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Draft Special Low Power Testing procedure,TP/1/A/2150/20, Natural Circulation Verification.
Person / Time
Site: McGuire, Mcguire  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/10/1980
Shared Package
ML19338F555 List:
TP-1-A-2150-20, NUDOCS 8010200565
Download: ML19338F557 (17)



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(._,,/ TP/1/A/2150/20




MD[0g BEN.lEW N-1.0.. Purpose-

-1.1 To demonstrate natural circulation when all Reactor Coolant Pumps

-tripped is adequate to remove decay heat from the core. .

l'. 2 To demonstrate that steam generator pressure and feedwater flow can be controlled under conditions of natural circulation to maintain-adequate' cooling of the reactor coolant system. -

4 1.3 .To demonstrate the ability to maintain' natural circulation and saturation margin with the loss of pressurizar heaters.

1.4 To determine the NCS depressurization rate resulting when the

' pressurizer heaters are tripped while in natural circulation.

1.5 To determine whether saturation margin- can te increased by increasing charging flow while in natural circulation.

1.6 To determine the capability of the OAC saturation meter program

. while in natural circulation.

1.7 To demonstrate the effects of charging and steam flows on control of the saturation margin at low saturation margins while in natural c irculation.

1.8 To. provide Operations personnel with experience in unit operation -

while in natural circulation.

2.0 References i None 3.0 Time Recuired. '

', 3.1 Approximately 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

.-3.2. To be perforced as many times as raquired to provide each RO and SR0 candidate with an opportunity to.either participate or observe.

3.3 Manpower aceded - 1 engineer and 1 technician.

-4.0-.Prerecuisite Tests

'. ; Initial /Date' TP/1/A/2100/02, Contrdlling Procedure for Zero Power ?hysics Iesting.

/ 4.1 z..,-


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5.0hTestEcuipment' (5.1 [The OAC Transient Monitor Program and the OAC Saturation Meter.

aust;be operable'for.the performance of this test' .


_ 5. 2' One' dozen (12). IBM scratch floppy disks.

s - 6.0 : 1 Limits and Precautions 6.11 Do not exceed 5~ percent thermal power during the performance of-this test'.

6.2 Ensure that NC pump seal flow is maintained between 7 - 11 gpm during .


'this test. Adjust this flow as.necessary at least every 100 psi change in NC pressure.-


'6.3 After the NC~ pumps are tripped, the normal delta.T and Tavg indi-cations will be in error. Delta-T and Tavg.shall be calculated by: j using the wide' range hot and cold leg temperatures. q

'6.4' 3e aware that at these core conditions the moderator temperature' l

coefficient may change from negative to positive during a temperature decrease. I I.5 Do not borate or dilute under natural circulation conditions while

-theLreactor'is critical. If boration or dilution is necessary, shut down the reactor and restart NC pumps before beginning the procedure.  !

6 .~ 6, Maintain Control Bank D at >501 steps v1thdrawn during the conduet of this-cest.-

~6.7 ~Should a reactor trip occur during natural circulation restart at

. least one NC pump prior to closing. the reactor trip . breakers.

5.S' Avoid rapid or sudden changes.:in steam pressure and feedwater' flow


to-prevent rapid cooling of.the NC system.

- Do not exceed primary- to secondary differential pressure 'of 1800 psi.



. 6.10- Maintain T COLD at approximatelylthe no-load temperature to =aintain

.an accurate NIS power level monitoring.

6.11 ~ Pressurizer spray should be initiated gradually to minimize thermal -

stress and maintain continuous flow for: uniform chemistry.

6.12 : Precautions concerning Auxiliary Spray:

6.12.1 Minimize the number of auxiliary spray initiations to avoid thermal stress transients on the auxiliary spray piping and

pressurizer-noz le.

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'6.12.2 Maintain _ auxiliary spray temperature at the normal charging flow temperature; 1.e., maintain letdown / -

charging relative flow rate utilizing the regenerative heat exchanger.

6.12.3 Avoid operations which will result in isolating either

,the normal charging or letdown flowpaths when utilizing auxiliary spray while at hot plant conditions.

