IR 05000298/2024010

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Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection Report 05000298/2024010
Person / Time
Site:  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/2024
From: Vincent Gaddy
To: Dia K
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
IR 2024010
Download: ML24114A250 (21)


April 24, 2024



Dear Khalil Dia:

On April 4, 2024, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) completed an inspection at Cooper Nuclear Station and discussed the results of this inspection with you and other members of your staff. The results of this inspection are documented in the enclosed report.

No NRC-identified or self-revealing findings were identified during this inspection.

A licensee-identified violation which was determined to be of very low safety significance is documented in this report. We are treating this violation as a non-cited violation (NCV)

consistent with Section 2.3.2 of the Enforcement Policy.

If you contest the violation or the significance or severity of the violation documented in this inspection report, you should provide a response within 30 days of the date of this inspection report, with the basis for your denial, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ATTN:

Document Control Desk, Washington, DC 20555-0001; with copies to the Regional Administrator, Region IV; the Director, Office of Enforcement; and the NRC Resident Inspector at Cooper Nuclear Station.

This letter, its enclosure, and your response (if any) will be made available for public inspection and copying at and at the NRC Public Document Room in accordance with Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 2.390, Public Inspections, Exemptions, Requests for Withholding.

Sincerely, Vincent G. Gaddy, Chief Engineering Branch 1 Division of Operating Reactor Safety Docket No. 05000298 License No. DPR-46


As stated

Inspection Report

Docket Number: 05000298

License Number: DPR-46

Report Number: 05000298/2024010

Enterprise Identifier: I-2024-010-0018

Licensee: Nebraska Public Power District

Facility: Cooper Nuclear Station

Location: Brownville, NE

Inspection Dates: March 18, 2024 to April 04, 2024

Inspectors: J. Braisted, Senior Reactor Inspector W. Cullum, Senior Reactor Inspector R. Deese, Senior Reactor Analyst S. Kobylarz, Contractor R. Kumana, Senior Reactor Inspector D. Reinert, Senior Reactor Inspector F. Thomas, Senior Reactor Inspector J. Zudans, Contractor

Approved By: Vincent G. Gaddy, Chief Engineering Branch 1 Division of Operating Reactor Safety



The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) continued monitoring the licensees performance by conducting a Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection at Cooper Nuclear Station, in accordance with the Reactor Oversight Process. The Reactor Oversight Process is the NRCs program for overseeing the safe operation of commercial nuclear power reactors.

Refer to for more information. A licensee-identified non-cited violation is documented in report section: 71111.21M.

List of Findings and Violations

No findings or violations of more than minor significance were identified.

Additional Tracking Items



Inspections were conducted using the appropriate portions of the inspection procedures (IPs) in effect at the beginning of the inspection unless otherwise noted. Currently approved IPs with their attached revision histories are located on the public website at Samples were declared complete when the IP requirements most appropriate to the inspection activity were met consistent with Inspection Manual Chapter (IMC) 2515, Light-Water Reactor Inspection Program - Operations Phase. The inspectors reviewed selected procedures and records, observed activities, and interviewed personnel to assess licensee performance and compliance with Commission rules and regulations, license conditions, site procedures, and standards.


===71111.21M - Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection

The inspectors evaluated the following components and listed applicable attributes, permanent modifications, and operating experience:

Structures, Systems, and Components (SSCs) (IP section 03.01)===

(1) Suppression Chamber Inlet Outboard Isolation Valve PC-AOV-237AV
  • Calculations for maximum expected differential pressure, capability, and accumulator sizing
  • Valve and actuator vendor manuals for installation, operation, and maintenance
  • Inservice testing records including procedures and results for position indication, leakage, opening, and closing
  • Diagnostic testing records including procedures and results
  • Maintenance work order history records of replacing the valve seal and rebuilding the valve actuator
  • Corrective action program documents
(2) Residual Heat Removal Pump RHR-P-1D
  • Vendor manuals and recommendations
  • Corrective action program documents
  • Net positive suction head requirements
  • Pump runout condition calculations
  • Preventative maintenance tasks
  • Visual inspection of the as-built configuration and material condition
(3) Steam Supply Valve to Reactor Core Isolation Cooling Turbine RCIC-MOV-MO131
  • RCIC turbine steam supply valve design and construction
  • Valve drawings
  • RCIC system design calculations
  • Valve preventative maintenance tasks
  • MOV diagnostic testing
  • Walkdown of portions of the RCIC system
  • Vendor manuals and recommendations
(4) Emergency Diesel Generator 1A
  • Diesel generator system design criteria document
  • Vendor manuals and recommendations
  • Corrective action program documents
  • Preventative maintenance tasks
  • Visual inspection of the as-built configuration and material condition
  • Diesel fuel oil properties and testing
  • Calculations for fuel oil consumption, starting air capacity, and load sequencing
  • Diesel generator room ventilation
  • Diesel generator reliability monitoring
(5) Division II 250VDC Switchgear Bus 1B
  • DC electrical distribution system design criteria document
  • Visual inspection of switchgear for as-built configuration and material condition
  • Voltage analysis
  • Preventive maintenance and periodic verification testing
  • Component maintenance history
  • System health report
  • Corrective action documents
(6) Startup Station Service Transformer EE-XFMR-SU
  • AC electrical distribution system design criteria document
  • Visual inspection of transformer for as-built configuration and material condition
  • Vendor manual for transformer rating
  • Load flow and voltage analysis
  • Preventive maintenance and periodic verification testing
  • Condition monitoring for transformer and load tap changer
  • Component maintenance history
  • System health report
  • Corrective action documents
(7) 460V Motor Control Center (MCC) LX
  • AC electrical distribution system design criteria document
  • Visual inspection of motor control center and CDP1A for as-built configuration and material condition
  • Voltage analysis for MCC LX and CDP1A
  • Preventive maintenance and periodic verification testing
  • Component maintenance history
  • System health report
  • Corrective action documents
(8) High Pressure Coolant Injection Motor Operated Valve HPCI-MOV-MO19
  • Calculations for maximum expected differential pressure and line pressure, torque and thrust setpoints, and thermal binding and the seismic/weak-link analysis
  • HPCI system piping and instrumentation diagram and the MOV electrical schematic diagram
  • Valve and actuator vendor manuals for installation, operation, and maintenance
  • Inservice testing records including procedures. trends and results for position indication, leakage, opening, and closing
  • Diagnostic and dynamic testing records including procedures and results
  • Maintenance work order history records of visual inspections, packing adjustments, lubrications, and overhaul
  • Operating experience evaluations related to MOV actuators, pressure locking and thermal binding, and wedge pin and stem-disc separation failures
  • Corrective action program documents related to an IST test result in the alert range
(9) High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) Pump HPCI-P-MP
  • HPCI piping and instrumentation diagram
  • Vendor manuals and recommendations
  • Review of critical speed analysis for booster and HPCI pump
  • Piping analysis to confirm pump nozzle load allowables
  • Corrective action program documents
  • Net positive suction head requirements
  • Pump inservice testing results and trends with anomaly explanations
  • Pump runout condition calculations
  • Preventative maintenance tasks
  • Maintenance performed on leaking steam bypass line
  • Visual inspection of the as-built configuration and material condition
(10) Residual Heat Removal Motor Operated Valve RHR-MOV-039B
  • Motor operated valve (MOV) and environmental qualification program documents, inservice testing plan, and HPCS system design basis document
  • Calculations for maximum expected differential pressure and line pressure, torque and thrust setpoints, and thermal binding and the seismic/weak-link analysis
  • Valve and actuator vendor manuals for installation, operation, and maintenance
  • Inservice testing records including procedures, trends and results for position indication, leakage, opening, and closing
  • Diagnostic and dynamic testing records including procedures and results
  • Maintenance work order history records of visual inspections, packing adjustments, lubrications, and overhaul
  • Replacement of this valve due to stem misalignment
  • Operating experience evaluations related to magnesium rotors on MOV actuators, pressure locking and thermal binding, and wedge pin and stem-disc separation failures
  • Corrective action program documents related to an overthrust condition
  • Visual inspection of the as-built configuration and material condition

