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05 Draft Written Examination Comments.Pdf
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/2020
From: Greg Werner
Operations Branch IV
Vistra Operating Co. (VistraOpCo)
50-445/20-05, 50-446/20-05 50-445/OL-20, 50-446/OL-20
Download: ML20174A607 (18)



[Refer to Section D of ES-401 and Appendix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts.]

1. Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undamental or (H)igher cognitive level.
2. Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) of each question using a 1 to 5 (easy to difficult) rating scale (questions in the 2 to 4 range are acceptable).
3. Check the appropriate box if a psychometric flaw is identified:
a. The stem lacks sufficient focus to elicit the correct answer (e.g., unclear intent, more information is needed, or too much needless information).
b. The stem or distractors contain cues (i.e., clues, specific determiners, phrasing, length, etc).
c. The answer choices are a collection of unrelated true/false statements.
d. The distractors are not credible; single implausible distractors should be repaired, more than one is unacceptable.
e. One or more distractors is (are) partially correct (e.g., if the applicant can make unstated assumptions that are not contradicted by stem).
4. Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified:
a. The question is not linked to the job requirements (i.e., the question has a valid K/A but, as written, is not operational in content).
b. The question requires the recall of knowledge that is too specific for the closed reference test mode (i.e., it is not required to be known from memory).
c. The question contains data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or inconsistent units (e.g., panel meter in percent with question in gallons).
d. The question requires reverse logic or application compared to the job requirements.
5. Check questions that are sampled for conformance with the approved K/A and those that are designated SRO-only (K/A and license level mismatches are unacceptable).
6. Enter question source: (B)ank, (M)odified, or (N)ew. Check that (M)odified questions meet criteria of ES-401 Section D.2.f.
7. Based on the reviewer's judgment, is the question as written (U)nsatisfactory (requiring repair or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory? Place the answer letter here Place the 55.41 or 55.43 item here
8. At a minimum, explain any Unsat ratings (e.g., how the Appendix B psychometric attributes are not being met).


1. LOK 2. LOD 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6 7 CFR 8 Letter stem job #/ back- SRO- A/B/C 55.41x55 Q# (F/H) (1-5) cueing T/F cred dist partial minutia K/A B/M/N U/E/S Explanation focus link units ward only /D .43y All - need LOD; None of the bank questions have ever been on an NRC exam? Added LOD to all questions. Additionally, in the following questions, changed will to should. These are all related to actions that SHOULD be taken. Where the word will is used in response to automatic plant actions, ie, The plant will trip, I did not make the change to should.

23 57 64 All LODs based on validation data. If question validated at <

80% it was marked as LOD 4.

If question validated between 80-89% it was marked as LOD

3. If question validated at 90%

or higher it was marked as LOD

2. a Rev 2

LOD=4? Question validated at 1 F 4 B S B 41.5 75% success rate 2 F 3 N S A 41.7 3 F 3 M S A 41.7 4 F 2 B S B 41.10 Distractors A and B are formatted differently than distractors C and D. Please revise to make distractors consistent. Revised Distracters C and D to closer match format of A and B. C and D are specific valves that input tanks, A and B are 5 F 2 X X B E C 41.7 general flowpaths that also input tanks inside containment.Distractors still too inconsistent; the valves employ abbreviations and the flow paths do not. Please revise distractors to the same format. Delete "one" in stem. Deleted "one" from the stem. Updated distractors 'A' and 'B' to match formatting of

'C' and 'D'/ Q now SAT REFERENCE PROVIDED (steam 6 H 3 M S D 41.7 tables) 7 F 2 B S A 41.7 8 H 3 B S C 41.7 FIRST TEN. No change 9 F 4 M S B 41.5 Question satisfactory. However, distractor D is essentially "nothing 10 H 4 B S B 41.7 happens" or "none of the above,"

and such questions should be avoided.

Explanation for A says unit 2, but the question is asking about unit

1. If 2/3 will actuate, why won't 2/4 (distractor B)? Revised explanation for Distracter A to state Unit 1. Revised stem to indicate "a coincidence of," as 11 F 2 X X B E A 41.5 only 3 of the 4 available NR SG levels input provide to P-14.

