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g                                                  , ,,(
A KhengE,Mus.                                                                                                -
:    s                                  ab        W All Chemical t*:> tope Enrichment, Inc.                                                                j g          y      \\
                                                                                                        >        oo      y Docket No. 50-603                                Y 4
w February 19, 1988 T@@
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Office Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention:    Mr. Hugh L. Thompson, Jr.
55396-MNSS Docket Material Gentlemen:
In its letter dated February 3, 1988, AlchemIE submitted additional information that was requested by the NRC.                                          On the fifth page of the enclosure titled "Additional Information for AlChemIE Facility-1, CPDF, Docket No.
50-603" the lower portion of the page was inadvertently omitted.
Submitted herewith are six (6) copies of :he enclosure containing the omitted descriptive material.                                    Please replace the enclosure transmitted on February 3, 1988, witn this corrected enclosure.
Should you have any questions, please contact Mr.                                            W. A.
Pfeifer (615-482-0027).
Very truly yours, ALCHEMIE, INC.
G M Dennis L. Dell Chief Executive Officer DLB/WAP/ast            gg PD                8 Enclosures            A                O        3                                                  0 p
cc:      Dr. A. Thomas Clark, Jr./NRC Rne Rdge Cece Pork Suite 202-8 702 tuinois Ave Ook R4ge, TN 37830 (615) 482-0029
_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _                                    _.              _ _            . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _        _______--_.____J
I Additional Information for A1ChemIE Facility - 1, CPDF, Docket No 50-603 Request Centrifuge Machine contamination Please provide information which supports your discussion in Section of the Preliminary Safety Analysis report pertaining to contamination of centrifuge machines by uranium.
Specifically the Appendix mentioned in tnat section is not contained in the document.        If the Department of Energy has provided information in this regard, it should be provided as part of your application.
As it relates to A1ChemIE's PSAR for Facility - 1, CPDF, Docket 50-603, the referenced Appendix A was inadvertently omitted.
Copies of the requisite DOE letter documenting the contamination levels at CPDF are transmitted herewith.
Although not specifically stated in . Appendix A the uranium contamination is in the form of uranyl fluoride (UO F This low level of contamination will be plated on the centdikg)e.
components and in the form of dust. In any case the bulk of the uranyl fluoride should be inside the centrifuge rotors.                      1 Request Decommissioning Please provide any written agreements you have executed with the Department of Energy with regard to decommissioning.
Article 7 of Contract No.        DE-R005-880R21776,            Centrifuge Equipment Agreement and Bill of Sale, between DOE and A1ChemIE states:
                  "7. Decontamination and Disposal. A1ChemIE shall be responsible for the decontamination and disposal of all classified or contaminated equipment of which it has acquired ownership. It shall ascertain the cost for the protection, decontamination,      and disposal of the entire classified or contaminated inventory received by A1ChemIE. A1ChemIE shall provide assurance, in an amount and form acceptable to DOE, that adequate funds will be available for decontamination and disposal of all classified and/or contaminated equipment should A1ChemIE, for any reason, fail to do so."
A similar clause will be contained in the lease and sales agreement between A1ChemIE and DOE for the CPDF facility.
4 Request Radioactive and Clcssified Waste Disposal Please provide any written agreements you have executed with the Department of Energy with regard to acceptance of waste material
: 1)  which is radioactively contaminated and 2)      which 1s, in  ,
whole or in part, classified.
In AlChemIE's negotiations with DOE relative to the lease of the CPDF facility and the procurement of the equipment from the Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant (GCEP) the disposal of classified and uranium contaminated equipment and materials has been discussed. Although no formal agreements have been reached it is our understanding that this equipment and materials will be stored or buried by DOE at the ORGDP site. This is noted in the ectached Waste Managerment Plan.
Enviromental Report
: 1. Request    Provide information describing the engineering features that will be used to prevent or mitigate the release of hazardous chemicals to the environment.
RESPONSE:  (a) Loading and unloading of the feed, product and tails cylinders will be performed within an enclosed loading dock. Accidental    release due to cylinder rupture associated with the task will be contained within this enclosed loading dock. If an accidental release should occur, the dock will be decontaminated prior to continued use.
All materials used for decontamination will be collected and packaged for disposal in accordance with the enclosed Waste Management Plan.
(b) Feed, product and tails cylinders will be stored within the facility in a dedicated nominally air tight storage room. The storage room will be equipped with halogen and hydrocarbon monitors with an aud'ble alarm.      If a cylinder shculd leak,    it will be removed, repaired or the contents will be transferred to a now cylinder.          The storage room will be surveyed for contaminant      deposition        and M ontaminated, if necessary.
