR01 Fuel Failure at 100%


Evaluate the crews response to approximately half of the control rod insertion on a reactor scram signal.

Evaluate the ROs ability to perform 2.4CRD and drive control rods using RMCS.

Evaluate the CRS implementing strategy for reactivity controls outside the EOPs.

Evaluate the crews teamwork in installing jumpers and controlling Reactor Pressure and level.

Success Path:

Control Rods are inserted using RMCS.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Event Six: RCIC Steam Line Leak Malfunction Required:

RC06 RCIC Steam Line Break in at 100%

RC07 Failure of RCIC Auto-Isolation OR ZDIRCICSWS2(2) MO-16 C/S to OPEN OR ZDIRCICSWS1(2) MO-15 C/S to OPEN RF RC06A RCIC-MO-16 Control Power De-energized Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a failure of RCIC to fully isolate during a RCIC Steam Line Break.

Evaluate the BOPs ability to monitor and report Secondary Containment Temperatures and Radiation Levels to the CRS.

Evaluate the crews ability to continue Control Rod insertion in accordance with 2.4CRD and Emergency Depressurize the RPV when 2 Areas in Secondary Containment exceed Max Safe values.

Success Path:

RPV Level is being controlled within the +3 to 54 inch range with CRD and HPCI and Condensate. The Reactor is depressurized to <50 psig above Torus Pressure when two areas in Secondary Containment reach and exceed Max Safe values.

Event Seven: Fuel Failure ATWS EOP rod driving Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Evaluate the crew recognition of two areas being above Max Safe Operating Temperature and entry into EOP 5A.

Evaluate the crews ability work through EOP 5A to the point where it transitions to EOP 1A and eventually to 6A and 7A to give directions to drive control rods.

Success Path:

The Crew will enter EOPs and start driving control rods full in with EP 5.8.3 versus 2.4CRD.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Event Eight: Reactor Recirc Pump speed fails high Malfunction Required:

RR17B RR MGSet Jordan Controller failure to 100 ZDIRRSWS2B[1] = ON Reset Scooptube Lockout Objective:

Evaluate the crew recognition of the increasing speed of the B RR Pump.

Evaluate the crews ability to monitor nuclear instrumentation and RR Pump speed.

Success Path:

The Crew will trip the RR Pump when it is determined that either it is at full speed or that the scoop tube lock will not stop the increase.

Event Nine: ED on Secondary Containment 2 Areas Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Evaluate the crew response to a slow increase in Reactor Building Temperatures and Radiation levels to the point where the RPV must be Emergency Depressurized.

Evaluate the crews ability to manually open 6 SRVs and reduce RPV Pressure to less than 50 psig above Torus pressure, in accordance with the EOPs.

Success Path:

RPV is depressurized to 50 psig above Torus pressure.

Scenario Termination:

When Reactor water level is being controlled between +3 and +54 inches and the RPV has been Emergency Depressurized and all but one Control Rod have been inserted.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Scenario No.: NRC 4 (Spare) Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 100% power. There are thunderstorms in the area and Nemaha Co. is in a thunderstorm watch. After turnover, the crew is to continue with the Core Spray Surveillance.

Event Event Event No. Malf. No.

Type* Description 1 N/A N,TS CS Surveillance 2 2 C CS Pump Trip 3 3 C,TS Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Opens 4 4 N Severe Thunderstorm Warning, increased winds, shift Air Comps.

5 5 C,TS Lightning Strike - 125V B Ground loss of HPCI Starter Rack 6 6 M, Lightning Strike - Both Reactor Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip 7 7 C Loss of 125VDC A 8 N/A Emergency Depressurization to restore level with low pressure systems

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Critical Task are located in Event 5 and 7.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario Objective Evaluate the crews ability to perform surveillance and normal operations and respond to instrument failure which has an input to the Reactor Vessel Level Control System.

Evaluate the crews response to a loss of RPV level indication and entry into the RPV Flooding procedures.

Evaluate CRS ability to determine Tech Spec LCOs are not met and take appropriate Required Actions.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • 100% Power
  • Surveillance Procedure 6.1CS.101, CORE SPRAY TEST MODE SURVEILLANCE OPERATION (IST) (DIV 1) (92 day) is due to be performed at the beginning of shift.


  • CS Surveillance
  • CS Pump Trip
  • Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Opens
  • Severe Thunderstorm Warning, increased winds, shift Air Comps.
  • Lightning Strike - 125V B Ground loss of HPCI Starter Rack
  • Lightning Strike - Both Reactor Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip
  • Loss of 125VDC A
  • Emergency Depressurization to restore level with low pressure systems Scenario Sequence
  • Normal activity - CS Surveillance
  • Component Failure before EOPs - CS Pump Trip
  • Component Failure before EOPs - Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Opens
  • Abnormal event with Normal Activity - Severe TS Warning, shift Station Air Compressors.
  • Component Failure before EOPs - Lightning Strike - 125VB Ground loss of HPCI Starter Rack
  • Major Event - Lightning Strike - Both Rx Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip circuit initiates
  • Component Failure after EOPs - 125VDC Bus A failure
  • Accident mitigation strategy - Alternate RPV Injection to control level 2

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event One: CS Surveillance Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Evaluate the crew during normal equipment surveillance.

Evaluate SRO Tech Spec entry for CS surveillance Success Path:

The A Core Spray Pump is started and the minimum flow valve is verified to close as flow is raised.

The SRO will address Tech Specs for inoperable subsystem and pump.

Event Two: CS Pump Trip Malfunction Required:

CS01a Core Spray A pump trip.


Evaluate the crews response to the tripping of the CS Pump.

Evaluate the CRS directing the steps of the surveillance that must be performed and those to be N/Aed.

Success Path:

The Crew places the A Core Spray system valves back to the normal alignment.

Event Three: Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker NRV-21 opens Malfunction Required:

PC02b Torus To Drywell Vacuum Breaker Failure NRV-21 (open) set at 100%


Evaluate the crews response to a vacuum breaker failing open.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications for inoperable vacuum breaker.

Success Path:

The SRO addresses Tech Specs and declares the vacuum breaker inoperable.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Four: NAWAS issues Severe Thunderstorm Warning Malfunction Required:

HV03 Lightning Strike Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a weather emergency and performance of mitigating steps.

Success Path:

The Crew enters 5.1Weather and prepares the site for severe weather. The crew shifts the Station Air Compressors and aligns REC to the running compressor.

The CRS ensures that a safety announcement is made over the Gaitronics to help protect the personnel on site.

Event Five: Lightning Strike - Lightning Strike - 125VB Ground loss of HPCI Starter Rack TS-3.0.3 Shutdown Malfunction Required:

HV03 Lightning Strike ED12A HPCI Starter Rack Loss of Power OR RA:MUX01C072 125V DC B Bus Ground Annunciator Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a ground on the 125 V DC System and subsequent loss of HPCI Starter Rack.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications.

Success Path:

The Crew identifies the loss of the HPCI Starter Rack by walking down the control board.

The CRS determines that HPCI is inoperable Event Six: Lightning Strike - Both Rx Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip circuit initiates Malfunction Required:

HV03 Lightning Strike FW01A Time Delay 10 seconds FW01B Time Delay 15 seconds Override Annunciator A1/A6 RFP A Suction Pressure Low ON Override Annunciator A2/A3 RFP B Suction Pressure Low ON 4

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to the failure of the suction pressure switches for both Reactor Feed Pumps and timed sequence of tripping. This Results in the subsequent loss of feedwater to the vessel.

Success Path:

The Crew identifies the loss of feedwater and scrams the reactor prior to the automatic trip. The Crew should use their only available injection sources to maintain and recover level.

Event Seven: 125VDC Bus A failure Malfunction Required:

ED12D Loss of 125 VDC Bus Distribution Panel Objective:

Evaluate the crews ability to recognize the loss of RCIC and inability of the remaining high pressure injection sources to restore level.

Success Path:

The Crew identifies the loss of RCIC and the inability to restore level. The Crew transitions to Alternate RPV Injection using SLC and CRD.

Event Eight: Anticipate emergency depressurization, or emergency depressurizes Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Evaluate the crews ability to recognize the inability of remaining high pressure injection sources to restore RPV water level and either Alternate Emergency Depressurizes or Emergency Depressurizes the RPV to allow low pressure systems to restore level.

Success Path:

The Crew identifies the loss of loss of RCIC to restore level. The Crew transitions to Alternate RPV Injection using SLC then to Emergency Depressurization to refill the vessel.

Scenario Termination:

When the rate of level decrease has slowed because of the use of alternate injection sources or the crew has emergency depressurized the vessel and injected with low pressure systems or at the direction of the lead examiner.


Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None RO Active Status Maintenance Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

ALTERNATE PATH Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Classroom
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO / STE
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.1.4 (3.3 / 3.8)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to perform an assessment of their license active status maintenance in accordance with Procedure 2.0.7.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None RO Active Status Maintenance Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform an assessment of your license for active status maintenance in accordance with Procedure 2.0.7. Licensed Operator Active / Reactivation /

Medical Status Maintenance Program. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. You currently are maintaining your active status of your Reactor Operator License
2. You stood a 12 hr shift on the following days:
  • RO 2/20/2011 Day Shift
  • BOP 2/21/2011 Day Shift
  • RO 2/22/2011 Day Shift
  • WACO 2/23/2011 Day Shift
  • RO 2/24/2011 Day Shift
  • RO 2/25/2011 Day Shift General


1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical steps denoted by bold step.

Task Standards:

1. The operator will correctly complete the RO Active Status Maintenance Attachment 1 of Procedure 2.0.7 containing: His/her name and signature; 5 digit identification number; the 5 12 hour1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> on-shift RO/BOP positions.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
3. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None RO Active Status Maintenance Initiating Cue(s):

The Shift Manager directs you to perform an assessment of your license for active status maintenance in accordance with Procedure 2.0.7. Licensed Operator Active / Reactivation /

Medical Status Maintenance Program. And complete Attachment 1 and return it to the evaluator.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None RO Active Status Maintenance KEY ATTACHMENT 1 RO ON-SHIFT TIME Lesson No.: Lesson


Rev: Completion CNS001-01-87 License Operator Active Status Maintenance 01 Date:

BET 1395 02/25/2011 Name (Print)

Ch. Records Records (X) Signature Identification Number SAT UNSAT INC REG Exam Remarks Input Verify Students Name printed A 5 digit number Students Signature RO Licensee's is performing on-shift license authorized (RO and/or BOP) position tasks. Document time below.


Fill in above required information; Name (Print), Identification Number, Completion Date, and Signature.

DATE SHIFT POSITION WORKED (excluding extra license) 2/20/2011 Days RO 2/21/2011 Days BOP 2/22/2011 Days RO 2/24/2011 Days RO

  • 2/25/2011 Days RO
  • Also, enter this date in COMPLETION DATE block (upper right-hand corner).

PRESCRIPTION RESPIRATOR GLASSES VERIFICATION Corrective respirator glasses are part of my NRC license condition: [ ] YES; [ ] NO If YES, then I have verified my corrective respirator glasses are located in Control Room repository.


I have submitted Attachment 2 of NTP8.1 to immediate Supervisor due to change in Licensed Operator Medical Status. Refer to Section Error! Reference source not found. as required.

[ ] YES; [X] N/A I have notified the Operations Training Clerk of a resident address change. [ ] YES; [X] N/A Send completed form to OPERATIONS TRAINING CLERK.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None RO Active Status Maintenance Start Time: ___________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat Current revision of procedure 2.0.7 obtained

1. Obtain procedure 2.0.7.

Section 5 and Attachment 1.

The Operator will ensure compliance with

2. Ensure compliance with active definition above completed prior to or active License definition.

during reactivation.

The Operator will document proficiency

3. Document proficiency time time on Attachment 1 for RO.

The Operator will assess the need to document corrective lenses; ensure prescriptive respiratory glasses are located in

4. Answer question concerning Control Room repository and document on corrective lenses Attachment.

CUE: If asked, perform the step for your current requirements.

The Operator will forward Attachment to

5. Forward Attachment to Operations, Department Clerk.

Operations, Department Clerk CUE: I will take it.

Stop Time: ___________ Total Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform an assessment of your license for active status maintenance in accordance with Procedure 2.0.7. Licensed Operator Active / Reactivation /

Medical Status Maintenance Program. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. You currently are maintaining your active status of your Reactor Operator License
2. You stood a 12 hr shift on the following days;
  • RO 2/20/2011 Day Shift
  • BOP 2/21/2011 Day Shift
  • RO 2/22/2011 Day Shift
  • WACO 2/23/2011 Day Shift
  • RO 2/24/2011 Day Shift
  • RO 2/25/2011 Day Shift Initiating Cue(s):

The Shift Manager directs you to perform an assessment of your license for active status maintenance in accordance with Procedure 2.0.7. Licensed Operator Active / Reactivation /

Medical Status Maintenance Program. And complete Attachment 1 and return it to the evaluator.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XXXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 299015O0301 Task


Perform RO Review of Daily Logs (Alternate Path)

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

ALTERNATE PATH Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR, SIM, EOF
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.1.23 (3.9/4.0)

Directions to Examiner:

This is an Alternate Path JPM. The Div I torus average temperature will exceed NOTE:

operability limits.

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to perform an RO review of the daily logs.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform an RO review of the daily logs. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XXXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 299015O0301 Task


Perform RO Review of Daily Logs (Alternate Path)

General Conditions:

1. The plant is operating at 100% power.
2. All Channels are operable.
3. The 21:00 readings from PC-TR-24 are:

CH 1 = 97ºF CH 2 = 94ºF CH 3 = 94ºF CH 4 = 98ºF CH 5 = 93ºF CH 6 = 95ºF CH 7 = 95ºF CH 8 = 96ºF General


1. Procedure 6.LOG.601 General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted bold steps.
2. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. The operator determines the OPERABILITY LIMIT of the Div I Torus Average Temperature is exceeded.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
3. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are to fill out Attachment 15, Torus Average Temperature and Drywell Bulk Average Temperature, for Div I, using the data provided and complete an RO review of the log sheet per 6.LOG.601. Inform the CRS when the review is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XXXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 299015O0301 Task


Perform RO Review of Daily Logs (Alternate Path)

Start Time: ___________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat

1. Refer to 6.LOG.601. Refers to 6.LOG.601 Attachment 15.
2. Record Values. Records PC-TR-24 reading on Attachment 15.
3. Sums OPERABLE Sums reading from PC-TR-24 in appropriate block.


Divides Sum by total number of OPERABLE

4. Calculates Average channels and records that value in appropriate Temperature.


While reviewing the data the trainee should

5. Performs a review of the indicate that the OPERABILITY Limit has been Data.


The trainee informs the CRS that the Div I Average Torus Temperature is above the OPERABILITY

6. Notifies CRS. Limit CUE: As the CRS, acknowledge the report.

NOTE: It is not necessary to sign the sign-off and review sheet.

Stop Time: __________ Total Time: __________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XXXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 299015O0301 KEY ATTACHMENT 15 TORUS AVERAGE TEMPERATURE AND DRYWELL BULK AVERAGE TEMP INSTRUMENT 0700-1000 1900-2200 OPERABILITY ATT. 22 LOC NUMBER READING READING LIMIT MAX MODES NOTES MCO VBD-J PC-TR-24 CH 1 97 MCO VBD-J PC-TR-24 CH 2 94 MCO VBD-J PC-TR-24 CH 3 94 MCO 4 RTDs VBD-J PC-TR-24 CH 4 98 OPERABLE with 6°F (a) 1, 2, 3 27 MCO no 2 adjacent VBD-J PC-TR-24 CH 5 93 RTDs INOP MCO VBD-J PC-TR-24 CH 6 95 MCO VBD-J PC-TR-24 CH 7 95 MCO VBD-J PC-TR-24 CH 8 96 Sum of OPERABLE MCO channels for PC-TR-24 762 N/A N/A N/A N/A Divide sum of PC-TR-24 MCO by total number of 95.25 95°F N/A 1, 2, 3 57 OPERABLE channels (a)

For MAX check, compare like channels/points. Examples: Compare PC-TR-24 CH 1 to PC-TR-25 CH 1 or compare PC-TR-24 CH 1 to PMIS Point N031 (PMIS Point to TR-25 channel number relationship is available in Surveillance Procedure 6.2PC.303.).

This is above the Operability Limit.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XXXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 299015O0301 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to enter the data on the appropriate log sheet and complete the RO review of the daily log. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is operating at 100% power.
2. All Channels are operable.
3. The 21:00 readings from PC-TR-24 are:

CH 1 = 97ºF CH 2 = 94ºF CH 3 = 94ºF CH 4 = 98ºF CH 5 = 93ºF CH 6 = 95ºF CH 7 = 95ºF CH 8 = 96ºF Initiating Cues:

You are to fill out Attachment 15, Torus Average Temperature and Drywell Bulk Average Temperature, for Div I, using the data provided and complete an RO review of the log sheet per 6.LOG.601. Inform the CRS when the review is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.:


Initiate an Operator Aid Request Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Any location.
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO / STE
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.2.14 (3.9/4.3)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to perform an Operator Aid request in accordance with Procedure 2.0.9 Control of Operator Aids.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) and a copy of Procedure 2.0.9 Attachment 1 and Procedure 2.2.76 when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the steps to request the posting of an Operator Aid for shifting the TEC Pumps and have it mounted on Control Room Panel M. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.:


Initiate an Operator Aid Request General Conditions:

1. You want an Operator Aid to be developed and posted on Panel M for Shifting of the TEC Pumps during normal operations.
2. Your reason is to prevent having to take a copy of the procedure back to perform basically three steps.
3. You are the requester.



1. Procedure 2.2.76 Turbine Equipment Cooling Water System.
2. Procedure 2.0.9 Control of Operator Aids.

General Tools and Equipment:

1. None.

Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Critical steps denoted by bold step.

Task Standards:

1. The operator correctly completes Procedure 2.0.9 Attachment 1, Section 1 describing the aid is for shifting TEC pumps with a reference to Procedure 2.2.76 as an approved procedure to be placed on Panel M in the control room along with the preparers name.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
3. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are the WACO and would like an Operations Aid posted for shifting TEC Pumps during normal operation to prevent having to carry a controlled copy of Procedure 2.2.76, TURBINE EQUIPMENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM, back to Panel M each time the pumps are shifted.

Provide Attachment 1 of Procedure 2.0.9 to the examiner when completed with the requester portion.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.:


Initiate an Operator Aid Request Key ATTACHMENT 1 OPERATOR AID REQUEST OP AID # -



Operator Aid for Shifting TEC Pumps during normal operations

2. Reason For Request (Attach Proposed Operator Aid): To allow the operator to check off the three steps for shifting TEC Pumps without having to get a copy of the procedure every time


Procedure 2.2.76

4. Operator Aid Part of An Approved Procedure? YES X NO Procedure No(s): 2.2.76
5. Location(s): Panel M in the control room back panels, near the TEC Pump control Switches
6. Requested By: Candidates Name Date: Todays Date
7. Supervisor: Date:


1. The Proposed Operator Aid Is Technically Correct: YES NO
2. Additional Reviews Performed (SORC, 50.59, 72.48, etc.): YES NO
3. The Proposed Operator Aid Is: Approved Disapproved
4. AOM - Operating Shift: Date:


1. Posted By: Date:
2. Copies To Simulator Supervisor: Date:
3. Procedures Marked As Required: Date:
4. TSG Notified If Required: Date:
5. Operations Department Procedure Distribution List Updated: Date:
6. Log Index Updated: Date:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.:


Initiate an Operator Aid Request Start Time: ___________

Performance Checklist Standards SAT Unsat Current revision of procedure 2.0.9 and

1. Obtain procedure 2.0.9.

Attachment 1 obtained.

Operator fills in Section 1, steps 1

2. Fills out Section 1 of through 6 of Attachment 1 Operator Aid Attachment 1 of Procedure Request to match the key (exact words 2.0.9.

are not necessary).

The Operator notifies the CRS that the Operation Aid Request form has been filled out and says that it needs his signature

3. Inform CRS that Attachment 1 next.

Operator Aid Request has been generated and presents CUE: Respond to the Operator and tell it to him.

him that you will review it, sign it and pass it on to the AOM - Operating Shift for approval.

Stop Time: ___________ Total Time: __________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-62 (42651)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to perform the steps to request the posting of an Operator Aid for shifting the TEC Pumps and have it mounted on Control Room Panel M. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. You want an Operator Aid to be developed and posted on Panel M for Shifting of the TEC Pumps during normal operations.
2. Your reason is to prevent having to take a copy of the procedure back to perform basically three steps.
3. You are the requester.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are the WACO and would like an Operations Aid posted for shifting TEC Pumps during normal operation to prevent having to carry a controlled copy of Procedure 2.2.76, TURBINE EQUIPMENT COOLING WATER SYSTEM, back to Panel M each time the pumps are shifted.

Provide Attachment 1 of Procedure 2.0.9 to the examiner when completed with the requester portion.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA Trainee: Examiner:

Pass: Fail: Examiner signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Classroom
2. Appropriate Trainee Level: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 20 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.3.7 3.5/3.6 Directions to Examiner:
1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to read a RWP map and make an ALARA recommendation.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) and copy of the Survey Map when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ______________________________________________________

Directions to trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine dosage on a job for ALARA. Before you start, I will state the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

1. NA

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA General


1. Procedure 9.ALARA.1
2. 9 .ENN-RP-106 RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY DOCUMENTATION General Tools and Equipment:
1. Calculator.

Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Simulator Setup: NA
2. Critical checks denoted by bold step.
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. The total job dose is correctly determined and the scenario with the lowest total dose is clearly identified.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to review the work package you were given for ALARA. Using the three scenarios, determine the dose(s) that would be received for the worker(s) in each scenario, and the total job dose. Record your calculated dose for each scenario, and mark the scenario which would result in the least amount of total job dose.

Note: Working on MO-14 will require the worker(s) to be very close to the valve, approximately 1 foot from the valve.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA Start Time: __________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat Operator reviews survey map and notes

1. Reviews survey map dose rates in the HPCI room.
2. Determines Scenario #1 Operator records Scenario #1 total dose dose is 195mrem +/-10mrem.

Operator records Scenario #2 total dose is 141mrem +/-10mrem.

3. Determines Scenario #2 dose (Worker A dose = 90 mrem +/-10mrem)

(Worker B dose = 51 mrem +/-10mrem)

Operator records Scenario #3 total dose is 165mrem +/-10mrem.

4. Determines Scenario #3 dose (Worker A dose = 150 mrem +/-10mrem)

(Worker B dose = 15 mrem +/-10mrem)

Operator marks Scenario #2 as the lowest

5. Determines lowest dose total job dose.

Operator turns in his evaluation to the

6. Submits Attachment 1.


Stop Time: _________ Total Time: __________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA KEY Scenario #1: A single worker working in the HPCI room on MO-14. It will take him approximately 6.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to complete the job.

1 Worker X 6.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 6.5 total man hours at the valve.

6.5 mh X 30 mr/hr = 195 mr dose for the job.

Scenario #2: Two workers working in the HPCI room on MO-14. Worker A will take 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job. Worker B will take 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve and 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the doorway of the room to complete the job.

1 Worker X 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> = 3 mh + 1 Worker X 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 1.5 mh = 4.5 total mh at valve.

4.5 man hours X 30 mr/hr = 135 mr dose at valve Plus 1 Worker X 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in a 12 mr/field by door = 6 mr dose at door

= 141 mr dose for the job. This is the lowest dose of the three options Scenario #3: Two workers working in the HPCI room on MO-14. Worker A will take 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job. Worker B will take 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job.

1 Worker X 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 5 + 1Worker X 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 5.5 total man hours at the valve.

5.5 mh X 30 mr/hr = 165 mr dose for the job.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Candidate:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine dosage on a job for ALARA. Before you start, I will state the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

Initiating Cues:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to review the work package you were given for ALARA. Using the three scenarios, determine the dose(s) that would be received for the worker(s) in each scenario, and the total job dose. Record your calculated dose for each scenario, and mark the scenario which would result in the least amount of total job dose.

Note: Working on MO-14 will require the worker(s) to be very close to the valve, approximately 1 foot from the valve.

Scenario #1: A single worker working in the HPCI room on MO-14. It will take him approximately 6.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to complete the job.

Scenario #2: Two workers working in the HPCI room on MO-14. Worker A will take 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job. Worker B will take 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve and 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the doorway of the room to complete the job.

Scenario #3: Two workers working in the HPCI room on MO-14. Worker A will take 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job. Worker B will take 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Work on HPCI-MO-14 MO-25 CV-17 MO 14 AO-53 AO-42 AO-43

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034 XXX(XXXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: N/A Determine If A Working Hour Waiver Is Required Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Any location
2. Appropriate Trainee level: SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.1.5 (SRO 3.9)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to determine if a working hours waiver is required when the on-shift personnel report to work.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1 and 2) when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine if one of your Reactor Operators (Bob Jones) needs a working hours waiver before he starts his shift this morning. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034 XXX(XXXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: N/A Determine If A Working Hour Waiver Is Required General Conditions:

1. Timeway Computer program is not functioning.
2. Bob Jones (RO) has worked dayshift for the past 3 days
3. Bob Jones was called out to participate in an unplanned EP Drill last night
4. The EP drill lasted from 21:00 to 23:00.
5. Bob arrived this morning on dayshift and reported that he had participated in the EP Drill last night.
6. In anticipation, Bob started filling out Procedure 0.12 Attachment 1 and has presented that to you.



1. Procedure 0.12 Working Hour Limitations and Personnel Fatigue Management.

General Tools and Equipment:

1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical steps denoted by bold steps.

Task Standards:

1. The operator determines a working hour waver is NOT required.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

As the Shift Manager on Dayshift, you are to determine if Bob Jones needs a working hours waiver before he starts his shift this morning. Document your evaluation on Attachment 1 provided.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034 XXX(XXXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: N/A Determine If A Working Hour Waiver Is Required Start Time: ___________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The SRO obtains the most recent copy of

1. Obtains Procedure 0.12 Procedure 0.12.

The SRO evaluates the Reactor

2. Evaluates the Reactor Operators working time against the Operators working time requirements located in Procedure 0.12.
3. Determines that a response The SRO determines that a response to to an Unplanned EP Drill an Unplanned EP Drill does not apply to does not apply to the the Working hour limitations.

Working hour limitations.

The SRO identifies that a Working Hours

4. Completes Attachment 1 of Waiver is not required and writes his this JPM evaluation and signs it on the provided Attachment 1.
5. Provides the JPM Attachment The SRO turns in his evaluation to the 1 back to the Evaluator. Evaluator.

Stop Time: ___________ Total Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034 XXX(XXXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 KEY The SRO evaluates the Reactor Operators working time against the requirements located in Procedure 0.12.

Evaluation: A Working Hour Waiver is required.

A Working Hour Waiver is not required.

Justification: _Response to an Unplanned EP Drill does not apply to the Working hour limitations___________________________________________________________________


Nebraska Public Power District SKL034 XXX(XXXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine if one of your Reactor Operators (Bob Jones) needs a working hours waiver before he starts his shift this morning. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

1. Timeway Computer program is not functioning.
2. Bob Jones (RO) has worked dayshift for the past 3 days
3. Bob Jones was called out to participate in an unplanned EP Drill last night
4. The EP drill lasted from 21:00 to 23:00.
5. Bob arrived this morning on dayshift and reported that he had participated in the EP Drill last night.
6. In anticipation, Bob started filling out Procedure 0.12 Attachment 1 and has presented it to you.

Initiating Cue(s):

As the Shift Manager on Dayshift, you are to determine if Bob Jones needs a working hours waiver before he starts his shift this morning. Document your evaluation on this Attachment.

Evaluation: A Working Hour Waiver is required.

A Working Hour Waiver is not required.



Nebraska Public Power District SKL034 XXX(XXXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 1 WORKING HOUR WAIVER REQUEST SECTION 1 - REQUEST (This attachment should only be used if TimeWay is not available)

Condition adverse to safety or site security requiring resolution:

Worked 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in the OSC last night between 21:00 and 23:00. So I have not had 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> off between shifts.

I worked 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and had a turnover of 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at the end of shift yesterday and came in 45 minutes early today.

Use of a waiver authorizing work hours in excess of 10CFR26, Subpart I, approved by:

Operations Shift Manager, Security Manager, or Security Shift Supervisor, or designated Site Senior-Level Manager:

Print Name Signature Date/Time

1. Identify the individual who will exceed a Fatigue Rule Limit:


Date/Time Waiver to Start: /

Date/Time Waiver to End: /

Duration (covered work hours beyond rule limits):

2. State the work to be completed:
3. Identify the limit(s) that will be exceeded by placing a check mark by the limit(s):

[ ] > 16 work hours in any 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period.

[ ] > 26 work hours in any 48 hour5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> period.

