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Special Test Number 2, Natural Circulation W/Simulated Loss of Offsite AC Power.
Person / Time
Site: Sequoyah Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/1980
From: Ballentine J, Maehr S, Rich Smith
Shared Package
ML19323B910 List:
PROC-800506-05, NUDOCS 8005140435
Download: ML19323B934 (56)



80051 40 3[

Sequoyah Nuclear Plant DISTRIBUTION

, \'

1C Plant Master File Superintendent f rj Assistant Superintendent (Ope r. )

Assistant Supe-intendent (Maint.)

Administrative Supervisor Flaintent.nce Supervisor (M)

Assistant Maintenance Supervisor (M) llaintenance Supervisor (E)

Assistant Maintenance Supervisor (E)

SPECIAL TEST NO. 2 __1_U__ Maintenance Supervisor (I)

_f_ L Results Supervisor NATURAL CIRCULATION WITH SIMULATED __] l / Operations Supervisor LOSS OF OFFSITE AC POWER _lU Quality Assurance Supervisor Health Physics Supervisor Public Safety Services Supv.

Chief Storekeeper Preop Test Program Coordinator Outage Director Chemical Engineer (Results)

Radiochem Laboratory Instrument Shop

_[C__ Reactor Engineer (Resulta)

Instrument Engineer (Maint. I)

Mechanical Engineer (Results)

Staff Industrial Engineer (Plt Sys)

Training Center Coordi:iator PSO - Chickamauga Engrg Unit - SNP Prepared Dv R. H. Smith Public Sa fety Services - SNP

/6 Shift Engineer's Office Revtsed Dy: S. R. Macht /C Unit Control Room QAEA Rep. - ShP Subraitted Cy: __ -:ue Health Physics Laboratory f d [ 9_isor Superv lU Nucir Document Control Unit, 606 EB-C 1U Superintendent, WDNP PORC Reviev .5/(ejgo _

Superintendent, BFNP N Date Superintendent, EENP

[\ kh IU NEB, W9C174C-K Approved By: \\DLLu

_h' QH s Supv., NPHPS ROB, MS NRC-IE:II Supe, iritenden t Power Security Officer, 620 CST 2-C Nuclr Materials Coord. - 1410 CUBB-C Date Approved:

( gk Manager, OP-QAFai Staf f Q p_ 1C Resident NRC Inspector - SNP 1C NSRS, 249A HBB-K Technical Support Center j

___( .5hl \ j Iccn n ir a i Ajt vi50 r Rev. No. Date Revised Panes Rev. No. Date Revised Pages 0 ff g All The last page of this instruction is

?.' umber __M




, Rev. 0 i

NATURAL CIRCULATION WITH SIhDLATED LOSS OF 0FFSITE AC POWER Table of Contents Page Test Description 1 Special Operator Instruction 2 1.0 ,0BJECTIVES 3 2.0 PREREQUISITES 4 3.0 PRECAUTIONS ' 8 4.0 SPECIAL TEST EQUIPMENT 9 5.0 INSTRUCTIONS 10 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 16 DATA SHEETS 17 APPENDIX A - References 21 APPENDIX B - Deficiencies 22 APPENDIX C - I ?wer Measurement Technique 23 APPENDIX D - Computer Points 34 APPENDIX E - Vital Equipment List 38 APPENDIX F - Safeguard Blocking Procedure 41 APPENDIX G - Technical Specifications Exceptions 52 TABLE 1 - Loop Flow and Core AT for Various Power Levels and Isolation Configurations 53 s -


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  • Rev. O TEST DESCRIPTION This test is intended to provide a significant demonstration of reactor operation in the natural circulation mode under the degraded condition of loss of offsite AC power. The initial conditions for this test shall be as follows:
a. The reactor shall be at approximately 1% power. (Simulating reactor decay heat at hot standby following power operation).
b. All four reactor coolant pumps operating.

> c. Auxiliary Feedwater System in service operating on offsite power.

d. Pressurizer IIcaters in service controlling pressure.
e. Primary System at normal operating temperature and pressure.

This test will be conducted by simultaneously tripping all four reactor coolant pumps and initiating a blackout on the unit 1 6.9-kV shutdown boards which will result in a loss of motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps and pressurizer heaters. After the appropriate time delay, the diesel generators will energize the 6.9-kV shutdown boards and the motor-driven auxiliary feedwater pumps and pressurizer heaters will be reener -

gized. The establishment of natural circulation will be verified.

1 l



  • Rev. 0 Q


  • An operator initiated safety injaction should be performed only for one or more of the following conditions:

Reactor Coolant System Subcooling 5 10 Sudden Unexplained Decrease in Pressurizer Level of 10%

ar to an Indicated Level of 5 10%

Sudden Unexplained Decrease in Any S/G Level to 5 76% Wide Range 5 0% Narrow Range Unexplained Pressurizer Pressure Drop B 200 PSI Containment Pressure Hi (1.54 psig) Annunciator XA-55-6B Window 6 Initiates An operator initiated reactor trip should be performed for any of the fol-lowing conditions:

Reactor Coolant System Subcooling 5 15 Sudden Unexplained Decrease in Pressurizer Level of 5%

Or to an Indicated Level of 5 17%

1/3 Excores 2 10%

Any Loop A T > 65 F I

Tavg > 578 F Core Exit Temperature (Highest) > 610 F f i

Any Uncontrolled Rod Movement ,


  • SI termination shoulr e in accordance with plant EMERGENCY OPERATING PROCEDURES.


SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 14

' Rev. 0 1

1.0 OBJECTIVES 1.1 The objectives of this test are to demonstrate that following a loss of offsite AC power, natural circulation cooling can be established and maintained while being powered f rom the emer-gency diesel generators. In addition it will be verified that after offsite power is restored, the emergency loaus can be transferred to offsite power and the diesel generators restored to standby status.

1.2 To provide operator training. All operating shifts will perform this test.

NOTE: Data acquisition does not need to be repeated for multiple teet performances.

l l

l 3

l l

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 2 of 14

  • Rev. 0 2.0 PREREQUISITES 2.1 Reactor is critical and manually controlled at approximately 1%

power with control bank D at 160 steps or as specified by test engineer. (Power determined as indicated in Appendix C).


2.2 All four reactor coolant pumps in operation.


2.3 RCS pressure at approximately 2235 psig and temperature of approxi-mately 548 F, and pressurizer level 2 27-28%.


2.4 Pressurizer pressure and level control system in automatic.


2.5 Auxiliary Feedwater System in service and operating on offsite power in accordance with System Operating Instruction SOI 3.2A and B.


2.6 Steam pressure approximately 10.6 psig and being maintained by steam dunp to the condenser.


2.7 Steam generator level being maintained at approximately 33% on the narrow range indicators and under automatic control.


2.8 Steam generator chemistry in a condition such that the absolute minimum steam generator blowdown can be maintained during conduct of this test. (Zero blowdown if possible).


2.9 Excess letdown is available for service if required during the test.


2.10 6.9-kV Shutdown Board 1A-A energized from 6900V unit board.*



SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 3 of 14

, Rev. 0 2.0 (Continued) 2.11 6.9-kV Shutdown Board IB-B energized from 6900V unit board.


2.12 Diesel generators lA-A and 1B-B in standby status.


2.13 Control and auxiliary building service air compressors C and D in service powered from the auxiliary building common board.


2.14 Unit 1 turbine turning gear oil pump on the emergency DC supply.


2.15 Waste Gas compressor B in service. (Powered from unit 2 Rx Vent Board 2A-A).


2.16 Close/ Verify 1-FCV-1-17 by placing 1-HS-1-17A into manual and close position. (1-llS-1-17A located on panel 1-M-4).


