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MONTHYEAR05000281/LER-1999-004-02, :on 981109,EDG Was Inoperable Longer than Allowed by TS Due to Governor Compensation Valve.Root Cause Evaluation Being Performed to Determine How Compensation Valve Became Closed1999-10-0101 October 1999
- on 981109,EDG Was Inoperable Longer than Allowed by TS Due to Governor Compensation Valve.Root Cause Evaluation Being Performed to Determine How Compensation Valve Became Closed
05000280/LER-1999-006, :on 990802,determined That Plant Was Outside of App R Design Basis Due to Fire Barrier Deficiencies. Caused by Original Plant Design Deficiencies.Fire Watches Were Established & Mods Have Been Completed.With1999-08-27027 August 1999
- on 990802,determined That Plant Was Outside of App R Design Basis Due to Fire Barrier Deficiencies. Caused by Original Plant Design Deficiencies.Fire Watches Were Established & Mods Have Been Completed.With
05000280/LER-1999-005-01, :on 990731,effluent Radiation Monitors Were Declared Inoperable.Caused by Degraded Heat Trace Circuits for Monitors Sample Suction Line.Degraded Heat Trace Circuit Was Replaced & Addl Heat Trace Is Being Installed1999-08-27027 August 1999
- on 990731,effluent Radiation Monitors Were Declared Inoperable.Caused by Degraded Heat Trace Circuits for Monitors Sample Suction Line.Degraded Heat Trace Circuit Was Replaced & Addl Heat Trace Is Being Installed
05000280/LER-1999-004-01, :on 990714,TS Violation Due to non-safety Related Fans Effect on CR Boundary Was Noted.Cause of Event Has Not Yet Been Determined.Cable Spreading Room Doors Were Operned to Reduce Pressure in Rooms1999-08-13013 August 1999
- on 990714,TS Violation Due to non-safety Related Fans Effect on CR Boundary Was Noted.Cause of Event Has Not Yet Been Determined.Cable Spreading Room Doors Were Operned to Reduce Pressure in Rooms
05000281/LER-1999-003-02, :on 990705,auto Reactor Trip on Low Coolant Flow,Occurred.Caused by Loop Stop Valve Failure.Approved RCE Recommendations,Designed to Prevent Recurrence of Similar Event Will Be Implemented Through CAP1999-07-30030 July 1999
- on 990705,auto Reactor Trip on Low Coolant Flow,Occurred.Caused by Loop Stop Valve Failure.Approved RCE Recommendations,Designed to Prevent Recurrence of Similar Event Will Be Implemented Through CAP
05000281/LER-1999-002-02, :on 990425,MSSVs Tested Out of Tolerance for as Found Setpoint.Caused by Minor Setpoint Drift.No Immediate Action Required.Deviation Rept Submitted for Each Valve.With1999-05-18018 May 1999
- on 990425,MSSVs Tested Out of Tolerance for as Found Setpoint.Caused by Minor Setpoint Drift.No Immediate Action Required.Deviation Rept Submitted for Each Valve.With
05000280/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990331,potential Loss of Charging Pumps Was Noted.Caused by Main CR Fire.Station Deviation Was Issued on 990331.With1999-04-28028 April 1999
- on 990331,potential Loss of Charging Pumps Was Noted.Caused by Main CR Fire.Station Deviation Was Issued on 990331.With
05000281/LER-1999-001-02, :on 990301,RPS Relay Not Placed in Trip Resulted in Violation of TS 3.7.Caused by Lack of Procedural Guidance.Developed New Procedure to Provide More Explicit Instructions for Placing Stop Valve in Relay Trip1999-03-31031 March 1999
- on 990301,RPS Relay Not Placed in Trip Resulted in Violation of TS 3.7.Caused by Lack of Procedural Guidance.Developed New Procedure to Provide More Explicit Instructions for Placing Stop Valve in Relay Trip
05000280/LER-1999-002-01, :on 990301,prematurely Released Fire Watches Resulted in Violation of TS 3.21.B.7.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Procedure for Opening & Sealing Fire Stops Was Revised on 9902121999-03-29029 March 1999
- on 990301,prematurely Released Fire Watches Resulted in Violation of TS 3.21.B.7.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Procedure for Opening & Sealing Fire Stops Was Revised on 990212
05000280/LER-1998-013, :on 981122,turbine/reactor Tripped on High Due to Short Circuit in Summator for MSL C Loop Channel III Flow Transmitter.Replaced 1-MS-FT1494 Summator & Module Repair Procedure Revised.With 9903190 Ltr1999-03-19019 March 1999
- on 981122,turbine/reactor Tripped on High Due to Short Circuit in Summator for MSL C Loop Channel III Flow Transmitter.Replaced 1-MS-FT1494 Summator & Module Repair Procedure Revised.With 9903190 Ltr
05000280/LER-1999-001, :on 981222,auxiliary Feedwater Pipe Support Missed Surveillance.Caused by Personnel Error.Station Deviation Rept Was Submitted.Two Supports in Question Received Required Code Insp & Were Found Acceptable1999-01-21021 January 1999
- on 981222,auxiliary Feedwater Pipe Support Missed Surveillance.Caused by Personnel Error.Station Deviation Rept Was Submitted.Two Supports in Question Received Required Code Insp & Were Found Acceptable
05000280/LER-1998-014, :on 981126,manual Reactor Trip in Response to Main Feedwater Regulating Valve Failure Occurred.Caused by Dislocation of Retaining Clip in Positioner.Control Room Operators Placed Unit in Safe,Shutdown Condition1998-12-16016 December 1998
- on 981126,manual Reactor Trip in Response to Main Feedwater Regulating Valve Failure Occurred.Caused by Dislocation of Retaining Clip in Positioner.Control Room Operators Placed Unit in Safe,Shutdown Condition
ML18152B7121998-12-0404 December 1998 LER 98-S01-00:on 981105,noted Failure to Deactivate Station Access Badge.Caused by Human Error.Licensee Will Now Deactivate Station Badges Before Clearance Is Revoked & Process for Badge Deactivations Have Been Strengthened 05000280/LER-1998-012, :on 981102,noted That EDGs Were Concurrently Inoperable.Caused by Required Testing Per TS 3.16.B.1.a.2. Redundant EDG Was Returned to Svc within Two Hour Period, Following Satisfactory Testing.With1998-12-0101 December 1998
- on 981102,noted That EDGs Were Concurrently Inoperable.Caused by Required Testing Per TS 3.16.B.1.a.2. Redundant EDG Was Returned to Svc within Two Hour Period, Following Satisfactory Testing.With
05000280/LER-1998-010, :on 980715,low Intake Canal Level Instrument Channel I Was Declared Inoperable to Allow Testing of Intake Canal Level Probe 1-CW-LE-102.Subject Probe Was Cleaned by Diver,Tested & Channel I Was Returned to Operable Status1998-07-31031 July 1998
- on 980715,low Intake Canal Level Instrument Channel I Was Declared Inoperable to Allow Testing of Intake Canal Level Probe 1-CW-LE-102.Subject Probe Was Cleaned by Diver,Tested & Channel I Was Returned to Operable Status
05000280/LER-1998-009, :on 980509,nonisolable Leak of Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Injection Line Weld,Was Discovered.Caused by Lack of Fusion or Thermal Fatigue Coupled W/Vibration Stress Due to Loose Rod Hanger.Rcp Seal Injection Line Removed1998-06-0303 June 1998
- on 980509,nonisolable Leak of Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Injection Line Weld,Was Discovered.Caused by Lack of Fusion or Thermal Fatigue Coupled W/Vibration Stress Due to Loose Rod Hanger.Rcp Seal Injection Line Removed