6.12.4 Avoid-operations which would result in changes in the auxiliary spray temperature.

6.12.5 Aux 111ary' spray must be isolated if letdown is isolated.

6.~ 13 Daring the performance of the test, the following parameters should be maintained within the following limits:

6.13.1 NC subcooling >20 F 6.13.2 S/G 1evel >25% (Narrow Range) .

6.13.3 Pressurizer level

' With NC Pumps on >25% In Natural Cire. >Value when pumps tripped 6.13.4  : Primary to Secondary AP 3,1600 psi

-6.13.5 Incore T/C Hottest reading 3,610 F 6.14, During the performance of the test, the reactor shall be tripped and the test terminated if the following conditions are met:

6.14.1 NC subcooling 5,15 F 6.14.2 S/G 1evel <5% (Narrow Range) f 6.14.3 Excore Power Level >10%

6.14.4 Pressurizer Level <17% (or an explained decrease of more than 5% notexplained by a temperature decrease) 6.14.5 NC loop AT 2,55 F 6.14.6 NC-loop TAVE 3,585 F 6.14.7 Highest incore T/C 3,615 F l

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, '6.15 : DEring the" performance .of the r.est safety injection shall be manually l initiated if-the'following conditions are met:  :


- 6.15.1 'NC subcooling <10*F 6.15.2 S/G 1evel- <0%.(Narrow Riage) 6.15.3: Containment Hi Pressure Signal-received

' 6.15.4 .Pressurizar Level l. <10%~(or an unexplained decrease of more than 10% no explained by a temperature decrease) .

6.15.5 _ Pressurizar pressure reduction by >200 pst in a sudden unexplained manner. ,

6.16 .Nhen the'NC pressure is reduced below the F-11 setpoint mancally .

block'SI.:=If not blocked, s. reactor-trip will result at the low pressure _ SI 'setpoint.

.'7.0'~ Required Unit' Status-Initial /Date .

/ 7.1 The Unit is in the Startup Mode (Mode 2) at approximately 3%

reactor powur.

8.0 ' Prerequisite System Conditions

/ 13 . 1 Control. Bank D is approximately 150 steps withdrawn, all other RCCA's are. fully withdrawn.

/ 8.2. The Rod' Control .C Jt.2 is in manual.

/' 8.3 All reactor coolant pumps are in operation.

/ 8.4  : Pressurizer pressure and level control are in autcmatic maintaining NC pressure at approximately 2235 psig and pressurizar level at approximately-25 percent.

/ '.8.5 -. Steam dump valves are in .che' pressure centrol mode maintaining steam generator pressure at approximately 1092 psig and NC Loop

[T~0LDC at approximately'557"F.

/ 3.6 - Steam Generator tlevel is being maintained at ;approximately 25 percent


.on narrow range' in one of.the following modes:



' S . 6.1' _ Main;feedwater system in automatic and. feeding through the=.auxiliaryf eedwater f ring. ,

= C .b . 2 ' .If main feedwater pump operation'cannot be maintained.under

.these conditions, the auxiliary feedwater system isiin service.

/ 23.7 '

The'NV system is lined up:for' power. operation per-0P/1/A/6200/01,'

Chemical-Vol.:me and Control' System. -

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Initicl/Date .,

2/ 48.'8 -The'OSC Transient Monitering program is operable.

~/ .8.9f The 0AC Saturation Meter Program is operable.


/_ - 8.10__ The Engineered Safety Featires and Reactor Protection System modification have been made'in accordance with Enclosure 13.1.


- 9.0f Test Method

,From a reactor power. level of approxim6tely 3% the NC pumps will be tripped and the establishment of natural circulation will be verified .

l by monitoring the wide range hot and cold leg temperatures. Data vill l.

be taken for approximately 30 minutes after natural circulation steady p state conditions have been established. Then'the pressurizer heaters l will be shut off and the NC system pressure will be monitored to determine the rate of depressurization.- After sufficient data has been

recorded to determine.the depressurization rate, low pressure natural I circulation will be tested and the effects of charging flows and steam i

l dump flows will be observed.

10.0 Data Required p e r ,. ,,

10.1' An output of the OAC Transier.t Mencico Program for the duration of'the test on floppy discs. At a minUnum those points on


1 . Enclosure 13.2 shall be included.

