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03-2005-Final-Operating Exam
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 03/25/2005
Operations Branch IV
TXU Power
50-445/05-301, 50-446/05-301 50-445/05-301, 50-446/05-301
Download: ML051230435 (178)


Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY System: Conduct of Operations JTA Task #: (New)



Determine Pressurizer Heater Operability KSA Ref: 2.1.33 PEO: RO: 3.4 SRO: 4.0 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: CLASSROOM CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 15 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

IPO-001A Plant Heatup from Cold Selected parameters from the plant, captured on Shutdown to Hot Standby Attachment 1 of this JPM, and a calculator.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The plant is ready to enter Mode 3. The Unit Supervisor has directed you to determine the operability of the Pressurizer Heaters by performing step 5.3.1 of IPO-001A, Plant Heatup from Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby. Plant data is provided.

Terminating Conditions:

Calculations are complete and an Operability determination has been made.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Provide the candidate with the Note Start time.

initiating cue, the plant data sheet, and a copy of IPO-001A step 5.3.1.

2 Candidate correctly transfers See Attached Key data to the procedure.

3 Candidate performs See Attached Key calculations.

  • 4 Candidate determines B/U Heater Groups A, operability B and Control Heater Group C are OPERABLE. B/U Heater Group D is INOPERABLE TASK COMPLETE. Note Completion time.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY INITIATING CUE:

The plant is ready to enter Mode 3. The Unit Supervisor has directed you to determine the operability of the Pressurizer Heaters by performing step 5.3.1 of IPO-001A, Plant Heatup from Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby. Plant data is provided.

Plant Data Parameter Value from Last Reading Current Value Sheets (OPT-XXX) 1/1-PCPR1 Amps 580 580 1/1-PCPR Amps 0 200 1/1-PCPR2 Amps 565 565 1/1P-CPR3 Amps 0 176 1B1 Volts 474 468 1B2 Volts 483 476 1B3 Volts 476 470 1B4 Volts 485 480 PC point V6303A 487.2 486.9 PC point V6302A 488.1 487.1 PC point V6301A 487.2 486.9 PC point V6304A 488.3 487.1 PC point A6801A 571.2 570.1 PC point A6802A 0 193 PC point A6803A 559.8 560 PC point A6804A 0 176 1EA1 Amps 282.7 261.4 1EA2 Amps 358.5 423.7 NOTE: The candidate can use either the MCB meter amperages or the plant computer values for heater amperages. The IPO allows both and there is no significant difference.

NOTE: The shaded parameters should NOT be used. The following problems exist with the shaded data:

1. The pressurizer heaters are supplied by 1EB1-4, NOT 1B1-4
2. 1EA1/2 amperage is not necessary to complete the calculations.
3. Data from the last set of logs should NOT be used for the Operability determination. Plant conditions could have changed significantly since the readings were taken. The IPO wants current plant data to determine Operability.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY Circle the correct status for each Bank of Pressurizer Heaters Heater Bank Status Status B/U Heater Grp. A Operable Inoperable B/U Heater Grp. B Operable Inoperable Control Grp. C Operable Inoperable B/U Heater Grp. D Operable Inoperable Example of the completed procedure:

5.3 Heatup And Pressurization For MODE 3 Entry


This section describes steps for heatup and pressurization to enter MODE 3.

5.3.1 Verify at least two groups of pressurizer heaters have a capacity of at least 150KW each.(TS SR

A. Energize each group of heaters, as required, to measure current. _____

B. Record voltage and current AND calculate power for each group of heaters.

(Voltage x current x 0.001732 = power)

  • Backup Heater Group A 1EB3 1-II-PCPR1or Or 486.9__x or _570.1 _ x 0.001732 = 480.77 KW _____

V6303A A6801A

  • Backup Heater Group B 1EB2- 1-II-PCPR2 or 487.1 x or _193 _ x 0.001732 = 162.8 KW _____

V6302A A6803A

  • ! Control Heater Group C 1EB1 1-II-PCPR or 486.9 x or __560 x 0.001732 = _472.54_ KW _____

V6301A A6803A

  • ! Backup Heater Group D 1EB4 1-II-PCPR3 or 487.1 x or _176 x 0.001732 = __148.5__ KW _____

V6304A A6804A C. Operate pressurizer heaters as needed for plant conditions. _____

D. IF any group(s) of pressurizer heaters does NOT have a capacity of > 150KW, THEN initiate a LCOAR per ODA-308. _____

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A1.b KEY System: Conduct of Operations JTA Task #: (New)



Calculate RCS Leakrate KSA Ref: 2.1.23 PEO: RO: 3.9 SRO: 4.0 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: CLASSROOM CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 15 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

ABN-103 Excessive Reactor Coolant Selected parameters from the plant, captured on Leakage Attachment 1 of this JPM, and a calculator.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A1.b KEY Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The plant is operating at 100% power, BOL. The crew is responding to the indications of a Reactor Coolant System leak. The Unit Supervisor has directed you to determine the size of the leak by performing Attachment 1 of ABN-103, Excessive Reactor Coolant Leakage. Plant data is provided.

Terminating Conditions:

Calculations are complete and a RCS Leak Rate determination has been made.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A1.b KEY STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Provide the candidate with the Note Start time.

initiating cue, the plant data sheet, and a copy of ABN-103 Attachment 1.

2 Candidate correctly transfers See Attached Key data to the procedure.

3 Candidate performs See Attached Key calculations.

  • 4 Candidate determines Leak rate is determined operability to be approx 5 gpm.

See key for allowed variances in parameters TASK COMPLETE. Note Completion time.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A1.b KEY INITIATING CUE:

Parameter Value at 1258:15 Value at 1312:15 CHG FLO (F6138A) 141.5 145.1 LTDN FLO (F6134A) 130.89 130.93 FR-157 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-156 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-155 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-154 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 VCT LVL (L6112A) 46.5 53.3 T0400A (Loop 1 Tave) 589.8 589.2 T0420A (Loop 2 Tave) 588.6 587.9 T0440A (Loop 3 Tave) 589.7 589.1 T0460A (Loop 4 Tave) 588.7 588.1 L6480A (PZR Level 1) 59.58 56.6 L6481A (PZR Level 2) 59.58 56.6 L6482A (PZR Level 3) 59.58 56.6 NOTE: The VCT was filled by Automatic make-up at 1302. There we no diversions of letdown flow during this period.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A1.b KEY Example of the completed procedure:

Alternative #1 RCS Leak at 16 gpm Parameter Value at 1258:15 Value at 1312:15 CHG FLO (F6138A) 141.5 145.1 LTDN FLO (F6134A) 130.89 130.93 FR-157 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-156 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-155 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-154 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 VCT LVL (L6112A) 46.5 53.3 T0400A (Loop 1 Tave) 589.8 589.2 T0420A (Loop 2 Tave) 588.6 587.9 T0440A (Loop 3 Tave) 589.7 589.1 T0460A (Loop 4 Tave) 588.7 588.1 L6480A (PZR Level 1) 59.58 56.6 L6481A (PZR Level 2) 59.58 56.6 L6482A (PZR Level 3) 59.58 56.6 NOTE: The VCT was filled by Automatic make-up at 1302. There we no diversions of letdown flow during this period.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A1.b KEY CPSES UNIT 1 AND 2 PROCEDURE NO.


  • CHRG FLO ___141.5____ + ___131.2____

(F6138A) ( ____________286.6____________) = __143.3__ GPM 2

  • LTDN HX OUT FLOW ____130.89___ + ___130.93___

(F6134A) (___________261.82____________) = __130.91__ GPM 2

  • RCP SEAL LKOFF FLO __2.8____ + ____2.8___

(FR-157, 156, 155 (____________5.6______________.) = ____2.8__ GPM

& 154) 2

  • VCT LVL (________ - ________)(19.4gal/%)

(L6112A) (________________________________) = _________ GPM

(__________)t in MIN)

RC LOOP 1-4 TAVE (__589.2__ - __588.6__)(93gal/°F)

(T0400A,T0420A,T0440A ( ________55.8________________) = ___3.98__ GPM OR T0460A) (___14___)t in MIN)

PRZR LVL (_59.58___ - __56.6___)(65gal/%)

(L6480A,L6481A OR ( _________193.7_______________) = __13.84__ GPM L6482A) (__14____)t in MIN)

CALCULATION FORMULA Flow adjust method:

(+) _143.3__ -_130.91_ -__2.8__ -(+ )_3.98__ +( )13.84__ = _27.41_GPM CHRG FLO LTDN FLOW SEAL LKOFF TAVG ADJUST PRZR LVL RCS LEAKAGE FLO ADJUST OR VCT level adjust method

( )_________ -( )______ +( )________ = ______GPM VCT LVL ADJUST TAVG ADJUST PRZR LVL RCS LEAKAGE ADJUST

  • Either Chrg Flo, Ltdn Flow, and RCP Seal Lkoff Flo (Flow adjust method) OR VCT Lvl (VCT level adjust method) should be used, but NOT both.

Attachment 1 Page 6 of 8 Rev Date: 1/24/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A1.b KEY Alternative #2 RCS Leak at 5 gpm Parameter Value at 1258:15 Value at 1312:15 CHG FLO (F6138A) 140.7 143.8 LTDN FLO (F6134A) 130.9 130.9 FR-157 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-156 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-155 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 FR-154 (RCP 1 Leak Off) 2.8 2.8 VCT LVL (L6112A) 52.8 50.4 T0400A (Loop 1 Tave) 589.8 589.8 T0420A (Loop 2 Tave) 588.6 588.6 T0440A (Loop 3 Tave) 589.7 589.7 T0460A (Loop 4 Tave) 588.7 588.7 L6480A (PZR Level 1) 60 59.5 L6481A (PZR Level 2) 60 59.5 L6482A (PZR Level 3) 60 59.5 NOTE: There was no VCT auto make-up. There we no diversions of letdown flow during this period.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A1.b KEY CPSES UNIT 1 AND 2 PROCEDURE NO.


  • CHRG FLO __140.7____ + ___143.8___

(F6138A) ( __________284.5____________) = __142.25___ GPM 2

  • LTDN HX OUT FLOW ___130.9__ + ___130.9___

(F6134A) (__________261.8______________) = __130.9__ GPM 2

  • RCP SEAL LKOFF FLO ___2.8______ + ____2.8____

(FR-157, 156, 155 (___________5.6______________.) = ___2.8___ GPM

& 154) 2

  • VCT LVL (_52.8___ - __50.4___)(19.4gal/%)

(L6112A) (_________46.56__________________) = __2.74___ GPM

(__17____)t in MIN)

RC LOOP 1-4 TAVE (________ - ________)(93gal/°F)

(T0400A,T0420A,T0440A ( _____________0__________________) = ____0___ GPM OR T0460A) (_____17_____)t in MIN)

PRZR LVL (_60___ - ___59.5__)(65gal/%)

(L6480A,L6481A OR ( _________32.5___________________) = ___1.9___ GPM L6482A) (__17_____)t in MIN)

Shaded areas NOT REQUIRED CALCULATION FORMULA Flow adjust method:

(+) ________ -________ -________ -( )_________ +( )________ = ______GPM CHRG FLO LTDN FLOW SEAL LKOFF TAVG ADJUST PRZR LVL RCS LEAKAGE FLO ADJUST OR VCT level adjust method

( )__2.74___ -( )_0___ +(+ )__1.9__ = __4.65_GPM VCT LVL ADJUST TAVG ADJUST PRZR LVL RCS LEAKAGE ADJUST

  • Either Chrg Flo, Ltdn Flow, and RCP Seal Lkoff Flo (Flow adjust method) OR VCT Lvl (VCT level adjust method) should be used, but NOT both.

Attachment 1 Page 8 of 8 Rev Date: 1/24/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A3 -KEY-System: Radiation Control JTA Task #: (New)



Evaluate Radiological Condition for Task Performance KSA Ref: 2.3.10 PEO: RO: 2.9 SRO: 3.3 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: CLASSROOM CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 15 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

Copy of the GAP and the applicable Survey Map for GAP# 2005-01 the task.

STA-656 RPI-606 Page 1 of 5 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A3 -KEY-Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

You are on tour in the Safeguards Building. The US directs you to isolate the air to HV-8152.

You are to evaluate the radiological condition in the area and provide the requested information.

Terminating Conditions:

Answers to questions are provided to the evaluator.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A3 -KEY-STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Provide the candidate with the Note Start time.

initiating cue, the GAP and the Survey Map.

  • 2 Candidate correctly answers See Attached Key two of the three questions.

Note Completion time TASK COMPLETE.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A3 -KEY-INITIATING CUE:

You are on tour in the Safeguards Building. The US directs you to isolate the air to HV-8152. You are to evaluate the radiological condition in the area and provide the requested information.

NOTE: Circle the correct answers to the following questions and provide the evaluator with your completed paperwork.

1. The area where the valve is located is a:

A) Locked High Radiation Area B) Contaminated Area C) Posted High Radiation Area D) General Radiation Area

2. If the area where the air isolation valve is located is a 60 mr/hr field, how long before your dosimeter will alarm if it is at the lower setting allowed by the GAP.

A) Immediately B) 5 minutes C) 25 minutes D) 2.5 minutes

3. Circle three areas on the Survey Map that require contact with RP prior to entry.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: RO A3 -KEY-


You are on tour in the Safeguards Building. The US directs you to isolate the air to HV-8152. You are to evaluate the radiological condition in the area and provide the requested information.

NOTE: Circle the correct answers to the following questions and provide the evaluator with your completed paperwork.

1. The area where the valve is located is a:

E) Locked High Radiation Area F) Contaminated Area G) Posted High Radiation Area H) General Radiation Area

2. If the area where the air isolation valve is located is a 60 mr/hr field, how long before your dosimeter will alarm if it is at the lower setting allowed by the GAP.

E) Immediately F) 5 minutes G) 25 minutes H) 2.5 minutes

3. Circle three areas on the Survey Map that require contact with RP prior to entry.
1) High Radiation area where the valve to be operated is.
2) The CA I/S Pit
3) Platform on the south end of the room.

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The RWP map was removed from this page of the exam by the chief examiner because it was considered potential SUNSI material due to the equipment locations on the map.

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY System: Conduct of Operations JTA Task #: (New)



Determine Pressurizer Heater Operability KSA Ref: 2.1.33 PEO: RO: 3.4 SRO: 4.0 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: CLASSROOM CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 15 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

IPO-001A Plant Heatup from Cold Selected parameters from the plant, captured on Shutdown to Hot Standby Attachment 1 of this JPM, and a calculator.

Page 1 of 5 Rev Date: 1/19/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The plant is ready to enter Mode 3. The Unit Supervisor has directed you to determine the operability of the Pressurizer Heaters by performing step 5.3.1 of IPO-001A, Plant Heatup from Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby. Plant data is provided.

Terminating Conditions:

Calculations are complete and an Operability determination has been made.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Provide the candidate with the Note Start time.

initiating cue, the plant data sheet, and a copy of IPO-001A step 5.3.1.

2 Candidate correctly transfers See Attached Key data to the procedure.

3 Candidate performs See Attached Key calculations.

  • 4 Candidate determines B/U Heater Groups A, operability B and Control Heater Group C are OPERABLE. B/U Heater Group D is INOPERABLE TASK COMPLETE. Note Completion time.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY INITIATING CUE:

The plant is ready to enter Mode 3. The Unit Supervisor has directed you to determine the operability of the Pressurizer Heaters by performing step 5.3.1 of IPO-001A, Plant Heatup from Cold Shutdown to Hot Standby. Plant data is provided.

Plant Data Parameter Value from Last Reading Current Value Sheets (OPT-XXX) 1/1-PCPR1 Amps 580 580 1/1-PCPR Amps 0 200 1/1-PCPR2 Amps 565 565 1/1P-CPR3 Amps 0 176 1B1 Volts 474 468 1B2 Volts 483 476 1B3 Volts 476 470 1B4 Volts 485 480 PC point V6303A 487.2 486.9 PC point V6302A 488.1 487.1 PC point V6301A 487.2 486.9 PC point V6304A 488.3 487.1 PC point A6801A 571.2 570.1 PC point A6802A 0 193 PC point A6803A 559.8 560 PC point A6804A 0 176 1EA1 Amps 282.7 261.4 1EA2 Amps 358.5 423.7 NOTE: The candidate can use either the MCB meter amperages or the plant computer values for heater amperages. The IPO allows both and there is no significant difference.

NOTE: The shaded parameters should NOT be used. The following problems exist with the shaded data:

1. The pressurizer heaters are supplied by 1EB1-4, NOT 1B1-4
2. 1EA1/2 amperage is not necessary to complete the calculations.
3. Data from the last set of logs should NOT be used for the Operability determination. Plant conditions could have changed significantly since the readings were taken. The IPO wants current plant data to determine Operability.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO/RO A1.a KEY Circle the correct status for each Bank of Pressurizer Heaters Heater Bank Status Status B/U Heater Grp. A Operable Inoperable B/U Heater Grp. B Operable Inoperable Control Grp. C Operable Inoperable B/U Heater Grp. D Operable Inoperable Example of the completed procedure:

5.3 Heatup And Pressurization For MODE 3 Entry


This section describes steps for heatup and pressurization to enter MODE 3.

