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{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 4TOAEP:NRC:1071N EXISTINGTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGESMARKED-UP TOREFLECTPROPOSEDCHANGESDONALDC.COOKNUCLEARPLANTUNITS1AND29'102250233 PDRADOCKK05000315PDR lpltvW bEt'al.~npic5[467,~CgSIdC~b~~s,~iecee&dkisiecd kretnecScg'~ceiigancnra4vnce jp3.CS~0-ASSecacecnriedeneeevb'~
{{#Wiki_filter:ATTACHMENT 4 TO AEP:NRC:1071N EXISTING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGES MARKED-UP TO REFLECT PROPOSED CHANGES DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 9'102250233 PDR ADOCK K 05000315 PDR lpl t vW b Et'al.~n pic 5[467,~C g S I dC~b~~s,~iec ee&dkisiecd kr etnecSc g'~c eii g an cnra4vnce jp 3.CS~0-ASS ec ace cnriedeneeevb'~
d4eve SR'.,uc'cPhbcen&
o-she kk>s]sso KW5/~]and, BX)(oh/PiOF~
+t~~on~PW3P~~~s'~~t7xlTcL~Llyoc.4ZSo'~~~<<-S>>%raiSniSc~u~.b.CeZaaccordance viththecoderequirements specified inSection4.1.Cyithallovance fornormaldegradation pursuanttoth>>applicable
+t~~on~PW3 P~~~s'~~t7xlT cL~Lly oc.4 ZSo'~~~<<-S>>%ra iSniS c~u~.b.Ce Za accordance vith the code requirements specified in Section 4.1.C yith allovance for normal degradation pursuant to th>>applicable
$~eillance Requirements, Forapressureof2485psig00Poratemperature of6SOP,excepttorthepreaaurixer vhichiaC40PeVOLDHE5.4'5.5Thetotalcontained volumeofthoroacto$coolantsystemia12,612+100cubicfeetatanominalTof70P.avgEMERCENCY CORECOOLIVQSYSTEMS5.5.1*Theemergency corecoolingsystemsaredesignedandshallbomaintained inaccordance viththeoriginaldesignprovisiona contained inSection6.2ofthepSARvithallovance fornormaldegradation pursuanttothoappl,icable Surveillance Requirements.
$~eillance Requirements, For a pressure of 2485 psig 0 0 Por a temperature of 6SO P, except tor the preaaurixer vhich ia C40 Pe VOLDHE 5.4'5.5 The total contained volume of tho roacto$coolant system ia 12, 612+100 cubic feet at a nominal T of 70 P.avg EMERCENCY CORE COOLIVQ SYSTEMS 5.5.1*The emergency core cooling systems are designed and shall bo maintained in accordance vith the original design provisiona contained in Section 6.2 of the pSAR vith allovance for normal degradation pursuant to tho appl,icable Surveillance Requirements.
-'PENTFUELe5.6.1.1:Thespentfuelstorageracksaredesignedandshallbemaintained vith:a.Ak<<eqivalentto1.assthan0:5vhenfloodedvithunborated vater,b~Anominal10,5inchcenter-to-cen:er distancebetveenfuelassemblies placedinthestorageracks.4%/4FR7Rc.1.hseparateregionvithinthespentfuelstorageracks(definedasRegion1.)shallbeestablished
-'PENT FUEL e The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained vith: a.A k<<eq ivalent to 1.ass than 0:5 vhen flooded vith unborated vater, b~A nominal 10,5 inch center-to-cen:er distance betveen fuel assemblies placed in the storage racks.4%/4FR7 R c.1.h separate region vithin the spent fuel storage racks (defined as Region 1.)shall be established
=or storage of Westinghouse