Modifications (IP section 03.02) (5 Samples)

(1) DEC-4947302, Replacement for Pressure Switch CNS-2-HPCI-PS-2787
(2) DEC-5367932, RF-CV-15CV Feed Water Check Valve
(3) DEC-5402514, Replacement Rear End Oil Supply Hoses for DGLO System
(4) DEC-5402492, 250 VDC Inter Rack Connection Cables
(5) TCC-5463133, Alternate 480 Volt Feed for REC Pump B

10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations/Screening (IP section 03.03) (20 Samples)

(1) Evaluation 2022-1, Compensatory Measure to Isolate Flow to the E Bay J4-C Sparger
(2) Evaluation 2023-2, DC 4411089, 316b Fish Return System
(3) Evaluation 2023-01, EC 22-001, Reactor Building Post-DBA Pressure Analysis Update to Address Temperature Sensitivity
(4) PAD 202523, SWBP-D Caution Order - Comp Measure Screen
(5) PAD 202524, HPCI-SW-SSV88 Control Switch Installation
(6) PAD 202535, Reactor Pressure Vessel Internal Core Spray Flaw Evaluation Handbook
(7) PAD 202548, TCC 5474742, Installation of Jumper and Parallel Trip Channel A1 and A2 in the Group Isolation Logic
(8) PAD 202513, EE 22-009, SW-MOV-888MV Open Limit Switch Change
(9) PAD 202521, EE 22-011, SW-MOV-MO89A/B Open Limit Switch Change
(10) PAD 202527, HV-RC-R-1E LOW FLOW - Comp Measure Screen
(11) PAD 202528, CM 5450776 - Small Flame Ignited During Hot work Screen
(12) PAD 202538, EE 22-017, Extend the Qualified Life of Grayboots Connectors
(13) PAD 202557, EC 20-028, NEDC 07-033 Rev 2 RPV Internals Fluence Evaluation Authorization
(14) PAD 202592, RCIC Jumpers for RCIC Turbine Trip on High Water Level Screen
(15) PAD 202536, TCC 5463133 Alternate 480 Volt Feed for REC Pump B
(16) PAD 202614, TCC-5493954 Temp Power During 4160V F Outage
(17) PAD 202549, Piping Around MS-V-70 Leaking
(18) PAD 202568, Revise Limiting Component Analysis for AOG Steam Supply Upstream Shutoff Motor-Operated Valve (RHR-MOV-920MV)
(19) PAD 202569, HPCI Injection Check Valve Position Indication
(20) PAD 202579, Alternate Feed for Exhaust Fan EF-R-1A

Operating Experience Samples (IP section 03.04) (3 Samples)

(1) LO-2021-0051-012, Review the information provided from BWROG Licensing Committee TSTF-580r0
(2) LO-2021-0089-002, Omission of Off-Rated Conditions for High Energy Line Break Analyses
(3) LO-2023-0008-009, Interim Report Notification Pursuant to 10 CFR Part 21, Regarding Tyco (Agastat) Relay Failures


Licensee-Identified Non-Cited Violation 71111.21M This violation of very low safety significance was identified by the licensee and has been entered into the licensee corrective action program and is being treated as a non-cited violation, consistent with Section 2.3.2 of the Enforcement Policy.

