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Background - Acronyms
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/16/2019
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Nathan Siu 415-0744
Shared Package
ML19011A416 List:
Download: ML19011A417 (5)


Acronyms and Abbreviations - A Partial List Nuclear Power Plant Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) and Risk-Informed Decision Making (RIDM)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Independent Activities Period January 16-23, 2019 ABS antilock braking system AC alternating current ACRS Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards (NRC)

ADAMS NRC Agencywide Documents and Management System ADAPT software tool for dynamic PRA (not defined as an acronym)

ADS/IDAC Accident Dynamic Simulator/Information Decision Action Crew AEC U.S. Atomic Energy Commission AFW auxiliary feedwater AI artificial intelligence ANS American Nuclear Society AOT allowed outage time AOV air-operated valve ASLB Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (NRC)

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASP accident sequence precursor ATHEANA A Technique for Human Event Analysis ATWS anticipated transient without scram BAC blood alcohol content BEPU best-estimate plus uncertainty BFR Binomial Failure Rate CCF model BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory BWR boiling water reactor CAFTA Computer Aided Fault Tree Analysis System CBDT Cause-Based Decision Tree CCDF complementary cumulative distribution function CCDP conditional core damage probability CCF common cause failure CCFP conditional containment failure probability CCW component cooling water CDF core damage frequency cumulative distribution function CFAST Consolidated Model of Fire and Smoke Transport CFR Code of Federal Regulations CSN Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Spain)

CSNI Committee for the Safety of Nuclear Installations (OECD/NEA committee)

CSR cable spreading room DC direct current DDET discrete dynamic event tree DHS U.S. Department of Homeland Security DOE U.S. Department of Energy DPD discrete probability distribution 1

DRM deterministic reference model ECCS emergency core cooling system EDF Electricité de France (French utility)

EDG emergency diesel generator EFW emergency feedwater ENSI Eidgenssisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate)

EP&R emergency preparedness and response EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPRI Electric Power Research Institute EPS Emergency Power System EPZ Emergency Planning Zone ERM enterprise risk management ESD event sequence diagram ESF engineered safety features ESW emergency service water EU European Union F-V Fussell-Vesely importance measure FDS Fire Dynamics Simulator FLEX diverse and flexible mitigation strategies FMEA Failure Modes and Effects Analysis FMECA Failure Modes and Effects and Criticality Analysis FW feedwater GI Generic Issue (NRC program)

GRS Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (German TSO)

HAMMLAB HAlden huMan-Machine LABoratory (OECD/NEA/HRP HAZOPS Hazard and Operability Study HCR/ORE Human Cognitive Reliability/Operator Reliability Experiment HEAF high energy arc fault HEP human error probability HFE human failure event HPCI high pressure coolant injection HPI high pressure injection HQ headquarters HRA human reliability analysis HRP Halden Reactor Project (OECD/NEA project)

HTGR high-temperature gas reactor HVAC heating, ventilation and air conditioning HX heat exchanger IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IAI Integrated ASP Index ICDE International Common Cause Data Exchange (OECD/NEA project)

IDHEAS Integrated Human Event Analysis System IDPSA Integrated Deterministic-Probabilistic PSA IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers INL Idaho National Laboratory IPE Individual Plant Examination IPEEE Individual Plant Examination of External Events IPPSS Indian Point Probabilistic Safety Study IPSN Institut de Protection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (French TSO)

IREP Interim Reliability Evaluation Program 2

ISA integrated safety assessment ISLOCA interfacing systems LOCA LAR License Amendment Request LER Licensee Event Report LERF large early release frequency LLOCA large loss of coolant accident LNT linear no-threshold theory of radiation effects LOCA loss of coolant accident LOFW loss of feedwater LOIA loss of instrument air LOOP loss of offsite power (also LOSP)

LOPA Layers of Protection Analysis LOUHS loss of ultimate heat sink LPI low pressure injection LPSD low power and shutdown LRF large release frequency LWRS Light Water Reactor Sustainability Program (DOE)