NOTE: The preceding step will isolate steam feed to the auxiliary feedwater turbine. This is necessary so that verification can be made that natural circulation can be established on emergency (diesel generator) power. The ability to go on natural circula-tion with the turbine-driven AFWP will be verified during the conduct of Special Test No. 7.

2.17 Record the following parameters.

NOTE: Data acquisition steps need not be repeated for multiple test parameters. N/A sign offs for these steps. i 2.17.1 Record on p-computer recorder. l 1

a. Flux l
b. Average wide range T
c. eold Average wide range T gg


d. Average steam generator pressure
e. Reactivity


l 5

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 4 of 14 Rev. 0 2.0 (Continued) 2.17.2 Connect recorders to the following test points:

Recorder No. 1 Test Point Location Monitoring Channel No. I l-R-1, FP414B RCS Flow - Loop 1 Channel No. 2 1-R-1, FP424B RCS Flow - Loop 2 Channel No. 3 1-R-1, FP434B RCS Flow - Loop 3 Channel No. 4 1-R-1, FP444B RCS Flow - Loop 4 Channel No. 5 1-R-1, FP455B Pressurizer Pressure Channel No. 6 1-R-1, LP459B Pressurizer Level Recorder No. 2 Test Point Location Monitoring Channel No. 1 1-R-3, PP-514B Steam Gen #1 Pressure Channel No. 2 1-R-23, LP-501 Steam Gen #1 Level Channel No. 3 1-R-3, FP-512B Steam Gen #1 Steam Flow Channel No. 4 1-R-3, PP-524B Steam Gen #2 Pressure Channel No. 5 1-R-23, LP-502 Steam Gen #2 Level Channel No. 6 1-R-3, FP-522B Steam Gen #2 Steam Flow Recorder No. 3 Test Point Location Monitoring Channel No. I 1-R-4, PP-534B Steam Gen #3 Pressure Channel No. 2 1-R-23, LP-503 Steam Gen #3 Level Channel No. 3 1-R-4, FP-532B Steam Gen #3 Steam Flow Channel No. 4 1-R-4, PP-544B Steam Gen #4 Pressure Channel No. 5 1-R-23, LP-504 Steam Gea #4 Level Channel No. 6 1-R-4, FP-542B Steam Gen #4 Steam Flow Rer rder No. 4 Test Point Location Monitoring Channel No. 1 L-3-163,TP13,1-L-llB Aux. Feed Flow to SG#1 Channel No. 2 L-3-155,TP13,1-L-llA Au::. Feed Flow to SG#2 Channel No. 3 L-3-147,TP12,1-L-llB Aux. Feed Flow to SG#3 Channel No. 4 F-3-170,TP12,1-L-11A Ayx. Feed Flow to SG#4


2.17.3 Record on the recorder charts the following information:

a. Unit number
b. Date
c. Procedure number
d. Scale and range of parameters recorded
e. Chart speed
f. Time matter interval  ;
g. Recorder I.D. No.  !
h. Name of individual recording data 1

NOTE: Ensure recorders are powered from vital AC.




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SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 5 of 14 l ,

Rev. C

, 2.0 (Continued) 1 2.17.4 Set the trend recorders and computer trend printer in the main control room to monitor the parameters indicated in Appendix D.


2.18 Verify the input logic of safety injection on Hi Steam Line AP has been blocked in accordance with Appendix F.


2. I') Verify the Hi Steam Flow coincident with Lo S/G pressure or Lo l

Tav input to Safety Injection has been modified in accordance with Appendix F.


2.20 Verify the automatic initiation of Safety Injection has been blocked in accordance with Appendix F.


2.21 Verify the following UHI isolation valves are gagged.

FCV 87-21 /

FCV 87-22 /

FCV 87-23 /

FCV 87-24 /

2.22 Intermediate and power range (low setpoint) high level reactor trip setpoints have been set to 7% in accordance with Appendix C and D of SU-8.5.2.

Power Range /

Intermediate Range /  !

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 6 of 14 Rev. 0 3.0 PRECAUTIONS 3.1 Maintain reactor coolant pump seal and thermal barrier differen-tial pressure requirements as given in SOI 68.2. (It is recom-mended that. component cooling pump C-S be utilized being powered from unit 2 480-V shutdown board 2B2-B and aligned to provide A &

B train cooling water for unit 1).

, 3.2 Do not exceed 5% nuclear power at any time while the test is in progress.

3.3 Abort test if any of the following temperature limits are exceeded:

3.3.1 Core exit temperature of 610 F T

1.3.2 AT as indicated by h- c of 65 F 3.3.3 RCS avg 578 F 3.4 When equilibrium is established after the initial transient, avoid any sudden changes in auxiliary feedwater flow or in steam gener-ator water level.

3.5 Af ter the reactor coolant pumps are tripped, the normal Tavg and AT indication will become unreliable. AT should be calculated taking the dif ference (Th - T )c and Tavg calculated by taking the average of the hot and cold leg temperature indications.

, 3.6 Following the blackout and after the diesel generators energize the shutdown boards, the blackout should be reset and Operations personnel should immediately be dispatched to energize or verify energized as necessary the equipment listed in Appendix E.

CAUTION: Do not exceed D/G rating.

3.7 Maintain pressurizer level greater than 20%.

, 3.8 Reactor Coolaat Pumps should not be restarted for 30 minutes after pump trip unless safety concerns necessitate the re-establishment -

of forced circulation.

i 3.9. Should a reactor trip take place during the conduct of this test, restart at least one reactor coolant pump (#2) prior to closing the reactor trip breaker.

3.10 Maintain D bank at k 100 steps during the conduct of this pro-cedure. Should this limit be reached, boron concentration will have to be increased.



I t

l 8


SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 7 of 14

  • Rev. 0 4.0 SPECIAL TEST EQUIPf1ENT Calibration Instrument Specification Identification Verification Strip Chart Recorder Brush 260 or equivalent 6-channel (4)

Reactivity Computer Westinghouse Recorder (1) IIP 7100B or Equivalent l

l If test in::truments are changed during this test, the instrument information must be recorded here and an entry made in the chronological log book ex-plaining this change.


SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 8 of 14

  • Rev. 0 5.0 TEST INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: Data acquisition steps need not be repeated for multiple test performances. N/A sign offs for these steps.

5.1 Clear the unit 1 control room area of all nonessential personnel.


5.2 Place / verify 6.9-kV shutdown board 1A-A manual transfer selector switch XS-57-43, located on panel 1-M-1, to the manual position.


5.3 Place / verify 6.9-kV Shutdown bcard 1B-B manual transfer selector switch XS-57-70, located on panel 1-M-1, to the manual position.


5.4 Place / verify D/G 1A-A 43TL test switch located on 6.9-kV shutdown board 1A-A logic relay panel, to the normal position.


5.5 Place / verify D/G 1B-B 43TL test switelt, located on 6.9-kV Shutdown Board IB-B logie relay panel to the normal position.


5.6 Place diesel generator 2A-A 43TL switch, located on 6.9-kV shut-down board 2A-A logic relay panel to the test position.


5.7 Place diesel generator 2B-B 43TL switch, located on 6.9-kV shutdown board 2B-R logic relay panel to the test position.


NOTE: This will prevent auto start of diesel generators 2A-A and 2B-B when the blackout signal is initiated on diesel generators 1A-A and IB-B.

5.8 Record data indicated on Data Sheet 5.1.


5.9 Place / verify pressurizer backup heaters lA-A and 1B-B in automatic.



SQNP-SPECIAL TEST-2 Page 9 of.14

. Rev. 0 5.0 (Continued) 5.10 Trip pressurizer backup heaters 1C & 1D by hand switches HS-68-341H and HS-68-341F respectively. (Stop-Pull to Lock).


