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Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/1979
Shared Package
ML19263C484 List:
PROC-790228, NUDOCS 7902260273
Download: ML19263C486 (150)





1.0-4 3.8/4.8 .7 3.2/4.2-2 3.8/4.8-18 3.2/4.2-3 3.8/4.8-19 3.2/4.2-4 3.8/4.8-20 3.2/4.2-4a 3.8/4.8-21 3.2/4.2-7 3.8/4.8-22 3.2/4.2-8 3.8/4.8-23 3.2/4.2-15 3.8/4.8-24 3.2/4.2-15a 3.8/4.8-25 3.2/4.2-15b 3.8/4.8-26 3.2/4.2-19 3.8/4.8-27 3.2/4.2-20 3.8/4.8-28 3.8/4.8-1 3.8/4.8-29 3.8/4.8-2 3.8/4.8-30 3.8/4.8-3 3.8/4.8-31 3.8/4.8-4 6.1-2 3.8/4.8-5 6.1-5 3.8/4.8-6 6.2-1 3.8/4.8-6a 6.6-2 3.8/4.8-7 6.6-3 3.8/4.8-8 6.6-4 3.8/4.8-9 6.6-5 3.8/4.0-10 6.6-6 3.8/4.8-11 6.6-7 3.8/4.8-12 6.7-1 3.8/4.8-13 6.7-2 3.8/4.8-14 3.8/4.8-15 3.8/4.8-16 7902260-)~l3

'. Qlt.'.D -C T!! 3 DI'i;-2u more then 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in a 30-d.:, pc-riod the splem shall be tripped.

D. Ste::a Jet Air 1%ectar O T-Gas Systen: Radia- D. Steam Je: M Enctor OF Gas Sproa na.h.,- .

tion Sio;u:ois tion n'onkors

1. Except as specifed in Specification 1. The tin.e delay sc:tig for c!csure or 3.2.D.2. both steam jet air ejecter off- the steam jet air ejector iso lntion gas system radiation monitors shall be valves siull act e :ceed I 5 mir..:ta.

operable during rer.: tor power opera- The isalation v.shn shall glose_w ithin tion. 15 rainutes upon receipt of an isolation signal unless operator action over-rides the trip sir.nal. If the reactor operator bypas es the trip signal. the subseq':er.t radic:.ctivity re!e.rse sha;l be cons:hrt; a r:p;rt:ble occurr:nce and s!.sl! be repcrted as required by Specif!:atica 6.6.D.I. The report shr.!!

contain an analysis of the resuit2nt dose in the sectors afected as deter-miacd by the me:e:ra!agical da a 2n-plicable dt. ring the re! ease.

2. From and after the date that one of the 2. The tv.o radiation nter:: ors shal; b:

two steam jet air ejector o!T-ga3 system fenc: ion 2!iy tested and ca!!br.:t:d a>

radiation monitors is made or found to indicateo in i ah!: 4.2-1. Automatic be incperable. continued reactor initiation and operation of the steam power operation is permissible during jet air ejector isolat ion v:'ives shall be the next 7 days, provided the inopera- _

perforined at Icast each operatir; .

LI: monitor is tripped in the upscale cycle.

, posttton.

3. Upon loss of both st:am jet air ejector oT-gas system radiation monitors, the reactor shall be slaced in hot standby I

within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />. and the oiT-gas line manually isolated.

E. Pui Jing Ven:ilation Exhaust Duet E. Reacter Bui!di;e: Yenti!ation Exhav3t Du::

l'. di.ica hionit. rs Ita% tion Sio::iints a

t r.e :,u:r ven:n..:. ,a exitaust uu t ra!.^ t m

1. IIxec. 6 cs r.accifi J .in Sce:i;: cation 3.2.E.2 beS >.. the four ent:iation ex- moniters shad be fu ctionali> tee:d .nd - ii-haust dut' radiaticn monia:.s 2n:ill be brated as indicatH .n Taba 4.2-L :le i.:or operabic :st nii tal'.es. 'O u ild i .';: \t .UiWr id' '

" 2 ' ' . .! h's g.s a

f rg . J.e r: t e sle. ! . h !! .'.a . . ie ~'eri p r;P *.3

2. One el th.: t vc re h. anon mont:an m ct %st exh c ;r . .. 2* c. ..

CaCn 01, th. '. en'.h.Ition duC:5 I' 2 '. D':

. , 8 '

inoper chte for la ns.orr.. If 1: c .. ,; ;r-able nnur 'or is ::e: .cstered io serv:L

' ' A. ' = ~ ~

. QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 in th., time. the .c.:ctor tv:i!d..'; vem.-

htion s)* n shall be nol.neJ ar.J tb


st.mJby gas treatraw.u operated t.n:i:

repairs are complete.

3. ,Upon lo.w of both ventilation duct monitors in either duct. the reacter building venti lation system shall be isolated and the. standby gas treatmen' operated.

F. Refuelin:: Floor Itu<!iation Monitors F. Itefuelin:; floor Radiation Munitors

1. Except as specided in Speci5catior The two refueling door radiation monitors 3.2.F.2, the two refuchng Scor radia- shat! be functiona'!y ter.ed and calibrated as tion monitors shall be operable when- indicated in Tab'.e 4.2-1. Reactor building ven-ever irradiated fuct er components are tilatio: isol.aion and standby gas treatn ent present in the fuel storage pcol and system ini:iation shall Le performed at least during refueling or fuel me,ement each operating cycle.


2. One of the two refueling Geor radia-tien monitors may 'ce incperab!: fo.-


,,J 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. If the inoperah!e monitor is not restored to service in thi3 ti nc, the reactor building ventilatica system sha!! be isolated and the standby gas -

treatment operated until repairs are complete.

3. The trip setting for the refueling door

_ _ radiation monitors sha!Lbe set at a - - - - -- - - ' - - - - - - - - " ~ - ~ ~~ - ' ~ ~

value cf 100 mR/hr.

4. Upon lov, of r.ath refueling Coor radi-

.' tion monitors while in use, the re.ic-tor building ventilation systern shall be isolated and the stanaby gas treatmen operated.

G. Poi.taccident Instranientation G.' 'Po . tace dca Instnonent:. tion The liiniting con litior,s for operation int the Poct tccidem ins:.n mentat 'a sha!' N f':r.eti -

i m t r. m .. . . m . .. . :. . , i . r r., .. ; . . . .

. . .... g.a.

.tg ..

r- ,

.'a.,,g, ,.; e .,

trO! loon),, reqidreJ foi pistactident nioritta.-

4.2 -2.

ing, arc given m 1 a')IC .l.2-4.


QUAL-CITIES DPR-29 H. Control Room Ventilation System H. Control Room Ventilation Sys tem isolation isolation The control room ventilation system Surveillance for instrunentation is isolated from outside air on a which initiates isolation of control signal ,of high drywell pressure, low- room ventilation shall be as spec-water level, or high main steamline ified in Table 4.2-1.

flow, or high radiation in either of the reactor builaing ventilation exhaust ducts. Limiting conditions for operation shall be as indicated in Table 3 2-1 and Specification 3.2.E.3 I. Radioactive Liquid Effluent 1. Radioactive Liquid Effluent Instrumentation Instrumentation When liquid effluents are released, Each radioactive liquid effluent the effluent monitoring instrumentc- monitoring instrument shown in tion shown in Table 3.2-5 shall be Table 4.2-3 shall be demonstrated operable, operable by performance of the instrument check, calibration, and

1. With one or more radioactive liquid functional test operations at the ef fluent monitoring instruments frequencies shown in Table 4.2-3 inoperable, take the action shown in Table 3 2-5, or provide a 30-day written report to the NRC pursuant f

to Specification 6.6.B.2.


2. In the event a limiting condition for operation and/or associated action requirements cannot be sat-is fiad because of circumstances in excess of those addressed in the specifications, no changes are required in the operational con- _

dition of the plant, and this does not prevent the plant frcm entry into an operational mode.

J. adioactive Gas.eous Ef fluent J. Radioactive Gaseous Effluent nstrumentation -

Instrumentation When gaseous effluents are celeased, Each radioactive gaseous effluent the ef fluent moni toring instrumenta- monitoring instrument shown in tion shown in Table 3.2-6 shall be . Table 4.2-4 shall be demonstrated operable. operable by performance of the ins trumen t check, calibrat ion , and

1. With one or nore racioactive gas- functional test operations at the eous ef fluent monitoring instru- frequencies shown in Table 4.2-4.

ments inoperable, take the action shown in Table 3.2-6, or provide a 30-day written report to the t!RC pursuant to Specifi-cation 6.6.B.2.



- DPR-19

2. In the event a limiting condi-tion for operation and/or associated action requirements cannot be satisfied because of circumstances in excess of these addressed in the speci fications, no changes are required in the opera tional condition of the plant, and this does not prevent the plant f rom entry into an opera t ional .T. ode.




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reventi . ir ai b "

  • re.n.' n o r i: MC' Ti. '.PRM rod b!erk function is Cow bia'ed ed 's 'ee .
  • i - .s r~.

op;imion r.t n deced fm. il. .**.PRM. nrov. . rr tc: . iw w :m * -

!h ro: . :d .. hdrawal sequence. The trip, are s::. so t '" MC'R n m tu ' %

I oft...;J nwe n a ai ' n the R', -

9 ht .ei. a t i

T:.. APRM rod Nod furction. which is set at i2':  : tL J :'k'! :md S :mit S ar ' -

R:af dby modo.Thb wntrel red b:ock prcvido tN .same typ orptw: , .m. s 'JCPR '- c . :-y % c

aod:3 as the APIO! :k.w. biased rod bbck doc, m th. R. a n.a;. ne . . ca.

1.06 during control rod ..ithdrawals and preve:n; ca: ural rod ~;i:? Jra.' al Lcive a (cr m a m r

Tb RBM rod blod function provideslocal prc:::tien of the core.i c. the prevec ien of trantition 5 dia :in n to

s. nu :vu.rn. ;ne mp re:nt . g rei or a smr. roc wu idrawa error from a ;minc_ co u recion of the core f.

o .

..a: with :he biased. The wcrst-case sin $ centrol rod withdrawat error has t ,;en ars . 22. :.nJ :he rem., Gsc 1.%. thus aucccin. ec.uat: rnar.rin r, ci6ed trip settings, rod withdrawal is blocked before the MCPR reac! .

(Reference !). ~

Relace 70% power, the worst case withdrawal of a sing!c contro!IcJ resahs in a Mi PR greaer t!

rod block action. Thus it is not required ce!uw this power ! Wi The IRM block function provides local as well as gross core n> roteuinn. The wiling urangeraem is such

rip setting is less than a factor of 10 above U.e indicated leve,. Ana!y;is cf the wer+ case block action before MCPR approaches 1.06.

A downscale indication on an APRM or IRM is an indicatica :h: inst apunt !.as fa!!cd or is not sendth e ene In ciiher case the instrumer.t will not respond to changes in ceinrN roJ motier, ed the conirel red mo: ion prevented. The down cale trips are s'e: at 3/125 of fuu scale.

The SRM tod b!eck wi:h s 100 CPSand the det-: tor not fully ir.ser:ed av.ures that the SRM's ar not wahJr .

from the core ,i rior to comme..cina e rod withdrawa! for starum.1N i  ; ram di cMf mlume high ve.u- te. el rm' se!.. m a, ; re.i fe ate.;uae th.e b!ad provides annunciation for opaa:ct aetic,n. Tl:: alar m : stpoi '.. nas c,.e.

- in z!!ow de:ermination of the cause oilevel and correctiv e ac: ion prior to automatic scrara ininar;nt, For e!Tec:ive emergency core cooling for s:nali pi;r breal.s. thc iiPr! systen, rnuu func:icn. s== icae.e crem:re dets not decrease rapidly enough to aHow -ither coce spray er LPCI to op.rau i.' time. The ." rome;ic prasu .

.n..,ut v,ees not opera t e . .ne arr :nprac;nt of.

rene..c function is provided as a backup to ts.c in the e.:nt u'. r . _

The trip th: tripping contacts is such as to provide tnis funenen when rec. nary . .:d minum,.e >pariaus cc er ..:

settings g!ven in the specification are adequate to ar.sure the aN:ve err.ct:a . re met ( t_ erenc The specification presecves the effectiveness of the s* s:cm durir neriod> of mainte.une:. :n:.n

> 1 and also minimizes the risk of inadver:ent operatior.. i.e.. on'y one inuromen: ch:mnel cut cf unic:.

Two air ejector o:T-gas rnanitors are provided and, when their trip point a rea'hed. caus: an e.d chtic t

c)'e: tor c!T.2as !!ne. Lola:en is initiated "chen bo:n instrur.;nu rea .h their his_ tre pain; er c :e h;. an trip and the other a dow nscale tnp.There is a 15.rninete ceby bdo:e the air egewr o:T-gas nc holdun time of the eff.eas befxc i; ts reieased te the chimt.c.v.

I 'Ihis delr.) is accounted for b.y the i Do:h instrumen:s are requir d for trip. bu: the t .aramcats are so doiyed that any 'astr~ :m .aibre giu;, .

'tri;s'eis en m do'.inscah trip. The trip settines of the instrua.ents are se' m th:u :h" Section 3.8 are not exceeded. e Four radiation are provided in th- re' cor bui! Jing ventihtion ducts waich inh:s nah:icn of :h .

' t. eat:" .4 miem. i:2 dn.aitaa 're .o;

. :n tr.a re.:c:. r rea: ar o ai!a..i 12 and opernhon o.g. the stan&..v  ;~ - -~...'

s. c2i . O can ic - _

L Jdinj venhia: ion due. The irip !n ' :is a m. m. ei ;w3 Ic i c..s t u r .> - s m :n '

l of thc cther set /.' ' ups;.le trip KP r:.t"..e the de. . red 'conq. frtp remn:n 2. . ' o y "a ve;' 'aca duct are i'm. J tra mitiatina m :aa. enut m c. rob.", ands M r/ ' . .. J.: r ,o: r - : ,- m . a.r

..t the li ais :ven in Sec tion 3.3 are~ .s t s wee..  !

.u' ;e. ..:n

  • l Sa : m. 4 '

!.ict - ' .n u.ur niU: si . ' iH . ,

' ' r. ,

. t ' n v/i ded o r. 'h 2

" ~

..~'I" (in ...


II . I '

.'. 74. ' . $5 6 .

'4 ' ' t : n d .'I t h '- . .I 5 4 . Ir.' '{ ' Is s t ic. . .'.IN 7  ; u t ,.H

' ' n . i. . . G d ml* .A , .5 reitLdag f6!.o." bre ha . .., Je. .itiau nj n""'. '! s l':


i so that of the activity re!:ased during the refue:ing accident leaves the reactor building via ventilation stack but that all the activity is pro' cessed by the standby g.:s treatment sys::m.

The instrumentation which is provided to monitor the postaccident condition is listed in Tab!e instrumentation listed and the limiting conditions for operation on these sys: il emsideensure the ade the containment fo!!owing a loss-of-coolant accident. Information from this instrumentation w l prov operator with a detailed knowledge of the conditions resulting from the accident; base make logical decisions regarding post::ccident recovery.

The specifications allow for postaccident instrumentation to be out of sexice for a per is based on the fact that several diverse instruments are available for guiding the operator should on the low probability of an instrument being out of service and an accident occurring in on engineering judgment.

The normal supply of air for the control room ventilation system comes from outside the se event of an accident, this source of air may be required to be shut down to prevent high doses control room. P,ather than provide this iso!ation function on a radiation monitor installed in the signals which indicate an accident, i.e., high dryw !! pressure, low water level, main -

radiation in the reactor building ventilation duct, will cause isolation of the intake air to the con above trip, signals result in immediate isolation of the control room ventilation system and radiation dose.

The radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor the release of radioactive materials in liquid and gassous effluents during releases.

- The alarm set points for the instruments are provided to ensure that the alarms will

'k occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR 20.

W References

1. GE Topical Report NEDO-20693, " General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Reload tio. 3 Licensing Submittal for Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station (Unit 1)", Section

November, 1976.

s omem eo m e

m G *e***W*


  • e6 m e n
  • e 3.2/4.2-8 .



  • Instrument Minimurn Numter Read:ut of Operatle Location Number Channelsm (3) Parameter Unit 2 Previded Range 1 Reactor pressure 902-5 1 0-1500 psig 2 0-1200 psig 1 Reactor.wcter level 902-3 2 100 inches + 200 inenes (0 inches is tcp of fuel) 1 Torus water ternperature 902-21 2 0-200* F 1 Torus air temperature 902-21 2 0-600* F Torus water level. 902 3 1 -25 inenes + 25 inches 2(4) indicator Torus water level. 1 18 inch range sght glass 1 Torus pressure 902 3 1 5 inches Hg to 5 psig 1 Drywell pressure 902 3 1 -5 inches Hg to 5 psig 0 to 75 psig b 2 Orywell temperature 902 21 6 0-600* F 0

2 Neutron monitoring 902-5 4 0.1 10 CPS 2I *I Torus to drywell 2 0 3 psic differential pressure Notes

1. Instrument channels required during ocwer ozeration to menitor postaccident cor ditions.
2. Provisions are made for local sampling and monitoring o+ crywell atmeschere.

3 In the event any of the instrumentation becomes inoperable for more than 7 days during reactor operation, initiate an orderly shutdown and he in the cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

4 From and after the date that one of these carameters is reduced to one indication, continued opera' tion is not


permissible beyond thirty days, unless such instrumentation is sooner made operable. In the event that all indication of these parameters is disabled and such indication cannot be restored in six (o) hours, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition in twenty-four (24) hours, p o 3.2/4.2-15

QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 Table 3 2-5 RADICACTIVE LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITORING INSTRUMENTATION MINIMUM NO. PARAMETER ACTION (2) 0F OPERASLE CHANNELS (1) 1 Service Water A Effluent Gross Activity Monitor 1 Liquid Radwaste D Effluent Flow Rate Monitor 1 Liquid Radwaste B Effluent Gross Activity Recorder 1 Liquid Radwaste C Effluent Gross Activity Monitor Notes -

l (1) Applicable during release /ia this pathway.