10.2 A list of all license candidates who participated in the test on Enclosure 13.4..

i 10.3 An output of the OAC Point Accumulation.and Output Program for the duration of-the test. The output shall include those points shown on Enclosure 13.'3.

NOTE: Data required in Section 10.1 and 10.3 is only needed for one performance.of this-test. Subsequent perforr.ances will only require a list of the 1,articipating license candidates.

11.0 Acceptance Criteria 11.11 Natural circulation is established.

4 11.2 Saturation margin is maintained greater than 20 F without NC pumps

[ ' flow.


I 11.3 'SattrationmarginisLmaintainedgreater,than20$Fwithoutpressurizer

!boatersjan/. NC pump-flow.

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~ 11.4 The OAC Saturation Meter Program: indicates a' saturation :nargin withinL1 T'of'the margin determined by'.use of ASME steam. tables.

l ~ 11.5 The NC depressurization. rate following a' loss of pressurizer  ;

I' heaters'is determined.-

l. 11.6 The effects of charging flow and steam flows on saturation margins i are determined.

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[12.0 t-Procedure

! _ /- 12.1l Prepare the OAC to record the data specified in Section 10.1 and 10.3.

_/ -

/~ 12.2' Place the pressuriser level contro11er'in manual and adjust as necessary &


~to' match letdown' flow and maintain and constant pressurizer level prior to tripping the NC pumps.

_/ 12.3- Simultaneously trip all reactor coolant pumps. ,

!_/ NOTE #11, Continuously monitor main steam line pressures and carefully

. control feedwater addition during the transient to ensure that t

the AP between'any two steam-lines does not exceed 100 psid.

H NOTE #2: . Steam Generator pressure, level'and flow conditions should be held as close as possible to stable conditions as natural circulation develops. NC system cold leg temperatures should-( be maintained within +5 F of 557 F.- _

NOTE #3: Upon tripping the NC pumps the following system responses are expected.

a)_ Wide Range T HM

- increase -30 F b) Wide Range'T COLD s is t- neresse or constant c) Pressurizer Level - increase -15* 1,

- d)' Pressurizer.?ressure -' increase 1

NOTE #4: After tripping the NC pumps the NC pressure is expected to increase by as much as-50 psi. Be prepared to use auxiliary  ;

spray to control pressure as stated.below.

a) 'If NC pressure exceeds 2285'psig open the auxiliary spray vlave, maintain the regenerative heat exchanger charging' outlet above 350 F or confirm a >320 ? ai between the charging water and the pressurizer spray

~-nozzle does noc exist, b)- If.NC-pressure exceeds-2310 psig, close the charging line ,

-valve,.and manually throttle pressurizer spray valves l

'as maintain'NC pressure <2310-psig, f" !c) .1 Once this- has been':'one and . auxiliary spray is ' initiated

>toElimit NC pressure,' ensure that a minimum continuous ,

auxiliary spray flow is maintained by turning on one bank' of' backup pressurizer-heaters and saking the. required

' adjustments to be_ pressurizer; spray valves to maintain

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Initial /D:t3

/ / 1214' Allow natural circulation steady state conditions te establish

-J / / while monitoring the. delta T between the wide range T HOT ad

-T A constant delta T indicates steady' state conditions are COLD.


NOTE: While awaiting steady. state conditiens.

I a) Maintain NC pump seal flow at 7 - 11 GPM.

b) Maintain charging flow to match letdown in order to maintain a constant water mass.

() Allow pressurizer level to increase as NC average temperature increases.

d) Carefully centrol additions-of feedwater to the steam generators to maintain levels at -25* on narrow range.

l e) If required, adjust -the pressure setpoint on the steam dump controller to maintain NC cold leg 557 F +5 F.,

/ / 12.5 Natural. circulation has been verified to have been established and

_ _ ,/ / greater than 20 F margin to saturation exists.

./ / 12.6 'After natural' circulation steady state conditions have been established,

/ /' continue recording data for 30 minutes before proceeding to Step 12.7.

/ / 12.7 Shut off all pressurizer heater groups.

/ /

/ / 12.8 Stop pressuri=er spray.

/- / NOTE #1: The NC pressure will now be monitored to determine the L race of depressurization.- The saturation margin should l

.be monitered closely. Increase NC charging flow when the saturation margin approaches 20 F. Slowly increase steam dump flow when NC pressure indicates an' increasing trend.

