MONTHYEARML20212H0531999-09-27027 September 1999 Responds to Addressed to DA Cool Re NRC Fees for DOE Subcontractors Performing Sealed Source Recovery Work ML20212H1061999-06-0808 June 1999 Submits follow-up to from J Orban Expressing Concerns Over Issue of Fees Assessed by NRC on Subcontractor to DOE Performing Source Recovery Actions Under Off-Site- Source Recovery Program ML20195F8721998-11-19019 November 1998 Ack Receipt of Correspondence to NRC Re West Valley,New York Facility.Correspondence Forwarded to NRC Staff for Appropriate Action ML20195F8901998-11-0505 November 1998 Requests That National Decommissioning Standards Be Applied to West Valley,Ny Nuclear Waste Site ML20153G5971998-09-25025 September 1998 Ack Receipt of Comments on Science Applications Intl Corp Various Preliminary & Revised Performance Assessments for West Valley & Other Info Provided ML20134C1141996-09-20020 September 1996 Discusses Processes That Could Be Followed to Set a Single Set of Decontamination & Decommissioning Criteria for Western Valley Demonstration Project & Part 50 Licensed Facilities at Western Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr ML20134C1531996-08-14014 August 1996 Requests NRC Guidance Re Process to Set Single Set of Decontamination & Decommissioning Criteria for West Valley Demonstration Project & Part 50 Licensed Facilities at Ny Nuclear Svc Ctr ML20056E2661993-08-14014 August 1993 Forwards Deviation from Regional Dip in Area Between Springville & West Valley,Ny ML20056E2711993-08-14014 August 1993 Discusses Deviation from Regional Dip in Area Between Springville & West Valley,Ny ML20035E1851993-04-14014 April 1993 Advises of Transfer of Responsibility for Licensing of Facility & Project from Fuel Cycle Safety Branch to Licensing Branch,Effective 930208.Future Correspondence Should Be Addressed,As Listed ML20097G6521992-06-10010 June 1992 Forwards Rev 2 to WVNS-TPL-70-12, Test Plan Cement Waste Form Qualification of Sludge Wash Liquids Rev 0 to WVNS-TRO-051, Test Request Sluge Wash Cement-Waste Cores Windows of Composition ML20101F3131992-06-0808 June 1992 Forwards Review & Discussion of Vertical Fractures Reported at Wv Site Working Draft Re DOE Request for Rulemaking on Tru Limits ML20097F5281992-06-0202 June 1992 Responds to DOE Request for Rulemaking on Transuranic Limit in West Valley Demonstration Project Wastes.Requests Copies of Communications Exchanged Between DOE & C & Overall Schedule for Major Steps in Rulemaking ML20096H4181992-05-21021 May 1992 Forwards Rev 1 to Waste Form Interim Qualification Rept WVDP Stabilized Sludge Wash Cement-Waste & Rev 0 to WVNS-PCP-002, Process Control Plan for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20095L5991992-05-0101 May 1992 Forwards Vols 1 & 2 of West Valley Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid for Info & Comment ML20096C0991992-04-29029 April 1992 Forwards Rev 3 to OSR/GP-1, WVDP Operational Safety Requirements ML20095J1141992-04-22022 April 1992 Informs of Approval to Commence Phase II Sludge Wash Operations on or About 920427 ML20094S5591992-04-15015 April 1992 Requests NRCs Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Waste Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act.Discusses Need for Redefinition & Actions Needed by NRC ML20101R4031992-03-23023 March 1992 Requests NRC Prescription of Stds to Define Transuranic Per West Valley Demonstration Project Act ML20091A5021992-03-18018 March 1992 Forwards Fully Executed RCRA 3008(h) Consent Order Which Becomes Effective 920315.W/one Oversize Drawing ML20090H5331992-03-0808 March 1992 Discusses Future Decision Making Process & Existing Obligations at West Valley & Effects on low-level Radwaste Siting by State of Ny ML20090G5111992-03-0404 March 1992 Forwards DOE Responses to NRC SER W/Recommendations on West Valley,Ny Supernatant Treatment Sys ML20094G6931992-02-25025 