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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 1TOAEP:NRC:0055I LISTOFCHANGESTOAPPENDIXATECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTUNIT1<<DPR-58REMOVEPAGES3/43-633/43-653/411-13INSERTPAGES3/43-633/43<53/411-13NOTE:Revisions arenotedbyaverticallineintherighthandmarginofthepage.8304190444 830414PDRADOCK050003L5,P-PDR tI
{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 1 TO AEP:NRC:0055I LIST  OF CHANGES TO APPENDIX A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 1  <<DPR-58 REMOVE PAGES                          INSERT PAGES 3/4 3-63                              3/4 3-63 3/4 3-65                              3/4 3<5 3/4 11-13                             3/4 11-13 NOTE:   Revisions are noted by a   vertical line in the right hand margin of the page.
~'=~~~'ABLE3.3-13Racfioac.;ve Gaseous.s
8304190444 830414 PDR ADOCK  050003L5
=-."Ruen"..~en):cr ra,trs:.;-...en:a~icn Ins-.rrz..L-VpseCsHoldUDSyswE""io<iveGasYoni-~"iaqSys~a.Hydr.penMcn"terh.Qxjgen!ionicr2.Conde..ser
,P      -
"=sacua."cn Sys-.ema.NobleCsAcvi~yifoniMT'.rloryRa~i!icni"rNnimumalannelsQcereble(1){2}Aoolicabi1f>v Accice273~UnitVent,Auxiliary BuildingVenti1a.-.cnSys-.==~a.archieGasAci<iyi~cnizcrb-iodine5'am.1erCar.i,ccec.Par"cola"5'amylerFil:erEl-,li;en+
~ys:enF1c!vRa.'ieas"rir,cOevice.Gamp(e.Rc~."-.a-.Noasur;nci;ev-ce(1.)(~)(i)(l)283227a.NobleG.sNc"-'v-i:y i~oni,"rb.Par."ala~'ar."ler(l}0~%as~~Gas"olct.'o~ys~~ca..ecoleGas~a=;vi-.i Aia~andieM~"inp"a<ilo,GasQeyiarkRe1eases6.G1andSeal="~ausa.NooleGas.~c=iv",':y
-4tcni:or b.FlowRa-~l<cniwr2827G.C.C"QK-'Bilk.3jl"3A-endmen.
r~cu.'r~~ent e-"ii>>~~r~ieasevIathfs"a-"(aywyccn:nu--,"ua~0"'s".rvfcedgrsa:,".1es are~~kena~1eas.Cnc~~ar8hcursard"iesesan&#x17d;iesareanaiy"e4tergrassac.',vf:y x'-~fnP.-".hcur..".anua=er;.c.".anreis C."-="-~=t:-
cne1ss".anre"ufr=-d by'ffnf~<<>reieG>>-oi.-.~nsys.mi".iayc=r.:fne","".uc."30c'ays.Mw2C.".arreis
!n-cyera)iii cpe>rg<<<<cg c4<<y@ssvs<<gmeagvp~yg<<J<<ue
'eSS.anr~Jfr<<y<<"eNnfKuiTil'<<nannalsCr"rot."rO'.-~npe.7iuenzr1easesvia<<"eaeiapaa'((a'(.esaVCn.~"rCo'<<<<.<<<<CC2sySpea<<'(f"'<<0Ies'requiredforweeklyanalysisarecontinuously collected withauxiliary samplingequipment asrequiredinTable(I.11-2.p~-<eni~~"-,r..a",neis C."-=-~cL:-
~g~~~~~~0 ATTACHMENT 2TOAEP:NRC:0055I LISTOFCHANGESTOAPPENDIXATECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTUNIT2-DPR-74REMOVEPAGES3/43-593/43-613/411-13INSERTPAGES3/43-593/43%13/411-13Revisions arenotedbyaverticallineintherighthandmarginofthepage.
TABLE3.3-13Radicac.ive rase.s"==Hien-".Chi=rhc!hs-"";icn Insrat;entNfhlfiiulA Channe15Oce.ahIeneoI1ca51IizvAc',anMase"=as'.-'.41dup ZYs&#x17d;Exp1osive Cas2-nf-"r',ng vs~Qa.HydrccenMch-irb.O~jgenHchid'orCondenser ivacai-icnS>5~M<iNOQIeGasncvfYfigigni.orbF14'ate~cnlt.or(~)(i)3029UnitVent,Auxiliary Building'IenfIa~fcnSv5ma.Nco1'=s.~c=fY'.'"yi~chi~crb'cdine~aiwJie>>Cari."d".ec.ParficIa:ecGiQierF11ze>>dKiuniSY5FicwRaie".=surinqOeY'tcecaRQMeasuring Qevic(i)(~)322?zi~oni""".b.Par"ic"Ia.a:a..."1er hasiecpscIIciCaseayTan!cReIeses(~)(i)32CIandZeaI="'",aus-.
rD.C.CDGK-Vile(23/49amendment Ho.