05000280/LER-1998-008, :on 980228,auxiliary Ventilation Fans Were Noted in Condition Outside of Design Basis.Caused by Failure to Recognize Potential Impact of Certain Design Basis Accident Scenarios.No Corrective Actions Needed1998-05-22022 May 1998
- on 980228,auxiliary Ventilation Fans Were Noted in Condition Outside of Design Basis.Caused by Failure to Recognize Potential Impact of Certain Design Basis Accident Scenarios.No Corrective Actions Needed
05000280/LER-1998-007, :on 980330,radiation Monitors Were Declared Inoperable.Caused by Change in Operating Temperature Range. Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Was Initiated IAW TS Table 3.7-61998-04-29029 April 1998
- on 980330,radiation Monitors Were Declared Inoperable.Caused by Change in Operating Temperature Range. Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Was Initiated IAW TS Table 3.7-6
05000280/LER-1998-006, :on 980324,unisolable Through Wall Leak of RCP Thermowell Was Noted.Cause of Leak Is Unknown.Rtd Will Be Replaced1998-04-22022 April 1998
- on 980324,unisolable Through Wall Leak of RCP Thermowell Was Noted.Cause of Leak Is Unknown.Rtd Will Be Replaced
05000280/LER-1998-005, :on 980212,fire Watch Insp Exceeded One Hour. Caused by Lack of Attention to Detail by Individual Involved.Individual Involved Was Coached on Requirement to Perform Fire Watch Patrols within Required Time Frame1998-04-22022 April 1998
- on 980212,fire Watch Insp Exceeded One Hour. Caused by Lack of Attention to Detail by Individual Involved.Individual Involved Was Coached on Requirement to Perform Fire Watch Patrols within Required Time Frame
05000280/LER-1998-003, :on 980226,no Procedural Guidance for Maintaining EDG Minimum Fuel Supply During Loop,Was Identified.Caused by Absence of Procedural Instructions. Deviation Rept Submitted to Document Deviating Condition1998-03-0909 March 1998
- on 980226,no Procedural Guidance for Maintaining EDG Minimum Fuel Supply During Loop,Was Identified.Caused by Absence of Procedural Instructions. Deviation Rept Submitted to Document Deviating Condition
05000280/LER-1998-004, :on 980206,fire Watch Was Released Prematurely Resulting in Violation of Ts.Caused by Inadequate Planning of Repair Activity.Work Orders Will Include Ref to Applicable Procedures Developed to Assist in Repairs1998-03-0606 March 1998
- on 980206,fire Watch Was Released Prematurely Resulting in Violation of Ts.Caused by Inadequate Planning of Repair Activity.Work Orders Will Include Ref to Applicable Procedures Developed to Assist in Repairs
05000280/LER-1998-002, :on 980202,automatic Turbine Trip Resulted in Automatic Reactor Trip.Caused Degraded Generator Voltage Regulator sub-component Failure.Placed Plant in Safe Hot SD & Replaced Intermittent Relay & Relay Socket1998-03-0404 March 1998
- on 980202,automatic Turbine Trip Resulted in Automatic Reactor Trip.Caused Degraded Generator Voltage Regulator sub-component Failure.Placed Plant in Safe Hot SD & Replaced Intermittent Relay & Relay Socket
05000280/LER-1998-001-01, :on 980108,deficient Test Due to Faulty Test Equipment Resulted in TS Violation.Caused by Faulty Vibration Analyzer Cable or Loose Connection.Station Deviation Rept Was Submitted1998-02-0606 February 1998
- on 980108,deficient Test Due to Faulty Test Equipment Resulted in TS Violation.Caused by Faulty Vibration Analyzer Cable or Loose Connection.Station Deviation Rept Was Submitted
05000280/LER-1997-009, :on 971014,declared Intake Canal Level Probes Inoperable Due to Marine Growth.Caused by Inadequate Maint of Intake Canal Level Probes.Subject Probes Were Cleaned, Tested Satisfactorily & Returned to Operable Status1998-01-13013 January 1998
- on 971014,declared Intake Canal Level Probes Inoperable Due to Marine Growth.Caused by Inadequate Maint of Intake Canal Level Probes.Subject Probes Were Cleaned, Tested Satisfactorily & Returned to Operable Status
05000280/LER-1997-012, :on 971028,loss of Power to Latching Mechanism on Several Doors Occurred.Caused by Tripping of Two Breakers in Security Distribution Panel.Reset Affected Breakers Which Restored Power to Security Systems & Affected Doors1998-01-13013 January 1998
- on 971028,loss of Power to Latching Mechanism on Several Doors Occurred.Caused by Tripping of Two Breakers in Security Distribution Panel.Reset Affected Breakers Which Restored Power to Security Systems & Affected Doors
05000281/LER-1997-004-02, :on 971202,invalid Mstv Indication Results in Manual Reactor Trip W/Esf Actuation Were Noted.Caused by Displaced Open Limit Switch Arms.Open Limit Switch for Mstv a Was Relocated Closer to Valve Position Bar1997-12-31031 December 1997
- on 971202,invalid Mstv Indication Results in Manual Reactor Trip W/Esf Actuation Were Noted.Caused by Displaced Open Limit Switch Arms.Open Limit Switch for Mstv a Was Relocated Closer to Valve Position Bar
05000281/LER-1997-002-01, :on 970713,main Steam High Range Radiation Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Equipment Failure. Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Was Initiated IAW TS Table 3.7-61997-12-10010 December 1997
- on 970713,main Steam High Range Radiation Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Equipment Failure. Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Was Initiated IAW TS Table 3.7-6
05000280/LER-1997-011, :on 971030,determined That Periodic Test Procedures for Testing Reactor Trip Bypass Breakers Did Not Test Manual Undervoltage Trip.Caused by mis-interpretation of Term in-service. Procedures Revised1997-11-26026 November 1997
- on 971030,determined That Periodic Test Procedures for Testing Reactor Trip Bypass Breakers Did Not Test Manual Undervoltage Trip.Caused by mis-interpretation of Term in-service. Procedures Revised
05000280/LER-1997-010, :on 971028,discovered Missed Fire Protection Surveillance Pt.Caused by Personnel Error.Satisfactorily Completed PT Procedure 0-OPT-FP-009 & Diesel Driven Fire Pump 1-FP-P-2 Declared Operable1997-11-25025 November 1997
- on 971028,discovered Missed Fire Protection Surveillance Pt.Caused by Personnel Error.Satisfactorily Completed PT Procedure 0-OPT-FP-009 & Diesel Driven Fire Pump 1-FP-P-2 Declared Operable
05000281/LER-1997-003-02, :on 971014,Unit 2 MSSVs Revealed That Lift Setting for Two MSSVs Were Outside as Found Setpoint Tolerance.Caused by Minor Setpoint Drift.Repaired,Revised & Adjusted Safety Valves1997-11-13013 November 1997
- on 971014,Unit 2 MSSVs Revealed That Lift Setting for Two MSSVs Were Outside as Found Setpoint Tolerance.Caused by Minor Setpoint Drift.Repaired,Revised & Adjusted Safety Valves
05000280/LER-1997-008-01, :on 971011,invalid Actuation of ESF Occurred. Caused by Personnel Errors.Main CR Bottled Air Sys Isolated & Containment Hydrogen Analyzer Heat Tracing Actuation Signal Reset1997-11-0707 November 1997
- on 971011,invalid Actuation of ESF Occurred. Caused by Personnel Errors.Main CR Bottled Air Sys Isolated & Containment Hydrogen Analyzer Heat Tracing Actuation Signal Reset
05000280/LER-1997-007-01, :on 970930,determined That Plant Was Outside App R Design Basis Due to Vital Bus Isolation Issue.Caused by Personnel Error.Installed Circuit Protective Device During Oct 1997 Refueling Outage1997-10-30030 October 1997
