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o OC.yp C X.E TE?
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA                    u NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION                  ca, 21 fii0:56 BEFORE THE ATOMIC SAFETY AND LICENSING BOARD In the Matter of                        )
LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY        )    Docket No. 50-382
(Waterford Steam Electric              )
Station, Unit 3)                        )
APPLICANT'S PROPOSED TRANSCRIPT CORRECTIONS Applicant hereby proposes that the attached changes be made to the transcript of the February 8-11, 1983 evidentiary hearings held in the above-captioned proceeding in order to correct material errors, and requests that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board issue an order directing that the eviden-tiary record be amended to incorporate said changes.
Respectfully submitted, SHAW, PITTMAN, POTTS & TROWBRIDGE 3
B9u6e W. Churchill Delissa A. Ridgway Counsel for Applicant 1800 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-1000
!      Dated:    March 18, 1983 8303220280 830318 PDR ADOCK 05000382 T                PDR
Page Line Ref.      Reads                    Should Read 4055      25        Engineer-2              Engineer-IT 4091          6    of psychology            on psychology 4092          7    Reading Congress        Reading Conference 4109      24        of if                    or if 4111      21        readable level          readable a level 4112      14        primarizing              primerizing 4113          5'    would be                would be--
4114            1    exemplied                exemplified 4116            6    I explain                I'll explain 4117            4    the section              the section, the panel                the panel 6    plan handles            plan panel's 7    level-the panels        level, the panels 4120      22        Barker's                Barkhurst's 4131      11        Bertrand                Bertram 15        Report                  Support 18        Carnow                ,
Cranow 4139      21        my prior usage          by prior usage 4141      24        encumbent                incumbent 4142      24        back that                backs that 4156      12        will, like most          will, I--most 4157            2    indee                    indeed 4159            6  test document            test instrument 7  was begun                was run 4174            7    It's the                It's there competence              competence
M 4176          7    test situation            test situation, and                      and 4177        19    documents                document 4187        18    Persistent                Persistence studies                  studies 4189          8    that is                  that it's 4195        12,13 IV(c)                    IV.C          ,
4196          1    IV(C)                    IV.C 4205        17    I don't                  I know 18    people could              people couldn't 4263          3    people,                  people, and I      4276        21    Carnow                    Cranow 4282        13    from                      about 4285        16    Carnow                    Cranow 4293        15    map, okay,                map, there there 4294        11    on                        in 4312        22    say--the speed            say--to speed of reading                of reading, 4321          5    I had had those          I had those 4323          2    Project and              Project in 4324        17    Appalachian, Ohio        Appalachian Ohio    ,
4325          4    whether their            where their 4328        11    slump or wetlands        swamp or wetlands 4333        16    E(7)                      E.7 4340        13    about the NRC            from the NRC
.      4342        1, 3  FEMA                      PEMA 4344        24    G(1)                      G.1
25                (1)(c)                        1.c 4350      12                information or                info rme. tion, or 21                and readability                on readability 4353          9              stand                          state 4355      20                would move on                  would move on, 4373          7,10,12        Morrow                        Mauro 4466          8              psychology                    psychologist 4472          9              specialized                    Specialized 10                or                            of 4476          2              or                            on 4498          6              F-1                            F.1 4521      24                N.L. Berkiwitz                Leonard Berkowitz 4522          7              Bandora                        Bandura 4540      25                Van Dora                      Bandura 4541          3,13          Van Dora                      Bandura 4542      22                as                            at 4546      20                conforming                    conformity 4556        13              Prim                          Krimm 4567          2              G.1(d)                        G.1.d 4575        15              G.1(a)                        G.1.a 16              (d)                            d 4576        13,18          G.(a)                          G.1.a 13,19,22        (d)                          d 22              G.1(a)                        G.1.a 4579        18              G,                            G.1, 18              (a)                          a
18      (d)                d 4581      23      level              levee 4597      10      I'm Joseph          I'm Donald Joseph 4638      19      and                an 4677      15      I didn't            I did 4703        6      Missisagwi          Mississauga 4707      23      printable          credible 4747  14, 16, 20  Bloomer            Blumer 18      Heade              Meade 4765      all                          Renumber as 4759(a) and insert between pp. 4759 and 4760 4793      23      and details        in the tails 4822      17      brochures that      brochures, that is 4830      21      of fourth grades    of fourth graders 4835      23      one believes the    one leaves the 4837      25      to me--therefore,  to me, therefore, 4838      24      Do you            ,
Did you 4839        4      entire              entirety 4850      14      Now, I feeling      Now, my feeling 4858      25      levels suggests    levels, suggests 4860      19      movements,          movements, siccative          saccadic 4868        7      be significance in  be significant in 4878      17      out, in the        out in the
In the Matter of                        )
LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY          )    Docket No. 50-382 ,
(Waterford Steam Electric                )                        e ,
Station, Unit 3)                          )
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of " Applicant's Proposed Transcript Corrections" were served upon those persons on the
        - +,.
attach'ed Service List by deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, this 18th day of March, 1983. s 1  ^_      Yi_W12 ,              '
                                            ' Elelissa & Rikig&y ( '          .
Dated:    March 18, 1983,,
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of                            )
LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ) Docket No. 50-382                                ,
(Waterford Steam Electric                    )
Station, Unit 3)                          )
SERVICE LIST Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esquire                            Mr. Gary Groesch Administrative Judge                                2257 Bayou Road Chairman, Atomic Safety and                          New Orleans, LA        70119 Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                              Luke B. Fontana, Esquire Commission                                        824 Esplanade Avenue Washington, D.C.            20555      ,.          New Orleans, LA 70116 Dr. Harry Foreman                                    Atomic Safety and Licensing Administrative Judge                                    Board Panel Director, Center for                                U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Population Studies                                  Commission Box 395, Mayo                                        Washington, D.C.        20555 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455                                Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel Dr. Walter H. Jordan                                U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Administrative Judge                                    Commission 881 West Outer Drive                                Washington, D.C.        20555 Oak ridge, TN    37830 Docketing & Service Section (3)
Sherwin E. Turk, Esquire                            Office of the Secretary Office of the Executive                              U.S. Nuclear Ragulatory Legal Director                                      Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory                              Washington, D.C.        20555 Commission Washington, D.C.            20555                  Spence W. Perry, Esquire Federal Emergency Management Brian Cassidy, Esquire                                  Agency Federal Emergency Management                        Office of General Counsel        '
Agency                                            500 C Street,      S.W., Room 840 Region I                                            Washington, D.C.        20472 422 J. W. McCormack Boston, MA  03109
                                                      - _ _}}