                                                                          ...      ~
                      ~ (c) The- gas centrifuge process is an                        i inherently high vacuum system operating                :
in the low torr to micron range,              and with a low process gas inventory.- Also,                !
any disruption of this vacuum results in                .
automatic process ' shut down.          At shut        !
down,            isolation    valves    will          ;
j                            automatically close preventing process                  ;
gas release.          Ges within the system will        i then be evacuated into a withdrawal                    a cylinder prior to restarting the process system.-
(d) All existing floor drains 'will- be sealed prior to facility operations.                          ,
(e) All potentially hazardous chemicals                    !
associated with facility operation will                ,
be collected, packaged and disposed of                  ;
as outlined in the enclosed waste                      ;
management plan.
(f) Based upon tha small amount of process                  '
i                            gas in a centrifuge at any time and the fact that the process operates in a high
;                            vacuum, it is highly unlikely that a                    ,
release of the process gas could be i                            detected.                                              1 (g) All sanitary waste water will be                        !
processed by ORGDP by agreement with DOE                ,
!                            and the Tennescoe Department of Health                  i and Environment-(TDHE).
(h) The only planned releases to the environment directly associated with the CPDF operation are Xenon,              Krypton          i and off-gas systems as discussed in 2(a)                :
below.            Thoao releases have been              !
l                            discussed with the THDE Division of Air                !
Quality and it is expected that they will approve their release to the atmosphere.                                            t i
: 2. Request      Describe the off-gas systems for the process                i equipment, the ventilation system for the                    .
building, and the drain systems for. process or hazardous chemical handling area.
RESPONSE:    (a) There are five process off-gas systems                    ,
in the building as follows: 1) Purge                      l vacuum (PV), 2) Evacuation vacuum (EV),                  l i
: 3) Feed Purge and Evacuation 'FPE), 4)                    l Tails Purge and Evacuation (TPE). and 5)                  !
Product Purge and Evacuation (PPE).
i i
i r
                                                -,  ,-  ,    , - - .        - ~,,
r o
Each of these systems will contain a cold trapping, a chemical trapping or a mechanical trapping system to collect the process gas, other than Xenon or Krypton as noted above, that has entered any of the off-gas piping systems during both normal process operations and off-stream operations          (cylinder change-out, etc).
These traps will be installed in the inlet to vacuum pumps or in the purge piping as appropriate. All five of the process off-gas systems will be            ,
connected to a single common vent above the roof.                                  ,
(b) HVAC System Feed Area The existing      feed    area has    an independent HVAC System, however, this area will not be used by A1ChemIE.
Present plans are to utilize small "portable" systems for each process gas utilizing a hot water bath or forced hot air heating system. Those systems will be self-contained and located in the        '
cascade    area  as noted below and therefore require no further HVAC.
Cascade The cascade area consists of two pad-mounted      HV units      and one platform-mounted unit. The first unit is located on the northeast end of the building and serves the north side of      -
the building from the diesel generator room to corridor #1. This unit has a capacity of 33,600 cfm. The outside and  l l
return air are controlled by a    syitch.  '
The thermostat is set at 85 F to            i maintain the cascade area temperature.      ,
The second HV unit is located on ths        l northwest side of the building and        '
serves the north side of the building      ,
from corridor      #1 to the northwest corner and the west side of the building. This unit has a capacity of 36,000 cfm. Both aforementioned units have freeze controllers to shut the unit down when the coil discharge temperature is below its setpoint.          :
The third cascade area unit            l's split into two 30,000 cfm capacity          units, l            located on a platform in the          equipment area at the east and of the            cascade.
l            One 30,000-cfm unit serves-the east wall and around the south wall to the 4
existing withdrawal area.              The other 30,000-cfm unit feeds a perforated duct that runs along the top of- the service            -r module. Twelve temperature transmitters are located on the service module.
The    service module          temporature g
trgnsmitters        are  get at 83 F and
            .80 F.      When the 83 F temperature is sensed,    an . alarm - is sounded,      and tpe unit is      shut down when the 80 F temperature is detected.            The swcond        I area unit follows the same procedure, with    the two duct-temperatugeg transmitters set at 78 F and 75 F, respectively. A drop in temperature, as described above,        indicates a problem          -