5.11 Start the computer trend printer printing as fast as possible.

(See Appendix D).


5.12 Start the strip chart recorders located in the auxiliary instrument room and auxiliary control room.



NOTE: The next step will simulate a loss of offsite power.

Following RCP trip, the following response is expected:

T Wide range c Id - slight increase or stable T

Wide range hot -

increase Core exit T/C - increase avg - unreliable AT - unreliable Pressurizer Pressure - increase 5.13 As close to simultaneously as possible perform the following actions.

NOTE: Time zero

a. Trip all 4 reactor coolant pumps


b. Trip 6.9-kV Shutdown Board 1A-A normal feeder ACB 1718


c. Trip 6.9-kV Shutdown. Board IB-B normal feeder ACB 1726


d. Place steam dump controls 1-US-1-103A and 1-HS-1-103B to off and place controllers to manual.


4 f

11 I

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 10 of 14 Rev. 0 5.0 -(Continued) 5.14 Verify diesel generators IA-A and IB-E started, energized their 6.9-kV shutdown boards and the following equipment sequenced onto the shutdown boards:

Component Cooling Water Pumps /

Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps /

Centrifugal Charging Pumps /

Pressuttzer Heaters /

ERCW Pumps /

CAUTION: If either diesel generator fails to start, manually restore power to that shutdown board by closing either the normal or alternate feeder supply breaker.

5.15 Re-establish normal letdown and transfer control of the pressur-izer heaters to manual control to prevent over pressurizing the pressurizer.


5.16 Dispatch Operations personnel to reset blackout and re-energize equipment required from the list in Appendix E.


5.17 Begin printing T/C maps every 15 minutes from time zero. (See Appendix D).


NOTE: Monitor reactor power closely and make any adjustments necessary to maintain approximately 1 percent power.

5.18 Verify the steam generator lev 21 returns to normal level (approxi-mately 33%).



5.19 Verify automatic control of auxiliary feedwater flow and power-operated reliefs to maintain a normal operating level and pres-sure in the steam generators (approximately 33% level and 1325 psig).



SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 11 of 14 Rev. 0 5.0 (Coatinued)

NOTE: If automatic control of auxiliary feedwater and power reliefs fail to maintain the normal steam generator level and pressure, change to manual control of auxiliary feedwater flow control valves and power relief valves.

5.20 Verify natural circulation is established in accordance with the operational guideline of Emergency Operating Instruction 5 (Black-out), Appendix A, and maintain steady state conditions for 30 minutes.


NOTE: Natural circulation flow will be stable when:

a. AT between wide range hot and cold is constant.
b. AT between wide range cold and core exit T/C average temperature is constant.
c. Wide range hot a core exit T/C average temperature.

(See Table 1) 5.21 Turn off data recorders and note time on charts.

5.22 Establish ventilation and cooling in accordance with EDI 5, Sections C through G (Subsequent Operation Action).


5.23 Perform section V " Recovery", steps I through K, of E01 5.


5.24 Verify steam supply header to the AFWP turbine warm and open FCV 1-1-17 by placing handswitch 1-HS-1-17A to the open position, return to P-Auto.


NOTE: This valve was closed to prevent operation of the AFWP Turbine during a blackout.

5.25 Adjust condenser dump controllers to 0% output.




SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 12 of 14

. Rev. 0 5.0 (Continued) 5.26 Place steam dump controls 1-HS-1-103A and 1-HS-1-103B to the

'On' Position.


5.27 Place steam dump controllers in auto and adjust to maintain approximately 1000 psig steam pressure.


5.28 Establir.h the following conditions and verify:

5.28.1 Insert control rod bank D until the reactor is in the hot zero power test range.


NOTE: Ensure pressurizer spray valves are closed prior to sta rting any RCP.

5.28.2 Restart reactor coolant pumps 2, 1, 3, and 4. (In the indicated sequence).


5.28.3 RCS pressure at agproximately 2235 psig and temperature at apprcximately 548 F.


5.28.4 Pressurizer pressure and level controls in automatic.


5.28.5 Auxiliar. Feedwater System in service and operating in accordance with S01 3.2A and 3.2B.


i 5.28.6 Steam pressure approximately 1000 psig and being maintained by steam dump to the condenser.


, 5.28.7 Steam generator level being maintained at approximately 33% on the narrow range indicators and under automatic control.

! / l 14

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 I Page 13 of 14 Rev. O i 1

5.0 (Continued) 5.28.8 Collect data charts and attach to data sheet 5.2.


5.29 Remove the block of input logic of satety injection on Hi steam line AP in accordance with Appendix F unless the next test to be performed requires the block to be installed. If this is the case, disregard this step, place N/A in the signature line and initial.


5.30 Remove modification to Hi Steam Flow coincident with Lo S/G pres-sure or Lo Tav input to Safety Injection in accordan'ce with Appendix F unless the next test to be performed requires the

> modification to be made. If this is the case, disregard this step, place N/A in the signature line and initial.


5.31 Remove block of automatic initiation of Safety Injection in accord-ance with Appendix F unless the next test to be performed requires the modification to be made. If this is the case, disregard this step, place N/A in the signature line and initial.


5.32 Remove the gag from the followng UHI isolation valves unless the next test to be performed requires the valves to be gagged. If this is the case, disregard this step, place N/A in the signature line and initial.

FCV 87-21 /

FCV 87-22 /

FCV 87-23 /

FCV 87-24 /

5.33 Reset the intermediate and power range high level reactor trip netpoints as indicated by the test director in accordance with Appendix C and D of SU-8.5.2 unless the next test to be per-formed requires this adjustment. If this is the case, disregard this slep, place N/A in the ai; nature line, and initial.

Power Range /

Intermediate Range /


SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 14 of 14

, Rev. 0 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 6.1 Core exit T/C temperature did not exceed 610 F.


6.2 Delta-T for any loop did not exceed 65 F.


T 6.3 avg for any loop did not exceed 578 F.


6.4 Natural circulation was established and maintained while emergency loads were powered from the emergency diesel generators.


6.5 Offsite power was restored and the emergency loads transferred back to offsite power.




, Rev. 0 DATA SHEET 5.1 Initial Conditions

, Pressurizer Pressure PR-68-340 psig Pressurizer Level LR-68-339 Red Pen  %

  1. 1 llot leg temp g TR-68-1 F fil Cold leg temp TR-68-18 o F
  1. 2 Hot leg temp g

TR-68-1 F

  1. 2 Cold leg temp g
TR-68-18 F
  1. 3 Hot leg temp g

TR-68-43 F

  1. 3 Cold leg temp TR-68-60 F
  1. 4 llot leg temp TR-68-43 F
  1. 4 Cold leg temp TR-68-60 F S.G. #1 Level (narrow range)

LI-3-42  %

S.G. #2 Level (narrow range)

LI-3-55  %

S.G. #3 Level (narrow range)

LI-3-97  %

S.G. #4 Level (narrow range)

LI-3-llo  %

S.G. #1 Level (wide range)

LR-3-43 Pen 1  %

Data by: /

17 w T'  %



-Page 2 of 3

- Rev. 0 DATA SilEET 5.1 S.G. //2 Level (wide range)

LR-3-43 Pen 2  %

S.G. #3 Level (wide range)

LR-3-98 Pen 1  %

S.G. #4 Level (wide ranc.e)

