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PDR   ADoCg 050002 4

====3.2.1 Prerequisites====
3.2.2 Equipment and Instrumentation 3.2.3 Data Acquisition System 3.2.4 Data Resolution System 3o3 TEST RESULTS 3.3.1 Presentation of Test Results 2-1 2-1 2-2 3-1 3-1 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-6 3-6 3.3.2 ILRT Results-Mass Point Method/3.3.3 ILRT Results-Total Time Method 3.3.4 Superimposed Leakage Verification Test Results 3-6 3-6 3-6 3.3.5 Type C Corrections LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS (Types B and C)3-7 4-1
'O4 Il, LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment 3.2A 3.2B 3.2C Title Site Meteorology Instrumentation List Instrumentation Location-RHD's (Profile View)3.2D 3.2E 3.2F 3.3A 3.3B 3.3C 3.3D Instrumentation Location-RHD's (Plan View)Instrumentation Location-RTD's (Profile View)Instrumentation Location-RTD's (Plan View)ILRT-Input Variables Leakage Rate Data-Mass Point Leakage Rate Data-Total Time Graph 1-Containment Mass versus Time 3'E Graph 2-Containment Leakage Rate and UCL versus Time (Mass Point)3.3F Graph 3-Calculated Containment Leakage Rate and UCL versus Time (Total Time)3.3G Superimposed Leakage Verification Test Data (Reduced Input Variables, Mass Point, Total Time Results)4A 1986 Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4B 1984 Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4C 1986 Local Leakage Rate Test Summary Analysis l l\I PI t REFERENCES 1.10CFR50, Appendix J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactors, October 22, 1980.2.Florida Power&Light Turkey Point Plant Operating Procedure 13100.1, Integrated Leakage Rate Test, and 13100.2, Valve Lineup for ILRT.3.ANSI N45.4, American National Standard Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors, March 16, 1972.4.ANSI/ANS-56.8, Cqntainment System Leakage Testing Requirements, February 19, 1981.IP 5.Bechtel Corporation Testing Criteria for Integrated Leakage Rate Testing of Primary Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Plants, BN-TOP-l, Revision 1, November 1, 1972.1 This document used only as a guideline and any reference to said document in no way implies compliance.
V <''

SECTION 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to present a description and analysis of the March 1986 Periodic Type A Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test (ILRT), and a summary of the periodic Types B and C Local Leakage Rate Tests conducted since May 1983 on the Florida Power and Light Company's (FP&L)Turkey Point Plant, Unit No.4.Stone&Webster Engineering Corporation provided engineering consultation services to FP&L during the performance of this test.This report is submitted as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J, Paragraph V.B.(Reference 1).1-1 0
TABLE OF CONTENTS Section    Title                                        ~Pa e TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ATTACHMENTS REFERENCES PURPOSE SU>MARY                                            2-1 2.1  TYPE A TEST                                  2-1 2.2 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS (TYPES B AND C)      2-2 TYPE A TEST                                        3-1 3.1 EDITED  LOG OF EVENTS                          3-1 3.2 GENERAL TEST DESCRIPTION                      3-3 3.2.1  Prerequisites                          3-3 3.2.2  Equipment and Instrumentation          3-3 3.2.3  Data  Acquisition  System              3-4 3.2.4  Data Resolution System                3-4 3o3 TEST RESULTS                                  3-6 3.3.1  Presentation    of Test Results        3-6 3.3.2  ILRT Results  Mass Point Method      3-6
3.3.3  ILRT Results  Total Time Method      3-6 3.3.4  Superimposed  Leakage  Verification  3-6 Test Results 3.3.5  Type  C Corrections                    3-7 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS    (Types  B and C)      4-1
      'O 4 Il,
LIST  OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment        Title 3.2A    Site Meteorology 3.2B    Instrumentation List 3.2C    Instrumentation Location    RHD's  (Profile  View) 3.2D    Instrumentation Location    RHD's  (Plan View) 3.2E    Instrumentation Location    RTD's  (Profile View) 3.2F    Instrumentation Location    RTD's  (Plan View) 3.3A    ILRT  -  Input Variables 3.3B    Leakage Rate Data  Mass Point 3.3C    Leakage Rate Data  Total Time 3.3D    Graph  1  - Containment Mass versus Time 3 'E    Graph 2    - Containment Leakage Rate and  UCL  versus Time (Mass Point) 3.3F      Graph 3  Calculated Containment Leakage Rate and UCL versus Time (Total Time) 3.3G      Superimposed Leakage Verification Test Data (Reduced Input Variables, Mass Point, Total Time Results) 4A        1986  Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4B        1984  Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4C        1986  Local Leakage Rate Test  Summary  Analysis
l l
I PI t
: 1. 10CFR50, Appendix J, Primary Reactor Containment      Leakage  Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactors, October 22, 1980.
: 2. Florida Power & Light Turkey Point Plant Operating Procedure 13100.1, Integrated Leakage Rate Test, and 13100.2, Valve Lineup for ILRT.
: 3. ANSI  N45.4, American    National  Standard  Leakage-Rate    Testing  of Containment Structures  for Nuclear Reactors,  March 16, 1972.
: 4. ANSI/ANS-56.8,  Cqntainment    System  Leakage  Testing    Requirements, February 19, 1981.
: 5. Bechtel Corporation Testing Criteria for Integrated Leakage Rate Testing of Primary Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Plants, BN-TOP-l, Revision 1, November 1, 1972.
1 This document used only as a guideline and any reference to said document in no way implies compliance.
SECTION 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to present a description and analysis of the March 1986 Periodic Type A Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test (ILRT),
and a summary of the periodic Types B and C Local Leakage Rate Tests conducted since May 1983 on the Florida Power and Light Company's (FP&L)
Turkey Point Plant, Unit No. 4.
Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation provided engineering consultation services to FP&L during the performance of this test.
This report is submitted as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J, Paragraph V.B.
(Reference 1).

2.1 TYPE A TEST Pressurization for the ILRT began at 2356 hours on March 25, 1986.Investigations of all penetration areas for leakage were conducted during-the pressurization period and throughout the Type A test.Only minor leakage paths were identified.
Containment pressurization equipment was secured at approximately 0937 hours on March 26, 1986, with a peak instantaneous pressure of 67.148 psia.Temperature, humidity, and pressure data was continuously recorded throughout the entire test period at 15 minute intervals.
The temperature stabilization criteria was satisfied at 1915 hours on March 26, 1986.The Type A test was successfully completed from 1930 hours on March 26, 1986 to 0500 hours on March 27, 1986, with a Mass Point Upper Confidence Limit (UCL-MP)of 0.083594 percent/day and a Total Time Upper Confidence Limit (UCL-TT)of 0,108892 percent/day, (See Section 3.3, Test Results).Both the Mass Point and the Total Time leakage rates were well below the Turkey Point 0.75 L acceptance criteria of 0.1875 percent per day.a The Type A test duration was extended by.approximately one and one-half hours.This, was done'to closely monitor the slight change in the mass trend which occurred at approximately midnight of March 26, 1986.Reference the mass and leakage rate graphs of Attachments 3.3D through 3.3F.A review of Attachment 3.3A indicates that at approximately 2330 hours on March 26, 1986 (which is 4.250 hours after the start of the Type A test), the temperature and pressure trends essentially stabilized.
This brought about a very slight change in the mass trend.Once additional data was obtained it was readily determined that a significant break in the trends had not occured.A subsequent review of all the individual sensor readings did not reveal any abnormalities.
The superimposed leakage verification test was started at 0630 hours and was successfully completed at 1115 hours on March 27, 1986.The results of the verification test satisfied the requirements set forth in References 4 and 5, (See Section 3.3, Test Results).Depressurization of the containment commenced at 1200 hours on March 27,'986 and was completed in the early evening.2-1 1
2.2 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS (Types B and C)The Local Leakage Rate Tests (LLRT's)of containment isolation valves and other primary containment penetrations were conducted as,.required by the methods described in FP&L's Operating Procedure No.13404.1,"Containment Boundary Isolation Valves-Local Leakage Rate Tests" since the last Unit No.4 Type A Test performed in May 1983.Section 4 of this report summarizes the data for the two surveillance periods (1984 and 1986)of LLRT's conducted since the last Type A Test in accordance with Appendix J, 10CFR50, Paragraph V.B.2-2 SECTION 3 TYPE A TEST 3.1 EDITED LOG OF EVENTS This log was edited from information contained in the Official Log of Events.March 25, 1986 2356-Containment pressurization was initiated.
Pressurization rate was approximately 6.0 pounds per hour.1farch 26, 1986 0300-Initiated leakage investigation of the penetration area.0410-No pressure observed in the Personnel and Emergency Hatch.0500-Penetration area leakage investigation completed.
Observed various minor leakages on opened vent valves and valve packing.Containment pressure was 44.3 psia.Containment average temperature was approximately 94 F.0 0800-Performed leakage investigation of the penetration area.Same minor leakages were observed.0900-Performed leakage investigation of exclusion areas.No leakage was noted.0937-Containment pressure was 67.148 psia.Compressors were secured, and the pressurization line was vented.1315-The pressure between the purge exhaust and supply valves was increasing.
Readings were approximately 2 psig and 28 psig, respectively.
1400-Performed leakage investigation of the penetration area.Same minor.leakages were observed.1915-Satisfied the temperature stabilization criteria of the teat procedure.
1930-Commenced the start of the Type A Test.3-1 March 27, 1986 0130-Performed leakage investigation of the penetration area.Same minor leakages were observed.0500-Satisfied Type A criteria for a reduced duration test.0530-Superimposed leakage rate was started.0630-Superimposed leakage verification test was started.1115-Superimposed leakage verification test criteria was satisfied.
1200-Depressurization of the containment commenced.

====3.2.1 Prerequisites====
2.1   TYPE A TEST Pressurization for the ILRT began at 2356 hours on March 25, 1986.
In accordance with the Turkey Point Plant Unit No.4 ILRT Procedure 13100.1 (Reference 2), the following is a listing of the pertinent prerequisites that were completed and documented prior to containment pressurization:
Investigations of all penetration areas for leakage were conducted during
a.General inspection of the accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the containment structures and components completed.
b.All equipment and instrumentation that could be damaged by test pressure removed or protected.
the pressurization period and throughout the Type A test.            Only minor leakage paths were    identified.
II c.All instrumentation required for the test.calibrated within six months of the test and functionally verified.d.All required system valve lineups completed, including closure of containment isolation valves.e.All required Types B and C local leakage rate testing completed.
Containment pressurization equipment was secured at approximately 0937 hours on March 26, 1986, with a peak instantaneous pressure of 67.148 psia.
f.The Official Log of Events established.
Temperature,    humidity, and pressure data was continuously recorded throughout the entire test period at 15 minute intervals. The temperature stabilization criteria was satisfied at 1915 hours on March 26, 1986.
g.Site meteorological data recorded at least three days prior to and during the ILRT (Attachment 3.2A).h.Temporary containment air recirculation fans installed and tested.ILRT pressurization system properly installed and tested.All ILRT computer software used for test calculations tested and operational.
The Type A test was successfully completed from 1930 hours on March 26, 1986 to 0500 hours on March 27, 1986, with a Mass Point Upper Confidence Limit (UCL-MP) of 0.083594 percent/day and a Total Time Upper Confidence Limit (UCL-TT) of 0,108892 percent/day, (See Section 3.3, Test Results).
3.2.2 Equipment and Instrumentation Pressurization of the containment was achieved by the utilization of a temporary system consisting of ten air compressors manifolded to aftercoolers and refrigerant air dryers.The system included adequate instrumentation and valving to maintain proper monitoring and control of the compressed air quality throughout the pressurization sequence.The total capacity of the pressurization system was rated at approximately 11,000 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm).The various containment parameters required to calculate containment leakage during the test were monitored using instrumentation which consisted of 22 resistance temperature detectors (RTD's), 10 relative humidity detectors (RHD's), and an absolute pressure quartz manometer,.
Both the Mass Point and the Total Time leakage rates were well below the Turkey Point 0.75 La acceptance    criteria of  0.1875 percent per day.
Pertinent data for the test instrumentation is listed in Attachment 3.2B, and the general locations of the RTD's and RHD's are shown in Attachment 3.2C through 3.2F.A rotometer was used to perform the superimposed leakage verification test.3-3 3.2.3 Data Acquisition System The Turkey Point Plant Unit No.4 ILRT sensor data were recorded at approximately 15 minute intervals during the test.A programmable, multichannel data logger was used to scan and record data from 22 RTD's, 10 RHD's, and manometer signal inputs;Data readings of the rotometer were manually recorded.The ILRT utilized a portable programmable computer to average the test data.Periodically during the test period, weighted average temperature, air pressure, weighted average vapor pressure, and mass values were computed.3.2.4 Data Resolution System After the appropriate data had been acquired and averaged, the results were inputted to the Stone 6 Webster Engineering Corporation's (SWEC)portable computer for leakage rate calculations.
The Type A    test duration was extended by. approximately one and one-half hours. This, was done 'to closely monitor the slight change in the mass trend which occurred at approximately midnight of March 26, 1986.
For the Turkey Point Plant Unit No.4 ILRT, both the Absolute Method of Mass Point Analysis and Absolute Method of Total Time Analysis were used to determine the leakage rate.Absolute Method of Mass Point Anal sis The Absolute Method of Mass Point Analysis consists of calculating the air mass within the containment structure, over the test period, using pressure, temperature, and relative humidity observations made during the ILRT., The air mass is computed using the ideal gas law as follows: M 144V(P-Pv)
Reference the mass and leakage rate graphs of Attachments 3.3D through 3.3F.
RT (Eq.1)where: M~air mass, ibm P~total pressure, psia Pv~average vapor pressure, psia R~53.35 ft-lbf/lb R (for air)m 0 T average containment temperature, g 3 V containment free volume, 1.55 x 10 ft The leakage rate is then determined by plotting the air mass as a function of time, using a least-squares fit to determine the slope, A~dM/dT.The leakage rate is expressed as a percentage of the air mass lost in 24 hours or symbolically:
A  review of Attachment 3.3A indicates that at approximately 2330 hours on March 26, 1986 (which is 4.250 hours after the start of the Type A test),
Leakage Rate A/B(-2400)(Eq.2)Where A is the slope of the least-squares curve and B is the y-intercept.
the temperature and pressure trends essentially stabilized. This brought about a very slight change in the mass trend. Once additional data was obtained  it was readily determined that a significant break in the trends had not occured. A subsequent review of all the individual sensor readings did not  reveal  any abnormalities.
The sign convention is such that the leakage out of the containment is positive, and the units are in percent/day, 3-4 (Eq 3)The air mass is calculated and the result is correlated as a function of time by means of a'least-squares curve fit of the form: M~At+B The slope A and y-intercept B are then used in Equation 2 to determine the leakage rate.A confidence interval is calculated using a Student's T distribution.
The superimposed leakage      verification test  was started at 0630 hours and was successfully completed    at 1115 hours on March 27, 1986. The results of the verification test satisfied the requirements set forth in      References        4 and 5, (See Section 3.3, Test Results).
The sum of the leakage rate and confidence interval is the upper confidence limit-mass point (UCL-MP).Absolute Method of Total Time Anal sis The Absolute Method of Total Time Analysis consists of calculating air lost from the containment, using pressure, temperature, and relative humidity observations made during the ILRT.The containment air mass is computed using Equation 1.The measured leakage rate at any time (t)is then determined by subtracting the mass at that time (Mt)from the initial mass (Mi)and dividing by the initial mass.The measured leakage rate is expressed as a percentage of containment mass lost in 24 hours or symbolically:
Depressurization    of the containment commenced at    1200 hours on March and was completed  in the early evening.                               27,'986 2-1
Measured Leakage Rate Mi-Mt (2400)Mi (>t)(Eq.4)The sign convention is such that leakage out of the containment is positive, and the units are in percent/day.
The calculated leakage rate is then determined by plotting the measured leakage rate as a function of time and then performing a least-squares curve fit of the measured leakage rate values as follows: Calculated Leakage Rate At+B (Eq.5)where, A is the slope and B is the y-intercept of the least squares curve.The confidence interval is calculated in accordance with the'equations in Reference 5.The sum of the calculated leakage rate and the confidence interval is the upper confidence limit-total time (UCL-TT).This analysis method was used in con)unction with procedure 13100.1 (Reference 2).3-5 ATTACHMENT 3.2A SITE METEOROLOGY Date 3-23-86 3-24-86 3-25-86 Time 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 Ambient Temperature (p 69 68 66 66 64 63 62 60 58 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 58 61 64 70 72 70 71 72 71 69 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 65 68 71 70 71 73 74 72 Page 1 of Barometric Pressure 30.36 30.37 30.38 30.40 30.40 30.41 30.42 30.40 30.37 30.37 30.36 30.36 30.37 30.37 30.40 30.44 30.46 30.48 30.48 30.47 30.47 30.42 30.41 30.40 30.41 30.42 30.43 30.43 30.45 30.45 30.45 30.45 30.42 30.40 30.38 30.36 30.25 30.40 30.41 30.43 30.45 30.33 30.33 30.31 30.30 30.25 Wind Velocity~(m h)11 8 5 10 6 9 12 10 12 12 7 ll 6 8 12 10 10 5 6 8 10 10 12 7 8 7 8 4 12 5 6 5 6 5 6 7 12 12 16 13 12 15 13 13 12 10 Wind Direction~(a z emu th 300 330 335 335 330 330 320 315 335 320 325 325 355 325 330 330 330 330 330 40 70 60 63 65 45 45 65 64 63 55 55 55 55 60 70 79 90 91 91 90 90 85 90 85 85 75 ATTACHMENT 3.2A (Continued)
1 2.2  LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS (Types  B  and C)
SITE METEOROLOGY Date 3-26<<86 3-27-86 Time 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 Ambient Temperature (P)72 70 68 66 65 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 65 65 66 66 67 66 66 67 67 68'3 73 74 74 74 74 72 71 71 71 71 72 72 67 66 66 66 65 65 71-72 76 76 78 Page 2 of Barometric Pressure (in.H 30.24 30.35 30.34 30.33 30.32 30.33 30.34 30.35 30.33 30.33 30.31 30.29 30.28 30.25 30.15 30.26 30.28 30.29 30.30 30.29 30.28 30.28 30.27 30.25 30.23 30.21 30.19 30.19 30.20 30.21 30.21 30.22 30.22 30.21 30.20 30.18 30.16 30.14 30.16 30.16 30.16 30.18 30.19 30.19 30.19 30.17 Wind Velocity~(m h 16 5 10 8 9 ll 10 10 10 14 8 8 7 7 6 13 4 5 7 ll ll 12 13 7 7 10 6 10 15.8 8 ll 7 7 8 10 7 5 8 4 5 7 3 9 ll 10 Wind Direction~(azimuth 85 98 85 90 70 75 105 105 405 415 415 410 410 410.90 404 75 100 110 440 445 450 450 450 450 445 425 440 480 435 435 445 425 445 425 55 46 39 55 40 305 300 60 65 75 60  
The  Local Leakage Rate Tests (LLRT's) of containment isolation valves and other primary containment penetrations were conducted as,.required by the methods described in FP&L's Operating Procedure No. 13404.1, "Containment Boundary Isolation Valves  Local Leakage Rate Tests" since the last Unit No. 4 Type A Test performed in May 1983.
Section 4 of this report summarizes the data for the two surveillance periods (1984 and 1986) of LLRT's conducted since the last Type A Test in accordance with Appendix J, 10CFR50, Paragraph V.B.
SECTION 3 TYPE A TEST 3.1  EDITED LOG OF EVENTS This log was edited from information contained            in the Official    Log  of Events.
March 25, 1986 2356  Containment pressurization was initiated.           Pressurization    rate was approximately 6.0 pounds per hour.
1farch 26, 1986 0300  Initiated leakage    investigation of the penetration area.
0410 - No  pressure observed in the Personnel and Emergency Hatch.
0500 Penetration area leakage investigation completed.                Observed various minor leakages on opened vent valves and valve packing.
Containment pressure        was    44.3 psia.      Containment    average temperature was approximately 94 0 F.
0800  Performed    leakage investigation of the penetration        area. Same minor leakages were observed.
0900  Performed leakage    investigation of exclusion areas.       No  leakage was noted.
0937  Containment pressure was 67.148        psia. Compressors were secured, and the pressurization line was        vented.
1315  The  pressure   between  the purge exhaust and supply valves was increasing.      Readings were approximately      2 psig and 28 psig, respectively.
1400 - Performed leakage investigation of the penetration area.              Same minor. leakages were observed.
1915  Satisfied    the temperature    stabilization criteria of the teat procedure.
1930  Commenced  the  start of the Type A Test.
March 27, 1986 0130  Performed  leakage investigation of the penetration      area. Same minor leakages were observed.
0500  Satisfied Type A  criteria for  a reduced  duration test.
0530  Superimposed  leakage rate was started.
0630  Superimposed  leakage  verification test was started.
1115  Superimposed  leakage  verification test criteria was satisfied.
1200  Depressurization  of the containment   commenced.
3.2    GENERAL TEST DESCRIPTION 3.2.1   Prerequisites In accordance with the Turkey Point Plant Unit No. 4 ILRT Procedure 13100.1 (Reference 2), the following is a listing of the pertinent prerequisites that were completed and documented prior to containment pressurization:
: a. General inspection of the accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the containment structures and components completed.
: b. All  equipment  and  instrumentation    that could  be  damaged  by  test pressure removed or protected.
: c. All instrumentation required for        the test. calibrated within six months  of the test  and functionally verified.
: d. All required    system valve lineups completed,       including closure of containment  isolation valves.
: e. All required Types B and C local leakage rate testing          completed.
: f. The Official Log of Events established.
: g. Site meteorological data recorded at least three days prior to and during the ILRT (Attachment 3.2A).
: h. Temporary containment    air recirculation  fans installed and tested.
ILRT  pressurization system properly installed      and  tested.
All  ILRT computer    software used    for test calculations tested        and operational.
3.2.2    Equipment and Instrumentation Pressurization    of the containment    was  achieved by the utilization of a temporary    system    consisting of     ten air compressors        manifolded to aftercoolers and refrigerant air dryers. The system included adequate instrumentation and valving to maintain proper monitoring and control of the compressed air quality throughout the pressurization sequence.                  The total capacity of the pressurization system was rated at approximately 11,000 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm).
The    various containment parameters required to calculate containment leakage    during the test were monitored using instrumentation which consisted of 22 resistance temperature detectors (RTD's), 10 relative humidity detectors (RHD's), and an absolute pressure quartz manometer,.
Pertinent data for the test instrumentation is listed in Attachment 3.2B, and the general locations of the RTD's and RHD's are shown in Attachment 3.2C through 3.2F.
A  rotometer was used to perform the superimposed leakage         verification test.
3.2.3    Data  Acquisition    System The   Turkey Point Plant Unit No. 4 ILRT sensor data were recorded at approximately 15 minute intervals during the test.                       A programmable, multichannel    data  logger  was  used  to  scan  and record  data  from 22 RTD's, 10  RHD's,  and  manometer    signal  inputs;    Data  readings  of the   rotometer were manually recorded.
The  ILRT  utilized a portable programmable computer to average the test data. Periodically during the test period, weighted average temperature, air    pressure,    weighted    average    vapor    pressure,    and  mass  values  were computed.
3.2.4    Data Resolution System After the appropriate data        had been acquired and averaged,        the results were inputted to the Stone        6 Webster    Engineering Corporation's (SWEC) portable computer for leakage rate calculations.              For the Turkey Point Plant Unit No. 4 ILRT, both the Absolute Method of Mass Point Analysis and Absolute Method of Total Time Analysis were used to determine the leakage rate.
Absolute Method of Mass Point Anal sis The  Absolute Method of Mass Point Analysis consists of calculating the air mass    within the containment structure, over the test period, using pressure, temperature, and relative humidity observations made during the ILRT., The air mass is computed using the ideal gas law as follows:
M      144V(P-Pv)
RT                                                    (Eq. 1) where:
M  ~  air mass, ibm P  ~  total pressure, psia Pv  ~  average vapor pressure, psia R ~    53.35 ft-lbf/lbm R (for air)            0 T      average containment temperature, V      containment free volume, 1.55 x 10 g        ft3 The leakage    rate is then determined by plotting the air mass as a function of time, using a least-squares        fit  to determine the slope, A ~ dM/dT. The leakage rate is expressed as a percentage of the air mass lost in 24 hours or symbolically:
Leakage Rate      A/B(-2400)                                    (Eq. 2)
Where A is the slope of the least-squares curve and B is the y-intercept.
The sign convention is such that the leakage out of the containment is positive, and the units are in percent/day, 3-4
The  air  mass  is calculated    and the  result is correlated    as a  function of time by means of a 'least-squares        curve  fit of the  form:
M~At+B                                                        (Eq  3)
The  slope A and y-intercept      B  are then used in Equation    2 to determine the leakage rate.
A confidence    interval is calculated using        a Student's T distribution.       The sum of the    leakage  rate  and  confidence interval is the upper confidence limit-mass point (UCL-MP).
Absolute Method of Total Time Anal sis The Absolute Method    of Total    Time  Analysis consists of calculating air lost from the containment, using pressure,            temperature, and relative humidity observations made during the ILRT.
The  containment air mass is computed using Equation 1. The measured leakage rate at any time (t) is then determined by subtracting the mass at that time (Mt) from the initial mass (Mi) and dividing by the initial mass.
The measured leakage rate is expressed as a percentage of containment mass lost in 24 hours or symbolically:
Measured Leakage Rate          Mi -  Mt    (2400)            (Eq. 4)
Mi  (>t)
The  sign convention is such that leakage              out of the    containment    is positive,  and the units are in percent/day.
The  calculated leakage rate is then determined by plotting the measured leakage  rate as a function of time and then performing a least-squares curve  fit of the measured leakage rate values as follows:
Calculated Leakage Rate        At +  B                      (Eq. 5) where, A  is the slope  and  B  is the y-intercept of the least      squares curve.
The confidence    interval is calculated in        accordance with the 'equations in Reference  5. The sum  of the calculated leakage rate and the confidence interval is the upper confidence limit - total time            (UCL-TT).
This analysis      method  was  used    in con)unction with procedure          13100.1 (Reference 2).
ATTACHMENT  3. 2A SITE METEOROLOGY Ambient        Barometric  Wind        Wind Temperature        Pressure  Velocity Direction Date    Time    ( p                      ~(m h)  ~(a z emu th 3-23-86 1700      69              30.36      11          300 1800      68              30.37      8          330 1900      66              30.38      5          335 2000      66              30.40      10          335 2100      64              30.40      6          330 2200      63              30.41      9          330 2300      62              30.42      12          320 3-24-86 0000      60              30.40      10          315 0100      58              30.37      12          335 0200      56              30.37      12          320 0300      56              30.36      7          325 0400      56              30.36      ll          325 0500      57              30.37      6          355 0600      57              30.37      8          325 0700      57              30.40      12          330 0800      57              30.44      10          330 0900      58              30.46      10          330 1000      61              30.48      5          330 1100      64              30.48      6          330 1200      70              30.47      8            40 1300      72              30.47      10            70 1400      70              30.42      10            60 1500      71              30.41      12            63 1600      72              30.40      7            65 1700      71              30.41      8            45 1800      69              30.42      7            45 1900      65              30.43      8            65 2000      65              30.43      4            64 2100      65              30.45      12            63 2200      65              30.45      5            55 2300      65              30.45      6            55 3-25-86 0000      66              30.45      5            55 0100      66              30.42      6            55 0200      66              30.40      5            60 0300      66              30.38      6            70 0400      66              30.36      7            79 0500      66              30.25      12            90 0600      66              30.40      12            91 0700      65              30.41      16           91 0800      68              30.43      13            90 0900      71              30.45      12            90 1000      70              30.33      15            85 1100      71              30.33      13            90 1200      73              30.31      13            85 1300      74              30.30      12            85 1400      72              30.25      10            75 Page 1 of
ATTACHMENT    3.2A (Continued)
SITE METEOROLOGY Ambient          Barometric  Wind     Wind Temperature        Pressure  Velocity Direction Date    Time    (P)              (in. H  ~(m   h ~(azimuth 1500      72              30.24      16         85 1600      70              30.35        5         98 1700      68              30.34      10         85 1800      66              30.33        8         90 1900      65              30.32        9         70 2000      67              30.33      ll         75 2100      67              30.34      10       105 2200      67              30.35      10       105 2300      67              30.33      10       405 3-26<<86 0000      67              30.33      14       415 0100      67              30.31        8       415 0200      67              30.29        8       410 0300      65              30.28        7       410 0400      65              30.25        7       410 0500      66              30. 15      6        .90 0600      66              30.26      13      404 0700      67              30.28        4         75 0800      66              30.29        5       100 0900      66              30.30        7       110 1000      67              30.29      ll       440 1100      67              30.28      ll      445 1200 1300      '3 68              30.28 30.27 12 13 450 450 1400      73              30.25        7      450 1500      74              30.23        7      450 1600      74              30.21      10      445 1700      74              30. 19      6      425 1800      74              30. 19      10      440 1900      72              30.20      15.      480 2000      71              30.21        8      435 2100      71              30.21        8      435 2200      71              30.22      ll      445 2300      71              30.22        7      425 3-27-86 0000      72              30.21        7      445 0100      72              30.20        8      425 0200      67              30.18      10        55 0300      66              30.16        7        46 0400      66              30.14        5        39 0500      66              30. 16      8        55 0600      65              30. 16      4        40 0700      65              30. 16      5        305 0800      71              30.18        7        300 0900      -72            30.19        3        60 1000      76              30.19        9        65 1100      76              30.19      ll        75 1200      78              30. 17      10        60 Page 2  of
                                                                      ~ l,  M h ATTACHMENT    3.2B
INSTRUMENTATION LIST The following instruments were calibrated or functionally verified within 6 months prior to the performance of this test and in accordance                          with 10CFR50, Appendix J, using instrumentation traceable to the National Bureau of Standards.
Channel      Elevation                    Instrument CH-9                                                                0.033      +0.5 F CH-19                                            RTD                0.033      +0.5 F CH-20            20'0'0'4'9t RTD                0.033      +0.5 F CH-12                                            RTD                0.033      +0.5 F CH-14                                            RTD                0.033      +0.5 F CH-15                                            RTD                0.033      +0.5 F CH-1                                            RTD                0.03        +0.5 F CH-3                                            RTD                0.03        +0.5 F CH-4                                            RTD                0.03        +0.5 F CH-5              34'4'4'4'4'7'7'7'7'7t RTD                0.03        +0.5 F CH-2                                              RTD                0.060334    +0.5 F CH-6                                              RTD                0.060334    +0.5 F CH-7                                              RTD              0.060333    +0.5 F CH-8                                              RTD              0.060333    +0.5 F CH-21                                            RTD                0.060333    +0.5 F CH-22                                            RTD                0.060333    +0.5 F CH-10                                            RTD                0.053334    +0.5 F CH-11                                            RTD                0.053334    +0.5 F CH-13                                            RTD                0.053333    +0.5 F CH-16                                            RTD                0.053333    +0.5 F CH-17                                            RTD                0.053333    +0.5 F CH-18                                            RTD                0.053333    +0.5 F CH-50            143'43'43'43'0'0'4'4'4'4'7'43'43'TD RHD                0.0495      +2.5%RH CH-51                                            RHD                0.0495      +2.5%RH-CH-52                                            RHD                0.0495      +2.5%RH CH-53                                            RHD                0.0495      +2.5%RH CH-54                                            RHD                0.06        +2.5%RH CH-55                                            RHD                0.06        +2.5%RH CH-56                                            RHD                0.181      +2.5%RH CH-57                                            RHD                0.181      +2.5%RH CH-58                                            RHD                0.16        +2.5%RH CH-59                                            RHD                0.16        +2.5%RH CH-80 TI-145 0-100 psia Quartz                                          Manometer    1    1.0        +0.001%F.S.
TI-145 0-100 psia Quartz                                          Manometer    2    .N/A        +0.001%F.S.
Rotometer                                        0>>28 scfm 8 50    psig        +1.0%F.S.
Page  1 of 1
EL. 143 CH-56                                    CH-57 EL. 97 CH-54                                    CH-55 EL. 64 CH-52                                    CH-53 EL. 34 EL. 20 CH-50                                    CH-51 PROFILE VIEW ATTACHMENT 3.2C INSTRUMENTATION LOCATION RELATIVE HUMIDITY DETECTORS (RHD S)
CH"50                CH.-51 CH-52 CH-53 EL. 20                          EL. 54 CH-64          97'H-67'H-.58 97 CH-66  EL. 64      CH-55              EL. 143          CH-59 (EL. 97)
CH-18                                  CH-I6 CH" 13                                  CH-17 CH" 10                                  CH-'11 CH-7                                  CH 8 CH-2'L.
CH-2'I    EL. 143 97 CH.22 CH'6 CH.4                                    CH-3 CH-1                                    CH.5 EL. 64 CH 12.
CH-15                                  CH "14 EL. 34 EL 20 CH-9                                    CH.20 CH-19 PROFILE VIEW ATTACHMENT 3.2E INSTRUMENTATION LOCATION RESISTANCE TEMPERATURF DETECTORS (RTD S)
CH" I9                          CH-20    CH-5                        CH-12 0
29 CH-9                                                                  CH-14 EL. 20                              EL. 34 97                      97 CH-1    CH-2            CH-5    CH-6    CH-10                        CH-11 97                                97 CH-7                              CH-8
                                  ,CH-IB                                CH-16 CH-17 97                      97 CH-4,  CH-21            CH-'5  CH.22  CH-15      EL. 143 (EL. 97 ')
I 0
3.3    TEST RESULTS 3.3.1  Presentation of Test Results The ILRT was conducted      in accordance with the Turkey Point Plant Unit No. 4 Operating    Procedure    13100.1.      The results      for the ILRT and for the Superimposed Leakage Verification Test are shown below:
3.3.2  ILRT Results    -  Mass Point Method
: 1. Leakage Rate Calculated, Lam                                              0.079923
: 2. Upper Confidence Level                                                    0.003670
: 3. Type C Corrections (See'3.3.5)                                            0.003838
: 4. Total Reported Type A Leakage Rate                                        0.087431 Results were within the acceptable        limit of  0.1875 percent/day.
3.3.3  ILRT Resuls  Total Time Method                                            Percent/Da
: 1. Leakage Rate Calculated, Lam                                              0.077245
: 2. Upper Confidence Level                                                    0.031647
: 3. Type C Corrections (See 3.3.5)                                            0.003838
: 4. Total Reported Type A Leakage Rate                                        0.112730 Results were within the acceptable        limit of  0.1875  percent/day.'.3.4 Superimposed    Leakage  Verification Test Results
: 1. The Superimposed    Leakage    Verification Test is acceptable provided              L falls within    the following range:
(Lam + Lo    - 0.25 La)  +  Lc ~ (Lam + Lo + 0.25                    La) where:    Lam ~  total  measured    containment leakage rate from ILRT Lo    leakage rate imposed on containment using a flow measuring device (percent/day)
La    maximum  allowable leakage rate (0.25 percent/day)
Lc  = composite    leakage rate calculated during the verification test
: a. Mass  Point (See Attachment 3.3G,        Page 2  of 3)
(.079923 + .260691  .062500)( .3340084 (.79923 + .260691 + .062500)
                                    . 278114 5. 334008 ~. 403114 3-6
: b. Total  Time (See Attachment 3.3G, Page 3        of 3)
(.077245 + .260691  .062500) ~".351351~(.077245 + .260691 + .062500)
                                .275436  ~  .351351  ~  .400436 The Superimposed Leakage      Verification Test    met the requirements  set forth in References 4 and 5.
: c. Calculation of Lo, percent/day Lo ~ 740.04    scfh La ~ 709.687    scfh and 0.25 percent/day Lo ~  (0.25)    (740.04)
Lo    .260691 percent/day 3.3.5  Type  C  Corrections
: 1. Type  C  penalty for not venting or draining in standard cubic centimeters per minute.
Pen. 11                40 ccm Pen. 24    a,b,c    1130 ccm Total    1170 ccm 14.696
: 2. Type  C  penalty in percent/day (See and
La ~ 11.828 scfm and 0.25 percent/day 5142.71 sccm ~ 0.181589 scfm Type  C  Correction  =  0.181589 (scfm)    (0.25)  = 0.003838 11.828 (scfm)
Type  C  Correction  = 0.003838  percent/day 3-7
ATTACHMENT  3.3A INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST FROM 1930 HOURS ON MARCH  26, 1986  TO  0500 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 REDUCED INPUT VARIABLES Time      Abs. Pressure  Vap. Pressure    Temp.      Rel. Humidity      Mass
~(nr        (  sia                                          ( ct          (ibm 0.000          66.042      .4434          545.97          71.443        502675.452
  .250        66.035      .4430          545.92          71.473        502666.990
  .500        66.028      .4424          545.87          71.500        502662.334
  ~ 750        66.022      .4420          545.83          71.529        502659.434 1.000          66.016      .4414          545.78          71.554        502663.749 1.250          66.009      .4412          545.74          71.582        502645.619 1.500          66.003      .4406          545.70          71.591        502643.796 1;750          65.996      .4403          545.66          71.623        502629.178 2.000          65.991      .4399          545.62          71.661        502629.810 2.250          65.985      ,4394          545.58          71.675        502626.891 2.500          65.981      .4390          545.54          71.696        502634.785 2.750          65.974      .4385          545.50          71.700        502618.750 3.000          65.969      .4382          545.46          71.740        502619.037 3.250          65.964      .4378          545.43          71.763        502616.859 3.500          65.959      .4375          545.40          71.779        502609.757 3.750          65.954      .4371          545.36          71.808        502606.609 4.000          65.949      .4368          545.33          71.838        502602.508 4.250          65.944      .4365          545.30          71.844        502591.344 4.5oo          65.939      .4364          545.27          71.881        502583.199 4.75O          65.934      .4359          545.24          71.885        502576.761 5.000          65.929      .4357          545.21          71;921        502567.823 5.250          65.925      .4354          545.18          71.946        502568.000 5.500          65.921      .4350          545.15          71.934        502563.359 5.750          65.917      .4347          545.12          71.946        502563.063 6.000          65.913      .4347          545.'10        71.983        502553.466 6.250          65.909      .4343          545.07          72.009        502554.105 6.500          65.906      .4341          545.04          72.025        502554.788 6.750          62.902      .4338          545.02          72.029        502551.678 7.000          65.899      .4335          544.99          72.050        502552.697 7.250          65.897      .4334          544.97          72.080        502561.556 7.500          65.893      .4332          544.94          72.091        502555.958 7.750          65.889      .4329          544.92          72.101        502549.281 8.000          65.885      .4327          544.90          72.126        502538.827 8.250          65.881      .4325          544.88          72.143        502528.882 8.500          65.878      .4324          544.86          72.158        502527.112 8.750          65.875      .4320          544.83          72.169        502532.891 9.000          65.871      .4319          544.81          72.181        502518.687 9.250          65.867      .4317          544.79          72.207        502511.669 9.500          65.864      .4314          544.77          72.205        502506.973 Page lof1
ATTACHMENT    3. 3B INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST FROM 1930 HOURS  ON MARCH 26, 1986  TO  0500 HOURS ON MARCH  27, 1986 ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, MASS POINT ANALYSIS Time              Mass              Leakage            95  Pct. Conf.            UCL (hr)          ~(ibm                ~ct~/da )                  ct/da        ~(ct/da    )
0.000          502675.45            0.000000              0.000000          0.000000
.250          502666.99            0.000000              0.000000          0.000000
.500          502662.33              .125269                . 179527          .304796
~ 750        502659.43              .100667                .050088          .150755 1.000          502663.75              .059132                .061023          .120154 1.250          502645.62              .088280                .050944          .139223 1.500          502643.80              .092963                .034482          .127445 1.750          502629.18              .110431                .031597          .142027 2.000          502629.81              .110416                .023863          .134279 2.250          502626.89              .107427                .018958          .126385 2.500          502634.78              .094061                .020808          ;114869 2.750          502618.75              .094510                .017124          .111635 3.000          502619.04              .091485                .014679          .106165 3.250          502616.86              .088158                .012937          .101095 3.500          502609.76              .087183                .011177          .098360 3.750          502606.61              .085933                .009803          .095737 4.000          502602.51              .084926                .008665          .093592 4.250          502591.34              .086470                .007824          .094294 4.500          502583.20              .088666                .007313          .095979 4.750          502576.76              .090755                .006885          .097640 5.000          502567.82            .093340                .006725          .100065 5.250          502568.00              .094135                .006148          .100282 5.500          502563.36            .094680                .005625          .100305 5.750          502563.06            .094209                .005166            .099375 6.000          502553.47            .094664                .004764            .099429 6.250          502554.11            .094109                .004424            .098533 6.500          502554.79            .092819                .004282          .097101 6.750          502551.68            .091538                .004166            .095704 7.000          502552.70            .089740                .004258          .093997 7.250          502561.56            .086607                .005021          .091629 7.500          502555.96            .084166                .005268            .089434 7.750          502549.28            .082401                .005227          .087628 8.000          502538.83            .081565                .004973          .086538 8.250          502528.88              .081415                .004678          .086092 8.500          502527.11              .081062                .004420          .085482 8.750          502532.89              .079902                .004321          .084224 9.000          502518.69              .079738                .004087          .083825 9.250          502511.67              .079817                .003870          .083687 9.500          502506.97              .079923                .003670          .083594 Page    1 of  1
: Time, (hr)
Mass (ibm Meas. Leakage
                            /        ~(/
                                                  )  ~(/
Gale. Leakage      Confidence
(  ct/da UCL
                                                                                            ~(ct/da 0.000  502675.45      0.000000        0.000000        0.000000          0.000000          0.00000
.250  502666.99        . 161613      0.000000        0.000000          0.000000          0.00000
.500  502662.33        .125268        0.000000        0.000000          0.000000          0.00000
.750  502659.43        . 101972      0.000000          .099797          .051600            .15139 1.000  502663.75        . 055876      0.000000          .060106          .033316            .09342 1.250  502645.62        .113949        0.000000            .078792          .126159            .20495 1.500  502643.80        .100762        0.000000          .082456          .104960            .18741 1.750  502629.18        .126248        0.000000          .096906          .102131            .19903 2.000  502629.81        .108959        0.000000          .098946          .088976            .18792 2.250  502626.89        .103047        0.000000          .098205          .078919            .17712 2.500  502634.78        .077666        0.000000          .089040          .072446            .16148
: 2. 750 502618.75        .098445        0.000000          .089230          .067064            .15629 3.000  502619.04        .089784        0.000000          .086928          .062196            .14912 3.250  502616.86        .086077        0.000000          .084272          .058161            .14243 3-500  502609.76        .089617        0.000000          .083226          .055002            .13822 3.750  502606.61        .087650        0.000000          .082011          .052260            .13427 4.000  502602.51        .087067        0.000000          .080981          .049919            .13090 4.250  502591.34        .094488        0.000000          .081814          .048474            .13028 4.500  502583.20        .097879        0.000000            .083245          .047441            .13068 4.750  502576.76        .099200        0.000000            .084731          .046501            .13123 5.000  502567.82        .102774          .095635          .086674          .045852            .13252 5.250  502568.00        .097719          .100289          .087444          .044700            .13214 5.500  .502563.36        .097307          .097226          .088054          .043585            .13163 5.750  502563.06        .093321          .095705          .087949          .042378            .13032 Page 1 of  2
ATTACHMENT    3.3C (Continued)
~(hr Mass (ibm Meas. Leakage
                          /        ~t/
                                                )  ~(/
Gale. Leakage  Confidence
(  ct/da UCL
                                                                                      ~(ct/da  )
6.000  502553.47      .097070          .095472            .088465      .041417        .12988 6.250  502554.11      .092699          .097225            .008270      .040364        .12863 6.500  502554.79      .088632          .096020            .087526      .039333        .12685 6.750  502551.68      .087549          .095390            .086737      .038374        .12511 7.000  502552.70      .083727          .093366            .085539      .037487        .12302
: 7. 250 502561.56      .075006          .091749            .083352      .036841        .12019 7.500  502555.96      .076069          .090464            .081559      .036131        .11769
: 7. 750 502549.28      .077729          .090467            .080179      .035402        .11558
: 8. 000 502538.83      .081539          .089662            .079414      .034712        .11412 8.250  502528.88      .084823          .089426            .079122      .034130          .11325 8.500  502527.11      .083323          .089295            .078703      .033552          .11225 8.750  502532.89        .077789        .088731            .077732      .032955          .11068 9.000 502518.69        .083163        .088518            .077437      .032464          .10990 9.250  502511.67        .084538        .088397            .077323      .032042          .10936 9.500 502506.97        .084673          .087930          .077245      .031647          .10889 Page 2  of  2
58Z658 582688 582558
                                                      ~    ~  ~~
LRMMP 0-cC -3 R
~zi I-D  bJ a  +  2 K
u) o
~ N u cern
  ~u CC
        .1              ~ ~ ~ ~
                                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                                                      ~  ~ ~  ~  ~
26 Mar 1986                                      2? Mar  1S86 RTTRCHMENT 3.3E TIME  HOURS          UCL 8 LRM VS. T IME TURKEY POINT PLRNT UNIT INTEGRRTED LERKRGE RRTE TEST
                                  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~
                ~ ~ ~
                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
                                            ~ ~
                                                  ~ ~ ~ ~
ATTACHMENT  3.3G SUPERIMPOSED LEAKAGE VERIFICATION TEST FROM 0630 TO 1115  HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 REDUCED INPUT VARIABLES Time  Abs. Pressure    Vap. Pressure      Temp. Rel. Humidity    Mass
~hr        sia                                          ( ct        (ibm) 0.000    65.835          .4303          544.64      72.313      502412.458
.250    65.831          .4300          544.62      72.314      502403.787
.500    65.826          .4297          544.59      72.312      502389.856
.750    65.822          .4295          544.57      72.338,      502378.923 1.000    65.817          .4294          544.55      72. 355      502358.479 1.250    65.812          .4292          544.54      72.369      502339.129 1.500    65.809          .4290          544.52      72.371      502334.462 1.750    65.803          .4290          544.51      72.387      502298.584 2.000    65.798          .4286          544 '9      72.391      502281.909 502264.392 2.250    65.794          .4286          544.47      72.421 2.500    65.789          .4284          544.45        72.422      502244.555 2.750    65.785          .4282          544.43      72.429      502232.782 3.000    65.781          .4281          544.42        72.430      502212.780 3.250    65.776          .4280          544.40        72.469      502193.781 3.500    65.772          .4278          544.39        72.475      502179.505 3.750      65.768          .4276          544.37        72.492      502165.831 4.000      65.763          .4273          544.36        72.467      502143.262 4.250      65.759          .4272          544.34        72.484      502127.174 4.500      65.755          .4271          544.33        72.510      502110.399 4.750      65.751          .4270          544.31        72.521    -
502091.440 Page  1 of  3
ATTACHMENT  3. 3G (Continued)
