MONTHYEARML20217F3481999-10-15015 October 1999 Marked-up & Reprinted TS Pages,Changing TS Requirements for Insp of RCP Flywheels ML20216E6601999-09-13013 September 1999 Marked-up & Revised TS Pages,Making Permanent One Time Only Changes Incorporated Into TS 3.7.9 Allowing Up to 24 Hours to Restore Control Room Pressure Boundary to Operable Status When Two Cravs Trains Inoperable ML20211G6711999-08-27027 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3.1.4 Re Rod Group Alignment Limits ML20210R0131999-08-10010 August 1999 Revised Tech Specs Bases Pages B 3.4.14-2 & B 3.4.14-6, RCS PIV Leakage ML20196H7551999-06-24024 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 2.0, Safety Limits, TS 3.3.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation & TS 3.4.1, RCS Pressure,Temp & Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits ML20195F2941999-06-10010 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Facilitating one-time Addition of Condition G & Administrative Controls Note to TS 3.7.9, Cravs ML20206M9391999-05-0606 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising List of Referenced Documents in TS 5.6.5b Re COLR Requirements ML20206B0761999-04-0606 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Expanding Allowable Values for Interlocks P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux) & P-10 (Power Range Neutron Flux) in TS 3.3.1,Table 3.3.1-1, Function 16 ML20205L2251999-04-0505 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Revised SFP Storage Configuration,Revised SFP Storage Criteria & Revised Fuel Enrichment & Burnup Requirements ML20205B6231999-03-23023 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Mark Ups for Unit 1,changing Record for FOL NPF-9 Amend Submittal ML20204F6761999-03-18018 March 1999 Marked-up Tech Spec Pages Re License Bases Record Change to License Amend Submittals ML20207C6921999-02-22022 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases,Reflecting Removal of SI Signal on Low Steamline Pressure on Page B 3.3.2-16 & Adding Clarification for Increasing Hydrogen Recombiner Power During Testing on Page B 3.6.7-4 ML20198B9671998-12-0909 December 1998 Revised TS 3.7.11 LCO Bases to Specify That AB Filtered Ventilation Exhaust Sys Is Considered Operable When Associated Two Fans,Filters,Ductwork,Valves & Dampers Are Operable ML20155B2111998-10-22022 October 1998 Proposed Revs to Improved Tech Specs,Implementing W Fuel as Described in TRs DPC-NE-2009 & DPC-NE-2009P ML20151Y2461998-09-15015 September 1998 Proposed Improved Tss,Resolving Items Identified by Util During Review ML20151U3521998-09-0808 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs & Bases Converting to Improved Tech Specs ML20237B6241998-08-14014 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs & Relating to Ice Condenser Ice Bed Changing Portion of Surveillances Pertaining to Lower Inlet Plenum Support Structures & Turning Vanes from 9-month Frequency to 18-month Frequency ML20237B5721998-08-12012 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Ice Condenser Sys Components W/Respect to Accumulation of Frost or Ice ML20237A0411998-08-0505 August 1998 Suppl 8 to Improved TS Noting Differences Between Two Units. Proposed Changes Require That Specs & Surveillances Apply to Each Unit Individually,Unless Otherwise Noted,Consistent W/Version of Current TS Prior to Amends 166 & 148 ML20236U1531998-07-22022 July 1998 Proposed Revised Improved Tech Specs,Implementing W Fuel as Described in TRs DPC-NE-2009P & DPC-NE-2009 ML20236G5301998-06-29029 June 1998 Rev to Bases of TS 3/4.6/3,correcting Editorial Errors ML20247E3891998-05-0808 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Power Range Neutron Flux High Trip Setpoints in Event of Inoperable MSSVs & Deleting References to 3-loop Operation in Current TS Section & Table 3.7-2 ML20217E6531998-04-20020 April 1998 Proposed Improved Tech Specs Re Section 1.0,2.0,3.0 & 4.0 ML20217B7871998-03-20020 March 1998 Marked-up Proposed Improved TS 3.6 & 5.5.2 ML20217N9311998-03-0303 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 5.5 Re Meteorological Tower Location ML20216B9851998-03-0202 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Responding