- on 970930,determined That Plant Was Outside App R Design Basis Due to Vital Bus Isolation Issue.Caused by Personnel Error.Installed Circuit Protective Device During Oct 1997 Refueling Outage
05000281/LER-1997-002-03, :on 970713,CR annunciator,2-RMA-A-7 for Main Steam Line Effluent High Range Radiation Monitors Alarmed. Caused by Intermittent Component Failure.Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Initiated1997-08-12012 August 1997
- on 970713,CR annunciator,2-RMA-A-7 for Main Steam Line Effluent High Range Radiation Monitors Alarmed. Caused by Intermittent Component Failure.Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Initiated
05000280/LER-1997-001, :on 970123,shutdown Occurred Due to Drain Line Weld Leak.Inspected & Tested Turbine Trip Actuation Circuitry1997-06-10010 June 1997
- on 970123,shutdown Occurred Due to Drain Line Weld Leak.Inspected & Tested Turbine Trip Actuation Circuitry
05000280/LER-1997-005, :on 970502,Unit 1 Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation Was Inoperable Due to Personnel Error.Sro & STA That Were Involved in Event Were Counseled1997-05-28028 May 1997
- on 970502,Unit 1 Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation Was Inoperable Due to Personnel Error.Sro & STA That Were Involved in Event Were Counseled
05000280/LER-1997-006, :on 970320,loss of Refueling Integrity Due to Inadequate Containment Closure Process & Verification.Fuel Movement Stopped IAW Action Statement Requirements of TS 3.10.B1997-04-18018 April 1997
- on 970320,loss of Refueling Integrity Due to Inadequate Containment Closure Process & Verification.Fuel Movement Stopped IAW Action Statement Requirements of TS 3.10.B
05000280/LER-1997-004, :on 970317,main Steam Safety Valve Was Outside as Found Setpoint Tolerance.Specific Cause Unknown,However, Minor Setpoint Drift Can Be Expected.No Immediate Corrective Actions Performed1997-04-15015 April 1997
- on 970317,main Steam Safety Valve Was Outside as Found Setpoint Tolerance.Specific Cause Unknown,However, Minor Setpoint Drift Can Be Expected.No Immediate Corrective Actions Performed
05000280/LER-1997-002, :on 970116,one Train of Auxiliary Ventilation Sys Was Inoperable Outside of Ts.Caused by Personnel Error. Submitted Deviation Rept Re Reverse Rotation of Fan & Work Request to Adjust Linkage1997-04-0808 April 1997
- on 970116,one Train of Auxiliary Ventilation Sys Was Inoperable Outside of Ts.Caused by Personnel Error. Submitted Deviation Rept Re Reverse Rotation of Fan & Work Request to Adjust Linkage
05000281/LER-1997-001-01, :on 970218,manual Reactor Trip & ESF Actuation Occurred Due to Loss of EHC Control Power.Caused by Momentary Short.Relay Card Was Replaced1997-03-19019 March 1997
- on 970218,manual Reactor Trip & ESF Actuation Occurred Due to Loss of EHC Control Power.Caused by Momentary Short.Relay Card Was Replaced
05000280/LER-1997-003, :on 970219,loss of Pressurizer Heaters Resulted in Manual U1 Trip & U2 ESF Actuation.Caused by Loss of Group C Pressurizer Proportional Heaters.Reactor Trip Breakers Were Verified Open1997-03-19019 March 1997
- on 970219,loss of Pressurizer Heaters Resulted in Manual U1 Trip & U2 ESF Actuation.Caused by Loss of Group C Pressurizer Proportional Heaters.Reactor Trip Breakers Were Verified Open
05000280/LER-1997-002-01, :on 970116,one Train of Auxiliary Ventilation Sys Declared Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Properly Adjusted Damper 1-VS-MOD-58B & Exited Seven Day LCO on 9701161997-02-13013 February 1997
- on 970116,one Train of Auxiliary Ventilation Sys Declared Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Properly Adjusted Damper 1-VS-MOD-58B & Exited Seven Day LCO on 970116
05000281/LER-1997-002, :on 961213,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred During Planned Shutdown.Caused by Steam Flow/Feedwater Flow Mismatch.Rps Functioned as Designed & Plant Placed in Hot Shutdown1997-01-0202 January 1997
- on 961213,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred During Planned Shutdown.Caused by Steam Flow/Feedwater Flow Mismatch.Rps Functioned as Designed & Plant Placed in Hot Shutdown
05000280/LER-1996-008-01, :on 961112,water Gas Decay Tank Oxygen Analyzer Pressure Sensors Inoperable Due to Vendor Supplied Equipment Not Meeting Procurement specifications.Post-implementation Procedures Revised & Transducers Replaced1996-12-12012 December 1996
- on 961112,water Gas Decay Tank Oxygen Analyzer Pressure Sensors Inoperable Due to Vendor Supplied Equipment Not Meeting Procurement specifications.Post-implementation Procedures Revised & Transducers Replaced
05000280/LER-1996-007, :on 960821,failed to Complete Fire Detection Zone Inspections within Required Time Period.Caused by Personnel Error.Counseled Personnel Re Fire Detection Zone Inspections & Revised Fire Watch Training1996-09-19019 September 1996
- on 960821,failed to Complete Fire Detection Zone Inspections within Required Time Period.Caused by Personnel Error.Counseled Personnel Re Fire Detection Zone Inspections & Revised Fire Watch Training
05000281/LER-1996-005-01, :on 960803,manual Reactor Trip.Caused by Loss of Electro Hydraulic Control Pressure.Repaired Two Compression Fitting Union Connections on Leaking Fitting & Performed Evaluations on Other Tubing1996-08-26026 August 1996
- on 960803,manual Reactor Trip.Caused by Loss of Electro Hydraulic Control Pressure.Repaired Two Compression Fitting Union Connections on Leaking Fitting & Performed Evaluations on Other Tubing
05000280/LER-1996-006, :on 960618,anti-corrosion Coating Had Not Been Reapplied to Station Battery 2B.Caused by Procedural Error in That Verbatim TS Compliance Not Reflected in Procedures. Coating Was Applied to Batteries1996-07-30030 July 1996
- on 960618,anti-corrosion Coating Had Not Been Reapplied to Station Battery 2B.Caused by Procedural Error in That Verbatim TS Compliance Not Reflected in Procedures. Coating Was Applied to Batteries
05000281/LER-1996-004-02, :on 960606,turbine/reactor Trip Occurred.Caused by High Level in Steam Generator B.Placed Plant in Hot Shutdown Condition,Calculated Shutdown Margin & Monitored Critical Safety Function Status Trees1996-07-0202 July 1996
- on 960606,turbine/reactor Trip Occurred.Caused by High Level in Steam Generator B.Placed Plant in Hot Shutdown Condition,Calculated Shutdown Margin & Monitored Critical Safety Function Status Trees
05000280/LER-1996-004, :on 960510,noticed That Hydrogen Analyzers Inoperable.Caused by Procedural Deficiencies Due to Personnel Error.Permanent Changes to Hydrogen Analyzer Instrument Calibr Procedures Implemented1996-06-10010 June 1996
- on 960510,noticed That Hydrogen Analyzers Inoperable.Caused by Procedural Deficiencies Due to Personnel Error.Permanent Changes to Hydrogen Analyzer Instrument Calibr Procedures Implemented
05000281/LER-1996-003-01, :on 960512,Unit 2 Pressurizer Safety Valve as Found Lift Setting Out of Tolerance.Valve Was Reassembled & Lift Setting Was Established & Tested Satisfactorily1996-06-0707 June 1996