[ ] > 72 work hours in any 7 day period.

[X] < 10 hour1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> (consecutive hours) break between successive work periods.

[ ] < 34 hour3.935185e-4 days <br />0.00944 hours <br />5.621693e-5 weeks <br />1.2937e-5 months <br /> (consecutive hours) break in any 9 day period.

[ ] Minimum required days off: On-line Outage Required numbers of days off:

Shift schedule applied to individual: hour shift PROCEDURE 0.12 REVISION 26 PAGE 26 OF 47

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034 XXX(XXXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 7 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 SECTION 2 - SUPERVISORY ASSESSMENT NOTE - A face-to-face supervisory assessment is to be completed no more than four (4) hours prior to exceeding fatigue rule limits by a trained assessor who is qualified to direct or oversee the work required to be performed.

1. Based on review of Section 1 and a face-to-face assessment (Fatigue Assessment Form) of the individual who will be exceeding 10CFR26 Fatigue Rule work hour limits, should any restrictions be placed on the individual being assessed?

[ ] NO, the individual may perform work with no restrictions.

[ ] YES, the individual may perform work as described above with the following conditions, limitations, or oversight.

2. Is there a reasonable assurance that the individual will be able to safely and competently perform duties during the additional work period for which the waiver is to be granted?

[ ] YES; [ ] NO Assessing Supervisor:

Print Name Signature Date/Time SECTION 3 - SUPERVISOR CLOSE-OUT REVIEW (to be completed by immediate Supervisor promptly after waiver period)

Was the waiver required to perform the indicated work scope? [ ] YES; [ ] NO Time actually worked beyond limits under this waiver:

to on Time Time Date Ensure time is appropriately tracked in the time reporting system: time recorded and coded.

Did individual perform satisfactorily? [ ] YES; [ ] NO Initiate Condition Report for tracking. CR Number:

Immediate Supervisor:

Print Name Signature Date/Time Distribution: Security Services Supervision PROCEDURE 0.12 REVISION 26 PAGE 27 OF 47

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 341033W0303


Determine if Mode Change is Allowed Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: SIM or Classroom
2. Appropriate Trainee level: SRO / STE
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.2.35 (SRO 4.5)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to determine if a Reactor Mode change is allowed in accordance with Tech Specs
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2 and 3) when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine if a Reactor Mode change is allowed in accordance with Technical Specifications. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 341033W0303


Determine if Mode Change is Allowed General Conditions:

1. The Plant is in MODE 3 with Reactor Pressure 600 psig.
2. RCIC is inoperable and is in day 10 of a 14 day LCO.



1. Tech Specs General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical steps denoted by bold steps.

Task Standards:

1. The operator determines a Reactor Mode change to MODE 2 is NOT allowed.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are the Shift Manager and need to determine if a Reactor Mode change to MODE 2 allowed in accordance with Technical Specifications with the inoperable equipment listed in the General Conditions above.

Provide the answer on Attachment 3 and present it to the examiner when complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 341033W0303


Determine if Mode Change is Allowed Start Time: ___________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat

1. Obtain a copy of Tech Current revision of Tech Specs and Tech Spec Specs and Tech Spec Bases Bases Note: There is an Operations Expectation that both Tech Specs and Bases be referenced when making Tech Spec calls, this will not result in a failure, however it needs to be noted if the Operator fails to reference both.
2. References Tech The Operator references Tech Specs and Bases Specs and Bases 3.5.3 RCIC System.

The Operator recognizes that there is a NOTE

3. Addresses Note applicable to RCIC concerning LCO 3.0.4.b.

The Operator reads Tech Spec 3.0.4 and Bases

4. Reads TS 3.0.4 for 3.0.4
5. Determines that a The Operator determines that a Mode change MODE change is not to MODE 2 is not allowed in accordance with allowed for RCIC. Tech Spec 3.5.3 and LCO 3.0.4.
6. Documents findings The Operator documents his findings on on Attachment 3. Attachment 3 and provides them to the examiner.

Stop Time: ___________ Stop Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 341033W0303


Determine if Mode Change is Allowed ATTACHMENT 1 ANSWER KEY 3.5 EMERGENCY CORE COOLING SYSTEMS (ECCS) AND REACTOR CORE ISOLATION COOLING (RCIC For RCIC in MODE 3 and 600 psig, Tech Spec 3.0.4.b is not applicable and a Mode change cannot be made.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine if a Reactor Mode change is allowed in accordance with Technical Specifications. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

1. The Plant is in MODE 3 with Reactor Pressure 600 psig.
2. RCIC is inoperable and is in day 10 of a 14 day LCO.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are the Shift Manager and need to determine if a Reactor Mode change to MODE 2 allowed in accordance with Technical Specifications with the inoperable equipment listed in the General Conditions list above.

Provide the answer on Attachment 3 and present it to the examiner when complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-XX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 3 Signature

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-61 (41927)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Task No.: 341030W0303 Determine Required Tech Specs Actions for Removal of a Single CRD During Refueling Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Any location
2. Appropriate Trainee level: SRO / STE
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.2.40 (SRO 4.7)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to determine the Control Rods associated with a 5X5 array during a single CRD Removal during Refueling in accordance with Tech Specs 3.10.5.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachments 2 and 3) when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine the requirements for the removal of CRD 38-19 during Refueling in accordance with Technical Specifications. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-61 (41927)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Task No.: 341030W0303 Determine Required Tech Specs Actions for Removal of a Single CRD During Refueling General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is in MODE 5 (Refuel).
2. Each control rod cell contains fuel.



1. Technical Specifications 3.10.5 General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical steps denoted by bold steps.

Task Standards:

1. The operator determines Technical Specification LCO 3.10.5 is applicable. The correct LCO requirements a through d and the correct 5X5 array of control rods are clearly indicated on this JPMs Attachment 3.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
3. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Shift Manager directs you to determine the requirements for the removal of CRD 38-19 during Refueling in accordance with Technical Specifications. On Attachment 3 provided, write those requirements and indicate on the core map any effected control rods.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-61 (41927)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Task No.: 341030W0303 Determine Required Tech Specs Actions for Removal of a Single CRD During Refueling Start Time: ___________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat

1. Obtain Tech Specs and The SRO or STE obtains a copy of Tech Bases. Specs and Bases.

Note: There is an Operations Expectation that both Tech Specs and Bases be referenced when making Tech Spec calls, this will not result in a failure, however it needs to be noted if the Operator fails to reference both.

The SRO or STE determines that TS 3.10.5

2. Determines correct Spec.

applies in this case.

The SRO or STE reads the LCO and

3. Finds list of requirements. determines that the requirements of that LCO are listed on page 3.10-13.
4. Fills out Attachment with The SRO or STE fills out Attachment 3 information. with the requirements listed.
5. Informs the Shift Manager The SRO or STE provides the Attachment to that the requirements are as the evaluator.


NOTE: The following step is completed by the JPM evaluator ONLY.

6. Compares the requirements The SRO or STE on the hard copy provided Data provided on the hard copy matches by the candidate to the the data in ATTACHMENT 1.

requirements on ATTACHMENT 1.

Stop Time: ___________ Total Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-61 (41927)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Task No.: 341030W0303 Determine Required Tech Specs Actions for Removal of a Single CRD During Refueling ATTACHMENT 1 ANSWER KEY NOTE TO EXAMINER: Text in bold is required for successful completion of this JPM.

The requirements of LCO, "Reactor Protection System (RPS) Instrumentation";

LCO, "Reactor Protection System (RPS) Electric Power Monitoring"; LCO 3.9.1, "Refueling Equipment Interlocks"; LCO 3.9.2, "Refuel Position One-Rod-Out Interlock";

LCO 3.9.4, "Control Rod Position Indication"; and LCO 3.9.5, "Control Rod OPERABILITY Refueling," may be suspended in MODE 5 to allow the removal of a single CRD associated with a control rod withdrawn from a core cell containing one or more fuel assemblies, provided the following requirements are met:

a. All other control rods are fully inserted;
b. All other control rods in a five by five array centered on the withdrawn control rod are disarmed;
c. A control rod withdrawal block is inserted, and LCO 3.1.1, "SHUTDOWN MARGIN (SDM)," MODE 5 requirements may be changed to allow the single control rod withdrawn to be assumed to be the highest worth control rod; and
d. No other CORE ALTERATIONS are in progress.

Rods list:

CONTROL ROD GROUP DESIGNATIONS 51 30-27 42-27 47 30-23 42-23 43 30-19 42-19 39 30-15 42-15 OR 30-11 42-11 35 34-27 46-27 31 34-23 46-23 27 X X X X X 34-19 46-19 23 X X X X X 34-15 46-15 19 X X X X X 34-11 46-11 15 X X X X X 38-27 11 X X X X X 38-23 07 38-15 03 38-11 02 06 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-61 (41927)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine the requirements for the removal of CRD 38-19 during Refueling in accordance with Technical Specifications. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is in MODE 5 (Refuel).
2. Each control rod cell contains fuel.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Shift Manager directs you to determine the requirements for the removal of CRD 38-19 during Refueling in accordance with Technical Specifications. On Attachment 3 provided, write those requirements and indicate on the core map any effected control rods.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-61 (41927)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 ATTACHMENT 3 CONTROL ROD GROUP DESIGNATIONS 51 47 43 39 35 31 27 23 19 15 11 07 03 02 06 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 Signature ______________________________________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA Trainee: Examiner:

Pass: Fail: Examiner signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Classroom
2. Appropriate Trainee Level: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 20 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.3.7 3.5/3.6 Directions to Examiner:
1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to read a RWP map and make an ALARA recommendation.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) and copy of the Survey Map when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ______________________________________________________

Directions to trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine dosage on a job for ALARA. Before you start, I will state the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

General Conditions:

1. NA

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA General


1. Procedure 9.ALARA.1
2. 9 .ENN-RP-106 RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY DOCUMENTATION General Tools and Equipment:
1. Calculator.

Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Simulator Setup: NA
2. Critical checks denoted by bold step.
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. The total job dose is correctly determined and the scenario with the lowest total dose is clearly identified.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to review the work package you were given for ALARA. Using the three scenarios, determine the dose(s) that would be received for the worker(s) in each scenario, and the total job dose. Record your calculated dose for each scenario, and mark the scenario which would result in the least amount of total job dose.

Note: Working on MO-14 will require the worker(s) to be very close to the valve, approximately 1 foot from the valve.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA Start Time: __________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat Operator reviews survey map and notes

1. Reviews survey map dose rates in the HPCI room.
2. Determines Scenario #1 Operator records Scenario #1 total dose dose is 195mrem +/-10mrem.

Operator records Scenario #2 total dose is 141mrem +/-10mrem.

3. Determines Scenario #2 dose (Worker A dose = 90 mrem +/-10mrem)

(Worker B dose = 51 mrem +/-10mrem)

Operator records Scenario #3 total dose is 165mrem +/-10mrem.

4. Determines Scenario #3 dose (Worker A dose = 150 mrem +/-10mrem)

(Worker B dose = 15 mrem +/-10mrem)

Operator marks Scenario #2 as the lowest

5. Determines lowest dose total job dose.

Operator turns in his evaluation to the

6. Submits Attachment 1.


Stop Time: _________ Total Time: __________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Determine Dosage On Workers For ALARA KEY Scenario #1: A single worker working in the HPCI room on MO-14. It will take him approximately 6.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to complete the job.

1 Worker X 6.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 6.5 total man hours at the valve.

6.5 mh X 30 mr/hr = 195 mr dose for the job.

Scenario #2: Two workers working in the HPCI room on MO-14. Worker A will take 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job. Worker B will take 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve and 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the doorway of the room to complete the job.

1 Worker X 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> = 3 mh + 1 Worker X 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 1.5 mh = 4.5 total mh at valve.

4.5 man hours X 30 mr/hr = 135 mr dose at valve Plus 1 Worker X 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in a 12 mr/field by door = 6 mr dose at door

= 141 mr dose for the job. This is the lowest dose of the three options Scenario #3: Two workers working in the HPCI room on MO-14. Worker A will take 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job. Worker B will take 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job.

1 Worker X 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 5 + 1Worker X 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> = 5.5 total man hours at the valve.

5.5 mh X 30 mr/hr = 165 mr dose for the job.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Candidate:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine dosage on a job for ALARA. Before you start, I will state the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

Initiating Cues:

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to review the work package you were given for ALARA. Using the three scenarios, determine the dose(s) that would be received for the worker(s) in each scenario, and the total job dose. Record your calculated dose for each scenario, and mark the scenario which would result in the least amount of total job dose.

Note: Working on MO-14 will require the worker(s) to be very close to the valve, approximately 1 foot from the valve.

Scenario #1: A single worker working in the HPCI room on MO-14. It will take him approximately 6.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> to complete the job.

Scenario #2: Two workers working in the HPCI room on MO-14. Worker A will take 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job. Worker B will take 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve and 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the doorway of the room to complete the job.

Scenario #3: Two workers working in the HPCI room on MO-14. Worker A will take 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job. Worker B will take 0.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> in the vicinity of the valve to complete the job.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-50-55 (30051)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 01 Work on HPCI-MO-14 MO-25 CV-17 MO 14 AO-53 AO-42 AO-43

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-30-21 (2195)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 06 Task No.341014O0303 Task


Reportable Occurrences to the NRC (#2)

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee Level: SRO / STE
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 15 Minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.4.30 (SRO 4.1)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to perform the required actions for a 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> non-emergency NRC notification due required TS Shutdown.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine NRC reportability and fill out any associated form(s). Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

Any check of your work by another person will always be in agreement, regardless of the accuracy of your information or action.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-30-21 (2195)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 06 Task No.341014O0303 Task


Reportable Occurrences to the NRC (#2)

General Conditions:

1. The plant was operating at rated power 5 minutes ago.
2. The Reactor Recirc Pump speeds are being reduced to start the shutdown and current power is 95% (Current Time).
3. The CRS has just determined that a Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operation involving the #1 Emergency Diesel Generator has just been exceeded (the diesel generator has been inoperable for the preceding 7 days due to a failure of the governor system) and the reactor must be in Mode 3 within the next 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> and Mode 4 within 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br />.
4. Maintenance is still working to repair the governor on the #1 DG. Estimated completion is 4 Days.
5. All other operators are unavailable to support you. The Shift Manager is unavailable and has delegated you to handle this situation in his place.
6. NRC Resident Inspector has been informed of the Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operation required shutdown.



1. Conduct of Operations Procedure 2.0.5
2. NUREG 1022 General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by bold steps
2. NUREG 1022 Task Standards:
1. Operator determines a 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> report to the NRC is required and NRC Form 361 contains the correct technical information (50.72 non-emergency classification; 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2) (I) TS Required S/D; Description stating DG 1 TS LCO Completion Time exceeded and the requirement for the reactor to be in Mode 3 within the next 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> and Mode 4 within 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br />).
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
3. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-30-21 (2195)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 06 Task No.341014O0303 Task


Reportable Occurrences to the NRC (#2)

Initiating Cue(s):

Determine what notification requirements exist for the NRC (if any) and complete any forms required by this event (if any).

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-30-21 (2195)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 06 Task No.341014O0303 Task


Reportable Occurrences to the NRC (#2)

Start Time: ____________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat Refers to body of procedure 2.0.5, Attachment 1

1. Refers to 2.0.5.

and Attachment 2.

2. Determine appropriate Determines a 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> report is required.

reporting category per NUREG 1022.

3. Starts filling out NRC Form #CUE: If asked the time is currently the time 361 with info provided. displayed on the control room clock.
  1. CUE: Another qualified person has reviewed the report and has confirmed that it
4. Ensure report is accurate. has been completed and is accurate.

He is now unavailable.

5. Submits NRC Form 361. Provides NRC Form 361 to the Evaluator.

The information contained in the Form

6. The Form submitted by submitted by the student matches the the student matches the Technical Information (bolded) provided in Key the Key Stop Time: _____________ Total Time: _____________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-30-21 (2195)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 06 Task No.341014O0303 Task


Reportable Occurrences to the NRC (#2)


st NRC OPERATION TELEPHONE NUMBER: PRIMARY - 301-816-5100 or 800-532-3469*, BACKUPS - [1 ] 301-951-0550 or 800-449-3694*

[2nd] 301-415-0550 and [3rd]301-415-0553 *Licensees who maintain their own ETS are provided these telephone numbers FACILITY OR ORGANIZATION UNIT NOTIFICATION TIME NAME OF CALLER CALL BACK #

Cooper Nuclear Station 1 Students Name 402-825-5253 Event time and zone Event date Power/mode before Power/mode after Current Time - 5 Todays Date 100% / Mode 1 95% / Mode 1 minutes / CST Event classification 1-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(1) (v)(A) Safe S/D Capability AINA GENERAL EMERGENCY GEN/AAEC TS Deviation ADEV (v)(B) RHR Capability AINB SITE AREA EMERGENCY SIT/AAEC 4-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2) (v)(C) Control of Rad Release AINC ALERT ALE/AAEC X (i) TS Required S/D ASHU (v)(D) Accident Mitigation AIND UNSUAL EVENT UNU/AAEC (iv)(A) ECCS Discharge to RCS ACCS (xii) Offsite Medical AMED X 50.72 NON-EMERGENCY (See Next Column) (iv) (B) RPS Actuation (Scram) ARPS (xiii) Loss Comm/Asmt/Resp ACCM PHYSICAL SECURITY (73.71) DDDD (xi) Offsite Notification APRE 60-Day Optional 10 CFR 50.73(a)(1)

MATERIAL/EXPOSURE B??? 8-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3) Invalid Specified System Actuation AINV FITNESS FOR DUTY HRT (ii)(A) Degraded Condition ADEG Other Unspecified Requirement (Identify)

OTHER UNSPECIFIED REQMT. (See Last Column) (ii)(B) Unanalyzed Condition AUNA NONR INFORMATION ONLY NNF (iv)(A) Specified System Actuation AESF NONR DESCRIPTION Include: Systems affected, actuations and their initiating signals, causes, effect of event on plant, actions taken or planned, etc. (continue on back)

A Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operation involving the #1 Emergency Diesel Generator has just been exceeded (the diesel generator has been inoperable for the preceding 7 days due to a failure of the governor system) and the reactor must be in Mode 3 within the next 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and Mode 4 within 36 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />.





Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-30-21 (2195)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 06 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to determine NRC reportability and fill out the appropriate form(s) associated with this reportability. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

Any check of your work by another person will always be in agreement, regardless of the accuracy of your information or action.

General Conditions:

1. The plant was operating at rated power 5 minutes ago.
2. The Reactor Recirc Pump speeds are being reduced to start the shutdown and current power is 95% (Current Time).
3. The CRS has just determined that a Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operation involving the #1 Emergency Diesel Generator has just been exceeded (the diesel generator has been inoperable for the preceding 7 days due to a failure of the governor system) and the reactor must be in Mode 3 within the next 13 hours1.50463e-4 days <br />0.00361 hours <br />2.149471e-5 weeks <br />4.9465e-6 months <br /> and Mode 4 within 37 hours4.282407e-4 days <br />0.0103 hours <br />6.117725e-5 weeks <br />1.40785e-5 months <br />.
4. Maintenance is still working to repair the governor on the #1 DG. Estimated completion is 4 Days.
5. All other operators are unavailable to support you. The Shift Manager is unavailable and has delegated you to handle this situation in his place.
6. NRC Resident Inspector has been informed of the Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operation required shutdown.

Initiating Cue(s):

Determine what notification requirements exist for the NRC (if any) and complete any forms required by this event (if any).

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-30-21 (2195)


NRC OPERATION TELEPHONE NUMBER: PRIMARY - 301-816-5100 or 800-532-3469*, BACKUPS - [1st] 301-951-0550 or 800-449-3694*

nd rd

[2 ] 301-415-0550 and [3 ]301-415-0553 *Licensees who maintain their own ETS are provided these telephone numbers NOTIFICATION TIME FACILITY OR ORGANIZATION UNIT NAME OF CALLER CALL BACK #

Event time and zone Event date Power/mode before Power/mode after Event classification 1-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(1) (v)(A) Safe S/D Capability AINA GENERAL EMERGENCY GEN/AAEC TS Deviation ADEV (v)(B) RHR Capability AINB SITE AREA EMERGENCY SIT/AAEC 4-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2) (v)(C) Control of Rad Release AINC ALERT ALE/AAEC (i) TS Required S/D ASHU (v)(D) Accident Mitigation AIND UNSUAL EVENT UNU/AAEC (iv)(A) ECCS Discharge to RCS ACCS (xii) Offsite Medical AMED 50.72 NON-EMERGENCY (See Next Columns) (iv) (B) RPS Actuation (Scram) ARPS (xiii) Loss Comm/Asmt/Resp ACCM PHYSICAL SECURITY (73.71) DDDD (xi) Offsite Notification APRE 60-Day Optional 10 CFR 50.73(a)(1)

MATERIAL/EXPOSURE B??? 8-Hr. Non-Emergency 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3) Invalid Specified System Actuation AINV FITNESS FOR DUTY HRT (ii)(A) Degraded Condition ADEG Other Unspecified Requirement (Identify)

OTHER UNSPECIFIED REQMT. (See Last Column) (ii)(B) Unanalyzed Condition AUNA NONR INFORMATION ONLY NNF (iv)(A) Specified System Actuation AESF NONR DESCRIPTION Include: Systems affected, actuations and their initiating signals, causes, effect of event on plant, actions taken or planned, etc. (continue on back)





Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-100 (16528)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 211005O0101 Initiate SLC (Alt Path RWCU fails to Isolate)

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

THIS IS AN ALTERNATE PATH JPM Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Simulator
2. Appropriate Trainee Level: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform
4. Performance Time: 5 Minutes
5. NRC K/A 211000 A4.06 (3.9/3.9) and 223002 A1.02 (3.7/3.7); A2.06 (3.0/3.2)

Note: When SLC pumps are started, the RWCU system isolation valves will not close, and must be manually closed and the pumps secured.

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the Trainees ability to perform the actions for initiating SLC and verifying RWCU isolation and completing required actions.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
4. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
5. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
6. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-100 (16528)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 211005O0101 Initiate SLC (Alt Path RWCU fails to Isolate)

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to initiate Standby Liquid Control (SLC) using both pumps.

Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. An ATWS occurred.
2. Plant conditions require that SLC be initiated.



1. 2.2.74, STANDBY LIQUID CONTROL SYSTEM General Tools and Equipment:
1. Key to operate the SLC pumps.

Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Critical checks denoted by bold step.
2. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1
3. Alternate path steps are denoted by Task Standards:
1. The operator starts both SLC pumps, recognizes RWCU does not isolate and closes RWCU isolation valves with their control switches.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

An ATWS has occurred and the CRS has directed you to initiate SLC notify the CRS when you have completed the required actions.

Note: Tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-100 (16528)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 211005O0101 Initiate SLC (Alt Path RWCU fails to Isolate)

Start Time: ___________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat NOTE to Examiner: Initiating SLC is a Mitigating Task and may be performed from memory. If performed from memory, actions shall be verified with applicable procedure (2.2.74).

1. Obtain the SLC Keys. Keys obtained.

Operator places SLC PUMP A and SLC PUMP B keylock switches on Panel 9-5 are in the

2. Starts Both SLC pumps. START position.

CUE: Both keylock switches remain in START position.

Check that both SLC pump RED Pump Running lights on Panel 9-5 are illuminated.

3. Check both SLC pumps start. CUE: Both SLC pump RED running lights are ON and the GREEN lights are OFF.

Checks both white SQUIB VALVE READY DS-3A (1106A) and SQUIB VALVE READY DS-3B (1106B) lights are OFF and Annunciator 9 2/G-7, LOSS OF CONT TO SQUIB VLVS,

4. Checks both squib valves alarms.


CUE: Both white SQUIB VALVE READY DS-3A (1106A) and SQUIB VALVE READY DS-3B (1106B) lights are OFF and Annunciator 9-5-2/G-7, is alarming.

Compares SLC pump discharge pressure (SLC-

5. Verify SLC pump PI-65) to reactor pressure.

discharge pressure is greater than reactor CUE: SLC pump discharge pressure is pressure. slightly greater than reactor pressure.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-100 (16528)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 211005O0101 Initiate SLC (Alt Path RWCU fails to Isolate)

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat Checks position of RWCU-MO-15 and RWCU-MO-18 and the status of the RWCU pumps.

CUE: The RED indicating lights for both

6. Verify RWCU isolates.

RWCU-MO-15 and 18 are ON and the GREEN Lights are OFF. RWCU pump A RED light is ON and the GREEN light is OFF.

CRS informed.

7. Informs CRS that RWCU failed to isolate. #CUE: Acknowledge as the CRS that RWCU failed to isolate.

Operator momentarily places RWCU-MO-15

8. Isolates RWCU.

and 18 control switches to CLOSE.

Checks the position indication for RWCU-MO-15, RWCU-MO-18, and checks the indication for RWCU pump 1A.

9. Verifies RWCU is CUE: RWCU-MO-15 and 18 GREEN position isolated.

indicating lights are ON and the RED position indicating lights are OFF. The RWCU pump 1A GREEN light is ON and the RED light is OFF.

Operator momentarily places RWCU-MO-74

10. Ensures RWCU-MO-74, control switch to OPEN.

DEMIN SUCTION BYPASS VLV is throttled CUE: RWCU-MO-74 RED and GREEN lights open.

are ON.

CRS informed

11. Informs the CRS That the SLC system has been
  1. CUE: Acknowledge as the CRS that SLC has initiated.

been initiated.

Stop Time: __________ Total Time: __________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-100 (16528)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No. 211005O0101 Initiate SLC (Alt Path RWCU fails to Isolate)

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC Any C. Run Batch File None D. Change the simulator Number Title Tgr TD Sev Ramp Initial conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None Group 3 Isolation
2. Malfunctions RP-12 N/A Failure RD02A ATWS N/A 90 RD02B ATWS N/A 90
3. Remotes None N/A N/A
4. Overrides None N/A N/A
a. Place Simulator in Run
b. Ensure RWCU Pump A running.
c. Insert Malfunctions
5. Panel Setup
d. Scram Reactor
e. Complete Actions from EOPs up to order to initiate SLC
f. Place the Simulator in FREEZE Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-100 (16528)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to initiate Standby Liquid Control (SLC) using both pumps.

Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. An ATWS occurred.
2. Plant conditions require that SLC be initiated.

Initiating Cue(s):

An ATWS has occurred and the CRS has directed you to initiate SLC notify the CRS when you have completed the required actions.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alternate Path)

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

ALTERNATE PATH Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 215004.K4.04 (2.8/2.9)

Note: When withdrawing SRM detectors the B SRM will stick requiring the Operator to perform Section 6 of procedure 4.1.1 and free it up and when it will not move will bypass it so the startup can continue.

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to select and drive the SRM detectors out of the core during a Start-up.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
4. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
5. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
6. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alternate Path)

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to withdraw the SRMs in accordance with Step 4.15 of Procedure 2.1.1 Start-up Procedure. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is starting up.
2. IRMs are on Range 5 or 6.
3. Steps up to 4.15 of Procedure 2.1.1 have been completed.



1. Procedure 2.1.1
2. Instrument Procedure 4.1.1 General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by bold steps.
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".
4. Alternate path steps are denoted by

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alternate Path)

Task Standards:

1. The operator withdraws all SRM detectors to the full out position except B and that SRM is bypassed.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are the Reactor Operator during a Start-up and the SRMs are required to be fully withdrawn in accordance with step 4.15 of Procedure 2.1.1. You are to fully withdraw all four SRM detectors.

Notify the CRS when all four SRM detectors have been fully withdrawn.

NOTE: Ensure the Simulator is in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alternate Path)

Start Time: ____________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator will obtain a copy of Procedure 2.1.1.

1. Obtains Procedure #CUE: When the Operator demonstrates that he can get a copy of the most current revision of the procedure, provide a copy that can be marked on.

The Operator checks that all OPERABLE IRMs

2. Checks all IRMs are are on Range 3 or above.

on Range 3, or higher CUE: All eight IRMs are on Range 5.

The Operator fully withdraws all SRM detectors in accordance with Procedure 4.1.1.

3. Pulls IP 4.1.1
  1. CUE: Provide a copy of Procedure 4.1.1 for the Operator to fill out.

The Operator momentarily presses and releases SRM/IRM DETECTOR POS display (POWER ON) button and check DETECTOR POSITION

4. SRM POWER button light(s) turns on.

is turned on.

CUE: The Power Light is lit and the detector position lights are also lit.

The Operator selects all four SRM detectors by momentarily pressing each SELECT

5. Selects all four SRM switch.

detectors CUE: The lights are lit for all four SRMs

6. Checks all four The Operator checks all four SRM SELECT Select lights are on. switch lights are on.

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Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alternate Path)

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator presses and holds the DRIVE

7. Press and hold the OUT switch.

DRIVE OUT switch CUE: The Drive Out switch is depressed.