Violation: Tile 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Appendix B, Criterion III, Design Control, requires, in part, that design control measures shall provide for verifying or checking the adequacy of design, such as by the performance of design reviews, by the use of adequate or simplified calculational methods, or by the performance of a suitable testing program. Contrary to this requirement, from June 15, 1981 until September 6, 2023, design control measures did not provide for checking the adequacy of design, such as by the performance of design reviews, by the use of adequate or simplified calculational methods, or by the performance of a suitable testing program. Specifically, the design basis operation of RCIC-MOV-MO131, steam supply valve for reactor core isolation cooling turbine, as described in UFSAR Section IV-7.5 was not correctly verified or checked in calculation NEDC 91-079. UFSAR Section IV-7.5 correctly states that RCIC-MOV-MO131 closes on a Level 8 signal. As the RCIC turbine slows, the trip and throttle valve, MO14, closes on low oil pressure. However, NEDC 91-079 incorrectly stated that MO14 closes prior to MO131. As a result, NEDC 91-079 assumed that MO131 is designed to close against 0 psid. The licensee determined that using the system operation described in the UFSAR, MO131 would have to close against 1112 psid. This resulted in a -39% margin for MO131 (in the closed direction).

The licensee analytically regained positive margin by removing conservatism and changing assumptions in calculation NEDC 91-079.

Significance/Severity: Green. The inspectors assessed the significance of the finding using IMC 0609 Appendix A, "The Significance Determination Process (SDP) for Findings At-Power." The inspectors used Exhibit 2 - Mitigating Systems Screening Questions, Item A, and determined that the finding screened to Green since the finding was a deficiency affecting the design or qualification of a mitigating SSC and the SSC maintained its operability or PRA functionality.

Corrective Action References: CR-CNS-2023-02885


The inspectors verified no proprietary information was retained or documented in this report.

  • On April 4, 2024, the inspectors presented the Comprehensive Engineering Team Inspection results to Khalil Dia and other members of the licensee staff.


Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

71111.21M Calculations 3-EN-DC-126 Aux. Power System Load Flow and Voltage Analysis 3C6

96007TR-6 Limiting Component Analysis For Valve Nos. RHR-MOV- 3



EC-23-002 Revise Limiting Component Analysis for AOG Steam Supply 7/3/2023

Upstream Shutoff Motor-Operated Valve (RHR-MOV-


EDS CALC 0640- HPCI Pump Turbine Nozzle Loads 0


EDS CALC 0640- HPCI Pump Turbine Nozzle Loads 0


ER-5.0 Equipment Inaccuracy Summary for Motor Operated Valves 28

NEDC 00-003 Aux. Power System Load Flow and Voltage Analysis 10

NEDC 00-042 AC MOV Voltage Drop Calculation 3

NEDC 00-049 Containment Spray Flow Rate for RHR Mode C2 3

NEDC 00-065 Functional and MEDP Evaluation for PC-AOV-237AV 1, 1C1, 1C2,


NEDC 00-110 MOV Program Valve Margin Determination 16

NEDC 00-111 Auxiliary Power System Loads 10

NEDC 01-029B HPCI Pump Operability Evaluation for 180 F Cooling Water 0


NEDC 05-013 AOV Component Level Calculation for PC-AOV-237AV 1, 1C1

NEDC 07-056 Reactor Building Post-DBA Pressure Analysis at Cooper 2

Nuclear Station

NEDC 10-070 Emergency Diesel Day Tank Vent Survival Subsequent to a 2

Tornado Strike Sealing the Vents

NEDC 11-072 Diesel Generator Starting Air (DGSA) Air Receiver Sizing 1


NEDC 11-077 DG Day Oil Tank Vent Line Missile Protection Evaluation 1

NEDC 12-007 Startup Transformer Differential Relay Calculation 4

NEDC 12-039 DG Jacket Water Pump NPSH Design Calculation 1

NEDC 15-020 Owner Acceptance of TetraTech Calculation CNS001-194- 1

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

4933-001 "Calculation of HCVS Flow Rate and Vent Size"

NEDC 15-022 Owner Acceptance of TetraTech Calculation CNS001-194- 2

4933-003 "Calculation of HCVS Condensation Flow Rate

and Amount"

NEDC 15-026 Owner Acceptance of TetraTech Calculation CNS001-194- 2

4933-007 "Mechanical ROS Nitrogen Calculation"