with the unit.      The unit is shut down to prevent cold air from blowing on the                  i machines.
The cascade area also contains 12 i            roof-mounted,          damper-controlled ventilators (primarily used for summer ventilation) and six roof-mounted smoke removal fans.      Should a fire occur, the
,            operator will be alerted to shut down i
the system, thus sealing the building.
* Administrative controls will determine
]            when the smoke removal fans will be started.
The cascade area will run normally at
;            0.1-in. higher water pressure than the adjacent areas and the outside of the                i building.
Withdrawal Area The existing product and tails area has an independent HVAC system but this area will not be used by A1ChemIE.
Portable low temperature self-contained              ,
withdrawal carts will be placed as                    ;
needed in the cascade area for each                  ,
process gas.      No HVAC other than that          !
exisiting in the cascada area is                      :
required for this operation.                        !
t Central Control Room (CCR) p                                                        The CCR - is cooled by a roof-moi nted air conditioner equipped with s . steam-type 4                                                        humidifier. The unit contains s' steam
,                                                        coil f or ~ heating, and cooling tower.
l_                                                        water is f.: sed as tho' cooling media in the - condenser 'section. _ .In the unlikely event of a release'in the cascada area, operation of the CCR Nill be possible without danger to personnel. through recirculation of the room air and shut-off.of make-up-from the outside.
:                                                    (c) All floor. drains sealed prior to 1                                                        operation of' the facility.            All
'                                                        potentially-hazardous chemicals
;                                                        associated with facility . operation will be collected, packaged- and disposed ' of j                                                        per the Waste Management Plan.
1 i                      3.            Request      Describe the quantities and types of i                                                    hazardous materials which would be released .from the facility under ' normal
!                                                    and abnormal        circumstances..      Such estimates should be supported by analysis and the environmental impact of these releases should be stated.
;l j                                      RESPONSE:    No identified . hazardous materials will be i                                                    released from the f acility .under normal or abnormal circumstances.
;                      4.            Request      Based upon analysis Item 3,
;                                                  provide an environmental ' monitoring plan t                                                    indicating species to be ' sampled and j                                                    analayzed and methodo. and frequencies for such monitoring.
'                                      RESPONSE    Environmental monitoring is not proposed for-this facility.
i l                      5.            Request      Indicate the environmental-reguistions which 1                                                  are related to your facility and your plans
!                                                  for implementation.
[                                      RESPONSE:    (a) Air Emissions:    A1ChemIE is working very closely'with the TDHE-Air Quality.
.                                                        Division in emission evaluation.
l                                                        AlChemIE plans to acquire a TDHE-Air Quality Permit ' for the discharge of
;                                                        Xenon,  Krypton and' process off-gas 2
exhaust (see 2a.above)..
t                                                  (b) Hazardous Waste:      An evaluation of the
!                                                        projected hazardous waste stream indicates' that the facility will be classified as a small waste generator, f
      ._  en.,.,.  -  - . , - . --,        n - , ,-
O A1ChemIE is seeking a determination from the TDHE-Division of Waste Management.
The TDHE determination is expected by February 15, 1988.
(c) Solid Waste:        An evaluation of the projected solid waste stream indicates that "special waste" will be generated.
A1ChemIE is seeking a deter tination from the TDHE-Division of Waste Management.
The TDHE determination is expected by February 15, 1988. Classified waste both contaminated and uncontaminated, will be transferred to DOE for storage or burial at the ORGDP.
(d) Water Discharge . Permit:      All waste water will be directed into the ORGDP sanitary sewer system for treatment.
The biodegradable cooling tower waste water and blowdown as well as the machine cooling water wastes, will also be directed to ORGDP facilities.        A water discharge, permit is not expected to be required.    :.
TDHE-Division .of Water Management la expected rto provide a determination by February 15,1988.
* I I
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Revision as of 03:32, 13 November 2020

