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CP-2021-08-DRAFT Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 09/23/2021
From: Heather Gepford
Operations Branch IV
Vistra Energy
Download: ML21299A022 (603)


ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 003.G.2.2.39 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.9 Reactor Coolant Pump: Knowledge of less than or equal to one hour Technical Specification action statements for systems.

Question # 1 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is in MODE 3, with the RCS temperature at 400oF Reactor Trip Breakers are closed Rod Drive MG sets are operating An RCS dilution is in progress In accordance with TS 3.4.5, RCS Loops - MODE3, a MINIMUM of __(1)__ RCPs must be in operation.

If one of the minimum number of operating RCPs were to trip, within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> __(2)__.

A. (1) two (2) make the Rod Control System incapable of withdrawal B. (1) two (2) commence Emergency Boration C. (1) four (2) make the Rod Control System incapable of withdrawal D. (1) four (2) commence Emergency Boration Answer: A Page 1 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of a one-hour TS associated with the operation of the RCPs.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Under the given conditions, two RCS loops are required to be operating. Second part is correct. If one of the two operating loops stops operating, within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> restore it to operating or make the rod control system incapable of withdrawal.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since various TS require boration be commenced in response to actions not being met.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since MODES 1 and 2, TS 3.4.4, require all four loops operating. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) TS 3.4.5 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given RCS parameter indications and plant conditions, ASSESS from memory any required TS/TR entries, including any actions which must be completed within one hour in accordance with Technical Specifications or TRM.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 62575 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 2 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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Bank 62575 Revision:

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Bank 62575 Revision:

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TS 3.4.5 Revision: 156 Page 5 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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TS 3.4.5 Revision: 156 Page 6 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 004.K3.04 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.7 Chemical and Volume Control: Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the CVCS will have on the following: RCPS Question # 2 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 Reactor power is 3%

ANY RCP SEAL WTR INJ FLO LO (5A-1.6) is in alarm RCP SEAL WTR INJ FILT 1 P HI (5A-2.6) is in alarm Seal injection flow is 0 gpm ABN-101, REACTOR COOLANT PUMP TRIP/MALFUNCTION, has been initiated RCPs are required to be tripped if CCW Thermal Barrier heat exchanger flow is not a MINIMUM of __(1)__.

Seal injection is isolated in order to prevent thermal shock to the seals which could directly result in __(2)__.

A. (1) 35 gpm (2) excessive RCS leakage B. (1) 35 gpm (2) voiding the CCW system C. (1) 64 gpm (2) excessive RCS leakage D. (1) 64 gpm (2) voiding the CCW system Answer: A Page 7 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of a loss of seal injection flow from CVCS to the RCPs Explanation:

A. Correct. First part is correct. Per ABN-101, Section 7 (Loss of Seal Injection), if CCW is less than 35 gpm, you are directed to section 9 which will direct tripping the reactor, tripping RCPs and isolating seal injection and CCW thermal barrier return from the RCPs. Second part is correct.

Thermal shocking the seals could result in seal damage (not seating correctly) which could result in excessive leakage.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (See A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible because the CCW return valve from the RCPs, HV-4709, is manually closed on a loss of seal injection and CCW to the RCPs to prevent voiding in the CCW system.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible because CCW flow at 64 gpm will result in isolating the CCW thermal barrier HX. Second part is correct (See A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-105 Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-101 Comments / Reference RCS Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the response for a Loss of Seal Injection in accordance with ABN-101, Reactor Coolant Pump Trip/Malfunction. (ABN.101.OB07)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 58153 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 8 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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Bank 58153 Revision:

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Bank 58153 Revision:

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ABN-105 Revision: 8 Page 11 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-105 Revision: 8 Page 12 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-101 Revision: 13 Page 13 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-101 Revision: 13 Page 14 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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RCS Study Guide Revision: 00-0000 Page 15 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 005.A1.02 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.3 Residual Heat Removal: Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the RHRS controls including: RHR flow rate Question # 3 Given the following conditions:

RHR is in service in Mode 5 Air is lost to 2-FCV-618, RHR HX 1 BYP FLO ABN-104, Residual Heat Removal System Malfunction, Section 4.0, Mode 4, 5 or 6 Loss of RCS Temperature/flow Control RCS Filled, is in progress 2-FCV-618 fails __(1)__ when air is lost.

ABN-104 directs manual control of the RHR HX Bypass and Outlet valves to maintain a MINIMUM of __(2)__ gpm RHR flow.

A. (1) OPEN (2) 2900 B. (1) OPEN (2) 3800 C. (1) CLOSED (2) 2900 D. (1) CLOSED (2) 3800 Answer: D Page 16 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of flow requirements for the RHR system.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect because the valve fails closed. It is plausible because if it were the RHR HX Outlet Valve, it would be correct. Second part is incorrect because the minimum flow to be established is 3800 gpm. It is plausible because it were asking about the minimum CCW flow through the HX, it would be correct.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect but plausible (see A). Second part is correct. ABN-104 directs establishing between 3800 and 4000 gpm RHR flow.

C. Incorrect. First part is correct. The RHR HX Bypass Valve fails closed upon a loss of air.

Second part is incorrect but plausible (see A).

D. Correct. First part is correct (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-301 Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-104 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Loss of RCS Temperature/Flow Control in accordance with ABN-104, Residual Heat Removal System Malfunctions.


Question Source: Bank # 81933 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 17 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-301 Revision: 14 Page 18 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-104 Revision:

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 006.K1.02 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 4.3 Emergency Core Cooling: Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the ECCS and the following systems: ESFAS Question # 4 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power Train A equipment is running A fault occurs on XST2, 345/6.9 KV Startup Transformer.

A slow transfer to XST1, 138/6.9 KV Startup Transformer, occurs.

__(1)__ will be started as a result of the XST2 fault.

The PDP cannot be started following actuation of the Blackout Sequencers until the BOS

__(2)__ clears.

A. (1) Both CCPs (2) Operator Lockout B. (1) Both CCPs (2) Automatic Lockout C. (1) ONLY CCP 1-01 (2) Operator Lockout D. (1) ONLY CCP 1-01 (2) Automatic Lockout Answer: A Page 20 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the relationship between the ESFAS blackout sequencer and the CCPs.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Both CCPs are started by the sequencers. Second part is correct.

The PDP is locked out from starting until the operator lockout clears.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible because the PDP is prevented from starting by the operator lockout, not the automatic lockout. The operator lockout clears when the sequence completes timing and the automatic lockout clears when the operator resets the BOS.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since only CCP 1-01 was running prior to the fault and it could be thought that only previously operating equipment would be started. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-602 Attached w/ Revision # See SI and BO Sequencer Study Guide Comments / Reference CVCS Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: PREDICT the response of the instrumentation and controls of the Safety Injection and Blackout Sequencers in accordance with CP-0575-001, Solid State Safeguards Sequencers and associated Automation Industries drawings. (SYS.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 21 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-602 Revision: 8 Page 22 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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SI and BO Sequencer Study Guide Revision: 6-10-2011 Page 23 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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SI and BO Sequencer Study Guide Revision: 6-10-2011 Page 24 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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CVCS Study Guide Revision: 00-0000 Page 25 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 007.K5.02 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.1 Pressurizer Relief/Quench Tank: Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as the apply to PRTS: Method of forming a steam bubble in the PZR Question # 5 Given the following conditions:

After being used to draw a vacuum in the RCS, the Pressurizer Relief Tank has been isolated from the PRZR RCS pressure is 5 psia RCS and PRZR temperatures are equalized at 130ºF Actual PRZR level is 50%

Which of the following describes the PREFERRED method of establishing a steam bubble in the Pressurizer in accordance with SOP-101A, Reactor Coolant System?

Adjust Charging and Letdown to __(1)__.

Energize PRZR heaters to heat up the PRZR, establishing a steam bubble at approximately

__(2)__ in the PRZR.

A. (1) raise PRZR level to 100%

(2) 298ºF B. (1) maintain PRZR level constant (2) 298ºF C. (1) raise PRZR level to 100%

(2) 162ºF D. (1) maintain PRZR level constant (2) 162ºF Answer: D Page 26 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the method used to establish a bubble in the pressurizer.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since this is similar to an alternate method of establishing a bubble while solid. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since 298oF is saturation for 50 psig and 50 psig is the initial pressure the pressurizer is raised to when drawing a bubble while solid.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is correct (see D).

D. Correct. First part is correct. Per SOP-101, during vacuum fill of the RCS a bubble in the PRZR is established while the RCS is at a vacuum. Charging and Letdown are adjusted as needed to maintain level and pressure constant in preparation for establishing a bubble. Second part is correct. The bubble is formed at 162oF which is saturation for the 5 psia condition established.

Technical Reference(s) SOP-101 Attached w/ Revision # See Steam Tables Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination: Steam Tables Learning Objective: DISCUSS the steps required to fill the RCS and establish a pressurizer bubble in accordance with SOP-101A, Reactor Coolant System. (IPO.001.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 23551 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 27 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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SOP-101A Revision: 18 Page 28 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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SOP-101A Revision: 18 Page 29 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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Steam Tables Revision:

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 008.A2.03 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.0 Component Cooling Water: Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the CCWS, and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: High/low CCW temperature Question # 6 Given the following conditions:

Reactor power = 100%

1-ALB-1, 1.7, SSW TRN A/B HDR PRESS LO, alarms ABN-501, Station Service Water System Malfunction, is entered for the low SSW header pressure condition CCW 1-01 HX outlet temperature is slowly rising In accordance with ABN-501, when CCW Heat Exchanger Outlet Temperature FIRST reaches __(1)__ the affected CCW pump is placed in PULL-OUT.

After stopping the affected CCW pump, a subsequent trip of __(2)__ would require the Reactor be tripped.

A. (1) 122oF (2) SSWP 1-01 B. (1) 122oF (2) SSWP 1-02 C. (1) 140oF (2) SSWP 1-01 D. (1) 140oF (2) SSWP 1-02 Answer: B Page 31 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the CCW temperature limits and the actions to be taken in the event the limits are exceeded.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the plant is required to be tripped if an SSW pump and a CCW pump are both stopped, but only if they are in opposite trains.

B. Correct. First part is correct. If CCW HX 1-01 outlet temperature reaches 122oF during these conditions, CCW pump 1-01 is to be stopped. Second part is correct. If both CCW pump 1-01 and SSW pump 1-02, opposite trains, are not operating, cooling is lost to CCW loads and the Reactor and RCPs are to be tripped.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible, because 140oF is from the design of the system (to lower RCS temperature from 350oF to 140oF in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ALM-0011A Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-501 Comments / Reference ABN-502 Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the response to Station Service Water Header Pressure Low in accordance with ABN-501, Station Service Water System Malfunction.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 5 55.43 Page 32 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ALM-0011A Revision: 10 Page 33 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-501 Revision: 10 Page 34 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-501 Revision: 10 Page 35 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-502 Revision: 11 Page 36 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 010.K5.01 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.5 Pressurizer Pressure Control: Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as the apply to the PZR PCS:

Determination of condition of fluid in PZR, using steam tables Question # 7 Given the following conditions:

Pressurizer Pressure indicates 335 psig.

A malfunction in CVCS causes an insurge to the Pressurizer, resulting in level rising 4%.

Pressurizer liquid space temperature indicates 400ºF during the insurge.

During the insurge, the Pressurizer liquid space is subcooled by approximately __(1)__.

Any pressure rise during the insurge into the Pressurizer is limited by __(2)__.

A. (1) 23oF (2) steam condensing into a liquid B. (1) 23oF (2) liquid flashing to steam C. (1) 32oF (2) steam condensing into a liquid D. (1) 32oF (2) liquid flashing to steam Answer: C Page 37 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring ability to determine the amount of subcooling in the pressurizer using steam tables.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since this value would be obtained if 335 psig is converted incorrectly to a value of 320 psia which has a saturation temperature of 423oF. Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since this is the dynamics that occur on an outsurge and not an insurge.

C. Correct. First part is correct. 335 psig is equivalent to approximately 350 psia and saturation temperature for this pressure is approximately 432oF. With temperature indication of 400oF, it is subcooled by 32oF. Second part is correct. A pressure rise from an insurge into the Pressurizer is limited by steam condensing into liquid.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) Steam Tables Attached w/ Revision # See Pressurizer Pressure/Level Study Guide Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination: Steam Tables Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the instrumentation and controls of the Pressurizer Pressure Control System including the system response in accordance with the CPNPP FSAR and DBD-ME-250, Reactor Coolant System. (SYS.PP1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 5 55.43 Page 38 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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Steam Tables Revision:

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Pressurizer Pressure/Level Study Guide Revision: 00-0000 Page 40 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 012.K6.06 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 2.7 Reactor Protection: Knowledge of the effect of a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the RPS: Sensors and detectors Question # 8 Given the following conditions:

Pressurizer level transmitter LT-459 failed high (100%)

70 hours8.101852e-4 days <br />0.0194 hours <br />1.157407e-4 weeks <br />2.6635e-5 months <br /> later the channel is being tripped The NCT switch LS/0459 BS-1 is in NORMAL When the I&C Technician takes the Master Test Card (NMT) switch to CLOSED for LT-459:

LI-459, Pressurizer Level Channel I will __(1)__.

The TSLB for PRZR LVL HI LB-459 will __(2)__.

A. (1) fail downscale (2) remain LIT B. (1) fail downscale (2) change from DARK to LIT C. (1) remain at 100%

(2) remain LIT D. (1) remain at 100%

(2) change from DARK to LIT Answer: A Page 41 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how a failed transmitter will affect the reactor protection system indication.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Per ABN-706, indication will fail downscale as the transmitter is disconnected from the circuitry. Second part is correct. TSLB would light if dark, but TSLB PRZR LVL HI LB-459 was already lit from the failure high >92%.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible because TSLB PRZR LVL HI LB-459 would light if dark, but it is already lit from the high failure.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible because the indication was at 100% already, but will fail low when NMT is closed. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-706 Attached w/ Revision # See 7300 Process Lesson Plan Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the 7300 Process Control system and PREDICT the system response in accordance with DBD-EE-021, Reactor Protection and NSSS Related Control Systems and Westinghouse Drawings 7247D05. (SYS.IC3.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 19173 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 42 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-706 Revision: 8 Page 43 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-706 Revision: 8 Page 44 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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7300 Process Lesson Plan Revision: 00-0000 Page 45 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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7300 Process Lesson Plan Revision: 00-0000 Page 46 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 013.K2.01 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.6 Engineered Safety Features Actuation: Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following: ESFAS/safeguards equipment control Question # 9 What effect does a loss of 2EC1 have on the Emergency Diesel Generators?

A. Train A EDG will not start following a Safety Injection.

B. Train B EDG will not start following a Safety Injection.

C. If Train A EDG is running due to a loss of offsite power, an 86-2 lockout will actuate, causing the DG to trip.

D. If Train B EDG is running due to a loss of offsite power, an 86-2 lockout will actuate, causing the DG to trip.

Answer: C Page 47 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the power supplies to the controls for the EDGs and the effect of a loss of power.


A. Incorrect. Plausible as the DG will not start on a bus UV signal, but will start following a safety injection.

B. Incorrect. Plausible (see A) and it is thought that the 2 in 2EC1 indicates a Train B power supply.

C. Correct. The loss of 2EC1 will cause a loss of power to the EDG UV start relay and an 86-2 lockout will actuate due to loss of power to the generator outboard bearing high temperature relay and the DG will trip.

D. Incorrect. Plausible (see C) and if it is thought that the 2 in 2EC1 indicates a Train B power supply.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-603 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Loss of Instrument Bus in accordance with ABN-603, Loss of Protection or Instrument Bus. (ABN.603.OB02)

Question Source: Bank # 21915 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 48 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

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ABN-603 Revision: 8 Page 49 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 022.A4.05 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.8 Containment Cooling: Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Containment readings of temperature, pressure, and humidity system Question # 10 When determining if Adverse Containment Conditions exist, the __(1)__ Containment Pressure indications on the Control Board are to be used.

When determining Containment Temperature for TS 3.6.5, Containment Air Temperature, the meter reading used on the Control Board is the __(2)__ of:

TE-5400, CNTMT TEMP DOME EL 1001'-9" TE-5401, CNTMT TEMP EL 1001'-2 1/2" TE-5403, CNTMT TEMP EL 905'-9" TE-5404, CNTMT TEMP EL 863'-6" A. (1) intermediate range (PT-934, 935, 936 and 937)

(2) average B. (1) narrow range (PT-5470A and 5470B)

(2) average C. (1) intermediate range (PT-934, 935, 936 and 937)

(2) highest D. (1) narrow range (PT-5470A and 5470B)

(2) highest Answer: A Page 50 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the indications of containment temperature and pressure on the control board.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Intermediate range channels are used for determining adverse containment conditions as narrow range indications have a maximum value of 2.5 psig. Second part is correct. Containment temperature indicator is TI-5400A, CNTMT AVE TEMP, using average temperature.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since narrow range are typically read to ensure compliance with TS limits on pressure. Second part is correct (see A).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible as a high failure of any of the four containment temperature inputs will result in a high Containment temperature alarm.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C).

Technical Reference(s) ALM-0031A Attached w/ Revision # See ODA-407 Comments / Reference Containment Systems Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the components of the Containment system including interrelations with other systems to include interlocks and control loops as described in DBD-ME-008 Containment Analysis. (SYS.CY1.OB02)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 21668 (Note changes or attach parent)

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Containment Systems Study Guide Revision: 5-2-2011 Page 55 of 55 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 026.A1.06 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 2.7 Containment Spray: Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the CSS controls including: Containment spray pump cooling Question # 11 Which of the following describes the source of cooling water [CCW or SSW] for the Containment Spray Pumps:

(1) Bearing coolers?

(2) Seal coolers?

A. (1) CCW (2) CCW B. (1) CCW (2) SSW C. (1) SSW (2) CCW D. (1) SSW (2) SSW Answer: C Page 1 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the cooling water to the containment spray pumps.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since CCW does supply cooling, but not to the bearing coolers. Second part is correct. CCW does supply cooling to the seal coolers.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since SSW does supply cooling, but not to the seal coolers.

C. Correct. First part is correct. SSW supplies cooling to the pump bearing coolers. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) SOP-204A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the components of the Containment Spray system including interrelations with other systems to include interlocks and control loops in accordance with the FSAR and DBD-ME-0232. (SYS.CT1.OB03)

Question Source: Bank # 23014 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 2 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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SOP-204A Revision: 15 Page 3 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 039.K4.05 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.7 Main and Reheat Steam: Knowledge of MRSS design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Automatic isolation of steam line Question # 12 Given the following conditions:

A plant cooldown and depressurization is in progress.

Reactor Coolant System pressure is 1925 psig.

The Reactor Operator has taken both 1/1-PPSIRBA, PRZR PRESS SI RESET /

BLOCK, and 1/1-PPSIRBB, PRZR PRESS SI RESET / BLOCK, to the Block position.

The Balance of Plant Operator has taken both 1/1-SLSIRBA, MSL ISOL SI RESET /

BLOCK, and 1/1-SLSIRBB, MSL ISOL SI RESET / BLOCK, to the Block position.

Assuming NO further operator actions, if a large steam break were to subsequently occur outside Containment, which of the following describes the protection system response?

A. NEITHER Safety Injection, NOR Main Steam Line Isolation will occur B. Safety Injection will occur, but Main Steam Line Isolation will NOT occur C. Main Steam Line Isolation will occur, but Safety Injection will NOT occur D. BOTH Safety Injection AND Main Steam Line Isolation will occur Answer: C Page 4 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the conditions which will cause a main steam line isolation.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since action is taken to block the steamline isolation and SI signals, but the blocking enables a negative pressure rate signal to close the MSIVs.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since action is taken to block the steamline isolation and an SI could occur if the break were inside containment, but the blocking enables a negative pressure rate signal to close the MSIVs.

C. Correct. With the actions taken to block the low steamline pressure SI signal, a main steamline isolation will still occur on a large steam break due to the blocking actions enabling a negative pressure rate signal to close the MSIVs.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since the main steamline isolation will occur and an SI would still occur if the break were inside containment, but the SI will not occur with the break location.

Technical Reference(s) ALM-0065A Attached w/ Revision # See IPO-005 Comments / Reference Reactor Protection Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the Reactor Protection and Engineered Safeguard Actuation Systems and predict the system response in accordance with DBD-EE-021, Reactor Protection and NSSS Related Control Systems and Westinghouse Drawings 7247D05. (SYS.ES1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 23049 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 5 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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Reactor Protection Study Guide Revision: 5-4-2011 Page 10 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 059.A4.11 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.1 Main Feedwater: Ability to manually operate and monitor in the control room: Recovery from automatic feedwater isolation Question # 13 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 tripped from 100% power due to a P-14 on S/G 1-02 As the crew is working through the ERG network all AFW is lost and cannot be restored All S/G NR levels are ~ 2%

During attempts to re-establish a main feedwater flow path by resetting the FWI, which of the following will be required IF the Reactor trip breakers are unable to be cycled?

A. Reset both trains of SI Sequencer, then reset the FWI signal B. Pull universal logic card A213 from both trains of SSPS, then replace both cards C. Cycle the FWIV hand switches to the closed and open position to allow a FWI reset D. Open 1B3-1 and 1B4-1 breakers to remove control power from the reactor trip breakers Answer: B Page 11 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the actions required to reset feedwater isolation signal.


A. Incorrect. Plausible as this is part of step 7 RNO but this by itself will not reset the FWI signal.

B. Correct. Per FRH-0.1 step 7.b RNO 1.b if the breakers cannot be cycled then if card A213 is pulled on both trains this will allow power to be removed from the circuit and therefor resetting the FWI signal to allow feeding with the feedwater system.

C. Incorrect. Plausible as FRH-0.1 step 7 does have the operator place FWIV handswitches in auto after closed but this will not reset the FWI.

