ML20236G530 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | McGuire, Mcguire ![]() |
Issue date: | 06/29/1998 |
From: | DUKE POWER CO. |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20236G523 | List: |
References | |
NUDOCS 9807060286 | |
Download: ML20236G530 (5) | |
Leakage integrity tests with a maximum allowable leakage rate for contain-ment purge supply and exhaust supply valves will provide early indication of resilient material seal degradation and will allow opportunity for repair l
before gross leakage failures could develop.
The 0.60 L leakage limit of Specification shall not be exceeded when the l,eakage rates determined by the leakage integrity tests of these valves are added to the previously determined total for all valves and penetrations subject to Type B and C tests.
3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the Containment Spray System ensures that containment depressurization and cooling capability will be available in the event of a LOCA.
The pressure reduction and resultant lower containment leakage rate are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES The OPERABILITY of the containment isolation valves ensures that the containment atmosphere will be isolated from the outside environment in the event of a release of radioactive material to the containment atmosphere or pressurization of the containment and is consistent with the requirements of GDC 54 thru 57 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. Containment isolation within l
the time limits specified for those isolation valves designed to close auto-matica11y ensures that the release of radioactive material to the environment will be consistent with the assumptions used in the nalyses for a LOCA.
g)fpf g*.tti SwM L ll3 Containment isolation valves are listed in TableJC.;P. Those valves with a required isolation time have a value given in the " MAX ISOLAT10h TIME (SEC)" column.
Penetration test type (type B, type C, or None) is listed in the " TEST TYPE" column of the table for each containment penetration.
Changes to the M AR are made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.
lWrML 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions.
Either recombiner unit is capable of con-trolling the expected hydrogen generation associated with:
(1) zirconium-water reactions, (2) radiolytic decomposition of water, and (3) corrosion of metals within containment. These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, " Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA", March 1971.
9807060286 980629 PDR ADOCK 05000369 P
paa McGUIRE - UNIT 1 B 3/4 6-4
l 3/ CONTAINMENT VENTILATION SYSTEM (Continued) i Leakage integrity tests with a maximum allowable leakage rate for contain-ment purge supply and exhaust supply valves will provide early indication of resilient material seal degradation and will allow opportunity for repair before gross leakage failures could develop. The 0.60 L leakage limit of Specification shall not be exceeded when the l,akage rates determined e
. by the leakage integrity tests of these valves are added to the previously detennined total for all valves and penetrations subject to Type B and C tests.
3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the Containment Spray System ensures that containment depressurization and cooling capability will be available in the event of a LOCA. The pressure reduction and resultant lower containment leakage rate are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES The OPERABILITY of the containment isolation valves ensures that the containment atmosphere will be isolated from the outside environment in the event of a release of radioactive material to the containment atmosphere or pressurization of the containment and is consistent with the requirements of GDC 54 thru 57 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. Containment isolation within the time limits specified for those isolation valves designed to close auto-matically ensures that the release of radioactive material to the environment will be consistent with the assumptions used in the analyses tN/M It #>* N
Containment isolation valves are listed in FMR Table).. -1.
Thos valves with a required isolation time have a value given in the " MAX ISOLATION j
TIME (SEC)" column.
Penetration test type (type B, type C, or None) is listed in the " TEST TYPE" column of the table for each containment penetration.
Changes to the FM R are made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.
Uffett 3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detection
! I and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions. Either recombiner unit is capable of con-l' trolling the expected hydrogen generation associated with:
(1) zirconium-water i
reactions, (2) radiolytic decomposition of water, and (3) corrosion of metals within containment.
These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations cf Regulatory Guide 1.7, " Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA", March 1971.
I McGUIRE - UNIT 2 B 3/4 6-4
l e
k l
l t
Leakage integrity tests with a maximum allowable leakage rate for contain-ment purge supply and exhaust supply valves will provide early indication of resilient material seal degradation and will allow opportunity for repair before gross leakage failures could develop.
The 0.60 L leakage limit of Specification shall not be exceeded when the leakage rates determined by the leakage integrity tests of these valves are added to the previously determined total for all valves and penetrations subject to Type B and C tests.
3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the Containment Spray System ensures that containment depressurization and cooling capability will be available in the event of a LOCA.
The pressure reduction and resultant lower containment leakage rate are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES The OPERABILITY of the containment isolation valves ensures that the containment atmosphere will be isolated from the outside environment in the event of a release of radioactive material to the containment atmosphere or pressurization of the containment and is consistent with the requirements of l
GDC 54 thru 57 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.
Containment isolation within the time limits specified for those isolation valves designed to close auto-matically ensures that the release of radioactive material to the environment will be consistent with the assumptions used in the analyses for a LOCA.
l Containment isolation valves are listed in UFSAR Tables 6-111 through 113.
Those valves with a required isolation time have a value given in the " MAX ISOLATION TIME (SEC)" column. Penetration test type (type B, type C, or None) is listed in the " TEST TYPE" column of the table for each containment l penetration. Changes to the UFSAR are made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59.
3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable i
limit during post-LOCA conditions. Either recombiner unit is capable of con-i trolling the expected hydrogen generation associated with:
(1) zirconium-water reactions, (2) radiolytic decomposition of water, and (3) corrosion of metals within containment. These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, " Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA", March 1971.
j McGUIRE - UNIT 1 B 3/4 6-4
Leakage integrity tests with a maximum allowable leakage rate for contain-ment purge supply and exhaust supply valves will provide early indication of resilient material seal degradation and will allow opportunity for repair before gross leakage failures could develop. The 0.60 L, leakage limit of Specification shall not be exceeded when the leakage rates determined by the leakage integrity tests of these valves are added to the previously determined total for all valves and penetrations subject to Type B and C tests.
3/4.6.2 DEPRESSURIZATION AND COOLING SYSTEMS CONTAINMENT SPRAY SYSTEM The OPERABILITY of the Containment Spray System ensures that containment depressurization and cooling capability will be available in the event of a LOCA. The pressure reduction and resultant lower containment leakage rate are consistent with the assumptions used in the accident analyses.
3/4.6.3 CONTAINMENT ISOLATION VALVES The OPERABILITY of the containment isolation valves ensures that the containment atmosphere will be isolated from the outside environment in the event of a release of radioactive material to the containment atmosphere or pressurization of the containment and is consistent with the requirements of GDC 54 thru 57 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. Containment isolation within l
the time limits specified for those isolation valves designed to close auto-i l
matica11y ensures that the release of radioactive material to the environment l
will be consistent with the assumptions used in the analyses for a LOCA.
j Containment isolation valves are listed in UFSAR Tables 6-111 through 113.
Those valves with a required isolation time have a value given in the " MAX ISOLATION TIME (SEC)" column.
Penetration test type (type B, type C, or None) is listed in the " TEST TYPE" column of the table for each containment l penetration. Changes to the UFSAR are made in accordance with '10 CFR 50.59.
3/4.6.4 COMBUSTIBLE GAS CONTROL The OPERABILITY of the equipment and systems required for the detection and control of hydrogen gas ensures that this equipment will be available to maintain the hydrogen concentration within containment below its flammable limit during post-LOCA conditions. Either recombiner unit is capable of con-trolling the expected hydrogen generation associated with:
(1) zirconium-water reactions, (2) radiolytic decomposition of water, ano (3) corrosion of metals within containment.
These hydrogen control systems are consistent with the recommendations of Regulatory Guide 1.7, " Control of Combustible Gas Concentrations in Containment Following a LOCA", March 1971.
McGUIRE - UNIT 2 B3/46-4