Latest revision as of 00:41, 26 July 2020

Proposed Corrections to 830208-11 Evidentiary Hearing Transcript.Certificate of Svc Encl
Person / Time
Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/18/1983
From: Churchill B
NUDOCS 8303220280
Download: ML20069F058 (7)



o OC.yp C X.E TE?





(Waterford Steam Electric )

Station, Unit 3) )

APPLICANT'S PROPOSED TRANSCRIPT CORRECTIONS Applicant hereby proposes that the attached changes be made to the transcript of the February 8-11, 1983 evidentiary hearings held in the above-captioned proceeding in order to correct material errors, and requests that the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board issue an order directing that the eviden-tiary record be amended to incorporate said changes.

Respectfully submitted, SHAW, PITTMAN, POTTS & TROWBRIDGE 3

B9u6e W. Churchill Delissa A. Ridgway Counsel for Applicant 1800 M Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 822-1000

! Dated: March 18, 1983 8303220280 830318 PDR ADOCK 05000382 T PDR

Page Line Ref. Reads Should Read 4055 25 Engineer-2 Engineer-IT 4091 6 of psychology on psychology 4092 7 Reading Congress Reading Conference 4109 24 of if or if 4111 21 readable level readable a level 4112 14 primarizing primerizing 4113 5' would be would be--

4114 1 exemplied exemplified 4116 6 I explain I'll explain 4117 4 the section the section, the panel the panel 6 plan handles plan panel's 7 level-the panels level, the panels 4120 22 Barker's Barkhurst's 4131 11 Bertrand Bertram 15 Report Support 18 Carnow ,

Cranow 4139 21 my prior usage by prior usage 4141 24 encumbent incumbent 4142 24 back that backs that 4156 12 will, like most will, I--most 4157 2 indee indeed 4159 6 test document test instrument 7 was begun was run 4174 7 It's the It's there competence competence


