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GE-Hitachi ABWR Design Control Document Tier 1 & 2, Rev. 7 - Chapter 18 - Human Factors Engineering
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Site: 05200001, 05200045
Issue date: 12/20/2019
From: Michelle Catts
GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shea J
Download: ML20007E354 (264)


25A5675AW Revision 7 October 2019 ABWR Design Control Document Tier 2 Chapter 18 Human Factors Engineering Copyright 1994, 2010, 2016, 2019 GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas LLC All Rights Reserved

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Chapter 18 Table of Contents 18.0 Human Factors Engineering ........................................................................................................18.1-1 18.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................................18.1-1 18.2 Design Goals and Design Bases ..................................................................................................18.2-1 18.3 Planning, Development, and Design............................................................................................18.3-1 18.3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................18.3-1 18.3.2 Standard Design Features ............................................................................................18.3-1 18.3.3 Inventory of Controls and Instrumentation .................................................................18.3-2 18.3.4 Detailed Design Implementation Process....................................................................18.3-2 18.4 Control Room Standard Design Features ....................................................................................18.4-1 18.4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................18.4-1 18.4.2 Standard Design Feature Descriptions ........................................................................18.4-1 18.4.3 Control Room HSI Technology.................................................................................18.4-10 18.5 Remote Shutdown System ...........................................................................................................18.5-1 18.6 Systems Integration......................................................................................................................18.6-1 18.6.1 Safety-Related Systems ...............................................................................................18.6-1 18.6.2 Non-Safety-Related Systems.......................................................................................18.6-1 18.7 Detailed Design of the Operator Interface System ......................................................................18.7-1 18.8 COL License Information ............................................................................................................18.8-1 18.8.1 HSI Design Implementation Process...........................................................................18.8-1 18.8.2 Number of Operators Needing Controls Access .........................................................18.8-1 18.8.3 Automation Strategies and Their Effect on Operator Reliability................................18.8-1 18.8.4 SPDS Integration With Related Emergency Response Capabilities ...........................18.8-1 18.8.5 Standard Design Features Design Validation..............................................................18.8-1 18.8.6 Remote Shutdown System Design Evaluation ............................................................18.8-1 18.8.7 Local Valve Position Indication ..................................................................................18.8-1 18.8.8 Operator Training ........................................................................................................18.8-2 18.8.9 Safety System Status Monitoring ................................................................................18.8-2 18.8.10 PGCS Malfunction ......................................................................................................18.8-2 18.8.11 Local Control Stations.................................................................................................18.8-2 18.8.12 As-Built Evaluation of MCR and RSS........................................................................18.8-2 18.8.13 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation .........................................................................18.8-2 18.8.14 In-Core Cooling Instrumentation ................................................................................18.8-3 18.8.15 Performance of Critical Tasks .....................................................................................18.8-3 18.8.16 Plant Status and Post-Accident Monitoring ................................................................18.8-3 18A Emergency Procedure Guidelines................................................................................................18A-1 18A.1 Table of Contents ........................................................................................................18A-2 18A.2 Introduction .................................................................................................................18A-3 18A.3 Operator Precautions ...................................................................................................18A-8 18A.4 RPV Control Guideline .............................................................................................18A-12 18A.5 Primary Containment Control Guideline...................................................................18A-27 Table of Contents 18.0-i

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table of Contents (Continued) 18A.6 Secondary Containment Control Guideline...............................................................18A-51 18A.7 Radioactivity Release Control Guideline ..................................................................18A-63 18A.8 Contingency #1, Alternative Level Control ..............................................................18A-64 18A.9 Contingency #2, Emergency RPV Depressurization.................................................18A-69 18A.10 Contingency #3, Steam Cooling................................................................................18A-72 18A.11 Contingency #4, RPV Flooding ................................................................................18A-73 18A.12 Contingency #5, Level/Power Control ......................................................................18A-81 18A.13 Contingency #6, Primary Containment Flooding......................................................18A-90 18B Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG............................................. 18B-1 18B.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 18B-1 18C Operator Interface Equipment Characterization .......................................................................... 18C-1 18C.1 Control Room Arrangement ........................................................................................ 18C-1 18C.2 Main Control Room Configuration ............................................................................. 18C-1 18C.3 Large Display Panel Configuration ............................................................................. 18C-2 18C.4 Systems Integration ..................................................................................................... 18C-2 18D Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results ..................................18D-1 18D.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................18D-1 18D.2 Input Parameters..........................................................................................................18D-1 18D.3 Calculation Results......................................................................................................18D-1 18E ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process ............................................ 18E-1 18E.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 18E-1 18E.2 HSI Design Implementation Process........................................................................... 18E-1 18E.3 HSI Implementation Requirements ............................................................................. 18E-4 18F Emergency Operation Information and Controls..........................................................................18F-1 18F.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................18F-1 18G Design Development and Validation Testing ..............................................................................18G-1 18G.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................18G-1 18G.2 Design Development ...................................................................................................18G-1 18G.3 Validation Testing .......................................................................................................18G-7 18H Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls .................................18H-1 18H.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................18H-1 18H.2 Presentation of Results ................................................................................................18H-3 18H.3 Analysis of Changes to EPGs......................................................................................18H-5 18H.4 References ...................................................................................................................18H-6 18.0-ii Table of Contents

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Chapter 18 List of Tables Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG ............................ 18B-2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR .........................................18D-2 Table 18D-2 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Results for ABWR ............................................18D-12 Table 18E-1 Human Factors Engineering Design Team and Plans ................................................. 18E-6 Table 18E-2 HFE Analysis............................................................................................................. 18E-37 Table 18E-3 Human System Interface Design ............................................................................... 18E-40 Table 18E-4 Human Factors Verification and Validation.............................................................. 18E-41 Table 18F-1 Inventory of Controls Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA ..................................18F-3 Table 18F-2 Inventory of Displays Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA ................................18F-10 Table 18F-3 Inventory of Alarms Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA ..................................18F-13 Table 18G-1 Large Screen Utilization Topics................................................................................18G-11 Table 18G-2 Validation Test Schedules .........................................................................................18G-11 Table 18G-3 Test Scenarios and Evaluations .................................................................................18G-12 List of Tables 18.0-iii

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Chapter 18 List of Figures Figure 18C-1 Control Room Arrangement..................................................................................... 18C-3 Figure 18C-2 Main Control Console Configuration....................................................................... 18C-4 Figure 18C-3 Main Control Console Cross-Section A-A .............................................................. 18C-5 Figure 18C-4 Main Control Console Cross-Section B-B ............................................................... 18C-6 Figure 18C-5 Arrangement of Equipment of Main Control Console............................................. 18C-7 Figure 18C-6 Side View of Relative Positions of Main Console and Wide Display Device......... 18C-8 Figure 18C-7 Fixed-Position Display............................................................................................. 18C-9 Figure 18C-8 Overall Configuration of Operator Interface System............................................. 18C-10 Figure 18E-1 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process....................... 18E-42 Figure 18G-1 Typical Data from Touch Screen Precision Tests..................................................18G-13 18.0-iv List of Figures

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.0 Human Factors Engineering 18.1 Introduction This chapter describes the human-system interface system (HSI) design development, the HSI design goals and bases, the standard HSI design features and the detailed HSI design and implementation process, with embedded design acceptance criteria, for the ABWR. The ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines and the inventory of instrumentation and controls needed by the control room staff for the performance of emergency operating procedures are also described. The incorporation of human factors engineering (HFE) principles into all phases of the design of these interfaces is provided for as described in this chapter.

Design goals and design bases for the HSI in the main control room and in remote locations are established in Section 18.2. The overall design and implementation approach is described in Section 18.3. Section 18.4 contains a description of the main control room standard HSI design features and HSI technologies. The Remote Shutdown System is described in Section 18.5.

Section 18.6 discusses how the systems which make up the HSI are integrated together and with the other systems of the plant. Section 18.7 discusses the detailed design implementation process. Section 18.8 discusses the HFE related COL license information requirement. The ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines, which provide the basis for a human factors evaluation of emergency operations, are contained in Appendix 18A. Appendix 18B discusses the differences between the ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines and the U.S. BWROG Emergency Procedure Guidelines, Revision 4. Appendix 18C presents a characterization of a main control room HSI equipment implementation that incorporates the ABWR standard design features discussed in Section 18.4. The input data and results of calculations performed during the preparation of the ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines are contained in Appendix 18D. A general description of the design and implementation process for the ABWR HSI is presented in Appendix 18E. Appendix 18F contains the results of the requirements for an analysis of information and control needs of the standard control room operators during emergency operations. The design development and validation testing of the standard control room design features equipment and configuration are described in Appendix 18G.

Introduction 18.1-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.2 Design Goals and Design Bases The primary goal for HSI designs is to facilitate safe, efficient, and reliable operator performance during all phases of normal plant operation, abnormal events, and accident conditions. To achieve this goal, information, displays, controls, and other interface devices in the control room and other plant areas are designed and implemented in a manner consistent with good HFE practices. Further, the following specific design bases are adopted:

(1) During all phases of normal plant operation, abnormal events and emergency conditions, the ABWR shall be operable by two reactor operators. In addition, the operating crew will include one assistant control room shift supervisor, one control room shift supervisor, and two or more auxiliary equipment operators. During accidents, assistance is available to the operating crew from personnel in the Technical Support Center. Four licensed operators shall be on shift at all times, consistent with the staffing requirements of 10CFR50.54(m). The main control room staff size and roles shall be evaluated by the COL applicant (Subsection 18.8.2).

(2) The HSI design will promote efficient and reliable operation through application of automated operation capabilities.

(3) The HSI design shall utilize only proven technology.

(4) Safety-related systems monitoring displays and control capability shall be provided in full compliance with pertinent regulations regarding electrical separation and independence.

(5) The HSI design shall be highly reliable and provide functional redundancy such that sufficient displays and control will be available in the main control room and remote locations to conduct an orderly reactor shutdown and to cool the reactor to cold shutdown conditions, even during design basis equipment failures.

(6) The principle functions of the Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) as required by Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737, will be integrated into the HSI design.

(7) Accepted HFE principles shall be utilized for the HSI design in meeting the relevant requirements of General Design Criterion 19.

(8) The design bases for the Remote Shutdown System shall be as specified in Section 7.4.

Design Goals and Design Bases 18.2-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.3 Planning, Development, and Design 18.3.1 Introduction An integrated program plan to incorporate HFE principles and to achieve an integrated design of the control and instrumentation systems and HSI of the ABWR was prepared and implemented. The program plan presents formal decision analysis procedures to facilitate selection of design features which satisfy top level requirements and goals of individual systems and the overall plant. Also included is a comprehensive, synergistic design approach with provisions for task analyses and human factors evaluations.

Specific procedures developed as part of the implementation of the program plan are:

(1) Implementation Procedure for Development of System Functional and Performance Requirements (2) Implementation Procedure for Analysis of Tasks and Allocation of Functions (3) Implementation Procedure for Evaluation of Human Factors and Human-Machine Interfaces (4) Implementation Procedure for the Design of Hardware and Software (5) Implementation Procedure for the Verification and Validation of Hardware and Software The program plan and the associated procedures provided guidance for the conduct of the ABWR HSI design development activities, including:

(1) Definition of the standard design features of the control room HSI (Subsections 18.3.2 and 18.4.2)

(2) Definition of the inventory of controls and instrumentation necessary for the control room crew to follow the operation strategies given in the ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines and to complete the important operator actions described in the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (Subsection 18.3.3 and Appendix 18F) 18.3.2 Standard Design Features The ABWR control room HSI design contains a group of standard or basic features which form the foundation for the detailed HSI design. These features are described in Subsection 18.4.2.

The development and testing of the control room HSI standard design features was accomplished under a program which is described in Appendix 18G. This development program included (1) consideration of existing control room operating experience; (2) a review of trends in control room designs and existing control room data presentation methods; (3)

Planning, Development, and Design 18.3-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 evaluation of new HSI technologies, alarm reduction and presentation methods; and (4) validation testing of two full-scale prototypes. The prototypes were evaluated using test scenarios especially developed for the purpose of utilizing experienced nuclear plant control room operators. Following the completion of the prototype tests and employing their results, the basic control room HSI standard design features were finalized.

18.3.3 Inventory of Controls and Instrumentation The ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines (EPGs), presented in Appendix 18A, and the important operator actions identified in the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA), presented in Chapter 19, provided the bases for an analysis of the information and control capability needs of the main control room operators based upon the operation strategies. This analysis defines a minimum set of controls, displays, and alarms which will enable the operating crew to perform the actions that would be specified in the emergency operating procedures and the important operator actions identified in the PRA. Appendix 18F contains the tabulated results of this analysis. The controls, displays and alarms needed by the operators to perform and validate the completion of those steps and important actions are listed in Tables 18F-1 through 18F-3, respectively.

18.3.4 Detailed Design Implementation Process The process by which the detailed equipment design implementation of the ABWR HSI will be completed is discussed in Section 18.7 and in Appendix 18E. This process builds upon the standard HSI design features and design technologies which are discussed in Subsection 18.4.2 and 18.4.3, respectively. Embedded in the process, (Figure 18E- 1) are a number of NRC conformance reviews in which various aspects and outputs of the process are evaluated against the established acceptance criteria presented in Tables 18E-1 through 18E-4.

18.3-2 Planning, Development, and Design

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.4 Control Room Standard Design Features 18.4.1 Introduction This section presents the standard design features of the HSI in the control room (Subsection 18.4.2). These basic design features are based upon proven technologies and have been demonstrated, through broad scope control room dynamic simulation tests and evaluation, to satisfy the ABWR operator interface design goals and design bases as given in Section 18.2.

The specific technologies utilized in the main control room HSI are listed in Subsection 18.4.3.

Appendix 18C presents an example of a control room HSI design implementation which incorporates these design features. Validation of the implemented MCR design will include evaluation of the standard design features and will be performed as part of the design implementation process as defined by the acceptance criteria presented in Tables 18E-1 through 18E-4. See Subsection 18.8.5 for COL license information requirements.

18.4.2 Standard Design Feature Descriptions Listing of Features The ABWR control room HSI design incorporates the following standard features:

(1) A single, integrated control console staffed by two operators; the console has a low profile such that the operators can see over the console from a seated position.

(2) The use of plant process computer system driven on-screen control video display units (VDUs) for safety system monitoring and non-safety system control and monitoring.

(3) The use of a separate set of on-screen control VDUs for safety system control and monitoring and separate on-screen control VDUs for non-safety system control and monitoring; the operation of these two sets of VDUs is entirely independent of the process computer system. Further, the first set of VDUs and all equipment associated with their functions of safety system control and monitoring are divisionally separate and qualified to Class 1E standards.

(4) The use of dedicated function switches on the control console.

(5) Operator selectable automation of predefined plant operation sequences.

(6) The incorporation of an operator selectable semi-automated mode of plant operations, which provide procedural guidance on the control console VDUs.

(7) The capability to conduct all plant operations in an operator manual mode.

(8) The incorporation of a large display panel which presents information for use by the entire control room operating staff.

Control Room Standard Design Features 18.4-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (9) The inclusion on the large display panel of fixed-position displays of key plant parameters and major equipment status.

(10) The inclusion in the fixed-position displays of both 1E-qualified and non-1E display elements.

(11) The independence of the fixed-position displays from the plant process computer.

(12) The inclusion within the large display panel of a large video display unit which is driven by the plant process computer system.

(13) The incorporation of a monitoring only supervisors console which includes VDUs on which display formats available to the operators on the main control console are also available to the supervisors.

(14) The incorporation of the safety parameter display system (SPDS) function as part of the plant status summary information which is continuously displayed on the fixed-position displays on the large display panel.

(15) The use of fixed-position alarm tiles on the large display panel.

(16) The application of alarm processing logic to prioritize alarm indications and to filter unnecessary alarms.

(17) A spatial arrangement between the large display panel, the main control console and the shift supervisors console which allows the entire control room operating crew to conveniently view the information presented on the Class 1E large display panel.

(18) The use of VDUs to provide alarm information in addition to the alarm information provided via the fixed-position alarm tiles on the large display panel.

Validation of the design of each of the main control room standard design features is a COL license information requirement (Subsection 18.8.5).

The remainder of this subsection provides further descriptions of these standard design features. Main Control Console The main control console comprises the work stations for the two control room plant operators.

It is configured such that each operator is provided with controls and monitoring information necessary to perform their assigned tasks and allows the operators to view all of the displays on the large display panel (Subsection from a seated position.

18.4-2 Control Room Standard Design Features

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 The main control console, in concert with the large display panel, provides the controls and displays required to operate the plant during normal plant operations, abnormal events and emergencies. These main control console controls and displays include the following:

(1) On-screen control VDUs for safety system monitoring and non-safety system control and monitoring which are driven by the plant process computer system (Subsection

(2) A separate set of on-screen control VDUs for safety system control and monitoring and separate on-screen control VDUs for non-safety system control and monitoring; the operation of these two sets of VDUs is entirely independent of the process computer system. Further, the first set of VDUs and all equipment associated with their functions of safety system control and monitoring are divisionally separate and qualified to Class IE standards (Subsection

(3) Dedicated function switches (Subsection

The main control console is also equipped with a limited set of dedicated displays for selected functions (e.g., the Standby Liquid Control System and the synchronization of the main generator to the electrical grid).

In addition to the above equipment, the main control console is equipped with both intraplant and external communications equipment and a laydown space is provided for hard copies of procedures and other documents required by the operators during the performance of their duties. Process Computer Driven VDUs A set of onscreen control VDUs is incorporated into the main control console design to support the following activities:

(1) Monitoring of plant systems, both safety and non-safety-related (2) Control of non-safety system components (3) Presentation of system and equipment alarm information This set of VDUs is driven by the plant process computer system. Thus, data collected by the process computer is available for monitoring on these VDUs. All available display formats can be displayed on any of these VDUs.

Control Room Standard Design Features 18.4-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Process Computer Independent VDUs A set of VDUs which are independent of the process computer are also installed on the main control console. These VDUs are each driven by independent processors. They are divided into two subsets:

(1) The first subset consists of those VDUs which are dedicated, divisionally separated devices. The VDUs in this group can only be used for monitoring and control of equipment within a given safety division. The VDUs are qualified, along with their supporting display processing equipment, to Class 1E standards.

(2) The second subset of process computer independent VDUs are used for monitoring and control of non-safety plant systems. The VDUs in this subset are not qualified to Class 1E equipment standards. Dedicated Function Switches Dedicated function switches are installed on the main control console. These devices provide faster access and feedback compared to that obtainable with soft controls. These dedicated switches are implemented in hardware, so that they are located in a fixed-position and are dedicated in the sense that each individual switch is used only for a single function, or two very closely related functions (e.g., valve open/close).

The dedicated function switches on the main control console are used to support actions such as initiation of automated sequences of safety and non-safety system operations, manual scram and reactor operating mode changes. Automation Design The ABWR incorporates selected automation of the operations required during a normal plant startup/shutdown and during normal power range maneuvers. Subsection describes the Power Generation Control (PGC) System, which is the primary ABWR system for providing the automation features for normal ABWR plant operations. Automatic Operation When placed in automatic mode, the PGC System performs sequences of automated plant operations by sending mode change commands and setpoint changes to lower-level, non-safety-related plant system controllers. The PGC System cannot directly change the status of a safety-related system. When a change in the status of a safety-related system is required to complete the selected operation sequence, the PGC System provides prompts to guide the operator in manually performing the change using the appropriate safety-related HSI controls provided on the main control console.

The operator can stop an automatic operation at any time. The PGC logic also monitors plant status, and will automatically revert to manual operating mode when a major change in plant 18.4-4 Control Room Standard Design Features

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 status occurs (e.g., reactor scram or turbine trip). When such abnormal plant conditions occur, PGC automatic operation is suspended and the logic in the individual plant systems and equipment directs the automatic response to the plant conditions. Similarly, in the event that the operational status of the PGC or interfacing systems changes (e.g., equipment failures),

operation reverts to manual operating mode. When conditions permit, the operator may manually re-initiate PGC automatic operation.

Evaluation of the effects of automation strategies on operator reliability and the appropriateness of the ABWR automation design is a COL license information requirement (Subsection 18.8.3).

Also, a consideration of malfunctions of the PGCS is a COL license information requirement.

(See Subsection 18.8.10). Semi-Automated Operation The PGC System also includes a semi-automatic operational mode which provides automatic operator guidance for accomplishing the desired normal changes in plant status; however, in this mode, the PGC System performs no control actions. The operator must activate all necessary system and equipment controls for the semi-automatic sequence to proceed. The PGC System monitors the plant status during the semi-automatic mode in order to check the progression of the semi-automatic sequence and to determine the appropriate operator guidance to be activated. Manual Operation The manual mode of operation in the ABWR corresponds to the manual operation of conventional BWR designs in which the operator determines and executes the appropriate plant control actions without the benefit of computer-based operator aids. The manual mode provides a default operating mode in the event of an abnormal condition in the plant. The operator can completely stop an automated operation at any time by simply selecting the manual operating mode. The PGC System logic will also automatically revert to manual mode when abnormal conditions occur. Large Display Panel The large display panel provides information on overall plant status with real-time data during all phases of plant operation. The information on the large display panel can be viewed from the main control console and the supervisors console. The large display panel includes fixed-position displays (Subsection, a variable display (Subsection and spatially dedicated alarm windows (Subsection Fixed-Position Display The fixed-position portion of the large display panel provides key plant information for viewing by the entire control room staff. The dynamic display elements of the fixed-position displays Control Room Standard Design Features 18.4-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 are driven by dedicated microprocessor-based controllers which are independent of the plant process computer system.

Those portions of the large display panel which present safety-related information are qualified to Class 1E standards. The COL applicant shall address the human factors aspects of TMI Item I.E.3, Safety System Status Monitoring, as a COL license information requirement (Subsection 18.8.9).

The information presented in the fixed-position displays includes the critical plant parameter information, as defined by the SPDS requirements of NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, and the Type A post-accident monitoring (PAM) instrumentation required by Regulatory Guide 1.97 (refer to Section for a discussion of the SPDS and to Section 7.5 for a discussion of the PAM variables). Large Variable Display The large variable display which is included on the large display panel is a VDU which is driven by the plant process computer system. Any screen format resident in the process computer system can be shown on this large variable display. Supervisors Console The console provided for the control room supervisors is equipped with VDUs on which any screen format resident in the process computer system available to the operators at the main control console is also available to the shift supervisor. The location of this console in the control room is discussed in Subsection SPDS NUREG-0737 provided guidance for implementing Three Mile Island (TMI) action items.

NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, clarifies the TMI action items related to emergency response capability, including item I.D.2, Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS). The principal purpose of the SPDS is to aid control room personnel during abnormal and emergency conditions in determining the safety status of the plant and in assessing whether abnormal conditions warrant corrective action by operators to prevent core damage. During emergencies, the SPDS serves as an aid in evaluating the current safety status of the plant, in executing symptom-based emergency operating procedures, and in monitoring the impact of engineered safeguards or mitigation activities. Selection of the parameters for inclusion in the SPDS display is based upon the ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines (Appendix 18A). The SPDS also operates during normal operation, continuously displaying information from which the plant safety status can be readily and reliably assessed. The ABWR does not provide a separate SPDS, but rather, the principal functions of the SPDS are integrated into the overall control room display capabilities in a manner which complies with all relevant requirements of NUREG-0737, Supplement 1. Displays of critical plant variables sufficient to provide 18.4-6 Control Room Standard Design Features

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 information to plant operators about the following critical safety functions are continuously displayed on the large display panel as an integral part of the fixed-position displays:

(1) Reactivity control (2) Reactor core cooling and heat removal from the primary system (3) Reactor coolant system integrity (4) Radioactivity control (5) Containment conditions Displays to assist the plant operator in execution of symptom-based emergency operating procedures are available at the main control console VDUs. Examples of these VDU displays are trend plots and operator guidance. Information regarding entry conditions to the symptomatic emergency procedures is provided through the fixed-position display of the critical plant parameters on the large display panel. The critical plant parameters on the large display panel are also viewable from the control room supervisors monitoring station. The supplemental SPDS displays on the VDUs on the main control console are also accessible at the control room supervisors monitoring station and may be provided in the technical support center (TSC) and, optionally, in the emergency operations facility (EOF). It is the responsibility of the COL applicant to provide.

Entry conditions to the symptomatic EOPs are annunciated on the dedicated hardware alarm windows on the large display panel. The large display panel also displays the containment isolation status, safety systems status, and the following critical parameters:

(1) RPV pressure (2) RPV water level (3) Core neutron flux (startup range and power range instruments)

(4) Suppression pool temperature (5) Suppression pool water level (6) Drywell temperature (7) Drywell pressure (8) Drywell water level (9) Control rod scram status Control Room Standard Design Features 18.4-7

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (10) Drywell oxygen concentration (when monitors are in operation)

(11) Drywell hydrogen concentration (when monitors are in operation)

(12) Wetwell oxygen concentration (when monitors are in operation)

(13) Wetwell hydrogen concentration (when monitors are in operation)

(14) Containment radiation levels The oxygen monitoring instrumentation system is normally in continuous operation and, hence, the large display panel also includes continuous fixed-position display of wetwell and drywell oxygen concentrations. The hydrogen monitoring instrumentation is automatically started on a LOCA signal and, hence, continuous display is not required. Additional post-accident monitoring parameters, such as effluent stack radioactivity release (refer to Section 7.5 for a list of post-accident monitoring parameters), may be displayed at the large variable display or at the main control console VDUs on demand by the operator.

The SPDS is required to be designed so that the displayed information can be readily perceived and comprehended by the control room operating crew. Compliance with this requirement is assured because of the incorporation of accepted human factors engineering principles into the overall control room design implementation process (refer to Subsection 18.7 for a discussion of the design implementation process).

All of the continuously displayed information necessary to satisfy the requirements for the SPDS, as defined in NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, is included in the fixed-position displays listed in Table 18F-2. Table 18F-2 also includes other displays, beyond those required for the SPDS.

The evaluation of the SPDS against the requirements of Paragraph 3.8a of NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, and confirmation that the design meets all applicable criteria is a COL license information requirement (Subsection 18.8.4). Fixed-Position Alarms Fixed-position alarm tiles on the large display panel annunciate the key, plant-level alarm conditions that potentially affect plant availability or plant safety, or indicate the need for immediate operator action. Alarm Processing Logic Alarm prioritizing and filtering logic is employed in the ABWR design to enhance the presentation of meaningful alarm information to the operator and reduce the amount of information which the operators must absorb and process during abnormal events.

18.4-8 Control Room Standard Design Features

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Alarm prioritizing is accomplished in the ABWR through the designation of three categories of alarm signals. The first of these is the important alarms. These are defined as those alarms which notify the operators of changes in plant status regarding safety and include those items which are to be checked in the event of accidents, principle events or transients. The important alarms are displayed on the fixed-position tiles discussed in Subsection

The second category is the system-specific alarms which are provided to notify the operators of system-level abnormalities or non-normal system statuses. Examples of these are:

(1) Main pump trips caused by system process, power sources or control abnormalities (2) Valve closures in cooling or supply lines (3) Decreases in supply process values (4) Loss of a backup system (5) System isolation (6) Safety systems are being bypassed (7) Systems are undergoing testing The system-specific alarms are also shown on the fixed-position tiles discussed in Subsection

Equipment alarms make up the third category of alarms in the prioritizing scheme and are discussed in Subsection

Alarm suppression in the ABWR is based upon the following concepts:

(1) Suppression Based on the Operating Mode: The plant operating mode is defined on the basis of the hardware or process status, and alarms which are not relevant to the current operating mode are suppressed. For example, alarms which are needed in the RUN mode but are unnecessary in the SHUTDOWN mode are suppressed.

(2) Suppression of Subsidiary Alarms: Alarms are suppressed if they are logically consequent to the state of operation of the hardware or to the process status. For example, scram initiation (a plant-level alarm condition announced with a fixed-position alarm tile on the large display panel) will logically lead to an FMCRD HCU scram accumulator low pressure (also an alarm condition). Such subsidiary alarms are suppressed if they simply signify logical consequences of the systems operation.

(3) Suppression of Redundant Alarms: When there are overlapping alarms, such as high and high-high or low and low-low, only the more severe of the conditions is alarmed and the others are suppressed.

Control Room Standard Design Features 18.4-9

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Operators may activate or deactivate the alarm suppression logic at any time. Equipment Alarms Alarms which are not indicated by fixed-position alarm tiles on the large display panel (i.e.,

those alarms of nominally lower level importance such as those related to specific equipment status) are displayed to the control room operating staff via the main control console VDUs. The supplemental alarm indications and supporting information regarding the plant-level alarms which are presented on the large display panel are also presented on the VDUs. Control Room Arrangement In the ABWR main control room arrangement, the main control console is located directly in front of the large display panel for optimum viewing efficiency by the plant operators seated at the main console. The shift supervisors console is also placed in front of the large display panel, but at a somewhat greater distance than the main control console. The shift supervisor is, thus, in a position behind the control console operators. This arrangement allows all control room personnel to view the contents of the large panel displays.

18.4.3 Control Room HSI Technology The ABWR main control room standard design features described in Subsection 18.4.2 include equipment which utilizes a variety of technologies to control and monitor the plant processes.

This subsection provides a summary listing and description of the technologies which are utilized to support personnel execution of these control and monitoring functions. For this purpose, the term technology is taken to have the following definition:

the equipment, including both hardware and software, employed to directly accomplish the functions of control and monitoring of the plant processes.

Hardware such as consoles, panels, cabinets, control room lighting and HVAC and plant communication equipment which has a supporting role but is not directly involved in the control and monitoring processes is excluded.

The scope of this section is limited to the main control room and the remote shutdown station areas of the plant and includes all human-system interface (HSI) equipment technologies which may be applied, regardless of use in prior designs:

(1) Hardware switches such as multi-position rotary, push-button, rocker, toggle and pull-to-lock types.

(2) Soft switch, the functions of which may be changed through the execution of software functions (3) Continuous adjustment controls, such as rotary controls and thumbwheels.

18.4-10 Control Room Standard Design Features

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (4) Visual display units with full color screens, including large reverse projection screens, cathode ray tubes and flat panel display screens.

(5) On-screen control utilized with the cathode ray tubes and flat panel display devices.

(6) VDU screen formats such as large screen optical projection display formats; text displays, including menus and tabular information and graphical displays, including Trend Plots, 2-D Plots, P&IDs and other diagrams and pictorial information.

(7) Analog Meters which employ a hardware medium to pictorially or graphically present quantitative and qualitative information concerning plant process parameters.

This includes analog meters using digitally controlled LEDs and digital readouts.

(8) Fixed-Position Digital Displays which present alphanumeric information in a hardware medium. These can be back-lit.

(9) Fixed-position hardware mimic displays which schematically represent plant systems and components and their relationships utilizing pictorial elements, labels and indicator lights.

(10) Fixed-Position alarm tiles which use light to indicate the alarm state.

(11) An Audio Signal system which is coordinated to the fixed-position alarm tiles and utilizes prioritization and alarm reduction logic and predefined setpoints to alert operators to plant status changes.

(12) Printers and Printer/Plotters used to provide hard copy output in the form of plots, logs and text.

(13) Keyboards which are composed of alphanumeric and/or assignable function keys and function as computer input devices.

Control Room Standard Design Features 18.4-11

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.5 Remote Shutdown System The Remote Shutdown System (RSS) provides a means to safely shut down the plant from outside the main control room. It provides control of the plant systems needed to bring the plant to hot shutdown, with the subsequent capability to attain cold shutdown, in the event that the control room becomes uninhabitable.

The RSS design is described in Subsections and All of the controls and instrumentation required for RSS operation are identified in Subsection and in Figure 7.4-2.

The RSS uses conventional, hardwired controls and indicators to maintain diversity from the main control room. These dedicated devices are arranged in a mimic of the interfacing systems process loops.

Evaluation of alternate design approaches for reliability and confirmation of the adequacy of the RSS design is COL license information requirement (Subsection 18.8.6).

Remote Shutdown System 18.5-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.6 Systems Integration 18.6.1 Safety-Related Systems The operator interfaces with the safety-related systems through (1) dedicated hardware switches for system initiation and logic reset, (2) hardware switches for system mode changes, (3) safety-related VDUs for individual safety equipment control, status display and monitoring, (4) non-safety-related VDUs for additional safety system monitoring, and (5) the large fixed-position display for plant overview information. Instrumentation and control aspects of the microprocessor-based safety systems and logic control (SSLC) are described in Appendix 7A.

Divisional separation for control, alarm and display equipment is maintained. The SSLC processors provide alarm signals to their respective safety-related alarm processors and provide display information to the divisionally dedicated VDUs. The SSLC microprocessors communicate with their respective divisional VDU controllers through the Essential Multiplexing System (EMUX). The divisional VDUs have on-screen control capability.

SSLC also provides the plant safety-related systems status information (including alarms) to the plant non-safety-related communication network. Divisional isolation devices are provided between the safety-related systems and non-safety-related communication networks so that failures in the non-safety-related equipment will have no impact on the ability of the safety-related systems to perform their design functions. The non-safety-related communication network is part of the nonessential Multiplex System (NEMS) described in Subsection

Selected operator control functions are performed through dedicated hardware control switches which are Class 1E qualified and divisionally separated on the main control console. These hardware switches communicate with the SSLC safety-related systems logic units through hardwire signal transmission lines (i.e., not multiplexed). Communication between the SSLC logic units and alarm panels and the safety-related fixed-position displays is through multiplexed data links.

The divisionally dedicated VDUs are classified as safety-related equipment. These VDUs provide control and display capabilities for individual safety-related systems if control of a system component is required. Normally, such control actions are performed for equipment surveillance purposes only, as the normal method of system control is through the mode-oriented master sequence switches.

18.6.2 Non-Safety-Related Systems For non-safety-related systems, operation control is accomplished using master sequence switches, on-screen control via the non-safety VDUs. The hardware switches for non-safety-related equipment on the main control console communicate with the non-safety-related systems logic units through hardwire transmission lines.

Systems Integration 18.6-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 The non-safety-related systems communicate with other equipment in the operator interface through the NEMS network. The non-safety-related portion of the large display panel fixed-position displays is driven by a controller separate from the process computer system. Alarm processing microprocessor units separate from the process computer perform alarm filtering and suppression and also drive dedicated alarm tiles on the large display panel. The alarms for entry conditions into the symptomatic emergency operating procedures are provided by the alarm processing units, both safety and non-safety-related. Equipment level alarm information is presented by the process computer on the main control console VDUs.

An additional set of non-safety-related on-screen control VDUs is provided on the main control console for control and display of non-safety systems. These VDUs are independent of the process computer system. In the unlikely event of loss of the process computer system, these independent VDUs, in conjunction with the large display panel safety-related displays, have sufficient information and control capability to allow the following operations to be performed:

(1) Steady-state power operation (2) Power decrease (3) Plant shutdown to hot standby conditions (4) Plant shutdown to cold shutdown conditions Without the plant process computer system, control is carried out through the master sequential switches and the process computer-independent, on-screen control VDUs. Monitoring is accomplished with the independent VDUs and the fixed-position display on the large display panel. Power increases cannot be performed in the absence of the process computer system because core thermal margin limit information provided by the process computer to the automated thermal limit monitor (Subsection would not be available.

18.6-2 Systems Integration

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.7 Detailed Design of the Operator Interface System The standard design features of the ABWR main control room HSI (Subsection 18.4.2, provide the framework for the detailed equipment hardware and software designs that will be developed following the design and implementation process described in Appendix 18E. This process is made up of eight major elements and illustrated in Figure 18E-1.

As part of the Appendix 18E discussion of the HSI design and implementation plan elements, detailed acceptance criteria are specified that shall be used to govern and direct all ABWR HSI design implementations which reference the Certified Design. These detailed acceptance criteria, presented in Section 18E.2 of Appendix 18E, encompass the set of necessary and sufficient design implementation related activities required to maintain the implemented HSI design in compliance with accepted HFE principles and accepted digital electronics equipment and software development methods.

As part of the detailed design implementation process described in Appendix 18E, operator task analyses will be performed as a basis for evaluating details of the design implementation and HSI requirements will be specified. These HSI requirements will include the instrumentation and controls listed in Tables 18F-1 through 18F-3 as a subset. The evaluation of the integrated control room design will include the confirmation of the ABWR main control room standard design features.

Detailed Design of the Operator Interface System 18.7-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.8 COL License Information 18.8.1 HSI Design Implementation Process The HSI Design Implementation Process as described in Appendix 18E is the responsibility of the COL applicant. In addition, the following specific COL license information is in effect.