Therefore 2/4 coincidence cannot be correct as P-14 does not have a 4th NR SG level input (it has only 3). / Q now SAT 12 F 3 M S B 41.7 13 H 2 N S D 41.7 a Rev 2

FIRST TEN. A not plausible; how would applicant connect PZR pressure with a MSLI? D also doesn't appear plausible as how could applicant pick high steam pressure rate when no value for rate is given in the stem?

14 H 3 X X M U B 41.7 Revised to make a 2x2 and make all distracters now plausible.

Requires knowledge of P-11 setpoint and the effect on MSLI if the low pressure SI is blocked or not blocked./Q now SAT 15 H 2 N S A 41.5 16 H 3 B S D 41.7 17 H 4 B S B 41.7 ON LC22 NRC EXAM.

18 H 3 M S A 41.5 19 F 3 B S A 41.5 ON LC24 NRC EXAM.

20 H 2 B S B 41.7 ON LC24 NRC EXAM.

21 F 2 B S D 41.7 A and C do not appear plausible.

I can't think of any circumstance where it would be desirable to only have partial actuation of a CR HVAC signal on a high radiation condition. Distractor D -

Why would anyone believe that "isolation" mode would be 22 F 3 X B U B 41.7 correct? Revised to make the condition in the stem a loss of power to a Train A radiation monitor instead of a high radiation signal. / Further revised to specify Ventilation Mode instead of Isolation Mode.

Q now SAT 23 H 4 M S C 41.5 24 F 3 M S C 41.7 25 F 2 B S C 41.7 C and D do not appear plausible.

The stem states that pressure is lowering due to a small leak, and that instrument air compresors are responding and that pressure can be maintianed at 98 psig.

This cues that IAC 1-01 cannot maintain air pressure on its own, 26 F 2 X X M U B 41.5 which means at least one of the standby compressors must be loaded. Revised to ask when the two backup compressors will automatically start.

Changed question from BANK to MODIFIED, question is now a MEMORY level question./Q now SAT 27 H 2 B S C 41.5 a Rev 2

28 F 2 B S A 41.5 29 H 2 B S B 41.7 30 H 2 N S D 41.5 31 H 3 N S D 41.7 Question not changed enough to be modified (problem and answer are essentially the same). Need 32 H 2 X B E B 41.7 to change back to "bank" Changed from MODIFIED to BANK./Q SAT FIRST TEN. Restructure distractors to be 2X2 of 33 F 2 X B E D 41.7 lowest/highest instead of using "average." Changed average to highest or lowest as needed to maintain 2x2./Q now SAT 34 H 4 M S C 41.7 Replaced KA with 045.K4.12.

Updated RO ES-401-2.

Updated ES-401-4. Replaced question with Bank Question 30643. Question still a BANK 35 F 3 B S D 41.7 question, still KNOWLEDGE level, still answer D, still LOD 3.

Question replaced due to repition of Rod Control System between the RO and SRO exam./Q SAT ON LC21 NRC EXAM. All four distractors intimate that both valves change position after the loss of power (i.e. a valve that is already open can't "open" and a valve that is already closed can't "close"). If the student knows the initial positions of both valves, that would render C as the only possible answer. Revised from a 2x2 to one-part question, only 36 H 2 X B U C 41.7 asking about one of the valve responses. As revised, question requires knowledge of both the correct release position of the valves, as well as whether this radiation monitor will cause automatic actions to occur as a result of the operate failure./ Q now SAT a Rev 2

Replaced KA with 035.A3.01.

Updated RO ES-401-2.

Updated ES-401-4. Replaced question with Bank Question 29641. Changed question from MODIFIED to BANK, still 37 H 2 B S C 41.7 COMPREHENSIVE level, still answer C, still LOD 2.

Question replaced due to repition of Non-Nuclear Instrumentation System between the RO and SRO exam./Q SAT 38 F 3 M S B 41.7 39 H 2 N S D 41.10 40 H 2 B S A 41.7 Of the four parameters mentioned in the distractors, only the correct answer is mentioned in the stem, cueing it as the correct answer. Either add parameters for the other 41 H 4 X X X B U D 41.5 distractors, or delete RCS pressure in the stem. Revised to add indications for Pressurizer level, RVLIS, and RCS subcooling in stem of question./Q now SAT 42 H 2 B S D 41.5 43 H 2 B S C 41.10 How could A be plausible with no RCS pressure information in the stem? What is the purpose of the 44 H 4 X X B E B 41.10 RCP information in the stem?

