IR 05000298/2019010

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Triennial Fire Protection Inspection Report 05000298/2019010
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/30/2019
From: James Drake
To: Dent J
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Drake J
IR 2019010
Download: ML19150A142 (14)




Dear Mr. Dent,


On May 2, 2019, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection at your Cooper Nuclear Station and discussed the results of this inspection with you and other members of your staff. The results of this inspection are documented in the enclosed report.

The NRC inspectors did not identify any finding or violation of more than minor significance.

This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection and copying at and at the NRC Public Document Room in accordance with 10 CFR 2.390, Public Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding.



James F. Drake, Acting Branch Chief Engineering Branch 2 Division of Reactor Safety Docket No. 50-298 License No. DPR-46


Inspection Report 05000298/2019010

Inspection Report

Docket Number: 05000298 License Number: DPR-46 Report Number: 05000298/2019010 Enterprise Identifier: I-2019-010-0002 Licensee: Nebraska Public Power District Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station Location: Brownville, Nebraska Inspection Dates: April 15, 2019, to May 02, 2019 Inspectors: S. Alferink, Reactor Inspector B. Correll, Reactor Inspector J. Mateychick, Senior Reactor Inspector C. Stott, Reactor Inspector Approved By: James F. Drake, Acting Branch Chief Engineering Branch 2 Division of Reactor Safety Enclosure


The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continued monitoring the licensees performance by conducting a triennial fire protection inspection at Cooper Nuclear Station in accordance with the Reactor Oversight Process. The Reactor Oversight Process is the NRCs program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors. Refer to for more information. Findings and violations being considered in the NRCs assessment are summarized in the table below.

List of Findings and Violations No findings were identified.

Additional Tracking Items None.


This inspection was conducted using the appropriate portions of the inspection procedure (IP)in effect at the beginning of the inspection unless otherwise noted. Currently approved IPs with their attached revision histories are located on the public website at

Samples were declared complete when the IP requirements most appropriate to the inspection activity were met consistent with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515, Light-Water Reactor Inspection Program - Operations Phase. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel to assess licensee performance and compliance with Commission rules and regulations, license conditions, site procedures, and standards.


===71111.05XT - Fire Protection - NFPA 805 (Triennial)

B.5.b Inspection Activities (IP Section 02.03) ===

The inspectors evaluated the following B.5.b Mitigating Strategy:

Fuel pool cooling using service water from the residual heat removal heat exchangers Fire Protection Inspection Requirements (IP Section 02.01a) (5 Samples)

The inspectors evaluated fire protection program implementation in the following selected areas and/or fire zones, including analyzed electrical circuits:

(1) CB-D - Control Room, Computer Room, Cable Spreading Room, Cable Expansion Room, Auxiliary Relay Room
(2) RB-J - Switchgear Room 1F
(3) RB-K - Switchgear Room 1G
(4) RB-CF - Reactor Building 903 North Side
(5) RB-DI - Reactor Building 903 South Side


No findings were identified.


On May 2, 2019, the inspectors presented the triennial fire protection inspection results to Mr. J.

Dent, Jr. and other members of the licensee staff. The inspectors verified no proprietary information was retained or documented in this report.