18.8.2 Number of Operators Needing Controls Access The number of operators needing access to the controls on the main control panel shall be evaluated and the ABWR control room staffing arrangement (Subsection 18.2, Item 1) shall be confirmed as adequate. In addition, the roles and responsibilities of the shift supervisor and assistant shift supervisor shall be specified. The results of the evaluation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System (Subsection II.2 of Table 18E-1).

18.8.3 Automation Strategies and Their Effect on Operator Reliability Automation strategies for plant operation shall be evaluated for effects on operator reliability and the appropriateness of the ABWR automation design (Subsection shall be confirmed. This evaluation shall be performed according to the criteria of Subsection II of Table 18E-1 and the results of the evaluation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8.4 SPDS Integration With Related Emergency Response Capabilities The design of the SPDS (Subsection shall be evaluated against the requirements of Paragraph 3.8a of NUREG-0737, Supplement 1, and confirmed to be in compliance with all applicable criteria. The results of the evaluation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8.5 Standard Design Features Design Validation The design of each of the main control room standard design features (Subsection shall be validated using the applicable criteria in Subsection VIII of Table 18E-1. The results of the validation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8.6 Remote Shutdown System Design Evaluation Digital versus analog design approaches for the Remote Shutdown System (RSS) shall be evaluated for reliability and the adequacy of the ABWR RSS design (Subsection 18.5) shall be confirmed. The results of the evaluation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8.7 Local Valve Position Indication The necessity for providing local valve position indication (VPI) for each valve in any of the following categories shall be evaluated (1) All power-operated valves (e.g., motor, hydraulic and pneumatic),

COL License Information 18.8-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (2) All large manual valves (i.e., 5 cm or larger),

(3) Small manual valves (i.e., less than 5 cm) which are important to safe plant operations.

These evaluation records shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8.8 Operator Training An operator training program which meets the requirements of 10CFR50 shall be established (Subsection II.1.c of Table 18E-1).

18.8.9 Safety System Status Monitoring The COL applicant shall address the human factors aspects of TMI Item I.E.3, Safety System Status Monitoring, as part of the detailed design implementation process (Subsection

18.8.10 PGCS Malfunction As part of the verification and validation effort, the COL applicant shall consider malfunctions of the Power Generation Control function of the process computer system (Subsection

18.8.11 Local Control Stations The COL applicant shall evaluate all operations at local control stations which are critical to plant safety, as defined in Paragraph V.1.c of Table 18E-1. The results of these evaluations shall be incorporated into the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8.12 As-Built Evaluation of MCR and RSS The COL applicant shall prepare a report which documents that the as-built main control room (MCR) and remote shutdown station (RSS) conform to the certified and validated main control room and remote shutdown station configurations. Aspects of the as-built MCR and RSS to be considered in this report are the area and panel layouts, operator environment, alarms, displays, controls and general human-system interface characteristics.

18.8.13 Accident Monitoring Instrumentation The COL applicant shall evaluate the instrumentation described in TMI Item II.F.1, Additional Accident Monitoring Instrumentation, with regard to the impact of the inclusion of that instrumentation in the MCR HSI on the potential for operator error. The results of this evaluation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8-2 COL License Information

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18.8.14 In-Core Cooling Instrumentation The COL applicant shall evaluate the instrumentation described in TMI Item II.F.2, Instrumentation For Detection of Inadequate Core-Cooling, with regard to the impact of the inclusion of that instrumentation in the MCR HSI on the potential for operator error. The results of this evaluation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8.15 Performance of Critical Tasks The COL applicant shall evaluate the adequacy of the HSI with respect to providing the controls, displays and alarms necessary for timely performance of critical tasks. Critical tasks shall include, as a minimum, those operator actions which have significant impact on the PRA results, as presented in Section 19D.7, and the operator actions to isolate the reactor and inject water for the postulated event scenarios of a common-mode failure of the Safety System Logic and Control System and/or the Essential Multiplexing System concurrent with the design basis main steamline, feedwater line or shutdown cooling line break LOCA (Paragraph V.2.d of Table 18E-1). The results of this evaluation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

18.8.16 Plant Status and Post-Accident Monitoring The main control instrumentation described in TMI Item I.D.5 (2), Plant Status and Post-Accident Monitoring shall be evaluated with regard to the impact of the inclusion of that instrumentation in the MCR HSI on the potential for operator error and the results of the evaluation shall be placed in the HFE Issue Tracking System.

COL License Information 18.8-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A Emergency Procedure Guidelines This appendix contains the ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines (EPGs). The purposes of the ABWR EPGs are for human factors evaluation in support of the man-machine interface systems design in the main control room, to assure that the controls and displays required during emergency conditions are properly provided, and to provide the bases of operator actions for the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA).

The ABWR EPGs are developed based upon the U.S. BWR Owners Group Emergency Procedure Guidelines, Revision 4, which have been approved by the NRC*, by deleting from the BWROG Guidelines inapplicable systems, design features, and strategies, and by applying ABWR systems, design features and strategies applicable for the ABWR. A list of differences, and basis for differences between the ABWR EPGs and the BWROG EPGs Revision 4 are provided in Appendix 18B. Operator instructions and strategies for utilization of design features to mitigate the consequence of severe accidents, such as the firewater addition system and the containment overpressure protection system have been incorporated. These instructions are beyond the scope of BWROG EPGs Revision 4. The bases for these instructions are given also in Appendix 18B. Appendix 18D contains the input parameters used for calculation of operation limits in the EPGs and the results of these calculations.

This set of EPGs is intended to be used for development of plant-specific technical guidelines for plants whose license applications reference the ABWR Standard Plant. The COL applicant is required to develop detailed plant-specific Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs) in accordance with requirements of NUREG-0737, Supplement 1. The EOPs developed from the EPGs are to be used for verification and validation of the MCR system design using a simulator to be provided by the applicant referencing the ABWR design.

  • NRC letter, A.C. Thadani to D. Grace, Safety Evaluation of BWR Owners Group-Emergency Procedure Guidelines, Revision 4, dated September 12, 1988 (NEDO-31331, March 1987).

Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-1


25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.2 Introduction INTRODUCTION The following generic symptomatic emergency procedure guidelines have been developed:

(1) RPV Control Guideline (2) Primary Containment Control Guideline (3) Secondary Containment Control Guideline (4) Radioactivity Release Control Guideline The RPV Control Guideline maintains adequate core cooling, shuts down the reactor, and cools down the RPV to cold shutdown conditions. This guideline is entered whenever low RPV water level, high RPV pressure, or high drywell pressure occurs, or whenever a condition which requires reactor scram exists and reactor power is above the APRM downscale trip or cannot be determined.

The Primary Containment Control Guideline maintains primary containment integrity, protects equipment in the primary containment, and limits radioactivity release from the primary containment with respect to the consequences of all mechanistic events including the consequences of severe accidents and hydrogen generation in the ABWR containment. This guideline is entered whenever suppression pool temperature, drywell temperature, drywell pressure, suppression pool water level, or primary containment hydrogen concentration is above its high operating limit or suppression pool water level is below its low operating limit.

The Secondary Containment Control Guideline protects the secondary contain-ment, limits radioactivity release to the secondary containment, and either maintains secondary containment integrity or limits radioactivity release from the secondary containment. This guideline is entered whenever a secondary containment temperature, radiation level, or water level is above its maximum normal operating value or secondary containment differential pressure reaches zero.

The Radioactivity Release Control Guideline limits radioactivity release into areas outside the primary and secondary containments. This guideline is entered whenever offsite radioactivity release rate is above that which requires an Alert.

ABWR I-1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table I is a list of the abbreviations used in the guidelines.

At various points throughout these guidelines, operator precautions are indicated by the symbol and a number referring to a numbered Caution contained in the Operator Precautions section. These "Cautions" are brief and succinct red flags for the operator.

Brackets [ ] indicate plant unique setpoints, design limits, pump shutoff pres-sures, etc, to be determined on a plant-specific basis, and the parentheses ( ) within brackets indicate the source or definition for the enclosed variable. At various points throughout these guidelines, limits for operations are specified. The basis and calculational methods for these limits are defined in the BWROG Emergency Procedure Guidelines, Revision 4, Appendices A and C, respectively. These limits are specified beyond which certain actions are required. While conservative, these limits are derived from engineering analyses utilizing best-estimate (as opposed to licensing) models.

Consequently, these limits are generally not as conservative as the limits specified in a plant's Technical Specifications. This is not to imply that operation beyond the Technical Specifications is recommended in any emergency. Rather, such operation is required and is now permitted under certain degraded conditions in order to safely mitigate the consequences of those degraded conditions. The limits specified in the guidelines establish the boundaries within which continued safe operation of the plant can be assured. Therefore, conformance with the guidelines does not ensure strict conformance with a plant's Technical Specifications or other licensing bases.

At other points within these guidelines, defeating safety system interlocks and initiation logic is specified. This is also required in order to safely mitigate the consequences of degraded conditions, and it is generally specified only when conditions exist for which the interlock or logic was not designed. Bypassing other interlocks may also be required due to instrument failure, etc., but these interlocks cannot be identified in advance and are therefore not specified in the guidelines.

The entry conditions for these emergency procedure guidelines are symptomatic of both emergencies and events which may degrade into emergencies. The guidelines specify actions appropriate for both. Therefore, entry into procedures developed from these guidelines is not conclusive that an emergency has occurred.

Each procedure developed from these emergency procedure guidelines is entered whenever any of its entry conditions occurs, irrespective of whether that procedure has already been entered or is presently being executed. The procedure is exited and the operator returns to non-emergency procedures when either one of the exit conditions specified in the procedure is satisfied or it is determined that an emergency no longer ABWR I-2 18A-4 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 exists. For example, the procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline specifies cooldown to cold shutdown conditions by various methods and exit after the shutdown cooling interlocks have cleared, but entry into this procedure does not require any cooldown if it can be determined that an emergency no longer exists prior to establishing the conditions required to commence the cooldown as specified in the procedure. After a procedure developed from these guidelines has been entered, subsequent clearing of all entry conditions for that procedure is not, by itself, conclusive that an emergency no longer exists.

Procedures developed from these emergency procedure guidelines specify symptomatic operator actions which will maintain the reactor plant in a safe condition and optimize plant response and margin to safety irrespective of the initiating event.

However, for certain specific events (e.g., earthquake, tornado, blackout, or fire),

emergency response and recovery can be further enhanced by additional auxiliary event-specific operator actions which may be provided in supplemental event-specific procedures intended for use in conjunction with the symptomatic procedures. As with actions specified in any other procedure intended for use with the symptomatic procedures, these event-specific operator actions must not contradict or subvert the symptomatic operator actions specified in the symptomatic procedures and must not result in loss or unavailability of equipment the operation of which is specified in these procedures.

BWROG EPG step numbering is maintained in this document. Where an EPG step has been removed, the step number is left in place with an explanation in ( ) in order to maintain continuity of step sequence.

Water levels in this document have the following reference points:

RPV Water Level: 0 cm = Top of Active Fuel (TAF)

Suppression Pool and Primary Containment Water Level:

0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool The values for Table 1, Operating Values of Secondary Containment Parameters, are developed from the equipment environmental specification. The area water level Maximum Normal Operating Values were arbitrarily chosen at the hi alarm or 5 cm above the floor where visual inspection was the mode of detection. The areas in the secondary containment have sills to prevent movement of water from area to area. These sills are assumed to be 20 cm high. The area water level Maximum Safe Operating Values were developed based on the elevation of the bottom of pump motors in the area or greater than the top of the sill surrounding the area. The COL applicant will be required to re-evaluate these values as an interface requirement when plant specific installation details are completed.

ABWR I-3 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 TABLE I ABWR EPG ABBREVIATIONS ADS Automatic Depressurization System APRM Average Power Range Monitor ARI Alternate Rod Insertion CAMS Containment Air Monitoring System CRD Control Rod Drive CUW Reactor Water Cleanup ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System FAS Firewater Addition System FCS Flammability Gas Control System F/D Filter/Demineralizer FMCRD Fine Motion Control Rod Drive FPC Fuel Pool Cooling HCU Hydrualic Control Unit HPCF High Pressure Core Flooder HVAC Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning LCO Limiting Condition for Operation LPCF Low Pressure Core Flooder mode of RHR System MSIV Main Steamline Isolation Valves NPSH Net Positive Suction Head RBHVAC Reactor Building HVAC RCIC Reactor Core Isolation System RHR Residual Heat Removal RIP Reactor Internal Pump RPS Reactor Protection System RPV Reactor Pressure Vessel RSCS Rod Sequence Control System ABWR I-4 18A-6 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 TABLE I ABWR EPG ABBREVIATIONS (Continued)

RWM Rod Worth Minimizer SGTS Standby Gas Treatment System SLC Standby Liquid Control SPCU Suppression Pool Cleanup SRV Safety Relief Valve TIP Transverse Incore Probe ABWR I-4.1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-7

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.3 Operator Precautions OPERATOR PRECAUTIONS This section lists "Cautions" which are applicable at one or more specific points within the guidelines. Where a "Caution" is applicable, it is identified with the symbol,

, at the right side of a paragraph.

CAUTION #1 An RPV water level instrument may be used to determine RPV water level only when all the following conditions are satisfied for that instrument:

1. The temperatures near all the instrument runs are below the RPV Saturation Temperature.

RPV SATURATION TEMPERATURE 300 TEMP NEAR WATER LEVEL INSTRUMENT RUNS - °C 280 RPV WATER LEVEL INSTRUMENTS 260 UNRELIABLE 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 RPV PRESSURE - MPaG ABWR I-5 18A-8 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2

2. For each of the following instruments, the instrument reads above the Minimum Indicated Level associated with the highest temperature near an instrument reference leg vertical run:
a. Narrow Range (355.5 to 508.0 cm)

Highest Drywell Run Minimum Temperature (°C) Between Indicated Low High Level (cm)

- 65.6 361.7 65.6 287.8 355.5

b. Shutdown Range (355.5 to 1282.5 cm)

Highest Drywell Run Minimum Temperature (°C) Between Indicated Low High Level (cm)

- 65.6 402.6 65.6 121.1 416.1 121.1 176.7 434.3 176.7 232.2 458.2 232.2 287.8 490.7 CAUTION #2 Deleted, not applicable to ABWR.

CAUTION #3 Operating RCIC turbine below [228 rad/s (minimum turbine speed limit per turbine vendor manual)] may result in unstable system operation and equipment damage.

ABWR I-6 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-9

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 CAUTION #4 Elevated suppression chamber pressure may trip the RCIC turbine on high exhaust pressure.

CAUTION #5 If HPCF is taking suction from the suppression pool and suppression pool temperature exceeds the HPCF Pump NPSH Limit, the pump may be damaged and become inoperable.

HPCF PUMP NPSH 140 136.7 135 SCO =


125 0.173 MPa 120 118.9 SCO =

115 0.103 MPa 112.2 110 SCO =

0.069 MPa 105 100 SCO =


0.00 MPa 85 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 HPCF PUMP FLOW (m3/h)



25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 CAUTION #6 Cooldown rates above [55.6 °C/h (RPV cooldown rate LCO)] may be required to accomplish this step.

CAUTION #7 A rapid increase in injection into the RPV may induce a large power excursion and result in substantial core damage.

ABWR I-8 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-11

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.4 RPV Control Guideline RPV CONTROL GUIDELINE PURPOSE The purpose of this guideline is to:

  • Maintain adequate core cooling,
  • Shut down the reactor, and
  • Cool down the RPV to cold shutdown conditions ([Avg. RPV water temperature £93.3 °C (cold shutdown conditions)]).

ENTRY CONDITIONS The entry conditions for this guideline are any of the following:

  • RPV water level below [380.8 cm (low level scram setpoint)]
  • RPV pressure above [7.35 MPaG (high RPV pressure scram setpoint)]
  • Drywell pressure above [0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)]
  • A condition which requires reactor scram, and reactor power above

[5% (APRM downscale trip)] or cannot be determined OPERATOR ACTIONS RC-1 If reactor scram has not been initiated, initiate reactor scram.

Irrespective of the entry conditions, execute [Steps RC/L, RC/P, and RC/Q]


ABWR RC-1 18A-12 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/L Monitor and control RPV water level. #1 RC/L-1 Initiate each of the following which should have initiated but did not:

  • lsolation
  • Any control rod cannot be determined to be inserted to or beyond [4.2%*

(Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] and it has not been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #5].

  • RPV water level cannot be determined, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #4].
  • 0% = fully inserted ABWR RC-2 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-13

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 If while executing the following step primary containment water level and suppression chamber pressure cannot be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit, then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured terminate injection into the primary containment from sources external to the primary containment until primary containment water level and suppression chamber pressure can be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit.


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.65 SUPPRESSION CHAMBER PRESSURE - MPaG ABWR RC-3 18A-14 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/L-2 Restore and maintain RPV water level between [380.8 cm (low level scram setpoint or shutdown cooling RPV water level interlock, whichever is higher)] and [484.4 cm (high level trip setpoint)] with one or more of the following systems:

  • Condensate/feedwater
  • RCIC with suction from the condensate storage pool, #3,4 defeating low RPV pressure and area high temperature isolation interlocks and high suppression pool water level suction transfer logic if necessary.
  • HPCF; control and maintain pump flow less than [the #5 HPCF Vortex Limit].

HPCF VORTEX LIMIT 3.0 2.5 SUPPRESSION POOL LEVEL (m) 2.0 1.5 1.0 DO NOT OPERATE HPCF PUMPS 0.5 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 662 HPCF PUMP FLOW (m3/h)

ABWR RC-4 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-15

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2

  • RHR (LPCF); control and maintain pump flow less than the RHR Pump NPSH Limit and [the RHR Vortex Limit].

RHR (LPCF) PUMP NPSH 140 138.9 SCO =


130 0.241 MPa 126.7 125 SCO =

120 0.173 MPa 116.1 115 SCO =

110 109.4 0.103 MPa 105 101.7 SCO =

100 0.069 MPa 95 SCO =

90.6 0.034 MPa 90 85 DO NOT OPERATE RHR (LPCF) PUMPS 80 SCO =

ABOVE CURVE 0.00 MPa 75 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 RHR (LPCF) PUMP FLOW (m3/h)



ABWR RC-5 18A-16 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 If RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above [380.8 cm (low level scram setpoint or shutdown cooling RPV water level interlock, whichever is higher)], maintain RPV water level above [0 cm (top of active fuel)].

RPV water level control may be augmented by one or more of the following systems:

  • Fire protection system and the firewater addition mode of RHR(C)

[* Interconnections with other units]

  • ECCS keep-full systems:


  • SLC (test tank)
  • Condensate Makeup Water System If RPV water level can be maintained above [0 cm (top of active fuel)]

and the ADS timer has initiated, prevent automatic initiation of ADS.

If RPV water level cannot be maintained above [0 cm (top of active fuel)], enter [procedure developed from Contingency #1].

RC/L-3 When [procedure for cooldown to cold shutdown conditions] is entered from [Step RC/P-5], proceed to cold shutdown in accordance with

[procedure for cooldown to cold shutdown conditions].

ABWR RC-6 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-17

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/P Monitor and control RPV pressure.

If while executing the following steps:

  • A high drywell pressure ECCS initiation signal [0.012 MPaG (drywell pressure which initiates ECCS)] exists, prevent injection from those LPCF pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling prior to depressurizing below their maximum injection pressures.
  • Emergency RPV Depressurization is anticipated and either #6 all control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] or it has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, rapidly depressurize the RPV with the main turbine bypass valves.
  • Emergency RPV Depressurization is required and less than

[8 (number of SRVs dedicated to ADS)] SRVs are open, enter

[procedure developed from Contingency #2].

  • RPV water level cannot be determined and less than [8 (number of SRVs dedicated to ADS)] SRVs are open, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #2].
  • RPV water level cannot be determined and at least [8 (number of SRVs dedicated to ADS)] SRVs are open, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #4].

ABWR RC-7 18A-18 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/P-1 If any SRV is cycling, manually open SRVs until RPV pressure drops to

[6.70 MPaG (RPV pressure at which all turbine bypass valves are fully open)].

If while executing the following steps:

  • Suppression pool temperature cannot be maintained #6 below the Heat Capacity Temperature Limit, maintain RPV pressure below the Limit.


  • Suppression pool water level cannot be maintained below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit, maintain RPV #6 pressure below the Limit.

ABWR RC-8 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-19


8 7

6 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 2.76 RPV PRESSURE - MPa G

  • Steam Cooling is required, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #3].

If while executing the following steps:

  • Boron Injection is required, and
  • There has been no indication of gross fuel failure or steam line break, open MSIVs, bypassing low RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary, to re-establish the main condenser as a heat sink.

ABWR RC-9 18A-20 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/P-2 Stabilize RPV pressure at a pressure below [7.35 MPaG (high RPV pressure scram setpoint)] with the main turbine bypass valves.

RPV pressure control may be augmented by one or more of the following systems:

  • SRVs only when suppression pool water level is above [2.291 m (elevation of top of SRV discharge device)]; open SRVs in the following sequence if possible: [Table (SRV opening sequence)]; if the continuous SRV pneumatic supply is or becomes unavailable, place the control switch for each SRV in the AUTO mode.

SRV Opening Sequence Valve Valve Valve Sequence No. Sequence No. Sequence No.

1 C 7 H 13 B 2 L 8 R 14 M 3 F 9 D 15 E 4 T 10 K 16 U 5 A 11 G 17 J 6 N 12 S 18 P

  • RCIC with suction from the condensate storage tank #3, 4
  • [Other steam driven equipment]
  • CUW (recirculation mode), bypassing regenerative heat exchangers and filter/demineralizers and, if necessary, defeating SLC and other isolation interlocks.
  • CUW (blowdown mode) if no boron has been injected into the RPV; refer to [sampling procedures] prior to initiating blowdown.

If while executing the following steps the reactor is not shut down, return to

[Step RC/P-2].

ABWR RC-10 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-21

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/P-3 When either:

  • All control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)], or
  • It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, or
  • [541.8 kg (Cold Shutdown Boron Weight)] of boron have been injected into the RPV, or
  • The reactor is shutdown and no boron has been injected into the RPV, depressurize the RPV and maintain cooldown rate below [55.6 °C/h (RPV cooldown rate LCO)].

If one or more SRVs are being used to depressurize the RPV and the continuous SRV pneumatic supply is or becomes unavailable, depressurize with sustained SRV opening.

RC/P-4 When the shutdown cooling RPV pressure interlock clears, initiate shutdown cooling using only those RHR subsytems not required to maintain RPV water level above [380.8 cm (RPV water level shutdown cooling interlock)] by operation in the LPCF mode.

If shutdown cooling cannot be established and further cooldown is required, continue to cool down using one or more of the systems used for depressurization.

ABWR RC-11 18A-22 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/P-5 When either:

  • All control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)], or
  • It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, or
  • [541.8 kg (Cold Shutdown Boron Weight)] of boron have been injected into the RPV, proceed to cold shutdown in accordance with [procedure for cooldown to cold shutdown conditions].

ABWR RC-12 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-23

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/Q Monitor and control reactor power.

If while executing the following steps:

  • All control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)], terminate boron injection and enter [scram procedure].
  • It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, terminate boron injection and enter

[scram procedure].

  • The reactor is shutdown and no boron has been injected into the RPV, enter [scram procedure].

RC/Q-1 Confirm or place the reactor mode switch in SHUTDOWN.

RC/Q-2 If ARI has not initiated, initiate ARI.

RC/Q-3 If the main turbine-generator is on-line, confirm or initiate recirculation pump runback to minimum speed.

RC/Q-4 If reactor power is above [5% (APRM downscale trip)] or cannot be determined, trip the recirculation pumps.

RC/Q-5 (Deleted, not applicable to ABWR.)

Execute [Steps RC/Q-6 and RC/Q-7] concurrently.

ABWR RC-13 18A-24 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 RC/Q-6:

  • When periodic neutron flux oscillations in excess of [25% (Large oscillation threshold)] peak-to-peak commence or continue, or
  • Before suppression pool temperature reaches the[ (Boron Injection Initiation Temperature)], BORON INJECTION IS REQUIRED; inject boron into the RPV with SLC and prevent automatic initiation of ADS.


If boron cannot be injected with SLC, inject boron into the RPV by one or more of the following alternative methods:

[* CRD]

[* HPCF]

[* CUW]

[* Feedwater]

[* RCIC]

ABWR RC-14 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-25

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 If while executing the following steps SLC tank water level drops to [ 0 m3 (low SLC tank water level)], manually trip the SLC pumps.

RC/Q-6.1 If boron is not being injected into the RPV by CUW and CUW is not isolated, bypass regenerative heat exchangers and filter/demineralizers.

RC/Q-6.2 Continue to inject boron until [541.8 kg (Cold Shutdown Boron Weight)] of boron have been injected into the RPV.

RC/Q-6.3 Enter [scram procedure].

RC/Q-7 Insert control rods as follows:

RC/Q-7.1 Reset ARI, bypassing ARI logic trips if necessary.

RC/Q-7.2 Insert control rods with one or more of the following methods:

  • De-energize scram solenoids
  • Open individual scram test switches

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.5 Primary Containment Control Guideline PRIMARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL GUIDELINE PURPOSE The purpose of this guideline is to:

ENTRY CONDITIONS The entry conditions for this guideline are any of the following:

  • Suppression pool temperature above [35.0 ºC (most limiting suppression pool temperature LCO)))
  • Drywell temperature above [57.2 ºC (drywell temperature LCO or maximum normal operating temperature, whichever is higher)]
  • Drywell pressure above [0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)]
  • Suppression pool water level above [7.1 m (maximum suppression pool water level LCO)]
  • Suppression pool water level below [7.0 m (minimum suppression pool water level LCO)]

OPERATOR ACTIONS Irrespective of the entry conditions, execute [Steps SP/T, DW/T, PC/P, SP/L, and PC/H] concurrently.

ABWR PC-1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-27

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SP/T Monitor and control suppression pool temperature below

[35.0 °C (most limiting suppression pool temperature LCO)] using available suppression pool cooling.

When suppression pool temperature cannot be maintained below [35.0 ° C (most limiting suppression pool temperature LCO)]:

SP/T-1 Operate all available suppression pool cooling using only those RHR pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous operation in the LPCF mode.

SP/T-2 Before suppression pool temperature reaches the [(Boron Injection Initiation Temperature)], enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.


ABWR PC-2 18A-28 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SP/T-3 When suppression pool temperature and RPV pressure cannot be maintained below the Heat Capacity Temperature Limit, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.


25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 DW/T Monitor and control drywell temperature below [57.2 ºC (drywell temperature LCO or maximum normal operating temperature, whichever is higher)] using available drywell cooling.

When drywell temperature cannot be maintained below

[57.2 ºC (drywell temperature LCO or maximum normal #1 operating temperature, whichever is higher)], shut down the reactor.

DW/T-1 Operate all available drywell cooling, defeating isolation interlocks if necessary.

When drywell temperature cannot be maintained below

[103°C (Saturation temperature corresponding to high drywell pressure scram setpoint)], enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

If while executing the following steps containment sprays have been initiated and suppression chamber or drywell pressure drops below

[0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)], terminate containment sprays.

ABWR PC-4 18A-30 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 DW/T-2 Before drywell temperature reaches [171 °C (maximum temperature at which ADS qualified or drywell design temperature, whichever is lower)] but only if suppression pool water level is below [11.70 m (elevation of bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent)] and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit, shut down drywell cooling fans and initiate containment sprays using only those RHR subsystems (RHR(B),

RHR(C)) not required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous operation in the LPCF mode.

If RHR(B) and RHR(C) are not available for containment sprays, initiate containment sprays using the fire protection system and firewater additon mode of RHR(C).


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 20.6 73.6 DRYWELL PRESSURE - kPaG ABWR PC-5 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-31

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 DW/T-3 When drywell temperature cannot be maintained below

[171 °C (maximum temperature at which ADS qualified or drywell design temperature, whichever is lower)], EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

ABWR PC-6 18A-32 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/P Monitor and control primary containment pressure below [0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)] using the ACS drywell bleed, SGTS and RBHVAC only if containment pressure is less than [0.014 MPaG (SGTS and RBHVAC design pressure)]; use [containment pressure control system operating procedures].

When primary containment pressure cannot be maintained below [0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)], or the offsite radioactivity release rate reaches the offsite release rate LCO, isolate the ACS drywell bleed.

If while executing the following steps containment sprays have been initiated and suppression chamber or drywell pressure drops below

[0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)], terminate containment sprays.

PC/P-1 (Deleted - not applicable to ABWR.)

ABWR PC-7 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-33

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/P-2 When suppression chamber pressure exceeds [0.072 MPaG (Suppression Chamber Spray Initiation Pressure)] but only if suppression pool water level is below [11.70 m (elevation of bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent)] and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Drywell Spray lnitiation Limit, shutdown drywell cooling fans and initiate containment sprays using only those RHR subsystems (RHR(B), RHR(C)) not required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous operation in the LPCF mode.

If RHR(B) and RHR(C) are not available for containment sprays, initiate containment sprays using the fire protection system and the firewater addition mode of RHR(C).


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 20.6 73.6 DRYWELL PRESSURE - kPaG ABWR PC-8 18A-34 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/P-3 When suppression chamber pressure cannot be maintained below the Pressure Suppression Pressure, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.


4 6 8 10 12 14 4.5 4.8 12.7 SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL - m (PC/P-4 Deleted - not applicable to ABWR.)

ABWR PC-9 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-35

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/P-5 When primary containment pressure reaches the range of

[ 0.59 - 0.65 MPaG (Rupture diaphragm pressure range)]

and the rupture diaphragms are actuated, do not isolate the containment vent path until directed by [procedure developed for post accident recovery].

ABWR PC-9.1 18A-36 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/P-6 When suppression chamber pressure cannot be maintained below

[(the Primary Containment Pressure Limit)], then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured:


0 5 15 20 25 30 24.5 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT WATER LEVEL - m If suppression pool water level is below [11.70 m (elevation of bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent) and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit, shut down drywell cooling fans and initiate containment sprays. Containment spray may be augmented by the fire protec-tion system and the firewater addition mode of RHR(C) only when suppression chamber pressure is below [0.65 MPaG (pressure capability of the containment)] and primary containment water level is below [24.5 m (elevation of the main steamline penetration centerline)].

ABWR PC-10 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-37

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SP/L Monitor and control suppression pool water level.

If while executing the following steps Primary Containment Flooding is required, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #6].

SP/L-1 Maintain suppression pool water level between [7.1 m (maximum suppression pool water level LCO)] and [7.0 m (minimum suppression pool water level LCO)]; refer to [sampling procedure] prior to discharging water. If suppression pool water level cannot be maintained above [7.0 m (minimum suppression pool water level LCO)], enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with step [SP/L-2].

  • Use the following systems to makeup to the suppression pool:




- Fire protection system and firewater addition mode of RHR(C).

  • Use the following systems to reject water from the suppression pool:

- RHR If suppression pool water level cannot be maintained above

[7.0 m (minimum suppression pool water level LCO)], execute

[Step SP/L-2].

If suppression pool water level cannot be maintained below

[7.1 m (maximum suppression pool water level LCO)], execute

[Step SP/L-3].

ABWR PC-11 18A-38 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SP/L-2 SUPPRESSlON POOL WATER LEVEL BELOW

[7.0 m (minimum suppression pool water level LCO)]

SP/L-2.1 Maintain suppression pool water level above the Heat Capacity Level Limit.

HEAT CAPACITY LEVEL LIMIT 7.50 7.00 SUPPRESSION POOL LEVEL - m 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 EMERGENCY RPV 4.46 DEPRESSURIZATION REQUIRED 4.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 19.8 MARGIN FROM SUPPRESSION POOL AVERAGE TEMPERATURE TO HCTL - °C where HCTL Margin = Heat Capacity Temperature Limit

- Suppression pool temperature.

If suppression pool water level cannot be maintained above the Heat Capacity Level Limit, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION lS REQUIRED.

(SP/L-2.2 Deleted - not applicable to ABWR)

ABWR PC-12 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-39

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SP/L-3 SUPPRESSION POOL WATER LEVEL ABOVE [7.1 m (maximum suppression pool water level LCO)]

Execute [Steps SP/L-3.1, SP/L-3.2, and SP/L-3.3] concurrently.

SP/L-3.1 Maintain suppression pool water level below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit.


8 7

6 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 2.76 RPV PRESSURE - MPa G If suppression pool water level cannot be maintained below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

If suppression pool water level and RPV pressure cannot be maintained below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit but only if adequate core cooling is assured, terminate injection into the primary containment from sources external to the primary containment except from boron injection systems and CRD.

If suppression pool water level and RPV pressure cannot be restored and maintained below the SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURlZATlON IS REQUIRED.

ABWR PC-13 18A-40 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SP/L-3.2 Maintain suppression pool water level below 11.70 m (elevation of the bottom of suppression pool-to-lower drywell vent )].

lf suppression pool water level cannot be maintained below [11.70 m (elevation of the bottom of suppression pool-to-lower drywell vent )]:

ABWR PC-14 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-41

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SP/L-3.3 Maintain primary containment water level below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit.


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.65 SUPPRESSION CHAMBER PRESSURE - MPaG If primary containment water level cannot be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit, terminate injection into the primary containment from sources external to the primary containment irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured.

ABWR PC-15 18A-42 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/H Monitor and control hydrogen and oxygen concentrations If while executing the following steps:

  • The hydrogen or oxygen monitoring system is or becomes unavailable, sample the drywell and suppression chamber for hydrogen and oxygen in accordance with [sampling procedure].
  • Drywell or suppression chamber hydrogen concentration cannot be determined to be below 6% and drywell or suppression chamber oxygen concentration cannot be determined to be below 5%, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED; enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure; secure and prevent operation of the FCS and, initiate containment sprays in accordance with [Step PC/H-4] until drywell and suppression chamber hydrogen concentrations can be determined to be below 6% or drywell and suppression chamber oxygen concentrations can be determined to be below 5%.

PC/H-1 When drywell or suppression chamber hydrogen concentration reaches [0.1% (minimum detectable hydrogen concentration)], but only if the offsite radioactivity release rate is expected to remain below the offsite release rate LCO and primary containment pressure is below [0.014 MPaG (SGTS and RBHVAC design pressure)], vent and purge the primary containment, bypassing isolation interlocks (except drywell pressure and radiation interlocks) if necessary, to restore and maintain drywell and suppression chamber hydrogen concentrations below [0.1% (minimum detectable hydrogen concentration)] as follows:

If while executing the following steps the offsite radioactivity release rate reaches the offsite release rate LCO, or primary containment pressure exceeds [0.014 MPaG (SGTS and RBHVAC design pressure)], isolate the primary containment vent and purge.

ABWR PC-16 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-43

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/H-1.1 Refer to [sampling procedure].

PC/H-1.2 Vent the primary containment using the ACS bleed line, SGTS and RBHVAC and purge the primary containment with nitrogen in accordance with

[procedure for primary containment venting and purging].

PC/H-1.3 (Deleted)

ABWR PC-17 18A-44 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Execute [Steps PC/H-2 and PC/H-3] concurrently.

PC/H-2 Monitor and control hydrogen and oxygen concentrations in the drywell.

PC/H-2.1 When drywell hydrogen concentration reaches

[0.5% (minimum hydrogen concentration for recombiner operation or minimum detectable hydrogen concentration, whichever is higher)] but only if drywell hydrogen concentration is below [6% (maximum hydrogen concentration for recombiner operation or 6%,

whichever is lower)] or drywell oxygen concentration is below [5% (maximum oxygen concentration for recombiner operation or 5%, whichever is lower)], and only if suppression pool level is below [11.70 m (elevation of bottom of suppression pool-to-lower drywell vent )], place FCS in service and enter

[procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline]

at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

PC/H-2.2 When drywell hydrogen concentration reaches

[6% (maximum hydrogen concentration for recombiner operation or 6%, whichever is lower)] and drywell oxygen concentration reaches [5% (maximum oxygen concentration for recombiner operation or 5%,

whichever is lower)], secure FCS operation.

PC/H-2.3 Continue in this procedure at [Step PC/H-4].

ABWR PC-18 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-45

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/H-3 Monitor and control hydrogen and oxygen concentrations in the suppression chamber.