~~TABL""3.3-13(Con<)TABfKi'!0:QTI!CN Ac>>icnZ7Mi~h'Nenu-..."'.er oic.'".anr.els QF=.=':L"-
t I
1NinimnC;".ar.nels 0.==.=."=L:-.-"u-r..n-,thispa~".waymycontinueforu".""0e--:uentr1sesviad<<vs~lcvlda~>>nefIcHiicul's~Ac.-'cn23nciicn29c'~n'0teI'.Gic.anrelsQo=.~L"1ess~&#x17d;anre~u~ie6by>>eii1nii~~xiCnannelsOPER'HL"-
requir~..enz,ei=Iuenireieasesvia5ispaa'rlay~aycn7iinueiorug4'0caysjrvid+d0s7<olesaw~~k~va~IeasonceI-.er8ncursard>>hesesPmolesa.e<<fialy=ed forgrossac"ivitywi~1in2-".hours.Mi~If~".enu7i"'erO7<<c.'nanneis GP=-"-~=L"-
                                                                                                                ~ ~
  ~'    =      ~
C.".ar.r.ef sQP=o~="L=
                                                                                                                    'ABLE Racfioac.;ve            Gaseous.s =-."Ruen"..~en):cr ra, trs:.;-...en:a~icn Nnimum alannel s Ins-.r rz ..                                     Qcereble                    Aoolicabi1f>v        Accice L- Vps e      C  s HoldUD Sys              w E"" i o<i ve        Gas Yoni -~       "iaq Sys~
opera>>icn o=~-.issysc;.ayc."n-,",ue forupta30'"ays.Ni52c.'".anreis in-c"erbl,o-e~ticno-~I>ssys-.e."...".=-y cnz",nI:eforup>>o30daysprovidedg~hsa;alesa.;e"kenand<<"-'=L-less-.",anr~uic~d"v-"I~lr=-"..en",
: a. Hydr.pen Mcn"ter                              (1)
"."ara-ion 07-..",'.s,.rov..cad
: h. Qxjgen !ioni cr                                {2}
: 2. Conde..ser =sacua."cn Sys-.em
~c>>icn3~~iANerf-,.-'o7c.'".a..nels GF:-.=~=L"-
: a. Noble        C  s Ac      vi ~y i foni r lory MT'.
1ss"-,anr~u-'r=-d by-".eAc-cn.2"e'u.-.'r c-C.'",anrefs Qr=."'-'.
Ra~   i!icni    "r                                                                27 3~ Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Vent          Sys-.==~
L=ass"'.anrcu'red-y;."',e&#xc3;lnif;,k1 C.".arineis Q."=.~=L=
: a. archie Gas Ac            i<i y                (1.)                                            28 i~cni zcr b-    iodine        5'am.1  er                    (~)                                              32 Car.i, cce
: c. Par" cola"                                   (i) 5'amyl      er  Fil:er El-,li;en+ ~ys:en                            (l)
77IuenE~IasesviiaecJ"a-='.'my myc"n-'-nuf-raw"0"ays,v',"'edsa.-..iesrequiredforweeklyanalysisarecontinuously collected withauxiliary samplingequipment asrequiredinTable4.11-2.~cicn.32't-.erI;&#x17d;'"er".",c'"kreisC."-=='-='
F1c!v Ra. 'ieas" rir,c Oevic
'assl11nlillJ43 4tlcolkse Isi>>~>>A<<<<L<<r<<u~\\et>>g'<<lerzvbei~i==se~'z='",eenvi-"..iran--"r'uarana.lyzdnd,:ianr.u-'~"=y'".e,rIi':'.c"~nkSCCreQZ..Sa~b.Azle~"o~.'",n'c=il cq"al;7;"-"'so-""e-ciii-girdeiende1vvef'"rI2r>>ecIcu~8~.s~cdischar"e valveiir.s;GWc.e.ise,ss-e..droleseo-,rafcac:ive
: e. Gamp( e.         R c~  ."-.a-.                                                                27 Noasur; nc i;ev- ce
".=,',uenu via=iispa,'way.0.C.CQQK-LiHITI2Amendment
: a. Noble G.s Nc"-'v-i:y                          (l}
~4~~0 ATTACHMENT 3TOAEP:NRC:005 5I.Thefollowing arethebasesfortheproposedUnits1and2Technical Specifications changesandclarifications.
: b. Par.       "ala~ 'ar."ler 0~    %as~~ Gas "olct.'o ~ys~~c a.. ecole Gas ~a=;vi-.i Ai a~        and    i eM "inp
1.Technical Specification"Theconcentration ofoxygeninthewastegasholdupsystemshallbelimitedto<2%byvolumeifthehydrogeninthesystemis>4%byvolume."Historically, we,havemaintained orattempted tomaintainthewastegasholdupsystemat~4%oxygenwithhydrogenat>4%.Whileoperating withtheselimits,wehaveexperienced severalinstances whereexcessoxygencontamination ispresent.Corrective actionshavealwaysbeentoonlyreducetheoxygenconcentration toc4%.Typicaldataovertheapprox&ate 8-yearsoperation indicates theoxygenconcentration inboththegasdecaytanksandtheCVCSholduptankgasspaceisusually2-3%withapproximately 20%ofthevaluesbetween3-4%oxygen.Wehavenooperating expe'rience withthesystematc2%oxygeninthepresenceofhydrogen.
                                    ~       "a<il o, Gas        Qe    y iark Re1eases
Itisnotknownwhetheraconcentration of<2%oxygencanbeachievedwithoursystemasithasneveroccurredorbeenattempted.
: 6. G1and Seal          ="~aus
Everyexcursion wheretheoxygenconcentration exceeded4%canusuallybeattributed tosomefinitephysicalaction.Themajorsourceofthisoxygencontamination hasbeentheintroduction ofoxygenated waterintotheCVCSholduptanks.Thishadoccurredeitherbyrecycling anevaporator monitortankordrainingthereactorcoolantsystemorrefueling cavity.Therecycleofamonitortankhasbeenadministratively addressed andrepeatoccurrences shouldnotoccur.Thedrainingofoxygenated reactorcoolantorrefueling cavitytotheCVCSholduptanksisbeingaddressed viaprocedural changesandadesignchangewhichshouldsignificantly reducetheprobability ofwastegas,systemoxygenation.
: a. Nool e Gas. ~c=iv",':y
Oncethewastegassystemiscontaminated withoxygen,averyslowoperation ofgaspurgingisundertaken.
          -4tcni:or                                                                                      28
Initially, anygasdecaytanksfoundtohaveoxygencontamination at>4%aresampledforrelease.TheCVCSholduptankgasspace(orspaces)thatis(are)contaminated arepurgedoftheoxygenbypumpingallavailable CVCSholduptankliquidintothecontaminated tank.(IfmorethanoneCVCStankgasspaceiscontaminated',
: b. Flow Ra-~ l<cni wr                                                                            27 G. C. C"QK          - 'Bilk.                  3jl  "
theprocessmustberepeatedforeachtank.)Ifthetankisnotfull(>85%volume)additional liquidmustbeadded.Thegasexpelledduringthefillingcontaminates anothergasdecaytank(ormorethanone)creatinganewwaste,gas release.Oncefull,theliquidisthentransferred toanotherCVCSholduptankandnitrogenisusedas 0ATTACFBKNT 3AEP:NRC:0055I covergasduringthepumpout.Thisnitrogencouldcomefromthenitrogenheaderoragasdecaytankfilledwithnitrogen.
3 A-endmen. iso.
Historically, theoxygencontamination israrelylimitedtooneCVCSholduptankgasspace,-sincetheyareallconnected tothe,ventheader.Anoxygencontamination cycleusually"causes"4-6gasdecaytankreleases.
Thiswaswiththeobjecttoreducetheoxygento<4%.If"cleanup" iscontinued tolessthan2%astheTechnical Specification
VaSi.=-         3.3-13 (Ccn')
: required, increaseinthenitrogenusedwillprobablyincreaseourgasdecaytankreleases.
48'LZ !/CT~7~ Qii Ac fcn 2i              414  ii oui<<'<<ep A4        88'il41 s            Qc s <<  ~            oc <<<< ~<<oq
InorderforISMECo.toavoidanon-compliance withTechnical Specification,1983,werequestyourexpedited reviewandapprovalofourrequested change.Wewouldbegladtoprovideanyfurtherinformation youneedtoassistyouinyourreview.2.Table3.3-12,Item3a-Thereisno"flowmonitor"intheturbinebuildingsumpeffluentlinecontinuous composite samplerastheitemimpliesaswritten.InTable4.3-8,thedailychannelcheckoftheturbinebuildingsumpcomposite samplerflowmonitor(Table3.3-12,Item3a)isdefinedasavisualcheckofthesamplebottletoensurethatasampleisbeingcollected.
                                                                                                      '<<<<0        rar r<< ~md<<<<J
Ourcurrentoxygenmonitorsdonothaveahighenoughreliability leveltomeettherequirement thatbothofthembeoperableatalltimes.RFC-2591waswrittentoreplacetheseinstruments withamorereliableinstrument.
TheproposedTechnical Specification changeisrequiredtochangeAction29toallowupto30-dayswithonlyoneinstrument operable; andAction30withnoinstruments operableifgrabsamplesaretakenevery12hours.4.Table3.3-13,Item3-TheAuxiliary BuildingVentilation systemispartoftheUnitVentSystem.EffluentreleasesviatheAuxiliary BuildingVentilation Systemrequiredweeklysampleanalysis.