The Operator will monitor each SRMs count rate to determine whether it is moving or not.

8. Monitor each SRMs count rate CUE: Indicate by pointing a lowering count rate on SRMs A, C and D. Indicate that B is remaining at a high value.
9. Determines that The Operator determines that SRM B is not SRM B is not driving out with the other three SRM driving out detectors.

The Operator refers to Procedure 2.1.1 Step 4.15.1 If SRM(s) cannot be withdrawn, then enter

10. Refers to Procedure Procedure 4.1.1.

2.1.1 Step 4.15.1

  1. CUE: If the Operator does not have a copy of Procedure 4.1.1 provide him one.

The Operator enters Procedure 4.1.1 section 6.

RESPONDING TO STUCK SRM DETECTOR; and checks with the CRS about the conditions and required actions of Technical Specifications

11. Checks with the CRS LCO 3.3.1 .2 and Technical Requirements Manual about Technical TLCO 3.3.1 are met.


  1. CUE: As the CRS, report back to the Operator that the conditions and required actions of both T.S and TRM 3.3.1 are met.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alternate Path)

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator contacts the Station Operator to check the following breakers closed:

Breaker 5, RACK 25-14 (lRM-SRM DRIVE CONTROL), on CPP-2.

Breaker 5CL, FEED TO PANEL 25-14 S/U

12. Contacts the Station RANGE DETECTOR DRIVE Operator to check the CONTROL SYS.

breakers are closed and fuses are okay. Local breaker left of Panel 25-14 (R-903-SW.

Check detector drive fuses in Panel 25-14.

  1. CUE: After one minute contact the Operator back and report that there are no blown fuses or tripped breakers in the panel.

The Operator attempts to move SRM drive in

13. Attempt to move both directions to free it.

SRM drive.

CUE: SRM B Count Rate remains the same.

The Operator notifies the CRS that the drive will not move and there are no problems with the

14. Notifies the CRS that Power supplies.

the drive will not move. #CUE: The detector drive cannot be repaired in a timely manner.

The Operator places the SRM BYPASS joystick to B SRM to bypass it.

15. places B SRM to bypass CUE: Indicate that the SRM Bypass Switch is in the SRM B Position.

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Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alternate Path)

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator will momentarily press and release SRM/IRM DETECTOR POS display (POWER

16. Turns off SRM/IRM ON) button and check DETECTOR POSITION DETECTOR POS light turns off.


CUE: Light is off The Operator determines that the SRM detector withdraw operation is no longer required, and momentarily presses and releases all of lighted

17. Deselects the SRMs SELECT buttons and check they turn off.

CUE: Light is off Inform the Control Room Supervisor that SRMs A,C, and D have been fully withdrawn, and that

18. Inform the Control SRM B is stuck and is bypassed.

Room Supervisor

  1. CUE: The CRS acknowledges the report.

Stop Time: __________ Total Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 8 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Withdraw SRMs during a Start-up (Alternate Path)

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC IC-7 C. Run Batch File D. Change the simulator conditions as follows:

1. Triggers Number File Name Description None
2. Malfunctions Number Title Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial NM04B SRM B Stuck Active N/A N/A N/A TRUE
3. Remotes Number Title Trigger TD Value Ramp None
4. Overrides Instrument Tag Trigger TD Value Ramp None
a. Insert All four SRM detectors until the first High Alarm is received
5. Panel Setup and deselect the SRMs and Turn the Drive Power off.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-08 (xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 9 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 9 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to withdraw the SRMs in accordance with Step 4.15 of Procedure 2.1.1 Start-up Procedure. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is starting up.
2. IRMs are on Range 5 or 6.
3. Steps up to 4.15 of Procedure 2.1.1 have been completed.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are the Reactor Operator during a Start-up and the SRMs are required to be fully withdrawn in accordance with step 4.15 of Procedure 2.1.1. You are to fully withdraw all four SRM detectors.

Notify the CRS when all four SRM detectors have been fully withdrawn.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Shift REC Heat Exchangers Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 15 minutes
5. NRC K/A 400000.A4.01 (3.1/ 3.0)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to shift REC Heat Exchangers.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
4. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
5. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
6. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to place the A REC Heat Exchanger in service and remove B from service in accordance with Section 10.1 of Procedure REC Operation. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

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Shift REC Heat Exchangers When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. REC-TIC-451A is available.
2. RMP-RM-3514, SWA EFFLUENT RAD MON, is operable.
3. Station Operators are available for field operations.
4. Small REC Leak on the B REC Heat Exchanger within the isolation valves.



1. Procedure Operation General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by bold steps.
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".
4. Alternate path steps are denoted by Task Standards:
1. The operator places the A REC Hx in service and removes B REC Hx from service while maintaining REC Pressures and temperatures within limits.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Shift REC Heat Exchangers Initiating Cue(s):

You are the Balance of Plant Operator during a transient and you are to shift REC Heat exchangers because of a leak on the B heat exchanger.

Notify the CRS when the B REC Heat exchanger has been removed form service.

NOTE: Ensure the Simulator is in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: None


Shift REC Heat Exchangers Start Time: ____________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator obtains a copy of Procedure

1. Obtains Procedure #CUE: When the Operator demonstrates that he can get a copy of the most current revision of the procedure, provide a copy that can be marked on.

The Operator verifies status tag on Panel M.

2. Ensures REC HX A is in standby CUE: It states its in Standby Alignment The Operator contacts the Station Operator to perform steps to determine local REC surge tank level.
3. Determine level of REC surge tank # CUE: As the Station Operator, report that REC Surge Tank Level is 20 inches from the bottom of the tank.

The Operator while maintaining SW pressure >

38 psig on SW-PI-2715A, SW LOOP A PRESSURE, and SW-PI-2715B, SW LOOP B PRESSURE, slowly throttles open the SW-MO-

4. Slowly throttles 650, REC HX A SERVICE WATER OUTLET, to open the SW-MO- match REC HX B SW flow rate.

650 CUE: Indicate that A flow is rising and B is lowering and finally match.

The Operator stations an Operator in R-931-REC HX area until REC-MO-713 is closed.

5. Stations an Operator
  1. CUE: Report that the Station Operator is standing by in the Heat Exchanger area.

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Shift REC Heat Exchangers Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator while maintaining REC header

6. Slowly throttles pressure > 65 psig, slowly throttles open REC-open REC-MO-712 MO-712, HX A OUTLET VLV
7. Contacts the station The Operator contacts the station operator at the operator and REC-TIC-451A, and asks if the controller is in instructs him to AUTO and instructs him to adjust the setpoint adjust the setpoint value in lower display to the temperature indicated value in lower display in upper display using up/down arrows.

to the temperature indicated in upper # CUE: The REC-TIC-451A is in AUTO and the display. setpoint and temperature match.

The Operator Place SW-TCV-451A switch to AUTO.

8. Place SW-TCV-451A switch to AUTO CUE: Indicate that the switch is pointing to the AUTO Position.

The Operator slowly throttles open SW-MO-650 and check SW-TCV-451A is controlling SW

9. Slowly throttle open flow through REC HX A.

SW-MO-650 CUE: Indicate the SW-MO-650 red and green lights are on.

The Operator When SW-TCV-451A is observed to be controlling SW flow through REC HX A, fully

10. Fully open SW-MO- open SW-MO-650.


CUE: Red light is ON Green light is OFF.

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Shift REC Heat Exchangers Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator Close REC-MO-713, HX B OUTLET VLV.

11. Close REC-MO-713 CUE: Green light is ON Red light is OFF.


12. Close SW-MO-651 CUE: Green light is ON Red light is OFF.

The Operator contacts the station operator to Ensure REC-TIC-451B is in AUTO and maintain SW-TCV-451B closed by adjusting setpoint value above temperature indicated in upper display using up/down arrows. Do not adjust setpoint

13. Contacts the station value > 98°F operator
  1. CUE: Station Operator reports the REC-TIC-451B is in AUTO and the setpoint for the temperature is above the indicated temperature.

The Operator Place SW-TCV-451B switch to OPEN

14. Place SW-TCV-451B switch to OPEN CUE: Red light is ON Green light is OFF The Operator positions the status tags to indicate REC HX A is in service and REC HX B is in
15. Position tags to standby indicate REC HX A is in service and REC CUE: The in service tag is hanging by the A HX B is in standby Heat Exchanger; the standby tag is hung by the B Heat Exchanger.

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Shift REC Heat Exchangers Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator Ensure REC-TIC-451A and REC-

16. Ensure REC-TIC- TIC-451B MODE labels are marked to indicate 451A and REC-TIC- position of controller (AUTO or MANUAL) 451B MODE labels are marked CUE: As Displayed The Operator Adjust REC HX A outlet temperature per Section Error! Reference source not found. or Error! Reference source not found. if
17. Adjust REC HX A needed.

outlet temperature CUE: Temperature is being maintained at desired setpoint.

The Operator contacts the Station Operator to

18. Contacts the Station determine the level of REC surge tank.

Operator to determine the level of

  1. CUE: Report that the REC Surge Tank Level REC surge tank has not changed and the sight glass has been isolated.

Informs the Control Room Supervisor that the A REC Heat Exchanger is in service and B has

19. Inform the Control been removed form service.

Room Supervisor

  1. CUE: The CRS acknowledges the report.

Stop Time: __________ Total Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

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Shift REC Heat Exchangers ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC 112 C. Run Batch File D. Change the simulator conditions as follows:

1. Triggers Number File Name Description None
2. Malfunctions Number Title Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial
3. Remotes Number Title Trigger TD Value Ramp None
4. Overrides Instrument Tag Trigger TD Value Ramp None
5. Panel Setup a. Ensure that the B REC Heat Exchanger is in service Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-08 (xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 9 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 9 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to place the A REC Heat Exchanger in service and remove B from service in accordance with Section 10.1 of Procedure REC Operation. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. REC-TIC-451A is available.
2. RMP-RM-3514, SWA EFFLUENT RAD MON, is operable.
3. Station Operators are available for field operations.
4. Small REC Leak on the B REC Heat Exchanger within the isolation valves.

Initiating Cue(s):

You are the Balance of Plant Operator during a transient and you are to shift REC Heat exchangers because of a leak on the B heat exchanger.

Notify the CRS when the B REC Heat exchanger has been removed form service.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-47 (7404)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 04 Task Number: 217004O0101 Operate RCIC In Pressure Control (Hard Card) (Alternate Path)

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

ALTERNATE PATH Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR/SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform Simulate
4. Performance Time: 8 minutes
5. NRC K/As 217000 A2.10 (3.1/3.1)

Directions to Examiner:

This is an Alternate Path JPM. The flow controller will fail to operate in automatic NOTE:

and must be placed in manual.

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee=s ability to operate RCIC in the Apressure control mode@ per the hard card in procedure, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Operations.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
4. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
5. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-47 (7404)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 04 Task Number: 217004O0101 Operate RCIC In Pressure Control (Hard Card) (Alternate Path)

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to operate RCIC in the pressure control mode using the hard card. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is shutdown following a scram.
2. Reactor water level is being controlled by another licensed operator.
3. Reactor pressure is currently being maintained by Low-Low Set.
4. Suppression Pool Cooling will be placed in service by another licensed operator.



1. Procedure, Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Operation.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-47 (7404)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 04 Task Number: 217004O0101 Operate RCIC In Pressure Control (Hard Card) (Alternate Path)

General Tools and Equipment:

1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical steps denoted by bold step.
3. Simulator cues denoted by A#@.
4. Alternate Path denoted by Task Standards:
1. The trainee places RCIC in the Apressure control mode@ per the hard card and when the controller fails, recognizes a controller failure and takes manual control and adjusts RCIC Flow to rated.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to place RCIC in the pressure control mode using the hard card. Inform the CRS when RCIC is operating in the pressure control mode.

NOTE: Place the Simulator in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-47 (7404)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 04 Task Number: 217004O0101 Operate RCIC In Pressure Control (Hard Card) (Alternate Path)

Start Time: ____________

Sat Unsat Performance Checklist Standards

1. Ensure RCIC auto The operator checks RCIC for indications of initiation signal is clear. an auto initiation signal present and verifies RPV water level above -42".

CUE: RPV water level is +20" on the narrow range.

2. Open RCIC-MO-33, The operator places the control switch for ECST TEST LINE RCIC-MO-33 to OPEN.


CUE: RCIC-MO-33 red light is on, green light is off.

3. Start GLAND SEAL The operator places the control switch for VACUUM PUMP. GLAND SEAL VACUUM PUMP to START.

CUE: The GLAND SEAL VACUUM PUMP red light is on, green light is off.

4. Open RCIC-MO-132, The operator places the control switch for TURB OIL COOLING RCIC-MO-132 to OPEN.


CUE: RCIC-MO-132 red light is on, green light is off.

5. Open RCIC-MO-30, The operator places the control switch for TEST BYP TO ECST RCIC-MO-30 to OPEN.


CUE: RCIC-MO-30 red light is on, green light is off.


Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-47 (7404)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 04 Task Number: 217004O0101 Operate RCIC In Pressure Control (Hard Card) (Alternate Path)

Sat Unsat Performance Checklist Standards

6. Open RCIC-MO-131, The operator places the control switch for STM SUPP TO TURB RCIC-MO-131 to OPEN.


CUE: RCIC-MO-131 red light is on, green light is off.

7. Adjust RCIC-FIC-91, Operator attempts to control RCIC flow with RCIC FLOW the Set Tape.

CONTROLLER, as required, to maintain CUE: RCIC flow remains almost zero, desired RPV pressure. irrespective of Set Tape setting.

8. Operator recognizes and Operator reports to CRS that RCIC controller reports failed controller has failed in automatic.
  1. CUE: CRS acknowledges, directs operator to continue to place RCIC in Pressure Control.
9. Operator places RCIC Operator turns RCIC controller controller in manual. AUTO/BAL/MAN switch to MAN.

CUE: RCIC controller AUTO/BAL/MAN switch is in MAN.

10. Operator adjusts RCIC Operator turns RCIC controller manual controller in manual to knob clockwise to raise flow, counter-control flow and clockwise to lower flow.

cooldown rate.

CUE: RCIC flow responds to manual control knob adjustment as appropriate and maintain turbine speed 2200 RPM.

Note to Examiner: tell the Operator that the REC-MO-711 is open and does not need to be checked.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-47 (7404)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 04 Task Number: 217004O0101 Operate RCIC In Pressure Control (Hard Card) (Alternate Path)

Sat Unsat Performance Checklist Standards

11. Operator reports RCIC is Operator reports to the CRS that RCIC is in in pressure control pressure control mode per the hard card.


  1. CUE: The CRS acknowledges the report.

Stop Time: ___________ Total Time: ____________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-47 (7404)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 7 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 04 Task Number: 217004O0101 Operate RCIC In Pressure Control (Hard Card) (Alternate Path)

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials required None B. Initialize the Simulator in any IC that will support RCIC pressure control mode after a scram (IC-18, 19 or 20 suggested) Batch File name - none.

C. Change the Simulator conditions from those of the IC as follows:

1. Triggers
2. Malfunctions Number Title Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial RC01 Failure to Auto Start A N/A N/A N/A N/A
3. Remotes
4. Overrides Instrument Tag Trigger TD Value Ramp RCIC Set Tape Setpoint ZAIRCICFIC91[2] A 0 20 0
5. Panel Set-up (suggested. Any setup is allowed that supports performance of the RCIC pressure control mode)
a. Place the Simulator in RUN.
b. Manually scram the Reactor using 9-5 pushbuttons. Leave the Reactor Mode Switch in RUN until low Reactor pressure Group 1 isolation is received, then place RMS in SHUTDOWN.
c. Trip both RFPs when RPV water level is rising.
d. Trip the CRD pump after RPV water level is rising.
e. Place MSIV control switches in CLOSE.
f. Maintain RPV water level below +20" on the Narrow Range and above -20" on the Wide Range.
g. Let the simulator run until the first SRV opens.
h. Reset all high level trip signals (if present).
i. Place the Simulator in FREEZE.
j. Insert Malfunction and Override

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-47 (7404)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 8 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision: 04 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to operate RCIC in the pressure control mode using the hard card. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The Reactor is shutdown following a scram.
2. Reactor water level is being controlled by another licensed operator.
3. Reactor pressure is currently being maintained by Low-Low Set.
4. Suppression Pool Cooling will be placed in service by another licensed operator.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to place RCIC in the pressure control mode using the hard card. Inform the CRS when RCIC is operating in the pressure control mode.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-06 (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No.: 206019P010 Task


Respond To HPCI System Automatic Initiation (Alt. Path)

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

ALTERNATE PATH Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR/SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee Levels: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 15 minutes
5. NRC K/A 206000 K4.07(4.3/4.3); A2.17 (3.9/4.3)

Note: This is an inadvertent initiation of HPCI and the Operator must determine that it is inadvertent by checking that Rx Water Level is normal and that Drywell Pressure in still in the normal range, then take actions in accordance with Abnormal Procedure 2.4CSCS or the Annunciator Card.

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to respond to HPCI system automatic initiation.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
4. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
5. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
6. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ______________________________________________________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-06 (XXXXXX)

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Respond To HPCI System Automatic Initiation (Alt. Path)

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to respond to Panel 9-3 conditions. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

During performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The Plant is operating at approximately 90%.
2. You are the Operator responsible for the 9-3 panel.



1. Procedure 2.4CSCS General Tools and Equipment:
1. None.

Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:

1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by bold step.
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".
4. Alternate path steps are denoted by Task Standards:
1. The operator will determine a HPCI initiation is inadvertent, and take manual action to trip and secure HPCI.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

When you are ready to begin, notify the evaluator and be ready to respond to any condition that presents itself on that panel.

NOTE: Place the Simulator in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-06 (XXXXXX)

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Respond To HPCI System Automatic Initiation (Alt. Path)

Start Time: ________

Performance Standards Sat Unsat Checklist

1. Respond to The Operator will respond to the Annunciator annunciator HPCI Panel 9-3-2/A-1 Logic Actuated.

The Operator will check Drywell Pressure and Reactor Water Level to determine if

2. Verify that it is an the initiation is inadvertent.

inadvertent initiation CUE: Indicate DW Pressure is 0.4 psig.

Indicate RPV level is 35 inches (NR)

Note: Steps 3 through 6 Immediate Operator Actions of Abnormal Procedure 2.4CSCS and are performed from memory. They must be performed in this order.

The Operator will start the HPCI Aux Oil Pump by placing its control switch to the

3. Place Aux Oil START position.

Pump to Start.

CUE: RED light is ON then OFF GREEN light is OFF then ON.

The Operator will depress and hold the

4. Press and hold HPCI Turbine Trip Pushbutton while Turbine Trip monitoring Turbine speed.


CUE: Turbine Trip Button is depressed.

The Operator will place the control switch for the HPCI Aux Oil Pump in the Pull to Lock position when HPCI Turbine speed is

5. Place Aux Oil zero (0).

Pump in PTL.

CUE: Indicate Turbine Speed is 0 rpm.

GREEN light is ON RED light is OFF

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-06 (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No.: 206019P010 Task


Respond To HPCI System Automatic Initiation (Alt. Path)

Performance Standards Sat Unsat Checklist The Operator will then release the HPCI Turbine Trip Pushbutton and ensure that

6. Release the the Turbines speed remains at zero (0).

Turbine Trip Pushbutton.

CUE: Turbine Push Button returns to the normal out position.

The Operator will inform the CRS that HPCI

7. Inform CRS that system has been tripped and placed the Aux HPCI is inoperable Oil Pump in Pull to Lock due to an inadvertent and is in Pull to Lock.


Stop Time: ________ Total Time: ____________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-06 (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 Task No.: 206019P010 Task


Respond To HPCI System Automatic Initiation (Alt. Path)

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in any high power IC.

C. Change the simulator conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None
2. Malfunctions Description Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial HP-05 N/A N/A A N/A N/A
3. Remotes None
4. Overrides None
5. Panel Setup
a. Adjust Reactor Power to approximately 90% using Reactor Recirc.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, snap the simulator into IC-0 after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-06 (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 6 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 02 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to respond to Panel 9-3 conditions. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

During performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The Plant is operating at approximately 90%.
2. You are the Operator responsible for the 9-3 panel.

Initiating Cue(s):

When you are ready to begin, notify the evaluator and be ready to respond to any condition that presents itself on that panel.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 261017P0101 Monitor The Standby Gas Treatment System Following Automatic Initiation (Alt Path).

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

ALTERNATE PATH Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR/SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO/SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 15 minutes
5. NRC K/A 261000A3.01(3.2/3.3), A3.02(3.2/3.1), A3.03(3.0/2.9)

Directions to Examiner:

NOTE: This is an Alternate Path JPM; The flow through the preferred train will be restricted, requiring the other train to be started to re-establish building d/p.

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to monitor the Standby Gas Treatment System following automatic initiation
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
4. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
5. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ______________________________________________________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 261017P0101 Monitor The Standby Gas Treatment System Following Automatic Initiation (Alt Path).

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to respond to the Standby Gas Treatment system following automatic initiation. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to monitor the Standby Gas Treatment system following automatic initiation. During performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is Shutdown.
2. A Spurious Group 6 isolation occurred 10 minutes ago.
3. Procedure 2.1.22, Recovering from a Group Isolation, is in progress and requires the performance of procedure 2.2.73.



1. Procedure 2.1.22
2. Procedure 2.2.73 General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by bold step.
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. The operator determines the Preferred SGT train cannot develop desired flow and starts the standby SGT train and establishes secondary containment pressure.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to respond to an automatic initiation of the Standby Gas Treatment System per procedure 2.2.73. Inform the CRS when proper operation of standby gas treatment has been verified.

NOTE: Place the Simulator in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 261017P0101 Monitor The Standby Gas Treatment System Following Automatic Initiation (Alt Path).

Start Time: __________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator checks Reactor Building D/P on

1. Check Reactor HV-DPR-835 on VBD-R.

Building D/P CUE: D/P is -030" H2O The Operator places to RUN the fan

2. Place the preferred control switch for A SGT.

train of SGT in RUN CUE: Switch is in RUN.

The Operator places to OFF then back to

3. Place the other STANDBY the fan control switch for B train of SGT in SGT.

Standby CUE: Switch is positioned to standby.

The Operator checks that EF-R-1F stops.

4. Check that EF-R-1F Stops CUE: RED light OFF. GREEN light ON.

The Operator verifies CLOSED SGT-AO-250, SGT B INLET.

5. Check SGT-AO-250, CLOSED CUE: GREEN light ON.

RED Light OFF.

The Operator verifies CLOSED SGT-AO-252,



RED Light OFF.

The Operator checks Reactor Building D/P on

7. Check Reactor HV-DPR-835 on VBD-R.

Building D/P CUE: D/P is - 0.20" Wg.

The Operator places to RUN control switch for EF-R-1F.

8. Place switch for SGT fan selected CUE: Switch is positioned to RUN.

for standby to CUE: After fan start and damper L/U RUN verification, inform operator that D/P is -0.30Wg.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 261017P0101 Monitor The Standby Gas Treatment System Following Automatic Initiation (Alt Path).

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat

9. Check that EF-R1F The Operator checks that EF-R-1F starts.


CUE: RED light ON. GREEN light OFF.

The Operator checks OPEN SGT-AO-250,

10. Check SGT-AO-250 SGT B INLET.

is OPEN CUE: RED light ON.

GREEN light is OFF.

The Operator checks OPEN SGT-AO-252,


is OPEN CUE: RED light ON.

GREEN light is OFF.

The Operator places to CLOSE the control switch for SGT-AO-270, SGT A DILUTION

12. Close SGT-AO- AIR.


CUE: GREEN light ON.

RED light OFF.

The Operator places to CLOSE the control switch for SGT-AO-271, SGT B DILUTION

13. Close SGT-AO- AIR.


CUE: GREEN light ON.

RED light OFF.

The Operator observes SGT-TI-537A to be

14. Monitor Carbon Filter <200°F.

Outlet Temp.

CUE: Indicating 158°F.

NOTE: The Annunciator Card directs that the train with the high d/p and low system flow be secured.

The Operator may secure the other fan in

15. Secures other fan accordance with the Alarm Card for low system flow.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 261017P0101 Monitor The Standby Gas Treatment System Following Automatic Initiation (Alt Path).

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator informs the Control Room Supervisor that the proper operation of the

16. Inform the CRS that SGT system has been verified.

the task is complete.

  1. CUE: The CRS acknowledges the report.

Stop Time: __________ Total Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No.: 261017P0101 Monitor The Standby Gas Treatment System Following Automatic Initiation (Alt Path).

ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC Any Power IC following a Scram C. Run Batch File None D. Change the simulator Number Title Tgr TD Sev Ramp Initial conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None SGT A flow
2. Malfunctions PC06a 100 Restriction N/A N/A
3. Remotes None N/A N/A
4. Overrides None N/A N/A
a. Place Simulator in Run
b. Insert MF PC06a
5. Panel Setup c. Place the Preferred tag on A train of SGT.
d. Place the Simulator in FREEZE.
e. Ensure that there is a Group 6 present.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX (XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 7 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to respond to the Standby Gas Treatment system following automatic initiation. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them to monitor the Standby Gas Treatment system following automatic initiation. During performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The plant is Shutdown.
2. A Spurious Group 6 isolation occurred 10 minutes ago.
3. Procedure 2.1.22, Recovering from a Group Isolation, is in progress and requires the performance of procedure 2.2.73.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to respond to an automatic initiation of the Standby Gas Treatment System per procedure 2.2.73. Inform the CRS when proper operation of standby gas treatment has been verified.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Placing SDG In Service From Control Room Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate Perform
4. Performance Time: 20 minutes
5. NRC K/A 262001.K4.06 (3.6 / 3.9) and 264000.A4.04 (3.7/3.7)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to start and place in service the Supplemental Diesel Generator from the Control Room in accordance with Procedure 2.2.99.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by "#" should be given.
3. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
4. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
5. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to place the Supplemental Diesel Generator in service from the Control Room. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Placing SDG In Service From Control Room If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The Plant is Shutdown.
2. Critical 4160 Bus 1F is de-energized
3. Emergency Diesel Generator #1 is Inoperable and cannot be placed in service.
4. The Emergency Transformer Supply Breaker to Bus 1FS will not close.



1. Procedure 2.2.99 Supplemental Diesel Generator System General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by bold steps.
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. The operator starts the Supplemental Diesel Generator and ties it to Critical Bus 1F and re-energizes the bus.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
3. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to place the Supplemental Diesel Generator in service from the Control Room in accordance with Procedure 2.2.99 Supplemental Diesel Generator System and supply Critical Bus 1F.

Notify the CRS when the SDG is running and has energized the Bus.

NOTE: Ensure the Simulator is in RUN and tell the trainee to begin.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Placing SDG In Service From Control Room Start Time: ____________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator obtained the current revision of

1. Obtain Procedure Procedure 2.2.99 Supplemental Diesel Generator System. Selects Section 5.

The Operator placed the SUPPLEMENTAL

2. Place the SDG DIESEL GENERATOR control switch to switch to Start START.
3. Close the SDG The Operator closed SDG OUTPUT BKR SG1 Output breaker and check that the switch is red flagged.

On Switchgear Display Screen, the Operator

4. Open Breaker transferred Bus 480S to the SDG by Opening 480S(12.5)

Breaker 480S (12.5).

On Switchgear Display Screen, the Operator

5. Close Breaker transferred Bus 480S to the SDG by Closing 480S(4160S)

Breaker 480S (4160S).

Operator checked following Annunciators clear:

6. Checks 8.2.1 C-1/C-6, 4160V BUS 1F BKR 1FA annunciators in 8.2.2 C-1/C-7, 4160V BUS 1F BKR 1FS section 8 8.2.3 C-1/E-7, 4160V BUS 1F BKR 1FE LOCKOUTs.

The Operator at Panel 9-3, placed the following switches to PULL-TO-LOCK:

7. Pulls to lock the

pumps on 9-3.

  • CS PUMP A.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Placing SDG In Service From Control Room Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator at Panel A, placed the following

8. Pulls to lock the switches to PULL-TO-LOCK:

pumps on Panel A

The Operator at Panel C, placed the following breaker switches to PULL-TO-LOCK:

9. Pulls to lock the

pumps on Panel C



10. Places MODS GENERATOR PANEL placed the MODS POWER Power to ON switch to ON.
11. Places XFMR The Operator placed EMERGENCY XFMR MODS MODS switch to switch to OPEN.