Forwards Corrected Addl Info Inadvertently Omitted from 880203 Submittal.On Page 5,lower Portion of Page Inadvertently Omitted
Person / Time
Site: 05000603
Issue date: 02/19/1988
From: Bell D
To: Thompson H
29708, NUDOCS 8803010150
Download: ML20196E528 (9)



g , ,,(

A KhengE,Mus. -

s ab W All Chemical t*:> tope Enrichment, Inc. j g y \\


> oo y Docket No. 50-603 Y 4

w February 19, 1988 T@@

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Office Nuclear Material Safety & Safeguards Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Mr. Hugh L. Thompson, Jr.

55396-MNSS Docket Material Gentlemen:

In its letter dated February 3, 1988, AlchemIE submitted additional information that was requested by the NRC. On the fifth page of the enclosure titled "Additional Information for AlChemIE Facility-1, CPDF, Docket No.

50-603" the lower portion of the page was inadvertently omitted.

Submitted herewith are six (6) copies of :he enclosure containing the omitted descriptive material. Please replace the enclosure transmitted on February 3, 1988, witn this corrected enclosure.

Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. W. A.

Pfeifer (615-482-0027).

Very truly yours, ALCHEMIE, INC.

G M Dennis L. Dell Chief Executive Officer DLB/WAP/ast gg PD 8 Enclosures A O 3 0 p

cc: Dr. A. Thomas Clark, Jr./NRC Rne Rdge Cece Pork Suite 202-8 702 tuinois Ave Ook R4ge, TN 37830 (615) 482-0029

_ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______--_.____J

I Additional Information for A1ChemIE Facility - 1, CPDF, Docket No 50-603 Request Centrifuge Machine contamination Please provide information which supports your discussion in Section of the Preliminary Safety Analysis report pertaining to contamination of centrifuge machines by uranium.

Specifically the Appendix mentioned in tnat section is not contained in the document. If the Department of Energy has provided information in this regard, it should be provided as part of your application.


As it relates to A1ChemIE's PSAR for Facility - 1, CPDF, Docket 50-603, the referenced Appendix A was inadvertently omitted.

Copies of the requisite DOE letter documenting the contamination levels at CPDF are transmitted herewith.

Although not specifically stated in . Appendix A the uranium contamination is in the form of uranyl fluoride (UO F This low level of contamination will be plated on the centdikg)e.

components and in the form of dust. In any case the bulk of the uranyl fluoride should be inside the centrifuge rotors. 1 Request Decommissioning Please provide any written agreements you have executed with the Department of Energy with regard to decommissioning.


Article 7 of Contract No. DE-R005-880R21776, Centrifuge Equipment Agreement and Bill of Sale, between DOE and A1ChemIE states:

"7. Decontamination and Disposal. A1ChemIE shall be responsible for the decontamination and disposal of all classified or contaminated equipment of which it has acquired ownership. It shall ascertain the cost for the protection, decontamination, and disposal of the entire classified or contaminated inventory received by A1ChemIE. A1ChemIE shall provide assurance, in an amount and form acceptable to DOE, that adequate funds will be available for decontamination and disposal of all classified and/or contaminated equipment should A1ChemIE, for any reason, fail to do so."

A similar clause will be contained in the lease and sales agreement between A1ChemIE and DOE for the CPDF facility.

4 Request Radioactive and Clcssified Waste Disposal Please provide any written agreements you have executed with the Department of Energy with regard to acceptance of waste material

1) which is radioactively contaminated and 2) which 1s, in ,

whole or in part, classified.