LR-3-98 Pen 2  %

S.G. #1 Pressure PI-1-2A Psi 8 S.G. //2 Pressure PI-1-9A Psig S.G. il3 Pressure PI-1-20A psig S.G. //4 Pressure l'I 27 A _ psig S.G. ill Feedwater flow FI-3-35A gpm S.G. //2 Feedwater flow F1-3-43A gpm ,

S.G. ii3 feedwater flow FI-3-90A gpm S.G. //4 Feedwater flow FI-3-103A gpm S.G. f!1 Steam flow FI-1-3A lbs/hr S.G. //2 Steam flow FI-1-10A lbs/hr S.G. #3 Steam flow FI-1-21A lbs/hr S.G. #4 Steam flow FI-1-28A lbs/hr Loop //l T-average g TI-68-2E F

-Data by: /



, Rev. 0 DATA S!!EET 5.1 Loop #2 T-average TI-68-25E o F

Loop //3 T-average TI-68-44E o F

Loop //4 T-average TI-68-67E o F

Loop //1 AT TI-68-2D  %

Loop //2 AT TI-68-25D  %

Loop #3 AT TI-68-44D  %

Loop i!4 AT TI-68-67D  %

(0-55 F = 0-100%)

NIS Channel N-41 (Power Range Channel 1)

Coniputer Point N0049A  %

NfS Channel N-42 (Power Range Channel 2)

Computer Point N0050A  %

NIS Channel N-43 (Pow < Range Channel 3)

Computer Point N0051A  %

NIS Channel N-44 (Power Range Channel 4)

Computer Point N0052A  %


Data by: /  !

Reviewed by: /

19 I



SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 1 Rev. O DATA SIIEET 5.2 Date Time Unit __

Attach the computer printout from the following parameters. Refer to Appen-dix D for the computer log points and setup procedure. These parameters should be printed every minute until equilibrium conditions are reached.

At this time, the interval can be changed to 2- or 3-minute intervals.

Pressurizer pressure i Pressurizer Level RCS Loop 1 Ifot Leg Temp RCS Loop 2 liot Leg Temp RCS Loop 3 llot Leg Temp RCS Loop 4 Ilot Leg Temp RCS Loop 1 Cold Leg Temp RCS Loop 2 Cold Leg Temp  ;

RCS Loop 3 Cold Leg Temp RCS Loop 4 Cold Leg Temp Steam Generator 1 Pressure Steam Generator 1 Narrow Range Level 1 Steam Generator 2 Pressure Steam Generator 2 Narrow Range Level 1 Steam Generator 3 Pressure Steam Generator 3 Narrow Range Level 1 Steam Generator 4 Pressure Steam Generator 4 Narrow Range Level 1 Power Range Channel 1 Power Range Channel- 2 Power Range Channel 3 Power Range Channel 4 Incore Thermocouples #1 through #5 (upper head)

At 15-minute intervals from time =0, print out a core thermocouple map as outlined in Appendix D. Attach maps to this data sheet.


SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 1 Rev. 0 APPENDIX A References

1. FSAR.
2. Technical Specifications
3. Plant Operating Instructions: SOI 3.2

< SOI 68.2 E0I 5 s

9 j

f' 21


. Rev. 0 APPENDIX B Test Deficiencies //

Test Deficiency i

Recommended Resolut. ion e.

Final Resolution Originator /

Signature Date PORC Review of Final Resolution Date Approval of Final Resolution /

Plant Superintendent Date )

i l

l 1

22 Y

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 11 Rev. O APPENDIX C-E Procedure for Determining Core Power Level 23

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 2 of 11

  • - Rev. O APPENDIX C Outline I. Core Power Determination A. Primary Side Calorimetric (Forced Circulation Only)
1. Reference ( ~ 550 F) Calorimetric (Before NC test) a) Output used to adjust M/D Power Monitor Program's power conversion constant.

B. M/D Power Monitor Program

1. Power Conversion Constant Adjustment.

a) The output of the REF primary calorimetric will give a percent power output; this output must be input to the M/D Power-Monitor Program so that the program output will be in per-cent power and equal to the primary calorimetric output.

2. Power Monitoring a) The M/D Power Monitor Program will calculate the integral power as seen by one pass of 5 or 6 detectors. After the output has been calibrated to be equal to the REF primary calorimetric it will be rerun up to once every 2 minutes or as necessar'; to continuously monitor core power.


1 24 1

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 j Page 3 of 11  !

< Rev. 0 1

APPENDIX C CORE POWER DETERMINATION PART A: Primary side calorimetric - Data Sheet C.1 (Forced Circulation)

C.1_ Use two DVMs and measure the voltage at the te-t points speci-fled for each loop as rapid as possible.

C.2 Calculate the AT; multiply that AT by the specific heat and the Westinghouse best estimate flow rate of the core average temperature (Table C-1). (Special Test No. 9 uses wide range AT so a correction factor is required to compensate for pump heating, refer to Appendix D of ST-9A).

C.3 Sum the loop heat rates and convert to a percent reactor power.

The output is used in Part B.

s 25


. SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 4 of 11 Rev. O APPENDIX C Core Power Determination PART B: !!/D Power Monitor Program L. Set up the movable detector system for a 1 pass partial core flux map as per TI-53. Select flux thimbles as per the table below for the flux map.

Drive 10-Path Position Core Location A 10 L-5 B 10 L-11 C 10 E-5 D 10 E-11 E 6 J-8 F 8 P-9 These positions may be altered by the test engineer, based upon low power physics testing resnits and previous special testing experience.

2. Determine the detector normalization constants and enter them into the P-250 as follows:

a) Enter a value of 1.0 into the P-250 for the addresses shown in the table below.

b) With all 5 path selector switches set to normal, run a flux trace, c) With all 5-path se'ector switches set to Emergency, _ .n . a second flux trace.

d) Determine the detector normalization constants from Data Sheet C.2.



SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 5 of 11 Rev. 0 APPENDIX C Core Power Determination PART 11: (Continued) c) Enter these detector normalization constants into the P-250 as shown in the table below.

Drive P-250 Address A K0908 B K0909 C K0910 D K0911 E K0712 F K0913 _

3. Verify that the P-250 parameters listed in the following t. ole have t he proper value and that the P-250 time and date a .e cur-rent. Update as required.

Address Value Function Set the Power K0901 1 Normalization Factor Selects the Modified K5525 1 " Flux Map Print" Programs K0900 0 Initiated Pass Number Calibration Constant K0864 Va riable(I) for M/D Power Monitor (1) Variable: The value entered is a ratio of the Primary Calorimetric Indicated Power (Item B on Data Sheet C.1) to the M/D calculated power (UO906) tines the current value entered in (K0864).

If no value has been entered into (K0864) enter 0.25.

Item #8 Data Sheet C.1 New (K0864) = Current (K0864) x (UO900) 27 I

-SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 6 of 11 Rev. 0 APPENDIX C Core Power Determination PART B: (Continued)

4. For power cetermination, obtain a partial core flux map as per TI-53. The !!/D's need not be withdrawn between passes, and passes may be rel.cated as often as a power determination is required.

NOTE: The calculated power (UO906) is printed after each pass and may be trended by the P-250 if desired. The individ-ual detector normalized integrals are also printed.

I 1

1 28

SQNP-SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 7 of 11

  • Rev. O APPENDIX C TABLE C-1 Temp Cp m "F BTU /lbm F lbm/hr 556 1.260 3.6448 x 10 7

554 1.255 3.6553 x 10 7

552 1.250 3.6659 x 10 7

550 1.245 3.6765 x 10 7

548 1.240 3.6862 x 10 7

546 1.236 3.6959 x 10 544 1.231 3.7057 x 10 7

542 1.226 3.7155 x 10 7

540 1.221 3.7254 x 10 7

538 1.217 3.7348 x 10 536 1.213 3.74![3x10 7

534 1.209 3.7538 x 10 7

L32 1.206 3.7633 x 10 530 1.202 3.7729 x 10 These values are from the 1967 ASME Steam Tables. Values are for a pressure of 2250 psia.


