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PWROG-15023-NP, Revision 1, Seabrook Station, Unit 1, Summary Report for the Fuel Design / Fuel Management Assessments to Demonstrate MRP-227-A Applicability.
Person / Time
Site: Seabrook NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/2015
From: Chen J, Figley J T, Houssay L P, Molkenthin J P
PWR Owners Group, Westinghouse
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML15149A278 List:
MRP-227-A, SBK-L-15073, TAC ME4028 PWROG-15023-NP, Rev. 1
Download: ML15149A282 (10)


Enclosure 7 to SBK-L-15073Non-Proprietary Class 3 Westinghouse Report (PWROG-15023-NP, Revision 1)Seabrook Station Unit 1 Summary ReportFor the Fuel Design/Fuel Management Assessments toDemonstrate MRP-227-A Applicability(Non-Proprietary)

.Rý.R :E1 SS- U R I Z E DPWROG'WAT E R R EýACjTO R R S G R.O U PPWROG.1I5023-NPIA Revi sionI" '... ... ...: : : ---. ............ .....-... ." : .: ., ' : ; ..--..: ..v ! : .WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3Seabrook Station Unit 1 SummaryReport for the Fuel Design / FuelManagement Assessments toDemonstrate MRP-227-AApplicabilityMaterials CommitteePA-MSC-0983, Revision. 1,Task 7May 2015Westinghouse WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3PWROG-15023-NPRevision 1Seabrook Station Unit I SummaryReport for the Fuel Design I FuelManagement Assessments toDemonstrate MRP-227-A ApplicabilityPA-MSC-0983, Revision 1, Task 70983, Revision 1,Task 7Justin T. Figley*Safety Analysis and Licensing / LOCA Integrated Services IIMay 2015Reviewer: Jianwei Chen*Radiation Engineering and AnalysisApproved: Laurent P. Houssay*, ManagerRadiation Engineering and AnalysisApproved: James P. Molkenthin*, Program DirectorPWR Owners Group PMO*Electronically approved records are authenticated in the electronic document management system.Westinghouse Electric Company LLC1000 Westinghouse DriveCranberry Township, PA 16066, USA© 2015 Westinghouse Electric Company LLCAll Rights Reserved WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis report was developed and funded by the Pressurized Water Reactor Owners Group underthe leadership of the participating utility representatives of the Materials Committee.PWROG-15023-NPMay 2015Revision 1 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3ivLEGAL NOTICEThis report was prepared as an account of work performed by Westinghouse ElectricCompany LLC. Neither Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, nor any person acting on itsbehalf:1. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied including the warranties offitness for a particular purpose or merchantability, with respect to the accuracy,completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use ofany information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringeprivately owned rights; or2. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the useof, any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report.COPYRIGHT NOTICEThis report has been prepared by Westinghouse Electric Company LLC and bears aWestinghouse Electric Company copyright notice. As a member of the PWR Owners Group, youare permitted to copy and redistribute all or portions of the report within your organization;however all copies made by you must include the copyright notice in all instances.DISTRIBUTION NOTICEThis report was prepared for the PWR Owners Group. This Distribution Notice is intended toestablish guidance for access to this information. This report (including proprietary andnon-proprietary versions) is not to be provided to any individual or organization outside of thePWR Owners Group program participants without prior written approval of the PWR OwnersGroup Program Management Office. However, prior written approval is not required for programparticipants to provide copies of Class 3 Non-Proprietary reports to third parties that aresupporting implementation at their plant, and for submittals to the NRC.PWROG-1 5023-NP May 2015PWROG-1 5023-NPMay 2015Revision 1 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 3VTABLE OF CONTENTSMRP 2013-025 GUIDANCE TEXT DEMONSTRATING MRP-227-A APPLICABILITYFOR SEABROOK UNIT 1 REACTOR INTERNALS AGING MANAGEMENT FUELDESIGN / FUEL MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENTS ...................................................... 1-11.1 SEABROOK UNIT 1 EVALUATION FOR QUESTION 2 .................................... 1-11.1.1 Components Located Beyond the Outer Radius of the Reactor Core 1-21.1.2 Components Located Above the Reactor Core ................................... 1-21.1.3 Components Located Below the Reactor Core ................................... 1-32 R E FE R E N C E S .............................................................................................................. 2-1PWROG-1 5023-NP May 2015PVVROG-15023-NPMay 2015Revision 1 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 31-1MRP 2013-025 Guidance Text Demonstrating MRP-227-AApplicability for Seabrook Unit I Reactor Internals AgingManagement Fuel Design / Fuel Management AssessmentsIn Request for Additional Information (RAI) LRA Appendix B-1 [1], the U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC) advised NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC that theApplicant/Licensee Action Items (A/LAIs) for MRP-227-A would need to be resolved aspart of the staff's review of the Aging Management Program (AMP) for the ReactorVessel Internals (RVI) as part of the License Renewal Application (LRA) for SeabrookStation Unit 1.RAI LRA Appendix B-I -Aging Management of Reactor VesselInternals:The staff requests that the applicant provide either an LRA amendment or anupdate that includes updated AMP and AMR items for the PWR RVIcomponents at the Seabrook Station that are based on the guidance in LR-ISG-2011-04, including responses to applicable Applicant/License ActionsItems