to 980116 RAI Re Improved TS Sections 3.1 & 3.2.Suppl Changes to Improved TS Encl ML20197G4391997-12-17017 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Referencing Updated or Recently Approved Methodologies Used to Calculate cycle-specific Limits Contained in COLR ML20198H5361997-12-17017 December 1997 Tech Spec Pages for TS 3/4.7.8 for Use in Lieu of ASME Section XI Requirements ML20217H5541997-10-13013 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Replacement of Three Safety Related Narrow Range Refueling Water Storage Tank Level Instruments W/Three Safety Related Wide Range Level Instruments ML20212A2511997-10-0606 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting All References to Steam Line Low Pressure Safety Injection Function ML20133M5541997-01-13013 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Implementing performance-based Containment Leak Rate Testing Requirements of 10CFR50, App J,Option B ML20133D3991997-01-0606 January 1997 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.6 Re Containment Systems ML20132F0001996-12-17017 December 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Supplementing Amend Request to Change Surveillance Which Will Achieve Alignment W/ Improved STS SR ML20135B0381996-11-26026 November 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.8.2 Re DC Sources ML20134M1541996-11-0101 November 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.8.2 Allowing Use of Low Specific Gravity Cells in Vital 125 Volt Dc Sys When Desired ML20129F7591996-10-22022 October 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Containment Systems & Air Temp ML20117K1011996-08-29029 August 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Replacing 960516 Response to Concerns Re Proposed Changes for Diesel Starting Air Sys Surveillance Testing ML20113C7201996-06-21021 June 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3.9.6,revising Term Lifting Loads to Lifting Force Used in Manipulator Crane TS 3.9.6b.2 & Redefining Auxiliary Hoist Min Capacities ML20112A7571996-05-16016 May 1996 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.8 Re Surveillance Requirements ML20101H6101996-03-15015 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Replacement of SGs ML20101C8281996-03-0808 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting Separate Vols for Unit 1 & Unit 2 ML20100R4601996-03-0404 March 1996 Proposed Tech Specs,Deleting Flow Monitoring Sys from TS & Associated SRs ML20097G3911996-02-13013 February 1996 Proposed Tech Specs Re Listing of Core Operating Limit Methodologies for Editorial Correction ML20095E9571995-12-14014 December 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Action Statements & SRs for Dgs, Incorporating Guidance & Recommendations in NUREG-1366,GL 93-05,GL 94-01 & NUREG-1431 ML20095E8081995-12-12012 December 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Making McGuire Afd Limit Equations Identical to Previously Approved by NRC for Catawba Nuclear Station ML20095B6221995-12-0505 December 1995 Proposed TS SR Re 60-month Battery Testing ML20093L2861995-10-17017 October 1995 Proposed Tech Specs Listings of Core Operating Limit Methodologies ML20098A4631995-09-18018 September 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Revised Record Pages for LTOP Protection in TS Amend ML20092K4481995-09-18018 September 1995 Proposed Tech Spec Table 2.2-1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation Trip Setpoints ML20092B1571995-09-0101 September 1995 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising TS 3/4.6.5 to Reduce Required Ice Weight in Containment Ice Condenser of Each Unit from 2,099,790 Lbs to 1,516,800 Lbs 1999-09-13