PC/H-3.1 When suppression chamber hydrogen concentration reaches [0.5% (minimum hydrogen concentration for recombiner operation or minimum detectable hydrogen concentration, whichever is higher)], but only if suppression pool level is below [11.70 m (elevation of bottom of suppression pool-to-lower drywell vent)],

and only if drywell hydrogen concentration is below

[6% (maximum hydrogen concentration for recombiner operation or 6%, whichever is lower)] or drywell oxygen concentration is below [5% (maximum oxygen concentration for recombiner operation or 5%,

whichever is lower)], place FCS in service and enter

[procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline]

at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

(PC/H-3.2 Deleted, not applicable to ABWR.)

ABWR PC-19 18A-46 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/H-4 When drywell or suppression chamber hydrogen concentration reaches 6% and drywell or suppression chamber oxygen concentration is above 5%, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

If while executing the following steps containment sprays have been initiated and suppression chamber or drywell pressure pressure drops below [0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)],

terminate containment sprays.

PC/H-4.1 (Deleted - not applicable to ABWR.)

ABWR PC-20 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-47

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/H-4.2 (Deleted - not applicable to ABWR.)

PC/H-4.3 (Deleted - not applicable to ABWR.)

PC/H-4.4 If suppression pool water level is below [11.70 m (elevation of bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent)] and drywell temperature, and pressure are within the Drywell Spray lnitiation Limit, shut down drywell cooling fans and initiate containment sprays using only those RHR subsystems (RHR(B), RHR(C)) not required to assure adequate core cooling by continuous operation in the LPCF mode.

If RHR(B) and RHR(C) are not available for containment sprays, initiate containment sprays using the fire protection system and the firewater addition mode of RHR(C).


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 20.6 73.6 DRYWELL PRESSURE - kPaG ABWR PC-21 18A-48 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/H-5 When drywell or suppression chamber hydrogen concentration cannot be restored and maintained below 6% and drywell or suppression chamber oxygen concentration cannot be restored and maintained below 5%, then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured:

If while executing the following steps containment sprays have been initiated and suppression chamber or drywell pressure drops below

[0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)], terminate containment sprays.

PC/H-5.1 (Deleted - not applicable to ABWR.)

ABWR PC-22 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-49

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 PC/H-5.2 If suppression pool water level is below [11.70 m (elevation of bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent)] and drywell temperature and pressure are within the Drywell Spray Initiation Limit, shut down drywell cooling fans and initiate containment sprays.


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 20.6 73.6 DRYWELL PRESSURE - kPaG ABWR PC-23 18A-50 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.6 Secondary Containment Control Guideline SECONDARY CONTAINMENT CONTROL GUIDELINE PURPOSE The purpose of this guideline is to:

ENTRY CONDITIONS The entry conditions for this guideline are any of the following secondary containment conditions:

  • Differential pressure at or above 0 mm of water
  • An area temperature above the maximum normal operating temperature
  • A HVAC cooler differential temperature above the maximum normal operating differential temperature
  • A HVAC exhaust radiation level above the maximum normal operating radiation level
  • An area radiation level above the maximum normal operating radiation level
  • A floor drain sump water level above the maximum normal operating water level
  • An area water level above the maximum normal operating water level ABWR SC-1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-51

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 OPERATOR ACTIONS If while executing the following steps secondary containment HVAC exhaust radiation level exceeds [2 Gy/h Reactor Building or 20 Gy/h Fuel Handling Area (secondary containment HVAC isolation setpoint)]:

  • Confirm initiation of or manually initiate SGTS.

If while executing the following steps:

[2 Gy/h Reactor Building or 20 Gy/h Fuel Handling Area (secondary containment HVAC isolation setpoint)],

restart secondary containment HVAC, defeating high drywell pressure and low RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary.

Irrespective of the entry condition, execute [Steps SC/T, SC/R and SC/L]


ABWR SC-2 18A-52 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SC/T Monitor and control secondary containment temperatures.

SC/T-1 Operate available area coolers.

SC/T-2 If secondary containment HVAC exhaust radiation level is below

[2 Gy/h Reactor Building or 20 Gy/h Fuel Handling Area (secondary containment HVAC isolation setpoint)], operate available secondary containment HVAC.

SC/T-3 When an area temperature exceeds its maximum normal #1 operating temperature, isolate all systems that are discharging into the area except systems required to shut down the reactor, assure adequate core cooling, protect primary containment integrity, or suppress a fire.

Execute [Steps SC/T-4 and SC/T-5] concurrently.

SC/T-4 If a primary system is discharging into secondary containment:

SC/T-4.1 Before any area temperature reaches its maximum safe operating temperature, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

SC/T-4.2 When an area temperature exceeds its maximum safe operating temperature in more than one area, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

SC/T-5 When an area temperature exceeds its maximum safe operating temperature in more than one area, shut down the reactor.

ABWR SC-3 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-53

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SC/R Monitor and control secondary containment radiation levels.

SC/R-1 When an area radiation level exceeds its maximum normal operating radiation level, isolate all systems that are discharging into the area except systems required to shut down the reactor, assure adequate core cooling, protect primary containment integrity, or suppress a fire.

Execute [Steps SC/R-2 and SC/R-3] concurrently.

SC/R-2 If a primary system is discharging into secondary containment:

SC/R-2.1 Before any area tradiation level reaches its maximum safe operating radiation level, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

SC/R-2.2 When an area radiation level exceeds its maximum safe operating radiation level in more than one area, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

SC/R-3 When an area radiation level exceeds its maximum safe operating radiation level in more than one area, shut down the reactor.

ABWR SC-4 18A-54 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 SC/L Monitor and control secondary containment water levels.

SC/L-1 When a floor drain sump or area water level is above its maximum normal operating water level, operate available sump pumps to restore and maintain it below its maximum normal operating water level.

If any floor drain sump or area water level cannot be restored and maintained below its maximum normal operating water level, isolate all systems that are discharging water into the sump or area except systems required to shut down the reactor, assure adequate core cooling, protect primary containment integrity, or suppress a fire.

Execute [Steps SC/L-2 and SC/L-3] concurrently.

SC/L-2 If a primary system is discharging into secondary containment:

SC/L-2.1 Before any area water level reaches its maximum safe operating water level, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

SC/L-2.2 When an area water level exceeds its maximum safe operating water level in more than one area, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

SC/R-3 When an area water level exceeds its maximum safe operating water level in more than one area, shut down the reactor.

ABWR SC-5 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-55

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 1 Operating Values of Secondary Containment Parameters (Cont.)

Maximum Maximum Normal Safe Operating Operating Secondary Containment Parameter Value Value Area Temperature °C °C El. -8200 T.M.S.L. (Floor 100-B3F)

  • HCU Area - 0° 40100
  • RHR(A) Pump & Hx Room65100
  • HPCF(C) Pump Room65100
  • RHR(C) Pump & Hx Room65100
  • CRD Pump Room40100
  • HCU Area - 180° 40100
  • RHR(B) Pump & Hx Room65100
  • HPCF(B) Pump Room65100
  • CUW Non-Regen. Hx Room50100
  • CUW Pump Area40100 El. -1700 T.M.S.L. (Floor 200-B2F)
  • ECCS Pump Maintenance Area40100
  • Valve Room A40100
  • Valve Room C40100
  • FMCRD & RIP Maintenance Area40100
  • Valve Room B40100
  • CUW Regen. Hx & Valve Area50100
  • CUW F/D Valve Area40100 El. 4800 T.M.S.L. (Floor 300-B1F)
  • RPV Instrument Area 1 & 340100
  • RPV Instrument Area 2 & 440100
  • CUW/FPC F/D Area40100 El. 12300 T.M.S.L. (Floor 400-1F)
  • Valve Room A40100
  • Valve Room C40100
  • Valve Room B40100
  • CUW Valve Area40100 El. 18100 T.M.S.L. (Floor 500-2F)
  • Main Steam/FW Tunnel55171

- Hx Area40100

- Pump Area65100

- Valve Area40100 ABWRSC-6 18A-56 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 1 Operating Values of Secondary Containment Parameters (Cont.)

Maximum Maximum Normal Safe Operating Operating Secondary Containment Parameter Value Value Area Temperature °C °C El. 23500 T.M.S.L. (Floor 600-3F)

  • SRV/MSIV Maintenance Room40100

- Fan Area65100

- Filter Train Area40100 El. 31700 T.M.S.L. (Floor 800-4F)

  • Dryer/Separator Area40100
  • Reactor Well Area40100
  • Spent Fuel Storage Area40100 ABWRSC-7 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-57

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 1 Operating Values of Secondary Containment Parameters (Cont.)

Maximum Maximum Normal Safe Operating Operating Secondary Containment Parameter Value Value HVAC Cooler Differential Temperature °C RHR(A) Pump RoomHi AlarmN/A RHR(B) Pump RoomHi AlarmN/A RHR(C) Pump RoomHi AlarmN/A HPCF(B) Pump RoomHi AlarmN/A HPCF(C) Pump RoomHi AlarmN/A RCIC Pump/Turbine RoomHi AlarmN/A FPC(A)Hi AlarmN/A FPC(B)Hi AlarmN/A SGTS(B)


SGTS(B)Hi AlarmN/A CAMS(A)Hi AlarmN/A CAMS(B)Hi AlarmN/A Main Steam/FW TunnelHi AlarmN/A FCS(B)

FCS(A)Hi AlarmN/A FCS(C)

FCS(B)Hi AlarmN/A RIP Handling Machine Control Room AHi AlarmN/A RIP Handling Machine Control Room BHi AlarmN/A CRD Auto Exchanger Control Room AHi AlarmN/A CRD Auto Exchanger Control Room BHi AlarmN/A ISI Room AHi AlarmN/A ISI Room BHi AlarmN/A Primary Containment L/T Measurement RoomHi AlarmN/A Plant Outage Workers RoomHi AlarmN/A Refueling Machine Control RoomHi AlarmN/A CUW Non-Regen. Hx AreaHi AlarmN/A CUW Regen. Hx AreaHi AlarmN/A CUW Valve RoomHi AlarmN/A ABWRSC-8 18A-58 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 1 Operating Values of Secondary Containment Parameters (Cont.)

Maximum Maximum Normal Safe Operating Operating Secondary Containment Parameter Value Value HVAC Exhaust Radiation Level 10 -5 Gy/h Reactor building0.1N/A Refuel floor (Fuel Handling Area)1N/A Area Radiation Level 10 -5 Gy/h 10 -5 Gy/h El. -8200 T.M.S.L. (Floor 100-B3F)

  • HCU Area - 0° 5____
  • RHR(A) Pump & Hx Room30____
  • HPCF(C) Pump Room5____
  • RHR(C) Pump & Hx Room30____
  • CRD Pump Room5____
  • HCU Area - 180° 5____
  • RHR(B) Pump & Hx Room30____
  • HPCF(B) Pump Room5____
  • CUW Non-Regen. Hx Room 20,000 ____
  • CUW Pump Area500____

El. -1700 T.M.S.L. (Floor 200-B2F)

  • ECCS Pump Maintenance Area5 ____
  • Valve Room A5 ____
  • Valve Room C5 ____
  • FMCRD & RIP Maintenance Area5 ____
  • Valve Room B5 ____
  • CUW Regen. Hx & Valve Area 20,000 ____
  • CUW F/D Valve Area5 ____

El. 4800 T.M.S.L. (Floor 300-B1F)

  • RPV Instrument Area 1 & 35____
  • RPV Instrument Area 2 & 45____
  • CUW/FPC F/D Area5____

El. 12300 T.M.S.L. (Floor 400-1F)

  • Valve Room A5 ____
  • Valve Room C5 ____
  • Valve Room B5 ____
  • CUW Valve Area5 ____

ABWRSC-9 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-59

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 1 Operating Values of Secondary Containment Parameters (Cont.)

Maximum Maximum Normal Safe Operating Operating Secondary Containment Parameter Value Value Area Radiation Level 10-5 Gy/h 10-5 Gy/h El. 18100 T.M.S.L. (Floor 500-2F)

Main Steam/FW Tunnel 5000 ___

FPC Area

- Hx Area 5 ___

- Pump Area 5 ___

- Valve Area 5 ___

El. 23500 T.M.S.L. (Floor 600-3F)

SRV/MSIV Maintenance Room 5 ___

SLC Area 5 ___


- Fan Area 5 ___

- Filter Train Area 5 ___

El. 31700 T.M.S.L. (Floor 800-4F)

Dryer/Separator Area 5 ___

Reactor Well Area 5 ___

Spent Fuel Storage Area 5 ___

ABWR SC-10 18A-60 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 1 Operating Values of Secondary Containment Parameters (Cont.)

Maximum Maximum Normal Safe Operating Operating Secondary Containment Parameter Value Value Floor Drain Sump Water Level cm Sump HCU Area - 0° Hi Hi AlarmN/A Sump RHR(A) & RCIC AreaHi Hi AlarmN/A Sump RHR(C) & HPCF(C) AreaHi Hi AlarmN/A Sump HCU Area - 180° Hi Hi AlarmN/A Sump RHR(B) & HPCF(B) AreaHi Hi AlarmN/A Area Water Level cm cm El. -8200 T.M.S.L. (Floor 100-B3F)

  • HCU Area - 0° 5127
  • RHR(A) Pump & Hx Room5213
  • HPCF(C) Pump Room5288
  • RHR(C) Pump & Hx Room5213
  • CRD Pump Room570
  • HCU Area - 180° 5127
  • RHR(B) Pump & Hx Room5213
  • HPCF(B) Pump Room5288
  • CUW Non-Regen. Hx Room5>20
  • CUW Pump Area585 El. -1700 T.M.S.L. (Floor 200-B2F)
  • ECCS Pump Maintenance Area5>20
  • Valve Room A5*
  • Valve Room C5>20
  • FMCRD & RIP Maintenance Area5>20
  • Valve Room B5>20
  • CUW Regen. Hx & Valve Area5>20
  • CUW F/D Valve Area5>20 El. 4800 T.M.S.L. (Floor 300-B1F)
  • RPV Instrument Area 1 & 35>20
  • RPV Instrument Area 2 & 45>20
  • CUW/FPC F/D Area5>20
  • Level of detail not available; should be bottom of MOV elevation.

ABWRSC-11 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-61

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 1 Operating Values of Secondary Containment Parameters (Cont.)

Maximum Maximum Normal Safe Operating Operating Secondary Containment Parameter Value Value Area Water Level cm cm El. 12300 T.M.S.L. (Floor 400-1F)

  • Valve Room A5>20
  • Valve Room C5>20
  • Valve Room B5>20
  • CUW Valve Area5>20 El. 18100 T.M.S.L. (Floor 500-2F)
  • Main Steam/FW Tunnel5400

- Hx Area5>20

- Pump Area5100

- Valve Area5>20 El. 23500 T.M.S.L. (Floor 600-3F)

  • SRV/MSIV Maintenance Room5>20

- Fan Area5>20

- Filter Train Area5>20 ABWRSC-12 18A-62 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.7 Radioactivity Release Control Guideline RADIOACTIVITY RELEASE CONTROL GUIDELINE PURPOSE The purpose of this guideline is to limit radioactivity release into areas outside the primary and secondary containments ENTRY CONDITIONS The entry conditions for this guideline is

  • Offsite radioactivity release rate above the offsite release rate which requires an Alert.

OPERATOR ACTIONS If while executing the following steps turbine building HVAC is shutdown restart turbine building HVAC.

RR-1 Isolate all primary systems that are discharging into areas outside the primary and secondary containments except systems required to assure adequate core cooling or shut down the reactor.

If the radioactivity release rate continues to increase enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

RR-2 When offsite radioactivity release rate approaches or exceeds the offsite release rate which requires a General Emergency but only if a primary system is discharging into an area outside the primary and secondary containments, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED.

ABWR RR-1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-63

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.8 Contingency #1, Alternative Level Control CONTINGENCY #1 ALTERNATIVE LEVEL CONTROL If while executing the following steps:

  • Any control rod cannot be determined to be inserted to or beyond 4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] and it has not been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #5].
  • RPV water level cannot be determined, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #4].
  • RPV water level is increasing, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC/L].
  • RPV water level drops below [34.7 cm (ADS initiation setpoint)], prevent automatic initiation of ADS.

ABWR C1-1 18A-64 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 If while executing the following steps primary containment water level and suppression chamber pressure cannot be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit, then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured terminate injection into the primary containment from sources external to the primary containment until primary containment water level and suppression chamber pressure can be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit.


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.65 SUPPRESSION CHAMBER PRESSURE - MPaG ABWR C1-2 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-65

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (C1-1 Deleted -- not applicable to ABWR)

C1-2 Line up for injection, start pumps, and irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, increase injection flow to the maximum with 2 or more of the following injection subsystems:

  • HPCF(B)
  • HPCF(C)
  • RHR-A (LPCF)
  • RHR-B (LPCF)
  • RHR-C (LPCF)

If less than 2 of the injection subsystems can be lined up, commence lining up as many of the following alternate injection subsystems as possible:

  • Fire protection system and the firewater addition mode of RHR(C)
  • [Interconnections with other units]
  • ECCS keep-full systems:


  • SLC (test tank)
  • Condensate Makeup Water System ABWR C1-3 18A-66 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C1-3 If RPV pressure is above [1.37 MPaG (highest RPV pressure at which the shutoff head of a low-water-quality alternate injection subsystem (excluding SLC) is reached)]:

If while executing the following steps RPV pressure drops below

[1.37 MPaG (highest RPV pressure at which the shutoff head of a low-water-quality alternate injection subsystem (excluding SLC) is reached)], continue in this procedure at [Step C1-4].

C1-3.1 If no injection subsystem is lined up for injection with at least one pump running, start pumps in alternate injection subsystems which are lined up for injection.

C1-3.2 When RPV water level drops to [0 cm (top of active fuel)]:

  • If any system, injection subsystem or alternate injection subsystem is lined up with at least one pump running, EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION lS REQUIRED.
  • If no system, injection subsystem or alternate injection subsystem is lined up with at least one pump running, STEAM COOLING IS REQUIRED.

C1-4 When RPV pressure drops below [1.37 MPaG (highest RPV pressure at which the shutoff head of a low-water-quality alternate injection subsystem (excluding SLC) is reached)]:

C1-4.1 Line up for injection, start pumps, and irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, increase injection flow to the maximum with all systems and injection subsystems.

ABWR C1-4 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-67

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C1-4.2 When RPV water level drops to [0 cm (top of active fuel)], EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION IS REQUIRED; line up for injection, start pumps, and increase injection flow to the maximum with all alternate injection subsystems.

If RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above [0 cm (top of active fuel)], PRIMARY CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED; enter

[procedure developed from Contingency #6].

ABWR C1-5 18A-68 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.9 Contingency #2, Emergency RPV Depressurization CONTINGENCY #2 EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION C2-1 When either: #6

  • All control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)], or
  • It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, or
  • All injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems, CRD, and RCIC has been terminated and prevented, C2-1.1 If a high drywell pressure ECCS initiation signal [0.012 MPaG (drywell pressure which initiates ECCS)] exists, prevent injection from those RHR pumps not required to assure adequate core cooling.

(C2-1.2 Deleted -- Not applicable to ABWR)

C2-1.3 If suppression pool water level is above [2.291 m (elevation of top of SRV discharge device)]:

  • Open all ADS valves.
  • If any ADS valve cannot be opened, open other SRVs until

[8 (number of SRVs dedicated to ADS)] valves are open.

ABWR C2-1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-69

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Execute Step [C2-1.4 ] and [Step C2-1.5] concurrently.

C2-1.4 If [8 (number of SRVs dedicated to ADS)] SRVs cannot be opened, open the ADS valves using nitrogen stored in bottles of the High Pressure Nitrogen Gas Supply system using [procedure for opening ADS SRVs with nitrogen bottles].

C2-1.5 If less than [6 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization)] SRVs are open, rapidly depressurize the RPV, defeating isolation interlocks if necessary, using one or more of the following:

  • Head vent
  • [Other steam driven equipment]

If RPV water level cannot be determined, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #4].

ABWR C2-2 18A-70 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C2-2 When either:

  • All control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)], or
  • It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, or
  • [541.8 kg (Cold Shutdown Boron Weight)] of boron have been injected into the RPV, or
  • The reactor is shutdown and no boron has been injected into the RPV, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC/P-4].

ABWR C2-3 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-71

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.10 Contingency #3, Steam Cooling CONTINGENCY # 3 STEAM COOLING C3-1Perform steam cooling operation as follows:

If while executing this step Emergency RPV Depressurization is required, RPV water level cannot be determined, or any system, injection subsystem, or alternate injection subsystem is lined up for injection with at least one pump running, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #2].

When RPV water level drops to [-111.2 cm (Minimum Zero-lnjection RPV Water Level)] enter [procedure developed from Contingency #2].

ABWRC3-1 18A-72 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.11 Contingency #4, RPV Flooding CONTINGENCY #4 RPV FLOODING If while executing the following steps RPV water level can be determined:

  • If any control rod cannot be determined to be inserted to or beyond

[4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] and it has not been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #5] and [procedure developed from RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC/P-4] and execute these procedures concurrently.

  • If all control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] or it has been determined that the reactor with remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Steps RC/L and RC/P-4] and execute these steps concurrently.

ABWR C4-1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-73

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 If while executing the following steps primary containment water level and suppression chamber pressure cannot be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit, then irrespective of whether adequate core cooling is assured terminate injection into the primary containment from sources external to the primary containment until primary containment water level and suppression chamber pressure can be maintained below the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit.


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 SUPPRESSION CHAMBER PRESSURE - MPaG 0.65 ABWR C4-2 18A-74 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C4-1 If any control rod cannot be determined to be inserted to or beyond

[4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] and it has not been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, flood the RPV as follows:

If while executing the following steps either all control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] or it has be been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron but RPV water level cannot be determined, continue in this procedure at [Step C4-2].

C4-1.1 Terminate and prevent all injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems and CRD until RPV pressure is below the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure.

Number of open SRVs Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure (MPaG) 8 or more 0.93 7 1.08 6 1.27 5 1.55 4 1.96 3 2.65 2 4.02 If less than [2 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure)] SRVs can be opened, continue in this procedure.

C4-1.2 If at least [6 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization)] SRVs can be opened, close the MSIVs, main steam line drain valves,and RClC isolation valves.

ABWR C4-3 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-75

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C4-1.3 Commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, slowly increase injection into #7 the RPV with the following systems until at least

[2 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure)] SRVs are open and RPV pressure is above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure:

  • Motor driven feedwater pumps, defeating high RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary.
  • Condensate pumps

If less than [2 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure)] SRVs are open or RPV pressure cannot be increased to above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure, commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, slowly increase injection into the RPV with the following systems until at least [2 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure)] SRVs are open and RPV pressure is above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure:

  • HPCF, defeating high RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary.
  • Fire protection system and the firewater addition mode of RHR(C)
  • Condensate Makeup Water System ABWR C4-4 18A-76 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 If less than [2 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure)] SRVs are open or RPV pressure cannot be increased to above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED; enter

[procedure developed from Contingency #6] and [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC/P-4] and execute these procedures concurrently.

C4-1.4 When at least [2 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure)] SRVs are open and RPV pressure is above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure, control injection to maintain at least [2 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure)] SRVs open and RPV pressure above the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure but as low as practicable.

C4-1.5 When all control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] or it has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, continue in this procedure.

C4-2 If at least [6 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization)] SRVs can be opened or if a HPCF or motor driven feedwater pump is available for injection, close the MSIVs, main steam line drain valves, and RCIC isolation valves.

ABWR C4-5 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-77

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C4-3 Flood the RPV as follows:

C4-3.1 Commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, increase injection into the RPV with the following systems until at least [6 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization)] SRVs are open and RPV pressure is not decreasing and is [0.354 MPaG (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure)] or more above suppression chamber pressure:

  • HPCF, defeating high RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary.
  • Motor driven feedwater pumps, defeating high RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary.
  • Condensate pumps
  • Fire protection system and firewater addition mode of RHR(C)
  • [Interconnections with other units]
  • SLC (test tank)
  • Condensate Makeup Water System ABWR C4-6 18A-78 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 lf less than [6 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization)] SRVs are open or RPV pressure cannot be maintained at least [0.354 MPaG (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure)] above suppression chamber pressure, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED; enter [procedure developed from Contingency #6] and [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC/P-4] and execute these procedures concurrently.

C4-3.2 When at least [6 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization)] SRVs are open and RPV pressure can be maintained at least [0.354 MPaG (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure)] above suppression chamber pressure, control injection to maintain at least [6 (Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization)] SRVs open and RPV pressure at least

[0.354 MPaG (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure)] above suppression chamber pressure but as low as practicable.

C4-4 When:

  • RPV water level instrumentation is available, and
  • Temperature[s] [near the cold reference leg instrument vertical runs] are below 100° C, and
  • RPV pressure has remained at least [0.354 MPaG (Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure)] above suppression chamber pressure for at least [the Minimum Core Flooding Interval]

Number of Minimum Core Flooding open SRVs Interval (Min) 8 or more 43.5 7 59.4 6 84.3 ABWR C4-7 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-79

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Terminate all injection into the RPV and reduce RPV water level until RPV water level indication is restored.

If RPV water level indication is not restored within the Maximum Core Uncovery Time Limit after commencing termination of injection into the RPV, return to [Step C4-3.1].


6 4

2 MINUTES 10 100 1000 10000 HOURS 1 5 10 50 100 TIME AFTER REACTOR SHUTDOWN - min & h C4-5 Enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Steps RC/L and RC/P-4] and execute these steps concurrently.

ABWR C4-8 18A-80 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.12 Contingency #5, Level/Power Control CONTINGENCY #5 LEVEL POWER CONTROL If while executing the following steps:

  • RPV water level cannot be determined, enter [procedure developed from Contingency #4].
  • All control rods are inserted to or beyond [4.2% (Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)] or it has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC/L].


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.65 SUPPRESSION CHAMBER PRESSURE - MPaG ABWR C5-1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-81

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C5-1 Prevent automatic initiation of ADS.

C5-2 If any MSL is not isolated, bypass low RPV water level interlocks to maintain the main Condenser as a heat sink.

C5-3 If:

  • Reactor power is above [5% (APRM downscale trip)] or cannot be determined, and
  • Suppression pool temperature is above the Boron Injection Initiation Temperature, and BORON INJECTION INITIATION TEMPERATURE 100 SUPPRESSION POOL AVERAGE TEMPERATURE - °C 93.4 90 80 INJECT BORON 70 60 50 43.3 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 2.21 8.26 REACTOR POWER - %
  • Either an SRV is open or opens or drywell pressure is above

[0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)],

ABWR C5-2 18A-82 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C5-3 (continued)


  • Lower RPV water level, irrespective of any reactor power or RPV water level oscillations, by terminating and preventing all injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems and CRD until either:
  • Reactor power drops below [5% (APRM downscale trip)], or
  • RPV water level reaches [0 cm (top of active fuel)], or
  • All SRVs remain closed and drywell pressure remains below

[0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)].

ABWR C5-2.1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-83

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 If while executing the following steps Emergency RPV Depressurization is required, continue in this procedure at [Step C5-5.1].

If while executing the following step:

  • Reactor power is above [5% (APRM downscale trip)] or cannot be determined, and
  • RPV water level is above [0 cm (top of active fuel)], and
  • Suppression pool temperature is above [the Boron Injection lnitiation Temperature], and
  • Either an SRV is open or opens or drywell pressure is above [0.012 MPaG (high drywell pressure scram setpoint)],

return to [Step C5-3].

C5-4 If RPV water level is above [164.9 cm (Maximum Power Control RPV Water Level)] and the reactor is not shutdown:

  • Lower RPV water level to below [164.9 cm ( Maximum Power Control RPV Water Level)] by terminating and preventing all injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems and CRD.

C5-5 Maintain RPV water level between [-79.5cm (Minimum Steam Cooling #7 RPV Water Level)] and either:

  • If RPV water level was deliberately lowered in [Step C5-3 or C5-4], the level to which it was lowered, or
  • If RPV water level was not deliberately lowered in [Step C5-3 or C5-4],

[484.4 cm (high level trip setpoint)], with the following systems:

- Condensate/feedwater

- CRD ABWR C5-3 18A-84 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2

- RCIC with suction from the condensate storage tank, #3,4 bypassing low RPV pressure and area high temperature isolation interlocks and high suppression pool water level suction transfer logic if necessary.


ABWR C5 3.1 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-85

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2

  • RHR (LPCF); control and maintain pump flow less than the RHR Pump NPSH Limit and the RHR Vortex Limit.

RHR (LPCF) PUMP NPSH 140 138.9 SCO =


130 0.241 MPa 126.7 125 SCO =

120 0.173 MPa 116.1 115 SCO =

110 109.4 0.103 MPa 105 101.7 SCO =

100 0.069 MPa 95 SCO =

90.6 90 0.034 MPa 85 DO NOT OPERATE RHR (LPCF) PUMPS 80 SCO =

ABOVE CURVE 0.00 MPa 75 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 RHR (LPCF) PUMP FLOW - m 3/h KEY: SUPPRESSION CHAMBER OVERPRESSURE (SCO) =

SC AIRSPACE PRESSURE + WATER HEAD OVER SUCTION STRAINER RHR (LPCF) VORTEX LIMIT 3.0 2.5 SUPPRESSION POOL LEVEL -m 2.0 1.54 1.5 1.0 DO NOT OPERATE RHR (LPCF) PUMPS 0.5 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 852 RHR (LPCF) PUMP FLOW - m3 /h ABWR C5-4 18A-86 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 If RPV water level cannot be maintained above [-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)], EMERGENCY RPV DEPRESSURIZATION lS REQUIRED:

C5-5.1 Terminate and prevent all injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems, CRD, and RCIC until RPV pressure is below the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure.

Number of open SRVs Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure (MPaG) 8or more 0.93 7 1.08 6 1.27 5 1.55 4 1.96 3 2.65 2 4.02 If less than [2 (minimum number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure)] SRVs can be opened, continue in this procedure.

ABWR C5-5 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-87

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C5-5.2 Commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, slowly increase injection into the RPV #7 with the following systems to restore and maintain RPV water level above [-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)]:

  • Condensate/feedwater
  • RCIC with suction from the condensate storage pool, defeating low RPV pressure isolation and area high temperature interlocks and high suppression pool water level suction transfer logic if necessary.

If RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above

[-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)], commence and, irrespective of pump NPSH and vortex limits, slowly increase injection into the RPV with the following systems to restore and maintain RPV water level above [-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)]:

  • HPCF
  • Fire protection system and firewater addition mode of RHR(C)
  • ECCS keep-full systems:


  • Condensate Makeup Water System If RPV water level cannot be restored and maintained above

[-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)],


[procedure developed from Contingency #6].

C5-5.3 When RPV water level can be maintained above [-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)], return to

[Step C5-3].

ABWR C5-6 18A-88 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C5-6 When [procedure for cooldown to cold shutdown conditions] is entered from

[procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC/P-5],

proceed to cold shutdown in accordance with [procedure for cooldown to cold shutdown conditions].

ABWR C5-7 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-89

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18A.13 Contingency #6, Primary Containment Flooding CONTINGENCY #6 PRIMARY CONTAINMENT FLOODING If while executing the following steps:


0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.65 SUPPRESSION CHAMBER PRESSURE - MPaG

  • RPV water level can be restored and maintained above [0 cm (top of active fuel)] enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at

[Step RC/L].

ABWR C6-1 18A-90 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (C6-1 Deleted -- not applicable to ABWR)

If while executing the following step:

Containment radiation is greater than [(Core Damage Radiation Level)], and RPV water level is below [0 cm (top of active fuel)] or cannot be determined, terminate all injection into the primary containment when drywell water level reaches [12.87 m (elevation of the bottom of the RPV)].

C6-2 Operate the following systems:

  • HPCF with suction from the condensate storage tank when available
  • SPCU with suction from the condensate storage tank
  • RCIC with suction from the condensate storage tank only, defeating low RPV pressure isolation interlocks and high suppression pool water level suction transfer logic if necessary
  • Fire protection system and firewater addition mode of RHR(C), injecting into the RPV
  • ECCS keep-full systems:


  • [lnterconnections with other units]
  • Condensate Makeup Water System Execute [Steps C6-3 and C6-4] concurrently, only if containment radiation is below [(Core Damage Radiation Level)] or cannot be determined.

C6-3 When primary containment water level reaches [12.87 m (elevation of the bottom of the RPV)], then irrespective of the offsite radioactivity release rate vent the RPV, bypassing isolation interlocks if necessary, until RPV water level reaches [0 cm (top of active fuel)] with one or more of the following:

ABWR C6-2 Emergency Procedure Guidelines 18A-91

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 C6-4 When primary containment water level reaches [22.2 m (elevation of top of active fuel)], maintain primary containment water level between [22.2 m (elevation of top of active fuel)] and the Maximum Primary Containment Water Level Limit with the following systems taking suction from sources external to the primary containment only when required:

  • HPCF
  • Feedwater/condensate
  • SPCU
  • Head spray
  • Fire protection system and firewater addition mode of RHR(C), injecting into the RPV
  • [lnterconnections with other units],

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 SUPPRESSION CHAMBER PRESSURE - MPaG 0.65 ABWR C6-3 18A-92 Emergency Procedure Guidelines

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18B Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B.1 Introduction Appendix 18B presents the differences and bases for the differences between the NRC approved BWROG EPG Revision 4 document* and the ABWR EPGs. For a given difference identified, the ABWR EPG step, BWROG EPG Revision 4 step, and the basis for the difference is given. The numbers used for the ABWR EPG steps correspond to those of the ABWR EPG Guidelines given in Appendix 18A.

  • NRC letter, A. C. Thadani to D. Grace, Safety Evaluation of BWR Owners Group-Emergency Procedure Guidelines, Revision 4, dated September 12,1988 (NEDO-31331, March 1987).

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences Caution #1 Caution #1

  • Fuel zone and wide
  • ABWR RPV water level instrumentation for range instruments the fuel zone and the wide range are deleted from item instruments have instrument leg number 2 and 3, temperature sensors and, along with reactor respectively. pressure signal, are used for compensating for instrument leg water density variations due to temperature variations both inside the drywell and in the secondary containment.

The compensation algorithm also accounts for differences in reference leg and instrument leg vertical drops both inside the drywell and in the secondary containment.

The compensated outputs are displayed to the operator in the control room. In addition, the instrument runs inside the drywell are required to have specified parallel slopes and approximately equal vertical drops to further minimize the effect on indicated level due to drywell temperature variations.

The narrow range and shutdown range instruments have no such temperature compensation. However, instrument leg runs inside the drywell have similar requirements as those of the fuel zone and wide range instruments. The effect of temperature on indicated water level is expected to be small, but is to be evaluated on plant-specific basis based upon the actual installation details, and therefore is retained in the Caution statement.

Caution #2 Caution #2

  • Deleted
  • ABWR does not have reactor water level instrumentation with heated reference legs.

Caution #3 Caution #3

  • ABWR does not have the steam-driven high the caution. pressure injection system HPCI.

Caution #5 Caution #5

  • The ABWR high pressure ECCS injection HPCF. system is HPCF.

18B-2 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences RC/L-2 RC/L-2

  • Changed the word
  • A system is injecting water into the primary Override Override RPV in the phrase containment if all the following criteria are Statement Statement terminate injection satisfied:

into the RPV from sources external to (1) The suction source of the system is the primary outside the primary containment.

containment, to primary (2) The system penetrates the primary containment. containment.

(3) The system discharge is adding to the primary containment water inventory (i.

e., a system is injecting into the RPV and either the RPV has an unisolated leak inside the primary containment or the safety/relief valves are open to the primary containment.

The function of the Primary Containment Water Limit is to preclude containment failure. A systems that injects into the RPV is a subset of those systems that can inject into the primary containment. It has always been the intent of the existing wording to direct the termination of all injection into the primary containment from sources external to the primary containment. The new wording of the injection termination statement is also intended to allow RPV injection to continue if no water is leaving the RPV into the primary containment.