- on 960512,Unit 2 Pressurizer Safety Valve as Found Lift Setting Out of Tolerance.Valve Was Reassembled & Lift Setting Was Established & Tested Satisfactorily
[Table view] Category:TEXT-SAFETY REPORT
MONTHYEARML18152A2811999-10-12012 October 1999 Technical Basis for Elimination of Nozzle Inner Radius Insps (for Nozzles Other than Reactor Vessel),Technical Basis for ASME Section XI Code Case N-619 05000281/LER-1999-004-02, :on 981109,EDG Was Inoperable Longer than Allowed by TS Due to Governor Compensation Valve.Root Cause Evaluation Being Performed to Determine How Compensation Valve Became Closed1999-10-0101 October 1999
- on 981109,EDG Was Inoperable Longer than Allowed by TS Due to Governor Compensation Valve.Root Cause Evaluation Being Performed to Determine How Compensation Valve Became Closed
ML18152B3531999-09-30030 September 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1999 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With ML18152B3371999-09-24024 September 1999 SER Accepting Third 10-year Interval Inservice Insp Plan Request for Relief SR-026 for Surry Power Station Unit 2 ML18152B6651999-08-31031 August 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1999 for Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2.With 05000280/LER-1999-006, :on 990802,determined That Plant Was Outside of App R Design Basis Due to Fire Barrier Deficiencies. Caused by Original Plant Design Deficiencies.Fire Watches Were Established & Mods Have Been Completed.With1999-08-27027 August 1999
- on 990802,determined That Plant Was Outside of App R Design Basis Due to Fire Barrier Deficiencies. Caused by Original Plant Design Deficiencies.Fire Watches Were Established & Mods Have Been Completed.With
05000280/LER-1999-005-01, :on 990731,effluent Radiation Monitors Were Declared Inoperable.Caused by Degraded Heat Trace Circuits for Monitors Sample Suction Line.Degraded Heat Trace Circuit Was Replaced & Addl Heat Trace Is Being Installed1999-08-27027 August 1999
- on 990731,effluent Radiation Monitors Were Declared Inoperable.Caused by Degraded Heat Trace Circuits for Monitors Sample Suction Line.Degraded Heat Trace Circuit Was Replaced & Addl Heat Trace Is Being Installed
ML18152B3841999-08-23023 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Granting Relief Request from ASME Section Xa Requirements for Containment Insp ML18152B3631999-08-23023 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Eddy Current Techniques Used by VEPCO to Determine Depth of Degradation Evident in Units SG Tubing & VEPCO Approach for Dispositioning Tubes with Avb Wear Indications ML18152B3831999-08-23023 August 1999 Safety Evaluation Granting Relief Request from ASME Section XI Requirements for Containment Insp 05000280/LER-1999-004-01, :on 990714,TS Violation Due to non-safety Related Fans Effect on CR Boundary Was Noted.Cause of Event Has Not Yet Been Determined.Cable Spreading Room Doors Were Operned to Reduce Pressure in Rooms1999-08-13013 August 1999
- on 990714,TS Violation Due to non-safety Related Fans Effect on CR Boundary Was Noted.Cause of Event Has Not Yet Been Determined.Cable Spreading Room Doors Were Operned to Reduce Pressure in Rooms
ML18151A3981999-08-13013 August 1999 SPS Unit 2 ISI Summary Rept for 1999 Refueling Outage ML18152B3791999-07-31031 July 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1999 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With 05000281/LER-1999-003-02, :on 990705,auto Reactor Trip on Low Coolant Flow,Occurred.Caused by Loop Stop Valve Failure.Approved RCE Recommendations,Designed to Prevent Recurrence of Similar Event Will Be Implemented Through CAP1999-07-30030 July 1999
- on 990705,auto Reactor Trip on Low Coolant Flow,Occurred.Caused by Loop Stop Valve Failure.Approved RCE Recommendations,Designed to Prevent Recurrence of Similar Event Will Be Implemented Through CAP
ML20196J4781999-07-0101 July 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 221 & 221 to Licenses DPR-32 & DPR-37,respectively ML18152B3911999-06-30030 June 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for June 1999 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With ML20195D3571999-06-0707 June 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 220 & 220 to Licenses DPR-32 & DPR-37,respectively ML20195E2401999-05-31031 May 1999 Rev 2 to COLR for SPS Unit 2 Cycle 16 Pattern Ag ML18152B4341999-05-31031 May 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for May 1999 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With 05000281/LER-1999-002-02, :on 990425,MSSVs Tested Out of Tolerance for as Found Setpoint.Caused by Minor Setpoint Drift.No Immediate Action Required.Deviation Rept Submitted for Each Valve.With1999-05-18018 May 1999
- on 990425,MSSVs Tested Out of Tolerance for as Found Setpoint.Caused by Minor Setpoint Drift.No Immediate Action Required.Deviation Rept Submitted for Each Valve.With
ML18152B4161999-04-30030 April 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Apr 1999 for Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2.With 05000280/LER-1999-003-01, :on 990331,potential Loss of Charging Pumps Was Noted.Caused by Main CR Fire.Station Deviation Was Issued on 990331.With1999-04-28028 April 1999
- on 990331,potential Loss of Charging Pumps Was Noted.Caused by Main CR Fire.Station Deviation Was Issued on 990331.With
ML18152B6481999-04-14014 April 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Relief Requests IWE-2,4.5.6 & IWL-2 to Licenses DPR-32 & DPR-37 Respectively ML18152B6451999-04-13013 April 1999 SER Accepting Util Reactor Pressure Vessel Fluence Methodology for Surry Power Stations,Units 1 & 2 & North Anna Power Station,Units 1 & 2 Subject to Listed Limitations 05000281/LER-1999-001-02, :on 990301,RPS Relay Not Placed in Trip Resulted in Violation of TS 3.7.Caused by Lack of Procedural Guidance.Developed New Procedure to Provide More Explicit Instructions for Placing Stop Valve in Relay Trip1999-03-31031 March 1999
- on 990301,RPS Relay Not Placed in Trip Resulted in Violation of TS 3.7.Caused by Lack of Procedural Guidance.Developed New Procedure to Provide More Explicit Instructions for Placing Stop Valve in Relay Trip
ML18152B6511999-03-31031 March 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1999 for Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2 05000280/LER-1999-002-01, :on 990301,prematurely Released Fire Watches Resulted in Violation of TS 3.21.B.7.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Procedure for Opening & Sealing Fire Stops Was Revised on 9902121999-03-29029 March 1999
- on 990301,prematurely Released Fire Watches Resulted in Violation of TS 3.21.B.7.Caused by Inadequate Procedure.Procedure for Opening & Sealing Fire Stops Was Revised on 990212
05000280/LER-1998-013, :on 981122,turbine/reactor Tripped on High Due to Short Circuit in Summator for MSL C Loop Channel III Flow Transmitter.Replaced 1-MS-FT1494 Summator & Module Repair Procedure Revised.With 9903190 Ltr1999-03-19019 March 1999
- on 981122,turbine/reactor Tripped on High Due to Short Circuit in Summator for MSL C Loop Channel III Flow Transmitter.Replaced 1-MS-FT1494 Summator & Module Repair Procedure Revised.With 9903190 Ltr