M 4176 7 test situation test situation, and and 4177 19 documents document 4187 18 Persistent Persistence studies studies 4189 8 that is that it's 4195 12,13 IV(c) IV.C ,

4196 1 IV(C) IV.C 4205 17 I don't I know 18 people could people couldn't 4263 3 people, people, and I 4276 21 Carnow Cranow 4282 13 from about 4285 16 Carnow Cranow 4293 15 map, okay, map, there there 4294 11 on in 4312 22 say--the speed say--to speed of reading of reading, 4321 5 I had had those I had those 4323 2 Project and Project in 4324 17 Appalachian, Ohio Appalachian Ohio ,

4325 4 whether their where their 4328 11 slump or wetlands swamp or wetlands 4333 16 E(7) E.7 4340 13 about the NRC from the NRC

. 4342 1, 3 FEMA PEMA 4344 24 G(1) G.1

25 (1)(c) 1.c 4350 12 information or info rme. tion, or 21 and readability on readability 4353 9 stand state 4355 20 would move on would move on, 4373 7,10,12 Morrow Mauro 4466 8 psychology psychologist 4472 9 specialized Specialized 10 or of 4476 2 or on 4498 6 F-1 F.1 4521 24 N.L. Berkiwitz Leonard Berkowitz 4522 7 Bandora Bandura 4540 25 Van Dora Bandura 4541 3,13 Van Dora Bandura 4542 22 as at 4546 20 conforming conformity 4556 13 Prim Krimm 4567 2 G.1(d) G.1.d 4575 15 G.1(a) G.1.a 16 (d) d 4576 13,18 G.(a) G.1.a 13,19,22 (d) d 22 G.1(a) G.1.a 4579 18 G, G.1, 18 (a) a

18 (d) d 4581 23 level levee 4597 10 I'm Joseph I'm Donald Joseph 4638 19 and an 4677 15 I didn't I did 4703 6 Missisagwi Mississauga 4707 23 printable credible 4747 14, 16, 20 Bloomer Blumer 18 Heade Meade 4765 all Renumber as 4759(a) and insert between pp. 4759 and 4760 4793 23 and details in the tails 4822 17 brochures that brochures, that is 4830 21 of fourth grades of fourth graders 4835 23 one believes the one leaves the 4837 25 to me--therefore, to me, therefore, 4838 24 Do you ,

Did you 4839 4 entire entirety 4850 14 Now, I feeling Now, my feeling 4858 25 levels suggests levels, suggests 4860 19 movements, movements, siccative saccadic 4868 7 be significance in be significant in 4878 17 out, in the out in the



In the Matter of )




(Waterford Steam Electric ) e ,

Station, Unit 3) )

CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that copies of " Applicant's Proposed Transcript Corrections" were served upon those persons on the

- +,.

attach'ed Service List by deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, this 18th day of March, 1983. s 1 ^_ Yi_W12 , '

' Elelissa & Rikig&y ( ' .

Dated: March 18, 1983,,

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION Before the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board In the Matter of )




(Waterford Steam Electric )

Station, Unit 3) )

SERVICE LIST Sheldon J. Wolfe, Esquire Mr. Gary Groesch Administrative Judge 2257 Bayou Road Chairman, Atomic Safety and New Orleans, LA 70119 Licensing Board U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Luke B. Fontana, Esquire Commission 824 Esplanade Avenue Washington, D.C. 20555 ,. New Orleans, LA 70116 Dr. Harry Foreman Atomic Safety and Licensing Administrative Judge Board Panel Director, Center for U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Population Studies Commission Box 395, Mayo Washington, D.C. 20555 University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455 Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board Panel Dr. Walter H. Jordan U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Administrative Judge Commission 881 West Outer Drive Washington, D.C. 20555 Oak ridge, TN 37830 Docketing & Service Section (3)

Sherwin E. Turk, Esquire Office of the Secretary Office of the Executive U.S. Nuclear Ragulatory Legal Director Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Washington, D.C. 20555 Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Spence W. Perry, Esquire Federal Emergency Management Brian Cassidy, Esquire Agency Federal Emergency Management Office of General Counsel '

Agency 500 C Street, S.W., Room 840 Region I Washington, D.C. 20472 422 J. W. McCormack Boston, MA 03109

- _ _