NEDC 85-071 Emergency Diesel Generators 1A&1B Load Study 1

NEDC 87-051 Emergency Diesel Generator Day Tank Capacities 3C1

NEDC 87-052 Emergency Diesel Generator Storage Tank Fuel Capacities 5

NEDC 88-190 Essential Pump Minimum Flow Susceptibility 6/29/1988

NEDC 88-211 Preliminary Evaluation of DG HVAC Cooling Capability 0

NEDC 88-233 Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel Requirements 2

NEDC 91-078 System Level Design Basis Review of High Pressure 4

Coolant Injection (HPCI) System Program MOVs

NEDC 91-079 System Level Design Basis Review for Reactor Core 4

Isolation Cooling System MOV's

NEDC 91-080 System Level Design Basis Review of Residual Heat 7

Removal (RHR) System Program MOVs

NEDC 91-083F Component Design Basis Review for HPCI-MOV-MO19 3

NEDC 91-088E Review of ADVENT LCA Calculation 96007TR-22 Rev. 1 for 3


NEDC 91-089D Review of ADVENT LCA Calculation 96007TR-10, Rev. 0 3

for RCIC-MOV-MO131

NEDC 91-090l Review of ADVENT LCA Calculation 96007TR-06, R/3 for 11

RHR-MOV-M039A and B

NEDC 91-090O Review of ADVENT LCA Calculation 96007TR-26 for RHR- 3


NEDC 92-073 Accumulator Sizing and Recharge Time for PC-237AV and 2


NEDC 94-018 Critical Control Power Panels Calculation 8

NEDC 94-034B CNS Containment System Response for NPS Analysis 2

NEDC 94-037 Thrust Rating Increase of Limitorque SMB/SB Actuators ( 1

Sizes 000 through 2)

NEDC 94-037 Thrust Rating Increase of Limitorque SMB/SB Actuators 3C6

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

( Sizes 000 through 2)

NEDC 95-003 Determination of Allowable Operating Parameters for CNS 38

MOV Program MOVs

NEDC 95-003 Determination of Allowable Operating Parameters for CNS 38C2

MOV Program MOVs

NEDC 96-025B Review of Advent LCA Calculation 96007TR-41B, Rev. 1 for 1, 1C1

PC-MOV-232MV and -233MV

NEDC 96-039 DC Powered Motor Operated Valve Stroke Time and 10

Capability Calculation

NEDC 97-012 Emergency Diesel Generator Fuel On-Site Storage 3C1

Technical Specification Requirements

NEDC 97-044A NPSH Margins for the RHR and CS Pumps 4

NEDC 97-044B NPSH Margins for the CS, RHR, and HPCI Pumps during 1

an SSLB Scenario

NEDC 97-044C NPSH Margins for the RHR and HPCI Pumps for an 2

Appendix R Event

NEDC 97-044D RHR and HPSI NPSH Margins for ATWS Event 2

Corrective Action Condition Report 2015-01052, 2015-01513, 2015-04251, 2017-00771, 2017-

Documents (CR-CNS-) 00322, 2020-00354, 2020-04970, 2021-05402, 2021-05416,

22-05019, 2022-03146, 2022-03217, 2022-03241, 2022-

245, 2022-03253, 2022-03475, 2022-04181, 2022-04347,

22-04412, 2022-04949, 2022-05019, 2022-06063, 2022-

06539, 2022-06580, 2022-06919, 2023-00628, 2023-01263,

23-01709, 2023-04829, 2014-04567, 2022-06750, 2022-

06934, 2021-01942, 2021-05871, 2022-02191, 2020-04438,

20-04739, 2020-06278, 2022-00626, 2022-02221, 2022-

03332, 2022-03479, 2022-03496, 2022-03501, 2022-04507,

23-00400, 2023-02885, 2023-02896, 2024-00793, 2024-


Corrective Action Condition Report 2024-01026, 2024-01087, 2024-01089, 2024-01091, 2024-