D. Incorrect. Plausible as this is performed by FRH-0.1 for restoration of condensate flow but without cycling the trip breakers it will not reset the FWI.

Technical Reference(s) FRH-0.1A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural Step, NOTE, or CAUTION, DISCUSS the reason or basis for the Step, NOTE, or CAUTION in FRH-0.1 in accordance with FRH-0.1, Loss of Heat Sink. (ERG.FH1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 24393 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 12 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 061.A3.03 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.9 Auxiliary/Emergency Feedwater: Ability to monitor automatic operation of the AFW, including: AFW S/G level control on automatic start Question # 14 Given the following conditions:

Both MDAFWPs are operating, maintaining SG levels at 67%, with flow to each SG being controlled in MAN at 200 gpm.

The TDAFWP is secured.

An AFW autostart signal is received which starts the TDAFWP.

MDAFWP flow control valves will __(1)__.

TDAFWP flow control valves will __(2)__.

A. (1) trip to AUTO and go full open (2) trip to AUTO and go full open B. (1) trip to AUTO and go full open (2) remain in MAN at the current position C. (1) remain in MAN at the current position (2) trip to AUTO and go full open D. (1) remain in MAN at the current position (2) remain in MAN at the current position Answer: B Page 16 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge how an automatic start of the AFW system effects the flow control valves.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct. MDAFWP flow control valves trip to AUTO and go full open.

Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the MDAFWP valves trip to AUTO and go full open, it might be considered that the TDAFWP valves would respond the same.

B. Correct. First part is correct (see A). Second part is correct. The TDAFWP valves remain in their current, fully open position on an autostart.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible if thought that since MDAFWPs were already running with valves in MAN, they would remain in position. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) AFW Study Guide Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the Auxiliary Feedwater system and the system response in accordance with DBD-ME-206. (SYS.AF1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 73907 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 17 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 062.A2.08 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 2.7 AC Electrical Distribution: Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the ac distribution system; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations:

Consequences of exceeding voltage limitations Question # 15 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 and Unit 2 Safeguards 6.9 KV Buses are aligned normally.

A low voltage condition on Unit 1 6.9 KV Buses occurs.

Assuming the plant responds as designed, which of the following identifies the response of Unit 1 to the low voltage?

Unit 1 transfers from transformer A. XST1 to XST2 and Unit 1 EDGs are NOT running B. XST1 to XST2 and Unit 1 EDGs are running unloaded C. XST2 to XST1 and Unit 1 EDGs are NOT running D. XST2 to XST1 and Unit 1 EDGs are running unloaded Answer: C Page 23 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the response of Unit 1 to a low voltage condition.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since the Unit 1 EDGs will not be running and also if thought that the normal alignment is Unit 1 being supplied by XST1. This would be the correct response for Unit 2.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since it may be thought that the normal alignment is Unit 1 being supplied by XST1 and that the Unit 1 EDGs will be running.

C. Correct. The normal power source to Unit 1 is XST2 so a transfer to XST1 will occur. A time delay of approximately one second will prevent the EDG from starting, allowing the buses to first be powered from XST1, the alternate supply.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since a transfer to XST1 from XST2 will occur and if there were no time delay to prevent the EDG from starting.

Technical Reference(s) 6.9Kv and 480V Study Guide Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the normal, abnormal and emergency operation of the 6.9 KV and 480 V Electrical Distribution system and PREDICT the system response in accordance with SOP-603, 604 and ABN-602. (SYS.AC2.OB05)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 20740 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 24 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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6.9Kv and 480V Study Guide Revision: 10-03-2013 Page 27 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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6.9Kv and 480V Study Guide Revision: 10-03-2013 Page 28 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 063.G.2.2.38 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.6 DC Electrical Distribution: Knowledge of conditions and limitations in the facility license.

Question # 16 With Unit 1 in Mode 3 and Battery Charger BC1ED1-2 INOPERABLE, which of the following would require entry into Technical Specification 3.8.4, DC Sources - Operating, action statements?

A. Battery BT1ED2 voltage is 125 VDC B. Battery BT1ED3 float current is 0 amps C. Battery Charger BC1ED1-1 EQUALIZE push button is depressed D. Battery Charger BC1ED4-1 is placed under clearance after placing Battery Charger BC1ED4-2 in service Answer: A Page 29 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of TS entry conditions for DC electrical systems.


A. Correct. Each battery is required to have a minimum float voltage of 2.13 volts per cell or 128 volts total.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since 0 amps may indicate that the battery is not performing its function, but a float current of 0 amps indicates that the battery charger has fully charged the battery and the battery charger is supplying all bus loads.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since battery charger BC1ED1-2 is already out of service, but depressing the equalize push button causes battery charger output voltage to be 138 - 140 VDC which is an operable condition.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since one battery charger is already out of service, but BC1ED4-1 is a different train and BC1ED4-2 would be placed in service prior to placing BC1ED4-1 under clearance.

Technical Reference(s) TS 3.8.4 Attached w/ Revision # See MSE-S0-5000 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given system parameter indications and plant conditions, ASSESS from memory any required TS/TR entries, including any actions which must be completed within one hour in accordance with Technical Specifications or TRM.


Question Source: Bank # 19161 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

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MSE-S0-5000 Revision: 7 Page 33 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 064.K6.07 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 2.7 Emergency Diesel Generator: Knowledge of the effect of a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the ED/G system: Air receivers Question # 17 Given the following conditions:

DG 1-01 in normal alignment Annunciator 1-ALB-10B Window 2.8, DG1 Trouble annunciates NEO reports the following:

Low Press Starting Air Left Bank in alarm Low Press Starting Air Right Bank in alarm Starting air pressure in both banks 149 psig and lowering Per Technical Specification 3.8.3, Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil, and Starting Air, the required minimum starting air pressure __(1)__ satisfied.

If a loss of off-site power occurred DG 1-01 __(2)__ start on the emergency start signal.

A. (1) is (2) will B. (1) is (2) will NOT C. (1) is NOT (2) will D. (1) is NOT (2) will NOT Answer: D Page 34 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of low air receiver pressure on the EDG operations.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect. The minimum air pressure required by TS 3.8.3 is 180 psig, therefore the minimum starting air pressure is not satisfied. Second part is incorrect, with air pressure less than 150 psig the emergency start signal is blocked. The diesel may be started but only in normal.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect (see A). Second part is correct (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect (see A).

D. Correct. First part is correct. The minimum air pressure required by TS 3.8.3 is not met. Second part is correct. The DG will not automatically start because the emergency start signal is blocked.

The DG will start if a normal manual start is initiated, and only 90 psig of air is required.

Technical Reference(s) TS 3.8.3 Attached w/ Revision # See OPT-214A Comments / Reference EDG Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given Emergency DG parameters and indications, ASSESS from memory any required TS/TR entries, including any actions which must be completed within one hour in accordance with Technical Specifications or TRM (SYS.ED1.OB24)

Question Source: Bank # 67832 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

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EDG Study Guide Revision: 00-0000 Page 40 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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EDG Study Guide Revision: 00-0000 Page 41 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 073.K1.01 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.6 Process Radiation Monitoring: Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the PRM system and the following systems: Those systems served by PRMs Question # 18 Assuming the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor trend has initially increased above the normal reading following a 1.0 gpm SG tube leak.

Assuming all procedures are implemented:

The trend on the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor will __(1)__ as power is decreased;

and, When the MSIV is closed, the trend on the Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor will __(2)__.

A. (1) increase (2) increase rapidly to a RED alarm B. (1) decrease (2) decrease to a value above the normal reading C. (1) decrease (2) increase rapidly to a RED alarm D. (1) increase (2) decrease to a value above the normal reading Answer: B Page 42 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of radiation monitor trends following actions taken due to high radiation levels.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since lowering load causes less steam flow to leave steam line, so it could be thought that leakage is being contained in area of rad monitor causing an increase. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C).

B. Correct. First part is correct. As power lowers for the same size leak the trend decreases due to less activity. Second part is correct. When the MSIV is closed no flow goes past the rad monitor so the rad monitor decreases back towards normal.

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since it could be thought that containing all the leakage upstream of the MSIV after it is closed will cause rad levels to increase.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-106 Attached w/ Revision # See Main Steam Study Guide Comments / Reference DRMS Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: PREDICT the response of the instrumentation and controls of the Digital Radiation Monitoring System in accordance with DBD-EE-023.


Question Source: Bank # 17676 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 11 55.43 Page 43 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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ABN-106 Revision: 11 Page 44 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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ABN-106 Revision: 11 Page 46 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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ABN-106 Revision: 11 Page 47 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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DRMS Study Guide Revision: 4-28-2011 Page 49 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 076.K4.06 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.8 Service Water: Knowledge of SWS design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Service water train separation Question # 19 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is in MODE 6 with the Refueling Cavity flooded Unit 1 Positive Displacement Charging Pump is supplying Reactor Coolant Pump seal injection Unit 2 has tripped and during post-trip actions lost both trains of Station Service Water The only available Unit 1 Station Service Water Pump, 1-01, has been aligned to supply the Unit 2 Station Service Water Train B Which of the following describes the flowpath for this alignment per SOP-501A, Station Service Water System?

The Unit 1 SSWP 1-01 is running with its discharge valve full open. Flow to Unit 2 is adjusted by throttling the __(1)__.

In this configuration, the Unit 2 Train B Centrifugal Charging Pump lube oil cooler __(2)__ be supplied with SSW.

A. (1) Unit 2 SSWP (2-02) Discharge Valve (2) cannot B. (1) Unit 2 SSWP (2-02) Discharge Valve (2) can C. (1) Unit 1 to Unit 2 cross-tie valve (2) can D. (1) Unit 1 to Unit 2 cross-tie valve (2) cannot Answer: B Page 50 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how SSW trains, normally maintained separated, can be cross-connected.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the Unit 1 CCP cannot be supplied, but the Unit 2 CCP can be supplied.

B. Correct. First part is correct. Per ABN-501, flow is from Unit 1 SSW Pump 1-01 through full open discharge, crosstie line and Unit 2 SSW Pump 2-02 discharge which is at 15% on initial pump start and then throttled full open or until pump runout flow of 18,600 gpm. Second part is correct.

Unit 1 Train A CCW Heat Exchanger, Unit 2 Train B CCW Heat Exchanger, and Unit 2 Train B Centrifugal Charging Pump are aligned for flow.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see D). Second part is correct (see B).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since flow is through cross-tie, but valve is opened fully. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-501 Attached w/ Revision # See SOP-501 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the response to a Loss of All Unit u Station Service Water in accordance with ABN-501, Station Service Water System Malfunction.


Question Source: Bank # 36001 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 51 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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ABN-501 Revision: 10 Page 52 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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SOP-501A Revision: 20 Page 58 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 078.A3.01 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.1 Instrument Air: Ability to monitor automatic operation of the IAS, including: Air pressure Question # 20 Given the following conditions:

IAC 1-01 is running in LEAD IAC 1-02 is in BACKUP with the Automatic Operation light ON.

An INSTR AIR HDR PRESS LO alarm is received at 85 psig.

The NEO isolates the leak, and Instrument Air header pressure is approximately 107 psig and rising.

Which of the choices below describes the compressor status?

A. Both compressors are running loaded B. Both compressors are running unloaded C. IAC 1-01 is running loaded; IAC 1-02 is running unloaded D. IAC 1-01 is running unloaded; IAC 1-02 is running loaded Answer: A Page 59 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of starting and loading air pressure setpoints for IA compressors.


A. Correct. Lead started at 105, backup at 100 psig. Both will run loaded until 115 psig.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since both will be running, but compressors will not unload until 115 psig. Could think unload occurs at 105 psig.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since lead started at 105, backup at 100 psig, but both will continue to run loaded until 115 psig. Could think unload occurs at 105 psig.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since lead started at 105, backup at 100 psig, but both will continue to run loaded until 115 psig. Could think unload occurs at 105 psig.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-301 Attached w/ Revision # See SOP-509A Comments / Reference Instrument Air Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the Instrument Air system and the system response in accordance with DBD-ME-218. (SYS.IA1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 21692 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 60 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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SOP-509A Revision: 24 Page 62 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

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IA Study Guide Revision: 5-7-2011 Page 63 of 63 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 11-20 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 103.K3.03 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.7 Containment: Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the containment system will have on the following: Loss of containment integrity under refueling operations Question # 21 Per IPO-010B, Reactor Coolant System Reduced Inventory Operations, containment hatches must be closed A. upon a loss of RHR cooling.

B. upon start of vacuum fill of the RCS .

C. prior to throttling the RHR Cold Leg Injection Valve.

D. prior to reducing RCS inventory to < 120 inches above Core Plate.

Answer: A Page 1 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of requirements to establish containment integrity during refueling operations.


A. Correct. In accordance with IPO-010B, Attachment 1, the containment hatches must be closed upon a loss of RHR and before core boiling occurs.

B. Incorrect. Plausible because placing the RCS under vacuum has an increased potential to introduce level instrument errors and possibly lead to RHR pump cavitation. Incorrect as SOP-101B maintains requirements to be capable of closing the equipment hatch during vacuum fill operations.

C. Incorrect. Plausible because RHR Cold Leg Injection Valve throttling only occurs when RCS level is lowered below 56 above core plate. The throttling is performed in response to CPNPP flow data which indicates an increased probability of air introduction via vortexing into the RHR pump suctions. Incorrect as IPO-010B does not require any additional closure requirements prior to throttling injection flow.

D. Incorrect. Plausible because this defines the transition to reduced inventory operation at CPNPP.

Incorrect, as hatch does not to be installed, but preparations must be complete to allow installation.

Technical Reference(s) IPO-010B Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-104 Comments / Reference SOP-101B Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS specific outage items related to reduced inventory in accordance with IPO-010. (IPO.010.OB05)

Question Source: Bank # 42947 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC20 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 2 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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IPO-010B Revision: 16 Page 5 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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ABN-104 Revision: 9 Page 6 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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SOP-101B Revision: 9 Page 8 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 004.K2.02 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.9 Chemical and Volume Control: Knowledge of bus power supplies to the following: Makeup pumps Question # 22 Which of the following accurately states the bus power supply for Boric Acid Transfer Pump 1/1-APBA1?

A. 1B1-1 B. 1EB1-1 C. XB1-1 D. XEB1-1 Answer: B Page 9 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of power supplies to the BAT pumps for CVCS makeup.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since the power supply is unit related and the pump is not needed for emergency boration on an SI, so it could be a non-safeguards unit supply.

B. Correct. This is the correct power supply per SOP-105.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since the pump takes a suction off the X-01 tank and the pump is not needed for emergency boration on an SI, so it could be a non-safeguards common supply.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since the pump takes a suction off the X-01 tank and the pump is safety related, so it could be a safeguards common supply.

Technical Reference(s) SOP-105 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the components of the Reactor Makeup system including interrelations with other systems to include interlocks and control loops IAW SOP-103, -104, and -105. (SYS.CS2.OB03)

Question Source: Bank # 52512 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 10 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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SOP-105 Revision: 11-29-04 Page 11 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 008.A1.01 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 2.8 Component Cooling Water: Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the CCWS controls including: CCW flow rate Question # 23 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 at 100%

RCP 1-01 Thermal Barrier cooler leak CCW surge tank level 80% and increasing slowly CCW flow from RCP 1-01 thermal barrier is 85 gpm and increasing CCW thermal barriers return temperature is 170ºF and increasing 1-HS-4691, RCP 1-01 THBR CLR CCW RET TEMP CTRL VLV, and 1-HV-4709, U1 THBR CLR CCW RET ISOL VLV ORC, both __(1)__.

1-HV-4696, THBR CLR CCW RET ISOL VLV IRC, __(2)__.

A. (1) close (2) closes B. (1) close (2) remains open C. (1) remain open (2) remains open D. (1) remain open (2) closes Answer: D Page 12 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the flow rate which will cause the CCW valves to automatically close.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since valves 4691 and 4709 close if temperature exceeds a high setpoint, but setpoint not recalled. Second part is correct (see D).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since flow remaining below a high setpoint will not close the valve, but setpoint not recalled.

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

D. Correct. First part is correct. Valves 4691 and 4709 close if temperature exceeds 182.5°F, so they remain open. Second part is correct. Valve 4696 will close if flow is greater than 64 gpm.

Technical Reference(s) ALM-0032A Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-502A Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the response to Leakage Into the CCW System in accordance with ABN-502, Component Cooling Water System Malfunction. (ABN.501.OB106)

Question Source: Bank # 31261 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 13 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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ABN-502A Revision: 11 Page 15 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 012.K5.01 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.3 Reactor Protection: Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as the apply to the RPS: DNB Question # 24 The OT N-16 trip provides protection to prevent __(1)__.

Assuming the trip setpoint is at its nominal value with the plant at normal operating temperature and pressure, if reactor power rises to 112%, the OT N-16 trip__(2)__ actuate.

A. (1) exceeding the allowable Heat Generation Rate (2) would B. (1) exceeding the allowable Heat Generation Rate (2) would NOT C. (1) DNB (2) would NOT D. (1) DNB (2) would Answer: C Page 16 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of DNB reactor protection and setpoint.


A. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect but plausible (see B). 2nd part is incorrect but plausible (see D).

B. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect because the Overtemperature N 16 trip prevents DNB from occurring. It is plausible because if it were the Overpower N 16 trip, it would be correct. 2 nd part is correct (see C).

C. Correct. 1st part correct. The Overtemperature N 16 trip prevents DNB from occurring. 2nd part is correct. The nominal setpoint for Overtemperature N 16 trip is 115%.

D. Incorrect. 1st part is correct (see C). 2nd part incorrect because the nominal setpoint for Overtemperature N 16 trip is 115%. It is plausible because if it were the Overpower N 16 trip it would be correct.

Technical Reference(s) TSB 3.3.1 Attached w/ Revision # See COLR Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the Reactor Protection and Engineered Safeguard Actuation Systems and predict the system response in accordance with DBD-EE-021, Reactor Protection and NSSS Related Control Systems and Westinghouse Drawings 7247D05. (SYS.ES1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 73903 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 6 55.43 Page 17 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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TS 3.3.1 Revision: 156 Page 18 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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U1 COLR Revision: 0 Page 20 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 026.K4.09 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.7 Containment Spray: Knowledge of CSS design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Prevention of path for escape of radioactivity from containment to the outside (interlock on RWST isolation after swapover)

Question # 25 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is at 100% in a normal alignment A Containment Spray actuation occurs due to a LOCA Subsequently:

The CS system is aligned for containment sump recirculation Following the CS actuation, but prior to placing the system in containment sump recirculation, the CS Pump Recirculation Valves will be__(1)__.

Following realignment of the system for containment sump recirculation, these valves will


A. (1) open (2) close B. (1) open (2) remain open C. (1) closed (2) open D. (1) closed (2) remain closed Answer: D Page 21 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the interlock associated with the CS recirc valves preventing flow from containment to the RWST.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect since the valves close upon the opening of the CS HX outlet valves, but plausible since the valves will not open on an SI or CS actuation signal directly.

Second part is correct (see D).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since CS signal may be reset prior to going to recirculation, but valve operation is based on position of CS HX outlet or sump recirculation valve position.

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

D. Correct. First part is correct. These recirc valves are normally in automatic and close automatically when the CS HX outlet valve opens on the CS actuation signal. Second part is correct. When the containment spray system is aligned for recirculation the valves will remain closed due to the heat exchanger outlet valves open, as well as the sump suction valves being opened.

Technical Reference(s) ALM-0022A Attached w/ Revision # See Containment Spray Lesson Plan Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the instrumentation and controls of the Containment Spray System and predict the system response in accordance with FRZ-0.1A/B and EOS-1.3A/B. (SYS.CT1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 66447 (Note changes or attach parent)

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ALM-0022A Revision: 10 Page 25 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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CS Lesson Plan Revision: 00-0001 Page 26 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 039.K3.03 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.2 Main and Reheat Steam: Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the MRSS will have on the following: AFW pumps Question # 26 Given the following conditions:

Unit 2 is at 90% power 2-HS-2452-1, AFWPT STM SPLY VLV - MSL 4 indicates open TDAFW speed is increasing Operators have entered ABN-305, Auxiliary Feedwater System Malfunction, for an Inadvertent Turbine Driven AFW Pump Start Based on plant conditions, turbine load __(1)__ required to be reduced by 50 MW.

To stop the TDAFW pump, ABN-305 INITIALLY directs __(2)__ .

A. (1) is (2) tripping the TDAFW pump B. (1) is (2) closing 2-HS-2452-1 by placing in PULLOUT C. (1) is NOT (2) tripping the TDAFW pump D. (1) is NOT (2) closing 2-HS-2452-1 by placing in PULLOUT Answer: D Page 27 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the requirements regarding the operation of the TDAFWP following a failure of the MS supply valves.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible. With the unit at 90% power, a power reduction is not required. If the unit was at 100%, a power reduction would be required. Second part is incorrect, but plausible. With MDAFWP 2-02 out of service, the operators are directed to close the local manual isolation valve, and skip the step that would trip the TDAFW pump. With MDAFWP 2-02 out of service, it is not desirable to trip the TDAFW pump.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). The second part is correct (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Correct. First part is correct. With the unit at 90%, a 50 MW load reduction is not required to maintain power below 100%. Second part is correct. Operators are directed to close the steam supply valves for any steam admission valve that would not close.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-305 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to Inadvertent Turbine Driven AFW Pump Start in accordance with ABN-305, Auxiliary Feedwater System Malfunction.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 72044 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 28 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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ABN-305 Revision: 8 Page 31 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 061.K6.02 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 2.6 Auxiliary/Emergency Feedwater: Knowledge of the effect of a loss or malfunction of the following will have on the AFW components:

Pumps Question # 27 Given the following conditions:

Reactor failed to trip when required A transition has been made to FRS-0.1A, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWT MDAFWP 1-02 trips shortly after starting Placing 1 HS-2451A, MD AFWP 2 in the STOP or PULL-OUT position will reset the __(1)__

relay and may result in an automatic restart if the handswitch is returned to AUTO.