(2) Action A: With less than the minimum number of operable channels, releases via this pathway may continue for 14 days provided that at least once per shif t grab samples are collected and analyzed for B or y activity.

Action B: With less than the minimum number of operable channels, releases via this pathway may continue for up to 14 days, prc'rided that gross radioactivity is recorded at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during release.

Action C: With less than the minimum number of operable channels effluent releases via this pathway may continue for up to 14 days, provided that prior to initiatinc 3 releas,e, at least 2 independent samples are analyzed, and at ' ast 2 members of the facility staf f indepen-dently verify the .. se calculation and discharge valving.

Action D: With less than the minimum number of operable cnannels, rcleases via this pathway may continue for up to 14 days provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during actual releases.

I 3.2/4.2-15a


Main Chimney Noble A Gas Activity Mon tor 1 Main Chimney lodine C Sampler 1 Main Chimney C Particulate Sampler 1 Reactor Eldg. Vent Sampler B Flow Rate Monitor 1 Reactor Bldg. Vent C lodine Sampler 1 Reactor Bldg. Vent C Particulate Sampler 1 Main Chimney Sampler B Flow Rate Monitor 1 Reactor Bldg. Vent B Flow Rate Monitor 1 Main Chimney Flow B Rate Monitor _._.._. _ _ _ __ - - - - - - . . _ _ _ _

Notes -

(1) Applicable during release via this pathway.

(2) Action A: With the number of operable channels less than the minimum require-ment, effluent releases via this pathway may continue for up to 28 days provided grab samples are'taken at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, and these samples are analyzed for activity at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Action B: With the numter of operable channels less than the minimum required, effluent releases via this pathway may continue for up to 28 days provided that the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Action C: With less than the minimum channels operable, effluent releases via this pathway may continue for up to 28 days, provided samples are continuously collected wi th auxiliary sanpling equipment for periods on the order of 7 days and analyzec .ithin 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after the end of the sampling period.

3 2/4.2-15b


Liquid Radwaste Effluent D R Q Gross Activity Monitor Service Water Effluent D R Q Gross Activity Monitor Liquid Radwaste Effluent D R Q Flow Rate Monitor Note: (1) D = once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> M = once per 31 days Q = once per 92 days R = once per 18 months i

P 3.2/4.2-19



Main Chimney floble Gas D R Q M Activity Monitor Main Chimney Sampler D R Q ilA Flow Rate Monitor Q tJA Reactor Bldg. Flow Rate D R Monitor t4A Reactor Bldg. Vent Sampler D R Q Flow Rate Monitor NA Main Chimney Flow Rate D R Q Monitor flo te : (1) D = once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> g

M = once per 31 days Q = once per 92 days R = once per 18 months p


QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 3.8/4.8 RADICACTIVE EFFLUENTS Limiting Conditions For Operation Surveillance Requirements Applicability: Applicability:

Applies to the radioactive effluents Applies to the periodic measuremants from the plant, radioactive effluents.

Speci fi ca ti ons A. Gaseous Effluents A. Gaseous Effluents

1. The does rate in unrestricted 1. The dose rates due to radio-areas (Figure 4.8-2) due to active materials released in radioactive materials released gaseous effluents from the site in gaseous effluents from the shall be determined to be with-site shall be limited to the in the prescribed limits by following: obtaining representative samples in accordance wi th the sampling
a. For Noble Gases: and analysis progran specified in Table 4.8-1. The dose rates (1) Less than 500 mrem / are calculated using methods year to the whole prescribed in the Off-Site Dose body. Calculation Manual (ODCM).

(2) Less than 3000 mrem /

i year to the skin.

b. For all radioactive materials in particulate form and radio-nuclides other than noble gases, less than 1500 mrem / year.
c. If the dose rates exceed the above limits, immediately decrease the release rates to bring the dose rates with-in the limits, and provide prompt notification to the Commission (6.6.B.l.j)
2. The air dose in unrestricted areas 2. The air dose due to releases of due to Noble Gases released in radioactive noble gases in gaseo gaseous effluents from the site effluents shall be determined to shall be limited to the following: be wi thin the prescribed limits by obtaining representative sam-
a. For gamna radiation: ples in accordance with the sampling and analysis progran (1) Less than or equal to specified in sections A and B 10 mrad during any cal- of Table 4.8-1. The air doses endar quarter. are calculated using retheds prescribed in the CDCM at least cace every 31 cays.


QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 (2) Less than or equal to 20 mrad during any calendar year,

b. For Beta radiation:

(1) Less than or equal to 20 mrad during any cal-endar quarter.

(2) Less than or equal to 40 mrad during any cal-endar year.

c. Wi th the calculated air dose f rom radioactive ncble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, pre-pare and submit to the Com-mission within 30 days, a Special Report which identifies the cause(s) for exceeding the limit (s) and defines the cor-rective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of radio-active noble gases in gaseous effluents during the remainder of the current calencar quarter

, and during the subsequent 3

'g calendar quarters so that the average dose during these 4 calendar quarters is within 20 mrad for gamma radiation and 40 mrad for beta radiation.

d. With the calculated air dose

. _ f_ rom radioac ti ve . nob le gas es _ _ . . _ . _ _ . _ _. . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . ,

in gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limi ts of Speci fica-tion 3.8.A.2.a. or 3.8.A.2.b.,

prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission with-in 30 days and limit the sub-sequent releases such that the doses or dose commitment to a '

real individual from all ura-nium fuel cycle sourcets is limited to < 25 mrem :o the total body or any orgat (except thyroid, which i s limi ted to 175 mrem) over 12 consecutive months. This Special Report shall include an analysis which 3.8/4.8-2


'. demonstrates that radiaticn DPR-29 exposures to all real individuals f rom all uranium fuel cycle sources (including all ef fluent pathways and direct radiation) are less than the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard. Otherwise, obtain a variance from the Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard.

3 The dose to an individual in 3 The dose to an

  • ndividual due to unrestricted areas f rem rad i c i o- releases of radioicdines, radio-dines, radioactive materials in active materials in particulate particulate form and radionuusides form and radionuclides other other than noble gases in than noble gases shall be deter-gcseous effluents released f rom mined to be within the prescribed the site shall be limited to limits by obtaining representative the following: samples in accordance with the sampling and analysis program
a. Less than or equal to 15 specified in Table 4.8-1.

mrem during any calendar quarter. For radionuclides not determined in each batch or weekly composi te,

b. Less than or equal to 30 the doso contribution to the mrem during any calendar current calendar quarter cumulativ year. summation may be estimated by assuming an average monthly
c. With the calculated dose concentration based en the f rom the release of radicio- previous monthly or quarterly dines, radioactive materials composite analyses. However, in particulate form, and for reporting purposes, the cal-radionuclides other than culated dose contributions shall noble gases in gaseous be based on the actual composite effluents exceeding any of analyses when possible.

the above limits, prepare _.

and submit to the Commission The doses are calculated using within 30 days, a Special methods prescribed in the ODCM Report which identifies the at least once every 31 days.

cause(s) for exceeding the limit and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of radionuclides, radioactive ,

materials in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases in gaseous effluents during the remainder of the current calendar quarters and during the subsequent three calendar quarters so that the average dose or dose commitment to an individual from such releases during these four calendar quarters is within 30 mrem to any organ.



d. With the calculated dose from the release of radiciodines, radioactive materials in particulate form and radio-nuclides other than noble gases in gaseous ef fluents exceeding twice the limits of Speci fication 3.S. A.3.a.

or 3.8 A.3.b., prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission within 30 days and limit subsequent releases such that the dose or dose commitment to a real individ-ual from all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to < 25 mrem to the total body or any organ (except the thyroid, which is limited to 1 75 mrem) over 12 cen-secutive months. This Special Report shall incl ude an analysi s which demonstrates that radi a ti on exposures to all real individuals from all uranium fuel cycle sources (including all effluent pathways and di rect radiation) are less than the 40 CFR Part

- 190 Standard. Otherwise, obtain

(' a variance from the Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard.

e f

( 3.3/4.8-4


4. a. At all times during 4. Modified off Gas System processing for dis-charge to the environs, a. Doses due to gases process and control released to unrestricted equipment provided to areas shall be projected reduce the amount or at least once per 31 days.

concentration of radio-active materials shall be operated when the projec+,ed gaseous ef-fluent releases to un-restricted areas (see Figure 3.8-1) from the site would result in a dose in any period of 31 days that exceeds 2 5 mrad for gamma radiation, 5.o mrad for beta radiation, or 3.75 mrem to any organ for that same 31-day period.

b. The above specification shall not apply for the off-Gas Charcoal Adsorber Beds below 30 percent power.
5. Explosive Gas Mix.ture
a. The concentration of hydrogen in the waste gas hold up system, downstream of the recombiner shall be limited by having a recombiner operable whenever the reactor is operating at pressure greater than 900 psig.
b. The recombiner may be inoperable for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.
6. With the gaseous radwaste treatment system not usable ,

for more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or with gaseous waste being discharged without treatment as required above, prepare and submit to the Commissicn within 30 days pursuant to Specification a report which includes the following information:

a. Identification of the defective equipment.
b. Cause of the defective equipment.



c. Action (s) taken to restore the equipment to an opera ting status.
d. Length of time the above requirements were not satisfied.
e. Volume and curie content of the waste discharged which was not processed by the inoperable equipment but which required processing,
f. Action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence of equipment failures.

B. Liquid Effluents. B. Liquid Effluents.

1. The concentration of radioactive 1. The concent.ation of radio-material released from the site active raterial in unre-to unrestricted ar.eas (Figure stricted areas shall be 4.8-2) shall be limited to the determined to be within '.he concentrations specified in 10 prescribed limits by obtain-CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table ing representative samples 11, Column 2. in accordance with the sampling and analysis The concentration of dissolved program specified in Table l

or entrained noble gases shall 4.8-3 be limited to the concentrations specified in Table 4.8-2.

With the concentration of radioactive material released

_ _from the site .to unrestricted _ __ _ _ . .__ . . _ _

areas exceeding the above limits, immediately decrease the relea e rate of radioactive materials and/or increase the dilution flow rate to restore the concentration to within the above limits.

2. The dose or dose commitment 2. The dose contributions from

.Sove background to an individual measured quanti ties of from radioactive materials in radioactive aterial shall liquid effluents released to by ceterminec by calculation unrestricted areas f rom the at least once per 31 days station shall be limited to the 1 and a cumulative summation following: of these total body and any organ doses shall be main-

a. During any calendar quarter: tained for each calendar 3.8/4.8-6

., ,' QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 (1) Less than or equal to quarter. These dose con-3 mrem to the total tributions shall be calcu-body. laced for all radicnuclides identified in liquid ef-(2) Less than or equal to fluents released to unrc-10 mrem to any organ, stricted areas.

b. During any calendar year: For radionuclides not determined in each batch or (1) Less than or equal to weekly ccmposite, the dose 6 mrem to the total contribution to the current body, calendar quarter cumulative sumation may be estimated by (2) Less than or equal to assuming an averags monthly 20 mrem to any organ. concentration based en the previous monthly or quarterly composite analyses. How-ever, for reporting purposes, the calculated dose centri-butions shall be based en the actual composite analyses when possible.

The doses are calculated using methods prescribed in the ODCM.



c. With the calculated dose from

- the release of radioactive materials in liquid ef fluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 cays a S.necial Report which identi-fies the cause(s) for exceec-ing the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of radioactive in liquid effluents during the remainder of the current cal-endar querter and during the subsequent three calendar quarters so that the average dose or dose commi tmen t to an individual from such releases during these four calendar quarters is within o mrem to the total body and 20 mrem to any organ.

d. With the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials in liquid ef fluents exceeding tvice the limits of Specification 3.8.B.2.a. or 3.8.B.2.b., prepare and submit a Special Report to the Ccmmis-sion within 30 days and limit the subsequent releases such that the dose or dose commit-ment to a real individual from all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to < 25 mrem to the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

total body or 'dhy organ (except "

thyroid, which is limi ted to 1 75 mrem) over 12 months. This Special Report shall include an analysis which demonstrates that radi-ation exposures to all real individuals f rom all uranium '*

fuel cycle sources (including all effluent pathways and di rect radiation) are less than the 40 CFR Part 190 S tandard. Other-wisc cbtain a variance from the Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 S tandard .


QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 3 At all times during pro- 3 Liquid faste Treatment cessing for discharge to the environs, process and a. Eoses due to liquid control equipment provided releasec to unre-to reduce the amount or stricted areas shall concentration of radio- be projected at least active materials shall be once per 31 days.

operated when the projected dose due to liquid ef-fluent releases to unre-stricted areas (see Figure 3.8-1), when averaged over 31 days, exceeds o.75 mrem to the total body or 2.5 mrem to any organ.

4. If liquid waste has to be or is being discharged without treatment as "e-quired avoce, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days pursuant to Specification 6.6.B.2. a report which includes the following information:
a. Identification of the defective equipment.
b. Cause of the devective equipment.
c. Action (s) taken to re-store the equipment to an operating status.
d. Length of time the above requirements were not satisfied.
e. Volume and curie con-tent of the waste dis-charged which was not processed by the appre-priate equipment but which required proces- ,


f. Action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence of equipment failures.



. 5. Liquid Holdup Tanks. 5. The quantity of radioactive raterial excluding tritium

a. At all times, the quantity and noble gases ccntained in of radioactive material '

the River Discharge Tank excluding tritium and noble shall be determined to be gases contained in the within the prescribec limit River Discharge Tank shall by analyzing a representa-be limited to provide tive sample of the tank's assurance that in the event contents at least once per 7 of an uncontrolled release days when radioactive of the tank's contents, the materials are being added to resulting concentrations the tank.

would be less than the limits of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 11, Column 2 at the nearest surface water supply in an unrestricted area. The calculations of these concentrations will be performed as prescribed in the CDCM.

b. Wi th the quanti ty of radio-active material excluding tritium and noble gases in the above listed tank exceeding the above limit, t immediately suspend all additions of radioactive material to the tank and within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> either reduce the tank contents to within the limit or provide prompt notification to the

! .. Commission pursuant to _ _ . ._ . _ -

Specification 6.6.B.1. The written follow-up report shall include a description of activi ties planned and/or taken to reduce the tank contents to within the above limit.

P 3.8/4.8-9

Q U a, _, ,1 I c e,.

DPR 29 C. Mechanical 7acu'm Pump C. ::echanical 7acu = Fump

1. The mechanical vacuum At least once during each shall be capable of operating cycle, automatic being isolated and securing and isolation of secured on a signal of the mechanical vacuum cumo high radioactivity or shall be verified.

shall be isolated and secured whenever the main steam isoletion valves are open.

I i

j ..

a 1

a it


) 1 3.8/4.8-10

QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 Environmental Moni toring Program D. Environmental fionitoring Program 0.

The environmental monitoring 1. The envi ronmen tal moni toring 1.

program given in Table 4.5-4 program given in Tabla 4.8-4 shall be conducted. shall be conducted.

2. Wi th the radiological envi ron- 2. The radiological environmental mental monitor'79 program not monitoring sarples snall be being conducted as specified in collected pursuant to Table 4.5-Table 4.8-4, prepare and subai from the locations shown on to the Commission, in the Annual Figure 4.8-1, and shall be Radiological Opercting Report, analyzed pursuant to the require a description of the reasons for .

ments of Tables 4.8-4 and 4.8-5 not conducting the program as I required and the plans for pre-venting a recurrence. Deviations

  • are permi tted f rom the requi red sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, contractor omission, which is cor-rected as soon as discovered, mal-function of sampling equipment, or i f a person who participates in the program goes out of business.

I f the equipment mal functions, corrective actions shall be com-pleted as soon as practical . If a person supplying samples goes


out of business, a replacement l

j will be found as soon as possible.

All deviations from the sampling lj schedule shall be described in j

the annual report.

3 Wi th the level of radioactivity 3 The results of analyses performe in an environmental sampling med- ~ on the radiological environmenta monitoring samples shili be


i ium at one or more of the locations specified in Table 4.8-4 exceeding ~ summarized in the Annual Radio-

! the limits of Table 4.8-4, Column 5 logical Envi ronmental operating

when averaged over any calendar Report.

quarter, prepare and submi t to the

. Commission within 30 days from the end of the af fected calendar quarter,

! a Special Report which includes an l

evaluation of any release conditions, '-

environmental factors or other aspects which caused the 1imi ts of Table 4.8-4, Column 5 to be exceeJed. This report is not required if the measured level of radioactivi ty was not the result of plant ef fluents; hnwever,

.in such an event the condition shall be reported and described in the Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report..



- DPR-29

4. With milk samples unavailable 4. The land use census shall be fron any of the sample locations conducted at least once per required by Table 4.8-4, prepare twelve months between the dates and submit to the Commission of (June I and October 1) by a within 30 days, a special Report door-to-door survey, aerial which identifies the cause of survey, road survey, or by the unavalability of samples consulting local agriculture and identi fies locations for authorities.

obtaining replacement samples.

The locations from which sam-pies were unavailable may then be deleted from the program provided the locations from which the replacement samples were obtained are added to the environmental monitoring pro-gram as replacement locations.

5 A census of animals producing , 5 The results of the land use milk for human consumption census shall be included in shall be conducted annually the Annual Radiological En-during the grazing season to vironmental Operating Report.

determine their location and number with respect to the site. The census shall be conducted under the following conditions *.

a. Within a 2-mile radius from the plant site, enumeration by a door-to-door or equiv-alent counting technique.
b. Within a 5-mile radius, enumeration by using ref-erenced information from county a,ricultural agents or other reliable sources.
6. With a land use census identi- 6. The results of the analyses fying location (s) which yield (s) performed as part of the requi r a calculated dose or dose ccm- crosscheck program shall be in-mitment greater than the values cluded in the Annual Radiologic currently being calculated in Envi ronmental Operating Report.