~(hr 0.000
        ~ibm Mass 502412.46 Leakage
                            ~(ct/d a 0.000000
95  Pct. Conf.
0.000000 UCL
                                                              ~(ct/da 0.000000
  .250  502403.79          0.000000            0.000000      0.000000
  .500  502389.86            .215946              .248265      .464210
  .750  502378.92            .218854              .038499      .257353 1.000    502358.48            .253794              .050720      .304513 1.250    502339.13            .280338              .044399      .324737 1.500  ~ 502334.46          '.269337              .032317      .301654 1.750    502298.58            .299436              .040987      .340422 2.000    502281.91            .314760              .035202      .349963 2.250    502264.39            .323649              .029168      .352818 2.500    502244.55            .331016              .024738      .355754 2.750    502232.78            .331186              .020352      .351538 3.000    502212.78            .332970              .017144      .350113 3.250    502193.78            .334950              .014711      .349661 3.500    502179.50            .334682              .012662      .347345 3.750    502165.83            ~ 332885            .011163      .344048 4.000    502143.26            .333579              .009824      .343403 4.250    502127.17            .334092              .008709      .342800 4.500    502110.40            .333808              .007752      .341561 4.750    502091.44            .334008              .006958      .340966 Page 2    of 3
ATTACHMENT  3. 3G (Continued)
Mass (ibm Meas. Leakage
                            /            ~t/
Calc. Leakage      Confidence
                                                                                          ~(ct/da    )
0.000  502412.46    0.000000                0.000000          0.000000        0.000000    0.00000
.250  502403.79      .165686                0.000000          0.000000        0.000000    0.00000
.500  502389.86                              0.000000          0.000000        0.000000    0.00000
~ 750 502378.92                              0.000000            .222362        .208078    .43044 1.000  502358.48      .257857                0.000000            .254395        .079509    .33390.
1.250  502339.13      .280232                0.000000            .280864        .050156    .33101 1.500  502334.46      .248389                0.000000            .276758        .078880    .35563
: l. 750 502298.58      .310841                0.000000            .302541
                                                                                              .37604 2.000  502281.91      .311815                0.000000 2.250  502264.39        .314358              0.000000            .328790        .054584    .38337 2.500  502244.55        .320827              0.000000            .337683        .053037    .39072 2.750  502232.78        .312110              0.000000            .340717        .057072    .39778 3.000  502212.78 .      .317951              0.000000            .344212        .058509      .40272 3.250  502193.78        .321418              0.000000            .347411        .059273      .40668 3.500  502179.50        .317945              0.000000            .348647        .061187      .40983 3.750  502165.83        .314167              0.000000            .348415          .063604    .41201 4.000  502143.26        .321484              0.000000            .349652          .063849    .41350 4.250  502127.17        .322282              0.000000            .350610        .064010    .41462 4-500  502110.40        .320650              0.000000            .350872        .064453    .41532 4.750  502091.44        .322839              0.000000            .351351        .064473    .41582 Page 3  of  3

~l, M h ATTACHMENT 3.2B\INSTRUMENTATION LIST The following instruments were calibrated or functionally verified within 6 months prior to the performance of this test and in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix J, using instrumentation traceable to the National Bureau of Standards.
Channel Elevation Instrument CH-9 CH-19 CH-20 CH-12 CH-14 CH-15 CH-1 CH-3 CH-4 CH-5 CH-2 CH-6 CH-7 CH-8 CH-21 CH-22 CH-10 CH-11 CH-13 CH-16 CH-17 CH-18 CH-50 CH-51 CH-52 CH-53 CH-54 CH-55 CH-56 CH-57 CH-58 CH-59 CH-80 TI-145 0-100 psia Quartz TI-145 0-100 psia Quartz Rotometer 20'0'0'4'9t 34'4'4'4'4'7'7'7'7'7t 143'43'43'43'0'0'4'4'4'4'7'43'43'TD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RTD RHD RHD RHD RHD RHD RHD RHD RHD RHD RHD 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.060334 0.060334 0.060333 0.060333 0.060333 0.060333 0.053334 0.053334 0.053333 0.053333 0.053333 0.053333 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.0495 0.06 0.06 0.181 0.181 0.16 0.16 Manometer 1 1.0 Manometer 2.N/A 0>>28 scfm 8 50 psig Page 1 of 1+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+0.5 F+2.5%RH+2.5%RH-+2.5%RH+2.5%RH+2.5%RH+2.5%RH+2.5%RH+2.5%RH+2.5%RH+2.5%RH+0.001%F.S.
Section  4 summarizes the LLRT data which has been obtained from periodic testing performed since the Hay 1983 Type A ILRT. Pre-repair data are provided for surveillance testing performed in 1984 and 1986. These LLRT's were performed by pressurizing the listed penetrations with either air or nitrogen and measuring the leakage across the containment isolation valves (Type C) or resilient seals (Type B). Each penetration's leakage rate can be obtained from site reference material.
If the  pre-repair  and post-repair leakages are the same then no repair was performed. Also, it should be noted that certain penetrations had multiple LLRT's performed as indicated in Attachments 4A and 4B.
The acceptance criteria for Types B and C testing are in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix J.      The combined "as-left" leakage            rate for    all penetrations and valves subject      to Type  B and C  tests in 1984  and 1986 were well below the acceptance criteria of less than 0.60 La.
The data contained  in this section are      summarized below:
Attachment                                Title 4A                    1986    Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4B                    1984    Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4C                    1986    Local Leakage Rate Test Summary Analysis I

ATTACHMENT 4A 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves        Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.         Test      Tested              (cc/min)      (cc/min)    Re air/Notes 5 PRT  to  Gas Analyzer      CV-516 (OSC)          425              (25 SV-6385 (OSC).       425              C.25 6 Nitrogen to  PRT          CK-518 (ISC)             70,000        170        CK-518  Cleaned and CK-519 (ISC)              540            540        lapped seat.
7 PW  to  PRT and RCP        CV-519A  (OSC)        (25            425 Standpipes                CV-519B  (ISC)            Combination    Combination CV-522A  (ISC)
CV-522B  (ISC)
CV>>522C (ISC)
                                                    ~0              430          Pen. 7 - Replaced valve Combination    Combination diaphragms.
C30              630          Pen. - Replaced valve Combination    Combination diaphragms.
8 PRZ Steam Samples          CV-951 (ISC)              450            450 CV-956A (OSC)          ~0              <30          CV-956A  Cleaned and lapped.
9 PRZ  Liquid  Samples      CV-953 (ISC)             33,500      (30          CV-953  Cleaned and CV-956B (OSC)          <20            <20          lapped seat.
Page 1 of  7

ATTACHMENT 4A  (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves      Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.               Test      Tested            (cc/min            /        Re air/Notes 10 RCDT and PRT Vent                CV-4658B (OSC)        ~30            <30 and Nitrogen to RCDT            PCV-3-1014 (OSC)         875            875 CV-4658A (OSC)           Combination    Combination ll Alternate Low Head SI            MOV-872 (OSC)           40            40 to Loops 14  Letdown to Nonregenerative  C  CV-200A (ISC)         <30            <30 Heat Exchanger                  CV-200B (ISC)           Combination    Combination CV-200C (ISC)
I 0 3.3 TEST RESULTS 3.3.1 Presentation of Test Results The ILRT was conducted in accordance with the Turkey Point Plant Unit No.4 Operating Procedure 13100.1.The results for the ILRT and for the Superimposed Leakage Verification Test are shown below: 3.3.2 ILRT Results-Mass Point Method 1.Leakage Rate Calculated, Lam 2.Upper Confidence Level 3.Type C Corrections (See'3.3.5) 4.Total Reported Type A Leakage Rate 0.079923 0.003670 0.003838 0.087431 Results were within the acceptable limit of 0.1875 percent/day.
CV-204 (OSC)             50            50 15  Charging to Regenerative        CK-312C (ISC)         <30            (30 Heat Exchanger                  HCV-121 (OSC)         ~30            <30 V-333 (OSC)              Combination    Combination 16  PACVS, Hydrogen Removal        HV-3-2 (OSC)           +30            <30 HV-3-1 (OSC)             Combination    Combination PAHM-002A (OSC) 17  SI Test Line                    V-895V (OSC)         g30            g30 19A Containment Spray A            CK>>890A (OSC)         430            +30 8,750                      CK-890A  Inspected valve internals.
3.3.3 ILRT Resuls-Total Time Method Percent/Da 1.Leakage Rate Calculated, Lam 2.Upper Confidence Level 3.Type C Corrections (See 3.3.5)4.Total Reported Type A Leakage Rate 0.077245 0.031647 0.003838 0.112730 Results were within the acceptable limit of 0.1875 percent/day.'.3.4 Superimposed Leakage Verification Test Results 1.The Superimposed Leakage Verification Test is acceptable provided L falls within the following range: (Lam+Lo-0.25 La)+Lc~(Lam+Lo+0.25 La)where: Lam~total measured containment leakage rate from ILRT Lo leakage rate imposed on containment using a flow measuring device (percent/day)
2,800          1,400      CK-890A - Cleaned and lapped seat.
La maximum allowable leakage rate (0.25 percent/day)
Page 2 of  7
Lc=composite leakage rate calculated during the verification test a.Mass Point (See Attachment 3.3G, Page 2 of 3)(.079923+.260691-.062500)(.3340084 (.79923+.260691+.062500).278114 5.334008~.403114 3-6 b.Total Time (See Attachment 3.3G, Page 3 of 3)(.077245+.260691-.062500)~".351351~(.077245
+.260691+.062500).275436~.351351~.400436 The Superimposed Leakage Verification Test met the requirements set forth in References 4 and 5.c.Calculation of Lo, percent/day Lo~740.04 scfh La~709.687 scfh and 0.25 percent/day Lo~(0.25)(740.04)(709.687)Lo.260691 percent/day 3.3.5 Type C Corrections 1.Type C penalty for not venting or draining in standard cubic centimeters per minute.Pen.11 40 ccm Pen.24 a,b,c 1130 ccm Total 1170 ccm 14.696 2.Type C penalty in percent/day (See and scfm and 0.25 percent/day 5142.71 sccm~0.181589 scfm Type C Correction
=0.181589 (scfm)(0.25)=0.003838 11.828 (scfm)Type C Correction
=0.003838 percent/day 3-7 ATTACHMENT 3.3A INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST FROM 1930 HOURS ON MARCH 26, 1986 TO 0500 HOURS ON MARCH 27, REDUCED INPUT VARIABLES 1986 Time~(nr Abs.(Pressure sia Vap.Pressure Temp.Rel.Humidity (ct Mass (ibm 1.000 1.250 1.500 1;750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.5oo 4.75O 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000 6.250 6.500 6.750 7.000 7.250 7.500 7.750 8.000 8.250 8.500 8.750 9.000 9.250 9.500 66.042 66.035 66.028 66.022 66.016 66.009 66.003 65.996 65.991 65.985 65.981 65.974 65.969 65.964 65.959 65.954 65.949 65.944 65.939 65.934 65.929 65.925 65.921 65.917 65.913 65.909 65.906 62.902 65.899 65.897 65.893 65.889 65.885 65.881 65.878 65.875 65.871 65.867 65.864.4434.4430.4424.4420.4414.4412.4406.4403.4399 ,4394.4390.4385.4382.4378.4375.4371.4368.4365.4364.4359.4357.4354.4350.4347.4347.4343.4341.4338.4335.4334.4332.4329.4327.4325.4324.4320.4319.4317.4314 545.97 545.92 545.87 545.83 545.78 545.74 545.70 545.66 545.62 545.58 545.54 545.50 545.46 545.43 545.40 545.36 545.33 545.30 545.27 545.24 545.21 545.18 545.15 545.12 545.'10 545.07 545.04 545.02 544.99 544.97 544.94 544.92 544.90 544.88 544.86 544.83 544.81 544.79 544.77 71.443 71.473 71.500 71.529 71.554 71.582 71.591 71.623 71.661 71.675 71.696 71.700 71.740 71.763 71.779 71.808 71.838 71.844 71.881 71.885 71;921 71.946 71.934 71.946 71.983 72.009 72.025 72.029 72.050 72.080 72.091 72.101 72.126 72.143 72.158 72.169 72.181 72.207 72.205 502675.452 502666.990 502662.334 502659.434 502663.749 502645.619 502643.796 502629.178 502629.810 502626.891 502634.785 502618.750 502619.037 502616.859 502609.757 502606.609 502602.508 502591.344 502583.199 502576.761 502567.823 502568.000 502563.359 502563.063 502553.466 502554.105 502554.788 502551.678 502552.697 502561.556 502555.958 502549.281 502538.827 502528.882 502527.112 502532.891 502518.687 502511.669 502506.973 Page lof1 ATTACHMENT 3.3B INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST FROM 1930 HOURS ON MARCH 26, 1986 TO 0500 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, MASS POINT ANALYSIS Time (hr) 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000 6.250 6.500 6.750 7.000 7.250 7.500 7.750 8.000 8.250 8.500 8.750 9.000 9.250 9.500 Mass~(ibm 502675.45 502666.99 502662.33 502659.43 502663.75 502645.62 502643.80 502629.18 502629.81 502626.89 502634.78 502618.75 502619.04 502616.86 502609.76 502606.61 502602.51 502591.34 502583.20 502576.76 502567.82 502568.00 502563.36 502563.06 502553.47 502554.11 502554.79 502551.68 502552.70 502561.56 502555.96 502549.28 502538.83 502528.88 502527.11 502532.89 502518.69 502511.67 502506.97 Leakage~ct~/da)0.000000 0.000000.125269.100667.059132.088280.092963.110431.110416.107427.094061.094510.091485.088158.087183.085933.084926.086470.088666.090755.093340.094135.094680.094209.094664.094109.092819.091538.089740.086607.084166.082401.081565.081415.081062.079902.079738.079817.079923 95 Pct.Conf.ct/da 0.000000 0.000000.179527.050088.061023.050944.034482.031597.023863.018958.020808.017124.014679.012937.011177.009803.008665.007824.007313.006885.006725.006148.005625.005166.004764.004424.004282.004166.004258.005021.005268.005227.004973.004678.004420.004321.004087.003870.003670 UCL~(ct/da)0.000000 0.000000.304796.150755.120154.139223.127445.142027.134279.126385;114869.111635.106165.101095.098360.095737.093592.094294.095979.097640.100065.100282.100305.099375.099429.098533.097101.095704.093997.091629.089434.087628.086538.086092.085482.084224.083825.083687.083594 Page 1 of 1

ATTACHMENT 3.3C INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST FROM 1930 HOURS ON MARCH 26, 1986 TO 0500 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, TOTAL TDK ANALYSIS Time, (hr)Mass (ibm Mean of Meas.Meas.Leakage Leakage Gale.Leakage/~(/)~(/Confidence (ct/da UCL.~(ct/da 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3-500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 502675.45 502666.99 502662.33 502659.43 502663.75 502645.62 502643.80 502629.18 502629.81 502626.89 502634.78 502618.75 502619.04 502616.86 502609.76 502606.61 502602.51 502591.34 502583.20 502576.76 502567.82 502568.00.502563.36 502563.06 0.000000.161613.125268.101972.055876.113949.100762.126248.108959.103047.077666.098445.089784.086077.089617.087650.087067.094488.097879.099200.102774.097719.097307.093321 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000.095635.100289.097226.095705 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000.099797.060106.078792.082456.096906.098946.098205.089040.089230.086928.084272.083226.082011.080981.081814.083245.084731.086674.087444.088054.087949 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000.051600.033316.126159.104960.102131.088976.078919.072446.067064.062196.058161.055002.052260.049919.048474.047441.046501.045852.044700.043585.042378 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000.15139.09342.20495.18741.19903.18792.17712.16148.15629.14912.14243.13822.13427.13090.13028.13068.13123.13252.13214.13163.13032 Page 1 of 2
ATTACHMENT 4A  (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves      Leakage       Leakage Penetration No.               Test      Tested            (cc/min)      (cc/min)  Repair/Notes MOV-880A (OSC)       (30            (30 19B  Containment Spray  B          CK-890B (OSC)            300          300 1,500         600      CK-890B  Inspected valve internals and cleaned and lapped seat.
MOV-880B (OSC)        C30          (30 20  A and B Hot Leg Sample        SV-6427A (ISC)        (30            C3O SV-6427B (ISC)          550          550 SV-6428 (OSC)        (30            (30 23 .,Containment  Sump to  WHT      CV-2822 (OSC)            150          150 CV-2821 (OSC)            400          400 24A Seal Water  Injection          CK-298A (ISC)            800          800 to A RCP 24B  Seal Water  Injection          CK-298B (ISC)                        C'30 to  B RCP 24C  Seal Water  Injection          CK-298C (ISC)            300          300 to  C RCP 25  RCP  Seal Water Return        MOV-381 (OSC)        ~30            C30 MOV-6386 (ISC)          1 0600        1$ 000   MOV-6386  Adjusted limit switch.
Page 3 of 7

ATTACHMENT 3.3C (Continued)
ATTACHMENT 4A  (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair      Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves      Leakage         Leakage Penetration No.             Test      Tested            (cc/min)        (cc/min)      Re air/Notes 29  Instrument Air Supply        CK-336 (ISC)            400            400 CK-340A (ISC)            750            750 30  Breathing Air                CK-201 (ISC)          <30            <30 CV-6165 (OSC)           800            800 31  RCDT  to Gas Analyzer        CV-4659B (OSC)        +30            C,30 CV-4659A (OSC)          Combination    Combination 32  Containment  Air Sample      CK-11-003 (ISC)         47,500         700          CK-11-003  Cleaned and Return                                                                              lapped seat.
INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST FROM 1930 HOURS ON MARCH 26, 1986 TO 0500 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, TOTAL TIME ANALYSIS Time~(hr Mass (ibm Mean of Meas.Meas.Leakage Leakage Gale.Leakage/~t/)~(/Confidence (ct/da UCL~(ct/da)6.000 6.250 6.500 6.750 7.000 7.250 7.500 7.750 8.000 8.250 8.500 8.750 9.000 9.250 9.500 502553.47 502554.11 502554.79 502551.68 502552.70 502561.56 502555.96 502549.28 502538.83 502528.88 502527.11 502532.89 502518.69 502511.67 502506.97.097070.092699.088632.087549.083727.075006.076069.077729.081539.084823.083323.077789.083163.084538.084673.095472.097225.096020.095390.093366.091749.090464.090467.089662.089426.089295.088731.088518.088397.087930.088465.008270.087526.086737.085539.083352.081559.080179.079414.079122.078703.077732.077437.077323.077245.041417.040364.039333.038374.037487.036841.036131.035402.034712.034130.033552.032955.032464.032042.031647.12988.12863.12685.12511.12302.12019.11769.11558.11412.11325.11225.11068.10990.10936.10889 Page 2 of 2
SV-2912 (OSC)            650            650 PAHM-001A, B (OSC)      Combination    Combination 33  Containment  Air Sample      SV-2913 (OSC)          <30            <30 SV-2911 (OS)          <30            430 34  Service  Air                  CK-205 (ISC)            145,000         600        CK-205  Cleaned and V-204 (OSC)              600              600        lapped seat.
HV-17 (OSC)              Combination      Combination 35  Containment Purge  Inlet      PV-2600 (OSC)            23,000           1%500       PV-2600, 2601 PV-2601 (ISC)            Combination      Combination Adjusted seats.
170,000         1,800      PV-2600, 2601 Combination    Combination Adjusted seats.
Page of 7

ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves      Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.              Test      Tested            (cc/min        (cc/min      Re  air/Notes 36  Containment Purge Outlet      PV-2602 (OSC)        0'190,000        700        PV-2603 PV-2603 (ISC)            Combination    Combination Adjusted seat.
~~~~LRMMP 0-cC-3 R I-~zi D bJ a+2 u)o K N~cern u~u CC.1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~26 Mar 1986 TIME-HOURS 2?Mar 1S86 RTTRCHMENT 3.3E UCL 8 LRM VS.T IME TURKEY POINT PLRNT UNIT INTEGRRTED LERKRGE RRTE TEST
150,000        550        PV-2603 Combination    Combination Adjusted seat.
37  Spare                          Cap                    X30            (30 10-879                <30            C,30 38  Electrical Cannisters          Cannisters              350            350        Pen. 38  The  repair value is the  total of all electrical penetrations.
39  Fuel Transfer Tube Flange  B  0-Ring and Body          120            120 40  Equipment Access Hatch      B  0-Ring and Body      430            <30 41  Personnel Air Lock            0-Ring and Body          4,500          4,500 42  Nitrogen to Accumulators      ST-CK-945E (ISC)         1,600          1,600 3,600          1,900      CK-945E  Cleaned and lapped seat.
CV-855 (OSC)            600            600 47  Primary Water Supply to        CK-10-567 (OSC)          1705000                    CK-567  Cleaned and Wash Header                    V-582 (ISC)              Combination                lapped seat.
Page 5 of  7

ATTACHMENT 3.3G SUPERIMPOSED LEAKAGE VERIFICATION TEST FROM 0630 TO 1115 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 REDUCED INPUT VARIABLES Time~hr Abs.Pressure sia Vap.Pressure Temp.Rel.Humidity (ct Mass (ibm) 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 65.835 65.831 65.826 65.822 65.817 65.812 65.809 65.803 65.798 65.794 65.789 65.785 65.781 65.776 65.772 65.768 65.763 65.759 65.755 65.751.4303.4300.4297.4295.4294.4292.4290.4290.4286.4286.4284.4282.4281.4280.4278.4276.4273.4272.4271.4270 544.64 544.62 544.59 544.57 544.55 544.54 544.52 544.51 544'9 544.47 544.45 544.43 544.42 544.40 544.39 544.37 544.36 544.34 544.33 544.31 72.313 72.314 72.312 72.338, 72.355 72.369 72.371 72.387 72.391 72.421 72.422 72.429 72.430 72.469 72.475 72.492 72.467 72.484 72.510 72.521 502412.458 502403.787 502389.856 502378.923 502358.479 502339.129 502334.462 502298.584 502281.909 502264.392 502244.555 502232.782 502212.780 502193.781 502179.505 502165.831 502143.262 502127.174 502110.399
ATTAGBKNT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves      Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.               Test      Tested            (cc/min        (cc/min      Re air/Notes 180,000       2,200      CK-567  Cleaned and Combination    Combination lapped seat.
-502091.440 Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 3.3G (Continued)
49  Emergency  Air Lock            0-Ring and Body        720            720 51  PACVS                          HV-4-3,4 (OSC)      <30            <30 PAHM-4-002B (OSC)      Combination    Combination 52 RCDT Pump  Discharge          CV-4668B (OSC)       <30              30 CV-4668A (OSC)          Combination    Combination 54A Containment  Recir. Sump      MOV-861A (OSC)        <30            <30 to  RHR Pump A                MOV-860A (OSC)          Combination    Combination 54B Containment  Recir. Sump      MOV-861B (OSC)         100            100 to  RHR Pump B                MOV-860B (OSC)          Combination    Combination 55  Accumulator Sampling          CV-955C (ISC)        430            <30 CV-955D (ISC)           11,000         120        CV-955D  Cleaned and lapped seat.
SUPERIMPOSED LEAKAGE VERIFICATION TEST FROM 0630 TO 1150 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, MASS POINT ANALYSIS Time~(hr 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 Mass~ibm 502412.46 502403.79 502389.86 502378.92 502358.48 502339.13~502334.46 502298.58 502281.91 502264.39 502244.55 502232.78 502212.78 502193.78 502179.50 502165.83 502143.26 502127.17 502110.40 502091.44 Leakage~(ct/d a 0.000000 0.000000.215946.218854.253794.280338'.269337.299436.314760.323649.331016.331186.332970.334950.334682~332885.333579.334092.333808.334008 95 Pct.Conf.~/0.000000 0.000000.248265.038499.050720.044399.032317.040987.035202.029168.024738.020352.017144.014711.012662.011163.009824.008709.007752.006958 UCL~(ct/da 0.000000 0.000000.464210.257353.304513.324737.301654.340422.349963.352818.355754.351538.350113.349661.347345.344048.343403.342800.341561.340966 Page 2 of 3
CV-955E (ISC)          40            40 CV-956D (OSC)            15,500       <30          CV-956D  Cleaned and lapped seat.
430            CV-956D  Replaced valve internals.
ATTACHMENT 3.3G (Continued)
Page 6 of 7
SUPERIMPOSED LEAKAGE VERIFICATION TEST FROM 0630 TO 1115 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, TOTAL TIME ANALYSIS Mass (ibm Mean of Meas.Meas.Leakage Leakage Calc.Leakage/~t/~(/Confidence
/UCL~(ct/da) 1.000 1.250 1.500 l.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4-500 4.750 502412.46 502403.79 502389.86 502378.92 502358.48 502339.13 502334.46 502298.58 502281.91 502264.39 502244.55 502232.78 502212.78.502193.78 502179.50 502165.83 502143.26 502127.17 502110.40 502091.44 0.000000.165686.215946'213593
.257857.280232.248389.310841.311815.314358.320827.312110.317951.321418.317945.314167.321484.322282.320650.322839 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000.222362.254395.280864.276758.302541.318218.328790.337683.340717.344212.347411.348647.348415.349652.350610.350872.351351 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000.208078.079509.050156.078880.066412.057829.054584.053037.057072.058509.059273.061187.063604.063849.064010.064453.064473 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000.43044.33390..33101.35563.36895.37604.38337.39072.39778.40272.40668.40983.41201.41350.41462.41532.41582 Page 3 of 3

SECTION 4 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS (TYPES B AND C)Section 4 summarizes the LLRT data which has been obtained from periodic testing performed since the Hay 1983 Type A ILRT.Pre-repair data are provided for surveillance testing performed in 1984 and 1986.These LLRT's were performed by pressurizing the listed penetrations with either air or nitrogen and measuring the leakage across the containment isolation valves (Type C)or resilient seals (Type B).Each penetration's leakage rate can be obtained from site reference material.If the pre-repair and post-repair leakages are the same then no repair was performed.
ATTACHMENT 4A  (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair     Post-Repair Ape      Equipment/Valves          Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.               Test           Tested             (cc/min)      (cc/min)    Re air/Notes 56  Spare                            Cap                      <30           <30 61A Spare                              V-2027 (OSC)             (30            430 61B Deadweight  Tester to PT          V-2023 (ISC)             430            430 V-2024 (OSC)             <30            K30 63  Instrument Air Bleed              CV-2819 (ISC)               150            150 CV-2826 (OSC)               700            700 65A Containment  Air Test            Flange  'E'OSC)           1,600       (30           Pen. 65A  Tightened Air In-Out                                      (ISC)       Combination    Combination outbd. flange.
Also, it should be noted that certain penetrations had multiple LLRT's performed as indicated in Attachments 4A and 4B.The acceptance criteria for Types B and C testing are in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix J.The combined"as-left" leakage rate for all penetrations and valves subject to Type B and C tests in 1984 and 1986 were well below the acceptance criteria of less than 0.60 La.The data contained in this section are summarized below: Attachment Title 4A 4B 4C 1986 Local Leakage Rate Test Data 1984 Local Leakage Rate Test Data 1986 Local Leakage Rate Test Summary Analysis I 4-1 ATTACHMENT 4A 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.5 PRT to Gas Analyzer 6 Nitrogen to PRT 7 PW to PRT and RCP Standpipes Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested CV-516 (OSC)SV-6385 (OSC).CK-518 (ISC)CK-519 (ISC)CV-519A (OSC)CV-519B (ISC)CV-522A (ISC)CV-522B (ISC)CV>>522C (ISC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)425 425 70,000 540 (25 Combination
65B Containment   Air Test     B, V-2025 (OSC)             430           Z30 Pressure                          Flange (ISC)               Combination     Combination 65C  Containment Air Test     B, C . V-2026 (OSC)           -430            g30 Leakage Flow                      Flange (ISC)               Combination    Combination Page 7 of   7
~0 Combination Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)(25 C.25 170 540 425 Combination 430 Combination Re air/Notes CK-518-Cleaned and lapped seat.Pen.7-Replaced valve diaphragms.
8 PRZ Steam Samples 9 PRZ Liquid Samples CV-951 (ISC)CV-956A (OSC)CV-953 (ISC)CV-956B (OSC)C30 Combination 450~0 33,500<20 630 Combination 450<30 (30<20 Pen.7-Replaced valve diaphragms.
CV-956A-Cleaned and lapped.CV-953-Cleaned and lapped seat.Page 1 of 7 ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min Post-Repair Leakage/Re air/Notes 10 RCDT and PRT Vent and Nitrogen to RCDT ll Alternate Low Head SI to Loops 14 Letdown to Nonregenerative C Heat Exchanger 15 Charging to Regenerative Heat Exchanger 16 PACVS, Hydrogen Removal CV-4658B (OSC)PCV-3-1014 (OSC)CV-4658A (OSC)MOV-872 (OSC)CV-200A (ISC)CV-200B (ISC)CV-200C (ISC)CV-204 (OSC)CK-312C (ISC)HCV-121 (OSC)V-333 (OSC)HV-3-2 (OSC)HV-3-1 (OSC)PAHM-002A (OSC)~30 875 Combination 40<30 Combination 50<30~30 Combination
+30 Combination
<30 875 Combination 40<30 Combination 50 (30<30 Combination
<30 Combination 17 SI Test Line 19A Containment Spray A V-895V (OSC)CK>>890A (OSC)g30 430 8,750 2,800 g30+30 1,400 CK-890A-Inspected valve internals.
CK-890A-Cleaned and lapped seat.Page 2 of 7 ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.19B Containment Spray B 20 A and B Hot Leg Sample 23.,Containment Sump to WHT 24A Seal Water Injection to A RCP 24B Seal Water Injection to B RCP Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested MOV-880A (OSC)CK-890B (OSC)MOV-880B (OSC)SV-6427A (ISC)SV-6427B (ISC)SV-6428 (OSC)CV-2822 (OSC)CV-2821 (OSC)CK-298A (ISC)CK-298B (ISC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)(30 300 1,500 C30 (30 550 (30 150 400 800 Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)(30 300 600 (30 C3O 550 (30 150 400 800 C'30 Repair/Notes CK-890B-Inspected valve internals and cleaned and lapped seat.24C Seal Water Injection to C RCP 25 RCP Seal Water Return CK-298C (ISC)MOV-381 (OSC)MOV-6386 (ISC)300~30 1 0600 300 C30 1$000 MOV-6386-Adjusted limit switch.Page 3 of 7 ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.29 Instrument Air Supply 30 Breathing Air 31 RCDT to Gas Analyzer 32 Containment Air Sample Return 33 Containment Air Sample 34 Service Air Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested CK-336 (ISC)CK-340A (ISC)CK-201 (ISC)CV-6165 (OSC)CV-4659B (OSC)CV-4659A (OSC)CK-11-003 (ISC)SV-2912 (OSC)PAHM-001A, B (OSC)SV-2913 (OSC)SV-2911 (OS)CK-205 (ISC)V-204 (OSC)HV-17 (OSC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)400 750<30 800+30 Combination 47,500 650 Combination
<30<30 145,000 600 Combination Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)400 750<30 800 C,30 Combination 700 650 Combination
<30 430 600 600 Combination Re air/Notes CK-11-003-Cleaned and lapped seat.CK-205-Cleaned and lapped seat.35 Containment Purge Inlet PV-2600 (OSC)PV-2601 (ISC)23,000 Combination 170,000 Combination 1%500 Combination 1,800 Combination PV-2600, 2601-Adjusted seats.PV-2600, 2601-Adjusted seats.Page 4 of 7 ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.36 Containment Purge Outlet 37 Spare 38 Electrical Cannisters Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested PV-2602 (OSC)PV-2603 (ISC)Cap 10-879 Cannisters Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min 0'190,000 Combination 150,000 Combination X30<30 350 Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min 700 Combination 550 Combination (30 C,30 350 Re air/Notes PV-2603-Adjusted seat.PV-2603-Adjusted seat.Pen.38-The repair value is the total of all electrical penetrations.
39 Fuel Transfer Tube Flange B 40 Equipment Access Hatch B 41 Personnel Air Lock 42 Nitrogen to Accumulators 47 Primary Water Supply to Wash Header 0-Ring and Body 0-Ring and Body 0-Ring and Body ST-CK-945E (ISC)CV-855 (OSC)CK-10-567 (OSC)V-582 (ISC)120 430 4,500 1,600 3,600 600 1705000 Combination 120<30 4,500 1,600 1,900 600 CK-945E-Cleaned and lapped seat.CK-567-Cleaned and lapped seat.Page 5 of 7  

ATTAGBKNT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.49 Emergency Air Lock 51 PACVS 52 RCDT Pump Discharge 54A Containment Recir.Sump to RHR Pump A 54B Containment Recir.Sump to RHR Pump B 55 Accumulator Sampling Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested 0-Ring and Body HV-4-3,4 (OSC)PAHM-4-002B (OSC)CV-4668B (OSC)CV-4668A (OSC)MOV-861A (OSC)MOV-860A (OSC)MOV-861B (OSC)MOV-860B (OSC)CV-955C (ISC)CV-955D (ISC)CV-955E (ISC)CV-956D (OSC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min 180,000 Combination 720<30 Combination
ATTACHMENT 4B 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair     Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves        Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.         Test     Tested             (cc/min)       (cc/min) 5 PRT to Gas Analyzer     cv-516 (osc)         (30            (30 SV-6385 (OSC)         <30           (30 6 Nitrogen to   PRT         CK-518 (ISC)             1,250          1,400      CK-518  Cleaned and lapped seat.
<30 Combination
CK-519 (ISC)             3,000          750        CK-519  Cleaned and lapped seat.
<30 Combination 100 Combination 430 11,000 40 15,500 Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min 2,200 Combination 720<30 Combination 30 Combination
7 PM  to  PRT and RCP        CV-519A (OSC)       (30            (30 Standpipes                CV-519B (ISC)           Combination    Combination CV-522A (ISC)
<30 Combination 100 Combination
CV-522B (ISC)
<30 120 40<30 430 Re air/Notes CK-567-Cleaned and lapped seat.CV-955D-Cleaned and lapped seat.CV-956D-Cleaned and lapped seat.CV-956D-Replaced valve internals.
CV-522C (ISC) 8 PRZ Steam Samples          CV-951 (ISC)           (30             (30 48$ 000         450         CV-951 Retest performed after hydro cleaned and lapped seat.
Page 6 of 7 ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.Ape Test Equipment/Valves Tested Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)Re air/Notes 56 Spare 61A Spare 61B Deadweight Tester to PT 63 Instrument Air Bleed 65A Containment Air Test Air In-Out 65B Containment Air Test Pressure Cap V-2027 (OSC)V-2023 (ISC)V-2024 (OSC)CV-2819 (ISC)CV-2826 (OSC)Flange'E'OSC)(ISC)B, C V-2025 (OSC)Flange (ISC)<30 (30 430<30 150 700 1,600 Combination 430 Combination
cv-956A (osc)            400            240        CV-956A Cleaned and 18$ 000        250        lapped seat.
<30 430 430 K30 150 700 (30 Combination Z30 Combination Pen.65A-Tightened outbd.flange.65C Containment Air Test Leakage Flow B, C.V-2026 (OSC)Flange (ISC)-430 g30 Combination Combination Page 7 of 7 ATTACHMENT 4B 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.5 PRT to Gas Analyzer Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested cv-516 (osc)SV-6385 (OSC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)(30<30 Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)(30 (30 6 Nitrogen to PRT 7 PM to PRT and RCP Standpipes 8 PRZ Steam Samples 9 PRZ Liquid Samples CK-518 (ISC)CK-519 (ISC)CV-519A (OSC)CV-519B (ISC)CV-522A (ISC)CV-522B (ISC)CV-522C (ISC)CV-951 (ISC)cv-956A (osc)CV-953 (ISC)1,250 3,000 (30 Combination (30 48$000 400 18$000 170 1,400 750 (30 Combination (30 450 240 250 3 5600 170 300 CK-518-Cleaned and lapped seat.CK-519-Cleaned and lapped seat.CV-951-Retest performed after hydro cleaned and lapped seat.CV-956A-Cleaned and lapped seat.Tubing modification on containment boundary.CV-953-Retest performed after hydro.Page 1 of 10 ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.10 RCDT and PRT Vent and Nitrogen to RCDT ll Alternate Low Head SI to Loops Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested CV-956B (OSC)CV-4658B (OSC)PCV-3-1014 (OSC)CV-4658A (OSC)MOV-872 (OSC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)50 (30 30,000 Combination
3 5600      Tubing modification on containment boundary.
+52,000 Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)50~30 (30<20 Combination (30 1,900 Re air/Notes CV-956B-Retest performed after hydro.CV-4658A-Cleaned and lapped seat.MOV-872-Cleaned and lapped seat.MOV-872-Greased valve operator.14 Letdown to Nonregenerative C Heat Exchanger CV-200A (ISC)CV-200B (ISC)CV-200C (ISC)CV-204 (OSC)700 Combination (30 700 Combination
9 PRZ  Liquid  Samples      CV-953 (ISC)             170            170 300        CV-953  Retest performed after hydro.
&30 15 Charging to Regenerative Heat Exchanger 16 PACVS, Hydrogen Removal C CK-312C (ISC)HCV-121 (OSC)V-333 (OSC)HV-3-2 (OSC)HV-3-1 (OSC)PAHM-002A (OSC)(30 220 Combination (30 Combination.
Page 1 of 10
430 220 Combination (30 Combination 17 SI Test Line V-895V (OSC)C30 (30 Page 2 of 10 ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.19A Containment Spray A Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested CK-890A (OSC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)80 Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)1i400 Repair/Notes CK-890A-Inspected valve internals.
19B Containment Spray B MOV-880A (OSC)CK-890B (OSC)<30 (30 90 350 MOU-880A-Greased valve operator.CK-890B-Inspected valve internals.
20 A and B Hot Leg Sample 23 Containment Sump to WET MOV-880B (OSC)SV-6427A (ISC)SV-6427B (ISC)SV-6428 (OSC)CV-2822 (OSC)(30 (30 150 (30)52,000 100 400 430 50 800 MOV-880B-Greased valve operator.SV-6427A-Retest performed after hydro.SV-6427B-Retest performed after hydro.SV-6428-Retest performed after hydro.CV-2822-Cleaned and lapped seat.CV-2821 (OSC)(30<30 Page 3 of 10 0
ATTACHIKNT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.Test Equipment/Valves Tested Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)Re air/Notes 24A Seal Water Injection to A RCP CK-298A (ISC)C30 (30 24B Seal Water Injection to B RCP 24C Seal Water Injection to C RCP 25 RCP Seal Water Return 29 Instrument Air Supply 30 Breathing Air 31 RCDT to Gas Analyzer 32 Containment Air Sample Return CK-298B (ISC)CK-298C (ISC)MOV-381 (OSC)MOV-6386 (ISC)CK-336 (ISC)CK-340A (ISC)CK-201 (ISC)CV-6165 (OSC)CV-4659B (OSC)CV-4659A (OSC)CK-11-003 (ISC)SV-2912 (OSC)PAHM-001A, B (OSC)(30 (30 1,150 (30 950 950 (30 430 (30 Combination 40%000 100 Combination (30 (30 1,150<3O 950 950 C30 (30 (30 Combination 1,000 100 Combination CK-11-003-Cleaned and lapped seat.Page 4 of 10  

ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.33 Containment Air Sample 34 Service Air 35 Containment Purge Inlet Type Test Equipment/Valves
ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair      Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves      Leakage          Leakage Penetration No.               Test     Tested            (cc/min)          (cc/min)     Re  air/Notes CV-956B (OSC)           50              50
-Tested SU-2913 (OSC)SV-2911 (OSC)CK-205 (ISC)V-204 (OSC)HV-17 (OSC)PV-2600 (OSC)PV-2601 (ISC)Pre-,Repair Leakage~(cc/min 100 275 11,000 150 Combination
                                                                          ~30            CV-956B  - Retest performed  after hydro.