5.3.1 Verify at least two groups of pressurizer heaters have a capacity of at least 150KW each.(TS SR

A. Energize each group of heaters, as required, to measure current. _____

B. Record voltage and current AND calculate power for each group of heaters.

(Voltage x current x 0.001732 = power)

  • Backup Heater Group A 1EB3 1-II-PCPR1or Or 486.9__x or _570.1 _ x 0.001732 = 480.77 KW _____

V6303A A6801A

  • Backup Heater Group B 1EB2- 1-II-PCPR2 or 487.1 x or _193 _ x 0.001732 = 162.8 KW _____

V6302A A6803A

  • ! Control Heater Group C 1EB1 1-II-PCPR or 486.9 x or __560 x 0.001732 = _472.54_ KW _____

V6301A A6803A

  • ! Backup Heater Group D 1EB4 1-II-PCPR3 or 487.1 x or _176 x 0.001732 = __148.5__ KW _____

V6304A A6804A C. Operate pressurizer heaters as needed for plant conditions. _____

D. IF any group(s) of pressurizer heaters does NOT have a capacity of > 150KW, THEN initiate a LCOAR per ODA-308. _____

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A1.b System: Administrative Procedures JTA Task #: (Bank 2001)



Determine Staff Working Hours KSA Ref: 2.1.5 PEO: RO: 2.3 SRO: 3.4 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: CLASSROOM CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 10 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

Technical Specifications Technical Specifications STA-615, Staff Work Hours STA-615, Staff Work Hours Page 1 of 4 Rev Date: 1/19/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A1.b Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs with the exeption of the Plant Computer. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

You are the Unit Supervisor and one of the assigned ROs called in sick. You need to find a replacement RO. Assuming today is March 23 (0630), based on the work hour history evaluate whether any of the following 5 ROs could perform safety-related functions until 1830 without advanced approval. For each candidate indicate whether the answer is yes or no.

1. RO1 has been on-shift since 0200 (March 23).
2. On March 22, RO2 worked from 0630 until 1900 (includes a 1/2 hour shift turnover).
3. RO3 worked from 1430 on March 22 to 0030 on March 23.
4. RO4 has been on vacation for the past two days (March 21 and 22), but worked 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> on March 17, 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> on March 18, 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> on March 19, and 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> on March 20.
5. On March 22, RO5 worked from 0630 until 1930 (includes a 1/2 hour shift turnover).

Terminating Conditions:

Determine that 2 out of the 5 ROs available meet the work hour requirement to relieve the shift.

Page 2 of 4 Rev Date: 1/19/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A1.b STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT Provide candidate with 1 Candidate should Note Start time.

completed copy of the review Admin JPM and initiating cue initiating cue RO1 - no, would work Pass criteria is 4

  • 2 Review work hour history and 16.5 hrs straight of the 5 ROs determine that only 2 of the 5 work hour status ROs could work without RO2 - Yes, would work being correctly advanced approval.

24 hrs in 48 hrs determined RO3 - No, less than 8 No - cannot work hours between work periods Yes - can work RO4 - Yes, would work 70 hrs in 7 days RO5 - No, would work 24.5 hrs in 48 hrs.

Note Completion TASK COMPLETE time.

Page 3 of 4 Rev Date: 1/19/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A1.b INITIATING CUE:

You are the Unit Supervisor and one of the assigned ROs called in sick. You need to find a replacement RO. Assuming today is March 23 (0630), based on the work hour history evaluate whether any of the following 5 ROs could perform safety-related functions until 1830 without advanced approval. For each candidate indicate whether the answer is yes or no.

1. RO1 has been on-shift since 0200 (March 23).
2. On March 22, RO2 worked from 0630 until 1900 (includes a 1/2 hour shift turnover).
3. RO3 worked from 1430 on March 22 to 0030 on March 23.
4. RO4 has been on vacation for the past two days (March 21 and 22), but worked 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> on March 17, 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> on March 18, 16 hours1.851852e-4 days <br />0.00444 hours <br />2.645503e-5 weeks <br />6.088e-6 months <br /> on March 19, and 14 hours1.62037e-4 days <br />0.00389 hours <br />2.314815e-5 weeks <br />5.327e-6 months <br /> on March 20.
5. On March 22, RO5 worked from 0630 until 1930 (includes a 1/2 hour shift turnover).

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Initial License Exam 0312005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SROA2 KEY system: Equipment Control JTA Task #: (New)



Complete Technical Specification Paperwork for INOP PZR Heaters (Tracking LOCAR)

KSA Ref: 2.2-23 PEO: RO: 2.6 SRO: 3.8 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: CLASSROOM CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 15 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

Blank LOCAR Form.

ODA-308 Technical Specification 3.4.9 Page 1 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Initial License Exam Job Performance Measure PM: SROA2 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the planthontrol room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

Peer checking Three-way communications Phonetic alphabet Self checking ALM use Unit designators Conservative decision making Procedure place keeping Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all writtedoral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switcheshdications you would use Initiating Cue:

Bank D of the Pressurizer Heaters was declared INOPERABLE today at 083 1 due to KW output less than minimum. You have been directed to fill out the Tracking LOCAR. Because of a server problem, the electronic LOCAR system is unavailable. The SM has called the Prompt team and they will call with the LOCAR number when it is generated.

Terminating Conditions:

Completed Tracking LOCAR provided to the evaluator.

Page 2 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SROA2 P


  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES IJNSAT 1 Provide the candidate with the Note Start time.

initiating cue, the applicable Technical specification and the blank LOCAR form..

"2 Candidate correctly fills out See Attached Key the form. The KEY indicates the required minimum fields.

Three of the four minimum fields must be correct to pass Note Completion time the JPM.


Page 3 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SROA2 INITIATING CUE:

Bank D of the Pressurizer Heaters was declared INOPERABLE today at 083 1 due to KW output less than minimum. You have been directed to fill out the Tracking LOCAR. Because of a server problem, the electronic LOCAR system is unavailable. The SM has called the Prompt team and they will call with the LOCAR number when it is generated.

Page 4 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Pressurizer 3.4.9 ACTIONS (continued)

CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME B. One required group of B. 1 Restore required group of 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> pressurizer heaters pressurizer heaters to inoperable. OPERABLE status.

C. Required Action and c.1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> associated Completion Time of Condition B not met.

c.2 Be in MODE 4. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR Verify pressurizer water ievel is 592%. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> SR Verify capacity of each required group of pressurizer 18 months heaters is 2 150 kW.

COMANCHE PEAK - UNITS 1 AND 2 3.4-20 Amendment No. 64

Pressurizer 3.4.9 3.4 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM (RCS) 3.4.9 Pressurizer LCO 3.4.9 The pressurizer shall be OPERABLE with:

a. Pressurizer water level 592%; and
b. Two groups of pressurizer heaters OPERABLE with the capacity of each group 2 150 kW.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, and 3 ACT IONS CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A. Pressurizer water level not A. 1 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> within limit.

A.2 Fully insert all rods. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> A.3 Place Rod Control 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> System in a condition incapable of rod withdrawal.

A.4 Be in MODE 4. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> (continued)

COMANCHE PEAK - UNITS 1 AND 2 3.4-19 Amendment No. 64

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A3 -KEY-System: Radiation Control JTA Task #: (New)



Evaluate Radiological Condition for Task Performance KSA Ref: 2.3.10 PEO: RO: 2.9 SRO: 3.3 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: CLASSROOM CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 15 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

Copy of the GAP and the applicable Survey Map for GAP# 2005-01 the task.

STA-656 RPI-606 Page 1 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A3 -KEY-Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

You are on tour in the Safeguards Building. The US directs you to isolate the air to HV-8152.

You are to evaluate the radiological condition in the area and provide the requested information.

Terminating Conditions:

Answers to questions are provided to the evaluator.

Page 2 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A3 -KEY-STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Provide the candidate with the Note Start time.

initiating cue, the GAP and the Survey Map.

  • 2 Candidate correctly answers See Attached Key two of the three questions.

Note Completion time TASK COMPLETE.

Page 3 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A3 -KEY-INITIATING CUE:

You are on tour in the Safeguards Building. The US directs you to isolate the air to HV-8152. You are to evaluate the radiological condition in the area and provide the requested information.

NOTE: Circle the correct answers to the following questions and provide the evaluator with your completed paperwork.

1. The area where the valve is located is a:

A) Locked High Radiation Area B) Contaminated Area C) Posted High Radiation Area D) General Radiation Area

2. If the area where the air isolation valve is located is a 60 mr/hr field, how long before your dosimeter will alarm if it is at the lower setting allowed by the GAP.

A) Immediately B) 5 minutes C) 25 minutes D) 2.5 minutes

3. Circle three areas on the Survey Map that require contact with RP prior to entry.

Page 4 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: SRO A3 -KEY-


You are on tour in the Safeguards Building. The US directs you to isolate the air to HV-8152. You are to evaluate the radiological condition in the area and provide the requested information.

NOTE: Circle the correct answers to the following questions and provide the evaluator with your completed paperwork.

1. The area where the valve is located is a:

E) Locked High Radiation Area F) Contaminated Area G) Posted High Radiation Area H) General Radiation Area

2. If the area where the air isolation valve is located is a 60 mr/hr field, how long before your dosimeter will alarm if it is at the lower setting allowed by the GAP.

E) Immediately F) 5 minutes G) 25 minutes H) 2.5 minutes

3. Circle three areas on the Survey Map that require contact with RP prior to entry.
1) High Radiation area where the valve to be operated is.
2) The CA I/S Pit
3) Platform on the south end of the room.

Page 5 of 4 Rev Date: 2/7/05

The RWP map was removed from this page of the exam by the chief examiner because it was considered potential SUNSI material due to the equipment locations on the map.

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: A4.1 System: Emergency Plan JTA Task #: SRO A4.1 Task


Event Classification KSA Ref: 2.4.41 EAL Classification PEO: RO: 2.3 SRO: 4.1 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 10 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

EPP-201 Assessment of Emergency Action Static simulator at the completion of Scenario #1.

Levels, Emergency Classification, and Plan Activation Page 1 of 4 Rev Date: 1/18/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: A4.1 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The simulator is in freeze. Based on current plant conditions and events during the scenario, determine the emergency classification.

Terminating Conditions:

Event is classified as a Site Area Emergency.

Page 2 of 4 Rev Date: 1/18/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: A4.1 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Candidate diagnoses plant Referencing Chart 6 of Note Start time.

conditions and determines the EPP-201, the candidate emergency classification for determines that 6A is Safety System Malfunction or TRUE, 6B is TRUE, Failure 6C is FALSE, 6F is False

  • 2 Candidate declares Site Area Site Area Emergency Emergency based on Chart 6 declared IAW Chart 6 Note Completion TASK COMPLETE time.

Page 3 of 4 Rev Date: 1/18/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: A4.1 INITIATING CUE:

The simulator is in freeze. Based on current plant conditions and events during the scenario, determine the emergency classification.

Page 4 of 4 Rev Date: 1/18/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: A4.2 System: Emergency Plan JTA Task #: SRO A4.2 Task


Event Classification KSA Ref: 2.4.41 EAL Classification PEO: RO: 2.3 SRO: 4.1 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 10 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

EPP-201 Assessment of Emergency Action Static simulator at the completion of Scenario #2.

Levels, Emergency Classification, and Plan Activation Page 1 of 4 Rev Date: 1/18/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: A4.2 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The simulator is in freeze. Based on current plant conditions and events during the scenario, determine the emergency classification.

Terminating Conditions:

Event is classified as a Site Area Emergency.

Page 2 of 4 Rev Date: 1/18/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: A4.2 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Candidate diagnoses plant Referencing Chart 2 of Note Start time.

conditions and determines the EPP-201, the candidate emergency classification for determines that 2A is Loss of Reactor or Secondary TRUE, 2B is FALSE Coolant 2 Candidate declares Notification of Unusual Notification of Unusual Event Event declared IAW based on Chart 2. Chart 2 NOTE: Depending on the actual scenario times, this classification may not be necessary. If the 12 gpm leak was not present for > 15 min, it is not reasonable to expect the candidate to recognize this initial classification.

3 Candidate diagnoses plant Referencing Chart 2 of conditions and determines the EPP-201, the candidate emergency classification for determines that 2A is Loss of Reactor or Secondary TRUE, 2B is TRUE, Coolant 2C is TRUE, 2D is FALSE, 2G is FALSE.

  • 4 Candidate declares Site Area Site Area Emergency Emergency based on Chart 2. declared IAW Chart 2.

Note Completion TASK COMPLETE time.

Page 3 of 4 Rev Date: 1/18/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: A4.2 INITIATING CUE:

The simulator is in freeze. Based on current plant conditions and events during the scenario, determine the emergency classification.

Page 4 of 4 Rev Date: 1/18/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P1 System: 118 AC Distribution System & Inverters JTA Task #: (NEW)



Bypass Inverter KSA Ref: APE.057.EA1.01 PEO: RO: 3.7 SRO: 3.7 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 5 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

SOP-607A, 118 VAC Distribution System and Working copy of SOP-607A, Section 5.5.5 (1 page)

Inverters Page 1 of 4 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P1 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The Unit Supervisor has directed you to transfer distribution panel 1PC1 to its alternate power supply using SOP-607A, Section 5.5.5. A crew brief has been held and the Reactor Operator is ready to assist you.

Terminating Conditions:

Distribution panel 1PC1 is energized from the alternate power supply.

Page 2 of 4 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P1 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Ensure 1EC3/2/BKR, 118 The breaker operator is Note Start time.

VAC INSTRUMENT DISTR pointing to the ON PANEL 1PC1 FEEDER position.

BREAKER is ON CUE: Breaker position is ON.

CSR 807 South Wall Perform the following

  • 2 At Panel 1PC1:

SIMULTANEOUSLY to transfer Panel 1PC1 to the alternate source:

Turn OFF 1PC1/00/BKR-1, 1PC1/00/BKR-1 is NOTE: Breakers IV1PC1 TO 118 VAC moved to the OFF are interlocked INSTRUMENT DISTR position. via a slide bar PANEL 1PC1 PREFERRED such when BKR FEEDER BREAKER. 1is opened, BKR 2 closes.

Turn ON 1PC1/00/BKR-2, 1PC1/00/BKR-2 is 1EC3 TO 118 VAC moved to the ON INSTRUMENT DISTR position.


CUE : Breaker 1 indicates OFF and Breaker 2 indicates ON Calls the Control Room to 3 Same as element.

inform them to complete step C and that the transfer is complete.

TASK COMPLETE Note Completion time.

Page 3 of 4 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P1 INITIATING CUE:

The Unit Supervisor has directed you to transfer distribution panel 1PC1 to its alternate power supply using SOP-607A, Section 5.5.5. A crew brief has been held and the Reactor Operator is ready to assist you.

Page 4 of 4 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P2 System: Control Room Evacuation JTA Task #: (Modified)AO5412C Task


Transfer Charging Pump Suction and Isolate Dilution Paths KSA Ref: APE.068.AA1.22 PEO: RO: 4.0 SRO: 4.3 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 20 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

ABN-905A/B, Loss of Control Room Attachment 4 of ABN-905A/B (working copy)

Habitability, Attachment 4.

Page 1 of 5 Rev Date: 3/1/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P2 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:

NOTE TO EXAMINER: Review note at step 8 of JPM to ensure candidate is notified by RSP.

This JPM is designed to work on either Unit for ease of scheduling. Note which Unit is used in the comment section.


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The control room has been evacuated per ABN-905A (B). You are requested to align the charging pump suction to the RWST and isolate RCS dilution paths per Attachment 4.

NOTE: The Control Room has been evacuated and is inaccessible Terminating Conditions:

Charging pump suction has been transferred to the RWST and the RCS dilution paths have been isolated. Attachment 4 is complete.

Page 2 of 5 Rev Date: 3/1/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P2 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Open RWST u-01 to CHRG 1-EB3-1/8C/BKR, Note Start time.

PMP SUCT VLV u-LCV- switch rotated to LEFT 112D MOT BKR. (OFF position). SFGD 790-South (North for U2)

CUE: Breaker indicates in the Hallway West OFF position. Side.

U1-Room 1-070 U2-Room 2-070 2 Open VCT CTRL u-01 to 1-EB3-1/5F/BKR CHRG PMP SUCT VLV u- switch rotated to LEFT LCV-112B MOT BKR (OFF position).

CUE: Breaker indicates in the OFF position.

3 Open RWST 1-01 to CHRG 1EB4-1/8F/BKR AB 790-By FDT PMP SUCT VLV 112E MOT switch rotated to LEFT #3 Door for U1.

BKR (OFF position). U2-810Room X-207.

CUE: Breaker indicates in the OFF position.

4 Open VCT 1-01 to CHRG 1EB4-1/8C/BKR PMP SUCT VLV 0112C MOT switch rotated to LEFT BKR. (OFF position).

CUE: Breaker indicates in the OFF position.

  • 5 Manually open valve 1-LCV- 1-LCV-112D clutch NOTE: Either 0112D RWST 1-01 TO CHRG lever depressed while step 5 or 6 is PMP SUCT VLV. hand wheel is turned critical, not both.

counter clockwise and CUE: 1-LCV-112D has position indication is AB 810 stopped moving and indicates checked. Southside in the OPEN position. Corridor about halfway down the corridor outside room.

  • 6 Manually open valve 1-LCV- 1-LCV-112E clutch LCV-112E is 0112E RWST 1-01 TO CHRG lever depressed while Southeast of PMP SUCT VLV. hand wheel is turned LCV-112D.

counter clockwise and Unit 2 next to CUE: 1-LCV-112E has position indication is Room X-207.

stopped moving and indicates checked.

in the OPEN position.

Page 3 of 5 Rev Date: 3/1/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P2 STEP# SAT/

  • 7 Manually close valve 1-LCV- 1-LCV-112B clutch NOTE: Either 0112B VCT 1-01 to CHRG lever depressed while step 7 or 8 is PMP UPSTRM LVL CTRL hand wheel is turned critical, not both.

VLV. clockwise and position indication is checked AB 810 charging CUE: 1-LCV-112B has pump valve room stopped moving and indicates South end, inside in the CLOSED position. the Contaminated area for Unit 1.