Speci ficat ion 4. 8. A. 3. prepare and submit to the Commission '

within 30 days, a Special Report which identifies the new loca-tions. The new location (s) shall be added to the radiological en-vironmental monitoring program within 30 days, if possible.


QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 The sampiing location having the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same

  • exposure pathway) may be deleted from this monitoring program af ter (October 31) of the year in which this land use census was conducted.

7 Radiological analyses shall be performed on samples representa-tive of those in Table 4.8-4, supplied as part of the Environ-menta Protection Agency's

] (EPA's) Envi ronmental Radio-activity Laboratory Interccmpari-sons Studies (Crosscheck)

! Program. At least one sample of each type provided by the EPA shall be analyzed annually.


8. With analyses not being performed as required, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence to the Commission in the Annual Radiological Environ-mental Operating Report.

E. In the event a limiting condition for operation and/or associated action requirements identified in sections 3.8.A. through 3.8.D., and 4.8.A. through 4.8.D. cannot be satisfied because of circumstances in excess of those addressed in the specifications, no changes are - -- - - - -

required in the operational ccndition of the plant, and this does not p reven t the plant frcm entry into an operational mode.



F, vi;:e!!aneous n: dica:tve.'.!:teri:Is Sources . F, h:::: ann s R dio::th ': t:ri:!s Scur:es E :h seil sour:e shall b: tened for le k:;:

Scurce Leak:ge Test

ndlcr connrnir.atia;- by the liceme: or by other Sp::if!::! ion p:rsons sp:$i::!:y autheri: d by C : Ccmmis-sion or an A;rcem:nt st:t:. The t:st method tha!!

Ea:h ser.ied source containing radion:tive material h:ve a detectica 5:nsuivity of at I :st 0.005 in ex:ess of 100 microcuries of bet: and/or ;1mma m!:rocuri:s per test 2,mp':

emitting materi:1 or 5 micro:uries of:1ph::mit.

tin; materi:1 shall be free cf 20.005 mi:ro:uries E::h cate;ory of s:aied saure:s r.hd! be t:r.ed at of removable contamination, the frec,uen:y describ:d bdov.

1. Sources in use (:x: lube st:r n tnevious!y Each sealed source with removable contamination in excess of the above limit shr.ll be irnmedi:t:!y subiected to ccie flux) - At I:ist onc: pe- 6 months for a!! scaled sour:es containing from us: and either decontaminated and repaired or disposed of in a::ord:nce with radioactive rasteri:!:

Commission Regulations.

2. With a h:!f-hfe gt:st:r thin 30 d:ys (excludin; Hydrogen 3). :nd A comp!:te inventory of radiozetive materials in b. la any form other than g:s.

the li:ensee's possession shall be maintain:d cut-rent at :ll times. 2. Stored sources not in use - Each s:aled source shall be tested prior to the use or transfer to ancther li::nsee un!:ss tested within the previous 6 months. Se:!ed sour::s

tr:nsferred without a certific:t: indic:!!n; the last t:st d:te sh:!! be t:sted prior to being placed into use.

3. St:rtup sources - carh se:Ied s:artup sour:e shall be tested within 31 days pr:or to b:ing subje:ted to core flux and follr.<ing repair or maintenance to the source.

A Special Report sh::1 b: prep: red and :u'amitted to the Commission punu:nt to Spedic: tion 6.6.C.3 if source Icak ;e t:sts re.:2! tit: presen:e of 2 0.005 mi:rocuri:s of remo.i::: contamin:.

tio n.

'e 0

3.8/4.8 14

. QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 BASES 3.8/4.8.A.1 CASEGUS EFFLUENTS - DOSE This specification is proviced to ensure that the dose at the unrestricted area boundary from gaseous effluents from the units on the site will be within the annual dose limits of 10 CFR Part 20 for unrestricted areas. The annual dose limits are the doses associated with the concentrations of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix 3, Table 11. These limits provide reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of an individual in an unrestricted area to annual average concentra-tions exceeding the limits specified in Appendix 3, Table 11 of 10 CFR Part 20 (10 CFR Part 20.106(b)) . The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, the corresponding gamma and beta dose rates above background to an individual at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary to < 500 mrem / year to the total body or to < 3000 mrem / year to the skin. These release rate limits also restrict, at all times , tne correspon iing thyroi'd dose rate above background to an infant via the cow-milk-infant pathway to < 1500 mrem / year for the nearest cow to the plant. For purposes of calculating doses resulting from airborne releases the main chimney is considered to be an elevated release point, and the reactor vent stack is considered to be a ground level release point.

3.8/4.8.A.2. DOSE, MOBLE GASES This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections 11.S, Ill .A and IV. A of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Conditicn for Operation implements the guides set forth in Section ll.B of Appendix 1.

- The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous ef fluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section Ill.A of Appendix ! that conformance with the guides of Appendix I is to be shown by calculaticnal procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through the apprcpriate pathways is_unlikely to be substantially underestimated. .The dose. calculations established in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents will be consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory: Guide 109, "Calculaticn of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersicn of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases frc, Light-Water Cocied Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977 The ODCM egyations provide for determining the air doses at the unrestricted boundary based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. NUREG-0133 provides methods for dose calculatiens consistent with Regulatory Guides 1.109 and 1.111.


., QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 3.8/4.8.A.3 DOSE, RAD 10100lNES. RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL IN PARTICULATE FDRM AND RADIONUCLIOES OTHER THAN NCBLE GASES This specification is proviced to imolement the requirements of Sections ll.C, I l l . A and IV. A of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Conditions for Operation are the guides set forth in Sectica ll .C of Appendix 1. The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix l to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reascnably achievable." The ODCM calculational methods specified in the surveillance requirements implements the requirements in Section !!I.A of Appendix ! that conformance with the guidas of Appendix l be shown by calcula-tional procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially under-estimated. The ODCM calculational methods approved by MRC for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the subject materials are required to be consistent with the methodolcgy provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calcula-tion of Annual Doses to. Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance uith 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for Es timating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases from Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977 These equations also provide for determining the actuai doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. The release rate specifications for radiciodines, radioactive material in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases are dependent on the existing radionuclide pathways to man, in the unrestricted area. The pathways which were examined in the development of these speci fica-tions were: 1) individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides, 2) deposition of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumptica by man and 3) deposition onto grassy . eas where milk animals graze with consumption of the milk by man.

3.8/4.8.A.4 GASEQUS WASTE TREATMENT The OPERABILITY of the gaseous waste treatment which reduces amounts or concentrations of radioactive materials ensures that the system will be available for use whenever gaseous ef fluents require treatment prior to release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of this system be operable when specified provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable". This specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and design objective Section ll .D of Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50.

P 3.8/4.8.A.5. EXPLOSIVE GAS MIXTURE This specification is provided to ensure that the concentra tion of pacen-tially expiosive gas mixtures contained in the off gas system is mininized in conforma.1ce wi th the requirements of General Design Cri tericn 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50.



. .LI Q'J I D EFFLUENTS 3.8/4.8.B.1. CONCENTRATION This specification is provided to ensure that the concantration of radio-active materials released in liquid waste effluents from the site to unrestricted areas will be less than the concentration levels specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 11, column 2. The concentration limit for noble gases, MPC in air (submersion), was converted to an equivalent con cen t ra t i or. in water using the international Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 2.

3.8/4.8.B.2. DOSE -

This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections llA, Ill .A and IV. A of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set forth in Section ll.A of Appendix 1. The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Secticn IV.A of Appendix I to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents will be kept "as len as is reasonably achievable." The dose calculations in the CDCM implement the requirements in Section Ill.A of Appendix 1 that conformance with the guides of Appendix ! be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The equations speci fied in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rctes of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man f rom Routine Releases of Reactor Ef fluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1", Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.113.

" Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the P urpose of I mplementing Appendix 1", April 1977. NUREG-0113 provides methods for dose calculations cansistent with Reg Guide 1.109 and 1.113 3.8/4.8.B._3 LIQUID WASTE TREATMENT ,_ __ _ _ __

The operabili ty of the liquid radwaste treatment system ensures that this system will be available for use whenever liquid effluents require t rea tmen t prior to release to the environment. The requi remen t that the appropriate portions of this sytem be used when specified provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluants will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." This specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General Design Criterion 60, of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and design objective Section 11.0 of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50.

3.8/4.8.B.4 LlQUID HOLDUP TA?lKS Restricting the quantity cr .adioactive material, excludir.g Tritium and noble gases, contained in the speci fied tank provides assurance tnat in the event of an uncontrolled re'eese of the tank's contents by misoperation (and not by breach of the tank's tegrity) the resulting concentrations would be less than the limits of 10 CFR Part 20 Ap;endix B, Table 11, Column 2 at tne nearest surface water supply in an unrestricted area.


QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 3.3/4.8.D.1. MONITORING PRCCRAM The radiological monitoring program required by this saecification pro-vides measurements of radiation and of radioactive matericis in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides, which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the station ope ra t i en . This monitoring program thereby suppler.ents the radiological ef fluent monitoring program by verifying that the measureable concentrations of radioactive materials r,d levels of radiation are not higher than expected en the basis of the ef fluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.

Program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.

The detection capabilities required by Table 4.12-1 are state-of-the-art for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories. The specified lower limits of detection for 1-131 in water, milk and other food products correspond to approximately one quarter of the Appendix ! to 10 CFR Part 50 design objective dose-equivalent of 15 nrem/ year for atmospheric releases and 10 mrem / year for liquid releases to the most sensitive organ and individual. They are based on the assumptions given in Regulato y Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Ff fluents for the Purpose .of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1," October 1977, except the change for an infant consuming 330 liter / year of drinking water instead of 510 liters / year.

3.8/ LAND USE CENSUS This specification is provided to ensure that changes in the use of unrestricted areas are identified and that modifications to the monitoring program are made if required by the results of this census. This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.S.3 of Appendix i to 10 CFR Part 50.

3.8/4.8.D.7 CROSSCHECK PROGRAM The requirement for participation in the EPA crosscheck program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measure-ments of radioactive material in environmental sample matrices are performed as part of the quality assurance program for envi ronmental moni toring in order to demonstrate that the resul ts are reasonably valid.

I P 3.8/4.8-18

QUAE - CITIES DPR-29 Mechanical Vacuum Pump The purpose of isolating the mechanical vacuum line is to limit release of activity from the main condenser. During an accident, fission products would ce transported frcm the reactor through the main steamline to the main condenser. The fission product radio-activity would be sensed by the main steamline radioactivity monitors which initiate isolation.

Miscellaneous Radioactive Materials Sources The objective of this specification is to assure that leakage from byproduct, source and special nuclear material sources does not exceed allowable limits. The limitations on removable contamination for sources requiring leak testing, including alpha emitters, is based on 10 CFR 70.39(c) limits for plutenium.




l GASEQUS RELEASE TYPE FREQUENCY FREQUENC' TYPE CF ACTIVITY ANALYSISo A. Main Chinney, M M Ga:ca Eci tters Reactor Vent Stack Grab Samole Tritiun B. All Release Types Continuous d yc ,_73j as Listed in A Charcoal 1-133 Above Samole Continuous d y Garna Emitters Particulate Samole Continuous d q Sr-89 Composite Sr-90 Particulate Samole ,

S e

5 3.8/4.8-20


, DPR-29

. TABLE 4.8-i (Continuad)


a. The lower limit of detection (LLD) should be < 10!; of the ct centration specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix 3, TablI II, Column 2. The lower limit of detection is defined in table notation a. of Table 4.8-5
b. Should shutdown, startup, or similar operational occurrence .;hich could alter the mixture of radionuclides occur between sampling and release, another analysis should be performed prior to release.
c. Analyses shall also be performed at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for 7 days following each shutdown, startup or similar operational occurrence which could lead to significant increases or decreases in radiciodine releases.
d. The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known.



Kr 85 m 2 x 10 '

85 5 x 10 -0 87 4 x 10-5 88 9 x 10 -5 Ar 41 7 x 10 -5 Xe 131m 7 x 10-133m 5 x 10 -0 133 6 x 10 -0 2 x 10

-0 135m 135 2 x 10-9 3.8/4.b-22

QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 TABLE 4.3-3 RADICACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PRCGRAM Minimum Sampling Analysis Type of Activity Liquid Release Type Frequency Frequency Analysis a A. Batch Waste Re-lease Tanks d Each Batch Each Batch Gam.,a Emitters b

Eacn Batch Composite H-3 Q

Each Batch Composite Sr-39, Sr-90 B. W Plant Contin d uous Releases ~ Continuous c

Composite c

Gamna Emitters M

Continuous' Composite' H-3 Q

e Continuous Composite' S r-59, S r-90 3.8/4.8-23

QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 TABLE 4.83 (Continued)


a. The lower limit of detection (LLD) should be < 10 percent of the cen-cent ration speci fied in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix S, Table li, colern 2.

The LLD is defined in Table Notation a. of Table 4.5-5

b. A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquids released.
c. To be representative of the average quantities and concentration of radioactive materials in liquid effluents, samples shall be continuously collected in proportion to the rate of flow cf the ef fluent stream,
d. A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume.

A continuous release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volume; e.g. , f rom a volume or system that has an input flow during the release.

I 3.8/4.8-24 i .. ,


Table 4.8-4 C'J AD C:rl E3 ST/u i2t r.9 P. AD;G L%:2.\L it.C.M!TC L G W G %'-

t:an ~1- . ,n F: 3 C/ D ?:*-0 L' -*

N .2 3.1 cd:1 Ca'! ::'en CM2 Tyr of".9fy.!s

i. - g oss m :30 " ' Cs.12" 10. 0513' 23 ;; /m 3
1. /. - ;,n;;oring (z' C r.s'tr a c .-u fie d 1 . .:<:f (1) Casite Sa: ion 1 2. Cnsre:s! - 1131 2. 8 ~' :41, - C.7 p0.irn (2) Cns:ta 5'rion =2 (3) Cas;:a S:a: ion 3 3. San.;':n3 Train - 3. W4Jy (41 retnn Ten an:: P.N a t:r.:rce (5) SMie C'ut Dairy Farm (6) Hansan's Coat Land n3 (b) F air .c;a:d 1. Filter Exc. tag 1. Weedy (1) Clinton (2) SY<ema Farm 2. Charcoat Exchange 2. S; v.:f<ly* Sa.r.e as l o! *' in 2.aic a s (3) Erie a.e mada (4) Hi:Isda e r 3. Ss.rp'ina Train - 3. \./ee<!y (5) Port Byron Tt;st and fAs;n;ananca M) 9e:tendorf (7) Frinceton (8) U:.:a Ridga Road (3) Ci.'litt (10! Len t,toor I,
2. TLD Same as 1 Gamma Rcd:3 tion Quarrely -
3. Fgh Pool 14 of G:mma 1:ot;pi: Sem:- Annu:1 tan-54 2< 104 . Fe 511,10 "

4 4;ssi;pi River Co-53 2 < 10 . Co-621. W 2n-C5 2x 10 ". Cs-10 ' i s 103 Cs 137 2410'3 ;C;/s; .se: ., a ; .t

4. ? 1.'k 2 dairy farms 1131 1. Wcek ty - t.1313 pC./t Crazin]

Sec.on . Cs.13 60 pCill_

t.tay to 0:t C2-137 73 p ./1

2. ? tan:*;f -

Nos t) Apr S3 La 143 300 PC:/:


q ' an -- . a :,

DPR-29 -

i Table 4.8-4 (Cont ' d)..

QUAO CIT 1:3 STAND A.O R AOlG LOOiO ' L ff.CNITO7t!:.G **'?OCE A"l iC3nt3)

N o tR cutio E m 'tb Le 's i S & pleT'-92 C:l!:: San S;ta T /p; cf Aavy: - Frxmn 5 Pu b..; t. ::: S;;;;y f al Ea:? M::;*s C; n n is:ts;: '/ 3 nm!y F *

  • Wat " WC'ks aAh! YsIs CfV.tik?y com; sitas (b) Davec;ortV.,:c' Wcrks
6. Co W.'3 Water (c) Inlet Gross Beta W c k!v -

San pie (b) Discharss Gross Beta Weekly

7. S-Miment (a) Lc:k and Dem e 14 Gamma isot:; : Nota: .
  • 5i W:ekly sha:1 trean that the frequency is once every other week.

I O A.tra;s concentration ovar ca!!nd:r cus :er. i


4 2 2 2 9 2 l

    • H.3 2 x 10 .t.*n 541 x 103 Fe 531 x 10 Co-55 6 x 10 Co 60 2 x 10 .2n-C5 2 x 10~ Zr Nb 35 4 x 10 .1-1313,

'- Cs-134 20. C3137 50. Ba-La-1431 x 10' pCi/1.

8 A g3mma 1:ctepi: anslysis sna:1 be performed whene/er the ;"oss beta concentra on in a samp!: exceeds by f;<c ?! :s !$<) tna a.trc;5 c0ncentr: tion cf ths pra:cding ca:endar quartar for the sample lo:a;:en.

  1. % y e


QUAD-CITICS DPR-29 Table 4.8-5 P;i ACT 0 AL LO'hER L;: ' T3 0? BET 20 Tic?1 (LLU3 FC A GTAt:3 AR3 E ;ViaOB .2aTAL R AD:0 LOGIC AL faONITC A:M " AGG3 AN a, b LLD An s:ys:s (4.05#) U 1;* s San pb tadis 3

0.01 p C:.'c A:rtorne "Particu:st s" G.::s ee 2 t 0 01 pCi/m 3 Gamma hotep;c 0 01 pC;/m 3 Sr.S3.93 1g:ns.131 0.10 pCi/m 3 Airterne 1 131 10 pC;/1 Liqu%s Sr 53 2 pCi/1 St 90 ,

5* pCi/1 1-131 10 pCill Cs-134 Cs 137 10 O pC;11 Tr;tiom 0.2 pCi/m1 5 pCi/1 Gross Esta t Gamma tsotop;: < 20 pCi/1/nu::ic:e 2 pCi/; wat V ::;atation Gren Esta t 0 03 p Ciig . a:

1131 1 pCi/; v.e:

Sr-83.00 Gamms bot:pi: 0.2 pC;/; we:

f, 2 pC;/; d. f Sa:! Sed:mont Gr:ss Bet: ?

