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in rate of PSC events l Clearance Tagging:  ~52% reduction in rate of  
in rate of PSC events l Clearance Tagging:  ~52% reduction in rate of  

tagging errors/precursor events 20 01/13/10 Site Human Performance Events -2009Average Days 52.8 Days Since Last Event 47 December Events 0 Year to Date Events 6 December 2009 Performance 01/13/10 21 Status Control Events -2009 I mprov ing Per for mance T rend 01/13/10 22 Clearance Tagging Events -2009 01/13/10 23 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 o Jan -Jul '.-----J-1 lnadequate Barrier Event Single Barrier Event 1---;:.... Minor Event "---I 1---_________  
tagging errors/precursor events 20 01/13/10 Site Human Performance Events -2009Average Days 52.8 Days Since Last Event 47 December Events 0 Year to Date Events 6 December 2009 Performance 01/13/10 21 Status Control Events -2009 I mprov ing Per for mance T rend 01/13/10 22 Clearance Tagging Events -2009 01/13/10 23 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 o Jan -Jul '.-----J-1 lnadequate Barrier Event Single Barrier Event 1---;:.... Minor Event "---I 1---_________
:-" Precursor Aug -Dec Progress Energy Results l Operations HU Clock resets:  38% reduction in reset  rate l Maintenance HU Clock resets:  45%  
:-" Precursor Aug -Dec Progress Energy Results l Operations HU Clock resets:  38% reduction in reset  rate l Maintenance HU Clock resets:  45%  

Revision as of 14:40, 11 July 2019

01/14/2010 Meeting Presentation Brunswick Nuclear Plant Human Performance
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/15/2010
Nuclear Generation Group, Progress Energy Co
Shared Package
ML100150733 List:
Download: ML100150763 (31)


Brunswick Nuclear Plant Human Performance NRC Region II Visit January 14, 2010 Agenda l Human Performance (HU) Excellence Plan w Development w Inputs w Focus Areas l Focus Area Key Actions l Results l Summary 2 01/13/10 HU Excellence Plan Development l Benchmarked Industry l Established a Living Plan with action assignments tracked by the Corrective Action Program l Established Metrics to monitor effectiveness l Action assignments tracked in the Corrective Action

Program l Plan reviewed by Fleet and INPO l Aligned Station through high visibility and consistent communication of the plan 3 01/13/10 HU Excellence Plan Inputs lCommon Cause Analysis -2008 w Risk Identification/Mitigation w Engineering Technical rigor w Equipment Reliability l Corrective Action Program Trend Reports l Site Level Human Performance Events l INPO Performance Indicators l NRC Cross Cutting Matrix 4 01/13/10 HU Excellence Plan Focus Areas l Focus Areas l Behavior Change and Reinforcement l Procedures l Risk Identification and Mitigation l Work Control l Key Enabler l Training 5 01/13/10 Behavior Change and Reinforcement Key Actions l 17 Key actions l Increased First Line Supervisor oversight of field activities l Conducted Leadership Assessment l Conducted Accountability training to all site personnel l Site Leadership completed a Leadership workbook l Established Supervisor Steering committee l Enhanced oversight and training of Supplemental Personnel 01/13/10 6 Behavior Change and Reinforcement Key Actions l Implemented Dynamic Learning Activities l Implemented new Observation program in September 2009 w Allowed better trending of data w Improved entry and monitoring process w Implemented at a fleet level w Implemented in-process Technical review observations w Improved Major Projects utilization of the observation program l Developed, proceduralized and implemented consistent HU clock reset criteria 01/13/10 7 Behavior Change and Reinforcement Key Actions l Communicated HU Excellence Plan site-wide l Established HU Program Oversight w HU Program Manager position reporting to Director of Site Operation w Human Performance Core Team lead by HU Program

Manager as the implementation arm of the HUSC w Human Performance Steering Committee (HUSC) as the

senior site management team w Review Boards w Shared learning through site and fleet communications w Nuclear Safety Review Committee standing agenda item l Established and communicated NGG Leadership

Behaviors 8 01/13/10 Behavior Change and Reinforcement Key Remaining Actions l Develop supervisor training guideline to support line employee transition to supervision l Perform Self-Assessment of monthly

observations in comparison to monthly Nuclear

Condition Reports to evaluate effectiveness of identifying, coaching & correcting behaviors at a low threshold l Conduct a Supervisory effectiveness Self-Assessment l Implement a training strategy to improve performance of supplemental craft, supervision and supplemental project management oversight 01/13/10 9 Procedures Key Actions l 46 Key Actions l Site personnel completed an Adverse Human Performance Trend, Procedure Use and Adherence /