Open The Operator placed SDG MODS switch to

12. Places SDG MODS CLOSE.

switch to Close

13. Places MOD The Operator placed MODS POWER switch to POWER to OFF OFF.

The Operator closed BUS 1S TIE BKR 1SS and

14. Close Breaker 1SS check switch spring returns to NORMAL AFTER CLOSE (red flagged).

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Placing SDG In Service From Control Room Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat NOTE - Breaker 1FS will close immediately when its control switch is taken out of PTL.

The Operator at Panel C; placed EMERGENCY

15. Closes Emergency XFMR BKR 1FS to CLOSE, then release and XFRM BKR 1FS check switch spring returns to NORMAL AFTER CLOSE (red flagged).

The Operator informs the CRS that the Supplemental Diesel Generator has been started

16. Notifies the CRS and is aligned to the bus.
  1. CUE: As the CRS, acknowledge the report.

Stop Time: __________ Total Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Placing SDG In Service From Control Room ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None B. Initialize the Simulator in IC IC 1 C. Run Batch File D. Change the simulator conditions as follows:

1. Triggers Number File Name Description
2. Malfunctions Number Title Trigger TD Severity Ramp Initial DG02A Diesel Generator #1Trip N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 4160V BUS 1F (52B/1FA, ED03D N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 52B/1AF)
3. Remotes Number Title Trigger TD Value Ramp 0 N/A
4. Overrides Instrument Tag Trigger TD Value Ramp None
5. Panel Setup Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-20-XXX (xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 7 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to place the Supplemental Diesel Generator in service from the Control Room. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. The Plant is Shutdown.
2. Critical 4160 Bus 1F is de-energized
3. Emergency Diesel Generator #1 is Inoperable and cannot be placed in service.
4. The Emergency Transformer Supply Breaker to Bus 1FS will not close.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to place the Supplemental Diesel Generator in service from the Control Room in accordance with Procedure 2.2.99 Supplemental Diesel Generator System and supply Critical Bus 1F.

Notify the CRS when the SDG is running and has energized the Bus.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task Number: 200043C0401 Vent Primary Containment per 2.4PC Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: CR / SIM
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Perform Simulate
4. Performance Time: 15 minutes
5. NRC K/As 223001 A2.07 (4.2/4.3)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainees ability to vent the primary containment per the guidance of procedure 2.4PC, Primary Containment Control and 2.2.60, Primary Containment Cooling and Nitrogen Inerting System, Hard Card.
2. If this JPM is performed on the Simulator, only the cues preceded by # should be given.
3. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 2) when ready to start the JPM.
4. Brief the trainee, place the Simulator in RUN, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to maintain Drywell pressure by venting the primary containment. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task Number: 200043C0401 Vent Primary Containment per 2.4PC complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. Primary containment pressure has risen over the last shift.
2. The crew has begun implementing procedure 2.4PC, Primary Containment Control.



1. Procedure 2.2.60 Primary Containment Cooling and Nitrogen Inerting System General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical steps denoted by bold steps.
3. Simulator cues denoted by #.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task Number: 200043C0401 Vent Primary Containment per 2.4PC Task Standards:

1. The trainee vents the primary containment per the guidance of procedure 2.2.60, Primary Containment Cooling and Nitrogen Inerting System, Hard Card. And when the Drywell vent line isolation valves do not function, will proceed to the Torus and vent it, thus lowering the pressure in Primary Containment
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to reduce Primary Containment pressure by venting the Drywell in accordance with 2.2.60 Hard Card. Inform the CRS when drywell pressure is lowering.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task Number: 200043C0401 Vent Primary Containment per 2.4PC Start Time: __________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat NOTE: Drywell pressure may increase above 0.75 psig. If it does, inform the candidate that another operator will perform the required power reduction.

The Operator obtains a copy of

1. Obtain a copy of 2.2.60 Hard Procedure 2.2.60 Hard Card located Card. attached to vertical board H.
2. Ensure AD-R-1A is closed The Operator ensures AD-R-1A is closed.

CUE: AD-R-1A green light is lit, red light is out.

3. Ensure AD-R-1B is open. The Operator ensures AD-R-1B is open.

CUE: AD-R-1B green light is out, red light is lit.

4. Start either SGT fan, EF-R- The Operator starts the preferred SGT 1E(1F), SGT A(B) EXHAUST fan, EF-R-1E(1F).

FAN CUE: The preferred SGT fan, EF-R-1E(1F) red light is lit, green light is out.

5. Open DPCV associated with The Operator opens DPCV associated running SGT fan, SGT- with running SGT fan, SGT-DPCV-DPCV-546A(B), SGT A(B) 546A(B)


CUE: SGT-DPCV-546A(B) green light is out, red light is lit.

6. Open PC-AO-246, DW EXH The Operator opens PC-AO-246.

OUTBD ISOL VLV CUE: PC-AO-246 green light is out, red light is lit.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task Number: 200043C0401 Vent Primary Containment per 2.4PC Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat

7. Attempt to open PC-MO- The Operator attempts to open PC-306, VALVE MO 231 MO-306 and notes that it does not BYPASS VLV. change position, and that Drywell Pressure is not lowering.

CUE: PC-MO-306 green light is lit, red light is off.

Note: The Operator my contact the CRS and inform him that venting from the Drywell is not possible due to a problem with the PC-MO-306.

If asked for the CRS recommendation, tell the student to Vent primary containment.

8. Proceeds to next step to vent The Operator proceeds to the next step through the Torus. for venting the Torus.
9. Ensure PC-MO-1308 is closed. The Operator ensures that the PC-MO-1308 is closed.

CUE: PC-AO-1308 green light is lit, red light is off.

10. Open PC-AO-245AV. The Operator opens PC-AO-245.

CUE: PC-AO-245 green light is out, red light is lit.

11. Open PC-MO-305MV. The Operator opens PC-MO-305.

CUE: PC-MO-306 green light is off, red light is lit.

Note to Examiner: The pressure drop is in the hundredths (0.01) range and that detail can only be seen on PC-PR-20 Panel J

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task Number: 200043C0401 Vent Primary Containment per 2.4PC Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat

12. Verifies Primary Torus The Operator checks the following to Pressure is lowering. ensure that Torus Pressure is lowering.

- PC-PR-20 Panel J

13. Operator reports Primary Operator reports Primary Containment Containment pressure is pressure is lowering.


  1. CUE: The CRS acknowledges the report.

Stop Time: __________ Total Time: __________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 7 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task Number: 200043C0401 Vent Primary Containment per 2.4PC ATTACHMENT 1 SIMULATOR SET-UP A. Materials Required None any IC that will support venting the primary containment B. Initialize the Simulator in IC (IC-18, 19 or 20 suggested)

C. Run Batch File None D. Change the simulator Number Title Tgr TD Sev Ramp Initial conditions as follows:

1. Triggers None Coolant Leakage
2. Malfunctions RR20A Inside Primary A 0 0.1 0 0 Containment N/A N/A
3. Remotes None N/A N/A PC-MO-306
4. Overrides ZDIPCSWCS306MV[1] Control Switch A 0 0 0 0 to closed N/A N/A
a. Place Simulator in Run
b. Insert malfunctions as listed
5. Panel Setup
c. RR20A as necessary to obtain and maintain drywell pressure ~

0.7 to 1.0 psig.

Note: If this JPM is to be performed more than once, take a SNAPSHOT after the panel setup is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-21-XXX (XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 8 of 8 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 2 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to maintain Drywell pressure by venting the primary containment. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

If being performed in the Simulator:

During task performance, state the actions you are taking, e.g.: repositioning controls and observing instrumentation.

General Conditions:

1. Primary containment pressure has risen over the last shift.
2. The crew has begun implementing procedure 2.4PC, Primary Containment Control.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to reduce Primary Containment pressure by venting the Drywell in accordance with 2.2.60 Hard Card. Inform the CRS when drywell pressure is lowering.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXXX(XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No: None Task


Reboot the OPC Computer Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Plant
2. Appropriate Trainee Level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate
4. Performance Time: 15 minutes
5. NRC K/A 2.1.19 (3.9 / 3.8)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to reboot the Open Process Control (OPC)


2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to simulate rebooting OPC Server A in accordance with 2.6.3OPC. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXXX(XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No: None Task


Reboot the OPC Computer General Conditions:

1. PMIS UPS in service per Procedure 2.2.63.
2. HV-AC-C-1E is in service per Procedure 2.2.37.
3. Computer Room temperature is 75°F.
4. Computer Room humidity is 50%.



1. Procedure 2.6.3OPC
2. 2.4COMP General Tools and Equipment:
1. Pen or Small Screwdriver Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by bold steps.

Task Standards:

1. OPC Server A has been successfully rebooted.
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to reboot the A OPC Server Computer. Notify the CRS when the A OPC Server has been rebooted.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXXX(XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No: None Task


Reboot the OPC Computer Start Time: ____________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator obtains Procedure 2.6.3OPC, Section 4.

1. Obtain Procedure CUE: After the Operator has demonstrated he can obtain the procedure, provide him with a copy to mark up.
2. Obtain key to unlock The Operator obtains keys to Cabinet LRP-cabinet in computer PNL-COMM1A from the Control Room Key room Depository.

The Operator unlocks and opens the east

3. Unlocks east door door of Cabinet LRP-PNL-COMM1A.

The Operator in Cabinet LRP-PNL-

4. Pulls out keyboard COMM1A, pulls out the rack mounted and screen keyboard and screen and flips the screen up into a vertical position.

The Operator depresses the PrtScn button located in the upper right corner of the keyboard.

5. Depresses Print Screen CUE: The PrtScr button depresses in while button being pressed and pops back out when released.

Display picture #1 The Operator using the Up and Down arrows, selects OPC Server A.

6. Selects OPC Server A CUE: OPC Server A selected.

The Operator selects the Enter key.

7. Selects Enter CUE: OPC Server A is displayed in the upper center of the screen.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXXX(XXXXX)

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Reboot the OPC Computer Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator hits "Enter" key to activate screen.

8. Hits Enter CUE: Windows logon displayed on screen.

Display picture #2 The Operator locates the OPC Server A

9. Locates Computer computer In Cabinet LRP-PNL-COMM1A.

The Operator using Attachment 1 Figure 1

10. Locates Power switch locates the OPC Server A POWER switch.

The Operator using a pen or small screwdriver, presses and holds in the

11. Depresses the power POWER button for at least 5 seconds.

button for 5 seconds CUE: The screen goes black.

The Operator releases the POWER switch.

12. Releases the power CUE: The light adjacent to the POWER switch switch is blinking.

The Operator presses and then releases the POWER switch again.

CUE: Initially, the fans in the server are running at high speed. More noise is being generated than during normal

13. Momentarily depresses operation.

and then releases the Power switch CUE: The screen is now displaying messages.

Display picture #3 CUE: 5 minutes has elapsed.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXXX(XXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Task No: None Task


Reboot the OPC Computer Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator contacts the control room operator and verifies the OPC A server is operational using the NETWORK HARDWARE display on any of the RVLC/RFPTC HMI screens in the Control Room.

CUE: Respond as the Control Room Operator and report that the OPC A server is operating on the HMIs

14. Verifies the OPC Server Computer is functioning OR The Operator goes to the control room and verifies the OPC A server is operational using the NETWORK HARDWARE display on any of the RVLC/RFPTC HMI screens in the Control Room.

CUE: The OPC A Network icon in the lower left corner of the HMI numbers 1 and 2 are alternating from black to green.

The Operator turns off the screen. The POWER switch is located at the bottom center of the screen. The switch is marked with the

15. Turns off the screen following symbol:

CUE: The Screen goes black.

The Operator notifies the CRS that the OPC Server A has been rebooted.

16. Notifies the CRS CUE: Acknowledge the report.

Stop Time: ____________ Total Time: ____________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Picture #1

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 7 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Picture #2

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 8 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 Picture #3

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXX(XXXXXX)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 9 of 9 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 00 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to simulate rebooting OPC Server A in accordance with 2.6.3OPC. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

General Conditions:

1. PMIS UPS is in service per Procedure 2.2.63.
2. HV-AC-C-1E is in service per Procedure 2.2.37.
3. Computer Room temperature is 75°F.
4. Computer Room humidity is 50%.

Initiating Cue(s):

The CRS directs you to reboot the A OPC Server Computer. Notify the CRS when the A OPC Server has been rebooted.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency)

Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Plant
2. Appropriate Trainee level: RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate
4. Performance Time: 10 minutes
5. NRC K/A 262001 K4.06 (3.6/3.9)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluates the trainee's ability to transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency) in accordance with Procedure 2.2.23.
2. Observe the trainee during performance of the JPM for proper use of self-checking methods.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee, place the simulator in run, and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency) in accordance with Procedure 2.2.23. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency)

General Conditions:

1. Steps of Section 8 have been completed through step 8.1.5.



1. Procedure 2.2.23 120/240 VAC Instrument Power Distribution System General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Simulator Setup: See Attachment 1.
2. Critical checks denoted by bold steps.
3. Simulator cues denoted by "#".

Task Standards:

1. CPP power supply is successfully transferred from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency).
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency) in accordance with Procedure 2.2.23. You are to perform the in-plant steps and coordinate with the control room for them to perform the control room steps.

Notify the CRS when the in-plant steps have been completed.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 Task No.: None


Transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency)

Start Time: ____________

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator obtains the current revision of

1. Obtain Procedure Procedure 2.2.23 120/240 VAC Instrument Power Distribution System. Selects Section 8.

The Operator obtains Key 43 from Shift Managers key locker.

2. Gets Key 43 CUE: Key 43 obtained.

The Operator unlocks and closes Breaker 1 on CDP-1 A, Emergency Feeder To Critical Instrument And Control Panel CPP (RPS MG

3. Closes Breaker 1 Set A Room).

on CDP-1A CUE: Breaker 1 on CDP-1A is pointing to the ON position.

The Operator notifies the Control Room to make following Gaitronics announcement: ATTENTION,


announcement CUE: Reply and state that the Announcement has been made.


5. Verifies Emergency (Cable Spreading Room), checks the Power Available EMERGENCY POWER AVAILABLE light is on.

Light CUE: The light is illuminated.

The Operator presses the EMERG button and checks CPP FED FROM CDP-1A light is on and CPP FED FROM CDP-1B light is off.

6. Presses Emergency button CUE: CPP FED FROM CDP-1A light is illuminated CPP FED FROM CDP-1B light is Off.

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Transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency)

Performance Checklist Standards Sat Unsat The Operator notifies the control room to reset the ARMs.

7. Notifies the Control Room to reset CUE: Respond to the report and inform the ARMs Operator that the ARMs are reset and the announcement about regarding further ARMs has been made as well.

The Operator opens and locks Breaker 2 on CDP-1B, Normal Feeder To Critical Instrument

8. Opens and locks And Control Panel CPP (RPS MG Set B Room).

Breaker 2 CUE: Breaker 2 on CDP-1B pointing to the OFF position, and lock is installed.

The Operator reports that all of the in-plant actions have been completed through step 8.1.12

9. Notifies CRS the In- of Procedure 2.2.23.

plant actions have been completed. CUE: Respond to the report and tell the Operator that the Control Room Operator will complete the rest of the procedure.

Stop Time: __________ Total Time: ___________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-XXX(xxxxxxx)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 5 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 0 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency) in accordance with Procedure 2.2.23. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the initiating cues and answer any questions you may have.

If being simulated In-Plant or Control Room:

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

General Conditions:

1. Steps of Section 8 have been completed through step 8.1.5.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to transfer CPP power supply from CDP-1B (normal) to CDP-1A (emergency) in accordance with Procedure 2.2.23. You are to perform the in-plant steps and coordinate with the control room for them to perform the control room steps.

Notify the CRS when the in-plant steps have been completed.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-85 (2100)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 1 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 05 Task No.: 200027O0401 Place Standby CRD Flow Control Valve A In Service When In Service Valve Fails Closed Trainee: Examiner:

Pass Fail Examiner Signature: Date:

Additional Program Information:

1. Appropriate Performance Locations: Plant
2. Appropriate Trainee Level: SO / RO / SRO
3. Evaluation Method: Simulate
4. Performance Time: 15 minutes
5. NRC K/A: 201003 A2.06 (3.0/3.1)

Directions to Examiner:

1. This JPM evaluated the examinee's ability to place the standby CRD flow control valve in-service when the in-service valve fails closed.
2. Give the trainee his copy of the Directions to the Trainee (Attachment 1) when ready to start the JPM.
3. Check off either satisfactory or unsatisfactory performance. If Unsat state why in the notes/comments section below.
4. Brief the trainee and tell the trainee to begin.

Notes/Comments: ____________________________________________________________

Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to place the standby CRD flow control valve in-service. The in-service valve has just failed Closed. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-85 (2100)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 2 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 05 Task No.: 200027O0401 Place Standby CRD Flow Control Valve A In Service When In Service Valve Fails Closed General Conditions:

1. The in-service FCV is indicating full closed in the Control Room.
2. Attempts to maintain cooling water flow at 50 gpm by operating CRD-FC-301 in manual have not been successful.
3. Drive water d/p is indicating at the bottom of the scale and cooling water flow is indicating low in the Control Room.



1. Abnormal Procedure 2.4CRD
2. 2.2.8 General Tools and Equipment:
1. None Special Conditions, References, Tools, Equipment:
1. Critical checks denoted by bold steps.

Task Standards:

1. The standby CRD flow control valve has successfully been placed in-service
2. 100% of critical elements successfully completed without error.
2. 100% of safety and radiological work practices.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform the Reactor Building actions to place the standby CRD flow control valve in-service because the in-service CRD flow control valve failed closed. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-85 (2100)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 3 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 05 Task No.: 200027O0401 Place Standby CRD Flow Control Valve A In Service When In Service Valve Fails Closed Start Time: ________

Performance Standard Sat Unsat Checklist Note: This JPM is written to accommodate which ever FCV is in service in the plant and can be used for either.

The Operator obtains Procedure 2.2.8 Section 18.

CUE: When the Operator has demonstrated that he

1. Obtains Procedure can obtain the current revision of the procedure, provide him with a copy of 2.2.8 Section 18 to mark up.

The Operator contacts the Reactor Operator and ensures that CRD-FC-301 is in BAL with set-tape

2. Contacts Control adjusted, as required, for obtaining 50 gpm cooling Room Operator water flow.

CUE: RO reports controller in Auto at 50 gpm.

The Operator establishes communications between

3. Establishes Control Room and FCVs (R-903-SE).

Communication CUE: RO Acknowledges communication The Operator ensures CRD-MA-245A or B, SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL MANUAL/AUTO STATION, is in

4. Ensures CRD- MAN with manual output (upper pointer) adjusted to MA-245A or B is in zero.

MAN adjusted to 0.

CUE: Indicate that the controller is positioned to manual with upper pointer is adjusted to 0.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-85 (2100)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 4 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 05 Task No.: 200027O0401 Place Standby CRD Flow Control Valve A In Service When In Service Valve Fails Closed Performance Standard Sat Unsat Checklist The Operator slowly opens the CRD-24, FLOW CONTROL VALVE AO-19A INLET.


5. Slowly opens CRD-24 or 26 The Operator slowly opens the CRD-26, FLOW CONTROL VALVE AO-19B INLET.

CUE: The hand wheel is full counter-clockwise.

The stem is raised up from the hand wheel.

The Operator slowly opens the CRD-25, FLOW CONTROL VALVE AO-19A OUTLET Or

6. Slowly opens CRD-25 The Operator slowly opens the CRD-27, FLOW CONTROL VALVE AO-19B OUTLET CUE: The hand wheel is full counter-clockwise.

The stem is raised up from the hand wheel.

NOTE - If in service FCV has failed, adjusting its manual output may have no effect.

The Operator slowly lowers the manual output of CRD-MA-245B, SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL MANUAL/AUTO STATION, and raises manual output of CRD-MA-245A to establish 50 gpm cooling water flow.

7. Slowly lowers the Or manual output of CRD-MA-245B or The Operator slowly lowers the manual output of 245A CRD-MA-245A, SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL MANUAL/AUTO STATION, and raises manual output of CRD-MA-245B to establish 50 gpm cooling water flow.

CUE: The upper pointer is at the far left of the scale on CRD-MA-245B or 245A.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-85 (2100)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 5 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 05 Task No.: 200027O0401 Place Standby CRD Flow Control Valve A In Service When In Service Valve Fails Closed Performance Standard Sat Unsat Checklist The Operator continues to raise the output on CRD-MA-245A until upper pointer is matched to lower pointer (manual and auto signals are matched).


8. Continues to raise The Operator continues to raise the output on the output on CRD-MA-245B until upper pointer is matched to lower CRD-MA-245A or pointer (manual and auto signals are matched).

245B CUE: Upper pointer is matched to lower pointer for CRD-MA-245A or 245B CUE: As the Control Room Operator tell the Operator that the flows are matched at 50 gpm.

The Operator places CRD-MA-245A to AUTO.

9. Places Or CRD-MA-245A or 245B to AUTO The Operator places CRD-MA-245B to AUTO.

CUE: Switch is pointing to AUTO.

NOTE - If in service FCV has failed, adjusting its manual output may have no effect.

The Operator slowly lowers the manual output of

10. Slowly lowers the CRD-MA-245B or 245A to zero and checks manual output of CRD-AOV-19A or 19B opens to maintain cooling water CRD-MA-245B or flow 45 to 50 gpm.

245A CUE: With a pointer indicate that flow is 50 gpm.

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-85 (2100)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 6 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 05 Task No.: 200027O0401 Place Standby CRD Flow Control Valve A In Service When In Service Valve Fails Closed The Operator closes CRD-27, FLOW CONTROL CRD-AOV-AO19B OUTLET.


11. Closes CRD-27 or
25. The Operator closes CRD-25, FLOW CONTROL CRD-AOV-AO19A OUTLET.

CUE: Hand wheel is fully clockwise. The stem is flush with the hand wheel.

The Operator closes CRD-26, FLOW CONTROL CRD-AOV-AO19B INLET.


12. Closes CRD-26 or
24. The Operator closes CRD-24, FLOW CONTROL CRD-AOV-AO19A INLET.

CUE: Hand wheel is fully clockwise. The stem is flush with the hand wheel.

The Operator informs the CRS that the standby CRD flow control valve A or B is in-service.

13. Informs the CRS CUE: The CRS acknowledges the report.

Stop Time ________ Total Time: ____________

Nebraska Public Power District SKL034-10-85 (2100)

Cooper Nuclear Station Page 7 of 7 Job Performance Measure for Operations Revision 05 ATTACHMENT 1 Directions to Trainee:

When I tell you to begin, you are to place the standby CRD flow control valve in-service. The in-service valve has just failed Closed. Before you start, I will state the general plant conditions, the Initiating Cues, and answer any questions you may have.

When simulating, physically point to any meters, gauges, recorders and controls you would be using. State the position of controls as you would have manipulated them in order to complete the assigned task.

General Conditions:

1. The in-service FCV is indicating full closed in the Control Room.
2. Attempts to maintain cooling water flow at 50 gpm by operating CRD-FC-301 in manual have not been successful.
3. Drive water d/p is indicating at the bottom of the scale and cooling water flow is indicating low in the Control Room.

Initiating Cue(s):

The Control Room Supervisor directs you to perform the Reactor Building actions to place the standby CRD flow control valve in-service because the in-service CRD flow control valve failed closed. Notify the CRS when the task is complete.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC-121 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Scenario No.: NRC 1 Op-Test No.: 1___

Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________________

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 85% power in single valve control with the Main Turbine Governor Valves. It is a red light day because record grid loads are expected.

Turnover: After turnover, the crew is to place the governor valves in Sequential GV control (Load Dispatcher has been notified) and continue the power ascension to 747 MWE net ~95% at <10 MWe per minute. Maintenance will be calling to start the HPCI Aux Oil Pump for Pump PM later in shift.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 N/A N Place MT Gov Valves into sequential valve control 2 N/A R Raise power with RR flow 3 3 C,TS HPCI Aux Oil system leak 4 4 I,TS CRD FC-301 Auto Output fails low, three CRDs with High Temps 5 5 C,TS SRV Fails Open 6 6 C, Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure, Manual ARI inserts rods 7 7 M, Earthquake; Suppression Pool Rupture: ED on Low SP/L

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Critical Tasks are located in Events 6 and 7.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 Scenario Objective Evaluate the crews ability to perform normal operations and raise power during non-emergency operations.

Evaluate the crews response to a lowering Suppression Pool Level and their ability to emergency depressurize the Reactor to suppress the steam in the torus before level gets too low and its energy is released into the Reactor Building.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at approximately 80% power
  • No equipment out of service.
  • It is a red light day because record grid loads are expected.


  • Place MT Gov Valves into sequential valve control
  • Raise power with RR flow
  • HPCI Aux Oil System Leak, TS
  • CRD FC-301 Auto Output fails low, three CRDs with High Temperatures, TS
  • SRV Fails Open, TS
  • Earthquake; Suppression Pool Rupture: ED on Low SP/L Scenario Sequence
  • Normal evolution - Place MT into Sequential Gov. Valve Control
  • Reactivity manipulation - Raise Power with RR Flow
  • Component Failure before the EOPs - HPCI Aux Oil System Leak
  • Instrument Failure - CRD Flow Controller Auto signal fails, three CRDs with High Temperatures
  • Component Failure before the EOPs - SRV Partial opening
  • Component Failure after the EOPs - Suppression Pool leak, below the water line:

Emergency Depressurization on low Suppression Pool Level.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 Event One: Place MT Gov Valves into sequential valve control Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required; this is a normal manipulation for the BOP.


Evaluate the crews ability to select the Digital Electro Hydraulic Controller and perform the required manipulations on the touch screen to shift the main turbine valve governor control to a Sequential alignment.

Success Path:

The Operator, in accordance with Procedure, performs the steps necessary to make the Turbine Governor Valves transition smoothly from single valve control to sequential valve control which causes turbine efficiency improvement (MWatts increase).

Event Two: Raise Power with Reactor Recirc to 737 MWE Net ~ 90%

Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required, this is a normal manipulation for the BOP.


Evaluate the RO ability to adjust Reactor Recirculation Pump flows to make power increase from ~80% to ~90%, by alternately raising flow on one RR Pump, letting the plant respond then making a similar adjustment on the other pumps controller.

Success Path:

Both Reactor Recirculation Pumps speeds are raised from ~65 to ~80; maintaining them within the required 5% allowed by Tech Specs, and it is done in accordance with Procedure 2.1.10.

Event Three: HPCI Aux Oil System Leak Malfunction Required:

HP12 Active set at 100%, at the start of the scenario. This failure will not start until the HPCI Aux Oil Pump is started.


Evaluate the crews response to an oil leak in the HPCI control oil system while performing the section of the Operating Procedure for the HPCI system 2.2.33 to start 3

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 the Aux Oil Pump for maintenance. During this event the Operator will be required to secure the pump.

Evaluate the CRSs ability to determine that HPCI is Inoperable.

Success Path:

The HPCI system is declared Inoperable per TS 3.5.1. Condition C 14 day LCO. RCIC is checked to be operable within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> and the Aux Oil Pump is secured to prevent operation.

Event Four: CRD FC-301 Auto Signal Failure Malfunction Required:

Override 03A35A1 CRD-FC-301 CRD System Flow Control Setpoint set at 0%.

Malfunction PMIS N200 set at 380, N213 set at 402 and N214 set at 480.


Evaluate the crews response to CRD-FC-301 Automatic control signal failure resulting in high charging water pressure and low cooling water flow.

Evaluate the ROs ability to diagnose the controller has failed.

Evaluate the SROs ability to determine if the CRDs which have high temperatures should be declared slow or inoperable.

Success Path:

CRD-FC-301 placed in Manual and CRD system flows and pressures returned to normal. SRO addresses CRDs with high temperatures.

Event Five: SRV Fails Open Malfunction Required:

AD06b set at 50% to start the relief valve leaking then it is modified to 20% to minimize the heat addition to the torus.


Evaluate the crews performance of Abnormal Procedure 2.4SRV for a leaking SRV which has the Operator cycle the leaking valve to reseat it.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specification for Suppression Pool Average Temperature, if the SRV is not closed within a short period of time.

Success Path:

The Operator notices and responds to the leaking SRV in accordance with Annunciator Procedures and 2.4SRV. The SRV will be cycled open then taken back to the closed position to reseat the valve. Once the valve has been cycled the tail pipe temperature starts lowering and the heat addition into the Torus is secured. The CRS determines 4

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 that Technical Specification for Suppression Pool Average Temperature may apply depending on whether Suppression Pool Temperature at 95F.

Event Six: Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure Manual ARI works Malfunction Required:

RD162615 CRD 26-15 Slow Scram Time RD162623 CRD 26-23 Slow Scram Time RD162615 CRD 26-15 Scrammed RD162623 CRD 26-23 Scrammed Override Reactor Manual Scram Push Button position Push Out Override Reactor Manual Scram Push Button light Off Objective:

Evaluate the crews response in accordance with Abnormal Procedure 2.4CRD and their ability to recognize Scram Actions with more than one rod is drifting in. Also to recognize that the One Channels Manual Scram Push Button failed to work and the need to manually initiate ARI.