February 1992 Forwards Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Irts Operations,Hlw Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash. Advises of 920309 Board Meeting & Overview & Summary of Results Will Be Discussed on 920319 ML20100P9831992-02-0404 February 1992 Forwards West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook - Replacement for Use & Info.Notebook Supports West Valley Waste Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20092F1571992-01-17017 January 1992 Forwards Inquiry from Constituent,J Kozlowski,Re West Valley Demonstration Project.Constituent Questions Radiation Leakage from Cansiters at Site ML20091K6551992-01-14014 January 1992 Requests That State of Ny Energy R&D Authority,Doe & NRC Examine Possible Conflict W/West Valley Demonstration Project & Possible NRC Concerns from NRC Licensing Standpoint Re Const of Commercial LLW Facility ML20086F5391991-12-0303 December 1991 Ack Receipt of Transmitting, Vitrification Control Room Design Plan. Concerns Raised That Maint Personnel Not Involved in Conceptual Design Meetings ML20085H6271991-10-15015 October 1991 Forwards Rev 6 to Wvns SAR-004, Supernatant Treatment Sys. DOE Approves Rept ML20079K3191991-10-11011 October 1991 Forwards Rev 7 to TR/IRTS-5, Operational Safety Requirements ML20083F3551991-10-0101 October 1991 Forwards Official Update of Info to Be Entered Into West Valley Waste Qualification Notebook,Per 910829 Meeting ML20079G7101991-09-30030 September 1991 Forwards Rev 4 to WVDP-043, Oil,Hazardous Substances & Hazardous Wastes Spill Prevention,Control & Countermeasures Plan ML20083D3281991-09-20020 September 1991 Responds to Request for Items 1,2 & 3 of 910718 Closeout Meeting ML20083C2241991-09-18018 September 1991 Extends Invitation to Participate in Operational Readiness Review Planning for West Valley Irts Operations - Sludge Wash ML20082K4701991-08-22022 August 1991 Forwards Rev 0 to TR-IRTS-11, Fissle Matl Mass Balance Across Lwts Evaporator & Rev 3 to WVNS-SAR-005, SAR for Liquid Waste Treatment Sys ML20091C2141991-07-26026 July 1991 Forwards DOE West Valley Project Operational Readiness Review Plan for Resumption of Integrated Radwaste Treatment Operations,High Level West Treatment Phase II - Sludge Wash ML20082E9291991-07-23023 July 1991 Provides Documentation & Data Discussed W/Nrc During 910603-06 Meeting & Interface Meeting W/Region I on 910516- 17.Viewgraphs Encl ML20076D4031991-07-19019 July 1991 Forwards Run Rept,Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys, Campaign 21,901031-910111 ML20079B1121991-06-10010 June 1991 Forwards Wvns SAR-004,Rev 6,Draft A.4, SAR for Supernatant Treatment Sys (STS) for Review.Operational Safety Requirements/Technical Requirements Applicable to STS Encl Also ML20024H2941991-05-23023 May 1991 Confirms Listed Agenda,Per Telcon & Forwards Names & Titles of NRC Personnel to Visit Facility During Wk of 910603 ML20024G9811991-05-14014 May 1991 Forwards Waste Form Qualification Program for Cement Solidification of Sludge Wash Liquid ML20077D1921991-04-30030 April 1991 Forwards West Valley Nuclear Svcs Co,Inc Response to Comments from 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20081G8601991-04-29029 April 1991 Requests Written Concurrence W/Understanding on Confirmation of Compliance W/Land Disposal Restrictions for Storage & Treatment of high-level Radioactive Mixed Waste at West Valley Demonstration Project ML20073K8701991-04-25025 April 1991 Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency Re Project Completion & Site Closure EIS Prepared Jointly by DOE & New York State Energy Research & Development Authority ML20073H0991991-04-25025 April 1991 Discusses West Valley Demonstration Project Completion & Closure of Western New York Svc Ctr.Concurs & Welcomes NRC Participation as Cooperating Federal Agency for Project Completion & Site Closure