:ue4~MSGR6CVlTheboundezybeeveentheRedionSl".eneioned ebovetee~HL)shallbesuchthattheshallbecarriedintoRegioinFigurc5.6-1.storagerequirement 2by,atleast,onerovasshovn~~AT'Pt:QtscofccneL~caks
:ue 4~MSGR 6 CVl The boundezy beeveen the RedionSl".eneioned ebove tee~HL)shall be such that the shall be carried into Regio in Figurc requirement 2 by, at least, one rov as shovn~~AT'Pt: Qt s cof ccneL~caks
~~S.qavi~occcQV-ZSS~~g,cdd4ien5;SSogw3/blTO~ vi~occcQ V-ZSS~~g,cdd 4ien 5;SSo gw3/blTO~Con[i~a8ccnat'.~~
i~~~S.+dL cd's<~~COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 5-5 AMENDMENT NO R~bb.eo.6 I WlesL~o~~4~~g~<Q~+ony~gchlcH~~~5.6 tg l.p,L f I~r t'lA I I I I I I I aegaeon 2 I I I I I I ME+pleuaE Ernpvg Ce~'c" a s V~~-"'<"-ea=:'.a."."=='.".e.-..a"==="": e3.S.c."ace Racks~we.".caen" No.  
i~~~S.+dLcd's<~~COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT15-5AMENDMENT NOR~bb.eo.6IWlesL~o~~4~~g~<Q~+ony~gchlcH~~~5.6 tgl.p,LfI~rt'lA IIIIIIIaegaeon2IIIIIIME+pleuaEErnpvgCe~'c"asV~~-"'<"-ea=:'.a."."
*I~M+)C~C Z l 0 o~'DESI'XLTTHtXS tuel atored in the spent fuel storage racks shall have~max~aCe&al fuel assembly enrichment aa follon: a 4 t Hasid%Nominal tuel Aaaeably Enrichment 4 235 1)Veatinghouse 15 x 15 STD 15 x 15 OFA 2)Exxon/AHF-15 x 15 4.95 3.50 3)Vestinghouse 17 x 17 STD 17 x 17 OFA 17 x 17 VS 4,95 4)Exxon/ANF 17 x 17 4,23 CRITICALITY-NEV FUEL The ncv fuel pit storage racks are designed and shall be maintained a nominal 21 inch ccntcr-to-center distance betveen nev fuel assemblies such that k f vill not exceed 0.98 vhcn fuel are placed in the pit cff and aqueous oam moderation i.s assu.ed. Fuel stored'n the ncv f cl storage ra=..s shall have a maximum nominal fuel assembly enrich.=cnt as follovs;Naximum No=.nal Fuel Assembly Enrichment Vt.\235 1)Vcstinghousc 1.5 x 15 STD 15 x 15 OFA 4.55 2)Exxon/ANF 15 x 15 3.50 3)Vcsti.nghouse 17 x 1.7 STD 17 x 17 OFA 17 x 17 VS 4.55 4)Exxon/ANF 17 x 17 4.23 DRAINAGE 5.6.3 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent of thc pool belov elevation 629'4".COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 AMENDMENT NO.6  
==="":e3.S.c."aceRacks~we.".caen" No.  
*I~M+)C~CZl0 o~'DESI'XLTTHtXS tuelatoredinthespentfuelstorageracksshallhave~max~aCe&alfuelassemblyenrichment aafollon:a4tHasid%NominaltuelAaaeablyEnrichment 42351)Veatinghouse 15x15STD15x15OFA2)Exxon/AHF
-15x154.953.503)Vestinghouse 17x17STD17x17OFA17x17VS4,954)Exxon/ANF 17x174,23CRITICALITY-NEVFUEL5.6.2.1Thencvfuelpitstorageracksaredesignedandshallbemaintained vt.thanominal21inchccntcr-to-center distancebetveennevfuelassemblies areplacedinthepitcffandaqueousoammoderation i.sassu.ed.'nthencvfclstoragera=..sshallhaveamaximumnominalfuelassemblyenrich.=cnt asfollovs;NaximumNo=.nalFuelAssemblyEnrichment Vt.\2351)Vcstinghousc 1.5x15STD15x15OFA4.552)Exxon/ANF 15x153.503)Vcsti.nghouse 17x1.7STD17x17OFA17x17VS4.554)Exxon/ANF 17x174.23DRAINAGE5.6.3Thespentfuelstoragepoolisdesignedandshallbemaintained topreventinadvertent ofthcpoolbelovelevation 629'4".COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT1AMENDMENT NO.6  