Success Path:

The Operator determines the ATWS when a manual scram fails to work when more than one rod is drifting and initiates ARI manually.

Event Seven: Earthquake; Suppression Pool leak: ED on low SP/L Malfunction Required:

HV02b Major Earthquake set to 25%

PC08 Suppression Pool Water Leak 25% level lowers at -0.2/min Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a major earthquake in accordance with Emergency Procedure 5.1Quake.

Evaluate the crews ability to monitor and control the consequences of an Unisolable leak in the torus below the normal water level.

Evaluate the crews ability to anticipate emergency depressurization and transfer as much energy to the condenser prior to emergency depressurizing the Reactor.

Success Path:

The crew emergency depressurizes the reactor when suppression pool level lowers to 9.6.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-1 Scenario Termination:

When the reactor is depressurized (50 psig above Torus pressure) and level is being maintained between +3 to +54 and the lead examiner has seen enough, the scenario may be stopped.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 When to When the Crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the initiate: lead examiner.



Place MT Gov Valves into sequential valve control Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Direct BOP to transfer Main Turbine Governor valves to Sequential CRS valve control per Procedure Role If contacted as the Load Dispatcher, that there will be rise in Play power from the Cooper Station, acknowledge the report.

Transfers Main Turbine Governor valves from Single into Sequential valve control per Procedure, Section 14:

NOTE - Valve transfer takes ~ 3 minutes.

14.2.1 On open GOV VALVE SINGLE SEQ TRANSFER control on the MODE 4 - TURBINE FOLLOW REACTOR MANUAL screen, perform following: Press SEQ VALVE button.

BOP Verify HOLD button backlights yellow.

NOTE - HOLD button may be pressed at any time to pause transfer. Press GO button to start transfer. When governor valves reach their sequential positions, verify GO button is not backlit.

14.2.2 Contact Reactor Engineering to change CPRLIM for sequential valve operation.

RO Performs peer checks as requested.

Monitors MT Governor valves position and Main Generator output BOP rise on HMI.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 1 When to When the Crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the initiate: lead examiner.



Place MT Gov Valves into sequential valve control Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Monitors Reactor power and communicates any changes in Reactor RO power to the rest of the crew.

BOP Provides an Update to the Crew on the status of the evolution.

Role As Reactor Engineer, state you will change CPRLIM for Play sequential valve operation.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Event


Raise reactor power to 747 MWE Net ~90% with RR flow.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CRS Direct reactor power raise with RR flow per Procedure 2.1.10.

Take position of Reactivity Manager.

CRS Ensure reactivity brief has been completed with involved Control Room personnel. (Completed prior to entering the simulator).

Monitor various independent/redundant parameters and power indications for proper plant response during all power changes; utilize the list below (as a minimum) as dictated by plant conditions:

Reactor Water Level.

Reactor Steam Pressure and Flow.

Reactor Power, APRMs, RBMs, IRMs, or SRMs, as required.

CRS/RO Reactor Recirc Speed, Jet Pump, and Loop Flows.

Total Core Flow and Core Support Plate DP.

Reactor Feed Pump Flow and Speed.

Main Generator Output (Gross and Net).

Ensures APRM indicated power versus actual power from other indications does not result in non-conservative protective trip CRS/RO setpoints (indicated power + allowable gain adjustment tolerances less than actual power) 3

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Event


Raise reactor power to 747 MWE Net ~90% with RR flow.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior If called to monitor and adjust RRMG Lube Oil Temperatures, tell them you will monitor and adjust the temperatures as Role Play necessary.

If called to monitor Condensate Filter Demineralizer flows, tell them you will monitor and adjust flows as necessary.

Ensure RR Subsystem flows are balanced, by alternately raising flow on one RR Pump, letting the plant respond then making a similar adjustment on the other pumps controller.

RO Both Reactor Recirculation Pumps speeds are raised from ~65 to

~80; maintaining them within the required 5% allowed by Tech Specs, and it is done at a rate not to exceed 10 MWE per minute.

Raise power by raising RR pump flow as follows:

Maintain rate of power change consistent with system capabilities RO as determined by Load Dispatcher and TG limits.

Monitor core thermal limits (MFLCPR, MFLPD, and MAPRAT), per RO Procedure 6.LOG.601, to ensure compliance with Technical Specifications Section 3.2.

BOP Monitor plant equipment for power change and peer checks RO.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 2 Event


Raise reactor power to 747 MWE Net ~90% with RR flow.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Event


HPCI Aux Oil System Leak Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Booth This failure will start as soon as the BOP Operator starts the Operator HPCI Aux Oil Pump.

As Mechanical Maintenance personnel, contact CRS and ask to start HPCI Aux Oil pump so a PM on pump vibration can be Role Play performed per Work Order 3890219, per procedure 2.2.33.

Also report that Maintenance personnel are standing by in the room.

Direct BOP operator to start HPCI Aux Oil Pump per Procedure CRS 2.2.33.

Starts HPCI Aux Oil Pump per Procedure 2.2.33 Section 7.

7. AUXILIARY OIL PUMP OPERATIONS 7.1 Start AUXILIARY OIL PUMP by placing control switch in START.

7.2 Check TURBINE STOP VALVE opens.

BOP NOTE - Governor valve may partially open, then close and re open if HPCI Oil System has not operated recently.


7.4 Allow auxiliary oil pump to run to support operational requirements.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Event


HPCI Aux Oil System Leak Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Call the BOP Operator, as Mechanical Maintenance, and report Role Play there is a large oil leak on the HPCI Aux Oil Pump discharge piping.

Place HPCI Aux Oil Pump control switch in Pull-To-Lock and inform BOP CRS of oil leak.

BOP Provides Update to the Crew that HPCI is in Pulled to Lock.

Review TS LCO 3.5.1- ECCS-Operating.

LCO 3.5.1 Each ECCS injection spray subsystem and the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function of six safety relief valves shall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILITY: MODE 1, MODES 2 and 3, except high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) and ADS valves are not required to be OPERABLE with reactor steam dome pressure 150 psig.

CRS Condition C- HPCI System inoperable.

Required Actions-C. 1 Verify by administrative means RCIC System is OPERABLE.

Completion time- 1 Hour.

C.2 Restore HPCI System to OPERABLE status.

Completion time- 14 days.

Contacts Work Control to confirm that RCIC surveillance was CRS successful and within periodicity and to notify them of the oil leak on the HPCI Oil System.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 3 Event


HPCI Aux Oil System Leak Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior As either Work Control or Management, respond to the report Role Play about the HPCI oil leak and the fact that HPCI is inoperable.

Report that all surveillances are current for RCIC.

CRS Updates Crew with status of HPCI.

Event ends with system declared inoperable and RCIC verified operable.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at the direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Event


CRD Flow Controller Auto output fails low.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Override: Insert Trigger 3 Booth 03A35A1 CRD-FC-301 CRD SYSTEM FLOW CONTROL Operation SETPOINT set at 0%.

Mal NXXXXX for CRD Temperatures ramp in over 1 minute.


1. OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION 1.1 Check drive water flow control valves for proper operation.

1.2 Adjust CRD-MO-20 to maintain following:

RO 1.2.1 Drive water DP of ~ 265 psid.

1.2.2 Cooling water DP of ~ 20 psid.

1.3 Adjust charging water pressure manually with CRD-170, PUMP DISCHARGE MANUAL PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE, per Procedure 2.2.8.

1.4 If annunciator due to CRD flow degradation, enter Procedure 2.4CRD.

Reports Alarm Typer indicates that three CRDs have high BOP/RO temperatures.

Recognize CRD system parameters not normal and report to CRS:

High Charging Water Pressure Low Drive Water DP Low Cooling Water DP RO Low Cooling Water flow AND System Flow Control Valve AO 19A closed.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Event


CRD Flow Controller Auto output fails low.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CRD-FC-301 output downscale.

Direct Reactor Building operator to check CRD Flow Control Valve RO/BOP AO-19 for proper operation.

As reactor building operator wait 3 minutes and report back Role Play the CRD Flow Control valve appears to be operating normally.

CRS Enter 2.4CRD and direct RO perform Subsequent Operator Actions.

Enter 2.4CRD Attachment 5 and perform actions to place CRD-FC-RO 301 in Manual.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Event


CRD Flow Controller Auto output fails low.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CWT-1 CWT-2 CWT-3 Stop Any Cooling Ensure HCU Valve START Rod Water Flow Lineup Correct Movement 45-50 gpm? YES Per Procedure 2.2.8A CWT-4 NO Take Manual Flow Control with CRD-FC-301 CWT-5 Cooling YES Water Flow 45-50 gpm?

CWT-6 CRDM NO temperature

> 350F?

NO CWT-7 CWT-14 CWT-15 Shift FCVs per Address OPERABILITY per TS 3.1.4 Rx Eng and Procedure (ref Proc 10.35) and obtain Rx Eng CRD System 2.2.8 and CRD System Eng Guidance Eng Provide Guidance NO CWT-13 CRDM temperature

> 350F?

CWT-8 Cooling Water Flow YES 45-50 gpm?

NO YES YES CWT-9 CWT-11 CWT-10 CWT-12 Cooling Take Manual Flow Cooling Take Manual YES NO Water Flow Control with Local Water Flow Flow Control with 45-50 gpm? Controller per 45-50 gpm?

CRD-FC-301 Procedure 2.2.8 CWT-16 NO Rx Eng, Management, CRD System Eng Provide Guidance Report to CRS when CRD parameters returned to normal (green RO band).

RO Reports to the CRS three CRD Temperatures are in alarm.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Event


CRD Flow Controller Auto output fails low.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Displays CRD Temperatures on PMIS by typing in CRD into the input field. And determines that CRD 30-19, 30-23, and 26-23s RO temperatures are above 350 degrees, and reports that information to the CRS.

Will contact the RE to evaluate the CRDs with elevated CRS temperatures in accordance with Procedure 10.35.

As the Reactor Engineer, wait 2 minutes and call the CRS and report the following information:

Current corrected Current corrected Current corrected Scram Times for Scram Times for Scram Times for Role Play 26-23 are: 30-19 are: 30-23 are:

46 0.47 sec. 46 0.97 sec. 46 0.95 sec.

36 1.13 sec. 36 1.85 sec. 36 1.79 sec.

26 1.91 sec. 26 2.76 sec. 26 2.70 sec.

06 3.50 sec. 06 4.10 sec. 06 4.00 sec.

Based on the REs evaluation the CRS will call the three Rods Slow.

CRS Tech Spec 3.1.4 Control Rod Scram Times will be addressed.

Action A Requirements of the LCO not met. Be In Mode 3 in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.

Briefs the Crew on the LCO Call and the requirement to be in Hot CRS Shutdown in 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 4 Event


CRD Flow Controller Auto output fails low.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Event


SRV Fails Open Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert following Malfunction:

Booth Operation AD06b SRV Fails Open set at 50%. Insert Trigger 5 Reports following alarms to CRS:

BOP 9-3-1/A-2 RELIEF VALVE OPEN 9-3-1/C-1 SAFETY/RELIEF VALVE LEAKING Booth After SRV open alarms come in Modify Malfunction AD06b Operation severity to 30%.

BOP Reports event is an entry condition for Procedure 2.4SRV.

CRS Enters 2.4SRV and assigns subsequent actions to BOP.

Enters 2.4SRV

4. SUBSEQUENT OPERATOR ACTIONS BOP 4.1 Place stuck open relief valve (SORV) control switch to OPEN.

Booth When SRV B control switch taken to OPEN, Delete Malfunction Operation AD06b.

Note: Operator may stage Building Operator to pull fuses in panel 9-45 in the Aux Relay Room.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Event


SRV Fails Open Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 4.2 Rapidly reduce reactor power to 90%.

4.3 If at any time, average suppression pool temperature cannot be maintained below 110ºF, SCRAM and concurrently enter Procedure 2.1.5.

4.4 Monitor reactor power while attempting to close relief valve.

4.5 If ADS or LLS logic testing in progress, perform following:

4.5.1 Remove all SURVEILLANCE TEST switches.

BOP 4.5.2 Place SORV control switch to AUTO. This will close the SRV.

4.5.3 If SRV remains open, place SORV control switch to OPEN.

4.6 If an ADS valve affected, perform following:

4.6.1 Place ADS INHIBIT A and B to INHIB.

4.6.2 Place SORV control switch to AUTO.

Note to Examiner: Step 4.7 is N/A (not a LLS valve).

4.8 Concurrently place RHR Subsystem closest to SORV in Suppression Pool Cooling per Procedure

CRS May direct RHR be placed into Suppression Pool Cooling if torus water temperature rising.

Performs rapid power reduction if reactor power >90% in RO accordance with Procedure 2.1.10.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Event


SRV Fails Open Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Review TS LCO Pool Average Temperature.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, and 3 If average temperature reaches 95°F:

Enter Condition A Suppression pool average temperature > 95°F but 110°F AND THERMAL POWER is >1% RTP CRS AND Not performing testing that adds heat to the suppression pool Required Actions A.1 Verify suppression pool average temperature 110°F Completion Time of Once per hour AND A.2 Restore suppression pool average temperature to 95°F Completion Time of 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

The RO will pull the Suppression Pool Cooling Hard Card and perform the following steps. NA this section if Suppression Pool Cooling is not placed in service.

1.1 Place RHR SW System in service:

1.1.1 Start SWBP(s).

1.1.2 Adjust SW-MO-89A(B) to maintain flow between 2500 and 4000 gpm .

1.2 If required, with CRS permission, place CONTMT COOLING 2/3 CORE VALVE CONTROL PERMISSIVE switch to MANUAL OVERRD.



Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Event


SRV Fails Open Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 1.4 Open RHR-MO-39A(B).

1.5 If reactor pressure < 300 psig and injection not desired, close RHR-MO-27A(B), OUTBD INJECTION VLV.

NOTE If directed by EOP 3A, maximize cooling.

1.6 Ensure RHR PUMP running.

NOTE RHR pump operation at minimum flow should be limited to < 15 minutes or pump damage may result.

1.7 Throttle RHR-MO-34A(B), as required to obtain desired cooling flow .

1.8 Throttle RHR-MO-66A(B), as required to obtain desired cooling rate .

1.9 If PCIS Group 6 lights lit on Panel 9-5, ensure one of following open :

1.9.1 REC-MO-711 ; or 1.9.2 REC-MO-714.

1.10 If additional cooling required, initiate cooling in non-running RHR Loop and start additional pumps.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 5 Event


SRV Fails Open Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior If Suppression Pool Cooling is placed in service, the CRS will declare that loop of RHR Inoperable for LPCI in accordance with Tech Spec 3.5.1, and with HPCI inoperable will enter an LCO for Condition D HPCI System inoperable And Condition A entered.

This is a 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> LCO.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Event


Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure Manual ARI works Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Trigger 6 with the following Malfunctions:

RD162615 CRD 26-15 Slow Scram Time RD162623 CRD 26-23 Slow Scram Time Booth RD162615 CRD 26-15 Scrammed Operation RD162623 CRD 26-23 Scrammed Time delay 30 seconds Override Reactor Man Scram Push Button position Push Out Override Reactor Manual Scram Push Button light Off Override Rx Mode Switch to Run.

Reports following alarms to CRS:


  • 9-5-1 C-4 Rod Drift
  • 9-5-2 G-6 Accumulator Low Pressure Enters 2.4CRD for Drifting Rod. And assigns the RO the Scram CRS Actions if more than one rod is drifting, scram the reactor.

Monitors the Full Core Display looking for other drifting control rods.

30 seconds after the first rod drifts, the second one will drift and the RO RO is expected to catch it and attempt to scram the unit by pressing both Manual Scram Push Buttons on Panel 9-5 Reports that more than one rod is drifting and that he is manually RO scramming the plant.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Event


Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure Manual ARI works Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Reports that ATWS conditions exist, and that the manual scram RO pushbutton failed to work on the B Channel.

Performs the MITIGATING TASK SCRAM ACTIONS of Procedure 2.1.5 (Attachment 1);


RO 1.2 Place REACTOR MODE switch to REFUEL. Reports ATWS Conditions exist.

1.3 Announce reactor scram and reactor status to Control Room including controlling systems for critical parameters.

Assign Procedure 2.1.5 Attachments to RO and BOP (if not CRS assigned earlier).

Enters EOP 1A and EOP 6A and 7A where he directs the RO to CRS

  • Place the Mode Switch to Shutdown


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Event


Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure Manual ARI works Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 2 Reactor Power Control actions:


1.2 Verify all SDV vent and drain valves are closed.

NOTE - RR pump(s) will be tripped if on Normal Transformer or if ARI/RPT has automatically initiated.

1.3 Ensure operating RR pumps have run back to 22%


NOTE - Steps 1.4 and 1.5 may be performed concurrently.

RO 1.4 Verify all control rods are fully inserted.

1.4.1 If necessary, insert control rods as directed by CRS.

1.5 Observe nuclear instrumentation and perform following:

1.5.1 Insert SRM detectors.

1.5.2 Insert IRM detectors.

1.5.3 Change APRM recorders to IRMs.

1.5.4 Range IRMs on scale.

1.5.5 Check reactor power is lowering.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Event


Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure Manual ARI works Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 4 Reactor Pressure Control, actions:

1. REACTOR PRESSURE CONTROL NOTE - Steps 1.1 through 1.5 may be performed concurrently.

1.1 If necessary to stabilize or reduce reactor pressure, BPVs can be operated in manual by performing following:

1.1.1 Transfer bypass valve control from AUTO to MANUAL by pressing BPV MANUAL button and check it backlights. Press BPV RAISE or LOWER buttons BOP to adjust impulse pressure or reactor pressure.

1.2 Maintain RPV pressure in the prescribed band by using the following systems based on plant conditions:

1.2.1 DEH per Procedure

1.2.2 SRVs per Procedure 2.2.1.

1.2.3 HPCI per Procedure

1.2.4 RCIC per Procedure


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Event


Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure Manual ARI works Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 5 Balance of Plant, actions:

1. BALANCE OF PLANT ACTIONS 1.1 Verify main turbine automatically tripped or perform following when main generator output 80 MWe: 5 1.1.1 At Panel B, press TURB TRIP 1 and TURB TRIP 2 buttons for ~ 10 seconds.

1.3 When main turbine trips, observe following valves close:

1.3.1 Both stop valves.

BOP 1.3.2 All governor valves.

1.3.3 All reheat stop valves.

1.3.4 All interceptor valves.

1.4 Verify station service is transferred to Startup Transformer.

1.5 Ensure PCB-3310 open (Panel C).

1.6 Ensure PCB-3312 open (Panel C).

1.7 Ensure GEN EXCITER FIELD BKR is open (Panel C).


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 6 Event


Two Rods Drift In, Manual Scram Failure Manual ARI works Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior The Control Rods are inserted by manually initiating Alternate Critical Rod Insertion (ARI) when the RPS system fails to prevent Task exceeding HCTL limits.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Event


Earthquake, Suppression Pool Leak, ED on low SP/L Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunctions:

Booth IMF HV02b Major Earthquake set to 25%.

Operation IMF PC08 Suppression Pool Water Leak 25% level lowers at -0.2/min.

Respond to alarms:

BOP/RO B-3/A-1, EMERGENCY SEISMIC HIGH LEVEL B-3/B-1, SEISMIC EVENT Enters Procedure 5.1QUAKE and assigns Subsequent CRS Operator Actions to BOP.

Performs 5.1QUAKE Subsequent Operator Actions:

1.1 Validate seismic alarm(s) by any or all of following:

1.1.1 Physical sensation of earth movement.

1.1.2 Seismic instrumentation jarring/vibration by personnel or equipment (metal enclosure north of Intake).

BOP 1.1.3 Contact Ft. Calhoun Station Control Room -

(402) 533-6623.

1.1.4 Contact National Earthquake Information Center at (303) 273-8500.

1.2 If seismic event false and seismic monitor actuated, go to Step 4.18.

1.3 If only B-3/B-1, SEISMIC EVENT, is valid or cannot be shown false, continue normal operation.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Event


Earthquake, Suppression Pool Leak, ED on low SP/L Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 1.4 If both following alarms are valid or cannot be shown false, enter Procedure 2.1.4.

1.4.1 B-3/B-1, SEISMIC EVENT.


1.5 If earthquake impacted plant site, perform following:

1.5.1 Visually inspect Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) for signs of Horizontal Storage Module (HSM) damage.

1.5.2 If any HSMs are damaged, direct Radiation Protection to perform a dose survey of ISFSI.

1.5.3 Concurrently enter Procedure 5.1HSM.

1.6 Contact RP Department to conduct radiological surveys and assist with field walkdowns as necessary.

1.8 Walk down main Control Room panels to check for abnormal conditions/indications.

1.8.1 Specific items to check include following: Reactor power. RPV pressure. RPV level, including cavity level if flooded up.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Event


Earthquake, Suppression Pool Leak, ED on low SP/L Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Core flow. Primary and secondary containment isolation status. Primary and secondary containment radiation levels. Primary and secondary containment temperatures. Vibration monitoring equipment. Tank levels (ECST A, ECST B, CST A, CST B, etc.). Balance of plant and support systems for actuations.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Event


Earthquake, Suppression Pool Leak, ED on low SP/L Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior If sent to investigate damage in the Reactor Building, Role Play call back and report that the Suppression Pool has a leak at a weld below the water line and water is pouring out.

BOP 1.10 Notify Chemistry to sample and analyze RPV coolant.

BOP Report lowering SP Level.

When SP (torus) water level below -2 in, enter EOP 3A.

Direct BOP maintain PC level above 11 ft with following systems, EOP 5.8.14:

  • RHR-A
  • RHR-B
  • CS-A
  • CS-B.

Contacts the Reactor Building Station Operator to perform section 10 of Emergency Procedure 5.8.14.

BOP Respond as the RB Station Operator that I will perform Role Play section 10 of Emergency Procedure 5.8.14.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Event


Earthquake, Suppression Pool Leak, ED on low SP/L Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Enter Procedure 5.8.14:

If using HPCI and/or RCIC, the system Minimum flow valve will be opened:

  • RCIC-MO-27 If using CS and/or RHR the test return path is used:
  • RHR-MO-39 and RHR-MO-34
  • CS-MO-26 When PC water level cannot be maintained above 11 ft, direct BOP to:


1. Stop and prevent HPCI.
2. Maintain PC water level above 9.6 ft.

BOP Report when PC water level is approaching 11 ft.

CRS Direct stop and prevent with HPCI.

Place HPCI Aux Oil Pump control switch in Pull-To-Lock.

BOP The system will be in Pulled to Lock. No action is required CRS Direct BOP maintain PC water level above 9.6 ft.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Event


Earthquake, Suppression Pool Leak, ED on low SP/L Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior BOP Report when PC water level approaches 9.6 ft.

Note to examiner: CRS may Anticipate Emergency Depressurization per EOP 1A Override Step RC/P-1.

Direct BOP to anticipate or perform Emergency Depressurization.

If anticipating ED, direct BOP to fully open MT bypass CRS valves.

If ED with SRVs, then verify PC water level is above 6 ft. and direct BOP open 6 SRVs.

If directed to anticipate ED, then rapidly depressurize RPV using Main Turbine Bypass valves per Procedure, Attachment 3 (Hard Card):

3. MANUAL BPV CONTROL 3.1 On BYPASS VALVE POSITION control, press OPEN to access controls.

BOP 3.2 Press MANUAL button and check it backlights yellow.

3.3 On BYPASS VALVE POSITION control, use UP/DOWN, JOG UP/JOG DOWN and FAST/SLOW controls to adjust BYPASS VALVE POSITION to desired value.

If directed to ED, open 6 SRVs by taking their control BOP switches to OPEN.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 1 Event No.: 7 Event


Earthquake, Suppression Pool Leak, ED on low SP/L Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior BOP Report RPV pressure as it lowers.

Control RPV water level during ED with available injection RO systems.

When PC water level cannot be maintained above 9.6 ft.,

either Anticipate Emergency Depressurization the RPV Critical Task with the bypass valves or Emergency Depressurize the RPV with the SRVs.

END OF EVENT Notes When ED is complete (RPV pressure < 50 psig above Torus pressure), RPV level is controlled in desired band and lead examiner has observed enough of the scenario, then terminate the scenario.



Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Simulator Setup Initialize the simulator in IC121 (EOC)

Triggers and Malfunctions E1 - None E2 - None E3 - HP12 Active set at 100%

E4 - PMIS N200 set at 380, N213 set at 402 and N214 set at 480, ramped in over 1 minute.

E5 - AD06b set at 50% to start the relief valve leaking then it is modified to 20% to minimize the heat addition to the torus.

E6 - RD162615 CRD 26-15 Slow Scram Time

- RD162623 CRD 26-23 Slow Scram Time

- RD162615 CRD 26-15 Scrammed

- RD162623 CRD 26-23 Scrammed E7 - HV02b Major Earthquake set to 25%

- PC08 Suppression Pool Water Leak 25% level lowers at -0.2/min Overrides

  • 03A35A1 CRD-FC-301 CRD System Flow Control Setpoint set at 0%.
  • Ensure PMIS IDTs are blank.
  • Reduce Reactor Power with Rx Recirc to 85%
  • Balance Main Generator voltage regulator
  • Ensure Recirc Controllers are selected to AS@

Procedures Needed Work Order for HPCI Aux Oil Pump vibration Tags Hung None 32

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Turnover Sheet:

Plant Status: The plant is operating at approximately 85%.

Risk: Green Activities in Progress: Recovery from being in single valve control.

LCOs in effect: None Equipment out of service: None Activities for the Shift: After turnover, the crew is to transfer Main Turbine Governor Valve control from single to sequential.

After the Governor Valves have been transferred, continue the power ascension to 747 MWE net in accordance with the load schedule and procedure 2.1.10.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Scenario No.: NRC 2 Op-Test No.: 1____

Examiners: ____________________________ Operators: _____________________

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 100% with Surveillance 6.1DG101 in progress:

Turnover: After turnover, the crew is to secure DG#1 following its monthly test; LCO 3.8.1 Condition B is in effect.

Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description 1 N/A N DG-1 Monthly Surveillance 2 2 I,TS RR Pump speed lowers 3 3 C Combustion in the Off-Gas system 4 4 I,TS FW and Main Turbine high water level instruments fail 5 5 M Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid, requiring Manual Scram 6 6 C Loss of Emergency Transformer, Loss of Critical Bus 1F 7 7 C, DG-1 Fails to Auto Start 8 8 M, Small Break LOCA, Containment Sprays

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Critical Tasks are located in Events 7 and 8.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Scenario Objective Evaluate the crews ability to perform normal surveillances and to respond to instrument and component failures during non-emergency conditions.

Evaluate the crews response to a rising reactor power level and a lowering Turbine High Pressure Fluid Reservoir.

Evaluate the crews response to a small break LOCA which causes Drywell temperatures and pressures to rise and before 280°F in the Drywell the crew initiates Drywell Sprays to maintain temperature below 280°F.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at approximately 100% power
  • No equipment out of service.
  • 6.1DG.101 is in progress.
  • DG-1 load was lowered to 1000 kW 5 minutes ago.


  • DG-1 Monthly Surveillance
  • RR Pump speed lowers - TS
  • Combustion in the Off-Gas system
  • Loss of Emergency Transformer, Loss of Critical Bus 1F
  • DG-1 Fails to Auto Start
  • Normal activity - DG-1 Monthly Surveillance
  • Instrument Failure - RR speed lowers
  • Component Failure before EOPs - Combustion in the Off-Gas System
  • Instrument Failure - FW and Main Turbine high water level instrument fails
  • Major Failure - Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid, requiring Manual Scram
  • Component Failure after EOPs - Loss of Emrg Transfmr, Loss of Critical Bus 1F
  • Component Failure after EOPs - DG-1Fails to Auto Start
  • Major Failure - Small break LOCA, with raising DW temperature and pressure

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Event One: DG-1 Monthly Surveillance Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required; this is a normal manipulation for the BOP.


Evaluate the crew during normal surveillance activities.

Evaluate the BOP Operator unloading and securing DG1 in accordance with 6.1DG.101, 31 day load test.

Success Path:

The #1 DG is unloaded from 1000 KW and the engine is secured in accordance with the surveillance procedure.

Event Two: RR Pump speed lowers Malfunction Required:

RR17b set at 70%.

Override ZDIRRMGSWS16B(1) set to ON.


Evaluate the crews response to a failed Jordan RR controller.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications for RR loop mismatch.

Success Path:

RR Pump A speed is lowered until both loop flows are balanced within specification.