Environ Impact Statement ML20077D1981991-04-19019 April 1991 Advises That Concrete Const Activities Appear to Be Adequate & Final Product Acceptable Re Response to Comments for 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20073L3581991-04-19019 April 1991 Forwards Integrated Radwaste Treatment Sys Campaign 20 Run Rept,For Info ML19325F3831989-11-0909 November 1989 Forwards Draft Rev 0 to WVDP-078, West Valley Demonstration Project Site Specific Plan, for Review & Comments by 891124 ML20247E5541989-03-16016 March 1989 Forwards Rev 2 to Operational Safety Requirement Manual TR/IRTS-7, Operational Safety Requirements ML20245E9991989-01-26026 January 1989 Informs of Conclusion That West Valley Demonstration Project Appropriately Focused & Results Favorable,Per 890123-24 Meeting ML20195K1621988-11-29029 November 1988 Provides Supplemental Qualification Data Re Cemented Low Level Waste Form & Reaffirms Project Position on long-term Mgt of Subj Waste 1999-09-27
MONTHYEARML20056E2661993-08-14014 August 1993 Forwards Deviation from Regional Dip in Area Between Springville & West Valley,Ny ML20095J1141992-04-22022 April 1992 Informs of Approval to Commence Phase II Sludge Wash Operations on or About 920427 ML20091A5021992-03-18018 March 1992 Forwards Fully Executed RCRA 3008(h) Consent Order Which Becomes Effective 920315.W/one Oversize Drawing ML20086F5391991-12-0303 December 1991 Ack Receipt of Transmitting, Vitrification Control Room Design Plan. Concerns Raised That Maint Personnel Not Involved in Conceptual Design Meetings ML20081G8601991-04-29029 April 1991 Requests Written Concurrence W/Understanding on Confirmation of Compliance W/Land Disposal Restrictions for Storage & Treatment of high-level Radioactive Mixed Waste at West Valley Demonstration Project ML20077D1981991-04-19019 April 1991 Advises That Concrete Const Activities Appear to Be Adequate & Final Product Acceptable Re Response to Comments for 910122 NRC Visit to Evaluate Vitrification Project Const ML20206J4251988-10-0303 October 1988 Forwards Rept Summarizing Status,Progress & Expenditures of West Valley Demonstration Project for Quarter Ending 880630 in Response to H.R.97-177 Requirement ML20151S7731988-04-0505 April 1988 Forwards Rept,Prepared in Response to Requirement in House Rept 97-177,summarizing Status,Progress & Expenditures of West Valley Demonstration Project for Quarter Ending 871231 ML20038B7331981-11-20020 November 1981 Confirms That NFS Withdraws 811020 Motion for Stay of Order Pending Review.Us Court of Appeals,Second Circuit Issued Stay in Related Case,Making Ruling on NFS Motion Unnecessary.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039A6651981-11-18018 November 1981 Forwards Flow Measurements for Oct 1981 Per SPDES Permit NY0000973 ML20010B0751981-07-0909 July 1981 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for June 1981 ML20009E7751981-06-15015 June 1981 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for May 1981 ML20009B6641981-05-21021 May 1981 Forwards SPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Apr 1981 ML20126J6451981-03-16016 March 1981 Forwards SPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Feb 1981 ML20126J8211981-02-18018 February 1981 Forwards SPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Jan 1981 ML20003G5121981-01-16016 January 1981 Discusses 810112 Reported Condition of Noncompliance Re Nov 1980 SPDES Rept.First Sample Believed Contaminated Due to Radiation Shielding Window Repairs Performed in Lab. Present Contents of Lagoon Analyzed ML20049A5301981-01-15015 January 1981 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Dec 1980 Per SPDES Permit NY0000973 for State of Ny ML20126G8261980-12-15015 December 1980 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Nov 1980 ML20126G6501980-11-0606 November 1980 Forwards Flow Measurements & Results for Oct 1980 