Unit 2 - Room X-207.

CUE: Remote Shutdown Panel reports ZL-8220 and ZL-8221 were verified closed from the Control Room prior to evacuation.

  • 8 Manually close valve 1-LCV- 1-LCV-112C clutch Next to LCV-112C VCT 1-01 to CHRG lever depressed while 112B.

PMP DNSTRM LVL CTRL hand wheel is turned VLV. clockwise and position .

indication is checked.

CUE: 1-LCV-112C has stopped moving and indicates in the CLOSED position.

  • 9 Isolate dilution paths by 1 CS-8455 hand wheel AUX 822 closing 1 CS-8455 RMUW to rotated clockwise blender room SE CVCS BA BLNDR u-01 corner 1 above UPSTRM ISOL VLV. floor CUE: 1 CS-8455 hand wheel has stopped moving and the valve indicates CLOSED.

Note Completion TASK COMPLETE time.

Page 4 of 5 Rev Date: 3/1/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P2 INITIATING CUE:

The Control Room has been evacuated per ABN-905A (B). You are requested to align the charging pump suction to the RWST and isolate RCS dilution paths per Attachment 4.

NOTE: The Control Room has been evacuated and is inaccessible.

Page 5 of 5 Rev Date: 3/1/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P3 System: Steam Line Rupture JTA Task #: Direct from Bank, A0*6424 Task


Locally Isolate Faulted Steam Generator KSA Ref: APE.040.AA1.03 PEO: RO: 4.3 SRO: 4.3 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT cz] CONTROLROOM cz] SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED H SIMULATED cz] DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 10 minutes Actual SATISFACTORY cz] UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

M1-0202, Sh. 0 NONE EOP-2.0A(B), Faulted Steam Generator Isolation Page 1 of 4 Rev Date: 3115/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plantlcontrol room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the ShiftlUnit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations depmment guidance:

Peer checking 0 Three-way Phonetic alphabet communications 0 Self checking ALMuse 0 Unit designators Conservative 0 Procedure place 0 Procedure rules of usage decision making keeping Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all writterdoral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

A steam line break occurred on #1 SG inside containment. A reactor trip, safety injection, and steamline isolation have been initiated. 1- W2452-2 STM SPLY VLV - MSL#1 (TDAFWP Steam Supply) indicates mid position. The Unit Supervisor directs you to isolate the valve using a manual isolation, and notify the control room when complete.

Terminating Conditions :

The #1 SG has been isolated.

Page 2 of 4 Rev Date: 3/15/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P3 1 Operator identifies alternate Locate alternate valves Note Start time.

valves to isolate g-HV-2452-2. to isolate g-HV-2452-2.

&MS-0101 or gMS- Operator may 0144) refer to applicable mint if desired.

"2 Operator closes gMS-0101 or Turn the handwheel to Valves are uMS-0 144.

- the closed position located in the (clockwise direction) MSL #1 CUE: Valve turns until it and verify stem Penetration Rm, stops and is in the fully position. SFGD. 880' clockwise position.

3 Notify the Control Room that Operator uses radio or


u-MS-0101 or EMS-0144 is Gaitronics to notify the closed. Control Room that g-HV-2452-2 is isolated.

CUE: Control Room understands that g-HV-2452-2 is isolated.

Note Completion time.

Page 3 of 4 Rev Date: 3/15/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: P3 INITIATING CUE:

A steam line break occurred on #1 SG inside containment. A reactor trip, safety injection, and steamline isolation have been initiated. 1- HV2452-2 STM SPLY VLV - MSL#l(TDAFWP Steam Supply) indicates mid position. The Unit Supervisor directs you to isolate the valve using a manual isolation, and notify the control room when complete.

Page 4 of 4 Rev Date: 3/15/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-1 System: Reactor Coolant System JTA Task #: RO*1111 Task


Verify Natural Circulation (Alternate Path)

KSA Ref: EPE.E09.EA1.3 PEO: RO: 3.5 SRO: 3.8 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 10 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

EOS-0.1A Reactor Trip Response (Rev 7) Reset to IC 20 and then:

Trip the Reactor, Enter Malfunction ED01, Start Emergency boration, Stop the TDAFWP when SG levels are @ 25%, Throttle remaining AFW to 120 per SG, manually control ARVs until Auct. CET start to increase. Ensure the simulator remains in FREEZE until right before the candidate starts the task. Ensure Steam Tables are available.

Page 1 of 5 Rev Date: 03/17/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-1 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:

Evaluator should ensure the simulator remains in FREEZE until right before the candidates starts the task.


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The crew is responding to a loss of offsite power. Safety Injection is not actuated or required. The RCPs cannot be restarted. The US directs you to verify Natural Circulation per EOS 0.1A step 8 and Attachment 3 of the same procedure. (Provide candidate a copy of EOS-0.1A)

Terminating Conditions:

Attachment 3 is complete and the candidate has increased steam flow rate from the ARVs.

Page 2 of 5 Rev Date: 03/17/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-1 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Verify RCS subcooling > 25ºF. Operator verifies Note Start time.

subcooling using 1-TI-CUE: Subcooling is 35ºF and 3611/3612-1 on CB-05.


2 Check Steam Generator Operator checks SG Pressures-STABLE OR pressures using 1-PI-DECREASING 514/524/534/544A on CB-08 CUE: All SG pressures are INCREASING.

3 Check RCS Hot Leg Operator checks hot leg Temperatures- STABLE OR temperatures using 1-DECREASING TR-433/434A on CB-06.

CUE: All Hot Leg Temperatures are stable.

4 Check core exit TCs- Operator checks core Note: Candidate STABLE OR DECREASING exit TCs on plant may immediately computer, increase steam flow from OR ARVs.

1-TI-3611/3612-2 on CUE: Core Exit TCs are 605º CB-05 and slowly increasing.

5 Check RCS cold leg Operator checks RCS temperatures-AT cold leg temperatures SATURATION using 1-TR-413B/23B TEMPERATURE FOR SG and 433B/43B on PRESSURE CB05 and compares to SG pressures using 1-CUE: Cold leg temperatures PI-514/524/534/544A are 551º F and SG pressures on CB-08 are 1050 psig.

Page 3 of 5 Rev Date: 03/17/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-1 STEP# SAT/

  • 6 Natural Circulation is NOT Operator opens SG verifed, Increase Steam Flow ARVs using 1-PK-from SG ARVs. 2325/26/27/28 on CB08.

CUE: Steam Generator pressures are decreasing.

7 Verify Core Exit Operator checks core Thermocouples are decreasing. exit TCs on plant computer, CUE: Core Exit Thermocouples are decreasing. OR 1-TI-3611/3612-2 on CB-05 TASK COMPLETE Note Completion

. time.

Page 4 of 5 Rev Date: 03/17/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-1 INITIATING CUE:

The crew is responding to a loss of offsite power. Safety Injection is not actuated or required. The RCPs cannot be restarted. The US directs you to verify Natural Circulation per EOS 0.1A step 8 and of the same procedure.

Page 5 of 5 Rev Date: 03/17/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S2 System: Pressurizer Pressure Control System JTA Task #: (Modified) RO*1209 Task


Control Pressurizer Pressure KSA Ref: SF3.010.A1.07 PEO: RO: 3.7 SRO: 3.7 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 30 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

IPO-005A, Step 5.1.5 Reset to IC 5 with Tave appx. 557 B F, RCS Pressure appx. 2235 psig, and a small cooldown in progress.

Provide working copy of IPO-005A, steps 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 Page 1 of 8 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S2 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

A plant shutdown and cooldown for REFUELING is in progress. The RCS is currently at appx.

557B F and 2235 psig. You are currently in IPO-005A, at step 5.1.5 with a 50B F/Hr cooldown in progress. The BOP is controlling the cooldown. The US has instructed you to initiate a reduction of RCS Pressure per step 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 and stabilize pressure at 1925 psig (+ or-25 psig), and then BLOCK SI, while the RCS Cooldown is continuing. The Extra RO will perform OPT-407 and RCP data monitoring.

Terminating Conditions:

Przr Spray Valve Controllers in MANUAL (AMBER & GREEN) Lights with zero (0) output, ZL Lights GREEN, and RCS Pressure at 1925 + or - 25 psig Page 2 of 8 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S2 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT NOTE: 1-PK-455A PZR Depress MANUAL on Note Start time MASTER PRESS CTRL may 1-PK-455A PZR be adjusted in MANUAL to MASTER PRESS energize Group C Pressurizer CTRL Heaters and maximize spray flow
  • 1 Place Pressurizer Spray Valve Depress AMBER PK-455B and PK-Controller(s) in MANUAL P/B on PK-455B and 455C are located PK-455C and verify on CB-05 controllers are in (VERTICAL MANUAL by BOARD) observing the AMBER Light ON and the WHITE (Auto) Light CUE: Przr Spray Valve OFF.

Controllers u-PK-455B and u-PK-455C AMBER and ON.

  • 2 THROTTLE OPEN one or Depress the RED P/B When the RED both pressurizer spray valve to on either PK-455B P/B is depressed begin a slow RCS Pressure and/or PK-455C and the output meter reduction. verify controller should begin to response by observing increase (from the controller output 9% toward and indicating lights 100%). As the CUE: The Przr Spray (ZL-455B or ZL-455C) valve begins to Valve(s) ZL lights are RED on Control Board throttle the ZL and GREEN for the Spray (Vertical Board LIGHTS (ZL-Valve operated. Section). 455A or ZL-455B) will indicate THROTTLED by having both RED and GREEN LIGHTS ON Page 3 of 8 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S2 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 3 Monitor RCS Pressure for Verify RCS Pressure RCS Press (NR)

DECREASE decrease using Narrow instruments u-PI-Range Pressure 455A, u-PI-456, Instruments or u-PI-457, and/or Recorder. u-PI-458 located

  • u-PI-455A on CB-05 OR
  • u-PI-456 RCS Press
  • u-PI-457 Recorder u-PR-
  • u-PI-458 455 located on
  • u-PI-455 CB-05 NOTE: ALB-5B CUE: RCS pressure is 1.6 & 2.6 decreasing and when RCS annunciate at pressure is 2185 psig, 2185 psig ALARMS 1.6 and 2.6 on ALB-5B have annunciated.

4 ACKNOWLEDGE Depress the Annunciators 1.6 and 2.6 on ACKNOWLEDGE P/B ALB-5B. at the Annunciator Controls on CB-05

  • 5 As PRZR PRESS channels Verify RCS Pressure approach 1925 psig, adjust decrease using Narrow pressurizer heaters Range Pressure and spray valves as necessary Instruments or to maintain RCS pressure Recorder.

between1900 psig and 1950

  • u-PI-455A psig.
  • u-PI-456


  • u-PI-457
  • u-PI-458
  • u-PI-455 CUE: RCS Pressure indicates Manually controls The US 1925 psig on u-PI-455A, u-PI- pressurizer sprays and DIRECTS you to 456, 457, 458, and recorder u- heaters to stabilize RCS stabilize RCS PR-455. pressure at 1925 psig. pressure and Block SI per the
  • If RCS pressure IPO step in effect.

decreases to below 1820 psig, SI will actuate and will result in a failure of the JPM.

Page 4 of 8 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S2 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 6 WHEN RCS pressure is below The RCS is borated for 1960 psig, THEN perform the SDM for 350°F following:

A. Ensure RCS has been borated to a Shutdown Margin for RCS #350°F(reference Step 5.2.3 A).

CUE: The US informs the RO that the RCS is borated for SDM for 350°F 7 Verify 1-PCIP, 2.6, PRZR CB-07, PCIP alarm PRESS SI BLK PERM P-11 is window 2.6 is lit ON. (blue).

CUE: CB-07, PCIP alarm window 2.6 is lit.

8 Verify the following status On CB-04, 1-TSLB-9, lights are OFF: windows:

1-TSLB-9, 1.3, PRZR PRESS 1.3 is dark SI PERM PB-455B 1-TSLB-9, 2.3, PRZR PRESS 2.3 is dark SI PERM PB-456B 1-TSLB-9, 3.3, PRZR PRESS 3.3 is dark SI PERM PB-457B CUE: Windows 1.3, 2.3, and 3.3 on TSLB 9 are dark.

Page 5 of 8 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S2 STEP# SAT/

  • 9 Turn BOTH MSL ISOL SI On CB-08, in the MSL RESET/BLOCK switches to Isolation section:

BLOCK and release:

1/1-SLSIRBA, MSL ISOL SI Turns handswitch 1/1-RESET/BLOCK SLSIRBA counter clockwise to block 1/1-SLSIRBB, MSL ISOL SI Turns handswitch 1/1-RESET/BLOCK SLSIRBA counter clockwise to block CUE: The handswitch moved counterclockwise and stopped.

10 Verify the following are ON: CB-07, PCIP alarm window:

1-PCIP, 3.8, MSL PRESS LO 3.8 is ON.


TRN B SI BLK CUE: PCIP windows 3.8 and 4.8 are LIT.

  • 11 Turn BOTH PRZR PRESS SI On CB-08, in the SI RESET/BLOCK switches to BLOCK section:

BLOCK and release:

1/1-PPSIRBA, PRZR PRESS Turns handswitch 1/1-SI RESET/BLOCK PPSIRBA counter clockwise to block 1/1-PPSIRBB, PRZR PRESS Turns handswitch 1/1-SI RESET/BLOCK PPSIRBB counter clockwise to block CUE: The handswitch moved counterclockwise and stopped.

Page 6 of 8 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S2 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 12 Verify the following are ON: CB-07, PCIP alarm window:

1-PCIP, 3.7, PRZR PRESS LO 3.7 is ON.


TRN B SI BLK 13 Report that RCS pressure is RCS pressure is stable stable at 1925 psig and that or slightly decreasing at SI has been blocked. IPO- less than 1950 psig.

005A step 5.1.5 has been completed.

TASK COMPLETE Note completion time.

Page 7 of 8 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S2 INITIATING CUE:

A plant shutdown and cooldown for REFUELING is in progress. The RCS is currently at appx. 557B F and 2235 psig. You are currently in IPO-005A, at step 5.1.5 with a 50B F/Hr cooldown in progress.

The BOP is controlling the cooldown.

The US has instructed you to initiate a reduction of RCS Pressure per step 5.1.5 and 5.1.6 and stabilize pressure at 1925 psig (+ or- 20 psig), and then BLOCK SI, while the RCS Cooldown is continuing. The Extra RO will perform OPT-407 and RCP data monitoring.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S3 System: CVCS JTA Task #: (NEW)



Emergency Borate Using Chemical And Volume Control System KSA Ref: SF1.004.A4.18 PEO: RO: 4.3 SRO: 4.1 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 10 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

ABN-107, "Emergency Boration", Initialize into any shutdown IC above 550°F Tave.

Provide ABN-107, Attachment 2 to candidate.

Page 1 of 5 Rev Date: 1/28/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S3 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

You have been directed by the Unit Supervisor to commence Emergency Boration using Attachment 2 of ABN-107, Emergency Boration. Inform the Unit Supervisor when the attachment is complete.

Terminating Conditions:

Emergency boration established through the Normal Boration valves.

Page 2 of 5 Rev Date: 1/28/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S3 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Place 1/u-MU, RCS MU MAN 1/u-MU rotated in the Note Start time.

ACT switch in - STOP. counterclockwise direction until it is in CUE: 1/u-MU is in the STOP the STOP position.


  • 2 Open 1/u-FCV-110B, RCS 1/u-FCV-110B rotated MU TO CHRG PMP SUCT in the clockwise ISOL VLV. position from AUTO to OPEN.

CUE: 1/u-FCV-110B is in the OPEN position and the red light is LIT.

Rotates handswitch 1/u-APBA1, BA XFER PMP 1 1/u-APBA1 in the

- AUTO (AFTER START) clockwise direction to the START position.


CUE: The green light is OFF and the red light is ON.

  • 4 Open 1/u-FCV-110A, BA 1/u-FCV-110A rotated BLNDR FLO CTRL VLV. in the clockwise position from AUTO to CUE: 1/u-FCV-110B is in the OPEN.

OPEN position and the red light is ON.

Page 3 of 5 Rev Date: 1/28/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S3 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 5 Verify flow on u-FR-110 Using the RED pen on (RED PEN), BA FLOW TO u-FR-110, verify that BLNDR flow is between 35 and 40 gpm.

CUE: Boric acid flow is 38 gpm.

6 Verify flow on u-FI-121A, Using u-FI-121A, CHRG FLOW verifies that Charging flow is going to the RCS.

Note Completion CUE: Charging flow indicates time.

115 gpm.

TASK COMPLETE Page 4 of 5 Rev Date: 1/28/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S3 INITIATING CUE:

You have been directed by the Unit Supervisor to commence Emergency Boration using Attachment 2 of ABN-107, Emergency Boration. Inform the Unit Supervisor when the attachment is complete.

Page 5 of 5 Rev Date: 1/28/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S4 System: Small Break LOCA JTA Task #: (NEW)



Perform Attachment 2 of EOP-0.0A (Alternate Path)

KSA Ref: EPE.009.EA1.08 PEO: RO: 4.0 SRO: 4.1 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 20 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

EOP-0.0A Reactor Trip or Safety Injection Initialize into IC-15. Enter the following Malfunctions: RP09A and RP09B, RH01B. (Make trigger file to remove Malf when H/S to start) Insert Overrides LOCHHS 5729 2, and LOCCHS 6202 5 to ON. Manually trip the reactor and initiate SI. After the Seq has timed out FREEZE.

Attachment 2 of EOP-0.0A, Safety Injection Actuation Alignment.

Page 1 of 5 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S4 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:

NOTE TO EXAMINER: This JPM is constructed to list the failures that the candidate will encounter while performing Attachment 2. It will only list the critical steps. To follow along as the candidate performs the attachment, utilize INFO ONLY copy of Attachment 2.