                                                                                                                                          ~ii <<<<avl ~ ~
Action32forTable3.3-13shouldspecifyonlyweeklyanalysisrequirements ofTable4-11-2whichdoesnotincludetritium.
Afnfmw Q;anne.s Go"=.= ="i.=" r"= fr .-.. n-, er-.". uen: r                                                  1      sas isf a
ATTACHMENT 4TO"AEP:NRC:0055ZThisAttachment containsacopyofthepageswhich'require changesintheAppendixATechnical Specifications forUnit1(Attachment A)andUnit2(Attachment B).ThesechangeswerenotincludedinAmendments No.69andNo.51.Ztshouldbenotedthatthesechangeswerecorrectly includedinthefinalversionoftherevisedRadiological EffluentTechnical Specifications (AEP'sletterofSeptember 17,1982,No.AEP:NRC:0055F)
Cbfs pa 'ruay -~y ccr-.~u~ -"r u" -" 0 cays <<t <<vTd                                                                      ae i ic'r(
ATTACHMENT AThefollowing are-themissedchangesintheaffectedpagesfromAmendment No.69.1)Page1-9InTable1.2,thenotationfor."P"wasnotincludedandshouldbeadded.Itwascorrectly doneinUnit2'sAmendment No.51.2)Page6-12T/S6.5.2.8-WrongwordItshouldbe"Solidification",
rata fs es"f", -.d a: ieas-. Cnca "e. 4 hicu ps                                            ~
Ac-'cn ('i                            e. Ci      r ianr81S GP';~                   'eSS   l eCu                r    d hv 0 e
3)Page6-12T/S6.5.2.9,(Definition ofAuthority oftheNSDRC)wasmissinginitsentirety.
            %nfl              C~~"re''       G."-=-~"-L= r~cu.'r~~ent                        e-"ii >>~~ r~iease vIa
Again,itwascorrectly doneinUnit2'sAmendment No.51,4)Page6-13T/S6.7.1(d),
                                                                                                "'s thfs      "a-"(ay        wy ccn: nu --," ua                          ~       0              ".r vfced gr                      sa:,".1es are ~~ken a~ 1eas. Cnc~ ~ar 8 hcurs ard "iese san'ies are anaiy"e4 ter      grass ac.',vf:y              x'-~fn          P.-". hcur..
Reportsubmission timeof10daysisinconsistent withUnit2'stime;Submittal timeshouldbe14days.
Ac:fcn  Z9                ".a nua=er        ;. c.".anreis C."-="-~=t:- cne                      1  ss        ".an        re"ufr=-d by
-TABLE1.2FREUENCYNOTATIONNOTATIONSAS/UH.A.~FREVENCYAtleastonceper12hours.Atleastonceper24hours.Atleastonceper7days.Atleastonceper31daysAtleastonceper92days.oAtleastonceper184days.AtleastonceperS49days.Priortoeachreactorstartup.Notapplicab'le.Qo~pl~le.C~J prorg~~]re.lg~0.C.COOK-UNET11-9Amendment No.69 DMENISTRATIVEi:QNTRQLS gnl;clil'ica.+i'~~m.ThePROCESSCONTROLPROGRAMandimplementing procedures fortit'Itp24months.iIn.Theperformance ofactivities requiredbythegualityAssurance Pro~ramtomeetthecriteriaofRegulatory Guide1.21,Rev.1,3une1974andRegulatory Guide4.1,Rev.1,April1975atleastonceper12months.~K'IIRfcQOQ('SKjQlklgIA6)II'ef~ shallbeprepared, approvedanddistributed asindicated below:a..Minutes ofeachNSDRCmeetingshallbeprepared, approvedandforwarded totheViceChairman, Engineering andConstruction, AEPSC,within14daysfollowing eachmeeting.R-=.-.rtsofreviewsencompassed bySection6.5.2.7above,shallbe".re.ared, approvedandforwarded tothe-ViceChairman, Engineering
                      'ffnf ~ <<> reie G>>- oi.-. ~n sys.m i".iay c=r.:fn e ","". uc ." 30 c'ays. M w 2 C.".arreis !n-cyera)iii cpe>rg<<<<cg c4 <<y@s svs<<gm eagv p~yg<<J<<ue <<<<r uI<< <<+ 30 days, pr vfd ~ gr                        s . , ies are =~=-a anr. anaiy- d ere J .'2 hcurs.
."~Construction, AEPSC,within14daysfollowing canpletion of=.".ereview.'uditreportsencompassed bySection6,5.2.8above,shallbeforwarded totheViceChairman, Engineering andConstrue.ion,
Ac fcn  0  'rtf 5      "a nu      '>>    c-, Nance!s                  GF=.-~"L"-        less "an              ~uf~                  by 8 nfsra Nanneis Ci-=-~;.' r                                "u:r          nz, cce. =;cn                    ".-.     ~      s  sys-~
<":"SC,andtothemanagement positions responsible fortheareas-'i~tedwithin30daysatercompletion oftheaudit.6.6REPQRTABLE OCCURRENCE ACTION6.6.l'efollowing actionsshallbetakenforREPORTABLE OCCURRENCES:
y c<<n<<
a.TheConmission shallbenotifiedand/orareportsubmitted purs>anttotherequirements ofSpecification 6.9.b.EachREPORTABLE OCCURRENCE requiring 24hournotification totheCanmission shall,bereviewedbythePNSRCandsubmitted totheHSDRCandtheChief,NuclearEnoineer.
                                '<<up 4<<<<      ~ o<<<<e, i          .
D.C.COOK-UNIT1'-12Amendment No.69
                                                                    'z  e(<      pe~s(+    cep    w<<<<i    i<<sa~          1  es and    anaiy"        >>  every '2 hcuw 1
~4P'DMINISTRATIVE ONTROLS6.7SAFETY,LIMITVIOLATION 6.7.1Thefollowing actionsshallbetakenintheeventaSafetyLimitisviolated:
~C iCn 4a    gifi w l ~he 4t4a n<~~e>>4    c pa a
.a.ThefacilityshallbeplacedinatleastHOTSTANDBYwithinonehour.b.C~TheSafetyLimitviolation shallbereportedtotheCommission andtotheChairmanoftheNSQgCwithin24hours.ASafetyLimitViolation Rep~shallbeprepared.
ra<<g lr Q
ThereportshallbereviewedbythePNSRC.Thisreportshalldescribe(1)applicable circumstances preceding thevio1ation, (2)effectsoftheviolation uponfacilitycomponents, systemsorstructures, and(3)corrective.
                                                        .anreii s ''g
                                                    +<<<< +
TheSafetyLimitViolation Reportshallbesubmitted totheCommission, theChairmanoftheNSDRCandtheVicePresident, NuclearEngineering within]ATEdaysoftheviolation.
6.8PROCEDURES oMrittnprocedure esshallbees.ablished, implemented andmain-coveringtheactivities refer4ncad below:6.8.1tainedTheapplicable procedures recommended inAppendix"A"ofRegulatory Guide1.33,November, 1972.Ib.Refueling'per'ations.
c.Surveillance andtestactivities ofsafetyrelatedequipment.
e a
radii<<ii s <<S less
e.Emergency Planimplementation.
                                                                                                  ~ ~',n  i re 4 0 Mf
f.FireProtection Programimplem~ntation.
                                                                                                                  +0 sd bv c~ < 4 <<d ri d
                                                                                                                                                  'Le p                                                                      i y Pt!RG'NG c",          r c'c    =; r          =.-.!uan~            r a    =".fs;a-":~ay.
Ac-.fcn 32  '8f ~. ~~.e ".uri~er Qs C. arne! S Qr-."".O'                                '
:RtqualityAssurance Programforeffluent.
eSS        .an      r ~Jf r                <<y <<"e NnfKui Til '<<nanna l s Cr "rot."                        r O'.
andenvironmental monitoring usingtheguidanceinRegulatory Guide1.21,Rev.1,June1974andRegulatory Guide4.1,Rev.1,April1975.6.8.2Eachprocedure andadministrative policyof6.8.1above,andchanges.hereto,shallbereviewedbvthePNSRCandapprovedbythePlantManagerpriortoimplementation andreviewedperiodically assetforthinadministrative procedures.
                                                                                  -~ n    p  e.7 iuenz r                1  eases      via <<"e ae i a            pa a'((a'( .esaV C n .
0.C.COOK-UNIT16-13Amendment No.69 ATTACHMENT