~i L MSZaa Trk~kEI~kCITf f C 4 aN't 1 storage!1 is disig ed and sh il be mi tai ed vith a storage cap city i~ted to no more th n 2050 fuel assemblies.
57SEISMICC~SIPIChTIOH 57,]noaestructuree, systemsandcomponents inthePS'hallbedesignedandmaintained tocontained intheTSARvithellovance fornormalapplicant Surreillance Requirements, identified aaCategoryIItemsoriginaldesignprovisions degradation pursuanttothe5.INETEOROLOC ICALTOVERLOChTION5.8.1Themeteorological tovershallbelocatedasshovninFigure5.1-1.5.9COMPONENT CYCLICORTRANSIENT LIMIT+Pl5,9.1Thecomponents identified inTable5.9-1aredesignedandshallbe.maintained vithinthecyclicortransient limitsofTable5.9-1.VCOOKNUCLEhRPEDANT-UNITh.'KNDNENT NO.1 41~
5 7 SEISMIC C~SIPIChTIOH 5 7,]noae structuree, systems and components in the PS'hall be designed and maintained to contained in the TSAR vith ellovance for normal applicant Surreillance Requirements, identified aa Category I Items original design provisions degradation pursuant to the 5.I NETEOROLOC ICAL TOVER LOChTION 5.8.1 The meteorological tover shall be located as shovn in Figure 5.1-1.5.9 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMIT+Pl 5,9.1 The components identified in Table 5.9-1 are designed and shall be.maintained vithin the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.9-1.V COOK NUCLEhR PEDANT-UNIT h.'KNDNENT NO.1 4 1~
TADLE5.9-1COHPONENT CYCLICORTRANSIENT LIHITSCOHPONENT ReactorCoolantSysteaCYCLICORTRANSIENT LIHIT200heatupcyclesat<100'F/hrand200cooldowncyclesat<100F/hr(pressurizer cooldownat<200F/hr).80lossofloadcycles.40cyclesoflossofoffsiteA.C.electrical power.SOcyclesoflossofflowinonereactorcoolantloop.400reactortripcycles.200largestepdecreases inload.DESIlaNCYCLEORTRANSIENT lleatupcycle-Tfrota<200'Fhr>.F.Cooldowncycle-Tfroe>5i7'Fto<200'FHlthoutiasediate turbineorreactortrip.LossofoffsiteA.C.electrical powersourcesupplying theonslteClasslEdistribution systea.Lossofonlyonereactorcoolantpump.lOOXtoOCofRATEOTIIEHHALPNER.100Kto5XofRATEOTllERHALPOHERwithsteaaduep.  
TADLE 5.9-1 COHPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIHITS COHPONENT Reactor Coolant Systea CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT L IHIT 200 heatup cycles at<100'F/hr and 200 cooldown cycles at<100 F/hr (pressurizer cooldown at<200 F/hr).80 loss of load cycles.40 cycles of loss of offsite A.C.electrical power.SO cycles of loss of flow in one reactor coolant loop.400 reactor trip cycles.200 large step decreases in load.DES IlaN CYCLE OR TRANSIENT lleatup cycle-T frota<200'F hr>.F.Cooldown cycle-Tfroe>5i7'F to<200'F Hl thout iasediate turbine or reactor trip.Loss of offsite A.C.electrical power source supplying the onslte Class lE distribution systea.Loss of only one reactor coolant pump.lOOX to OC of RATEO TIIEHHAL PNER.100K to 5X of RATEO TllERHAL POHER with steaa duep.  