Revised to add RCS pressure information to stem and eliminate information regarding RCP information./Q now SAT B doesn't appear plausible - what "unnecessary cooling requirements" are you referring to? C not plausible as knowledge that CCW is not a high pressure system is LOD=1 knowledge. D not plausible - how could CCW 45 F 4 X B U A 41.5 supply design cooling inside containment if it's isolated?

Correct answer appears obvious.

Revised to make distracters plausible by providing specific reasons for the possible isolation of CCW loads./Q now SAT 46 H 3 N S C 41.5 a Rev 2

Discuss how A and B are plausible. Don't see why someone would increase charging flow in response to a rising pressurizer level. NO CHANGE, except to Distracter explanations. If Pressurizer level were below 30%, then the 47 H 2 X N E D 41.7 correct response would be A.

Raising charging flow is plausible since it would be correct if pressurizer level were lower than given in the stem.

Added information to explanation for A and B to indicate this./ Q now SAT 48 H 4 N S D 41.10 49 F 2 B S C 41.7 FIRST TEN. No Change 50 H 2 B S A 41.10 51 F 3 M S A 41.7 Original Q not changed enough to be considered modified.

Change to "bank" Changed 52 H 3 B E D 41.7 from MODIFIED to BANK and as a result, added that Question was last used on LC21 NRC exam.Q now SAT In stem, add "a setpoint of" 53 H 2 X M E C 41.7 before __2___. Revised to add this.Q now SAT 54 F 2 B S A 41.7 ON LC22 NRC EXAM. C and D do not appear plausible with information provided in stem.

Stem intimates a pump problem +

why would anyone believe that containment isolation valves should reposition here? Revised 55 H 3 X B U A 41.7 to add information to stem that SI, SI Sequencers, Phase A, and Phase B have subsequently been reset.

Revised to change distractors C and D to other pumps which are affected by the sequencers.Q now SAT a Rev 2

Need to discuss. I'm not sure it's plausible for anyone to believe a heat sink can be effectively established with 30 psig in the RCS (making D obvious) + I'm not sure conditions given in the stem are possible. Revised to change RCS and SG parameters in stem. Although these conditions could occur on a large break LOCA in the RCS, raising RCS pressure to a higher value, but still ensuring it remains below SG pressure makes D correct while the 56 H 2 X X B U D 41.7 other distracters are plausible.Distractor C does not appear plausible. Don't see how anyone would believe a steam generator was "hot and dry" with

>10% level. Changed distractor C to read "SG thermal shock could result in tube failures and feedwater should not be established." This is based on the basis for the caution directly before that step.

Updated distractor C plausibility as well as procedure references to show this./ Q now SAT Need to dicuss. C and D do not appear plausible. Don't see how someone could fathom recovering a dropped rod by 57 H 2 X B U B 41.7 disconnecting it. Revised Q to put disconnect info in stem, and to ask for what rod control power cabinet will cause an urgent failure alarm .Q now SAT 58 H 3 B S C 41.8 59 H 3 N S B 41.7 ON LC24 NRC EXAM. Would like discussion as to why one might think condenser overtemperature is worse than condenser overpressure Revised to add more information to plausibility statement for selecting 60 H 3 X B E D 41.5 overheating as a credible distracter.Discuss explanation and change "EFGH" to ABCD" Corrected "EFGH" to "ABCD" in explanation section.

Expanded plausibility discussion further to explain overheating as a plausible distractor./ Q now SAT a Rev 2

61 F 2 N S B 41.7 B and C not plausile without a tube leak, and there is none here.

D not plausible without RCS leakage,and there is none here.

62 F 2 X B U C 41.7 A is the only distractor that is part of the RCS, making it the obvious answer. Replaced Q; Correct answer now C. Q now SAT This question is essentially only asking at what pressure is containment adverse. There is no time given in the stem, meaning the scenario starts at 0800. If A were correct, then the crew wouldn't be in EOS-1.1A in the first place. B offers nothing substantially different than A, then C suddenly provides adverse contaiment, making it the obvious correct answer. Revised to add a starting time in the stem. Revised all values in 63 H 3 X X M U D 41.10 each distracter such that the correct answer is not the first time adverse containment conditions are noted. Also, revised to add in stem that SI occurred as a result of a leak inside containment (based on validation comments).