Per FRS-0.1A, the MINIMUM total AFW flow to be established is greater than __(2)__.

A. (1) 86M lockout (2) 460 gpm B. (1) 50/51 overcurrent (2) 460 gpm C. (1) 86M lockout (2) 860 gpm D. (1) 50/51 overcurrent (2) 860 gpm Answer: C Page 32 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the AFW pump operation.


A. Incorrect. 1st part is correct (see C). 2nd part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

B. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect, but plausible (see D). 2nd part is incorrect because per FRS-0.1A, you are to establish > 860 gpm. It is plausible because if you were in EOP-0.0A, it would be correct C. Correct. 1st part is correct, per ABN-305 if the handswitch is taken to STOP or PULL-OUT and then returned to the AUTO position the 86M relay will reset and could result in an automatic pump re-start if there are no other dropped relays on the breaker. 2nd part is correct (see D).

D. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect but plausible because this pump does have a 50/51 overcurrent relay, however, in order to reset this relay it must be performed locally at the breaker. 2nd part is correct. FRS-0.1A directs verify that greater than 860 gpm AFW flow exists.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-305 ing FRS-0.1A Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to Motor Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Malfunction in accordance with ABN-305, Auxiliary Feedwater System Malfunction.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 81934 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC26 (Original Question)

Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 33 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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Bank 81934 Revision:

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FRS-0.1A Revision: 9 Page 37 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 064.A2.03 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.1 Emergency Diesel Generator: Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the ED/G system; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Parallel operation of ED/Gs Question # 28 Given the following conditions:

Operators are in the process of conducting OPT-214A, Diesel Generator Testing They have started and loaded EDG 1-01 in accordance with the loading schedule After reaching the full load value required for the test, an SI occurs due to a technician error on an SSPS OPT Which of the following describes the expected response of EDG 1-01 output breaker?

A. The output breaker will open and immediately reclose due to the safeguards sequencer B. The output breaker will open and remain open with the EDG running unloaded C. The output breaker will remain closed until opened by the operator per the SI recovery procedures D. The output breaker will remain closed due to the control switch alignment of the diesel for the OPT Answer: B Page 38 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of events occurring while the EDG is paralleled with offsite power.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since the breaker will immediately open, but it will remain open unless needed to power the bus.

B. Correct. If the EDG is paralleled with offsite when an SI occurs, the EDG breaker opens and remains open unless needed to carry the bus.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since it may be incorrectly assumed that it is desirable to keep the safeguards bus energized by the EDG.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since it may be incorrectly assumed that it is desirable to keep the safeguards bus energized by the EDG.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-602 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the Emergency Diesel Generator system including the system response in accordance with DBD-ME-011.


Question Source: Bank # 19341 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 39 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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OPT-214A Revision: 25 Page 40 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 002.K6.07 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.5 Reactor Coolant: Knowledge of the effect or a loss or malfunction on the following RCS components: Pumps Question # 29 Given the following conditions:

The Unit is at 41% power.

RCP 1-01 trips.

(1) How are SG 1-01 level indications INITIALLY affected?

(2) What is the effect of the RCP trip on the reactor status?

A. (1) Decrease due to shrink (2) Automatic reactor trip occurs B. (1) Decrease due to shrink (2) A manual reactor trip is required C. (1) Increase due to swell (2) Automatic reactor trip occurs D. (1) Increase due to swell (2) A manual reactor trip is required Answer: B Page 41 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of an RCP trip on SG level and the reactor.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct. The RCP trip causes less heat input to the SG, so level drops due to shrink as the SG stops steaming. Second part is incorrect, but plausible if the setpoint for P-8 is incorrectly applied knowledge which might lead to think that an automatic reactor trip should occur.

B. Correct. First part is correct (see A). Second part is correct. Even though the automatic reactor trip on single loop low flow is enabled only above P-8, a manual reactor trip is required per procedure.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since shrink and swell is a commonly misunderstood aspect of steam generator level response, and it is reasonable for an applicant to be confused and reverse the response. Second part is incorrect (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-101 Attached w/ Revision # See Generic Fund - Fluid Statics/Dynamics Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the response to an RCP Trip in accordance with ABN-101, Reactor Coolant Pump Trip/Malfunction. (ABN.101.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 58065 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 42 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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Generic Fund - Fluid Statics/Dynamics Revision:

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ABN-101 Revision: 13 Page 44 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 011.K1.04 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.8 Pressurizer Level Control: Knowledge of the physical connections and/or cause-effect relationships between the PZR LCS and the following systems: RPS Question # 30 Unit 1 is in MODE 3 with rods referenced in preparation for a Reactor Startup.

Which of the following failures will enable a Reactor Trip on Pressurizer High Water Level if level reaches the trip setpoint?

A. Failure high of PT-505, First Stage Turbine Pressure B. Failure low of PT-505, First Stage Turbine Pressure C. Failure high of N-43, Power Range Channel D. Failure low of N-43, Power Range Channel Answer: A Page 47 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the P-7 interlock associated with pressurizer high water level reactor trip.


A. Correct. Pressurizer high level trip is enabled above P-7 which receives an input from P-10 or P-

13. Either first stage turbine pressure above 10% turbine load provides the at power condition for the turbine, providing P-13, and thus P-7, enabling the high level trip.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since either first stage turbine pressure will give P-13 and P-7, but the failure low will not cause the turbine to be at power, although it may be confused because the associated PCIP window comes on when power is below 10%.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since PR NIS input to P-10 which provides P-7, but the coincidence for P-10 is 2/4 above 10% power.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since PR NIS input to P-10 which provides P-7, but the coincidence for P-10 is 2/4 above 10% power, although it may be confused because the associated PCIP window comes on when power is below 10%.

Technical Reference(s) ALM-0065A Attached w/ Revision # See Reactor Protection/ESFAS Study Guide Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the Reactor Protection and Engineered Safeguard Actuation Systems and predict the system response in accordance with DBD-EE-021, Reactor Protection and NSSS Related Control Systems and Westinghouse Drawings 7247D05. (SYS.ES1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 48 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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Reactor Protection/ESFAS Study Guide Revision: 5-4-2011 Page 52 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

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Reactor Protection/ESFAS Study Guide Revision: 5-4-2011 Page 54 of 54 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 21-30 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 015.K5.04 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.6 Nuclear Instrumentation: Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the NIS: Factors affecting accuracy and reliability of calorimetric calibrations Question # 31 During the performance of OPT-309, Unit Calorimetric, if the LEFM is NOT available to be used, the LEFM Main Display will have the symbol in __(1)__.

If FW temperature points utilized for the calorimetric are reading 10ºF LOWER than actual FW temperature and PR NI adjustments are performed per the OPT, INDICATED power will be __(2)__ ACTUAL power.

A. (1) green (2) greater than B. (1) green (2) less than C. (1) red (2) greater than D. (1) red (2) less than Answer: C Page 1 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how an inaccuracy in the calorimetric calibration affects the indication of power range channels.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since green is the color used for many indications, such as breakers open and valves closed. Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see D).

C. Correct. First part is correct. A red check mark indicates that the LEFM is not available to be used and the feedwater venturis should be used. Second part is correct. Using a lower feedwater temperature indicates that more heat must be added to the feedwater to raise it to saturation due to having a lower enthalpy, so the indicated power will be greater than actual power.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible if thought that lower feedwater temperature used would cause the actual power to be greater than indicated.

Technical Reference(s) OPT-309 Attached w/ Revision # See Heat Transfer Generic Fundamentals Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS IPO-003, Power Operations, to include the following: Applicability; Precautions; Limitations; Notes; Instructions. (IPO.03B.OB01)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

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Heat Transfer Generic Fundamentals Revision:

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 016.K3.02 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.4 Non-nuclear Instrumentation: Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the NNIS will have on the following: PZR LCS Question # 32 Given the following conditions Unit 2 is at 100% power 1/2-LS-459D, PRZR LVL CTRL CHAN SELECT switch, is selected to 459/460 The reference leg for level transmitter 2-LT-459A, PRZR LVL CHAN I, develops a leak 2-FCV-121, CCP Flow Control Valve will throttle __(1)__ in response to the erroneous level indication.

Pressurizer level transmitter __(2)__ will be selected for control on 1/2-LS-459D, PRZR LVL CTRL CHAN SELECT switch.

A. (1) close (2) 2-LT-461 B. (1) close (2) 2-LT-462 C. (1) open (2) 2-LT-461 D. (1) open (2) 2-LT-462 Answer: A Page 7 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how a failure of a detector effects pressurizer level control system.


A. Correct. 1st part is correct. As level in the reference leg lowers, DP will lower. In the Przr level detector, this will result in indicated Przr level rising. FCV-0121 will throttle close in an attempt to reduce Przr level. 2nd part is correct. LT-461 is the only option as a substitute for LT-459. LT-462 is cold calibrated and used for indication only.

B. Incorrect. 1st part is correct (see A). 2nd part is incorrect because LT-461 is the only option as a substitute for LT-459. It is plausible because there are 4 pressure transmitters for Pressurizer pressure with each channel having its own standby transmitter. Level is different in that there is only one back which can be substituted for either LT-459 or LT-460.

C. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect because a leak in the reference leg will cause FCV-0121 to close due to indicated Przr level rising. It is plausible because the effects of a reference leg leak are commonly mistaken. 2nd part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect but plausible (see C). 2nd part is incorrect but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) PRZR Press & Lvl Control Study Guide Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-706 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Pressurizer Level Instrument Malfunction in accordance with ABN-706, Pressurizer Level Instrument Malfunction.


Question Source: Bank # 74093 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 8 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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PRZR Press & Lvl Control Study Guide Revision: 00-0000 Page 9 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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ABN-706 Revision: 8 Page 11 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 001.A4.06 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 2.9 Control Rod Drive System: Ability to manually operate and/or monitor in the control room: Control rod drive disconnect/connect Question # 33 Given the following conditions:

Control rod M-4 in CBD is misaligned by 18 steps.

Actions are being performed to realign the rod IAW ABN-712, Rod Control System Malfunction, using the DRPI method.

Control rod M-4 is realigned to the remaining rods in Control Bank D by placing the Rod Selector Switch to the __(1)__ position and opening the lift coil disconnect switch(es) for


A. (1) CBD (2) control rod M-4 B. (1) MAN (2) control rod M-4 C. (1) CBD (2) the remaining rods in Control Bank D D. (1) MAN (2) the remaining rods in Control Bank D Answer: C Page 12 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the operation of the rod disconnect switches when realigning a misaligned rod.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since opening only disconnect switch M4 would allow the other rods in the group to be realigned to the misaligned rod, but procedure has only the misaligned rod move.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since the switch is in the MAN position when the rod is determined to be misaligned, but is placed in CBD when aligning the rod. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

C. Correct. First part is correct. Per ABN-712, the misaligned rod is selected by using the individual bank position, CBD. Second part is correct. The disconnect switches for all other Bank D rods are opened to assure only the misaligned rod moves.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see C).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-712 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the response to a Dropped or Misaligned Rod in MODE 1 or 2.


Question Source: Bank # 20872 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 13 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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ABN-712 Revision: 13 Page 16 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 033.G.2.1.28 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.1 Spent Fuel Pool Cooling: Knowledge of the purpose and function of major system components and controls.

Question # 34 Given the following conditions:

SFP Cooling Water Pump X-02 and HX X-02 are aligned to and cooling the X-01 SFP.

Level is lowering in the X-01 SFP due to a pipe rupture downstream of SFP Cooling Water Pump X-02 discharge valve.

After SFP Cooling Water Pump X-02 loses suction, draining the pool via the break will be terminated by A. uncovering the X-01 SFP discharge piping anti-siphon hole.

B. uncovering the X-01 SFP suction piping anti-siphon hole.

C. closure of the discharge check valve on SFP Cooling Water Pump X-02.

D. tripping SFP Cooling Water Pump X-02 on a low level in X-01 Spent Fuel Pool.

Answer: A Page 17 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the function of the anti-siphon holes on the discharge piping located in the SFPs.


A. Correct. The pump must first lose suction, with no discharge pressure the SFP water will backflow through the discharge piping until the anti-siphon hole is uncovered.

B. Incorrect. Plausible based on the location of the leak once the pump loses suction water will continue to drain out the SFP until the anti-siphon hole is uncovered on the discharge piping.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since a discharge check valve would prevent backflow, but the check valve is upstream of the discharge valve and would have no effect if the leak is downstream.

D. Incorrect. Plausible because the pump will trip on low level in its associated SFP.

Technical Reference(s) SFP Cooling and Cleanup Study Guide Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: STATE the function of the Spent Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup system IAW FSAR. (SYS.SF1.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 34602 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 18 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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SFP Cooling and Cleanup Study Guide Revision: 5-2-2011 Page 19 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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SFP Cooling and Cleanup Study Guide Revision: 5-2-2011 Page 20 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 045.A3.08 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.3 Steam Dump/Turbine Bypass Control: Ability to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with operating the SDS controls including: Steam pressure Question # 35 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is performing a cooldown RCS loop Tave:

o Loop 1: 552ºF o Loop 2: 553ºF o Loop 3: 552ºF o Loop 4: 550ºF Steam Dump Mode Selector switch - STM PRESS MODE Steam Dump Controller - MAN set at 50% demand All Steam Dump valves closed The operator momentarily places the Train A and Train B Steam Dump Bypass Interlock switches to Bypass and then releases them.

What is the status of the Steam Dump valves following the operator's actions?

A. All Banks remain closed B. Bank 1 valves fully open, all other Banks remain closed C. Bank 1 valves go 50% open, all other Banks remain closed D. Bank 1 and Bank 2 valves fully open, all other Banks remain closed Answer: B Page 21 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the steam dump system controls when operating in the steam pressure mode.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since all valves close below P-12 until bypass is selected and then only the Bank 1 valves can open.

B. Correct. Bypassing the P-12 interlock allows the Bank 1 valves to open. With demand at 50%,

the Bank 1 valves will be fully open (at 25%), all others are prevented from opening.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since Bank 1 and Bank 2 valves have an open signal, but only the Bank 1 valves can be opened below P-12.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since this would be the condition above P-12, but only the Bank 1 valves can be opened below P-12.

Technical Reference(s) IPO-005A Attached w/ Revision # See ALM-0065A Comments / Reference Steam Dumps Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: PREDICT the response of the instrumentation and controls of the Steam Dump system in accordance with ABN-304, 704 and 709. (SYS.SD1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 19303 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 22 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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ALM-0065A Revision: 4 Page 24 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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Steam Dumps Study Guide Revision: 5-4-2011 Page 25 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 045.A3.07 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.5 Main Turbine Generator: Ability to monitor automatic operation of the MT/G system, including: Turbine stop/governor valve closure on turbine trip Question # 36 Given the following conditions:

Reactor is at 100%

BOTH MFW Pumps trip The reactor is tripped The crew enters EOP-0.0A, REACTOR TRIP OR SAFETY INJECTION The Main Turbine FAILS to trip automatically When the Main Turbine Trip Pushbutton is depressed, Stop Valve 2 indicates both RED and GREEN lights lit.

Based on the above plant conditions, the next action directed by EOP-0.0A is to __(1)__ and the reason for this action is to __(2)__.

A. (1) close ALL Main Steam Isolation Valves (2) prevent steaming the SGs dry B. (1) close ALL Main Steam Isolation Valves (2) prevent an excessive RCS cooldown C. (1) pull-out ALL EHC fluid pumps (2) prevent steaming the SGs dry D. (1) pull-out ALL EHC fluid pumps (2) prevent an excessive RCS cooldown Answer: D Page 26 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the actions taken in the event of the MTG fails to trip when required.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect because EOP-0.0 step 2 RNO states that if the turbine will not trip, THEN pull-out all EHC fluid pumps. It is plausible because if this step is unsuccessful, it then directs closing the MSIVs. Second part is incorrect because the reason for tripping the turbine is to stop the cooldown which would add positive reactivity and possibly initiate SI. It is plausible because analysis during an ATWT has shown that a turbine trip is necessary within 30 seconds to conserve SG inventory.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is correct (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Correct. First part is correct. Turbine is tripped by placing EHC pumps in pullout. Second part is correct. The reason for tripping the turbine on a Reactor Trip is to prevent excessive RCS cooldown.

Technical Reference(s) EOP-0.0A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: STATE the immediate operator actions of EOP-0.0, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection. (ERG.E0A.OB02)

Question Source: Bank # 58149 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 27 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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EOP-0.0A Revision: 9 Page 29 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 075.A2.02 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.5 Circulating Water: Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the circulating water system; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of circulating water pumps Question # 37 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is at 18%

ALB-9A, 8.9, CNDSR PIT LVL TRIP/TRIP BYP, has just alarmed The Turbine Building NEO has just reported that leakage from a CW expansion joint has resulted in flooding in the condenser pit and level is rising ALL Circulating Water Pumps have tripped Per ABN-304, Main Condenser and Circulating Water Malfunction, the __(1)__ is to be tripped and the MSIVs are to __(2)__.

A. (1) Reactor (2) be closed B. (1) Reactor (2) remain open C. (1) Turbine (2) be closed D. (1) Turbine (2) remain open Answer: A Page 30 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the actions to be taken in the event of a loss of all circ water pumps.


A. Correct. First part is correct. With reactor power above 10%, the reactor is to be tripped.

Second part is correct. With no circ water pumps available, the condenser is not available for steam dumps so the MSIVs are closed to control steam demand with the ARVs.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see D). Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since for all other conditions only a turbine trip is required up to P-9, 50% power. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since MSIVs are typically left open following a reactor or turbine trip.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-304 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Circulating Water Pump Trip in accordance with ABN-304, Main Condenser and Circulating Water System Malfunction.


Question Source: Bank # 17645 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 5 55.43 Page 31 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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ABN-304 Revision: 9 Page 32 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 017.K4.01 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.4 In-Core Temperature Monitor System (ITM): Knowledge of ITM design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Input to subcooling monitors Question # 38 Concerning the Subcooled Margin Monitor:

(1) Which of the following Core Exit Thermocouple temperatures is an input to the monitor, and (2) Which of the following will cause RCS subcooling margin to be a smaller value?

A. (1) Highest CET temperature (2) Rising RCS pressure B. (1) Highest CET temperature (2) Rising RCS temperature C. (1) Average CET temperature (2) Rising RCS pressure D. (1) Average CET temperature (2) Rising RCS temperature Answer: B Page 33 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the temperature inputs to the subcooling monitor.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible if thought that being further from boiling would cause subcooling margin to get larger.

B. Correct. First part is correct. Along with RCS loop pressure, Pressurizer pressure, and RCS loop RTD temperatures, the Highest CET temperature is also an input. Second part is correct. Higher temperature indicates closer to boiling, so subcooling margin gets smaller.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible as it could be thought that the average CET would be used as a general indication of the temperature of the RCS. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) Core Cooling Monitor/RVLIS Study Guide Attached w/ Revision # See Core Cooling Monitor/RVLIS LP Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the Core Cooling Monitor/Reactor Vessel Level Indication System (RVLIS) IAW DBD-EE-004. (SYS.RC3.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 19377 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 34 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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Core Cooling Monitor/RVLIS Study Guide Revision: 4-27-2011 Page 35 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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Core Cooling Monitor/RVLIS LP Revision: 00-0000 Page 36 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000009.EA2.36 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.2 Small Break LOCA: Ability to determine or interpret the following as they apply to a small break LOCA: Difference between overcooling and LOCA indications Question # 39 During the performance of EOP-1.0A, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant, a check is made to determine if there is a small break LOCA or a secondary side break.

If there is a small break LOCA, RCS pressure will indicate stable or __(1)__ and SG pressures will indicate stable or __(2)__.

A. (1) decreasing (2) increasing B. (1) decreasing (2) decreasing C. (1) increasing (2) increasing D. (1) increasing (2) decreasing Answer: A Page 37 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the difference in RCS and SG pressure indications during LOCA and secondary side break events.


A. Correct. First part is correct. A check is made on RCS pressure to determine if it is decreasing or stable. If decreasing, it is either due to an RCS LOCA or due to a SG fault that has not yet completed blowing down. Second part is correct. If RCS pressure is decreasing or stable, a check is made on SG pressure to determine if the decrease in RCS pressure is due to the SG fault still blowing down. If the SG pressure is stable or increasing, this is an indication that the SG fault has completed blowing down if it existed. If a SG fault was the cause of the entry to EOP-1.0A, RCS pressure would be increasing after the SG blows down.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since SG pressure may continue to lower if the SG is not completed blowing down.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since RCS pressure could be stable or increasing if the SG has completed blowing down. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) EOP-1.0A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: STATE the bases for operator actions, notes and cautions from EOP-1.0 in accordance with EOP-1.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 38 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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EOP-1.0A Revision: 9 Page 39 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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EOP-1.0A Revision: 9 Page 40 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000007.EK1.05 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.3 Reactor Trip: Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the Reactor Trip: Decay power as a function of time Question # 40 The unit is stable during a startup, taking critical data, when a reactor trip occurs.

How much time would pass before the Source Range instruments would be expected to energize?

A. 2-4 minutes B. 6-8 minutes C. 10-12 minutes D. 14-16 minutes Answer: B Page 41 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how delayed neutrons affect the power level of the core following a reactor trip.


A. Incorrect. Plausible if thought the startup rate would be approximately -1/2 dpm, but at -1/3 dpm it will take approximately 6 minutes to reach 10-10 amps and slightly longer than 6 minutes considering the reset band for P-6.

B. Correct. Startup rate will be approximately -1/3 dpm and it will take approximately 6 minutes to reach 10-10 amps and slightly longer than 6 minutes considering the reset band for P-6.