TABLE5.9-1LQHPONENT CYCLICORTRANSIENT LIMITSCOHPONENT I(eactorCoolantSystemCYCLICORTRANSIENT LIHITla@inreactorcoolantpipebreak.Operating UasisEartlviuakes 50leaktests.5hydrostatic pressuretestsDESIGNCYCLEORTRANSIENT Ureakinareactorcoolantpipe>6inchesequivalent diameter.
TABLE 5.9-1 LQHPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMITS COHPONENT I(eactor Coolant System CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT L IHIT l a@in reactor coolant pipe break.Operating Uasis Eartlviuakes 50 leak tests.5 hydrostatic pressure tests DESIGN CYCLE OR TRANSIENT Ureak in a reactor coolant pipe>6 inches equivalent diameter.400 cycles-20 earthquakes of 20 cycles each.I'ressurlzed to 2500 psia Pressurized to 3I07 pslg.Secondary System l steam line break 5 hydrostat,ic pressure tests Break in a steam line>5.5 inches equivalent dl arne ter.Pressurized to l356 psig.
400cycles-20earthquakes of20cycleseach.I'ressurlzed to2500psiaPressurized to3I07pslg.Secondary Systemlsteamlinebreak5hydrostat,ic pressuretestsBreakinasteamline>5.5inchesequivalent dlarneter.Pressurized tol356psig.
l4 sic'P)''1L 0
~gp~8,'~~~~n gg~Qe.Zpeat+~SXDtnga, no~>l dined, aS Region 4 7Sfi~he-c.R)vest'~pcs QN<fc~ev nJ~eA~+4v Q-XSCI~~~nk~M 3AS~+V->354uk~ca 4~~Ides>>oo~seeg Q SiSSo NIWD/leans css>>R Bnso>>/'dIsl
~gp~8,'~~~~ngg~Qe.Zpeat+~SXDtnga,no~>ldined,aSRegion47Sfi~he-c.R)vest'~pcs QN<fc~evnJ~eA~+4vQ-XSCI~~~nk~M3AS~+V->354uk~ca4~~Ides>>oo~seegQSiSSoNIWD/leans css>>RBnso>>/'dIsl
~cZ f cs>>e>>>>'clme>>t:
Qns~~~~~vnbnsg U-i>S Q~(ggol1 a.ssc~g~~~~< 2-So~ht~il-RRS~~IsscIS ctssnWWI.5,4,2 The tal vater and steam volume of the reactor coolant ayate<ia 12,C12+100 cubic feet as a nominal T of 70 F.5.5 LOOICAL TOWING LOCATION 5.5.1 Thi aateorologica]
cover shall be located as shovn oa Figure 5.1-1.5,6 FOIL STORACE CRITICALITY SPENT FUEL 5.6,1.1 The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained vith: ae A K equivalent to less than 0.95 vhen flooded vith eff unborated vater, A nominal 10.5-inch center-to-center distance betveen fuel assemblies, placed in the storage racks.c, 1.A separate region vithin the spent fuel storage rac3cs (defined as Region 1)shall be established for storage of Vestinghouse fuel Io ce array va INSET~A,S The boundary betveen the Region5'entioned above ea4-oh+~L shall be such that the storage requirement
.g shall be castled into Region 2 b: at least, one too as sheen in F'gure 5.6- Fuel stored in the spent fuel storage racks shall have a maximum nominal fuel assembly enrichment as follovs: Descri tion Maximum Nominal Fuel Assembly Enrichment Vt.'4 235 1)Vestinghouse 2)Exxon/ANF 3)westinghouse 15 x 15 STD 15 x 15 OFA 15 x 15 17 x 17 STD 17 x 17 OFA 17 x 17 V5 4.95 3.50 4.95 4)Exxon/ANF 17 x 17 4.23 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 5-5 ANENmZNT NO.5 nMS~p.%S wcug)otgo~9-X3S'gnc2 kacwup A+M~yagtdw to~ho dtgnwtnS Cshpq k~~R~(eog>>sR2Ioogn
covershallbelocatedasshovnoaFigure5.1-1.5,6FOILSTORACECRITICALITY SPENTFUEL5.6,1.1Thespentfuelstorageracksaredesignedandshallbemaintained vith:aeAKequivalent tolessthan0.95vhenfloodedvitheffunborated vater,Anominal10.5-inch center-to-center distancebetveenfuelassemblies, placedinthestorageracks.c,1.Aseparateregionvithinthespentfuelstoragerac3cs(definedasRegion1)shallbeestablished forstorageofVestinghouse fuelIocearrayvaINSET~A,STheboundarybetveentheRegion5'entioned aboveea4-oh+~Lshallbesuchthatthestoragerequirement
~d.Iswg~>>g 2.+aaII+>>gtdo>>S doe sgbtse Isa FI~S'-2.  
.gshallbecastledintoRegion2b:atleast,onetooassheeninF'gure5.6- asfollovs:DescritionMaximumNominalFuelAssemblyEnrichment Vt.'42351)Vestinghouse 2)Exxon/ANF 3)westinghouse 15x15STD15x15OFA15x1517x17STD17x17OFA17x17V54.953.504.954)Exxon/ANF 17x174.23COOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT25-5ANENmZNTNO.5nMS~p.%Swcug)otgo~9-X3S'gnc2 kacwupA+M~yagtdwto~hodtgnwtnSCshpqk~~R~(eog>>sR2Ioogn
~d.Iswg~>>g2.+aaII+>>gtdo>>S doesgbtseIsaFI~S'-2.  
nlLJffIEmperyCfudl~~'<<sava0<a4~c'n"a";3et~eenBeg'ons1and2noae~aKSCsoggU~Qp,p~TQUIT~~5-8~amendment No.
nl L J f f I Empery C fu dl~~'<<s av a 0<a 4~c'n"a";3et~een Beg'ons 1 and 2 noae~aKS Csog gU~Qp, p~T QUIT~~5-8~amendment No.
IA~rtRIP, DmZa>>~~~~~z~~l&#xc3;5FPAT,5.4.21~nevf941pitstoragerhaaredeailnedandshallbeaatntaedwith+eainal21inchceater-to-center diatancebetnennerfuelblieaauchthatIvillnotexceed0.90rheafuelaaaeRbliea areoffplacedinthepitandaqueousforamoderation iaaaaaaed.5,6,2.2tuelstorediathenerfuelstorageracksahallhanaaaximanoajnalfuelaaseablyenrichment aafollow;1)Vestinghouse 15x15STD15x15OFAMaximumNominaltuelAaaeablyEnrichment Vt.\2354.552)Exxon/ANF 15x153.503)Vestinghous