The CRS will review Tech Specs LCO 3.4.1 and consider RR Pump B not in service until pump speeds are matched.

Event Three: Combustion in the Off-Gas System Malfunction Required:


Evaluate the crews response to combustion in the off-gas train as indicated by Annunciator B-3 / E-3 AUG OFFGAS TROUBLE and elevated temperatures on the Off-gas lines.

Evaluate the BOP Operators ability to accurately communicate steps of the Abnormal Procedure to the Turbine Building Station Operator.

Success Path:

The steps on the Abnormal are performed and the combustion is extinguished.

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Event Four: FW and Main Turbine high water level instruments fail Malfunction Required:

RR27a set at 0%.

RR27c set at 0%.


Evaluate the crews response to the failure 2 of the 3 RFP Turbine and Main Turbine high water level trip instrumentation.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications.

Success Path:

With only one instrument available (NBI-LT-52B) the crew will recognize that there is a loss of the two out of three logic for the high level trip for the RFP Turbines and the Main Turbine The CRS declares the instruments inoperable in accordance with Tech Specs LCO Condition A. Required Action A.1 Place channel in trip within 7 days, and Condition B Required Action B.1 Restore feedwater and main turbine high water level trip capability within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

Event Five: Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid, requiring a Manual Scram Malfunction Required:

TC10 Turbine High Press Fluid leak increased from 75%.


Evaluate the pre-staging and conservative decision making prior to the need to scram the Reactor prior to losing Turbine High Pressure Fluid Pumps and control of Turbine GVs, Stop Valves and Bypass Valves.

Success Path:

Reactor is scrammed and pressure control is transferred to HPCI and SRVs.

Event Six: Loss of Emergency Transformer, Loss of Critical Bus 1F Malfunction Required:


ED08A 4160 BUS 1A FAILURE Objective:

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 IC -122 Evaluate the crews response to the loss of the Emergency Transformer and a subsequent loss of 1F Critical Bus, during the Scram recovery.

Evaluate the BOPs ability to enter Procedure 5.3EM-PWR and ensure the Critical Busses are powered by an emergency power source.

Evaluate the crews ability to shift RPV level control to the High Pressure ECCS and RCIC systems due to a loss of all Condensate and Booster pumps.

Success Path:

Startup Transformer is supplying the Critical Busses until a fault causes the loss of 1F.

RPV Level is being controlled within the +3 to 54 inch range with RCIC, CRD and HPCI.

Event Seven: DG-1 Fails to Auto Start Malfunction Required:

DG06A Diesel Generator #1 Fails to Auto Start Objective:

Evaluate the crew recognition that Diesel 1failed to auto start when required and to perform the necessary steps to start Diesel 1 and energize the Critical Bus.

Success Path:

Both Critical Busses are Energized; one from the Diesel Generator, the other from the Startup Transformer.

Event Eight: LOCA Containment Sprays Malfunction Required:

RR20A Coolant Leakage Inside Primary Containment @ 12% with a ramp time of 10 minutes.


Evaluate the crew response to a slow increase in Drywell Temperature and pressure and to vent Primary Containment in an attempt to control the pressure rise.

Evaluate the crews ability to spray the Drywell in accordance with the EOPs to control pressure and temperature, as the LOCA gradually worsens.

Success Path:

Torus and Drywell Sprays are initiated prior to DW temperature reaching 280°F.

Scenario Termination:

When Reactor water level is being controlled between +3 and +54 inches and Drywell Sprays are controlling Drywell Pressure between 2 and 10 psig.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 1 When the Crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the When to initiate:

lead examiner.



Secure DG-1 after monthly surveillance.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CRS Direct BOP operator to continue in SP 6.1DG.101.

Makes plant announcement over the Gaitronics that the Diesel BOP Generator is being unloaded and secured.

Role Play If called as the Turbine Building Operator indicate that you are ready for the diesel to be secured.

Continue in 6.1DG.101 to complete surveillance:

After DG1 has run required time, perform following:

When DG1 has run for 5 minutes at 1000 kW:

Lower DG1 load to 400 kW.

BOP Lower DG1 kVARs as low as possible.

Open DIESEL GEN 1 BKR EG1 and ensure switch spring returns to AFTER TRIP (green flagged).

4.81 Record date/time DG1 unloaded on Attachment 2.

Contacts the TB Station Operator to place the DROOP PARALLEL BOP switch to ISOCH.

Booth Insert Remote Function DG03 to place the DROOP PARALLEL switch to ISOCH.

Operator 1

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 1 When the Crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the When to initiate:

lead examiner.



Secure DG-1 after monthly surveillance.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior As the TB Operator call the BOP and report that the DROOP Role Play PARALLEL switch has been placed in ISOCH.

Adjust DG1 frequency to ~ 60 Hz.

BOP Adjust DG1 voltage to 4200 VAC.

Ensure DG1 has been unloaded 5 minutes.

Booth CUE the BOP Operator that 5 minutes has elapsed Operator Secure DG1 by performing one of following:

BOP Place and hold DIESEL GEN 1 STOP/START switch to STOP for 1 to 2 seconds, then release; or RO Monitor Panel 9-5 and provide peer checks as requested.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Event


RR Pump speed lowers Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert following Malfunction and Override: Insert Trigger 2 Booth RR17b RR Pump B Jordan Controller failure set at 70%.

Operation Override ZDIRRMGSWS16B(1) RR Scoop Tube Lockout Set to OFF (prevents locking out RR Pump B).

Respond to RR Pump B lowering in speed and reports event to CRS Take Immediate Operator Actions of Procedure 2.4RR.

3.3 If recirculation flow is not stable, perform following:

RO 3.3.1 If recirculation flow is rising: N/A Press SCOOP TUBE LOCKOUT button. N/A If flow still has not stabilized, trip affected RR pump and enter Attachment 1 (Page 3). N/A 3.3.2 If recirculation flow is lowering, press SCOOP TUBE LOCKOUT button.

RO Updates the Crew entry into Abnormal Procedure 2.4RR.

Note to Examiner: when the operator presses the Scoop tube lock pushbutton he would expect to see speed change stop and the scoop tube lock alarm. This will not happen if he presses the pushbutton.

RO Reports the failure of the SCOOP TUBE LOCKOUT to CRS.

RO Reports both RR Loop pump speeds and flows.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Event


RR Pump speed lowers Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior May send the Building Operator out to investigate and might call RO security to report possible saboteur.

As the Building Operator report that you will go investigate the RR Speed loss and report back Role Play As Security report that you will send a team to investigate the incident.

Reviews Tech Spec LCO 3.4.1:

Two recirculation loops with matched flows shall be in operation outside of the Stability Exclusion Region of the power/flow map specified in the COLR.

OR One recirculation loop shall be in operation outside of the Stability Exclusion Region of the power/flow map specified in the COLR with the following limits applied when the associated LCO is applicable:

a. LCO 3.2.1, "AVERAGE PLANAR LINEAR HEAT GENERATION RATE (APLHGR)," single loop operation limits specified in the COLR; Role Play
b. LCO 3.2.2, "MINIMUM CRITICAL POWER RATIO (MCPR)," single loop operation limits specified in the COLR; and
c. LCO, "Reactor Protection System (RPS)

Instrumentation," Function 2.b (Average Power Range Monitor Neutron FluxHigh (Flow Biased)), Allowable Value of Table is reset for single loop operation.


Condition B. Requirements of the LCO not met for reasons other than Condition A.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Event


RR Pump speed lowers Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Required Action Satisfy the requirements of the LCO Completion Time 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> Considers RR Pump B not in service and addresses Single Loop CRS Operation.

Contact FRED to manually insert single loop operation limits into CRS GARDEL.

ROLE As Reactor Engineering tell CRS you will insert single loop operation limits into GARDEL.

PLAY Lower RRMG A so both loop flow are within 7.35x106 lbs/hr of each RO other on NBI-FI-92A and NBI-FI-92B (Panel 9-4-3).

As Building Operator report that you do not see anything that would have caused the speed to lower on the MG Set.

Role Play As Security report that you are still investigating, but there is no obvious signs of sabotage at this time.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 2 Event


RR Pump speed lowers Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Event


Combustion in the Off-Gas train Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Booth When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunction: Trigger 3 Operation OG02 SUSTAINED H2 BURN Reports Off-Gas Trouble alarm Panel B3 window E3 and possible BOP Combustion in the Off-gas line. Entry Conditions into Abnormal Procedure 2.4Off-Gas is required.

BOP Sends the Turbine Building Operator to AOG to investigate Enters Abnormal Procedure 2.4OG OFF-GAS ABNORMAL CRS May also enter 2.4VAC and 2.4TURB.

NOTE - SJAE drain temperatures > 200°F indicates burn (combustion) in progress.

Enters Attachment 2 If off-gas combustion is suspected, perform following:

Monitor PMIS Points F040, STM JET AIR EJECT 1A DRAIN, and F041, STM JET AIR EJECT 1 B DRAIN (PMIS Group BURN), throughout remaining actions.

BOP If temperatures indicated on both points are trending above 200 F, go directly to Step 1.3.

If combustion in SJAE B, both SJAEs, or cannot be extinguished due to hydrogen flame jumping from one air ejector to the other, perform following:

NOTE - Annotate which valves in Step 1.3.1 were closed.

Ensure following valves closed (PANEL B) :



Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Event


Combustion in the Off-Gas train Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior AR-AO-151, SJAE A SUCT (RED) FM CNDR B VLV.





Contact the Turbine Building Station Operator to perform Steps 1.3.2 through (close SJAE condenser out let drain valves, BOP AR-14 and 15, and open SJAE suction sample test valves (bleed air)) and call him back when they are completed.

Role Play Call the BOP Operator and notify him that steps 1.3.2 through are completed.

Time Compression: There is no need to have the operators wait the five minutes for the combustion to extinguish; this period of time can be compressed as directed by the lead examiner. A call from the booth operator to the panel operator will be made to indicate that five minutes has elapsed.

Monitor condenser vacuum closely.

BOP After 5 minutes, contacts the TB Station Operator to close the valves CD-545 and CD-526 and to replace the caps.

Role Play As the Station Operator report CD-545 and CD-526 are closed and the caps have been replaced.

Booth Delete Malfunction OG02 Operator 8

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 3 Event


Combustion in the Off-Gas train Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Open valves closed in Step 1.3.1.

BOP If combustion stopped, drain temperature will stabilize at a lower value.

Ensure condenser vacuum returns to normal value.

Contacts the TB Station Operator to perform Steps 1.3.11 and BOP 1.3.12 to reopen AR-14 and 15 As the TB Station Operator, call the BOP and inform him that Role Play Steps 1.3.11 and 1.3.12 are complete. Both the AR-14, and 15 are Open.

Reports to the CRS that the Off-Gas Burn has been extinguished BOP and that 2.4OG can be exited.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Event


Feedwater and Main Turbine high water level trip instrumentation fails downscale (NBI-LT-52A & C)

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunction: Insert Trigger 4.

Booth RR27b NBI-LT-52A (NR Failure) (LI-94A) at 0% fails instrument Operation downscale.

RR27c NBI-LT-52C (NR Failure) (LI-94C) at 0% fails instrument downscale.

Respond to alarm 9-5-2/G-4 RVLC SYSTEM TROUBLE:

OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION Stop any power changes in progress.

Verify reactor water level is stable. If reactor water level is unstable, enter Procedure 2.4RXLVL.

BOP At a RVLC/RFPT HMI, perform following:

Select RVLC System.

Select ACT. ALARM screen.

Determine cause of alarm.

Refer to Procedure 4.4.1, Attachment 2, for resolution of condition(s).

Report RFC-LI-94A and RFC-LI-94C downscale and RFC-LI-94B RO steady at 35 inches.

Calls Reactor Building Operator to send him to Racks 25-5 and 25-RO 6 and see if there is any maintenance or work activities going on in the area that might have caused the instruments to fail.

BOP Report RFPs speed and feedwater flow not changed and steady.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Event


Feedwater and Main Turbine high water level trip instrumentation fails downscale (NBI-LT-52A & C)

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Report LCO, Feedwater and Main Turbine High Water Level BOP Trip Instrumentation, and Abnormal Procedure 2.4RXLVL, RPV Water Level Control Trouble referenced in alarm procedure.

Call back as the Reactor Building Operator that there is no Role Play maintenance in the area and there are no leaks that might have caused the instruments to fail.

Review TS LCO

LCO: Three channels of feedwater and main turbine high water level trip instrumentation shall be OPERABLE.

Condition A One feedwater and main turbine high water level trip channel inoperable.

Required Action A.1 Place channel in trip CRS Completion Time 7 days Condition B Two or more feedwater and main turbine high water level trip channels inoperable.

Required Action Restore feedwater and main turbine high water level trip capability.

Completion Time 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

Declare NBI-LT-52 A & C inoperable.

CRS Enter Condition A for each instrument.

Enter Condition B for both instruments being inoperable.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Event


Feedwater and Main Turbine high water level trip instrumentation fails downscale (NBI-LT-52A & C)

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CRS Review Abnormal Procedure 2.4RXLVL, RPV WATER LEVEL CONTROL TROUBLE and recognize no entry conditions met.

Review RVLC HMI for alarm codes:

BOP mLT0052A_INVALID mLT0052C_INVALID Review procedure 4.4.1, Reactor Vessel Level Control System (Attachment 2) for plant impact and expected operator response :



If all level transmitters fail, the system will fail all RFPs in AUTO to MDEM.


1) Verify other level instruments are functioning properly.
2) Determine cause for alarm and correct.

Brief crew of inability of the high water level trip function and manual CRS turbine trips will be required should RPV level reach the high water level trip setpoint.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 4 Event


Feedwater and Main Turbine high water level trip instrumentation fails downscale (NBI-LT-52A & C)

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunctions: Insert Trigger 5 Booth TC10 Turbine High Press Fluid leak set at 75%.

Operation TC09d Governor Valve #4 Failure to 0% delayed 3.2 minutes.

Respond to alarm B-1/D-7, TURB EH FLUID RESERVOIR ABNORMAL LVL and report to CRS.

1. OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION 1.1 Check fluid reservoir level at one of following to ensure alarm is valid:

BOP 1.1.1 DEH TANK screen.

1.1.2 Locally at T-932-N top of EH unit.

1.2 Check system for leakage.

1.3 Add oil, as necessary, to raise level to operating range.


1. OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION BOP 1.1 Check fluid reservoir level atone of following to ensure alarm is valid :

1.1.1 DEH TANK screen.

1.4 Review Procedure 2.1.5.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior With the Governor Valves hunting causing fluctuations in the Crew Generator, Reactor Power, Pressure and Level. The crew may elect to SCRAM here.

Booth If the plant is scrammed, increase the EH leak to 100% to drive Operator the closure of the bypass valve.

CRS Assign 2.1.5 Attachment responsibilities to RO and BOP.

Respond to alarm B-1/B-7, TURB EH FLUID RESERVOIR LOW-LOW LEVEL 1.OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION 1.1 Check fluid reservoir level at one of following to ensure alarm is valid:

1.1.1 DEH TANK screen.

1.1.2 Locally at T-932-N top of EH unit.

BOP 1.2 Check system for leaks.

1.3 Add oil, as necessary, to raise level to operating level.

1.4 If level cannot be maintained and continues to drop, perform following:

1.4.1 Enter Procedure 2.1.5.

1.4.2 Place STANDBY DEH Pump control switch to PULL-TO-LOCK.

CRS Directs the Reactor Operator to Manually Scram the Reactor.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Performs the Mitigating Task Scram Actions of Procedure 2.1.5 (Attachment 1);


RO 1.2 Place REACTOR MODE switch to REFUEL.

1.3 Announce reactor scram and reactor status to Control Room including controlling systems for critical parameters.

Reactor Power. _________ All Rods In Reactor Water Level. _________

Reactor Pressure. ________

Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 2 Reactor Power Control actions:


1.2 Verify all SDV vent and drain valves are closed.

RO NOTE - RR pump(s) will be tripped if on Normal Transformer or if ARI/RPT has automatically initiated.

1.3 Ensure operating RR pumps have run back to 22%


NOTE - Steps 1.4 and 1.5 may be performed concurrently.

1.4 Verify all control rods are fully inserted.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 1.4.1 If necessary, insert control rods as directed by CRS.

1.5 Observe nuclear instrumentation and perform following:

1.5.1 Insert SRM detectors.

1.5.2 Insert IRM detectors.

1.5.3 Change APRM recorders to IRMs.

1.5.4 Range IRMs on scale.

1.5.5 Check reactor power is lowering.

Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 3 Reactor Water Level Control, actions:

1.1. After FW Sequence has reached Mode 2 or level has stabilized, place RFC-SW-S1, SETPOINT SETDOWN, switch to DISABLE/RESET.

1.2. Maintain RPV level in prescribed band using following systems, as required, based on plant conditions:

RO 1.2.1. Verify preferred RFP is controlling level in FW Sequence Mode 2 with controlling RFP in RX PRESS FOLLOW Mode.

1.2.2. Note to examiner, Step is N/A.

1.2.3. If EMER CLOSE button is yellow, press EMER CLOSE button on either FCV 11AA or FCV-11BB.

1.2.4. Ensure the following controllers are in AUTO:


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior FCVs 11AA and 11BB. STARTUP MASTER CONTROL.

1.2.5. Note to examiner, Step is N/A.

CAUTION - Condensate booster pumps can only provide makeup for reactor water level control when reactor pressure is under control and < 500 psig. 2 1.2.6. Adjust STARTUP MASTER controller using UP/DOWN arrows or RAMP FUNCTION to adjust LEVEL SETPOINT as desired.

1.2.7. HPCI per Procedure

1.2.8. RCIC per Procedure

1.3. Trip non-preferred RFP, if not needed, or minimum flow is isolated.

1.4. Trip all but one condensate booster pump.

1.5. Trip all but one condensate pump.

Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 4 Reactor Pressure Control, actions:

1. REACTOR PRESSURE CONTROL BOP NOTE - Steps 1.1 through 1.5 may be performed concurrently.

1.1 If necessary to stabilize or reduce reactor pressure, BPVs can be operated in manual by performing 18

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior following:

1.1.1 Transfer bypass valve control from AUTO to MANUAL by pressing BPV MANUAL button and check it backlights. Press BPV RAISE or LOWER buttons to adjust impulse pressure or reactor pressure.

1.2 Maintain RPV pressure in the prescribed band by using the following systems based on plant conditions:

1.2.1 DEH per Procedure

1.2.2 SRVs per Procedure 2.2.1.

1.2.3 HPCI per Procedure

1.2.4 RCIC per Procedure

Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 5 Balance of Plant, actions:

1. BALANCE OF PLANT ACTIONS 1.1 Verify main turbine automatically tripped or perform BOP following when main generator output 80 MWe: 5 1.1.1 At Panel B, press TURB TRIP 1 and TURB TRIP 2 buttons for ~ 10 seconds.

1.2 Note to examiner, Step is N/A.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 1.3 When main turbine trips, observe following valves close:

1.3.1 Both stop valves.

1.3.2 All governor valves.

1.3.3 All reheat stop valves.

1.3.4 All interceptor valves.

1.4 Verify station service is transferred to Startup Transformer.

1.5 Ensure PCB-3310 open (Panel C).

1.6 Ensure PCB-3312 open (Panel C).

1.7 Ensure GEN EXCITER FIELD BKR is open (Panel C).

CRS Enter EOP 1A if RPV level lowers below + 3 in.

CRS Direct RO to maintain RPV level +3 in. to +54 in.

Direct BOP to stabilize RPV pressure below 1050 psig with CRS SRVs/HPCI/RCIC.

Monitor torus water level and temperature while controlling RPV BOP pressure. If torus water level is above +2 in. or average torus water temperature is > 95°F report EOP 3A entry condition to CRS.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Enter EOP 3A if entry conditions met.

CRS Direct torus water level maintained below 16 ft Direct RHR placed into suppression pool cooling.

Place RHR in Suppression Pool Cooling per (Hard Card) 1.1 Place RHR SW System in service:

1.1.1 Start SWBP(s).

1.1.2 Adjust SW-MO-89A(B) to maintain flow between 2500 and 4000 gpm.

1.2 If required, with CRS permission, place CONTMT COOLING 2/3 CORE VALVE CONTROL PERMISSIVE switch to MANUAL OVERRD.


1.4 Open RHR-MO-39A(B).

1.5 If reactor pressure 300 psig and injection not desired, close RHR MO 27A(B), OUTBD INJECTION VLV.

NOTE - If directed by EOP 3A, maximize cooling.

1.6 Ensure RHR PUMP running.

NOTE - RHR pump operation at minimum flow should be limited to

< 15 minutes or pump damage may result.

1.7 Throttle RHR-MO-34A(B), as required to obtain desired cooling flow.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 5 Event


Loss of Turbine High Pressure Fluid Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 1.8 Throttle RHR-MO-66A(B), as required to obtain desired cooling rate.

1.9 If PCIS Group 6 lights lit on Panel 9-5, ensure one of following open:

1.9.1 REC-MO-711; or 1.9.2 REC-MO-714.

1.10 If additional cooling required, initiate cooling in non-running RHR Loop and start additional pumps.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Event


Loss of Emergency Transformer and Critical Bus 1F.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior The following Malfunctions are set to automatically happen when the Turbine Trips. PCB 3310 Open light on ED06 Loss of Power (Emergency Transformer)

Booth Operation ED08A 4160 Bus 1A Failure DG06A Diesel Generator #1 Fails to Auto Start (This the next event )

Respond to alarms and report to CRS:

1.1 Ensure 5.3GRID has been entered.©1 NOTE - If a reactor scram occurs while SSST is de-energized, 4160V Bus 1A, 1B, and 1E will de-energize and remain de-energized following scram. 4160V Buses 1F and 1G will de-energize, then re-energize from the ESST or associated Emergency Diesel Generator.

BOP 1.2 Review Procedure 5.3EMPWR or 5.3AC-OUTAGE, as applicable, to plant conditions.

1.3 If reactor scrams, enter Procedure 2.1.5.

1.4 If RR pump(s) trip, enter Procedure 2.4RR.

1.5 Ensure transformer removed from service per Procedure 2.2.15.

Enter Procedure 5.3GRID and 5.3EMPWR and assign actions and CRS priorities to BOP.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Event


Loss of Emergency Transformer and Critical Bus 1F.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Reports that DG 1 did not Automatically Start and takes the actions BOP to Start the DG and tie it to Bus 1F.

Critical Critical Bus is re-energized by manually starting the Diesel and Task Tying to Bus 1F.

Performs 5.3EMPWR Attachment 2 actions:

1. BALANCE OF PLANT GUIDELINE 1.1 The following limits apply throughout this attachment:

NOTE - Attachment 6 (Page 26) provides an approximate equipment load guideline.

1.1.1 Maximum load on Emergency Transformer is 10.7 MWe.

BOP 1.1.2 Maximum load on DG is 4000 kW and 694 amps; DG may be overloaded to 4400 kW and 763 amps for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> in a 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> period.

NOTE - Initial DG fuel consumption may be greater than desired (outside acceptable region of Attachment 4, Graph 1) until plant stabilizes.

1.1.3 If a single DG is supplying a critical bus, loads may be added if DG load limits and Attachment 4, Graph 1 (Page 13) limits are satisfied.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Event


Loss of Emergency Transformer and Critical Bus 1F.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior NOTE - Following steps are performed at VBD-M.

1.2 If REC System has isolated, perform following:

1.2.1 Ensure two REC pumps are running.


1.2.3 Throttle open REC HX outlet valve for a HX that was in service to maintain REC-PI-452, REC HEADER PRESSURE, in green band. REC-MO-712, HX A OUTLET VLV; or REC-MO-713, HX B OUTLET VLV.

1.2.4 Start third REC pump, if necessary.

BOP 1.2.5 Throttle open REC HX outlet valve to maintain REC HEADER PRESSURE in top of green band. REC-MO-712; or REC-MO-713.

1.2.6 Ensure following valves are closed: REC-AO-701, RRMG SET OIL HX INLET. REC-AO-710, RWCU NON-REGEN HX INLET.

1.2.7 Perform following concurrently: Open REC-MO-700, NON-CRITICAL HEADER SUPPLY. Continue throttling open REC HX outlet 25

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 7 Event


Loss of Emergency Transformer and Critical Bus 1F.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior valve to maintain REC HEADER PRESSURE in green band.

a. REC-MO-712; or
b. REC-MO-713.

1.2.8 Ensure REC HX outlet valve full open. REC-MO-712; or REC-MO-713.


NOTE - Following steps are performed at SW Pump Room.

BOP Verify Startup Transformer and Diesel #1 carrying loads.

END OF EVENT Notes Note to lead examiner: Next event (DG-1 Auto Start Failure) is already active 26

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 8 Event


DG-1 Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior The following Malfunction is already active:

DG06A Diesel Generator #1 Fails to Auto Start BOP Recognize failure of DG-1 to auto start and reports to CRS.

BOP Manually starts DG-1 from control room.

Direct Turbine Building operator to check out DG-1 operating BOP properly.

After 5 minutes report as Turbine Building Station Operator Role Play that DG #1 is running fine.

Contact WCC and request electrical maintenance investigate DG CRS/BOP failure to start.

As WCC SRO tell CRS/BOP you will get electrical Role Play maintenance to investigate DG auto start failure.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner 27

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 9 Event


LOCA/Containment Sprays Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunction:

Booth Insert Trigger 9 Operation RR20A Coolant Leakage Inside Primary Containment 1.5%

Report drywell pressure and temperature raise and provide trend RO/BOP to CRS.

Enter EOP 3A and direct BOP to place Torus Spray in service CRS before Torus pressure reaches 10 psig.

Booth When Torus pressure reaches 5 psig take the leak to 12% no Operator time delay.

Place RHR in Torus Spray per (Hard Card):

2.1 If required, with CRS permission, place CONTMT COOLING 2/3 CORE VALVE CONTROL PERMISSIVE switch to MANUAL OVERRD.


2.3 Ensure RHR-MO-39A(B) open.

RO/BOP 2.4 If reactor pressure 300 psig and injection not desired, close RHR MO 27A(B), OUTBD INJECTION VLV.

2.5 Ensure RHR PUMP(s) running.

NOTE - RHR pump operation at minimum flow should be limited to < 15 minutes or pump damage may result.

2.6 Throttle RHR-MO-38A(B) to maintain desired containment pressure.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 9 Event


LOCA/Containment Sprays Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 2.7 Throttle RHR-MO-66A(B) to obtain desired cooling rate.

2.9 If PCIS Group 6 lights lit on Panel 9-5, ensure one of following open:

2.9.1 REC-MO-711; or 9.2 REC-MO-2.714.

2.10 Place RHR SW System in service:

2.10.1 Start SWBP(s).

2.10.2 Adjust SW-MO-89A(B) to maintain flow between 2500 and 4000 gpm.

2.11 Throttle RHR-MO-66A(B) to maintain desired cooling rate.

When torus pressure exceeds 10 psig or before average drywell CRS temperature reaches 280°F, direct RO/BOP to spray the drywell with RHR.

CRS Direct drywell FCUs secured if running.

RO/BOP Secure drywell FCUs by placing their control switches to STOP.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 2 Event No.: 9 Event


LOCA/Containment Sprays Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Place RHR in Drywell Spray per Procedure (Hard Card):

2.8 If Drywell Spray required:

2.8.1 Open RHR-MO-31A(B).

RO/BOP 2.8.2 Throttle RHR-MO-26A(B) to maintain desired containment pressure.

Maintain drywell pressure band as directed by CRS. Typically 2 to RO./BOP 10 psig.

Critical Before average drywell temperature reaches 280°F or when Task Torus pressure reaches 10 psig, spray the drywell with RHR.

END OF EVENT Notes When RPV water level is being controlled between +3 in. to +54 in. and Drywell Sprays are controlling Drywell pressure in required band and lead examiner has observed enough of the scenario, then terminate the scenario.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Simulator Setup Initialize the simulator in IC122 (EOC)

Triggers and Malfunctions E1 - None E2 - RR17b set at 70%

E3 - OG02 E4 - RR27A set at 0%

- RR27C set at 0%

E5 - TC10 set at 75%

- TC09D set at 0% with a 3.2 minute time delay E6 - ED06 set to actuate when the 3310 breaker opens with a 10 second time delay

- ED08A E7 - DG06A set ACTIVE E8 - RR20 set at 12% with a 10 minute ramp.

Overrides ZDIRRMGSWS16B[1] set to ON to prevent locking the B RR MG Set Scoop tube on the runback.

Panel Set-up

  • Ensure PMIS IDTs are blank.
  • Update Safety System Status Panel (9-5) to reflect that DG 1 is in Test.
  • Balance Main Generator voltage regulator.
  • Ensure Recirc Controllers are selected to AS@.