C. Incorrect. Plausible if thought the startup rate would be approximately -1/3 dpm and it were 4 decades between taking critical data and P-6.

D. Incorrect. Plausible if thought the startup rate would be approximately -1/3 dpm and it were 6 decades between taking critical data and P-6. This is the approximate time from a full power trip to energizing the SRs.

Technical Reference(s) IPO-002A Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-701 Comments / Reference Accident Response of Inst Study Guide Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the normal response of the Excore Nuclear Instrumentation System following a reactor trip. (MCO.MI8.OB01)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 36641 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 42 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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ABN-701 Revision: 12 Page 46 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

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Accident Response of Instruments Study Guide Revision: 3-30-2004 Page 47 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 31-40 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 3 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000015.AK1.01 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.4 Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions: Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to Reactor Coolant Pump Malfunctions (Loss of RC Flow): Natural circulation in a nuclear reactor power plant Question # 41 Given the following conditions:

While operating at 100% power, RCPs are all tripped.

EOS-0.1A, Reactor Trip Response, is being performed.

SG levels are 40%.

SG pressure is 1047 psig.

Indication that Natural Circulation flow is NOT ADEQUATE is supported by RCS cold leg temperatures indicating __(1)__.

To enhance Natural Circulation flow, SG __(2)__ should be raised.

A. (1) 552oF (2) level B. (1) 552oF (2) pressure C. (1) 561oF (2) level D. (1) 561oF (2) pressure Answer: C Page 1 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of indications of natural circulation flow flowing a loss of all RCPs.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since the RCS must be subcooled by more than 25oF, but that is based on RCS pressure, not SG pressure. Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since changing SG pressure could enhance natural circulation, but by lowering it due to increasing steaming rate.

C. Correct. First part is correct. To support indication of natural circulation, RCS cold leg temperatures should be at saturation temperature for SG pressure, so cold leg temperature being 9oF above saturation is indication that natural circulation does not exist. Saturation temperature for 1047 psig is 552F. Second part is correct. Raising SG level adds cold water to the SG, increasing the difference in temperature between the heat source and heat sink, increasing the likelihood of natural circulation.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B)

Technical Reference(s) EOS-0.1A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination: Steam Tables Learning Objective: ANALYZE the Natural Circulation generic issue in the ERG network and proper operator response per the applicable Executive Volume. (ERG.XD5.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 23172 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 2 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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Bank 23172 Revision:

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EOS-0.1A Revision: 9 Page 5 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000025.G.2.4.4 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.5 Loss of Residual Heat Removal System: Ability to recognize abnormal indications for system operating parameters that are entry-level conditions for emergency and abnormal operating procedures.

Question # 42 Given the following conditions:

RCS cooldown on Train A RHR is in progress RCS temperature is 250°F and stable Pressurizer level (cold cal) is 55% and lowering RCS pressure is 300 psig and lowering Based on the above conditions, which of the following procedures will be entered?

A. ABN-103, Excessive Reactor Coolant Leakage B. ABN-104, Residual Heat Removal System Malfunction C. ABN-108, Shutdown Loss of Coolant D. EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip and Safety Injection Answer: C Page 6 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of entry conditions to ABNs for an RCS leak occurring while operating on RHR.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since ABN-103 is entered for an RCS leak in MODES 1, 2, and 3 with pressure above 1000 psig, but the unit is in MODE 4.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since ABN-104 is entered for an RCS leak in MODE 5 with the RCS not filled, but the unit is in MODE 4.

C. Correct. With the RCS in MODE 3 below 1000 psig, or MODE 4 or 5 with the RCS filled, ABN-108 is the correct procedure for an RCS leak. The unit is in MODE 4 with the RCS filled with the conditions given.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since EOP-0.0A can be entered for an RCS leak in MODES 1, 2, and 3 with pressure above 1000 psig, but the unit is in MODE 4.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-103 Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-104 Comments / Reference ABN-108 EOP-0.0A Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DETERMINE the appropriate procedural section of ABN-104, Residual Heat Removal System Malfunction or ABN-108, Shutdown Loss of Coolant for an RCS or RHR malfunction. (ABN.104.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 32761 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 7 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ABN-103 Revision: 10 Page 8 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ABN-108 Revision: 4 Page 10 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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EOP-0.0A Revision: 9 Page 11 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000026.G.2.2.44 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.2 Loss of Component Cooling Water: Ability to interpret control room indications to verify the status and operation of a system, and understand how operator actions and directives affect plant and system conditions.

Question # 43 Given the following conditions:

The Unit is in MODE 5.

Reactor Coolant System temperature is 165ºF.

The Pressurizer is solid.

Reactor Coolant System pressure is being maintained between 260 and 285 psig.

Residual Heat Removal System is in service at this time.

Component Cooling Water to the Residual Heat Removal System is lost.

RCS temperature begins to rise PCV-131, Letdown Pressure Control Valve, will throttle __(1)__ in attempting to maintain RCS pressure constant and, letdown flow from RHR will __(2)__.

A. (1) CLOSED (2) decrease B. (1) CLOSED (2) increase C. (1) OPEN (2) increase D. (1) OPEN (2) decrease Answer: C Page 12 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how the plant components will respond to a loss of CCW water.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible if thought PCV-131 throttles to control pressure downstream of the valve instead of upstream. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since letdown flow will decrease if PCV-131 closes.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is correct (see C).

C. Correct. First part is correct. Loss of CCW to the RHR System will cause RCS temperature to rise which will cause pressure to rise when solid. PCV-131 must be opened to maintain Reactor Coolant System pressure constant. Second part is correct. RHR Letdown flow will increase with PCV-131 opening.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-104 Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-121 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the response to a Solid Plant Malfunction in accordance with ABN-121, Solid Plant Malfunctions. (ABN.201.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 23349 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 5 55.43 Page 13 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ABN-121 Revision: 3 Page 15 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ABN-121 Revision: 3 Page 16 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000027.AK2.03 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 2.6 Pressurizer Pressure Control System Malfunction: Knowledge of the interrelations between the Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunctions and the following: Controllers and positioners Question # 44 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is at 100% power.

PRZR PRESS CTRL CHAN SELECT, 1/1-PS-455F is selected to Channel 455 / 458.

The following indications are observed:

o PORV 456 indicates open.

o Both Pressurizer Spray Valves are closed.

The following annunciators are in alarm:

o 1-ALB-5B, Window 3.1 - PRZR PORV OUT TEMP HI.

o 1-ALB-5B, Window 2.3 - PRT TEMP HI.

o 1-ALB-5B, Window 3.3 - PRT PRESS HI.

o 1-ALB-5C, Window 2.1 - PRZR PRESS HI.

o 1-ALB-5C, Window 3.1 - PRZR 1 OF 4 PRESS HI.

o 1-ALB-5C, Window 1.4 - PORV 455A/456 NOT CLOSE.

(1) Pressurizer pressure Channel __(1)__ has failed high.

(2) Which of the following actions are to be taken?

A. (1) 456 (2) Ensure RCS pressure is less than 2335 psig, close PORV 456, and its associated block valve.

B. (1) 456 (2) When RCS pressure is less than 2185 psig, verify PORV 456 is closed, or trip the Reactor if it remains open.

C. (1) 458 (2) Ensure RCS pressure is less than 2335 psig, close PORV 456, and its associated block valve.

D. (1) 458 (2) When RCS pressure is less than 2185 psig, verify PORV 456 is closed, or trip the Reactor if it remains open.

Answer: C Page 17 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the plant response and actions to be taken in the event of a failure of a pressurizer pressure transmitter.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible if thought that channel 456 is always the input channel for PORV 456. Second part is incorrect, but plausible as the from pressure channel 457 will close PORV 456 at 2185 psig, but actions to be taken are to close PORV and block valve, otherwise pressure will cycle around 2185 psig.

C. Correct. First part is correct. The input to PORV 456 is the second channel selected for control, or 458 in this case. Second part is correct. Initial operator actions of ABN-705, direct checking pressure below 2335 psig, closing the PORV, and its block valve.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-705 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Pressurizer Pressure Instrument Malfunction in accordance with ABN-705, Pressurizer Pressure Malfunction. (ABN.705.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 36370 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 18 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000029.EK1.03 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.6 Anticipated Transient Without Scram: Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the ATWS:

Effects of boron on reactivity Question # 45 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is at 100% power when a Turbine Trip occurs without a Reactor Trip.

FRS-0.1A, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWT, is being implemented.

The RO is initiating Emergency Boration.

Which of the following describes:

(1) The reason for initiating the Emergency Boration, and (2) The preferred method of initiating Emergency Boration?

A. (1) Add negative reactivity at maximum achievable rate to shutdown the Reactor (2) Through 1/1-8104 EMER BORATE VLV using both Boric Acid Transfer Pumps B. (1) Add negative reactivity to restore adequate SHUTDOWN MARGIN (2) Open 1-LCV-112D & E and close 1-LCV-112B & C to align Charging Pump suction to the RWST C. (1) Add negative reactivity at maximum achievable rate to shutdown the Reactor (2) Open 1-LCV-112D & E and close 1-LCV-112B & C to align Charging Pump suction to the RWST D. (1) Add negative reactivity to restore adequate SHUTDOWN MARGIN (2) Through 1/1-8104 EMER BORATE VLV using both Boric Acid Transfer Pumps Answer: A Page 22 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of emergency boration on core conditions during the performance of FRS-0.1.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Boron is added to the core to reach subcritical conditions, not restore SDM. Second part is correct. The preferred method of boration is via 8104, using two boric acid pumps.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since if enough boron were added, eventually SDM would be restored, but goal of FRS-0.1 is to make reactor subcritical. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the RWST is used for emergency boration, in the event of a Safety Injection during EOP-0.0 with stuck rods or a loss of DRPI.

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see A).

Technical Reference(s) FRS-0.1A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural Step, NOTE, or CAUTION, DISCUSS the reason or basis for the Step, NOTE, or CAUTION in FRS-0.1A/B, Response to Nuclear Generation/ATWT in accordance with FRS-0.1. (ERG.FS1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 34102 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 8 55.43 Page 23 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000038.EA1.16 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.4 Steam Generator Tube Rupture: Ability to operate and monitor the following as they apply to a SGTR: S/G atmospheric relief valve and secondary PORV controllers and indicators Question # 46 Given the following conditions:

A SGTR has occurred.

The crew has identified the affected Steam Generator.

The ruptured SG ARV controller setpoint is being adjusted.

The SG ARV controller setpoint should be set to __(1)__ to prevent __(2)__.

A. (1) 1160 psig (2) challenging the code safety valves while minimizing atmospheric releases B. (1) 1160 psig (2) the ruptured SG from depressurizing during the RCS maximum rate cooldown C. (1) 1125 psig (2) challenging the code safety valves while minimizing atmospheric releases D. (1) 1125 psig (2) the ruptured SG from depressurizing during the RCS maximum rate cooldown Answer: A Page 30 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how to control the SG ARV during a SGTR event.


A. Correct. First part is correct. 1160 psig is the setpoint selected. Second part is correct. The setpoint should be greater than no-load pressure to minimize atmospheric releases from the ruptured steam generator and less than the minimum safety valve setpoint to prevent lifting of the code safety valves.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since it is desirable to prevent the SG from depressurizing as a result of the cooldown, but this is accomplished by isolating the SG from the intact SGs.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since this is the setpoint normally maintained on the ARVs except during SGTRs and cooldowns. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) EOP-3.0A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural step, or sequence of steps from EOP-3.0, STATE the purpose/basis for the step(s), in accordance with EOP-3.0, Steam Generator Tube Rupture. (ERG.E3A.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 18507 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A WE12.EA2.02 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.4 Uncontrolled Depressurization of all Steam Generators: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Uncontrolled Depressurization of all Steam Generators: Adherence to appropriate procedures and operation within the limitations in the facilitys license and amendments Question # 47 Given the following conditions:

Unit 2 was at full power when a Main Steam Line Break occurred OUTSIDE Containment.

MSIVs will NOT close from the control room.

An Operator was dispatched to locally close the MSIVs per EOP-0.0B, Reactor Trip Or Safety Injection.

ECA-2.1B, Uncontrolled Depressurization Of All Steam Generators, is entered.

A CAUTION statement before Step 2 of ECA-2.1B directs the operator to control AFW flow to maintain a minimum flow of 100 gpm to __(1)__SG with less than a setpoint value of


A. (1) Each (2) 10% NR level B. (1) ONLY one (2) 10% NR level C. (1) Each (2) 18% NR level D. (1) ONLY one (2) 18% NR level Answer: A Page 34 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the actions to be taken in response to all SGs depressurizing in an uncontrolled manner.


A. Correct. First part is correct. All SGs to be fed at a minimum of 100 gpm with all SGs faulted.

Second part is correct. With no indication of adverse containment conditions, with the break outside containment, the level required is 10%.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since any SG level above the minimum value meets heat sink requirements, but all SGs are to be fed. Second part is correct (see A).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible if adverse containment conditions existed, but with break outside containment, no adverse conditions should exist.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C).

Technical Reference(s) ECA-2.1B Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: STATE the bases for operator actions, notes and cautions in ECA-2.1 in accordance with ECA-2.1. (ERG.C21.OB05)

Question Source: Bank # 82372 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC26 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 35 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000054.AA1.02 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.4 Loss of Main Feedwater: Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Loss of Main Feedwater (MFW): Manual startup of electric and steam-driven AFW pumps Question # 48 While operating Unit 1 at 20% power, both Main Feedwater Pumps trip.

Assuming SG levels remain above the low-low level setpoint:

the MDAFWPs __(1)__.

the TDAFWP __(2)__.

A. (1) automatically start (2) automatically starts B. (1) automatically start (2) must be manually started C. (1) must be manually started (2) automatically start D. (1) must be manually started (2) must be manually started Answer: B Page 40 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of a loss of MFW pumps on start signals to the AFW pumps.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct. The MDAFWPs automatically start on a trip of both MFWPs.

Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the TDAFWPs do receive auto start signals, but not from trip of MFWPs.

B. Correct. First part is correct (see A). Second part is correct. The TDAFWP must be manually started on a trip of MFWPs.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible if automatic start signals to MDAFWPs and TDAFWP are confused. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the instrumentation and controls of the Auxiliary Feedwater system and the system response in accordance with DBD-ME-206. (SYS.AF1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 23236 (Note changes or attach parent)

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000055.G.2.4.35 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.8 Station Blackout: Knowledge of local auxiliary operator tasks during an emergency and the resultant operational effects.

Question # 49 During a Station Blackout, an NEO is directed to locally perform additional load shedding per ECA-0.0A, LOSS OF ALL AC POWER, Attachment 2C, DC LOAD SHED WHEN DC VOLTAGE LESS THAN 110V.

This attachment is performed to allow for __(1)__ and __(2)__.

A. (1) battery charger restoration with portable generator (2) Containment Phase A isolation capability B. (1) battery charger restoration with portable generator (2) Safeguards Bus supply breaker closure C. (1) Diesel Generator field flashing (2) Containment Phase A isolation capability D. (1) Diesel Generator field flashing (2) Safeguards Bus supply breaker closure Answer: D Page 46 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of local actions taken during a station blackout.


A. Incorrect. Plausible because Attachments 2.A and 2.B when performed ensure sufficient time to restore battery chargers using a portable generator, however this is not what is accomplished by Attachment 2.C. The second part is incorrect but plausible (See C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect but plausible (See A). Second part is correct (See D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (See D). The second part is incorrect but plausible because load shedding per Attachment 2.B is not performed until Phase A is verified, but Phase A does not require DC power to perform, only to verify.

D. Correct. If battery voltage lowers to less than 110 volts the associated bus is further load shed to ensure adequate voltage remains for flashing the diesel generator field or closing safeguards bus supply breakers for power restoration.

Technical Reference(s) ECA-0.0A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural step, or sequence of steps from ECA-0.0, DISCUSS the purpose/basis for the step(s) in accordance with ECA-0.0. (ERG.C00.OB05)

Question Source: Bank # 75812 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC24 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 47 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000056.AK3.02 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.4 Loss of Offsite Power: Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Offsite Power: Actions contained in EOP for loss of offsite power Question # 50 Given the following conditions:

A Loss of Offsite Power has occurred Bus 1EA1 is de-energized EOS-0.1A, Reactor Trip Response, is in progress RCS temperature is 561ºF and stable Letdown has been lowered to 45 gpm with CCP 1-02 charging with FCV-121, Charging Flow Control Valve, full open RCS pressure is 1920 psig and trending down slowly Pressurizer level is 5% and slowly lowering Which of the following actions is required per EOS-0.1A, Reactor Trip Response?

A. Due to the high RCS temperature, raise Condenser Steam Dumps to maintain TAVE at 557ºF per EOS-0.1A, Reactor Trip Response B. Due to the loss of 1EA1, attempt to restore Bus 1EA1 per ABN-602, Response to a 6900V/480V System Malfunction C. Due to the low pressurizer level, manually actuate Safety Injection and return to EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection D. Due to the loss of RCPs, verify Natural Circulation per EOS-0.1A, Reactor Trip


Answer: C Page 53 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the reason for actions required following a loss of offsite power.


A. Incorrect. Plausible because this is a Step 1 RNO action of EOS-0.1A, however, Steam Dump will not be available without Circulating Water Pumps. TAVE is where it should be for the conditions.

B. Incorrect. Plausible because it would have been performed in EOP-0.0A, however, priority is Safety Injection (SI).

C. Correct. EOS-0.1A Foldout Page requires manual initiation of SI when PRZR level cannot be maintained greater than 6% and a transition back to EOP-0.0A.

D. Incorrect. Plausible because Natural Circulation would be verified if SI was not required per the Foldout Page.

Technical Reference(s) EOS-0.1A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the recovery technique used and the procedure steps of EOS-0.1, Reactor Trip Response. (ERG.E01.OB02)

Question Source: Bank # 34861 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC21 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 54 of 58 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 41-50 Rev. 3

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000058.AA2.03 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.5 Loss of DC Power: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of DC Power: DC loads lost; impact on ability to operate and monitor plant systems Question # 51 Given the following conditions:

Unit 2 was operating at 100% power.

Both SSW pumps were running.

CCW pump 2-01 was running, with CCW pump 2-02 in standby.

A loss of 125 VDC Bus 2ED2 has occurred.

While stabilizing the unit, a spurious Train B SI occurred resulting in a start signal being sent to both SSW pump 2-02 and CCW pump 2-02.

SSW pump 2-02 __(1)__ running.

CCW pump 2-02 __(2)__ running.

A. (1) is (2) is B. (1) is (2) is NOT C. (1) is NOT (2) is D. (1) is NOT (2) is NOT Answer: B Page 1 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of a loss of DC power on the ability to operate equipment.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since CCW pumps 2-02 receives a start signal, but the loss of DC control power prevents the breaker from closing.

B. Correct. First part is correct. A loss of DC control power will prevent a pump breaker from opening, so the running SSW pump will continue to run. Second part is correct. A loss of DC control power will prevent a pump breaker from closing, so the standby CCW pump will remain off.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible if thought that the SSW pump would be stopped and then get a start signal from the sequencer and would not start due to the loss of DC control power. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ALM-0102B Attached w/ Revision # See DC Electrical Study Guide Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the normal, abnormal and emergency operation of the DC Electrical Distribution system in accordance with SOP 605, SOP 606, and SOP-613.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000062.AK3.03 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.0 Loss of Nuclear Service Water: Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Nuclear Service Water:

Guidance actions contained in EOP for Loss of nuclear service water Question # 52 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 at 70%

An 86-2 Lockout Relay (LOR) fault occurs on Safeguards Bus 1EA2 Both 1EA2-1, INCOMING BKR, and 1EA2-2, INCOMING BKR trip open EDG 1-02 automatically starts and DG 2 BKR 1EG2 automatically closes 1-ALB-01, Window 1.8 - SSWP 1/2 OVERLOAD/TRIP, alarms SSW Pump 1-02 handswitch indications are as follows:

o Amber MISMATCH light LIT o White TRIP light LIT.

Per ABN-501, Station Service Water System Malfunction, which of the following actions should be taken?

A. (1) Wait for the Blackout Sequencer to complete its timing and verify proper Service Water Flow to EDG 1-02 (2) Continue plant operations at approximately 70% power B. (1) Wait for the Blackout Sequencer to complete its timing and verify proper Service Water Flow to EDG 1-02 (2) Enter and perform the actions of EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection C. (1) Place EDG 1-02 EMER STOP/START handswitch in PULL-OUT (2) Enter and perform the actions of EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection D. (1) Place EDG 1-02 EMER STOP/START handswitch in PULL-OUT (2) Continue plant operations at approximately 70% power Answer: D Page 6 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the actions to be taken in the event of a loss of SSW.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible because the BOS will fire to load the EDG and the SSW Pump will have an amber MISMATCH light until the sequencer sends a signal to start the pump, however, the white TRIP light is not expected and this is an indication that the pump has tripped and will not start on the sequencer timing. The immediate action per ABN-501 is to place the EDG in PULLOUT. Second part is correct (see D).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the unit would be tripped if both buses were lost.

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B)..

D. Correct. First part is correct. With the SSW Pump tripped, the EDG must be immediately tripped whether or not it is carrying the bus. Second part is correct. A loss of a single Safeguards Bus does not require the Unit be tripped.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-501A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the response to Station Service Water Pump Trip in accordance with ABN-501, Station Service Water System Malfunction. (ABN.501.OB101)

Question Source: Bank # 23103 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 7 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

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ABN-501A Revision:

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ABN-501A Revision:

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000065.AK3.08 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.7 Loss of Instrument Air: Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Loss of Instrument Air: Actions contained in EOP for loss of instrument air Question # 53 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.

The TDAFW Pump is running at 2000 rpm on recirculation to the CST post maintenance per SOP-304A, AFW System, when:

o Unit 1 experiences a Loss of Instrument Air o Instrument Air pressure is 30 psig and lowering.