RC/L-2 RC/L-2

  • The ABWR does not have the steam-driven list of systems. HPCI System.
  • Specified the high
  • In the ABWR, the high pressure ECCS pressure ECCS as injection system consists of two separate HPCF. loops, HPCF(B) and HPCF(C); both inject inside the shroud in the RPV.

the list of systems.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences

  • Deleted phrase,
  • The ABWR RHR System consists of three LPCI with injection separate subsystems. The low pressure through the heat injection mode is a mode of the RHR exchangers as soon System. RHR(A) injects water from the as possible, and suppression pool to the RPV through a changed LPCI to feedwater line. RHR(B) and RHR(C) inject RHR and throughout water from the suppression pool to the RPV this document. outside of the shroud in the RPV. For all three subsystems, the heat exchangers are normally in the flow path. There is no timer to keep the heat exchanger bypass valves from closing as in a typical BWR/6 design, and hence the phrase, with injection through the heat exchangers as soon as possible, is not necessary.
  • Added bypass of
  • Isolation of RCIC due to high area RCIC area high temperature can be caused by loss of temperature isolation ventilation as well as process leaks. If area interlock. temperature is high enough to cause an isolation and RCIC is still needed for core cooling, it is appropriate also to bypass this isolation function. Adequate instructions are provided in Secondary Containment Control to isolate unnecessary systems which may be injecting into the RCIC room. If RCIC is needed for core cooling, Secondary Containment Control allows its continued use; otherwise, it is to be isolated.
  • Deleted RHR service

the list of systems.

18B-4 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences RC/L-2 RC/L-2

  • Changed the phrase,
  • In the ABWR ADS design, there are no timer (continued) (continued) prevent automatic reset switches comparable to those in some RPV operating plants. Two ADS inhibit switches depressurization by are available to override automatic initiation resetting the ADS of ADS. There are two sets of conditions that timer, to prevent will automatically initiate ADS: (a) after a automatic initiation of time delay of 29 seconds upon receipt of ADS. high drywell pressure and low RPV water level signals, and (b) upon receipt of low RPV water level signals after an eight-minute time delay plus an additional delay of 29 seconds. These automatic ADS initiations can be inhibited by actuating two ADS inhibit switches on the main control console if actuated within the stated time delays. The instruction for such action is to be specified in plant-specific emergency procedures.
  • Specified the
  • Use of the Fire Protection System and the firewater addition firewater addition mode of RHR(C) is system, ECCS keep- described in Subsection Water full systems and SLC can be injected into the RPV via piping (test tank) as connection to RHR(C) header. Fire water alternate injection addition using the Fire Protection System systems. backed up by an external connection outside of the reactor building at ground level for connecting portable water injection sources (such as a fire truck). The ABWR RCIC System does not have a line fill pump that can take water from the suppression pool or the condensate storage tank and therefore is not included in the list of ECCS keep-full systems. The SLC test tank is a source of water that can be aligned to inject into the RPV with the SLC pumps, with makeup to the tank provided by a makeup water system.


Override Override Statement Statement

  • See basis under RC/L-2 above.


Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences RC/P-2 RC/P-2

  • Changed phrase,
  • The ABWR pneumatic supply to the MSIVs Override, Override, open MSIVs, is not isolated by a containment isolation second box second box bypassing pneumatic signal (low RPV water level or high drywell statement statement system and low RPV pressure) as in some operating plants.

water level isolation interlocks if necessary, to read as follows: open MSIVs, bypassing low RPV water level isolation interlocks if necessary.

RC/P-1 RC/P-1

  • Deleted IC from step
  • ABWR does not have isolation condensers.

RC/P-2 RC/P-2

  • ABWR does not have these systems.

RC/P-4 RC/P-4

  • See basis under RC/L-2 above.

LPCF mode of the RHR system.

RC/Q-2 RC/Q-2

  • ARI is specified in
  • Initiation of ARI will open scram header this step instead of valves (separate from those actuated by the RC/Q-5. Reactor Protection System, RPS), and initiate the FMCRD Run-In function. Two dedicated switches on the operators control console are used for ARI initiation as a backup to the automatic ARI initiation based on an ATWS signal. ARI logic is separate from that of RPS.

18B-6 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences RC/Q-3 RC/Q-3

  • Deleted phrase, and
  • In the ABWR, a turbine trip is initiated when the MSIVs are open. the MSIVs are closed and hence this phrase is superfluous, since the turbine-generator cannot be online with the MSIVs closed.
  • Changed phrase
  • New phrase is a more explicit instruction to Confirm or initiate reduce recirculation flow by runback of the recirculation flow internal recirculation pumps to their runback to minimum, minimum speeds.

to Confirm or initiate recirculation pump runback to minimum speed.

RC/Q-5 RC/Q-5

  • Deleted step.
  • ARI is specified in Step RC/Q-2 because ARI initiation will not trip recirculation pumps with a potential for tripping of the main turbine at high RPV water level (Level 8)
  • This symptom is indicative of a power RC/Q-6 RC/Q-6
  • Added as an instability and becomes a condition for boron alternate condition for injection to eliminate any threat to fuel clad boron injection: integrity during such oscillations during a Either: When failure to scram condition.

periodic neutron flux oscillations in excess of [25% (Large Oscillation Threshold)] peak-to peak commence and continue, or

  • In the absence of power oscillations fuel and
  • Deleted: but only if RPV integrity are not directly challenged, the reactor cannot be even under failure to scram conditions, as shutdown as a long as the core is submerged. However, condition for boron suppression pool heatup can challenge the injection when containment and remains the second suppression pool condition for boron injection. Since failure to temperature scram conditions may present severe plant approaches the safety consequences, the requirement to Boron Injection initiate boron injection is independent of any Initiation anticipated success of control rod insertions.


Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-7

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences RC/Q-6 RC/Q-6

  • The ABWR does not have these systems.

Hydro pump from second paragraph.

RC/Q-6.1 RC/Q-6.1

  • Delete confirm
  • ABWR does not have automatic trip of pump Override Override automatic trip of or. on low SLC tank level. Level indication only.

RC/Q-7.2 RC/Q-7.2

  • Deleted the following
  • These steps are applicable to the phrases: drain the conventional hydraulic locking-piston drives scram discharge and are not applicable to the ABWR volume, Increase FMCRDs.

CRD cooling water differential pressure, and Vent control rod drive overpiston volumes.

Primary Primary

  • Deleted the phrase:
  • This entry condition is applicable only to Contain- Contain- Containment BWRs with Mark III containments. Refer to ment ment temperature above basis for deleting the CN/T subsection given Control Control [90°F(containment below.

Entry Entry temperature LCO)].

Conditions Conditions CN/T

  • Deleted entire
  • The control functions specified in this section. section, operation of containment cooling, initiation of suppression pool sprays, and preforming an RPV depressurization when containment temperature cannot be maintained below a prescribed limit, are control functions that are already specified in subsection SP/T of the ABWR EPGs.

Subsection CN/T of the BWROG EPGs is developed specifically for the BWR/6 Mark III containment where temperature can be controlled by the previously stated control functions. The ABWR containment, although it incorporates the concept of a Mark III suppression pool, is analogous to a Mark II BWR containment for the purpose of controlling the wetwell space temperature.

18B-8 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences DW/T, DW/T,

  • Added phrase:
  • The BWROG EPGs assumed that other DW/T-1 DW/T-1 shutdown the plant procedure steps will shut down the reactor at the end of plant at the Technical Specification LCO Step DW/T, and limit. Adding the instruction to shut down the added a second part reactor allows shutdown by running back the to DW/T-1, When recirculation pumps and inserting control drywell temperature rods, and then proceed to scram the reactor cannot be maintained as specified in the second paragraph of Step below [103°C DW/T-1. Adding these steps does not (Saturation change the intent of the EPGs and makes temperature DW/T consistent with the other primary corresponding to high containment sections.

drywell pressure scram setpoint)],

enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at

[Step RC-1 and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

DW/T-2 DW/T-2

  • Replaced drywell
  • In the ABWR, drywell and suppression pool sprays with sprays are initiated simultaneously. They containment sprays. may not be independently operated.
  • Replaced phrase,
  • In the ABWR containment, vents are elevation of bottom provided connecting the upper drywell to the of internal lower drywell. When the wetwell-to-drywell suppression chamber vacuum breakers open, flow is from the to drywell vacuum wetwell to the lower drywell and then from breakers less the lower drywell to the upper drywell vacuum breaker through these vents. The vacuum breakers opening pressure in are located above the vents. It is appropriate feet of water, with to preserve the operability of the vacuum the phrase, elevation breaker function and spray the containment of the bottom of only when suppression pool water level is suppression pool-to- below the bottom of the suppression pool to lower-drywell vent. lower drywell vents to preclude drywell differential pressure capability to be exceeded.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-9

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences DW/T-2 DW/T-2

  • Deleted phrase
  • The ABWR has internal recirculation pumps, (continued) (continued) recirculation pumps driven by motors located below the RPV in from instruction to the lower portion of the drywell. Containment shutoff recirculation sprays can not spray the internal pumps and drywell recirculation pumps. An explicit instruction to cooling fans prior to shut down the recirculation pumps is not containment spray required.


  • Specify RHR pumps
  • RHR subsystems B and C provide used for containment simultaneous drywell and suppression pool spray as RHR spray capability. Initiation of containment subsystems B and sprays is by manual control action. It is C. possible to initiate spray when RHR B or C is operating in other modes by opening spray valves.
  • Specified the use of
  • The firewater addition system is described in the Firewater Subsection The specific Addition System if purpose of the Fire Addition System is to RHR(B) and RHR(C) provide makeup to the RPV to extend the are not available for station blackout capability of the ABWR, but containment sprays. it can be used for drywell and wetwell sprays if no other systems are available for sprays.

DW/T-3 DW/T-3

  • Deleted phrase:
  • This phrase has been moved to Step enter [procedure DW/T-1. Reactor scram is specified under developed from the the same instruction in DW/T-1 prior to RPV Control reaching the temperature as stated in Step Guideline] at [Step DW/T-2.

RC-1 and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

18B-10 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/P PC/P

  • Added instruction to
  • Normal containment pressure control permit venting via the venting is performed using the small ACS ACS drywell bleed, drywell bleed line only if containment exhausting through pressure is less than the design pressure of SGTS and RBHVAC these soft vent systems to preclude only if containment damage to these system equipment, and pressure is less than venting through these system for pressure the design pressure control is allowed if radioactivity release rate of these systems. is less than the LCO limit.

Also, venting through these systems is to be terminated if containment pressure exceeds the design pressure of these systems or if offsite release rate exceeds the release rate LCO.

  • Combined overrides
  • See basis for Step PC/P-1 to terminate sprays based on suppression chamber or drywell pressure.

PC/P-l PC/P-1

  • Deleted entire step.
  • In the ABWR, drywell and suppression pool sprays are initiated simultaneously. They may not be independently operated. The containment spray initiation instruction is contained in Step PC/P-2 which follows.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-11

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/P-2 PC/P-2

  • Replaced drywell
  • See bases for DW/T-2 above.

sprays with containment sprays.

  • Replaced phrase, elevation of bottom
  • See bases for DW/T-2 above.

of internal suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water, with the phrase, elevation of the bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent.

  • Deleted phrase recirculation pumps from instruction to shutoff recirculation
  • See bases for DW/T-2 above.

pumps and drywell cooling fans prior to containment spray initiation.

  • See bases for DW/T-2 above.

Addition System for sprays if RHR B & C are not available for sprays.

18B-12 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/P-4 PC/P-4

  • Deleted entire step.

Primary containment overpressure protection is provided by blowout diaphragms (Subsection The blowout diaphragms are chosen to actuate in the range of 0.59 to 0.65 MPaG, prior to reaching the service Level C pressure of 0.67 MPaG for the primary containment.

Venting is not performed so that radioactivity release to the environment can be minimized.

PC/P-5 PC/P-5

  • Revised entire step to
  • The rupture diaphragm pressure actuation read as follows: pressure is in the range of 0.59 to 0.65 When primary MPaG. When the rupture diaphragms are containment pressure actuated, the vent path is not to be isolated reaches the range of until directed by post-accident recovery

[ 0.59 to 0.65 MPaG procedure. If isolation of the vent path is (Rupture diaphragm specified after the rupture diaphragms are pressure range)] and actuated, potential exists for the need for the rupture subsequent re-opening should containment diaphragms are pressure increase. Failure to open valves in actuated, do not the vent path for any reason can lead to isolate the containment failure. If the vent paths are containment vent isolated after rupture diaphragm actuation, path until directed by subsequent containment spray initiation has

[procedure the potential for containment implosion developed for post because most of the non-condensable accident recovery]. gases would have been released during the initial burst, and the containment would be saturated with steam. Although instructions are specified to terminate sprays when containment pressure drops to the high drywell scram setpoint value, the risk of containment implosion outweighs the benefit of isolating the vent paths. In addition, with the vent path open, any radioactivity release after the initial burst when the rupture diaphragms actuate is expected to be small.

For these reasons, isolation of vent path is best specified in post-accident recovery procedures.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-13

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/P-6 PC/P-6

  • Combined
  • In the ABWR, drywell and suppression pool suppression pool and sprays are initiated simultaneously. They drywell spray may not be independently operated. The initiation steps into lower of the elevation of the bottom of one step. suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent (11.70m) and the elevation of the suppression pool spray nozzles (18.90m) is used as the allowable pool water elevation for containment spray initiation.
  • In the ABWR, venting the containment is not
  • Specified that to be performed, since containment integrity containment sprays is assured by the rupture diaphragms as may be augmented discussed above under basis for PC/P-4.

by the Firewater The Firewater Addition System may be Addition System aligned to spray the wetwell and the drywell.

within specified The limits are imposed for consistency with containment pressure the MPCWLL specified in Step SP/L-3.3 and level limits. which requires termination of injection from sources external to containment above these limits.

18B-14 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences SP/L-1 SP/L-1

  • Deleted all
  • ABWR does not have SPMS which dumps references to water from the containment pools to the Suppression Pool suppression pool in a BWR/6. ABWR uses Makeup System the SPCU as the normal system for makeup (SPMS). to the suppression pool from the condensate storage tank.
  • Added phrase: If
  • This step is added for scramming the reactor suppression pool when suppression pool water level cannot water level cannot be be maintained above the low level LCO limit.

maintained above The BWROG EPGs assumed that other

[7.0 m (minimum plant procedure steps will require a scram.

suppression pool Specifying this step here does not change water level LCO)], the intent of the EPGs and makes it enter [procedure consistent with other sections of the Primary developed from the Containment Control Guidelines.

RPV Control Scramming the reactor at this point will allow Guideline] at [Step the operator to use the turbine bypass RC-1 and execute it valves to depressurize the reactor and will concurrently with this make the transient less severe in the procedure. subsequent depressurization required in Step SP/L-2.

  • More explicit information is provided on the HPCF, SPCU, and systems that can be used to control Fire Protection suppression pool water level. SPCU is the System and the normal system that can be aligned to take Firewater Addition suction from the condensate storage tank mode of RHR(C) as and add water to the suppression pool.

systems that can makeup to the suppression pool, and RHR for rejecting water from the suppression pool.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-15

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences SP/L-2 SP/L-2

  • Deleted phrase:
  • This phrase has been moved to Step SP/L-1 enter [procedure as discussed above under Step SP/L-1.

developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at

[Step RC-1 and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

SP/L-2.2 SP/L-2.2

  • Deleted entire step
  • ABWR does not have the steam-driven on maintaining pool HPCI system.

level above HPCI exhaust line and instruction to execute concurrently with Step SP/L-2.1.

SP/L-3 SP/L-3

  • Deleted references to
  • ABWR does not have SPMS.


18B-16 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences SP/L-3.1 SP/L-3.1

  • Replaced the phrase
  • A system is injecting water into the primary terminate injection containment if all the following criteria are into the RPV from satisfied:

sources external to the primary (1) The suction source of the system is containment: with the outside the primary containment.

phrase, terminate (2) The system penetrates the primary injection into the containment.

primary containment (3) The system discharge is adding to the from sources external primary containment water inventory to the primary (i.e., a system is injecting into the RPV containment. and either the RPV has an unisolated leak inside the primary containment or the safety/relief valves are open to the primary containment).

  • The function of the Primary Containment Water Limit is to preclude containment failure. Systems that inject into the RPV is a subset of those systems that can inject into the primary containment. It has always been the intent of the existing wording to direct the termination of all injection into the primary containment. The new wording of the injection termination statement is also intended to allow RPV injection to continue if no water is leaving the RPV into the primary containment.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-17

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences SP/L-3.2 SP/L-3.2

  • Replaced phrase,
  • For the ABWR, it is appropriate to control elevation of bottom suppression pool water level below the of internal suppression pool-to-lower drywell vents to suppression chamber maintain operability of the wetwell vacuum to drywell vacuum breaking function. Refer to discussion of breakers less basis for step DW/T-2.

vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water, with the phrase, elevation of the bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent.

  • Replaced the phrase terminate injection into the RPV from
  • See basis for SP/L-3.1 above.

sources external to the primary containment with the phrase, terminate injection into the primary containment form sources external to the primary containment.

SP/L-3.3 SP/L-3.3

  • Replaced the phrase
  • See basis for SP/L-3.1 above.

terminate injection into the RPV from sources external to the primary containment with the phrase, terminate injection into the primary containment from sources external to the primary containment.

18B-18 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/H-1 PC/H-1

  • Deleted phrase,
  • The ABWR Flammability Gas Control Override, Override, hydrogen mixing System does not have hydrogen mixing second second systems and systems.

bullet item bullet item throughout this document.

  • Deleted instruction to
  • Containment venting is not to be performed vent the containment. in the ABWR because containment integrity is assured by the rupture diaphragms as discussed under basis for PC/P-4.

PC/H-1 PC/H-1

  • Added instruction not
  • It is required by this step to maintain offsite to bypass the high radioactivity release rates below the LCO.

radiation isolation Therefore, the radiation isolation interlocks and high drywell (which typically have setpoints which are pressure isolation less than or equal to the LCO) should interlocks. remain operable. The instruction not to bypass the high radiation isolation interlock is consistent with the instruction given in the override statement of Steps PC/H-1.1 to PC/H-1.2 to isolate the primary containment vent and purge when offsite release rate reaches the LCO.

The basis for the instruction to not bypass the high drywell pressure isolation interlock is given under the basis for the override statement of Steps PC/H-1.1 to PC/H-1.2 in this table.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-19

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/H-1.1 PC/H-1.1

  • Added instruction to
  • Containment venting at relatively low to 1.2 to 1.2 isolate containment containment pressure is permitted only if Override Override venting if containment pressure is less than the design containment pressure pressure of these soft vent systems exceeds the design (RBHVAC, SGTS) to preclude structural pressure of SGTS damage to these system equipment. The and RBHVAC vent path is automatically isolated on high Systems. containment pressure. Bypassing this isolation interlock and opening the vent path for venting and purging will defeat the purpose of the rupture disks. At such low hydrogen concentration (0.1%), it is inappropriate to bypass the high containment pressure isolation and open the vent path which can damage plant equipment that may be needed later for post-accident recovery. If hydrogen concentration reaches 0.5%, the hydrogen recombiners are placed into operation.

In case there is a LOCA and ECCS is available, boiling in the reactor is suppressed by the injection of cold water into the reactor, stopping hydrogen generation by radiolysis. Even if the containment is isolated on high pressure, hydrogen concentration is expected to not exceed 0.5%, precluding the need for vent and purge.

If no pumps are available after a LOCA, containment pressure will increase to a pressure that will actuate the rupture disks in about 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, prior to reaching an explosive mixture, assuming the hydrogen recombiners are not available.

In severe accident scenarios with core damage, the containment vent paths will be automatically isolated by a high radiation signal. According to the BWROG EPGs, venting at low hydrogen concentration is not allowed in the presence of high radiation.

18B-20 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/H-1.2 PC/H-1.2

  • Changed the step to
  • Nitrogen purge flow is established in order to read as follows: Vent lower the containment hydrogen the primary concentration. Venting of the containment is containment using restricted to the use of the small drywell the ACS bleed line bleed line. The use of nitrogen only for the and purge the purging operation will maintain the existing primary containment inerted atmosphere. Detailed instructions for with nitrogen in conducting the purging is beyond the scope accordance with of the EPGs and thus the identification of a

[procedure for plant-specific procedure is enclosed in primary containment brackets.


PC/H-1.3 PC/H-1.3

  • Deleted step.
  • Since venting is restricted to using the drywell bleed line, purging with the ACS using air (by means of the large air purge lines) is not appropriate.

PC/H-2.1 PC/H-2.1

  • Replaced phrase,
  • The Flammability Gas Control System (FCS) place hydrogen is described in Section 6.2.5. The system recombiners in equipment is located outside of the drywell.

service taking suction It consists of two blowers that only take directly on the drywell suction on the drywell and two hydrogen and operate the recombiners. Flow is discharged to the drywell hydrogen wetwell. An explicit instruction to take mixing system, with suction directly from the drywell is the phrase, place redundant. Instruction is given to place the FCS in service. FCS into service rather than to start the hydrogen recombiners because in the FCS, pushing the FCS Start control switch will start the blower, heater, and recombiner, and align valves.

Added phrase, and

  • only if suppression
  • When the recombiners discharge into the pool water level is wetwell, the vacuum breakers open to allow below [11.70 flow into the lower drywell, through the m(elevation of the suppression pool-to-lower drywell vents to suppression pool-to- the upper drywell. This flow path can only be lower drywell vent)], established if the vents are not covered by as a condition for water.

initiating FCS.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-21

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences

  • Added phrase, enter
  • Step RC-1 requires a reactor scram.

[procedure Scramming the reactor at this point will developed from the make the depressurization (as required in RPV Control Step PC/H-4) transient less severe and is Guideline] at consistent with the strategies in other

[Step RC-1] and sections of the Primary Containment Control execute it Guidelines.

concurrently with this procedure.

PC/H-2.2 PC/H-2.2

  • Replaced the phrase,
  • See basis for PC/H-2.1 above.

secure any hydrogen recombiner taking suction on the drywell, with the phrase, secure FCS operation.

18B-22 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/H-3.1 PC/H-3.1

  • Deleted phrase, but
  • The ABWR hydrogen recombiners only take only if suppression suction directly on the drywell. They take chamber hydrogen suction indirectly on the suppression pool in the first chamber by way of the drywell in conjunction paragraph through with operation of the blowers of FCS and the directly on the vacuum breakers and through the suppression suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vents.

chamber in the second paragraph.

In the second paragraph, replaced taking suction indirectly on the suppression chamber by way of the drywell with place FCS in service.

  • Added instruction to operate the FCS only
  • Operation of the FCS will purge the wetwell if suppression pool through the vacuum breakers. The purge water level is below flow is mixed with the drywell atmosphere.

the suppression pool- Recombination takes place in the to-lower-drywell vent. recombiners located outside of the drywell.

Operation of FCS is contingent upon suppression pool water level being below the pool-to-lower drywell vents to allow mixing of the drywell and wetwell atmosphere through these vents. See also

  • Added phrase, enter discussion of basis for step DW/T-2.

[procedure developed from the RPV Control

  • Step RC-1 requires a reactor scram.

Guideline] at [Step Scramming the reactor at this point will RC-1] and execute it make the depressurization (as required in concurrently with this Step PC/H-4) transient less severe and is procedure. consistent with the strategies in other sections of the Primary Containment Control Guidelines.

PC/H-3.2 PC/H-3.2

  • Deleted step.
  • The ABWR does not have recombiners that take suction directly on the suppression chamber.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-23

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/H-4 PC/H-4

  • Deleted instruction
  • Venting at this step through SGTS and for vent and purging RBHVAC (soft vents) with high oxygen and of the primary hydrogen concentrations is not to be containment when performed to preclude potential structural oxygen and hydrogen damage to these equipment due to concentrations combustion or explosions.

reaches the level specified in this step.

  • Deleted phrase, enter [procedure developed from the RPV Control
  • This phrase has been moved to Step Guideline] at [Step PC/H-2.1. Refer to the bases for Step RC-1] and execute it PC/H-2.1.

concurrently with this procedure.

  • Combined overrides to terminate sprays based on suppression chamber
  • See bases for Step PC/H-4.1.

or drywell pressure.

PC/H-4.1 PC/H-4.1

  • Deleted step.
  • In the ABWR, drywell and suppression pool sprays are initiated simultaneously. They may not be independently operated. The containment spray initiation instruction is contained in Step PC/H-4.4.

PC/H-4.2 PC/H-4.2

  • Deleted step.
  • Venting is not to be performed as discussed above under basis for Step PC/H-4.

PC/H-4.3 PC/H-4.3

  • Deleted step.
  • Purging is not applicable because the venting instructions have been deleted.

18B-24 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/H-4.4 PC/H-4.4

  • Deleted reference to
  • See discussion for step DW/T-2.

recirculation pumps and specified RHR pumps used for containment spray as RHR subsystems B and C; added instruction to use FAS if RHR B and C are not available.

  • Replaced phrase, elevation of bottom
  • See discussion for step DW/T-2.

of internal suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water, with the phrase, elevation of the bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent.

PC/H-5 PC/H-5

  • Combined overrides
  • See bases for Step PC/H-5.1 to terminate sprays based on suppression chamber or drywell pressure.

PC/H-5.1 PC/H-5.1

  • Deleted step.
  • In the ABWR, drywell and suppression chamber sprays are initiated simultaneously.

They may not be independently operated.

The containment spray initiation instruction is contained in Step PC/H-5.2.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-25

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences PC/H-5.2 PC/H-5.2

  • Deleted reference to
  • See discussion of basis for step DW/T-2.

recirculation pumps.

  • Replaced phrase, elevation of bottom
  • See discussion of basis for step DW/T-2.

of internal suppression chamber to drywell vacuum breakers less vacuum breaker opening pressure in feet of water, with the phrase, elevation of the bottom of suppression pool-to-lower-drywell vent.

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences SC/T-3, SC/T-3,

  • Added phrase,
  • The existing steps in BWROG EPGs SC/T-SC/R-1, SC/R-1, protect primary 3, SC/R-1, and SC/L-1 already prioritize the SC/L-1 SC/L-1 containment secondary containments importance with integrity, to each of respect to the reactor core. By requiring the these three steps. isolation of only those systems not required to assure adequate core cooling, regardless of their current effect on the secondary containment, the EPGs have set the protection of the reactor core ahead of secondary containment. When a decision between the possible loss of adequate core cooling and a loss of primary containment integrity must be made, the EPGs choose to maintain primary containment integrity.

Therefore, it directly follows that the primary containment takes precedence over the secondary containment. Those systems that are required to protect primary containment integrity must not be isolated in Secondary Containment Control.

RR-1 RR-1

  • Deleted phrases, or
  • The Turbine Building HVAC has no high Override Override isolated due to high radiation interlock.

Statement Statement radiation, and defeating isolation interlocks if necessary.

RR-1 RR-1

  • Added phrase, If the
  • If offsite release continues to increase, it is radioactivity release appropriate to scram the reactor [at RC-1].

rate continues to This will also allow the operator to use the increase, enter turbine bypass valves to depressurize the

[procedure reactor, making the depressurization as developed from the required in RR-2 a less severe transient.

RPV Control Guideline] at [Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-27

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences RR-2 RR-2

  • Deleted phrase,
  • This phrase has been moved to Step RR-1 enter [procedure as discussed above.

developed from the RPV Control Guideline] at

[Step RC-1] and execute it concurrently with this procedure.

C1 second C1 second

  • Changed the word
  • A system is injecting water into the primary Override Override RPV in the phrase containment if all the following criteria are Statement Statement ... terminate satisfied:

injection into the RPV from sources external (1) The suction source of the system is to the primary outside the primary containment.

containment..., to (2) The system penetrates the primary primary containment.

containment. (3) The system discharge is adding to the primary containment water inventory (i.e., a system is injecting into the RPV and either the RPV has an unisolated leak inside the primary containment or the safety/relief valves are open to the primary containment).

The function of the Primary Containment Water Limit is to preclude containment failure. Systems that inject into the RPV are a subset of those systems that can inject into the primary containment. It has always been the intent of the existing wording to direct the termination of all injection into the primary containment from sources external to the primary containment. The new wording of the injection termination statement is also intended to allow RPV injection to continue if no water is leaving the RPV into the primary containment.

18B-28 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C1-1 C1-1

  • Deleted step.
  • ABWR does not have isolation condensers.

C1-2 C1-2

  • ABWR has three motor-driven feedpumps list of systems. and hence the feedwater system is added to the list of motor-driven injection subsystems.
  • In ABWR, the high pressure ECCS injection
  • HPCS specified as system is termed High Pressure Core HPCF(B) and Flooder(HPCF), having two separate loops HPCF(C). B & C.
  • Deleted phrase, with exchangers are normally in the flow path for injection through the all modes of operation. There are no timers heat exchangers as to keep the heat exchanger bypass valves soon as possible. from closing as in a typical BWR/6 design.

Therefore, it is not necessary to retain the phrase, with injection through the heat exchangers as soon as possible.

  • Deleted LPCS and water crosstie.

RHR service water crosstie.

  • See basis RC/L-2.
  • Specified the Firewater Addition System, ECCS keep-full systems and SLC (test tank) as alternate injection systems.

C2-1.1 C2-1.1

C2-1.2 C2-1.2

  • Deleted step.
  • ABWR does not have isolation condensers.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-29

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C2-1 C2-1

  • Revised conditional
  • The restructuring of this step simplifies the steps to read as original wording and improves operator follows: understanding. The logic for operator actions is unchanged by this restructuring of
  • All control rods are the original conditional statements in the inserted to or beyond BWROG EPGs, Step C2-1.

[4.2%(Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position)], or,

  • It has been determined that the reactor will remain shutdown under all conditions without boron, or
  • All injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems, CRD, and RCIC has been terminated and prevented.

C2-1.4 -

  • Added instruction to
  • The ABWR ADS valves can be opened execute steps C2-1.4 using nitrogen in stored bottles. Local and C2-1.5 manual action would be required to align the concurrently. stored nitrogen to open the ADS valves. This action should be taken concurrently with other actions to depressurize the reactor as specified in Step C2-1.5. Refer Section 6.7 for a description of the ADS capability using nitrogen bottles.

C2-1.5 C2-1.4

  • Renumbered as
  • Renumbered due to addition of C2-1.4 in C2-1.5 in ABWR ABWR EPG.


  • Deleted RHR steam
  • ABWR does not have RHR steam condensing mode, condensing mode, HPCI, or isolation HPCI steamline, & IC condensers.

tube side vent.

  • Deleted [and RPV...
  • SRVs are direct acting and have a pressure] reopening pressure of 0 MPaG.

18B-30 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C3-1 C3-1

  • Deleted references to
  • ABWR does not have isolation condensers.


C4 second C4 second

  • Change the word
  • A system is injecting water into the primary Override Override RPV in the phrase containment if all the following criteria are Statement Statement ... terminate satisfied:

injection into the RPV from sources external (1) The suction source of the system is to the primary outside the primary containment, and containment..., to (2) The system penetrates the primary primary containment, and containment. (3) The system discharge is adding to the primary containment water inventory (i.e., a system is injecting into the RPV and either the RPV has an unisolated leak inside the primary containment or the safety relief valves are open to the primary containment.

The function of the Primary Containment Water Limit is to preclude containment failure. Systems that inject into the RPV is a subset of those systems that can inject into the primary containment. It has always been the intent of the existing wording to direct the termination of all injection into the primary containment. The new wording of the injection termination statement is also intended to allow RPV injection to continue if no water is leaving the RPV into the primary containment.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-31

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C4-1.2 C4-1.2

  • ABWR does not have isolation condensers steam condensing and RHR steam condensing mode.

from step.

C4-1.3 C4-1.3

  • Deleted phrase,
  • In the ABWR design, the RHR heat LPCI with injection exchangers are normally in the flow path for through the heat all modes of operation. There are no timers exchangers as soon to keep the heat exchanger bypass valves as possible, and from closing as in a typical BWR/6 design.

added RHR to list of Therefore, it is not necessary to retain the systems in the first phrase, with injection through the heat part of the step. exchangers as soon as possible. In addition, the ABWR LPCF mode of RHR(A) injects into a feedwater line, and RHR(B) and RHR(C) injects outside of the shroud in the RPV, and hence, are suitable systems to be used in this step for systems injecting outside of the shroud.

  • Defined HPCS as injection system consists of two separate HPCF(B) and loops, HPCF(B) and HPCF(C); both inject HPCF(C). inside the shroud in the RPV.

RHR service water crosstie from the list of systems used in the second part of this step.

18B-32 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C4-1.3 C4-1.3

  • Inserted the phrase,
  • EPG Steps C1-4.2, C4-1.3, C4-3.1, and C5-PRIMARY 3.2 establish requirements for flooding the CONTAINMENT primary containment to assure adequate FLOODING IS core cooling. When flooding of the REQUIRED, prior to containment is required, operator actions for the phrase, enter controlling suppression pool water level are

[procedure transferred to Contingency #6. As the status developed from or condition of a specific parameter Contingency #6]. degrades and either approaches or exceeds limiting values, control of that parameter may be transferred from one contingency to another. This is accomplished by identifying the requirement for a contingency action, denoting this in capital letters, and then effecting the transfer of control explicit direction in the appropriate guideline sections and contingencies that address the affected parameter(s). Step C1-4.2 presently includes the upper case phrase, PRIMARY CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED. Steps C4-1.3, C4-3.1, and C5-3.2 are made consistent with the stated approach and with Step C1-4.2 by the inserted phrase PRIMARY CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED.

C4-2 C4-2

  • In the ABWR, the high pressure ECCS HPCF and injection system consists of two separate throughout the loops, HPCF(B) and HPCF(C), both inject remainder of this inside the shroud in the RPV.


  • ABWR does not have isolation condensers steam condensing and RHR steam condensing mode.

from step.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-33

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C4-3.1 C4-3.1

  • See C4-1.3 basis above.

HPCF(B) and HPCF(C).

  • See C4-1.3 basis above.

RHR service water crosstie from the list of systems.

  • Deleted phrase,
  • See C4-1.3 basis above.

LPCI with injection through the heat exchangers as soon as possible, and added RHR to list of systems.

C4-3.2 C4-3.2

  • Inserted phrase,
  • See basis for C4-1.3 above.

Override Override PRIMARY Statement Statement CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED, prior to instruction to enter C6.

C-5 C-5

  • Changed the word
  • Refer to basis for RC/L-2 Override Override Override RPV in the phrase statement.

Statement, Statement, ... terminate third bullet third bullet injection into the RPV item item from sources external to the primary containment... , to primary containment.

18B-34 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C5-2 C5-2

  • Changed the phrase,
  • The pneumatic system supply to the MSIVs if any MSIV is open, in the ABWR has no low RPV water isolation bypass low RPV and no high drywell pressure isolation and, water level therefore, the instruction to bypass isolation pneumatic system interlocks and restore the pneumatic and MSIV isolation supplies (having been isolated) is not interlocks and restore appropriate.

the pneumatic supply to the containment, and, to read as follows: if any MSL is not isolated, bypass low RPV water level interlocks to maintain the main condenser as a heat sink.

  • Part of Rev. 4 Step C5-2 moved and added as a separate step: If any MSL is not isolated, bypass
  • RPV water level is lowered in subsequent low RPV water level steps to minimize both reactor power and interlocks to maintain core inlet subcooling. Bypassing low RPV the main condenser water level interlocks is specified to avoid as a heat sink. RPV depressurization that could be required as a result of loss of the main condenser.
  • Subsequent steps Increased emphasis is placed on and references to maintaining the main condenser as a heat them are renumbered sink to address mitigation of ATWS.

for consistency with the added Step C5-2.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-35

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C5-3 C5-2

  • Moved the instruction:
  • This instruction was specified previously as If any MSIV is open, the new Step C5-2 and becomes bypass RPV low water unnecessary in this step.

level ... [to the containment], and to Step C5-2 with changes noted above.

  • Entire C5-4 step and the If while C5-4 C5-4 executing... phrase
  • This step is only applicable for plants with above the step are SLC injecting into the bottom of the RPV.

deleted. The ABWR SLC injects via HPCF(B) into the core. Therefore, this step is not applicable to the ABWR.

  • Step added: If RPV water level is above

[164.9 cm (Maximum

  • Reducing RPV water level to the Maximum Power Control RPV Power Control RPV Water Level assures Water Level)] and the that water injected through the feedwater reactor is not sparger will fall a sufficient distance through shutdown: Lower RPV a steam environment such that its water level to below subcooling will be significantly reduced by

[164.9 cm (Maximum the time it reaches the RPV water level Power Control RPV surface. Raising the enthalpy of the water Water Level)] by entering the lower plenum and core inlet is terminating and expected to prevent or mitigate large preventing all injection periodic oscillations induced by neutronic into the RPV except /thermal-hydraulic instabilities.

from boron injection systems and CRD.

18B-36 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C5-5 C5-3

  • Added bypass of
  • See basis for RC/L-2.

RCIC area high temperature isolation interlock.

