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F1045 B. Watson Presentation - Decommissioning Process - PSDAR Mtg
Person / Time
Site: Kewaunee Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/2013
From: Watson B A
Feintuch K D
Shared Package
ML13168A570 List:
TAC MF1045
Download: ML13191B263 (20)


The US NRC's Power Reactor Decommissioning ProcessBruce A. Watson, CHPDivision Waste Management and EnvironmentalProtectionEnvironmental Protection Office of Federal and State Material Safety and Environmental Management ProgramsU.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC Regulations*10 CFR Part 20 Subpart E "License Termination Rule was implemented in 1997*10 CFR Part 50 -Operating License*10 CFR Part 72 -Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation License (ISFSI)2 Reactor Decommissioning Options*DECON: Equipment, structures, etc. removed or decontaminated to a level that permits release*SAFSTOR: Plant placed in a safe, stable condition and maintained in that state until it is subsequently decontaminated to levels that qypermits release*ENTOMB:Plantisencasedinastructurallylong-livedsubstancetoENTOMB: Plant is encased in a structurally longlived substance to allow decay until levels permit unrestricted release (not currently available)3 US NRC Decommissioning 12810124602199819992000200120022003200420052006200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013Power ReactorsRTRsMaterials Sites4 Power Reactor DecommissioningDecommissioning Process*Licenseenotifies(certifies)NRCwithin30daysofpermanently*Licensee notifies (certifies) NRC within 30 days of permanently ceasing operationsCtifitilidthflhbtl*Certification also required once the fuel has been permanently removed from the reactor vessel*Licensee submits Post Shutdown Decommissioning Activities Report (PSDAR) prior to or within 2 years of cessation of operations 5 Power Reactor DecommissioningDecommissioning Process*LicenseeperformssitedecommissioningLicensee performs site decommissioning*NRC continues to conduct on-site inspections*Licensee submits License Termination Plan (LTP) at least 2 years prior to requesting license termination*NRC notices LTP in the FederalRegister*NRC holds a Public Meeting to discuss LTP6 License Termination PlanContentsPlan Contents*Site characterization information*Identification of remaining dismantlement activities*PlansforsiteremediationPlans for site remediation*Detailed plans for the final radiation survey*Updated site-specific cost estimate*Supplemental environmental report, if any changes7 Power Reactor DecommissioningDecommissioning ProcessNRC review of the LTP*Acceptance review*Technical reviewAdditiliftiif*Additional information, if necessary*Public Meetings/Opportunity for Hearing8 Power Reactor DecommissioningDecommissioning Process*NRC approves LTP by amending the licenseppyg*Licensee performs remaining decommissioning activities*NRC performs in-process inspections*Decommissioningmustbecompletedwithin60yearsDecommissioning must be completed within 60 years9 Power Reactor DecommissioningDecommissioning Process*LicenseesubmitsFinalStatusSurveyReport(FSSR)Licensee submits Final Status Survey Report (FSSR)*NRC Reviews/approves FSSR*NRC performs confirmatory surveys, if needed*NRCterminateslicense*NRC terminates license10 Power Reactor CurrentStatusCurrent Status*10 licenses Terminated, 7 under the License Termination Rule*4 Units in active DECON (decommissioning) without an approved License Termination Planpp*8 Units in SAFSTOR, principally at multi-unit operating sites11 12 Power Reactors in SAFSTOR*Dresden 1*Fermi 1*GEVallecitios*Indian Point 1*Millstone 1*PeachBottom1GE Vallecitios*NS Savannah

  • Three Mile Island Unit 2* *Peach Bottom 1*San Onofre 113 Fermi 1 BackinSAFSTOR2013Back in SAFSTOR 201314 San Onofre 1 -PartialSiteRelease"SAFSTOR"Partial Site Release SAFSTOR 15 Power Reactors Decommissioned2005-2010Decommissioned 20052010*Trojan -2005*Maine Yankee -2005*Big Rock Point -2007*Pathfinder -2007
  • Yankee Rowe -2007*ConnecticutYankee2007*Connecticut Yankee -2007*Rancho Seco -2009 16 Maine Yankee -200517 Yankee Rowe -200718 Big Rock Point -200719 Thank You!Please visit our public website for additional information: on "About NRC"Click on "How We Regulate"Click on "Decommissioning" in the text20