I A~rt RI P, DmZa>>~~~~~z~~l&#xc3;5F PAT, 5.4.2 1~nev f941 pit storage r ha are deailned and shall be aatnta ed with+eainal 21 inch ceater-to-center diatance betnen ner fuel bliea auch that I vill not exceed 0.90 rhea fuel aaaeRbliea are off placed in the pit and aqueous fora moderation ia aaaaaed.5,6,2.2 tuel stored ia the ner fuel storage racks ahall han a aaxima noajnal fuel aaseably enrichment aa follow;1)Vestinghouse 15 x 15 STD 15 x 15 OFA Maximum Nominal tuel Aaaeably Enrichment Vt.\235 4.55 2)Exxon/ANF 15 x 15 3.50 3)Vestinghous
~17x17STD17x17OFA17x17V54.554)Exxon/ANF 17x174.23DRAINAGE5.6.3Thespentfuelstoragepoolisdesignedand'"..allbemaintained topreventinadvertent drainingofthepooLbelovelevation 629'4".CAPACITY5.6.4Thespentfuelstoragepoolisdesignedandsh~allbemaintained vitastoragecapacitylimitedtonomorethan2050iueiassemblies.
~17 x 17 STD 17 x 17 OFA 17 x 17 V5 4.55 4)Exxon/ANF 17 x 17 4.23 DRAINAGE 5.6.3 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and'"..all be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pooL belov elevation 629'4".CAPACITY 5.6.4 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and sh~all be maintained vit a storage capacity limited to no more than 2050 iuei assemblies.
5.7CO'.iPONENT CYCLICORTRAVSIEVT LI'.iIT5.7.1Thecomponents identified inTable5.7-1aredesi.gned andshallbe.maintained vithinthecyclicortransient limitsofTable5.7-1.jCOOKNUCLEARPLANT-UNIT25-6A.'KNDMENT NO.,1 V00 4EPCOHPONENT ReactorCoolantSystemTABLE5.7-1COHPONENT CYCLICORTRANSIENT LIHITSCYCLICORTRANSIENT LIHIT200heatupcyclesat<100'F/hrand200cooldowncyclesat<100F/hr(pressurizer cooldownat<200'F/hr).
5.7 CO'.iPONENT CYCLIC OR TRAVSIEVT LI'.iIT 5.7.1 The components identified in Table 5.7-1 are desi.gned and shall be.maintained vithin the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.7-1.j COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 5-6 A.'KNDMENT NO., 1 V 0 0 4 EP COHPONENT Reactor Coolant System TABLE 5.7-1 COHPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT L IHITS CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT L IHI T 200 heatup cycles at<100'F/hr and 200 cooldown cycles at<100 F/hr (pressurizer cooldown at<200'F/hr).
80lossofloadcycles.40cyclesoflossofoffsiteA.C.electrical power.80cyclesoflossofflowinonereactorcoolantloop.400reactortripcycles.200largestepdecreases inload.p'IDESI(iNCYCLEORTRANSIENT Ileatupcycle-Tfrom<200'Fto>547'F.CooTdowncycle-Tfrom>547'Fto<200F.Withoutimmediate turbineorreactortrip.LossofoffsiteA.C.electrical powersourcesupplying theonsiteClasslEdistribution system.Lossofonlyonereactorcoolantpump.100KtoOXofRATEDTilERHALPOWER.lOOXto5XofRATEDTllERHALPOWERwithsteamdump.
80 loss of load cycles.40 cycles of loss of offsite A.C.electrical power.80 cycles of loss of flow in one reactor coolant loop.400 reactor trip cycles.200 large step decreases in load.p'I DESI(iN CYCLE OR TRANSIENT Ileatup cycle-T from<200'F to>547'F.CooTdown cycle-T from>547'F to<200 F.Without immediate turbine or reactor trip.Loss of offsite A.C.electrical power source supplying the onsite Class lE distribution system.Loss of only one reactor coolant pump.100K to OX of RATED TilERHAL POWER.lOOX to 5X of RATED TllERHAL POWER with steam dump.
VI)0 7Thli~LE5.-i{Conlinuredrn~voNLNT CYCLICORTRRISIENT LiwiTSCOMPONENT ReactorCoolantSystemSecondary SystemCYCLICOATRRNSIENT LllilT1mackinreactorcoolantpipebreak.Operating OasisEarthquakes 50leaktests.5hydrostatic pressuretests1steamlinebreak5hydrostatic pressuretestsnCSlrNCYCLEORTRR[ISIENT Breakinareactorcoolant.pipe>6inchesequiva)ent diameter.
V I)0 7 Thli~LE 5.-i{Conl inured rn~voNLNT CYCLIC OR TRRISIENT LiwiTS COMPONENT Reactor Coolant System Secondary System CYCLIC OA TRRNSIENT LllilT 1 mackin reactor coolant pipe break.Operating Oasis Earthquakes 50 leak tests.5 hydrostatic pressure tests 1 steam line break 5 hydrostatic pressure tests nCSlrN CYCLE OR TRR[ISIENT Break in a reactor coolant.pipe>6 inches equiva)ent diameter.400 cyc I es-20 earthquakes o f 20 cycl es each.Pressurized to 2500 psia Pressurized to 3107 psig.Break in a steam line>5.5 inches equivalent diameter.Pressurized to 1356 psig.
400cycIes-20earthquakes of20cycleseach.Pressurized to2500psiaPressurized to3107psig.Breakinasteamline>5.5inchesequivalent diameter.
f1, g 0}}
Pressurized to1356psig.