ML20207L8081999-03-12012 March 1999 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 219 & 219 to Licenses DPR-32 & DPR-37 ML18152B7331999-02-28028 February 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Feb 1999 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With ML18152B5381999-02-16016 February 1999 SER Accepting Third 10-year Interval Inservice Insp Request for Relief for Surry Power Station,Unit 1.Staff Concludes That Licensee Proposed Alternative Will Provide Acceptable Level of Quality & Safety.Technical Ltr Rept Also Encl ML18152B5421999-01-31031 January 1999 Monthly Operating Repts for Jan 1999 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With ML18151A3031999-01-29029 January 1999 ISI Summary Rept for 1998 Refueling Outage,Including Form NIS-1, Owners Rept for ISIs & Form NIS-2, Owners Rept for Repairs & Replacements 05000280/LER-1999-001, :on 981222,auxiliary Feedwater Pipe Support Missed Surveillance.Caused by Personnel Error.Station Deviation Rept Was Submitted.Two Supports in Question Received Required Code Insp & Were Found Acceptable1999-01-21021 January 1999
- on 981222,auxiliary Feedwater Pipe Support Missed Surveillance.Caused by Personnel Error.Station Deviation Rept Was Submitted.Two Supports in Question Received Required Code Insp & Were Found Acceptable
ML18152B6011998-12-31031 December 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Dec 1998 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With ML18152B5861998-12-18018 December 1998 SER Approving Request Relief Related to Inservice Testing Program at Surry Power Station Unit 1 ML20198F9221998-12-16016 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 217 & 217 to Licenses DPR-32 & DPR-37,respectively 05000280/LER-1998-014, :on 981126,manual Reactor Trip in Response to Main Feedwater Regulating Valve Failure Occurred.Caused by Dislocation of Retaining Clip in Positioner.Control Room Operators Placed Unit in Safe,Shutdown Condition1998-12-16016 December 1998
- on 981126,manual Reactor Trip in Response to Main Feedwater Regulating Valve Failure Occurred.Caused by Dislocation of Retaining Clip in Positioner.Control Room Operators Placed Unit in Safe,Shutdown Condition
ML18152B5901998-12-16016 December 1998 Safety Evaluation Authorizing Request to Use Code Case N-577 as Alternative to Requirements of ASME Code Section XI for Surry Power Station,Unit 1 ML18152B7121998-12-0404 December 1998 LER 98-S01-00:on 981105,noted Failure to Deactivate Station Access Badge.Caused by Human Error.Licensee Will Now Deactivate Station Badges Before Clearance Is Revoked & Process for Badge Deactivations Have Been Strengthened 05000280/LER-1998-012, :on 981102,noted That EDGs Were Concurrently Inoperable.Caused by Required Testing Per TS 3.16.B.1.a.2. Redundant EDG Was Returned to Svc within Two Hour Period, Following Satisfactory Testing.With1998-12-0101 December 1998
- on 981102,noted That EDGs Were Concurrently Inoperable.Caused by Required Testing Per TS 3.16.B.1.a.2. Redundant EDG Was Returned to Svc within Two Hour Period, Following Satisfactory Testing.With
ML18152B7081998-11-30030 November 1998 Rev 0 to COLR for Surry 1 Cycle 16,Pattern Un ML18152B5721998-11-30030 November 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Nov 1998 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2.With ML18152B6241998-10-31031 October 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Oct 1998 for Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2.With ML18152B6881998-09-30030 September 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Sept 1998 for Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2.With ML20151U7261998-09-0303 September 1998 Safety Evaluation Approving Exemption from Certain 10CFR20 Requirements Re Use of self-contained Breathing Apparatus with Enriched Oxygen in Subatmospheric Containments at SPS ML18153A3271998-08-31031 August 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for Aug 1998 for Surry Power Station,Units 1 & 2 ML20237E9721998-08-26026 August 1998 Safety Evaluation Supporting Amends 216 & 216 to Licenses DPR-32 & DPR-37,respectively ML18153A3161998-07-31031 July 1998 Monthly Operating Repts for July 1998 for Surry Power Station Units 1 & 2 05000280/LER-1998-010, :on 980715,low Intake Canal Level Instrument Channel I Was Declared Inoperable to Allow Testing of Intake Canal Level Probe 1-CW-LE-102.Subject Probe Was Cleaned by Diver,Tested & Channel I Was Returned to Operable Status1998-07-31031 July 1998
- on 980715,low Intake Canal Level Instrument Channel I Was Declared Inoperable to Allow Testing of Intake Canal Level Probe 1-CW-LE-102.Subject Probe Was Cleaned by Diver,Tested & Channel I Was Returned to Operable Status
[Table view] |
JUNE 10, 1997 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555
Dear Sirs:
10CFR50.73 Virginia Electric and Power Company Surry Power Station 5570 Hog Island Road Surry, Virginia 23883 Serial No.:
97-101 A SPS:mdk Docket No.: 50-280 License No.: DPR-32 Pursuant to Surry Power Station Technical Specifications, Virginia Electric and Power Company hereby submits the following updated Licensee Event Report applicable to Surry Power Station Unit 1.
REPORT NUMBER 50-280/97-001-01 This report has been reviewed by the Station Nuclear Safety and Operating Committee and will be forwarded to the Management Safety Review Committee for its review.
Enclosure Commitments contained in this letter: None.
pc: US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regional Administrator, Region II Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303 R. A. Musser NRC Senior Resident Inspector Surry Power Station 9706180217 970610 PDR ADOCK 05000280 S
PDR A Christian.
l ~i n Manager I llllll f llll f lll(IIIIJ Jilli! JJII I/JJ /IIJ C
NRG FORM 366 (4-95)
(See reverse for required number of digits/characters for each block)
Shutdown Due to Steam Drain Line Weld Leak EVENT DATE (5)
-- 001 --
OPERATING MODE (9) n 20.2201 (b) 20.2203(a)(2}(v) x 50.73(a)(2}(i) 50.73(a)(2)(viii)
POWER LEVEL (10) 100 %
20.2203(a)(1) 20.2203(a)(3}(i) 50.73(a)(2)(ii) 50.73(a)(2}(x) 20.2203(a)(2}(i) 20.2203(a)(3)(ii) 50.73(a)(2}(iii) 73.71 20.2203(a)(2}(ii}
20.2203(a)(4) 50.73(a)(2)(iv)
OTHER 20.2203(a)(2)(iii) 50.36(c}(1) 50.73(a)(2}(v)
Specify in Abstract below 20.2203(a)(2)(iv) 50.36(c)(2) 50.73(a)(2}(vii) or in NRG Form 366A LICENSEE CONTACT FOR THIS LER (12 NAME 1
TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include Area Code)
IG DET x999 y
EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE MONTH DAY TONPRDS YEAR ABSTRACT (Limit to 1400 spaces, i.e., approximately 15 single-spaced tyoewritten lines) (16)
At 1850 hours0.0214 days <br />0.514 hours <br />0.00306 weeks <br />7.03925e-4 months <br /> on January 23, 1997, with Unit r*and Unit 2 both at 100% power, a 'Service Building Operator performing routine activities in the Unit 1 Main Steam Valve House discovered a small steam leak in the steam drain piping on the " B" main steam line. Unit 1 was shutdown in accordance with the. requirements of Technical Specification 4.15.C.1.
