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LER 79-011/03L-0 on 790328:while in Cold Shutdown,Gaseous Monitors Process Vent Particulate & Ventilation Vent Particulate Were W/O Power.Caused by Loose Lug Connection on Power Supply Cable.Lug Connection Repaired
Person / Time
Site: Surry Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/27/1979
From: Stewart W
Shared Package
ML18114A480 List:
LER-79-011-03L-01, LER-79-11-3L-1, NUDOCS 7905010498
Download: ML18114A481 (2)


{{#Wiki_filter:NRC FORM 366 (7-77) CONTROL BLOCK: '---L--'--~_...._I__,____.I G) LICENSEE EVENT REPORT 6 e (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE.ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION) [Ifil I v I A I s I P" I s I~ @.__Io___._lo_!'---__.l_o__,l_o_,_!_o_._!_o.,. _I_o_._I*_*~_._I~o~I--'o10( 7 8 9 LICE:NSEE CODE 14 15 LICENSE NUMB.ER 25 26 4 I 1I 1! 1 LICENSE TYPE

                                                                                                                                                             ! ;ilG)[ i 10 30   57 CAT 58 CON'T

[ill] ri~~~~ ~G) I o I s I o I o I o I 2 I s I o 101 oI 3 I 21 sJ 7 I 9 IG) I oI 4 ! 2 ! 1 I 7 l 9 IG) 7 8 60 61 DOCKET NUMBER 68 69 EVENT DATE 74 75. REPORTD/\TE 80 EVENT DESCRIPTION AND PROBABLE CONSEQUENCES@ j On two occasions with both units at cold shutdown, the Process Vent Particulate and

~             I Gaseous           monitors and the Ventilation Vent Particulate and Gaseous monitors were with-

[[IIJ I out power because of a loose lug connection on a power supply cable. This is contrarv I [§]}] I to Technical Specifications 3.11.B.4 and is reportable as per Technical Specifications [Q]IJ 16,6.2.B.(2). The health and safety of the general public were not affected. [ill] [9J]J 7 8 9 80 SYSTEM CAUSE CAUSE COMP. VALVE [ill] 7 8 9 CODE IM IC I@ ~@ ~@ 10 CODE 11 SUBCODE 12 1I , 13 COMPONENT CODE NI s T , R , u ,e 18 SUBCODE L!J@ 19 SUBCODE



              ~     REPORT NUMBER 17 I 9 I              l.=l              I O1 1      I 1  I      J/I                 01 3J              ~                              l_£)_J 21         22         23                24                26       27              28         29          30              31             32 ACTION     FUTURE                EFFECT          SHUTDOWN                                 C:z2')   ATTACHMENT            NPRD-4       PRIME C.OMP.               COMPONENT TAKEN      ACTION               ON PLANT          METHOD                          HOURS   it(       SUBMITTED          FORM SUB.         SUPPLIER            MANUFACTURER Ll@~@

33 34




36 1_0 37 10 10 I I 40 L2J@ 41

                                                                                                                                      ~§ 42

43 44 I I I I@ 47 CAUSE DESCRIPTION AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS @ jThis event was caused by a loose lug connection on the power supply lead which supplies! o:::IIJ Ipower to these radiation monitors. Both units were shutdown and port ions of the abnor-f o::I1J 1 mal procedure p~rtinent to plant *conditions were performed. Investigation of the firstj CIII] !event attributed the failure to a blown fuse. After the second event, the loose con-IJ:JTI 1nection was discovered, repaired, and the monitors were restored to service. 7 8 9 80 FACILITY STATUS  % POWER OTHER STATUS 0 METHOD OF DISCOVERY . DISCOVERY DESCRIPTION t:;:°;\

                                                                                                                                                                       '2v o=ill ~@ I O I O I O I@)!                                      VASPS2         Defuele~               ~@I Observ~t ion                                                   .

7 8 9 10 12 13 44 45 46 80 ACTIVITY CONTENT r:;;,.. RELEASED OF RELEASE A~OUNT OF ACTIVITY LOCATIO.N OF RELEASE@ [Qij l:J@) l:J@L-1____N_A_ _ _____, NA 7 8 9 10 11 44 45 80 PERSONNEL EXPOSURES r:;;:;,. NUMBER TYPE DESCRIPTION GTIJ j O IO j O J@)t:J@L-N-TA___________________________, 7 8 9 .11 12 13 80 PERSONNEL INJURIES


[1JTI 10 I u 10 l@L--_N_A_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,--_ ___. 7 8 9 11 12 80 LOSS OF OR DAMAGE TO FACILITY '43' TYPE DESCRIPTION ~ ~~@ NA 7 8 9 10 80 ISSJJ:i~~;;CRIPTION@ 790501. O'tC( i NRC USE ONLY ~ ~ ~e,L--__N_A___________________-:!_ I I I I I I I I., I I I I~ 7 8 9 1O 68 69 80 ;;; W. L. Stewart 804-357-3184 0 a. NAME OF P R E P A R E R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PHONE:------------- Cl

(Attachment, page ~ f 1) .j

  • Surry Power Station, Units 1 & 2
    ~ocket No.: 50-280, 50-281 Report No.: 79-011/0JL-0 Event Date: 03/28/79 Title of Report: R?diation Monitor Loss of Power
i. Description of Event:

On two occasions, 3-28-79 and 4-25-79, with both units at cold shutdown, it was observed by Operations personnel that the following radiation monitors were without power: Process Vent-Particulate monitor (RM-GW-101), Process Vent-Gas monitor (RM-GW-102), Ventilation Vent-Par-ticulate mon1tor (RM-VG-103) and Ventilation Vent Gas monitor (RM-VG-104). This i;:; cop.trary to Technical Specificatio:r:.s 3.11.b.4 arid is reportable as per Technical Specifications 6.6.2.b.(2).

2. Probable Consequences and Status of Redundant Systems:

During the periods these monitors were out of service, there were no significant giseous releases noted by Health Physics accountability sampling of the Process Vent and Ventilation Vent systems. The health and safety of the general public were not affected.

3. Cause:

On 3/28/79, the loss of power was attributed to a blown fuse. After the second event, subsequent investigation determined both events were caused by a loose lug connection located on the power supply lead, which supplies the power to these radia~i~n monitors. This is considered a random event.

4. Immediate Corrective Action:

Both units were at cold shutdown and the portions of the abnormal procedure pertinent to the plant conditions were performed. The loose

       *connection was repaired and the affected monitors were restored to service. The monitors were without power during these events for 90 and 12 minutes respectively.
5. Subsequent Corrective Action:

No further corrective action will be required.

6. Action Taken to Prevent Recurrence:

No action will be required since the failure was a random occurrence.

7. Generic Implications:
