ML23129A282 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Cooper ![]() |
Issue date: | 04/20/2023 |
From: | Dia K Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML23129A261 | List:
References | |
NLS2023022 | |
Download: ML23129A282 (18) | |
NLS2023022 April 20, 2023 Security-Related Information Withhold from Public Disclosure Under 10 CFR 2.390 H
Nebraska Public Power District Always there when you need us U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001
Updated Safety Analysis Report, Revision XXXI Cooper Nuclear Station, Docket No. 50-298, DPR-46
Dear Sir or Madam:
The purpose of this letter is to submit the thirty-first revision of the Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS)
Updated Safety Analysis Report (USAR), in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.71(e).
This revision covers the reporting cycle from February 23, 2021, through February 23, 2023.
This revision is being submitted electronically on CD-ROM on a total replacement basis.
Changes made during this reporting cycle can be identified by page revision dates during _the time period noted above, along with corresponding revision bars. Attachment 1 provides a listing of the document components included on each of the six enclosed CD-ROMs.
The following documents are incorporated in the USAR by reference and do not have a separate*
regulatory requirement for reporting of changes. Therefore; updated versions of these documents are provided on the enclosed CD-ROMs in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.71(e).*
CNS Technical Requirements Manual Limiting Conditions for Operation lnservice Inspection Program for Cooper Nuclear Station Selected Controlled Station Drawings Plant Unique Analysis Report (no changes this reporting period)
The CNS USAR has been reviewed for security-related information, as discussed in Regulatory Issue Summary 2015-17. As a result, Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) is submitting both a non-public version (Enclosures 1, 2A & 2B) and a public version with security-related information removed (Enclosures 3, 4A & 4B).
Enclosures 1, 2A, and 2B contain Security-Related Information.
When separated from these enclosures, the remainder of this document is decontrolled.
COOPER NUCLEAR STATION P.O. Box 98 / Brownville, NE 68321-0098 Telephone: (402) 825-3811 / Fax: (402) 825-5211
Security-Related Information Withhold from Public Disclosure Under 10 CFR 2.390 NLS2023022 Page 2 of 3 As specified by Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) 98-03, Revision 1, "Guidelines for Updating Final Safety Analysis Reports," a summary listing of USAR deletions made during this reporting period is included as Attachment 2.
In accordance with 10 CFR 54.37(b) and the guidance specified in Regulatory Issue Summary 2007-16, Revision 1, "Implementation of the Requirements of 10 CFR 54.37(b) for Holders of Renewed Licenses," the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) update required by 10 CFR 50.71(e) must include any structures, systems, and components (SSCs) newly identified that would have been subject to an aging management review or evaluation of time-limited aging analyses (TLM) in accordance with 10 CFR 54.21. This FSAR update must describe how the effects of aging will be managed such that the intended functions(s) in 10 CFR 54.4(b) will be effectively maintained during the period of extended operation. NPPD conducted reviews and determined there are no newly identified SSCs during the reporting period that would have been subject to an aging management review or evaluation as a TLM.
There were no commitment changes made during the reporting period that require reporting to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRG) per NEI 99-04, Revision 0, "Guidelines for Managing NRG Commitment Changes."
Pursuant to the requirements of 10 CFR 50.4 and guidance for electronic submissions to the NRG, copies are being provided to the NRG Region IV Office and the NRG Resident Inspector for CNS.
This letter does not contain new regulatory commitments.
If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Linda Dewhirst, Regulatory Affairs and Compliance Manager, at (402) 825-5416.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Executed On:
~ /J..o/ cl.o 23 Bate Sincerely,
Khalil Dia Site Vice President
/bk Enclosures 1, 2A, and 28 contain Security-Related Information.
When separated from these enclosures, the remainder of this document is decontrolled.
Security-Related Information Withhold from Public Disclosure Under 10 CFR 2.390 NLS2023022 Page 3 of 3 Attachments: 1 - List of Document Components on CD-ROMs 2 - Summary of USAR Deletions
Non-Public 1 -
USAR Revision XXXI and Additional Documents Incorporated by Reference, Non-Public Version (on CD-ROM) 2A - Station Drawings Incorporated in the USAR by Reference, Non-Public Version (on CD-ROM, 1 of 2) 2B - Station Drawings Incorporated in the USAR by Reference, Non-Public Version (on CD-ROM, 2 of 2)
Public 3 -
USAR Revision XXXI and Additional Documents Incorporated by Reference, Public Version (on CD-ROM) 4A - Station Drawings Incorporated in the USAR by Reference, Public Version (on CD-ROM, 1 of 2) 4B - Station Drawings Incorporated in the USAR by Reference, Public Version (on CD-ROM, 2 of 2) cc:
Regional Administrator, w/ Attachments and Enclosures 1, 2A, 2B USNRC - Region IV Cooper Project Manager, w/ Attachments and Enclosures 1, 2A, 2B USNRC - NRR Plant Licensing Branch IV Senior Resident Inspector, w/ Attachments and Enclosures 1, 2A, 2B USNRC-CNS Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, w/ Attachments and Enclosures 3, 4A, 4B Emergency Management NPG Distribution, w/ Attachments and w/o Enclosures CNS Records, w/ Attachments and Enclosures Enclosures 1, 2A, and 2B contain Security-Related Information.
When separated from these enclosures, the remainder of this document is decontrolled.
NLS2023022 Page 1 of 14 LIST OF DOCUMENT COMPONENTS ON CD-ROMS CD-ROM NO.1 USAR REVISION XXXI AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE NON-PUBLIC VERSION File Name 001 - USAR List of Effective PaQes.pdf 002 - USAR Table of Contents.pdf 003 - USAR List of Figures.pdf 004 - USAR List of Tables.pdf 005 - USAR Section 1.pdf 006 - USAR Section 1 Figures.pdf 007 - USAR Section I1.pdf 008 - USAR Section II FiQures.pdf 009 - USAR Section II1.pdf 010 - USAR Section Ill Fiqures.pdf 011 - USAR Section IV.pdf 012 - USAR Section IV Figures.pdf 013 - USAR Section V.pdf 014 - USAR Section V FiQures.pdf 015 - USAR Section Vl.pdf 016 - USAR Section VI Fiqures.pdf 017 - USAR Section Vll.pdf 018 - USAR Section VII Figures.pdf 019 - USAR Section Vlll.pdf 020 - USAR Section VIII Fiqures.pdf 021 - USAR Section IX.pdf 022 - USAR Section X.pdf 023 - USAR Section X FiQures.pdf 024 - USAR Section Xl.pdf 025 - USAR Section Xll.pdf 026 - USAR Section Xlll.pdf 027 - USAR Section XIII Figures.pdf 028 - USAR Section XIV.pdf 029 - USAR Section XIV FiQures.pdf 030 - USAR Aooendix A.pdf 031 - USAR Appendix B.pdf 032 - USAR Appendix C.pdf 033 - USAR Appendix C Figures.pdf 034 - USAR Appendix O.pdf 035 - USAR Appendix 0(1 ).pdf 036 - USAR Appendix 0(1) Figures.pdf 037 - USAR Appendix E.pdf 038 - USAR Appendix F.