1 pC4/; dry Sr 89.90 Gamms !sotopic 0.2 pC./;ery 0.1 pCil; w 3-Asimi Tissus Sr-89.90 l 131 - ThyrcL1 0.1 pCi/;v,at Cs 134,137 0.1 pCi/j w at Gross Cata t 1.0 pC:/g wn

  • 0.5 pCi/1 on m;;k samplas co!!ectM duri.,; ti e pasture samn t Referen:e.d to Cs 137 %P d 5 0 pCi/1 on milk sc mp:as.

O 3.8/4.8-27

. QUAD-CITIES DPR-79 TABLE 4.3-5 (Centinued)


a. The LLD is the smallest concentration of radioactive ra terial in a sample that will be detected wi th 95 parcent probability witn only 5 percent probability of falsely concluding its presence. This definition of LLD is that contained in EML Procedures Manual, HASL-300, 1972 Edition, revised through 1978. The srallest recordable quanti ty of any radioactive material is that amount which is greater than LLD by at least one digit in the least significant digi t of the LLD.

For a particular measurement system (which may include radiochemiccl sepa ra t ion)

LLD = 4.66 s3 EV -

2.22 - Y -

exp (-).it) t where:

LLD is the lower limit of detection as defined above (as pCi per unit

, mass or volume) .

sb is the square root of the background count or of the ccunt of a blank sample as appropriate (as counts) .

E is the counting efficiency (as counts per transformation) .

V is the sample size (in units of mass or volume).

2.22 is the number of transforma tions per minute per picocurie.

Y is the fractional chemical yield (when applicable).

A i s' the radioactive decay cons tan t for the particular radionuclide.

At is the elapsed time between sample collection and analysis. ,

z t is the duration of the count.

The value of sa used in the calculation of :na LLD for a detecti:n system shall be based on the actual observed background count er of the count of the blank sanples (as apprcpriate), rather than on an unver i fied theoret i ca l ly pred icted val ua. In calculating the LLD 3.8/4.8-28

QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 for a radionucl ide determined by ganma-ray s pect rcnet ry, the cack-ground shall include the contributions of other radionuclides present in the sample.

b. The LLO for environmental meas urements is defined as an a priori (before. the fact) limit representing the capability of a measure. ent system and not as an a posteriori (after the f act) ;imit for a par-ticular measurement.

t I P, 3.8/4.8-29

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.1 3.8/4.8-31


Y. Shut.iozn TI.e reacter is in a shutdow n condition 2 hen the rea:tcr made switch is in the Shutdo,vn

, position anti no care aherations are being performed.

1. Hot Simtdown means conditions as above, with reactor cc:! ant t:rnpe.ature greater than 212' E
2. Co!d ShutJo vn means conditions as above, with rn tor coo' ant temperatur: :qL ! to er i:ss than 212 ' F.
2. Simu!:ted Automatic Actuation Simulated automatic actuatica mans applying a simulated signal to the sensor to a:tuat: the circuit in question.

AA. Total Peaking Factor - The total p king factor (TPF) is the highest product of radial, axia!, and Ic:at peaking factors simultaneously operative at any segment of fuel rod.

BB. Trarsition iloiling - Transition boiling means the boiling regime between nuc'eate and 51m boiling.

Transition boiling is the regime in which both nuc!: ate anc dim coiling occur intermit::ntly, wah neither type being completely stable.

CC. Critical Power Ratio (CPR) - The critical power ratio is the ratio of that assenb!y power which causes some point in the assembly to experience transition boiling to the anemb!y power at th: rnctor wndition ofinterest as calculated by application of the GEXL correlation (ter cren:: MIDO-1095S).

DD . Minimum Critical Pc,wer Ratio (MC1'R) - The mini num incore critical powet raue corresponding to the most limiting fuel assemb!y in the core.

EE. Suncillar.ce Interval - Each survei!!ance requirement shall be performed within the sp: if.:d surveil-

!ance interval with:

, a. A maximum allowable extension nnt to exceed 2W., nf ihr wrveillance ir : n!.


b. A total maximum combined interval time for any 3 consecutive surwi!!ence intervals not to e cecd .

3.25 times the specified surveillance interv:1.




The determination of the ratio of the number of coun ;s registered in the counting circuit to the number of photons (or particles) emi tted within the source.


The verification of the lineari ty and _ the CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST of the moni tor system electronics,


The process of establishing the relationship between the energy of the incoming radiation and the pulse height of the ampli fier output signal.


A CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST shall be the injection of a simulated signal into the channel as close to the sensor as practicable to verify OPERABILITY including alarm and/or trip functions.



Q U.'. P.C ITIZS _

DPR-29 50.59 to verify th:: sa6 ::tionsdid atec.m .a:: ra un:e,:.ed utety cues:ir, Propond

' ch;n; s to the Qudi.y /,;..rance I' g:2m ce;: rip:.;n ind: b: ::. :"c:5 :nd :pp ow by :he i Manag:t of Qudity Assur=:e.

2) Prvposed changes to pre::du:es, er_:pr :nt er . s: mi uhd in'.0:v :n unt: viewed safety quesuon as defined in 0 CFR 50.59.
3) Proposed tes:s or experiments v.hi:n invabe an unr:%ewed s:.i. ques:fon as c'e red in 'O CFR 50.59.
4) Proposed changes in Technical Spe:ifications c: SRC opere.:in;!!:enus.
5) Nancomph:n:e wi;h NRC requiremenis, or of interna! p:ccedures, or instru:tions having nu !::r safety signif!::n:e.
6) Si;nificant operating abnormalities cr deviatir.s from normaland expected perform 2n e of p!snt equipment that affect nudear safety as referr:d to i: by the Oasi:e Review and !:nesd;a:;ve Function.
7) Reparth!e occurren:es requirin; 24. hour no:ifi:::!an to the NRC.
8) A!! rec ;nized indi::tions of an unanticip::ed defi:len:y in sam: 2spect of desi;n or operation of safety.rel:ted structures, systems, or components.
9) Review and report fin?ings and recommendations re;2rdin; a:1 changes to the Generating Stations Emer
10) cnanhency Phn orior to imp'ement' tion of su:i', chin to Crrr-Si te uose ta lcula tion Itanual (
11) Review :nd report Dndings and recommendations re;2rding allitems refer: d by the Technical Staff Supervisor, S:::icn Superintendent, Division Manager - Nudear S:2: ions, and M:n2ser of Quality Assurance.


b. Audit Function ni The Audit Function shd! be the responsibill:y of the Man:ger of Quality A:sur2n : independent of the Production Department. Such responsnility is dele;;ted to the Director of Qudity Asar2nce for Operatin; and to the Staff Assistant to the Man:ger of Quality Assurance fcr maintenan:e quality assurance activities.

Either shdl :pprove the audit agenda and checklists. the findings and the repor: of e2:h audit. Audits shall be performed in : cord:nce with the Company Qaality Assurance Prc; ram and Pro:edures.

Audits shall be performed to assure that s:fety.related icncti:ns are covered viithin a period oi2 yents _ ._ _

or less is ~desi;'nated below.

1) Au:iit of the conforman:: of facility cperath:n to pro.isions contained within the Technical Specifications nd applicable license cenditions :t lea >t cace per year.
2) Audit of the adherence to procedures, tratn:n;:nd qudificatica of :he station staff atleast on::

per y ear. %P

3) Audit of the resul:s of :.:!ans td<en to ;c::ect deficanci:s c: u::5; in fu:;!ity equipment, stru:tu:es,sys: ems, or methods of operatica th:t affect nudea s:f:ty at less: once per 6 months.
4) At.dit of me pt:forrr.ance ci :cchit:> requ_2 cy 6: Qu:.nty A: aan:: P: car:m :a meet the Cri:cria of Appends "B" 10 CFR 50.
5) /cii: of F::iitty Em:rgr:y Pbn :nd i:n;;e":.n; pru;;6: 23.
6) Audit of the Facthty Security Phn and Ung:ement;n; pro;edures.
7) Audi ons;; and offsite tc..e s s.

S) Audit th: F cili:y Fire Prote: tion P:c; tem 2nd mp:e .:n:w pro::du.. a: ':::: c.,: par 24

. msn hs.


- 9) The radiological envi ronnental roni toring progra, and the resul ts thereof at least once per 12 onths.

10) The CCCM and irnple.nenting procedures a t 1 cast once per 2h ncnths.



DPR-29 50.59 to verify th:: sa:h :::!cnt did r.ot ec.m .u:: en umu, :' sed s:f:ty cues:iom Propond

, ch;n; s to the Quduy /muren;e Prop 2m des:tip:.;n indi b ::. :w:d and approu b :he t f.bna;:r cf Qudity Assurin :.

2) Pruposed chan;e1 to ph:::aes. equirr :nt er 9 5: ems whi..t in.civ: an untsviewed safety qu:s: ion as defined in ;0 CFR 50.59.
3) Proposed tes:s or exper:ments whi:n involve 2n un::s;eud s:Tety question as den ed in ;0 CFR 50.59.
4) Proposed chen;es in Technical Specifications er NRC oper::in;li:enus.
5) Noncomp!ian:e with NRC requirements. or of intun:! p;ocedures, or instru:tions h: vin; nuci::r safety si;nifiesn:e.
6) Si;nific2nt operating abnormali:ies c: deviations fram normal and expe:ted p:: form:n:e of phnt equipment that affect nudear safety as refert:d to i: by the Onsite Review and Inves:i;:::ve Function.
7) Repart2Sle occurrences requirin; 24-hcur no:ification to the NRC.
8) All recognized indi::tions of:n unanti:ips:ed defi:lency in some aspect of desi;n er c; cation of safety.related structures, systems,or components.
9) Review and report findin;s:nd recommendations re;1rdin; all changes to the Generating Staticas Emer ofsu:! chan e
10) Enanhency es toP!09r-site n r:!cr to D~ose impbment;tio"cula t) ion Nanual (0DCM),
11) Review :nd report findings and recommendations re;2rding allitems referred by the Tech:ical Staff Supervisor, Ste:icn Superintendent, Disision Manager - Nuclear S:ations, and Min 2ger of Quality Assurance.

, b. Audit Function 1

The Audit Function sh:1! be the responsibill:y of the Man:ger of Quality Assurance independent of the Production Department. Such respons6ility is dele;;:ed to the Director of Qudi:y Assurance for Operating :nd to the Staff Assistant to the Man:ger of Quality Assurance fcr maintentn:e quality assur:nce activities.

Either shdl :pprove the :udit agends and check!!sts, the F.ndings and the report of each audit. Audits shall be performed in accordance with the Company Qaality Assur:nce Pro; ram and Pro: dures.

Audits shall be perforrned to assure that s:iety related. functi:ns are covered veithin : pe: icd of 2 or less is designated below.

1) Audit of the conform:nce of f::ility cperatica to pro.i3 ions :cntained within the Technic:1 Specifications :nd appli: ble !!:ense conditions :t ie:st cnce per year.
2) Audit of the adheren:: to procedures, train 5;::'d qu:!!fication of the statha st:ff:tleast on::

per year. I P

3) Audit of the resul:s of ::tions t ken to cer:ect d fic encies o:cu::S; in f :dity equipment, stru:tures,sys: ems, or meicls of operation tr::t affect nuclear saf::y at less: ence per 6 months.
4) Audit of the performance of ::ti,it a requi:2 by $$ Quaay At aan : P:cgram :o meet the Cri:eria of Appendtx "B" 10 CFR 50.

5' Audi: of de F::i uy Eme.;en:y Phn :n;im;; v:m; pru:cdc:35.

6) Audit of the Facihty Security Phn and 2npiementin; p:ccedures.
7) Audit onsite and offsite ::*..e ws.

S) Audit th: Facili:y Fire Protection P:cgr2m and mplemen:q pro::dLra 2: least on : p:: 24

, nmn:hs.


- 9) The radiological envi ronnental moni toring program and the resul ts thereof at leas t once per 12 months.

10) The 00 Cit and irnplemen ting procedures a t Icast once per 2h months.


QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 the Sup:rvisor of the Offs::e Review and S :::.;:tive Fun:: ion:and (6) subm t :o th: Of.0: Review and investi :tive Fun: tion fo: con::::ence in : .mly nuner, thos: items des:.t:d in S;::.J.: tion 6.1.G.I.a whi:h have been appro'.ed by the Cnnte Revaw and Inv:sa; Fun: tion.

Th: responsibilities of the Personnel perfccmin; this fun:: ion are s: .t:d 'c::cw:

1) R: view of (1) pro::dar:s required oy Sp::ifi:2 tion 6.2 =d ch=; s thereto :-f (2):ny c:her  !

proposed procedu::s or changes ther::o as d:ter-ined by th: Pint Supenntendr t to affect nuc!:sr ::f:ty.

2) Review of 211 proposed tests and experim:n:: that affect nu:!:2: sifety.
3) R: view of:!! proposed changes to the Technic ! Specift:2tions.
  • 4) Review of all proposed ch2n;:s or modifi:s:fons to plan: systems or equipm:r.: that affect nu:1:ar safety. .
5) Investigation of all concompli:n=e wi:h NRC quirements and shall prep:: end f:: ward a r: port covering evaluation and re:ommendations to prevent recurrence to th: Divis:en Min 2;:r Nuc!:_:

Stations and to th: Supervisor of the Offsite Resiew and Investi;2tive Fun: tion

6) Review of f::i!ity operstiens to dete:t poten:ial s2f::y ha::rds.
7) Performan:: of special reviews and inves:ig::i ns and repor:s the::en :s requ::t:d by the Super.

visor of the Offsite Review and Imestigativ: Function.

S) Review of the Station Security Plan and shall submit recom=:nded ch2n;:s to the Disisica Manager-Nuclear Stations.

\ 9) tieview of the Emergency Plan tnd st:: ion implernenting procedures and sha'i submit recom.

mended changes to the Division Manag:r-Nucles: Stations.

10) Reiew of reportab : occurr:nc:s:nd actions taken to prevent recurrence.

- 11) Review of unplanned releases of radioactive raaterials to the environs, including evaluation of the event, correcti"s action to prevent recur-rence, disposition of the corrective action, and documentation of the

' event.

12) Review of changes to the ODCH.
h. Au:ho:ity - - s The Technical Staff Supenisor is responsible to the S:: tion Superintendent and du'l make re:om-mendatians in a tirne!y msnner in all: teas of revaw, investigation,2nd quality contro!;h:ses of pt:nt maintensn:e operation, and administr::ive prc:edu:es ::1::ing to facihty operations 2nd sha!! have the authority to requ:st n:c:ssary to msure comphan: --: w::n rubs..- -.. ., rquanons, anrpro-cedures when in his opinion such 20: ion is ne::sssty. Tne 5:ation Superintendent sh:1! fo'jow such recommendations or select a course of a:: ion :h:t is more consenative regardin; af ep: ration of the facility. All such disag::ements sha:1 be repor::d im:nedi:tdy to the Divisbc Mms;er-Nucicar Stations and the Supervisor of the Offsite Revieu nd Invesu; tive Func: ion.
c. Records ,,
1) Reports, resiews, inv:sti; tions. nd re:ommend::iuns shall be docum:rted wi:h copi:s to th:

Division Manw,er-Nuciar 5::tions. the Supe-mx of the Of site Re. v :nd Imes:ipt .:

Function, th: 5:::ba Sup:rintujen'. :.nd th: M=:;er af C uay A~r=::

2) Co !:2 of ali reccrds :nd documentri^n sh:d 'c: kept o . f!!c n *he ;n:iam
d. Pro:edures Wri :en administrative procedures shall b prepared and mainmined for condu:: of the 0 sne Re,iew and Investig:tive Fun: tion.The e prue:Jum th2h xlui: th: fcNin;:
1) Con:ent an.1 method cf submio. n :nj pr::e_, w :o th: Sut' . Supe in:: .dr.t. D..:s:an Manager-Nucle:: S:ations, and th; S..p: a of .: Cinae R; its mJ la.e>:g2nve Fun s . :

6.1-5 .


.a . .



} A. Detailed veritten pro:cdures inch.-in; 2 app:!::5!: che.':off ::m c'.er;..; ite'ns lis: d below shai 5: prep:.

pprov':d.r.nd adhered to:

I f 1. Normal st:rtup, operation, and shutdswn of the re:c:or, and c:h:r s, : ems :nd com; anents invch nud::r s:fety of th: f::m:y.

2. Refue!ing op: rations.
3. Actions to be tsk:n to cortcet sp::ific :nd fores::n potenti:1 rnMfun:tions of sys: ems or components cluding responses to a!:rms, susp::t:d primary sys::m 1:aks, and abnormal re::tivity ch:n;ss.
4. Em:rgency conditions invclving potenti:1 or 2:tual re!:as: cf radioa:avity " Gen:ra:ing S:st.

Em:rgen:y Plan" and sta: ion emergency and abnorm ! pro:edur:s.

. 5. Instrumentation opera: ion whi:h could have an effect on the safety of the facili r I 6. Prev:ntive and corrective maintenance operations whi:h could have :n effe:t on th: .afc:y of *he f::S!

7. Sur<ei!hn:: and testin;requt: msats.

S. Tests and experiments. -

9. Procedure to ensure safe shutdown of th: plant.
10. Station Security Pian and implem:nt: tion pro::dures.
11. Fire Protection Program imp! rnentation.

l 12. ODCli implementation.