)52,000 Combination Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)100 275 850 430 Combination 3,000 Combination Re air/Notes CK-205-Cleaned and lapped seat.PV-2600&2601-Ad)usted seats.PV-2600&2601-Replaced seals and seats.0 52,000 Combination 9,000 Combination PV-2600&2601-Ad)usted seats.PV-2600&2601-Retest only.13,500 Combination PV-2600&2601-Retest only.Page 5 of 10 0
10 RCDT and PRT Vent and            CV-4658B (OSC)       (30              (30 Nitrogen to  RCDT                PCV-3-1014 (OSC)         30,000        <20            CV-4658A  Cleaned and CV-4658A (OSC)           Combination      Combination lapped seat.
ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.36 Containment Purge Outlet Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested PV-2602 (OSC)PV-2603 (ISC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min))52,000 Combination 24,000 Combination Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)12%500 Combination 14,200 Combination 127000 Combination 29,000 Combination 10,000 Combination 700 Combination 350 Combination Repair/Notes PV-2600&2601-Retest only.PV-2600&2601-Retest only-.-.-PV-2600&2601-Retest only.PV-2600&2601-Retest only-.PV-2602&2603-Adjusted seats.PV-2602&2603 Retest only.PV-2602&2603-Adjusted seats.PV-2602&2603 Retest only.Page 6 of 10  
ll Alternate  Low Head SI to        MOV-872 (OSC)         +52,000         (30            MOV-872  Cleaned and lapped seat.
Loops 1,900      MOV-872  Greased  valve operator.
14 Letdown  to Nonregenerative  C  CV-200A (ISC)           700              700 Heat Exchanger                  CV-200B (ISC)            Combination     Combination CV-200C (ISC)
CV-204 (OSC)         (30              &30 15 Charging to Regenerative      C  CK-312C (ISC)         (30              430 Heat Exchanger                  HCV-121 (OSC)           220              220 V-333 (OSC)             Combination     Combination 16  PACVS, Hydrogen Removal        HV-3-2 (OSC)          (30              (30 HV-3-1 (OSC)            Combination. Combination PAHM-002A (OSC) 17  SI Test Line                    V-895V (OSC)          C30            (30 Page 2 of 10

ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min 200 Combination 19500 Combination 1,400 Combination 500 Combination Re air/Notes PV-2602&2603-Retest only.PV-2602&2603-Retest only.PV-2602&2603-Retest only.PV-2602&2603-Retest only.3,500 Combination PV-2602&2603-Retest only.500 Combination 37 Spare Cap V-10-879 430<30<30 a30 38 Electrical Cannisters Cannisters C,330<330 Penetration 38-Total of all electrical penetrations.
ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves        Leakage      Leakage Penetration No.               Test     Tested             (cc/min)      (cc/min)  Repair/Notes 19A Containment  Spray A          CK-890A (OSC)            80          1i400    CK-890A  Inspected valve internals.
39 Fuel Transfer Tube Flange B 0-Ring and Body 450 450 Page 7 of 10  
MOV-880A (OSC)        <30              90      MOU-880A  Greased valve operator.
19B Containment Spray  B          CK-890B (OSC)        (30              350      CK-890B  Inspected valve internals.
MOV-880B (OSC)        (30              100      MOV-880B  Greased valve operator.
20  A and  B Hot Leg Sample        SV-6427A (ISC)        (30            400      SV-6427A  Retest performed  after hydro.
SV-6427B (ISC)            150        430        SV-6427B  Retest performed  after hydro.
SV-6428 (OSC)        (30              50      SV-6428  Retest performed  after hydro.
23  Containment  Sump  to WET      CV-2822 (OSC)          )52,000          800    CV-2822  Cleaned and lapped seat.
CV-2821 (OSC)        (30            <30 Page 3 of   10

ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.40 Equipment Access Hatch Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested 0-Ring and Body Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min)C,30 Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min c30 c,30 430 c,30 30 Re air/Notes 41 Personnel Air Lock 42 Nitrogen to Accumulators 0-Ring and Body ST-CK-945E (ESC)5,900 3,500 4,600 3,000 6,800 4,400 5,900 8,700 4,600 3,000 2,500 Personnel Airlock-Repaired reach rods.Personnel Airlock-Repaired reach rods.CK-945E-Cleaned and lapped seat.35,000 4,200 51000 500 CK-945E-Cleaned and lapped seat.CK-945E-Cleaned and lapped seat.CK-945E-Replaced valve.CV-855 (OSC)600 600 400 CV-855-Retest performed after hydro.Page 8 of 10  
0 ATTACHIKNT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Equipment/Valves        Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.               Test      Tested            (cc/min)        (cc/min)    Re air/Notes 24A Seal Water  Injection to      CK-298A (ISC)        C30              (30 A RCP 24B Seal Water  Injection to      CK-298B (ISC)          (30            (30 B RCP 24C Seal Water  Injection to      CK-298C (ISC)        (30            (30 C RCP 25  RCP  Seal Water Return        MOV-381 (OSC)            1,150          1,150 MOV-6386 (ISC)        (30          <3O 29  Instrument Air Supply          CK-336 (ISC)            950            950 CK-340A (ISC)            950            950 30  Breathing Air                  CK-201 (ISC)          (30            C30 CV-6165 (OSC)          430            (30 31  RCDT  to Gas  Analyzer        CV-4659B (OSC)        (30            (30 CV-4659A (OSC)          Combination    Combination 32  Containment  Air Sample      CK-11 -003 (ISC)        40%000          1,000      CK-11-003  Cleaned Return                                                                              and lapped  seat.
SV-2912 (OSC)            100            100 PAHM-001A, B (OSC)      Combination    Combination Page 4 of  10
ATTAQBKNT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.47 Primary Water Supply Wash Header 49 Emergency Air Lock Type Test-Equipment/Valves Tested CK-10-567 (OSC)V-582 (ISC)O-Ring,and Body Pre-Repair Leakage-~))2%000 Combination 400 750 Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min)240 Combination 400 750 Re air/Notes CK-10-567-Cleaned and lapped seat.51 PACV's 52 RCDT Pump Discharge 54A Containment Recirc.Sump to RHR Pump A C.HV-4-3,4 (OSC)PAHM-4-002B (OSC)CV-4668B (OSC).CV-4668A (OSC)MOV-861A (OSC)MOV-860A (OSC)<30 Combination
<20 Combination
ATTACHMENT 4B  (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-,Repair    Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves         Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.            Test    - Tested           ~(cc/min        (cc/min)    Re air/Notes 33  Containment Air Sample      SU-2913 (OSC)            100            100 SV-2911 (OSC)            275            275 34  Service Air                  CK-205 (ISC)              11,000        850        CK-205  Cleaned and lapped seat.
~20 Combination 40 Combination
V-204 (OSC)              150          430 HV-17 (OSC)              Combination    Combination 35  Containment Purge Inlet      PV-2600 (OSC)          )52,000                      PV-2600 &  2601 PV-2601 (ISC)            Combination                Ad)usted seats.
<30 Combination C20 Combination
3,000      PV-2600 &  2601 Combination Replaced seals and seats.
~0 Combination 40 Combination CV-4668A&B-Retest performed after hydro.43O (30 Combination Combination MOV-860A&861A-Greased valve operator.54B Containment Recirc.Sump to RHR Pump B 55 Accumulator Sampling MOV-861B (OSC)MOV-860B (OSC)CV-955C (ISC)20200 Combination 130 Combination 50 230 20200 Combination 130 Combination 50<30.MOV-860B&861B-Greased valve operator.CV-955C-Retest performed after hydro.Page 9 of 10 I
0 52,000                    PV-2600 &  2601 Combination                Ad)usted seats.
ATTAC1KENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Penetration No.61B Deadweight Tester to PT 63 Instrument Air Bleed 65A Containment Air Test Air In-Out Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested CV-955D (ISC)CV-955E (ISC)CV-956D (OSC)V-2023 (ISC)V-2024 (OSC)CV-2819 (ISC)CV-2826 (OSC)Flange iEe (OSC (ISC)Pre-Repair Leakage (cc/min 430 (30<30<30 430+30 430<30 300 950 5,000 Combination Post-Repair Leakage (cc/min 430 430 430<30 (30<30<30 C30 300 950 130 Combination Re air/Notes CV-955D-Retest performed after hydro.CV-955E-Retest performed after hydro.CV-956D-Retest performed after hydro.Pen.65A-Tightened outbd.flange.65B Containment Air Test Pressure 65C Containment Air Test Leakage Flow B, C V-2025 (OSC)Flange (ISC)B, C V-2026 (OSC)Flange (ISC)g30 Combination C.30 Combination 430 Combination 430 Combination Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT 4C 1986 LLRT  
9,000      PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only.
13,500    PV-2600 &  2601-Combination Retest only.
Page 5  of  10
0 ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair   Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves      Leakage       Leakage Penetration No.            Test      Tested            (cc/min)       (cc/min)    Repair/Notes 12%500      PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only.
14,200      PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only-.-.-
127000      PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only.
29,000      PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only-.
10,000 Combination 36 Containment Purge Outlet      PV-2602 (OSC)        )52,000                      PV-2602 & 2603 PV-2603 (ISC)          Combination                Adjusted seats.
700        PV-2602 &  2603 Combination Retest only.
24,000                    PV-2602 & 2603 Combination                Adjusted seats.
350        PV-2602 &  2603 Combination Retest only.
Page 6 of  10
ATTACHMENT 4B  (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves        Leakage      Leakage Penetration No.              Test      Tested            (cc/min      (cc/min      Re air/Notes 200        PV-2602  & 2603 Combination Retest only.
19500      PV-2602  & 2603 Combination Retest only.
1,400      PV-2602  & 2603 Combination Retest only.
500        PV-2602  & 2603 Combination Retest only.
3,500      PV-2602  & 2603 Combination Retest only.
500 Combination 37  Spare                          Cap                    430          <30 V-10-879              <30          a30 38  Electrical Cannisters          Cannisters            C,330        <330          Penetration  38  Total of all electrical penetrations.
39  Fuel Transfer Tube Flange  B  0-Ring and Body          450          450 Page 7  of  10
ATTACHMENT 4B  (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair  Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves        Leakage      Leakage Penetration No.              Test      Tested            (cc/min)      (cc/min Re  air/Notes 40  Equipment Access Hatch        0-Ring and Body        C,30          c30 c,30 430 c,30 30 41 Personnel Air Lock           0-Ring and Body         5,900          5,900 3,500         8,700  Personnel Airlock Repaired reach rods.
4,600          4,600 3,000          3,000 6,800         2,500   Personnel Airlock Repaired reach rods.
42  Nitrogen to Accumulators      ST-CK-945E (ESC)        4,400                  CK-945E  Cleaned and lapped seat.
35,000                 CK-945E Cleaned and lapped seat.
4,200                  CK-945E Cleaned and lapped seat.
51000          500    CK-945E - Replaced valve.
CV-855 (OSC)             600           600 400     CV-855 Retest performed after hydro.
Page 8 of 10
~ '"
ATTAQBKNT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Penetration No.
Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested         ~))
Leakage-       Leakage (cc/min)     Re air/Notes 47  Primary Water Supply              CK-10-567 (OSC)        2%000          240          CK-10-567  Cleaned Wash Header                        V-582 (ISC)            Combination    Combination  and lapped seat.
49  Emergency  Air Lock                O-Ring,and Body        400            400 750            750 51 PACV's                     C   . HV-4-3,4 (OSC)       <30            <30 PAHM-4-002B (OSC)       Combination    Combination 52  RCDT Pump  Discharge              CV-4668B (OSC)       <20            C20 Combination    Combination
                                      .CV-4668A (OSC)       ~20           ~0             CV-4668A   & B - Retest Combination    Combination  performed   after hydro.
54A Containment  Recirc. Sump          MOV-861A (OSC)          40            40 to  RHR Pump A                    MOV-860A (OSC)          Combination    Combination 43O           (30           MOV-860A &   861A-Combination    Combination  Greased valve operator.
54B Containment Recirc. Sump         MOV-861B (OSC)         20200          20200 to  RHR Pump B                                            Combination    Combination MOV-860B (OSC)         130           130         .MOV-860B &   861B-Combination    Combination  Greased valve operator.
55  Accumulator Sampling              CV-955C (ISC)          50            50 230            <30            CV-955C  - Retest performed   after hydro.
Page 9 of 10
I ATTAC1KENT 4B   (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair    Post-Repair Type   Equipment/Valves         Leakage        Leakage Penetration No.              Test        Tested             (cc/min        (cc/min      Re  air/Notes CV-955D (ISC)           430            430 (30            430          CV-955D  Retest performed  after hydro.
CV-955E (ISC)           <30            430
                                                            <30            <30          CV-955E  Retest performed  after hydro.
CV-956D (OSC)           430            (30
                                                            +30            <30          CV-956D  Retest performed  after hydro.
61B Deadweight  Tester to PT        V-2023 (ISC)           430            <30 V-2024 (OSC)           <30            C30 63  Instrument  Air Bleed            CV-2819 (ISC)             300            300 CV-2826 (OSC)             950            950 65A Containment  Air Test          Flange iEe   (OSC         5,000         130         Pen. 65A Tightened Air In-Out                                  (ISC)        Combination    Combination outbd. flange.
65B Containment   Air Test     B, C V-2025 (OSC)           g30            430 Pressure                        Flange (ISC)             Combination    Combination 65C  Containment  Air Test      B, C V-2026 (OSC)           C.30          430 Leakage Flow                    Flange (ISC)             Combination   Combination Page 10 of 10

ANALYSIS The pre-repair LLRT, the repair, and the post-repair LLRT for each boundary, or penetration, was reviewed.The net leakage contribution for each penetration was determined using the following criteria: 1.A leakage equivalent to the repair improvement achieved on each valve in the penetration is calculated.
ANALYSIS The pre-repair LLRT, the repair, and the post-repair LLRT for each boundary, or penetration, was reviewed. The net leakage contribution for each penetration was determined using the following criteria:
2.The leakage equivalent is the difference between the pre-repair and the post-repair LLRT results.,3.If a repair was not performed, a zero leakage equivalent is assessed to the valve.4.The leakage equivalent assessed to a penetration may be reduced due to the safety related service of the system associated with the penetration(s).
: 1. A leakage   equivalent to the repair improvement achieved on each valve in the penetration is calculated.
Justification for this reduction will be provided with the analysis.5.The net equivalent leakage for the penetration is the lowest of the inside or outside valve grouping (e.g., simulates minimum pathway leakage).6.If the"As-Left" leakage of a repaired valve is lower than the"As-Left" leakage of a valve that didn't require a repair, then the penetration net equivalent leakage is the difference between the"As-Left" leakages.7.For series valves tested together, the penetration net equivalent leakage is half the total leakage when both valves are repaired at the same time (prior to performing another test).8.When the summation of the leakage equivalent and the leakage measured during a successful Type A test is greater than 0.75 L the penetration(s) with excessive leakage(s) shall be analyzed under a corrective action program.Page 1 of 5 ATTACHMENT (Continued) 1986 LLRT SU&fARY ANALYSIS Pen.No.Valve Loc."As-Found""As-Left" Pen.(ccm).(ccm)Net Remarks 5-PRT to Gas Analyzer-Nitrogen to PRT RCP Standpipes CV-516 SV-6385 CK-518 CK-519 OSC OSC ISC ISC Z 25 (25 70,000 540 (25 (25 170 370 540 10 14-PW to PRT and RCP Standpipes
: 2. The leakage   equivalent is the difference between the pre-repair and the post-repair LLRT results.
-PRZ Steam Samples-PRZ Liquid Samples-RCDT and PRT Vent and Nitrogen to RCDT-Alternate Low Head SI to Loops-Letdown to Nonregenerative Heat Exchanger CV-519A,B CV-522A,B,C CV-951 CV-956A CV-953 CV-956B PCV-3-1014 CV-4658A CV-4658B MOV-872 CV200A,B,C CV204 OSC/ISC ISC ISC OSC ISC OSC OSC OSC OSC OSC ISC OSC (25 (30 450 450~30 Z30 33,500 (30 MO<20 875 875~30 430 40 40 WO 430 50 50 0 Combination 0 Combination 0 Combination 15-Charging to Regenerative Heat Exchanger CK-312C ISC V-333, HCV-121 OSC~30 (30<30&0 Combination
,3. If a   repair was not performed,   a zero leakage equivalent is assessed to the valve.
-PACV's, Hydrogen Removal 17-SI Test Line 19A-Containment Spray A 19B-Containment Spray B HV-3-1,2 PAHM-002A V-895V CK-890A MOV-880A CK-890B MOV-880B OSC OSC OSC OSC OSC OSC OSC C30.230 (30~30 (30 1,400 4 30 (30 300 600<30 (30 0 Combination Page 2 of 5 ATTACIBKNT (Continued) 1986 LLRT  
: 4. The leakage   equivalent assessed to a penetration may be reduced due to the safety related service of the system associated with the penetration(s). Justification for this reduction will be provided with the analysis.
: 5. The net equivalent leakage for the penetration is the lowest of the inside or outside valve grouping (e.g., simulates minimum pathway leakage).
: 6. If   the "As-Left" leakage of a repaired valve is lower than the "As-Left" leakage of a valve that didn't require a repair, then the penetration net equivalent leakage is the difference between the "As-Left" leakages.
: 7. For series valves tested together, the penetration net equivalent leakage is half the total leakage when both valves are repaired at the same time (prior to performing another test).
: 8. When   the summation of the leakage equivalent and the leakage measured during a successful Type A test is greater than 0.75 L the penetration(s) with excessive leakage(s) shall be analyzed under a corrective action program.
Page 1 of 5
ATTACHMENT (Continued) 1986 LLRT SU&fARY ANALYSIS "As-Found" "As-Left" Pen.
Pen. No.                Valve            Loc.        (ccm).       (ccm) Net Remarks 5   PRT Gas to Analyzer CV-516 SV-6385 OSC OSC           (Z 25 25 (25 (25 Nitrogen    to PRT CK-518          ISC          70,000       170   370 RCP  Standpipes  CK-519          ISC              540      540
    - PW to PRT and   CV-519A,B       OSC/ISC        (25      (30      0  Combination RCP  Standpipes  CV-522A,B,C     ISC PRZ Steam          CV-951           ISC              450      450 Samples          CV-956A         OSC            ~30      Z30 PRZ  Liquid      CV-953           ISC          33,500      (30 Samples          CV-956B         OSC            MO      <20 10  RCDT and PRT      PCV-3-1014       OSC              875      875    0  Combination Vent and Nitrogen CV-4658A         OSC to  RCDT          CV-4658B         OSC            ~30      430 Alternate Low      MOV-872         OSC              40        40 Head SI to Loops 14  Letdown    to      CV200A,B,C       ISC             WO       430     0  Combination Nonregenerative  CV204            OSC              50       50 Heat Exchanger 15   Charging   to     CK-312C         ISC             ~30      (30 Regenerative      V-333, HCV-121   OSC             <30       &0         Combination Heat Exchanger PACV's, Hydrogen HV-3-1,2         OSC            C30    . 230      0  Combination Removal          PAHM-002A       OSC 17  - SI Test Line      V-895V           OSC             (30     ~30 19A  Containment        CK-890A          OSC            (30   1,400 Spray A          MOV-880A        OSC            4 30     (30 19B  Containment        CK-890B          OSC              300       600 Spray  B        MOV-880B        OSC            <30       (30 Page 2 of 5
ATTACIBKNT   (Continued) 1986 LLRT  

ANALYSIS Pen.No.Valve Loc."As-Found""As-Left" Pen.(ccm)(ccm)Net Remarks 20-A and B Hot Leg Sample 23-Containment Sump to WHT 24A,B,C,-RCP Seal Inject.SV-6427A SV-6427B SV-6428 CV-2821 CV-2822 CK-298A CK-298B CK-298C ISC ISC OSC OSC OSC ISC ISC ISC (30 (30 550 550<-30 (30 400 400 150 150 800 800 (30 (30 300 300 25-RCP Seal Water Return 29-Instrument Air Supply 31-RCDT to Gas Analyzer MOV-6386 MOV-381 ST-CK-340A CK-336 CK-201 CV-6165 CV-4659A,B ISC OSC ISC ISC ISC OSC OSC 1,600 1,000~30 (30 750 750 400 400 (30<30 800 800%0 (30 0 Combination 32-Containment Air Sample Return CK-11-003 ISC SV-2912, OSC PAHM-001A,B OSC 47,500 650 700 650 Combination 33-Containment Air Sample SV-2911 SV-2913 OSC OSC<30 (30<30<SO CK-205 ISC HV-17, V-204 OSC 145,000 600.600 600 Combination 35-Containment Purge Inlet 36-Containment Purge Outlet PV-2601 PV-2600 PV-2603 PV-2602 ISC OSC ISC OSC 23,000 1,800 0190,000 550 10,600 See Note 1 Combination 0 See Note 2, Only re-worked PV-2603.Combination Page 3 of 5  
ANALYSIS "As-Found" "As-Left" Pen.
.i ATTACHMENT (Continued)
Pen. No.                  Valve              Loc.          (ccm)       (ccm)     Net Remarks 20   A and B Hot Leg     SV-6427A          ISC              (30    (30 Sample             SV-6427B          ISC                550    550 SV-6428          OSC                <-30    (30 23   Containment   Sump CV-2821          OSC                400    400 to WHT             CV-2822          OSC                  150    150 24A,B,C, - RCP Seal     CK-298A           ISC                800    800 Inject.        CK-298B           ISC               (30     (30 CK-298C          ISC                300     300 25   RCP Seal Water     MOV-6386           ISC              1,600  1,000 Return              MOV-381           OSC              ~30      (30 29    Instrument    Air  ST-CK-340A         ISC                750    750 Supply              CK-336             ISC                400    400 CK-201             ISC                (30    <30 CV-6165           OSC                  800    800 31    RCDT to            CV-4659A,B                           %0     (30 OSC                                    0 Combination Gas Analyzer 32   - Containment Air     CK-11-003         ISC             47,500      700 Sample Return      SV-2912,         OSC PAHM-001A,B       OSC                 650     650         Combination 33   - Containment   Air   SV-2911           OSC                <30      <30 Sample              SV-2913           OSC                 (30     <SO CK-205           ISC           145,000      600 HV-17, V-204     OSC                 .600   600           Combination 35   Containment         PV-2601           ISC             23,000   1,800   10,600 See Note 1 Purge  Inlet      PV-2600          OSC                                        Combination 36    Containment        PV-2603          ISC          0190,000      550        0 See Note 2, Purge Outlet        PV-2602          OSC                                        Only re-worked PV-2603.