  • The phrase, LPCI exchangers are normally in the flow path for with injection through all modes of operation. There are no timers the heat exchangers to keep the heat exchanger bypass valves as soon as possible, from closing as in a typical BWR/6 design.

is deleted, and added Therefore, it is not necessary to retain the RHR (LPCF) to the phrase, with injection through the heat list of systems. exchangers as soon as possible. In addition, the ABWR LPCF mode of RHR(A) injects into a feedwater line, and RHR(B) and RHR(C) injects outside of the shroud in the RPV and, hence, are suitable systems to be used in this step for systems injecting outside of the shroud.

  • These changes provide for control of RPV
  • This step was water level in three different ranges: (1) restructured and between MSCRWL and lowered level from reworded for control Step C5-3, (2) between MSCRWL the of water level as part Maximum Power Control RPV Water Level of the change from Step C5-4, or (3) between MSCRWL package to address and the high level trip setpoint if the water ATWS/ stability level was not lowered in either Step C5-3 or concerns for the Step C5-4. Range (1) allows power ABWR. The control reduction, range (2) provides power bands specified are: reduction and prevents or mitigates power (a) if level was oscillations, and range (3) provides the deliber- ately lowered maximum possible band for water level in Step C5-3 or C5-4, control in the absence of power oscillations.

control between the Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level (MSCRWL) and the lowered level or (b) if level was not Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-37

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C5-5 C5-3 deliberately lowered, (continued) (continued) control between MSCRWL and the high level setpoint. In contrast, the previous control bands were respectively: (a) between MSCRWL and the lowered level and (b) between top of active fuel and the high level trip setpoint. Specific changes to address power instabilities are listed as follows:

  • After Maintain RPV water level, added:

between [-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)] and.

  • After If RPV water level was deliberately lowered in Step [C5-,

change the 2 to 3 or C5-4 and delete between [-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)] and.

  • After If RPV water level was not deliberately lowered in Step [C5-,

changes the 2 to 3 or C5-4 and delete between 18B-38 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C5-5 C5-3 [0 cm(top of active fuel)]

(continued) (continued) and.

  • Delete: If RPV water level was not deliberately lowered in [Step C5-2] and RPV water level cannot be maintained above [0 cm(top of active fuel)], maintain RPV water level between [-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)] and [484.4 cm (high level trip setpoint)].
  • Specified HPCF.

C5-5.2 C5-3.2

  • The systems given are systems that inject inside the shroud. The ABWR HPCF systems inject inside the shroud and thus are appropriate in this step.
  • Inserted phrase, PRIMARY
  • See basis for C4-1.3 above.

CONTAINMENT FLOODING IS REQUIRED, prior to instruction to enter C6.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-39

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C5-5.2 C5-3.2

  • After ....maintain
  • See basis for C4-1.3 above.

(continued) (continued) RPV water level above, deleted: [0 cm (top of active fuel)], and added: [-

79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)].

  • Delete: If RPV water level cannot be
  • See basis for C4-1.3 above.

restored and maintained above [0 cm(top of active fuel)], restore and maintain RPV water level above [-79.5 cm (Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level)].

C6-1 C6-1

  • Step deleted.
  • ABWR does not have Suppression Pool Makeup System (SPMS).

18B-40 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C6-2 -

  • Override statement is
  • Containment flooding is terminated when the Override added for Step C6-2 drywell water level reaches the bottom of the Statement to terminate RPV during severe accident conditions containment flooding when most of the core has melted and when drywell water dropped to the lower drywell. Flooding is level reaches the terminated to avoid covering the wetwell bottom of the RPV, if vent path which has the containment rupture RPV water level is diaphragms. This will avoid potential below TAF and discharging of water through the containment radiation containment vent path should the rupture level indicates that diaphragms actuate. Flooding of the lower substantial core drywell under these conditions provides damage has sufficient scrubbing. The wetwell vent is occurred. located at an elevation above the bottom of the RPV. The bottom of the RPV is chosen for flooding termination because it provides a convenient reference. The Core Damage Radiation Level (CDRL) is set at a level which will distinguish between an accident which has led to the melting of most of the fuel, and an accident which results in damage of a few fuel pins. Therefore, if the core is still mostly intact in the reactor pressure vessel but all the fuel pins have a failure, the CDRL will not be reached, and subsequent steps in this Contingency will direct flooding of the containment to a level above TAF. Since the goal of this Contingency is to flood the containment to prevent core damage, and not to prevent further core damage once core damage has started, it is appropriate to minimize radiation release after core damage has occurred.

(Continued on next page.)

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-41

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C6-2 - (continued)

Override If the core has melted sufficiently to fail the Statement vessel, and corium has fallen to the floor of (continued) the lower drywell, then most of the core will have been molten, and the noble gases and most of the volatile fission products will have been released. This will lead to the CDRL being reached. Under these conditions, there will be little additional release of fission products from the fuel remaining in the vessel. On the other hand, there will be a high concentration of fission products on the upper vessel internals. These will slowly be revaporized due to self-heating. Therefore, if a vent is opened in the vessel (necessary if containment is to be flooded to TAF), the release of fission products from the containment would be very similar to that if all of the fuel had melted and relocated to the lower drywell. Thus, it is not desirable to vent the RPV under these conditions.

C6-2 C6-2

  • See basis in Step C4-2.


  • Suppression Pool Cleanup System can be
  • SPCU added. aligned to take suction from the CST and inject into the suppression pool.

crosstie deleted.

  • The FAS can be aligned to inject into the
  • The Firewater RPV, providing some core cooling capability.

Addition system is specified.

18B-42 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18B-1 Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG (Continued)

BWROG ABWR EPG Rev. 4 Differences from EPG Step Step BWROG Rev. 4 EPG Basis for Differences C6-3 & C6-3 &

  • Added phrase only if
  • See bases for C6-2 Override above.

C6-4 C6-4 containment radiation Override Override is below Core Statement Statement Damage Radiation Level or cannot be determined.

C6-3 C6-3

  • Deleted phrase
  • ABWR does not have external recirculation lowest recirculation system. The recirculation pumps are internal piping, and added to the RPV and, thus, when primary RPV, and deleted containment water level reaches the bottom phrase then of the RPV, it is appropriate to vent the RPV irrespective of the as elevation of the bottom of the RPV is the offsite radioactivity lowest point that can be postulated to have a release rate. break. Venting of the RPV is permitted only if the containment radiation level is below that indicative of core damage to preclude releasing radioactivity outside of the primary containment.
  • Deleted Flood vent
  • ABWR does not have flood vent valves, valves, HPCI steam HPCI system, and isolation condensers.

line, IC tube side vents.

  • Deleted RHR from
  • ABWR RHR System does not have a steam the list of systems for condensing mode and therefore is not venting of the RPV. suitable for venting the RPV.

C6-4 C6-4

  • See basis in Step C4-2.


  • The Firewater Addition system is
  • The FAS can inject into the RPV and flood specified. the containment from an external water source, if required to maintain the specified water level band.

Differences Between BWROG EPG Revision 4 and ABWR EPG 18B-43

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18C Operator Interface Equipment Characterization This Appendix contains a characterization of one operator interface system which has been designed to meet the control room standard design features as specified in Section 18.4. The key features of the design are discussed. The design characterized in this appendix does not necessarily represent the final design. The final design must be established based upon the requirements of Section 18.7, which is the responsibility of the COL applicant.

18C.1 Control Room Arrangement The conceptual main control room contains the main control console, the large display panel, the supervisors console, the assistant shift supervisors desk, a large table and various other desks, peripheral equipment and storage space. The arrangement of these items of equipment and furniture is shown in Figure 18C-1. The spatial arrangement of the main control console, large display panel and supervisors console is a standard design feature, as discussed in Subsection Figure 18C-1 illustrates this standard arrangement.

18C.2 Main Control Room Configuration The conceptual main control panel is configured as shown in a plan view in Figure 18C-2. As shown in Figure 18C-2, the configuration is that of a shallow, truncated V with desk space attachments at the ends of both wings. The dimensions are such that two operators can comfortably work at the console at all times.

A cross-sectional view of the main console is shown in Figure 18C-3. This is a cross-section at points A-A, indicated in Figure 18C-2. This view gives an indication of the console height and the depth of the console desk surface. The dashed lines indicate the position of the computer driven VDUs, which, in this concept, are CRTs.

A second cross-sectional view, at points B-B, as indicated in Figure 18C-2, is shown in Figure 18C-4. This view shows the cross-sectional shape of the console in the desk areas.

Figure 18C-4 shows a larger, more detailed version of the schematic shown in Figure 18C-2.

This detail includes the identification and arrangement of the equipment installed on the main control console. This equipment includes computer-driven CRTs, flat panel display devices, panels of dedicated function switches and analog displays for selected equipment (e.g., Standby Liquid Control System and the main generator). The flat panel display devices are driven by dedicated microprocessors and, thus, are independent of the process computer.

In general, the conceptual equipment arrangement on the main console is (1) safety-related and NSS on the left, (2) overall plant supervision in the center and (3) balance of plant on the right.

The flat panel displays on the left side of the console are divisionally dedicated. These flat panels are qualified to Class 1E standards and are used to monitor and control the divisional safety systems.

Operator Interface Equipment Characterization 18C-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 The flat panels on the center and right panels of the main console support monitoring and control of non-safety NSS and BOP systems.

The CRTs and flat panel display devices on the main control console are fitted with touch screens. In addition to the control capabilities provided by the touch screens on the CRTs and flat panels, there are panels of dedicated switches implemented in hardware and located on the main control console. Dedicated switches are discussed in Subsection

18C.3 Large Display Panel Configuration The conceptual large display panel is approximately 3 meters high and 10.5 meters wide. In conformance with the standard design feature discussed in Subsection, it has three major components; the fixed-position (mimic) display, the top-level alarm display and the large VDU. There are also fixed-position alarm tiles positioned in the top portion of the fixed-mimic display. All displays on the large display panel are positioned to be viewed by the operators from a sitting position behind the main control console as shown in Figure 18C-6.

The fixed-position displays occupy the central portion of the large display panel and is discussed in Subsection The fixed-position displays are driven by controllers that are independent of the process computer so that the fixed-position displays will continue to function normally in the event of process computer failure. Figure 18C-7 illustrates an implementation of a fixed-position display design.

The plant-level alarm display panel is at the left of the fixed-position displays as you face the large display panel. To the right of the fixed-position displays on the panel is the large VDU.

18C.4 Systems Integration A characterization of the plant instrumentation and control systems architecture which supports the control room operator interface is illustrated in Figure 18C-8. As shown in Figure 18C-8, display and control capability for both safety-related and non-safety-related systems are driven by microprocessors which are independent of the redundant process computer. This assures the ability to safely shut down the plant in the unlikely event of computer failure. In the case of the safety-related systems, the microprocessors are divisionally dedicated and are each electrically isolated from the rest of the system.

The plant-wide, fiber-optic Essential Multiplexing System (EMUX) provides the communications network for the system. This multiplexing system is actually a series of data acquisition and control networks, separate networks being provided for safety-related and non-safety-related plant systems.

18C-2 Operator Interface Equipment Characterization


VISOR DESK DESK TABLE Figure 18C-1 Control Room Arrangement Operator Interface Equipment Characterization 18C-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 4 METERS Figure 18C-2 Main Control Console Configuration A A 5.5 METERS B

B 18C-4 Operator Interface Equipment Characterization

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 0.4 meters 1.1. meters Figure 18C-3 Main Control Console Cross-Section A-A Operator Interface Equipment Characterization 18C-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 0.8 meters Figure 18C-4 Main Control Console Cross-Section B-B 18C-6 Operator Interface Equipment Characterization

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 The following figure is located in Chapter 21:

Figure 18C-5 Arrangement of Equipment of Main Control Console Operator Interface Equipment Characterization 18C-7

ABWR 18C-8 25A5675AW Revision 7 1.7 meters Operator Interface Equipment Characterization Design Control Document/Tier 2 1.1 meters Figure 18C-6 Side View of Relative Positions of Main Console and Wide Display Device

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 The following figure is located in Chapter 21:

Figure 18C-7 Fixed-Position Display Operator Interface Equipment Characterization 18C-9

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Figure 18C-8 Overall Configuration of Operator Interface System 18C-10 Operator Interface Equipment Characterization

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18D Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D.1 Introduction The Emergency Procedure Guidelines (EPGs) given in Appendix 18A contain various limits for emergency plant operation. These operation limits are calculated based upon specific plant design parameters. This appendix contains the plant parameter values used for calculation of operation limits and results of these calculations. The calculation methods used are in accordance with those in Appendix C of the BWROG EPG, Revision 4.

The parameter values used for calculation of operation limits are given in Section 18D.2, and the results of calculations are given in Section 18D.3. Certain input values used for calculation are estimated values for the purpose of completing the calculations. The COL applicant is required to update the input parameters based upon specific installation details and, if necessary, recalculate affected operation limits. In addition, the EPGs in Appendix 18A shall incorporate these updated calculations, if required.

18D.2 Input Parameters Table 18D-1 lists all plant parameters used for calculation of operation limits. The parameter definitions are in accordance with Appendix C of the BWROG EPG, Revision 4. Parameters indicated by a

  • in the Parameter column are estimated values which cannot be established until detailed plant design is completed or until specific plant installation details are known.

18D.3 Calculation Results Table 18D-2 contains the results of calculations of operation limits. Calculations are performed in accordance with the methods given in Appendix C of the BWROG EPG, Revision 4. For each figure used in Appendix 18A, the data points used to construct the graphs are given in Table 18D-2 to provide flexibility in the use of these graphs, if desired. The graphs and other operation limits have been incorporated in the EPGs in Appendix 18A.

Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR Parameter Value Parameter Definition IDsuct_1 RHR (LPCF) Suction identification Dsuct_1 42.86 cm Internal diameter of suction inlet to suppression pool Hsuct_1 1.115 m Elevation (inside bottom of suppression pool = El.0) of center of suction inlet to suppression pool Wsuct_max_1 1130 m3/h Flow (maximum) through suction IDsuct_2 HPCF Suction identification Dsuct_2 38.74 cm Internal diameter of suction inlet to suppression pool Hsuct_2 1.115 m Elevation (inside bottom of suppression pool = El.0) of center of suction inlet to suppression pool Wsuct_max_2 890 m3/h Flow (maximum) through suction BWR type 6 BWR type (Enter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) (ABWR = 6)

Tcst 66°C Temperature (maximum normal operating) of condensate storage tank water Hvent_pc 24.5 m Elevation of containment vent (center) line located above TAF (Main steamline penetration is specified since drywell has no vent provisions due to COPS).

Hsp_lco 7m Elevation of minimum suppression pool water level LCO Hsc_tap 14.2 m Elevation of suppression chamber pressure instrument tap Psp_des 310 kPa Pressure rise (design load), suppression pool boundary Psp_srv 152 kPa Pressure rise (maximum load) on suppression pool boundary resulting from SRV actuation Mf_sp_lco 3558426 kg Mass of water in suppression pool with water level at minimum LCO and water temperature at maximum LCO for unrestricted operation at power Ppc_vent 651.6 kPaG Pressure (maximum) in airspace at which containment vent will open Pdw_maxop* 5.198 kPaG Pressure (maximum normal operating), drywell Psc_maxop* 5.198 kPaG Pressure (maximum normal operating), suppression chamber Pdw_minop 0 kPaG Pressure (minimum normal operating), drywell Psc_minop 0 kPaG Pressure (minimum normal operating), suppression chamber Pdw_scram 11.77 kPaG Pressure setpoint for high drywell pressure scram Tsp_scram 43.3°C Temperature of suppression pool at which reactor scram is required 18D-2 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition Tdw_maxop* 57.2°C Temperature (maximum normal operating), drywell Tsc_maxop 35.0°C Temperature (maximum normal operating), suppression chamber airspace Tdw_minop* 49.4°C Temperature (minimum normal operating), drywell Tsc_minop 10°C Temperature (minimum normal operating), suppression chamber airspace Tsp_minop 10°C Temperature (minimum normal operating) suppression pool Tsc_des 103.9°C Temperature (design), suppression chamber 3

Vdw 7350 m Volume (free) of drywell and vent system I/II: Vol. drywell & vent system III/ABWR: Vol. drywell (vent sys=0)

Vsc_lco 6005 m3 Volume (free) of suppression chamber above minimum suppression pool water level LCO WLsp_srv 7.1 m Water level (inside bottom of pool = 0) of suppression pool used to determine maximum suppression pool boundary load resulting from SRV actuation WLsp_lco 7m Water level (inside bottom of pool = 0) LCO (minimum) of suppression pool dPdw_ww 20.7 kPaD Differential pressure capability (maximum), drywell below wetwell (if value is greater than 68.95 kPaD, enter 68.95)

Hdco N/A Elevation of Mark I/II downcomer openings Vsc_dco 7619 m3 Volume (free) of suppression chamber above Mark I/II downcover openings or volume (free) of suppression chamber above top of ABWR horizontal vents Hhorvent 3.85 m Elevation of top of Mark III/ABWR horizontal vents Tcn_des N/A Temperature (design), Mark III containment n_1 DRYWELL HEAD Identification H_1 36.14 m Elevation (inside bottom of suppression pool = El.0)

Loc_1 DW Location (Enter: DW or WW)

Mat_1 6 Material types (Enter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, 7) 1=SS304, SA240, SA320 and A312 2=S21800, A193 and A194 3=A36 4=A160 Gr. B and A105 5=A201 Gr. B, A212 and SA516 6=(User Definable Material No. 1) 7=(User Definable Material No. 2)

Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition Pcalc_1* 668.8 kPaG Pressure capability (maximum)

MatS_1 YS Strength used to determine pressure capability (Enter:

YS or TS)

Tcalc_1 371.11°C Temperature used to determine pressure capability n_2 RUPTURE DISC Identification H_2 17.2 m Elevation (inside bottom of suppression pool = El.0)

Loc_2 WW Location (Enter: DW or WW)

Mat_2* 7 Material types (Enter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, 7) 1=SS304, SA240, SA320 and A312 2=S21800, A193 and A194 3=A36 4=A160 Gr. B and A105 5=A201 Gr. B, A212 and SA516 6=(User Definable Material No. 1) 7=(User Definable Material No. 2)

Pcalc_2* 668.8 kPaG Pressure capability (maximum)

MatS_2 TS Strength used to determine pressure capability (Enter:

YS or TS)

Tcalc_2 176.67°C Temperature used to determine pressure capability LHGRmax 47.24 kW/m Linear heat generation rate (design maximum) (the maximum allowable value is 47.24 kW/m)

Kmarg_cs N/A Margin (demonstrated) to cold shutdown at most reactive point in life with worst rod out (only applicable for active fuel length less than or equal to 3.71 m)

Mclad 91128 kg Mass of clad and channels Mfuel* 171597 kg Mass of fuel (UO2)

Nbuns 872 Number of fuel bundles Qrx_rated 3926 MWt Power (rated) vhand 354.68 cm3 Volume of control rod blade handle and structure f_1* 3.59-8GZ Identification Efuel_1* 0.71 Weight Enrichment in blanket zone at top of fuel rods

% U-235 Lctrl_1 12.7 cm Control rod blade length of B4C above enriched zone Kinf_1* 1.21 K-infinity (max) cold and uncontrolled Lfuel_1 381 cm Length of active fuel Wfuel_1* 173.888 kg Weight of U (kg/bundle) 18D-4 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition f_2* 3.59-10GZ Identification Efuel_2* 0.71 Weight Enrichment in blanket zone at top of fuel rods

% U-235 Lctrl_2 12.7 cm Control rod blade length of B4C above enriched zone Kinf_2* 1.21 K-infinity (max) cold and uncontrolled Lfuel_2 381 cm Length of active fuel Wfuel_2* 173.199 kg Weight of U (kg/bundle) f_3* 2.59-4GZ Identification Efuel_3* 0.71 Weight Enrichment in blanket zone at top of fuel rods

% U-235 Lctrl_3 12.7 cm Control rod blade length of B4C above enriched zone Kinf_3* 1.18 K-infinity (max) cold and uncontrolled Lfuel_3 381 cm Length of active fuel Wfuel_3* 175.338 kg Weight of U (kg/bundle) f_4* 123-NOG Identification Efuel_4* 0.71 Weight Enrichment in blanket zone at top of fuel rods

% U-235 Lctrl_4 12.7 cm Control rod blade length of B4C above enriched zone Kinf_4* 1 K-infinity (max) cold and uncontrolled Lfuel_4 381 cm Length of active fuel Wfuel_4* 176.748 kg Weight of U (kg/bundle) dPvent_rpv N/A Pneumatic supply-to-containment differential pressure (minimum) required to operate RPV vent valve(s) inside drywell Hvent_rpv N/A Elevation (inside bottom of suppression pool=El.0) of lowest RPV vent valve solenoid inside drywell Mrpv 1351682 kg Mass of RPV, internals, recirculation loops (ABWR=internal pumps), and main steamlines inboard of outboard MSIVs (less fuel, clad and channels)

Mrpv_taf 689199 kg Mass of recirculation loops (ABWR=internal pumps) and of RPV internals below TAF (less fuel, clad and channels)

Mg_rpv_hot 7150 kg Mass of saturated steam in RPV and main steamlines inboard of outboard MSIVs with water level at high level trip setpoint and pressure at minimum at which an SRV is set to lift (spring pressure)

Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition Mf_rpv_cld* 820925 kg Mass of water in recirculation (ABWR=internal pumps),

shutdown cooling, and RWCU loops and in RPV with water level at high level trip setpoint and water temperature at 20°C (68°F)

Mf_rpv_hot* 341991 kg Mass of water in recirculation (ABWR=internal pumps) and RWCU loops and in RPV with water level at high level trip setpoint and water temperature at saturation temperature for minimum pressure at which an SRV is set to lift (spring pressure)

Psup_rpv N/A Pressure (minimum normal operating), pneumatic supply system for RPV vent valve(s) inside drywell Vrpv_taf* 429.912 m3 Volume (free) of recirculation (ABWR=internal pumps) and RWCU loops and of shutdown cooling loops and RPV below TAF WLrpv_taf 9.0495 m Water level at top of active fuel (from RPV invert)

WLinst_1 SHUTDOWN Instrument identification Href_surf_1 22.045 m Elevation of condensing chamber water surface Hrange_lo_1 12.604 m Elevation of instrument range low end Href_dw_1* 16.336 m Elevation (centerline) of reference leg drywell penetration Hvar_dw_1* 9.95 m Elevation (centerline) of variable leg drywell penetration Hvar_tap_1 12.22 m Elevation (centerline) of variable leg RPV tap Fhtc_1 N/A Heat transfer coefficient (dimensionlessheated reference leg instruments only)

WLrpv_hi_1 12.825 m Instrument range high end WLrpv_lo_1 3.555 m Instrument range low end Prpv_cal_1 0 MPaG Pressure in RPV at calibration Tdw_cal_1 26.7°C Temperature in drywell at calibration Trb_cal_1 26.7°C Temperature (normal shutdown) in Reactor Building (MK I/II/ABWR) or containment (MK III) at calibration WLinst_2 NARROW Instrument identification Href_surf_2* 16.336 m Elevation of condensing chamber water surface Hrange_lo_2 12.604 m Elevation of instrument range low end Href_dw_2* 15.45 m Elevation (centerline) of reference leg drywell penetration Hvar_dw_2* 9.95 m Elevation (centerline) of variable leg drywell penetration Hvar_tap_2 12.22 m Elevation (centerline) of variable leg RPV tap 18D-6 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition Fhtc_2 N/A Heat transfer coefficient (dimensionlessheated reference leg instruments only)

WLrpv_hi_2 5.080 m Instrument range high end WLrpv_lo_2 3.555 m Instrument range low end Prpv_cal_2 7.07 MPaG Pressure in RPV at calibration Tdw_cal_2 57.2°C Temperature in drywell at calibration Trb_cal_2 26.7°C Temperature (normal shutdown) in Reactor Building (MK I/II/ABWR) or containment (MK III) at calibration WLinst_3 WIDE Instrument identification Href_surf_3* 16.336 m Elevation of condensing chamber water surface Hrange_lo_3 9.0495 m Elevation of instrument range low end Href_dw_3* 15.45 m Elevation (centerline) of reference leg drywell penetration Hvar_dw_3* 7.7 m Elevation (centerline) of variable leg drywell penetration Hvar_tap_3 8.978 m Elevation (centerline) of variable leg RPV tap Fhtc_3 N/A Heat transfer coefficient (dimensionlessheated reference leg instruments only)

WLrpv_hi_3 6.605 m Instrument range high end WLrpv_lo_3 0.0 m Instrument range low end Prpv_cal_3 7.07 MPaG Pressure in RPV at calibration Tdw_cal_3 57.2°C Temperature in drywell at calibration Trb_cal_3 26.7°C Temperature (normal shutdown) in Reactor Building (MK I/II/ABWR) or containment (MK III) at calibration WLinst_4 FUEL ZONE Instrument identification Href_surf_4* 16.336 m Elevation of condensing chamber water surface Hrange_lo_4 5.2395 m Elevation of instrument range low end Href_dw_4* 15.45 m Elevation (centerline) of reference leg drywell penetration Hvar_dw_4* -3.25 m Elevation (centerline) of variable leg drywell penetration Hvar_tap_4 1.905 m Elevation (centerline) of variable leg RPV tap Fhtc_4 N/A Heat transfer coefficient (dimensionlessheated reference leg instruments only)

WLrpv_hi_4 1.270 m Instrument range high end WLrpv_lo_4 -3.810 m Instrument range low end Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D-7

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition Prpv_cal_4 0 kPaG Pressure in RPV at calibration Tdw_cal_4 100°C Temperature in drywell at calibration Trb_cal_4 26.7°C Temperature (normal shutdown) in Reactor Building (MK I/II/ABWR) or containment (MK III) at calibration XB_slc 24530 ppm Concentration (minimum normal operating) of boron in SLC tank Wslc 11.3575 m3/h Flow rate of SLCs (minimum)

Tslc 68°C Temperature (maximum normal operating) of solution in SLC tank dPsrv* 620.6 kPaD Pneumatic supply-to-drywell differential pressure (minimum) required to open SRVs (see Note 1)

Hsrv* 25.6448 m Elevation (inside bottom of suppression pool=El.0) of lowest SRV solenoid Wsrv_name* 405607 kg/h Flowrate of SRV per nameplate Nsrv_ads 8 Number of SRVs dedicated to ADS Prpv_tp 9343 kPaG Pressure in RPV used for SRV tail pipe design calculations Psup_srv 1.38 MPaG Pressure (minimum normal operating), pneumatic supply system for SRVs (see Note 1)

Psrv_lift 7930 kPaG Pressure (minimum) in RPV at which an SRV is set to lift (spring pressure)

Psrv_name* 7930 kPaG Pressure corresponding to nameplate flow rate Pq_code* 149.3 N/mm2 Stress (code allowable) for quencher Pqs_code* 149.3 N/mm2 Stress (code allowable) for quencher support Ptp_code* 149.3 N/mm2 Stress (code allowable) for SRV tail pipe Ptps_code* N/A Stress (code allowable) for SRV tail pipe support Pq_des* 149.3 N/mm2 Calculated stress (design basis) for quencher Pqs_des* 60 N/mm2 Calculated stress (design basis) for quencher support Ptp_des* 149.3 N/mm2 Calculated stress (design basis) for SRV tail pipe Ptps_des* N/A Calculated stress (design basis) for SRV tail pipe support SRVtype* 5 Type of SRV (Enter: 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) 1=Dresser 2=Crosby 3=2-stage TR 4=3-stage TR 5=Dikkers 18D-8 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition WLsp_tp 7.1 m Water level (inside bottom of pool=0) of suppression pool used for SRV tail pipe design calculations IDpump_1 RHR (LPCF) Pump (system) identification Hpsuct_1* -7.2 m Elevation (centerline) of pump suction inlet Hssuct_1 -7.085 m Elevation (centerline) of system suction location in the suppression pool IDpump_2 HPCF Pump (system) identification Hpsuct_2* -7.2 m Elevation (centerline) of pump suction inlet Hssuct_2 -7.085 m Elevation (centerline) of system suction location in the suppression pool Wlpci RPV Pressure Flowrate Flowrate outside core shroud from one RHR (LPCF)

(MPaG) (m3/h) pump as a function of RPV pressuremaximum ten 0.00 1130 data points, runout to shutoff 0.554 1105 0.821 933 1.193 684 1.440 489 1.639 293 1.828 0 Wlpcs ABWR does not have LPCS Flowrate from one LPCS pump as a function of RPV System pressuremaximum ten data points, runout to shutoff Vsp, Vsc_air Pool Water Airspace Volume (free) of water and air in suppression chamber Water Level Volume Volume as a function of suppression pool water level (inside (m) (m3) (m3) bottom of pool=0)maximum ten data points, bottom to 0.00 0 9585 top of suppression chamber 3.85 1966 7619 5.00 2553 7032 7.00 3580 6005 7.10 3625 5960 10.00 5042 4543 12.00 6019 3566 14.00 6996 2589 16.00 7973 1612 19.30 9585 0 WLL_(n) SRVDL Type 1 WLL Water leg length (WLL) in SRV tail pipe (SRVDL) as a SPWL (m) (m) function of SP water level (SPWL) (inside bottom of 7.10 0.00 pool=0). Reference WLL=0 at SPWL used for SRV tail 9.07 2.27 pipe design calculationsmaximum 8 data points per 12.55 5.74 SRVDL type, up to 6 SRVDL types. (Note: SRVDL 12.82 12.54 Type=different SRVDL routing from quencher to approx.

6.7m WLL above normal water level, longest WLL per SPWL is most limiting.)

Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D-9

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition sysFlow_1* NPSH Friction RHR (LPCF) System Flow dependent parameters Flow rate Required Head maximum ten data points Wsuct NPSHR Loss (m3/h) (m) Hfl (m) 0 3.2 0.00 820 3.6 1.01 954 3.8 1.37 1130 4.2 1.82 sysFlow_2* NPSH Friction HPCF System Flow dependent parametersmaximum Flow rate Required Head ten data points:

Wsuct NPSHR Loss (m3/h) (m) Hfl (m) 0 1.7 0.00 500 1.4 0.55 640 1.5 0.90 890 2.2 1.82 User Definable Normalized Normalized Enter data for using optional user definable material Material Temp Yield Tensile type No. 1 (°C) Strength Strength 21 1.027 N/A 93 0.910 N/A 204 0.860 N/A 316 0.740 N/A Strength/ Most Limiting Location temp (°C)

TS/DW N/A TS/WW N/A YS/DW 285 YS/WW N/A 18D-10 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-1 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Input Data for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition User Definable Normalized Normalized Enter data for using optional user definable material Material Temp Yield Tensile type No. 2* (°C) Strength Strength 21 N/A 1 93 N/A 1 204 N/A 1 316 N/A 1 Strength/ Most Limiting Location temp (°C)


  • These values are preliminary or approximate values used to complete the ABWR calculations. The applicant referencing the ABWR design will be required to re-evaluate these values as an interface requirement when plant specific installation details are completed.

Note 1:This value is dependent upon specific SRV selection. SRV pneumatic supply pressure will be established such that SRVs will be operable at the maximum COPS pressure. A consistent set of values for dPSRV and PSUP-SRV was selected for completing calculations.

Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D-11

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-2 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Results for ABWR Parameter Value Parameter Definition CSBW 541.8 kg Cold Shutdown Boron Weight MSBWP 4.2%* Maximum Subcritical Banked Withdrawal Position Tsp_hctl_2 145.6°C Heat Capacity Temperature Limit Low-Pressure Endpoint Temperature Tsp_hctl_1 111.8°C Heat Capacity Temperature Limit High-Pressure Endpoint Temperature Ppc_pcpl_1 646 kPaG Primary Containment Pressure Limit at Elevation of Minimum Suppression Pool Water Level LCO MNSRED 6 Minimum Number of SRVs Required for Emergency Depressurization MRFP 354 kPaG Minimum RPV Flooding Pressure MSCRWL -79.45 cm Minimum Steam Cooling RPV Water Level MZIRWL -111.2 cm Minimum Zero-Injection RPV Water Level MSRP 0 kPaG Minimum SRV Re-opening Pressure WLsp_tpl_1 12.65 m SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit Low-Pressure Endpoint Water Level SCSIP 71.39 kPaG Suppression Chamber Spray Initiation Pressure

[None] 2 Minimum Number of SRVs for which the Minimum Alternate RPV Flooding Pressure is below the lowest SRV lifting pressure MARFP SRVs MARFP Minimum Alternate RPV Flood Pressure

(#) ( MPaG) 8 or more 0.93 7 1.08 6 1.27 5 1.55 4 1.96 3 2.65 2 4.02 MCFI SRVs MCFI Minimum Core Flooding Interval

(#) (min) 8 or more 43.5 7 59.4 6 84.3 18D-12 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-2 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Results for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition WLI_1 Highest DW Min. Indicated Water Level Instrument Number 1:

Run Temp (°C) Level (cm) Shutdown (355.5 to 1282.5 cm)

Low High 65.6 402.6 65.6 121.1 416.1 121.1 176.7 434.3 176.7 232.2 458.2 232.2 287.8 490.7 WLI_2 Highest DW Min. Indicated Water Level Instrument Number 2: Narrow Run Temp (°C) Level (cm) Range (355.5 to 508.0 cm)

Low High 65.6 361.7 65.6 287.8 355.5 DWSIL Drywell Drywell Drywell Spray Initiation Limit Pressure Temperature (See Figure in Section 18A.5)

( kPaG) (°C) 20.7 46.3 32.4 105.4 46.2 173.1 60.0 243.8 73.8 319.5 HCTL RPV Suppression Heat Capacity Temperature Limit Pressure Pool Temp (See Figure in Sections 18A.4, 18A.5)

( MPaG) (°C) 0.35 145.6 0.41 144.2 0.55 141.9 0.69 140.1 1.03 136.9 1.38 134.6 2.07 130.8 2.76 127.9 4.14 122.9 5.52 118.6 6.89 114.6 7.93 111.8 HCLL HCTL Suppression Heat Capacity Level Limit Margin Pool Water See Figure in Section 18A.5)

(°C) Level (m) 0.0 7.00 0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool 2.8 6.48 5.6 6.02 8.3 5.62 11.1 5.28 13.9 4.97 16.7 4.70 19.4 4.46 44.4 4.46 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D-13

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-2 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Results for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition PSP Suppression Suppression Pressure Suppression Pressure Pool Chamber (See Figure in Section 18A.5)

Water Level Pressure (m) (kPaG) *0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool 0.0 0.00 4.5 0.00 4.5 162.0 4.8 180.6 12.6 103.4 12.6 0.00 PCPL Primary Suppression Primary Containment Pressure Limit (See Containment Chamber Figure in Section 18A.5)

Water Level Pressure (m) ( MPaG) 0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool 0.0 0.65 24.5 0.65 24.5 0.00 MPCWLL Suppression Primary Maximum Primary Containment Water Chamber Containment Level Limit Pressure Water Level See Figure in Sections 18A.4, 18A.5,

( MPaG) (m) 18A.8, 18A.11, 18A.12, and 18A.13) 0.0 24.5 0.65 24.5 0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool 0.65 0.0 MCUTL Time After Maximum Core Uncovery Time Limit (See Shutdown MCUTL Figure in Section 18A.11)

(min) (min) 43.5 4.19 60.0 4.62 90.0 5.24 120.0 5.55 500.0 8.46 1000.0 10.21 3000.0 14.09 6000.0 18.29 STPLL Suppression SRV Tail Pipe Level Limit RPV Pool (See Figure in Sections 18A.4, 18A.5)

Pressure Water Level

( MPaG) (m) 0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool 0.0 12.7 2.76 12.6 9.34 7.1 18D-14 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18D-2 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Results for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition RHR VL Suppression RHR (LPCF) Vortex Limit Pump Pool (See Figure in Sections 18A.4, 18A.12)

Flow Water Level (m3/h) (m) 0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool 0 1.54 852 1.54 909 1.60 1022 1.73 1130 1.87 HPCF VL Suppression HPCF Vortex Limit Pump Pool (See Figure in Section 18A.4)

Flow Water Level (m3/h) (m) 0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool 0 1.50 662 1.50 795 1.67 890 1.82 RPVS RVP Pressure Temperature RPV Saturation (MPaG) (°C) (See Figure in Section 18A.3) 7.93 295.2 6.89 285.8 0 m = Bottom of Suppression Pool 5.52 271.3 4.14 253.8 2.76 231.2 1.38 197.7 0.69 169.9 0.41 152.9 0.14 126.0 0.07 115.2 0.00 100.0 BIIT Reactor SuppressioPool Boron Injection Initiation Temperature Power Average Temperature (See Figure in Sections 18A.4, 18A.5, and

(%) (°C) 18A.12) 0 93.4 2.21 93.4 8.26 43.3 10.00 43.3

  • 0% Fully Inserted 0=Top of Active Fuel (TAF) 0m = Bottom of Suppression Pool Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results 18D-15

ABWR 18D-16 Table 18D-2 BWROG EPG Rev. 4 Appendix C Results for ABWR (Continued)

Parameter Value Parameter Definition RHR NPSH Pump Suppression Pool Temp (°C) RHR (LPCF NPSH Limits Flow for Overpressure of ( MPa) (See Figure in Section 18A.4, 18A.12)

(m3/h) 0.00 0.034 0.069 0.103 0.173 0.241 0.276 0 90.6 101.7 109.4 116.1 126.7 135.6 138.9 820 85.6 97.8 106.7 113.9 125.0 133.9 137.2 954 82.8 96.1 105.6 112.8 124.4 133.3 136.7 1130 78.9 93.3 103.3 111.1 123.3 132.2 136.1 HPCF NPSH Pump Suppression Pool Temp (°C) HPCF NPSH Limits Flow for Overpressure of ( MPa) See Figure in Section 18A.3)

(m3/h) 0.00 0.034 0.069 0.103 0.173 0.241 0 95.6 105.0 112.2 118.9 128.9 136.7 500 95.0 104.4 112.2 118.3 128.3 136.7 641 93.3 103.3 111.1 117.8 127.7 136.1 890 87.8 99.4 107.8 115.0 125.6 134.1 25A5675AW Revision 7 Emergency Procedures GuidelinesInput Data and Calculation Results Design Control Document/Tier 2

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18E ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E.1 Introduction Section 18.3 discusses the program of human factors related activities conducted throughout the development of the ABWR plant system design, including the development of the Main Control Room (MCR) and Remote Shutdown System (RSS) designs. Appendix 18E describes the process through which the MCR and RSS human system interface (HSI) design implementations will be conducted and evaluated through the application of accepted human factors engineering (HFE) practices and principles. Section 18E.2 discusses the basic elements of this HFE design implementation process and includes identification of where in the process the results are planned to be made available for NRC review. The criteria to be used by the NRC in their review of the design implementation, (i.e., the Design Acceptance Criteria (DAC)), are presented in Section 18E.3.

[Sections 18E.2 and 18E.3, including Tables 18E-1 through 18E-4 and Table 1.8-21, identify the commitments of Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process, which, if changed, requires NRC Staff review and approval prior to implementation. The applicable portions of the sections and tables for this restriction are italicized on the sections and tables themselves.]*

18E.2 [HSI Design Implementation Process The designs of the MCR and RSS areas of operator interface, for the execution of normal plant operation and emergency operation, will be implemented and evaluated in accordance with the process illustrated in Figure 18E-1. As shown in Figure 18E-1, the implementation process begins with the establishment of the Human Factors Engineering (HFE) Design Team which prepares the HFE Program and Implementation Plans and guides the process through the remaining steps to the final validation of the implemented design. Figure 18E-1 also identifies the relative timing of the planned NRC conformance reviews along with the corresponding table in Section 18E.3 that defines the acceptance criteria applicable to the individual reviews.

18E.2.1 The HFE Design Team The HFE Design Team will be composed of experienced individuals whose collective expertise cover a broad range of disciplines relevant to the design and implementation process. These disciplines will include technical project management, control and instrument engineering, plant operations and architect engineering, as well as human factors engineering.

The duties of the HFE Design Team will be to establish the HFE Program and Implementation Plans, to guide and oversee the design implementation process and to assure that the execution and

  • See section 3.5 of DCD/Introduction.

ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 documentation of each step in the process is carried out in accordance with the established program and procedures. The team will have the authority to insure that all its areas of responsibility are accomplished and to identify problems in the implementation of the HSI design. The team will have the authority to determine where its input is required and to access work areas and design documentation. The team will also have the authority to control further processing, delivery, installation or use of HFE/HSI products until the disposition of a non-conformance, deficiency or unsatisfactory condition has been achieved.

18E.2.2 The HFE Program and Implementation Plans The HFE Design Team will establish the HFE Program and Implementation Plans that provide overall direction and integration of the HFE-related design implementation and evaluation activities for the specific HSI scope which includes the RSS and MCR areas of operational interface. The HFE Program Plan will identify the individuals who comprise the HFE Design Team and establish the processes through which the HFE Design Team will perform its functions. Included in the HFE Program Plan will be a system for documenting human factors issues, that may be identified throughout the implementation of the designs, and the actions taken to resolve those issues. The HFE Design Team will also establish the Implementation Plans for conducting each of the following HFE-related activities:

(a) System functional requirements analysis (b) Allocation of functions (c) Task analysis (d) Human-system interface design (e) Human factors verification and validation The Implementation Plans will establish methods and criteria, for the conduct of each of these HFE-related activities, which are consistent with accepted HFE practices and principles. (For additional detailed information regarding the scope and content of the HFE Program and Implementation Plans, refer to the acceptance criteria presented in Table 18E-1) 18E.2.3 System Functional Requirements Analysis Analyses of the system functional requirements will be conducted through application of the methods and criteria established by the HFE Design Team in the System Functional Requirements Analysis Implementation Plan. The system functional analysis will determine the performance requirements and constraints of the HSI design and establish the functions which must be accomplished to meet these requirements. Safety functions will be specifically identified along with any functional interrelationship that those safety functions may have with non-safety systems. In addition, critical functions (i.e., functions required to achieve major system performance requirements or functions which, if failed, could degrade system performance or pose a safety hazard to plant personnel or the general public) will be identified.

Detailed narrative descriptions will be developed for each of the identified functions.

18E-2 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18E.2.4 Allocation of Functions The functions defined through the function analysis will then be allocated (i.e., defined as a function to be performed by the human, the system equipment or by a combination of the human and system equipment) per the methods and criteria established by the HFE Design Team in the Allocation of Functions Implementation Plan. The allocation of functions will be done to take advantage of areas of human strengths and avoid allocating functions to personnel which would be impacted by human limitations. The allocation of functions to personnel, systems or personnel-system combinations will be made to reflect: sensitivity, precision, time and safety requirements, required reliability of system performance and the number and level of skills of personnel required to operate and maintain the system.

As alternative allocation concepts are developed, analyses and trade-off studies shall be conducted to determine adequate configurations of personnel and system-performed functions.

Analyses will be done to confirm that the personnel elements can properly perform tasks that are allocated to them while maintaining proper operator situational awareness, workload and vigilance.

18E.2.5 Task Analyses Following completion of the function allocation step, task analyses will be performed on those functions which have been allocated to personnel. These task analyses will be performed per the methods and criteria established by the HFE Design Team Task Analysis Implementation Plan. The task analyses will identify the behavioral requirements of the tasks associated with individual functions. Tasks are defined as groups of activities that have a common purpose, often occurring in temporal proximity, and which utilize the same displays and controls. The task analyses will: provide one of the bases for making design decisions; e.g., determining before hardware fabrication, to the extent practicable, whether system performance requirements can be met by combinations of anticipated equipment, software and personnel; assure that human performance requirements do not exceed human capabilities; be used as basic information for developing manning, skill, training and communications requirements of the system; and form the basis for specifying the requirements for the displays, data processing and controls needed to carry out the tasks.

The scope of the task analyses shall include all operations performed at the operator interface in the main control room and at the Remote Shutdown System. The analysis shall be directed to the full range of plant operating modes, including startup, normal operations, abnormal operations, transient conditions, low power and shutdown conditions. The analysis shall also address operator interface operations during periods of maintenance test and inspection of plant systems and equipment and of the HSI equipment.

18E.2.6 Human-System Interface Design As established by the HFE Design Team in their development of the HSI Design Implementation Plan, human engineering criteria will be applied along with all other design requirements to ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 select and design the particular equipment for application to the MCR and RSS HSI. The HSI design will implement the information and control requirements that have been developed in the task analysis, including the displays, control and alarms necessary for the execution of those tasks identified in the task analyses as being critical tasks. The equipment design configuration will satisfy the functional and technical design requirements and insure that the HSI is consistent with applicable HFE principles.

18E.2.7 Procedure Development Plant and emergency operating procedures will be developed to support and guide human interactions with plant systems and to control plant-related events and activities. Plant procedure development is discussed in Section 13.5.

18E.2.8 Human Factors Verification and Validation Following the methods and criteria established by the HFE Design Team in the Human Factors Verification and Validation Plan, the successful incorporation of human factors engineering into the implemented HSI design and the acceptability of the resulting HSI will be thoroughly evaluated as an integrated system.

The evaluations will include consideration of the HSI, the plant and emergency operating technical procedures and the overall work environment (e.g., lighting, ventilation, etc.).

Individual HSI elements will be evaluated in a static mode to assure that all controls, displays and data processing that were identified in the task analyses are available and that they are designed according to accepted HFE principles, practices, and criteria. In addition, the integration of HSI elements with each other and with personnel will be evaluated and validated through dynamic task performance evaluation using evaluation tools such as a dynamic HSI prototype driven by real-time plant simulation models. The dynamic task performance evaluation will be conducted over the full range of operational conditions and plant maintenance activities including: normal plant operation; plant system and equipment failures; HSI equipment failures; plant transients and postulated plant emergency conditions.

18E.3 HSI Implementation Requirements Section 18E.2 describes the process through which the ABWR Main Control Room (MCR) and Remote Shutdown System (RSS) areas of operator interface will be implemented and evaluated.

Figure 18E-1 presents the relative timing of the NRC conformance reviews which are planned throughout the MCR and RSS Human-System Interface (HSI) design implementation. Tables 18E-1 through of this section define the requirements that are to be met by the HSI design implementation activities that are to be made available for review by the NRC. The HSI design implementation related Design Acceptance Criteria (DAC) which are established through Rulemaking, (refer to Section 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design), are defined such that there exists a direct correspondence between the DAC entries and requirements imposed herein on those design activities whose results are to be made available for the NRC conformance reviews, as identified in Figure 18E-1. Those 18E-4 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 requirements presented in Table 18E-1 through which correspond to individual Tier 1 DAC acceptance criteria are specifically identified. Therefore, satisfaction of those specific requirements shall result in full compliance with the Certified Design Commitment and the corresponding Acceptance Criteria presented in the Tier 1 (Rulemaking) DAC established for the HSI design implementation.]*

  • See Section 18E.1.

ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18E-1 Human Factors Engineering Design Team and Plans (I) [HFE Design Team Composition (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the creation of an HFE Design Team which is in full compliance with the Item 1a Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification Material for the GEH ABWR design)

(1) The composition of the Human Factor Engineering (HFE) Design Team shall include, as a minimum, the technical skills presented in Article (4), below.

(2) The education and related professional experience of the HFE Design Team personnel shall satisfy the minimum personal qualification requirements specified in Article (4), below, for each of the areas of required skills. In those skill areas where related professional experience is specified, qualifying experience of the individual HFE Design Team personnel shall include experience in the ABWR main control room and Remote Shutdown System (RSS) Human System Interface (HSI) designs and design implementation activities. The required professional experience presented in those personal qualifications of Article (4) are to be satisfied by the HFE Design Team as a collective whole. Therefore, satisfaction of the professional experience requirements associated with a particular skill area may be realized through the combination of the professional experience of two or more members of the HFE Design Team who each, individually, satisfy the other defined credentials of the particular skill area but who do not possess all of the specified professional experience. Similarly, an individual member of the HFE Design Team may possess all of the credentials sufficient to satisfy the HFE Design Team qualification requirements for two or more of the defined skill areas.

(3) Alternative personal credentials may be accepted as the basis for satisfying the minimum personal qualification requirements specified in Article (4), below.

Acceptance of such alternative personal credentials shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and approved, documented and retained in auditable plant construction files by the COL applicant. The following factors are examples of alternative credentials which are considered acceptable.

(a) A Professional Engineers license in the required skill area may be substituted for the required Bachelors degree.

(b) Related experience may substitute for education at the rate of six semester credit hours for each year of experience up to a maximum of 60 hours6.944444e-4 days <br />0.0167 hours <br />9.920635e-5 weeks <br />2.283e-5 months <br /> credit.

(c) Where course work is related to job assignments, post secondary education may be substituted for experience at the rate of two years of education for one year experience. Total credit for post secondary education shall not exceed two years experience credit.

18E-6 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18E-1 Human Factors Engineering Design Team and Plans (Continued)

(4) Required Skill Area Personal Qualification (a) Technical Project Bachelor of Science degree, and five years Management experience in nuclear power plant design operations, and three years management experience.

(b) Systems Engineering Bachelor of Science degree, and four years cumulative experience in at least three of the following areas of systems engineering; design, development, integration, operation, and test and evaluation.

(c) Nuclear Engineering Bachelor of Science degree, and four years nuclear design, development, test or operations experience.

(d) Instrumentation and Bachelor of Science degree, and four years Control (I&C) experience in design of process control systems, and Engineering experience in at least one of the following areas of I&C engineering; development, power plant operations, and test and evaluation.

(e) Architect Engineering Bachelor of Science degree, and four years power plant control room design experience.

(f) Human Factors Bachelor of Science degree in human factors engineering, engineering psychology or related science, and four years cumulative experience related to the human factors aspects of human-computer interfaces. Qualifying experience shall include experience in at least two of the following human factors related activities; design, development, and test and evaluation, and four years cumulative experience related to the human factors field of ergonomics. Again, qualifying experience shall include experience in at least two of the following areas of human factors activities; design, development, and test and evaluation.

(g) Plant Operations Have or have held a Senior Reactor Operator license; two years experience in BWR nuclear power plant operations.

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(h) Computer System Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering Engineering or Computer Science, or graduate degree in other engineering discipline (e.g.,

Mechanical Engineering or Chemical Engineering),

and four years experience in the design of digital computer systems and real time systems applications.

(i) Plant Procedure Bachelors degree, and four years experience in Development developing nuclear power plant operating procedures.

(j) Personnel Training Bachelors degree and four years experience in the development of personnel training programs for power plants, and experience in the application of systematic training development methods.

(II) Human Factors Engineering Program Plan (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the creation of a Human Factors Engineering Program Plan which is in full compliance with the Item 1.b. Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design.) The Human Factors Engineering (HFE) Program Plan shall establish:

(a) Methods and criteria, for the development and evaluation of the Main Control Room (MCR) and Remote Shutdown System (RSS) HSI which are consistent with accepted HFE practices and principles. Within the defined scope and content of the HFE Program Plan, accepted HFE methods and criteria are presented in the following documents:

(i) AR 602-1, Human Factors Engineering Program, (Dept. of Defense)

(ii) DI-HFAC-80740, Human Engineering Program Plan, (Dept. of Defense)

(iii) DOD-HDBK-763, Human Engineering Procedures Guide, Chapters 5-7 and Appendices A and B, (Dept. of Defense)

(iv) EPRI NP-3659, Human Factors Guide for Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Development, 1984, (Electric Power Research Institute)

(v) IEEE-1023, IEEE Guide to the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, (IEEE)

(vi) MIL-H-46855B, Human Engineering Requirements for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities, (Dept. of Defense) 18E-8 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process

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(vii) NUREG-0700, Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews, 1981, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(viii) NUREG-0737, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements (Item I.C.5, Feedback of Operating Experience to Plant Staff), 1983, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(ix) NUREG-0899, Guidelines for the Preparation of Emergency Operating Procedures, 1982, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(x) NUREG/CR-3331, A Methodology for Allocating Nuclear Power Plant Control Functions to Human and Automated Control, 1983, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(xi) TOP 1-2-610, Test Operating Procedure Part 1, (Dept. of Defense)

Note that within the set of documents listed above, differences may exist regarding specific methods and criteria applicable to the HFE Program Plan. In situations that such differences exist, for a particular issue, all of the methods and criteria presented within those documents which address that particular issue are considered to be equally appropriate and valid and, therefore, any of those documents may be selected as the basis for how that particular issue is addressed in the HFE Program.

(b) The methods for addressing:

(i) The ability of the operating personnel to accomplish assigned tasks.

(ii) Operator workload levels and vigilance.

(iii) Operating personnel situation awareness.

(iv) The operators information processing requirements.

(v) Operator memory requirements.

(vi) The potential for operator error.

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(c) HSI design and evaluation scope which applies to the Main Control Room (MCR) and Remote Shutdown System (RSS).

The HSI scope shall address normal, abnormal and emergency plant operations and test and maintenance interfaces that impact the function of the operations personnel. The HSI scope shall also address the development of operating technical procedures for normal, abnormal and emergency plant operations and the identification of personnel training needs applicable to the HSI design. The development of operating technical procedures are COL license information requirements (see Section 13.5). The establishment of an operator training program which meets the requirements of 10CFR50 is also a COL license information requirement (See Subsection 18.8.8).

(d) The HFE Design Team as being responsible for:

(i) The development of HFE plans and procedures.

(ii) The oversight and review of HFE design, development, test, and evaluation activities.

(iii) The initiation, recommendation, and provision of solutions through designated channels for problems identified in the implementation of the HFE activities.

(iv) Verification of implementation of solutions to problems.

(v) Assurance that HFE activities comply to the HFE plans and procedures.

(vi) Phasing of activities (e) The methods for identification, closure and documentation of human factors issues. [an acceptable method is described in Sections (2) (a) and (2) (b) below].

(f) The HSI design configuration control procedures.

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(2) The HFE Program Plan shall also establish:

(a) That each HFE issue/concern shall be entered on the HFE Issue Tracking System log when first identified, and each action taken to eliminate or reduce the issue/concern shall be documented. The final resolution of the issue/concern, as accepted by the HFE Design Team, shall be documented along with information regarding HFE Design Team acceptance (e.g.,

person accepting, date, etc.) the individual responsibilities of the HFE Design Team members when an HFE issue/concern is identified, including definition of who should log the item, who is responsible for tracking the resolution efforts, who is responsible for acceptance of a resolution, and who shall enter the necessary closeout data.

(b) That the HFE Issue Tracking System shall address human factors issues that are identified throughout the development and evaluations of the Main Control Room and Remote Shutdown System HSI design implementation.

(c) That the MCR and RSS designs shall be implemented using HSI equipment technologies which are consistent with those defined in Section 18.4.3.

(d) That in the event other HSI equipment technologies are alternatively selected for application in the MCR and RSS design implementations:

(i) A review of the industry experience with the operation of those selected new HSI equipment technologies shall be conducted.

(ii) The Operating Experience Review (OER) of those new HSI equipment technologies shall include both a review of literature pertaining to the human factors issues related to similar system applications of those new HSI equipment technologies and interviews with personnel experienced with the operation of those systems.

(iii) Any relevant HFE issues/concerns associated with those selected new HSI equipment technologies, identified through the conduct of the OER, shall be entered into the HFE Issue Tracking System for closure.

(e) That a review of HSI operating experience shall be conducted as follows:

(i) For the first implementation of the ABWR Certified Design:

(a)That the lessons learned from the review of previous nuclear plant HSI designs, as defined by Attachment 1 to this Table 18E-1, shall be entered into the HFE Issue Tracking System to assure that problems observed in previous designs have been adequately addressed in the ABWR design implementation.

(b)Reviews of operating experience with the following ABWR HSI design areas, in which further development of the industrys experience base can be expected, shall be completed.

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Use of flat panel and CRT displays Use of electronic on-screen controls Use of wide display panels Use of prioritized alarm systems Automation of process systems Operator workstation design integration Those operating experience reviews shall include review of reports provided by industry organizations (i.e., EPRI, etc.); review of applicable research in these design areas, as may be documented in reports from universities, national laboratories and the NRC, and in proceedings published by HFE professional societies; and review of applicable research and experience reports published by the HSI equipment vendors. Further, the review of operating experience in each of the six above identified areas shall include feedback obtained from actual users. Therefore, if the documents selected for the conduct of the operating experience review for a particular area do not include the results of user feedback, then interviews with users of at least two applications of that particular technology area shall also be conducted. Finally, the results from all these operating experience review activities shall be entered into the HFE Issue Tracking System to assure that the ABWR implementation reflects the experience gained by the resolution of design problems in operating plants.

(ii) For all subsequent implementations of the ABWR design:

(a)If a previously implemented ABWR HSI design is utilized directly and without change, then no further review of operating experience is required.

(b)If a previously implemented ABWR HSI design is not being utilized directly, then the operating experience of the most recent implementations, up to three, shall be reviewed through the conduct of operator interviews and surveys and the evaluation of Licensing Event Reports and the results of these reviews shall be entered into the HFE Issue Tracking System to assure that previous design problems have been adequately addressed in the ABWR design implementation.

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(3) The HFE Program Management Plan document shall include:

(a) The purpose and organization of the plan.

(b) The relationship between the HFE program and the overall plant equipment procurement and construction program (organization and phasing).

(c) Definition of the HFE Design Team and their activities including:

(i) Description of the HFE Design Team function within the broader scope of the plant equipment procurement and construction program, including charts to show organizational and functional relationships, reporting relationships, and lines of communication.

(ii) Description of the responsibility, authority and accountability of the HFE Design Team organization.

(iii) Description of the process through which management decisions will be made regarding HFE.

(iv) Description of the process through which technical decisions will be made by the HFE Design Team.

(v) Description of the tools and techniques (e.g., review forms, documentation) to be utilized by the HFE Design Team in fulfilling their responsibilities.

(vi) Description of the HFE Design Team staffing, job descriptions of the individual HFE Design Team personnel and their personal qualifications.

(vii) Definition of the procedures that will govern the internal management of the HFE Design Team.

(d) Definition of the HFE Issue Tracking System and its implementation including:

(i) Individual HFE Design Team member responsibilities regarding HFE issue identification, logging, issue resolution, and issue closeout.

(ii) Procedures and documentation requirements regarding HFE issue identification.

These shall include description of the HFE issue, effects of the issue if no design change action is taken and an assessment of the criticality and likelihood of the identified HFE issue manifesting itself into unacceptable HSI performance.

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(iii) Procedures and documentation requirements regarding HFE issue resolution.

These procedures shall include evaluation and documentation of proposed solutions, implemented solutions, evaluated residual effects of the implemented solution and an evaluation of the likelihood that the implemented resolution of the HFE issue manifesting itself into unacceptable HSI performance.

(e) Identification and description of the following implementation plans to be developed:

(i) System Functional Requirements Development (ii) Allocation of Function (iii) Task Analysis (iv) Human-System Interface Design (v) Human Factors Verification and Validation (f) Definition of the phasing of HFE program activities including:

(i) The plan for completion of HFE tasks which addresses the relationships between HFE elements and activities, the development of HFE reports and the conduct of HFE reviews.

(ii) Identification of other plant equipment procurement and construction activities which are related to HFE Design Team activities but outside the scope of the team (e.g., I&C equipment manufacture).

(g) Definition of HFE documentation requirements and procedures for retention and retrieval.

(h) Description of the manner in which HFE Program requirements will be communicated to applicable personnel and organizations, including those which may be subcontracted, who are responsible for the performance of work associated with the Main Control Room and Remote Shutdown System design implementation.

(III) System Functional Requirements Analysis Implementation Plan (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the creation of a System Functional Requirements Analysis Implementation Plan which is in full compliance with the Item 2.a acceptance criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design). The System Functional Requirements Analysis Implementation Plan shall establish:

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(a) The methods and criteria for conducting the System Functional Requirements Analysis which are consistent with accepted HFE practices and principles.

Within the context of system functional requirements analysis, accepted HFE methods and criteria are presented in the following documents:

(i) AD/A233 168, System Engineering Management Guide, (Dept. of Defense, Defense Systems Management College, Kockler, F., et al)

(ii) AR602-1, Human Factors Engineering Program, (Dept. of Defense)

(iii) EPRI NP-3659, Human Factors Guide for Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Development, 1984, (Electric Power Research Institute)

(iv) IEC 964, Design for Control Rooms of Nuclear Power Plants, (Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale)

(v) IEEE-1023, IEEE Guide to the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations (vi) MIL-H-46855B, Human Engineering Requirements for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities, (Dept. of Defense)

(vii) NUREG-0700, Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews, 1981, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(viii) NUREG/CR-3331, A Methodology for Allocating Nuclear Power Plant Control Functions to Human and Automated Control, 1983, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

Note that within the set of documents listed above, differences may exist regarding the specific methods and criteria applicable to the conduct of system functional requirements analysis. In situations that such differences exist, for a particular issue, all of the methods and criteria presented within those documents which address that particular issue are considered to be equally appropriate and valid and, therefore, any of those documents may be selected as the basis for defining how that particular issue is addressed in the system functional requirements analysis.

(b) That system requirements shall define the system functions and those system functions shall provide the basis for determining the associated HSI performance requirements.

(c) That functions critical to safety shall be defined (i.e., those functions required to achieve safety system performance requirements; or those functions which, if failed, could pose a safety hazard to plant personnel or to the general public).

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(d) That descriptions shall be developed for each of the identified functions and for the overall system configuration design itself. Each function shall be identified and described in terms of inputs (observable parameters which will indicate systems status) functional processing (control process and performance measures required to achieve the function), functional operations (including detecting signals, measuring information, comparing one measurement with another, processing information, and acting upon decisions to produce a desired condition or result such as a system or component operation actuation or trip) outputs, feedback (how to determine correct discharge of function), and interface requirements so that subfunctions are related to larger functional elements.

(2) The System Functional Requirements Analysis Implementation Plan shall include:

(a) The methods for identification of system level functions based upon system performance requirements. The functions shall be defined as the most general, yet differentiable means whereby the system requirements are met, discharged, or satisfied. Functions shall be arranged in a logical sequence so that any specified operational usage of the system can be traced in an end-to-end path.

(b) The methods for developing graphic function descriptions (e.g., Functional Flow Block Diagrams and Time Line Diagrams). The functions shall be described initially in graphic form. Function diagramming shall be done starting at a top level, where major functions are described, and continuing to decompose major functions to lower levels until a specific critical end-item requirement emerges, e.g., a piece of equipment, software, or an operator.

(c) The method for developing detailed function narrative descriptions which encompass:

(i) Observable parameters that indicate system status.

(ii) Control process and data required to achieve the function.

(iii) How to determine the manner in which proper discharge of function is to be determined.

(d) The analysis methods which define the integration of closely-related subfunctions so that they can be treated as a unit.

(e) The analysis methods which divide identified subfunctions into two groups according to whether:

(i) Common achievement of the subfunction is an essential condition for the accomplishment of a higher level function.

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(ii) The subfunction is an alternative supporting function to a higher level function or the subfunctions accomplishment is not necessarily a requisite for a higher level function.

(f) The requirements to identify for each integrated subfunction:

(i) The basis for why accomplishment of the subfunction is required.

(ii) The control actions necessary for accomplishment of the subfunctions.

(iii) The parameters necessary for the subfunction control actions.

(iv) The criteria for evaluating the results of the subfunction control actions (v) The parameters necessary for evaluation of the subfunction.

(vi) The criteria to be used to evaluate the subfunction.

(vii) The criteria for selecting alternative function assignments if the evaluation criteria b is not satisfied.

(IV) Allocation of Function Implementation Plan (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the creation of an Allocation of Function Implementation Plan which is in full compliance with the Item 3.a Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design). The Allocation of Function Implementation Plan shall establish:

(a) The methods and criteria for the execution of function allocation which are consistent with accepted HFE practices and principles. Within the context of function allocation, accepted HFE practices and principles are presented in the following documents:

(i) AD/A223 168, System Engineering Management Guide, (Dept. of Defense, Defense Systems Management College, Kockler, F., et al)

(ii) AR 602-1, Human Factors Engineering Program , (Dept. of Defense)

(iii) EPRI NP-3659, Human Factors Guide for Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Development, 1984, (Electric Power Research Institute)

(iv) IEC 964, Design for Control Rooms of Nuclear Power Plants, (Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale)

(v) NUREG-0700, Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews, 1981, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(vi) NUREG/CR-3331, A Methodology for Allocating Nuclear Power Plant Control Functions to Human and Automated Control, 1983, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

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Note that within the set of documents listed above, differences may exist regarding the specific methods and criteria applicable to the conduct and analysis of function allocation. In situations that such differences exist, for a particular issue, all of the methods and criteria presented within those documents which address that particular issue are considered to be equally appropriate and valid and, therefore, any of those documents may be selected as the basis for defining how the particular issue is to be addressed in the conduct of the function allocation and analysis.

(b) That aspects of system and functions definition shall be analyzed in terms of resulting human performance requirements based on the expected user population.

(c) That the allocation of functions to personnel, system elements, and personnel system combinations shall reflect:

(i) Areas of human strengths and limitations.

(ii) Sensitivity, precision, time, and safety requirements.

(iii) Reliability of system performance.

(iv) The number and the necessary skills of the personnel required to operate and maintain the system.

(d) That the allocation criteria, rationale, analyses, and procedures shall be documented.

(e) Analyses shall confirm that the personnel can perform tasks allocated to them while maintaining operator situation awareness, acceptable personnel workload, and personnel vigilance.

(2) The Allocation of Function Implementation Plan shall include:

(a) Establishment of a structured basis and criteria for function allocation.

(b) Definition of function allocation analyses requirements including:

(i) Definition of the objectives and requirements for the evaluation of function allocations.

(ii) Development of alternative function allocations for use in the conduct of comparative evaluations.

(iii) Development of criteria to be used as the basis for selecting between alternative function allocations.

(iv) Development of evaluation criteria weighing factors.

(v) Development of test and analysis methods for evaluating function allocation alternatives.

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(vi) Definition of the methods to be used in conducting assessments of the sensitivity of the comparative function allocation alternatives analyses results to the individual analysis inputs and criteria.

(vii) Definition of the methods to be employed in selecting individual function allocation for incorporation into the implemented design.

(V) Task Analysis Implementation Plan (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the creation of a Task Analysis Implementation Plan which is in full compliance with the Item 4.a Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design). The Task Analysis Implementation Plan shall establish:

(a) The methods and criteria for conduct of the task analysis which are consistent with accepted HFE practices and principles. Within the context of performing task analysis, accepted HFE methods and criteria are presented in the following documents:

(i) AD/A223 168, System Engineering Management Guide, (Dept. of Defense, Defense Systems Management College, Kockler, F., et al)

(i) DOD-HDBK-763, Human Engineering Procedures Guide, Chapters 5-7 and Appendices A and B, 1991, (Dept. of Defense)

(ii) EPRI NP-3659, Human Factors Guide for Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Development, 1984, (Electric Power Research Institute)

(iii) IEC 964, Design for Control Rooms of Nuclear Power Plants, (Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale)

(iv) IEEE-1023, IEEE Guide to the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, (IEEE)

(v) MIL-H-46855B, Human Engineering Requirements for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities, (Dept. of Defense)

(vi) MIL-STD-1478, Task Performance Analysis, (Dept. of Defense)

(vii) NUREG-0700, Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews, 1981, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(viii) NUREG/CR-3331, A Methodology for Allocating Nuclear Power Plant Control Functions to Human and Automated Control, 1983, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(ix) NUREG/CR-3371, Task Analysis of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Crews (Vol. 1), 1983, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

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Note that within the set of documents listed above, differences may exist regarding the specific methods and criteria applicable to the conduct of HFE task analysis. In situations that such differences exist, for a particular issue, all of the methods and criteria presented within those documents which address that particular issue are considered to be equally appropriate and valid and, therefore, any of those documents may be selected as the basis for defining how that particular issue is addressed in the task analysis.

(b) The scope of the task analysis which shall include operations performed at the operator interface in the Main Control Room and at the Remote Shutdown System. The analyses shall be directed to the full range of plant operating modes, including startup, normal operations, abnormal operations, transient conditions, low power and shutdown conditions. The analyses shall also address operator interface operations during periods of maintenance, test and inspection of plant systems and equipment including the HSI equipment.

(c) That the analysis shall link the identified and described tasks in operational sequence diagrams. Task descriptions and operational sequence diagrams shall be used to identify which tasks are critical to safety in terms of importance for function achievement, potential for human error, and impact of task failure. Human actions which are identified through PRA sensitivity analyses to have significant impact on safety shall also be considered critical tasks. Where critical functions are automated, the analyses shall address the associated human tasks including the monitoring of the automated function and the backup manual actions which may be required if the automated function fails.

(d) That the task analysis shall develop narrative descriptions of the personnel activities required for successful completion of the task. A task shall be a group of activities, often occurring in temporal proximity, which utilize a common set of displays and controls. Task analysis shall define the input, process, and output required by and of personnel.

(e) The task analysis shall identify requirements for alarms, displays, data processing, and controls.

(f) The task analysis results shall be made available as input to the personnel training programs.

(2) The Task Analysis Implementation Plan shall include:

(a) The methods and data sources to be used in the conduct of the task analysis (b) The methods for conducting the initial (high level) task analysis including:

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(i) Converting functions to tasks.

(ii) Developing narrative task descriptions.

(iii) Developing the basic statement of the task functions.

(iv) Decomposition of tasks to individual activities.

(v) Development of operational sequence diagrams.

(c) The methods for developing detailed task descriptions that address:

(i) Information requirements (i.e., information required to execute a task, including cues for task initiation).

(ii) Decision-making requirements (i.e., decisions that are probably based on the evaluations, description of the decisions to be made and the evaluations to be performed).

(iii) Response requirements (i.e., actions to be taken, frequency of action, speed/time requirements, any tolerance/accuracy requirements associated with the action, consideration of any operational limits of personnel performance or of equipment, body movements required by an action taken, and any overlap of task requirements such as serial vs.

parallel task elements).

(iv) Feedback requirements (i.e., feedback required to indicate adequacy of actions taken).

(v) Personnel workload (i.e., both cognitive and physical workload and the estimation of the level of difficulty associated with a particular workload condition).

(vi) Any associated task support requirements (i.e., special/protective clothing, job aids, reference materials, tools, equipment or any computer processing support aids).

(vii) Workplace factors (i.e., the workspace envelope required by the action taken, workspace environmental conditions, location that the work is to be performed, the physical/mental attributes of the work).

(viii) Staffing and communication requirements (i.e., the number of personnel, their technical specialty, and specific skills, the form and content of communications and other personnel interaction required when more than one person is involved).

(ix) The identification of any hazards involved in execution of the task.

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(d) The methods for identification of critical tasks. The identified critical tasks shall include, at the minimum; those operator actions which have significant impact on the PRA results, as presented in Section 19D.7, and; the operator actions to isolate the reactor and inject water for the postulated event scenarios of a common mode failure of the Safety System Logic and Control System and/or the essential Multiplexing System concurrent with a design basis main steamline, feedwater line or shutdown cooling line break LOCA.

(e) The methods for establishing information and control requirements.

(f) The methods for conducting alarm, display, processing, and control requirements analysis.

(g) The methods through which the application of task analysis results are assembled and documented to provide input to the development of personnel training programs.

(h) The methods to be used to evaluate the results of the task analysis.

(VI) HSI Design Implementation Plan (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the creation of an HSI Design Implementation Plan which is in full compliance with the Item 5.a Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design). The HSI Design Implementation Plan shall establish:

(a) The methods and criteria for HSI equipment design and evaluation of HSI human performance, equipment design and associated work place factors, such as illumination in the MCR and in the RSS area, which are consistent with accepted HFE practices and principles. Within the context of performing these HSI design evaluations, accepted HFE methods and criteria are presented in the following documents:

(i) AD/A223 168, System Engineering Management Guide, (Dept. of Defense, Defense Systems Management College, Kockler, F., et al)

(ii) ANSI HFS-100, American National Standard for Human Factors Engineering of Visual Display Terminal Workstations, (Am. Natl.

Standards Institute)

(iii) EPRI NP-3659, Human Factors Guide for Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Development, 1984, (Electric Power Research Institute)

(iv) EPRI NP-3701, Computer-Generated Display System Guidelines, 1984, (Electric Power Research Institute) 18E-22 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process

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(v) ESD-TR-86-278, Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software, (Department of Defense)

(vi) IEC 964, Design for Control Rooms of Nuclear Power Plants, (Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale)

(vii) MIL-H-46855B, Human Engineering Requirements for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities, (Dept. of Defense)

(viii) MIL-HDBK-759A, Human Factors Engineering Design for Army, Material (Dept. of Defense)

(ix) DOD-HDBK-761A, Human Engineering Guidelines for Management Information Systems, (Dept. of Defense)

(x) MIL-STD-1472D, Human Engineering Design Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities, (Dept. of Defense)

(xi) NUREG-0696, Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities, 1980, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(xii) NUREG-0700, Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews, 1981, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(xiii) NUREG-0800, Standard Review Plan, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(xiv) NUREG-0899, Guidelines for the Preparation of Emergency Operating Procedures, 1982, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(xv) NUREG/CR-5228, Techniques for Preparing Flowchart Format Emergency Operating Procedures (Vols. 1 & 2), 1989, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(xvi) NUREG/CR-4227, Human Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation and Assessment of Video Display Units, 1985, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(xvii) Gilmore, et. al. (1989), User-Computer Interface in Process Control:

A Human Factors Engineering Handbook. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, Inc.