                                                  '              ~        r Co '<<<<        .<<<<C C2syS              pea  <<'(f "              '<<0 I es required for weekly analysis are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment as required in Table (I.11-2.
~Thefollowing arethemissedchangesintheaffectedpagesfromAmendment No.51.1)PageXVIa)6.5.1,FunctionandComposition indicated aschangedtoPage6-6.Nonewpage6-6includedinsubmittal andthechangeindicator shouldbedeleted.b)6.5.1,Responsibilities
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              - Vial;                                              3/4 3-o""
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ATTACHMENT 2 TO AEP:NRC:0055I LIST  OF CHANGES TO APPENDIX A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2  - DPR-74 REMOVE PAGES                          INSERT PAGES 3/4 3-59                              3/4 3-59 3/4 3-61                              3/4 3%1 3/4 11-13                            3/4 11-13 Revisions are noted by a  vertical line in  the  right hand margin of the page .
TABLE  3.3-13 Radicac.ive rase .s    "==Hi en- ".Chi =r hc !hs-"";icn NfhlfiiulA Channe15 Ins rat;ent                            Oce. ah I e              neo I 1 ca51 I i zv  Ac ',an Mas e "=as '.-'.41dup ZYs          '
Exp1osive Cas 2-nf-"r',ng vs ~Q
: a. Hydrccen Mch-        ir                                                          30
: b. O~jgen Hchi d'or                                                                  29 Condenser ivac ai-icn S>5  ~M<
iNOQI e Gas      nc vf Yf ig        (~)
igni.or b      F14'ate          ~cnl t.or          (i)
Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building
'Ien fI a ~f cn Sv 5 m
: a. Nco1'=s .~c=f Y'.'"y i~chi ~cr b      'cdine ~aiwJie>>
Car i. "d".e
: c.     Parfic Ia:e                        (i)                                          32 c GiQ i er F11 ze>>
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i(c)1 g ps I c&'%      i y
: b. F1c'w    Ra:e,",ch':      r D. C. CDGK        - Vile(  2          3/4        9                amendment    Ho.
~ ~
TABL""        3.3-13 (Con<)
TABf K i'!0:QTI!CN Ac>>icn  Z7    Mi~h 'Ne nu-..."'.er oi c.'".anr.els QF=.=':L"-                    1 Ninimn C;".ar.nels 0.==.= ."=L:- .- "u-r .. n-, e--: uent r                              1    ses via this pa~".way my continue for u" ." "0 d<<vs ~l cvlda~ >>ne f IcH iicul's I'.
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nciicn  29  Mi ~If ~".e nu7i"'er O7<<c.'nanneis GP=-"-~=L"- one less than re~ ir= by
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~c icn .3      2'      t-.e rI;''"er ".",      c'"kreis        C."-=='-='      'ass :ian r .u-'~" =y'".e l11nlillJ43 4tlcolkse I s  i>> ~ >>A<<<<L<<r        <<u    \    e t>> g  '<<le envi                                              ,r Ii ':'.c
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: b. Az    le ~" o ~.'",n'c=il c q"al;7; " -                              "'s    o-"    "e      -ciii-g irdei ende          1 v vef'            " r I          2  r>>e    c Icu    ~ ~   .s  ~ c dischar"e valve iir.                  s; GWc. e. ise,     s s-e..d role se            o-,    r afcac:ive          ".=,',uenu via        =iis pa,'way      .
: 0. C. CQQK    -  LiHITI 2                                                              Amendment !lo.
    ~ 4
~ ~
The following are the bases        for the proposed      Units  1  and  2 Technical Specifications changes and clarifications.
: 1. Technical    Specification    states "The concentration of oxygen  in the  waste gas holdup system shall be limited to < 2% by volume    if  the hydrogen in the system is > 4% by volume."
Historically, we, have maintained or attempted to maintain the waste gas holdup system at ~ 4% oxygen with hydrogen at > 4%.
While operating with these limits, we have experienced several instances    where    excess    oxygen    contamination    is present.
Corrective actions have always been to only reduce the oxygen concentration to c    4%.
Typical data over the approx&ate 8-years operation indicates the oxygen concentration in both the gas decay tanks and the CVCS holdup tank gas space is usually 2-3% with approximately 20% of the values between 3-4% oxygen. We have no operating expe'rience with the system at c 2% oxygen in the presence of hydrogen. It is not known whether a concentration of < 2% oxygen can be achieved with our system as    it  has never occurred or been attempted.
Every excursion where the oxygen concentration          exceeded  4%  can usually  be attributed to some finite physical action. The major source of this oxygen contamination has been the introduction of oxygenated water into the CVCS holdup tanks. This had occurred either by recycling an evaporator monitor tank or draining the reactor coolant system or refueling cavity. The recycle of a monitor tank has been administratively addressed and repeat occurrences should not occur. The draining of oxygenated reactor coolant or refueling cavity to the CVCS holdup tanks is being addressed via procedural changes and a design change which should significantly reduce the probability of waste gas, system oxygenation.
Once  the waste gas system is contaminated with oxygen, a very slow operation of gas purging is undertaken. Initially, any gas decay tanks found to have oxygen contamination at > 4% are sampled for release. The CVCS holdup tank gas space (or spaces) that is (are) contaminated are purged of the oxygen by pumping all available CVCS holdup tank liquid into the contaminated tank.          (If more than one CVCS tank gas space is contaminated',          the process must be repeated for each tank.) If the tank is not full ( >85% volume) additional liquid must be added. The gas expelled during the filling contaminates another gas decay tank (or more than one) creating a new waste,gas release. Once full, the liquid is then transferred to another CVCS holdup tank and nitrogen is used as
0 ATTACFBKNT 3                                                AEP:NRC:0055I cover gas during the pumpout. This nitrogen could come from the nitrogen header or a gas decay tank filled with nitrogen.
Historically, the oxygen contamination is rarely limited to one CVCS holdup tank gas space, since they are all connected to the
    ,vent header. An oxygen contamination cycle usually "causes" 4-6 gas decay tank releases. This was with the object to reduce the oxygen to < 4%. If "cleanup" is continued to less than 2% as the Technical Specification required, increase in the nitrogen used will probably increase our gas decay tank releases.
In order for ISMECo. to avoid a non-compliance with Technical Specification on April 15, 1983, we request your expedited review and approval of our requested change. We would be glad to provide any further information you need to assist you in your review.
: 2. Table 3.3-12, Item 3a - There is no "flow monitor" in the turbine building sump effluent line continuous composite sampler as the item implies as written. In Table 4.3-8, the daily channel check of the turbine building sump composite sampler flow monitor (Table 3.3-12, Item 3a) is defined as a visual check of the sample bottle to ensure that a sample is being collected.
: 3. Table 3.3-13, Item lb requires two oxygen monitors to be operable.