Combination Page 3   of 5
.i ATTACHMENT   (Continued)
N 1986 LLRT  
N 1986 LLRT  

ANALYSIS Pen.No.Valve Loc~"As-Found""As-Left" Pen.(ccm)(ccm)Net Remarks 37-Spare 38-Electrical Cannisters 39-Fuel Transfer Tube Flange CAP 10-879 (30 (30 (30<30 350 350 120 120 0 40-Equipment Hatch 30 30 41-Personnel Air Lock 4,500 4,500 42-Nitrogen to Accumulators ST-CK-945E CV-855 ISC OSC 1,600 600 15900 600 t 47-Primary Water Supply to Wash Header CK-10-567 V-582 OSC ISC 170,000 2,200 0 Only re-worked CK-10-567'ombination 49-Emergency Air Lock 51-PACV's Annulus HV-4-3, HV-4-4 OSC PAHM-4-002B OSC 720 720~30~30 0 Combination 52-RCDT Pump Discharge CV-4668A,B OSC<'3O (30 0 Combination t 54A-Cont.Recirc.Sump MOV-860A to RHR Pump A MOV-861A OSC MO (30 0 Combination 54B-Cont.Recirc.Sump to RHR Pump B MOV-860B MOV-861B OSC 100 100 0 Combination 55-Accumulator Sampling CV-955C CV-955D CV-955E CV-956D ISC ISC ISC OSC<30 430 11,000 120 10,880 40 40 15,500~0 Page 4 of 5  
ANALYSIS "As-Found" "As-Left" Pen.
<4~~I rj~~
Pen. No.                    Valve            Loc  ~          (ccm)       (ccm)     Net   Remarks 37   Spare                 CAP                                   (30
( 30
'(Continued) 1986 LLRT  
(<3030        0 10-879 38  - Electrical                                                  350     350 Cannisters 39  - Fuel Transfer                                                120       120 Tube Flange 40   Equipment   Hatch                                             30       30 41   Personnel   Air Lock                                                       4,500   4,500 42   Nitrogen   to         ST-CK-945E       ISC               1,600   15900 Accumulators          CV-855                                  600     600 t
OSC 47   Primary Water       CK-10-567         OSC             170,000   2,200         0 Only re-Supply to Wash        V-582            ISC                                          worked Header                                                                              CK-10-567
                                                                                                        'ombination 49 - Emergency   Air       Annulus                                720      720 Lock 51 - PACV's               HV-4-3, HV-4-4   OSC                 ~30      ~30          0 Combination PAHM-4-002B       OSC 52   RCDT Pump             CV-4668A,B       OSC                 <'3O     (30         0 Combination t       Discharge 54A Cont.
to Recirc.
RHR Pump A 54B  Cont. Recirc.
Sump Sump MOV-860A MOV-861A MOV-860B OSC OSC MO 100 (30 100 0
0 Combination Combination to RHR Pump B       MOV-861B 55   Accumulator           CV-955C           ISC                <30      430 Sampling              CV-955D           ISC             11,000       120 10,880 CV-955E          ISC                    40       40 CV-956D          OSC              15,500     ~0 Page 4   of   5
<4     ~ ~
I rj
~ ~
ATTACHMENT '(Continued) 1986 LLRT  

ANALYSIS Pen.No.56-Spare 61A-Spare t 61B-Deadweight Tester to PT Valve V-2027 V-2023 V-2024 Loc.OSC ISC OSC 30"As-Found""As-Left" Pen.30 30~0 q(30 0 30 0 30 63-Instrument Air Bleed CV-2819 CV-2826 ISC OSC 150 700 150 0 700 65A-Containment Air Flange Test Air In-Out 65B-Containment Air V-2025 Test Pressure Flange OSC ISC OSC ISC 1,600 30 30 0 Only outbd.,',flange repaired.30 0 Combination 65C-Containment Air V-2026 Test Pressure Flange OSC ISC 30 30 0 Combination NOTES: 1.Since both valves were reworked at the same time, one-half of the total leakage (As-Found minus As-Left)is conservatively assigned to this penetration.
ANALYSIS "As-Found" "As-Left" Pen.
If piece-wise maintenance had been performed; as was done on Penetration 36, a smaller net equivalent leakage~mi ht have resulted.2.Greater than represents the largest flowmeter used for the 1986 LLRT program.See Penetration 36.CONCLUSION The net equivalent leakage is 21,850 ccm, or 0.071860 percent/day.
Pen. No.                     Valve            Loc.
Page 5 of 5  
56   Spare                                                       30      30    ~0 q(
(~i 0', 0}}
t 61A Spare 61B Deadweight 63 Tester to Instrument PT Air V-2027 V-2023 V-2024 CV-2819 OSC ISC OSC ISC 30 150 30 30 30 150 0
0 0
Bleed                 CV-2826           OSC             700     700 65A Containment     Air     Flange           OSC           1,600       30     0   Only outbd.
Test Air In-Out                        ISC                                  ,',flange repaired.
65B  Containment    Air    V-2025            OSC                30      30     0   Combination Test Pressure        Flange            ISC 65C Containment     Air     V-2026           OSC               30       30     0   Combination Test Pressure        Flange            ISC NOTES:
: 1. Since both valves were reworked at the same time, one-half of the total leakage (As-Found minus As-Left) is conservatively assigned to this penetration. If piece-wise maintenance had been performed; as was done on Penetration 36, a smaller net equivalent leakage ~mi ht have resulted.
: 2. Greater than represents     the largest flowmeter used for the 1986 LLRT program. See Penetration 36.
CONCLUSION The net equivalent leakage   is 21,850 ccm, or 0.071860 percent/day.
Page 5 of 5
(~i 0',

Latest revision as of 23:43, 3 February 2020

Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leakage Rate Test, Types A,B & C Periodic Test,Turkey Point Plant Unit 4.
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 03/31/1986
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ML17342A594 List:
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PDR ADoCg 050002 4




V <

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title ~Pa e TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ATTACHMENTS REFERENCES PURPOSE SU>MARY 2-1 2.1 TYPE A TEST 2-1 2.2 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS (TYPES B AND C) 2-2 TYPE A TEST 3-1 3.1 EDITED LOG OF EVENTS 3-1 3.2 GENERAL TEST DESCRIPTION 3-3 3.2.1 Prerequisites 3-3 3.2.2 Equipment and Instrumentation 3-3 3.2.3 Data Acquisition System 3-4 3.2.4 Data Resolution System 3-4 3o3 TEST RESULTS 3-6 3.3.1 Presentation of Test Results 3-6 3.3.2 ILRT Results Mass Point Method 3-6


3.3.3 ILRT Results Total Time Method 3-6 3.3.4 Superimposed Leakage Verification 3-6 Test Results 3.3.5 Type C Corrections 3-7 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TESTS (Types B and C) 4-1

'O 4 Il,

LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Attachment Title 3.2A Site Meteorology 3.2B Instrumentation List 3.2C Instrumentation Location RHD's (Profile View) 3.2D Instrumentation Location RHD's (Plan View) 3.2E Instrumentation Location RTD's (Profile View) 3.2F Instrumentation Location RTD's (Plan View) 3.3A ILRT - Input Variables 3.3B Leakage Rate Data Mass Point 3.3C Leakage Rate Data Total Time 3.3D Graph 1 - Containment Mass versus Time 3 'E Graph 2 - Containment Leakage Rate and UCL versus Time (Mass Point) 3.3F Graph 3 Calculated Containment Leakage Rate and UCL versus Time (Total Time) 3.3G Superimposed Leakage Verification Test Data (Reduced Input Variables, Mass Point, Total Time Results) 4A 1986 Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4B 1984 Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4C 1986 Local Leakage Rate Test Summary Analysis

l l


I PI t


1. 10CFR50, Appendix J, Primary Reactor Containment Leakage Testing for Water-Cooled Power Reactors, October 22, 1980.
2. Florida Power & Light Turkey Point Plant Operating Procedure 13100.1, Integrated Leakage Rate Test, and 13100.2, Valve Lineup for ILRT.
3. ANSI N45.4, American National Standard Leakage-Rate Testing of Containment Structures for Nuclear Reactors, March 16, 1972.
4. ANSI/ANS-56.8, Cqntainment System Leakage Testing Requirements, February 19, 1981.


5. Bechtel Corporation Testing Criteria for Integrated Leakage Rate Testing of Primary Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Plants, BN-TOP-l, Revision 1, November 1, 1972.

1 This document used only as a guideline and any reference to said document in no way implies compliance.

SECTION 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to present a description and analysis of the March 1986 Periodic Type A Containment Integrated Leakage Rate Test (ILRT),

and a summary of the periodic Types B and C Local Leakage Rate Tests conducted since May 1983 on the Florida Power and Light Company's (FP&L)

Turkey Point Plant, Unit No. 4.

Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation provided engineering consultation services to FP&L during the performance of this test.

This report is submitted as required by 10CFR50, Appendix J, Paragraph V.B.

(Reference 1).




2.1 TYPE A TEST Pressurization for the ILRT began at 2356 hours0.0273 days <br />0.654 hours <br />0.0039 weeks <br />8.96458e-4 months <br /> on March 25, 1986.

Investigations of all penetration areas for leakage were conducted during

the pressurization period and throughout the Type A test. Only minor leakage paths were identified.

Containment pressurization equipment was secured at approximately 0937 hours0.0108 days <br />0.26 hours <br />0.00155 weeks <br />3.565285e-4 months <br /> on March 26, 1986, with a peak instantaneous pressure of 67.148 psia.

Temperature, humidity, and pressure data was continuously recorded throughout the entire test period at 15 minute intervals. The temperature stabilization criteria was satisfied at 1915 hours0.0222 days <br />0.532 hours <br />0.00317 weeks <br />7.286575e-4 months <br /> on March 26, 1986.

The Type A test was successfully completed from 1930 hours0.0223 days <br />0.536 hours <br />0.00319 weeks <br />7.34365e-4 months <br /> on March 26, 1986 to 0500 hours0.00579 days <br />0.139 hours <br />8.267196e-4 weeks <br />1.9025e-4 months <br /> on March 27, 1986, with a Mass Point Upper Confidence Limit (UCL-MP) of 0.083594 percent/day and a Total Time Upper Confidence Limit (UCL-TT) of 0,108892 percent/day, (See Section 3.3, Test Results).

Both the Mass Point and the Total Time leakage rates were well below the Turkey Point 0.75 La acceptance criteria of 0.1875 percent per day.

The Type A test duration was extended by. approximately one and one-half hours. This, was done 'to closely monitor the slight change in the mass trend which occurred at approximately midnight of March 26, 1986.

Reference the mass and leakage rate graphs of Attachments 3.3D through 3.3F.

A review of Attachment 3.3A indicates that at approximately 2330 hours0.027 days <br />0.647 hours <br />0.00385 weeks <br />8.86565e-4 months <br /> on March 26, 1986 (which is 4.250 hours0.00289 days <br />0.0694 hours <br />4.133598e-4 weeks <br />9.5125e-5 months <br /> after the start of the Type A test),

the temperature and pressure trends essentially stabilized. This brought about a very slight change in the mass trend. Once additional data was obtained it was readily determined that a significant break in the trends had not occured. A subsequent review of all the individual sensor readings did not reveal any abnormalities.

The superimposed leakage verification test was started at 0630 hours0.00729 days <br />0.175 hours <br />0.00104 weeks <br />2.39715e-4 months <br /> and was successfully completed at 1115 hours0.0129 days <br />0.31 hours <br />0.00184 weeks <br />4.242575e-4 months <br /> on March 27, 1986. The results of the verification test satisfied the requirements set forth in References 4 and 5, (See Section 3.3, Test Results).

Depressurization of the containment commenced at 1200 hours0.0139 days <br />0.333 hours <br />0.00198 weeks <br />4.566e-4 months <br /> on March and was completed in the early evening. 27,'986 2-1


The Local Leakage Rate Tests (LLRT's) of containment isolation valves and other primary containment penetrations were conducted as,.required by the methods described in FP&L's Operating Procedure No. 13404.1, "Containment Boundary Isolation Valves Local Leakage Rate Tests" since the last Unit No. 4 Type A Test performed in May 1983.

Section 4 of this report summarizes the data for the two surveillance periods (1984 and 1986) of LLRT's conducted since the last Type A Test in accordance with Appendix J, 10CFR50, Paragraph V.B.


SECTION 3 TYPE A TEST 3.1 EDITED LOG OF EVENTS This log was edited from information contained in the Official Log of Events.

March 25, 1986 2356 Containment pressurization was initiated. Pressurization rate was approximately 6.0 pounds per hour.

1farch 26, 1986 0300 Initiated leakage investigation of the penetration area.

0410 - No pressure observed in the Personnel and Emergency Hatch.

0500 Penetration area leakage investigation completed. Observed various minor leakages on opened vent valves and valve packing.

Containment pressure was 44.3 psia. Containment average temperature was approximately 94 0 F.

0800 Performed leakage investigation of the penetration area. Same minor leakages were observed.

0900 Performed leakage investigation of exclusion areas. No leakage was noted.

0937 Containment pressure was 67.148 psia. Compressors were secured, and the pressurization line was vented.

1315 The pressure between the purge exhaust and supply valves was increasing. Readings were approximately 2 psig and 28 psig, respectively.

1400 - Performed leakage investigation of the penetration area. Same minor. leakages were observed.

1915 Satisfied the temperature stabilization criteria of the teat procedure.

1930 Commenced the start of the Type A Test.


March 27, 1986 0130 Performed leakage investigation of the penetration area. Same minor leakages were observed.

0500 Satisfied Type A criteria for a reduced duration test.

0530 Superimposed leakage rate was started.

0630 Superimposed leakage verification test was started.

1115 Superimposed leakage verification test criteria was satisfied.

1200 Depressurization of the containment commenced.


3.2 GENERAL TEST DESCRIPTION 3.2.1 Prerequisites In accordance with the Turkey Point Plant Unit No. 4 ILRT Procedure 13100.1 (Reference 2), the following is a listing of the pertinent prerequisites that were completed and documented prior to containment pressurization:

a. General inspection of the accessible interior and exterior surfaces of the containment structures and components completed.
b. All equipment and instrumentation that could be damaged by test pressure removed or protected.


c. All instrumentation required for the test. calibrated within six months of the test and functionally verified.
d. All required system valve lineups completed, including closure of containment isolation valves.
e. All required Types B and C local leakage rate testing completed.
f. The Official Log of Events established.
g. Site meteorological data recorded at least three days prior to and during the ILRT (Attachment 3.2A).
h. Temporary containment air recirculation fans installed and tested.

ILRT pressurization system properly installed and tested.

All ILRT computer software used for test calculations tested and operational.

3.2.2 Equipment and Instrumentation Pressurization of the containment was achieved by the utilization of a temporary system consisting of ten air compressors manifolded to aftercoolers and refrigerant air dryers. The system included adequate instrumentation and valving to maintain proper monitoring and control of the compressed air quality throughout the pressurization sequence. The total capacity of the pressurization system was rated at approximately 11,000 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm).

The various containment parameters required to calculate containment leakage during the test were monitored using instrumentation which consisted of 22 resistance temperature detectors (RTD's), 10 relative humidity detectors (RHD's), and an absolute pressure quartz manometer,.

Pertinent data for the test instrumentation is listed in Attachment 3.2B, and the general locations of the RTD's and RHD's are shown in Attachment 3.2C through 3.2F.

A rotometer was used to perform the superimposed leakage verification test.


3.2.3 Data Acquisition System The Turkey Point Plant Unit No. 4 ILRT sensor data were recorded at approximately 15 minute intervals during the test. A programmable, multichannel data logger was used to scan and record data from 22 RTD's, 10 RHD's, and manometer signal inputs; Data readings of the rotometer were manually recorded.

The ILRT utilized a portable programmable computer to average the test data. Periodically during the test period, weighted average temperature, air pressure, weighted average vapor pressure, and mass values were computed.

3.2.4 Data Resolution System After the appropriate data had been acquired and averaged, the results were inputted to the Stone 6 Webster Engineering Corporation's (SWEC) portable computer for leakage rate calculations. For the Turkey Point Plant Unit No. 4 ILRT, both the Absolute Method of Mass Point Analysis and Absolute Method of Total Time Analysis were used to determine the leakage rate.

Absolute Method of Mass Point Anal sis The Absolute Method of Mass Point Analysis consists of calculating the air mass within the containment structure, over the test period, using pressure, temperature, and relative humidity observations made during the ILRT., The air mass is computed using the ideal gas law as follows:

M 144V(P-Pv)

RT (Eq. 1) where:

M ~ air mass, ibm P ~ total pressure, psia Pv ~ average vapor pressure, psia R ~ 53.35 ft-lbf/lbm R (for air) 0 T average containment temperature, V containment free volume, 1.55 x 10 g ft3 The leakage rate is then determined by plotting the air mass as a function of time, using a least-squares fit to determine the slope, A ~ dM/dT. The leakage rate is expressed as a percentage of the air mass lost in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or symbolically:

Leakage Rate A/B(-2400) (Eq. 2)

Where A is the slope of the least-squares curve and B is the y-intercept.

The sign convention is such that the leakage out of the containment is positive, and the units are in percent/day, 3-4

The air mass is calculated and the result is correlated as a function of time by means of a 'least-squares curve fit of the form:

M~At+B (Eq 3)

The slope A and y-intercept B are then used in Equation 2 to determine the leakage rate.

A confidence interval is calculated using a Student's T distribution. The sum of the leakage rate and confidence interval is the upper confidence limit-mass point (UCL-MP).

Absolute Method of Total Time Anal sis The Absolute Method of Total Time Analysis consists of calculating air lost from the containment, using pressure, temperature, and relative humidity observations made during the ILRT.

The containment air mass is computed using Equation 1. The measured leakage rate at any time (t) is then determined by subtracting the mass at that time (Mt) from the initial mass (Mi) and dividing by the initial mass.

The measured leakage rate is expressed as a percentage of containment mass lost in 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> or symbolically:

Measured Leakage Rate Mi - Mt (2400) (Eq. 4)

Mi (>t)

The sign convention is such that leakage out of the containment is positive, and the units are in percent/day.

The calculated leakage rate is then determined by plotting the measured leakage rate as a function of time and then performing a least-squares curve fit of the measured leakage rate values as follows:

Calculated Leakage Rate At + B (Eq. 5) where, A is the slope and B is the y-intercept of the least squares curve.

The confidence interval is calculated in accordance with the 'equations in Reference 5. The sum of the calculated leakage rate and the confidence interval is the upper confidence limit - total time (UCL-TT).

This analysis method was used in con)unction with procedure 13100.1 (Reference 2).


ATTACHMENT 3. 2A SITE METEOROLOGY Ambient Barometric Wind Wind Temperature Pressure Velocity Direction Date Time ( p ~(m h) ~(a z emu th 3-23-86 1700 69 30.36 11 300 1800 68 30.37 8 330 1900 66 30.38 5 335 2000 66 30.40 10 335 2100 64 30.40 6 330 2200 63 30.41 9 330 2300 62 30.42 12 320 3-24-86 0000 60 30.40 10 315 0100 58 30.37 12 335 0200 56 30.37 12 320 0300 56 30.36 7 325 0400 56 30.36 ll 325 0500 57 30.37 6 355 0600 57 30.37 8 325 0700 57 30.40 12 330 0800 57 30.44 10 330 0900 58 30.46 10 330 1000 61 30.48 5 330 1100 64 30.48 6 330 1200 70 30.47 8 40 1300 72 30.47 10 70 1400 70 30.42 10 60 1500 71 30.41 12 63 1600 72 30.40 7 65 1700 71 30.41 8 45 1800 69 30.42 7 45 1900 65 30.43 8 65 2000 65 30.43 4 64 2100 65 30.45 12 63 2200 65 30.45 5 55 2300 65 30.45 6 55 3-25-86 0000 66 30.45 5 55 0100 66 30.42 6 55 0200 66 30.40 5 60 0300 66 30.38 6 70 0400 66 30.36 7 79 0500 66 30.25 12 90 0600 66 30.40 12 91 0700 65 30.41 16 91 0800 68 30.43 13 90 0900 71 30.45 12 90 1000 70 30.33 15 85 1100 71 30.33 13 90 1200 73 30.31 13 85 1300 74 30.30 12 85 1400 72 30.25 10 75 Page 1 of

ATTACHMENT 3.2A (Continued)

SITE METEOROLOGY Ambient Barometric Wind Wind Temperature Pressure Velocity Direction Date Time (P) (in. H ~(m h ~(azimuth 1500 72 30.24 16 85 1600 70 30.35 5 98 1700 68 30.34 10 85 1800 66 30.33 8 90 1900 65 30.32 9 70 2000 67 30.33 ll 75 2100 67 30.34 10 105 2200 67 30.35 10 105 2300 67 30.33 10 405 3-26<<86 0000 67 30.33 14 415 0100 67 30.31 8 415 0200 67 30.29 8 410 0300 65 30.28 7 410 0400 65 30.25 7 410 0500 66 30. 15 6 .90 0600 66 30.26 13 404 0700 67 30.28 4 75 0800 66 30.29 5 100 0900 66 30.30 7 110 1000 67 30.29 ll 440 1100 67 30.28 ll 445 1200 1300 '3 68 30.28 30.27 12 13 450 450 1400 73 30.25 7 450 1500 74 30.23 7 450 1600 74 30.21 10 445 1700 74 30. 19 6 425 1800 74 30. 19 10 440 1900 72 30.20 15. 480 2000 71 30.21 8 435 2100 71 30.21 8 435 2200 71 30.22 ll 445 2300 71 30.22 7 425 3-27-86 0000 72 30.21 7 445 0100 72 30.20 8 425 0200 67 30.18 10 55 0300 66 30.16 7 46 0400 66 30.14 5 39 0500 66 30. 16 8 55 0600 65 30. 16 4 40 0700 65 30. 16 5 305 0800 71 30.18 7 300 0900 -72 30.19 3 60 1000 76 30.19 9 65 1100 76 30.19 ll 75 1200 78 30. 17 10 60 Page 2 of

~ l, M h ATTACHMENT 3.2B


INSTRUMENTATION LIST The following instruments were calibrated or functionally verified within 6 months prior to the performance of this test and in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix J, using instrumentation traceable to the National Bureau of Standards.