Which of the following:

(1) Identifies the impact on TDAFW Pump speed?

(2) What action should be taken to mitigate the situation?

A. (1) TDAFW Pump speed rises to maximum (2) Trip the Reactor and enter EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection B. (1) TDAFW Pump speed lowers to minimum (2) Trip the Reactor and enter EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection C. (1) TDAFW Pump speed rises to maximum (2) Maintain plant conditions stable and manually control SG level by controlling the MFW Flow Control Valves D. (1) TDAFW Pump speed lowers to minimum (2) Maintain plant conditions stable and manually control SG level by controlling the MFW Flow Control Valves Answer: A Page 10 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how the TDAFWP responds to a loss of instrument air and the actions needed to be taken as IA pressure lowers.


A. Correct. First part is correct. TDAFW Pump speed rises to maximum. Second part is correct.

Given the listed instrument air pressure, the Reactor should be tripped and EOP-0.0A entered B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since if thought that the TDAFW Pump speed will lower vice rise on a loss of air. Second part is correct (see A).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the air pressure where a trip is required is a needed knowledge and it could be thought that the required pressure is lower.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C)..

Technical Reference(s) ABN-301 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to Loss of Instrument Air in accordance with ABN-301 Instrument Air System Malfunction. (ABN.301.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 32803 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 11 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

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ABN-301 Revision: 14 Page 13 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000077.AK2.06 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.9 Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances: Knowledge of the interrelations between Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances and the following: Reactor power Question # 54 Given the following conditions:

Unit 2 is in MODE 1. Reactor power is 90%.

Main Generator load is 1140 MWe.

Grid frequency has lowered from 60 Hz to 59.5 Hz.

Main Generator load will INITIALLY __(1)__.

Subsequently, Load Control will restore load to 1140 MWe and reactor power will __(2)__.

A. (1) increase (2) increase B. (1) increase (2) decrease C. (1) decrease (2) increase D. (1) decrease (2) decrease Answer: C Page 14 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of changing grid frequency on turbine load and reactor power.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since load would increase if frequency increased instead of decreased. Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since power would lower if frequency increased.

C. Correct. First part is correct. Due to generator inefficiencies at reduced frequency, load will initially decrease until load control raises steam flow to the turbine to restore load. Second part is correct. The increased steam demand required due to lowering generator load will cause reactor power to rise.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-601 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to events described in accordance with ABN-601, Response to 138/345 kV System Malfunction and ABN-602, Response to 6900/480 V System Malfunction. (ABN.601.OB00)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 44282 (Note changes or attach parent)

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ABN-601 Revision: 16 Page 18 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A WE11.EA1.03 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.7 Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation: Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation: Desired operating results during abnormal and emergency situations Question # 55 Given the following conditions:

ECA-1.1A, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, has been entered following a LOCA Containment pressure is 7.4 psig RCS subcooling margin is 88ºF The crew is beginning a depressurization of the RCS using a Pressurizer PORV The crew is directed to depressurize the RCS to establish a subcooling margin between 55ºF and 65ºF The RCS is depressurized to establish the smaller subcooling margin to __(1)__.

Subsequently, to cause the SI accumulators to inject, the SGs are depressurized using the


A. (1) maximize CCP injection flow prior to RWST depletion (2) steam dumps B. (1) maximize CCP injection flow prior to RWST depletion (2) ARVs C. (1) minimize RCS break flow (2) steam dumps D. (1) minimize RCS break flow (2) ARVs Answer: D Page 19 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of loss of coolant recirc procedures to obtain desired results.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since this would provide maximum makeup to RCS, but conflicts with objective to conserve RWST inventory. Second part is incorrect, but plausible as the Steam Dumps would be used if the condenser was available and it was not recognized that a MSL isolation occurred due to Containment Pressure.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is correct (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Correct. First part is correct. Minimizing subcooling while cooling down ensures that the RCS is at the minimum pressure allowable while still maintaining the RCS subcooled.

This minimizes RCS break flow and thereby minimizes the amount of makeup flow required to the RCS. Second part is correct. Condenser is not available so the ARVs must be used.

Technical Reference(s) ECA-1.1A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural step, or sequence of steps from ECA-1.1, STATE the purpose/basis for the step(s). (ERG.C11.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

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ECA-1.1A Revision: 9 Page 24 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A WE05.EK2.01 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.7 Loss of Secondary Heat Sink: Knowledge of the interrelations between the Loss of Secondary Heat Sink and the following: Components, and functions of control and safety systems, including instrumentation, signals, interlocks, failure modes, and automatic and manual features Question # 56 Given the following conditions:

Time = 0800:

Reactor power = 100%

Loss of all feedwater occurs Time = 0820:

FRH-0.1A, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink is in progress Condensate flow is to be established to the SGs CVCS Letdown is isolated In accordance with FRH-0.1A, before SG pressure is reduced, RCS pressure will be reduced to approximately __(1)__ to allow blocking of automatic SI actuation signals.

The RCS depressurization will be completed using __(2)__.

A. (1) 1910 psig (2) a Pressurizer PORV B. (1) 1910 psig (2) Auxiliary Spray C. (1) 1880 psig (2) a Pressurizer PORV D. (1) 1880 psig (2) Auxiliary Spray Answer: A Page 25 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the method of RCS depressurization during a loss of heat sink event.


A. Correct. 1st part is correct. RCS pressure is reduced to ~ 1910 psig to allow blocking of the low steam line pressure and low Przr pressure SI signals. 2nd part is correct. If letdown is not in service, the PORV is used to reduce pressure.

B. Incorrect. 1st part is correct (see A). 2nd part is incorrect because with letdown not in service, the PORV is used to reduce pressure. It is plausible because if letdown were in service, it would be correct.

C. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect because FRH-0.1A directs you to reduce RCS pressure to ~ 1910 psig. It is plausible because 1880 psig is the trip value and above the value where the SI signal occurs. 2nd part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect but plausible (see C). 2nd part is incorrect but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) FRH-0.1A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural Step, NOTE, or CAUTION, DISCUSS the reason or basis for the Step, NOTE, or CAUTION in FRH-0.1 in accordance with FRH-0.1, Loss of Heat Sink. (ERG.FH1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 77325 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 26 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

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FRH-0.1A Revision: 9 Page 28 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A 000001.AK2.06 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.0 Continuous Rod Withdrawal: Knowledge of the interrelations between the Continuous Rod Withdrawal and the following: T-ave./ref.

deviation meter Question # 57 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is at 60% power and stable Rod Control is in AUTO Subsequently the following occurs:

Tave - Tref Deviation Meter indicates -10oF Control rods begin stepping Control rods will be stepping __(1)__.

A high failure of __(2)__ is the possible cause of this response.

A. (1) outward (2) PT-505, First Stage Turbine Pressure B. (1) inward (2) TI-421A, RCS Loop 2 Tcold C. (1) inward (2) PT-505, First Stage Turbine Pressure D. (1) outward (2) TI-421A, RCS Loop 2 Tcold Answer: A Page 29 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the relationship between the Tave-Tref deviation meter and rod movement.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Tave-Tref deviation meter indicating -10oF will result in outward rod motion. Second part is correct. A high failure of PT-505 will cause this indication and plant response.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since a Tave-Tref deviation will cause rod motion, but indication of -10oF will result in outward rod motion. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since a high failure of Tcold will cause rod motion, but it will be in an inward direction.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-709 Attached w/ Revision # See Rod Control Study Guide Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Turbine Impulse Pressure Instrument Malfunction in accordance with ABN-709 Steam Line Pressure, Steam Header Pressure, Turbine 1st-Stage Pressure and Feed Header Pressure Instrument Malfunction.


Question Source: Bank #

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Rod Control Study Guide Revision: 00-0000 Page 32 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A 000024.AA1.10 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.3 Emergency Boration: Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to Emergency Boration: Boric acid storage tank Question # 58 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 Reactor has tripped.

During the Reactor Trip, the RO notes the following indications on DRPI:

o Control Rod F-14 at 212 steps o Control Rod H-2 at 228 steps o Control Rod M-12 at 6 steps.

o All other rods at bottom.

1-ALB-6B, 3.1, BAT 1 LVL LO-LO, is in alarm.

Boric Acid Tank X-01 level is 54%.

The crew is required to Emergency Borate __(1)__ in response to these conditions.

BAT X-01 __(2)__ have adequate level to ensure shutdown margin can be achieved.

A. (1) 3600 gallons (2) does B. (1) 5400 gallons (2) does C. (1) 3600 gallons (2) does NOT D. (1) 5400 gallons (2) does NOT Answer: B Page 33 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the BAT operability requirements.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

B. Correct. First part is correct. Three rods not fully inserted requires 5400 gallons of boric acid to ensure adequate SDM. Second part is correct. Minimum required volume is 50%.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since a rod stuck at 6 steps could be considered to be fully inserted, but the requirement is that 1800 gallons of boric acid is required for any rod not fully inserted. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since it could be thought that the LO-LO level alarm is indicative of the BAT being inoperable.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C).

Technical Reference(s) EOP-0.0A Attached w/ Revision # See OPT-104A-1 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given the Reactor Makeup system parameter indications and plant conditions, ASSESS from memory any required Technical Specification/TRM entries, including any actions which must be completed within one hour in accordance with Technical Specifications and TRM. (SYS.CS2.OB06)

Question Source: Bank #

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OPT-104A-1 Revision: 21 Page 36 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A 000037.AK3.05 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.7 Steam Generator Tube Leak: Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Steam Generator Tube Leak:

Actions contained in procedures for radiation monitoring, RCS water inventory balance, S/G tube failure, and plant shutdown Question # 59 Given the following conditions:

Reactor power is 100%

PRZR level is 60%

Letdown flow is 130 gpm CCP 1-01 is in service COG-182, Condenser Off-Gas Radiation Monitor, is in RED alarm N16-175, # 2 Main Steam Line N16 Radiation Monitor, is in RED alarm MSL-179, # 2 Main Steam Line Radiation Monitor, is in RED alarm ABN-106, High Secondary Activity, is in progress A normal plant shutdown has been completed per IPO-003A, Power Operations Based on these indications, the primary-to-secondary leak rate is __(1)__.

Per ABN-106, the subsequent RCS cooldown is to be__(2)__.

A. (1) > 75 gpd, but < 3600 gpd (2.5 gpm)

(2) established at maximum achievable rate without causing an MSLI B. (1) > 75 gpd, but < 3600 gpd (2.5 gpm)

(2) limited to a rate of 100oF per hour C. (1) > 3600 gpd (2.5 gpm)

(2) established at maximum achievable rate without causing an MSLI D. (1) > 3600 gpd (2.5 gpm)

(2) limited to a rate of 100oF per hour Answer: D Page 37 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the indications of a SG tube leak and the reason for actions taken to recover.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since N16-175 minimum sensitivity is 1 gpd and has a range up to 150 gpd. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the initial cooldown during a SGTR, during the performance of EOP-3.0, is at the maximum achievable rate.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is correct (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect (see A).

D. Correct. First part is correct. MSL-179 minimum sensitivity and being in alarm indicates the leak is greater than 2.5 gpm (3600 gpd). Second part is correct. The cooldown rate used in ABN-106 is limited to 100oF per hour.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-106 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Steam Generator Tube Leakage greater than or equal to 75 gpd in accordance with ABN-106, High Secondary Activity.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 38 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

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ABN-106 Revision: 11 Page 41 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A 000059.AA1.01 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.5 Accidental Liquid Radwaste Release: Ability to operate and / or monitor the following as they apply to the Accidental Liquid Radwaste Release: Radioactive-liquid monitor Question # 60 PC-11, Digital Radiation Monitoring System is alarming and the display for 1-RE-5100, Turbine Building Sump 1-02 Radiation Detector is RED.

Which of the following describes the alarm on 1-RE-5100, Turbine Building Sump 1 02 Radiation Detector and the automatic action that should occur?

1-RE-5100, Turbine Building Sump 1-02 Radiation Detector has a(an) __(1)__ alarm and Turbine Building drains have shifted to the __(2)__.

A. (1) OPERATE FAILURE (2) Co Current Waste System B. (1) OPERATE FAILURE (2) Low Volume Waste Pond C. (1) HIGH (2) Co Current Waste System D. (1) HIGH (2) Low Volume Waste Pond Answer: C Page 42 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring the ability to monitor radiation monitor alarms during liquid waste releases.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible because PC-11 can have an OPERATE FAILURE alarm with automatic actions but has a BLUE display. Second part is correct. RE-5100 in alarm or with an OPERATE FAILURE diverts from LVW to Cocurrent Waste.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the path is shifted between LVW and Cocurrent Waste, but from LVW to Cocurrent Waste, not the reverse.

C. Correct. First part is correct. Red alarm is indication of an actual high radiation condition. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ALM-3200 Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-903 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the response to an Accidental Release of Radioactive Liquid in accordance with ABN-903, Accidental Release of Radioactive Liquid.


Question Source: Bank # 36101 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

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ALM-3200 Revision: 5 Page 47 of 47 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 51-60 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A 000068.G.2.4.3 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.7 Control Room Evacuation: Ability to identify post-accident instrumentation.

Question # 61 (1) Which of the following parameters is post-accident instrumentation controlled by TS 3.3.3, Post-Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, and (2) How is this instrument identified on the panels in the control room?

A. (1) Steam Line Pressure (2) BLACK labels with WHITE lettering B. (1) Containment Hydrogen Concentration (2) WHITE labels with BLACK lettering C. (1) Containment Hydrogen Concentration (2) BLACK labels with WHITE lettering D. (1) Steam Line Pressure (2) WHITE labels with BLACK lettering Answer: A Page 1 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the PAM system instrument indications.


A. Correct. First part is correct. LCO 3.3.3, Table 3.3.3-1, Post-Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, lists Steam Line Pressure as post-accident monitoring instrumentation. Second part is correct.

Identified by white lettering on black labels.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since ERGs address containment hydrogen concentration following a LOCA and it could be thought that all instruments addressed by the ERGs are post-accident. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the the black and white aspect of labeling could be confused.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) TS 3.3.3 Attached w/ Revision # See Post Accident Instrumentation Study Guide Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given parameter indications and plant conditions, ASSESS from memory any required TS/TR entries, including any actions which must be completed within one hour in accordance with Technical Specifications or TRM (SYS.PA1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 58109 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 6 55.43 Page 2 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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TS 3.3.3 Revision: 159 Page 3 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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Post Accident Instrumentation Study Guide Revision: 5-9-2011 Page 4 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A 000076.AK2.01 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 2.6 High Reactor Coolant Activity: Knowledge of the interrelations between the High Reactor Coolant Activity and the following: Process radiation monitors Question # 62 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is in Mode 3 during a cool down for a mid-cycle outage to replace a damaged seal package on an RCP RCS temperature is 390ºF and pressure is 780 psig CCP 1-01 is in operation with one 75 gpm orifice isolation valve open 1-RE-0406 (FFL160), GROSS FAILED FUEL MONITOR, has alarmed Chemistry reports that RCS specific activity has increased steadily over the past several days Per ABN-102, High Reactor Coolant Activity letdown flow should be _____ to minimize personnel radiation exposure during the outage.

A. lowered to 0 gpm B. lowered to 45 gpm C. raised to 120 gpm D. raised to 195 gpm Answer: C Page 5 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the response of the radiation monitoring system to high RCS activity.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since isolating letdown will prevent the activity from circulating in the Auxiliary and Safeguards Buildings, but it will not reduce RCS activity impacting future dose.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since reducing letdown will minimize the activity circulating in the Auxiliary and Safeguards Buildings while still allowing some cleanup of the RCS, but it will not maximize the reduction in RCS activity impacting future dose.

C. Correct. Letdown flow should be increased to a maximum value, but less than 140 gpm, to allow mechanical filtration of the letdown flow via the mixed bed demineralizers, minimizing future dose.

D. Incorrect. Plausible as all letdown valves open would give this value but flow is limited to 140 gpm when RCS temp is 500 degrees.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-102 Attached w/ Revision # See SOP-103A Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the response to High Reactor Coolant Activity in accordance with ABN-102, High Reactor Coolant Activity. (ABN.103.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 75843 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC-24 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 6 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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SOP-103A Revision: 18 Page 10 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A WE02.EK1.02 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.4 SI Termination: Knowledge of the operational implications of the following concepts as they apply to the SI Termination: Normal, abnormal and emergency operating procedures associated with SI Termination.

Question # 63 Given the following conditions:

An SI has occurred due to SG 1-02 being faulted The operators have completed the actions of EOP-2.0A, Faulted Steam Generator Isolation, and have transitioned to EOP-1.0A, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant Containment pressure is 7 psig and slowly decreasing Total AFW flow to the intact SGs is 480 gpm All intact SG levels are between 7% and 22%

Pressurizer pressure is 1725 psig and rapidly increasing All pressurizer level channels indicate between 23% and 28%

CETs are indicating 540ºF and stable Which of the following parameters would PROHIBIT terminating Safety Injection under these conditions?

A. RCS inventory B. RCS pressure C. Secondary heat sink D. Subcooling Answer: A Page 11 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the parameters used to determine if SI Termination can be implemented.


A. Correct. RCS inventory is not adequate since 34% level is required with adverse containment conditions. The crew would be directed to stabilize pressure and transition to EOS-1.1A when SI flow restores adequate pressurizer level.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since this is one of the parameters required to be met to terminate SI (stable or increasing), but it is met as pressure is increasing.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since this is one of the parameters required to be met to terminate SI (> 460 gpm or at least one intact SG level > 26%), but it is met as AFW is 480 gpm.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since this is one of the parameters required to be met to terminate SI (>

55°F), but it is met as subcooling is approximately 76°F.

Technical Reference(s) EOP-1.0A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination: Steam Tables Learning Objective: IDENTIFY the proper transitions out of EOP-1.0 in accordance with EOP-1.0, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant. (ERG.E1A.OB05)

Question Source: Bank # 62538 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 12 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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EOP-1.0A Revision: 9 Page 13 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A WE13.EK3.02 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.9 Steam Generator Overpressure: Knowledge of the reasons for the following responses as they apply to the Steam Generator Overpressure: Normal, abnormal and emergency operating procedures associated with Steam Generator Overpressure.

Question # 64 Given the following conditions:

The crew has entered FRH-0.2A, Response to Steam Generator Overpressure, due to a high pressure in SG 1-01.

Attempts to lower SG 1-01 pressure are unsuccessful.

They are directed to cool down the RCS using the remaining three (3) SGs.

Which of the following describes the reason for cooling the RCS hot leg temperature to less than 535ºF?

Ensure A. SG pressure is below the highest SG safety valve setpoint.

B. excessive heat transfer from the RCS is not the cause of the overpressure.

C. steam pressure supplied to the TDAFW pump is within design limits.

D. adequate subcooling in the RCS exists to continue RCP operation.

Answer: B Page 14 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the reasons for performing actions in response to a SG overpressure condition.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since it is preferred to not lift a safety valve, but maintaining the SG at normal temperature would keep the pressure below the safety setting.

B. Correct. Cooling down the RCS to less than 535oF ensures excessive heat transfer from the RCS is eliminated thereby reducing temperature and pressure of the affected SG.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since the TDAFWP may be the supply of AFW to the SGs, but higher pressure will not affect the TDAFWP capability.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since it is desirable to operate RCPs, but higher pressure would assure adequate subcooling.

Technical Reference(s) FRH-0.2A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural Step, NOTE, or CAUTION, DISCUSS the reason or basis for the Step, NOTE, or CAUTION in FRH-0.2 in accordance with FRH-0.2, Response to Steam Generator Overpressure. (ERG.FH2.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 32622 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 15 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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FRH-0.2A Revision: 9 Page 16 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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FRH-0.2A Revision: 9 Page 17 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A WE09.EA2.02 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.4 Natural Circulation Operations: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Natural Circulation Operations:

Adherence to appropriate procedures and operation within the limitations in the facilitys license and amendments.

Question # 65 During EOS-0.2A, Natural Circulation Cooldown, following a reactor trip, which of the following criteria determines if the amount of RCS subcooling required is 75oF or 125oF?

A. Pressurizer level B. RCS cooldown rate C. Number of CRDM fans running D. Number of CCPs running Answer: C Page 18 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the subcooling limit based on plant conditions during a natural circulation cooldown.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since ERG decisions are based upon pressurizer level, but the subcooling required in EOS-0.2A is based upon the amount of vessel head cooling available from the CRDM fans.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since ERG decisions are based upon RCS pressure, but the subcooling required in EOS-0.2A is based upon the amount of vessel head cooling available from the CRDM fans.

C. Correct. The amount of subcooling required in EOS-0.2A is based upon the amount of vessel head cooling available, which is dependent on the number of CRDM fans running.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since ERG decisions are based upon the number of CCPs operating, but the subcooling required in EOS-0.2A is based upon the amount of vessel head cooling available from the CRDM fans.

Technical Reference(s) EOS-0.2A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the recovery technique used and the procedure steps of EOS-0.2, Natural Circulation Cooldown. (ERG.E02.OB02)

Question Source: Bank # 62529 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 19 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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EOS-0.2A Revision: 9 Page 22 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.1.23 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.3 Ability to perform specific system and integrated plant procedures during all modes of plant operation.

Question # 66 Procedures or work instructions with complex or infrequent work activities for which consequences of an improper action could have immediate, possibly irreversible impact on safety, production or reliability are classified as __(1)__ procedures.

__(2)__ are generally classified as these type of procedures.

A. (1) Information Use (2) Operation Department Work Instructions B. (1) Information Use (2) System Operating Procedures C. (1) Continuous Use (2) Operation Department Work Instructions D. (1) Continuous Use (2) System Operating Procedures Answer: D Page 23 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how procedures are be implemented in accordance with administrative requirements.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since these are procedures or work instructions with work activities, but are performed frequently and have no immediate consequences if performed improperly. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since OWIs are considered Information Use procedures.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is correct (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

D. Correct. First part is correct. Continuous Use procedures are procedures or work instructions with complex or infrequent work activities for which consequences of an improper action could have immediate, possibly irreversible impact on safety, production or reliability.