Our  current oxygen monitors  do  not have a  high enough reliability level to  meet the requirement  that both of  them be operable at all times. RFC-2591 was written to replace these instruments with a more reliable instrument.      The proposed Technical Specification change is required to change Action 29 to allow up to 30-days with only one instrument operable; and Action 30 with no instruments operable  if grab samples are taken every 12 hours.
: 4. Table 3.3-13, Item 3 - The Auxiliary Building Ventilation system is part of the Unit Vent System. Effluent releases via the Auxiliary Building Ventilation System required weekly sample analysis. Action 32 for Table 3.3-13 should specify only weekly analysis requirements of Table 4-11-2 which does not include tritium.
ATTACHMENT 4 TO "AEP: NRC: 0055 Z This Attachment contains a copy of the pages which'require changes in the Appendix  A Technical Specifications for Unit 1 (Attachment A) and Unit 2  (Attachment B). These changes were not included in Amendments No. 69 and No. 51. Zt should be noted that these changes were correctly included in the final version of the revised Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (AEP's letter of September 17, 1982,  No. AEP:NRC:0055F) .
ATTACHMENT A The following are-the missed    changes in the affected  pages from Amendment No. 69.
: 1)  Page 1-9 In Table 1.2, the notation for. "P"  was not included and should be added.
Amendment No. 51.
It was  correctly done in Unit 2's
: 2)  Page  6-12 T/S    Wrong word It should  be  "Solidification", not "Modification".
: 3)  Page  6-12 T/S,(Definition of Authority of the NSDRC) was missing in    its entirety. Again, done in Unit 2's Amendment No. 51, it was correctly
: 4)  Page  6-13 T/S 6.7.1(d), Report submission time of 10 days is inconsistent with Unit 2's time; Submittal time should be  14  days.
                        -  TABLE  1.2 FRE UENCY NOTATION NOTATION                        ~FRE  VENCY At least once per 12 hours.
At least once per 24 hours.
At least once per      7 days.
At least once per 31 days At least once per      92 days.
o SA              At least once per 184 days.
At least once per      S49 days.
S/U            Prior to  each  reactor star tup.
H.A.            Not appl i cab'le.
Qo~pl~le.C~J            pr  or  g ~~]
re.l g~
: 0. C. COOK  - UNET 1    1-9 Amendment No. 69
DMENI STRATI VE i:QNTRQLS g nl; clil'ica.+i'~~
: m.      The PROCESS CONTROL        PROGRAM  and implementing procedures    for ti      t        'I t      p  24 months.                                                  i I
: n.      The    performance    of activities required by the guality Assurance Pro~ram to meet the criteria of Regulatory Guide 1.21, Rev. 1, 3une 1974 and Regulatory Guide 4.1, Rev. 1, April 1975 at least once per 12 months.
      ~K'I I Rfc  QOQ        ('S  K j        Qlkl  g I    A    6 )II'ef~      Records of NSDRC activities          shall be  prepared, approved and distributed      as indicated below:
a..Minutes of            each NSDRC meeting shall be prepared, approved and forwarded to the Vice Chairman, Engineering and Construction, AEPSC, within 14 days following each meeting.
R-=.-.r ts of reviews encompassed by Section above, shall be
              ".re.ared, approved and forwarded to the- Vice Chairman, Engineering
              . "~ Construction, AEPSC, within 14 days following canpletion of
              =.".e  revi ew.
              'udit reports        encompassed by Section 6,5.2.8 above, shall be forwarded to the Vice Chairman, Engineering and Construe.ion,
              <":"SC, and to the management positions responsible for the areas
              -'i~ted within 30 days a ter completion of the audit.
: 6. 6  REPQRTABLE OCCURRENCE ACTION 6.6.l    'e    following actions shall        be taken  for    REPORTABLE OCCURRENCES:
: a.      The Conmission        shall be notified and/or a report submitted purs>ant      to  the  requirements of Specification 6.9.
: b.      Each REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE requiring 24 hour notification to the Canmission shall, be reviewed by the PNSRC and submitted to the HSDRC and the Chief, Nuclear Enoineer.
D. C. COOK    -  UNIT  1                '-12                                Amendment No. 69
~ 4 P'DMINISTRATIVE            ONTROLS 6.7    SAFETY, LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1      The  following actions shall      be taken      in the event  a Safety Limit is violated: .
: a.      The  facility shall    be placed in at least        HOT STANDBY within one hour.
: b.      The  Safety Limit violation shall be reported to the Commission and to the Chairman of the NSQgC within 24 hours.
C ~    A  Safety Limit Violation Rep~ shall be prepared. The report shall be reviewed by the PNSRC. This report shall describe (1) applicable circumstances preceding the vio1ation, (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems or structures, and (3) corrective. action taken to prevent r ecurrence.
The Safety    Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Commission, the Chairman of the NSDRC and the Vice President, Nuclear Engineering within ]ATE days of the violation.
6.8.1 Mritt n procedure es shall be es.ablished, implemented and main-tained covering the activities refer4ncad below:
The  applicable procedures recommended in Appendix "A" of Regulatory Guide 1.33, November,        I 1972.
: b.      Refueling'per'ations.
: c.      Surveillance    and  test activities of safety related equipment.
: d.      Security Plan implementation.=
: e.      Emergency Plan implementation.
: f.      Fire Protection Program implem~ntation.
                                  ~+                      . rsl
: g.      PROCESS  CONTROL PROGRAM    implementation.
: h.    -
OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION HANUN,          implementation.
:Rt quality  Assurance Program for effluent. and environmental monitoring using the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Rev. 1, June 1974 and Regulatory Guide 4.1, Rev. 1, April 1975.
6.8.2      Each procedure    and  administrative policy of 6.8.1 above,          and changes .hereto, shall be reviewed            bv  the  PNSRC  and  approved by  the Plant Manager prior to implementation              and  reviewed  periodically  as set forth in administrative procedures.
: 0. C. COOK    -  UNIT  1                6-13 Amendment No. 69
The following are the missed changes  in the affected  pages from Amendment No. 51.
: 1)  Page XVI a)  6.5.1, Function and Composition indicated as changed to Page 6-6. No new page 6-6 included in submittal and the change indicator should be deleted.
b)  6.5.1, Responsibilities - wrong page 6-7  is listed.
It should be 6-6 c)  .6.5.1, Authority  wrong page 6-8  is listed. It should be 6-7.
~ ~
INDEX ADflL'lISTPATTVE COHTROLS S:-CTEOH                                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 6 ~ 1  P> o S P Ot s S I rl o L      I  I  Y~      ~  ~ ~ ~ ~  r  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                r  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~          6-1
: 6. 2  ORGAHl ~T".'ON 0,Tlsl S1 4>>      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~                              o  ~ o ~ ~ ~    I  ~      6>>1 F PeC1
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o C &#xc3;IPQS 1 41            On    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~            r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~            r  ~ ~  r ~ ~
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Latest revision as of 02:42, 4 February 2020