B. Radiation control pro::dures thall be maintained, made vailable to 2:1 station personne!, and adhered to. Th procedures shall show permissib:e radiation exposure :nd shall be consinent with the requirements of 10 CFR

( This radiation protection program sha!! be organi:ed to meet the requirements of 10 CFR 20.

C. 1. Procedures for items identified in Spe:ifi:2 tion 6.2.A and any chang:s to such pro:edures shdl be rev:ev.

and approved by the Operating En;ineer and the Techni:21 Staff Superrhor in th:::reas of op:r::fon,f handling, or instrument maintenance, and by Maintenan:: Engineer and Technied S::a xp:rci:or in areas of plant maintenance :nd plant inspe: tion. Procedures for it:ms identified h Sca:ifi:mion 5.2.D 2 any changes to such procedures shall be revie.ved and approved by the Te:hnk2!S:1:iSupervim :nd Radiologic:1 Chemical Supervisor. /st 1:sst o.u person approvin; each of th: p.*:: N :s sh:11 ho valid senior operator's license. In :ddition, thes: pre dures and chaag:s there:o. mui: $. ve uBorizat-by the Station Superintendent before being ;mp! ament:d. - - -

2. Work and instruction type procedures v.h!:h imp!:m:nt :pproved m2intenanc: c: me.Ff: cation precece shall be approved and authorized by the SWnteran:e Eng neer vhere the ve it:en ad.ori:y h .s b:en a vided by the Station Superintend:n: The "'!aintenan:: mdifi:2: ion Prosedures" utdiz:r fr sn related work shall be so approved only if procedur.s <:ferenced in th' 9:2ia:en:nt:l.'Mn::. tion P cedure" have been approved as required by 6.D."A. Procewres whi::t do not f 0 w.this th requireme of 6.2.A cr 6.2.B may b::pproved by the Dep:rtment iltis.

D. Temporary chanses to procedures 6.2.A and 6.2.A above may be raade pro.ided:

1. The in:ent of the ori;inM pro;elure :s c t ahned.
2. The ch:nge is :pprov:d by two me:nbers of the cat .mnemen: *:aff, a s ' east one of i.he. '. :'.d Senior P.e:ctor Oper.;tw s on ; ; una at:ce.:_.
3. Th: ch:n; is documented, reviewed by th: Ons:t: Rev;:w an ! Fun: tion and approved th: St: tion Superintendent wi:htn 1-. days ofimp'amentanan.

E. Drills of th: emergency proced.:res describ J in Sr:::ficanun 6.2.A.4 >hM' sa conduced qmr:2 '; The>:dr wdl be phnned so th:t during :he ecure of th; .c.:t c a.v contacted.


.:n hnks :re r e.e i a:J o.a Je .._. %s -



. DPR-29 t.

2. A tabuhtian sh211 be submitted on in :nnud b is cf the nun 9" of ., ut: 0 ,:nd otN :: arau!

(in:!udin; cont::: tors) re:eivie exposu::s ;::t::- S:n 102 ::::nlg and ici :m:ia :d : : rem exposucc 1::ording to work an1 job fun:tian1(.%:e: Du ::: .::: ion ngp!v: ~ms :l:: repitc~:etts of Section 20.407 ef 10 CFR 20), e g., re::to: o-3 ::.an3 :nj 32:.. .. :.. :n::, ins:rvice insp:.Sn, routin:

maintenanc:, sp:cial mainteaance (des: ribe maintenr::), wasta pro:e: sin;, :nl r::ce!ing. Th do.e assignments to urious duty functions may be est%:tes based on po: set dosimeter, TI.D. cr i::m b d;:

rnessurements. Smfl exposures totaling 1:ss th:n 20~: of Oe alivihd total dose n:ed not be :::cunted for. In th: eg;:e;:tc, at least fs05: of the totd whd: ':cdy dow ::::!ved from cxternd ;ou:::s sh !! be assigned to sp :ific m.jor work fan:tions.

3. Monthly Op::: ting Repo:t Routine reports of operating statistics and shutdown experience shall be submitted on a menth'y b:ns to the Director, Offi:: of .\hn::: ment Information and ?:c3:tm Cont:ct, US Nud :: R ;u!:to:y Com.

mission, Washington, DC 20555, wit a co;y to th: pp:ep:i2t: R:;bnal Offi::,to att ve no later than the 15th of e::h mond fo!!owin; th: cdendar month :over:d :y ie rep rt. In addition, any changes to the ODCM shall be submitted with the Monthly Operating Report within B. Reportable Occurrences . 90 days of the effective date.of the change. ,,,

Reportable occurrenc:s,includi:ig corrective actions and measures to prevent recurrence, sha!! be reported to the NRC. In g:ceral, the importan:: of an occurrence with respect to safety si.nni$:ance determines the J e immediacy of reporting required. In some cases, however, the signid:2nce of an event may not be obvious at th: tim: ofits occurrence. In such cases, the NRC sha!! be informedr rromp IV of an in;::as:d signid:ance in the licensee's ass:ssment of the event. In addition, supp!: men:al r: ports rnay b: required to fully d:stribe 6n21 resolution of the occurrence. In case of correct:d or supplem:ntal reports, a lic::nsee event report shall be completed and reference shall b: made to th: original report date.


1. Prornpt Noti 5 cation with Written Followup Th: types of events listed b: low shall be reported as :xpeditiously as possible, but within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> by telephone and confirmed by telegraph, mailgram, or facsi:ni:: transmissiori to the dire: tor of the appropriate r:gional of5ce or his designate no lat:r th2n the Erst working day fo!!owing the event, with a written fo!!owup report within 2 weeks. The written followup report shall include, as a minimum, a completed copy of a licensee event report form. Information provided on the !!censee event report form shall be supplemented as needed by additional narrative material to provide h


QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 complete esp!anation of the cirecoun:c surra.nding Le e em.

a. Failure of the reactor nro:eeuen s:.xem c oP.n sy.cems s.h> a :imitinc sara.e sv>::m se: anes L

< ~

to initiate the required pro:ccive fen:non e m: time a m:-i:ored paratu ner :: aches the setpoint specided as the !imm. j safen. sytem s . ting in th: techteal speedi:atinns. c fa!!ure to comp:ete the required proteem.e rune: ion.

Ncte: Instrument dr:ft discovered as a res:dt cf tcs:. "; neri nst b: reported :.nder :his it::n but :n:y be re;'or:chle und:t items B.I.e., B.If.. or B..'.c. lulow.

b. Operatica of the unit or affected systems v. hen any parame::: or cperation subj::t to a li.M:ing condition is ! css conservative than the I:ast conservative aspect of the limitiq. condition for operation estab!ish:d in the :::hnica! specif rient .

Nc:c: If spectfied c: tion is i:Gn when a syst:m is fo:md to be operating b:: ween :he mci:

conservative and the least conscrvative age::s cf a lim. ting ccndit ion for cperatian !:s:ed in :ie technicci spe:y? cations. the hminng conditionfa nyeration is ncr ccnsidered to i;ce.e be.:n vic! :ed and need not be rep:rted und:r this item, but i: may be repretable urd:t item B.2.b. b:icw.

c. Abnormal decradation discosered in fuel c! adding. re:ctor coolant pressure boundar , or primary conta:nment.

No:e: Leakage of valve packing o. gaskets wi:hin :i:e limits for identilied l cal: age se: for:h in technical specif ications r:eed not he repc.-ted under :his item.

d. Reactivity anomalies. involving disagreement with the predicted value of reactivi;y balar. e under steady state condi: ions durinz r -ouer oxra: ion. cre.tcr than or e~aal n to IC; ak/k, a s

ca:culated reactivitv twnce indicatine a sbtitdown rnarein ien concenativ.? tMn scec6ed in the s

L. technical spritientions; short-::rm reac:ivity increases that cortcspond to a rea::o: peri:: ofless than 5 seconds or, if subtritical. an unp anned reactivity insertion of more th .a 0.5G Sk/k or occurrence of any unplanned criticality.

e. Failure or rnalfunction of one or more components .<hich prevents or could prevent. by itself, the fulfillment of the functional requirements of systern(s) used to cope with acciden:: cuatvaed in the SAR.
f. Persannel error proc Jural it. adequacy w hich prevents or ecWd prevent, hy i:es c!'. the R ?!! men: __

of the functiondl requiremena of sp: ems used :o cope with accidents analyaed in the SAR-Note: For Items B.I.e. and B.I.f.. redu:cd rc mdan:y that daes not r: salt in a ! css cf s'.e:cm function need not be repar:cd under thi< secciar. .a my be reportable under I: ems D.2.i . and B.2.c.


g. Conditions arising from na: ural or manmad events that. as a direct result of the event. requ:re plant sha:down operatica of safety sys: cms. or other pro:ecave measures required by teebrical s pe:ifi';e tions.
h. Errors di; covered in *.u transient or , ceiden; aac.: c or m th n ;%d, us,:d r e se.;h c a b as do :ribed m the S AR or in the h.: . . far :ne sceciticat.n'. dat h.e..: c.r coukt have permittzd reauor ap;ratix ;n . maaa.- en e:me. . .. .; than av.tnue.? ir z. . . q. s s.
Perf~mnante of nrw. "res. _'": m. ' '..'~ roner- th : ': u:5 rem .'ial a'. tion '*r corrective me.6 arcs to prevent oper;" n in a m "'r.c- len can>civ.c ve th m anua'ed in the ac.r. ent a.nN,cs in :he ER or :cchr ca! sne; o. o ra.e. . : di cave. < duru g ph'nt life a endi ions not Ypecih.aMy tend.';ced n' tne S AR 'r 'e a ra! ,' .. .u.w s datrev'4re 2 v. J N ceti m or o m ei.tive nie.m rcs ta pt eve . . the c o' * .. -

Jn.' . . . l' o ' t. n s t!c so: .at:0a

j. Occurrence of an event that causes a release of radioactive material from the site to unrestricted areas in excess of limits in 10 CFR 20.
k. Occurence of radioactive material contained in liquid holdup tanks in excess of that permitted by the Lco established in the Tech. Specs.


, n .- . e. r - c .s t m - s . i c e c o QUAO-CH C5 DPR-29 .


No:e: This itent is inw;ded to croslJefa re.:vi. : c. .:: e-:i;..% w.ert: t rowms.

2. Thir:y-Day Written Repor:s The reportab!: occurrences dis:ussel b:hr.v hn e ici :- i .:::lia: impo: 2:e than thes: des::ibed under B.I. above.Such cven:s sha!! be th: subjeu f ..:n ::pa:9 to the eue:::: of the app:opriate regional of' ice .:hin 30 days of c::urr:nce cf *: event Th: written rep::t shall in:bd:. as a minimum, a comple::d copy of a license: event re:0:t f0:m. Informa.ica provid:d on :he licensee event report form shall be sttpplement:d. as need:d. b. 2dditi:nal narrative material to provide comp!:te explanation of the circumstances surrouncing th .::n
a. Reac:or protection systern or engin:-red safety fea: :: inn:ument settings vchich at: found :o be 1:ss conservative than those es:ablished by th: :::~. i:al sp::d.:ations but which do .ct p:: vent

- the ful511 ment of the functional requirements of a.T::::d s,u tems.

b. Conditions !:adin~ O to o:eration in a des. tad:d med: : rmi:ted by a limitine conditi:n fer


operation or lant shutdown required by a limt:ing c:ndition far op:::. tion.

Note: Rou:ine surveillacce te::ing. instrument ec!!br: tion, or' preventative h: inten:nce v.l:!:in require system confgura: ions as described in Iter:s 3.2.c. and 3.2.b. need not be rqar:ed ex:q:

where test results themselves reveal a degraded n::de as described cbme.

c. Obs:rved inadecuaci:s in the imp!cm:ntatica of adminis::stive or proce:iural cen::als whi:h thr:aten to cause reduction of degree of redundancy provided in reac:orY-ro::ction syst:ms or engineered safety feature systems.
d. Abnormal degradation of systems other than thes spe:id:d in Item B.l.c. above designed to
' contain radicactive material resul
ing from the dssi:n -recess.

r Note: S~% .~i:rces cr c:!ibr::icn sources cre ec: i-:luded under this item. Lc:Lage ol valve pack., .. gaske.s wahin the lin:itsfor ider.ufed ieck:ge setfcet in :e:hnicalspe::)?ca:to :s need no:

be reycr:eu 1er this item.

I e. An unplanned offsite release of 1) rore than 1 curie of radioactive raterial in liquid effluents, 2) rore than.15') curies of noble gas in gaseous effluents, or 3) more than 0.05 curies of radiciodine in gaseous effluents.

The report of an unplanned offsite release of radioactive material shall include' the following information:

1. A description of the event and equipment involved.


2. Cause(s) for the unplanned release.

3 Actions taken to prevent rccw crc- ce .

4. Consequences of the unplannea release.



f. If a confirmed measured radicnuclide concentration in an environ-mental sampling adium averaged over any calendar quarter sa pling period exceeds the reporting level given in Table 4.3-5 anc i f tna radioactivity is attributable to plant operation, a .eritten report shall be sucaitted to the Director of the N,C Regional Office, with a copy to the Director, Office of huclear Reacto- Regulation, within 30 days frca the end of the quarter.
1. When more than one of the radicnuclides in Table 4.5-5 are detected in the medium, the reporting level shall have been exceeded if V

Ci R . L . :.- ->1 where C is the concentration of the i th radianuclide in the medium and RL is the reporting level of radionuclide i.

2. If radionuclides other than those in Table 4.3-5 are detected and are du.e to plant effluents, a reporting level is exceeded if the potential annual dose to an individual is equal to or greater than the design objective doses of 10 CFR 50, Appendix 1.

3 This report shall include an evaluation of any release conditions, environmental factors, or other aspects necessary to explain the anomalous effect.

I P d


j -

QUAD-CITIES DPR-29 L. Unique Reporting Requirements

1. Radioactive Effluent Release Report A report shall be submitted to the Commission within 60 days after January 1 and July 1 of ecch jear specifying the quanti ty of each of the principal radionuclides released to unrestricted arcas in liquid and gaseous effluents Juring the previous 6 months. The format and content of the report shall be in accordance with Reg-ulatory Guide 1.21 (Revision 1) dated June 1974.
2. Environmental Program Data An annual report containing the data taken in the standard radio-logical monitoring program (Table 4.8-4) shall be submi tted by April 30 of the next yeac. The content.of the report shall include:
a. Results of environmental sampling summarized in the format of Regulatory Guide 4.8 Table 1 (December 1975); (individual Sample results will be retained at the station) .
b. An assessment of the monitoring results.and radiation dose via the principal pathways of exposure resulting from plant emissions of radioactivi ty ir.cluding the maximum noble ' gas gamma and beta I

air doses in the unrestricted area. (The assessment of radiation

doses shall be performed in accorcance with the Offsite Dose Cal-culation Manual (OCCM).)
c. Results of the census to determine the locations of nearby animals producing milk for human consumption; and
d. A summary fo the meteorological conditions concurrent tith the release of gaseous effluents durin5 each quarter as outlined in Regulatory Guide 1.21 (Revision 1) dated June 1974, following i the for aat of Appendix B thereof.

3 Envi ronmental Dose Pathway Studies (EDPS)

The EDPS schedule for Quad-Cities Stati'on is May 1979 through April 1980 with the project report submitted by December 31, 1980.

4. Special Reports Special reports shall be submitted as indicated in Table 6.6-1.



, ma ee-r - r ::,:s - :a:. res. < ,

t Q U/.11-C !TT.5 7

DPR-29 t [


i ., A :. . . ,e :.i g

SFEC".L F.IPC'IS 5;:::f ::b:n Area Rger: :: 52 7.t*:1 Cit:

a. Se::nd:ri co.9 tai . . ant len rata te:t (2) 4.7.C l';:10::;'-t:3 cf e22 ::st.
b. S;;rmaty ststus cf f;21 ; 1.1 33:a s Alhr e3:'i ref;3'. ; c',tas!

st @ g v2h se: -d refce 9; C t339

c. Pri$2ry cc;:2.9t !!na;! ta defea:I 4.6.0 22:es 2yetts(2)


d. h:erci:e i.s;a::.:n evabatbn Ta n 4.5 1 5y22:s(2)
e. '. late:Zs radistbn s;!:;;r.; Af:er c::' 5;e:::aa temccal ard cc.9p'ati:1 :! 233'jsts.
f. EvaS.itica c!EGC c;erstkn 3.3.F Bases U;:1 c:m;:eti:a of hti3! teat'9;.
g. Radioac:ive Source Lesk Tes:ing (31 3.S.H Annua! Rc;: ort
h. Special Effluent Reports 3.8.A. 30 days following cccurrence.


r. 3.8.3.

s, 3.8.E.


1. Ea:h integritH fen tate tas!cf tne steerta>/ c:r.t: n ent swilite tre sd :.t :f a :. .. ity tt:H :i'.rer:<t. T :s re:crt e: :1. c'.f t f t:a ca t t med s;etJ. med a rMt!:'t. catsit 1-3 : 214 te ;traicis d,rta t>> test - .- en' re!;r :> 'I g cress.;t. a-1 a 1:;t :f mti' ate f:a r2ts. IPs re;;rt sha!! alsa c::.js ana:,sts ani r.itr;teta!;;ns cf tu:t f ata !!.1 strate c:5;.c:a with in 2 i:!c. Pal Idn tatt litmts.
2. Ihtit;2rt shrt te sdrn:tt*f m:hi.1 the pr.:d cf listej 22 sed ca the :m*!r:ai sero;t date as t':t si: l' ;;
3. This rcoort is redi reo c.917 ;f the ::s s rees! tne crese:2 cf 0.C'.5 m;;re:u ;n er more of rem:nb:e c:n.

tamination. -

t 6.6-7





The ODCM shall describe the methocology and paraceters to be used in I


the calculation of offsite doses due to radioactive gaseous and licuid ef t-luents and in the calculation of gaseous and liquid of fluent monitor-ing instrumentation LCO's con tained in alarm / trip setpoints consistent with the applicable

.! these Technical Specifications. Methodologies and

} calculational NUREG-0133. procedures acceptable to the Commission are contained in i

{ The 00CM shall be submitted to the Commissionthe et time of proposed

{ Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications and shall be subjectto review and approval by the Commission prior to implementation.

I 2.

I Any changes to the ODCM shall be made by either of the following metho A. Licensee initiated changes:


j Shall be subnitted to the Commission by inclusion in the I Monthly Operating Report pursuant to Specification 6.6.A.3

, within 90 days of the date the change (s) was made effective I

and shall contain:


sufficiently detailed information to support the

Information submitted should consist of a package of those pages of the ODCM to be changed together wi th appropriate analyses or evaluations justifying the change (s)< ,


a determination that the change will not reduce the accuracy or reliability deterninations; and of dose calculations or setpoint c.

documentation of the fact that the change has been revi2wed and found acceptable by both the onsite and of f site review functions.


Shall become effective upon a date specified and agreed to by bcth the onsite and offsite review functions folicwing their review and acceptance of the change (s).


Commission initiated changes:


Shall be determined by the onsite review function to be applicable to the facility af ter consideration of facility design.



2. The licensee shall provide the Cornission with uritten notification of tneir determinatien of applicability including any necessary revisions to reflect facility design.

3 Shall be revie..ed by the Off-site Review Functicn,



\ ,

I 6.7-2


1.0-4 3.8/4.8-17 3.2/4.2-2 3.8/4.8-18 3.2/4.2-3 3.8/4.8-19 3.2/4.2-4 3.8,/4.8-20 3.2/4.2-4a 3.8/4.8-21 3.2/4.2-7 3.8/4.8-22 3.2/4.2-8 3.8/4.8-23 3.2/4.2-15 3.8/4.8-24 3.2/4.2-15a 3.8/4.8-25 3.2/4.2-15b 3.8/4.8-26 3.2/4.2-19 3.8/4.8-27 3.2/4.2-20 3.8/4.8-28 3.8/4.0-1 3.8/4.8-29 3.8/4.8-2 3.8/4.8-30 3.8/4.8-3 3.8/4.8-31 3.8/4.8-4 6.1-2 3.8/4.8-5 6.1-5 3.8/4.8-6 6.2-1 3.8/4.8-6a 6.6-2 3.8/4.8-7 6.6-3 3.8/4.8-8 6.6-4 3.8/4.8-9 6.6-5 3.8/4.8-10 6.6-6 3.8/4.8-11 6.6-7 3.8/4.8-12 6.7-1 3.8/4.8-13 6.7-2 -


. 3.8/4.8-15 '


t '

QltAD-C!TIF.5 DPR-30 more 5 n 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> in a 30-slay pc- -

riod, the ,y: tem shall be tripped.

D. Ste2:a J.:t Air Ejectnr O.'T Gas Systent Radia. D. Steam Jet Air Ejector Oi?-Gas Sy. tem Radi..-

tion Mon! tors tion Monituis

1. Except as specifed in Specification 1. The tinte delay setting for c!csure of 3.2.D.2, both steam jet air ejector off- the steam jet air ejector iso lation gas system radiation monitors shall be valves slull not exceed 15 minutes.

operable during reactor power opera- The iso!ation valm shall slose within tion. 15 minutes uport receipt of an

. isolation signal unless operator action over-rides the trip sic.nal. If the reactor operator bypasses the trip signal, the subsequent radioactivity re! ease shall be considered a repart:b!: occurt:n:c and s! s!J be reported as reauired by Specification 6.6.B.l. The recart sh:H contain an analysis of the resultant dose to the sectors afected as deter-

-s mined by the meteoro!npical da a .ip-plicable during the release,

2. From and after the date that one of the 2. The radiation menitor shall b:

two steam jet air ejector otT gas system functionally tesi:! and ca ibrated a>

radiation monitors is made or found to indicated in Tahle 4.2-1. Automatie be inoperable, continued reactor irciation and operation of the steam power operation is permis2ible during jet air ej:ctor isolat on volves shall be the next 7 days.provided the inopera- , _ _ _ ,

perfor3ned at ! cast each operaticg _,,_ _

b!: monitor is tripped in the upscale cyG .

,. position.

3. Upon loss of both steam jet air eje: tor >

o!T-gas system radiation monitors. the reactor shall be placed in hot standby ,

within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> and the oiT-gas line manually isolated.

't E. Reccter P,ni Jin<: Ven:!lation Exhaust Duct E. Reactur Buif3 line Ventilation E.dav3t Duet ihdi.: tion Rattion Mor:iints

1. Excepi vs specified in Speci:ication The four ventilatica exhaust de:t tsdictm 3.2.E.2 be!o.v. the four ventilation ex- moniters shall be functionally tested a id c li-haust duct radiation monitucs shall be brated as indicated in Tabie .2-1. !L :ctor operable at all times. buildi.qt venti!.: tion ise'.:t:nn vd nndbv .as
2. One cf the twc r. sliation monitors in treatment -) ten iaitiatin, -han .ie peribrmnt caen of the vena,ution du:t.; rnay be at !:ast exh o'-;raane- *e,cie.

inopnable for 24 hi,ure.. if tt e in<g r-ab!e nmc.i or is not c. stored to service 3.2 / 4.2-2


in thh time. the rc.:ctor bui! ding venti-


' lation nst m shall !v iso l.ite.! and the st.'ndby ga; treatment operated un:i!

repairs are complete.


3. ,Upon ton of both ventilation duct monitors in either du:t. the reacter building ventilation system shall be ,

isolated and the standby gas treatment operated.

  • F. Refuelin; Floor Radiation Monitors F. Refuelin; rionr Radiation .;ionitcrs
1. Except as specified in Speci'ication The two refuelin; Coor radiation raonitors 3.2.F.2, the two refueling Scor radia-shall be functionally tened and calibrated as tion monitors shall be operable when-ever irradiated fuel or compar.ents are indicated in Tab'.e 4.2-1. Reacwr buildine ven-tilatio:1 isolation and standby gas trenIment present in the fuel stora;;c pool and during refueling or fuel movement system ini:iation shall be performed at least each operating cycle.

opera tions.

2. One of the two refueline ' noor radia-tion monitors may be inecerab!e for

,g; 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. If the inoperah!e monitor is not restored to service in this time, the reactor building ventilation system shall be isolated and the standby gas -

treatment operated until repairs are complete. -

3. The trip setting for the refueling floor

.._.._ . ..___ _tadiation monitors _ shaLbe set at a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

value cf 100 mR/hr.

4. Upo- lon of toth refueling Door radi-ation moni: ors while in use. the reac-tor building ventilation systern shall be isolated am: the standby gas treatment operated.

G. Postaccicleat lastrumentation G.' 'Postacci:icat Ins:runientation The limiting conditions l'or operation for the Postaccident instrumen:atian sha:! he for.etion-

- imtrum n!atie:t i! !ch is re i .uit in th vin- aHy tested and edil.reue.I as indicat:4 in f 3 !e trol room.,retp:freJ for jwtaccident monitor-4.2-2.

ing are given in TaNe 3.2-4.

3.2/4.2-3 '

e e


, , DPR-30 Control Room Ventilation System


, H. H. Control Room Ventilation System f Isolation Isolation The control room ventilation system Surveillance for instrumentation is isolated from outside air on a which initiates isolation of control signal of high drywell pressure, low- room ventilation shall be as spec-water level, or high main steamline ified in Table 4.2-1.

flow, or high radiation in either of the reactor building ventilation exhaust ducts. Limiting conditions for operation shall be as indicated in Table 3.2-1 and Specification 3.2.E.3

l. Radioactive Liquid Effluent 1. Radioactive Liquid Effluent Instrumentation Instrumentation When liquid effluents are released, Each radioactive liquid effluent the effluent monitoring instrumentc- monitoring instrument shown in tion shown in Table 3 2-5 shall be Tabic 4.2-3 shall be demonstrated operable, operable by performance of the instrument check, calibration, and
1. With one or more radioactive liquid functional test operations at the ef fluent monitoring instruments frequencies shown in Table 4.2-3 Inoperable, take the action shown in Table 3 2-5, or provide a 30-day written report to the NRC pursuant f to Specification 6.6.B.2.


2. In the event a limiting condition for operation and/or associated action requirements cannot be sat-is~fied because of ci rcumstances in excess of those addressed in the specifications, no changes are required in the operational con- ~

~ ' '

dition of the plant, and this does not prevent the plant from entry into an operational mode.,

J. Radioactive Gaseous Effluent J. Radioactive Gaseous Ef fluent Instrumentation ,

Instrumentation When gaseous effluents are released, Each radioactive gaseous effluent the ef fluent moni toring instrumenta- monitoring instrument shown in tion shown in Table 3.2-6 shall be 't Table 4.2-4 shall be demonstrated operable. operable by performance of the ins t rumen t check, calibrat ion , and

1. With one or more radioactive gas- functional test operations at the eous ef fluent moni toring ins tru- frequencies shown in Table 4.2-4.

mentS inoperable, take the action shown in Table 3.2-6, or provide a 30-day written report to the NRC pursuant to Speci fi-cation'



2. In the event a limiting condi-

. tion for operation and/or associated action requirements cannot be satisfied because of circumstances in excess cf those addressed in the speci fica tions, no changes are required in the operational condition of the plant, and this does not prevent tne plant from entry into an operatlonal mode.



(, .


, _ . a QUAD-CITIES DPR-30 Th APRM rod b!ctk function ie. Cow biateil end prevents a >ignihemit reduction in MCN. :<rcei.+e da:in; g

op: ration at rcJuced flow.The APRM provide; g: .: core pio'euina. i.e. !!mit< the g:en mr. >. 'n. col rca in :.e

.r withdrawal sequence. The trips are s:: sn that MCPR is mammin J t r, ':cr : nan 1.0:...


T!.: APRM rod block function. which is set at 121*of rat:J power. is fon:tia::.d it. the Refuel . ad St .a;,/;ir t /

Sicdby mod:5.This contrcl rod b!ock provide > th: same ty;,e of prc.tection in the l': fuel and!a S:andhv modes as the APRM flow. biased rod b!ack does in th: Rt n made. i.e..,.: premi< MCPR fr.3m de,. .: :ng be!w 1.06 during control rod v.ithdrawals and prevems control rod L:: fore a scrant is teached.

The RDM rod block function provides Idcal pro :ction of the core. i.c. the prevention of transition b >i!ing in a local region of the core for a single rod withdrawal ctror from a limiting ca :tre! tal pat:ern. The trip point i. flow biased. The wcrst case sing centrol rod withdrawal error has been ana!: ze i. anJ the c>uiu show un: with :he specified trip settings, rod withdrawalis blocked before the MCPR reaches 1.0f', thus allowin cdeqast: rnargin (Reference 1).

Below 70% power, the worst. case withdrawal of a sing!c contro! red results in a MCPR gt:ater than 1.06 veithout rod block action.Thus it is not required below this power !cvel.

The IRM block function provides local as well as gross core proteuion. The soling arrangera:nt is such that the trip setting is less than a factor of 10 above the indicated levei. Ana!y:is of the worst-case aceNent resuhs in ro block action before MCPR approaches 1.06.

A downscal: indication on an APRM or IRM is an indicatica :he insvum:,t has fai'ed or is not s'ensitive enough.

In cliher case the instrument will not. respond to changes in centrol rod motior, and the centrol red motion is thus pr: vented.The downtcale trips are se: at 3/125 of full scale.

The SRM rod bleck with s 100 CPSand th: detector not fully inser:ed assures that th: SRM's are not withdrawn from the core prior :c commencina rod wi:hdrawu! for startua. The scram di chree volume hich level rd b!0ck provides annunciation for ohta:er action. Tite alaim etpoli: Las Nen se!I ed to prevhe ade:;u

- in p.llow d:terrnination of;he cause oflevel increase and corrective ae:ico prior to automatic scrara initiarion For efi:ctive emergency core cooling for small pipe breat s. the liPC! system mest Tenc: ion, sin:e rrenare does not decrease rapidly enough to allow *ither coce spray or LPCI to operate in time. The womat!c pressure reli:f function is provided as a backup to the HPCI in the ev:nt tac HPCI dee> not operat:. The arranpracnt of the tripping contac:s is such a: to provide this fun::icn when neccary and minimize.*purious c,rer :.:.' The trin settings given in the spe irication are ad:quate to assure the above criteria are met t rderence S AR Secti.aa 6.2.6 The specification preserves the effee:ivenos of the system during periods of maint:nane:. :nnng. cr ca!icrat:en and also minimizes the risk ofinadv.e..r:ent operatim:. ie _o. n:v

. one instrumen: channel cut of sersic:.

Two air ejector off-gas monitors are provided and, when their trin point is reached. ca ej:: tor off gas line. holation is initiated when ho:n instruments rea:S their high trip poin: er one has an vpscal:

trip and the other a downscale trip. rhere is a 15-minct: celay before the air egetur c:f-gas i%c!atian va!ve is close l 'Ihis delay is accounted for by the - holdup time of the etf-gas befa:e i. is released to the chimney.

. Both instrum:n:s at: required for trip, bu: the i:utruments are so d:>i .ned that any instru" :rt railure gives -

downscab trin. The trip settin3s of the instruments are e.e: so that :he titri;sgiven in Section 5.8 are not exceeded.

Four radiation monitnr> are provided in the re. :or bui! Jing venti!ation dacts which init..x .soNicn of tiie reactor building and operation of the standby rm treatmem ssstes The mcaitnrs arc foe re.1 in the reacwr

.y .at

' b.:itdin;; ven: nation duet.The trip logie is a one "u:-of two Ibr each se:. are e; o .ei can init..:te a trin tbr monGors in tw l of the other >:t. An'. uj s;;:le trip will cw.e the de:. ired action. Trip teamp ,

ven:!!a: ion duct are bas.d crea initiatinn nonaal enti!.uk n i o a'.on and s:ardby as (teatme.t >vs:em oper mN

.hmiriven in Sec tion 3.8 are di'. .ccedel ho raa: ate : on ants l so th..t the are provided on the "A. ' r i !!aor v: tien c..:ia .: iwlati.>n of th" re.c': bei Jr'; "mi ot w .m oft es dSV ps tf aa!!nJnt 'sy!U;.as '. 02 tr.P O! ,".e k% "'IC OW IIC- YI!p ;?I*% ' b W I I U'- # "U '"E refile!!n'j Or.o.' !afe ba'ed if pCn 'litiatf rg n'WPsa! VC 3 Gi'M tv.b!N Md 3M*Sy ,'d thWHt sy t ' JperM 'n 3.2/4.2-7


DPR-30 so that none of the activity released during the refueling accident leaves the reactor building via the normal ventilation stack but that all the activity is processed by the standby gas treatment system.

He instrumentation which is provided to monitor the postaccident condition is listed in Table 3.2-4. The instrumentation listed and the limiting conditions for operation on these systems ensure adequate monitoring of the containment following a loss-of-coolant accident. Information from this instrumentation will provide the operator with a detailed knowledge of the conditions resulting from the accident; hased on this information he can make logical decisions regarding postaccident recovery.

He specifications allow for postaccident instrumentation to be out of service for a period of 7 days. This period is based on the fact that several diverse instruments are available for guiding the operator should an accident occur.

on the low probability of an instrument being out of service and an accident occurring in the 7-day period, and on engineering judgment.

. The normal supply of air for the control room ventilation system comes from outside the service building. In the -

event of an accident, this source of air may be required to be shut down to prevent high doses of radiation in the control room. Rather than provide this isolation function on a radiation monitor installed in the intake air duct, signals which indicate an accident,'i.e., high drywell pressure, low water level, main steamline high flow, or high radiation in the reactor building ventilation duct, will cause isolation of the intake air to the control room. The above trip signals result in immediate isolation of the control rocm ventilation system and thus minimize any radiadon dose.

The radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent instrumentation is provided to monitor the release of radioactive materials in liquid and gassous effluents during releases.

The alarm set points for the instruments are provided to ensure that the alarms will d occur prior to exceeding the limits of 10 CFR 20, u


1. GE Topical Report NEDO 24063,' General Electric Boiling Water Reactor Reload No. 3 Licensing

,., Submittal for Quad-Cities Nuclear Power Station (Unit 2y, Section, September,1977.

th 3.2/4.2-8

_ _ . . - . - ---aum.-




Instrument Enimum Number Readout of Operable Location Number Chinnelsmm Parameter t!mt 2 Provided Range 1 Reactor pressee 002 5 1 0-1500 ps.g 2 01200 ps.g 1 Reactor wcter tevel 902-3 2 100 incnes + 200 (0 inches is too of fuel) 1 Torus water temperature 302 21 2 0 2v0* F 1 Torus air temperature 902-21 2 0-600 F Torus water revei. 902-3 1 ^ 'ncnes + 25 incnes

) inc.cator 2

Torus water tevel. 1 18 incn range s,gnt @ ass 1 Torus pressure 902 3 1 5 inches Hg to 5 os 2 1 Oryweil pressure 902 3 1 5 inctes Hg to 5 cs.g 0 to 75 psig O Drywell temperature 2 902 21 6, 0-600 F 2 Neutron monitoring 902 5 4 0.1-10' CPS 2

03 Torus to crywell 2 0-3 asia differential pressure Notes 1 Instrurrent cnanne s required during otwer coeration to monitor ocstaccident condit.ons.

2. Provisions are made for local samoling and monitoring of dryweil atmosphere.

3 In the event any of the instrumentation becomes inoperable for more than 7 days during reactor operation, initiate an orderly shutdown and be in the cold shutdown condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

h. From and after the date that one of these parameters is reduced to one indication, continued operation is not permissible beyond thirty days, unless such inscrumentation is sooner made operable. In the event that all indication of these parameters is disabled and such indication cannot be restored in six (6) hours, an orderly shutdown shall be initiated and the reactor shall be in a cold shutdown condition in twenty-four (24) hours.