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

Automatic Reactor Trip and Safety Injection have occurred The crew is at step 5 of EOP-0.0A.

The Unit Supervisor has directed you to perform Attachment 2 of EOP-0.0A. Inform the Unit Supervisor when the attachment is complete.

Terminating Conditions: Attachment 2 is complete with the following exceptions:

  • Phase A was manually actuated.
  • The B RHR pump did not auto start and was manually started.
  • The Primary Plant Supply Fan 20 is running.
  • The Spent Fuel Pool Exhaust fan 36 is running.

Page 2 of 5 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S4 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 The candidate will retrieve the The candidates are Note Start time.

attachment from the drawer expected to complete where it is normally kept. Attachment 2 It is managements independently and expectation that without error. the candidate will place keep the procedure by marking completed steps and indicating any exceptions.

  • 2 Step 3. Verify Containment The RED LIGHTS will Isolation Phase A-Appropriate be dark. The candidate MLB LIGHT INDICATION must manually initiate (RED WINDOWS) Phase using HS 1/1-CIPAA1 on CB-02 in CUE: The RED LIGHTS on the SFGD MAN the MLBs 1A1, 1A2, 1B1, ACT/RESET section, and 1B2 are dark. All others by rotating the switch are LIT. in the clockwise direction to ACT.
  • 3 Step 6. Verify RHR pumps- For RHR Pump 1-02 .

RUNNING. the red light will be off and green light will be on. The candidate must attempt a manual start CUE: The red light is lit and by rotating 1/1-APRH2 the green light is dark. in the clockwise direction to the START position.

Page 3 of 5 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S4 STEP# SAT/

  • 4 Step 13, Attachment 1. X-HS- On Ventilation Panel NOTE: It is not 6202 on CV-01, STOPPED. CV-01 Primary Plant critical that the Supply Fan 20 will candidate rotate indicate RUNNING. the switch, but the The candidate must exception MUST attempt to stop the fan be documented, by rotating X-HS-6202 either by oral counterclockwise report or place direction to the STOP keeping the position. procedure.
  • 5 Step 13, Attachment 1. X-HS- On Ventilation Panel NOTE: It is not 5729 on CV-03, STOPPED. CV-03 Spent Fuel Pool critical that the Exhaust fan will candidate rotate indicate RUNNING. the switch, but the The candidate must exception MUST attempt to stop the fan be documented, by rotating X-HS-5729 either by oral counterclockwise report or place direction to the STOP keeping the position. procedure.

6 Report the completion of Candidate must Attachment 2 to the Unit indicate the above Supervisor and note exceptions exceptions. Note Completion to the requirements of the time.


TASK COMPLETE Page 4 of 5 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S4 INITIATING CUE:

Automatic Reactor Trip and Safety Injection have occurred. The crew is at step 5 of EOP-0.0A. The Unit Supervisor has directed you to perform Attachment 2 of EOP-0.0A. Inform the Unit Supervisor when the attachment is complete.

Page 5 of 5 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S5 System: Containment Spray JTA Task #: (Modified) RO2003 Task


Operate the Containment Spray System (Alternate Path)

KSA Ref: SF6.026.A4.01 PEO: RO: 4.5 SRO: 4.3 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 5 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

SOP-204A/B, Containment Spray System, u- Simulator Setup: OVERRIDE 1TI-4793 (RWST ALB-2B, ALM-0022A/B Temperature) to 45°F, activate HS-4776 override after CSPs have been started.

Page 1 of 5 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S5 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

Temperature is 45°F in the RWST, the Unit Supervisor directs you to recirc the RWST with Train "A" Containment Spray Pumps, using section 5.1.2 of SOP-204A and the 1-01 CSP. Containment Spray is in Standby per SOP-204A/B Section 5.1.1. Crew briefing is completed and PCS trends are initiated.

Terminating Conditions:

Containment Spray Pumps have been stopped.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S5 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Place CS HX1 Outlet Vlv to Pull-outs 1-HS-4776, Note Start time.

Pull-Out acknowledges SSII Train A SSII alarms 2 Verify chemical additive tanks Checks u-HS-4754 discharge valve is closed closed.

CUE: u-HS-4754 green light lit 3 Contact PEO to Unlock and Reverse Operated Open uCT-0050 Valve CUE: PEO reports uCT-0050 open 4 Initiate a trend of selected This has already been pump parameters on the plant done by extra RO computer.

CUE: The extra RO has initiated the trend of the pump parameters

  • 5 Start Containment Spray Pump Places u-HS-4764 1-01 Override HS-1-01 Containment Spray 4776 to OPEN, Pump in START on via the CUE: RED light lit on u- and checks flow and handswitch on HS-4764, u-FI-4772-1 (0 pressure mimic display gpm), u-PI-4774-1 (300 psig) CB02 CUE: Alarm window 3.5 CS HX 1 OUT VLV NOT CLOSE HV-4776 on ALB 2B 6 Monitor CSP discharge flow Monitors u-FI-4772-1, u-FI-4772-2 flow CUE: u-FI-4772-1 indicates indicators 3000 gpm, u-FI-4772-2 indicates 3100 gpm Page 3 of 5 Rev Date: 1/27/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S5 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 7 Ensure CS HX OUT VLV is Checks position of u-closed HS-4776 CUE: u-HS-4776 red light LIT CUE: CNTMT SMP 1, 2 FILL RATE INCREASE and ANY CNTMT SMP PMP RUN alarm ON MCB
  • 8 Stop CNTMT Spray Pumps Go to stop (or PULL OUT) on u-HS-4764 CUE: u-HS-4764 and u-HS- and u-HS-4765 4765 red and green lights are dark TASK COMPLETE Note Completion time.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S5 INITIATING CUE:

Temperature is 45°F in the RWST, the Unit Supervisor directs you to recirc the RWST with Train "A" Containment Spray Pumps, using section 5.1.2 of SOP-204A and the 1-01 CSP. Containment Spray is in Standby per SOP-204A/B Section 5.1.1. Crew briefing is completed and PCS trends are initiated.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S6 System: Emergency Diesel Generator JTA Task #: (Modifed)RO4032 Task


Load Diesel Generator (Alternate Path)

KSA Ref: SF6.064.A4.06 PEO: RO: 3.9 SRO: 3.9 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 15 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

SOP-609A OPT-214A (Working Copy)

OPT-214A Simulator set-up: Any at power IC, go to RUN, ABN-501 START DG 1. Set up trigger file to insert malfunction SW01A when EDG load is 2.3MW.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S6 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

OPT-214A, Diesel Generator Operability Test is being performed on DG 1 for a normal 30 day test. You are on step 8.1.S, the DG is running at 60 Hz and 6.9 kV. The PEO at the DG has reported that the DG is running properly. Continue with the test.

Terminating Conditions:

The Emergency Diesel Generator has been placed in Pull Out.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S6 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Refer to OPT-214A, Step OPT-214A entered at Note Start time.

8.1.S. step 8.1.S

  • 2 Turn the Synchroscope for Synchroscope Switch The operating DG1 to the ON position. (SS-1EG1) in the ON handle is STAR-position. shaped. The CUE: The synchroscope Synchroscope switch is in the ON position. Switch (SS-1EG1) is located above DG1 output breaker on CB-11 (Beveled Section). The switch is 2-Position MAINTAIN SWITCH. The ON position is to the right.

3 Compare incoming voltage to V-1EG1 and V-1EA1 V-IN and V-RUN running voltage. checked. are preferred, any indications listed CUE: V-1EG1 reads 6900 in OPT-214A are volts and V-1EA1 reads 7000 acceptable for volts. use.

4 Adjust the DG voltage to Voltage control switch The DG output slightly greater than that on the (90-1EG1) taken to voltage (6900 BUS. RAISE or LOWER Volts) is to agree until DG 1 volts (V- with 1EA1-1 CUE: DG voltage slightly 1DG1) is 50 - 100 BUS Voltage greater than BUS voltage (50- volts greater than BUS (6900 Volts).

100v) 1EA1 volts (V-1EA1). These meters are located on CB-11 (Vertical Section). The DG Voltage Control Handswitch (90-1EG1) is a 3-POSITION SRING RETURN to OFF type switch. Located on CB-11 (A SEC)

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S6 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 5 Check DG speed Synchroscope checked Lights are a (On CB-11) backup to the CUE: Synchroscope is sync scope (OFF rotating in clockwise direction. when in phase, ON when out of phase).

6 Adjust the speed so the Speed Control Handswitch (65-Synchroscope is moving Handswitch (65-1EG1) 1EG1) is a 3-slowly in the fast direction. taken to RAISE and POSITION synchroscope checked SPRING CUE: Synchroscope is until rotating RETURN TO rotating 2-4 RPM in the fast SLOWLY in FAST OFF type switch direction. direction (2-4 RPM_. located on CB-11 (65-uEG1 taken to (Apron Section).

LOWER if speed too The INCREASE fast.) position is to the RIGHT. The FAST Direction is CLOCKWISE.

  • 7 Close the DG breaker when the DG Breaker (CS- Handswitch (65-Synchroscope is slightly before uEG1) is closed and 1EG1) is a 3 the 12 OCLOCK position and position is checked. POSITION, moving slowly in the FAST (Indicated by SPRING Direction. Annunciator Alarm RETURN TO (ALB-10B 3.5), AUTO type CUE: ALB-10B 3.5 alarm Handswitch FLAG switch. Located has annunciated and the (RED FLAG) and on CB-11 (Apron breaker red light lit and green indication Lights. Section).

light off. Indicating lights on Handswitch should be RED (Green Light out) with RED FLAG indication.

Annunciator ALB-10B 3.5 (6.9KV BUS 1EA1/1EA2 PARALELLED)

ON (energized).

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S6 STEP# SAT/

  • 8 Immediately pick-up at least SPEED CONTROL DG1 MW Meter 2.2-2.5 MW for stability HANDSWITCH 65- (W-1EG1) 1EG1, taken to RAISE located on CB-11 CUE: When load is first to pick up sufficient (Vertical checked, DG1 MW Meter (W- load to prevent a Section).

1EG1) indicates ZERO MW; reverse power trip of Handswitch (65-when load is checked after DG 1. 1EG1) is a 3-going to RAISE, W-1EG1 Position Spring indicates 2.1 MW. Return to OFF type switch.

Located on CB-11 (Apron Section). The RAISE position is to the RIGHT.

9 Turn the Synchroscope to the Synchroscope Switch The OFF position. (SS-1EG1) in the OFF Synchroscope position. Switch (SS-CUE: The 1EG1) is located Synchroscope switch is in the above DG1 OFF position. output breaker on CB-11 (Beveled Section). The switch is a 2-Position MAINTAIN Switch. The OFF position is to the LEFT.

10 Maintain 0-500 KVAR OUT, Reactive load maintained 0-500 CUE: When KVARS first KVAR OUT; DG1 checked, meter indicate 500 Voltage Control KVARS (to left of ). When Handswitch (90-1EG1) switch is taken to RAISE and taken to RAISE to KVARS checked, give increase KVARS or readings indicating KVAR LOWER to decrease increasing or for LOWER< KVARS as on DG1 KVAR decreasing. KILOVAR Meter (VAR-1EG1) checked.

(This step should be repeated as the DG is loaded.)

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S6 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 11 Load the selected DG to 6.0 DG1 loaded to 6.0 MW Speed Control MW over a 20 minute period. over a 20 minute period Handswitch (65-( .3 MW/min) by uEG1) located on moving the Speed CB-11 (Apron CUE: When switch is taken Control Handswitch Section) DG1 to RAISE and W-uEG2 is (65-1EG1) to RAISE MW Meter (W-observed, give reading direction and observing 1EG1) located on indication increasing MW or the DG1 MW Meter CB-11 (Vertical for Lower, decreasing MW. (W-1EG1). Section). As LOAD is increased the KILOVARS will decrease toward 0 (zero).

12 Acknowledge and respond to Refer to ALM-01-1.8 1-ALB-01 window 1.8 SSWP and/or ABN-501.


  • 13 Determines that EDG 1-01 Places EDG 1-01 in should be in Pull Out . Pull Out using CS-ALM -01 (1.8) and Initial 1EG1.

Operator Action from ABN-501, Service Water Malfunction.

Note Completion TASK COMPLETE time.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S6 INITIATING CUE:

OPT-214A, Diesel Generator Operability Test is being performed on DG 1 for a normal 30 day test.

You are on step 8.1.S, the DG is running at 60 Hz and 6.9 kV. The PEO at the DG has reported that the DG is running properly. Continue with the test.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S7 System: Nuclear Instrumentation System JTA Task #: NEW Task


Respond To Source Range Instrumentation Malfunction (Alternate Path)

KSA Ref: APE.032.AK3.01 PEO: RO: 3.2 SRO: 3.6 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 10 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

IPO-002A, "Plant Startup from Hot Standby to IPO-002A, ABN-701, Simulator: Load IC 7, actuate Minimum Load", ABN-701, ALM-0064A malfunction RP01 and RP013 A & B. . Following initiating CUE, go to run. Actuate Malf NI01A @

severity 1E6 when the candidate starts to dilute or when referencing the SOP.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S7 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

Preparations are underway for RX startup. You have been directed to dilute 200 gallons to reach critical boron concentration. Current RCS boron concentration is 1731 ppm.

Terminating Conditions:

The Reactor has been tripped by de energizing the Rod Drive MGs.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S7 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT 1 Prepare for Dilution. Refers to SOP-104A Note Start Time step 5.1.3.

Note to Examiner: If asked, all prereqs are met.

2 Recognize First Out alarm is Respond to SR FLUX LIT Red and the need for a HI RX TRIP Alarm 6C Reactor Trip. (1.5)

CUE: SR FLUX HI RX TRIP Alarm 6C (1.5) is in Alarm and lit RED.

3 Manually trips Reactor. On CB07 turns 1/1-RTC Rx Trip Bkr in the counter clockwise direction CUE: 1/1-RTC rotated but the Trip Breakers did not open.

4 Manually trips Reactor. On CB010 turns 1/1-RT Rx Trip in the counter clockwise direction CUE: 1/1-RTC rotated but the Trip Breakers did not open.

  • 5 Momentarily deenergizes the Rotates CS-1B3-1 Rod Drive MG sets by opening counterclockwise to 480 VAC MCC supply open and then breakers 1B3 and 1B4. clockwise back to close.

Rotates CS-1B4-1 counterclockwise to open and then CUE: All DRPI rod bottom clockwise back to lights are LIT. close.

TASK COMPLETE Note Completion Time Page 3 of 5 Rev Date: 1/26/05

Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S7 INITIATING CUE:

Preparations are underway for RX startup. You have been directed to dilute 200 gallons to reach critical boron concentration. Current RCS boron concentration is 1731 ppm.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-8 System: Component Cooling Water System JTA Task #: (Bank NRC 2002)



Shift CCW Pumps with CCW Pump Trip (ALTERNATE PATH)

KSA Ref: APE.026.AK3.04 PEO: RO: 3.5 SRO: 3.7 Operators Name:

Performance Environment: PLANT CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR Performance Method: PERFORMED SIMULATED DISCUSSED Time to complete JPM: Estimated 15 minutes Actual The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM and was determined to be:

SATISFACTORY UNSATISFACTORY Reason, if unsatisfactory:

Evaluators Signature: Date:

Comments (list all steps not satisfactorily completed):


Tools, Equipment, Job Aids, etc:

SOP-502A, CCW System Simulator:

ABN-502, Component Cooling Water System

1) Any IC above Mode 4.


2) Insert and activate MALF-CC03B
3) Insert MALF-CC02B on a key. When CCW pump 1-01 is stopped, activate malfunction.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-8 Safety Considerations:

If this JPM is to be performed in the plant/control room, the candidate is NOT to manipulate any plant components unless he/she has permission from the Shift/Unit Supervisor.

Human Performance Measures:

During this Job Performance Measure, MONITOR for demonstrations of the following as outlined in Operations department guidance:

  • Peer checking
  • Three-way communications
  • Phonetic alphabet
  • Self checking
  • ALM use
  • Unit designators
  • Conservative decision making
  • Procedure place keeping
  • Procedure rules of usage Comments:

NOTE to EXAMINER: during the CCWP shift, CCWP2 will trip off after CCWP1 has been secured. CCWP1 fails to autostart when CCWP2 trips, so the operator will have to manually restart CCWP1. The operator may attempt to trip the reactor based on loss of CCW instead of attempting to restart CCWP1; if he attempts a reactor trip, stop him and end the JPM (failure). The Reactor must not be tripped because it would interfere with another JPM being conducting concurrently.


You may use any approved reference materials, including logs. Make or simulate all written/oral reports as if the evolution is actually being performed. You are expected to discuss all steps you would take, including identifying what switches/indications you would use Initiating Cue:

The Unit Supervisor directs you to shift CCW pumps (start CCWP1-02, and secure CCWP1-01 per SOP-502 section 5.2.1) in preparation for maintenance.

Terminating Conditions:

CCWP1 Running again (after CCWP2 trips off)

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-8 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT Ensure SSWP2 is running 1 Operator visually Note Start time.

verifies SSWP2 is CUE: SSWP2 indication is running by verifying Give applicant a RED. handswitch indication copy of SOP-is RED. 502A, section 5.2.

Ensure oil level in bearing 2 Operator directs PEO housings for CCWP2 are to verify oil level for normal.


CUE: bearing housing oil levels are normal.

Operator may adjust flow prior 3 Opens either 1-HS-to pump start in anticipation of 4574 CS HX 1 or 1-unbalanced flow. This is not HS-4572 RHR HX to required for the JPM.

increase flow.

CUE: Flow has increased enough to start 2nd pump.