In AlChemIE's negotiations with DOE relative to the lease of the CPDF facility and the procurement of the equipment from the Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant (GCEP) the disposal of classified and uranium contaminated equipment and materials has been discussed. Although no formal agreements have been reached it is our understanding that this equipment and materials will be stored or buried by DOE at the ORGDP site. This is noted in the ectached Waste Managerment Plan.

Enviromental Report

1. Request Provide information describing the engineering features that will be used to prevent or mitigate the release of hazardous chemicals to the environment.

RESPONSE: (a) Loading and unloading of the feed, product and tails cylinders will be performed within an enclosed loading dock. Accidental release due to cylinder rupture associated with the task will be contained within this enclosed loading dock. If an accidental release should occur, the dock will be decontaminated prior to continued use.

All materials used for decontamination will be collected and packaged for disposal in accordance with the enclosed Waste Management Plan.

(b) Feed, product and tails cylinders will be stored within the facility in a dedicated nominally air tight storage room. The storage room will be equipped with halogen and hydrocarbon monitors with an aud'ble alarm. If a cylinder shculd leak, it will be removed, repaired or the contents will be transferred to a now cylinder. The storage room will be surveyed for contaminant deposition and M ontaminated, if necessary.

... ~


~ (c) The- gas centrifuge process is an i inherently high vacuum system operating  :

in the low torr to micron range, and with a low process gas inventory.- Also,  !

any disruption of this vacuum results in .

automatic process ' shut down. At shut  !

down, isolation valves will  ;

j automatically close preventing process  ;

gas release. Ges within the system will i then be evacuated into a withdrawal a cylinder prior to restarting the process system.-

(d) All existing floor drains 'will- be sealed prior to facility operations. ,

(e) All potentially hazardous chemicals  !

associated with facility operation will ,

be collected, packaged and disposed of  ;

as outlined in the enclosed waste  ;

management plan.

(f) Based upon tha small amount of process '

i gas in a centrifuge at any time and the fact that the process operates in a high

vacuum, it is highly unlikely that a ,

release of the process gas could be i detected. 1 (g) All sanitary waste water will be  !

processed by ORGDP by agreement with DOE ,

! and the Tennescoe Department of Health i and Environment-(TDHE).

(h) The only planned releases to the environment directly associated with the CPDF operation are Xenon, Krypton i and off-gas systems as discussed in 2(a)  :

below. Thoao releases have been  !

l discussed with the THDE Division of Air  !

Quality and it is expected that they will approve their release to the atmosphere. t i

2. Request Describe the off-gas systems for the process i equipment, the ventilation system for the .

building, and the drain systems for. process or hazardous chemical handling area.

RESPONSE: (a) There are five process off-gas systems ,

in the building as follows: 1) Purge l vacuum (PV), 2) Evacuation vacuum (EV), l i

3) Feed Purge and Evacuation 'FPE), 4) l Tails Purge and Evacuation (TPE). and 5)  !

Product Purge and Evacuation (PPE).

i i

i r


-, ,- , , - - . - ~,,

r o

Each of these systems will contain a cold trapping, a chemical trapping or a mechanical trapping system to collect the process gas, other than Xenon or Krypton as noted above, that has entered any of the off-gas piping systems during both normal process operations and off-stream operations (cylinder change-out, etc).

These traps will be installed in the inlet to vacuum pumps or in the purge piping as appropriate. All five of the process off-gas systems will be ,

connected to a single common vent above the roof. ,

(b) HVAC System Feed Area The existing feed area has an independent HVAC System, however, this area will not be used by A1ChemIE.

Present plans are to utilize small "portable" systems for each process gas utilizing a hot water bath or forced hot air heating system. Those systems will be self-contained and located in the '

cascade area as noted below and therefore require no further HVAC.