While performing normal shutdown procedures, both source range nuclear instruments failed to indicate source range counts, and operator action to manually trip the turbine from the main control room failed to result in a turbine trip.
The turbine was tripped locally at the governor pedestal using the manual trip lever. While shutdown, both source range detectors were replaced, tested and the nuclear instruments were returned to service. The turbine trip actuation circuitry was inspected and tested satisfactorily. The leak was repaired, inspected, and tested prior to returning the Unit to power operation. The health and safety of the public were not affected by this event. A radiological release did not occur. This event was caused by a pin hole leak in a 1 1/2 inch diameter weld. This report is being made pursuant to 1 OCFR50. 73(a)(2)(i)(A), for any nuclear plant shutdown required by the plant's Technical Soecifications.
NRG FORM 366 (4-95)
i (4-95)
Surry Unit 1 TEXT (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRG Form 366A) (17) 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT DOCKET 05000-280 LEA NUMBER (6)
PAGE (3)
--001 --
01 2 OF 5 Surry Technical Specification 4.15 contains an Augmented Inspection Program requirement that all welds in the Main Steam Valve House receive a visual inspection of the surface of the insulation at all weld locations on a weekly basis for detection of leaks. Any detected leaks shall be investigated and evaluated. If the leakage is caused by a through-wall flaw, either the* plant shall be shutdown, or the leaking piping isolated. Repairs shall be performed prior to return of the line to service.
At approximately 1850 hours0.0214 days <br />0.514 hours <br />0.00306 weeks <br />7.03925e-4 months <br /> on January 23, 1997, a Service Building Operator performing routine duties in the Unit 1 Main Steam Valve House heard a small leak in the vicinity of the steam drain piping on the "B" main steam [EIIS:SB] line.
Following further investigation, the Service Building Operator notified the Unit 1 Control Room Operator who informed the Senior Reactor Operator of a steam leak. Maintenance and engineering personnel were assigned to remove the piping insulation and investigate the leak. The insulation was removed by 2225 hours0.0258 days <br />0.618 hours <br />0.00368 weeks <br />8.466125e-4 months <br /> on January 23, 1997 and Engineering personnel identified a pin hole leak approximately 1/32 inch in diameter through a weld in main steam drain line, 1 1/2-SHPD-8-601. Since the steam leak was caused by a through-wall flaw in a weld location that was unisolable, Technical Specification 4.15.C.1 required the plant to be shutdown and repairs performed prior to returning the line to service. At 0124 hours0.00144 days <br />0.0344 hours <br />2.050265e-4 weeks <br />4.7182e-5 months <br /> on January 24, 1997, a Unit 1 shutdown was commenced. At 0143 hours0.00166 days <br />0.0397 hours <br />2.364418e-4 weeks <br />5.44115e-5 months <br /> on January 24, 1997, a one-hour report was made to the NRG in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(1 )(i)(A) for initiation of any plant shutdown required by Technical Specifications. The Unit was shutdown by 0817 hours0.00946 days <br />0.227 hours <br />0.00135 weeks <br />3.108685e-4 months <br /> on January 24, 1997. A flaw characterization and weld repair were initiated. The failure mechanism was slag entrapment ranging in size from 1/32 to 3/16 inches, located in the weldment.
The flaw was removed by grinding and the weld was repaired.
A visual inspection and pressure test were performed and the line was returned to service.
This event is reportable in accordance with 10 CFR 50. 73(a)(2)(i)(A) for any plant shutdown required by Technical Specifications.
While ramping the Unit off-line in accordance with normal shutdown procedures the following equipment failures occurred. At.0718 hours0.00831 days <br />0.199 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.73199e-4 months <br /> on January 24, 1997, when reactor power had been decreased and stabilized at 2 percent, efforts to manually trip the turbine [EIIS:TA] from the Main Control Room using the turbine trip push-buttons [EIIS:IT] in accordance with normal shutdown procedures were unsuccessful. The turbine was tripped locally, at the turbine, using the manual trip lever at 0721 hours0.00834 days <br />0.2 hours <br />0.00119 weeks <br />2.743405e-4 months <br />, and the main generator [EIIS:TB] output breakers were opened. Also, once reactor power was below the point of adding heat and the reactor was tripped in accordance with normal shutdown procedures with the control rods fully inserted and reactor trip breakers open, both source range nuclear instruments [EIIS:IG,JI] energized as expected and then failed to indicate source range counts.
i (4-95)
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01 3 OF 5 TEXT (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17)
At 0745 hours0.00862 days <br />0.207 hours <br />0.00123 weeks <br />2.834725e-4 months <br /> with both source range nuclear instruments declared inoperable, Abnormal Procedure, 0-AP-4.00, was implemented.
The plant was stabilized in the hot shutdown condition with the control rods fully inserted, the reactor trip breakers open, and adequate shutdown margin verified consistent with Action 5 of Technical Specification Table 3.7-1, Item 4.b.
There are no safety consequences or implications associated with this event.
Flaw characterization and examinations by materials engineering personnel determined the pin hole leak in the weld was an isolated occurrence caused by slag inclusion during original construction which allowed the flaw to slowly propagate to the weld surface after 25 years of service.
The failure of the turbine to trip manually using the Main Control Room push-buttons was a previously analyzed event for which procedures and training were in place to locally trip the turbine using the manual trip lever. Normal shutdown procedures require that reactor power be reduced to less than 2 percent and stabilized prior to tripping the turbine. These procedures allow use of either the Main Control Room push-buttons or the local trip lever to execute a turbine trip and were properly executed during the event. There is no safety significance related to this portion of the event since reactor power had been reduced to 2 percent and stabilized prior to tripping the turbine.
Both source range nuclear instruments energized as required during the shutdown evolution, indicated source range counts, and then fail$-d to properly indicate source range counts after less than 1 O minutes of operation.
Failure of the source range nuclear instruments had been*
previously evaluated.
Procedures and training were in place should such an event occur.
Normal shutdown procedures require that reactor power be reduced below the point of adding heat and stabilized before tripping the reactor and energizing the source range detectors. Upon discovery that the source range nuclear instruments failed, appropriate procedures were properly executed ensuring the plant remained stable in the safe shutdown condition, with all controls rods fully inserted, reactor trip breakers open, and adequate shutdown margin in place in accordance with Action 5 of Technical Specification Table 3.7-1, Item 4.b.
At no time were the health and safety of the public or plant personnel affected by this event.