Channel Elevation Instrument CH-9 0.033 +0.5 F CH-19 RTD 0.033 +0.5 F CH-20 20'0'0'4'9t RTD 0.033 +0.5 F CH-12 RTD 0.033 +0.5 F CH-14 RTD 0.033 +0.5 F CH-15 RTD 0.033 +0.5 F CH-1 RTD 0.03 +0.5 F CH-3 RTD 0.03 +0.5 F CH-4 RTD 0.03 +0.5 F CH-5 34'4'4'4'4'7'7'7'7'7t RTD 0.03 +0.5 F CH-2 RTD 0.060334 +0.5 F CH-6 RTD 0.060334 +0.5 F CH-7 RTD 0.060333 +0.5 F CH-8 RTD 0.060333 +0.5 F CH-21 RTD 0.060333 +0.5 F CH-22 RTD 0.060333 +0.5 F CH-10 RTD 0.053334 +0.5 F CH-11 RTD 0.053334 +0.5 F CH-13 RTD 0.053333 +0.5 F CH-16 RTD 0.053333 +0.5 F CH-17 RTD 0.053333 +0.5 F CH-18 RTD 0.053333 +0.5 F CH-50 143'43'43'43'0'0'4'4'4'4'7'43'43'TD RHD 0.0495 +2.5%RH CH-51 RHD 0.0495 +2.5%RH-CH-52 RHD 0.0495 +2.5%RH CH-53 RHD 0.0495 +2.5%RH CH-54 RHD 0.06 +2.5%RH CH-55 RHD 0.06 +2.5%RH CH-56 RHD 0.181 +2.5%RH CH-57 RHD 0.181 +2.5%RH CH-58 RHD 0.16 +2.5%RH CH-59 RHD 0.16 +2.5%RH CH-80 TI-145 0-100 psia Quartz Manometer 1 1.0 +0.001%F.S.

TI-145 0-100 psia Quartz Manometer 2 .N/A +0.001%F.S.

Rotometer 0>>28 scfm 8 50 psig +1.0%F.S.

Page 1 of 1



CH"50 CH.-51 CH-52 CH-53 EL. 20 EL. 54 CH-64 97'H-67'H-.58 97 CH-66 EL. 64 CH-55 EL. 143 CH-59 (EL. 97)



CH-18 CH-I6 CH" 13 CH-17 CH" 10 CH-'11 CH-7 CH 8 CH-2'L.

CH-2'I EL. 143 97 CH.22 CH'6 CH.4 CH-3 CH-1 CH.5 EL. 64 CH 12.



CH" I9 CH-20 CH-5 CH-12 0

29 CH-9 CH-14 EL. 20 EL. 34 97 97 CH-1 CH-2 CH-5 CH-6 CH-10 CH-11 97 97 CH-7 CH-8

,CH-IB CH-16 CH-17 97 97 CH-4, CH-21 CH-'5 CH.22 CH-15 EL. 143 (EL. 97 ')



I 0

3.3 TEST RESULTS 3.3.1 Presentation of Test Results The ILRT was conducted in accordance with the Turkey Point Plant Unit No. 4 Operating Procedure 13100.1. The results for the ILRT and for the Superimposed Leakage Verification Test are shown below:

3.3.2 ILRT Results - Mass Point Method

1. Leakage Rate Calculated, Lam 0.079923
2. Upper Confidence Level 0.003670
3. Type C Corrections (See'3.3.5) 0.003838
4. Total Reported Type A Leakage Rate 0.087431 Results were within the acceptable limit of 0.1875 percent/day.

3.3.3 ILRT Resuls Total Time Method Percent/Da

1. Leakage Rate Calculated, Lam 0.077245
2. Upper Confidence Level 0.031647
3. Type C Corrections (See 3.3.5) 0.003838
4. Total Reported Type A Leakage Rate 0.112730 Results were within the acceptable limit of 0.1875 percent/day.'.3.4 Superimposed Leakage Verification Test Results
1. The Superimposed Leakage Verification Test is acceptable provided L falls within the following range:

(Lam + Lo - 0.25 La) + Lc ~ (Lam + Lo + 0.25 La) where: Lam ~ total measured containment leakage rate from ILRT Lo leakage rate imposed on containment using a flow measuring device (percent/day)

La maximum allowable leakage rate (0.25 percent/day)

Lc = composite leakage rate calculated during the verification test

a. Mass Point (See Attachment 3.3G, Page 2 of 3)

(.079923 + .260691 .062500)( .3340084 (.79923 + .260691 + .062500)

. 278114 5. 334008 ~. 403114 3-6

b. Total Time (See Attachment 3.3G, Page 3 of 3)

(.077245 + .260691 .062500) ~".351351~(.077245 + .260691 + .062500)

.275436 ~ .351351 ~ .400436 The Superimposed Leakage Verification Test met the requirements set forth in References 4 and 5.

c. Calculation of Lo, percent/day Lo ~ 740.04 scfh La ~ 709.687 scfh and 0.25 percent/day Lo ~ (0.25) (740.04)


Lo .260691 percent/day 3.3.5 Type C Corrections

1. Type C penalty for not venting or draining in standard cubic centimeters per minute.

Pen. 11 40 ccm Pen. 24 a,b,c 1130 ccm Total 1170 ccm 14.696

2. Type C penalty in percent/day (See and

La ~ 11.828 scfm and 0.25 percent/day 5142.71 sccm ~ 0.181589 scfm Type C Correction = 0.181589 (scfm) (0.25) = 0.003838 11.828 (scfm)

Type C Correction = 0.003838 percent/day 3-7

ATTACHMENT 3.3A INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST FROM 1930 HOURS ON MARCH 26, 1986 TO 0500 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 REDUCED INPUT VARIABLES Time Abs. Pressure Vap. Pressure Temp. Rel. Humidity Mass

~(nr ( sia ( ct (ibm 0.000 66.042 .4434 545.97 71.443 502675.452

.250 66.035 .4430 545.92 71.473 502666.990

.500 66.028 .4424 545.87 71.500 502662.334

~ 750 66.022 .4420 545.83 71.529 502659.434 1.000 66.016 .4414 545.78 71.554 502663.749 1.250 66.009 .4412 545.74 71.582 502645.619 1.500 66.003 .4406 545.70 71.591 502643.796 1;750 65.996 .4403 545.66 71.623 502629.178 2.000 65.991 .4399 545.62 71.661 502629.810 2.250 65.985 ,4394 545.58 71.675 502626.891 2.500 65.981 .4390 545.54 71.696 502634.785 2.750 65.974 .4385 545.50 71.700 502618.750 3.000 65.969 .4382 545.46 71.740 502619.037 3.250 65.964 .4378 545.43 71.763 502616.859 3.500 65.959 .4375 545.40 71.779 502609.757 3.750 65.954 .4371 545.36 71.808 502606.609 4.000 65.949 .4368 545.33 71.838 502602.508 4.250 65.944 .4365 545.30 71.844 502591.344 4.5oo 65.939 .4364 545.27 71.881 502583.199 4.75O 65.934 .4359 545.24 71.885 502576.761 5.000 65.929 .4357 545.21 71;921 502567.823 5.250 65.925 .4354 545.18 71.946 502568.000 5.500 65.921 .4350 545.15 71.934 502563.359 5.750 65.917 .4347 545.12 71.946 502563.063 6.000 65.913 .4347 545.'10 71.983 502553.466 6.250 65.909 .4343 545.07 72.009 502554.105 6.500 65.906 .4341 545.04 72.025 502554.788 6.750 62.902 .4338 545.02 72.029 502551.678 7.000 65.899 .4335 544.99 72.050 502552.697 7.250 65.897 .4334 544.97 72.080 502561.556 7.500 65.893 .4332 544.94 72.091 502555.958 7.750 65.889 .4329 544.92 72.101 502549.281 8.000 65.885 .4327 544.90 72.126 502538.827 8.250 65.881 .4325 544.88 72.143 502528.882 8.500 65.878 .4324 544.86 72.158 502527.112 8.750 65.875 .4320 544.83 72.169 502532.891 9.000 65.871 .4319 544.81 72.181 502518.687 9.250 65.867 .4317 544.79 72.207 502511.669 9.500 65.864 .4314 544.77 72.205 502506.973 Page lof1

ATTACHMENT 3. 3B INTEGRATED LEAKAGE RATE TEST FROM 1930 HOURS ON MARCH 26, 1986 TO 0500 HOURS ON MARCH 27, 1986 ABSOLUTE TEST METHOD, MASS POINT ANALYSIS Time Mass Leakage 95 Pct. Conf. UCL (hr) ~(ibm ~ct~/da ) ct/da ~(ct/da )

0.000 502675.45 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

.250 502666.99 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

.500 502662.33 .125269 . 179527 .304796

~ 750 502659.43 .100667 .050088 .150755 1.000 502663.75 .059132 .061023 .120154 1.250 502645.62 .088280 .050944 .139223 1.500 502643.80 .092963 .034482 .127445 1.750 502629.18 .110431 .031597 .142027 2.000 502629.81 .110416 .023863 .134279 2.250 502626.89 .107427 .018958 .126385 2.500 502634.78 .094061 .020808 ;114869 2.750 502618.75 .094510 .017124 .111635 3.000 502619.04 .091485 .014679 .106165 3.250 502616.86 .088158 .012937 .101095 3.500 502609.76 .087183 .011177 .098360 3.750 502606.61 .085933 .009803 .095737 4.000 502602.51 .084926 .008665 .093592 4.250 502591.34 .086470 .007824 .094294 4.500 502583.20 .088666 .007313 .095979 4.750 502576.76 .090755 .006885 .097640 5.000 502567.82 .093340 .006725 .100065 5.250 502568.00 .094135 .006148 .100282 5.500 502563.36 .094680 .005625 .100305 5.750 502563.06 .094209 .005166 .099375 6.000 502553.47 .094664 .004764 .099429 6.250 502554.11 .094109 .004424 .098533 6.500 502554.79 .092819 .004282 .097101 6.750 502551.68 .091538 .004166 .095704 7.000 502552.70 .089740 .004258 .093997 7.250 502561.56 .086607 .005021 .091629 7.500 502555.96 .084166 .005268 .089434 7.750 502549.28 .082401 .005227 .087628 8.000 502538.83 .081565 .004973 .086538 8.250 502528.88 .081415 .004678 .086092 8.500 502527.11 .081062 .004420 .085482 8.750 502532.89 .079902 .004321 .084224 9.000 502518.69 .079738 .004087 .083825 9.250 502511.67 .079817 .003870 .083687 9.500 502506.97 .079923 .003670 .083594 Page 1 of 1


Time, (hr)

Mass (ibm Meas. Leakage

/ ~(/


) ~(/

Gale. Leakage Confidence

( ct/da UCL

~(ct/da 0.000 502675.45 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000

.250 502666.99 . 161613 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000

.500 502662.33 .125268 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000

.750 502659.43 . 101972 0.000000 .099797 .051600 .15139 1.000 502663.75 . 055876 0.000000 .060106 .033316 .09342 1.250 502645.62 .113949 0.000000 .078792 .126159 .20495 1.500 502643.80 .100762 0.000000 .082456 .104960 .18741 1.750 502629.18 .126248 0.000000 .096906 .102131 .19903 2.000 502629.81 .108959 0.000000 .098946 .088976 .18792 2.250 502626.89 .103047 0.000000 .098205 .078919 .17712 2.500 502634.78 .077666 0.000000 .089040 .072446 .16148

2. 750 502618.75 .098445 0.000000 .089230 .067064 .15629 3.000 502619.04 .089784 0.000000 .086928 .062196 .14912 3.250 502616.86 .086077 0.000000 .084272 .058161 .14243 3-500 502609.76 .089617 0.000000 .083226 .055002 .13822 3.750 502606.61 .087650 0.000000 .082011 .052260 .13427 4.000 502602.51 .087067 0.000000 .080981 .049919 .13090 4.250 502591.34 .094488 0.000000 .081814 .048474 .13028 4.500 502583.20 .097879 0.000000 .083245 .047441 .13068 4.750 502576.76 .099200 0.000000 .084731 .046501 .13123 5.000 502567.82 .102774 .095635 .086674 .045852 .13252 5.250 502568.00 .097719 .100289 .087444 .044700 .13214 5.500 .502563.36 .097307 .097226 .088054 .043585 .13163 5.750 502563.06 .093321 .095705 .087949 .042378 .13032 Page 1 of 2

ATTACHMENT 3.3C (Continued)



~(hr Mass (ibm Meas. Leakage

/ ~t/


) ~(/

Gale. Leakage Confidence

( ct/da UCL

~(ct/da )

6.000 502553.47 .097070 .095472 .088465 .041417 .12988 6.250 502554.11 .092699 .097225 .008270 .040364 .12863 6.500 502554.79 .088632 .096020 .087526 .039333 .12685 6.750 502551.68 .087549 .095390 .086737 .038374 .12511 7.000 502552.70 .083727 .093366 .085539 .037487 .12302

7. 250 502561.56 .075006 .091749 .083352 .036841 .12019 7.500 502555.96 .076069 .090464 .081559 .036131 .11769
7. 750 502549.28 .077729 .090467 .080179 .035402 .11558
8. 000 502538.83 .081539 .089662 .079414 .034712 .11412 8.250 502528.88 .084823 .089426 .079122 .034130 .11325 8.500 502527.11 .083323 .089295 .078703 .033552 .11225 8.750 502532.89 .077789 .088731 .077732 .032955 .11068 9.000 502518.69 .083163 .088518 .077437 .032464 .10990 9.250 502511.67 .084538 .088397 .077323 .032042 .10936 9.500 502506.97 .084673 .087930 .077245 .031647 .10889 Page 2 of 2

58Z658 582688 582558


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LRMMP 0-cC -3 R

~zi I-D bJ a + 2 K

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~ N u cern

~u CC

.1 ~ ~ ~ ~

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~hr sia ( ct (ibm) 0.000 65.835 .4303 544.64 72.313 502412.458

.250 65.831 .4300 544.62 72.314 502403.787

.500 65.826 .4297 544.59 72.312 502389.856

.750 65.822 .4295 544.57 72.338, 502378.923 1.000 65.817 .4294 544.55 72. 355 502358.479 1.250 65.812 .4292 544.54 72.369 502339.129 1.500 65.809 .4290 544.52 72.371 502334.462 1.750 65.803 .4290 544.51 72.387 502298.584 2.000 65.798 .4286 544 '9 72.391 502281.909 502264.392 2.250 65.794 .4286 544.47 72.421 2.500 65.789 .4284 544.45 72.422 502244.555 2.750 65.785 .4282 544.43 72.429 502232.782 3.000 65.781 .4281 544.42 72.430 502212.780 3.250 65.776 .4280 544.40 72.469 502193.781 3.500 65.772 .4278 544.39 72.475 502179.505 3.750 65.768 .4276 544.37 72.492 502165.831 4.000 65.763 .4273 544.36 72.467 502143.262 4.250 65.759 .4272 544.34 72.484 502127.174 4.500 65.755 .4271 544.33 72.510 502110.399 4.750 65.751 .4270 544.31 72.521 -

502091.440 Page 1 of 3

ATTACHMENT 3. 3G (Continued)


~(hr 0.000

~ibm Mass 502412.46 Leakage

~(ct/d a 0.000000


95 Pct. Conf.

0.000000 UCL

~(ct/da 0.000000

.250 502403.79 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

.500 502389.86 .215946 .248265 .464210

.750 502378.92 .218854 .038499 .257353 1.000 502358.48 .253794 .050720 .304513 1.250 502339.13 .280338 .044399 .324737 1.500 ~ 502334.46 '.269337 .032317 .301654 1.750 502298.58 .299436 .040987 .340422 2.000 502281.91 .314760 .035202 .349963 2.250 502264.39 .323649 .029168 .352818 2.500 502244.55 .331016 .024738 .355754 2.750 502232.78 .331186 .020352 .351538 3.000 502212.78 .332970 .017144 .350113 3.250 502193.78 .334950 .014711 .349661 3.500 502179.50 .334682 .012662 .347345 3.750 502165.83 ~ 332885 .011163 .344048 4.000 502143.26 .333579 .009824 .343403 4.250 502127.17 .334092 .008709 .342800 4.500 502110.40 .333808 .007752 .341561 4.750 502091.44 .334008 .006958 .340966 Page 2 of 3


ATTACHMENT 3. 3G (Continued)


Mass (ibm Meas. Leakage

/ ~t/



Calc. Leakage Confidence



~(ct/da )

0.000 502412.46 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000

.250 502403.79 .165686 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000

.500 502389.86 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.00000


~ 750 502378.92 0.000000 .222362 .208078 .43044 1.000 502358.48 .257857 0.000000 .254395 .079509 .33390.

1.250 502339.13 .280232 0.000000 .280864 .050156 .33101 1.500 502334.46 .248389 0.000000 .276758 .078880 .35563

l. 750 502298.58 .310841 0.000000 .302541





.37604 2.000 502281.91 .311815 0.000000 2.250 502264.39 .314358 0.000000 .328790 .054584 .38337 2.500 502244.55 .320827 0.000000 .337683 .053037 .39072 2.750 502232.78 .312110 0.000000 .340717 .057072 .39778 3.000 502212.78 . .317951 0.000000 .344212 .058509 .40272 3.250 502193.78 .321418 0.000000 .347411 .059273 .40668 3.500 502179.50 .317945 0.000000 .348647 .061187 .40983 3.750 502165.83 .314167 0.000000 .348415 .063604 .41201 4.000 502143.26 .321484 0.000000 .349652 .063849 .41350 4.250 502127.17 .322282 0.000000 .350610 .064010 .41462 4-500 502110.40 .320650 0.000000 .350872 .064453 .41532 4.750 502091.44 .322839 0.000000 .351351 .064473 .41582 Page 3 of 3


Section 4 summarizes the LLRT data which has been obtained from periodic testing performed since the Hay 1983 Type A ILRT. Pre-repair data are provided for surveillance testing performed in 1984 and 1986. These LLRT's were performed by pressurizing the listed penetrations with either air or nitrogen and measuring the leakage across the containment isolation valves (Type C) or resilient seals (Type B). Each penetration's leakage rate can be obtained from site reference material.

If the pre-repair and post-repair leakages are the same then no repair was performed. Also, it should be noted that certain penetrations had multiple LLRT's performed as indicated in Attachments 4A and 4B.

The acceptance criteria for Types B and C testing are in accordance with 10CFR50, Appendix J. The combined "as-left" leakage rate for all penetrations and valves subject to Type B and C tests in 1984 and 1986 were well below the acceptance criteria of less than 0.60 La.

The data contained in this section are summarized below:

Attachment Title 4A 1986 Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4B 1984 Local Leakage Rate Test Data 4C 1986 Local Leakage Rate Test Summary Analysis I


ATTACHMENT 4A 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) Re air/Notes 5 PRT to Gas Analyzer CV-516 (OSC) 425 (25 SV-6385 (OSC). 425 C.25 6 Nitrogen to PRT CK-518 (ISC) 70,000 170 CK-518 Cleaned and CK-519 (ISC) 540 540 lapped seat.

7 PW to PRT and RCP CV-519A (OSC) (25 425 Standpipes CV-519B (ISC) Combination Combination CV-522A (ISC)

CV-522B (ISC)

CV>>522C (ISC)

~0 430 Pen. 7 - Replaced valve Combination Combination diaphragms.

C30 630 Pen. 7 - Replaced valve Combination Combination diaphragms.

8 PRZ Steam Samples CV-951 (ISC) 450 450 CV-956A (OSC) ~0 <30 CV-956A Cleaned and lapped.

9 PRZ Liquid Samples CV-953 (ISC) 33,500 (30 CV-953 Cleaned and CV-956B (OSC) <20 <20 lapped seat.

Page 1 of 7

ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min / Re air/Notes 10 RCDT and PRT Vent CV-4658B (OSC) ~30 <30 and Nitrogen to RCDT PCV-3-1014 (OSC) 875 875 CV-4658A (OSC) Combination Combination ll Alternate Low Head SI MOV-872 (OSC) 40 40 to Loops 14 Letdown to Nonregenerative C CV-200A (ISC) <30 <30 Heat Exchanger CV-200B (ISC) Combination Combination CV-200C (ISC)

CV-204 (OSC) 50 50 15 Charging to Regenerative CK-312C (ISC) <30 (30 Heat Exchanger HCV-121 (OSC) ~30 <30 V-333 (OSC) Combination Combination 16 PACVS, Hydrogen Removal HV-3-2 (OSC) +30 <30 HV-3-1 (OSC) Combination Combination PAHM-002A (OSC) 17 SI Test Line V-895V (OSC) g30 g30 19A Containment Spray A CK>>890A (OSC) 430 +30 8,750 CK-890A Inspected valve internals.