Documents (CR-CNS-) 01092, 2024-01094, 2024-01095, 2024-01096, 2024-01097,

Resulting from 2024-01108, 2024-01109, 2024-01110, 2024-01120, 2024-

Inspection 01130, 2024-01132, 2024-01137, 2024-01141, 2024-01171,

24-01190, 2024-01210, 2024-01218, 2024-01222, 2024-

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

237, 2024-01242, 2024-01310, 2024-01328, 2024-01331,

24-01334, 2024-01335

Drawings 2040 SH 2 Flow Diagram Residual Heat Removal Sys Loop "B" 04/02/2019

2043 Flow Diagram Reactor Core Isolation Coolant and Reactor 3

Feed Systems

2044 Flow Diagram - High Pressure Coolant Injection and 10/9/2019

Reactor Feed Systems Cooper Nuclear Station

2331-6-4 Pump Detail 3

3001 Main One Line Diagram 37

3006, Sheet 5 Auxiliary One Line Diagram Starter Racks LZ and TZ, 0

MCCs K, L, LX, RA, RX, S, T, TX, X

3009, Sheet 11 ADHR One Line Diagram 11

3010, Sheet 2 Critical Distribution Panel CDP1A Load & Fuse Schedule 17

3010, Sheet 7 Cooper Nuclear Station Critical Control Panel CCP1A Load AK

and Fuse Schedule

3012, Sheet 2 Main Three Line Diagram 11

3058 DC One Line Diagram 70

253, Sheet LX-1 480V Motor Control Center LX, Connection Wiring Diagram 19


455082381 2 Stage- DVMX Pump Byron Jackson Division, Borg-Warner NO1

Corp. IF =5824

29E21188 Residual Heat Removal System Process Diagram 6

777-3 3" - 900# Globe Valve - R.S. Pressure Seal CAST Carbon B

Steel - Stellite Trim - B.W. Ends SMB-00 Motor Operator

791E264 Sheet 1 Elementary Diagram RCIC Sys AH

791E264 Sheet 2 Elementary Diagram RCIC Sys AC

791E271 Sheet 9 Cooper Nuclear Station HPCI System Elementary Diagram AB

791E545 RCIC Relay Cabinet Connection Diagrams AG

D0048395 CBR E

E 4707 HPCI Pump Drives S

E 4803 HPCI Steam Turbine Drive F

E50, Sheet 11 Relay Settings for Start-up and Emergency Transformers 24

E501 SH 31A Integrated Control Circuit Diagram RCIC-MOV-MO131 N01

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

Steam Supply to RCIC Turbine

F79110, Sheet 1 Nameplate 5

of 2

F79110, Sheet 2 Nameplate 5

of 2

F791130, Sheet 1 Transformer Outline 01

of 2

F791130, Sheet 2 Transformer Outline 3

of 2

F791150, Sheet 1 Schematic Diagram 8

of 5

F791150, Sheet 2 Schematic Diagram 01

F791150, Sheet 3 Schematic Diagram 6

of 5

F791150, Sheet 4 Schematic Diagram 6

of 5

F791150, Sheet 5 Schematic Diagram 01

of 5

K499A-0218EF Sudden Pressure Switch Operation 06/26/2020

KSV-10-NP Lube Oil Header Connections AB

KSV46-5 Lube Oil Schematic AB

M-9441, Sheet 1 Battery Arrangement 2 Step EP3 (2) Sets of (120) LCR-25 02


W8221518 18 - 300# Weld Ends Carbon Steel Flex Wedge Gate 2

Valve for SMB-2-60 Limitorque Actuator

Engineering 5402514 Replacement Rear End Oil Supply Hoses for DGLO System 0

Changes 5459929 Control Room AC Unit Insulation Removal 0

74-120 RCIC Remote Trip-Throttle Valve Reset 9/16/1974

81-003 RCIC, Modification of RCIC Turbine Trip & Reset 1/9/1981

CED 2001-0019 Elimination of Pressure Locking and RHR-MOV-39A, RHR- 1


CED 6018461 Agastat TDR Solid State Upgrades 3

CED 6036742 Reliable Hardened Containment Venting System 10/19/2015

DC 90-174A.1 RHR SWBP Gland Water System Removal 03/23/1993

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

DC-93-050-1 Appendix J Testing in the Accident direction (Pressure 07/16/1998

Locking Mod on HPCI-MOV-MO19)