Flaw characterization and examinations by materials engineering personnel determined that the pin hole leak in the weld was an isolated occurrence caused by slag inclusion during original construction which allowed a small flaw to slowly propagate to the weld surface after 25 years of service.-(4-95)
Surry Unit 1 TEXT (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17)
DOCKET 05000 -280 LEA NUMBER (6)
PAGE (3)
--001 --
01 4 OF 5 The unexpected failure of the turbine to trip manually using the Main Control Room push-buttons
- was initially believed to be due to a sluggish auto stop drain valve.
Subsequently it was determined to be due to binding within the turbine protective trip block assembly attributable to the lack of turbine protective trip block testing.
The unexpected failure of the source range detectors was initially believed to have been caused by aging. Subsequently this cause was confirmed.
Upon discovery of the steam leak in the Main Steam Valve House the Service Building Operator immediately notified the Unit 1 Control Room Operator. The Unit 1 Senior Reactor Operator notified maintenance personnel and engineering personnel to investigate the leak, and management was notified. Following removal of the piping insulation by maintenance personnel, engineering personnel investigated the leak source and identified the leak to be a pin hole through the wall of a weld in a 1 1/2 inch drain line that could not be isolated. Management was notified and the Shift Supervisor invoked the requirements of Technical Specification 4.15.C.1 and a Unit shutdown commenced.
Upon failure of the turbine to trip when the manual turbine trip push-buttons in the Main Control Room were depressed, the local turbine trip lever on the governor end pedestal was used to trip the turbine. The normal procedure for "Turbine - Generator Shutdown" allows use of either trip mechanism to execute a turbine trip. Following execution of the turbine trip using the turbine trip lever, the main steam stop valves, control valves, reheat stop valves and intercept valves were verified closed; the auto stop oil header was verified to be depressurized; the extraction steam non-return valves were verified shut; and turbine shaft speed was verified to be decreasing.
Upon failure of the source range nuclear instruments to continue, indicating source range counts, Abnormal Procedure, O-AP-4.00, was initiated and the plant was stabilized in the safe shutdown condition. All control rods were verified to be fully inserted, the dilute function to the blender was l maintained under administrative control when not secured, the control rod drive motor /
generator supply breakers were racked to the out position preventing any possible control rod movement, adequate shutdown margin was verified, and positive reactivity additions were prohibited.
The gammametric nuclear instruments were verified operable and used as an alternate indication of source range counts. The requirements of Technical Specifications Table
- 3. 7-1, Item 4, Action 5 were initiated and management was notified.
The flaw in the weld was excavated by grinding out the entire portion of the weld encompassing the flaw and performing a weld repair. A visual examination and pressure test were performed to ensure a quality repair was made.
- The insulation was removed from similar welds on the remaining Unit 1 steam drain lines and a visual inspection was performed with no indication of Ii
\\ (4-95)
Surry Unit 1 TEXT (If more space is required, use additional copies of NRC Form 366A) (17)
DOCKET 05000-280 LEA NUMBER (6)
PAGE (3)
--001 --
01 5 OF 5 leakage or welding flaws. The piping in the Unit 2 Main Steam Valve House was walked down in accordance with surveillance procedures to ensure a similar leak did not exist.
The turbine trip circuits were tested and verified operational. The turbine control block latch mechanism and suspected sluggish drain valve were inspected and tested to ensure proper operation. A turbine trip functional test was performed to verify proper operation of the manual turbine trip push-buttons and the turbine trip circuit.
The source range nuclear instrument vendor was contacted and a representative was brought on site to assist in the troubleshooting and repair. The source range nuclear instrument, N-32, detector was replaced, tested and returned to service on January 31, 1997. The source range nuclear instrument, N-31, detector was replaced, tested and returned to service on February 1, 1997.
6.0 ACTIONS TO PREVENT RECURRENCE Related to the weld leak, the Augmented Inspection Program requirements will be conducted in accordance with Technical Specification 4.15.
A Root Cause Evaluation, as well as a component functional failure evaluation, required by our Maintenance Rule Program in accordance with 10 CFR 50.65, was performed to investigate the failure of the turbine to trip manually using the Main Control Room push-buttons. This failure was determined to be a Maintenance Rule Functional Failure due to binding within the turbine protective trip block assembly attributable to the lack of turbine protective trip block testing.
Approved recommendations from Root Cause Evaluations are implemented in accordance with the Corrective Action Program.
To investigate the source range nuclear instrument failures, a Root Cause Evaluation was performed with a multidisciplined root cause evaluation team consisting of craft, technical, and engineering personnel assigned to investigate the root cause and recommend corrective actions.
The Root Cause Evaluation, as well as a Maintenance Rule component functional failure evaluation, has been completed.
These failures were determined to be a Maintenance Preventable Functional Failure due to component aging. Approved recommendations from Root Cause Evaluations are implemented in accordance with the Corrective Action Program.
There were no similar events identified.
The Source Range Nuclear Instrument detectors are Westinghouse part number WL-24158, serial number 912101.
05000281/LER-1997-001-01, :on 970218,manual Reactor Trip & ESF Actuation Occurred Due to Loss of EHC Control Power.Caused by Momentary Short.Relay Card Was Replaced |
- on 970218,manual Reactor Trip & ESF Actuation Occurred Due to Loss of EHC Control Power.Caused by Momentary Short.Relay Card Was Replaced
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000280/LER-1997-001, :on 970123,shutdown Occurred Due to Drain Line Weld Leak.Inspected & Tested Turbine Trip Actuation Circuitry |
- on 970123,shutdown Occurred Due to Drain Line Weld Leak.Inspected & Tested Turbine Trip Actuation Circuitry
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) | 05000281/LER-1997-002-01, :on 970713,main Steam High Range Radiation Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Equipment Failure. Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Was Initiated IAW TS Table 3.7-6 |
- on 970713,main Steam High Range Radiation Monitor Was Declared Inoperable.Caused by Equipment Failure. Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Was Initiated IAW TS Table 3.7-6
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000281/LER-1997-002, :on 961213,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred During Planned Shutdown.Caused by Steam Flow/Feedwater Flow Mismatch.Rps Functioned as Designed & Plant Placed in Hot Shutdown |
- on 961213,automatic Reactor Trip Occurred During Planned Shutdown.Caused by Steam Flow/Feedwater Flow Mismatch.Rps Functioned as Designed & Plant Placed in Hot Shutdown
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) | 05000280/LER-1997-002, :on 970116,one Train of Auxiliary Ventilation Sys Was Inoperable Outside of Ts.Caused by Personnel Error. Submitted Deviation Rept Re Reverse Rotation of Fan & Work Request to Adjust Linkage |
- on 970116,one Train of Auxiliary Ventilation Sys Was Inoperable Outside of Ts.Caused by Personnel Error. Submitted Deviation Rept Re Reverse Rotation of Fan & Work Request to Adjust Linkage