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 2 of 14 039 - USAR Appendix G.pdf CD-ROM NO. 1 CONTINUED 040 - USAR Aooendix G Fiaures.pdf 041 - USAR Appendix H.pdf 042 - USAR Aopendix J.pdf 043 - USAR Appendix K.odf 044 - Tech Req Manual Section 3.pdf 045 - ISi Proaram Document.odf 046 - Plant Unique Analvsis Reoort.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 3 of 14 CD-ROM NO. 2A STATION DRAWINGS INCORPORATED IN THE USAR BY REFERENCE NON-PUBLIC VERSION File Name 001 - Drawing 117C3346.pdf 002 - Drawing 117C3349.pdf 003-Drawing 161F282BC SH1.pdf 004-Drawing 197R567 SH1.pdf 005 - Drawina 197R576 SH1.pdf 006 - Drawing 2001 SH1.pdf 007 - Drawing 2001 SH2.pdf 008 - Drawinq 2002 SH1.pdf 009 - Drawina 2002 SH2. pdf 01 0 - Drawing 2004 SH1.odf 011 - Drawing 2004 SH2.pdf 012 - Drawina 2004 SH3.pdf 013 - Drawing 2006 SH1.pdf 014 - Drawing 2006 SH2.pdf 015 - Drawina 2006 SH3.pdf 016 - Drawina 2006 SH4.pdf 017 - Drawing 2007.pdf 018 - Drawing 2009.pdf 019-Drawina 2010 SH1.odf 020 - Drawing 2010 SH1A.pdf 021 - Drawina 201 0 SH2.odf 022 - Drawing 2010 SH3.pdf 023 - Drawina 2010 SH4.odf 024 - Drawino 2010 SH5.odf 025 - Drawino 2012 SH3.pdf 026 - Drawing 2016 SH1.pdf 027 - Drawina 2016 SH1A.pdf 028 - Drawing 2016 SH1B.pdf 029 - Drawing 2016 SH1C.pdf 030 - Drawing 2017.pdf 031 - Drawing 2018.pdf 032 - Drawina 2019 SH1.pdf 033 - Drawing 2019 SH2.pdf 034 - Drawing 2020.pdf 035 - Drawing 2021.pdf 036 - Drawing 2026 SH1.pdf 037 - Drawing 2027 SH1.pdf 038 - Drawina 2027 SH2.odf 039 - Drawing 2028.pdf 040 - Drawing 2030 SH1.pdf 041 - Drawing 2030 SH2.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 4 of 14 042 - Drawing 2031 SH1.pdf 043 - Drawing 2031 SH2.pdf 044 - Drawing 2031 SH3.pdf 045 - Drawing 2032 SH1.pdf 046 - Drawing 2032 SH2.pdf 047 - Drawing 2032 SH3.pdf 048 - Drawing 2032 SH4.pdf 049 - Drawing 2032 SH5.pdf 050 - Drawing 2033 SH1.pdf 051 - Drawing 2033 SH2.pdf 052 - Drawing 2033 SH3.pdf 053 - Drawing 2033 SH4.pdf 054 - Drawing 2034.pdf 055 - Drawing 2035 SH 1. pdf 056 - Drawing 2035 SH2.pdf 057 - Drawing 2035 SH3.pdf 058 - Drawing 2035 SH4.pdf 059 - Drawing 2036 SH1.pdf 060 - Drawing 2037.pdf 061 - Drawing 2038 SH1.pdf 062 - Drawing 2039.pdf 063 - Drawing 2040 SH1.pdf 064 - Drawing 2040 SH2.pdf 065 - Drawing 2042 SH1.pdf 066 - Drawing 2042 SH2.pdf 067 - Drawing 2042 SH3.pdf 068 - Drawing 2043.odf 069 - Drawing 2044.pdf 070 - Drawing 2045 SH1.pdf 071 - Drawing 2045 SH2.pdf 072 - Drawinq 2049 SH3.pdf 073 - Drawing 2050.pdf 074 - Drawing 2051.odf 075 - Drawing 2052.pdf 076 - Drawing 2053.odf 077 - Drawing 2054.pdf 078 - Drawing 2056.pdf 079 - Drawing 2059.pdf 080 - Drawing 2060.pdf 081 - Drawing 2061.pdf 082 - Drawing 2062.pdf 083 - Drawing 2063.pdf 084 - Drawing 2064.pdf 085 - Drawing 2065.pdf 086 - Drawing 2066.pdf CD-ROM NO. 2A CONTINUED