Note that within the set of documents listed above, differences may exist regarding the specific methods and criteria applicable to the conduct of HSI design evaluations. In situations that such differences exist, for a particular issue, all of the methods and criteria presented within those documents which address that particular issue are considered to be equally appropriate and valid and, therefore, any of those documents may be selected as the basis for defining how that particular issue is addressed in the HSI design evaluations.

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(b) That the HSI design shall implement the information and control requirements developed through the task analyses, including the displays, controls and alarms necessary for the execution of those tasks identified in the task analyses as being critical tasks (See paragraph V.2.d of this table).

(c) The methods for comparing the consistency of the HSI human performance equipment, design and associated workplace factors with that modeled and evaluated in the completed task analysis.

(d) That the HSI design shall not incorporate equipment (i.e., hardware or software function) which has not been specifically evaluated in the task analysis.

(e) The HSI design criteria and guidance for control room operations during periods of maintenance, test and inspection of control room HSI equipment and of other plant equipment which has control room personnel interface (f) The test and evaluation methods for resolving HFE/HSI design issues. These test and evaluation methods shall include the criteria to be used in selecting HFE/HSI design and evaluation tools which:

(i) May incorporate the use of static mockups and models for evaluating access and workspace-related HFE issues.

(ii) Shall require dynamic simulations and HSI prototypes for conducting evaluations of the human performance associated with the activities in the critical tasks identified in the task analysis.

(2) The Human System Interface Design Implementation Plan shall include:

(a) Identification of the specific HFE standards and guidelines documents which substantiate that the selected HSI Design Evaluation Methods and Criteria are based upon accepted HFE practices and principles.

(b) Definition of standardized HFE design conventions.

(c) Definition that the standard design features, presented in Section 18.4.2; the standard HSI equipment technologies, presented in Section 18.4.3; and the displays, controls and alarms presented in Tables 18F-1, 18F-2 and 18F-3, shall be incorporated as requirements on the HSI design.

(d) Definition of the design/evaluation tools (e.g., prototypes) which are to be used in the conduct of the HSI design analyses, the specific scope of evaluations for which those tools are to be applied and the rationale for the selection of those specific tools and their associated scope of application.

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(VII) Human Factors Verification and Validation Implementation Plan (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the creation of a Human Factors Verification and Validation Implementation Plan which is in full compliance with the Item 6.a Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the ABWR design). The Human Factors Verification and Validation (V&V) Implementation Plan shall establish:

(a) Human factors V&V methods and criteria which are consistent with accepted HFE practices and principles. Within the context of performing human factors V&V, accepted HFE methods and criteria are presented in the following documents:

(i) AD/A223 168, System Engineering Management Guide, (Dept. of Defense, Defense Systems Management College, Kockler, F., et al)

(ii) DOD-HDBK-763, Human Engineering Procedures Guide, Chapters 5-7 and Appendices A and B, (Dept. of Defense)

(iii) DOD 5000.2, Defense Acquisition Management Policies and Procedures, (Dept. of Defense)

(iv) EPRI NP-3701, Computer-Generated Display System Guidelines, 1984, (Electric Power Research Institute)

(v) IEC 964, Design for Control Rooms of Nuclear Power Plants, (Bureau Central de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale)

(vi) IEEE-845, IEEE Guide to Evaluation of Man-Machine Performance in Nuclear Power Generating Station Control Rooms and Other Peripheries, (IEEE)

(vii) MIL-H-46855B, Human Engineering Requirements for Military Systems, Equipment and Facilities, (Dept. of Defense)

(viii) DOD-HDBK-761A, Human Engineering Guidelines for Management Information Systems, (Dept. of Defense)

(ix) NUREG-0700, Guidelines for Control Room Design Reviews, 1981, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(x) NUREG-0899, Guidelines for the Preparation of Emergency Operating Procedures, 1982, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

(xi) TOP 1-2-610, Test Operating Procedure Part 1, (Dept. of Defense)

(xii) NSAC-39, Verification and Validation for Safety Parameter Display Systems, (Electric Power Research Institute)

ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E-25

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(xiii) NUREG/CR-4227, Human Engineering Guidelines for the Evaluation and Assessment of Video Display Units, 1985, (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission)

Note that within the set of documents listed above, differences may exist regarding the specific methods and criteria applicable to the conduct of human factors V&V. In situations that such differences exist, for a particular issue, all of the methods and criteria presented within those documents which address that particular issue are considered to be equally appropriate and valid and, therefore, any of those documents may be selected as the basis for defining how that particular issue is addressed in the human factors V&V.

(b) That the scope of the evaluations of the integrated HSI shall include:

(i) The Human-System Interface (including both the interface of the operator with the HSI equipment hardware and the interface of the operator with the HSI equipments software-driven functions).

(ii) The plant and emergency operating procedures.

(iii) HSI work environment.

(c) That static and/or part-task mode evaluations of the HSI equipment shall be conducted to confirm that the controls, displays, and data processing functions identified in the task analysis are designed per accepted HFE guidelines and principles.

(d) The integration of all HSI equipment with each other, with the operating personnel and with the plant and emergency operating procedures shall be evaluated through the conduct of dynamic task performance testing. The dynamic task performance testing and evaluations shall be performed over the full scope of the integrated HSI design using dynamic HSI prototypes (i.e.,

prototypical HSI equipment which is dynamically-driven using real time plant simulation computer models). In the event that the particular HSI design implementation under consideration is referenced to a previous HSI design for which dynamic task performance test and evaluation results are available, those existing results, along with the results of limited scope dynamic task performance tests which address the areas of difference between the two subject HSI designs, may be used to satisfy this requirement.

The methods for defining the scope and application of the dynamic HSI prototype, past test results and other evaluation tools shall be documented in the implementation plan. The dynamic task performance tests and evaluations shall have as their objectives:

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(i) Confirmation that the identified critical functions can be achieved using integrated HSI design.

(ii) Confirmation that the HSI design and configuration can be operated using the established main control room staffing levels.

(iii) Confirmation that the plant and emergency operating technical procedures of the scope as defined in Section 13.5 provide direction for completing the identified tasks associated with normal, abnormal and emergency operations.

(iv) Confirmation that the time dependent and interactive (e.g., display format selection) aspects of the HSI equipment performance allow for task accomplishment.

(v) Confirmation that the allocation of functions are sufficient to enable task accomplishment.

(vi) Confirmation that the integrated HSI design implementation is consistent with accepted HFE practices and principles.

(e) That dynamic task performance test evaluations shall be conducted over the range of operational conditions and upsets, including:

(i) Normal plant operations, such as plant startup, shutdown, full power operations, and plant maintenance activities.

(ii) Plant system and equipment failures (including instrumentation failures).

(iii) HSI equipment failures.

(iv) Plant transients.

(v) Postulated plant accidents conditions, as defined in paragraph V.2.d of this table.

(f) The HFE performance measures to be used as the basis for evaluating the dynamic task performance test results. These performance measures shall include:

(i) Operating crew primary task performance characteristics, such as task times and procedure compliance.

(ii) Operating crew errors and error rates.

(iii) Operating crew situation awareness.

(iv) Operating crew workload.

(v) Operating crew communications and coordination.

(vi) Anthropometry evaluations.

(vii) HSI equipment performance measures.

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(g) The methods to confirm that HFE issues identified and documented in the Human Factors Issue Tracking System have been resolved in the integrated HSI design.

(h) The methods and criteria to be used to confirm that critical human actions, as defined by the task analysis, have been addressed in the integrated HSI design.

(i) The methods and criteria to be used to evaluate the adequacy of the operating technical procedures.

(2) The Human Factors Verification and Validation Implementation Plan shall include:

(a) Definition of test objectives.

(b) Definition of test methods and procedures.

(c) Identification of the participants in the dynamic task performance testing, which shall include licensed operators as test subjects.

(d) Definition of dynamic task performance test conditions which shall include:

(i) Plant startup operations.

(ii) Plant power operations.

(iii) Plant shutdown operations.

(iv) Plant refueling and maintenance operations.

(v) Individual plant system and equipment failures (including instrumentation failures).

(vi) Individual HSI equipment failure (e.g., loss of VDU functions).

(vii) Design basis transients (e.g., turbine trip, loss of feedwater).

(viii) Design basis accidents (e.g., LOCAs).

(ix) Execution of symptom-based emergency procedures.

(x) Execution of task scenarios which contain critical tasks as identified in the task analyses.

(e) Methods for defining scope and configuration of the prototypical HSI required to support testing.

(f) Methods for defining criteria and performance measures to be used in evaluating test results.

(g) Method for conducting analysis of test data.

(h) Requirement that the HSI design shall be reviewed and confirmed:

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(i) To have incorporated the inventory of controls, displays and alarms presented in Tables 18F-1, 2 and 3.

(ii) That the implemented design is consistent with the standard design features and technologies as presented in Sections 18.4.2 and 18.4.3, respectively.

(i) Requirements for the development of documented test & evaluation plans and procedures.

(j) Requirements for documenting test results.]*

  • See Section 18E.1.

ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E-29

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Attachment 1 to Table 18E-1 Results of Operating Experience Review of Previous Nuclear Power Plant HSI Designs (A) [Control Room Design (1) The large size of the control room and console and their configuration contributed to operator dissatisfaction.

(2) Traffic flows should not be impeded by placement of consoles.

(3) Adequate levels of illumination are necessary to ensure that visual effectiveness is sufficient for task performance. Emergency lighting should be available.

(4) Noise levels in the main control room should be maintained within acceptable industry levels.

(5) The climate control system in the control room should be capable of continuously maintaining temperature and humidity within the human comfort zone.

(6) Convenient storage should be provided so that procedures, logs, and drawings needed for routine job performance are conveniently available. Storage should also be provided for equipment needed for emergency operation.

(B) Control Board Design (1) Control boards should be optimized for minimum manning.

(2) Panels in the control rooms were observed to have large arrays of identical controls and displays and repetitive labels. The systems, subsystems, and components should be separated by appropriate demarcation methods.

(3) Controls and related displays should be located in close proximity so that the two items are readily associated and can be used conveniently with one another.

Controls should be placed in an obvious and consistent order. The displays and controls used to monitor major system functions should be assigned to and arranged in functional groups.

(4) Flow arrangements between CRT display formats and controls on panels should not differ.

(5) Flow mimics should be used to aid (and not mislead) the operators.

(6) Panel arrangements for similar systems should be the same.

(7) Location of controls in areas and orientations that render them vulnerable to accidental contact and disturbance should be avoided.

(8) Unclear, illogical, overly complex, or mirror-imaged control board or panel layout arrangements have been observed to promote operational mishaps and should be avoided.

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(C) Computer (1) Computer data should be available on CRT and hard copy output.

(2) Computer audible alarms should not be distracting.

(D) CRT Displays (1) The nomenclature, labeling, and arrangement of systems on the CRT displays should be similar to the panels.

(2) CRT display should be comprehensible with a minimum of visual search. When data is presented in lines and columns, the lines of data should be separated by a space (blank line), one character high, every 4-5 lines.

(3) Display access should be efficient and require a minimum of key strokes.

(4) CRT displays should have convenient brightness, focus, and degauss controls.

(5) The character height should be the appropriate height for the viewing distance during normal and emergency conditions.

(6) Visibility of CRT displays should not be affected by glare.

(E) Anthropometrics (1) Panel dimensions should accommodate the 5 to 95 percentile range of the user population to ensure that personnel can see and reach the displays and controls or the front and back panels. Displays should not be placed beyond the visual range of the operators.

(2) Controls should not be located in the control panels that require the operator to lean into the panel. This is a potential health risk to the operator and to the equipment.

(F) Controls (1) Large controls were observed to have been used in place of preferred smaller controls. Larger controls impact panel size and should be avoided.

(2) Labeling or coding techniques should be used to differentiate controls and indicator lights of similar appearance.

(3) Control configurations should not introduce parallax problems.

(4) Control switches that must be held by the operator for operation should be avoided unless necessary.

(5) Projecting control handles should not cover or obstruct labels.

(6) Key lock switches require administrative control and should be avoided if possible.

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(7) Control handles should not be difficult to operate and should not cause the operators to resort to using unauthorized mechanical leveraging devices (i.e.

cheaters) so as to achieve reduced difficulty in operation.

(8) Controls should be built and installed following standard conventions for OPEN/CLOSE and INCREASE/DECREASE. Setpoint scales should not move up in response to a downward movement of the controller thumbwheel.

(9) Inadvertent operation of adjacent controls may be reduced through the use of shape coding such as using similar shaped handles for similar functions (i.e. pistol grips for pumps and round handles for valves).

(G) Indicator Lights (1) Instances of improper use of qualitative indicators were observed where quantitative displays such as meters would be more effective.

(2) Light status (on/off) should be visible to the operator. Extinguished bulbs should be obvious and a test method provided. Lamp designs should allow for easy access for lamp removal.

(3) The use of so-called negative indications (the absence of an indication) should not be used to convey information to the operator.

(4) Indicator design selection and layout should be standardized to conserve panel space.

(5) A color code standard should be established for indicating lights.

(H) Display and Information Processing (1) Plant parameter validity should not have to be inferred. In addition to secondary information, the quality or validity of the displayed parameter should be available to allow operators to readily identify improper ESF or other safety equipment status under various operating modes.

(2) Necessary information should be available during events such as SBO and LOOP.

Systems and indications such as Neutron Monitoring System, control rod position indication, and drywell area radiation indication should all be available during these events.

(3) The main control room should contain an integrating overview display. The overview display should provide a limited number of key operating parameters.

(4) The same displays that are used during normal operation should be used by the operators during accident conditions to ensure their familiarity with the interface.

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25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Attachment 1 to Table 18E-1 Results of Operating Experience Review of Previous Nuclear Power Plant HSI Designs (Continued)

(I) Meters (1) Proper use of minor, intermediate, and major scale markings in association with scale numerals should be made. Formats should be customized to take into account identification of normal operating values and limits. Scale numerical progressions and formats should be selected for the process parameter being presented.

(2) Placement of meters above and below eye level, making the upper and lower segment of the scale difficult to read, (especially with curved scales), can present parallax problems.

(3) Meters were observed that fail with the pointer reading in the normal operating band of the scale. The instrument design should allow the operator to determine a valid indication from a failed indication.

(4) Placement of meters on panels should prevent glare and reflections caused by overhead illumination.

(5) Where redundant channels of instrumentation exist, software-based displays should provide for easy inspection of the source data and intermediate results without the need to display them continuously.

(6) Data presented to the operator should be in a usable form and not require the operator to calculate its value. Scale graduations should be consistent and easily readable. Zone markings should be provided to aid in data interpretation.

(7) Meter pointers should not obscure the scale on meters.

(8) Process units between the control room instruments and the operating procedures should be consistent.

(J) Chart Recorders (1) Recorders should not be used in place of meters. Recorders should be selected with consideration given to minimizing required maintenance and high reliability.

(2) A recorder designed to monitor 24 parameters was observed to have 42 parameters assigned to it. This makes it extremely difficult to read the numerical outputs on the chart paper. The inputs assigned should be consistent with the design of the recorder.

(3) Operational limits should be defined on recorders. Proper selection of recorder scales will eliminate the need for overlays. The units for the process should be labeled on the recorder.

(4) Monitored inputs should be assigned to recorder pens in alphabetical order. The correlation of pen color to input parameter should be clearly defined by multi-pen recorder labels.

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(5) The change of chart speed should also be noted on the chart paper when the paper is changed. The paper scales should match the fixed scales.

(6) Recorders should have fast speed and point select capability.

(7) Proper placement of recorders and adequate illumination should prevent glare and parallax problems with recorder faces.

(8) The pointers should not cover the graduation marks.

(9) When upper and lower pens coincide, the printout of the upper scale should still be visible.

(K) Annunciator Warning Systems (1) Annunciators should be located near the control board panel elements to which they are related. Divisional arrangements should be consistent. Annunciators should be functionally located near the applicable system.

(2) Advisory alarms reporting expected conditions should not be grouped with true alarms. The audio and visual warning system signal should be prioritized to reduce the audio and visual burden placed on the operators during an event.

(3) Some alarms were observed to lack specificity. Multi-input alarms, e.g. xyz pressure/levels, hi/lo, frustrate, rather than inform the operator.

(4) Excessive alarms were observed during emergency conditions. Auditory signals should be coded to aid the operator in determining the panel location.

(5) Alarm operating sequence controls should be placed at specific locations to encourage operator acknowledgment.

(6) For standing and sit-down workstations, window size and lettering height should be consistent with the viewing distance.

(7) The labels should use consistent abbreviations and nomenclature and not be ambiguous.

(8) For traceability to response procedures, the windows should be identified with a location reference code.

(9) A consistent color coding convention should be employed.

(10) A First Out feature should be provided that presents prioritized parameters important to safety parameters for immediate operator response.

(11) Means should be provided for identification of out-of-service annunciators.

(12) Annunciators for conditions which signal an EOP entry condition should be located based on the functional analysis.

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(L) Coding of Displays and Controls (1) The color codes for the control boards should be systematically applied. Effective color coding should be used to aid in differentiating between identical controls placed in close proximity.

(2) The coding of indicators should inform the operator whether a valve is open or closed.

(3) Systematic approach to color and shape coding of controls should be taken.

(M) Labeling (1) Label abbreviations, numbering, and nomenclature should be consistent. A label placement standard for the control room should be established. Labels should be placed consistently above or below the panel elements being identified and not placed between two components.

(2) Hierarchical labeling schemes including size coding or differentiation of labels should be used to identify major console panels, sub-panels, and panel elements.

Hierarchical labeling will eliminate the need to place redundant labels on control or display devices.

(3) The content of the labels should be consistent with the procedures used by the operators.

(4) The labels should meet the readability guidelines and should not be obscured by the equipment that they mounted near. A control room standard for labels should be established that addresses label character size and font.

(5) Maintenance tags should not obscure labels or panel components such as displays.

(6) To minimize the mispositioning of valves and other equipment, the controls and displays should be labeled with the unique number or name of the valve or piece of equipment.

(N) Communications (1) Communications in the control room should consider the ambient noise levels in the control room and plant. The control room operator should be able to communicate with necessary personnel in the plant. Communication equipment should also be provided at the remote shutdown panel.

(2) Communications equipment design should not limit the operators access to the controls or displays.

(3) The communication system should be accessible from the operators workstations.

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25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Attachment 1 to Table 18E-1 Results of Operating Experience Review of Previous Nuclear Power Plant HSI Designs (Continued)

(O) Task Analysis (1) Controls and displays should be located for effective operator response to postulated events. Information needed by the operator in the control room should be readily available and not located at remote panels in the plant.

(2) In addition to normal and emergency conditions, plant displays and controls should also consider low power and shutdown scenario information requirements.

(P) Procedures (1) The measurement units in the procedure and the values indicated on display scales should be consistent.

(2) Control board designs should make provisions for the operators simultaneous referral to the procedures and the operation of the control boards.

(3) The parameters displayed on electronic information systems or on the control boards should be designed to support the EOPs as well as other required monitoring tasks.

(4) The safety function parameter status should be presented in an organized, readily accessible format compatible with the EOPs.

(5) A procedure should address operator action in the event of computer, CRT, or printer problems or complete failure.

(Q) Operator Errors (1) Operator mishaps were observed to be caused by the absence of a timely, attention-getting indication (either qualitative or quantitative) that informs the operator that some element of the system is not operating properly.

(2) Operator mishaps were also observed to result from incorrect lineup of valves.

(R) Maintenance and Testing (1) The main control room should be designed in such a way that minimizes the need for maintenance and test personnel to work, or at least limit their presence, in the control room.

(2) Control room displays should be designed and installed for easy calibration and replacement.

(3) Access for inspection, operation, and routine maintenance of components should not be restrictive.]*

See Section 18E.1.

18E-36 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18E-2 HFE Analysis (I) [System Functional Requirements Analyses (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the conduct of system functional requirements analyses which are in full compliance with the Item 2.b Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design). The system functional requirements analyses shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Human Factors Engineering Program Plan and the System Functional Requirements Analysis Implementation Plan.

(2) The results of the system functional requirements analyses shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) Objectives of the system functional requirements analyses.

(b) Description of the methods employed in the conduct of system functional requirements analyses.

(c) Identification of deviations from the System Functional Requirements Analysis Implementation Plan.

(d) Presentation and discussion of the results of the system functional requirements analysis including discussion of design change recommendations derived from these analyses and/or negative implications that the current design may have on safe plant operations.

(e) Conclusions regarding the conduct of the analyses and the analyses results.

(3) The results of the HFE Design Teams evaluation of the conduct and results of the system functional requirements analyses shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) The methods and procedures used by the HFE Design Team in their review of the system functional requirements analyses.

(b) The HFE Design Teams evaluation of the completed system functional requirements analyses including evaluation of the compliance with the System Functional Requirements Analysis Implementation Plan and the HFE Program Plan.

(c) Presentation and discussion of the HFE Design Teams Review findings.

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25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18E-2 HFE Analysis (Continued)

(II) Function Allocation Analyses (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the conduct of function allocation analyses which are in full compliance with the Item 3.b Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design). The function allocation analyses shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Human Factors Engineering Program Plan and the Allocation of Functions Implementation Plan.

(2) The results of the function allocation analysis shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) Objectives of the function allocation analyses (b) Description of the methods employed in the conduct of the function allocation analyses.

(c) Identification of deviations from the Allocation of Function Implementation Plan.

(d) Presentation and discussion of the results of the function allocation analyses including discussion of design change recommendations derived from these analyses and/or negative implications that the current design may have on safe plant operations.

(e) Conclusions regarding the conduct of the analyses and analysis results.

(3) The results of the HFE Design Teams evaluation of the conduct and results of the function allocation analyses shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) The methods and procedures used by the HFE Design Team in their review of the function allocation analyses.

(b) The HFE Design Teams evaluation of the completed function allocation analyses including an evaluation of the compliance with the Allocation of Function Implementation Plan and the HFE Program Plan.

(c) Presentation and discussion of the HFE Design Teams review findings.

(III) Task Analyses (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the conduct of task analyses which are in full compliance with the Item 4.b Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR Design). The task analyses shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Human Factors Engineering Program Plan and the Task Analysis Implementation Plan.

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25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18E-2 HFE Analysis (Continued)

(2) The results of the task analyses shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) Objectives of the task analyses.

(b) Description of the methods employed in the conduct of the task analyses.

(c) Identification of deviations from the Task Analyses Implementation Plan.

(d) Presentation and discussion of the results of the task analyses, including discussion of design change recommendations derived from these analyses and/or negative implications that the current design may have on safe plant operations.

(e) Conclusions regarding the conduct of the analyses and the analyses results.

(3) The results of the HFE Design Teams evaluation of the conduct and results of the task analyses shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) The methods and procedures used by the HFE Design Team in their review of the completed task analyses.

(b) The HFE Design Teams evaluation of the completed task analyses including an evaluation of the compliance with the Task Analysis Implementation Plan and the HFE Program Plan.

(c) Presentation and discussion of the HFE Design Teams review findings.]*

  • See Section 18E.1.

ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E-39

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18E-3 Human System Interface Design (I) [HSI Design Analyses (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the conduct of HSI design analyses which are in full compliance with the Item 5.b Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design). The HSI design implementation and analyses shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Human Factors Engineering Program Plan and the HSI Design Implementation Plan.

(2) The results of the HSI design analyses shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) Objectives of the HSI design analyses.

(b) Description of the methods employed in the conduct of the HSI design analyses.

(c) Identification of deviations from the HSI Design Implementation Plan.

(d) Presentation and discussion of the results of the HSI design analyses, including discussion of design change recommendations derived from these analyses and/or negative implications that the current design may have on safe plant operations.

(e) Conclusions regarding the conduct of the analyses and the analyses results.

(3) The results of the HFE Design Teams evaluation of the conduct and results of the HSI design analyses shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) The methods and procedures used by the HFE Design Team in their review of the HSI design analyses.

(b) The HFE Design Teams evaluation of the completed HSI design analyses, including an evaluation of the compliance with the HSI Design Implementation Plan and HFE Program Plan.

(c) Presentation and discussion of the HFE Design Teams review findings.]*

  • See Section 18E.1.

18E-40 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18E-4 Human Factors Verification and Validation (I) [Human Factors Verification and Validation (1) (Satisfaction of the requirements presented herein shall result in the conduct of human factors verification and validation (V&V) activities which are in full compliance with the Item 7.b Acceptance Criteria presented in Table 3.1 of the Tier 1 Design Certification material for the GEH ABWR design). The human factors V&V of the human system interface (HSI) design shall be conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Human Factors Engineering Program Plan and the Human Factors V&V Implementation Plan.

(2) The results of the human factors V&V activities of HSI shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) Objectives of the human factors V&V.

(b) Description of the methods employed in the conduct of the human factors V&V.

(c) Identification of deviations from the Human Factors V&V Implementation Plan.

(d) Presentation and discussion of the human factors V&V results, including discussion of design change recommendations derived from the human factors V&V tests and evaluations and/or significant negative implications that the current HSI design may have on safe plant operations which may have been identified.

(e) Conclusions regarding the conduct of the human factors V&V of HSI and the results.

(3) The results of the HFE Design Teams evaluation of the conduct and results of the human factor verification and validation (V&V) shall be documented in a report that includes the following:

(a) The review methodology and procedures used by the HFE Design Team in their review of the human factor V&V.

(b) The HFE Design Teams evaluation of the completed human factors V&V, including an evaluation of the compliance with the Human Factors V&V Implementation Plan and HFE Program Plan.

(c) The HFE Design Teams evaluation of the completed human factors V&V, including an evaluation of the presentation and discussion of the HFE Design Teams Human Factors s review findings.]*

  • See Section 18E.1.

ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E-41





IMPLEMENTED DESIGN Figure 18E-1 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process 18E-42 ABWR Human-System Interface Design Implementation Process

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18F Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18F.1 Introduction This appendix contains the results of an analysis of information and control needs of the main control room operators. The analysis is based upon the operation strategies given in the ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines (EPGs) as presented in Appendix 18A and the significant operator actions determined by the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) described in Section 19D.7. The minimum inventory of controls, displays and alarms from this analysis are presented in Tables 18F-1 through 18F-3. The information and controls identified from this analysis do not necessarily include those from other design requirements (such as those from Section, SPDS). Supporting information is provided in Appendix 18H.

Information and control needs for each operative instruction or action were developed through task analyses conducted in the following manner:

Each specific step in the EPGs (referred to as the EPG step) or specific operator action referenced in the PRA (herein referred to as the PRA operator action) was individually identified.

A summary description of the step or PRA operator action was developed for each EPG step and PRA operator action.

Information needs required for the operator to perform the specific EPG step or PRA operator action were then identified.

Next, the control functions that the operators perform to execute the actions specified in the EPG step or PRA operator action were identified.

The plant process parameters or other displays needed for execution of the individual EPG step or PRA operator action, were then identified.

Similarly, the controls needed for the execution of each step, were identified.

Alarms to perform step and alarms to provide feedback information to the operator were identified.

Operator aids, such as supplementary procedures or other information needed to execute the step, were identified.

Displays needed to provide confirmatory feedback to the operators that the specified control functions have been initiated or accomplished, were identified.

Position of control devices that provide feedback to the operators to confirm that proper controls are manipulated to the correct positions, were identified.

Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18F-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Annunciators which provide feedback to the operators to confirm that proper control actions are initiated or accomplished were identified.

Operator aids, which provide feedback to the operators to confirm that proper control actions are initiated or accomplished, were identified.

The following operator actions are considered to be important operator actions in the ABWR PRA (refer to Section 19D.7):

(1) Backup manual initiation of HPCF (2) Recovery of feedwater following a scram (3) Use of condensate injection following scram with reactor depressurized (4) Control of reactor water level in an ATWS (5) Emergency depressurization of the reactor (6) Alignment and initiation of firewater for RPV injection with ECCS failure (7) Alignment and initiation of firewater for drywell spray (8) Initiation of wetwell spray using RHR (9) Isolation of water sources in an internal flooding These actions are already specified in the EPGs and are included in the analyses.

Based upon the results of those operator task analyses, the listings of controls, displays and alarms that will be provided in the implemented ABWR design to support execution of the EOPs and PRA significant operator actions (as presented in Tables 18F-1, 18F-2, and 18F-3),

were generated.

18F-2 Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-1 Inventory of Controls Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA No. Fixed Position Controls 1 Manual Scram Initiation SW(A) 2 Manual Scram Initiation SW(B) 3 Reactor Mode SW 4 Div. I Main steamline Manual Isolation SW 5 Div. II Main steamline Manual Isolation SW 6 Div. III Main steamline Manual Isolation SW 7 Div. IV Main steamline Manual Isolation SW 8 Primary Containment Div. I Manual Isolation SW 9 Primary Containment Div. II Manual Isolation SW 10 Primary Containment Div. III Manual Isolation SW 11 RCIC Initiation SW 12 HPCF (B) Initiation SW 13 HPCF (C) Initiation SW 14 RHR (A) Initiation SW 15 RHR (B) Initiation SW 16 RHR (C) Initiation SW 17 DG(A) Start SW 18 DG(B) Start SW 19 DG(C) Start SW 20 RCIC System Standby Mode Initiation SW 21 Condensate Pump Standby Mode Initiation Switches (3) 22 Reactor Feedpump Standby Mode Initiation Switches (3) 23 Condensate Pump Startup Mode Initiation Switches (3) 24 Reactor Feedpump Startup Mode Initiation Switches (3) 25 SLC (A) Pump CS 26 SLC (B) Pump CS 27 ADS (A) Inhibit SW 28 ADS (B) Inhibit SW 29 RHR(A) Standby Mode SW 30 RHR(B) Standby Mode SW 31 RHR(C) Standby Mode SW Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18F-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-1 Inventory of Controls Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Fixed Position Controls 32 Main Steam Isolation Valve CS (8) 33 Div. I Manual/Auto Main Steamline Isolation Reset SW 34 Div. II Manual/Auto Main Steamline Isolation Reset SW 35 Div. III Manual/Auto Main Steamline Isolation Reset SW 36 Div. IV Manual/Auto Main Steamline Isolation Reset SW 37 Primary Containment Div. I Isolation Reset SW 38 Primary Containment Div. II Isolation Reset SW 39 Primary Containment Div. III Isolation Reset SW 40 RHR(A) Shutdown Cooling Mode Initiation SW 41 RHR(B) Shutdown Cooling Mode Initiation SW 42 RHR(C) Shutdown Cooling Mode Initiation SW 43 ARI(A) Manual Initiation SW 44 ARI(B) Manual Initiation SW 45 Recirculation Runback Initiation SW(A) 46 Recirculation Runback Initiation SW(B) 47 RIP Start/Stop CS (10) 48 ARI(A) Logic Reset SW 49 ARI(B) Logic Reset SW 50 CRD Charging Water Pressure Low Scram Bypass SW(A) 51 CRD Charging Water Pressure Low Scram Bypass SW(B) 52 CRD Charging Water Pressure Low Scram Bypass SW(C) 53 CRD Charging Water Pressure Low Scram Bypass SW(D) 54 Manual Scram Reset SW 55 RPS Div. I Trip Reset SW 56 RPS Div. II Trip Reset SW 57 RPS Div. III Trip Reset SW 58 RPS Div. IV Trip Reset SW 59 RHR(A) Suppression Pool Cooling Mode Initiation SW 60 RHR(B) Suppression Pool Cooling Mode Initiation SW 61 RHR(C) Suppression Pool Cooling Mode Initiation SW 18F-4 Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-1 Inventory of Controls Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Fixed Position Controls 62 RHR(B) Primary Containment Vessel Spray Mode Initiation SW 63 RHR(C) Primary Containment Vessel Spray Mode Initiation SW 64 SGTS(B) Initiation SW 65 SGTS(C) Initiation SW 66 Div I Manual ADS Channel 1 Initiation SW 67 Div I Manual ADS Channel 2 Initiation SW 68 Div II Manual ADS Channel 1 Initiation SW 69 Div II ADS Manual ADS Channel 2 Initiation SW 70 RCIC Div. I Isolation Logic Reset SW 71 RCIC Div. II Isolation Logic Reset SW 72 RCIC Inboard Isolation CS 73 RCIC Outboard Isolation CS 74 RHR(C) Manual Valves For Firewater Injection (F101, F102, F103)*

75 CUW Regenerative Heat Exchanger Manual Bypass Valve*

76 Turbine Building HVAC System Controls*

77 SLC Local Controls*

78 Fire Protection System Motor Pump Control SW 79 Fire Protection System Diesel Pump Control SW 80 Control Rod Scram Test Switches 81 A Scram Solenoid Main Power Breaker CS 82 B Scram Solenoid Main Power Breaker CS 83 RPS Div. I Trip Inhibit SW 84 RPS Div. II Trip Inhibit SW 85 RPS Div. III Trip Inhibit SW 86 RPS Div. IV Trip Inhibit SW 87 Rod Worth Minimizer Bypass, 88 CAMS(A) Operating Mode SW 89 CAMS(B) Operating Mode SW 90 CAMS(A) Sample Select SW 91 CAMS(B) Sample Select SW 92 FCS(B) Control SW Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18F-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-1 Inventory of Controls Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Fixed Position Controls 93 FCS(C) Control SW

  • Provided outside the main control room.

To be provided at main control room area panels, not at the operator control panels.