NOTE #2: As'NC pressure decreases, reduce seal injection flow as required to caintain NC pump seal flow at 7 - 11 GPM.

/ / 17,9 When NC pressure decreases to:1955 psig. verify the P-ll permissive

/ / block the automatic low pressuriser pressure SI signal in order to prevent a reactor trip.


-9 .

l 11aiticl/ Data

/' '/ 12.10 Once the Test Coordinator has determined that. sufficient data

' /_ /: .has been recorded to determine the NC system depressurization J


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-/ 12.11 Verify that, with a loss of pressurizer heaters, the natural




_/ ' circulation can be maintained with greater than 20 F margin to-



/ / 12.12. Decrease NC pressure slowly to establish 2515 F saturation margin.

Use auxiliary spray if necessary.

-12.13. Demonstrate that saturation margin can be increased by increasing i

r charging flow ans steam flow.


'/ / 12.13.1 Establish an incrassing NC pressure by increasing the

'/ / charging flow.

/ / 12.13.2 Slowly increase steam dump fl u to increase saturation

-/ '/ margin by 10#F.


/ -/ 12.14 Verify that control of saturation margin using charging and steam I

/- "/ flow can be demonstrated.

- / /' '12.15 Turn pressurizer heaters.on and place the heater control in auto-

/- / matic-with a setpoint of 2235'psig.

/ / 12.16 When'NC pressure increases above 1945 psig, remove the SI block.

L -/ /

/ /- Place steam dump' control in automatic with a setpoint of -1092 psig.

/. /

l. /' /. 12.18 Shutdown the reactor by inserting Control Bank D to zero steps

'/ ~/' withdrawn.

l / / 12.19 If auxiliary spray is being used to control' pressurizer pressure,

"/ / open normal charging and shut the auxiliary spray valve. l J/ /- 12.20 Place'the pressurizer-spray controllers in manual / closed prior to

/' / starting-the first NC pump.. I

/ / "12.21'When the delta.T between the hot and' cold legs is 15 F, restart l? / / the four reactor coolant pumps one at aLtime. Assure that steady.

.' state condit! ions have been established prior to each pump start.

/ /- =12.22-Ottain the: final outputs from OAC Point Accumulation and Gutput

/- /- 1and from OAC Transient Monitor.

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vl3; Initicl/Dato ~

/ '/ 12.23 Return the pressurizer level and pressure to normal'and place

/- /J - the' controls ~1n automatic.

/ 1'2.24'All' actuation blocks the Engineered Safety Features-



/T l' ~/- and Reactor Protection System shall be removed at this time'


per Enclosure 13.1 if a delay in testing of >l2 hours is anticipated.;'If such a delay is not anticipated,-disregard' this. step. -

~ /~ /. 12.25 Using.the ASME Steam tables determine the saturation margin .

~~/ ' '/ - using'the pressures and. temperatures recorded per Section 10.3 and compare these with.the saturation margins determined by the OAC Saturation. Meter Enclosure 13.6.

/c / 12.26 Verify.that the two determinations of saturation margin agree

/ / withit 1*F..

- 13.0 - Enclosures '

-13.1 Mo'difications to the ESF and RPS '

13.2 Data Required on OAC Transient Monitor 13.3 Data' Required on'OAC Point Accumulation and Output 13.4 . List of License Candidates Participating '

13.5 Determination of Depressurization Rate ,

13.6. Comparisons of Saturation Margins 6

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Enclosure ~13.1.


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l c.' Modifications-to the ESF and RPS

.. , , LTP/1/A/2150/20 ,

- Natural Circulation Veriff. cation I'

i . -;

"(This information currently b'eing developed T 1

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Pag 3 1 of 2 Enclotura 13.2 Data Required on OAC Transient Monitor-

.TP/1/A/21!0/20 Natural Circulatiot Verification l

Point ID6 Point Description A0628 Point hange Avg. Level Quadrant 1 (N-43)

Am J Power Range Avg. Level Quadrant 2 (N-42)

A0629 . Power Range Avg. Level' Quadrant 3 (N-44).