Changed correct answer from C to D. Question is now MODIFIED Bank question./Q now SAT C not credible as no initial RCS temperature is given in the stem.

Revise stem to provide an initial 64 F 2 X X B E D 41.7 RCS temperature. Revised to add an RCS temperature to the stem of the question./Q now SAT 65 H 2 B S D 41.10 ON LC21 NRC EXAM.

66 F 4 B S B 41.10 a Rev 2

A doesn't appear credible - can't think of anytime something meets a COLR requiement but does not meet TS. Discuss distractor C plausibility - not sure anyone would associate SI pumps with Mode 6. Revised explanations to better explain plausibility of distracters. The COLR limit is the minimum required by TS, but the administrative limit for boron concentration during 67 F 2 X B E B 41.10 refueling is 2400 ppm. It could be thought that if the higher limit were not met that both RHR pumps would be required to be operable and capable of adding RWST water with a concentration of greater than 2400 ppm. Added availability of SIPs is also plausible due to being required in MODE 6 reduced inventory conditions, but not while the cavity is flooded during actual fuel movement.Q SAT FIRST TEN. Add "Per Procedure ODA-315" in stem. Added Per 68 F 3 X B E A 41.10 ODA-315, to stem./Q now SAT Correct answer fairly obvious. If possible, restructure to make one of the other distractors correct and make a modified bank.

Question revised to increase discriminatory value of question. Changed stem and correct answer D to reflect the valve was repositioned due to a clearance, rather than to 69 F 4 X B E D 41.10 gather data for engineering.

This was a suggestion from validators on how to revise this question based on your comment. Also revised distractor A (and plausibility statement) to a "clearance" vice a "SM clearance."/ Q now SAT a Rev 2

What's the difference between B and C? Although similar, procedures state that the highest indication during transient conditions, typically N16 must be maintained below 100%.Please discuss; specifically need to understand how B and C differ when their explanations are identical.

Changed NIS to 100.5% under 70 F 2 X B E DB 41.7 steady state conditions.

Changed N16 101.5% under transient conditions. Re-ordered all choices to short-to-long format. Correct answer remains the sam but is now choice 'B'. Updated plausibility explanations to explain the transient and steady state conditions./ Q now SAT ON LC22 NRC EXAM. LOD=4?

This is fundamental rad worker 71 F 4 B S C 41.12 knowledge Question validated at 75% success rate ON LC21 NRC EXAM. In stem take the musts and shall out of the distractors and put "must" in the stem ("The incore detectors must"). If either B or D must be perfomed to accomplish C, then they are also correct. Ensure that 72 F 3 X X B E C 41.12 is not the case. Musts and Shalls removed from distractors. Must added to the stem as requested. Neither B nor D is required to accomplish C. Discuss changes. Left As-is would like to discuss in detail 73 F 3 N S D 41.10 74 F 2 N S A 41.5 a Rev 2

Change B to "senior resident inspector" Revised B to Senior Resident Inspector. Revised to change procedure reference in stem from EPP-203 to STA-501 (this was a correction requested by validators as STA-501 is where this specific guidance is located). Learning objective no longer valid (need new learning objective?). Discuss why EPP-203 not valid. EPP-203 75 F 2 X B E A 41.10 discusses using the ENS to call the NRC Operations Center, however, it does not discuss what to do if the ENS Ring Down line does not work.

This information is contained in STA-501 (this is what was pointed out by the validators).

Corrected the Learning Objective./ Q now SAT Based on final validation comments revised reference in stem from STA-501 to EPP-203.

Added EPP-203 as a reference to the question including PDF snapshot of the appropriate page. EPP-203 is the procedure containing the specific guidance being asked about in this question. Learning objective no longer valid (need new learning objective?). Discuss why STA-501 does not apply here. Ensure question remains 76 F 3 B S B 43.7 closed reference. STA-501 does apply, however, EPP-203 is the procedure used by operations personnel when making this notificatio. STA-501 is generally used for making follow-up written notifications.