Revision as of 08:49, 6 July 2018

Proposed Tech Specs Reflecting marked-up Changes Re Spent Fuel Pool During Unit 2 Cycle 9 Operation
Person / Time
Site: Cook  American Electric Power icon.png
Issue date: 02/15/1991
Shared Package
ML17328A929 List:
NUDOCS 9102250133
Download: ML17328A931 (24)


ATTACHMENT 4 TO AEP:NRC:1071N EXISTING TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS PAGES MARKED-UP TO REFLECT PROPOSED CHANGES DONALD C.COOK NUCLEAR PLANT UNITS 1 AND 2 9'102250233 PDR ADOCK K 05000315 PDR lpl t vW b Et'al.~n pic 5[467,~C g S I dC~b~~s,~iec ee&dkisiecd kr etnecSc g'~c eii g an cnra4vnce jp 3.CS~0-ASS ec ace cnriedeneeevb'~

d4eve SR'.,uc'cPhbcen&

o-she kk>s]sso KW5/~]and, BX)(oh/PiOF~

+t~~on~PW3 P~~~s'~~t7xlT cL~Lly oc.4 ZSo'~~~<<-S>>%ra iSniS c~u~.b.Ce Za accordance vith the code requirements specified in Section 4.1.C yith allovance for normal degradation pursuant to th>>applicable

$~eillance Requirements, For a pressure of 2485 psig 0 0 Por a temperature of 6SO P, except tor the preaaurixer vhich ia C40 Pe VOLDHE 5.4'5.5 The total contained volume of tho roacto$coolant system ia 12, 612+100 cubic feet at a nominal T of 70 P.avg EMERCENCY CORE COOLIVQ SYSTEMS 5.5.1*The emergency core cooling systems are designed and shall bo maintained in accordance vith the original design provisiona contained in Section 6.2 of the pSAR vith allovance for normal degradation pursuant to tho appl,icable Surveillance Requirements.


-'PENT FUEL e The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained vith: a.A k<<eq ivalent to 1.ass than 0:5 vhen flooded vith unborated vater, b~A nominal 10,5 inch center-to-cen:er distance betveen fuel assemblies placed in the storage racks.4%/4FR7 R c.1.h separate region vithin the spent fuel storage racks (defined as Region 1.)shall be established

=or storage of Westinghouse

ue 4~MSGR 6 CVl The boundezy beeveen the RedionSl".eneioned ebove tee~HL)shall be such that the shall be carried into Regio in Figurc requirement 2 by, at least, one rov as shovn~~AT'Pt: Qt s cof ccneL~caks vi~occcQ V-ZSS~~g,cdd 4ien 5;SSo gw3/blTO~Con[i~a8ccnat'.~~

i~~~S.+dL cd's<~~COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 5-5 AMENDMENT NO R~bb.eo.6 I WlesL~o~~4~~g~<Q~+ony~gchlcH~~~5.6 tg l.p,L f I~r t'lA I I I I I I I aegaeon 2 I I I I I I ME+pleuaE Ernpvg Ce~'c" a s V~~-"'<"-ea=:'.a."."=='.".e.-..a"==="": e3.S.c."ace Racks~we.".caen" No.