ML20062H9911980-08-0404 August 1980 Forwards SPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept,Jul 1980 ML19351D2971980-07-23023 July 1980 Discusses Wj Dircks Re Insp & Evaluation of NFS High Level Liquid Waste Storage Sys by NRC Contractor Rockwell Hanford.Nfs Is Jeopardizing Solidification Program by Requiring Signing of Indemnification Agreements ML19318A7351980-05-0707 May 1980 Responds to 800221 Ltr to President Carter.Decisive Action Needs to Be Taken to Effectively Use Nuclear Power to Help Give Us Added Measure of Energy Independence & Improve Domestic Economic Situation ML19310A6301980-04-0303 April 1980 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for Mar 1980 in Accordance W/Provisions of NPDES Permit NY00004973 ML20125E2851979-12-0404 December 1979 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for Reporting Period Nov 1979,per NPDES ML20126A9811979-11-0808 November 1979 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Oct 1979 ML20126B0211979-10-11011 October 1979 Forwards State Preliminary Draft Environ Statement- Discharge Monitoring Rept,Sept 1979, Per Ny State Dept of Environ Conservation Permit NY0000973 ML20126B1811979-09-0707 September 1979 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Aug 1979 ML19312D0501979-08-0808 August 1979 Forwards State Preliminary Draft Environ Statement- Discharge Monitoring Rept,Jul 1979, Per Ny State Dept of Environ Conservation Permit NY0000973 ML20132A8401979-07-11011 July 1979 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements 790601-30 ML19242D0651979-06-11011 June 1979 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for May 1979, Radioactivity Results for Mar & Apr 1979 & Discharge Results for Jan-June 1979,for Permit NY0000973 ML19248C8961979-05-0909 May 1979 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Apr 1979 ML19317D1311979-02-12012 February 1979 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Jan 1979 ML20104A0941979-01-18018 January 1979 Ack Receipt of Encl Re Fixing Leak in Waste Tank. Will Forward Ltr to NRC Since High Level Waste Tank 8D-2 Pan Defects Fall within NRC Area of Responsibility ML19269C5041979-01-16016 January 1979 Responds to 781127 Request for Info.Forwards DOE Western Ny Nuclear Svc Center Study,Final Rept for Public Comment. Other Repts Requested Are Available from Nrc;Request Has Been Sent to Appropriate Ofc ML19269B9831978-12-19019 December 1978 In Accordance W/Provisions of Pollution Discharge Elimination Sys Permit,Results & Flow Measurements for 78111-781130 Are Enclosed.Also Revises Preprinted Monitoring Rept Form to Reflect Changes ML20147A9791978-11-0808 November 1978 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for Oct 1978 ML20062D6191978-09-20020 September 1978 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for Aug 1978 Per pro- Visions of Nfs SPDES Permit NY0000973 1993-08-14
MONTHYEARML20151S7731988-04-0505 April 1988 Forwards Rept,Prepared in Response to Requirement in House Rept 97-177,summarizing Status,Progress & Expenditures of West Valley Demonstration Project for Quarter Ending 871231 ML20038B7331981-11-20020 November 1981 Confirms That NFS Withdraws 811020 Motion for Stay of Order Pending Review.Us Court of Appeals,Second Circuit Issued Stay in Related Case,Making Ruling on NFS Motion Unnecessary.Certificate of Svc Encl ML20039A6651981-11-18018 November 1981 Forwards Flow Measurements for Oct 1981 Per SPDES Permit NY0000973 ML20010B0751981-07-0909 July 1981 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for June 1981 ML20009E7751981-06-15015 June 1981 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for May 1981 ML20009B6641981-05-21021 May 1981 Forwards SPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Apr 1981 ML20126J6451981-03-16016 March 1981 Forwards SPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Feb 1981 ML20126J8211981-02-18018 