NLS2023022 Page 5 of 14 087 - Drawing 2067.pdf 088 - Drawing 2068.pdf 089 - Drawing 2069.odf 090 - Drawing 2072.pdf 091 - Drawing 2073.pdf 092 - Drawing 2079 SH1.pdf 093 - Drawing 2079 SH2.pdf 094 - Drawing 2080.pdf 095 - Drawing 2084.pdf 096 - Drawing 2298.pdf 097 - Drawing 3001.odf 098 - Drawing 3002 SH1.pdf 099 - Drawing 3003 SH2.pdf 100 - Drawing 3004 SH3.pdf CD-ROM NO. 2A CONTINUED
NLS2023022 Page 6 of 14 CD-ROM NO. 28 STATION DRAWINGS INCORPORATED IN THE USAR BY REFERENCE NON-PUBLIC VERSION File Name 101 - Drawing 3005 SH4.odf 102 - Drawing 3006 SH5.pdf 103 - Drawing 3007 SH6.odf 104 - Drawing 3009 SH1.pdf 105-Drawing 3010 SH1.odf 106 - Drawing 3058.odf 107 - Drawing 3070.pdf 108 - Drawing 3401.pdf 109 - Drawing 4003. odf 110- Drawing 4215.pdf 111 - Drawiml 4259 SH1.odf 112 - Drawing 4259 SH1A.pdf 113 - Drawing 4260 SH2A.odf 114 - Drawing 4260 SH2B.pdf 115 - Drawing 4286.odf 116 - Drawing 6000302 SH1.pdf 117 - Drawing 6000302 SH2.pdf 118-Drawing 719E415BB SH1.pdf 119-Drawing 719E479BB SH1.pdf 120 - Drawing 719E580BB SH1.pdf 121 - Drawing 729E174BB SH1.odf 122-Drawing 729E211BB.odf 123 - Drawing 729E222BB SH 1. pdf 124-Drawing 729E222BB SH2.pdf 125 - Drawing 729E222BB SH3.odf 126 - Drawing 729E223BB SH 1.pdf 127 - Drawing 729E223BB SH2.pdf 128 - Drawing 729E402BB SH1.odf 129-Drawing 729E471BB SH1.pdf 130 - Drawing 729E471BB SH2:pdf 131 - Drawing 729E471BB SH3.pdf 132 - Drawing 729E471 BB SH4.pdf 133 - Drawing 729E471 BB SH5.pdf 134-Drawing 729E4718B SH6.odf 135 - Drawing 729E471BB SH?.odf 136 - Drawing 729E517BC SH1.pdf 137 - Drawing 729E517BC SH2.pdf 138 - Drawing 729E517BC SH3.pdf 139-Drawing 729E589BB SH1.odf 140 - Drawing 729E589BB SH2.pdf 141 - Drawirn:::i 729E589BB SH3. pdf
NLS2023022 Page 7 of 14 CD-ROM NO. 2B CONTINUED 142 - Drawinq 729E719BC SH1.odf 143 - Drawing 729E720BB.pdf 144-Drawing 729E727BB SH1.pdf 145 - Drawing 729E727BB SH2.pdf 146 - Drawinq 729E727BB SH3.pdf 147 - Drawing 729E989 SH1.pdf 148-Drawing 730E100 SH1.pdf 149 - Drawinq 730E100 SH2.pdf 150- Drawing 730E140BB SH1.pdf 151 - Drawing 730E140BB SH2.pdf 152 - Drawing 730E140BB SH3.pdf 153-Drawinq 730E148BB SH1.pdf 154-Drawing 730E149BB SH1.pdf 155 - Drawing 730E1498B SH2.pdf 156 - Drawinq 730E1978B SH6B.odf 157 - Drawing 730E805BA SH 1. pdf 158 - Drawing 730E805BA SH6.pdf 159 - Drawing 730E805BA SH7.pdf 160 - Drawing 730E923.pdf 161 - Drawing 731 E611 SH1.pdf 162 - Drawing 791E257 SH3.pdf 163 - Drawing 791 E257 SH4.pdf 164 - Drawing 80E1143.pdf 165 - Drawing 80E1148.pdf 166 - Drawinq 919D690BC SH3.pdf 167 - Drawing 919D690BC SH5.pdf 168 - Drawinq 920D225BB SH1.odf 169-Drawing 921D796 SH1.pdf 170 - Drawinq CNSMS43.pdf 171 - Drawing CNSNBl10.pdf 172 - Drawing CP00 1 SH 1. pdf 173 - Drawing DPPPG6002043800 B008247-980500 SH5.pdf 174-Drawing ILE70-3 SH107B.pdf 175 - Drawinq ILE70-3 SH107C.pdf 176 - Drawing ILE70-3 SH107E.pdf 177 - Drawing ILE70-3 SH107F.pdf 178 - Drawing NC29546.pdf 179 - Drawinq NC44587.pdf 180 - Drawing SM085 SH4.pdf 181 - Drawinq SK101670R SH1.odf 182 - Drawing M200 SH1.