  • I~M+)C~C Z l 0 o~'DESI'XLTTHtXS tuel atored in the spent fuel storage racks shall have~max~aCe&al fuel assembly enrichment aa follon: a 4 t Hasid%Nominal tuel Aaaeably Enrichment 4 235 1)Veatinghouse 15 x 15 STD 15 x 15 OFA 2)Exxon/AHF-15 x 15 4.95 3.50 3)Vestinghouse 17 x 17 STD 17 x 17 OFA 17 x 17 VS 4,95 4)Exxon/ANF 17 x 17 4,23 CRITICALITY-NEV FUEL The ncv fuel pit storage racks are designed and shall be maintained a nominal 21 inch ccntcr-to-center distance betveen nev fuel assemblies such that k f vill not exceed 0.98 vhcn fuel are placed in the pit cff and aqueous oam moderation i.s assu.ed. Fuel stored'n the ncv f cl storage ra=..s shall have a maximum nominal fuel assembly enrich.=cnt as follovs;Naximum No=.nal Fuel Assembly Enrichment Vt.\235 1)Vcstinghousc 1.5 x 15 STD 15 x 15 OFA 4.55 2)Exxon/ANF 15 x 15 3.50 3)Vcsti.nghouse 17 x 1.7 STD 17 x 17 OFA 17 x 17 VS 4.55 4)Exxon/ANF 17 x 17 4.23 DRAINAGE 5.6.3 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and shall be maintained to prevent inadvertent of thc pool belov elevation 629'4".COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 1 AMENDMENT NO.6

~i L MSZaa Trk~kEI~kCITf f C 4 aN't 1 storage!1 is disig ed and sh il be mi tai ed vith a storage cap city i~ted to no more th n 2050 fuel assemblies.

5 7 SEISMIC C~SIPIChTIOH 5 7,]noae structuree, systems and components in the PS'hall be designed and maintained to contained in the TSAR vith ellovance for normal applicant Surreillance Requirements, identified aa Category I Items original design provisions degradation pursuant to the 5.I NETEOROLOC ICAL TOVER LOChTION 5.8.1 The meteorological tover shall be located as shovn in Figure 5.1-1.5.9 COMPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMIT+Pl 5,9.1 The components identified in Table 5.9-1 are designed and shall be.maintained vithin the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.9-1.V COOK NUCLEhR PEDANT-UNIT h.'KNDNENT NO.1 4 1~

TADLE 5.9-1 COHPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIHITS COHPONENT Reactor Coolant Systea CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT L IHIT 200 heatup cycles at<100'F/hr and 200 cooldown cycles at<100 F/hr (pressurizer cooldown at<200 F/hr).80 loss of load cycles.40 cycles of loss of offsite A.C.electrical power.SO cycles of loss of flow in one reactor coolant loop.400 reactor trip cycles.200 large step decreases in load.DES IlaN CYCLE OR TRANSIENT lleatup cycle-T frota<200'F hr>.F.Cooldown cycle-Tfroe>5i7'F to<200'F Hl thout iasediate turbine or reactor trip.Loss of offsite A.C.electrical power source supplying the onslte Class lE distribution systea.Loss of only one reactor coolant pump.lOOX to OC of RATEO TIIEHHAL PNER.100K to 5X of RATEO TllERHAL POHER with steaa duep.

TABLE 5.9-1 LQHPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT LIMITS COHPONENT I(eactor Coolant System CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT L IHIT l a@in reactor coolant pipe break.Operating Uasis Eartlviuakes 50 leak tests.5 hydrostatic pressure tests DESIGN CYCLE OR TRANSIENT Ureak in a reactor coolant pipe>6 inches equivalent diameter.400 cycles-20 earthquakes of 20 cycles each.I'ressurlzed to 2500 psia Pressurized to 3I07 pslg.Secondary System l steam line break 5 hydrostat,ic pressure tests Break in a steam line>5.5 inches equivalent dl arne ter.Pressurized to l356 psig.

l4 sic'P)1L 0

~gp~8,'~~~~n gg~Qe.Zpeat+~SXDtnga, no~>l dined, aS Region 4 7Sfi~he-c.R)vest'~pcs QN<fc~ev nJ~eA~+4v Q-XSCI~~~nk~M 3AS~+V->354uk~ca 4~~Ides>>oo~seeg Q SiSSo NIWD/leans css>>R Bnso>>/'dIsl

~cZ f cs>>e>>>>'clme>>t:

Qns~~~~~vnbnsg U-i>S Q~(ggol1 a.ssc~g~~~~< 2-So~ht~il-RRS~~IsscIS ctssnWWI.5,4,2 The tal vater and steam volume of the reactor coolant ayate<ia 12,C12+100 cubic feet as a nominal T of 70 F.5.5 LOOICAL TOWING LOCATION 5.5.1 Thi aateorologica]

cover shall be located as shovn oa Figure 5.1-1.5,6 FOIL STORACE CRITICALITY SPENT FUEL 5.6,1.1 The spent fuel storage racks are designed and shall be maintained vith: ae A K equivalent to less than 0.95 vhen flooded vith eff unborated vater, A nominal 10.5-inch center-to-center distance betveen fuel assemblies, placed in the storage racks.c, 1.A separate region vithin the spent fuel storage rac3cs (defined as Region 1)shall be established for storage of Vestinghouse fuel Io ce array va INSET~A,S The boundary betveen the Region5'entioned above ea4-oh+~L shall be such that the storage requirement