Proposed Changes to Radiological Effluent Tech Spec Pages 3/4 3-63,3/4 3-65 & 3/4 11-13 for Unit 1 & Pages 3/4 3-59, 3/4 3-61 & 3/4 11-13 for Unit 2
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 04/14/1983
Shared Package
ML17320A464 List:
NUDOCS 8304190444
Download: ML17320A465 (19)


ATTACHMENT 1 TO AEP:NRC:0055I LIST OF CHANGES TO APPENDIX A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 1 <<DPR-58 REMOVE PAGES INSERT PAGES 3/4 3-63 3/4 3-63 3/4 3-65 3/4 3<5 3/4 11-13 3/4 11-13 NOTE: Revisions are noted by a vertical line in the right hand margin of the page.

8304190444 830414 PDR ADOCK 050003L5

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'ABLE Racfioac.;ve Gaseous.s =-."Ruen"..~en):cr ra, trs:.;-...en:a~icn Nnimum alannel s Ins-.r rz .. Qcereble Aoolicabi1f>v Accice L- Vps e C s HoldUD Sys w E"" i o<i ve Gas Yoni -~ "iaq Sys~

a. Hydr.pen Mcn"ter (1)
h. Qxjgen !ioni cr {2}
2. Conde..ser =sacua."cn Sys-.em
a. Noble C s Ac vi ~y i foni r lory MT'.

Ra~ i!icni "r 27 3~ Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building Vent Sys-.==~

a. archie Gas Ac i<i y (1.) 28 i~cni zcr b- iodine 5'am.1 er (~) 32 Car.i, cce
c. Par" cola" (i) 5'amyl er Fil:er El-,li;en+ ~ys:en (l)

F1c!v Ra. 'ieas" rir,c Oevic

e. Gamp( e. R c~ ."-.a-. 27 Noasur; nc i;ev- ce
a. Noble G.s Nc"-'v-i:y (l}


b. Par. "ala~ 'ar."ler 0~ %as~~ Gas "olct.'o ~ys~~c a.. ecole Gas ~a=;vi-.i Ai a~ and i eM "inp

~ "a<il o, Gas Qe y iark Re1eases

6. G1and Seal ="~aus
a. Nool e Gas. ~c=iv",':y

-4tcni:or 28

b. Flow Ra-~ l<cni wr 27 G. C. C"QK - 'Bilk. 3jl "

3 A-endmen. iso.

VaSi.=- 3.3-13 (Ccn')

48'LZ !/CT~7~ Qii Ac fcn 2i 414 ii oui<<'<<ep A4 88'il41 s Qc s << ~ oc <<<< ~<<oq

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Ac:fcn Z9 ".a nua=er  ;. c.".anreis C."-="-~=t:- cne 1 ss ".an re"ufr=-d by

'ffnf ~ <<> reie G>>- oi.-. ~n sys.m i".iay c=r.:fn e ","". uc ." 30 c'ays. M w 2 C.".arreis !n-cyera)iii cpe>rg<<<<cg c4 <<y@s svs<<gm eagv p~yg<<J<<ue <<<<r uI<< <<+ 30 days, pr vfd ~ gr s . , ies are =~=-a anr. anaiy- d ere J .'2 hcurs.

Ac fcn 0 'rtf 5 "a nu '>> c-, Nance!s GF=.-~"L"- less "an ~uf~ by 8 nfsra Nanneis Ci-=-~;.' r "u:r nz, cce. =;cn ".-. ~ s sys-~

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' ~ r Co '<<<< .<<<<C C2syS pea <<'(f " '<<0 I es required for weekly analysis are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment as required in Table (I.11-2.

~c"fcn << p~ -<e ni ~~ "-, r..a",neis C."-=-~cL:- icons ~ian ~'cuf~

rray>>e r !": a ~ ae en'(ss

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ATTACHMENT 2 TO AEP:NRC:0055I LIST OF CHANGES TO APPENDIX A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 - DPR-74 REMOVE PAGES INSERT PAGES 3/4 3-59 3/4 3-59 3/4 3-61 3/4 3%1 3/4 11-13 3/4 11-13 Revisions are noted by a vertical line in the right hand margin of the page .

TABLE 3.3-13 Radicac.ive rase .s "==Hi en- ".Chi =r hc !hs-"";icn NfhlfiiulA Channe15 Ins rat;ent Oce. ah I e neo I 1 ca51 I i zv Ac ',an Mas e "=as '.-'.41dup ZYs '

Exp1osive Cas 2-nf-"r',ng vs ~Q

a. Hydrccen Mch- ir 30
b. O~jgen Hchi d'or 29 Condenser ivac ai-icn S>5 ~M<

iNOQI e Gas nc vf Yf ig (~)

igni.or b F14'ate ~cnl t.or (i)

Unit Vent, Auxiliary Building

'Ien fI a ~f cn Sv 5 m

a. Nco1'=s .~c=f Y'.'"y i~chi ~cr b 'cdine ~aiwJie>>

Car i. "d".e

c. Parfic Ia:e (i) 32 c GiQ i er F11 ze>>

d K iu ni SY5 (~) 2?