O 3.2/4.2-15


( Table 3.2-5 -


CHANNELS 1) 1 Service Water A Effluent Gross Activity Monitor 1 Liquid Radwaste D Effluent Flow Rate Monitor 1

g Liquid Radwaste B Effluent Gross Activity Recorder 1 Liquid Radwaste C Effluent Gross Activity Monitor Notes -

( (1) Applicable during release v!a this pathway.

(2) Action A: With less than the minimum number of operable channels, releases via this pathway may continue for 14 davs provided that at least once per shif t grab samples are collected and analyzed for S or y activity.

Action B: With less than the minimum number of operable channels, releases via this pathway may continue for up to 14 days, provided that gross radioactivity is recorded at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during release.

Action C: With less than the minimum number of operable channels effluent .

releases via this pathway may continue for up to 14 days, provided that prior to initiating a releas,e, at least 2 independent samples are analyzed, and at least 2 members of the facili ty staf f indepen-dently verify the release calculation and discharge valving.

Action D: With less than the minimum number of operable channels, releases via this pathway may continue for up to 14 days provided the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> during actual releases.

I 3.2/4.2-15a

. . . .- .. _. .m . . . _ . .. ~ . _ . - . _ . . ...


, DPR-30 E Table 3.2-6





OF~OPERABl.c CHANNELS lI) 1 Main Chimney Noble A Gas Activity Monitor 1 Main Chimney lodine C Sampler 1 Main Chimney C Particulate Sampler 1 Reactor Bldg'. Vent Sampler B Flow Rate Monitor i Reactor Bldg. Vent C lodine Sampler 1 Reactor Bldg. Vent C

. Particulate. Sampler t -

1 Main Chimney Sampler B Flow Rate Monitor 1 Reactor Bldg. Vent B Flow Rate Monitor 1 Main Chimney Flow B Rate Monitor ___..___ _ . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ __ _

Notes - ,

(1) Applicable during release via this pathway.

(2) Action A: With the number of operable channels less than the minimum requi re-ment, effluent releases via this pathway may continue for up to 28 days provided grab samples are'taken at least once per 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, and tnese samples are analyzed for activity at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Action B: Wi th the number.of operable channels less than the minimum required, effluent releases via this pathway may continue for up to 28 days provided that the flow rate is estimated at least once per 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Action C: With less than the minimum channels operable, effluent releases via this pathway may continue for up to 28 days, provided samples are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment for periods on the order of 7 days and analyzed within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after the end of the sampiing period.



. DPR-30 Table 4.2-3 l


TEST (1)

Liquid Radwaste Ef fluent D R Q Gross Activity Monitor Service Water Effluent D R Q Gross Activity Monitor

  • Liquid Radwaste Effluent D' R q Flow Rate Monitor Note: (1) D = once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> M = once per 31 days Q = once per 92 days R '= once per 18 months

% V.

! 3.2/4.2-19




Main Chi.mney Noble Gas D R Q M Activity Moni tor Q NA Main Chimney Sampler D -

R Flow Rate Monitor Reactor Bldg. Flow Rate D R q NA Monitor Reactor Bldg. Vent Sampler D R Q NA Flow Rate Monitor Main Chimney Flow Rate R Q NA D  !

Monitor Note: (1) D = once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> M = once per 31 days

[- Q = once per 92 days R = once per 18 months 9

9 t.


4 L. _'__



/ Limi ting Condi tions For Operation Surveillance Requirements Applicability: Appilcability:

Applies to the radioactive effluents Applies to the periodic measurements '

from the plant. radioactive effluents.

Speci fi ca tions A. Gaseous Effluents A. Gaseous Effluents

1. The does rate in unrestricted 1. The dose rates due to radio-areas (Figure 4.8-2)' due to active materials released in radioactive materials released gaseous effluents from the site in gaseous effluents from the shall be determined to be with-site shall be limited to the in the prescribed limits by following: obtaining representative samples in accordance with the sampling
a. For Noble Gases: and analysis program specified in Table 4.8-1. The dose rates (1) Less than 500 mrem / are calculated using methods year to the whole prescribed in the Off-Si te Oose body. Calculation Manual (ODCM).

. (2) Less than 3000 mrem /

i year to the skin.

b. For all radioactive materials la particulate torm and radio-nuclides other than noble gases, less than 1500 mrem / year.
c. If the dose rates exceed the .

above limi ts, immediately decrease the release rates to bring the dose rates with- -

in the limits, and provide prompt notification to the Commission (6.6.B.1.j)

2. The air dose in unrestricted areas 2. The air dose due to releases of

radioactive noble gases in gaseous due to Noble Gases released in gaseous effluents from the site effluents shall be determined to shall be, limited to the following: be wi thin the prescribed limi ts by obtaining reprasentative sam-

a. For gamns radiation: ples in accordance with the sampling and analysis program (1) Less than or equal to specified in sections A and B 10 mrad during any cal- of Table 4.8-1. The air doses endar quarter. are calculated using methods prescribed in the ODCM at least f once every 31 days.

i 3.8/4.8-1


.- (. ._

QUAD-CITIES (2) Less than or equal to DPR-30 20 mrad during any calendar ye:r, l

b. For Beta radiation: '

(1) Less than or equal to 20 mrad during any cal-endar quarter.

(2) Less than or equal to 40 mrad during any cal-endar year.

c. With the calculated air dose from radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding any of the above limits, pre-pare and submit to the Com-mission within 30 days, a Special Report which identifies the cause(s) for. exceeding the limit (s) and defines the cor-rective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of radio-active noble gases in gaseous ef fluents during the remainder of the current calendar quarter

, and during the subsequent 3 calendar quarters so that the average dose during these 4 calendar quarters is within 20 mrad for gamma radiation and 40 mrad for beta radiation.

d. With the calculated air dose

. . . .__f. rom ra d ioag t i ve. rjob l e gas es ____ _..._ _.. _ . . . . _ . . . _ _ _ . .

in gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limi ts of Speci fica -

tion 3.8.A.2.a. or 3.8.A.2.b., '

prepare and submi t a Special Report to the Commission with-in 30 days and limit the sub-sequent releases such that the doses or dose commitment to a

real Individual from all ura-nium fuel cycle sources is limited to < 25 mrom to the ,

total bcdy or any organ (except thyroid, which is limited to 175 mrem) over 12 consecutive months. This Special Report shall include an analysis which I

1 3.8/4.8-2


' QUAD-CITIES demonstrates that radiot'on DPR-30 exposures to all real Individuals from all uranium fuel cycle sources (including g all effluent pathways and direct radiation) are less -

than the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard. Otherwise, obtain a variance from the Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard.

3 The dose to an individual in 3 unrestricted areas frem radiolo- The dose to an individual due to dines, radioactive materials in releases of radiciodinas, radio-particulate form and radionuclides active materials in particulate other than noble gases in form and radionuclides other gaseous effluents released from than noble gases shall be deter-the site shall be limited to mined to be within the prescribed the following: limits by obtaining representative samples in accordance with the

a. Less than or equal to 15 sampling and analysis program mrem during any calendar specified in Table 4.8-1.


For radionuclides not determined

b. Less than or equal to 30 in each batch or weekly composite, mrem during any calendar the dose contribution to the year. current calendar quarter cumulative su..mation may be es tima ted by
c. Vith the calculated dose assuming an average conthly k concentration based on the f rom the release of radicio- previous monthly or quarterly dines, radioactive materials in particulate form, and composite analyses. Howe ve r ,

radionuclides other than for reporting purposes, the cal-noble gases in gaseous culated dose contributions shall effluents exceeding any of be based on the actual composite the above limits, prepare analyses when possible.

and submit to the Commission within 30 days, a Special The doses are calculated using.. __

Report which identifies the methods prescribed in the ODCM cause(s) for exceeding the at least once every 31 days.

limit and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of radionuclides, radioactive is.

materials in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases in gaseous effluents during the remainder of the current calendar quarters and during the subsequent three calendar quarters so that the average dose or dose I canmi tmen t to an individual from such releases during these four calendar quarters ,

is within 30 mrem to any organ.



d. With the calculated dose from DPR-30 the release of radiciodines, radioactive materials in particula te form and radio-


nuclides other than noble gases in gaseous effluents exceeding twice the limits of Speci fication 3.8. A.3.a.

or 3.8.A.3.b., prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commission within 30 days and limit subsequent releases

, such that the dose or dose coenitment to a real individ-ual from all uranium fuel ~

cycle sources is limited to < 25 mrem to the total body or any organ (except the thyroid, which is limi ted to < 75 mrem) over 12 con-secutive months. This Special Report shall include an analysis which demonstrates that radiation exposures to all real individuals

. from all uranium fuel cycle sources (including all effluent pathways and direct radiation) are less than the 40 CFR Part

- 190 Standard. Otherwise, obtain

(' a variance from the Commission to permi t re' eases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard.

1 e 9, ,

k 3.8/4.8-4

. .v : . ._. . .. i


4. a. At all times during
4. Modified off Gas System

. processing for dis-charge to the environs, a. Doses due to gases process and control released to unrestricted equipment provided to areas shall be projected reduce the amount or at least once per 31 days.

concentration of radio-active materials shall be operated when the projected gaseous of-fluent releases to un-restricted areas (see Figure 3.8-1) from the site would result in a dose in any period of 31 days that exceeds ,

2.5 mrad for gamma radiation, 5 0 mrad for beta radiation, or 3.75 mrem to any organ for that same .31-day period,

b. The above specification shall not apply for the off-Gas Charcoal Adsorber Beds below 30 percent i


5. Explosive Gas Mixture
a. The concentration of hydrogen in the waste gas hold up system, downstream of the recombiner shall be limited by having a recombiner operable whenever the reactor is operating at pressure greater than 900 psig.
b. The recombiner may be inoperable for 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />.
6. With the gaseous radwaste treatment system not usable ,,

for more than 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> or with 6aseous waste being discharged without treatment as required above, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30. days pursuant to Specification 6.6.B.2. a report which includes the following information:

a. Identification of the defective equipment.
b. Cause of the defective equipment.


. .. . m. .. _ _ _ . _ . __.a


. c. Action (s) taken to restore the equipment to an operating



d. Length of time the above requirements were not satisfied.
e. Volume and curie content of the waste discharged which was not processed by the Inoperable equipment but which required processing.
f. Action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence of equipment failures.

B. Liquid Effluents. B. Liquid Effluents.

1. The concentration of radioactive 1. The concentration of radio-material released from the site active material in unre-to unrestricted areas (Figure stricted areas shall be 4.8-2) shall be limited to the determined to be within the concentrations specified in 10 prescribed limits by obtain-CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table Ing representative samples

'll, Column 2. In accordance with the sampling and analysis i

The concentration of dissolved program specified in Table


or entrained noble gases shall 4.8-3 be limited to the concentrations specified in Table 4.8-2.

With the concentration of radioactive material released

._ __.from.t.he site .to unrestricted . . . _ _. ___. ._.._____.__.m_.... ._ . . _

areas exceeding the above limits, immediately decrease the release rate of radioactive materials and/or increase the dilution flow rate to restore the concentration to within the above limits.

2. The dose or dose commitment -
2. The dose contributions from above background to an Individual measui ed quanti ties of from radioactive materials in radioactive aterial shall liquid effluents released to by determined by calculation unrestricted areas fro.,the at least once per 31 days station shall be limited to the and a cumulative summation following: of these total body and any organ doses shall be main-
a. During any calendar quarter: tained for each calendar i.

3.8/4.8-6 l _

".. ..  :. a!


- (1) Less than or equal to quarter. These dose con-3 mrem to the total tributions shall be calcu-body. lated for all radionuclides identified in liquid e'f-(2) Less than or equal to fluents released to unre-10 mrem to any organ. stricted areas.

b. During any calendar year: For radionuclides not determined in each batch or (1) Less than or equal to weekly composite, the dose 6 mrem to the total contribution to the current body. calendar quarter cumulative sumation may be estimated by (2) Less than or equal to assuming an average monthly 20 mrem to any organ. - concentration based on the previous monthly or quarterly composite analyses. How-ever, for reporting purposes, the calculated dose contri-butions shall be based on the actual. composite analyses

- when possible.

The doses are calculated using methods prescribed in the ODCM.






T.. .,. .. .- .L QUAD-CITIES

c. With the calculated dose from

. the release of radioactive materials in liquid ef fluents exceeding any of the above limits, prepare and submi t to the Commission within 30 days a Special Report which identi-fies the cause(s) for exceed-ing the limit (s) and defines the corrective actions to be taken to reduce the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents during the remainder of the current cal-endar quarter and during the subsequent three calendar quarters so that the average dose or dose commitment to an individual frem such releases during these four calendar quarters is within 6 mrem to the total body and 20 mrem to any organ.

d. With the calculated dose from the release of radioactive materials in liquid effluents exceeding bilee the limits of

, Specification 3.8.B.2.a. or 3.8.B.2.b., prepare and submit a Special Report to the Commis-sfon within 30 days and limit the subsequent releases such that the dose or dose commit-ment to a real individual from all uranium fuel cycle sources is limited to < 25 mrem to the total body or any organ (except thyroid, which is limited to

< 75 mrem) over 12 .

months. This Special Report shall include an analysis which demonstrates that radi- ,

ation exposures to all real individuals from all uranium fuel cycle sources (including '*-

all effluent pa thways 'and di rect radiation) are less than the 40 CFR Part 1"O S tandard. O ther-wise obtei, variance from the Commission to permit releases which exceed the 40 CFR Part 190 Standard.

t 3.8/4.8-7

QUAD-CITIES DPR-30 3 At all times during pro- 3 Liquid waste Treatment cessing for discharge to the environs, process and a. Doses due to liquid control equipment provided releases to unre-to reduce the amount or stricted areas shall concentration of radio- be projected at least active materials shall be once per 31 days.

operated when the projected dose due to liquid ef-fluent releases to unre-stricted areas (see Figure 3.8-1), when averaged over 31 days, exceeds o.75 mrem to the total body or 2 5 mrem to any organ.

4. If liquid waste has to be or is being discharged without treatment as re-quired aboce, prepare and submit to the Commission within 30 days pursuant to Specification 6.~6.B.2. a report which includes the .

following information:

a. Identification of the defective equipment.
b. Cause of the devective equipment.
c. Action (s) taken to re-store the equipment to an operating status,
d. Length of time the above requirements were not satisfied.
e. Volume and curie con '

tent of the waste dis-charged which was not

. processed by the appro-priate equipment but which required proces- ,


f. Action (s) taken to prevent a recurrence of equipment failures.



_ . . . 1


5. Liquid Holdup Tanks. 5 The quantity of radioactive material excluding tritium
a. At all times, the quantity and noble gases contained in of radioactive material the River Discharge Tank excluding tritium and noble shall be determined to be gases contained in the within the prescribed limit River Discharge Tank shall by analyzing a representa-be limited to provide tive sample of the tank's assurance that in the event contents at least once per 7 of an uncontrolled release days when radioactive of the tank's contents, the materials are being added to resulting concentrations the tank.

would be less than the limits of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 11, ,

Column 2 at the nearest surface water supply in an unrestricted area. The calculations of these concentrations will be performed as p.rescribed in the CDCM.

b. With 'the quantity of radio-active material excluding tritium and noble gases in the above listed tank exceeding the above limit, e immediately suspend all additions of radioactive material to the tank and within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> either reduce the tank contents to within the limit or provide prompt notification to the

_. .__. Commission pursuant to . _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . . _ . . . _ . . --- . _

Specification The written folTow up report shall include ( description of activities planned and/or taken to reduce the tank contents to within the above limit.


  • " pe n 6 - e

QUAD-CITIES DPR-30 C. Mechanical Vacuum Pump C. Mechanical Vacuum Pump

1. The mechanical vacuum At least once during each shall be capable of operating cycle, automatic being isolated and securing and isolation of secured on a signal of the mechanical vacuum pump high radioactivity or shall be verified.

shall be isolated and secured whenever the main steam isolation valves are open.

I f

\ %.


3. 8/'F . 8-10


. . DPR-30

0. Environmental Moni toring Program D'. Environmental Monitoring Program
1. The environmental monitoring 1. The envi ronmen tal moni toring program given in Table 4.3-4 program given in Table 4.8-4 shall be conducted. shall be conducted.
2. With the radiological environ- 2. The radiological environmental mental monitoring program not monitoring samples shall be being conducted as specified in collected pu.suant to Table 4.8-L Table 4.8-4, prepare and submit from the locations shown on to the Commission, in the Annual Figure 4.8-1, and shall be Radiological Operating Report, analyzed pursuant to the require-a description of the reasons for ments of Tables 4.8-4 and 4.8-5 not conducting the program as required and the plans for pre-venting a recurrence. Deviations
  • are permitted from the required -

sampling schedule if specimens are unobtainable due to hazardous conditions, seasonal unavailability, contractor omission, which is cor-rected as soon as discovered, mal-function of sampling equipment, or if a person who participates in the program goes out of business.

I f the equipment mal functions, corrective actions shall be com-pleted as socn as practical. If

, a person supplying samples goes

( out of business, a replacement will be found as soon as possible.

Al.1 deviations from the sampling schedule shall be described in the annual report.

3 With the level of radioactivity 3 The res0lts of analyses performac


'~in an environmental sampling med- ~ ~ ~ on the radiological environmenta

'inon'i to7ing sasples~sh'sl l be '~

~ ~' '

ium at one or more of the locations summarized in the Annual Radio-specified the limitsinofTable Table4.8-4 exceeding'5 4.8-4, Column logical Envi ronmental Operating when averaged over any calendar Report.

quarter, prepare and submit to the Commission wi thin 30 days from the end of the af fected calendar quarter, a Special Report which includes an evaluation of any release condi tions , 'A-envi ronmen ta l factors or other aspects which caused the limits of Tabic 4.8-4, '

Column 5 to be exceeded. This report is not required if the measured level of radioactivity was not the result of plant effluents; however,

.in such an event the condition shall H maorted and described in the

,- An. . . Radiological Environmental Operating Report.