SQNP SPECIAL TEST.2 Page 8 of 11 Rev. 0 ,

API'ENDIX C Data Sheet C.1 Date Time Unit Power Tavg F Loop 1 Loop 2 Loop 3 Loop 4 Item # Calculation Procedure Units R2/TP-411J R6/TP=421J R10/RP-431J R13/RP-441J l Loop AT - Inservice (at test point) Volts 2 Loop AT = (#1) x (1) F 3 Loop AH = (#2) x Cp (from Table C.1) BTU /lbm 6

4 Loop RCS Flow (from Table C.1) 10 1bm/hr 6

5 Loop Reactor Power = (#3) x (#4) 10 BTU /hr u

o Total Reactor Power = (#5) 6 6 Loop 1 + Loop 2 + Loop 3 + Loop 4 10 BTU /hr 7 Reactor Power = (#6) x 0.29307 Wf 8  % Reactor Power = (#7) x 0.02932  %

(1) Conversion factor for AT obtained from scaling document.


Date By:

Checked By:

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 9 of 11  !

Rev. 0 '

APPENDIX C (Continued A g= B y= C

  • N N N N A

E= B = C *

  • E E E E E Ng = 1.00 N

A N = NA3E =

g=B y B y

N', = A-N = NB"E =


D=A N = "C E =

j)N D N




E E N N N =AN = "E E =

F F N N Definitions:

sin' "N' N, Dg, F'N' N

= Normalized integral from summary map for each detector in a normal path in the first pass

.\E ' "E' E' "E' I E' E

= Normalized integral from summary map for each detector in an emergency path in the second pass N,N,N' g g

= Detector normalization f4ctor for each detector C D' E' F Remarks:

Data By: Date 31

, SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 10 of 11 Rev. 0 APPENDIX C Part C: Using Thermocouples The incore thermocouples can be used as an indication of both core flow distribution and power shifts during natural circulation.

, Prior to running a thermocouple map or trending the eight quadrant tilts (four center line and four diagonal tilts) the following sheaid be verified:

K0701-K0765 = 1, For the flow mixing factors K5501 = 0, Indicates the measured core AT is unreliable K0791 = 0.075, Core bypass flow fraction KSC 0 = 8, Tells thermocouple program how many readings of thermocouples are required for averaging before calculation is done. This in turn sets the run-ning frequency of the Thermcouple Averaging Pro-gram at 1, 2, . X 8 seconds or 64 seconds for us.

The thermocouple programs breaks the core down into eight quadrants--

four centerline and four diagonal quadrants (see Figure C-1).

Quadrants 1-4 can be directly correlated with the excore detectors but quadran's 5-8 cannot.

The quadrant tilts _are indicative of power shif ts and should be trended at approximately a 2-minute frequency. The following addressable values are the quadrant tilts:

Quadrant Addressable Value 1 Ull59 2 U1160 3- Ull61 4 U1162 5 U1151 6 U1152 7 Ull53 8 Ull54 l A.Short Form Map should be run periodically or upon request from the test engineer as an indication of core flow distribution. It-should be put on the Utility. Typewriter if possible. The P-250 Operator's Console Reference Manual provides instructions for obtaining' thermocouple maps.

The trend output and Short Form Maps should be attached to this procedure at the end of the test.



'Page 11 of-11



.i 3

N-43 m 27o* m 4 //- -!2 4

O O 3

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s 2 I4 N

82 o' i

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2. < 3 11 g ) EXCORE 7 cerecions d-4/

ovevo l N~44 2


i Csu Lau v i

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  • </  %

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, ,- , , . _ y . - _ , . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ ,

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 4 Rev. 0 APPENDIX D Procedure For Use Of Computer System For Data Collection The following parameters will be monitored during this test using the plant computer system.

Parameter Computer Point Pressurizer Pressure P0480A Pressurizer Level LO480A RCS Loop 1 Hot Leg Temperature T0419A RCS Loop 1 Cold Leg Temperature T0406A RCS Loop 2 Hot Leg Temperature T0439A RCS Loop 2 Cold Leg Temperature T0426A RCS Loop 3 Hot Leg Temperature T0459A RCS Loop 3 Cold Leg Temperature T0446A RCS Loop 4 Hot Leg Temperature T0479A RCS Loop 4 Cold Leg Temperature T0466A Steam Generator 1 Pressure P0400A Steam Generator 1 Narrow Range Level 1 LO400A Steam Generator 2 Pressure P0420A Steam Generator 2 Narrow Range Level 1 LO420A Steam Generator 3 Prescure PO440A -

St.eam Generator 3 Narrow Range Level 1 LO440A Steam Generator 4 Pressure PO460A Steam Generator 4 Narrow Range Level 1 LO460A Power Range Channel 1 (Quadrant 4) N0049A Power Range Channel 2 (Quadrant 2) N0050A Power Range Channel 3 (Quadrant 1) N0051A Power Range Channel 4 (Quadrant 3) N0052A Incore Thermocouples T0001A through T0065A 34-

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 2 of 4 Rev. O APPENDIX D The computer trend typewriter will be used to monitor the following computer points. (Additional points may be added as required by the test director).

BLOCK 1 Column Point Column Point Column Point 1 P0480A 7 T0459A 13 P0420A 2 LO480A 8 T0446A 14 LO423A 3 T0419A 9 T0479A 15 PO440A 4 T0406A 10 T0466A 16 LO443A 5 T0439A 11 PO400A 17 P0460A 6 T0426A 12 LO403A 18 LO463A-BLOCK 2 Column Point Column Point 1 N0049A 7 T0017A 2 N0050A 8 T0043A 3 N0051A 9 T0059A 4 N0052A 10-13 Hottest T/C from each core Quadrant S T0002A 14-18 As Required 6 T0013A To initially clear each data block perform the following step for each block to be used.

1. Push DIGITAL TREND button ,
2. Select block number (1 to 6) on keyboard
3. Push VALUE 1 button
4. Select 0 on keyboard
5. Push VALUE 2 button
6. Push STOP button Repeat the above 6 steps for each data block to be u;ed.

NOTE: A Block Trend Error message will occur if the data block is initially clear.

To set up the data blocks, perform the following series of steps for each point to be monitored. ,

~1. Push the DIGITAL TREND button

2. Select the point address (i.e. P0480A) on the alphanumeric keyboard-
3. Push ADDRESS button
4. Select block number (1 to 6) on keyboard.
5. Push VALUE 1 button
6. Select column number (1 to 18) on keyboard
7. Push VALUE 2 button
8. Push-START button 35 l


SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 3 of 4 Rev. 0 APPENDIX D i l Once the blocks are set up they can be initiated by perfot ,ing the follow-ing stys for each block.

1. Push DIGITAL TREND button.
2. Select block number (1 to 6) on keyboard
3. Push VALUE 1 button
4. Select internal number 0 = 30 sec., 1 = 1 minute, 2 = 2 minute, etc.) The 30-second interval is recommended for the duration of the test transient
5. Push VALUE 3 button
6. Push START button If it is necessary to change the trend icterval of a block or trend, perform t he following.
1. Push DIGITAL TREND button
2. Select block number (1 to 6) on keyboard
3. Push VALUE 1 button
4. Select new interval number (0 = 30 sec., 1 = 1 min.,

2 = 2 min., etc) on keyboard

5. Push VALUE J button
6. Push START button To stop trending or block perform the following:
1. Push DIGITAL TREND button
2. Select block number (1 to 6) on keyboard
3. Push VALUE 1 button
4. Select C on keyboard
5. Push VALUE 3 button i
6. Push STOP button  !

l In addition to the data recorded on the trend typewriter, the following points will be monitored on analog trend recorded. l T0056A (Core exit temp).