F i cwRa ie ".= sur inq OeY't ce caRQ zi Measuring Qevic



b. Par" ic" I a.a:a..."1er (i) 32 has ie cps cI I

ci Cas e ay Tan!c ReIe ses CIand ZeaI ="'",aus-.

i(c)1 g ps I c&'% i y


b. F1c'w Ra:e,",ch': r D. C. CDGK - Vile( 2 3/4 9 amendment Ho.

~ ~

TABL"" 3.3-13 (Con<)

TABf K i'!0:QTI!CN Ac>>icn Z7 Mi~h 'Ne nu-..."'.er oi c.'".anr.els QF=.=':L"- 1 Ninimn C;".ar.nels 0.==.= ."=L:- .- "u-r .. n-, e--: uent r 1 ses via this pa~".way my continue for u" ." "0 d<<vs ~l cvlda~ >>ne f IcH iicul's I'.


Ac.-'cn 23 t e Gi c. anrel s Qo=.~ L" 1 ess ~'an re~u~i e6 by>> e ii1nii~ ~xi Cnannel s OPER'HL"- requir~ ..enz, e i =I ueni rei eases v i a 5 is p aa'rlay ~ay c n7iinue i or ug 4 '0 cays jr vid+d 0 s 7

    >hese sPmoles a.e <<fialy=ed for gross ac"ivity wi~1in 2-". hours. nciicn 29 Mi ~If ~".e nu7i"'er O7<<c.'nanneis GP=-"-~=L"- one less than re~ ir= by ~fe i4finin~,n~ C.".ar.r.ef s QP=o~="L= ~cuir~en>>, opera>>icn o= ~-.i s sys c ;.ay c."n-,",ue for up ta 30'"ays. Ni 5 2 c.'".anreis in-c"er bl , o-e~ticn o- ~I>s sys-.e."...".=-y c nz",nI:e for up >>o 30 days provided g~h sa;ales a.;e "ken and <<nalyz ~ el~.v i.Z hcuw. c '~n '0 ="-'=L- less -.",an r~uic~d "v -"I~ lr=-"..en", "."ara-ion 07 -..",'. s , .rov..cad "" 'aml s ar =-.<en and anaiy=e" eve..I .Z:".ou"s. ~c>>icn 3~ ~i A Ne rf-,.-' o7 c.'".a..nels GF:-.=~=L"- 1 ss "-,an r~u-'r=-d by -".e Ac-cn .2 "e'u..'r c- C.'",anrefs Qr=."'-'. L= ass "'.an r cu'red -y;."',e Ãlnif;,k1 C.".arineis Q."=.~=L= r =cu;rien>> 77IuenE ~I ases vii a ec J "a-='.'my my c"n-'-nu f-r a w "0 "ays, v',"'ed sa... ies required for weekly analysis are continuously collected with auxiliary sampling equipment as required in Table 4.11-2. ~c icn .3 2' t-.e rI;"er ".", c'"kreis C."-=='-=' 'ass :ian r .u-'~" =y'".e l11nlillJ43 4tlcolkse I s i>> ~ >>A<<<<L<<r <> g '<<le envi ,r Ii ':'.c \ -"r 'ua ~ rzvr be i~i==se~ 'z ='",e "..iran- "~nk S CCreQZ.. S a~ ana.lyz d nd,
    b. Az le ~" o ~.'",n'c=il c q"al;7; " - "'s o-" "e -ciii-g irdei ende 1 v vef' " r I 2 r>>e c Icu ~ 8 ~ .s ~ c dischar"e valve iir. s; GWc. e. ise, s s-e..d role se o-, r afcac:ive ".=,',uenu via =iis pa,'way .
    0. C. CQQK - LiHITI 2 Amendment !lo.
    ~ 4 ~ ~ 0 ATTACHMENT 3 TO AEP:NRC:005 5I . The following are the bases for the proposed Units 1 and 2 Technical Specifications changes and clarifications.
    1. Technical Specification states "The concentration of oxygen in the waste gas holdup system shall be limited to < 2% by volume if the hydrogen in the system is > 4% by volume."
    Historically, we, have maintained or attempted to maintain the waste gas holdup system at ~ 4% oxygen with hydrogen at > 4%. While operating with these limits, we have experienced several instances where excess oxygen contamination is present. Corrective actions have always been to only reduce the oxygen concentration to c 4%. Typical data over the approx&ate 8-years operation indicates the oxygen concentration in both the gas decay tanks and the CVCS holdup tank gas space is usually 2-3% with approximately 20% of the values between 3-4% oxygen. We have no operating expe'rience with the system at c 2% oxygen in the presence of hydrogen. It is not known whether a concentration of < 2% oxygen can be achieved with our system as it has never occurred or been attempted. Every excursion where the oxygen concentration exceeded 4% can usually be attributed to some finite physical action. The major source of this oxygen contamination has been the introduction of oxygenated water into the CVCS holdup tanks. This had occurred either by recycling an evaporator monitor tank or draining the reactor coolant system or refueling cavity. The recycle of a monitor tank has been administratively addressed and repeat occurrences should not occur. The draining of oxygenated reactor coolant or refueling cavity to the CVCS holdup tanks is being addressed via procedural changes and a design change which should significantly reduce the probability of waste gas, system oxygenation. Once the waste gas system is contaminated with oxygen, a very slow operation of gas purging is undertaken. Initially, any gas decay tanks found to have oxygen contamination at > 4% are sampled for release. The CVCS holdup tank gas space (or spaces) that is (are) contaminated are purged of the oxygen by pumping all available CVCS holdup tank liquid into the contaminated tank. (If more than one CVCS tank gas space is contaminated', the process must be repeated for each tank.) If the tank is not full ( >85% volume) additional liquid must be added. The gas expelled during the filling contaminates another gas decay tank (or more than one) creating a new waste,gas release. Once full, the liquid is then transferred to another CVCS holdup tank and nitrogen is used as 0 ATTACFBKNT 3 AEP:NRC:0055I cover gas during the pumpout. This nitrogen could come from the nitrogen header or a gas decay tank filled with nitrogen. Historically, the oxygen contamination is rarely limited to one CVCS holdup tank gas space, since they are all connected to the ,vent header. An oxygen contamination cycle usually "causes" 4-6 gas decay tank releases. This was with the object to reduce the oxygen to < 4%. If "cleanup" is continued to less than 2% as the Technical Specification required, increase in the nitrogen used will probably increase our gas decay tank releases. In order for ISMECo. to avoid a non-compliance with Technical Specification on April 15, 1983, we request your expedited review and approval of our requested change. We would be glad to provide any further information you need to assist you in your review.
    2. Table 3.3-12, Item 3a - There is no "flow monitor" in the turbine building sump effluent line continuous composite sampler as the item implies as written. In Table 4.3-8, the daily channel check of the turbine building sump composite sampler flow monitor (Table 3.3-12, Item 3a) is defined as a visual check of the sample bottle to ensure that a sample is being collected.
    3. Table 3.3-13, Item lb requires two oxygen monitors to be operable.
    Our current oxygen monitors do not have a high enough reliability level to meet the requirement that both of them be operable at all times. RFC-2591 was written to replace these instruments with a more reliable instrument. The proposed Technical Specification change is required to change Action 29 to allow up to 30-days with only one instrument operable; and Action 30 with no instruments operable if grab samples are taken every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />.