MAAP Modular Accident Analysis Program MACCS MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System MAPPS Maintenance Personnel Performance Simulation MCR main control room MCS minimal cut set MD Management Directive (NRC)

MELCOR software tool for severe accident analysis (not defined as an acronym)

MGL Multiple Greek Letter CCF model MGS motor-generator set MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology MLD master logic diagram MOV motor-operated valve MS main steam NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NEA Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD)

NEI Nuclear Energy Institute NFPA National Fire Protection Association NMSS NRC Office of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards NOED Notice of Enforcement Discretion NPP nuclear power plant NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission National Research Council NRO NRC Office of New Reactors NRR NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation NSIR NRC Office of Nuclear Security and Incident Response NUREG designation for publications prepared by NRC staff NUREG/BR designation for brochures prepared by NRC staff NUREG/CP designation for conference proceedings prepared by NRC staff or contractors NUREG/CR designation for publications prepared by NRC contractors NUREG/IA designation for publications resulting from international agreements NUREG/KM designation for publications prepared by NRC staff for knowledge management OCR optical character recognition OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OI Office Instruction (NRC) 3

OMB U.S. Office of Management and Budget OPDE Piping Failure Data Exchange (OECD/NEA project)

OpE operational experience OSU Ohio State University PAG Protective Action Guide pdf probability density function PHWR pressurized heavy water reactor PIF performance influencing factor POS plant operational state PRA probabilistic risk assessment PSA probabilistic safety assessment PSF performance shaping factor PTS pressurized thermal shock PWR pressurized water reactor QHO quantitative health objective QRA quantitative risk assessment R&D research and development RAVEN Risk Analysis Virtual Environment RAW Risk Achievement Worth importance measure RB reactor building RBMK reactor bolshoy moshchnosty kanalny (graphite-moderated reactor)

RCIC reactor core isolation cooling RCP reactor coolant pump RCS reactor coolant system RES NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research RG Regulatory Guide (NRC)

RHR residual heat removal RHRSW residual heat removal service water RIDM risk-informed decision making RIR risk increase ratio importance measure RISMC Risk-Informed Safety Margin Characterization pathway (DOE)

RMIEP Risk Methods Integration and Evaluation Program ROP Reactor Oversight Process RRR risk reduction ratio importance measure RRW risk reduction worth importance measure RSSMAP Reactor Safety Study Methodology Application Program SACADA Scenario Authoring, Characterization, and Debrief Application SAMA Severe Accident Mitigation Alternative SAPHIRE Systems Analysis Programs for Hands-on Integrated Reliability Evaluation SBO station blackout SCAIS Simulation Codes System for ISA SDP Significance Determination Process SECY designation for NRC staff papers to the Commission SEL Seismic Equipment List SFP spent fuel pool SG steam generator SGHWR steam-generating heavy water reactor SGTR steam generator tube rupture SI safety injection SLC Standby Liquid Control SLOCA small loss of coolant accident 4

SNL Sandia National Laboratories SPAR Standardized Plant Analysis Risk SPAR-H Standardized Plant Analysis Risk Human Reliability Analysis SRF safety relief valve SSC systems, structures, and components SSHAC Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee STI surveillance test interval STUK Steilyturvakeskus (Finland Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority)

SWGR switchgear T/M testing and maintenance TB turbine building TEPCO Tokyo Electric Power Company THERP Technique for Human Error Rate Prediction TMI Three Mile Island (NPP)

TSO technical support organization UCLA University of California, Los Angeles UCS Union of Concerned Scientists UKAEA United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority UKHSE United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive UMD University of Maryland UPM Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)

VVER water-water energetic reactor WASH designation for AEC reports WGRISK Working Group on Risk Assessment (OECD/NEA/CSNI working group)

XFMR transformer XFR transfer 5