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Owner'S Activity Report
Person / Time
Site: North Anna Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 11/26/2019
From: Joel Jenkins
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Virginia Electric & Power Co (VEPCO)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML19347A421 (6)


VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23261 November 26, 2019 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Serial No.: 19-481 Attention: Document Control Desk NAPS/DPM: RO Washington, D.C. 20555 Docket No.: 50-338 License No.: NPF-4 VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY (DOMINION ENERGY)

NORTH ANNA POWER STATION UNIT 1 OWNER'S ACTIVITY REPORT In accordance wrth the requirements of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Code Case N-532-5, enclosed is the Owner's Activity Report (Form OAR-1), for refueling outage 12R27. This report is for the first refueling outage of the first period of the fifth inspection interval.

Should you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Mr. Neil S.

Turner at (540) 894-2100.

Very truly yours,

. H. Jenkins Director - Nuclear Station Safety and Licensing Commitments made in this letter: None Attachment

cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Marquis One Tower 245 Peachtree Center Avenue, NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1257 NRC Senior Resident Inspector North Anna Power Station Mr. Marcus Harris Old Dominion Electric Cooperative Innsbrook Corporate Center 4201 Dominion Blvd.

Suite 300 Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Mr. G. E. Miller NRC Project Manager U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission One White Flint North 11555 Rockville Pike Mail Stop 08 B-1A Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Mr. M. M. Grace Authorized Nuclear lnservice Inspector North Anna Power Station


Attachment Owner's Activity Report for North Anna Unit 1 Refueling Outage N1 R27 - First Period of the Fifth ISi Interval North Anna Power Station Virginia Electric and Power Company (Dominion Energy)

Aiii" Epergy~

ii Dominion Form OAR-1~ Owner's Activity Report


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  • -. ,ATr,JACHMEENT 1,** .. *. Page 1 of~--


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Report Number: N1 R.27 (Unit 1. 5th Interval. 1st Period} and <Unit 1. 4th Interval, 3"ll Period, per ASME

  • Code.Case N-765)

Plant North Anna. Power station UnltNo.i_ Commercial service date: 6/6/1978 Refueling outage no. N1R27 (If appllcabl e)

Current inspection interval: 4th {May 1.- 2009 -Apnl 30. 2019

  • N-765) and 5th {May 1. 2019 -Aodl 30, 2029)

(111, ZC', J<d, 4111

  • other)-

Curtent Inspection ~rlod: 1~ (May 1, 2019 -Aridl 30, 2022)

(1*. zx!. 3~. 4th)

Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to the Inspection plans: 2013 Edition with No Addenda and 2004 Edition with No Addenda . .

Date and revision of inspection plans: 5'11 Interval, Rey, 1.Aug.2019, and 41h interval. Rey, 4.Jan.2014 Edition and Addenda of Section XI applicable to, repair/replacement activities, If different than the inspection plans:

Code Cases used for Inspection and evaluation: N-722-1, N~729-4, N-770-2, N-508::4 1 N-517-1. N-526, N-532~5. N-533-1 1N-566-2)>J-583, N-586:1.N::616. N-624.N-649 ,N~652-2,N-663,N-683,N;:685, N-686-1, N-716:1,N-731, N~735 ,N-765,N-775N-778-. N-798,N::{300, N-823.N'-825 (If applicable, lriofudlng ~es mocllfled by Case N-532 and later revisions)

CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE I certify that (a) the statements made In this report are correct; (b} the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan 1;1s requited by the ASME:C~ode,Section XI; and (c).the repair/replacement acµviUes and !:)valuations supporting the Slgoed g '2&~

completlon of N1 R27



  • $ \I "'1 conform to the requirements. of SectioQ XI.

Date "h 1,, J,,

OWner or OWne Deslgnea, ntle CERTIFICATE OF INSERVlCE INSPECTION I, the Llnderslgnep, h9ldln:g**a valid comtJ1lsslgri _issued by ftie Nl:jtJonal Board ofBollE!r and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and employed by Harforg,Steam BoUer Inspection and Insurance Co. of Hartford. CI have Inspected the Items descn'bec! in this Owner's Activity Report, and_statE! that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the OMler has all a<;:tJvltles representetj by this report in accordance with the i:equltements of ~ction XI.

By signing this certificate neither the Inspector nor his. employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the reR9ir/replac$ment acilvities_and evalu,;ition dascrlbacfln thl§! report Furtliermore, neither Ula lnspect9r nor his employer shall be llable In any*manner ror any personal Injury or property damage or a loss pf ~Y kipd arising from or c o n : :~nspE!ctiOn.

.~ Commlsslons.___.N.ioB,._,9':"'53""1..___...,LNu..,..,---,--=------,--------- .

lnspector's Slgnatu,re National Board Number and Endorsements Form No 72M95 (Alig 2019)


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lfj* -Dorninion

, '

Form OAR.._1, Owner's Acti_vity-.Reporl *

~ Energytt ER-AA-ISl-*100

. . . .



1. . . . 2 of 3 Page

_ -Table 1 (tams yvtth Fiaws"*or *RelfMl,r:it conditions That RequJred. Eviiluatlon f!)r*C-onilnu~* Service

  • Examhtatl_Q.n _ .Item Desc;:riptlc;m ~valµation Description Category* and lt~m Number NON!:: ~ONE, i '


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~ Dominion Form OAR-1, Own~r's Activity Report p Energy~  :* ER-A~-15!-:ioo ,...,

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. ATTACHMENT 1 . . Page 3 of 3.

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  • -*

Table 2 =~

Abstract of Repair/Replacement Activities Required for Continued Service Code Date Repair/Replacement Item Description Descrlpticm of Work Class Completed Plan Numbet Replace Flex Hose 3 1-SW-H-5C1 '10/11/2018 2018-069 due to damage Replace ~eek

  • 3 1-SW-402 Valve/failed internal 10/04/2018 2018-085 inspection, Tu_be plugs/

3 1-FC-E-1A 0~/10/2019 2019-016 dewadation Tube plugs/

.3 1-FC-E-18 03/10/2019 2019-018 degradation Replace valve, seating 3 1~sw..:3ao o*8/19/20f9 2019-045 surface degraded Replace p\pe/ wall 3 4"-Ws-68-151-03 07/11/2019 2019-047 thickness '**

Replace REJ/

3 1-H\I-REJ-27 07/15/2019 2019-051 d8Qraded flanije Replace valve/ failed 3 1--SW-MOV-105C 10/15/2019 2019-078 lnterl')al Inspection Repc:1-ir header pin-3 1-!-IV-E-6S 09/22/2019 2019,-079 hol.e leak Replace valve / failed 3 1-SW-150 10/16/2019 2019-080 intem~I inspection



Form No. 729596 ( ~ 2019)