MONTHYEARML20217F3481999-10-15015 October 1999 Marked-up & Reprinted TS Pages,Changing TS Requirements for Insp of RCP Flywheels ML20217J6401999-10-0606 October 1999 Revised Pages to McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments Manual ML20216E6601999-09-13013 September 1999 Marked-up & Revised TS Pages,Making Permanent One Time Only Changes Incorporated Into TS 3.7.9 Allowing Up to 24 Hours to Restore Control Room Pressure Boundary to Operable Status When Two Cravs Trains Inoperable ML20211G6711999-08-27027 August 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 3.1.4 Re Rod Group Alignment Limits ML20211A9881999-08-18018 August 1999 Rev 5 to DPC Nuclear Security Training & Qualification Plan ML20210R0131999-08-10010 August 1999 Revised Tech Specs Bases Pages B 3.4.14-2 & B 3.4.14-6, RCS PIV Leakage ML20196H7551999-06-24024 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs 2.0, Safety Limits, TS 3.3.1, Reactor Trip Sys Instrumentation & TS 3.4.1, RCS Pressure,Temp & Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Limits ML20195F2941999-06-10010 June 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Facilitating one-time Addition of Condition G & Administrative Controls Note to TS 3.7.9, Cravs ML20212A2701999-05-28028 May 1999 Rev 25 to McGuire Nuclear Station,Units 1 & 2 Pump & Valves Inservice Testing Program ML20206M9391999-05-0606 May 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising List of Referenced Documents in TS 5.6.5b Re COLR Requirements ML20206Q9311999-05-0404 May 1999 Rev 29 to List of Effective Pages for Chapter 16 & Page 16.11-66 to McGuire Selected Licensee Commitment Manual. with ML20206S9401999-04-30030 April 1999 Rev 29 to McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments. with List of Effective Pages ML20206K3621999-04-30030 April 1999 Revised McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments (SLC) Manual ML20206B0761999-04-0606 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Expanding Allowable Values for Interlocks P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux) & P-10 (Power Range Neutron Flux) in TS 3.3.1,Table 3.3.1-1, Function 16 ML20205L2251999-04-0505 April 1999 Proposed Tech Specs,Providing Revised SFP Storage Configuration,Revised SFP Storage Criteria & Revised Fuel Enrichment & Burnup Requirements ML20205L2431999-04-0505 April 1999 SFP Soluble Boron Credit Dilution Analysis (Summary of Applicable Portions) ML20205L2531999-04-0505 April 1999 Boraflex Degradation Analysis ML20205B6231999-03-23023 March 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Pages Mark Ups for Unit 1,changing Record for FOL NPF-9 Amend Submittal ML20204F6761999-03-18018 March 1999 Marked-up Tech Spec Pages Re License Bases Record Change to License Amend Submittals ML20207C6921999-02-22022 February 1999 Proposed Tech Specs Bases,Reflecting Removal of SI Signal on Low Steamline Pressure on Page B 3.3.2-16 & Adding Clarification for Increasing Hydrogen Recombiner Power During Testing on Page B 3.6.7-4 ML20198B9671998-12-0909 December 1998 Revised TS 3.7.11 LCO Bases to Specify That AB Filtered Ventilation Exhaust Sys Is Considered Operable When Associated Two Fans,Filters,Ductwork,Valves & Dampers Are Operable ML20198A4691998-12-0909 December 1998 Rev 14 to DPC McGuire Nuclear Station Process Control Program ML20196G6891998-11-23023 November 1998 Rev 26 to Selected Licensee Commitments (SLC) Manual ML20196C9211998-11-14014 November 1998 Rev 26 to Selected Licensee Commitments Manual. with Update Instructions ML20155B2111998-10-22022 October 1998 Proposed Revs to Improved Tech Specs,Implementing W Fuel as Described in TRs DPC-NE-2009 & DPC-NE-2009P ML20154L7191998-10-0505 October 1998 Rev 8 to DPC Nuclear Security & Contingency Plan, for Oconee,Mcguire & Catawba Nuclear Stations ML20151Y2461998-09-15015 September 1998 Proposed Improved Tss,Resolving Items Identified by Util During Review ML20151U3521998-09-0808 September 1998 Proposed Tech Specs & Bases Converting to Improved Tech Specs ML20151Z7751998-09-0808 September 1998 Rev 25 to McGuire Selected Licensee Commitment Manual, Consisting of Revised Pages 16.7-9 & 16.7-10 ML20237B6241998-08-14014 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs & Relating to Ice Condenser Ice Bed Changing Portion of Surveillances Pertaining to Lower Inlet Plenum Support Structures & Turning Vanes from 9-month Frequency to 18-month Frequency ML20237B5721998-08-12012 August 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Re Ice Condenser Sys Components W/Respect to Accumulation of Frost or Ice ML20237A0411998-08-0505 August 1998 Suppl 8 to Improved TS Noting Differences Between