Start CCWP2

  • 4 Take handswitch u-HS-4519A to the start CUE: u-HS-4519A handswitch position and verify red light indication is RED. light indication on the handswitch.

If the pumps are being rotated 5

for their bi-weekly rotation per OWI-409, then momentarily initiate flow through the RHR and CS heat exangers.

CUE: This rotation is NOT part of the OWI program.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-8 STEP# SAT/

  • Critical ELEMENT STANDARD NOTES UNSAT Ensure the following 6 Same as Element. RHR and CS equipment are removed from pumps that are service before securing loads supplied CCWP1:

from the CCWP1 RHR Pumps 1-01, should be secured CS Pumps 1-01/03/

before securing the CCWP1.

CUE: Listed Pumps are removed from service.


7 Operator holds the u-Operator MAY HS-4518A handswitch CUE: u-HS-4518A handswitch attempt to trip RX in STOP until flow and light indication is green. (per section 6.0 of pressure stabilize and (CCWP2 trips): u-HS-4519A ABN-502A Loss then releases green light and white trip light of all CCW handswitch.

lit. Flow) when CCWP2 trips; Annunciator Alarms: CCWP BUT, operator 1/2 OVRLOAD/TRIP, CCW SHOULD go to TRN A/B SFGD LOOP section 2.0 PRESS LO, CCW HX 1/2 ofABN-502A OUT & RECIRC FLO LO, CCW Pump CCW HX 1/2 SPLY FLO LO Trip and attempt to start CCWP1; Verify unaffected train CCW 8 Operator recognizes If operator Pump - RUNNING.

that CCWP 1 is not attempts to trip NOTE: CCWP1 fails to auto running by noting u- the RX, DO start, and must be manually HS-4518A handswitch NOT allow RX restarted.

indication is GREEN trip, and CUE: u-HS-4518A handswitch on CB-3 terminate the light indication is green. JPM.

Manually Start u-HS-4518A

  • 9 Take handswitch u-HS-CCWP 1 4518A to the start CUE: u-HS-4518A RED light position and verify red lit and flow restored. light indication on the handswitch and flow restored.

Note Completion TASK COMPLETE time.

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Initial License Exam 03/2005 Job Performance Measure JPM: S-8 INITIATING CUE:

The Unit Supervisor directs you to shift CCW pumps (start CCWP1-02, and secure CCWP1-01 per SOP-502, section 5.2.1) in preparation for maintenance.

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Revision 0 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: CPSES Scenario No.: 1 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Note: (NEW) Do SRO Admin A.4.1, Emerg. Class. with this Scenario (SAE).

Initial Conditions: BOL, 100% power Eq. Xenon. Unit 2 is at 100% power. The A MDAFWP is OOS for oil contamination. ( 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> into LCO)

IC-15, REMF FWR20 in Rackout with H/S in P.O and Red Tagged.

Turnover: Unit 1 and Unit 2 are at 100% power. U1 has been at 100% for the last 15 days following refueling. The A MDAFWP is OOS due to contamination in the oil.

Maintenance is in the process of changing the oil and the pump should be ready for test in the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The Generation Controller has declared an ALERT due to the loss of several peaking plants and all of the Big Brown units due to a common mode failure. There are no surveillances planned for this shift and the orders are to maintain current load and unit availability.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 MS13D I (RO) SG Pressure channel for ARV #4 fails high. (ARV fails full T=1 I (BOP) open)

I (SRO) 2 RX15A C (RO) PZR Spray valve fails open. (Set up trigger to remove Malf T=7 @ 100% C (SRO) when the Manual PB is selected) 3 ED05F M (ALL) Loss of 1EA2 (86-2)

T=13 4 FW09A C (BOP) TDAFWP Overspeed. (will not come in until pump starts)

T=13 C (SRO) 5 N (BOP) Perform Plant Shutdown due to loss of 2 AFWPs. (Directed T=28 R (RO) by SM)

N (SRO) 6 FW25C M (ALL) Feedline Break ORC T=43 @ 4e6 7 ED05I C (ALL) Loss of 1EA2 (86-1)

T=43 8 SI04A C (BOP) SI pump fails to start on Safety Injection. (Must be manually T=43 C (SRO) started. Set up trigger file to remove Malf when HS is turned.)

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: Page 2 of 15 The objective of this scenario is to evaluate the operators ability to change Reactor power in a controlled manner when required by plant conditions, respond to various instrument and component failures, and to carry out the requisite emergency procedures to mitigate the consequences of a Loss of Heat Sink event.

Event One.

A failure high of the Main Steam Line Pressure channel that feeds the #4 SG ARV occurs. This failure will cause the ARV to open. Operator feedback for this event is an unexpected increase in Reactor Power that can exceed licensed limits and a decrease in RCS temperature with constant Turbine Load.

It is expected that the operators will:

  • Recognize that Reactor Power is increasing
  • Take steps to reduce Reactor Power in accordance with Management Expectations and Pre Shift Briefings
  • Diagnose plant conditions and determine that the ARV should NOT be open
  • Enter the correct ABN procedure
  • Place the controller in manual and close the valve
  • Make the necessary notifications and refer to Technical Specifications.

Event Two.

One of the two Pressurizer Spray valves fails fully open. This is a failure of the valve in automatic and manual control remains available. Feedback to the operators is evidenced by a decrease in Reactor Coolant system pressure that is not explained by plant conditions and can lead to a Reactor Protection System actuation. It is expected that the operators will:

  • Recognize that RCS pressure is decreasing
  • Diagnose plant conditions and determine that RCS pressure should NOT be decreasing.
  • Determine that the cause of the decrease is the Spray valve failure.
  • Take manual control of the spray valve and close it
  • Enter the correct ABN procedure
  • Make the necessary notifications and refer to Technical Specifications Event Three and Four.

Safeguards bus 1EA2 deenergizes due to an 86-2 lockout relay. An 86-2 lockout is caused by a phase to ground fault on the bus. The bus normal supply breaker will open, the EDG will start, and the bus will be re-energized from the EDG. The bus will remain powered by the EDG for the remainder of the scenario. The TDAFWP will overspeed on the BOS start signal. Operator feedback is provided by alarm annunciation and equipment started by the Blackout Sequencer. It is expected that the operators will:

  • Respond to Alarms and determine the loss of bus 1EA2.
  • Determine that the BOS has actuated.
  • Evaluate plant conditions and determine if the start of the TDAFWP has caused Reactor Power to increase above license limits and meet management expectations to reduce power
  • Enter the correct ABN procedure
  • Stop unnecessary equipment started by the BOS
  • Make the necessary notifications and refer to Technical Specifications
  • Determine that the TDAFWP oversped on the BOS start signal
  • It is expected that the SRO will recognize the loss of 2 AFW pumps and determine the need to shutdown the plant per the Limiting Conditions for Operations.

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: Page 3 of 15 Event Five.

Inoperable equipment requires a forced down power maneuver to meet license requirements. In order to preclude unnecessary delay while the SRO communicates with plant management about plant conditions and make recommendations, the lead evaluator may direct the staff to act as SM and instruct the SRO to commence an immediate plant shutdown. Operator feedback for the need to shutdown the plant will be Technical Specification LCOs or plant management direction. It is expected that the crew will:

  • Refer to the appropriate plant procedure
  • Complete a reactivity brief.
  • Commence boration and reduce power using the Turbine Digital Control System Event Six, and Seven and Eight.

When power has been reduced enough to meet the requirements of NUREG 1021 and at the lead examiners discretion, a Main Feed System leak will occur outside the Reactor Containment Building.

Operator feedback for this event is decreasing steam generator levels and increasing Main Feed Pump Speed. Annunciation will occur at the designed parameters. Concurrent with the Main Feedline Break, bus IEA2, (earlier energized by the EDG) will fault in such a manner that it cannot be re-energized.


  • Noteworthy is that at this point there are NO AFW pumps available, the Main Feed and Condensate systems are unavailable due to the feed break, and that heat removal by the secondary system is not possible.
  • It is inevitable that the crew will have to initiate feed and bleed of the RCS to remove decay heat.

When FRH-0.1A is entered, step 2 asks if BOTH CCPs are available. Due to the loss of 1EA2, the CCP 1-02 is unavailable. The crew should trip the RCPs and immediately go to step 11 and initiate feed and bleed. The crew will note at step 12 of FRH-0.1A that no SIPs are operating and take action to start at least one SIP.

It is expected that the crew will:

  • Recognize the need to trip the Reactor and initiate Safety Injection or respond to the automatic actuations.
  • Enter the correct EOP and carry out the Immediate Actions
  • Verify automatic actions have occurred, or take actions to compensate for the lack of automatic actions
  • Initiate monitoring of the Critical Safety Function Status Trees
  • Transition to the correct FRG when conditions are met.
  • Initiate Feed and Bleed to remove decay heat from the core.
  • Start SIP per step 12 of the FRG.

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: Page 4 of 15 Note: In the CPSES Probabilistic Risk Analysis, important operator actions are evaluated in Table 9 of the PRA Summary Document. Operator action to establish feed and bleed is the most important action listed with a normalized value of 100.

The scenario may be terminated when safety injection is providing cooling to the core and the Pressurizer PORVs are open to remove decay heat.

Recommended Critical Tasks:

  • Fails to control Pressurizer Pressure resulting in a Reactor Trip or Safety Injection.
  • Fails to start a Safety Injection Pump prior to the initiation of Feed and Bleed.
  • Fails to establish core cooling through initiation of Feed and Bleed when plant conditions are met.

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 1 Page 5 of 15 Event


SG Pressure channel for ARV #4 fails high. (ARV fails full open)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Recognizes that plant conditions are not normal by observation of

  • Nuclear power increasing
  • RCS temperature decreasing
  • Plant computer system alarms.

Diagnose plant conditions and determines that SG #4 ARV is open by its RED light, LIT and green light OFF.

Determine that the ARV should be closed. MSL pressure is normal, and one channel indicates failure HIGH. (1-PI-2328, MSL 4 PRESS)

Note to Examiner: The crew may close the ARV prior to entry to the procedure.

Enter ABN-709, section 2. STEAM LINE PRESSURE INSTRUMENT MALFUNCTION Step 1. Check ONE Main Steamline Pressure Channel indicating -

GREATER THAN 60 psig difference between remaining channels.

NOTE: 1-PI-2328, MSL 4 PRESS is failed high.

Step 2. Verify Steam Generator Atmospheric Relief Valves - CLOSED:

NO Step 2, RNO. Perform following:

a. IF pressure is less than 1125 psig, THEN manually close affected atmospheric relief valve.
b. Notify Chemistry that a release has occurred and for Chemistry to determine if a release permit is required per STA-603.
c. GO TO Step 11.

Step 11. Refer to Technical Specifications per Attachment 6.

Attachment 6 indicates TS are NA.


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 2 Page 6 of 15 Event


PZR Spray valve fails open.

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 3.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciator Alarms
b. Plant Indication
  • Spray valve indicated open when not called for by master controller.

3.2 Automatic Actions

a. Control response for failed open spray valve(s)
1) Control and backup heaters come on.
2) Reactor trip at 1880 psig.
3) Safety Injection at 1820 psig.

NOTE to Examiner: If there is delay in putting the spray valve to manual an OTN16 turbine runback may occur.

Enter section ABN-705, section 3, Pressurizer Spray Valve Failure Step 1. CLOSE Pressurizer Spray Valve(s)

  • u-PK-455C, RC LOOP 4 PRZR SPR VLV CTRL Step 2. Check RCS pressure stable or increasing.

Sep 3. Verify RCS pressure returning to 2235 psig.

Step 4. Refer to the following Technical Specifications:

  • 3.3.2, Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS)


  • 3.4.1, RCS Pressure, Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB)
  • Limits
  • 3.4.14, RCS Pressure Isolation Valves (PIV) Leakage

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 3 & 4 Page 7 of 15 Event


LOR on 1EA2 (Bus will be powered by the EDG) and TDAFWP Overspeed Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciator Alarms
b. Plant Indications
  • Lockout relay (LOR) trip of any 6.9 KV safeguard bus
  • A 6.9 KV bus de-energized with no apparent causes.

NOTE: It is probable that the crew will decrease Turbine Load approx. 50 MW in response the AFW pump start.

Enter ABN-602 section 3.

Step 1 Check Unit MODE - 1, 2, 3 OR 4 Step 2 Check 6.9 KV safeguard bus - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED CAUTION:

  • If power is greater than 10%. MDAFW should be allowed to run until the sequencer times out. The pumps will be stopped in Section 8.0, if not required. DO NOT throttle AFW above 10% power.
  • The AFWP flow control and isolation valves are required to be fully open when above 10% power per TS 3.7.5.


  • An emergency start will allow DG breaker to automatically close on a phase to ground bus
  • An Operator Lockout signal from Blackout Sequencer (BOS) opens TDAFWP steam supply valves. The BOS also starts associated train MDAFWP. It may be necessary to limit AFW flow to prevent excessive RCS cooldown, or other adverse condition. Placing the TDAFW Pump in PULL-OUT with one safeguards bus de-energized will result in two inoperable AFW Pumps per TS 3.7.5.
  • Throttling any train of AFW above 10% power renders the train INOPERABLE.
  • Attachment 4 contains steps to deenergize the sequencer if the bus will not be needed. This would restore common equipment available to the other unit (e.g. CRACs, UPS).

Revision 2 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 3 & 4 Page 8 of 15 Event


LOR on 1EA2 (Bus will be powered by the EDG) and TDAFWP Overspeed Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 3 Check 6.9 KV safeguard buses - BOTH ENERGIZED

a. Bus voltage, 6500-7100 volts
b. Bus frequency, 59.5-60.5 Hz
c. GO TO Step 5.

Step 5 Monitor blackout sequencer status:

a. Affected bus - ENERGIZED
b. Verify Blackout Sequencer -OPERATED
  • Automatic lockouts AL light -LIT
c. Verify all required equipment actuated per Attachment 2.
d. Recover from blackout sequencer operation per Section 8 while continuing.

EXAMINER NOTE: After crew completes Att 2, the Booth Operator calls US as Shift Manager and informs the crew that the CPC RO will take over the ABN. The crew should focus on the determination of the TDAFWP status.

Symptoms Annunciator Alarms Plant Indications Automatic Action Enter ABN-305 Aux Feedwater Malfunction Step1 Verify Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump malfunctioning by one or more of the following indications:

  • AFWPT TRIP light on u-HS-2452F - LIT Step 2 Verify Turbine Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump - NOT TRIPPED

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 3&4 Page 9 of 15 Event


LOR on 1EA2 (Bus will be powered by the EDG) and TDAFWP Overspeed Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 2 RNO. Perform the following:

a. Ensure at least one steam supply valve open:
  • u-HS-2452-1, AFWPT STM SPLYVLV-MSL 4
  • u-HS-2452-2, AFWPT STM SPLYVLV-MSL 1
b. Lower u-SK-2452A, AFWPT SPD CTRL to 0% output.
c. Direct Plant Equipment Operator to perform the following per Attachment 1
1) Reset overspeed trip linkage.

The PEO reports that the overspeed trip linkage is galled and will not move enough to reset.

EXAMINER NOTE: After crew completes Att 2, and the SM is notified that the TD AFW Pump is INOPERABLE, the Booth Operator calls US as Shift Manager and informs the crew that they should focus on the plant Shutdown. The SM will inform the crew that they need to be in Mode 3 in 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 5 Page 10 of 15 Event


Power Reduction (Directed by the Shift Manager)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Review IPO-003A, Power Operations Notifies Generation Controller prior to reducing load.

Notifies Chemistry and Radiation Protection if power will be reduction will be

> 15% in one hour Notifies Reactor Engineering of power reduction > 25%.

Calculates the amount of boration required Calculates the rate of boration Reviews AFD guidance Initiates boration using SOP-104A.

Sets in the desired unloading rate and amount using the Digital Control System Maintains AFD in the target band Maintains rods above the Rod Insertion Limit Maintains Tave within 1 degree of Tref


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 6&7 Page 11 of 15 Event


Feedline Break Outside Containment/Loss of 1EA2 Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Annunciators Plant Indications

  • Tave decreasing
  • MFP speed increasing

Step 1. Verify Reactor Trip

a. Verify the following:
  • Neutron Flux- DECREASING
b. All control position rod bottom lights-ON Step 2. Verify Turbine Trip:
a. All turbine stop valves - CLOSED Step 3. Verify Power to AC Safeguards Busses:
a. AC safeguards busses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED
  • AC safeguards bus voltage _ 6900 Volts (6500-7100 volts)
b. AC safeguards busses - BOTH ENERGIZED Step b. RNO Restore power to de-energized AC Safeguards bus per ABN-601 or 602, when time permits.

NOTE: It is probable that the crew will place the B EDG in Pull Out.


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 6&7 Page 12 of 15 Event


Feedline Break Outside Containment/Loss of 1EA2 Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 4. Check SI Status:

a. Check If SI is Actuated:
  • SI actuation as indicated on the First Out Ann 1-ALB-6C
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON
b. Verify Both Trains SI Actuated:
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON NOT FLASHING Step 4, RNO. IF SI is NOT required, THEN go to EOS-0.1 A, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE The CPC RO will refer to ABN-602 for 1EA2 Bus LOR

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 6&7 Page 13 of 15 Event


Feedline Break Outside Containment/Loss of 1EA2 Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Transitions to EOS-0.1A, Reactor Trip Response Step 1. Check RCS Average Temperature - STABLE AT OR TRENDING TO 557° F.

Step 2. Check FW Status:

a. Verify reactor trip and bypass breaker - OPEN
b. Check RCS average temperatures - LESS THAN 564° F.
c. Verify Feedwater Isolation - ISOLATION COMPLETE
d. Verify total AFW to SGs - GREATER THAN 460 GPM.