.g shall be castled into Region 2 b: at least, one too as sheen in F'gure 5.6- Fuel stored in the spent fuel storage racks shall have a maximum nominal fuel assembly enrichment as follovs: Descri tion Maximum Nominal Fuel Assembly Enrichment Vt.'4 235 1)Vestinghouse 2)Exxon/ANF 3)westinghouse 15 x 15 STD 15 x 15 OFA 15 x 15 17 x 17 STD 17 x 17 OFA 17 x 17 V5 4.95 3.50 4.95 4)Exxon/ANF 17 x 17 4.23 COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 5-5 ANENmZNT NO.5 nMS~p.%S wcug)otgo~9-X3S'gnc2 kacwup A+M~yagtdw to~ho dtgnwtnS Cshpq k~~R~(eog>>sR2Ioogn

~d.Iswg~>>g 2.+aaII+>>gtdo>>S doe sgbtse Isa FI~S'-2.


nl L J f f I Empery C fu dl~~'<<s av a 0<a 4~c'n"a";3et~een Beg'ons 1 and 2 noae~aKS Csog gU~Qp, p~T QUIT~~5-8~amendment No.

I A~rt RI P, DmZa>>~~~~~z~~lÃ5F PAT, 5.4.2 1~nev f941 pit storage r ha are deailned and shall be aatnta ed with+eainal 21 inch ceater-to-center diatance betnen ner fuel bliea auch that I vill not exceed 0.90 rhea fuel aaaeRbliea are off placed in the pit and aqueous fora moderation ia aaaaaed.5,6,2.2 tuel stored ia the ner fuel storage racks ahall han a aaxima noajnal fuel aaseably enrichment aa follow;1)Vestinghouse 15 x 15 STD 15 x 15 OFA Maximum Nominal tuel Aaaeably Enrichment Vt.\235 4.55 2)Exxon/ANF 15 x 15 3.50 3)Vestinghous

~17 x 17 STD 17 x 17 OFA 17 x 17 V5 4.55 4)Exxon/ANF 17 x 17 4.23 DRAINAGE 5.6.3 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and'"..all be maintained to prevent inadvertent draining of the pooL belov elevation 629'4".CAPACITY 5.6.4 The spent fuel storage pool is designed and sh~all be maintained vit a storage capacity limited to no more than 2050 iuei assemblies.

5.7 CO'.iPONENT CYCLIC OR TRAVSIEVT LI'.iIT 5.7.1 The components identified in Table 5.7-1 are desi.gned and shall be.maintained vithin the cyclic or transient limits of Table 5.7-1.j COOK NUCLEAR PLANT-UNIT 2 5-6 A.'KNDMENT NO., 1 V 0 0 4 EP COHPONENT Reactor Coolant System TABLE 5.7-1 COHPONENT CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT L IHITS CYCLIC OR TRANSIENT L IHI T 200 heatup cycles at<100'F/hr and 200 cooldown cycles at<100 F/hr (pressurizer cooldown at<200'F/hr).

80 loss of load cycles.40 cycles of loss of offsite A.C.electrical power.80 cycles of loss of flow in one reactor coolant loop.400 reactor trip cycles.200 large step decreases in load.p'I DESI(iN CYCLE OR TRANSIENT Ileatup cycle-T from<200'F to>547'F.CooTdown cycle-T from>547'F to<200 F.Without immediate turbine or reactor trip.Loss of offsite A.C.electrical power source supplying the onsite Class lE distribution system.Loss of only one reactor coolant pump.100K to OX of RATED TilERHAL POWER.lOOX to 5X of RATED TllERHAL POWER with steam dump.

V I)0 7 Thli~LE 5.-i{Conl inured rn~voNLNT CYCLIC OR TRRISIENT LiwiTS COMPONENT Reactor Coolant System Secondary System CYCLIC OA TRRNSIENT LllilT 1 mackin reactor coolant pipe break.Operating Oasis Earthquakes 50 leak tests.5 hydrostatic pressure tests 1 steam line break 5 hydrostatic pressure tests nCSlrN CYCLE OR TRR[ISIENT Break in a reactor coolant.pipe>6 inches equiva)ent diameter.400 cyc I es-20 earthquakes o f 20 cycl es each.Pressurized to 2500 psia Pressurized to 3107 psig.Break in a steam line>5.5 inches equivalent diameter.Pressurized to 1356 psig.

f1, g 0