EC 20-028 NEDC 07-033 Rev 2 RPV Internals Fluence Evaluation 0


EC-4947302 Replacement for Pressure Switch CNS-2-HPCI-PS-2787 1

MP 96-054 Modification and Replacement of Several Low Margin 89-10 10/27/1996


TCC 5474742 Installation of Jumper to Bypass Trip Logic A-1 from Group 0


Engineering EE 10-060 Evaluation of the Diesel Generator Fuel Oil Tank Vents after 1

Evaluations a Tornado Strike

EE 22-016 CNS RPV Internal Core Spray Flaw Evaluation Handbook 0

Miscellaneous IST Reference/Acceptance Limits Data File 273

RHR System Health Report December


24840E Bettis G/GH/GHC Series Pneumatic Actuators Service G


2579 Alternate Feed for Exhaust Fan EF-R-lA 0

3959515 Tap Changer Activity Signature Analysis 12/27/2023

3959516 Tap Changer Activity Signature Analysis 12/27/2023

3961172 Dissolved Gas Analysis Report 03/08/2024

DCD-04 AC Electrical Distribution System Design Criteria 05/08/2023

DCD-05 DC Electrical Distribution System Design Criteria 03/12/2020


EDQP 2.136 Environmental Qualification Data Package Square-D 0

Pressure Switch 9012GBW1

F7911_X3 Doble Test 06/26/2020

IST Basis Cooper Nuclear Station Inservice Testing Program Basis 15

Document Document

IST Program CNS Fifth Interval Inservice Testing Program for Pumps and 7

Document Valves

IST Program IST Reference/Acceptance Limits Data File 280


K499A-0218EF Sudden Pressure Switch Operation 06/26/2020

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

LO-2023-0006- Perform vulnerability review for BWROG23-2-112 01/30/2024


MOV CIC - MOV Suppression Chamber Cooling B Outboard Isolation 2/5/2024

Data Base

MPR-2383 Independent Technical Evaluation of Main Bearing Lube Oil 1

Hose Degradation and Maintenance Intervals

NED 88-001 Evaluation of Minimum Flow Stability for CNS Essential 07/28/95

Centrifugal Pumps

Notification EE - FUSE - (10A-F15A) Blown 04/6/2023



T-31347-1 HPCI Pump Performance Curve 01/19/1970

T-31378-1 HPCI Booster Pump Performance Curve 01/28/1970

VM-0075 Terry Steam Turbine RCIC Pump Drive 48


VM-0245 KSV Diesel Engine Operation and Maintenance A

VM-2173 Delta Star Startup Station Service Transformer - Vendor 0


VM0000227 Anchor Darling Cast Flex Wedge Gate Valves - Vendor 2

Technical Manual

VM0000986 Limitorque SMB Series /SB - Vendor Technical Manual 07/2014

Procedures 0-CNS-LI-100 Process Applicability Determination 4

0-CNS-LI-101 10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations 3

0-CNS-LI-102 Corrective Action Process 17


0.41 Seismic Housekeeping 14

0.5.OPS Operations Review of Condition Reports/Operability 66


11.14 Communication Cable and Component Installation 10


14.HPCI.310 HPCI Turbine Oil Pressure Channel Calibration 07/25/2018

15.TX.302 Surveillance (NON-TECH-SPEC) Procedure Startup 3

Transformer Cooling System Functional Test

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date Time Critical Operator Actions 9

2.2.15 System Operating Procedure Startup Transformer 69

2.2.15.A Startup Transformer Component Checklist 0 Division 14160 V Division 1Distribution Support 10 System Operating Procedure 250VDC Electrical System 24

(DIV 2)