2,800 1,400 CK-890A - Cleaned and lapped seat.

Page 2 of 7

ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) Repair/Notes MOV-880A (OSC) (30 (30 19B Containment Spray B CK-890B (OSC) 300 300 1,500 600 CK-890B Inspected valve internals and cleaned and lapped seat.

MOV-880B (OSC) C30 (30 20 A and B Hot Leg Sample SV-6427A (ISC) (30 C3O SV-6427B (ISC) 550 550 SV-6428 (OSC) (30 (30 23 .,Containment Sump to WHT CV-2822 (OSC) 150 150 CV-2821 (OSC) 400 400 24A Seal Water Injection CK-298A (ISC) 800 800 to A RCP 24B Seal Water Injection CK-298B (ISC) C'30 to B RCP 24C Seal Water Injection CK-298C (ISC) 300 300 to C RCP 25 RCP Seal Water Return MOV-381 (OSC) ~30 C30 MOV-6386 (ISC) 1 0600 1$ 000 MOV-6386 Adjusted limit switch.

Page 3 of 7

ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) Re air/Notes 29 Instrument Air Supply CK-336 (ISC) 400 400 CK-340A (ISC) 750 750 30 Breathing Air CK-201 (ISC) <30 <30 CV-6165 (OSC) 800 800 31 RCDT to Gas Analyzer CV-4659B (OSC) +30 C,30 CV-4659A (OSC) Combination Combination 32 Containment Air Sample CK-11-003 (ISC) 47,500 700 CK-11-003 Cleaned and Return lapped seat.

SV-2912 (OSC) 650 650 PAHM-001A, B (OSC) Combination Combination 33 Containment Air Sample SV-2913 (OSC) <30 <30 SV-2911 (OS) <30 430 34 Service Air CK-205 (ISC) 145,000 600 CK-205 Cleaned and V-204 (OSC) 600 600 lapped seat.

HV-17 (OSC) Combination Combination 35 Containment Purge Inlet PV-2600 (OSC) 23,000 1%500 PV-2600, 2601 PV-2601 (ISC) Combination Combination Adjusted seats.

170,000 1,800 PV-2600, 2601 Combination Combination Adjusted seats.

Page 4 of 7

ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min (cc/min Re air/Notes 36 Containment Purge Outlet PV-2602 (OSC) 0'190,000 700 PV-2603 PV-2603 (ISC) Combination Combination Adjusted seat.

150,000 550 PV-2603 Combination Combination Adjusted seat.

37 Spare Cap X30 (30 10-879 <30 C,30 38 Electrical Cannisters Cannisters 350 350 Pen. 38 The repair value is the total of all electrical penetrations.

39 Fuel Transfer Tube Flange B 0-Ring and Body 120 120 40 Equipment Access Hatch B 0-Ring and Body 430 <30 41 Personnel Air Lock 0-Ring and Body 4,500 4,500 42 Nitrogen to Accumulators ST-CK-945E (ISC) 1,600 1,600 3,600 1,900 CK-945E Cleaned and lapped seat.

CV-855 (OSC) 600 600 47 Primary Water Supply to CK-10-567 (OSC) 1705000 CK-567 Cleaned and Wash Header V-582 (ISC) Combination lapped seat.

Page 5 of 7

ATTAGBKNT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min (cc/min Re air/Notes 180,000 2,200 CK-567 Cleaned and Combination Combination lapped seat.

49 Emergency Air Lock 0-Ring and Body 720 720 51 PACVS HV-4-3,4 (OSC) <30 <30 PAHM-4-002B (OSC) Combination Combination 52 RCDT Pump Discharge CV-4668B (OSC) <30 30 CV-4668A (OSC) Combination Combination 54A Containment Recir. Sump MOV-861A (OSC) <30 <30 to RHR Pump A MOV-860A (OSC) Combination Combination 54B Containment Recir. Sump MOV-861B (OSC) 100 100 to RHR Pump B MOV-860B (OSC) Combination Combination 55 Accumulator Sampling CV-955C (ISC) 430 <30 CV-955D (ISC) 11,000 120 CV-955D Cleaned and lapped seat.

CV-955E (ISC) 40 40 CV-956D (OSC) 15,500 <30 CV-956D Cleaned and lapped seat.

430 CV-956D Replaced valve internals.

Page 6 of 7

ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1986 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Ape Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) Re air/Notes 56 Spare Cap <30 <30 61A Spare V-2027 (OSC) (30 430 61B Deadweight Tester to PT V-2023 (ISC) 430 430 V-2024 (OSC) <30 K30 63 Instrument Air Bleed CV-2819 (ISC) 150 150 CV-2826 (OSC) 700 700 65A Containment Air Test Flange 'E'OSC) 1,600 (30 Pen. 65A Tightened Air In-Out (ISC) Combination Combination outbd. flange.

65B Containment Air Test B, C V-2025 (OSC) 430 Z30 Pressure Flange (ISC) Combination Combination 65C Containment Air Test B, C . V-2026 (OSC) -430 g30 Leakage Flow Flange (ISC) Combination Combination Page 7 of 7

ATTACHMENT 4B 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) 5 PRT to Gas Analyzer cv-516 (osc) (30 (30 SV-6385 (OSC) <30 (30 6 Nitrogen to PRT CK-518 (ISC) 1,250 1,400 CK-518 Cleaned and lapped seat.

CK-519 (ISC) 3,000 750 CK-519 Cleaned and lapped seat.

7 PM to PRT and RCP CV-519A (OSC) (30 (30 Standpipes CV-519B (ISC) Combination Combination CV-522A (ISC)

CV-522B (ISC)

CV-522C (ISC) 8 PRZ Steam Samples CV-951 (ISC) (30 (30 48$ 000 450 CV-951 Retest performed after hydro cleaned and lapped seat.

cv-956A (osc) 400 240 CV-956A Cleaned and 18$ 000 250 lapped seat.

3 5600 Tubing modification on containment boundary.

9 PRZ Liquid Samples CV-953 (ISC) 170 170 300 CV-953 Retest performed after hydro.

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ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) Re air/Notes CV-956B (OSC) 50 50

~30 CV-956B - Retest performed after hydro.

10 RCDT and PRT Vent and CV-4658B (OSC) (30 (30 Nitrogen to RCDT PCV-3-1014 (OSC) 30,000 <20 CV-4658A Cleaned and CV-4658A (OSC) Combination Combination lapped seat.

ll Alternate Low Head SI to MOV-872 (OSC) +52,000 (30 MOV-872 Cleaned and lapped seat.

Loops 1,900 MOV-872 Greased valve operator.

14 Letdown to Nonregenerative C CV-200A (ISC) 700 700 Heat Exchanger CV-200B (ISC) Combination Combination CV-200C (ISC)

CV-204 (OSC) (30 &30 15 Charging to Regenerative C CK-312C (ISC) (30 430 Heat Exchanger HCV-121 (OSC) 220 220 V-333 (OSC) Combination Combination 16 PACVS, Hydrogen Removal HV-3-2 (OSC) (30 (30 HV-3-1 (OSC) Combination. Combination PAHM-002A (OSC) 17 SI Test Line V-895V (OSC) C30 (30 Page 2 of 10

ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) Repair/Notes 19A Containment Spray A CK-890A (OSC) 80 1i400 CK-890A Inspected valve internals.

MOV-880A (OSC) <30 90 MOU-880A Greased valve operator.

19B Containment Spray B CK-890B (OSC) (30 350 CK-890B Inspected valve internals.

MOV-880B (OSC) (30 100 MOV-880B Greased valve operator.

20 A and B Hot Leg Sample SV-6427A (ISC) (30 400 SV-6427A Retest performed after hydro.

SV-6427B (ISC) 150 430 SV-6427B Retest performed after hydro.

SV-6428 (OSC) (30 50 SV-6428 Retest performed after hydro.

23 Containment Sump to WET CV-2822 (OSC) )52,000 800 CV-2822 Cleaned and lapped seat.

CV-2821 (OSC) (30 <30 Page 3 of 10

0 ATTACHIKNT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) Re air/Notes 24A Seal Water Injection to CK-298A (ISC) C30 (30 A RCP 24B Seal Water Injection to CK-298B (ISC) (30 (30 B RCP 24C Seal Water Injection to CK-298C (ISC) (30 (30 C RCP 25 RCP Seal Water Return MOV-381 (OSC) 1,150 1,150 MOV-6386 (ISC) (30 <3O 29 Instrument Air Supply CK-336 (ISC) 950 950 CK-340A (ISC) 950 950 30 Breathing Air CK-201 (ISC) (30 C30 CV-6165 (OSC) 430 (30 31 RCDT to Gas Analyzer CV-4659B (OSC) (30 (30 CV-4659A (OSC) Combination Combination 32 Containment Air Sample CK-11 -003 (ISC) 40%000 1,000 CK-11-003 Cleaned Return and lapped seat.

SV-2912 (OSC) 100 100 PAHM-001A, B (OSC) Combination Combination Page 4 of 10

ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-,Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test - Tested ~(cc/min (cc/min) Re air/Notes 33 Containment Air Sample SU-2913 (OSC) 100 100 SV-2911 (OSC) 275 275 34 Service Air CK-205 (ISC) 11,000 850 CK-205 Cleaned and lapped seat.

V-204 (OSC) 150 430 HV-17 (OSC) Combination Combination 35 Containment Purge Inlet PV-2600 (OSC) )52,000 PV-2600 & 2601 PV-2601 (ISC) Combination Ad)usted seats.

3,000 PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Replaced seals and seats.

0 52,000 PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Ad)usted seats.

9,000 PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only.

13,500 PV-2600 & 2601-Combination Retest only.

Page 5 of 10

0 ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min) Repair/Notes 12%500 PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only.

14,200 PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only-.-.-

127000 PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only.

29,000 PV-2600 & 2601 Combination Retest only-.

10,000 Combination 36 Containment Purge Outlet PV-2602 (OSC) )52,000 PV-2602 & 2603 PV-2603 (ISC) Combination Adjusted seats.

700 PV-2602 & 2603 Combination Retest only.

24,000 PV-2602 & 2603 Combination Adjusted seats.

350 PV-2602 & 2603 Combination Retest only.

Page 6 of 10

ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min (cc/min Re air/Notes 200 PV-2602 & 2603 Combination Retest only.

19500 PV-2602 & 2603 Combination Retest only.

1,400 PV-2602 & 2603 Combination Retest only.

500 PV-2602 & 2603 Combination Retest only.

3,500 PV-2602 & 2603 Combination Retest only.

500 Combination 37 Spare Cap 430 <30 V-10-879 <30 a30 38 Electrical Cannisters Cannisters C,330 <330 Penetration 38 Total of all electrical penetrations.

39 Fuel Transfer Tube Flange B 0-Ring and Body 450 450 Page 7 of 10

ATTACHMENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min) (cc/min Re air/Notes 40 Equipment Access Hatch 0-Ring and Body C,30 c30 c,30 430 c,30 30 41 Personnel Air Lock 0-Ring and Body 5,900 5,900 3,500 8,700 Personnel Airlock Repaired reach rods.

4,600 4,600 3,000 3,000 6,800 2,500 Personnel Airlock Repaired reach rods.

42 Nitrogen to Accumulators ST-CK-945E (ESC) 4,400 CK-945E Cleaned and lapped seat.

35,000 CK-945E Cleaned and lapped seat.

4,200 CK-945E Cleaned and lapped seat.

51000 500 CK-945E - Replaced valve.

CV-855 (OSC) 600 600 400 CV-855 Retest performed after hydro.

Page 8 of 10

~ '"

ATTAQBKNT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No.

Type Test Equipment/Valves Tested ~))

Leakage- Leakage (cc/min) Re air/Notes 47 Primary Water Supply CK-10-567 (OSC) 2%000 240 CK-10-567 Cleaned Wash Header V-582 (ISC) Combination Combination and lapped seat.

49 Emergency Air Lock O-Ring,and Body 400 400 750 750 51 PACV's C . HV-4-3,4 (OSC) <30 <30 PAHM-4-002B (OSC) Combination Combination 52 RCDT Pump Discharge CV-4668B (OSC) <20 C20 Combination Combination

.CV-4668A (OSC) ~20 ~0 CV-4668A & B - Retest Combination Combination performed after hydro.

54A Containment Recirc. Sump MOV-861A (OSC) 40 40 to RHR Pump A MOV-860A (OSC) Combination Combination 43O (30 MOV-860A & 861A-Combination Combination Greased valve operator.

54B Containment Recirc. Sump MOV-861B (OSC) 20200 20200 to RHR Pump B Combination Combination MOV-860B (OSC) 130 130 .MOV-860B & 861B-Combination Combination Greased valve operator.

55 Accumulator Sampling CV-955C (ISC) 50 50 230 <30 CV-955C - Retest performed after hydro.

Page 9 of 10

I ATTAC1KENT 4B (Continued) 1984 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Pre-Repair Post-Repair Type Equipment/Valves Leakage Leakage Penetration No. Test Tested (cc/min (cc/min Re air/Notes CV-955D (ISC) 430 430 (30 430 CV-955D Retest performed after hydro.

CV-955E (ISC) <30 430

<30 <30 CV-955E Retest performed after hydro.

CV-956D (OSC) 430 (30

+30 <30 CV-956D Retest performed after hydro.

61B Deadweight Tester to PT V-2023 (ISC) 430 <30 V-2024 (OSC) <30 C30 63 Instrument Air Bleed CV-2819 (ISC) 300 300 CV-2826 (OSC) 950 950 65A Containment Air Test Flange iEe (OSC 5,000 130 Pen. 65A Tightened Air In-Out (ISC) Combination Combination outbd. flange.

65B Containment Air Test B, C V-2025 (OSC) g30 430 Pressure Flange (ISC) Combination Combination 65C Containment Air Test B, C V-2026 (OSC) C.30 430 Leakage Flow Flange (ISC) Combination Combination Page 10 of 10



ANALYSIS The pre-repair LLRT, the repair, and the post-repair LLRT for each boundary, or penetration, was reviewed. The net leakage contribution for each penetration was determined using the following criteria:

1. A leakage equivalent to the repair improvement achieved on each valve in the penetration is calculated.
2. The leakage equivalent is the difference between the pre-repair and the post-repair LLRT results.

,3. If a repair was not performed, a zero leakage equivalent is assessed to the valve.

4. The leakage equivalent assessed to a penetration may be reduced due to the safety related service of the system associated with the penetration(s). Justification for this reduction will be provided with the analysis.
5. The net equivalent leakage for the penetration is the lowest of the inside or outside valve grouping (e.g., simulates minimum pathway leakage).
6. If the "As-Left" leakage of a repaired valve is lower than the "As-Left" leakage of a valve that didn't require a repair, then the penetration net equivalent leakage is the difference between the "As-Left" leakages.
7. For series valves tested together, the penetration net equivalent leakage is half the total leakage when both valves are repaired at the same time (prior to performing another test).
8. When the summation of the leakage equivalent and the leakage measured during a successful Type A test is greater than 0.75 L the penetration(s) with excessive leakage(s) shall be analyzed under a corrective action program.

Page 1 of 5

ATTACHMENT (Continued) 1986 LLRT SU&fARY ANALYSIS "As-Found" "As-Left" Pen.

Pen. No. Valve Loc. (ccm). (ccm) Net Remarks 5 PRT Gas to Analyzer CV-516 SV-6385 OSC OSC (Z 25 25 (25 (25 Nitrogen to PRT CK-518 ISC 70,000 170 370 RCP Standpipes CK-519 ISC 540 540

- PW to PRT and CV-519A,B OSC/ISC (25 (30 0 Combination RCP Standpipes CV-522A,B,C ISC PRZ Steam CV-951 ISC 450 450 Samples CV-956A OSC ~30 Z30 PRZ Liquid CV-953 ISC 33,500 (30 Samples CV-956B OSC MO <20 10 RCDT and PRT PCV-3-1014 OSC 875 875 0 Combination Vent and Nitrogen CV-4658A OSC to RCDT CV-4658B OSC ~30 430 Alternate Low MOV-872 OSC 40 40 Head SI to Loops 14 Letdown to CV200A,B,C ISC WO 430 0 Combination Nonregenerative CV204 OSC 50 50 Heat Exchanger 15 Charging to CK-312C ISC ~30 (30 Regenerative V-333, HCV-121 OSC <30 &0 Combination Heat Exchanger PACV's, Hydrogen HV-3-1,2 OSC C30 . 230 0 Combination Removal PAHM-002A OSC 17 - SI Test Line V-895V OSC (30 ~30 19A Containment CK-890A OSC (30 1,400 Spray A MOV-880A OSC 4 30 (30 19B Containment CK-890B OSC 300 600 Spray B MOV-880B OSC <30 (30 Page 2 of 5

ATTACIBKNT (Continued) 1986 LLRT


ANALYSIS "As-Found" "As-Left" Pen.

Pen. No. Valve Loc. (ccm) (ccm) Net Remarks 20 A and B Hot Leg SV-6427A ISC (30 (30 Sample SV-6427B ISC 550 550 SV-6428 OSC <-30 (30 23 Containment Sump CV-2821 OSC 400 400 to WHT CV-2822 OSC 150 150 24A,B,C, - RCP Seal CK-298A ISC 800 800 Inject. CK-298B ISC (30 (30 CK-298C ISC 300 300 25 RCP Seal Water MOV-6386 ISC 1,600 1,000 Return MOV-381 OSC ~30 (30 29 Instrument Air ST-CK-340A ISC 750 750 Supply CK-336 ISC 400 400 CK-201 ISC (30 <30 CV-6165 OSC 800 800 31 RCDT to CV-4659A,B %0 (30 OSC 0 Combination Gas Analyzer 32 - Containment Air CK-11-003 ISC 47,500 700 Sample Return SV-2912, OSC PAHM-001A,B OSC 650 650 Combination 33 - Containment Air SV-2911 OSC <30 <30 Sample SV-2913 OSC (30 <SO CK-205 ISC 145,000 600 HV-17, V-204 OSC .600 600 Combination 35 Containment PV-2601 ISC 23,000 1,800 10,600 See Note 1 Purge Inlet PV-2600 OSC Combination 36 Containment PV-2603 ISC 0190,000 550 0 See Note 2, Purge Outlet PV-2602 OSC Only re-worked PV-2603.

Combination Page 3 of 5

.i ATTACHMENT (Continued)

N 1986 LLRT


ANALYSIS "As-Found" "As-Left" Pen.

Pen. No. Valve Loc ~ (ccm) (ccm) Net Remarks 37 Spare CAP (30

( 30

(<3030 0 10-879 38 - Electrical 350 350 Cannisters 39 - Fuel Transfer 120 120 Tube Flange 40 Equipment Hatch 30 30 41 Personnel Air Lock 4,500 4,500 42 Nitrogen to ST-CK-945E ISC 1,600 15900 Accumulators CV-855 600 600 t

OSC 47 Primary Water CK-10-567 OSC 170,000 2,200 0 Only re-Supply to Wash V-582 ISC worked Header CK-10-567

'ombination 49 - Emergency Air Annulus 720 720 Lock 51 - PACV's HV-4-3, HV-4-4 OSC ~30 ~30 0 Combination PAHM-4-002B OSC 52 RCDT Pump CV-4668A,B OSC <'3O (30 0 Combination t Discharge 54A Cont.

to Recirc.

RHR Pump A 54B Cont. Recirc.

Sump Sump MOV-860A MOV-861A MOV-860B OSC OSC MO 100 (30 100 0

0 Combination Combination to RHR Pump B MOV-861B 55 Accumulator CV-955C ISC <30 430 Sampling CV-955D ISC 11,000 120 10,880 CV-955E ISC 40 40 CV-956D OSC 15,500 ~0 Page 4 of 5

<4 ~ ~

I rj

~ ~

ATTACHMENT '(Continued) 1986 LLRT


ANALYSIS "As-Found" "As-Left" Pen.

Pen. No. Valve Loc.

56 Spare 30 30 ~0 q(

t 61A Spare 61B Deadweight 63 Tester to Instrument PT Air V-2027 V-2023 V-2024 CV-2819 OSC ISC OSC ISC 30 150 30 30 30 150 0

0 0

Bleed CV-2826 OSC 700 700 65A Containment Air Flange OSC 1,600 30 0 Only outbd.

Test Air In-Out ISC ,',flange repaired.

65B Containment Air V-2025 OSC 30 30 0 Combination Test Pressure Flange ISC 65C Containment Air V-2026 OSC 30 30 0 Combination Test Pressure Flange ISC NOTES:

1. Since both valves were reworked at the same time, one-half of the total leakage (As-Found minus As-Left) is conservatively assigned to this penetration. If piece-wise maintenance had been performed; as was done on Penetration 36, a smaller net equivalent leakage ~mi ht have resulted.
2. Greater than represents the largest flowmeter used for the 1986 LLRT program. See Penetration 36.

CONCLUSION The net equivalent leakage is 21,850 ccm, or 0.071860 percent/day.

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