Others as needed (Recommend pressurizer pressure, i steam generator level (WR) and steam generator i pressure). '

After selecting the per to be used to record a value, ensure that it is cleared by performing the following steps.

1. Push ANALOG TREND function button
2. Select per number (1 to 12) on keyboard
3. Push VALUE 1 button 1
4. Push STOP button I 36  ;

y _ _ _ - - -_ - _ - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _

I SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 4 of 4 Rev. 0 ,


To start an analog trend perform the following steps.

1. Push ANALOG TREND function button j
2. Select the computer point address (i.e. T0043A) on the alphanumeric keyboard
3. Push ADDRESS button
4. Select per number (1 to 12) on keyboard
5. Push VALUE 1 button I
6. Select per position on keyboard. This is the  !

minimum value of the parameter to be monitored '

7. Select range on the keyboard

, 8. Push VALUE 3 button '

9. Push START button i l

Repeat these steps until all of the desired analog points are being recorded. l l

Prior to initiation of the transient, and as required thereafter, incore thermocouple maps will be recorded at the programmecs console in the computer room. To initiate an incore thermocouple map at that location, perform the  !

following steps.

1. Push IN-CORE T/C MAP function button [
2. Select 25 on keyboard for short-form current map j 3. Push VALUE 1 button ,

) 4. Select output device code number 20 for progratamers 1 console on keyboard.


5. Push VALUE 2 button .

I 6.

I Select 1 on keylioard for a short-form map

7. Push VALUE 3 button -
8. Push START button f

l l

h i


) 37 i i  !

! (

(_ _ _ _ - - . _ . _ _ _. - - - . -!

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 3 Rev. O APPENDIX E Verification of Vital Equipment Energized Verification (Initials or Component Power Feed Location N/A if not required)

General Supply 480V S.D. Bd 1Al-A Fan IA General Exhaust 480V S.D. Bd 1A2-A Fan lA General Supply 480V S.D. Bd IB1-B Fan IB General Exhaust 480V S.D. Bd 1B2-B Fan IB C/A Vent Bd 1A2-A 480V S.D. Bd 1A2-A Rx Vent Ed 1A-A 480V S.D. Bd 1Al-A control & Service Air 480V S.D. Bd 1A2-A Compressor A Control Room 480V. S.D. Bd 1A2-A .

A/C Comp. A-A Control Room 480V S.D. Bd 1Al-A AllU A-A Control & Service Air 480V S.D. Bd IB1-B Compressor B Control Hoom A/C 480V S.D. Bd 1B2-B Comp. B-B Control Room 480V S.D. Bd 1B2-B AIIU B-B Component Cooling System Rx-!!OV Bd 1Al-A Booster Pump A-A Incore' Instrument Room Rx-MOV Bd 1Al-A CIRC. Pump 1A Incore Instrument Room Rx MOV Ed 1Al-A Chilled Water Compressor 38


. Rev. 0 APPENDIX E Verification (Initials or Component Power Feed Location N/A if not required)

Incore Instrument Room Rx MOV Bd 1Al-A Air Conditioner 1

Boric Acid Transfer Rx MOV Bd 1Al-A Pump 1A-A Boric Acid Tank A Rx MOV Bd 1Al-A Ifeater A-A Boric Acid Tank C Rx MOV Bd 1Al-A .

Ifeater A-A Boron SIS INJ Tank Rx MOV Bd IAl-A lleater lA-A Incore Inst Room Cire Rx MOV Bd

! Pump 1B 1B1-B l Incore Inst Room Rx MOV Bd Cooler Fan 1B1-B Incore Inst Room Rx MOV Bd Chilled Water Comp 1B 1B1-B i

Boric Acid Tank A Rx !!0V Bd '

Ifeater B-B 1B1-B Boron SIS INJ Tank Rx MOV Bd I lleater B-B 1B1-B l Boric Acid Tank C Rx MOV Bd lleater B-B 181-B i

1 Boric Acid Transfer Rx HOV Bd Pump 18-B 1B1-B

. Component Cooling .Rx !!0V Bd System Booster Pump B-B- IB1-B r

Containment Annulus C/A Vent Vacuum Fan lA Bd 1Al-A '

Cent. Charging Pump 1A-A C/A Vent Room Cooler Fan Ed 1Al-A

.39 l


SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 3 of 3 Rev. O I


Verification (Initials or Component Power Feed Location N/A if not required) t Component Cooling and Aux C/A Vent Feedwater Pumps Space Bd 1Al-A  ;

Cooler Fan  ;

CRD!! Room C/A Vent i A/C Bd 1A2-A i

Cent Charging Pump 1B-B C/A Vent Room Cooler Fan Ed 1B1-B i

Aux Feedwater Pump C/A Vent Space Cooler Fan Bd IB1-B ,

i Containment Annulus C/A Veut [

i Vacuum Fan IB Bd 1B1-B

! CRD!! Room C/A Vent  !

A/C Bd 1B2-B i Upper Compartment Rx Vent Ed Cooler Fan lA 1A-A ,

l Upper Compartment Rx Vent Ed {'

Cooler Fan 1C 1A-A Upper Compartment Rx Vent Ed f i Cooler Fan 1B IB-B l t

! Upper Compartment Rx Vent Ed  !

Cooler Fan ID IB-B f

' Waste Gas Rx Vent Bd Compressor A 1A-A c

{ l l l l



i -i

( ' 40' [


l. .


  • wn n -. _ _ww=-rAe---*y- + -- m y w-w wwwp e ,,--, www-vi - -- w e r w n-wrw a - w w w -,,e-+w-w-, =-wwne==m4--,=<=m-w.=--6*v -**e"

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 11 Rev. O APPENDIX F Safeguard Blocking Procedure The first step blocks automatic initiation of a safety injection. The safety injection alarm, manual S.I handswitch, and the reactor trip por-tion of the protection logic will remain in operation. If conditions exist that would normally initiate a safety injection; (1) the safety

injection alarm will initiate telling the operator that the condition exists and what the problem is. (2) a reactor trip will take place auto-matically. (3) a safety injection can be initiated manually from the 4

switch in the control room if conditions warrant.

1. Install temporary jumpers and temporary alteration control tags to logic cards A216, test point 1, to the logic ground on the logic test

{ panels in R-47 and R-50.

4 i NOTE: These jumpers will be specially made for this purpose and installed oy an instrument mechanic.

R-47 Panel Performed by: /

Verified by: /

R-50 Panel Performed by: /

Verified by: /

Procedure for blocking automatic actuation of a safety injection on high steamline Delta-P. This block will prevent a reactor trip from occuring ,

during the natural circulation tests from high AP caused by degraded test conditions. (This block will also defeat all AP SI alarms).


2. Verify status lights 1-XX-55-6B/1, 2, 3, 4, 25, 26, 27, 28, 50, 51, 73, 76 are all clear prior to starting blocking procedure.
3. Ilove test trip switch PS-515A in 1-R-7 to the trip position and verify the amber light above the switch comes on.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

CAUTION: In the next step, and all following steps in which a voltage is being applied to the indicated terminals, ensute the applied voltage is of the same polarity as the terminals. This check should be done for every step that a voltage source is applied.