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

71111.05XT Calculations FPRR 2007- Fire Protection Program 0

003 Regulatory Review

GE-NE-T23- Fire Analyses for Cooper March

00742-01 Nuclear Station 1997

GE-NE-T23- Cooper Nuclear Station 0

00786-00-13 Containment Analysis Project

MDE-37-0286 Safe Shutdown Appendix R February

Analyses for Cooper Nuclear 1986


NEDC 05-008 Bulk Thermal-Hydraulic 3

Analyses for the Cooper SFP

with GE14 and GNF2 Fuel


NEDC 09-085 Task 7.14 Fire Risk 3


NEDC 09-101 Detailed Fire Modeling Report 5

- Fire Compartment RB

NEDC 10-041 Recovery Action Feasibility 1

Assessment Report Review

EPM Report R1906-004-005

NEDC 10-046 Detailed Fire Modeling Report 3

- Fire Compartment RB-J

NEDC 10-047 Detailed Fire Modeling Report 3

- Fire Compartment RB-K

NEDC 10-062 EPM Report R1906-003-001 1

Rev. 1, NFPA 805 Radioactive

Release Review

NEDC 10-080 NFPA 805 Chapter 3 4

Fundamental Fire Protection

Program and Design Element


NEDC 10-085 Task 8 Fire Risk Evaluation 1

Area CB-D

NEDC 10-090 Fire Risk Evaluation 0

Area RB-DI

NEDC 11-003 Non-Power Operation Modes 2

Transition Review of EPM

Report R1906-006-001

NEDC 11-019 Nuclear Safety Capability 3

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date


NEDC 11-088 Fire Safety Analysis for Fire 4

Area CB-D

NEDC 11-094 Fire Safety Analysis for Fire 4

Area RB-CF EPM Report


NEDC 11-095 Fire Safety Analysis for Fire 4

Area RB-DI EPM Report


NEDC 11-098 Fire Safety Analysis for Fire 4

Area RB-J EPM Report


NEDC 11-099 Fire Safety Analysis for Fire 4

Area RB-K EPM Report


NEDC 11-105 Fire Safety Analysis for Fire 4

Area TB-A EPM Report


NEDC 11-107 Fire Safety Analysis for Fire 4

Area YD

NEDC 11-148 NFPA 805 Transition 2

Radiological Assessments

NEDC 14-043 Fire Safety Analysis for Entire 1

Power Block, EPM Report


NEDC 14-045 Use of Fire Protection System 0

for Non-Fire Conditions

NEDC 86- CNS Critical AC Bus 11

105B Coordination Study

NEDC 95-062 Fuel Pool Boil off Makeup 2

Flow Rate Supplied by Fire

Hose from RHR HX SW Drain

NEDC 97- NPSH Margins for the RHR 2

044C and HPCI Pumps for an

Appendix R Event

Corrective 2016-02899 2016-06427

Action 2016-00713 2016-04709

Documents 2017-00223 2017-06233

2018-08638 2018-08621

Corrective 2019-02295 2019-02319

Action 2019-02323 2019-02530

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

Documents 2019-02531 2019-02533

Resulting from 2019-02540 2019-02576


Drawings 2006 Sh. 1 Circulating and Screen Wash 90

and Service Water Systems

2006 Sh. 3 Circulating and Screen Wash 56

and Service Water Systems

2016 Sh. 1 Flow Diagram Fire Protection 70

Turbine Generator Building

2016 Sh. 1B Flow Diagram Fire Protection 5

Control, Radwaste and

Augmented Radwaste


2016 Sh. 1C Flow Diagram Fire Protection 4

Reactor Building

2016 Sh. 2 Fire Protection System Flow 37

Diagram for Pumphouse and

Storage Tanks

2016 Sh. 4 Halon and Cardox System 7

Flow Diagram

2016 Sh. 7 Fire Protection System Site 12

Plan Flow Diagram

2036 Sh. 1 Reactor Building Service A5

Water System

2040 Sh. 1 Residual Heat Removal 82


2040 Sh. 2 Residual Heat Removal 19

System Loop B

2043 Reactor Core Isolation 57

Coolant and Reactor

Feedwater Systems

2044 High Pressure Coolant 76

Injection and Reactor

Feedwater System

2045 Core Spray System 58

3002 Sh. 1 Auxiliary One Line Diagram 56

MCC Z, Swgr Bus 1A, 1B, 1E,

& Critical Swgr Bus 1F, 1G

3003 Sh. 2 Auxiliary One Line Diagram 55