Second part is correct. SOPs are considered to be Continuous Use.

Technical Reference(s) STA-201 Attached w/ Revision # See ODA-407 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: STATE requirements for Procedure Use and Adherence in accordance with ODA-102, ODA-407, STA-201 and Operations Guideline 3. (ADM.XA3.OB01)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 24 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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STA-201 Revision: 18 Page 25 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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ODA-407 Revision: 17 Page 26 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.1.29 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.1 Knowledge of how to conduct system lineups, such as valves, breakers, switches, etc.

Question # 67 As part of a clearance several normally locked closed valves were tagged.

During restoration, a _____ locking tab should be reapplied to these valves.

A. Red B. Green C. Blue D. Yellow Answer: B Page 27 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of how to identify locked closed valves during clearance restorations.


A. Incorrect. Plausible as this is the color used to identify normally locked open or off positions.

B. Correct. This is the color used to identify normally locked closed positions.

C. Incorrect. Plausible as this is the color used to identify normally locked throttled positions.

D. Incorrect. Plausible as this is the color used for personal safety.

Technical Reference(s) ODA-403 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the administrative controls of valves, breakers and other equipment required to be secured-in-position in accordance with ODA-403 and OWI-103.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 75848 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 28 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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ODA-403 Revision: 8 Page 31 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.1.43 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.1 Ability to use procedures to determine the effects on reactivity of plant changes, such as reactor coolant system temperature, secondary plant, fuel depletion, etc.

Question # 68 In accordance with ODA-102, Conduct of Operations, Attachment 8, Operations Reactivity Management, complete the following statements.

When performing a reactor startup with a designated Reactivity SRO providing oversight, the RO is required to inform the designated Reactivity SRO __(1)__ the Unit Supervisor prior to each 50 step rod pull.

Informing the designated Reactivity SRO and/or the Unit Supervisor when each control rod movement is complete __(2)__ required.

A. (1) AND (2) is B. (1) AND (2) is NOT C. (1) OR (2) is D. (1) OR (2) is NOT Answer: C Page 32 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the administrative procedures governing reactivity manipulations of the plant.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible because the Unit Supervisor is in charge of the startup so it would make sense that they are informed prior to the first rod pull. Second part is correct. Notification after each rod pull is required.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible because if performing multiple rod pulls (example given in ODA-102 is for restoring CBD after an instrument failure), notification of completion of the last movement is required.

C. Correct. ODA-102 states the Reactor Operator informs the Unit Supervisor or the designated SRO providing reactivity oversight prior to moving control rods and at the completion of rod movement.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ODA-102 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the requirements for manipulating reactor controls in accordance with ODA-102, STA-102 and STA-601. (ADM.XA1.OB06)

Question Source: Bank # 72316 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 33 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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ODA-102 Revision: 34 Page 36 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.2.4 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.6 Ability to explain the variations in control board/control room layouts, systems, instrumentation, and procedural actions between units at a facility.

Question # 69 Unit 1 plant equipment labels are __(1)__.

Common equipment/alarms are normally controlled by __(1)__.

A. (1) blue (2) Unit 1 B. (1) yellow (2) Unit 2 C. (1) blue (2) Unit 2 D. (1) yellow (2) Unit 1 Answer: A Page 37 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of differences between units.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Unit 1 uses blue labeling and Unit 2 uses yellow labeling. Second part is correct. Common systems are normally controlled by Unit 1.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since yellow is used for labeling for one of the units, but it is Unit 2. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since only one of the units normally controls common equipment, but it is Unit 1, not Unit 2.

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see A).

Technical Reference(s) OWI-402 Attached w/ Revision # See ODA-102 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the administrative requirements for operating plant equipment; performing routine watchstanding evolutions and maintaining system status and plant configuration control in accordance with ODA-106, STI-604.03, OWI-207, ODA-102, ODA-410, ODA-407, OWI-107, STA-694, STA-601 and OWI-409.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 7 55.43 Page 38 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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ODA-102 Revision: 35 Page 40 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.2.14 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.9 Knowledge of the process for controlling equipment configuration or status.

Question # 70 The Shift Manager has directed that a Verification Lineup be performed on a system.

While performing the Verification Lineup, independent verification of the lineup __(1)__

required to be completed.

If a valve is found out of position, the operator performing the lineup should __(2)__.

A. (1) is (2) obtain specific permission prior to repositioning the valve B. (1) is (2) position the valve to the required position and document the repositioning on the lineup attachment C. (1) is NOT (2) obtain specific permission prior to repositioning the valve D. (1) is NOT (2) position the valve to the required position and document the repositioning on the lineup attachment Answer: C Page 41 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of procedures associated with maintaining system configuration control.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since independent verification is required for Initial Lineups. Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since this is how an Initial Lineup would be performed.

C. Correct. First part is correct. Independent verification is not required for Verification Lineups unless a component must be repositioned. Second part is correct. Component repositioning requires specific permission prior to being operated.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ODA-410 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the administrative requirements for operating plant equipment; performing routine watchstanding evolutions and maintaining system status and plant configuration control in accordance with ODA-106, STI-604.03, OWI-207, ODA-102, ODA-410, ODA-407, OWI-107, STA-694, STA-601 and OWI-409.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 42 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

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ODA-410 Revision: 16 Page 43 of 43 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 61-70 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.2.35 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.6 Ability to determine Technical Specification Mode of Operation.

Question # 71 If a unit is in the process of cooling down for refueling, complete the following statements regarding the Mode of operation:

If average coolant temperature = 195oF, the plant is considered to be in __(1)__.

If at least __(2)__ Reactor Vessel Head Closure Bolt(s) is(are) less than fully tensioned, the plant is considered to be in Mode 6.

A. (1) MODE 4, Hot Shutdown (2) 1 B. (1) MODE 4, Hot Shutdown (2) 4 C. (1) MODE 5, Cold Shutdown (2) 1 D. (1) MODE 5, Cold Shutdown (2) 4 Answer: C Page 1 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the definitions of different modes of operation.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since if it were 5 degrees hotter, it would be correct.

Second part is correct. With one RPV head bolt not fully tensioned, the unit is considered to be in Mode 6.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible because 4 bolts is used as Equipment hatch closure criteria.

C. Correct. First part is correct. If RCS temperature is < 200oF, the unit is considered to be in Cold Shutdown (Mode 5). 2nd part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) TS 1.1-1 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DISCUSS the terms defined in Technical Specifications. (RLS.SL1.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 71459 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 2 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

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TS 1.1-1 Revision: 150 Page 3 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.3.4 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.2 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or emergency conditions.

Question # 72 Per STA-655, Exposure Monitoring Program, the normal annual administrative exposure limit that can be received, without an administrative extension or Planned Special Exposure, by an Escorted Radiation Worker (with DLR) is __(1)__ mRem Deep Dose Equivalent.

Operator is __(2)__ mRem Total Effective Dose Equivalent.

A. (1) 2000 (2) 2000 B. (1) 2000 (2) 4000 C. (1) 4000 (2) 2000 D. (1) 4000 (2) 4000 Answer: A Page 4 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of annual radiation exposure limits.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Per STA-655 ATT 8.A the administrative limit set for CPNPP escorted rad workers is 2000 mrem. Second part is correct. Per STA-655 ATT 8.A the administrative limit set for CPNPP operators is 2000 mrem.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible as 4000 mrem was the previous administrative limit at CPNPP and is the current maximum with an approved extension.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since 4000 mrem was the previous administrative limit for Escorted Radiation Worker and is the current maximum with an approved extension.

Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) STA-655 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a known total exposure, CALCULATE the remaining exposure permitted before exceeding an administrative exposure limit in accordance with STA-655, Exposure Monitoring Program, and an NRC exposure limit in accordance with 10CFR20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation. (ADM.RAD.OB05)

Question Source: Bank # 75850 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC24 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 12 55.43 Page 5 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

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STA-655 Revision: 23 Page 8 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

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STA-655 Revision: 23 Page 9 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.3.15 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.9 Knowledge of radiation monitoring systems, such as fixed radiation monitors and alarms, portable survey instruments, personnel monitoring equipment, etc.

Question # 73 You are exiting an RCA and approach the portable frisker which is reading 325 cpm background radiation.

(1) Are you allowed to perform your whole body frisk in an area with background radiation at this level?

(2) You should be considered to have received contamination if the frisker rises to a MINIMUM value of __(2)__.

A. (1) NO (2) 100 cpm above background B. (1) NO (2) double the background C. (1) YES (2) 100 cpm above background D. (1) YES (2) double the background Answer: D Page 10 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of personnel monitoring equipment use.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Frisking may only be performed in areas with the background radiation < 200 cpm. Second part is correct. Contamination is identified by being 100 cpm above background.

B. Incorrect. 1st part is correct (see A). 2nd part is incorrect. It is plausible because this would be indication of contamination in this case, but minimum level to be considered contaminated is 100 cpm above background.

C. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect because background count rates are > 200 cpm, therefore NO (not allowed). It is plausible because it is well over the preferred background level (100 cpm). 2nd part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. 1st part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). 2nd part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) STA-653 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a set of contamination conditions, DETERMINE the posting requirements for the area in accordance with RPI-304, Radiological Posting and Labeling.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 82575 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 12 55.43 Page 11 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

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STA-653 Revision: 21 Page 14 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

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STA-653 Revision: 21 Page 15 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.4.6 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.7 Knowledge of EOP mitigation strategies.

Question # 74 Which of the following actions would be INAPPROPRIATE to perform prior to direction in an Emergency Response Guideline?

A. Isolating AFW flow to a single faulted SG B. Throttling AFW flow to control a ruptured SG level within the required band C. Securing a CCP to prevent overfilling the Pressurizer following an inadvertent SI D. Adjusting RCP seal injection flow to maintain within the required range of flow Answer: C Page 16 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to Explanation:

A. Incorrect. Plausible because this is a numbered step in EOP-2.0, but the ERG Rules of Usage addresses this as being acceptable.

B. Incorrect. Plausible because this is a numbered step in EOP-3.0, but the ERG Rules of Usage addresses this as being acceptable.

C. Correct. Performing steps out of sequence is allowed, but must be done with caution to prevent masking symptoms or defeating the intent of the EOP being used. Although terminating SI early might be beneficial to prevent filling the Pressurizer if the only event is a spurious SI, this may result in further degradation of the plant if another undiagnosed event is in progress.

D. Incorrect. Plausible because this is a numbered step in EOS-0.1, but the ERG Rules of Usage addresses this as being acceptable.

Technical Reference(s) ODA-407 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the requirements associated with deviating from an ERG in accordance with ODA-407, Operations Department Procedure Use and Adherence. (ERG.XD2.OB25)

Question Source: Bank # 23501 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC20 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 17 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

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ODA-407 Revision: 17 Page 20 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Page 21 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.4.17 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.9 Knowledge of EOP terms and definitions.

Question # 75 While performing an Emergency Operating Procedure, the Unit Supervisor observes an asterisk next to a step number.

The asterisk indicates the step...

A. must be completed in its entirety before the subsequent step is started.

B. is a continuous action that applies until superseded or no longer applies.

C. is only applicable under Adverse Containment conditions.

D. is to be performed from memory and verbalized upon completion.

Answer: B Page 22 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of symbols used in the ERG network.


A. Incorrect. Plausible as steps in ABNs and ERGs do not have to be completed prior to porceeding to next step. They just have to be started and have assurance that it is progressing. Step where this does not apply have to be designated.

B. Correct. An asterisk designates a continuous action step, which applies from that point in the procedure until superseded or no longer applies.

C. Incorrect. Plausible as Adverse containment parameters are specified in ERG's by parentheses.

D. Incorrect. Plausible as Initial Action are designated by diamond symbol Technical Reference(s) ODA-407 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the expectations associated with performing immediate action, continuous action and radiation hazard steps and how each is identified in the Emergency Response Guidelines. (ERG.XD2.OB05)

Question Source: Bank # 41924 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 10 55.43 Page 23 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

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ODA-407 Revision: 17 Page 25 of 25 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 71-75 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 006.A2.13 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.2 Emergency Core Cooling: Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the ECCS; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Inadvertent SIS actuation Question # 76 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 in MODE 3 waiting to enter MODE 2 An Inadvertent Train A Safety Injection occurs The Unit Supervisor __(1)__ expected to exercise procedure expediency as described in Operations Guideline 3, Attachment 6, Strategies for Successful Transient Mitigation.

An Inadvertent Safety Injection places a challenge on the __(2)__.

A. (1) is NOT (2) PRZR safeties B. (1) is (2) PRZR safeties C. (1) is NOT (2) RCS cooldown rate D. (1) is (2) RCS cooldown rate Answer: B Page 1 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the procedural strategy in response to an inadvertent safety injection.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring knowledge of administrative procedures that specify hierarchy, implementation, and/or coordination of plant normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible as no accident has occurred and it may be thought that terminating SI is secondary to stabilizing the plant. Second part is correct (see B).

B. Correct. First part is correct. Procedure expediency is required to prevent overfilling the pressurizer. Second part is correct. Overfilling the pressurizer could result in water damage to the pressurizer safety valves.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since adequate heat removal existed without SI and it could be thought that the additional heat removal would result in an excessive RCS cooldown condition.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C).

Technical Reference(s) Ops Guideline 6, Att 3 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: LIST three beneficial functions and one possible problem caused by SI flow during accident conditions. (ERG.XD4.OB01)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 75863 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 2 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis Revision:

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Bank 75863 Revision:

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Bank 75863 Revision:

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Ops Guideline 6, Att 3 Revision: 10-21-2019 Page 6 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 013.G.2.2.25 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.2 Engineered Safety Features Actuation: Knowledge of the bases in Technical Specifications for limiting conditions for operations and safety limits.

Question # 77 In accordance with TSB 3.3.2, ESFAS Instrumentation, the reason the following signals use a 2 of 4 logic to actuate, vice a 2 of 3 logic to actuate, is:

Low Pressurizer Pressure Safety Injection logic __(1)__.

High-3 Containment Pressure logic __(2)__.

A. (1) is used for both protection and control functions (2) requires additional redundancy because it energizes to trip B. (1) is used for both protection and control functions (2) is used for both protection and control functions C. (1) requires additional redundancy because it energizes to trip (2) requires additional redundancy because it energizes to trip D. (1) requires additional redundancy because it energizes to trip (2) is used for both protection and control functions Answer: A Page 7 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of TS bases for ESFAS instrumentation.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis requiring knowledge of TS bases that is required to analyze TS-required actions and terminology.


A. Correct. First part is correct. Pressurizer pressure provides both control and protection functions and actuation logic must be able to withstand both an input failure to control system, and a single failure in the other channels providing the protection function actuation. Thus, four channels are required to satisfy the requirements with a two-out-of-four logic. Second part is correct. This is one of the only functions that requires the bistable output to energize to perform its required action. Four channels are used in a two-out-of-four logic configuration because this function is energize to trip.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible if thought that reason for pressurizer pressure logic also applied to high-3 logic.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible if thought that pressurizer pressure was energized to actuate. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) TSB 3.3.2 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given ESFAS operability status or parameter indications, various plant conditions, and a copy of regulatory requirements (TS, TRM, etc.), ASSESS any LCO entries, applicable conditions, and required actions (including completion time) in accordance with the associated regulatory requirement(s) and their bases. (SYS.ES1.OB08)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 2 Page 8 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis Revision:

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TSB 3.3.2 Revision: 77 Page 10 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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TSB 3.3.2 Revision: 77 Page 12 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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TSB 3.3.2 Revision: 77 Page 13 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 3 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 022.G.2.4.18 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.0 Containment Cooling: Knowledge of the specific bases for EOPs.

Question # 78 Given the following conditions:

A LOCA has occurred inside Unit 1 Containment.

Containment pressure rose to 21.8 psig, resulting in a Containment Spray actuation.

Containment pressure has subsequently lowered to 9.4 psig and is continuing to lower slowly.

Due to multiple RHR malfunctions, entry has been made to ECA-1.1A, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation.

All Containment Fan Coolers were stopped by the SI signal.

Containment Fan Coolers A. are required to be restarted under the above conditions.

B. are required to be restarted once Containment pressure drops below 5 psig.

C. CANNOT be restarted due to a lack of CCW flow to HVAC Chill Water.

D. CANNOT be restarted due to potential water hammer damage to HVAC Chill Water.

Answer: D Page 14 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the bases when non-safety containment cooling equipment can be started in the event of an accident.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring knowledge of the content of the procedure versus knowledge of the procedures overall mitigative strategy or purpose.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since CS is to be secured and it is desirable to restore some form of containment cooling and a step in the procedure directs restarting the coolers, but only if pressure has remained below 5 psig.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since CS is to be secured and pressure must be below 5 psig to operate the fan coolers and a step in the procedure directs restarting the coolers, but it must have remained below 5 psig for the duration of the event otherwise a Plant Staff evaluation is required prior to starting the coolers.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since CCW flow must be verified to the Chillers or they cannot be started, but there is no reason to think that CCW flow cannot be restored.

D. Correct. With containment pressure above 5 psig, the cooling water for the containment coolers may be saturated and water hammer may occur in the system if chill water is restored.

Technical Reference(s) ECA-1.1 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural step, or sequence of steps from ECA-1.1, STATE the purpose/basis for the step(s). (ERG.C11.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 15 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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ECA-1.1A Revision: 9 Page 17 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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ECA-1.1A Revision: 9 Page 18 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 063.A2.02 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 3.1 DC Electrical Distribution: Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the DC electrical systems; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of ventilation during battery charging Question # 79 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is operating at 100%.

Battery 1ED1 is in EQUALIZE on 125 VDC BATTERY CHARGER BC1ED1-1.

Battery Room Exhaust Fan 7 is running with Battery Room Exhaust Fan 8 in standby.

Annunciator 1-ALB-11B, Window 4.2 - ANY BATT RM EXH FN TRIP goes into alarm.

The Reactor Operator reports that Battery Room Exhaust Fan 7 is tripped and Battery Room Exhaust Fan 8 did not AUTO start and will NOT manually start.

Which of the following describes:

(1) Why an exhaust fan running is required to be running in the Battery Room; and, (2) What condition does the alarm procedure direct the battery be placed in?

A. (1) Maintain battery room temperature within Technical Specification limits (2) FLOAT B. (1) Maintain battery room temperature within Technical Specification limits (2) EQUALIZE C. (1) Minimize the buildup of hydrogen gas in the battery rooms (2) FLOAT D. (1) Minimize the buildup of hydrogen gas in the battery rooms (2) EQUALIZE Answer: C Page 19 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of a loss of battery room ventilation on the DC electrical system.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis, assessment of plant conditions (normal, abnormal, or emergency) and then selection of a procedure or section of a procedure to mitigate or recover, or with which to proceed. One area of SRO-level knowledge is knowledge of the content of the procedure versus knowledge of the procedures overall mitigative strategy or purpose.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible because there is a TRM for room temperature requirements in TR 13.7.36. Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see D)

C. Correct. First part is correct. Fans are required to be run to minimize the buildup of hydrogen gas in the battery rooms. Second part is correct. The battery should be placed in FLOAT to secure the charging of the battery which generates hydrogen.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible if thought that charger should be placed in FLOAT to secure battery charging.

Technical Reference(s) ALM-0112A Attached w/ Revision # See SOP-805A Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the normal, abnormal and emergency operation of the DC Electrical Distribution system in accordance with procedures. (SYS.DC1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 50415 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 20 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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ALM-0112A Revision: 6 Page 22 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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SOP-805A Revision: 11 Page 24 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 2 Group 1 K/A 103.A2.05 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.9 Containment: Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the containment system and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Emergency containment entry Question # 80 Unit 1 is operating in Mode 1.

A confirmed report of sabotage has occurred rendering the Personnel Air Lock INNER door INOPERABLE.

The Personnel Air Lock OUTER door remains OPERABLE.

The Emergency Air Lock is not available.

No further sabotage has occurred.

The Security threat has ended.

An Emergency Containment Entry has been approved

1) Per STA-620, CONTAINMENT ENTRY, which of the following is required to be completed PRIOR to Emergency Containment Entry?
2) Per Technical Specification Bases 3.6.2, Containment Air Locks, Containment Entry via the Personnel Air Lock outer door _______________ to perform repairs on the INNER door.

A. (1) Containment briefing by Shift Manager (2) is NOT permitted B. (1) RWP issuance (2) is permitted C. (1) Containment briefing by Shift Manager (2) is permitted D. (1) RWP issuance (2) is NOT permitted Answer: C Page 25 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of procedures used for emergency containment entry requirements.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis, assessment of plant conditions (normal, abnormal, or emergency) and then selection of a procedure or section of a procedure to mitigate or recover, or with which to proceed, as well as requiring knowledge of Tech Spec bases.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since without the TSB note it would not be permissible to make the entry in this manner since this would temporarily breech the containment boundary.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since STA-620 allows for the RWP to be completed after entry has occurred in a timely manner consistent with related emergency response activities.

Second part is correct (see C).

C. Correct. First part is correct. STA-620 states that a Containment briefing should be held by the Shift Manager. Each RWO entering into Containment should ensure that all questions on the checklist have been reviewed and that all entry members understand their responsibilities.