Procedures Needed 6.1DG.101 marked up to step 4.79.5 Tags Hung None 31

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Turnover Sheet:

Plant Status: The plant is operating at approximately 100%

Risk: Yellow Activities in Progress: Surveillance 6.1DG101 in progress at step 4.79.5.

LCOs in effect: 7 Day Diesel Generator LCO on T.S. 3.8.1 Condition B Equipment out of service: None Activities for the Shift: After turnover, the crew is to continue the surveillance and secure DG#1. The initial 6.EE.610 off-site A/C Power Alignment has been performed and is due again in 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Scenario No.: NRC 3 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 2.0% power, holding here to perform the 500 psig Reactor Building walkdown. After turnover, the crew is to shift CRD Pumps.

Event Event Event No. Malf. No.

Type* Description 1 N/A N Shift CRD Pumps 2 2 C,TS REC Pump B trip 3 3 I IRM Inop Trip 4 4 I,TS Drywell Radiation Monitor Isolation 5 5 C,R Rod drop and stuck rods non-EOP rod driving 6 6 M RCIC Steam Line Leak 7 7 C, Fuel failure ATWS EOP rod driving 8 8 C, Reactor Recirc Pump speed fails high 9 9 C, ED on Secondary Containment 2 Areas

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Critical Tasks are located in Events 7, 8 and 9.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Scenario Objective Evaluate the Crews ability to operate at low power levels.

Evaluate the Crews response to a rod drop accident and fuel failure.

Evaluate the crews actions when RCIC develops a steam line leak that will not fully isolate and when two areas in Secondary Containment exceed their Max Safe values the RPV is Emergency Depressurized to limit the release of highly radioactive steam through the RCIC steam line break.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • The plant is operating at approximately 2.0% power
  • The 500 psig Reactor Building walkdown is in progress.
  • Shift CRD Pumps following turnover.


  • Shift CRD Pumps
  • REC Pump B trip
  • DW Vent Radiation Monitor Isolation
  • Rod drop and stuck rods requiring EOP rod driving
  • RCIC Steam Line Leak
  • Reactor Recirc Pump speed fails high
  • Normal activity - Shift CRD Pumps B to A
  • Component Failure before EOPs - REC Pump B Trip
  • Instrument Failure before EOPs - IRM C Failure
  • Instrument Failure before EOPs - DW Vent Radiation Monitor Isolation
  • Component Failure before EOPs - Rod drop and stuck control rods requiring non-EOP driving
  • Major Event - RCIC Steam Line Leak
  • Component Failure after EOPs - Fuel failure ATWS EOP rod driving
  • Component Failure after EOPs - Reactor Recirc Pump speed fails high
  • Accident mitigation strategy - Emergency Depressurize the RPV 2

Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Event One: Shift CRD Pumps Malfunction Required:

No malfunction required; this is a normal manipulation for the RO.


Evaluate the crew during normal equipment shifting.

Evaluate the Reactor Operator shifting from the B CRD Pump running to the A CRD Pump running and securing the B Pump.

Success Path:

The A CRD Pump is running and the B CRD Pump is secured. All CRD parameters indicated on Panel 9-5 restored to within their normal band.

Event Two: REC Pump B trip Malfunction Required:

SW11B - REC Pump Trip 1B.


Evaluate the crews response to the tripping of one of the three Reactor Equipment Cooling Pumps and takes appropriate action in accordance with the Annunciator Procedure to restart another pump prior to receiving an REC Isolation.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications.

Success Path:

The BOP Operator either responds quickly enough (within 1 minute) to the tripping of the pump and starts an additional REC Pump in accordance with the Annunciator Card.

Or, the REC system isolation is reset following the restart of the third REC Pump and system flows and pressures are returned to normal.

The SRO will address Tech Specs and determine that LCO 3.7.3 Condition B, a 30 day LCO on one sub system.

Event Three: IRM Inop trip Malfunction Required:

Malfunction NM13C - IRM INOP Channel-C.

NM06G IRM G Stuck and fully withdrawn Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a failed Intermediate Range Monitor (IRM).

Evaluate the At the Controls (ATC) Operators actions to determine the cause of the 1/2 Scram, and bypasses the failed IRM. This allows resetting the half-scram.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications for the failed IRM.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Success Path:

IRM - C is bypassed, and the CRS initiates an LCO on IRM C in accordance with Technical Specifications (RPS Instrumentation) Table Function 1. Also TRM T3.3.1 Function 2 potential LCO with one INOP IRM there remains the minimum number required of 6.

Event Four: Drywell Vent Radiation Monitor isolation Malfunction Required:

Override 02S87 ZDIRMARA10AV[1] = CLOSE Drywell Vent Rad Mon. Isol Vlv.

Override 12A2AR1 RMV-RR-4 DW Vent Rad Monitor - Gas to 4.0E-006 Objective:

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications for the failed Drywell Radiation Monitor.

Success Path:

CRS initiates an LCO on DW Radiation Monitor in accordance with Technical Specifications 3.4.5 (RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation) b. Condition B, Required Action B.1 Grab Sample once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and B.2 Restore within 30 days.

Event Five: Rod drop and stuck rods non-EOP rod driving Malfunction Required:

RD02B ATWS South Bank set at 75%

CR023827 Increased Rod Worth on rod 38-27 set at 40%

RD133827 Rod Uncoupled RD123827 Rod Stuck - Delete CR01 Fuel Failure at 100%


Evaluate the crews response to approximately half of the control rod insertion on a reactor scram signal.

Evaluate the ROs ability to perform 2.4CRD and drive control rods using RMCS.

Evaluate the CRS implementing strategy for reactivity controls outside the EOPs.

Evaluate the crews teamwork in installing jumpers and controlling Reactor Pressure and level.

Success Path:

Control Rods are inserted using RMCS.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Event Six: RCIC Steam Line Leak Malfunction Required:

RC06 RCIC Steam Line Break in at 100%

RC07 Failure of RCIC Auto-Isolation OR ZDIRCICSWS2(2) MO-16 C/S to OPEN OR ZDIRCICSWS1(2) MO-15 C/S to OPEN RF RC06A RCIC-MO-16 Control Power De-energized Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a failure of RCIC to fully isolate during a RCIC Steam Line Break.

Evaluate the BOPs ability to monitor and report Secondary Containment Temperatures and Radiation Levels to the CRS.

Evaluate the crews ability to continue Control Rod insertion in accordance with 2.4CRD and Emergency Depressurize the RPV when 2 Areas in Secondary Containment exceed Max Safe values.

Success Path:

RPV Level is being controlled within the +3 to 54 inch range with CRD and HPCI and Condensate. The Reactor is depressurized to <50 psig above Torus Pressure when two areas in Secondary Containment reach and exceed Max Safe values.

Event Seven: Fuel Failure ATWS EOP rod driving Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Evaluate the crew recognition of two areas being above Max Safe Operating Temperature and entry into EOP 5A.

Evaluate the crews ability work through EOP 5A to the point where it transitions to EOP 1A and eventually to 6A and 7A to give directions to drive control rods.

Success Path:

The Crew will enter EOPs and start driving control rods full in with EP 5.8.3 versus 2.4CRD.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Attachment 2 Event Eight: Reactor Recirc Pump speed fails high Malfunction Required:

RR17B RR MGSet Jordan Controller failure to 100 ZDIRRSWS2B[1] = ON Reset Scooptube Lockout Objective:

Evaluate the crew recognition of the increasing speed of the B RR Pump.

Evaluate the crews ability to monitor nuclear instrumentation and RR Pump speed.

Success Path:

The Crew will trip the RR Pump when it is determined that either it is at full speed or that the scoop tube lock will not stop the increase.

Event Nine: ED on Secondary Containment 2 Areas Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Evaluate the crew response to a slow increase in Reactor Building Temperatures and Radiation levels to the point where the RPV must be Emergency Depressurized.

Evaluate the crews ability to manually open 6 SRVs and reduce RPV Pressure to less than 50 psig above Torus pressure, in accordance with the EOPs.

Success Path:

RPV is depressurized to 50 psig above Torus pressure.

Scenario Termination:

When Reactor water level is being controlled between +3 and +54 inches and the RPV has been Emergency Depressurized and all but one Control Rod have been inserted.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 When the Crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the When to initiate:

lead examiner.



Shift CRD Pumps Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CRS Directs CRD pumps shifted per Procedure 2.2.8.

RO/BOP Makes plant announcement about starting the CRD Pump.

Shift CRD pumps per Procedure 2.2.8, Section 14:

1.1 At Panel 9-5, place CRD-FIC-301, CRD FLOW CONTROL, in MAN as follows:

1.1.1 Adjust manual output knurled knob until DEVIATION needle centered (aligned with redline on set-tape).

1.1.2 Place selector to MAN.

1.2 Start standby CRD pump.

CAUTION - Exceeding 1510 psig charging water pressure could cause CRDM damage during a scram.

RO/BOP 1.3 Check locally for normal pump operation.

1.4 Shut down CRD pump to be removed from service.

1.5 Slowly adjust manual control on CRD-FC-301 to obtain flow of 50 gpm.

1.6 Balance CRD-FC-301 as follows:

1.6.1 Adjust SETPOINT thumbwheel until DEVIATION needle centered (aligned with redline on set-tape).

1.6.2 Place selector to BAL.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 1 When the Crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the When to initiate:

lead examiner.



Shift CRD Pumps Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 1.7 At Panel 9-5, check charging water pressure and drive water P, and adjust if needed.

RO/BOP Provide peer checks as required.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Event


REC Pump B trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Booth When directed by lead examiner insert Malfunction:

Operation SW11B - REC Pump Trip 1B.

Respond to alarm M-1/B-2, REC PUMP B FAILURE.

From the Annunciator Panel Procedure the Operator will


1.2 Monitor REC pump discharge pressures and ensure valve line-up is correct.

1.3 For multiple loss of REC pumps, enter Procedure 5.2REC.

Note to examiner: If operator starts another REC pump before the system low pressure isolation times out (~40 seconds), the following BOP actions are N/A.

He may perform the actions to start another pump from memory as immediate operator actions of Abnormal Procedure 5.2REC or he may perform the steps from the Annunciator card.

If alarm M-1/A-1, REC SYSTEM LOW PRESSURE, remains in for

> 40 seconds (REC system will isolate), operator will respond per alarm card:

2. OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION 2.1 If available, start additional REC pumps.

BOP 2.2 Ensure REC-MO-711, NORTH CRITICAL LOOP SUPPLY, or REC-MO-714, SOUTH CRITICAL LOOP SUPPLY (associated with an in service HX), is open to obtain critical subsystem pressure indication.

2.3 If REC System header pressure on REC-PI-452, REC HEADER PRESSURE, remains 62 psig, enter Procedure 5.2REC.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Event


REC Pump B trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 2.4 If REC HX or Drywell header isolated and restoration desired, take action per REC Restoration Hard Card (

If REC system isolated restore per REC Restoration Hard Card:

1.1 Ensure low pressure isolation not due to leakage or leak isolated.

1.2 Ensure two REC pumps are running.

1.3 Ensure one of following valves are OPEN:



CAUTION - Restoring REC flow to drywell FCUs with drywell temperature > 260°F could result in a breach of FCU tubing. 1 BOP 1.4 If drywell temperature 260°F on PC-TI-505A through PC-TI-505E, place DRYWELL REC ISOL VALVE CONTROL switch to OPEN. 1 NOTE - REC-MO-712 and REC-MO-713 are throttle open only. If REC HX OUTLET PRESSURE alarm is received, REC-MO-712 or REC MO 713 must be fully closed prior to recommencing pressurization of REC non-critical header.

1.5 Throttle open REC HX outlet valve for a HX that was in service, as necessary, while maintaining REC CRIT LOOP SUPPLY PRESS in green band.

1.5.1 REC-MO-712, HX A OUTLET VLV.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Event


REC Pump B trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior 1.5.2 REC-MO-713, HX B OUTLET VLV.

1.6 Start third REC pump.

1.7 Throttle open REC HX outlet valve, as necessary, to obtain following conditions:


1.7.2 REC HEADER PRESSURE in top of green band.

1.8 Perform following simultaneously:


1.8.2 Continue throttling open REC HX outlet valve, as necessary, to maintain REC HEADER PRESSURE in green band.

1.9 Ensure REC HX outlet valve full open.

1.10 If REC-AO-710, RWCU NON-REGEN HX INLET, not closed for leak isolation, open REC-AO-710.

1.11 If REC-MO-1329, AUGMENTED RADWASTE SUPPLY, not closed for leak isolation and cooling desired, open REC-MO-1329.


Review TS LCO 3.7.3 REC System CRS LCO 3.7.3 Two REC subsystems shall be OPERABLE.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 2 Event


REC Pump B trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Enter Condition B One REC subsystem inoperable for reasons other than Condition A.

Required Actions B.1 Restore the REC subsystem to OPERABLE status.

Completion Time of 30 Days.


END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Event


IRM Inop Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Booth When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunction:

Operation NM13C, IRM INOP Channel C.

Respond to alarm 9-5-2/D-7, IRM RPS CH A UPSCALE TRIP OR INOP and report to CRS.

1. AUTOMATIC ACTIONS 1.1 Reactor scram if both RPS Channels A and B are tripped.
2. OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION 2.1 Check Reactor Scram Group A and B lights to determine if half scram or full scram has occurred.

RO 2.2 If full scram occurred, enter Procedure 2.1.5.

2.3 If half scram occurred, determine following:

2.3.1 If IRM is upscale: Uprange IRM. Reset half scram per Procedure 2.1.5.

2.3.2 If IRM is inop: Bypass IRM. Reset half scram per Procedure 2.1.5.

Note to examiner:

Other alarms 9-5-1/E-7 IRM UPSCALE 9-5-2/A-1 RX SCRAM CHANNEL A 9-5-2/B-1 NEUTRON MONITORINT TRIP The guidance in these alarms is collectively covered in 9-5-2/D-7 above.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Event


IRM Inop Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior RO Report other IRM readings indicating steady and IRM C is upscale.

CRS Direct IRM C bypassed and half scram reset.

RO At Panel 9-5, use Joystick for IRMs and bypass IRM C.

Enter Procedure 2.1.5 Section 4 and reset half scram:

4.1 Place REACTOR SCRAM RESET switch to Group 1 and 4, Group 2 and 3, then back to NORM.

RO 4.2 Ensure eight SCRAM GROUP lights (Panels 9-15 and 9-17) or SCRAM INDICATIONS GROUP A and GROUP B lights are on.

Review Tech Specs LCO The RPS instrumentation for each Function in Table shall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILITY: According to Table

Condition A One or more required channels inoperable.

CRS Required Action A.1 Place channel in trip.

Completion Time: 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> OR A.2 Place associated trip system in trip.

Completion Time: 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Table Function 1 applies to IRMs.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 3 Event


IRM Inop Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Table Function 2d applies to APRMs.

Declare IRM C inoperable.

Review TRM TLCO 3.3.1 The control rod block instrumentation for each Function in Table T3.3.1-1 shall be OPERABLE.

CRS APPLICABILITY: According to Table T3.3.1-1.

Determine this is a potential TLCO (6 channels required)

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 4 Event


Drywell Radiation Monitor Isolation Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunctions: Insert Trigger 4.

Override the control switch for the RMV-AO-10 and 12 to close Booth to isolate the DW Rad Monitor.

Operation Override 12A2AR1 RMV-RR-4 DW Vent Rad Monitor - Gas to 4.0E-006 Note to examiner: There are no panel manipulations for the BOP; this is just a Tech Spec Activity for the SRO.

Responds to Alarms Q-1 / D-1 Drywell Monitor Trouble and notes that the Annunciator screen located in the back panels indicates BOP that the trouble alarm is from 5003 Drywell Monitor Flow Disturbance.

Reports the alarm to the CRS and tells him that (5003) caused alarm Check Drywell monitor sample pump running.

BOP NOTE 1 - Monitor is inoperable if all detector channels are not functioning properly.


Addresses Operability of the DW Rad Monitor Tech Spec 3.4.5 RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation LCO 3.4.5 The following RCS leakage detection instrumentation shall be OPERABLE:


a. Drywell floor drain sump flow monitoring system; and
b. One channel of the drywell atmospheric particulate or atmospheric gaseous monitoring system.


B. Required drywell system inoperable.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 4 Event


Drywell Radiation Monitor Isolation Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior B.1 Analyze grab samples of atmospheric monitoring drywell atmosphere. Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> AND B.2 Restore required drywell atmospheric monitoring system to OPERABLE status. Within 30 days.

Updates the Crew on the LCO CRS Contacts the Work Control Center and reports the problem.

As the WCC acknowledge the report and tell the CRS that a Role Play work order will be generated.

END OF EVENT Notes Note to lead examiner: Next event (Failure to Scram) is already active.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Event


Rod Drop and stuck rods, non-EOP rod driving Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunctions:

CR023827 Increased Rod Worth on rod 38-27 set at 40%

Booth RD133827 Rod Uncoupled Operation RD123827 Rod Stuck CR01 Fuel Failure at 5%

The ATWS is active Note to examiner: The radiation level rise in the drywell, Main Steam Line Radiation monitors and Reactor Building Area Radiation Monitors will build in slowly and be more evident during next event.

Responds to Alarms 9-5-1 D-7 and D-8 IRM RPS CH A UPSCALE RO TRIP OR INOP and IRM RPS CH B UPSCALE TRIP OR INOP Reports Reactor Scram on high neutron flux IRM Trip.

Announces ATWS conditions exist and reports Reactor Power _______ ATWS Conditions RO Reactor Pressure________


Performs the MITIGATING TASK SCRAM ACTIONS of Procedure 2.1.5 (Attachment 1);


RO 1.2 Place REACTOR MODE switch to REFUEL.

1.3 Announce reactor scram and reactor status to Control Room including controlling systems for critical parameters.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Event


Rod Drop and stuck rods, non-EOP rod driving Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Enter Procedure 2.4CRD, CRD TROUBLE CRS ENTRY CONDITIONS Control rod fails to insert when given a SCRAM signal.

CRS Assign 2.4CRD Subsequent Operator Actions RO.

Perform 2.4CRD actions:

NOTE - Step 4.1 is applicable until procedure is exited.

Concurrently perform applicable


RO Rod(s) Not Full-In Attachment 2.

Notify Reactor Engineering and CRD System Engineer that their support is required.

Manually inserts control rods per 2.4CRD Attachment 2.

RO Examiners Note: See flowchart below.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Event


Rod Drop and stuck rods, non-EOP rod driving Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior NFI-1 NFI-2 START Ensure Scram Bypass RWM per is reset Procedure 4.2 NFI-6 NFI-5 NFI-4 NFI-3 If any rod fails to insert, Insert every other rod in Start in Insert rod(s) with continue with next in outward spiral pattern (see core Continuous Insert sequence Att. 8 example {Page 12}) center in following sequence NFI-7 NFI-8 All rods YES Exit this Full-In? Procedure NO NFI-14 Troubleshoot per Procedure 2.2.8 NFI-9 NFI-10 More than YES Have Rx Eng.

RO one rod not Full-In?

Determine SDM NO NO NFI-11 NFI-13 NFI-12 Blown Blown RPIS Fuses?

Correct HCU(s) YES NO CRD Fuses? F1 & F2 Valve Lineup?

(PNL 9-28) Pnl 9-27, BAY-1, (2.2.8A) inside junction box NO YES YES NFI-15 Restore valve lineup NFI-16 Have Fuses Replaced CRS Assign Procedure 2.1.5 Attachments.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Event


Rod Drop and stuck rods, non-EOP rod driving Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 2 Reactor Power Control actions:


Verify all SDV vent and drain valves are closed.

NOTE - RR pump(s) will be tripped if on Normal Transformer or if ARI/RPT has automatically initiated.

RO Ensure operating RR pumps have run back to 22% speed.

Observe nuclear instrumentation and perform following:

  • Insert SRM detectors.
  • Insert IRM detectors.
  • Range IRMs on scale.
  • Check reactor power is lowering.

Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 3 Reactor Water Level Control, actions:

After FW Sequence has reached Mode 2 or level has stabilized, place RFC-SW-S1, SETPOINT SETDOWN, switch to DISABLE/RESET.

BOP Maintain RPV level in prescribed band using following systems, as required, based on plant conditions:

Verify preferred RFP is controlling level in FW Sequence Mode 2 with controlling RFP in RX PRESS FOLLOW Mode.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 5 Event


Rod Drop and stuck rods, non-EOP rod driving Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Adjust STARTUP MASTER controller using UP/DOWN arrows or BOP RAMP FUNCTION to adjust LEVEL SETPOINT as desired.

Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 4 Reactor Pressure Control, actions:

REACTOR PRESSURE CONTROL If necessary to stabilize or reduce reactor pressure, BPVs can be operated in manual by performing following:

Transfer bypass valve control from AUTO to MANUAL by pressing BPV MANUAL button and check it backlights.

BOP Press BPV RAISE or LOWER buttons to adjust impulse pressure or reactor pressure.

Maintain RPV pressure in the prescribed band by using the following systems based on plant conditions:

  • DEH per Procedure
  • SRVs per Procedure 2.2.1.

END OF EVENT Notes Note to lead examiner: Next event (Failure to Scram) is already active.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Event


RCIC Steam Line Leak Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunctions/

Overrides/Remote Function: Insert Trigger 7.

RC06 RCIC Steam Line Break in at 100%

Booth RC07 Failure of RCIC Auto-Isolation Operation Override ZDIRCICSWS2(2) MO-16 C/S to OPEN Override ZDIRCICSWS1(2) MO-15 C/S to OPEN Remote Function RC06A RCIC-MO-16 Control Power De-energized CREW Report Secondary Containment temperatures rising.

Respond to alarm 9-3-1/E-10 AREA HIGH TEMP and report to CRS.

OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION Dispatch Operator to alarming area to determine cause.

Attempt to isolate leaks.

BOP If a leak is identified to be from through-wall leakage in a Class 1 System (Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary) and leak cannot be isolated, then enter Condition and Required Actions of Technical Specifications LCO 3.4.4.

Start additional HVAC coolers, as required, to maintain normal building temperatures and humidity.

BOP Report temperatures in Torus area and SE Quad rising.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Event


RCIC Steam Line Leak Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Direct Operable area coolers and Reactor Building HVAC be CRS operated to control area temperatures At Vertical Board R place following room coolers control switches to RUN:

Report status of RCIC valves :

  • RCIC-MO-15 Open BOP
  • RCIC-MO-16 De-energized Send Reactor Building operator to investigate.

Contacts WCC to have them help determine the reason the RCIC CRS valves appear to be closed but are not.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Event


RCIC Steam Line Leak Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior If directed to investigate RCIC isolation as the WCC, respond to the request and tell the CRS that a team is being put Role Play together to investigate and correct the problem.

If directed to investigate RCIC leak, wait 6 minutes, then report Role Play you hear a steam leak in the torus area and you cannot get close enough to tell where it is coming from.

BOP Send Reactor Building operator to manually close RCIC-MO-16.

When any area temperature exceeds is Max Normal Operating level (9-3-1/E-10 alarm in) direct isolating all system discharging into its CRS area except systems required to suppress a fire and systems required to support EOPs.

When it is determined a primary system (RCIC Steam leak) is CRS discharging into secondary containment, enter EOP 1A RPV CONTROL.


CRS Direct RPV level be maintained between -183 in and +54 in.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Event


RCIC Steam Line Leak Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior CRS Direct RO to insert control rods per Procedure 5.8.3.

Switch from Non-EOP Rod driving strategies to EOP Rod Critical Driving strategies and place the reactor in a safe condition by Task manually inserting Control Rods to achieve a shutdown condition.

CRS Direct BOP continue to stabilize RPV pressure below 1050 psig.

If directed to manually close RCIC-MO-16, wait 10 minutes and Role Play report you cannot get the valve to move.

Report rising Secondary Containment temperature levels or alarm 9-3-1/E-19 AREA HIGH TEMP to CRS.

OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION Dispatch Operator to alarming area to determine cause.

Attempt to isolate leaks.

RO/BOP If a leak is identified to be from through-wall leakage in a Class 1 System (Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary) and leak cannot be isolated, then enter Condition and Required Actions of Technical Specifications LCO 3.4.4.

Start additional HVAC coolers, as required, to maintain normal building temperatures and humidity.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 6 Event


RCIC Steam Line Leak Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior END OF EVENT Notes 21

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Event


ATWS, EOP Rod driving Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior The following Malfunction is already active:

Booth Operator RD02B ATWS South Bank set at 75%

Places the Reactor Mode Switch to Shutdown RO Arms ARI by rotating the collars around both ARI Initiation Pushbuttons and depresses both buttons simustainously Note to examiner: When ARI is initiated it will automatically trigger the next event, the B Reactor Recirc MG Set controller will fail high, increasing its output to 100 percent.

RO 22

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 7 Event


ATWS, EOP Rod driving Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior RO Place both CRD Pumps in service.

Ensure CRD-FC-301 is in Manual to maintain drive water d/p RO approximately 265 psid.

Selects the rods starting in the center and works out in a spiral RO pattern using the 5.8.3 Board depicted below.

BOP END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 8 Event


B Reactor Recirc Pump runs away to 100%.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Booth This is an automatic trigger that will Insert Trigger 7 on the ARI Operation Control switch.

Reports Annunciator Panel 9-5-1 / F-8 SRM Period and an increase RO/BOP in power as seen on the IRMs. Ranges IRMs if necessary.

Reports Recirc Pump B has increased in speed and attempts to lock BOP the scoop tube.

CRS Direct the BOP to Trip the RR Pump.

Opens Breaker DRIVE MOTOR BKR 1DS.

NOTE -Annunciator 9-4-3/E-7, RECIRC LOOP B OUT OF BOP SERVICE, will alarm when generator field breaker opens.

Ensure RRMG Set B GEN FIELD BKR opens in - 30 seconds.

Monitors and reports that Core Flow is lowering and power is RO/BOP returning to pre-event values.

Critical Trips the B Reactor Recirc Pump to mitigate the increase in Task Reactor Power during an ATWS.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 8 Event


B Reactor Recirc Pump runs away to 100%.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 9 Event


ED on Secondary Containment 2 Areas Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Note no malfunctions necessary for this event.

When any two Secondary Containment parameter reaches it Max Safe Operating Value:

Temperature 195°F Radiation 1000 mR/hr Water Level 9.5 ft. in RB Quads OR 4.5 ft. in Torus Area AND CRS Primary system discharging into Secondary Containment (RCIC leak)

Direct Emergency Depressurization.

Note to Examiner: This report may come from anyone on the crew by looking at PMIS and checking that two areas contain temperatures above 195F. PMIS will backlight red blocks for values that have been exceeded.


CRS Direct BOP stop and prevent injection per Hard Card.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 9 Event


ED on Secondary Containment 2 Areas Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Perform stop and prevent:

STOP INJECTION Stop HPCI by performing one of following:

TRIP HPCI turbine:

When the Turbine is at zero rpm, place AUXILIARY OIL PUMP switch to PULL-TO-LOCK.

Stop Feedwater by performing following:

Ensure RFP B is tripped.

BOP If Reactor pressure 600 psig, ensure all condensate booster pumps are tripped.


Stop Core Spray by ensuring following:

CS System A secured with pump in PULL-TO-LOCK.

CS System B secured with pump in PULL-TO-LOCK.

Stop RHR by ensuring one of following:

Both RHR Systems secured with pumps in PULL-TO-LOCK.

Prevent Feedwater by performing following:

At a RVLC/RFPT HIM, select STARTUP VALVE screen, press EMER CLOSE button, and confirm "YES" in pop-up box.

Ensure RF-MO-29 is closed.

Ensure RF-MO-30 is closed.

Trip condensate and condensate booster pump(s), as required.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 9 Event


ED on Secondary Containment 2 Areas Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Prevent CS by performing following:

Ensure CS-MO-12A is closed.

Ensure CS-MO-12B is closed.

When directed to ED BOP will verify PC water level is above 6 ft.

BOP and open 6 SRVs by taking their control switches to OPEN.

BOP Report RPV pressure as it lowers.

When RPV Pressure below MSCP Table 14 14 MINIMUM STEAM COOLING PRESSURE No. of RPV Pressure Open SRVs (psig) 6 or more 135 5 160 4 205 3 280 RO 2 425 1 860 Start and slowly raise injection into the RPV using Outside Shroud Injection Systems.

  • MC/RF

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 3 Event No.: 9 Event


ED on Secondary Containment 2 Areas Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior RO Raise RPV level between -183 in. and +54 in.

When primary system discharging into secondary containment and secondary containment exceeds its maximum safe Critical operating value 195F in 2 or more areas for high temperature, Task emergency depressurize the RPV to lessen the radioactive release into the Reactor Building.