Motor Control Centers A, B, F,

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date


3006 Sh. 5 Auxiliary One Line Diagram 90

Starter Racks LZ and TZ

MCC's K, L, LX, RA, RX, S, T,


3007 Sh. 6 Auxiliary One Line Diagram 84

Motor Control Centers E, Q,

R, RB, & Y

3058 DC One Line Diagram 68

791E253 Automatic Blowdown System N28

Sh. 2

791E253 Automatic Blowdown System N12

Sh. 3

791E261 Residual Heat Removal N28

Sh. 19 System

791E261 Residual Heat Removal N16

Sh. 20 System

791E261 Residual Heat Removal N17

Sh. 21 System

791E261 Residual Heat Removal 04

Sh. 24 System

791E261 Residual Heat Removal 25

Sh. 4 System

791E261 Residual Heat Removal 24

Sh. 5 System

791E264 RCIC System 14

Sh. 6

791E266 Primary Containment Isolation N30

Sh. 7 System

791E271 HPCI System 26

Sh. 7

791E271 HPCI System N20

Sh. 8


Sh. 30D Supply Outboard Isolation


E501 Sh. 15H RHR-MOV-MO16A Integrated 04

Control Circuit Diagram RHR

Pump A/C Min Flow Valve

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

E501 Sh. 16D RCIC-MOV-MO15 N03

E501 Sh. 26A SW-MOV-MO89A RHR Hx A N03

Service Water Outlet

E501 Sh. 48A SW-MOV-MO89B RHR Hx B 04

Service Water Outlet

Engineering CED 6024460 Add Auxiliary Relays to 08/24/2017

Changes Condensate Pump and

Condensate Booster Pump


CED 6033800 Replacement of Startup 10/05/2015

Station Service Transformer

CED 6036741 Add Reliable SFP Level 01/28/2015


CED 6037040 Control Room Level Indication 03/27/2015

CED 6037042 Flexible Coping Strategies 04/10/2015

(FLEX) External Connections

EC 6040480 Addition of Constant Level 08/10/2017

Lubricators to SW Booster


Engineering 04-046 Appendix R MOV Overthrust 0

Evaluations Evaluation

EE 09-031 Evaluation of Critical 0

Switchgear Rooms 1F and 1G

Fire Barrier Separation

EE 10-043 Evaluation of SSAR Changes 0

to Ensure Containment

Overpressure Availability

EE 10-071 CNS Acceptance of EPM 1

Report No: R1906-002-002,

NFPA Code Conformance


EE01-006 Dispositions of NFPA Code 5

Compliance Deviations

EE01-007 Fire Detector Location and 3


EE01-009 Review of NFPA 10, 14, & 24 3

Code Conformance for Power

Block Buildings

EE01-013 Disposition of NFPA Code 3

Compliance Deviations

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

PSA-ES098 Evaluation of Cable Types 0

Used at CNS for NFPA 805


Fire Plans CNS-FP-383 Generic Sea/Land Container, 2

Elevation - Various

Miscellaneous NFPA 805 Monitoring

Program Periodic Assessment


6871020P77- ASTRO 25 Integrated Voice November

A and Data GTR 8000 Base 2011


CO- Nuclear Electric Insurance November

161117PER Limited Property Loss Control 2016

Comprehensive Evaluation


CO- Nuclear Electric Insurance November

171130PER Limited Property Loss Control 2017

Comprehensive Evaluation


Engineering NFPA 805 Fire Protection 3

Report 2015- Monitoring Program


LO 2018-0034 Fire Protection Program Self- 01/31/2019


TMN Battery Explosion/Shutdown 20

SKL0515159 from Outside the Control


TRM T3.11 Technical Requirements 10/17/2016

Manual - Fire Protection


USAR Updated Safety Analysis 04/26/2018

Volume X, Report - Fire Protection

Section 9 System

USAR Fire Protection Program 09/14/2015

Volume XIII,

Section 10.0

Procedures NFPA 805 Portable Lighting 0


0-Barrier- Reactor Building 13


0-CNS-OU- Cooper Shutdown Safety 6

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

108 Management Program

0.23 CNS Fire Protection Plan 79

0.50.5 Outage Shutdown Safety 40