! Failure to apply the correct polarity will ground the rack power supply. (This problem can be avoided if only the hot wire from the voltage source in the rack is applied to the first terminal indicated in each step {the lower numbered terminal]. The 41

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 2 of 11 Rev. 0 4


. . ground will already be made up through the trip switch). The l

wire on the rack side of the terminal block must be lifted and

taped for the terminal point where the jumper wire is connected The TACF tag will be attached toEthe bistable switch and the TACF must note the jumper and the lif ted wire.

t NOTE: Grange "Out of Service" stickers should be placed on all status /a! arm windows as the 120V source is connected.

4. Lif t and tape the wire on the rack side of terminal L-9 in the rear of

. 1-R-7. Apply a 120-VAC source to terminals L-9 and L-10 in the rear of I l-R-7 and verify 1-XX-55-6B/25 is clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

5. Move test trip switch PS-515B in 1-R-7 to the trip position and verify ,

j the amber light above the switch comes on.

Performed by: /

! Verified by: /

6. Lift and tape the wire on the rack side of terminal L-7 in the rear of 1-R-7. Apply a 120-VAC source to terminals L-7 and L-b in the rear of 1-R-7 and verify 1-XX-55-6B/27 is clear. .

i Performed by: /

Verified by: /

7. Nove test trip switch PS-516C in I-R-12 to the trip position and verify the amber light above the switch comes on.

l Performed by: /

. Verified by: /

8. Lift drd tapa the wire on the rack side of terminal L-5 in the rear of 1-P-7. Apply 120-VAC source to-terminals L-5 and L-6 in the rear of

! 1-R-12 and verify.1-XX-55-6B/73 is clear.

l Performed by: /

1 Verified by: -/

8 1



-. - . - . . - - -- . .= . - - . - -. .- --

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 3 of 11 Rev. 0


9. Hove test trip switch PS-516D in 1-R-12 to the trip position and verify the amber Itght above the switch comes on.

F Performed 'ay: /

Verified by: / l

10. Lif t and tape wire on the rack side of terminal L-7 in the rear of 1-R-12. Apply 120-VAC source to terminals L-7 and L-8 in the rear of 1-R-12 and verify 1-XX-55-6B/76.

Performed by: /

l Verified by: /


! 11. Move test trip switch PS-525B in 1-R-8 to trip position and verify the amber light above the switch ccmes on.

Performed by. /

Verified by: /

12. Lift and tape the wire on the rack side of terminal L-7 in the rear of i 1-R-8. Apply 120-VAC source to terminals L-7 and L-8 and verify i 1-XX-55-6B/28 is clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

13. Hove test trip switch PS-525A in 1-R-8 to the trip position and verify the amber light above the sk 'tch comes on.

Performed by: /

{_ Verified by: /

14. Lif t and tape the wire on the rack side of terminal L-9 in the rear of 1-R-8. Apply 120-VAC source to terminals L-9 and L-10 and verify'that

, XX-55-6B/26'is clear.

Performed by: /

f Verified by: /

i 15. Hove test trip switch PS-526D in 1-R-11'to the trip position and verify I the amber light above the switch comes on.

Performed by: /

l  : Verified by: /




16. Lift and tape the wire on the 2ck side of terminal L-7 in the rear of 1-R-11. Apply 12b-YAC source to
  • rainals L-7 and L-8 in the rear of 1-R-11 and veri fy that XX-55-6B/51 is clear.

Peri na by: /

Verific'd by: /

17. Move test trip switch PS-526C in 1-R-11 to the trip position and verify the amber light above the switch comes on.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

18. Lift and tape the wire on the rack side of terminal L-5 in the rear or 1-R-11. Apply a 120-VAC source to terminals L-5 and L-6 and verify 1-XX-55-6B/50 is clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

Temporary Modification to High Steam Flow Coincident with Low S.G. Pressure or Low-Low ' avg Safety Injection

19. Verify annunciators XA-55-6A/30 and XA-55-6A/31 are clear or can be ,

cleared. ,l Performed by: /

Verified by: / j l

NOTE: If the alarms will not clear, do not proceed with this modifica-tion as a reactor trip may result. The input histables should  ;

he checked and the source of the problem corrected. I l

20. . Move test trip switch TS412D in R-2 to the trip position'and verify-the amber light above the switch comes on.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /


21. Lift and tape the wire on the rack side of terminal M-3 in the rear of 1-R-2. Apply a 120-VAC source to terminals M-3 and M-4 and verify XA-55-6A/30 will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /



22. !!ove test trip switch TS-422D in R-6 to the trip position and verify the amber light above the swi.tch comes on.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

23. Lif t and tape the wire on the rac!. side of terminal ?!-3 in the rear of 1-R-6. Apply a 120-VAC source to terminals 11-3 and 11-4 and verify XA-55-6A/30 will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

24. ?!ove test trip switch TS432D in R-10 to the trip position and verify the amber light above the switch comes on.

Performed by: /

l Verified by: /


25. Lift and tape the wire on the rack side of terminal FI-3 in the rear of 1-R-10. Apply a 120-VAC source to terminals 11-3 and 11-4 and verify l XA-55-6A/30 will clear.

d Performed by: /

Verified by: /

26. t!ove test trip switch TS-442D in R-13 to the trip porition and verify the amber light above the switch comes on.
Performed by

Verified by: /

27. Lif t and tape the wire on the rack side of terminal ?!-3 in the rear of 1-R-13. Apply a 120-VAC source to terminals 11-3 and F1-4 and verify XA-55-6A/30-will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

NOTE: The avg inputs to the high steam flow S.I and steam dump interlock are now blocked. The next steps will trip the steam flow inputs to the high steam flow Safety Injection signal so that an S.I. signal will be initiated on low steam generator I

pressure alone (600 psig). (This would result in a reactor trip, an S. I. alarm, but no S..I. initiation.)

45 l l

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 6 of 11 Rev. O APPENDIX F t 28. Hove test trip switch FS5128 in R-3 to the trip position and verify the amber light and annunciator XA-55-6B/2 come on.

Performed by: /

, Verified by: /

29.  ?!ove test trip switch FS522B in R-3 to the trip position and verify the amber light and annunciator XA-55-6B/ come on.

Performed by: /

Verified by: / _

NOTE: These two trips will supply the 2 out of 4 logic required to

, get a Safety Injection Signal.

30. Apply Temporary Alteration Control Tags forms to all the above test trip switches to ensure that they remain in the trip position.

Damage to the bistable could occur if the switch is moved back to the normal position. Record the temporary alteration numbers below:


R-7 PSS15A /

R-7 PSS15B /

R-12 PSS16C /

R-12 PS516D /

R-8 PS525B /

R-8 PS525A /

R-11 PS526D /

R-11 RS526C /

R-2 TS412D /

R-6 TS422D /

R-10 TS432D /

R-13 TS442D /

R-3 FS512B /

R-3 FS522B /

l To return the steamline Delta-P-S.I. to normal condition, the following steps i should be followed. l l l


f I 46

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 7 of 11

+ Rev. O APPENDIX F NOTE: The orange "Out of Service" stickers should be removed from the alarm / status window as each bistable is put back in service.

31. Remove the 120-VAC source from L-5 and L-6 in 1-R-11. Reterminate wire on L-5.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

t!ove test trip switch PS-526C in 1-R-11 to the normal position and 32.

verify the amber light above the switch and 1-XX-55-6B/50 are clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

33. Remove the 120-VAC source from L-7 and L-8 in 1-R-11. Reterminate wire on L-7.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

34. Move test trip switch PS-526D in 1-R-11 to the normal position and i verify the amber light above the switch and 1-XX-55-6B/51 are clear.