Step 3. Check PRZR Level Control:

a. Level - GREATER THAN 17%
b. Verify charging - IN SERVICE
c. Verify letdown - IN SERVICE
d. Level - TRENDING TO 25%

Step 4. Check PRZR Pressure Control:

a. Pressure - GREATER THAN 1820 PSIG
b. Pressure - STABLE AT OR TRENDING TO 2235 Step 5. Check SG Levels:
a. Narrow Range Level - GREATER THAN 5%
b. Control Feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 5% and 50%.

NOTE: The crew may get to this point or even further before the Heat Sink Red Path becomes required...

Steam Generator Levels will continue to decrease. There is no AFW flow and the plant condition continues to degrade. As it becomes clear to the crew that the location of the feed break precludes the establishment of normal feed to the Steam Generators the crew will enter FRH-0.1A, Response to a Loss of Secondary Heat Sink.

At approximately 8 minutes after the Feed break, AFW flow to the SGs will still be 0 and the narrow range level will be <5%.


Revision 0 Appendix D Operator Actions Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 8 Page 14 of 15 Event


Loss of Heat Sink ( with SI Pump Failure)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Enter FRH-0.1A Loss of Heat Sink Step 1 Check If Secondary Heat Sink is Required:

b. RCS temperature - GREATER THAN 320°F Yes, continue to step 2.

Step 2. Check CCP Status - BOTH AVAILABLE Step 2, RNO. Immediately perform the following:


CAUTION: Steps 11 through 20 must be performed quickly in order to establish RCS heat removal by RCS bleed and feed.

Step 11. Actuate SI.

Step 12. Verify RCS Feed Path:

a. Check Pump Status:
b. Check valve alignment for operating pumps - PROPER EMERGENCY ALIGNMENT PER ATTACHMENT 3.

Step 12, RNO. Manually start pumps.


Revision 0 Appendix D Operator Actions Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 1 Event No: 8 Page 15 of 15 Event


Loss of Heat Sink ( with SI Pump Failure)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 14. Reset SI Step 15. Reset SI Sequencers Step 16. Reset Containment Isolation Phase A and B.

Step 17. Reset Containment Spray Signal Step 18. Establish Instrument Air And Nitrogen to Containment.

a. Establish instrument air:
1) Verify air compressor running and establish instrument air to containment.
b. Establish nitrogen
1) Verify ACCUM 1-4 VENT CTRL, 1-HC-943 - CLOSED
2) Open SI/PORV ACCUM N2 ISOL VLV, 1/1-8880.

Step 19. Establish RCS Bleed Path:

a. Verify power to PRZR PORV block valves - AVAILABLE (NOTE: There is power to train A only, train B open, but without power)
b. Verify PRZR PORV block valves - BOTH OPEN
c. Open both - PRZR PORVs.

Step 20. Verify Adequate RCS Bleed Path:

  • PRZR PORV block valves - BOTH OPEN The Scenario may be terminated at the Lead Examiners discretion.


Time in Core Life: BOL Tavg: 589oF Reactor Power: 100% RCS Pressure: 2235 psig Turbine Load:1200 MWe Xenon: Equil Boron Concentration:1263 ppm Rod Control: AUTO Rod Height: CB D @ 215steps 2.0 LCOAR/TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ACTIONS IN EFFECT:

TS# Description Reason 3.7.5 AFW AFW Pump 1-01 OOS for Oil change 3.0 CLEARANCES IN EFFECT:


Return AFW Pump 1-01 to service when the oil change is complete.


Unit 1 and Unit 2 are at 100% power. U1 has been at 100% for the last 15 days following refueling. The A MDAFWP is OOS due to contamination in the oil. Maintenance is in the process of changing the oil and the pump should be ready for test in the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The Generation Controller has declared an ALERT due to the loss of several peaking plants and all of the Big Brown units due to a common mode failure. There are no surveillances planned for this shift and the orders are to maintain current load and unit availability.

Revision 0 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: CPSES Scenario No.: 2 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Note: (NEW) Do SRO Admin A.4.2, Emerg. Class. With this Scenario (SAE).

Initial Conditions: 42% power, Xenon Equilibrium, plant start-up in progress. Unit 2 is at 100%. (IC-13. Preload malfunctions RP07A, and RP07B Train A/B Auto SI failure. REMF FWR20 in Rackout with HIS in PO and red tagged)

Turnover: Unit 1 is at 42% power and increasing per IPO-003A, step 5.4.19. Shift orders are to increase reactor power during the shift. The A MDAFWP is OOS due to contamination in the oil. Maintenance is in the process of changing the oil and the pump should be ready for test in the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The Generation Controller has declared an ALERT due to the loss of several peaking plants and all of the Big Brown units due to a common mode failure. The expectation is that the ALERT will last until midnight. There are no surveillances planned for this shift.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 N (SRO) Increase Reactor Power T=0 R (RO)

N (BOP) 2 RX04B I (SRO) SG level transmitter LT-552 fails high.

T=13 @ 100% I (BOP) 3 CV01B C (RO) Trip of Running CCP T=23 C (SRO) 4 CV13 C (SRO) Letdown Leak inside containment T=33 @12gpm C (RO) 5 RC15A C (ALL) RCP Seized Shaft T=40 6 RC09A2 M (ALL) LBLOCA T=45 7 RH01B C(ALL) RHRP1-2 Trip T=45

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: Page 2 of 22 The objective of this scenario is to evaluate the operators ability to change Reactor power in a controlled manner, respond to various instrument and component failures, and to carry out the requisite emergency procedures to mitigate the consequences of a Loss of Coolant Accident.

Event One.

The operators are directed to continue the plant startup. In order to preclude unnecessary delay, the shift turnover will direct the crew to start the power increase immediately upon taking the watch. The customary reactivity brief will be allowed, but due to the ALERT for grid conditions, an extensive pre job brief will not be held. Operator feedback for the need to increase power will be the ALERT condition or plant management direction. It is expected that the crew will:

  • Refer to the appropriate plant procedure
  • Complete a reactivity brief.
  • Commence dilution and increase power using the Turbine Digital Control System Event Two.

When power has been increased enough to meet the requirements of NUREG 1021 and at the lead examiners discretion, the controlling level channel on SG 1-02 will fail high. This will cause the feed regulating valve to go closed more than normal due to the high indicated SG level. Operator feedback for this event is SG level alarms, steam flow/feed flow mismatch alarms and increasing Reactor Coolant Average temperature due to lower than normal SG level. It is expected that the crew will:

  • Evaluate plant conditions and determine that SG 1-02 level is NOT normal
  • Recognize that the feed flow does not match steam flow
  • Determine that the level indicator LI-552 is reading higher than the other channels
  • Take manual control of the FRV and match steam and feed flow
  • Refer to the correct ABN procedure
  • Make the necessary notifications and refer to Technical Specifications. It is expected that the SRO will stop the power increase during this event.

Event Three.

The running CCP (CCP 1-01) trips. All charging and seal injection flow is lost. Without charging flow to cool the regenerative heat exchanger, letdown will flash and cause the letdown relief to lift. Operator feedback for this event is provided by annunciation for the CCP trip and various annunciation due to loss of letdown. It is expected that the operator will:

  • Verify that CCW is at least 35 gpm to the RCP Thermal Barrier Heat Exchangers (Initial Operator Action)
  • Isolate letdown (Initial Operator Action)
  • Refer to the correct ABN procedure.
  • Start the CCP 1-02
  • Establish charging flow to support letdown flow
  • Establish letdown
  • Make the necessary notifications and refer to Technical Specifications

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: Page 3 of 22 Event Four.

Due to the previous valve, temperature and pressure cycles on the letdown system, a small leak occurs on the Letdown Isolation Valve LCV-460. The leak size is 12 gpm and is evidenced by, increasing charging flow, decreasing VCT level, increased make up to the VCT, and increasing radioactive gas levels inside the Containment. Due to the plant startup in progress, which results in large dilutions and RCS tave leading turbine load, a decrease in PZR level may not be the first indication of the loss of inventory. It is expected that the crew will:

  • Respond to alarms and determine that pressurizer level is decreasing.
  • Verify that charging flow has increased to maintain pressurizer level
  • Refer to the correct ABN procedure
  • Increase charging and/or decrease letdown to maintain pressurizer level.
  • Evaluate plant conditions and determine that the leak is greater than allowed by Technical Specifications and comply with the Limiting Condition for Operation.

Event Five Failure of the seal package caused by the cycling of seal injection lead to the RCP 1-01 experiencing a seized shaft. If reactor power is <48%, then the operator feedback will be MCB alarms for low flow and RCP trip. The operators should trip the Reactor to meet the requirements of the ABN procedures. If reactor power is > 48%, then a Reactor Trip will occur. Automatic Reactor Trips were blocked in the scenario setup.

NOTE: The evaluator should also note the crews response to the SG level in the 1-01 SG. RCS flow will be reversed and SG level will be abnormally high. It is not uncommon for a crew to believe that a SGTR has occurred due to this thermo hydraulic behavior.

It is expected that the operator will:

  • Respond to alarms and determine that the RCP has tripped.
  • Trip the reactor (Initial Operator Action)
  • Refer to the correct ABN procedure
  • Enter the correct EOP and continue with the ABN procedure.
  • Perform the Immediate Operator Actions from memory.
  • Evaluate plant conditions and determine what Technical Specification Limiting Condition for Operations apply.
  • Evaluate the level change in the 1-01 SG and determine that the level increase is due to reverse RCS flow through the SG.

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: Page 4 of 22 Event Six and Seven.

On the loop with the tripped RCP, a Large Break LOCA occurs. Safety Injection first out alarms will come in. The pressurizer will rapidly empty and containment pressure will rapidly increase to the HI-3 setpoint and containment spray will actuate. It is expected that the crew will:

  • Recognize that a Safety Injection is required and initiate a Manual SI.
  • Enter the correct EOP.
  • Perform the Immediate Operator Actions from memory.
  • Verify automatic actions, and determine that the RHR pump 1-02 has tripped.
  • Trip RCPs when plant conditions meet those listed on the Fold Out page.
  • Transition to the correct EOP
  • Transition to the correct EOS Procedure when conditions are met
  • Establishes at least one train of cold leg recirculation NOTE: In the CPSES Probabilistic Risk Analysis, important operator actions are evaluated in Table 9 of the PRA Summary Document. For this scenario, it is important that the Operators establish cold leg recirculation when required. Failure to establish long term cooling for the LBLOCA are major contributors to both the CDF and LERF considerations The scenario may be terminated when one train of cold leg recirculation has been established or at the discretion of the Lead Evaluator.

Recommended Critical Tasks

  • Fails to manually initiate Safety Injection when required by plant conditions.
  • Fails to trip RCPs when required by plant conditions.

Revision 0 Appendix D Operator Actions Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 1 Page 5 of 22 Event


Increase Reactor Power Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Review IPO-003A, Power Operations Notifies Generation Controller prior to increasing load.

Calculates the amount of dilution required Calculates the rate of dilution Reviews AFD guidance Initiates dilution per SOP-104A.

Sets in the desired loading rate and amount using the Digital Control System Maintains AFD in the target band Maintains rods above the Rod Insertion Limit Maintains Tave within 1 degree of Tref


Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 2 Page 6 of 22 Event


SG Level Transmitter LT-552 Fails High Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciator Alarms
b. Plant Indications
1) One steam generator level instrument indicating higher or lower than the other steam generators level instruments.

Diagnose Failed SG Level Controller and Enter ABN-710.

Step 1 Verify controlling level channel -FAILED.

Step 2 Manually controls the following, as necessary to maintain SG -


  • u-FK-520, SG 2 FW FLO CTRL
  • u-SK-509A, FWPT MASTER SPD CTRL Step 3 Verify instruments on common instrument line - NORMAL (See Attachment 1)

Step 4 Verify ALL other HI-HI level bistable windows on TSLB-3 for affected SG- DARK

  • SG 2(Channels 527, 528, and 529)windows 1.3, 3.3, and 4.3

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 2 Page 7 of 22 Event


SG Level Transmitter LT-552 Fails High (cont)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 5 Verify automatic SG level control - DESIRED

a. Alternate level control channel responding normally.
b. Automatic level control desired, as determined by Unit Supervisor.

Step 6 Select alternate channel:

Step 7 Verify affected SG conditions for auto level control.

  • SG level stable at program.

Step 8 Place Feedwater Flow OR Feedwater Bypass Control Valve in automatic AND ensure proper control.

Step 9 Within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, have an I&C Technician place bistable test switches for failed level channel in CLOSE utilizing Attachments 2 and 3.

Step 10 Verify appropriate Alarms AND Trip Status Lights LIT per Attachment 3 AND note this verification in the Unit Log.

Step 11 Refer to Technical Specifications, per Attachment 4.

RX trip Inst. Table 3.3.1-1 item #14 ESF Inst Table 3.3.2-1 item 6C Accident Monitoring Table 3.3.3-1 item # 13


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 3 Page 8 of 22 Event


Trip of Running CCP Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 3.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciator Alarms
b. Plant Indications
1. Amber MISMATCH or trip light(s) ON at the charging pump control switch.
2. Pressurizer level indicating lower than program level during steady state conditions.
3. Charging Flow will indicate 0 gpm 3.2 Automatic Actions
a. Letdown line isolation occurs at 17% pressurizer level AND pressurizer heaters will deenergize.

Diagnose CCP Trip and Enter ABN-105 NOTE: Step 1 and 2 may be performed concurrently.

Step 1. (Initial Operator Action ) Verify Component Cooling Water flow to RCP Thermal Barrier HX(s)-GREATER THAN 35 GPM:


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No 3 Page 9 of 22 Event


Trip of Running CCP Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 2. (Initial Operator Action ) Verify Letdown Flow - ISOLATED

  • 1/u-LCV-460, LTDN ISOL VLV -CLOSED Step 3. Verify at least one Charging Pump - RUNNING Step 3. (RNO)

Start a Charging Pump.

Step 4 Verify Seal Injection Flow to each RCP - BETWEEN 6 GPM AND 13 GPM Step 5 Verify RCP Parameters in - NORMAL OPERATING RANGE:

6 Verify PRZR level-GREATER THAN 17% AND INCREASING Step 7 Establish normal Letdown:

a. OPEN Letdown Isolation Valves:
  • 1/u-LCV-460, LTDN ISOL VLV
  • 1/u-LCV-459, LTDN ISOL VLV

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No 3 Page 10 of 22 Event


Trip of Running CCP Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior

b. Manually OPEN u-PK-131, LTDN HX OUT PRESS CTRL to 30%

DEMAND (50% if restoring two orifice valves).

c. Manually OPEN u-TK-130, LTDN HX OUT TEMP CTRL to 50%


d. Adjust charging to desired flow WHILE maintaining seal injection flow between 6 and 13 gpm.

e OPEN selected Letdown Orifice Isolation Valve(s).

f Adjust u-PK-131, LTDN HX OUT PRESS CTRL to maintain approximately 310 psig AND place in AUTO.

g Adjust u-TK-130, LTDN HX OUT TEMP CTRL to maintain approximately 95°F AND place in AUTO.

Step 8 Verify RCS leakage - NORMAL

a. PRZR level stable at OR trending to program.
b. Charging flow less than 15 GPM above letdown flow.

Step 9 Refer to Technical Specifications listed in Section 9.1, this procedure.

9.1 Technical Specifications/Requirements

  • 3.4.14, RCS Pressure Isolation Valve (PIV) Leakage
  • 3.4.15, RCS Leakage Detection Instrumentation
  • 3.5.2, ECCS - Operating
  • 3.5.3, ECCS - Shutdown
  • 13.1.31, Boration Injection System - Operating
  • 13.1.32, Boration Injection System - Shutdown

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No 4 Page 11 of 22 Event


Letdown Leak Inside Containment Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciator Alarms 2.1 b. Plant Indications
  • Containment humidity high or increasing
  • Containment radiation levels high or increasing
  • Incore instrument leakage alarm
  • Containment temperature high or increasing
  • Containment pressure high or increasing
  • Containment dew point increasing
  • VCT level decreasing
  • Charging flow increasing
  • Pressurizer relief and safety valve temperature high
  • Pressurizer level decreasing
  • Condenser off gas radiation level increasing Enters ABN-103, RCS Leak Step 1 Verify charging pump - AT LEAST ONE RUNNING

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 4 Page 12 of 22 Event


Letdown Leak Inside Containment Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 2 Ensure Pressurizer level - AT OR TRENDING TO PROGRAM LEVEL SETPOINT

a. Verify running charging pump controller automatically maintaining Pressurizer level at program setpoint
  • u-SK-459A, PDP SPD CTRL Step 3 Check PRZR Status
  • 1/u-PCV-455A, PRZR PORV
  • 1/u-PCV-456, PRZR PORV
b. PRZR Safety Valves - CLOSED
  • u-ZL-8010A, PRZR SFTY VLV A
  • u-ZL-8010B, PRZR SFTY VLV B
  • u-ZL-8010C, PRZR SFTY VLV C
d. Pressurizer Relief Tank level AND temperature - NO SIGNIFICANT INCREASE
  • u-TI-468, PRT TEMP
  • u-LI-470, PRT LVL
  • u-PI-469, PRT PRESS
d. Check PRZR PORV AND Safety Valves for indication of leakage:
  • u-TI-465, PRZR SFTY VLV B OUT TEMP Step 4 Verify AUTO makeup in service

Step 6 Check Steam Generator status:

a. All Steam Generator levels - NORMAL
b. Verify SG feedwater/steam flow - NO SIGNIFICANT MISMATCH
c. Monitor PC-11 trends on affected Steam Generators for increased radioactivity.