A0626 Power Range Avg. Level Quadrant 4 (N-41)

A0632. Intermediate Range Level Channel 1 A0633 Intermediate Range Level Channel-2 A1061 NC loop A Wide Range Cold Leg Temp.

A1067 NC Loop B Wide Range Cold Leg Temp.  ?

A107', NC Loap C Wide. Range Cold Leg Temp.

A1079 NC Loop D Wide Range Cold Leg Temp.

- A0826 NC System Wide. Range Pressure A1118 Pressurizer Pressure I All24- Pressurizer level

'A1059~ Steam Generator A Narrow Range Level IV A1065 : Steam Generator B Narrow Range Level IV A1071 Steam Generator C Narrow Range Level IV A1077 Steam Generator D Narrow Range Level IV A1107 ~ Steam Generator A Steam Press I A1113 - Steam Generator 3 Steam Press I A1119 Steam Generator C Steam Press:I A1125 Sceam Generator D Steam Press I A1060 Steam Generator A Main Steam Flev T A1066 Steam Generator B Main Steam Flow I  :

-A1072 Steam Generator C Main Steam Flow I A1078 Steam Generator D Main Steam Flow I

'A1105 Feedwater Pump Turbine A Speed' l A1111 Feedwater Pump Turbine B Speed l l

A1108 CF Pump A Discharge Pressure .l

A1114- CF Pump B Discharge Pressure )

.A0033 . Steam Generator A CF Flow m -

a *

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Pigo-2 of 2

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.Enclotura 13.2 l^ - Data Required on OAC Transient Monitor.

L TF/1/A/2150/20 Natural Circulation Verification-


l i-h; Point ID#' Point Descriotion

-A0950 Steam Generator B CF Flow  ;

l A0867- Steam Generator C CF Flow;

-A0879 Steam Generator D CF Flow A0454 CF to Steam Gen nator A Temp.

! A0455 CF to Stean Generator B Temp.

l A0449 CF to Steam Generatar C Temp.

. A0448- CF to Steam Generator D Temp.

i A0890 Aux. Faed. Flow to S/G A A088A Aux. Feed. Flow to S/G B A0878 Aux. Feed.-Flow to S/G C A0872 Aux. Feed.. Flow to S/G D A0555. CA Inlet Temp. to S/G A A0561 CA Inlet Temp. to S/G B A0567 CA Inlet Temp. to S/G C A0573 CA Inlet Temp. to S/G D

  • A0965 NC Loop A Wide Range Hot Leg Temp.
  • A0971 NC Loop B Wide Range Hot Leg. Temp.
  • A0977 NC Loop C Wide Range Hot Leg lemp.

[ ' *A0983 NC Loop D Wide Range Hot Leg Temp.

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.. 4; Enclecuro 13.3l Data'Requiredfon.0AC Point Accumulation and Output TP/1/A/2150/20

. Natural Circulation Verification Pjint'ID# Point Description TABli 11,-

.P0804 NC Sattration Temperature' P0806 NC'Sacuration Temperature Margin

'P0805 NC Saturation Pressure P0807- NC Saturation Pressure Margin

.P0802 NC System Hi Temperature P1389 NC System Pressure, Best Estimate TABLE #2 A0268 Incore Thermocouple (Upper Head)

A0142 Incore Thermocouple (Upper Head)

A0155 Incore Thermocouple (Upper Head)

A0166 Incore Thermocouple (Upper Head)

A0251 Incore Thermocouple-(Upper Head)

A0154 Incore Thermoccuple at.G15 A019e- Incore Thermocouple at LO4

.A0112 Incore Thermocouple at E6

.;,Incore Thermocouple at K9 A0227 -

A0197- Incore Thermocouple at Hi

' Record all isints'on a 5-minute frequency.

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. List of. License Candidates Participating TP/1/A/2150/20 Natural Circulation Verification i

Date Time i

Participants ,

4 1

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- Enclocura 13.5 Determination of the Depressurization Rtce

'TP/1/A/2150/20 Natural Circul: tion Verification

- From the dita obtained.during' Steps 12.7 through 12.10,' calculate

- a depressurization-rate and a cooldown rate for the NC system following a loss of pressurizer heaters.

Depressurization Rate' psig/hr.

Pressurizar Cooldown Rate F/hr.

Calculated By Date Time 1

4 1

e 4

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