Work Management Activities, workbook l Implemented industry best practices Procedure Use

and Adherence standards into a fleet NGG procedure l Placekeeping requirements established for procedures and work orders l Developed and implemented a plan (resources &

timeline) to accelerate upgr ade to site procedures and work off PRR backlog 01/13/10 10 Procedures Key Actions l Implemented a graded approach to planning to prompt more rigorous reviews for pre-defined work activities l Developed and implemented process for early identification of work activities requiring increased rigor reviews to confirm procedure adequacy l Established maintenance planning review committee l Proceduralized requirements for quality critical work tasks 01/13/10 11 Procedures Key Remaining Actions l Revise procedure writers guide to incorporate HU & industry best practices (Human factors) l Formalize the use of checklists for procedure

writers and procedure reviewers l Work the plan to accelerate upgrade to site

procedures and reduce PRR backlog l Conduct training on the Engineering Product

Quality procedure focusing on processes and

tools to improve quality 01/13/10 12 Risk Identification and Mitigation Key Actions l 22 Key Actions l Risk significant activities identified, communicated, supervisor oversight

established and specific mitigation measures

put in place and discussed at the morning

meetings l Developed and implemented procedure 0AP-060, Technical Risk/Rigor Risk Assessment l Implemented improvements to the Post Maintenance Testing process 01/13/10 13 Risk Identification and Mitigation Key Actions l Implemented modification quality improvements l Revised BNP Integrated Scheduling

procedure to include specific behavior changes that are expected for elevated risk activities l Implemented method to improve

identification and evaluation of organizational contributors to events during Priority 1 and 2A investigations 01/13/10 14 Risk Identification and Mitigation Key Remaining Actions l Perform Self-Assessment on a site elevated risk activity/task including site behaviors, procedure compliance, and barriers put-in-place l Conduct a self-assessment on the

implementation of AP-60 , Technical Risk/Rigor Risk Assessment 01/13/10 15 Work Management Key Actions l 8 Key Actions l Strengthened requirements on written guidance required to manipulate equipment l Implemented Industry best practice for "Skill of

the Craft"/Minor Maintenance work l Implemented OPS-NGGC-1308, Plant Status

Control at BNP l Signage posted in plant to heighten awareness

of work classifications and plant status control 01/13/10 16 Work Management Key Actions l Revised Work Management Process procedure to make it clear that changing status of Work Order tasks to finish

and using lists to track items not completed is not

allowed.l Implemented Plant Labeling upgrade 01/13/10 17 Work Management Key Remaining Actions l Complete plant labeling upgrade l Perform a site survey to verify knowledge level pertaining to the Work Management Process procedure requirements 01/13/10 18 Results Human Performance Event Tree 01/13/10 19 Results l Station HU Events: ~72% reduction in rate of site level HU events l Plant Status Control (PSC): ~50% reduction

in rate of PSC events l Clearance Tagging: ~52% reduction in rate of

tagging errors/precursor events 20 01/13/10 Site Human Performance Events -2009Average Days 52.8 Days Since Last Event 47 December Events 0 Year to Date Events 6 December 2009 Performance 01/13/10 21 Status Control Events -2009 I mprov ing Per for mance T rend 01/13/10 22 Clearance Tagging Events -2009 01/13/10 23 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 o Jan -Jul '.-----J-1 lnadequate Barrier Event Single Barrier Event 1---;:.... Minor Event "---I 1---_________

-" Precursor Aug -Dec Progress Energy Results l Operations HU Clock resets: 38% reduction in reset rate l Maintenance HU Clock resets: 45%

reduction in reset rate l Engineering HU Clock resets: 28 % reduction

in reset rate 24 01/13/10 Results l 68% reduction in Procedure Use and Adherence Nuclear Condition Reports (NCRs) l Improved identification of procedure quality issues

due to increased focus on procedure use and

adherence prior to causing an adverse condition/event w Procedure Backlog increase due to early identification of issues w Increased Observations showing individuals

stopping when questions arise and getting the procedure/work order fixed w 35% Reduction in Procedure Adequacy NCRs 25 01/13/10 Self Evaluation Roll-up Human Performance Impr o vin g P e rform a n c e T r e n d 26 01/13/10 Procedure Related Events 01/13/10 27 6 5 4 3 -Events -Cycle 2 1 o Jan-Jun Jul-Dec Jan-Jun Jul-Dec Jan-Jun Jul-Dec Jan-Jun Jul-Dec Jan-Jun Jul-Dec Progress Energy Observations -2009 Observed Stopping When Unsure 01/13/10 28 Critical Observations Improvement Opportunities 01/13/10 29 44 4 3 42 41 -J 40 l 39 38 3 7 3 8 Percentage of observations performed containing Improvement Opportunities ;:-

R'(o .-Jan-Jul Aug-De c Progress Energy Summary l We have identified, recognized, and have taken actions to address Human Performance l We have a comprehensive HU Excellence Plan l We have implemented timely and aggressive corrective actions l Metrics demonstrate actions taken are improving performance l Performance Improvement is institutionalized l Sustainability w Focus is on Leadership, Behaviors, and key Process Changes 30 01/13/10 Questions?

31 01/13/10