Performed -by: _ / l Verified by: / l

35. Remove the 120-VAC source from L-9 and L-10 in 1-R-8. Reterminate wire on L-9. )

Performed by: /

Verified by: /


36. Move test trip switch PS-525A in 1-R-8 to the normal position and verify the amber light and 1-XX-55-6B/26 are clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

37. Remove the 120-VAC source from L-7 and L-8 in 1-R-8. Reterminate wire on L-7.

Performed by: /

Verified by: / )

47 l u


38. Move test trip switch PS-525B in 1-R-8 to the normal position and verify the amber light above the switch and 1-XX-5-6B/28 are clear. ,

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

39. Remove the 120-VAC source from terminals L-7 and L-8 in 1-R-12. Retermi-nate 5; ire on L-7.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

40. flove test trip switch PS-516D in 1-R-12 to the normal posit. ion and verify the amber light above the switch and 1-XX-55-6B/76 are clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

41. Remove the 120-VAC source f rom terminals L-5 and L-6 in 1-R-12. Retermi-nate wire on L-5.

Performed by: /

Verified by: / .

42.  ?!ove test trip switch PS-516C in 1-R-12 to the normal position and verify the amber light above the switch and 1-XX-55-6B/73 are clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

43. Remove the 120-VAC source from terminals L-7 and L-8 in 1-R-7. Retermi-nate wire on L-7.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

44. Move test trip switch PS-515B in 1-R-7 to the normal position and verify the amber light and 1-XX-55-6B/27 are clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /



45. Remove the-120-VAC source from terminals L-9 and L-10 in 1-R-7. Retermi-nate wire on L-9.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /


46.  !!ove test trip switch PS-515A to the normal position and verify the amber light above the switch and 1-XX-55-6B/25 are clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

NOTE: At this point the steamline Delta-P safety injection is in a normal operating mode.

To return the high steam flow coincident with low steam generator pressure or low-low

  • avg t.o normal, perform the following steps.
47.  ?!ove test trip switch TS522B in R-3 to the normal position and verify the amber light goes out and XA-55-6B/9 will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: / .

48.  ?!ove test t. rip switch FSS12B in R-3 t.o the normal position and verify the amber light goes out and XA-55-6ti/2 will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

49. Remove the 120-VAC source f rom terminals M-3 and 11-4 in R-13. Retermi-nate wire on fl-3.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

50.  ?! ave. test trip switch TS442D in R-13 to the normal position and verify the amber light goes out and XA-55-6A/30 will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /


SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 10 of 11


51. Remove the 120-VAC source from terminals !!-3 and 11-4 in R-10. Retermi-nate wire on ll-3.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

S2. tfove test trip switch TS432D in R-10 to the normal position and verify the amber light goes out and XA-55-6A/30 will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

53. Remove the 120-VAC source from terminals 11-3 and ti-4 in R-6. Retermi-nate wi re on 11-3.

Performed by: /

Verified by: / _

54. t!ove test. trip switch TS442D in R-6 to the normal position and verify the amber light goes out and XA-55-6A/30 will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

55. 1:emove the 120-VAC source from terminals 11-3 and r!-4 in R-2. Retermi-nate wire on 11-3.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

56. tiuve test trip switch TS412D in R-2 to the trip position and verify the amber light comes on and XA-55-6A/30 will clear.

Performed by: /

Verified by: /

50 m

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 11 of 11


57. Remove the Temporary Alteration Tags on the following test trip switches:


R-7 PS515A /

R-7 PS515B /

R-12 PSS16C /

R-12 PS516D /

R-8 PS525B /

R-8 PS525A /

R-Il PS526D /

R-11 RS526C /

R-2 TS412D /

R-6 TS422D /

R-10 TS432D / _

R-13 TS442D /

R-3 FSS12B /

R-3 FS522B /

58. Hemove the jumpers and the Temporary Alteration Tags from logic cards A216, test point 1, to the logic ground on the logic test panels in R-47 and R-50.

R-47 Panel Performed by: _ /

Verified by: /

R-50 Panel Performed by: /

Verified by: /

NOTE: All reactor safeguard systems modified for the special startup tests are back in a normal configuration at this time.


SQNP SPECTAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 1 e

, Rev. O APPENDIX G Technical Specifications Exceptions The table below ident.ifies those technical specification items which are temporarily bypassed or require special test exceptions to the limiting conditions f or operation during the performance of this and all other special tests.


= p 3 m e2 O 4 02 C 4 O H Z O h O la % O 4 0 4 N O d C O 4 4 O p C 3 C 3 % sn O S 3 O O O & U O O D

.H %O O t t C H a N 02 0 4 H O d O 3 H N O O O H 9 A P O O p .a . . . 4 O O U2 O O O d d to b % 4 4 4 C 4 3 C

.A  % .A .e4 H @ CD O v4 O O O O L M N t3 9 9  % <4 H % H H H C D C Z d OM M c e4 O CC D 4 4 L k td ,M '1 O C p a p p p 4 O O O O O t1 P P p o3 5 .c % k d O d d c f. m a O O a A u m u O m ca % =

TECILNICAL SPECIFICATION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A 9B Containment III Pressure SI ( X X X X X X X X X X S.i f e ty !.imits (2.1.1) X X X X X X X X X OPM (3. 3.1) Inoperable because of low flow X X X X X X X X X OIJT (3.3.1) Inoperable because of low flow X X X X X X X X X 11inimum t empera ture ( X X X X lloderator temperature cocificient ( X X X X St ecuni ine AP_SI ( bypassed X X X X X X X X X X liigh Steamilow coincidentgl w/ low steamline Pressure or low-low __9vg SI Hesel flow to 0% and avg blocked X X X X X X X X X X Reset low steamline pressure X X X Low precaurincr_ pressure SI ( X X X X X X X X X X SG level low AFW start reset (

X X  !

Pres surizer (3.4.4) X X X I!;il ( X X X X X X X X X X

'fW 5 ( X X Diesel Cens. (

~ X X A.C. fflectrical Boards (

_ X X Hatteries ( X X RCS Flowrate (3.2.3) X X X X X X X X Control Rod Insertion Limits ( X X X X X X X ifcactor Coolant Loops Normal Operation ( X X X X X X X X 52

SQNP SPECIAL TEST 2 Page 1 of 1 Rev. O TABLE 1 Loop Flow and Core AT for Various Power Levels and Isolation Configurations (Computer Estimates)

No. of Loops Operating (Nat. Circ.)

Power Level 4 3 2 1

. 5% L= 3.7 L= 3.6 "L = 4.1 L= 5.2 AT = 10.3 AT = 12.5 AT = 16.4 AT = 26

.75% L= 3.7 L= 4.1 L= 4.7 L= 5.9 AT = 13.5 AT = 16.3 AT = 21.4 AT = 34 1% L= 4.1 L= 4.5 L= 5.2 L= 6.5 AT = 16.3 AT = 19.8 AT = 26 AT = 41 1.5% "L = 4.7 L= 5.2 L= 5.9 L= 7.5 AT = 21.4 AT = 26 AT = 34 AT = 54 2% 1, = 5.2 L= 5.7 L= 6.5 L= 8.2 AT = 26 AT = 31.4 AT = 41 AT = 65.4 2.5% L= 5.6 "L = 6.2 L= 7.1 L= 8.9 AT = 30.1 AT = 36.5 AT = 47.1 AT = 75.9 3% L= 5.9 L= 6.5 L= 7.5 L= 9.7 AT = 34 AT = 41.2 AT = 54 AT = 85.7 I l

NOTE: L is % of 97,000 gpm flow through operable loop. l AT = Loop AT in F.

53 e