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 4 Page 13 of 22 Event


Letdown Leak Inside Containment Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 7 Verify primary sampling valves closed - u-MLB-1A2- LIGHTS DARK

  • 2.1 u-HV-4166, PRZR LIQ SMPL ISOL OPEN
  • 3.1 u-HV-4168, HL 1 SMPL ISOL OPEN
  • 4.1 u-HV-4169, HL 4 SMPL ISOL OPEN Step 8 Announce over plant page:



Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 5 Page 14 of 22 Event


RCP Seized Shaft Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciators Alarm
b. Plant Indications
  • Breaker TRIP or MISMATCH light illuminated on any RCP handswitch.
  • Motor amps on any RCP motor reading zero.

2.2 Automatic Actions


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 5 Page 15 of 22 Event


RCP Seized Shaft Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciators Alarm Plant Indications Automatic Actions Enters EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip Response Step 1. Verify Reactor Trip
a. Verify the following:
  • Neutron Flux- DECREASING
b. All control position rod bottom lights-ON Step 2. Verify Turbine Trip:
a. All turbine stop valves - CLOSED Step 3. Verify Power to AC Safeguards Busses:
a. AC safeguards busses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIXED
  • AC safeguards bus voltage _ 6900 Volts (6500-7100 volts)
b. AC safeguards busses - BOTH ENERGIZED Step 4. Check SI Status:
a. Check If SI is Actuated:
  • SI actuation as indicated on the First Out Ann 1-ALB-6C
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON
b. Verify Both Trains SI Actuated:
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON NOT FLASHING Step 4, RNO. IF SI is NOT required, THEN go to EOS-0.1 A, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 5 Page 16 of 22 Event


Reactor Trip Response Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Transitions to EOS-0.1A, Reactor Trip Response Step 1. Check RCS Average Temperature - STABLE AT OR TRENDING TO 557° F.

Step 2. Check FW Status:

a. Verify reactor trip and bypass breaker - OPEN
b. Check RCS average temperatures - LESS THAN 564° F.
c. Verify Feedwater Isolation - ISOLATION COMPLETE
d. Verify total AFW to SGs - GREATER THAN 460 GPM.

Step 3. Check PRZR Level Control:

a. Level - GREATER THAN 17%
b. Verify charging - IN SERVICE
c. Verify letdown - IN SERVICE
d. Level - TRENDING TO 25%

Step 4. Check PRZR Pressure Control:

a. Pressure - GREATER THAN 1820 PSIG
b. Pressure - STABLE AT OR TRENDING TO 2235 Step 5. Check SG Levels:
a. Narrow Range Level - GREATER THAN 5%
b. Control Feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 5% and 50%.

NOTE: Because of the RCP Trip, the level in the #1 SG will be higher than in the other SGs. The crew should NOT believe that this is indication of a SGTR. If they do, however, it will not effect the outcome of the scenario


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 6&7 Page 17 of 22 Event


LB LOCA (Auto SI Fails)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciators Alarm Plant Indications RCS pressure and temperature rapidly dropping, Pressurizer level and pressure dropping and Containment Temperature and Pressure increasing rapidly.

NOTE: It is expected that the operator will initiate Manual SI prior to procedure entry.

Transitions to EOP-0.0A.

Step 1. Verify Reactor Trip

a. Verify the following:
  • Neutron Flux- DECREASING
b. All control position rod bottom lights-ON Step 2. Verify Turbine Trip:
a. All turbine stop valves - CLOSED Step 3. Verify Power to AC Safeguards Busses:
a. AC safeguards busses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED
  • AC safeguards bus voltage _ 6900 Volts (6500-7100 volts)
b. AC safeguards busses - BOTH ENERGIZED Step 4. Check SI Status:
a. Check If SI is Actuated:
  • SI actuation as indicated on the First Out Ann 1-ALB-6C
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON
b. Verify Both Trains DI Actuated:
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON NOT FLASHING Step 4 RNO. Check if SI required (YES)

Manually Initiate SI.


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 6&7 Page 18 of 22 Event


LB LOCA (Auto SI Fails)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 5. Ensure Proper Safeguards Equipment Operation Per Attachment 2.

NOTE: It is expected that the RHR pump trip will be noticed and documented during the performance of Attachment 2.

Step 6. Verify AFW Alignment

b. Turbine Driven AFW Pump - RUNNING IF NECESSARY
c. AFW total flow - GREATER THAN 460 GPM
d. AFW Valves alignment - PROPER ALIGNMENT Step 7. Verify Containment Spray Not Required :
a. Containment Pressure - HAS REMAINED LESS THAN 18 PSIG (NO)

Step a RNO. Perform the following:

1) Verify Containment Spray initiated.
2) Verify appropriated MLB indication for CNTMT SPRAY (BLUE WINDOWS) AND PHASE B (ORANGE WINDOWS)
3) Verify containment spray flow
5) Stop all RCPs. (NOTE: The crew will stop RCPs at this point instead of waiting until step 11. They may also have stopped the RCPs per the fold out page for this procedure.)
6) Go to step 8.

Step 8. Check if Main Steamlines should be Isolated:

a. Verify the following:
  • Containment Pressure - GREATER THAN 6 PSIG (YES)
b. Verify main steam isolation complete.

Step 9. Check RCS Average Temperature - STABLE AT OR TRENDING TO 557°F.

Step 9 RNO. Throttle AFW and stop dumping steam.

Step 10. Check PRZR Valve Status:

a. PRZR Safeties - CLOSED
b. Normal PRZR Spray valves - CLOSED
d. Power to at least one block valve - AVAILABLE
e. Block valves - AT LEAST ONE OPEN

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 6&7 Page 19 of 22 Event


LB LOCA (Auto SI Fails)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 11. Check if RCPs should be stopped:



c. Stop all RCPs.

Step 12. Check if any SG is Faulted:

a. Check pressures in all SGs:


  • ANY SG COMPLETELY DEPRESSURIZED Step 13.Check if SG Tubes Are Not Ruptured:
  • Condenser off gas radiation - NORMAL (COG-182, 1RE-2959)
  • Main steamline radiation - NORMAL (MSL-178-181, 1RE-2325 -


  • SG blowdown and sample radiation monitor - NORMAL (SGS-164, 1RE-4200)
  • No Steam Generator level increasing in an uncontrolled manner Step 14. Check If RCS Is Intact:
  • Containment pressure - LESS THAN 1.3 PSIG
  • Containment recirculation sump levels - NORMAL
  • Containment radiation - NORMAL (GRID 4)



Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 6 & 7 Page 20 of 22 Event


LB LOCA (Auto SI Fails) EOP 1.0A Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior NOTE: It is expected that the RWST level will be at 45% within 17 minutes of the LBLOCA. The progress through EOP-1.0A will vary with each crew dependent upon how fast they proceed. Actual progress is not important, but the transition to EOS-1.3 A, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation, when plant conditions require, is.

Transitions to EOP-1.0A, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant Step 1. Check if RCPs should be stopped:



c. Stop all RCPs.


Step 2. Check if any SG is Faulted:

a. Check pressures in all SGs:


a. Narrow Range Level - GREATER THAN 26%
b. Control Feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 26% and 50%.

Step 4.Check Secondary Radiation - NORMAL

  • Condenser off gas radiation - NORMAL (COG-182, 1RE-2959)
  • Main steamline radiation - NORMAL (MSL-178-181, 1RE-2325 -


  • SG blowdown and sample radiation monitor - NORMAL (SGS-164, 1RE-4200)

When RWST LVL LO-LO Alarm comes in, transition to EOS-1.3A, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation. (Reference EOP-1.0A fold out page and ALM 1-ALB-4B, 3.7)


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 6 & 7 Page 21 of 22 Event


LB LOCA (Auto SI Fails) EOS 1.3A Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Caution: Steps 1 through 3 should be performed without delay. FRGs should not be implemented prior to completion of these steps.

Step 1. Reset SI Step 2. Verify CCW Flow From RHR And Containment Spray Heat Exchangers.

Caution: Any ECCS pump taking suction from RWST should be stopped upon RWST EMPTY alarm at 12% level. Any Containment Spray pump taking suction from RWST should be stopped when RWST level reaches 6%.

Caution: Any ECCS or Containment Spray pump that loses suction or shows indication of cavitation should be stopped.

Caution: SI pumps should be stopped if RCS pressure is greater than their shutoff head pressure.

Step 3. Align ECCS For Cold Leg Recirculation

  • 1/1-8811A
  • 1/1-8811B
  • 1/1-8812A
  • 1/1-8812B
  • 1/1-8814A
  • 1/1-8814B
  • 1/1-8813
  • 1/1-8716A
  • 1/1-8716B

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 2 Event No: 6 & 7 Page 22 of 22 Event


LB LOCA (Auto SI Fails) EOS 1.3A Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior

  • 1/1-8511A
  • 1/1-8512B
  • 1/1-8511B
  • 1/1-8512A
  • 1/1-8807A
  • 1/1-8807B
  • 1/1-8804A
  • 1/1-8804B NOTE: Due to the RHR pump trip, only one train will be lined up for Cold Leg Recirculation.

Step 4. Align Containment Spray System for Recirculation:

a. Check RWST level - LESS THAN 24%.

Step a RNO. If Containment Spray ACTUATED, then continue with step 5. When RWST level is < 24%, continue with step 4b.

b. Realign Containment Spray System as follows:
  • 1-HS-4782
  • 1-HS-4783
2) Close RWST TO CSP 1 & 3 AND 2 & 4 SUCT VLVS
  • 1-HS-4758
  • 1-HS-4759 The scenario may be terminated at the discretion of the Lead Examiner.


Time in Core Life: BOL Tavg: 571oF Reactor Power: 42% RCS Pressure: 2250 psig Turbine Load: 429 MWe Xenon: Equil Boron Concentration: 1442 ppm Rod Control: MAN Rod Height: CB D @ 189 steps 2.0 LCOAR/TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ACTIONS IN EFFECT:


TS# Description Reason 3.7.5 AFW AFW Pump 1-01 OOS for oil change 3.0 CLEARANCES IN EFFECT:


Return AFW Pump 1-01 to service when the oil change is complete.


Unit 1 is at 40% power and increasing per IPO-003A, step 5.4.19. Shift orders are to increase reactor power during the shift. The normal reactivity brief will be held, but an extensive pre job brief will not, due to the ALERT. The A MDAFWP is OOS due to contamination in the oil. Maintenance is in the process of changing the oil and the pump should be ready for test in the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.

The Generation Controller has declared an ALERT due to the loss of several peaking plants and all of the Big Brown units due to a common mode failure.

The expectation is that the ALERT will last until midnight. There are no surveillances planned for this shift. Unit 2 is at 100% power.

Revision 0 Appendix D Scenario Outline Form ES-D-1 Facility: CPSES Scenario No.: 3 Op-Test No.: 1 Examiners: Operators:

Note: (NEW)

Initial Conditions: BOL, 100% power Eq Xenon. The A MDAFWP is OOS for oil change. (

6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> into LCO)

IC-15, REMF FWR20 in Rackout with H/S in P.O and Red Tagged.

Preload RP09 A and B Turnover: Unit 1 and Unit 2 are at 100% power. U1 has been at 100% for the last 15 days following refueling. The A MDAFWP is OOS due to contamination in the oil.

Maintenance is in the process of changing the oil and the pump should be ready for test in the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The Generation Controller has declared an ALERT due to the loss of several peaking plants and all of the Big Brown units due to a common mode failure. There are no surveillances planned for this shift and the orders are to maintain current load and unit availability.

Event Malf. No. Event Event No. Type* Description 1 SG01C C (SRO) SGTL on #3 Steam Generator T=0 @ 8 gpm C (RO) 2 N (SRO) Plant Shutdown Required by Steam Generator Tube Leak >

T=5 R (RO) 150 gpd. (May be directed by Duty Manager)

N (BOP) 3 RP06D@ I (SRO) Loop 4 N-16 Instrument fails high.

T= 17 150% I (RO) 4 RD08 C (SRO) Rods move in the opposite direction (Auto only)

T=17 C (RO) 5 RD13B8 C (SRO) Two rods misaligned by more than 12 steps (Manual Rx trip T=34 @6 C (RO) required). CBC Rod B8 slips to 6 steps and CBA rod F-8 RD03F8 drops to the bottom.

6 SG01C M (ALL) SGTL increases to SGTR at 675 gpm T=38 @

675gpm 7 RP09A & C (SRO) Phase A fails to actuate on SIS T=38 B C (BOP) 8 MS13C I (SRO) The ARV on the ruptured SG fails open due to Main Steam T=46* @ 100% I (BOP) line pressure xmtr failure. May be manually closed.

  • or after step 3 but prior to Step 6 (Cooldown).
  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstrument, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Revision 0

Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: Page 2 of 20 The objective of this scenario is to evaluate the operators ability to change Reactor power in a controlled manner, respond to various instrument and component failures, and to carry out the requisite emergency procedures to mitigate the consequences of a Steam Generator Tube Rupture Accident.

Event One.

The 1-03 Steam Generator develops a tube leak at 8 gpm. This small leak will not be able to be diagnosed by comparing steam flow and feed flow for a mismatch. Operator feedback for the SGTL will be the Radiation Monitoring system and further investigation by the crew will reveal a small mismatch between charging flow and letdown flows that is larger than usual. The first indication will be a Radiation Monitor alarm from the Main Steam line N-16 monitors. Subsequent to the N-16 alarms, the Condenser Off Gas monitor will alarm followed by the less sensitive MSL radiation monitors. It is expected that the operators will:

  • Respond to the Radiation Monitor alarms
  • Determine the SG 1-03 has a tube leak
  • Refer to the correct ABN procedure
  • Evaluate plant conditions and determine that conditions require a plant shutdown to less than 50% in one hour and Mode 3 in two hours
  • Make the necessary notifications and refer to Technical Specifications.

NOTE: The SRO will find that two ABN procedures apply. ABN-106, High Secondary Activity and ABN-103, Excessive RCS Leakage are both applicable to this event. ABN-106 is constructed to evaluate SGTL size and then directs the crew to take actions based on leak size. ABN-103 is a diagnostic tool used to locate and isolate the leak. ABN-106 will not DIRECT the operator to ABN-103 because the leak is < 15gpm. It is expected that the crew will recognize the leak is in a steam generator and cannot be isolated, determine the need to shutdown the plant and proceed to IPO-003A for guidance to shutdown the plant.

Event Two.

The SGTL requires a forced down power maneuver to meet management expectations and license requirements. In order to preclude unnecessary delay while the SRO communicates with plant management about plant conditions and make recommendations, the lead evaluator may direct the staff to act as SM and instruct the SRO to commence an immediate plant shutdown. Operator feedback for the need to shutdown the plant will be ABN procedure requirements, Technical Specification LCOs, or plant management direction. It is expected that the crew will:

  • Refer to the appropriate plant procedure
  • Complete a reactivity brief.
  • Commence boration and reduce power using the Turbine Digital Control System

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: Page 3 of 20 Event Three and Four.

When power has been reduced enough to meet the requirements of NUREG 1021 and at the lead examiners discretion, the Loop 4 N-16 Reactor Protection channel fails high. This failure will cause the Control Banks for the Rod Control System to demand an inward sequence. This failure is further compounded by a problem in the Rod Control system that causes the rods to move out when inward direction is required. Operator feedback for these events will be various alarms generated by the N-16 failure, turbine load and reactor stable, and rods moving in the outward direction with power matched and no significant RCS temperature deviation. It is expected that the operators will:

  • Evaluate plant conditions and determine that Rod Motion is not warranted.
  • Determine that Rod Control has malfunctioned and that rods are moving in the WRONG direction
  • Place Rod Control in MANUAL
  • Refer to the correct ABN procedure
  • Select out the failed channel
  • Make the necessary notifications and refer to Technical Specifications.
  • Determine that Rod Control should remain in MANUAL.

NOTE: Rod Control will remain in Manual for the rest of the scenario. It is not expected that the Operators will initiate a Reactor Trip for these events. For the case of an unexpected RX trip, the scenario has been evaluated against the requirement and still exceeds minimum requirements if the next event is NOT completed, (misaligned rods).

Event Five At the lead examiners discretion, a continuation of the previous problem with Rod Control will be encountered. One Control Rod, CBA, Rod F-8, drops to the bottom and Control Rod CBC, Rod B8 slips to 6 steps. Feedback to the operators for this event will be alarms that indicate rods are misaligned by more than 12 steps and one control rod is at the bottom of the core. It is expected that the operators will:

  • Evaluate plant conditions and determine that more than one control rod is misaligned by more than 12 steps
  • Recognize that ABN procedures require a Manual Reactor Trip or enter the correct ABN and comply with direction to trip the reactor.
  • Manually trip the reactor
  • Enter the appropriate Emergency Procedure
  • Complete the required Immediate Actions from memory.
  • Determine that Safety Injection is NOT required.
  • Transition to the appropriate Optimal Recovery procedure.

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: Page 4 of 20 Event Six and Seven.

Shortly after the reactor trip, due to stresses caused by the trip, the tube that started to leak finally severs completely. The failure results in a Steam Generator Tube Rupture event at 675 gpm. Concurrent with the SGTR, both trains of Containment Isolation Phase A system fail to respond in auto. Manual operation is available and it is expected that the operator manually initiate the Phase A using the manual handswitches. Operator feedback for this event is rapidly decreasing pressurizer pressure and level, and increasing level in SG 1-03. The Phase A failure will be evidenced by numerous components indicated on the Monitor Light Boxes not being in the positions called for in Attachment 2 of EOP-0.0A. It is expected that the operators will:

  • Evaluate pressurizer and SG parameters and determine the need for Safety Injection or respond to the automatic SI
  • Refer to correct Emergency procedure
  • Complete Immediate Operator actions from memory
  • Verify automatic actions have occurred.
  • Take actions to compensate for lack of automatic actions if required.
  • Diagnose Plant conditions and transition to the correct Optimal Recovery Procedure
  • Cool down and depressurize the RCS to minimize RCS leakage.