18F-6 Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-1 Inventory of Controls Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Other Control Functions 94 HPCF(B) System controls for terminating system flow, injecting flow, and isolation of potential discharges to reactor building areas 95 HPCF(C) System controls for terminating system flow, injecting flow, and isolation of potential discharges to reactor building areas 96 RCIC System controls for terminating system flow, injecting flow, isolation of potential discharges to reactor building areas, and venting of the RPV to the main condenser 97 RHR(A) System controls for terminating system flow, injecting flow, suppression pool cooling, wetwell spray, drywell spray, shutdown cooling, and isolation of potential discharges to reactor building areas 98 RHR(B) System controls for terminating system flow, injecting flow, suppression pool cooling, wetwell spray, drywell spray, shutdown cooling, and isolation of potential discharges to reactor building areas 99 RHR(C) System controls for terminating system flow, injecting flow, suppression pool cooling, wetwell spray, drywell spray, shutdown cooling, and isolation of potential discharges to reactor building areas 100 Main steamline drain containment isolation valve controls 101 SRV opening and closing controls for each SRV 102 SGTS(B) System controls for venting of the primary containment, and control of secondary containment (reactor building) radiation 103 SGTS(C) System controls for venting of the primary containment, and control of secondary containment (reactor building) radiation 104 RBHVAC containment isolation valves controls 105 ACS containment isolation valves controls 106 SGTS(B) room cooler fan control 107 SGTS(C) room cooler fan control 108 CAMS(A) room cooler fan control 110 CAMS(B) room cooler fan control 111 RHR(A) pump room cooler fan control 112 RHR(B) pump room cooler fan control 113 RHR(C) pump room cooler fan control 114 HPCF(B) pump room cooler fan control 115 HPCF(C) pump room cooler fan control 116 RCIC pump room cooler fan control 117 FCS(B) room cooler fan control 118 FCS(C) room cooler fan control Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18F-7

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-1 Inventory of Controls Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Other Control Functions 119 FPC(A) room cooler fan control 120 FPC(B) room cooler fan control 121 Fuel Pool Cooling System controls for isolation of discharges into reactor building areas 122 RCIC steamline isolation logic bypasses (area temperature high, RPV pressure low, steamline pressure low, RCIC turbine exhaust pressure low) 123 CUW isolation logic bypass (SLC initiation, regenerative heat exchanger area temperature high, RPV water Level 2) 124 MSIV and main steamline drain isolation logic bypass (level 15, main steamline high radiation, main steamline high flow, main steamline tunnel area temperature high, main steamline turbine area temperature high) 125 Logic bypass (RPV Level 3) of RBHVAC system isolation valves 126 Logic bypass (RPV Level 3) of atmospheric control system isolation valves 127 Logic bypass of high drywell pressure isolation for RBHVAC 128 High RPV water level (Level 8) HPCF(B) injection valve closure logic bypass 129 High RPV water level (Level 8) HPCF(C) injection valve closure logic bypass 130 Condensate and feedwater system controls for terminating flow and injecting flow into the RPV/containment 131 CRD System controls for terminating flow and injecting flow into the RPV/containment 132 Condensate Makeup Water System controls for terminating flow and injecting flow into the RPV/containment 133 SPCU System controls for terminating flow into the containment if aligned to take suction from the condensate storage tank 134 Feedwater Control System controls for terminating flow and injecting flow into the RPV/containment 135 Pressure Control System controls for the turbine bypass valves 136 Main Steam System controls for controlling main steamline drain and head vent valves 137 CUW System controls for alternate pressure control or decay heat removal 138 Rod Control and Information System controls for control rod insertions 139 Drywell Cooling System fan control 140 Nitrogen vent and purge mode of ACS 141 Containment purge mode of containment supply and purge subsystem of RBHVAC 142 RBHVAC System controls for venting of the containment 143 Atmospheric Control System controls for venting and purging of the containment 144 Main steam/feedwater tunnel HVAC fan controls 18F-8 Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-1 Inventory of Controls Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Other Control Functions 145 Logic bypasses for Alternate Rod Insertion (ARI) (high RPV pressure, RPV Water Level 2) 146 Logic bypass of High RPV Water level (Level 8) trip of reactor feedpumps and condensate pumps 146 Logic bypasses of drywell cooling fans and associated cooling water (RCW) [Drywell Pressure High, RPV Water Level 1]

Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18F-9

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-2 Inventory of Displays Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA No. Fixed Position Displays No. Fixed Position Displays 1 RPV Water Level 27 RHR(C) Flow 2 RCIC Turbine Speed 28 RHR(C) Injection Valve Status 3 Wetwell Pressure 29 Emergency Diesel Generator (A)

Operating Status 4 Suppression Pool Bulk Average 30 Emergency Diesel Generator (B)

Temperature Operating Status 5 HPCF(B) Flow 31 Emergency Diesel Generator (C)

Operating Status 6 HPCF(C) Flow 32 Primary Containment Water Level 7 RPV Pressure 33 Condensate Storage Tank Water Level 8 Drywell Pressure 34 SLC Pump(A) Discharge Pressure 9 Reactor Power Level, (Neutron Flux, 35 SLC Pump(B) Discharge Pressure APRM) 10 Reactor Power Level (SRNM) 36 Main Condenser Pressure 11 Reactor Thermal Power 37 SRV Positions 12 MSIV Position Status (Inboard And 38 Suppression Pool Level Outboard Valves) 13 Reactor Mode Switch Mode Indications 39 Main Steamline Flow 14 Main Steamline Radiation 40 SLC Boron Tank Water Level 15 Scram Solenoid Lights(8) Status 41 Recirculation Pump Speeds 16 Manual Scram SW(A) Indicating Light 42 Average Drywell Temperature Status 17 Manual Scram SW(B) Indicating Light 43 Wetwell Hydrogen Concentration Status Level 18 RPV Isolation Status Display 44 Drywell Hydrogen Concentration Level 19 RCIC Flow 45 Drywell Oxygen Concentration 20 RCIC Injection Valve Status 46 Wetwell Oxygen Concentration 21 HPCF(B) Injection Valve Status 47 FCS(B) Operating Status 22 HPCF(C) Injection Valve Status 48 FCS(C) Operating Status 23 RHR(A) Flow 49 Main Stack Radiation Level 24 RHR(A) Injection Valve Status 50 Time Denotes Regulatory Guide 1.97 Parameter 18F-10 Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-2 Inventory of Displays Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Fixed Position Displays No. Fixed Position Displays 25 RHR(B) Flow 51 Drywell Radiation Level 26 RHR(B) Injection Valve Status 52 Wetwell Radiation Level Denotes Regulatory Guide 1.97 Parameter Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18F-11

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-2 Inventory of Displays Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Other Displays 1 Reactor building differential pressure 2 Reactor building HVAC exhaust radiation level 3 Fuel handling area ventilation exhaust radiation level 4 RHR(A) pump room cooler operation status 5 RHR(B) pump room cooler operation status 6 RHR(C) pump room cooler operation status 7 HPCF(B) pump room cooler operation status 8 HPCF(C) pump room cooler operation status 9 RCIC pump room cooler operation status 10 FCS(B) room cooler operation status 11 FCS(C) room cooler operation status 12 FPC(A) room cooler operation status 13 FPC(B) room cooler operation status 14 SGTS(B) room cooler operation status 15 SGTS(C) room cooler operation status 16 CAMS(A) room cooler operation status 17 CAMS(B) room cooler operation status 18F-12 Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-3 Inventory of Alarms Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA No. Fixed Position Alarms No. Fixed Position Alarms 1 Indicated RPV Water Level Abnormal 29 Leak Detection Isolation 2 RPV Water Level 3 30 CUW System Status 3 RPV Pressure High 31 Reactor Period Short 4 Drywell Pressure High 32 ADS Div. I Inhibited/Auto Out Of Service 5 Neutron Flux High-High 33 ADS Div. II Inhibited/Auto Out Of Service 6 Neutron Monitoring System Inoperative 34 Suppression Pool Bulk Average Temperature High 7 MSIV Closure 35 Drywell Average Temperature High, 8 CRD Charging Water Pressure Low 36 Suppression Pool Water Level High/Low 9 Rapid Core Flow Decrease 37 CAMS H2/O2 Level High 10 Main Turbine Trip 38 CAMS(A) System Abnormal 11 Main Generator Trip 39 CAMS(B) System Abnormal 12 Main Steamline Radiation High 40 Reactor Building ýP Low 13 Reactor Scram 41 Area Temperature High 14 RPV Level 3 Isolation Incomplete 42 Area HVAC ýT High 15 RPV Level 2 Isolation Incomplete, 43 RBHVAC Exhaust Radiation High 16 RPV Level 1.5/Drywell Pressure High 44 Reactor Building Area Radiation High Isolation Incomplete 17 RPV Water Level 2 45 Reactor Building Floor Drain Sump Water Level High-High 18 RPV Water Level 1.5 46 RBHVAC System Status 19 RPV Water Level 1 47 Stack Radioactivity High 20 Control Rod Not Inserted To/Beyond 48 RCW Radioactivity High MSBWP 21 RPV Water Level 8 49 Radwaste Effluent Radioactivity High 22 Fire Protection System Status 50 Turbine Building Ventilation System (TBVS) Status 23 ADS(A) Logic Initiated 51 Radiation Monitor High 24 ADS(B) Logic Initiated 52 RCIC System Status 25 SRV Open 53 HPCF (B) System Status 26 Main Steamline Flow High 54 HPCF (C) System Status 27 HPIN(A) System Status Denotes Regulatory Guide 1.97 Parameter.

Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18F-13

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18F-3 Inventory of Alarms Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Fixed Position Alarms No. Fixed Position Alarms 28 HPIN(B) System Status Denotes Regulatory Guide 1.97 Parameter.

Table 18F-3 Inventory of Alarms Based Upon the ABWR EPGs and PRA (Continued)

No. Other Alarms 1 RPS Div. I Trip Inhibited 2 RPS Div. II Trip Inhibited 3 RPS Div. III Trip Inhibited 4 RPS Div. IV Trip Inhibited 5 RPV Water Level Zero-Injection Water Level 6 Drywell Radiation Upscale 7 Wetwell Radiation Upscale 8 Lower Drywell Water Level High 9 APRM Downscale 18F-14 Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18G Design Development and Validation Testing 18G.1 Introduction As part of the ABWR design development, a five-year (1986-91) program was undertaken for the purpose of studying the application of man-machine technologies to enhance the efficiency of operation control of nuclear power plants. During the course of this program, a variety of tests, studies and evaluations were performed in a number of areas of control room equipment design. These studies and evaluations culminated in the fabrication and testing of prototype control room human-system interface (HSI) equipment designs at two separate facilities. The results of this development program form the basis for the ABWR control room HSI design.

The purpose of this report is to provide summary descriptions of the studies, evaluations and validation testing performed during the joint study program. The studies, evaluations and testing, other than the prototype validation testing, are described in Subsection 18G.2 and the validation testing of the control room equipment prototypes is discussed in Subsection 18G.3.

18G.2 Design Development 18G.2.1 General The program research described in this section is discussed under the following subtitles:

(1) Standard control room design features (2) Allocation of functions (3) Operator work load (4) Other Areas of Interest 18G.2.2 Standard Control Room Design Features There are eighteen standard design features for the ABWR control room HSI which are listed as follows:

(1) A single, integrated control console staffed by two operators; the console has a low profile such that the operators can see over the console from a seated position.

(2) The use of plant process computer system-driven on-screen control video display units (VDUs) for safety system monitoring and non-safety system control and monitoring.

(3) The use of a separate set of on-screen control VDUs for safety system control and monitoring and separate on-screen control VDUs for non-safety system control and monitoring; the operation of these two sets of VDUs is entirely independent of the Design Development and Validation Testing 18G-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 process computer system. Further, the first set of VDUs and all equipment associated with their functions of safety system control and monitoring are divisionally separate and qualified to Class l-E standards.

(4) The use of dedicated function switches on the control console.

(5) Operator selectable automation of pre-defined plant operation sequences.

(6) The incorporation of an operator selectable semi-automated mode of plant operations, which provides procedural guidance on the control console VDUs.

(7) The capability to conduct these pre-defined plant operation sequences in manual mode.

(8) The incorporation of a large display panel which presents information for use by the entire control room operating staff.

(9) The inclusion on the large display panel of fixed-position displays of key plant parameters and major equipment status.

(10) The inclusion in the fixed-position displays of both 1E-qualified and non-1E qualified display elements.

(11) The independence of the fixed-position displays from the plant process computer.

(12) The inclusion within the large display panel of a large video display unit which is driven by the plant process computer system.

(13) The incorporation of a monitoring only supervisors console which includes VDUs on which display formats available to the operators on the main control console are also available to the supervisor.

(14) The incorporation of the safety parameter display system (SPDS) function as part of the plant status summary information which is continuously displayed on the fixed-position displays a portion of the large display panel.

(15) The use of fixed-position alarm tiles on the large display panel.

(16) The application of alarm processing logic to prioritize alarm indications and to filter unnecessary alarms.

(17) A spatial arrangement between the large display panel, the main control console and the shift supervisors console which allows the control room operating crew to view the information presented on the large display panel from the seated position at their respective consoles.

18G-2 Design Development and Validation Testing

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (18) The use of VDUs to provide alarm information in addition to the alarm information provided via the fixed-position alarm tiles on the large display panel.

Specific studies and evaluations done in support of these standard design features, prior to the validation testing of the two prototype designs, are discussed in the following paragraphs of this subsection.

18G.2.2.1 Control Console Analyses of trends in control panel configuration, including GEHs NUCLENET control room design, as compared to older designs, were completed. The results of operating crew task analyses were used to aid in control panel layout studies and support evaluations of the operating crew size. Studies of the feasibility of main control panel size reduction and consolidation of two or more panel functions into one panel were completed. Other studies were made of alternate arrangements of control and monitoring equipment on the console.

18G.2.2.2 Video Display Units (VDUs)

Studies of trends in VDU uses in control rooms were made. Since VDUs have been used previously, not only in control rooms of other industrial processing plants but in nuclear plants as well. The issue of concern was not whether to use these devices but how to use them most efficiently. Studies of VDU control devices were completed and development testing of on-screen control devices was done. Figure 18G-1 shows some data developed during evaluations of the precision obtainable with touch screens. Means of enhancing the reliability of certain types of VDUs (e.g., CRTs) were also studied. An evaluation was made of the merits of different types of computer input devices (i.e., light pens, trackballs, mice and touch-screens).

Methods of optimization of VDU screen systems for aiding operator responses (a) during normal plant operation, (b) after discovery of an anomaly, (c) after a scram and (d) in the event of an accident were examined. Screen selection methods and methods of integrating the use of the console VDUs with that of the large display panel were also reviewed. As part of this study, operator decision making processes during each of the above-mentioned plant conditions were analyzed.

18G.2.2.3 Plant Operations Automation of normal plant operations (e.g., startup, shutdown, power maneuvers) was evaluated for potential ABWR application to enhance operability and minimize the burden on the operating staff. The extent of automated operations was carefully selected to ensure that the primary control of plant operations remains in the hands of the operators. The general approach Design Development and Validation Testing 18G-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 which was followed in selecting the operations to be automated consisted of the following steps:

(1) Task analyses were performed which defined the type and sequence of tasks that are required for accomplishing normal plant operations. These analyses were done assuming completely manual operations (i.e., no automation).

(2) From these task analyses, assessments were made of the operator workload, the complexity of the operation, the degree of repetitiveness and tedium in the operation and the feasibility of automating the operation.

(3) From these evaluations, it was concluded that, for a given plant system, many tasks are conducted for the purpose of changing the operational status of that system (e.g.,

operation of the residual heat removal system in the suppression pool cooling mode).

For many of these normal system operations, sequence master control functions were defined. This approach was applied to both safety-related and non-safety-related system operations. Dedicated sequence master control switches were incorporated into the main control console design for initiating these automation sequences. The sequence master control switches are located in the hard switch panels on the horizontal desk area of the main control panel.

(4) Operational changes in safety systems that require only minimal operator action (e.g.,

changing the position of the reactor mode switch) were not automated. Safety system mode changes are performed on the ABWR in a manner similar to conventional BWR operations.

(5) For tedious or repetitive operations, special plant level automation functions were incorporated into the control room design. Examples of such automated functions include control rod operations during startup (e.g., rod selection and movement of control rods to maintain the vessel heatup rate), changes in reactor recirculation flow controller setpoints to accomplish daily load following maneuvers, changes in the reactor pressure setpoint during normal heatup and cooldown of the reactor and transfers in the operational status of the reactor feed pumps.

In accordance with the above studies, the semi-automatic mode was provided to give the operator(s) automatic guidance for accomplishing the desired normal changes in plant status.

In the semi-automatic mode of operation, the plant computer provides no control actions. The operator must activate all necessary system and equipment controls for the semi-automatic sequence to proceed.

A manual mode of operation was also retained in the design. The manual operating mode is equivalent to the manual operation of conventional BWR designs and is available at the operators discretion or when automatic operation is terminated due to abnormal plant conditions.

18G-4 Design Development and Validation Testing

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18G.2.2.4 Large Display Panel Studies of trends in control room information presentation methods (e.g., the Halden IPSO project as described in Report No. HWR-184) were completed. An analysis of questionnaire survey responses from the manufacturing sector of Japanese industry, including fossil fuels and other process plants, indicated that large displays or combinations of large displays and console-mounted VDUs are regarded as an effective means of providing information to operators in a broad spectrum of industrial plant environments.

18G.2.2.5 Independence of Fixed-Position Displays This feature was adopted as a result of evaluations of plant operations during periods of postulated equipment failures and studies of trends in fixed-position display designs throughout industry. The incorporation of the fixed-position displays provides redundancy in display modes and contributes to the ability to safely shut down the plant if the process computer system is lost.

18G.2.2.6 Large Video Display Studies of large screen utilization trends and of how large screens can best be integrated with VDUs in the control room were performed. The large screen study topics are summarized in Table 18G-1.

Traditionally, during planned outages and at other times, large blackboards have been used, on a temporary basis, in control rooms to display information regarding the status of important ongoing processes. As summarized in Table 18G-1, large screens can be utilized as substitutes for these blackboards. Also, large screens can be used as industrial television monitors (ITV) to make local checks during normal plant operation. In addition, large screens can be used to display CRT screen formats to the entire control room crew simultaneously.

The technology for large screens was also reviewed. Video projectors and displays using liquid crystal projection, luminous source, liquid crystal transmission, LED and CRT technology were compared from the standpoint of screen size, optimum viewing distance, resolution, brightness and update speed.

18G.2.2.7 Alarms Studies of alarm system technologies, the uses of alarms in control rooms and alarm prioritization and suppression methods to reduce the information load on the operating crew in times of upsets were carried out. Improvements in methods of distributing alarm functions between fixed-position indicators and VDUs were examined. Evaluations of VDU alarm presentation methods and formats were also done.

Design Development and Validation Testing 18G-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18G.2.2.8 Control Room Spatial Arrangement Control room functions and arrangements were studied. Evaluations were made of the free space requirements of the control room. Regulations and legislation affecting areas of control room design such as comfort, human factors engineering and control room habitability considerations were reviewed.

18G.2.3 Allocation of Functions Studies of trends in automation of operator functions in nuclear power plants were done. In the early days of the industry, improvements in the level of automation were related chiefly to maintenance of safety. Later, attention has come to be focused on the goal of reducing the burden on the operators. Accordingly, the task analyses discussed in Subsection 18G.2.2.3 Plant Operations, were performed and allocation of functions were made as described in that subsection.

18G.2.4 Operator Work Load Studies of operator work load were performed as part of the automation studies. The task analyses performed on both system and plant operations were used to develop time histories of operator work load for both normal and abnormal operations. As discussed previously, the operator work load information was an important part of the basis for decisions regarding automation.

18G.2.5 Other Areas of Interest Other study areas, not directly contributing to the development of the standard design features discussed in Subsection 18G.2.2, were also pursued. These other study areas included the following:

(1) Configuration of the HSI system:

(a) Relation of process computer to other components (b) Data highway design (2) Functions and configurations of plant data management systems:

(a) Core management (b) Operation management (c) Maintenance management (d) Security controls (e) Management of documentary information (f) Management of site operation records 18G-6 Design Development and Validation Testing

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (3) Operator assistance technologies:

(a) Diagnosis (b) Planning (c) Routine maintenance assistance (4) Audio response systems:

(a) Speech recognition (b) Speech synthesis 18G.3 Validation Testing 18G.3.1 General During the summer of 1990, a systematic program of testing on two separate prototypes was performed to validate the key features of the ABWR main control room equipment design.

Three teams of three licensed plant operators each were used for the tests. The prototypes were fabricated according to a conceptual design prepared during the development program discussed in Section 18G.2.

18G.3.1.1 General Test Description Schedule: The tests were conducted per the schedule shown in Table 18G.2.

Test Teams: The test teams were composed of a utilitys operations personnel from operating boiling water reactors. Each team consisted of three individuals; one senior operator, one operator and one shift supervisor. The test sequences were conducted with the two operators at the main control console and the supervisor located at a desk about 4.5m behind the operators.

Data: Test data were collected in the form of (a) performance measures: these consisted of observations of operator actions and behavior during the tests and examination of video tapes taken during the tests, and (b) opinions, which took the form of post-test operator interviews and questionnaires filled out by the operators during the post-test debriefing sessions. The objective of the data collection methods was to obtain as complete a record as possible of the operators interactions with the HSI model and each other as they reacted to the simulated plant conditions and of the operators reactions to the equipment design.

Equipment Configuration: The control room prototypes included the following key design features, which are correlated to the ABWR standard design features listed in Section 18G.2.2:

(1) A single, integrated control console staffed by two operators; the console has a low profile such that the operators can see over the console from a seated position

[Standard Design Feature (1)].

Design Development and Validation Testing 18G-7

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (2) The use of on-screen control video display units (VDUs) for safety system monitoring and non-safety-related system control and monitoring [Standard Design Feature (2)].

(3) The use of a separate set of on-screen control VDUs for safety system control and monitoring [Standard Design Feature (3)].

(4) The use of dedicated function hardware switches on the control console [Standard Design Feature (4)].

(5) Operator-selectable automation of predefined plant operation sequences [Standard Design Feature (5)].

(6) The incorporation of an operator-selectable semi-automated mode of plant operations, which provides procedural guidance on the control console VDUs

[Standard Design Feature (6)].

(7) The capability to conduct these pre-defined plant operation sequences in an operator manual mode [Standard Design Feature (7)].

(8) The incorporation of a Large Display Panel, located behind the main control console, which presents information for use by the entire control room operating staff

[Standard Design Feature (8)].

(9) The inclusion on the Large Display Panel of key plant parameters and major equipment status displayed at fixed positions on the panel [Standard Design Feature (9)].

(10) The inclusion on the Large Display Panel of critical plant parameters which are continuously displayed at fixed positions on the panel [Standard Design Features (10) and 14)].

(11) The independence of the fixed-position displays from the process computer

[Standard Design Feature (11)].

(12) The inclusion on the Large Display Panel of a large video display unit to supplement the information presented on the fixed displays [Standard Design Feature (12)].

(13) The use of fixed-position alarm tiles on the Large Display Panel [(Standard Design Feature (15)].

(14) The application of alarm processing logic to prioritize alarm indications and to filter unnecessary alarms [Standard Design Feature (16)].

18G-8 Design Development and Validation Testing

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (15) Spatial arrangement between the large display panel, the main control console and the supervisors console which allow the entire control room crew to monitor the information presented on the large display panel [Standard Design Feature (17)].

(16) The use of VDUs to provide low-level alarm indications and detailed information on the alarms which are presented on fixed-position alarm tiles [Standard Design Feature (18)].

Standard Design Feature (13) was not specifically incorporated in the prototype testing program. The essential feature of the supervisors console which was modelled was its lack of control capability.

Test Items: The testing consisted of exercising a variety of plant operation scenarios which were generated by a dynamic simulator. The operating crew would respond to the changing plant conditions during the scenarios by monitoring the information which was available to them and manipulating the appropriate controls. The scenarios included in the test program are summarized in Table 18G-3. Video tapes were taken of the operators as the scenarios were being run.

18G.3.1.2 Test Results The operator interviews and questionnaire data collected during debriefing sessions at both test facilities, plus the video tape evaluations, fully supported the key design features summarized previously in Section 18G.3.1.1. Specific, relevant results regarding those key features are summarized below.

(1) Under normal, abnormal and accident conditions it is easy to comprehend the plant condition from the information presented on the Large Display Panel (LDP).

(2) The LDP contributes much to improve overall monitorability of the plant.

(3) The fixed position displays and large alarm tiles on the LDP are very effective in promoting understanding of the conditions during accidents.

(4) The large variable display on the LDP is watched more often during normal operation than during abnormal operation. However, in general, the large variable display is not watched as often as the fixed position displays.

(5) Suggested formats for display on the large variable screen include trends, plant summary and Safety Parameter Display System (SPDS) information during abnormal/ accident events and alarms.

(6) Work space and sitting posture at the Main Control Console are good, in general.

Design Development and Validation Testing 18G-9

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (7) Work space on the tested Main Control Console arrangement would be crowded if more than two operators were required at the console.

(8) The presentation of top-level, fixed position alarms on the LDP is very effective.

(9) The display of individual alarms on the VDUs is good.

(10) The size of the CRT screens was preferred over that of the flat panel devices.

However, the touch screen operations on the flat panels were rated as better than on the CRTS.

The operators comments focused on those design features which were new to them. Hence, the comments dealt with the LDP, alarm presentation scheme, main console configuration and operations with touch screens. There were little or no comments regarding the automated, semi-automated or manual operating modes or the hardware switches because of the particular operators experience with such features.

The direct operator feedback and evaluation of the test sequence video tapes also provided much additional data which was relevant to the specific details of the equipment employed and the scope of the prototype control console dynamic simulation. Although these additional test results are not pertinent to the evaluation of the ABWR key features described in Section 18G.2.2, they are being addressed and incorporated into the ongoing control room.

18G-10 Design Development and Validation Testing

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18G-1 Large Screen Utilization Topics During Planned During Startup & During Normal During Abnormalities Outages Shutdown Operation / Accidents B S

  • Status of system
  • Startup/shutdown
  • Status of equipment
  • Weather /

L U isolation curves repair environment A B C S

  • Status of refueling
  • Schedule tables
  • Instrumentation K T during accidents B I
  • Status of incoming
  • Load-following O T power curves A U R T D E S


  • Local Equipment
  • Status of startup and
  • Radwaste control
  • Local equipment S S status shutdown auxiliaries room, etc. status E


  • Drywell inspection I status C T
  • Turbine operating O V floor, etc.


  • Plant summary
  • Plant summary
  • Plant summary
  • Emergency alarms U



  • Ordinary alarms
  • Ordinary alarms
  • Ordinary alarms
  • Plant summary R


  • Trend displays
  • Trend displays
  • Trend displays



  • Summary display of
  • Summary display of
  • Trend displays L

core status core status Y

Table 18G-2 Validation Test Schedules Prototype Facility A Prototype Facility B First Test Team June 6-8, 1990 June 11-18, 1990 Second Test Team June 25-27, 1990 July 10-12, 1990 Third Test Team July 26-27, 1990 July 23-25, 1990 Design Development and Validation Testing 18G-11

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18G-3 Test Scenarios and Evaluations Test Case Classification Test Scenarios Key Items of Evaluation Normal Startup/Shut down Reactor Critical 1) Transition to manual from automated and Surveillance operations.

Reactor Temperature 2) Hardware switch operation capability.

Increase 3) Functions identified for Power Adjustment to implementation using hardware Support Drywell Inspection switches.

Generator in Parallel 4) Adequacy and effectiveness of Condensate/ Feedwater displayed information for monitoring.

System Alignment 5) Location of displayed information.

Power Increase 6) Adequacy and need for expansion of Generator Trip/Turbine Trip operator support function(s).

Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System Surveillance Equipment Trips Reactor Feed Pump Trip Items 2) through 5), plus Reactor Internal Pump Trip 7) Large display panel effectiveness.

Condensate Pump Trip 8) Alarm system effectiveness.

Scrams and Accidents MSIV Closure Items 2) through 5) and 7) through 8), plus Loss of Preferred Power

9) Appropriateness and effectiveness of Loss-of-Coolant Accident level of automation after a scram.

Computer Failure Loss of Automated Operating Items 1) through 5), plus Mode

10) Operability by sub-loop automation.

Loss of all Process Computer supported VDUs 18G-12 Design Development and Validation Testing

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 30 mm 20 10

-30 -20 -10 10 20 30



-30 DISTRIBUTION OF TOUCH POINTS 100 90 80 70 FREQUENCY 60 50 40 30 20 10 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 DISTANCE FROM CENTER (X,Y) (mm)

Figure 18G-1 Typical Data from Touch Screen Precision Tests Design Development and Validation Testing 18G-13

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 18H Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18H.1 Introduction This appendix contains the supporting analysis of information and control needs of the main control room operators. The analysis is based upon the operation strategies given in the ABWR Emergency Procedure Guidelines (EPGs) as presented in Appendix 18A and the significant operator actions determined by the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) described in Section 19D.7. The information contained in this appendix is the same as those previously submitted for NRC staff review per Reference 18H-1, with additional discussion provided in Section 18H.3. The minimum inventory of controls, displays and alarms from this analysis are presented in Appendix 18F.

Information and control needs for each operation instruction or action are given in a table containing fourteen (14) columns of information. Information presented in each of those columns in the tables is as follows:


Reference to either the EPGs or to the PRA as the basis of the particular step addressed by the associated set of table entries.

2. STEP.

Specific step in the EPGs (referred to as the EPG step) or specific operator action referenced in the PRA (herein referred to as the PRA step) or item reference in the PRA.


A summary description of the step or operator action.


Information needs of the operator to perform the specific EPG step or PRA operator action.


Control functions that the operators perform to execute the actions specified in the EPG step or PRA operator action.


Plant process parameters or other displays that are necessary for execution of the step given in the EPG step or PRA operator action.


Controls necessary for the execution of the step.

Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18H-1

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2


Annunciators necessary for the execution of the step.


Operator aids such as supplementary procedures or other information necessary for the execution of the step.


Displays to provide a feedback to the operators to confirm that the specified control functions have been initiated or accomplished.


Position of control devices that provide feedback to the operators to confirm that proper controls are manipulated to the correct positions.


Annunciators to provide feedback to the operators to confirm that proper control actions are initiated or accomplished.


Operator aids to provide feedback to the operators to confirm that proper control actions are initiated or accomplished.


Identification of those devices that are Class 1E, provided by Class 1E, or Regulatory Guide 1.97 instrumentations.

The following guidelines, developed from a research program of advanced control panel designs, were used to specify the type of implementation device for controls, displays, and alarms:

(a) Fixed Position Controls

  • Manual starting and resetting of safety systems,
  • Manual starting of emergency backups,
  • Mode switches for initiation of automation sequences.

(b) Divisional VDUs

  • Individual controls of safety system components,
  • Lineup displays of safety systems.

18H-2 Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 (c) Non-Divisional VDUs

  • Monitoring of non-safety systems and control of individual controls of non-safety systems,
  • Individual alarms.

(d) Fixed Position Alarms

  • Important plant level and system level alarms.

(e) Fixed Position Display

  • Monitoring of important plant parameters.

The following operator actions are considered to be important operator actions in the ABWR PRA (refer to subsection 19D.7):

(1) Backup manual initiation of HPCF (2) Recovery of feedwater following a scram (3) Use of condensate injection following scram with reactor depressurized (4) Control of reactor water level in an ATWS (5) Emergency depressurization of the reactor (6) Alignment and initiation of firewater for RPV injection with ECCS failure (7) Alignment and initiation of firewater for drywell spray (8) Initiation of wetwell spray using RHR (9) Isolation of water sources in an internal flooding These actions are already specified in the EPGs and are included in the analyses.

18H.2 Presentation of Results The results of the operational analysis of each step of the ABWR EPGs and PRA important operator actions are given in Tables 18H-1 through 18H-11. Tables 18H-12 through 18H-14 are inventories of the controls, displays, and alarms which have been identified in those operational analyses as being the minimum primary means of accomplishing a particular function of main control room operation. These inventories do not necessarily include controls, displays, and alarms from consideration of other design requirements.

In the ABWR man-machine interface design, control, display and alarm indication functions are implemented through the use of divisional VDUs (referred to as Div. VDUs), non-Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18H-3

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 divisional VDUs (referred to simply as VDUs) and/or through the use of dedicated and fixed position devices. Refer to Subsection, Safety Systems, and Subsection, Non-Safety Systems, for descriptions of the man-machine interface design, control, display, and alarm presentation capabilities. In Tables 18H-1 through 18H-11, the particular method of design implementation for each control, display and alarm function is indicated in brackets as part of each relevant table entry.

In these tables, entries are identified by bold face type and capitalized letters when they are first identified in the analysis as being the primary method of executing a particular control, display or alarm function. An example is the indication of RPV water level as a critical parameter displayed on the fixed mimic panel in the main control room:


Information given in the brackets indicate the type of implementing device. Since one of the purposes of the control room inventory analysis is to identify a minimum set of fixed control, display, and alarm devices, to minimize needless duplication or table entries, subsequent identification of the same design attribute is indicated in the tables within an underline and is not bold type or capitalized. An example of indication of RPV water level in subsequent steps is:

(a) RPV water level [Fixed Position].

Critical process parameters that are displayed on the fixed position display panel are provided by Class 1E instruments via a non-safety related display controller. For these parameters, they are also available in the divisional Video Display Units (VDUs) and the non-divisional VDUs.

Therefore, when a monitoring function is specified (entry conditions and usually the conditional statements of each step of the EPGs) and the primary source of the monitored parameter is identified for the first time as a parameter displayed on the fixed position display panel, the corresponding divisional VDUs and non-divisional VDUs are also included.

However, to minimize unnecessary duplication in the table entries, subsequent identification of the same primary monitoring source (fixed display) will not have its corresponding display on divisional VDUs and VDUs identified. As an example, if average drywell pressure display is identified for the first time:



(b) Average drywell temperature [Div.VDUs],

(c) Average drywell temperature [VDU].

Subsequent identification of average drywell temperature as a fixed display will be as follows:

(a) Average drywell temperature 18H-4 Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2

[Fixed position].

To further reduce duplicate efforts, table entries which are underlined will not have their instrumentation classification summarized in the column 14 table entries.

In certain columns of the tables, such as columns 7, Controls to Execute Step, and columns 10, Displays To Judge Action Accomplishment or Initiation, system controls or a system lineup display is specified in divisional VDUs and non-divisional VDUs. In the case of column 7 for controls, all remote control equipment of a particular system can be controlled from the VDU.

Also in column 7, certain controls are specified as Mode Switches. An example is the RHR(A)

Suppression Pool Cooling Mode Switch. Actuation of a system mode switch will initiate a predefined sequence of system level control actions, such as aligning valves and starting pumps. In column 10, a system lineup display typically represents a graphical mimic of the system similar to that presented in a system P&ID, where the position of valves, operating status of pumps, and status of other components of the system are indicated. Key system parameters and process parameters are also indicated.

Certain displays in these tables are indicated as being fixed displays. Examples of this type of fixed displays are switch position indication of a standby liquid control pump control switch and mode switch selection indication of RHR shutdown cooling mode. For these examples, process parameters such as standby liquid control pump discharge pressure and RHR flow, respectively, provide sufficient information feedback on actions initiated by the operator. In addition, certain fixed displays such as recirculation pump trip status indication, main turbine stop valve and control valve status indication are not considered to be absolutely required because fixed position alarms are provided which will present the same status information to the operators. These types of fixed position displays are not indicated by bold face type and capitalized letters and hence will not be included as part of the minimum inventory of displays.

In Tables 18H-1 through 18H-11, numerical numbers used in the EPGs and in column 3 represent typical values. These values should be confirmed by plant-specific calculations and methods and updated if deemed necessary for a particular application of the information presented. Other clarification of the information presented in the tables are indicated by notes in the columns of the tables. Controls located outside of the main control room are indicated by an asterisk and a note at the end of column 7.

Tables 18H-12 through 18H-14 are inventories of minium controls fixed displays, and fixed alarms necessary based upon the operational analyses of each step of the ABWR EPGs and certain PRA important operator actions. These devices are summarized in Appendix 18F.

18H.3 Analysis of Changes to EPGs Since submittal of the Reference 18H-1 document, several EPG steps were added by request of the NRC staff to address operator actions associated with ATWS stability. In addition, several EPG Steps were deleted to address NRC staff issues associated with ATWS stability, Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18H-5

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 containment spray, and low pressure venting of the containment. These changes and their effect on information and control needs are discussed in this Section.

For ATWS stability, the following EPG Steps were added:

(1) RC/Q-6, first bullet item, When periodic neutron flux oscillations in excess of [25%

(Large oscillation threshold)] peak-to-peak commence or continue, or. The required information is reactor neutron flux and reactor thermal power which are already included in Table 18H-13, Items number 9 and 11 as fixed position displays.

(2) C5-2: If any MSL is not isolated, bypass low RPV water level interlocks to maintain the main condenser as a heat sink. This action has been analyzed previously for Step RC/P-2 Override Statement.

(3) C5-4: If RPV water level is above [164.9 cm (Maximum Power Control RPV Water Level)] and the reactor is not shutdown, lower RPV water level to below [164.9 cm (Maximum Power Control RPV Water Level)] by terminating and preventing all injection into the RPV except from boron injection systems and CRD. The lowering of RPV water level and terminating and preventing of injection systems has been analyzed in Step C5-3. The information need of RPV water level has been previously included in analyses of RC/L steps.

To address the containment spray issue, EPG Step PC/P-1, which specifies wetwell spray, has been deleted. The deletion of two fixed position controls (Wetwell Spray Mode Initiation Switch) have been included in the Reference 18H.4-1 submittal. Wetwell spray and drywell spray are now combined in Step PC/P-2 and consequently, the fixed position controls formerly labeled as RHR(B) Drywell Spray Mode Initiation Switch and RHR(C) Drywell Spray Mode Initiation Switch are now labeled as RHR(B) Containment Spray Mode Initiation Switch and RHR(C) Containment Spray Mode Initiation Switch, respectively. Finally, EPG Step PC/H-1.3, If drywell or suppression chamber oxygen concentration are not below 5%, purge the primary containment with air or nitrogen in accordance with [procedure for primary containment purging], was deleted since purging of the containment with air after an accident using ACS is not allowed. Deleting this step does not require any changes to the initial control room inventory since the previous step, PC/H-1.2, uses the same information and controls.

Based on the above observations, there are no required changes to the minimum inventory as a result of these changes in the EPGs.

18H.4 References 18.8-1 Letter, Jack Fox to Chet Poslusny, Submittal Supporting Accelerated ABWR Schedule - Revised Appendix 18F, DSER Confirmatory Item 18.4.3-1, June 9, 1993.

18H-6 Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls

25A5675AW Revision 7 ABWR Design Control Document/Tier 2 Table 18H - 1 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 2 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 3 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 4 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 5 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 6 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 7 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 8 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 9 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 10 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 11 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 12 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 13 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Table 18H - 14 [Proprietary information not included in DCD (Refer to SSAR Appendix 18H, Amendment 34)]

Supporting Analysis for Emergency Operation Information and Controls 18H-7