END OF EVENT Notes When ED is complete (RPV pressure < 50 psig above Torus pressure), RPV level is controlled in desired band, all but one Control Rod has been inserted and lead examiner has observed enough of the scenario, then terminate the scenario.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Simulator Setup Initialize the simulator in IC123 (BOC)

Triggers and Malfunctions E1 - None E2 - SW11B - REC Pump Trip 1B E3 - NM13C - IRM INOP Channel-C E4 - DW Radiation Monitor Isolation E5 - CR023827 Increased Rod Worth on rod 38-27 set at 40%

- RD133827 Rod Uncoupled

- RD123827 Rod Stuck

- CR01 Fuel Failure at 100%

E6 - RC06 RCIC Steam Line Break in at 15%

- RC07 Failure of RCIC Auto-Isolation

- RF RC06A RCIC-MO-16 Control Power De-energized.

Active - RD02B ATWS South Bank set at 75% Active E8 - RR17B RR MG Set Jordan Controller failure to 100%

Events When ARI is initiated inserts automatic trigger E7 Remotes E5 - RC06A RCIC-MO-16 Control Power De-energized.


  • ZDIRRSWS2B[1] = ON Reset Scoop-tube Lockout
  • 03A04 Rod Full Out Core Display Light 38-27 ON
  • 03A04 Rod Full In Core Display Light 38-27 OFF
  • 03A07DS2 4 Rod Display - BCD 2^3(MSB) OFF
  • 03A07DS2 4 Rod Display - BCD 2^2 ON
  • 03A07DS2 4 Rod Display - BCD 2^1 ON
  • 02S87 DW Vent Mon Inboard Sample Switch (ZDIRMARA10AV[1] = CLOSE) E4
  • 12A2AR1 RMV-RR-4 Drywell Vent Rad Monitor - Gas set to 4.0E-006 E4 Panel Set-up
  • Reset to IC07
  • Pull Drive out to position 46 to prevent over-travel alarm and indication 30

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2

  • Override full out light ON on full core display
  • Override full in light OFF on full core display
  • Override the 4 Rod Display for Rod 38-27 by inserting the following overrides:
  • 03A07DS2 4 Rod Display - BCD 2^3(MSB) OFF
  • 03A07DS2 4 Rod Display - BCD 2^2 ON
  • 03A07DS2 4 Rod Display - BCD 2^1 ON
  • Ensure that the four rod display indicates 48 for the position of Rod 38-27
  • Place the Startup BOC Rod Sequence Book on Panel 9-5 Procedures Needed 2.1.1 marked up to steps 4.13.2, 4.17, 5.24.

Tags Hung Condensate Pump Discharge Valve Closed tags on the non-running pumps.

Condensate Booster Pump Discharge Valve Closed tags on the non-running pumps.

Danger Tag on Breakers: 1AN, 1BN, 1CN, 1DN 31

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Turnover Sheet:

Plant Status: The plant is starting up following a refueling outage. Reactor Power is approximately 2%. Reactor Pressure is approximately 525 psig controlled by the Main Turbine Bypass Valves.

Risk: Green Activities in Progress: Procedure 2.1.1 Start up has been completed up to steps

- 4.13.2

- 4.17

- 5.24 500 psig walkdown is in progress in the Reactor Building and Turbine Building. Hold at this power level until the walkdown is completed.

LCOs in effect: None Equipment out of service: None Activities for the Shift: After turnover, the crew is to shift CRD Pump in accordance with Procedure 2.2.8.

Maintain current power level until contacted that the 500 psig walkdown is completed.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Scenario No.: NRC 4 (Spare) Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions: The plant is operating at approximately 100% power. There are thunderstorms in the area and Nemaha Co. is in a thunderstorm watch. After turnover, the crew is to continue with the Core Spray Surveillance.

Event Event Event No. Malf. No.

Type* Description 1 N/A N,TS CS Surveillance 2 2 C CS Pump Trip 3 3 C,TS Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Opens 4 4 N Severe Thunderstorm Warning, increased winds, shift Air Comps.

5 5 C,TS Lightning Strike - 125V B Ground loss of HPCI Starter Rack 6 6 M, Lightning Strike - Both Reactor Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip 7 7 C Loss of 125VDC A 8 N/A Emergency Depressurization to restore level with low pressure systems

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Critical Task are located in Event 5 and 7.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Scenario Objective Evaluate the crews ability to perform surveillance and normal operations and respond to instrument failure which has an input to the Reactor Vessel Level Control System.

Evaluate the crews response to a loss of RPV level indication and entry into the RPV Flooding procedures.

Evaluate CRS ability to determine Tech Spec LCOs are not met and take appropriate Required Actions.

Scenario Summary Initial Conditions:

  • 100% Power
  • Surveillance Procedure 6.1CS.101, CORE SPRAY TEST MODE SURVEILLANCE OPERATION (IST) (DIV 1) (92 day) is due to be performed at the beginning of shift.


  • CS Surveillance
  • CS Pump Trip
  • Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Opens
  • Severe Thunderstorm Warning, increased winds, shift Air Comps.
  • Lightning Strike - 125V B Ground loss of HPCI Starter Rack
  • Lightning Strike - Both Reactor Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip
  • Loss of 125VDC A
  • Emergency Depressurization to restore level with low pressure systems Scenario Sequence
  • Normal activity - CS Surveillance
  • Component Failure before EOPs - CS Pump Trip
  • Component Failure before EOPs - Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Opens
  • Abnormal event with Normal Activity - Severe TS Warning, shift Station Air Compressors.
  • Component Failure before EOPs - Lightning Strike - 125VB Ground loss of HPCI Starter Rack
  • Major Event - Lightning Strike - Both Rx Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip circuit initiates
  • Component Failure after EOPs - 125VDC Bus A failure
  • Accident mitigation strategy - Alternate RPV Injection to control level 2

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event One: CS Surveillance Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Evaluate the crew during normal equipment surveillance.

Evaluate SRO Tech Spec entry for CS surveillance Success Path:

The A Core Spray Pump is started and the minimum flow valve is verified to close as flow is raised.

The SRO will address Tech Specs for inoperable subsystem and pump.

Event Two: CS Pump Trip Malfunction Required:

CS01a Core Spray A pump trip.


Evaluate the crews response to the tripping of the CS Pump.

Evaluate the CRS directing the steps of the surveillance that must be performed and those to be N/Aed.

Success Path:

The Crew places the A Core Spray system valves back to the normal alignment.

Event Three: Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker NRV-21 opens Malfunction Required:

PC02b Torus To Drywell Vacuum Breaker Failure NRV-21 (open) set at 100%


Evaluate the crews response to a vacuum breaker failing open.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications for inoperable vacuum breaker.

Success Path:

The SRO addresses Tech Specs and declares the vacuum breaker inoperable.


Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Event Four: NAWAS issues Severe Thunderstorm Warning Malfunction Required:

HV03 Lightning Strike Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a weather emergency and performance of mitigating steps.

Success Path:

The Crew enters 5.1Weather and prepares the site for severe weather. The crew shifts the Station Air Compressors and aligns REC to the running compressor.

The CRS ensures that a safety announcement is made over the Gaitronics to help protect the personnel on site.

Event Five: Lightning Strike - Lightning Strike - 125VB Ground loss of HPCI Starter Rack TS-3.0.3 Shutdown Malfunction Required:

HV03 Lightning Strike ED12A HPCI Starter Rack Loss of Power OR RA:MUX01C072 125V DC B Bus Ground Annunciator Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to a ground on the 125 V DC System and subsequent loss of HPCI Starter Rack.

Evaluate the CRS addressing Technical Specifications.

Success Path:

The Crew identifies the loss of the HPCI Starter Rack by walking down the control board.

The CRS determines that HPCI is inoperable Event Six: Lightning Strike - Both Rx Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip circuit initiates Malfunction Required:

HV03 Lightning Strike FW01A Time Delay 10 seconds FW01B Time Delay 15 seconds Override Annunciator A1/A6 RFP A Suction Pressure Low ON Override Annunciator A2/A3 RFP B Suction Pressure Low ON 4

Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Objective:

Evaluate the crews response to the failure of the suction pressure switches for both Reactor Feed Pumps and timed sequence of tripping. This Results in the subsequent loss of feedwater to the vessel.

Success Path:

The Crew identifies the loss of feedwater and scrams the reactor prior to the automatic trip. The Crew should use their only available injection sources to maintain and recover level.

Event Seven: 125VDC Bus A failure Malfunction Required:

ED12D Loss of 125 VDC Bus Distribution Panel Objective:

Evaluate the crews ability to recognize the loss of RCIC and inability of the remaining high pressure injection sources to restore level.

Success Path:

The Crew identifies the loss of RCIC and the inability to restore level. The Crew transitions to Alternate RPV Injection using SLC and CRD.

Event Eight: Anticipate emergency depressurization, or emergency depressurizes Malfunction Required:

None Objective:

Evaluate the crews ability to recognize the inability of remaining high pressure injection sources to restore RPV water level and either Alternate Emergency Depressurizes or Emergency Depressurizes the RPV to allow low pressure systems to restore level.

Success Path:

The Crew identifies the loss of loss of RCIC to restore level. The Crew transitions to Alternate RPV Injection using SLC then to Emergency Depressurization to refill the vessel.

Scenario Termination:

When the rate of level decrease has slowed because of the use of alternate injection sources or the crew has emergency depressurized the vessel and injected with low pressure systems or at the direction of the lead examiner.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 1 When the Crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the When to initiate:

lead examiner.



CS Surveillance 6.1CS.101 Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Enter Tech Spec LCO 3.5.1 Each ECCS injection/spray subsystem and the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) function of six safety/relief valves shall be OPERABLE.

APPLICABILITY: MODE 1, MODES 2 and 3, except high pressure coolant injection (HPCI) and ADS valves are not required to be OPERABLE with reactor steam CRS dome pressure < 150 psig.

Condition A One low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem inoperable.

Required Action A.1 Restore low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem(s) to operable status.

Completion Time 7 days Declare CS Subsystem A inoperable.

BOP Make plant announcement and then start CS Pump A.

BOP Wait ~ 40 seconds and ensure Min flow valve MO-5A remains open.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 1 When the Crew has assumed the watch and at the direction of the When to initiate:

lead examiner.



CS Surveillance 6.1CS.101 Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Crack open CS-MO-26A, TEST LINE RECIRC VLV, by jogging valve in open direction for 1/2 second.

After allowing system to run for a minimum of 10 seconds, slowly jog CS-MO-26A full open Check flow on CS-FI-50A > 5000 gpm.

NOTE - CS-MO-5A closes when subsystem flow has been

>2120 gpm for - 8 seconds.

Check CS-MO-5A closes.

Throttle CS-MO-26A until flow on CS-FI-50A is 5000 gpm and then record data on Attachment 1, Table 1.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 2 This event will occur when Core Spray flow is raised above 4500 When to initiate:




CS Surveillance, CS A Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Booth Ensure that Malfunction CS01A, Core Spray Pump A trip, Operation occurs at a flow rate of > 4500 gpm.

Respond to alarm 9-3-1/C-7 CORE SPRAY PUMP A TRIP and BOP report condition to CRS.

CRS Direct surveillance be halted and contact WCC for support.

Reviews the surveillance and determines the steps that must be CRS/BOP performed and which can be N/Aed.

The Operator will N/A the following step of Surveillance 6.1CS.101 Throttle CS-MO-26A until flow on CS-FI-50A is 5000 gpm and then record data on Attachment 1, Table 1. N/A Check PMIS indicates N906 CS PUMP A STATUS ON. N/A Check locally FC-R-1 F (R-881-NE Quad) is running. N/A Maintain 5000 gpm flow on CS-FI-50A for 2 minutes to allow system BOP to stabilize. N/A NOTE - Steps 4 .26 through 4 .28 may be performed during 2 minute flow stabilization period. N/A Record motor amps for CS Pump A N/A Record press and status of RB aux cond pump. N/A Check press change Steps 4.7 and 4.27 < 20 psig . N/A

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 2 This event will occur when Core Spray flow is raised above 4500 When to initiate:




CS Surveillance, CS A Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior NOTE - Vibration data shall be taken Figure 1, N/A After 2 min flow stable period and while maintaining flow on CS-FI-50A at 5000 gpm, record data on Att 1, Table 2 . N/A Record Post-Start data on Attachment 1, Table 3 . N/A Performs steps 4.31 and 4.32 4.31 Close CS-MO-26A.

BOP 4.32 Check CS-MO-5A opens.

The Operator will N/A the following step of Surveillance 6.1CS.101 4.33 Operate CS Pump A for ~40 sec to est. min flow cond. N/A 4.34 If CS-MO-5A closes during 40 second run, stop CS Pump A immediately and terminate procedure; N/A BOP 4.35 After CS Pump A has run for ~40 seconds on min flow, check CS-MO-5A is still open and did not close during this time. N/A 4.36 Stop CS Pump A and ensure its switch spring returns to NORMAL AFTER STOP (green flagged). N/A 4 .37 Check PMIS indicates N906 CORE SPRAY PUMP A STATUS OFF. N/A BOP Have IAC perform following:

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 2 This event will occur when Core Spray flow is raised above 4500 When to initiate:




CS Surveillance, CS A Pump Trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Close CS-78.

Remove 0 to 400 psig gauge.

Notify Shift Manager that CS Subsystem A has been returned to standby status. N/A 4.40 Close REC-MO-711 or REC-MO-714 if no longer required.

As WCC SRO receive CS Pump A status and provide support Role Play as requested by CRS.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 3 Event


Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker, NRV-21 fails open Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Booth When directed by lead examiner, insert Malfunction Operation PC02b Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Failure NRV-21 Respond to alarm J-1/B-1 TORUS-DW VACUUM RELIEF OPEN and report to CRS.

OPERATOR OBSERVATION AND ACTION BOP Observe suppression chamber and drywell pressures.

Ensure master control switch to CLOSE.

Ensure control switches for PC-AOV-NRV20 through PC-AOV-NRV31 to CLOSE.

BOP Report to CRS the valve will not close with its control switch.

Enter Tech Spec LCO LCO Nine suppression chamber-to-drywell vacuum breakers shall be OPERABLE for opening.

AND Twelve suppression chamber-to-drywell CRS vacuum breakers shall be closed, except when performing their intended function.


Condition B One suppression chamber-to-drywell vacuum breaker not closed.

Required Action B.1 Close the open vacuum breaker.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 3 Event


Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker, NRV-21 fails open Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Completion Time 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> Declare NRV-21 inoperable.

END OF EVENT Notes Proceed to the next event at direction of the lead examiner.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 4 Event


Report of severe thunderstorm warning Lightning Strike.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Booth When directed by lead examiner, make the following Operation announcement.

Sound tone then The National Weather Service in Omaha Nebraska has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for the following counties in Southeastern Nebraska and Role Play Northwestern Missouri; Johnson and Nemaha in Nebraska and Atchison Co. in Missouri effective until _______ today. Strong winds and possibly large hail can be expected during these storms. Repeat announcement.

Announces entry into 5.1Weather and assigns the BOP Operator CRS the Subsequent Operator Actions, Attachment 2.

Contacts Operations Management of the Severe Thunderstorm CRS Warning and entry into 5.1Weather.

Contacts Doniphan Control Center about the potential threat to BOP continued generation or switchyard reliability.

Role Play As Doniphan Control Center acknowledge the report.

CREW Reviews 5.3EMPWR, 5.3GRID, 5.3SBO and 5.7.1 Booth Insert Malfunction HV03 Lightning Strike.

Operation Insert Remote HV02 to raise wind speed to 55 mph.

Sound emergency alarm for 10 seconds.

Make following Gaitronics announcement:

BOP Attention, high winds are in the area, if weather conditions permit, personnel should seek shelter in the following areas: TSC, communications building, CAS, first floor west warehouse, Training classrooms H, I, J, or any area within the power block.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 4 Event


Report of severe thunderstorm warning Lightning Strike.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Contact Security and have them conduct a sweep of areas to augment Gaitronics announcement.

Booth Insert Malfunction HV03 Lightning Strike.

Operation lf SAC 1A is not load carrying compressor, place control switch (PANEL A) to OFF.

BOP lf SAC 1A is load carrying compressor, place SAC 1B control switch to OFF (PANEL A).

Align SAC 1B to REC per Procedure 2.2.76.

Contacts the Work Control Center and instructs them to ensure following:

  • Inner RR Airlock Door closed.
  • Ceiling Plugs installed in both DG Rooms.


  • SW Pump Room Ceiling Plugs installed.
  • lf handling loads with Reactor Building crane:
  • Place load in a safe location.
  • Have Maintenance ensure crane tornado latches are engaged.

Role Play As WCC Operator acknowledge the report.

END OF EVENT Over the next 15 minutes the storm will pass and the wind speed NOTE will lower.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 4 Event


Report of severe thunderstorm warning Lightning Strike.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 4 Event


Lightning Strike - 125V DC Bus B Ground and HPCI Starter Rack loss of power.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner insert Malfunction and Overrides:

HV03 Lightning Strike ED12A HPCI Starter Rack Loss of Power Booth Operation OR RA:MUX01C072 125V DC Bus Ground Annunciator 5 seconds later remove the Ground Alarm Annunciator.

Responds to the Annunciator and reports that there is a Ground on 125V DC.

BOP Attempts to locate and isolate ground per Procedure 2.0.1, by calling the Station Operator to investigate.

If 125 VDC Bus 1B de-energized, enter Procedure 5.3DC125. N/A As the Station Operator report back that the ground has Role Play appeared to have cleared.

Booth Modify Remote HV02 Wind Speed to lower back to Operation approximately 10 mph over the next ten minutes.

Recognizes that the lights have gone out for the HPCI system.

CREW Determine that the HPCI Starter Rack is de-energized.

Declares HPCI Inoperable in accordance with Tech Spec 3.5.1 Condition C. HPCI System inoperable. C.1 Verify by administrative means RCIC System is OPERABLE within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />; AND C.2 Restore HPCI System to OPERABLE status within 14 days.

CRS AND Condition D. HPCI System inoperable. AND Condition A entered.

D.1Restore HPCI System to OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

OR D.2 Restore low pressure ECCS injection/spray subsystem to

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 4 Event


Lightning Strike - 125V DC Bus B Ground and HPCI Starter Rack loss of power.

Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior OPERABLE status within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />.

CRS Briefs the Crew on HPCIs unavailability END OF EVENT Notes

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 5 Event


Lightning strike and both Reactor Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert the following Malfunctions.

Insert Trigger 5.

Booth HV03 Lightning Strike Operation FW01A Time Delay 10 seconds FW01B Time Delay 15 seconds Override Annunciator A1/A6 RFP A Suction Pressure Low ON Override Annunciator A2/A3 RFP B Suction Pressure Low ON CREW Recognizes the loss of 1A Reactor Feed Pump.

Reports the loss of one Feed Pump and that that is a condition BOP that requires entry into 2.4MC-RF Announces the tripping of the B Feed Pump as well and reports BOP reactor water level is dropping.

CRS Directs the RO to scram the plant.

Performs the Mitigating Task Scram Actions of Procedure 2.1.5 (Attachment 1);


1.2 Place REACTOR MODE switch to REFUEL.

RO 1.3 Announce reactor scram and reactor status to Control Room including controlling systems for critical parameters.

Reactor Power. _________ All Rods In Reactor Water Level. _________

Reactor Pressure. ________

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 5 Event


Lightning strike and both Reactor Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 2 Reactor Power Control actions:


Ensure operating RR pumps have run back to 22% speed.

RO NOTE - Steps 1.4 and 1.5 may be performed concurrently.

Verify all control rods are fully inserted.

Observe nuclear instrumentation and perform following:

Insert SRM detectors.

Insert IRM detectors.

Change APRM recorders to IRMs.

Range IRMs on scale.

Check reactor power is lowering.

Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 3 Reactor Water Level Control, actions:

RO Trip all but one condensate booster pump.

Trip all but one condensate pump.

Performs Procedure 2.1.5, Attachment 4 Reactor Pressure Control, actions:

REACTOR PRESSURE CONTROL BOP If necessary to stabilize or reduce reactor pressure, BPVs can be operated in manual by performing following:

Transfers bypass valve control from AUTO to MANUAL by pressing BPV MANUAL button and check it backlights.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 5 Event


Lightning strike and both Reactor Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Press BPV RAISE or LOWER buttons to adjust impulse pressure or reactor pressure.

Maintain RPV pressure in the prescribed band by using the following systems based on plant conditions:

  • DEH per Procedure
  • SRVs per Procedure 2.2.1.
  • RCIC per Procedure

CRS Enter EOP 1A if RPV level lowers below + 3 in.

CRS Direct RO to maintain RPV level +3 in. to +54 in.

Direct BOP to stabilize RPV pressure below 1050 psig with CRS SRVs/RCIC.

Reports Reactor Water level______ and that he cannot restore it RO to the current band. And request a new band.

Directs the RO to maintain water level above -150 inches with CRS normal (RCIC) and alternate injection systems (SLC and CRD).

CRS Directs the BOP or RO to Inhibit ADS.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 5 Event


Lightning strike and both Reactor Feed Pump Suction Pressure Trip Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 6 Event


Loss of 125V DC Distribution Bus A Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior When directed by lead examiner, insert the following Malfunctions.

Booth Insert Trigger 6.

Operation HV03 Lightning Strike ED12D Loss of 125 VDC Bus Distribution Bus A Recognizes the loss of indications for Division 1 battery supplied equipment and several alarms indicating that 125 VDC Bus is de-energized.

The following Annunciators will alarm:

Panel C-1/ A-2 125 VDC SWGR BUS 1A BLOWN FUSE Panel C-1/ D-3 DG-1 DC CONTROL POWER FAILURE BOP/RO Panel A-1/ G-1 ANNUNCIATOR SYSTEM TROUBLE Panel A-1/ G-2 RVLC/RFPT NETWORK TROUBLE Panel 9-5-2/ E-7 ARI & ATWS RPT LOGIC POWER FAILURE Panel 9-5-2/ G-4 RVLC SYSTEM TROUBLE Panel 9-4-1/ A-3 RCIC LOGIC POWER FAILURE Panel 9-4-1/ B-1 RCIC TURBINE TRIP Panel 9-3-1/ A-5 RHR LOGIC A POWER FAILURE Panel 9-3-1/ B-7 CORE SPRAY A LOGIC POWER FAILURE Panel 9-3-1/ E-1 ADS CONTROL POWER FAILURE Enters 5.3DC125 LOSS OF 125 VDC DISTRIBUTION PANEL A CRS Attachment 1 Page 3 Updates the crew that RCIC has tripped and there are no more BOP/RO normal high pressure injection sources.

LOSS OF 125 VDC DISTRIBUTION PANEL A If 1AE, BUS 1E TIE BKR, is flagged closed, place 1 BE, BUS 1E TIE BKR, to PULL-TO-LOCK.

Send Operator to R-976-W to stand by to open RRMG A field

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 6 Event


Loss of 125V DC Distribution Bus A Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior breaker locally.

Send Operator to Non-Critical Switchgear Room to stand by to open RRMG A drive motor breaker locally.

When Operators in place, perform following simultaneously:

Open RRMG A drive motor Breaker EE-CB-4160C(1 CN) or EE-CB-4160C (1CS) by depressing TRIP button below and to right of shutter slide.

Open RRMG A field breaker by depressing TRIP button on RRMG-CB-CB11A.

Enter Procedure 2ARR for RR Pump Trip.

Secure SAC 1A.

Transfer 4160V Bus 1B to Startup Transformer per Procedure 2.2.18.

Transfer 4160V Bus 1D to Startup Transformer per Procedure 2.2.18.

NOTE ARI retains logic power, but AUTO and MANUAL modes are lost due to solenoid power loss.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 6 Event


Loss of 125V DC Distribution Bus A Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior ALTERNATE RPV INJECTION WITH CRD SYSTEM Ensure a full scram exists.

BOP/RO Place standby CRD discharge filter in service. Contacts RX Building Station Operator to perform his actions in the Rx Building for CRD Flow Maximization.

Wait 4 minutes and call the RO or BOP Operator back and Role Play inform him that the Reactor Building Steps have been completed.

Contacts the Rx Building Station Operator to perform the necessary BOP/RO steps of Procedure 5.8.4 to inject with SLC with Demin Water.

ALTERNATE RPV INJECTION WITH SLC SYSTEM FROM DEMINERALIZED WATER Notify Radwaste Operations Supervisor or available Water Treatment personnel that makeup to demineralized water storage tank will be required.

Inform CRS that A and B SLC pumps are ready for Alternate RPV Injection from demineralized water.

BOP/RO When CRS directs, commence Alternate RPV Injection as follows (PANEL 9-5) :

Place one keylock switch to START.

SLC Pump A; or SLC Pump B.

Verify red indicating light for pump illuminates.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 6 Event


Loss of 125V DC Distribution Bus A Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Verify SLC-14A, LOOP A SQUIB VALVE, fired if SLC Pump A was started by observing that SQUIB VALVE READY Light 1106A has extinguished.

Verify SLC-14B, LOOP B SQUIB VALVE, fired if SLC Pump B was started by observing that SQUIB VALVE READY Light 1106B has extinguished.

Observe SLC pump discharge pressure rises above RPV pressure as read on SLC-PI-65, PUMP PRESS (PANEL 9-5).

If EOP 1A, RPV LEVEL, Step RC/L-9 is reached, disregard any demineralized water low pressure alarms and perform Steps 6.13.1 through 6.13.5 for other SLC pump.

Inform CRS that Alternate RPV Injection with demineralized water using SLC System has commenced.

BOP/RO Periodically reports Reactor Water Level.

When Reactor Water level drops to -158 inches, ensures with the CRS BOP and RO that there is an injection system is available. Will update the crew to maintain RPV Water Level above -183 inches.

CRS Directs the BOP/RO to mark reactor water level at _>-183_ inches.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 6 Event


Loss of 125V DC Distribution Bus A Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes The next event happens when the crew has determined that Note: RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above -183 inches.

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 7 This will occur when RPV water level cannot be restored and When to initiate:

maintained above -183 in.



Emergency Depressurize the vessel to inject with low pressure systems Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Reports RPV Water level is dropping with all available high BOP pressure Alternate Injection Sources running and injecting.

Determines that a means of RPV injection is available and updates CRS the crew that EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED. Enters EOP 2A From EOP 2A - Determines that high drywell pressure ECCS CRS/BOP initiation signal does not exist (<1.84 psig)

Reports Primary Containment level, and the CRS continues if Torus BOP water level is above 6 ft.

Directs the BOP to Open 6 SRVs and restore IA/N2 supply if necessary CRS Maintain RPV pressure less than 50 psig above torus pressure Opens 6 SRVs on Panel 9-4 and reports RPV Pressure is dropping BOP rapidly.

Directs the RO or BOP to inject with Low Pressure Systems to CRS restore level within the given level band.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Op-Test No.: 1 Scenario No.: 4 Event No.: 7 This will occur when RPV water level cannot be restored and When to initiate:

maintained above -183 in.



Emergency Depressurize the vessel to inject with low pressure systems Time Position Applicants Action or Behavior Notes When the lead examiner has seen enough or the Crew has Emergency Depressurized the vessel and injected to restore level in the normal level band with low pressure systems, the scenario can be stopped.


Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Simulator Setup Initialize the simulator in IC124 (EOC)

Triggers and Malfunctions E1 - None E2 - CS01A Core Spray Pump Trip E3 - PC02B Torus to Drywell Vacuum Breaker Failure (open).

E4 - HV03 Lightning Strike E5 - HV03 Lightning Strike

- ED12A HPCI Starter Rack Loss of Power E6 - HV03 Lightning Strike

- FW01A Feed Pump 1A Trip; Time Delay 10 Seconds

- FW01B Feed Pump 1B Trip; Time Delay 15 Seconds E7 - HV03 Lightning Strike

- ED12D Loss of 125V DC Bus Distribution Panel E8 - None Events When Core Spray flow exceeds 4500 gpm this will insert trigger 2 automatically.

Remotes E4 - HV02 Wind Speed set to 55mph Overrides

  • E6 RA:MUX10C003 Annunciator A2/A3 RFP B Suction Pressure Low ON Panel Set-up
  • Reset to IC 124
  • Depress the CS A in Test button on the Status panel.

Procedures Needed 6.1CS.101 marked up through step 4.11 Tags Hung None

Appendix D Required Operator Actions Form ES-D-2 Turnover Sheet:

Plant Status: The plant is operating at 100% power in May, there are severe Thunderstorms in the area and Nemaha Co. is in a Severe Thunderstorm Watch.

Risk: Green Activities in Progress: Core Spray A surveillance 6.1CS.101 has been started and is completed through step 4.11. The pump is in standby and has been filled and vented.

LCOs in effect: None Equipment out of service: None Activities for the Shift: After turnover, the crew will continue the A Core Spray Surveillance.