    4. Table 3.3-13, Item 3 - The Auxiliary Building Ventilation system is part of the Unit Vent System. Effluent releases via the Auxiliary Building Ventilation System required weekly sample analysis. Action 32 for Table 3.3-13 should specify only weekly analysis requirements of Table 4-11-2 which does not include tritium.
    ATTACHMENT 4 TO "AEP: NRC: 0055 Z This Attachment contains a copy of the pages which'require changes in the Appendix A Technical Specifications for Unit 1 (Attachment A) and Unit 2 (Attachment B). These changes were not included in Amendments No. 69 and No. 51. Zt should be noted that these changes were correctly included in the final version of the revised Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (AEP's letter of September 17, 1982, No. AEP:NRC:0055F) . ATTACHMENT A The following are-the missed changes in the affected pages from Amendment No. 69.
    1) Page 1-9 In Table 1.2, the notation for. "P" was not included and should be added.
    Amendment No. 51. It was correctly done in Unit 2's
    2) Page 6-12 T/S Wrong word It should be "Solidification", not "Modification".
    3) Page 6-12 T/S,(Definition of Authority of the NSDRC) was missing in its entirety. Again, done in Unit 2's Amendment No. 51, it was correctly
    4) Page 6-13 T/S 6.7.1(d), Report submission time of 10 days is inconsistent with Unit 2's time; Submittal time should be 14 days.
    - TABLE 1.2 FRE UENCY NOTATION NOTATION ~FRE VENCY At least once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />. At least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />. At least once per 7 days. At least once per 31 days At least once per 92 days. o SA At least once per 184 days. At least once per S49 days. S/U Prior to each reactor star tup. H.A. Not appl i cab'le. Qo~pl~le.C~J pr or g ~~] re.l g~
    0. C. COOK - UNET 1 1-9 Amendment No. 69
    DMENI STRATI VE i:QNTRQLS g nl; clil'ica.+i'~~
    m. The PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM and implementing procedures for ti t 'I t p 24 months. i I
    n. The performance of activities required by the guality Assurance Pro~ram to meet the criteria of Regulatory Guide 1.21, Rev. 1, 3une 1974 and Regulatory Guide 4.1, Rev. 1, April 1975 at least once per 12 months.
    ~K'I I Rfc QOQ ('S K j Qlkl g I A 6 )II'ef~ Records of NSDRC activities shall be prepared, approved and distributed as indicated below: a..Minutes of each NSDRC meeting shall be prepared, approved and forwarded to the Vice Chairman, Engineering and Construction, AEPSC, within 14 days following each meeting. R-=.-.r ts of reviews encompassed by Section above, shall be ".re.ared, approved and forwarded to the- Vice Chairman, Engineering . "~ Construction, AEPSC, within 14 days following canpletion of =.".e revi ew. 'udit reports encompassed by Section 6,5.2.8 above, shall be forwarded to the Vice Chairman, Engineering and Construe.ion, <":"SC, and to the management positions responsible for the areas -'i~ted within 30 days a ter completion of the audit.
    6. 6 REPQRTABLE OCCURRENCE ACTION 6.6.l 'e following actions shall be taken for REPORTABLE OCCURRENCES:
    a. The Conmission shall be notified and/or a report submitted purs>ant to the requirements of Specification 6.9.
    b. Each REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE requiring 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> notification to the Canmission shall, be reviewed by the PNSRC and submitted to the HSDRC and the Chief, Nuclear Enoineer.
    D. C. COOK - UNIT 1 '-12 Amendment No. 69 ~ 4 P'DMINISTRATIVE ONTROLS 6.7 SAFETY, LIMIT VIOLATION 6.7.1 The following actions shall be taken in the event a Safety Limit is violated: .
    a. The facility shall be placed in at least HOT STANDBY within one hour.
    b. The Safety Limit violation shall be reported to the Commission and to the Chairman of the NSQgC within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
    C ~ A Safety Limit Violation Rep~ shall be prepared. The report shall be reviewed by the PNSRC. This report shall describe (1) applicable circumstances preceding the vio1ation, (2) effects of the violation upon facility components, systems or structures, and (3) corrective. action taken to prevent r ecurrence. The Safety Limit Violation Report shall be submitted to the Commission, the Chairman of the NSDRC and the Vice President, Nuclear Engineering within ]ATE days of the violation. 6.8 PROCEDURES o 6.8.1 Mritt n procedure es shall be es.ablished, implemented and main-tained covering the activities refer4ncad below: The applicable procedures recommended in Appendix "A" of Regulatory Guide 1.33, November, I 1972.
    b. Refueling'per'ations.
    c. Surveillance and test activities of safety related equipment.
    d. Security Plan implementation.=
    e. Emergency Plan implementation.
    f. Fire Protection Program implem~ntation.
    ~+ . rsl
    g. PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAM implementation.
    h. -
    Rt quality Assurance Program for effluent. and environmental monitoring using the guidance in Regulatory Guide 1.21, Rev. 1, June 1974 and Regulatory Guide 4.1, Rev. 1, April 1975.
    6.8.2 Each procedure and administrative policy of 6.8.1 above, and changes .hereto, shall be reviewed bv the PNSRC and approved by the Plant Manager prior to implementation and reviewed periodically as set forth in administrative procedures.
    0. C. COOK - UNIT 1 6-13 Amendment No. 69
    ATTACHMENT ~ The following are the missed changes in the affected pages from Amendment No. 51.
    1) Page XVI a) 6.5.1, Function and Composition indicated as changed to Page 6-6. No new page 6-6 included in submittal and the change indicator should be deleted.
    b) 6.5.1, Responsibilities - wrong page 6-7 is listed. It should be 6-6 c) .6.5.1, Authority wrong page 6-8 is listed. It should be 6-7. ~ ~ INDEX ADflL'lISTPATTVE COHTROLS S:-CTEOH PAGE 6 ~ 1 P> o S P Ot s S I rl o L I I Y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6-1
    6. 2 ORGAHl ~T".'ON 0,Tlsl S1 4>> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ I ~ 6>>1 F PeC1
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