Two Units. Proposed Changes Require That Specs & Surveillances Apply to Each Unit Individually,Unless Otherwise Noted,Consistent W/Version of Current TS Prior to Amends 166 & 148 ML20236U1531998-07-22022 July 1998 Proposed Revised Improved Tech Specs,Implementing W Fuel as Described in TRs DPC-NE-2009P & DPC-NE-2009 ML20236G5301998-06-29029 June 1998 Rev to Bases of TS 3/4.6/3,correcting Editorial Errors ML20249C2081998-06-0909 June 1998 Rev 24 to Selected License Commitments (SLC) Manual & SLC 16.10.1,dtd June 1998 ML20247E3891998-05-0808 May 1998 Proposed Tech Specs,Revising Power Range Neutron Flux High Trip Setpoints in Event of Inoperable MSSVs & Deleting References to 3-loop Operation in Current TS Section & Table 3.7-2 ML20217F2841998-04-20020 April 1998 Rev 7 to DPC Nuclear Security & Contingency Plan, for Oconee,Mcguire & Catawba Nuclear Stations ML20217E6531998-04-20020 April 1998 Proposed Improved Tech Specs Re Section 1.0,2.0,3.0 & 4.0 ML20217B7871998-03-20020 March 1998 Marked-up Proposed Improved TS 3.6 & 5.5.2 ML20217N9311998-03-0303 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs 5.5 Re Meteorological Tower Location ML20216B9851998-03-0202 March 1998 Proposed Tech Specs Responding to 980116 RAI Re Improved TS Sections 3.1 & 3.2.Suppl Changes to Improved TS Encl ML20203J9391998-02-19019 February 1998 Revised McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments, List of Effective Pages ML20198H5361997-12-17017 December 1997 Tech Spec Pages for TS 3/4.7.8 for Use in Lieu of ASME Section XI Requirements ML20197G4391997-12-17017 December 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Referencing Updated or Recently Approved Methodologies Used to Calculate cycle-specific Limits Contained in COLR ML20203E1911997-12-0101 December 1997 Revised McGuire Nuclear Station Selected Licensee Commitments, List of Effective Pages ML20217H5541997-10-13013 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Supporting Replacement of Three Safety Related Narrow Range Refueling Water Storage Tank Level Instruments W/Three Safety Related Wide Range Level Instruments ML20212A2511997-10-0606 October 1997 Proposed Tech Specs Deleting All References to Steam Line Low Pressure Safety Injection Function ML20216A8691997-09-0101 September 1997 Rev 0 to QAM-2.0, Order Entry ML20210K9281997-08-31031 August 1997 Cycle 12 Startup Rept ML20216B8171997-08-25025 August 1997 Rev 0 to PE-9778-1, Test Rept-Grinnell Hydraulic Snubber Freedom of Motion Test Under Duke Powers McGuire Nuclear Station MSLB Accident Temp Condition 1999-09-13
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Special Test Exceptions CTS 3.10.5 for Position Indication System - Shutdown was incorrectly shown in the CTS markup for ITS 3.1.8 as being deleted (DOC A26). This LCO provides an exception during testing for the rod position indication system during
- shutdown. The rod position system LCO, CTS, was previously relocated to the Selected Licensee Commitments Manual (UFSAR Chapter 16). Discussion of Change R7 is revised to indicate that the associated test exception, CTS 3.10.5, is also relocated to the Selected Licensee Commitments Manual.
I i
i i
3.10.5 The limitations of pecification may be suspended ring the performance of individual full-length shutdown and control rod dr time measurements provided:
Only one s tdown or control bank is withdrawn fro the fully inserted sition at a time, and b.
The ro position indicator is OPERABLE during e withdrawal of the rods APPLICABILI : MODES 3, 4, and 5 during performance f rod drop time measureme s.
E1 Lot!'
Wit the Position Indication System inoperabl or with more than one bank of ro s withdrawn, immediately open the Reactor rip breakers.
SURVEILLANCE REOUIREMENTS 4.10.5 The above required Rod Posi on Indication Systems shall be determi d to be OPERABLE within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> pri to the start of and at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> thereafter during rod dr time measurements by verifying the De nd Position Indication System and t e Rod Position Indication Systems agree Within 12 steps wher the rods are stationary, and a.
Within 24 steps d ing rod motion.