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 8 of 14 CD-ROM NO. 3 USAR REVISION XXXI AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE PUBLIC VERSION File Name 001 - USAR List of Effective Pages.pdf 002 - USAR Table of Contents.pdf 003 - USAR List of Figures.pdf 004 - USAR List of Tables.pdf 005 - USAR Section 1.pdf 006 - USAR Section 1 Figures.pdf 007 - USAR Section I1.pdf 008 - USAR Section II Figures.pdf 009 - USAR Section II1.pdf 010 - USAR Section Ill Figures.pdf 011 - USAR Section IV.pdf 012 - USAR Section IV Figures.pdf 013 - USAR Section V.pdf 014 - USAR Section V Figures.pdf 015 - USAR Section Vl.pdf 016 - USAR Section VI Figures.pdf 017 - USAR Section Vll.pdf 018 - USAR Section VII Figures.pdf 019 - USAR Section Vlll.pdf 020 - USAR Section VIII Figures.pdf 021 - USAR Section IX.pdf 022 - USAR Section X.pdf 023 - USAR Section X Figures.pdf 024 - USAR Section Xl.pdf 025 - USAR Section Xll.pdf 026 - USAR Section Xlll.pdf 027 - USAR Section XIII Figures.pdf 028 - USAR Section XIV.pdf 029 - USAR Section XIV Figures.pdf 030 - USAR Appendix A.pdf 031 - USAR Appendix B.pdf 032 - USAR Appendix C.pdf 033 - USAR Appendix C Figures.pdf 034 - USAR Appendix O.pdf 035 - USAR Appendix 0(1 ).pdf 036 - USAR Appendix 0(1) Figures.pdf 037 - USAR Appendix E.pdf 038 - USAR Appendix F.pdf 039 - USAR Appendix G.pdf 040 - USAR Appendix G Figures.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 9 of 14 041 - USAR Aooendix H.pdf 042 - USAR Appendix J.pdf 043 - USAR Appendix K.pdf CD-ROM NO. 3 CONTINUED 044 - Tech Rea Manual Section 3.odf 045 - ISi Proqram Document.pdf 046 - Plant Unique Analysis Reoort.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 10 of 14 CD-ROM NO. 4A STATION DRAWINGS INCORPORATED IN THE USAR BY REFERENCE PUBLIC VERSION File Name 001 - Drawina 117C3346.odf 002 - Drawing 117C3349.pdf 003 - Drawing 161 F282BC SH 1. pdf 004-Drawina 197R567 SH1.odf 005 - Drawing 197R576 SH1.pdf 006 - Drawing 2001 SH1.pdf 007 - Drawing 2001 SH2.pdf 008 - Drawina 2002 SH1.odf 009 - Drawina 2002 SH2.odf 010- Drawing 2004 SH1.pdf 011 - Drawing 2004 SH2.pdf 012 - Drawina 2004 SH3.odf 013-Drawina 2006 SH1.pdf 014 - Drawina 2006 SH2.pdf 015 - Drawina 2006 SH3.pdf 016 - Drawing 2006 SH4.pdf 017 - Drawina 2007.odf 018 - Drawina 2009.pdf 019 - Drawing 2010 SH1.pdf 020 - Drawing 201 0 SH1A.pdf 021 - Drawina 2010 