. - . . aI QUAD-CITIES

. . DPR-30


4. With milk samples unavailable 4. The land use census shall be from.any of the sample locations conducted at least once per required by Table 4.8-4, prepare twelve months between the dates I

and submit to the Commission of (June i and October 1) by a within 30 days, a Special Report door-to-door survey, aerial which identifies the cause of survey, road survey, or by the unavalability of samples consulting local agriculture and identifies locations for authorities.

obtaining replacement samples.

The locations from which sam-

.ples were unavailable may then

. be deleted from the program provided the locations from which the replacement samples were obtained are added to the environmental monitoring pro- .

gram as replacement locations.

5 A census of animals producing 5 The results of the land use milk for human censumption census shall be included in shall be conducted annually the Annual Radiological En-during the grazing season to vironmental Oper~ating Report.

determine their location and number with respect to the site. The census shall be conducted under the following cond i t ion s*.

f a. Within a 2-mile radius from

( the plant site, enumeration by a door-to-door or equiv-alent counting technique.

b. Within a 5-mile radius, enumeration by usir.g ref-erenced information f rom county agricultural agents _ _

or other reliable sources.

6. With a land use census identi ,

. 6. The results of the analyses fying location (s) which yield (s) performed as part of the require a calculated dose or dose ccm- crosscheck program shall be in-mitment greater than the values cluded in the Annual Radiologica currently being calculated in Environmental Operating Report.

Speci fi cation 4. 8. A. 3. prepare and submit to the Commission '

within 30 days, a Special Report which identifies the new loca-tions. The new location (s) shall be added to the radiological en-vironmental monitoring program within 30 cays, if possible.

I 3 8/4.8-12

QUAD-CITIES DPR-30 The sampling location having t~

the lowest calculated dose or dose commitment (via the same exposure pathway) may be deleted from this monitoring program af ter (October 31) of the year in which this land use census was conducted.

7. E n ci c.' ~n t ; -7 analyses shall be 9t 'fani ., :
  • 11 cles representa-tiva si tt - "able 4.8-4, supp'b",

m e' . *- . 't., if the Environ-Agency's


t! ta,


- <.ntal Radio-r s a-sald vivdit'cPsccry intercompari-s Crosscheck)

Rrogram. At least one sample of each type provided by the EPA shall be analyzed annually.


With analyses not being performed as required, report the corrective actions taken to prevent a recurrence to the Commission in the Annual Radiological Environ-mental Operating Report.


In the event a limiting condition for operation and/or associated action requirements identified in sections 3.8.A. through 3.8.D., and 4.8.A. through 4.8.D. cannot be satisfied because of circumstances in excess of those addressed in the specifications, no. changes are --- - - -

required of the plant- in the operational condition -- - --

and this does not -

prevent th', plant from entry into '

an oper..ional mode.

i e.

i 3.8/4.8-13

QUAD-CITIES DPR-30 BASES g 3.8/4.8.A.1 GASEQUS EFFLUENTS - DOSE This specification is provided to ensure that the dose at the unrestricted area boundary from gaseous effluents from the units on the site will be~ within the annual dose limits of 10 CFR Part 20 for unrestricted areas. The annual dose limits are the doses associated with the concentrations of 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 11. These limits provide reasonable assurance that radioactive material discharged in gaseous effluents will not result in the exposure of an individual in an unrestricted area to annual average concentra-tions exceeding the limits specified in Appendix B, Table 11 of 10 CFR Part 20 (10 CFR Part. 20.106(b)) . The specified release rate limits restrict, at all times, the corresponding gamma and beta dose rates above background to an individual at or beyond the unrestricted area boundary to 1500 mrem / year to the total body or to 13000 mrem / year' to the skin. These release rate limits also restrict, at all times, the corresponding thyroid dose rate above background to an infant via the cow-milk-infant pathway to 11500 mrem / year for the nearest cow to the plant. For purposes of calculating doses resulting frem airborne releases the main chimney is considered to be an elevated release point, and the reactor vent stack is considered to be a grcund level release point.

3.8/4.8. A.2. DOSE, NOBLE GASES This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections 11.B, lil .A and IV. A of Appendix I, 10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Cendition for Operation implements the guides set forth in Section 11.8 of Appendix 1.

The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix ! to assure that the releases of radioactive material in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The Surveillance Requirements implement the requirements in Section Ill.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix I is to be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through the appropriate pathways.is_unl.ikely to be substantially.underes.timated.__The. dose. calculations established in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive noble gases in gaseous effluents will be consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory: Guide 109, "Calculaticn of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1," Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111, " Methods for Es timating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases frcm Light-Water Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977 The ODCM egyations provide for determining the air doses at the unrestricted boundary based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. HUREG-0133 Provides methods for dose calculations consistent with Regulatcry Guides 1.109 and 1.111.




This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections ll.C, Ill . A and lV. A of Appendix 1,10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Conditions for Operation are the guides set forth in Section ll.C of Appendix 1. The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Section IV.A of Appendix l to assure that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The 00CM calculational methods specified in the surveillance requirements implements the requirements in Section Ill.A of Appendix I that conformance with the guides of Appendix. I be shown by calcula-tional procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through appropriate pathways i.s unlikely to be substantially under-estimated. The ODCM calculational methods approved by HRC for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of the subject materials are required to be consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calcula-tion of Annual Doses to. Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I", Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.111. " Methods for Estimating Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents in Routine Releases f rom Light-Water-Cooled Reactors," Revision 1, July 1977 These equations also provide for determining the actual doses based upon the historical average atmospheric conditions. The release rate specifications for radioiodines, radioactive material in particulate form and radionuclides other than noble gases are dependent on the existing radionuclide pathways to man, in the unrestricted area. The pathways which were examined i~n the development of these specifica-tions were: 1) individual inhalation of airborne radionuclides, 2) deposition f of radionuclides onto green leafy vegetation with subsequent consumption by man and 3) deposition onto grassy areas where milk animals graze with consumption of the milk by man.

3.8/4.8.A.4 GASEOUS WASTE TREATMENT The OPERABILITY of the gaseous waste treatment which reduces amounts or concentrations of radioactive materials ensures that the system will be available for use whenever. gaseous effluents require treatment prior to release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of this system be operable when specified provides reasonable assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in gaseous effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable". This specification implements the requirements of 10 CFR Part 50.36a, General ossign Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50, and design objective Section 11.D of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50.

sw 3.8/4.8.A.5. EXPLOSIVE GAS MIXTURE -_

This specification is provided to ensure that the concentration of poten-tially explosive gas mixtures contained in the off gas system is minimized in conformance with the requirements of General Design Criterion 60 of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50. -

3.8/4.8-16 nept@***





This specification is provided to ensure that the concentration of radio- ,-

active materials released in liquid waste effluents from the site to unrestricted areas will be less than the concentration levels specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table li, column 2. The concentration limit for noble gases, MPC in air (submersion), was converted to an equivalent concentration in water using the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 2.

3.8/4.8.B.2. DOSE This specification is provided to implement the requirements of Sections llA, ill.A and IV.A of Appendix 1, 10 CFR Part 50. The Limiting Condition for Operation implements the guides set forth in Section ll'.A of Appendix !. The statements provide the required operating flexibility and at the same time implement the guides set forth in Secticn IV. A of Appendix 1 to assure that the releases of radioactive material in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." The dose calculations in the ODCM implement the requirements in Section li t .A of Appendix 1 that conformance with the guides of Appendix I be shown by calculational procedures based on models and data such that the actual exposure of an individual through appropriate pathways is unlikely to be substantially underestimated. The equations specified in the ODCM for calculating the doses due to the actual release rates of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be consistent with the methodology provided in Regulatory Guide 1.iJ9, " Calculation of Annual Dosas to Man from Routine

( Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1", Revision 1, October 1977 and Regulatory Guide 1.113.

" Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix 1", Apri' 1977 NUREG-Oll3 provides methods for dose calculations consistent with Reg Guide 1.109 and 1.113 3.8/4.8.B,.3, LIQUID WASTE TREATMENT ,__ _ _ , , ,_ ,_,,. . . _ . . _ _ _ _ , _ , . _

The operability ~ of the liquid radwaste treatment system ensures that this system will be available for use whenever l'iquid effluents require treatment prior to release to the environment. The requirement that the appropriate portions of this sytem be used when specified provides assurance that the releases of radioactive materials in liquid effluents will be kept "as low as is reasonably achievable." This specification implements the requi rements of 10 CFR Part 50 36a, General Design Criterion $0, of Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 50 and design objective Section !! .D of Appendix 1 to 10 CFR Part 50.

3.8/4.8.B.4 LIQUID HOLDUP TANKS Restricting the quantity of radioactive material, excluding Tritium and noble gases, contained in the specified tank provides assurance that in the event of an uncontrolled release of the tank's contents by misoperation (and not by breach of the tank's integrity) the resulting concentrations would be less than the limits of 10 CFR Part 20 Appendix B Table !!, Column 2 at the nearest surface water supply in an unres tricted area.


, 3.8/4.8-17


'3 8/4.8.D.1. MONITORING PROGRAM t The radiological monitoring program required by this specification pro-vides measurements of radiation and of radioactive materials in those exposure pathways and for those radionuclides, which lead to the highest potential radiation exposures of individuals resulting from the station operation. This monitoring program thereby supplements the radiological effluent monitoring program by verifying that the measureable concentrations of radioactive materials and levels of radiation are not higher than expected on the basis of the effluent measurements and modeling of the environmental exposure pathways.

Program changes may be initiated based on operational experience.

The detection capabilities required by Table 4.12-1 are state-of-the-art for routine environmental measurements in industrial laboratories. The specified lower limits of detection for 1-131 in water, milk and other food products correspond to approximately o .e quarter of the Appendix ! to 10 CFR Part 50 design objective dose-equivalent of 15 r-em/ year for atmospheric releases and 10 mram/ year for liquid releases to the most sensitive organ and individual. They are based on the assumptions given in Regulatory Guide 1.109, " Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Ef fluents for the Purpose .of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix 1," October 1977, except the .for an infant consuming 330

. liter / year of drinking water instead of 510 liters / year.

3.8/4.8.D.5 .AMD USE CENSUS This specification is provided to ensure that changes in the use of unrestricted areas are identified and that modifications to the monitoring

( '

program are made if required by the results of this census. This census satisfies the requirements of Section IV.B.3 of Appendix ! to 10 CFR Part 50.

3.8/4.8.D.7 CROSSCHECK PROGRAM The requirement for participation in the EPA crosscheck program is provided to ensure that independent checks on the precision and accuracy of the measure-ments of radioactive material in envirer. mental sample matrices are performed . .

as part of the quality assurance program fo.r environmental monitoring in order to demonstrate that the results are reisonably valid.

%t, 3.8/4.8-18 s



QUAD-CITIES DPR-30 Mechanical Vacuum Pump The purpose of isolating the mechanical vacuum line is to limit release of activity from the main condenser. During an accident, fission products would be transported from the reactor through the main steamline to the main condenser. The fission product radio-activity would be sensed-by the main steamline radioactivity monitors which initiate isolation.

Miscellaneous Radioactive Materials Sources The objective of this specification is to assure that leakage from byproduct, source and special nuclear material sources does not exceed allowable limits. The limitations on removable contamination for sources requirin.g leak testing, including alpha emitters, is based on 10 CFR 70.39(c) limits for plutonium.

t ss 3.8/4.8-19




( ANALYSIS PROGRAM i MINIMUM SAMPLING ANALYSIS GASEQUS RELEASE TYPE FREO.UEMCY FREQUENCY TYPE OF ACTIVITY ANALYSIS 0 A. Main Chimney, M M Gamma Emitters Reactor Vent Stack Grab Samole Tritium B. All Release Types Continuous d ye g_j3) as Listed in A Charcoal 1-133 Above Samole Continuousd yc Gamma Emitters Particulate Samole Continuousd q Sr-89 Composite Sr-90 Particulate Samole

-s e= .= . .


\ t. .



, DPR-30 TABLE 4.8-1 (Continued)


a. The lower limit of detection (LLD) should be < 10's of the concentration specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 11, Column 2. The lower limit of detection is defined in table notation a. of Table 4.8-5
b. Should shutdown, startup, or similar operational occurrence which could alter the mixture of radionuclides occur between sampling. and release, another analysis should be performed prior to release.
c. Analyses shall also be performed at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> for 7 days following each shutdown, startup or similar operational occurrence which could lead to significant increases or decreases in radiciodine releases.
d. The ratio of the sample flow rate to the sampled stream flow rate shall be known.


y. .

3.4/4.8-21 ..


Kr 85 m 2 x 10-4 4

85 5 x 10 87 4 x 10-5 88 9 x 10-5 Ar 41 7 x 10-5 Xe 131m 7 x 10-4 133m 5 x 10-4 .

133 6 x 10-4 135m 2 x 10-4 0

135 2 x 10


I e


$ =w.%. .,,

3.8/4.8-22 O


( ..

TABLE 4.3-3 RADICACTIVE LIQUID WASTE SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS PROGRAM Minimum Sampling Analysis Type of Activity Liquid Release Tvpe Frequency Frequency Analysisa A. Batch Waste Re-lease Tanks Each Batch Each Batch Gamma Emitters b

f Each Batch Composite H-3 is Q

Each Batch Composite D Sr-89, Sr-90 B. W Plant Contin d uous Releases , Continuous C

Composite c Gamma Emitters e >

~. M Continuous -Composite H-3 c Q Continuous Composite' S r-89, S r-90 l s v. .

e t


QUAD-CITIES DPR-30 TABLE 4.83 (Continued)


a. The lower limit of detection (LLD) should be < 10 percent of the con-centration specified in 10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B, Table 11, column 2.

The LLD is defined in Table liotation a. of Table 4.8-5

b. A composite sample is one in which the quantity of liquid' sampled is proportional to the quantity of liquid waste discharged and in which the method of sampling employed results in a specimen which is representative of the liquids released.
c. To be representative of the average quantities and concentration of radioactive materials in liquid effluents, samples shall be continuously collected in proportion to the rate of flow of the effluent stream.
d. A batch release is the discharge of liquid wastes of a discrete volume.

A continuous releasc is the discharge of liquid wastes of a nondiscrete volume; e.g., from a volume or system that has an input flew during the release.


I Yi 3.8/4.8-24


Q U /,D - L i f! F.S

. DPR-30

j. .

l Table 4.8-4 QUA0 CITII3 STNict it'.) RAo!; LOG:2.AL l'OMITor;;MG P.T.GW.1 fJon :1: u%w Sam >lsMed!) Cs:!:: tion S:ta Ty; > ef t.naty.!s Fren ancy P.eptith Lcves b

1. Ai Wnitoria; (a) Onsit e sad tw fiald 1. - gron ect C 1. W.i<:t Cs-13410.CS 137 23 pCi/m 3 (1) Onsite S ation el 2. C~ n are:st -I 131 2. Bi Weekly
  • 0.7 pC;/m (2) Casit: Sis: ion .2 (31 Onsita S:a: ion .3 3. Samp! n) Train - 3. Waut (4) Nntrin Tcs; and t.'s;nt:nsece (5) Sddle C'ub Dairy , ,

Farm (5) Hanson's Csat Laning (b) Fair Fkid 1. Filter Exchan;c 1. Week!y (1) Clinton (2) Sikkema Farm 2. Charcoal 2. Bi wcokly* Same as list v.tyn a airns (3) Eris are mada (4) Hills:$ais 3. Sampting Train - 3. Weekly f5) Port Byrca Test and Maintananca (S) BatitMorf (7) Princeton (8) Uti:a Ridga Road (9) CeWitt

.- , (101 Lcw Moor


2.TLD Same as 1 Gamma Rcdistion Quart:rly -

3. Fi:n Pool 14 of Gamma lestopi: Semi.Annu:t fan-54 2<104 . Fa 591r104 fAinissippi River Co43 34104. Co-S] 14104 2n-65 2x104. Cs 1341s103 Cs 137 2410 3 ;Ci/xg wevuaint
4. t.t::t 2 dairy farms 1131 1. Weekly - 11313 pCi/1 Grating Season - Cs 134 60 pCi/.1 -

. Cs-137 70 pCI/1

, 2. Mon Ny -

Now ta Apr Bs.La 140 30C pCi/1 s s.

G-(e e




Q UI.D -CITms ,

DPR-30 _ _ ,

I Table 4.8--4 (Cont'd) , .

QUAD CITIES STA?; DAD RA310LO31::AL ??O.';ITORII.G N00EA*1(Candl Non Rcuties Sea ale ?.SdIJ Cetit:Can S::e Tm cf Aas r::. Frecreqef R4eorting Lcuts 4

5. P6b:!:*// ster Sa;pty (a) Ea:: P.t::De Gamma Isoto;!c Monthly F oo tr.o:ts *
  • Water Works ana:ys:s of weekly compos tas (b) Davam;or.i.'a:e-Works .
6. Coolin] Water (a) Inlet . Weekly . -

3 ,,, _ G_ros_s B. eta . . -

(b) Discharse Gross Beta Weekly

7. Seiment (a) Lcck ar'd Osm 14 Gamma isot:;io Annual Note:

'Bi Weekly sha:1 rnean that the freeJency is once every c:her weak.

( A A.wa;r concentration ovar caland:t quarter.

4 3 2 1

    • H 3 2 x to .Mn 541 x 10 . Fe 591 x 10 , Co.53 6 x 10 2. Co E0 2 x 102 .Zn-65 2 x 102 .Zr-Nb 95 4 x to . f 1313

\- Cs 134 00. C9137 S0. Ba La 1431 x 10 2 pCi/1.

S A gamrns botcpic anMysis sna!! be per.stmad whencier the ;ross beta concentraion In a Lsmp!O exc.?tds by fido !!T.:s (5:1 the average concen:rstion cf the greerding ca:endar quarter for the sample locs:lon.

e e

  • e


.I 3.8/4.8-26