2.2.33 High Pressure Coolant Injection System 92 High Pressure Coolant Injection System Operations 45

2.2.33A High Pressure Coolant Injection System Component 33


2.2.47A HVAC Reactor Building Component Checklist 22

2.2.69 Residual Heat Removal System 106

2.2.69 Residual Heat Removal System 11/16/2022 RHR LPCI Mode 07/06/2022 RHR LPSI Mode 38


2.2A.DG.DIV1 Standby AC Power System (Diesel Generator) Component 8

Checklist (Div 1)

2.2A_250DC.DIV2 System Operating Procedure 250 VDC Power Checklist 2


2.2A_480.RX 480 VAC Reactor Building Breaker Checklist 05/24/2023

2.3_9-3-2 Alarm Procedure Panel 9-3 Anunciator 9-3-2 39

2.3_R-2 Alarm Procedure 05/24/2023

2.4SDC Shutdown Cooling Abnormal 18


3-EN-DC-115 Engineering Change Process 15C8

3-EN-DC-126 Engineering Calculation Process 3C6

3-EN-DC-134 Design Verification 5C4

3.33 Motor Operated Valve Program 27

3.4.4 Temporary Configuration Change 22



5.1WEATHER Operation During Weather Watches and Warnings 22

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date

5.3 EMPWR Emergency Power During Mode 1, 2, or 3 05/24/2023

5.3EMPWR Emergency Power During Modes 1, 2, or 3 80

5.8 Emergency Operating Procedures 48

5.8.1 RPV Pressure Control Systems 35

5.8.14 Suppression Pool Make Up and Let Down Systems 12

5.8.2 RPV [Reactor Pressure Vessel] Depressurization Systems 54

6.1 RHR.201 RHR Power Operated Valve Operability Test (1ST) (DIV 1) 27



6.2.RHR.101 RHR Test Mode Surveillance Operation (IST)(DIV 2) 05/11/2022

6.22EE.305 Surveillance Procedure Distribution System Breaker 8

Alignment (DIV 2)

6.2HV.601 Air Flow Test of Fan Coil Unit FC-R-1E (Div 2) 11

6.2RHR.201 RHR Power Operated Valve Operability Test (1ST) (DIV 2) 28

6.CSCS.402 Off-Line ECCS Injection Check Valve Operating IST Torque 21

Test and Position Indication Test

6.CSCS.403 Off-Line ECCS Injection Check Valve Position Indicator 9


6.DG.601 Diesel Fuel Oil Day Tank Particulate Contamination Test 21

6.DG.602 Diesel Fuel Oil Availability 26

6.DG.605 Diesel Fuel Oil Incoming Truck Sampling 25

6.EE.609 Surveillance Procedure 125/250V Station Battery Intercell 21

Connection Testing

6.HPCI.103 HPCI IST and 92 Day Test Mode 63

6.HPCI.201 HPCI Valve Operability Test (IST) 34

6.MISC.401 Position Indicator Inservice Testing (IST) 22

7-EN-DC-173 Leak Repair Evaluations 3C0 Diesel Generator Engine Mechanical Inspection 43


7.3.13 Motor Control Center and Auxiliary Shutdown Panels 28

Examination and Maintenance AGASTAT 7000 SERIES TIME DELAY PICKUP RELAY 5

Inspection Type Designation Description or Title Revision or

Procedure Date


7.3.2 Maintenance Procedure DC DB-25 and DB-50 Fused 24

Disconnect Testing and Maintenance

7.3.39 Inspection of 125/250 VDC Buses and Switchgear A and B 4


7.5.21 RHR-MO-39B Dynamic Test 2

7.5.3 MOV Diagnostics 13

7.5.35 Installation of Teledyne Quick Sensors(QSS) and Easy 11

Torque Thrust Sensors (ETT)



Work Orders Work Order (WO) 4551325, 4949513, 5069489, 5207578, 5209165, 5282826,

5311271, 5380905, 5381130, 5382720, 5382754, 5382757,

5385242, 5387873, 5408024, 5433802, 5434217, 5457083,

5393705, 5287229, 5503746, 5381679, 5385242, 5380905,

209165, 5069489, 5311271, 5387873, 5207578