SH2.pdf 022 - Drawina 2010 SH3.pdf 023 - Drawina 2010 SH4.pdf 024 - Drawina 2010 SH5.pdf 025 - Drawina 2012 SH3.pdf 026 - Drawing 2016 SH1.pdf 027 - Drawina 2016 SH1A.pdf 028 - Drawina 2016 SH1B.odf 029 - Drawing 2016 SH1C.pdf 030 - Drawina 2017.odf 031 - Drawina 2018.pdf 032 - Drawina 2019 SH1.odf 033 - Drawing 2019 SH2.pdf 034 - Drawing 2020.pdf 035 - Drawing 2021.pdf 036 - Drawing 2026 SH1.pdf 037 - Drawing 2027 SH1.odf 038 - Drawing 2027 SH2.pdf 039 - Drawina 2028.odf 040 - Drawing 2030 SH1.pdf 041 - Drawing 2030 SH2.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 11 of 14 042 - Drawing 2031 SH1.odf 043 - Drawing 2031 SH2.pdf 044 - Drawinq 2031 SH3.odf 045 - Drawing 2032 SH1.pdf 046 - Drawinq 2032 SH2.odf 047 - Drawing 2032 SH3.pdf 048 - Drawing 2032 SH4.pdf 049 - Drawing 2032 SH5.pdf 050 - Drawinq 2033 SH1.pdf 051 - Drawinq 2033 SH2.pdf 052 - Drawing 2033 SH3.odf 053 - Drawing 2033 SH4.pdf 054 - Drawing 2034.pdf 055 - Drawing 2035 SH1.odf 056 - Drawing 2035 SH2.pdf 057 - Drawinq 2035 SH3.pdf 058 - Drawing 2035 SH4.pdf 059 - Drawinq 2036 SH1.pdf 060 - Drawinq 2037.pdf 061 - Drawing 2038 SH1.pdf 062 - Drawing 2039.pdf 063 - Drawing 2040 SH1.pdf 064 - Drawinq 2040 SH2.pdf 065 - Drawinq 2042 SH1.odf 066 - Drawing 2042 SH2.pdf 067 - Drawinq 2042 SH3.odf 068 - Drawing 2043.pdf 069 - Drawing 2044.pdf 070 - Drawing 2045 SH1.pdf 071 - Drawing 2045 SH2.pdf 072 - Drawing 2049 SH3.pdf CD-ROM NO. 4A CONTINUED 073 - Drawinq 2050 Withheld.odf 074 - Drawinq 2051 Withheld.pdf 075 - Drawing 2052 Withheld.pdf 076 - Drawinq 2053 Withheld.pdf 077 - Drawinq 2054 Withheld.odf 078 - Drawing 2056 Withheld.pdf 079 - Drawing 2059 Withheld.pdf 080 - Drawing 2060 Withheld.pdf 081 - Drawing 2061 Withheld.pdf 082 - Drawing 2062 Withheld.pdf 083 - Drawinq 2063 Withheld.odf 084 - Drawing 2064 Withheld.pdf 085 - Drawing 2065 Withheld.pdf 086 - Drawina 2066 Withheld.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 12 of 14 CD-ROM NO. 4A CONTINUED 087 - Drawing 2067 Withheld.pdf 088 - Drawing 2068 Withheld.pdf 089 - Drawing 2069 Withheld.odf 090 - Drawing 2072 Withheld.odf 091 - Drawing 2073 Withheld.pdf 092 - Drawing 2079 SH1.pdf 093 - Drawing 2079 SH2. pdf 094 - Drawing 2080.pdf 095 - Drawing 2084.pdf 096 - Drawing 2298 Withheld.pdf 097 - Drawing 3001.pdf 098 - Drawinq 3002 SH1.odf 099 - Drawing 3003 SH2.pdf 100 - Drawing 3004 SH3.