identified in the staffs SE for MRP-227 dated December 16, 2011.The NRC staff indicated [2] that information provided by the industry to the NRCstaff demonstrated that the MRP-227-A Inspection and Evaluation (I&E) Guidelinesare applicable for the range of conditions expected at the currently operatingWestinghouse and Combustion Engineering-deigned plants in the United States. Asa result of technical discussions with the NRC staff, the basis for a plant to respondto the NRC's RAI to demonstrate compliance with MRP-227-A for originally licensedand uprated conditions was determined to be satisfied with plant-specific responsesto the following two questions [2 and 3]:1. Does the plant have non-weld or bolting austenitic stainless steel (SS)components with 20 percent cold work or greater, and, if so, do the affectedcomponents have operating stresses greater than 30 ksi? (If both conditions aretrue, additional components may need to be screened in for stress corrosioncracking, SCC).2. Does the plant have atypical fuel deign or fuel management that could render theassumptions of MRP-227-A, regarding core loading/core design, non-representative for that plant?1.1 Seabrook Unit I Evaluation for Question 2Westinghouse has evaluated the Seabrook Station Unit 1 (NAH) reactor internalscomponents with regard to fuel designs and fuel management according to industryguideline MRP 2013-025 [4].PWROG-1 5023-NP May 2015Revision 1 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 31-2Seabrook Unit 1 has not utilized atypical fuel design or fuel management that could"make the assumptions of MRP-227-A regarding core loading/core design non-representative for that unit, including power changes/uprates that have occurred over theoperating lifetime of the unit. This conclusion is based on comparisons of the SeabrookUnit 1 core geometry and operating characteristics with the MRP-227-A applicabilityguidelines for Westinghouse-designed reactors specified in MRP 2013-025 [4].Specifically, the following comparisons with the MRP-227-A applicability guidelines inMRP 2013-025 [4] were established for the key reactor internals components atSeabrook Unit Components Located Beyond the Outer Radius of the Reactor CoreGuideline 1 -The reactor has been operated with out-in fuel management for thirtyeffective full-power years or less and all future operation will use lowleakage fuel management.Comparison -Seabrook Unit 1 initiated low leakage fuel management strategy in thefourth fuel cycle following 2.99 effective full-power years (EFPY) ofoperation and has been implementing low leakage core designs sincethat time. There are no current plans to return to out-in fuelmanagement.Guideline 2 -For operation going forward the average power density of the reactorcore (as defined in MRP 2013-025 [4]) shall remain less than 124W/cm3.Comparison -For the last six operating fuel cycles (Cycles 12 through 17), SeabrookUnit I has been operating at a rated power level of 3648 MWt. For the193 fuel assembly Seabrook Unit 1 core geometry, the 3648 MWtpower level corresponds to a core power density of 111.8 W/cm3.Thislevel of power generation is also representative of anticipated futureoperation.Guideline 3 -For operation going forward, the nuclear heat generation rate figure ofmerit (HGR-FOM) (as defined in MRP 2013-025 [4]) shall not exceed68 W/cm3.Comparison -For the last six operating fuel cycles at Seabrook Unit 1, the HGR-FOM atkey baffle locations has ranged between [ a,c.This range of HGR-FOM is representative of anticipated future operation.1.1.2 Components Located Above the Reactor CoreGuideline 1 -Considering the entire operating lifetime of the reactor, the averagepower density of the core (as defined in MRP 2013-025 [4]) shallremain less than 124 W/cm3 for a period of more than two effective full-power years.PWROG-15023-NP May 2015Revision 1 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 31-3Comparison -Over the operating lifetime of the Seabrook Unit 1 reactor, the ratedcore power level, including power uprates, has varied between 3411MWI and 3648 MWt. This variation of rated power level correspondsto a power density range of 104.5 W/cm3to 111.8 W/cm3.Guideline 2 -Considering the entire operating lifetime of the reactor, the distancebetween the top of the active fuel stack and the bottom of the uppercore plate (UCP) shall not be less than 12.2 inches for a period ofmore than two effective full-power years.Comparison -For the Seabrook Unit 1 reactor internals and fuel assembly geometry,the nominal distance between the top of the active fuel stack and thebottom of the upper core plate (UCP) averaged over the first 17 fuelcycles of operation was [ Ia,c. During that period of timethe nominal distance between the UCP and the top of the active fuelwas not less than 12.2 inches for an operating period of more than twoeffective full-power years.1.1.3 Components Located Below the Reactor CoreBased on the discussion provided in MRP 2013-025 [4], plant-specific applicability ofMRP-227-A for components located below the reactor core with no further evaluationrequired is demonstrated by meeting the MRP-227-A, Section 2.4 criteria.PWROG-15023-NPMay 2015Revision 1 WESTINGHOUSE NON-PROPRIETARY CLASS 32-12 References1. U.S. NRC Letter, "Request for Additional Information Related to the Review of theSeabrook Station License Renewal Application -Set 21 (TAC NO. ME4028)," April 25,2014 (NRC ADAMS Accession No. ML14101A324)2. U.S. NRC Presentation, "Status of MRP-227-AAction Items 1 and 7," June 5, 2013.(NRC ADAMS Accession No. ML13154A1 52)3. U.S. NRC Letter, "Summary of February 25, 2013 Telecom with the Electric PowerResearch Institute and Westinghouse Electric Company," March 15, 2013. (NRCADAMS Accession No. ML1 3067A262)4. EPRI Letter, MRP 2013-025, "MRP-227-A Applicability Template Guideline," October 14,2013.PWROG-1 5023-NPMay 2015Revision 1