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(8) | 05000280/LER-1997-002-01, :on 970116,one Train of Auxiliary Ventilation Sys Declared Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Properly Adjusted Damper 1-VS-MOD-58B & Exited Seven Day LCO on 970116 |
- on 970116,one Train of Auxiliary Ventilation Sys Declared Inoperable.Caused by Personnel Error.Properly Adjusted Damper 1-VS-MOD-58B & Exited Seven Day LCO on 970116
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) | 05000281/LER-1997-002-03, :on 970713,CR annunciator,2-RMA-A-7 for Main Steam Line Effluent High Range Radiation Monitors Alarmed. Caused by Intermittent Component Failure.Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Initiated |
- on 970713,CR annunciator,2-RMA-A-7 for Main Steam Line Effluent High Range Radiation Monitors Alarmed. Caused by Intermittent Component Failure.Preplanned Alternate Method of Monitoring Initiated
| | 05000281/LER-1997-003-02, :on 971014,Unit 2 MSSVs Revealed That Lift Setting for Two MSSVs Were Outside as Found Setpoint Tolerance.Caused by Minor Setpoint Drift.Repaired,Revised & Adjusted Safety Valves |
- on 971014,Unit 2 MSSVs Revealed That Lift Setting for Two MSSVs Were Outside as Found Setpoint Tolerance.Caused by Minor Setpoint Drift.Repaired,Revised & Adjusted Safety Valves
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000280/LER-1997-003, :on 970219,loss of Pressurizer Heaters Resulted in Manual U1 Trip & U2 ESF Actuation.Caused by Loss of Group C Pressurizer Proportional Heaters.Reactor Trip Breakers Were Verified Open |
- on 970219,loss of Pressurizer Heaters Resulted in Manual U1 Trip & U2 ESF Actuation.Caused by Loss of Group C Pressurizer Proportional Heaters.Reactor Trip Breakers Were Verified Open
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(1) | 05000281/LER-1997-004-02, :on 971202,invalid Mstv Indication Results in Manual Reactor Trip W/Esf Actuation Were Noted.Caused by Displaced Open Limit Switch Arms.Open Limit Switch for Mstv a Was Relocated Closer to Valve Position Bar |
- on 971202,invalid Mstv Indication Results in Manual Reactor Trip W/Esf Actuation Were Noted.Caused by Displaced Open Limit Switch Arms.Open Limit Switch for Mstv a Was Relocated Closer to Valve Position Bar
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) | 05000280/LER-1997-004, :on 970317,main Steam Safety Valve Was Outside as Found Setpoint Tolerance.Specific Cause Unknown,However, Minor Setpoint Drift Can Be Expected.No Immediate Corrective Actions Performed |
- on 970317,main Steam Safety Valve Was Outside as Found Setpoint Tolerance.Specific Cause Unknown,However, Minor Setpoint Drift Can Be Expected.No Immediate Corrective Actions Performed
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) | 05000280/LER-1997-005, :on 970502,Unit 1 Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation Was Inoperable Due to Personnel Error.Sro & STA That Were Involved in Event Were Counseled |
- on 970502,Unit 1 Power Range Nuclear Instrumentation Was Inoperable Due to Personnel Error.Sro & STA That Were Involved in Event Were Counseled
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) | 05000280/LER-1997-006, :on 970320,loss of Refueling Integrity Due to Inadequate Containment Closure Process & Verification.Fuel Movement Stopped IAW Action Statement Requirements of TS 3.10.B |
- on 970320,loss of Refueling Integrity Due to Inadequate Containment Closure Process & Verification.Fuel Movement Stopped IAW Action Statement Requirements of TS 3.10.B
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(viii) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000280/LER-1997-007, Forwards LER 97-007-00,per 10CFR50.73.Commitments Contained in Ltr,Listed | Forwards LER 97-007-00,per 10CFR50.73.Commitments Contained in Ltr,Listed | | 05000280/LER-1997-007-01, :on 970930,determined That Plant Was Outside App R Design Basis Due to Vital Bus Isolation Issue.Caused by Personnel Error.Installed Circuit Protective Device During Oct 1997 Refueling Outage |
- on 970930,determined That Plant Was Outside App R Design Basis Due to Vital Bus Isolation Issue.Caused by Personnel Error.Installed Circuit Protective Device During Oct 1997 Refueling Outage
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2) | 05000280/LER-1997-008, Forwards LER 97-008-00 Re Invalid Actuation Esfs,Due to Personnel Errors.Lessons Learned from Event Will Be Presented to Safety Preparers/Reviewers | Forwards LER 97-008-00 Re Invalid Actuation Esfs,Due to Personnel Errors.Lessons Learned from Event Will Be Presented to Safety Preparers/Reviewers | | 05000280/LER-1997-008-01, :on 971011,invalid Actuation of ESF Occurred. Caused by Personnel Errors.Main CR Bottled Air Sys Isolated & Containment Hydrogen Analyzer Heat Tracing Actuation Signal Reset |
- on 971011,invalid Actuation of ESF Occurred. Caused by Personnel Errors.Main CR Bottled Air Sys Isolated & Containment Hydrogen Analyzer Heat Tracing Actuation Signal Reset
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iii) | 05000280/LER-1997-009, :on 971014,declared Intake Canal Level Probes Inoperable Due to Marine Growth.Caused by Inadequate Maint of Intake Canal Level Probes.Subject Probes Were Cleaned, Tested Satisfactorily & Returned to Operable Status |
- on 971014,declared Intake Canal Level Probes Inoperable Due to Marine Growth.Caused by Inadequate Maint of Intake Canal Level Probes.Subject Probes Were Cleaned, Tested Satisfactorily & Returned to Operable Status
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(x) 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iii) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition | 05000280/LER-1997-009-01, Forwards LER 97-009-01,per 10CFR50.73.Commitments Made by Util,Listed | Forwards LER 97-009-01,per 10CFR50.73.Commitments Made by Util,Listed | | 05000280/LER-1997-010, :on 971028,discovered Missed Fire Protection Surveillance Pt.Caused by Personnel Error.Satisfactorily Completed PT Procedure 0-OPT-FP-009 & Diesel Driven Fire Pump 1-FP-P-2 Declared Operable |
- on 971028,discovered Missed Fire Protection Surveillance Pt.Caused by Personnel Error.Satisfactorily Completed PT Procedure 0-OPT-FP-009 & Diesel Driven Fire Pump 1-FP-P-2 Declared Operable
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition | 05000280/LER-1997-011, :on 971030,determined That Periodic Test Procedures for Testing Reactor Trip Bypass Breakers Did Not Test Manual Undervoltage Trip.Caused by mis-interpretation of Term in-service. Procedures Revised |
- on 971030,determined That Periodic Test Procedures for Testing Reactor Trip Bypass Breakers Did Not Test Manual Undervoltage Trip.Caused by mis-interpretation of Term in-service. Procedures Revised
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i)(B), Prohibited by Technical Specifications | 05000280/LER-1997-012, :on 971028,loss of Power to Latching Mechanism on Several Doors Occurred.Caused by Tripping of Two Breakers in Security Distribution Panel.Reset Affected Breakers Which Restored Power to Security Systems & Affected Doors |
- on 971028,loss of Power to Latching Mechanism on Several Doors Occurred.Caused by Tripping of Two Breakers in Security Distribution Panel.Reset Affected Breakers Which Restored Power to Security Systems & Affected Doors
| 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(v), Loss of Safety Function 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(vii), Common Cause Inoperability 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(iv), System Actuation 10 CFR 50.73(a)(2)(i) 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(ii), Degraded or Unanalyzed Condition | 05000280/LER-1997-012-01, Forwards LER 97-012-01,per 10CFR50.73.Commitments Made by Util,Listed | Forwards LER 97-012-01,per 10CFR50.73.Commitments Made by Util,Listed | |