Second part is correct. TSB 3.6.2 explicitly makes an allowance to enter an affected air lock via the operable outer door.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A)

Technical Reference(s) TS 3.6.2 Attached w/ Revision # See TSB 3.6.2 Comments / Reference STA-620 Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: APPLY the administrative requirements of the Containment system including Technical Specifications, TRM and ODCM: 3) Containment Air Locks 3.6.2 (SYS.CY1.OB05)

Question Source: Bank # 82582 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5/2 Page 26 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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TS 3.6.2 Revision: 150 Page 29 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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TS Bases 3.6.2 Revision: 74 Page 30 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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STA-620 Revision: 15 Page 31 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

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STA-620 Revision: 15 Page 32 of 32 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 76-80 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 034.K4.03 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.3 Fuel-Handling Equipment: Knowledge of design feature(s) and/or interlock(s) which provide for the following: Overload protection Question # 81 In accordance with TR LCO 13.9.33, Refueling Machine bases, the Refueling Machine Auxiliary Monorail Hoist is used for __(1)__ and has a load indicator used to prevent lifting of loads in excess of __(2)__.

A. (1) latching, unlatching and movement of control rod drive shafts (2) 2800 pounds B. (1) lifting a fuel assembly with a control rod inserted (2) 2800 pounds C. (1) latching, unlatching and movement of control rod drive shafts (2) 600 pounds D. (1) lifting a fuel assembly with a control rod inserted (2) 600 pounds Answer: C Page 1 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the overload protection associated with refueling cranes.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to being addressed by 10 CFR 55.43(b)(7), assessment of surveillance requirements for the refueling mode.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since the main hoist is used for lifting a fuel assembly with a control rod inserted. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since 2800 pounds is the overload limit for the main hoist.

C. Correct. First part is correct. The auxiliary hoist is typically used for latching, unlatching and movement of control rod drive shafts. Second part is correct. 600 pounds is the cutoff limit for the auxiliary hoist.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see C).

Technical Reference(s) TR/TRB 13.9.33 Attached w/ Revision # See RFO-102 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given access to Technical Specifications and a refueling activity, APPLY the appropriate specification. (OPD1.G16.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 7 Page 2 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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TR 13.9.33 Revision: 77 Page 3 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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RFO-102 Revision: 13 Page 5 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 056.A2.04 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.8 Condensate: Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the Condensate System; and (b) based on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of condensate pumps Question # 82 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is operating at 80% power with Rod Control in MANUAL due to troubleshooting the automatic control circuitry B Condensate Pump trips The Reactor Operator begins inserting control rods in MANUAL ALB-06D, 2.7, ANY CONTROL ROD BANK AT LO-LO LIMIT, alarms T-ave is approximately 8ºF greater than T-ref The operator should continue inserting rods until Tave is within __(1)__ of Tref.

In accordance with TS 3.1.6, Control Bank Insertion Limits, rods must be restored above the rod insertion limit within __(2)__.

A. (1) 1ºF (2) 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> B. (1) 1ºF (2) 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> C. (1) 5ºF (2) 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> D. (1) 5ºF (2) 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Answer: D Page 6 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the effect of a loss of a Condensate Pump will have on the plant.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis requiring application of required actions (TS Section 3) and SRs (TS Section 4) in accordance with rules of application requirements (TS Section 1) and 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring assessment of plant conditions (normal, abnormal, or emergency) and then selection of a procedure or section of a procedure to mitigate or recover, or with which to proceed.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since it is desirable to have T-ave matched to T-ref, but driving control rods in this far will result in an overshoot low on temperature. Additionally, automatic rod control would insert rods until 1ºF mismatch. Second part is correct (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since many more TS actions are 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> requirements than 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> requirements.

D. Correct . First part is correct. When driving rods manually following a runback or other large load reduction, good technique would be a continuous insertion until temperature is approximately 5 degrees high. This ensures a timely reduction in steam flow (via steam dumps) while preventing an overshoot low on temperature. Second part is correct. Rods are to be restored above RIL within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

Technical Reference(s) ABN-302 Attached w/ Revision # See Ops Guideline 3 Comments / Reference TS 3.1.6 Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Condensate Pump Trip in accordance with ABN-302, Feedwater, Condensate, Heater Drains System Malfunction.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 41844 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 2/5 Page 7 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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Bank 41844 Revision:

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ABN-302 Revision: 14 Page 12 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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Ops Guideline 3 Revision: October 21 2019 Page 14 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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TS 3.1.6 Revision: 156 Page 15 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 2 Group 2 K/A 086.G.2.1.20 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.6 Fire Protection: Ability to interpret and execute procedure steps.

Question # 83 Given the following conditions:

Due to a fire, the Shift Manager has directed the Control Room evacuated A Unit 1 Natural Circulation cooldown is to be performed The cooldown will be performed using __(1)__ per the guidance contained in __(2)__.

A. (1) Steam Dumps (2) ABN-803A, Response to a Fire in the Control Room or Cable Spreading Room B. (1) Steam Dumps (2) EOS-0.2A, Natural Circulation Cooldown C. (1) SG ARVs (2) ABN-803A, Response to a Fire in the Control Room or Cable Spreading Room D. (1) SG ARVs (2) EOS-0.2A, Natural Circulation Cooldown Answer: C Page 16 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the content of procedures related to fires in the Control Room or cable spreading room.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) analysis involves both (1) assessing plant conditions (normal, abnormal, or emergency) and then (2) selecting a procedure or section of a procedure to mitigate or recover, or with which to proceed. One area of SRO-level knowledge (with respect to selecting a procedure) is knowledge of the content of the procedure versus knowledge of the procedures overall mitigative strategy or purpose.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since a cooldown via the steam dumps is normally preferred over using the ARVs. Second part is correct. ABN-803A contains a note that once the decision to evacuate the control room is made, ERGs are no longer applicable.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible because if control room evacuation was not performed, the natural circulation cooldown would be performed per the guidance of EOS-0.2A.

C. Correct. First part is correct. Any plant cooldown performed from outside the control room is performed using the SG ARVs. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-803A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Fire in the Electrical or Control Building in accordance with ABN-803A, Response to a Fire in the Control Room or Cable Spreading Room . (ABN.803.OB01)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 17 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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ABN-803A Revision: 16 Page 19 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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ABN-803A Revision: 16 Page 20 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000007.EA2.04 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 4.6 Reactor Trip, Stabilization, Recovery: Ability to determine or interpret the following as they apply to a reactor trip: If reactor should have tripped but has not done so, manually trip the reactor and carry out actions in ATWS EOP Question # 84 Given the following conditions:

An Anticipated Transient Without Trip (ATWT) event is in progress on Unit 1.

FRS-0.1A, Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWT, is in progress and the Reactor is still NOT tripped.

Boration CANNOT be initiated because of blockage in the Boration flowpaths.

All Power Range Channels indicate 6%.

Startup rate is zero on both Intermediate Range Channels.

Average Core Exit Thermocouple temperature is 580°F and slowly lowering.

Which of the following describes the operator actions under these conditions and the reason for taking these actions?

A. Exit FRS-0.1A because the zero startup rate on the Intermediate Range channels indicate actions taken in FRS-0.1A have been successful B. Remain in FRS-0.1A, and allow the RCS to heat up, adding negative reactivity, while continuing efforts to establish Emergency Boration C. Exit FRS-0.1A because the lowering CET temperatures indicate actions taken in FRS-0.1A have been successful D. Remain in FRS-0.1A, and lower RCS temperature, establishing DNBR margin, while continuing efforts to establish Emergency Boration Answer: B Page 21 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the actions taken in response to an ATWT condition.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring knowledge of the content of the procedure versus knowledge of the procedures overall mitigative strategy or purpose and knowledge of diagnostic steps and decision points in the emergency operating procedures (EOPs) that involve transitions to event-specific sub-procedures or emergency contingency procedures.


A. Incorrect. Plausible since a zero startup rate would not meet the entry conditions for FRS-0.1A if power ranges were below 5% so it could be considered that exit conditions are met.

B. Correct. Exit conditions have not been met in FRS-0.1A, as power range is still above 5%. While attempting establish boration, the RCS is allowed to heat up to add negative reactivity.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since a there is a transition from FRS-0.1 based on CET temperatures, though it is to SAMGs on high temperature.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible as conditions to exit FRS have not been met.

Second part is incorrect, but plausible since it is a true statement but has no bearing on the performance of FRS-0.1A.

Technical Reference(s) FRS-0.1A Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural Step, NOTE, or CAUTION, DISCUSS the reason or basis for the Step, NOTE, or CAUTION in FRS-0.1A/B, Response to Nuclear Generation/ATWT in accordance with FRS-0.1. (ERG.FS1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 33641 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC20 (Original Modified)

Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 22 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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Bank 33641 Revision:

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Bank 33641 Revision:

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FRS-0.1A Revision: 9 Page 26 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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FRS-0.1A Revision: 9 Page 27 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000008.G.2.4.21 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.6 Pressurizer Vapor Space Accident: Knowledge of the parameters and logic used to assess the status of safety functions, such as reactivity control, core cooling and heat removal, reactor coolant system integrity, containment conditions, radioactivity release control, etc.

Question # 85 Given the following on Unit 1:

A Reactor Trip and Safety Injection have occurred.

The crew is in EOP-1.0A, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant.

Attachment 2 of EOP-0.0A, Reactor Trip or Safety Injection is complete.

All RCPs have been stopped.

RVLIS - All lights are DARK CNTMT PRESS (IR) is indicating 6.5 psig and stable.

PRZR LVL is indicating > 100%.

RCS HL PRESS (WR) is indicating 1400 psig and stable.

CORE EXIT TEMP is indicating 765 ºF and rising.

RCS HL TEMP (WR) is indicating 685 ºF and rising.

A(an) __(1)__ break has occurred.

A transition to __(1)__ is required.

A. (1) RCS cold leg (2) FRC-0.2A, Response to Degraded Core Cooling B. (1) RCS cold leg (2) FRC-0.1A, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling C. (1) PRZR steam space (2) FRC-0.2A, Response to Degraded Core Cooling D. (1) PRZR steam space (2) FRC-0.1A, Response to Inadequate Core Cooling Answer: C Page 28 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the parameters used to determine the conditions of the RCS following a PRZR steam space break.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring knowledge of diagnostic steps and decision points in the EOPs that involve transitions to event-specific sub-procedures or emergency contingency procedures.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since all indication other than PRZR level support indication of a cold leg break on the RCS. Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since an ORANGE path condition exists and for all CSFSTs except FRC, a RED and an ORANGE path condition direct entry into the highest FRG associated with the function.

C. Correct. First part is correct, with RVLIS dark and PRZR level full, this indicates a steam space break. Second part is correct, with RCS less than 1200°F, superheated, No RVLIS indication, and temp >750°F, FRC-0.2 entry conditions have been met.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) FRC-0.1 Attached w/ Revision # See Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis LP Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: EXPLAIN the operational implications associated with all cautions, notes and actions of the Response to Inadequate Core Cooling procedure in accordance with FRC-0.1 (ERG.FC1.OB03)

Question Source: Bank # 18479 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 29 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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FRC-0.1A Revision: 9 Page 31 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis (PRZR) Revision: 00-0000 Page 32 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000022.AA2.02 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.7 Loss of Reactor Coolant Makeup: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of Reactor Coolant Makeup:

Charging pump problems Question # 86 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is in MODE 1 CCP 1-01 is in operation when it trips ABN-105, Chemical and Volume Control System Malfunction, is entered CCP 1-02 is started The PDP is verified to be operable Per ABN-105, the RO starting the pump __(1)__ required to have SRO concurrence prior to starting the pump.

An active LCOAR __(1)__ required for TR 13.1.31, Boration Injection System - Operating, due to the trip of the CCP.

A. (1) is (2) is B. (1) is (2) is NOT C. (1) is NOT (2) is D. (1) is NOT (2) is NOT Answer: C Page 33 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of charging problems following a trip of a CCP and a failure of the charging flow control valve.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis requiring knowledge of TS bases that is required to analyze TS-required actions.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since it is a required action, but starting the CCP in ABN-105 is an initial operator action (diamond) which does not require SRO permission /

concurrence to perform. The RO should state the action and give the SRO a brief pause to intervene. It is plausible because if it were not an initial operator action, it would be correct.

Second part is correct. Two CCPs are required for boration flowpaths in Mode 1.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect but plausible (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the PDP can be used in place of a CCP in Mode 4.

C. Correct. First part is correct. Starting the CCP in ABN-105 is an initial operator action (diamond) which does not require SRO permission/concurrence to perform. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-105 Attached w/ Revision # See ODA-102 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to a Charging Pump Trip in accordance with ABN-105, CVCS Malfunction. (ABN.105.OB01)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 66406 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 34 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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Bank 66406 Revision:

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Bank 66406 Revision: 8 Page 37 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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ABN-105 Revision: 8 Page 38 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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TRB 13.1.31 Revision: 86 Page 39 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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ODA-102 Revision: 34 Page 40 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A 000057.G.2.2.42 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.6 Loss of Vital AC Instrument Bus: Ability to recognize system parameters that are entry-level conditions for Technical Specifications.

Question # 87 Given the following conditions:

Unit 2 at 800 MWe Loss of 118 VAC Instrument Distribution Inverter IV2EC1 occurs ABN-603, Loss of Protection or Instrument Bus in progress Per ABN-603, the Unit Supervisor INITIALLY directs energizing 2EC1 by aligning __(1)__ to supply 2EC1.

Per Technical Specification 3.8.9, Distribution Systems - Operating, the above action is required to be completed within a MAXIMUM of __(2)__.

A. (1) 120 VAC Bypass Distribution Panel 2EC3 (2) 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> B. (1) 120 VAC Bypass Distribution Panel 2EC3 (2) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> C. (1) TRN A 118 VAC RPS/SFGD BOP Installed Spare Inverter IV2EC1/3 (2) 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> D. (1) TRN A 118 VAC RPS/SFGD BOP Installed Spare Inverter IV2EC1/3 (2) 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> Answer: A Page 41 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of abnormal condition procedures which contain the guidance for restoring power to a Vital AC Instrument Bus and the associated Technical Specification.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis requiring application of required actions (TS Section 3) and SRs (TS Section 4) in accordance with rules of application requirements (TS Section 1).


A. Correct. First part is correct. In accordance with ABN-603, the US will direct an operator in the field to energize 2EC1 via its alternate power supply, 2EC3, by sliding the manual transfer switch to the alternate position at the bottom of the instrument panel. Second part is correct. In accordance with TS 3.8.9, Condition 'B', the AC Vital bus subsystem will be restored to OPERABLE status within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />. Per TS 3.8.9 Bases re-energizing Instrument Panel 2EC1 via its alternate power supply will restore it to OPERABLE status.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible as TS 3.8.9 Condition 'A' requires an AC electrical power distribution subsystem to be restored within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

Condition 'A' applies to 6900V and 480V distribution subsystems and is commonly confused with Condition 'B'.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since the next step of ABN 603 is to initiate actions to place the swing inverter, IV2EC1/3, in service. However, this must be performed per SOP-607B and will take some time to perform. Per TS 3.8.9 Bases re-energizing Instrument Panel 2EC1 via the swing inverter will also restore it to OPERABLE status. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-603 Attached w/ Revision # See TS/TSB 3.8.9 Comments / Reference 208/120 VAC, 118 VAC., Inv. & Lighting LP Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: ANALYZE the response to Loss of a Protection Bus in accordance with ABN-603, Loss of Protection or Instrument Bus. (ABN.603.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 75858 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC25 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 2 Page 42 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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208/120 VAC, 118 VAC., Inv. & Lighting Lesson Revision: 01-0001 Page 47 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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TSB 3.8.9 Revision: 82 Page 49 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A WE04.EA2.01 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.3 LOCA Outside Containment: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the LOCA Outside Containment: Facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during abnormal and emergency operations Question # 88 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 reactor has been tripped due to a lowering RCS pressure Indications are that an RCS leak has occurred outside containment ECA-1.2A, LOCA Outside Containment, has been entered.

In accordance with ECA-1.2A, cycle __(1)__ closed, then open.

If RCS pressure continues to lower, GO TO __(2)__.

A. (1) 1/1-8809A and B, RHR TO CL INJ ISOL VLVS (2) EOP-1.0A, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant B. (1) 1/1-8809A and B, RHR TO CL INJ ISOL VLVS (2) ECA-1.1A, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation C. (1) 1/1-8840, RHR TO HL 2 & 3 INJ ISOL VLV (2) EOP-1.0A, Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant D. (1) 1/1-8840, RHR TO HL 2 & 3 INJ ISOL VLV (2) ECA-1.1A, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation Answer: B Page 50 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring the ability to determine the selection of appropriate procedures during a LOCA outside containment.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis involving both 1) assessing plant conditions (normal, abnormal, or emergency) and then 2) selecting a procedure or section of a procedure to mitigate, recover, or with which to proceed, including knowledge of the content of the procedure versus knowledge of the procedure's overall mitigative strategy or purpose.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct. These valves are normally open, so you are directed to close them and check RCS pressure to see if the leak has stopped. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since a loss of reactor coolant exists. If the leak has not been stopped, you are directed to GO TO ECA-1.1A.

B. Correct. First part is correct (see A). Second part is correct. If the leak still exists, you are directed to GO TO ECA-1.1A.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since these valves are verified closed. They are normally closed so it would not be prudent to open them to check for a leak. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ECA-1.2 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: IDENTIFY the proper transitions out of ECA-1.2 (ERG.C12.OB06)

Question Source: Bank # 72564 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 51 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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ECA-1.2 Revision: 9 Page 54 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 1 Group 1 K/A WE05.G.2.2.40 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.7 Loss of Secondary Heat Sink: Ability to apply Technical Specifications for a system.

Question # 89 Given the following conditions:

1/2-PCV-455A, PRZR PORV, is stuck in mid-position and will not cycle.

1/2-8000A, PRZR PORV BLK VLV, is CLOSED and deenergized.

In accordance with TS 3.4.11, Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves (PORVs),

1/2-8000A __(1)__.

Approximately twenty-four hours later:

The Unit has experienced a Loss of All Feedwater Flow following a reactor trip from 100% power.

FRH-0.1B, Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink, is in progress.

Power to 1/2-8000A is restored.

In accordance with FRH-0.1B, when Bleed and Feed is established for the existing conditions, PRZR vents and Reactor Vessel head vents will __(2)__.

A. (1) must be restored to operable within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> (2) be opened B. (1) must be restored to operable within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> (2) remain closed C. (1) can remain in this condition indefinitely (2) be opened D. (1) can remain in this condition indefinitely (2) remain closed Answer: A Page 55 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring application of TS conditions associated with components used for bleed and feed during a loss of secondary heat sink event.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis requiring application of required actions (TS Section 3) and SRs (TS Section 4) in accordance with rules of application requirements (TS Section 1) and 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring assessment of plant conditions (normal, abnormal, or emergency) and then selection of a procedure or section of a procedure to mitigate or recover, or with which to proceed.


A. Correct. First part is correct, with a PORV stuck and unable to be manually cycled, the PORV block valve is required to be closed and deenergized. The PORV must be restored to an operable condition within 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br />. These are all part of condition B of TS. Second part is correct, with both PORVs not fully open during bleed and feed operations in FRH-0.1, the pressurizer and head vents are to be opened.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is plausible since PORV will be partially opened in FRH-0.1 and may consider that intent of step is met and vents will not be required to be opened, but they are required open under these conditions.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since PORV block valve does not have to be deenergized for seat leakage and indefinite operation is permitted for these conditions, per condition A of TS. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) TS/B 3.4.11 Attached w/ Revision # See FRH-0.1 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given a procedural Step, NOTE, or CAUTION, DISCUSS the reason or basis for the Step, NOTE, or CAUTION in FRH-0.1 in accordance with FRH-0.1, Loss of Heat Sink. (ERG.FH1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 58075 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 2/5 Page 56 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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FRH-0.1 Revision: 9 Page 66 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A 000032.AA2.09 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 2.9 Loss of Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the Loss of Source Range Nuclear Instrumentation: Effect of improper HV setting Question # 90 Given the following conditions:

A Reactor Startup is being performed on Unit 1.

Control Rods are at 150 steps on Bank A.

Source Range counts are 220 cpm on both N-31 and N-32.

Intermediate Range channels N-35 and N-36 are both indicating 10-11 amps.

A degraded power supply associated with Source Range channel N-31 causes ALB-006D, 1.1, SR HI VOLT FAIL, to alarm.

The Reactor Startup is suspended in accordance with TS 3.3.1, RPS Instrumentation.

SR Channel N-31 count rate will indicate __(1)__ than before the failure.

If N-31 is NOT restored to OPERABLE within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, in accordance with TS 3.3.1, __(2)__

must be fully inserted.

A. (1) lower (2) Control Bank rods ONLY B. (1) lower (2) Control and Shutdown Bank rods C. (1) higher (2) Control Bank rods ONLY D. (1) higher (2) Control and Shutdown Bank rods Answer: B Page 67 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of actions to be taken in response to failed SR high voltage.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis requiring application of required actions (TS Section 3) and SRs (TS Section 4) in accordance with rules of application requirements (TS Section 1).


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since actions taken during startup, if the startup is aborted, are to insert control bank rods to CBO and shutdown rods do not have a CBO position.

B. Correct. First part is correct, the lowering SRHV causes less interactions between the core and the BF3 detector, causing counts to lower. Second part is correct. Per TS 3.3.1, if the inoperable SR is not returned to operable status within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />, all rods, both control bank and shutdown bank rods, must be fully inserted.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible if thought SRHV supplied compensating voltage, as is done in the IR channels, which would then cause counts to increase upon the loss. Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) Excore Nuclear Instrument Study Guide Attached w/ Revision # See ABN-701 Comments / Reference TS 3.3.1 Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given Excore Instrumentation system operability status or parameter indications, various plant conditions, and a copy of the Technical Specifications or Technical Requirements Manual, ASSESS any LCO entries, applicable conditions, and required actions (including Completion Time) in accordance with the associated regulatory requirements and their bases. (SYS.EC1.OB07)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New X Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 2 Page 68 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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Excore Nuclear Instrumentation Study Guide Revision: 5-1-2011 Page 70 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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ABN-701 Revision: 12 Page 71 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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TS 3.3.1 Revision: 156 Page 72 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

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TS 3.3.1 Revision: 150 Page 73 of 73 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 81-90 Rev. 3

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A 000036.G.2.4.49 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.4 Fuel-Handling Incidents: Ability to perform without reference to procedures those actions that require immediate operation of system components and controls.