'This requi ement is not applicable during the initi i calibration of the Rod Posit' n Indication System provided: (1) K s maintained less than or equal to 0.95, and (2) only one shutdown or,,o, rol rod bank is withdrawn i c
t fully inserted position at one time.
McGUIRE - UNIT 1 3/4 10-5 Amendment No. 166 p q 564 6
3.10.5 The limitations of S ecification may be suspended during e
performance of individual f 11-length shutdown and control rod drop time measurements provided:
Only.one shu own or control bank is withdrawn from the fu y inserted po tion at a time, and b.
The rod p ition indicator is OPERABLE during the wit rawal of the rods.*
ES 3, 4, and 5 during performance of rod rop time measurements.
With the P ition Indication System inoperable or with more than one bank of rods with awn, inusediately open the Reactor trip b kers.
- 4. 0.5 The above required Rod Position Indic fon Systems shall be determined t be OPERABLE within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> prior to the art of and at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> thereafter during rod drop time me urements by verifying the Oemand Position Indication System and the Rod Pos tion Indication Syste::ts agree:
Within 12 steps when the rods re stationary, and b.
Within 24 steps during rod tion.
- This requirement i not applicable during the initial libration of the Rod Position Indi tion System provided: (1) K is intained less than
% qual to 0.9 and (2) only one shutdown or,,o,n al rod bank is withdrawn or e c
_the fully nserted nnd +iaa =+ aa- +i=a McGUIRE - UNIT 2 3/4 10-5 Amendment No. 148 f 4-T
Discussicn cf Changas Secticn 3.1 - Reactivity C:ntrol Systems ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES to shutdown to MODE 3 is retained as ITS 3.1.5 Action B.
The changes are considered administrative and are consistent with
A.22 Not used.
A.23 Specific requirements for the control bank sequence and overlap limits have been added to CTS and on control bank insertion limits.
ITS 3.1.6 c16arly identifies that these parameters are required to be met by including specific actions and surveillance requirements.
These parameters have always been a part of the control bank insertion limit as detailed by the figure in the COLR.
No technical requirements are modified and the change is considered administrative in nature since it clarifies information already contained within the existing requirements.
The change is consistent with NUREG-1431.
A.24 CTS 3.10.3 allows exceptions tc rod alignment and insertion limits during PHYSICS TESTING in MODE 2.
With the deletion of CTS SDM is MODE 1 and 2 (see Doc A.2), it is necessary to add appropriate requirements, actions, and surveillances to the test exception LCO. These requirements are retained as ITS LC0 3.1.8.
The change is administrative in nature, and no technical change is made. This change is consistent with NUREG-1431.
A.25 CTS 3.10.3.b requires the reactor trip setpoints of the intermediate and power range channels to be set at 25% during performance of PHYSICS TESTS. This information is redundant to the LCO 3.3.1, "RTS Instrumentation" which requires that the trip setpoints for the channels be set to 25% for the intermediate and power ranges in MODE 2.
The deletion of redundant requirements is administrative and does not represent a technical change. This change is consistent with NUREG-1431.
A.26 The exceptions to SDM provided by CTS 3.10.1, the exceptions for rod insertion and power distribution limits provided by CTS 3.10.2, cnd the exception; for red pc;ition indicction provided by
. CTS 3.10.5.are no longer needed and are deleted.
SDM will be maintained within the limits specified in the COLR during PHYSICS TESTS.
PHYSICS TESTS will be conducted in MODE 2, thus the MODE 1 1
exception provided by CTS 3.10.2 is not needed.
Red position exception i; ne lon;;cr needed in MODES 3, 4, cr 5 cnd in "005 2 McGuire Units 1 and 2 Page A - 6 Supplement 10
1 l
Discustien of Changes Section 3.1 - RIactivity Ctntrol Systems l
The ITS 3.1.8 test exceptions for PHYSICS TESTS l
j in MODE 2 provides an exception to rod alignment requirements.
F This change is consistent with NUREG-1431.
A.27 CTS 3.10.3.a allows exceptions to certaia LCOs for the performance of physics tests provided power is limited to 5 5% of Rated i
Thermal Power (RTP). This statement is redundant because the Applicability for this LCO is MODE 2 ($ 5% RTP).