If this is an issue have no problem changing it back to original but would like to discuss with you first. Updated objective./ Q now SAT One could argue that A is also correct as written. Modify stem to say "within a MAXIMUM of 77 H 2 X B E B 43.5 __(2)__." Revised to bound Part 2 with MAXIMUM. Q now SAT 78 H 4 B S C 43.5 a Rev 2

FIRST TEN. Q does not appear to meet K/A as it does not seek to verify that alarms are consistent with plant conditions. B and D not plausible - makes no sense to prioritize ensuring an ARV is closed on a steam generator that has no pressure. Revised to 79 H 2 X X N U A 43.5 address assessing alarm conditions (break inside versus outside containment) and then actions to maintain MSIV closed in response to plant conditions, eliminating non-plausible distracters./Q now SAT 80 H 2 B S C 43.5 81 H 2 B S A 43.5 ON LC24 NRC EXAM.

Discuss deleting Channel 3 and Channel 1 from stem as it cues two different channels need to be tripped. NO CHANGE. Channel numbers are a part of the instrument nomenclature and CPNPP procedure requires all nomenclature be provided to the candidate. Validation indicates sufficient discriminatory value as written.

Deleting this information from stem requires memorization of instrument numbers and associated channels. If both 82 H 3 X B E C 43.2 instruments were on the same channel, no shutdown would be required. As written with no changes, original bank question appears better. Replace Q with original bank question. Changed back to original bank question.

Answer remains 'C' Question remains high cognitive level.

LOD remains at 3. Question changed from MODIFIED BANK to BANK./ Q now SAT 83 H 4 N S A 43.5 84 H 4 N S A 43.5 a Rev 2

FIRST TEN. Choosing between 2222 psig and 2220 psig is only a 0.09% difference - don't see much discriminating value here.

Also, distractors A and B do not appear credible - why would channel operability be tied to abnormal procedure completion?

Changed stem so that PI-457 is 85 H 3 X N U D 43.2 also rising slowly but still >60 psig different than other channels.

Distracters changed to eliminate reasons, now just using OPERABLE or INOPERABLE.

Left 2220 psig and 2222 psig as these values discriminate knowledge of TS limits changing based on determination of operable channels/Q now SAT Change "form" to "from" in explanation. Discuss making a modified bank by changing 5 minutes to 2 minutes in stem and making C the correct answer.

Revised as requested.

86 H 4 X M E D 43.2 Adjusted all distractors to keep D as the correct answer (same answer as C on previous version). Question is now MODIFIED bank question. Q now SAT ON LC22 NRC EXAM. Added the words "while conducting a plant startup in accordance with IPO 003B, Power 87 F 4 B S B 43.5 Operations" to the first line of the stem. This was requested by validators during the last round of validation. Revision OK - Q remains SAT 88 H 4 B S D 43.5 a Rev 2

ON LC23 NRC EXAM. Discuss making this a modified bank by changing 0811 to 0805 in stem and changing the correct answer to D Unable to change exactly as requested due to concern of question having a correct answer with nothing to do but wait and how that would effect student responses. Did 89 H 2 X M E D 43.2 change to time 0802 to allow asking the action required at 2 minutes (i.e. powering safeguards busses from EDG and putting incoming breakers in PULLOUT). Correct answer is now D and question is now a MODIFIED bank question.

Revision OK - Q now SAT Revised to capitalize the word MISALIGNED and changed reference to TS 3.1.4 from ABN-712 in second part of stem. ABN-712 RNO states Perform the following per TS 3.1.4: This change was made at the request of validators on the last round of validation.

Replacing ABN-712 with TS 3.1.4 cues student what the procedure 90 H 4 N S D 43.2 requires. If an operating crew would have entered ABN-712 in this circumstance, then that procedure (not TS) should be referenced in the stem.

Reviseded reference to include both ABN-712 AND TS 3.1.4 in the stem for the second part of the question./ Q now SAT K/A specifies fuel handling incident Revised conditions in stem to place the Unit in MODE 6, Refueling. Question now asks mitigation strategies for 91 H 2 X B U C 43.5 loss of coolant accident during refueling. K/A match statement revised to explain K/A match./Q now SAT 92 H 3 M S A 43.4 FIRST TEN. Change "will" to 93 H 2 X M E D 43.5 "should" in stem. Changed will to should/Q now SAT a Rev 2