Question # 91 Given the following conditions:

Unit 2 in MODE 6 reloading core Control Room notified an irradiated fuel assembly has been dropped into the core ABN-908, Fuel Handling Accident in progress Per ABN-908, ...

the Fuel Handling Supervisor should ensure transfer cart is in the __(1)__ Building with Fuel Transfer Tube gate valve closed.

Containment Purge may have to be stopped to enable __(2)__.

A. (1) Fuel (2) closing the Fuel Transfer Tube gate valve B. (1) Fuel (2) installation of the equipment hatch C. (1) Containment (2) closing the Fuel Transfer Tube gate valve D. (1) Containment (2) installation of the equipment hatch Answer: B Page 1 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring the ability to take action to control the event in accordance with ABN-908.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring knowledge of tasks performed by the Fuel Handling Supervisor which is an SRO position. It also requires knowledge of the content of the procedure and not just the overall mitigation strategy. Also due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(7) Analysis requiring refueling floor SRO responsibilities.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since it may be thought that the DP between the Containment and Fuel buildings would prevent closing the fuel transfer tube gate valve.

B. Correct. First part is correct. Per ABN-908, Step 2.3.8, the Fuel Handling Supervisor has the specific responsibility to ensure the cart is in the Fuel Buildig. Second part is correct. A note in ABN-908 states it may be necessary to secure Containment Purge to enable installation of the equipment hatch.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since it may be thought that the transfer car should be left in Containment in preparation for putting the damaged assembly in the transfer car.

Second part is part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is correct (see B).

Technical Reference(s) ABN-908 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given that a Fuel Handling accident is in progress, SUMMARIZE the expected control room response in accordance with ABN-908, Fuel Handling Accident.


Question Source: Bank # 75869 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC24 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5/7 Page 2 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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ABN-908 Revision: 5 Page 6 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A WE14.EA2.01 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.8 High Containment Pressure: Ability to determine and interpret the following as they apply to the High Containment Pressure: Facility conditions and selection of appropriate procedures during abnormal and emergency operations Question # 92 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 LBLOCA EOS-1.3A, Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation was entered at RWST LO-LO Level An ECCS flowpath from the containment sump to the RCS could NOT be established Subsequently:

ECA-1.1A, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation, is entered Efforts to add makeup to the RWST are in progress RWST level is 18% and lowering slowly Containment pressure has just risen to 52 psig CSP suction aligned to the RWST Per ODA-407, Guideline on Use of Procedures, which of the following procedures should the US be directing and what actions are necessary based on the given conditions?

A. (1) FRZ-0.1A, Response to High Containment Pressure (2) Operate all CSPs until containment pressure is less than 50 psig or RWST level is

< 9%

B. (1) ECA-1.1A, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation (2) Operate all CSPs until containment pressure is less than 50 psig or RWST level is

< 9%

C. (1) FRZ-0.1A, Response to High Containment Pressure (2) Operate NO CSPs in accordance with ECA-1.1A, to conserve RWST level D. (1) ECA-1.1A, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation (2) Operate NO CSPs in accordance with ECA-1.1A, to conserve RWST level Answer: A Page 7 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of procedures to transition to, as well as implementation of the detailed steps of the procedure.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring assessment of plant conditions (normal, abnormal, or emergency) and then selection of a procedure or section of a procedure to mitigate or recover, or with which to proceed. Also requires knowledge of diagnostic steps and decision points in the emergency operating procedures (EOPs) that involve transitions to event-specific sub-procedures or emergency contingency procedures.


A. Correct. First part is correct. The RED path entry criteria requires re-entering FRZ-0.1A. Second part is correct. All 4 CSPs should be run per the procedural guidance provided in ECA-1.1A.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since it could be thought that FRZ-0.1A had already been implemented and re-entering FRZ-0.1A is not required. ERG rules of usage do require entering FRZ-0.1A on the RED path. Second part is correct (see A)

C. Correct. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible since ECA-1.1 would require no CSPs be run if RWST level were below 9% or if pressure were below 18 psig.

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see C)

Technical Reference(s) ECA-1.1 Attached w/ Revision # See FRZ-0.1 Comments / Reference ODA-407 Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: STATE the bases for the procedure steps, NOTEs and CAUTIONs contained in FRZ-0.1A/B. (ERG.FZ1.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 52583 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 9 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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FRZ-0.1 Revision: 9 Page 14 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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ODA-407 Revision: 17 Page 15 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 2 Tier 1 Group 2 K/A WE07.G.2.4.20 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.3 Saturated Core Cooling: Knowledge of the operational implications of EOP warnings, cautions, and notes.

Question # 93 Given the following conditions:

A Steam Generator Tube Rupture has occurred on Unit 1.

Due to equipment failures, ECA-3.2A, SGTR With a Loss of Reactor Coolant-Saturated Recovery Desired, is being performed.

The STA informs you that the Critical Safety Function Status Trees (CSFST) are all GREEN with the exception of the following:

o CORE COOLING CSFST is YELLOW based on Loss of Subcooling.

o INVENTORY CSFST is YELLOW based on Reactor Vessel Level.

Which of the following describes the implementation of procedures for this event?

A. Address both CSFST YELLOW paths, as desired based on operator judgement.

B. Do NOT address either CSFST YELLOW path as implementation is NOT allowed in the ECA procedures.

C. Address CORE COOLING actions, as desired based on operator judgement, and do NOT perform the actions for INVENTORY due to conflict with ECA-3.2A actions.

D. Address INVENTORY actions, as desired based on operator judgement, and do NOT perform the actions for CORE COOLING due to conflict with ECA-3.2A actions.

Answer: D Page 16 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of cautions stated in procedure ECA-3.2.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring assessment of plant conditions (normal, abnormal, or emergency) and then selection of a procedure or section of a procedure to mitigate or recover, or with which to proceed. Also requires knowledge of diagnostic steps and decision points in the emergency operating procedures (EOPs) that involve transitions to event-specific sub-procedures or emergency contingency procedures.


A. Incorrect. Plausible because normally YELLOW path procedures are addressed at the discretion of the US, but CORE COOLING actions conflict with ECA-3.2 actions and should not be performed.

B. Incorrect. Plausible because CORE COOLING actions conflict with ECA-3.2 actions and should not be performed, but INVENTORY actions could be taken.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since actions from one of these procedures is not to be performed due to conflicts with ECA-3.2 actions, but the conflicting procedure addresses CORE COOLING.

D. Correct. Per the guidance contained in FRC-0.3A, Response to Saturated Core Cooling. FRC-0.3A directs a reestablishment of RCS subcooling via Safety Injection Flow. This is inconsistent with the actions of ECA-3.2A which reduce RCS subcooling via ECCS flow reduction in order to minimize primary to secondary leakage during a SGTR.

Technical Reference(s) FRC-0.3 Attached w/ Revision # See OCA-407 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: STATE the bases for operator actions, notes and cautions from ECA-3.2.


Question Source: Bank # 18539 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 17 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis Revision:

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ODA-407 Revision: 17 Page 19 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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FRC-0.3 Revision: 9 Page 20 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.1.35 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 3.9 Knowledge of the fuel-handling responsibilities of SROs.

Question # 94 In accordance with RFO-102, Refueling Operation, when performing the cavity rinse after refueling, the washdown will be supervised by an __(1)__ and a licensed operator __(2)__

required to be monitoring source range instruments.

A. (1) active licensed SRO (2) is B. (1) active licensed SRO (2) is NOT C. (1) RP Supervisor (2) is D. (1) RP Supervisor (2) is NOT Answer: A Page 21 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of refueling operations/procedures.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(7) Analysis requiring refueling floor SRO responsibilities.


A. Correct. First part is correct. IAW RFO-102, the rinse will be supervised by an active SRO licensed person. Second part is correct. Because there is potential to dilute the RCS when doing the rinse, a licensed operator is required to monitor for reactivity changes.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct (see A). Second part is incorrect, but plausible because the operator may not realize that when the rinse begins, the vessel head may not be in place so the potential for RCS dilution exists.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible because it would seem to be more of a contamination hazard instead of a reactivity management issue. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) RFO-102 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given RFO-102, Refueling Operation, DISCUSS the Precautions, Limitations and major procedural actions IAW RFO-102. (OPD1.G16.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 72311 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 7 Page 22 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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RFO-102 Revision: 13 Page 23 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.1.36 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 4.1 Knowledge of procedures and limitations involved in core alterations.

Question # 95 Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 is performing an off-load of the core during a refueling outage.

ODA-308-3.9.0-S01, Refueling Special Condition Surveillances, Section 2, Surveillances Required for Core Alterations/Movement of Irradiated Fuel is being implemented with the following information:

o One SR detector is OPERABLE and the other is inoperable o One Gamma-Metrics SR monitor is OPERABLE and the other is inoperable (1) Which of the following describes the operability status of the Nuclear Instrumentation?

(2) Refueling cavity water level OPERABLITY requires at least 23 feet above the __(2)__.

A. (1) Nuclear Instrumentation OPERABILITY is met (2) Reactor Vessel flange B. (1) Nuclear Instrumentation OPERABILITY is met (2) top of the irradiated fuel assemblies C. (1) Nuclear Instrumentation OPERABILITY is NOT met (2) Reactor Vessel flange D. (1) Nuclear Instrumentation OPERABILITY is NOT met (2) top of the irradiated fuel assemblies Answer: A Page 24 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis requiring knowledge of TS bases that is required to analyze TS-required actions and terminology and 10 CFR 55.43(b)(6) Analysis requiring knowledge of TS bases for reactivity controls.


A. Correct. First part is correct (see B). Second part is correct. Cavity level must be 23 feet above the vessel flange.

B. Incorrect. First part is correct, any 2 of the 4 NIs, consisting of the SR NIs and the Gamma Metrics, are required to be operable. Second part is incorrect, but plausible as level would be required to be 23 feet above the fuel if the requirement was in the fuel building.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since until recently the operability of the nuclear instrumentation for refueling was based on either the SR NIs or the Gamma Metrics being operable in pairs, such that both of one set were required. Second part is correct (see A).

D. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) TS/B 3.9.3 Attached w/ Revision # See TS/B 3.9.7 Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: Given access to Technical Specifications and a refueling activity, APPLY the appropriate specification. (OPD1.G16.OB04)

Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 52607 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 2/6 Page 25 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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TS 3.9.3 Revision: 150 Page 29 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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TSB 3.9.3 Revision: 78 Page 30 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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TS 3.9.7 Revision: 156 Page 31 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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TSB 3.9.7 Revision: 78 Page 33 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.2.11 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.3 Knowledge of the process for controlling temporary design changes.

Question # 96 In accordance with STA-602, Temporary Modifications, (1) Who is responsible for performing walkdowns of active Temporary Modifications, and (2) How often is the walkdown required to be performed?

A. (1) Work Control Operations Supervisor (2) Monthly B. (1) Work Control Operations Supervisor (2) Quarterly C. (1) System Engineer (2) Monthly D. (1) System Engineer (2) Quarterly Answer: D Page 34 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of the procedures associated with Temporary Modifications.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(3) requiring knowledge of administrative processes for temporary modifications.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since this individual maintains and files copies of Temporary Modifications including clearances. Second part is incorrect, but plausible as monthly is a reasonable period of time compared to quarterly.

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see A). Second part is correct (see D).

C. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see A).

D. Correct. First part is correct, per STA-602, 5.7.2, the System Engineer is responsible for performance of a quarterly walkdown of TMs associated with their system to ensure proper installation. Second part is correct, the walkdown is required quarterly.

Technical Reference(s) STA-602 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the administrative requirements for operating plant equipment; performing routine watchstanding evolutions and maintaining system status and plant configuration control in accordance with ODA-106, STI-604.03, OWI-207, ODA-102, ODA-410, ODA-407, OWI-107, STA-694, STA-601 and OWI-409.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 35501 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 3 Page 35 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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Bank 35501 Revision:

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STA-602 Revision: 20 Page 38 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.2.12 Level of Difficulty: 4 Importance Rating 4.1 Knowledge of surveillance procedures.

Question # 97 While operating at 100% power, it is discovered a 31 day Surveillance Requirement on a piece of Tech Spec equipment was overlooked and has NOT been performed for over 6 weeks.

What is the proper course of action?

A. Delay calling the equipment INOPERABLE for up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> to allow performance of the Surveillance.

B. Declare the equipment INOPERABLE at the time of discovery and comply with the LCO ACTION.

C. Declare the equipment INOPERABLE and enter LCO 3.0.3.

D. Delay calling the equipment INOPERABLE for up to 31 days to allow performance of the Surveillance.

Answer: D Page 39 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of surveillance procedure administrative requirements.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis requiring knowledge of generic LCO requirements (LCO 3.0.1 through 3.0.7 and SR 4.0.1 through 4.0.4).


A. Incorrect. Plausible since 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> would be the time frame if the surveillance period were less than 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, but the greater interval is permitted.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since the surveillance is used to determine operability, but the LCO does not need to be implemented until the extended time as granted by SR 3.0.3 expires.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since the surveillance is used to determine operability, but SR 3.0.3 permits delaying the surveillance.

D. Correct. If it is discovered that a Surveillance was not performed within its specified Frequency, then compliance with the requirement to declare the LCO not met may be delayed, from the time of discovery, up to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or up to the limit of the specified Frequency, whichever is GREATER. This delay period is permitted to allow performance of the Surveillance.

Technical Reference(s) TS SR 3.0.3 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DELINEATE the role of surveillances into Operability in accordance with the Technical Specifications. (ADM.XA5.OB04)

Question Source: Bank # 19387 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 2 Page 40 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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10 CFR 55.43(b)(2) Analysis Revision:

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TS SR 3.0.3 Revision: 150 Page 42 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.3.13 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 3.8 Knowledge of radiological safety procedures pertaining to licensed operator duties, such as response to radiation monitor alarms, containment entry requirements, fuel handling responsibilities, access to locked high-radiation areas, aligning filters, etc.

Question # 98 A clearance is to be installed with the following conditions:

Contact radiation on a piece of equipment is 5 R/hr Radiation level is 500 mrem/hr at 1 foot from the piece of equipment General area radiation for the room is 125 mrem/hr An operator must close and place a clearance tag on a valve which is located 8 feet away from the equipment It will take the operator 3 minutes to close the valve and place the clearance tag The proper classification for the room is __(1)__.

A waiver of the independent verification of the tag placement is __(2)__ by the Shift Manager.

A. (1) High Radiation Area (2) NOT allowed B. (1) Radiation Area (2) NOT allowed C. (1) Radiation Area (2) allowed D. (1) High Radiation Area (2) allowed Answer: D Page 43 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of radiological safe practices to minimize total exposure to personnel and authority of Shift Manager regarding waivers due to radiation levels.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(4) Analysis requiring analysis and interpretation of radiation and activity readings as they pertain to the selection of administrative, normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures.


A. Incorrect. First part is correct (see D). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible since a radiation area is defined as an area where an individual can receive a dose equivalent in excess of 5 mrem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 cm (12 inches) from the radiation source, but being in excess of 100 mrem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> upgrades the classification to a High Radiation Area. Second part is incorrect, but plausible since the total dose that the operator will receive is below threshold of 10 mrem to waive (dose received will be approximately 2.6 mrem total), however dose rate is sufficient to allow waiver.

C. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see D).

D. Correct. First part is correct. A high radiation area is defined as an area where an individual can receive a dose equivalent in excess of 100 mrem in 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> at 30 cm (12 inches) from the radiation source. Second part is correct. The dose rate of >100 mrem/hr allows this verification be waived. .halving the distance from a point source causes the intensity to increase by a factor of four. , although total exposure for verification is 8 mrem (160 mrem/hr for 3 minutes, 1/20th of hour), the dose rate of >100 mrem/hr allows this verification be waived.

Technical Reference(s) Radiation Protection Practices LP Attached w/ Revision # See STA-694 Comments / Reference STA-650 Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: DESCRIBE the administrative requirements for operating plant equipment; performing routine watchstanding evolutions and maintaining system status and plant configuration control in accordance with ODA-106, STI-604.03, OWI-207, ODA-102, ODA-410, ODA-407, OWI-107, STA-694, STA-601 and OWI-409.


Question Source: Bank #

Modified Bank # 33141 (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 4 Page 44 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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Bank 33141 Revision:

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Radiation Protection Practices LP Revision: 00-0001 Page 46 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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STA-650 Revision: 9 Page 47 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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STA-694 Revision: 8 Page 48 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.4.22 Level of Difficulty: 3 Importance Rating 4.4 Knowledge of the bases for prioritizing safety functions during abnormal/emergency operations.

Question # 99 Given the following conditions:

The crew is responding to a large break LOCA A CORE COOLING status tree ORANGE path causes a transition to FRC-0.2A, Response to Degraded Core Cooling.

During performance of FRC-0.2A, the CORE COOLING status tree changes from ORANGE to YELLOW.

An ORANGE path exists on the CONTAINMENT status tree.

FRZ-0.1A, Response to High Containment Pressure, is the procedure referenced by the CONTAINMENT status tree.

Which of the following is the required action?

A. Complete FRC-0.2A and then go to FRZ-0.1A since CONTAINMENT is a lower priority path than CORE COOLING.

B. Go to FRZ-0.1A since an ORANGE path has a higher priority than a YELLOW path.

Completion of FRC-0.2A is NOT needed.

C. Complete FRC-0.2A as entry into FRZ-0.1 is NOT needed since it would have been addressed by the performance of steps in EOP-1.0A.

D. Go to FRZ-0.1A since an ORANGE path has a higher priority than a YELLOW path.

Return to complete FRC-0.2A after FRZ-0.1A is addressed.

Answer: A Page 49 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring the ability to prioritize safety functions during an event.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring knowledge of administrative procedures that specify hierarchy, implementation, and/or coordination of plant normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures.


A. Correct. Upon entry to a RED or ORANGE path FRG, the procedure is performed to completion unless a higher RED or ORANGE path procedure is encountered, even if the path clears or becomes YELLOW before completion. Since CORE COOLING is a higher priority than CONTAINMENT, FRC-0.2 is completed before FRZ-0.1 is addressed.

B. Incorrect. Plausible since if these conditions had been identified prior to entering FRC-0.2, then FRZ-0.1 would be the higher priority, but incorrect since FRC-0.2 is to be completed even though it has turned YELLOW.

C. Incorrect. Plausible since entry into FRZ-0.1 would not be required if the steps were performed in EOP-1.0 and an ORANGE path did not exist. The crew would enter FRZ-0.1 and immediately transition out at Step 1 in this case.

D. Incorrect. Plausible since if these conditions had been identified prior to entering FRC-0.2, then FRZ-0.1 would be the higher priority, but incorrect since FRC-0.2 is to be completed even though it has turned YELLOW.

Technical Reference(s) ODA-407 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: STATE when an operator is allowed/required to exit an FRG and the requirements for completion of an FRG exited before it is complete in accordance with ODA-407, Operations Department Procedure Use and Adherence. (ERG.XD2.OB18)

Question Source: Bank # 23165 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam LC26 Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge Comprehension or Analysis X 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 50 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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Bank 23165 Revision:

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ODA-407 Revision: 17 Page 54 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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ODA-407 Revision: 17 Page 55 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Examination Outline Cross-reference: Level RO SRO Rev. Date: Rev. 1 Tier 3 Group K/A 2.4.44 Level of Difficulty: 2 Importance Rating 4.4 Knowledge of emergency plan protective action recommendations.

Question # 100 Per EPP-304, Protective Action Recommendations, initial PARs are issued at the __(1)__

Emergency Classification and are formulated in the Control Room by the Emergency Coordinator and the __(2)__.

A. (1) Site Area (2) STA B. (1) Site Area (2) US C. (1) General (2) STA D. (1) General (2) US Answer: C Page 56 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 K/A Match: K/A match due to requiring knowledge of when emergency plan protective action recommendations are implemented and the positions that formulate the PAR.

SRO Only: SRO Only due to 10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis requiring knowledge of administrative procedures that specify hierarchy, implementation, and/or coordination of plant normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures.


A. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible (see B). Second part is correct (see C).

B. Incorrect. First part is incorrect, but plausible because a Site Area Emergency is the next lower classification below the General Emergency when PARs are required and it is plausible that PARs would be issued at this EAL Classification. Second part is incorrect, but plausible if it is assumed that the US on the affected unit would function as the second SRO concurrence on PARs as is the case for other activities such as ERG deviations, etc.

C. Correct. First part is correct. In accordance with EPP-304, PARs are issued upon declaration of a GE. Second part is correct. The STA aids the EC in developing PARs from the Control Room.

D. Incorrect. First part is correct (see C). Second part is incorrect, but plausible (see B).

Technical Reference(s) EPP-304 Attached w/ Revision # See Comments / Reference Proposed references to be provided during examination:

Learning Objective: IDENTIFY the ERO position holders responsible for PARs in each facility, in accordance with EPP-304. (PAR.OW5.OB01)

Question Source: Bank # 62572 Modified Bank # (Note changes or attach parent)

New Question History: Last NRC Exam Question Cognitive Level: Memory or Fundamental Knowledge X Comprehension or Analysis 10 CFR Part 55 Content: 55.41 55.43 5 Page 57 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

ES-401 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet Form ES-401-5 Comments /


10 CFR 55.43(b)(5) Analysis Revision:

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EPP-304 Revision: 22 Page 59 of 60 CPNPP 2021-08 NRC Written Exam Worksheet 91-100 Rev. 2

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