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 13 of 14 CD-ROM NO. 48 STATION DRAWINGS INCORPORATED IN THE USAR BY REFERENCE PUBLIC VERSION File Name 101 - Drawing 3005 SH4.pdf 102 - Drawing 3006 SH5.pdf 103 - Drawinq 3007 SH6.pdf 104 - Drawinq 3009 SH1.pdf 105-Drawing 3010 SH1.pdf 106 - Drawinq 3058.odf 107 - Drawinq 3070.pdf 108 - Drawing 3401.pdf 109 - Drawinq 4003 Withheld.pdf 11 0 - Drawing 4215.pdf 111 - Drawing 4259 SH1.pdf 112 - Drawinq 4259 SH1A.pdf 113 - Drawinq 4260 SH2A.pdf 114 - Drawing 4260 SH2B.pdf 115 - Drawing 4286. pdf 116 - Drawinq 6000302 SH1.odf 117 - Drawing 6000302 SH2.pdf 118 - Drawing 719E415BB SH 1. pdf 119 - Drawinq 719E479BB SH1.odf 120- Drawing 719E580BB SH1.pdf 121 - Drawinq 729E174BB SH1.odf 122 - Drawing 729E211BB.pdf 123 - Drawinq 729E222BB SH1.pdf 124 - Drawing 729E222BB SH2.pdf 125 - Drawing 729E222BB SH3.pdf 126 - Drawing 729E223BB SH 1. pdf 127 - Drawinq 729E223BB SH2.odf 128-Drawing 729E402BB SH1.pdf 129 - Drawinq 729E4 71 BB SH 1. pdf 130 - Drawing 729E471BB SH2.pdf 131 - Drawing 729E471BB SH3.pdf 132 - Drawing 729E471 BB SH4.pdf 133 - Drawing 729E471 BB SH5.pdf 134 - Drawinq 729E471 BB SH6.pdf 135 - Drawing 729E471BB SH7.pdf 136 - Drawing 729E517BC SH1.pdf 137 - Drawing 729E517BC SH2.pdf 138 - Drawing 729E517BC SH3.pdf 139-Drawing 729E589BB SH1.pdf 140 - Drawinq 729E589BB SH2.odf 141 - Drawing 729E589BB SH3.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 14 of 14 CD-ROM NO. 48 CONTINUED 142-Drawinq 729E719BC SH1.pdf 143 - Drawinq 729E720BB.pdf 144-Drawing 729E727BB SH1.pdf 145 - Drawing 729E727BB SH2.pdf 146 - Drawinq 729E727BB SH3.pdf 147 - Drawing 729E989 SH1.pdf 148 - Drawing 730E100 SH1.pdf 149 - Drawing 730E100 SH2.pdf 150- Drawing 730E140BB SH1.pdf 151 - Drawing 730E140BB SH2.pdf 152 - Drawing 730E140BB SH3.pdf 153-Drawinq 730E148BB SH1.pdf 154-Drawing 730E149BB SH1.pdf 155 - Drawing 730E149BB SH2.pdf 156 - Drawing 730E1978B SH6B.pdf 157 - Drawinq 730E805BA SH1.pdf 158 - Drawing 730E805BA SH6.pdf 159 - Drawing 730E805BA SH7.pdf 160 - Drawing 730E923.pdf 161 - Drawing 731E611 SH1.pdf 162 - Drawinq 791 E257 SH3. pdf 163 - Drawing 791 E257 SH4.pdf 164 - Drawing 80E1143.pdf 165 - Drawing 80E1148.pdf 166 - Drawinq 919O690BC SH3.pdf 167 - Drawing 919D690BC SH5.pdf 168 - Drawing 920O2258B SH1.pdf 169 - Drawinq 9210796 SH 1. pdf 170 - Drawinq CNSMS43.pdf 171 - Drawing CNSNBl10.pdf 172-Drawinq CP001 SH1.pdf 173 - Drawing DPPPG6002043800 B008247-980500 SH5 Withheld.pdf 174 - Drawinq ILE70-3 SH107B.pdf 175 - Drawing ILE70-3 SH107C.pdf 176 - Drawinq ILE70-3 SH107E.pdf 177 - Drawing ILE70-3 SH107F.pdf 178 - Drawing NC29546.pdf 179 - Drawing NC44587.pdf 180 - Drawing SM085 SH4.pdf 181 - Drawinq SK101670R SH1.pdf 182-Drawinq M200 SH1.pdf
NLS2023022 Page 1 of 1 Section of Deletion X-
OF USAR DELETIONS Description of Deletion Basis for Deletion Deleted the types of portable fire Discussion of the types of portable fire extinguishing equipment.
extinguishers is excess detail and was replaced with a reference to the applicable National Fire Protection Association code of record for portable fire extinguishers.