Event Eight.

After the SGTR has been diagnosed, and at the Lead Examiners discretion, the Main Steam Line pressure transmitter for the Ruptured Steam Generator fails high. This will cause the ARV to go fully open. The valve will go open regardless of whether or not the operator has adjusted the setpoint to 1160 psig as required by EOP-3.0A. Operator feedback will be decreasing pressure in the ruptured steam generator, valve position indicating lights on the MCB, and RCS temperature decrease. It is expected that the operators will:

  • Evaluate plant conditions and determine that an uncontrolled RCS cooldown is in progress.
  • Recognize that SG 1-03 pressure is not high enough for the ARV to be fully open.
  • Recognize that the ruptured SG is no longer ISOLATED.
  • Take manual control of the ARV and close it.
  • Make the necessary notifications NOTE: The Lead Evaluator should carefully consider when to insert the ARV malfunction. If it is entered after the operator controlled cool down has been started, an important aspect of the feedback consideration will be lost.

NOTE: The CPSES PRA Assessment Summary document contains the following paragraph:

A SGTR event represents a unique challenge to the RCS safety systems. The SGTR combines a very small LOCA and an interfacing system LOCA. A rupture of the SG tubes results in leakage fro the RCS to the secondary-side which allows RCS inventory to bypass the containment. Thus, SGTR are important to both the CDF and LERF considerations. The operator must reduce RCS pressure and isolate the affected steam generator in order to re-establish adequate RCS integrity. One difference between the SGTR and the very small LOCA is that any water lost through the break to the SG will be lost from the containment and will become unavailable for recirculation. Therefore, it is important that the leakage from the RCS be minimized as soon as possible to preclude long term inventory problems. The loss of a steam generator reduces the number of steam generators available for decay heat removal and can lead to a loss of the auxiliary feedwater steam driven pump if the ruptured steam generator is not isolated from the steam supply line.

Revision 0 Appendix D Narrative Description Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: Page 5 of 20 The scenario may be terminated when the RCS has been cooled down and depressurized to less than ruptured SG pressure or at the discretion of the Lead Evaluator.

Recommended Critical Tasks

  • Fails to identify and isolate the ruptured Steam Generator when required by plant conditions.
  • Fails to manually initiate Phase A when required by plant conditions.

Revision 0 Appendix D Operator Actions Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 1 Page 6 of 20 Event


Steam Generator Tube Leak on #3 SG Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciator Alarms None
b. Plant Indications
  • An abnormal increase in steam generator specific activity as reported by Chemistry.
  • An abnormal increase in steam generator sampling radiation as indicated by u-RE-4200 (SGS-u64).
  • An abnormal increase in condenser off-gas radiation as indicated by u-RE-2959(COG-u82).
  • An abnormal increase in main steamline leak rate as indicated on u-RE-2325A (N16-u74), u-RE-2326A (N16-u75), u-RE-2327A (N16-u76), and u-RE-2328A (N16-u77). Computer points R7749A (R7753A) thru R7752A (R7756A).

Enters ABN-106, Steam Generator Tube Leak Step 1. Verify main steamline radiation alarms - CLEAR NOTE: u-RE-2327 (MSL-u80) will be in alarm on the PC-11 Step 1 RNO. Go to Section 3 of this procedure.

Section 3 Step 1. Verify main steamline radiation alarms - CLEAR Step 1 RNO.

a. Reduce power to 50% in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> AND Be in MODE 3 in the next 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.
b. GO TO Step 5.

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 1 Page 7 of 20 Event


Steam Generator Tube Leak on #3 SG Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 5 Check plant conditions:

a. Turbine-Generator load - STEADY AT DESIRED POWER
b. Verify charging flow within 15 gpm of letdown flow AND both flows STABLE
c. Verify PRZR level - STABLE OR TRENDING TO NORMAL LEVEL Step 6. Adjust affected Steam Generator Atmospheric Relief Controller setpoint to 1160 PSIG per TDM-501A/B.

Step 7. Verify affected Steam Generator - NOT SG #1 or SG #4 Step 8. Isolate Auxiliary Steam supplied from the affected unit by closing the applicable valves:

NOTE: The US will call the PEO to isolate the appropriate valves.

Step 9 Verify NO significant increase exists, as indicated on PC-11, from system(s) drains that discharge to the LVW:

Step 10 Monitor position of Steam Generator Atmospheric Relief AND Safety Valves during performance of this procedure:

a. Verify relief AND safety valves remain - CLOSED

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 2 Page 8 of 20 Event


Power Reduction Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Review IPO-003A, Power Operations Notifies Generation Controller prior to reducing load.

Notifies Chemistry and Radiation Protection if power reduction will be > 15%

in one hour Notifies Reactor Engineering of power reduction > 25%.

Calculates the amount of boration required Calculates the rate of boration Reviews AFD guidance Initiates boration per SOP-104A.

Sets in the desired unloading rate and amount using the Digital Control System Maintains AFD in the target band Maintains rods above the Rod Insertion Limit Maintains Tave within 1 degree of Tref


Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 3 & 4 Page 9 of 20 Event


Loop 4 N-16 Instrument Fails High and Rods move the wrong way Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciator Alarms
b. Plant Indications:
3) One N-16 channel higher or lower than the other three.

2.2 Automatic Actions NOTE: This should alert the crew that rods moving OUT is a malfunction and action should be taken.

Enters ABN-704A, TC N16 Failure NOTE:

  • Rod Control should remain in MANUAL until all channels are operable. This does not preclude placing rods in AUTO during rapidly changing transient conditions such as runbacks, etc. as long as rod control is returned to MANUAL when the plant is stabilized.

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 3 & 4 Page 10 of 20 Event


Loop 4 N-16 Instrument Fails High and Rods move the wrong way Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 1 Place Control Rods in - MANUAL NOTE: The RO should recognize that rods moved the wrong way, report this to the US, and recommend driving rods IN to match Tave to Tref.

Step 2 Select the failed channel on:

u-TS-412T, Tave CHAN DEFEAT Step 3 Verify Steam Dump System:

  • NOT actuated
  • NOT armed.

Step 4 Restore Tave to within 1°F of Tref.

Step 5 Select the failed channel on:

1/u-JS-411E, N16 PWR CHAN DEFEAT Step 6 Ensure a valid N16 channel is supplying the recorder:

1/u-TS-411E, u-TR-411 CHAN SELECT Step 7 Verify Steam Dumps not armed by observing the following light DARK:


Step 8 IF Steam Dumps were blocked in Step 2, THEN restore to service by returning following switches to ON:

  • 43/u-SDB, STM DMP INTLK SELECT Step 9 Within 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />, have I&C place bistable test switches for failed channel in CLOSED position per Attachments 1 and 2.

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 3 & 4 Page 11 of 20 Event


Loop 4 N-16 Instrument Fails High and Rods move the wrong way Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 10 Verify appropriate alarms and trip status lights ON per Attachment 3 AND note verification in Unit Log.

Step 11 Refer to Technical Specifications listed in Section 3.1 of this procedure to determine applicable LCOAR conditions.

3.1 Technical Specifications/Requirements

  • 13.1.38, Control Bank Insertion Limits

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 5 Page 12 of 20 Event


Two dropped rods (Manual Reactor Trip Required)

Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 3.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciator Alarms
b. Plant Indications
  • Plant parameters changing abnormally during rod position changes
  • NIS Power Range instruments power or AFD indications disagree
  • DRPI Rod Bottom Light(s) lit for rods which should be withdrawn
  • DRPIs in a bank disagree by greater than 12 steps
  • DRPI disagrees with its group step counter by greater than 12 steps Enter ABN-712 Rod Control Malfunction Examiner Note: The crew may not reference the procedure but based on the procedure, take conservative action and trip the plant immediately.

Revision 0 Appendix D Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 5 Page 13 of 20 Event


Two dropped rods (Manual Reactor Trip Required) EOP-0.0A Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciators Alarm Plant Indications Various First Out Annunciator alarms and changing plant conditions Manual reactor trip and enter EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip Response Step 1. Verify Reactor Trip
a. Verify the following:
  • Neutron Flux- DECREASING
b. All control position rod bottom lights-ON Step 2. Verify Turbine Trip:
a. All turbine stop valves - CLOSED Step 3. Verify Power to AC Safeguards Busses:
a. AC safeguards busses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED
  • AC safeguards bus voltage _ 6900 Volts (6500-7100 volts)
b. AC safeguards busses - BOTH ENERGIZED Step 4. Check SI Status:
a. Check If SI is Actuated:
  • SI actuation as indicated on the First Out Ann 1-ALB-6C
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON
b. Verify Both Trains SI Actuated:
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON NOT FLASHING Step 4, RNO. IF SI is NOT required, THEN go to EOS-0.1 A, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE

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EOS-0.1 A, REACTOR TRIP RESPONSE Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Transitions to EOS-0.1A, Reactor Trip Response Step 1. Check RCS Average Temperature - STABLE AT OR TRENDING TO 557° F.

Step 2. Check FW Status:

a. Verify reactor trip and bypass breaker - OPEN
b. Check RCS average temperatures - LESS THAN 564° F.
c. Verify Feedwater Isolation - ISOLATION COMPLETE
d. Verify total AFW to SGs - GREATER THAN 460 GPM.

Step 3. Check PRZR Level Control:

a. Level - GREATER THAN 17%
b. Verify charging - IN SERVICE
c. Verify letdown - IN SERVICE
d. Level - TRENDING TO 25%

Step 4. Check PRZR Pressure Control:

a. Pressure - GREATER THAN 1820 PSIG
b. Pressure - STABLE AT OR TRENDING TO 2235 Step 5. Check SG Levels:
a. Narrow Range Level - GREATER THAN 5%
b. Control Feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 5% and 50%.

NOTE: 4 minutes after the manual RX Trip, the SGTR becomes active at 675 GPM. If not done automatically, the crew should Initiate a Safety Injection and transition to EOP-0.0A, step 1.


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SGTR with failure of Phase A to auto actuate Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior 2.1 Symptoms

a. Annunciators Alarm

Plant Indications Various First Out Annunciator alarms and changing plant conditions Automatic Actions Safety Injection and ECCS actuations Step 1. Verify Reactor Trip

a. Verify the following:
  • Neutron Flux- DECREASING
b. All control position rod bottom lights-ON Step 2. Verify Turbine Trip:
a. All turbine stop valves - CLOSED Step 3. Verify Power to AC Safeguards Busses:
a. AC safeguards busses - AT LEAST ONE ENERGIZED
  • AC safeguards bus voltage _ 6900 Volts (6500-7100 volts)
b. AC safeguards busses - BOTH ENERGIZED Step 4. Check SI Status:
a. Check If SI is Actuated:
  • SI actuation as indicated on the First Out Ann 1-ALB-6C
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON
b. Verify Both Trains SI Actuated:
  • SI Actuated blue status light - ON NOT FLASHING

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SGTR with failure of Phase A to auto actuate Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 5. Ensure Proper Safeguards Equipment Operation Per Attachment 2.

NOTE: It is expected that the failure of Phase A to actuate will be noted and a manual Phase A initiated while Attachment 2 is being performed.

Step 6. Verify AFW Alignment

b. Turbine Driven AFW Pump - RUNNING IF NECESSARY
c. AFW total flow - GREATER THAN 460 GPM
d. AFW Valves alignment - PROPER ALIGNMENT Step 7. Verify Containment Spray Not Required :
1) a. Containment Pressure - HAS REMAINED LESS THAN 18 PSIG Step 8. Check if Main Steamlines should be Isolated:
a. verify the following:
  • Containment Pressure - GREATER THAN 6 PSIG (YES)
b. Verify main steam isolation complete.

Step 9. Check RCS Average Temperature - STABLE AT OR TRENDING TO 557°F.

Step 10. Check PRZR Valve Status:

a. PRZR Safeties - CLOSED
b. Normal PRZR Spray valves - CLOSED
d. Power to at least one block valve - AVAILABLE
e. Block valves - AT LEAST ONE OPEN

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SGTR with failure of Phase A to auto actuate Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 11. Check if RCPs should be stopped:




Step 12. Check if any SG is Faulted:

a. Check pressures in all SGs:



Step 13.Check if SG Tubes Are Not Ruptured:

  • Condenser off gas radiation - NORMAL (COG-182, 1RE-2959)
  • Main steamline radiation - NORMAL (MSL-178-181, 1RE-2325 -


  • SG blowdown and sample radiation monitor - NORMAL (SGS-164, 1RE-4200)

Revision 0 Appendix D Operator Actions Op-Test No: 1 Scenario No: 3 Event No: 6&7 Page 18 of 20 Event


SGTR EOP-3.0A Steam Generator Tube Rupture Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 1. Check if RCPs should be stopped:




Step 2. Identify Ruptured SG (s):

  • Unexpected increase in any SG narrow range level


  • High Radiation form any SG blowdown sample line (SGS-164, 1 RE-4200)


  • High Radiation from any Main steamline. (MSL-178-181, 1 RE-2325-2328)

Step 3 Isolate Flow From Ruptured SG(s):

a. Adjust ruptured SG(s) atmospheric controller setpoint to 1160 PSIG.
b. Check ruptured SG(s) atmospheric - CLOSED
c. Close ruptured SG(s) main steamline isolation and ensure bypass valve closed.
d. Pull-Out steam supply valve handswitch from ruptured SG(s) to Turbine Driven AFW pump.
e. Close ruptured SG drippot isolation valve.
f. Verify blowdown isolation valves from ruptured SG(s) - CLOSED EXAMINER NOTE: Ensure the booth operator inserts Malfunction to fail ARV open, NOW.

Notes that the #3 ARV is open. Verify the SG pressure is less than 1160, places the controller in manual, and closes the ARV.


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SGTR EOP-3.0A Steam Generator Tube Rupture Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 5 Check Ruptured SG(s) Pressure - GREATER THAN 420 PSIG.

Step 6 Initiate RCS Cooldown:

a. When PRZR pressure decreases to less than 1960 psig, block the low steamline pressure SI signal.
b. Determine required core exit temperature from Table 1.

NOTE: It is probable that the temperature selected from the Table will be 485°F.

c. Dump steam to condenser from intact SG(s) at maximum rate and avoid main steam isolation.
1) Transfer Steam Dump to steam pressure mode.
2) Place the steam pressure controller in manual increase demand.
3) When P-12 (553°F TAVG is reached, select bypass interlock on Steam Dumps and continue cooldown.
d. Core exit TCs - LESS THAN REQUIRED TEMPERATURE Step 6d RNO Continue with step 7. WHEN core exit TCs less than required temperature, THEN do step 6e and 6f.

Step 7. Check Intact SG Levels:

b. Control Feed flow to maintain narrow range level between 5% and 50%.

Step 8. Check PRZR PORVs and Block Valves:

a. Power to block valves - AVAILABLE
c. Block valves - AT LEAST ONE OPEN Step 9. IF the Diesels Are Running, THEN Place Both DG EMER STOP/START Handswitches in START.

Step 10. Reset SI.

Step 11. Reset SI sequencers.

Step 12. Reset Containment Isolation Phase A and B.

Step 13. Reset Containment Spray Signal.


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SGTR EOP-3.0A Steam Generator Tube Rupture Time RO BOP SRO Applicant's Actions or Behavior Step 14. Establish Instrument Air And Nitrogen to Containment.

a. Establish instrument air:
1) Verify air compressor running and establish instrument air to containment.
b. Establish nitrogen
1) Verify ACCUM 1-4 VENT CTRL, 1-HC-943 - CLOSED
2) Open SI/PORV ACCUM N2 ISOL VLV, 1/1-8880.

Step 15. Check if RHR Pumps Should be Stopped:

b. Stop RHR Pumps and place in standby
c. Reset RHR auto switchover.

Step 16. Check If RCS Cooldown Should Be Stopped:

b. Verify Steps 6 e and 6 f are complete.

Step 17. Check Ruptured SG(s) Pressure - STABLE OR INCREASING Step 18. Check RCS subcooling - GREATER THAN 45°F (75°F FOR ADVERSE CONTAINMENT)

Step 19. Depressurize the RCS to Minimize Break Flow and Refill PRZR:

a. Normal Spray - AVAILABLE
b. Place all PRZR heater switches in OFF position.
c. Spray PRZR with maximum available spray until ANY of the following conditions satisfied:
1) RCS pressure - LESS THAN RUPTURED SG(s)




-OR-RCS subcooling - At 25°F (55°F FOR ADVERSE CONTAINMENT)

The scenario may be terminated at the discretion of the lead examiner.



Time in Core Life: BOL Tavg: 589oF Reactor Power: 100% RCS Pressure: 2235 psig Turbine Load:1200 Mwe Xenon: Equil Boron Concentration:1263 ppm Rod Control: AUTO Rod Height: CB D @ 215steps 2.0 LCOAR/TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ACTIONS IN EFFECT:

TS# Description Reason 3.7.5 AFW AFW Pump 1-01 OOS for oil change 3.0 CLEARANCES IN EFFECT:


Return AFW Pump 1-01 to service when the oil change is complete.


Unit 1 and Unit 2 are at 100% power. U1 has been at 100% for the last 15 days following refueling. The A MDAFWP is OOS due to contamination in the oil.

Maintenance is in the process of changing the oil and the pump should be ready for test in the next 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />. The Generation Controller has declared an ALERT due to the loss of several peaking plants and all of the Big Brown units due to a common mode failure. There are no surveillances planned for this shift and the orders are to maintain current load and unit availability.