FIRST TEN. Don't see why anyone would consider "water clarity" more important than "radiological consequences" when moving fuel. Discuss changing "water clarity" to "decay heat." No change at this time. If we are required to make this change, would like to discuss 94 H 3 X B E A 43.6 options on this question before changing. Changed to a 1 part question asking when the core offload can be started. Answer is now A Add "hours" after 75 in explanation for A Added the word 'hours' in the explanation for choice 'A'/ Q now SAT FIRST TEN. Change "will" to "should" in stem. Stem written such that it cues 5 MW as correct answer (the "next" turbine load reduction should be). Revise stem to ask "a MINIMUM turbine load reduction of _____ is 95 F 3 X X B E A 43.5 adequate to determine" and place 5 MW and 10 MW in distractors for (1). Changed will to should. Changed is in distracters Part 1 to 5 MWe and is NOT to 10 MWe./Q now SAT Delete the word "critical" in stem (just go with Priority 1) to make distractors more credible. Original bank Q better the modified.

Discuss using original bank question while going with "urgent" only and deleting "Priority 2."

96 F 2 X X B E B 43.3 Revised back to original bank question. Deleted "urgent" from the stem and used only "Priority 2." Question is now a BANK question with correct answer as B./Q now SAT 97 F 2 B S B 43.3 a Rev 2

Q says B is correct answer and explanation says D is correct (fix explanation) Wouldn't RP mgr be more plausible than Plant mgr in C and D? Revised explanation to identify B as correct and D as incorrect. Plant Mgr is more plausible than RP Manager because although both have authority required to permit entry into the SG Loop Rooms inside Containment, the RP Manager never authorizes entry into containment. Delete SM 98 F 2 X B E B 43.4 portion of question as this portion is too obvious. Keep second half of question and add the administrative limit for maximum personnel in containment (use 50/60 in distractors). Change to modified bank. Re-considered your original comment and would like to comply with that vice the latest change requested. Changed Plant Manager to RP Manager. / Q now SAT 99 H 2 N S D 43.5 Why LOD=4?/S Question validated at 64% success rate.

Based on request from last round of validations changed the stem to read as follows:

"the US ___(2)___ direct implementation of steps contained in alarm procedures while performing actions contained in the ERGs." This 100 F 4 N S C 43.3 request was made as there was confusion, the validators thought the question was asking if the US was allowed to stop performing applicable ERG and switch to performance of an ALM procedure. Second half of stem grammatically incorrect (Implementation of step); change to "steps." Changed 'step' to

'steps'/ Q SAT Results Table RO LOK -H 39 Avg RO LOD 2.68 Flaws 10 CFR Distribution RO LOK-F 36 AVG SRO LOD 2.88 Stem focus 16 41.1 14 43.1 0 SRO LOK - H 18 Overall LOD 2.73 Cues 3 41.2 0 43.2 5 a Rev 2

SRO LOK - F 7 T/F 0 41.3 0 43.3 3

%  % Cred Dist 31 41.4 0 43.4 2 RO Bank 48 64 SRO Bank 14 56 Partial 0 41.5 17 43.5 13 RO Mod 14 18.67 SRO Mod 4 16 job link 0 41.6 0 43.6 1 RO New 13 17.33 SRO New 7 28 units 0 41.7 41 43.7 1

% minutia 0 41.8 1 Total Bank 62 62 backward 0 41.9 0 Total Mod 18 18 KA 2 41.10 14 Total New 20 20 SRO-only 0 41.11 0

%  % LOD = 1 0 41.12 2 RO Sat 48 64 SRO Sat 13 52 41.13 0 RO Unsat 11 14.67 SRO Unsat 3 12 Answer Dist ( in %) 41.14 0 RO Edit 16 21.33 SRO Edit 9 36 RO-A 17 SRO-A 7

%  % RO-B 19 SRO-B 6 Total Sat 61 61 Total Unsat 14 14 RO-C 17 SRO-C 5 Total Edit 25 25 RO-D 21 SRO-D 7 a Rev 2

Question Overlap with the Previous Two NRC Exams QA form ES-401-6 item 4 requires 4 or less questions on RO exam from previous two NRC exams, SRO portion two or less questions from previous two NRC exams*

  • if this is exceeded, the region shall call NRR to explain why/reasons.

RO overlap from previous two NRC exams 4

SRO overlap from the previous two NRC exams 2