ITS LC0 3.1.8 retains this same applicability during PHYSICS TESTS. With this deletion, no technical requirements are modified and the change is considered to be administrative in nature.
This change is consistent with NUREG-1431.
A.28 CTS and require verifying SDM when an inoperable (immovable or untrippable) control rod is disccvered.
This requirement is already contained in CTS and is retained in ITS LC0 3.1.4 for an untrippable control rod.
These requirements already provide adequate assurance that SDM is verified and therefore, the requirements of and l are redundant and eliminated.
No technical requirements i
are deleted by the elimination of this redundant requirement and the change is considered administrative.
This change is consistent with NUREG-1431.
A.29 CTS Action c.2 and c.3 contain the phrase, "The rod is declared inoperable" when a rod is not within alignment limits.
This wording does not add any clarity to the actions and is eliminated.
The format in the ITS is such that actions are only entered when the LC0 is not met, i.e. the component is inoperable.
Therefore, the additional wording is not necessary for inclusion I
within ITS 3.1.4.
No technical requirements are deleted by the elimination of this wording and the change is considered administrative.
This change is consistent with NUREG-1431.
l A.30 CTS requires that an out of limit control bank be restored l
within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> or that power be reduced to match the power limit for the exitting insertion position.
ITS 3.1.6 only requires that l
the insertion limit be restored.
The existing actions are somewhat redundant. Since there are only two ways to restore compliance (i.e., withdraw the control banks or reduce power to match control bank position), the requirement to restore limits is McGuire Units 1 and 2 Page A - 7 Supplement 10
Discussien ef Ching2s S:cticn 3.1 - Reactivity C:ntrol Systems RELOCATION is required before the shutdown margin is lost. Operations of the boration subsystem is not assumed to mitigate this event.
The CVCS System is not used for, nor is capable of, detecting a significant abnormal degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary prior to a DBA. The CVCS System is not used to indicate status of, or monitor a process variable, design feature, or operating restriction that is an initial condition of a DBA or transient. The CVCS System is not part of a primary success path in the mitigation of a DBA or transient. As discussed in Section 4.0 (Appendix A, page A-6) and summarized in Table 1 of WCAP-11618, the loss of the CVCS System was found to be a non-significant risk contributor to core damage frequency and offsite releases. Duke Power Company has reviewed this evaluation, conr.iders it applicable to the plant, and concurs with the assessment.
- ince the screening criteria have not been satisfied, the Borated Water Sources - Operating LC0 and Surveillances may be relocated to the Selected Licensee Commitments Manual (UFSAR Chapter 16).
R.7 CTS specifies requirements for rod position indication in j
MODES 3, 4, and 5.
CTS 3.10.5 provides an exception during testing for rod position indication. Control rod operability is assumed for all transients in which a reactor trip is assumed to occur. However, the 112 step alignment is not assumed when in MODES 3, 4 or 5, since no reactor power is being generated and the reactor is subcritical. The rod alignment and position indication is only necessary when the reactor is critical, to ensure proper power distribution.
1 The position indication system is not used for, nor capable of, detecting a significant abnormal degradation of the reactor coolant pressure boundary prior to a design basis accident (DBA).
The position indication system is not used to indicate status of, or monitor a process variable, design feature, or operating restriction that is an initial condition of a DBA or transient.
The position indication system is not part of a primary success path in the mitigation of a DBA or transient. As discussed in Section 4.0 (Appendix A, page A-12) and summarized in Table 1 of WCAP-11618, the loss of the position indication system was found to be a non-significant risk contributor to core damage frequency McGuire Units 1 and 2 Page R - 6 Supplement 10
n-Discussien cf Changes SIcti n 3.1 - R31ctivity C:ntral Systems b
RELOCATION and offsite releases.
Duke Power Company has reviewed this evaluation,-considers it applicable to the plant, and concurs with the assessment.
.Since the screening criteria have not been satisfied, the Position Indication System - Shutdown LC0 and its associated testing exception 3.10.5 may be relocated to the Selected Licensee Commitments Manual (UFSAR Chapter 16). Surveillance will be retained in ITS SR for rod position indication in MODES 1 and 2.
f l
l l
l McGuire Units 1 and 2 Page R - 7 Supplement 10