15.FP.307 Halon 1301 Computer Room 10

Fire Suppression Surveillance


15.FP.307 Halon 1301 Computer Room 9

Fire Suppression Surveillance


15.FP.650 Fire Locker and Hazardous 23

Material Response Inventory

15.FP.652 Critical Switchgear Room Duct 5

Wrap Visual Examination

2.2.4 Communication Systems 58

2.4CSCS Inadvertent CSCS Initiation 9

2.4FPC Fuel Pool Cooling Trouble 37

3-CNS-DC- Fire Protection Program 2

28 Change Review

3-CNS-DC- Fire Protection Engineering 0

179 Evaluations

3-CNS-DC- NFPA 805 Monitoring 1

357 Program

3-EN-DC-115 Engineering Change Process 15C14

3-EN-DC-186 Fuse Control 0C0

3.49 Fire Protection Performance 0

Based Surveillance Test


3.6.3 Fire Barrier Control 21

5.1Incident Site Emergency Incident 39

5.3Alt- Alternate Core Cooling 59

Strategy Mitigating Strategies

5.3DC125 Loss of 125 VDC 43

5.4Fire-S/D Fire Induced Shutdown from 75

Outside Control Room

5.4Post-Fire- Control Building Post-Fire 5

Control Operational Control

5.4Post-Fire- Reactor Building Post-Fire 6

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

Reactor Operational Information

5.7COMMUN Communications 30

6.1FP.302 Fire Detector System 15

Examination (Division 1)

6.ADS.202 ADS Manual Valve Circuit 14

Continuity from ASD-ADS


6.ASDR.301 ASD Panel Instrument Checks 6

6.FP.101 Fire Pump Operability Test 42 and 43

6.FP.102 Annual Testing of Fire Pumps 33 and 36

6.FP.103 Diesel Fire Pump Examination 22

6.FP.201 Operations Cycling of Fire 15

Main Valves

6.FP.202 Hose Station Valve Operability 9

6.FP.203 Fire Damper Assembly 11

Examination (Fire Protection

System 24 Month


6.FP.204 Fire Door Examination 18

6.FP.301 Operations Power Block 22

Sprinkler System Testing

6.FP.302 Automatic Deluge and Pre- 27

Action Systems Testing

6.FP.304 Fire Detection System 13

Circuitry Operability

6.FP.306 Fire Detection Systems 21


6.FP.314 Panel 9-32 and 9-33 Incipient 5

Smoke Detector Testing

6.FP.604 Fire Door Full Examination 29

6.FP.606 Fire Barrier/Penetration Seal 25

Visual Examination

6.FP.608 License Required Firefighting 28

Equipment Examination

6.FP.610 Yard Hydrant Flow Check and 22, 27, and

Fire Protection System Flow 29


6.HPCI.102 HPCI Test Mode Surveillance 29

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

Operation From ASD-HPCI


6.RHR.201 RHR Motor Operated Valve 7

Operability Test from

ASD-RHR Panel Pipe Penetration Seal 1

Installation Using Gasket

Placement Fire Seal Installation - Internal 14

Conduit Using 3M Calk 3M Interam E-5A Fire Wrap 13

Fire Resistive Assembly Promat-H Board Fire Barrier 10

Installation and Repair

TPP 201 CNS Licensed Personnel 73

Requalification Program

TPP 204 Non-Licensed Nuclear Plant 64

Operator Training Program

TTP 0206 Fire Brigade 26

TTP 0207 Fire Brigade Drills and 6


Self- 2015-0031-31 NFPA 805 Monitoring 12/20/2018

Assessments Program Periodic Assessment


QAD 2917- QA Audit 17-02, Fire 03/29/2017

0006 Protection

Work Orders 5028696 5028698 5057857

5058485 5070809 5077089

5085188 5102729 5118016

5118581 5125115 5125116

28988 5138324 5150832

5164653 5172539 5173795

5176537 5177517 5180034

5195504 5208766 5210075

234943 5252419 6166654


SUNSI Review: ADAMS: Non-Publicly Available Non-Sensitive Keyword: NRC-002

By: JMM Yes No Publicly Available Sensitive


NAME SAlferink BCorrell CStott JMateychick JDrake JKozal JDrake


DATE 5/22/2019 5/23/2019 5/21/2019 5/22/2019 5/22/2019 5/27/2019 5/30/2019