February 1981 Forwards SPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept for Jan 1981 ML20003G5121981-01-16016 January 1981 Discusses 810112 Reported Condition of Noncompliance Re Nov 1980 SPDES Rept.First Sample Believed Contaminated Due to Radiation Shielding Window Repairs Performed in Lab. Present Contents of Lagoon Analyzed ML20049A5301981-01-15015 January 1981 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Dec 1980 Per SPDES Permit NY0000973 for State of Ny ML20126G8261980-12-15015 December 1980 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Nov 1980 ML20126G6501980-11-0606 November 1980 Forwards Flow Measurements & Results for Oct 1980 ML20062H9911980-08-0404 August 1980 Forwards SPDES Discharge Monitoring Rept,Jul 1980 ML19351D2971980-07-23023 July 1980 Discusses Wj Dircks Re Insp & Evaluation of NFS High Level Liquid Waste Storage Sys by NRC Contractor Rockwell Hanford.Nfs Is Jeopardizing Solidification Program by Requiring Signing of Indemnification Agreements ML19318A7351980-05-0707 May 1980 Responds to 800221 Ltr to President Carter.Decisive Action Needs to Be Taken to Effectively Use Nuclear Power to Help Give Us Added Measure of Energy Independence & Improve Domestic Economic Situation ML19310A6301980-04-0303 April 1980 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for Mar 1980 in Accordance W/Provisions of NPDES Permit NY00004973 ML20125E2851979-12-0404 December 1979 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for Reporting Period Nov 1979,per NPDES ML20126A9811979-11-0808 November 1979 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Oct 1979 ML20126B0211979-10-11011 October 1979 Forwards State Preliminary Draft Environ Statement- Discharge Monitoring Rept,Sept 1979, Per Ny State Dept of Environ Conservation Permit NY0000973 ML20126B1811979-09-0707 September 1979 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Aug 1979 ML19312D0501979-08-0808 August 1979 Forwards State Preliminary Draft Environ Statement- Discharge Monitoring Rept,Jul 1979, Per Ny State Dept of Environ Conservation Permit NY0000973 ML20132A8401979-07-11011 July 1979 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements 790601-30 ML19242D0651979-06-11011 June 1979 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for May 1979, Radioactivity Results for Mar & Apr 1979 & Discharge Results for Jan-June 1979,for Permit NY0000973 ML19248C8961979-05-0909 May 1979 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Apr 1979 ML19317D1311979-02-12012 February 1979 Forwards Discharge Monitoring Rept for Jan 1979 ML20104A0941979-01-18018 January 1979 Ack Receipt of Encl Re Fixing Leak in Waste Tank. Will Forward Ltr to NRC Since High Level Waste Tank 8D-2 Pan Defects Fall within NRC Area of Responsibility ML19269C5041979-01-16016 January 1979 Responds to 781127 Request for Info.Forwards DOE Western Ny Nuclear Svc Center Study,Final Rept for Public Comment. Other Repts Requested Are Available from Nrc;Request Has Been Sent to Appropriate Ofc ML19269B9831978-12-19019 December 1978 In Accordance W/Provisions of Pollution Discharge Elimination Sys Permit,Results & Flow Measurements for 78111-781130 Are Enclosed.Also Revises Preprinted Monitoring Rept Form to Reflect Changes ML20147A9791978-11-0808 November 1978 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for Oct 1978 ML20062D6191978-09-20020 September 1978 Forwards Results & Flow Measurements for Aug 1978 Per pro- Visions of Nfs SPDES Permit NY0000973 1988-04-05
[Table view] |
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9 Environmental Conservation T gg i i 19@
- Room 300 E-50 Wolf Road 18 on[s$b Albany, New York 12233 g a m aS* I/
Dear Sir:
s In accordance with the provisions of NFS' SPDES Permit #NY0000973, the results and flow measurements for the reporting period 4/1/81 through 4/30/81 are enclosed for your information.
