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SALEM - UNZ'l' 1                                  l/4 1!1-5                  Aaendmen t No. 222
SALEM - UNZ'l' 1                                  l/4 1!1-5                  Aaendmen t No. 222
* El&'S'llRISAL PgWE! SYS'l'!iMS b.
* El&'S'llRISAL PgWE! SYS'l'!iMS b.
At l***t onc:e pez- 92 daya by v*z-i~yin'iJ that
At l***t onc:e pez- 92 daya by v*z-i~yin'iJ that
* suiple of cb.enl fu*l
* suiple of cb.enl fu*l

Latest revision as of 04:42, 3 February 2020

Proposed Tech Specs Pages Changing TS Surveillance Requirement D 7 by Removing Restriction to Perform Test Every 18 Months During Shutdown
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 07/23/1999
Shared Package
ML18107A459 List:
NUDOCS 9907300106
Download: ML18107A460 (3)



C) Verifying that all noneaaential automati.c dieael generator trip* (i.e., other than engine overapeed, lube oil preaaura low, 4 KV Bua and generator are automati.cally bypaaaed upon lo** ot voltage on th* vital bua concurrent with a *af*ty inj*cti.on actuati.on *ignal. n .

7. ...------------~

Verifying the dieael generator opera tea :for at leaat 24 houra*.

During the ti.rat 2 hour* of thia teat, the di***l generator shall be loaded to 2760-2860 k**** During the remaining 22 hour* of thi.a teat, th* di***l generator *hall be loaded to 2500-2600 kw*** The steady atat* voltage and frequency *hall be maintained at ~ 3910 and S 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz during thia teat.

8. Verifying that the auto-connected loada to each di***l generator do not exceed the two hour rati.nq of 2860 kw.
9. Verifying that with th* di***l generator operatinq in a teat mode (connected to it* bua), a aimulated aatety injecti.on aignal override* the teat mode by (1) returning th* di***l generator to atandby operati.on and (2) automatically energizinq th* Cllllergency loada with ottaite power.
e. At leaat once per 10 year* or attar any modificati.ona which could ~feet diesel generator interdependence by all di.***l generator*

simultaneoualy*, during ahutdown, and verifyinq that all dieael generator* accelerate to at leaat 58.8 Hz in l*** than or equal to 13 seconda.

t. At leaat once per 18 montha, the :followinq teat ahall be per:formed within 5 minute* o:f dieael ahutdown a:fter the di***l haa operated tor at leaat two houra at 2500-2600 tw**:

Veri:fyinq th* di***l generator atarta and achiev.a ~ 3910 volt* and

> 58.8 Hz in~ 13 aecond9, iWd aubaoaquantl.y cchi=v=c =steady et2.te volb.q@


\ A J o:f ~ 3910 and S 4400 volta and :frequency o:f 60 +/- 1.2 Hz.

~ Th* di***l :fuel oil atoraqe and trana:fer ayatea ahall be demonatrated OPERABI.S:

a. At l . . . t once per 31 day* by:
1. Veri:fyi.nq th* level in each o~ the above required :fuel atorage tank*.
2. Veri:fyinq that both :fuel trana:fer pump* can be atarted and trana:fer :fuel :froa the :fuel atoraqe tank* to the day tank*.

SALKM - UNIT 2 3/4 8-5 Amendment No. 200

,/ 9907300106 990723 PDR ADOCK 05000272 p PDR

. il;u:r:'l'Rlc:AL PO!!Zl\ SYSTIMS

--:s c) Verifying that all noneesant:ial automatic di***l generator t:ips (i.e., other than engine ovarspeed, lube oil pressure low, 4 XV bus diff'e~tial and g.nerator d.ifferantial) , uw automaQe&lll" bypa**ed upon lo** of voltaqe on the vital bua c:onc:u::ant with a *~*tl" injection actuation signal..

7.***ver~:fyin9 the d.;i.eeal ~&tor operate* for at leaat 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s*.

During th* ti:st 2 hour* o~ t:hi.* te*t, t:he di.eael generator ehall be loaded to 2760-2850 kw.** During- the :cmai.~9 22 hour* ot this te*t, th* di***l generator *hall be loaded to 2500-2600 kw**. The steady *tat* voltage and :frequency shall be uintained at ~ 3g10 and S 4!80 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz durinq thi

8. Verifyinq that the auto-connec:ted lo&da to each diesel 9911e:ato: do not e.c.ed the tvo bou: ratinq of 2860 kv.
51. V*ri:tying that *i th th* diaael qezie::at:or opera~ in a teet aode (connected ta it* bus),* sillNiatad safety injection *iqnal override* th* teet mode l:ly (1) returning th* di.***l gem1:at:or to standby o~atiol'l and (2) en.::9:Lzinq th* UM1rCJeftey l~ with ottait. power.
e. At l -
  • t one* per ta years or dter any modifications which c:ould affect d:i.e**l 9eD8%ator int.:d~ce by ata::ting" all di*s*l C)9ft*rators eimultaneou*ly*, during ehut:doq, and vwrifyinq that all diesel.

9enerator* acc::ele::ate to at l9iUt 58.8 H* in le** than or equal to 13 aec:onda.

f. At leaet once ~ ll acnt:he, the tollowinq te*t *hall. be pe::fonzed vi thin s ml.nut** of' dieael shutdotrn after the dieael haa operated for at leaat two hour* at 2!00-2600 kw**:

Ve:rieyinq tiSli cti.***l ;enuator ata:t* and achiwves 2: 3910 volt. and 2: 58.8 Hz in ~ 13 *econda, and *ul:l*equeiitly achine* steady atat* voltage 0£ ~ 3910 and S 4400 volts and trequenc:y ot 50 :t 1.2 Hz.

@tJ.S~il\ ~4 . a.1~l. 3 'l'he c:U.ea.i tuel oil atoraq. and b:anster *ir*t- *hall b9 demonstrated ODMllLI:

a. At least once per 31 day* by:
1. Vuif'yinq the l.v.l in Neb o~ the above reqgired tuel *torage t.mka.
2. Ve:ifyin11 that: bo~ :fu.l uan.f'e&- pmipa can 0. start!Kl and tran*f*r !'u*l :frca th.e !'uel *torage tanks to th* day bulks.

SALEM - UNZ'l' 1 l/4 1!1-5 Aaendmen t No. 222

  • El&'S'llRISAL PgWE! SYS'l'!iMS b.

At l***t onc:e pez- 92 daya by v*z-i~yin'iJ that

  • suiple of cb.enl fu*l
!rma each o:! the above :!uel *toi:a9e ~ i* the acceptat>le lillit* *pecifi.:1 in Table 1 o~ AS'l'M D!J7S-77 when che~ed for visco*ity, water and *ediment. R!p9rt1 - NOT USl:D

  • Sur.r.illance te* ti.119 may be conductec:l iii acco~ee *i th th*

manufacturer'* ;c-*commendatioftl :eq&Z"ding- anqine p:elube. *ani-up and loaclinq (unl*** loadin9 time* are *:peci:!ied in th* :individual Surveillanc:e ~r...Atl).

0 Thie bmid is meant aa CJUidAnce to ~clwie rautine e~c** o:! th*

di**el g911erator aaziufac:turer'* design ratinqa. Loma in uceas of thi*

.band  :!or apecj,aJ. teetinq oz- moanta:y v~ialion1 due to c:han11inljJ bu1 loada shall not invalidate th*

  • A eate1Uion to thi* aurveillanc. requirement is ~ant:ad dU%'inq fue.l eycl* thirteen -.llowing Unit 1 operation* to continue to th*

thirteenth refu.liftlJ outaq* (1Jll13). 'l'h* surveillomce i1 to be completed ae the app;c-opriate time during- th* 1R13 outage, prio;c- to the unit retu~inq to )lode 4 upon outage complet.:i.on.

SALEM - UNI'!' 1 3/4 8-!a Aamidmen t No. 222