If you have any questions, please contact NFS at your convenience.
J. P. Duckworth General Manager i
SRG/aa l Enc. ,
Dist.: Copy 2 - NYSDEC/ Buffalo,NY Copy 3 - USEPA Region II/NY,NY Copy 4 - Accountability /SPDES File cc: Cattaraugus Co. Health Dept.
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Outfall Date Gross Alpha Gross 3 eta Tritium Sr-90 I-129 Isotopic Gama 4 0 2 2 001 1/29+30/81 <6.09 3.00+.24(10 )
-- 1.19+.01(10 )
1.58+0.16(10 )
N.A. Co-60 2.6+0.26(10)
Cs-134 4.8T0.64(10 )
Cs-137 1.97_0.19(10 )-
4 7 001 2/21/81 <7.48 1.90+0.20(10 ) 6.40+.03(10 )
N.A. N.A. Co-60 1.5+0.15(10)
Cs-134 2.0TO.51(10 )
Cs-13/ 8.6[0.86(10) 1 4 7 001 4/27+28/81 <2.22(10 ) 1.30+.18(10 )
7.01+.03(10 ) N.A. N.A. N.A.
1 5 8 5 3 003 11/9/80 ' .P. 2111.50(10 ) 5.821 09(10 ) 1.701 03(10 ) 1.1610.12(10 ) N.A. Co-60 8.310.83(10 )
Cs-134 1.2+0.12(10 )
Cs-137 3.6[0.36(10) 1 0 8 4 2 003 11/14/80 3.0911.73(10 ) 1.161 01(10 ) 7.801 16(10 ) 6.00+0.60(10 ) N.A. K-40 2.110.83(10 Co-60 1.30+0.13(1Q )
Cs-134 8.4+0.84(10f) .
Cs-137 1.7[0.17(10) 1 6 0 2 003 11/18/80 5.7312.29(10 ) 1.551 02(10 ) 5.90112(10) <3.03(10) Co-60 2.810.28(10 )
Cs-134 1.0+0.10(10 )
Cs-137 2.9[0.29(10) 6 9 5 2 003 11/22/80 6.8412.46(1 I) 1.601 02(10 ) 1.38103(10) 1.5410.15(10) K-40 1.0+0.53(1g)
Mn-54 Co-60 5.0[2.1(10})
5.9+0.59(1 3 Cs-134 7.9T0.79(1
> Cs-137 3.0TO.3(10 ))
2 6 9 2 3 003 11/25/80 1.32134(10) 1.771 02(10 ) 1.651 03(10 ) <5.27(10 ) N.A. Co-60 4.610.46(1g)
Cs-134 6.00.6(10g Cs-137 3.6TO.36(10 )
a v
.RADI0 ACTIVITY, pC1/L (Contd.)
e Outfall Date Gross Alpha Gross 8 eta Tritium Sr-90 I-129 Isotopic Gama 1 5 8 5 1 003 2/16/81 2.8412.62(10 ) 7.011 01(10 ) 5.651 01(10 ) 1.0610.11(10 ) N.A. -Mn-54 '7.711.9(10 Co-60 5.7+0.57(10 )..
Cs-134- 7.5TO.75(10 )-
.Cs-137 2.810.28(10 )
3 6 9 003 3/25/81 5.031 28(10 ) 1.921 02(10 ) 2.061 01(10 ) N.A. N.A. N.A.
4 6 9 003 3/30/81 -2.641 06(10 ) 2.271 02(10 ) 2.56101(10) N.A. N.A. N.A.
1 6 8 003 4/9/81 3.2412.75(10 ) 4.79102(10) 5.44101(10) N.A. N.A. N.A.
1 3 004 Jan. 1981 <1.08 3.6012.73(10 ) 1.211 22(10 ) <8.78 N.A. No Identifiable Peaks N.A. = Not yet available.
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