Cascade The cascade area consists of two pad-mounted HV units and one platform-mounted unit. The first unit is located on the northeast end of the building and serves the north side of -

the building from the diesel generator room to corridor #1. This unit has a capacity of 33,600 cfm. The outside and l l

return air are controlled by a syitch. '

The thermostat is set at 85 F to i maintain the cascade area temperature. ,

The second HV unit is located on ths l northwest side of the building and '

serves the north side of the building ,

from corridor #1 to the northwest corner and the west side of the building. This unit has a capacity of 36,000 cfm. Both aforementioned units have freeze controllers to shut the unit down when the coil discharge temperature is below its setpoint.  :


The third cascade area unit l's split into two 30,000 cfm capacity units, l located on a platform in the equipment area at the east and of the cascade.

l One 30,000-cfm unit serves-the east wall and around the south wall to the 4

existing withdrawal area. The other 30,000-cfm unit feeds a perforated duct that runs along the top of- the service -r module. Twelve temperature transmitters are located on the service module.

The service module temporature g

trgnsmitters are get at 83 F and

.80 F. When the 83 F temperature is sensed, an . alarm - is sounded, and tpe unit is shut down when the 80 F temperature is detected. The swcond I area unit follows the same procedure, with the two duct-temperatugeg transmitters set at 78 F and 75 F, respectively. A drop in temperature, as described above, indicates a problem -

with the unit. The unit is shut down to prevent cold air from blowing on the i machines.

The cascade area also contains 12 i roof-mounted, damper-controlled ventilators (primarily used for summer ventilation) and six roof-mounted smoke removal fans. Should a fire occur, the

, operator will be alerted to shut down i

the system, thus sealing the building.

  • Administrative controls will determine

] when the smoke removal fans will be started.

The cascade area will run normally at

0.1-in. higher water pressure than the adjacent areas and the outside of the i building.

Withdrawal Area The existing product and tails area has an independent HVAC system but this area will not be used by A1ChemIE.

Portable low temperature self-contained ,

withdrawal carts will be placed as  ;

needed in the cascade area for each ,

process gas. No HVAC other than that  !

exisiting in the cascada area is  :

required for this operation.  !




t Central Control Room (CCR) p The CCR - is cooled by a roof-moi nted air conditioner equipped with s . steam-type 4 humidifier. The unit contains s' steam

, coil f or ~ heating, and cooling tower.

l_ water is f.: sed as tho' cooling media in the - condenser 'section. _ .In the unlikely event of a release'in the cascada area, operation of the CCR Nill be possible without danger to personnel. through recirculation of the room air and shut-off.of make-up-from the outside.

(c) All floor. drains sealed prior to 1 operation of' the facility. All

' potentially-hazardous chemicals

associated with facility . operation will be collected, packaged- and disposed ' of j per the Waste Management Plan.

1 i 3. Request Describe the quantities and types of i hazardous materials which would be released .from the facility under ' normal

! and abnormal circumstances.. Such estimates should be supported by analysis and the environmental impact of these releases should be stated.

No identified . hazardous materials will be i released from the f acility .under normal or abnormal circumstances.


4. Request Based upon analysis Item 3,
provide an environmental ' monitoring plan t indicating species to be ' sampled and j analayzed and methodo. and frequencies for such monitoring.

' RESPONSE Environmental monitoring is not proposed for-this facility.

i l 5. Request Indicate the environmental-reguistions which 1 are related to your facility and your plans

! for implementation.


[ RESPONSE: (a) Air Emissions: A1ChemIE is working very closely'with the TDHE-Air Quality.


. Division in emission evaluation.

l AlChemIE plans to acquire a TDHE-Air Quality Permit ' for the discharge of

Xenon, Krypton and' process off-gas 2

exhaust (see 2a.above)..

t (b) Hazardous Waste: An evaluation of the

! projected hazardous waste stream indicates' that the facility will be classified as a small waste generator, f

._ en.,.,. - - . , - . --, n - , ,-


O A1ChemIE is seeking a determination from the TDHE-Division of Waste Management.

The TDHE determination is expected by February 15, 1988.

(c) Solid Waste: An evaluation of the projected solid waste stream indicates that "special waste" will be generated.

A1ChemIE is seeking a deter tination from the TDHE-Division of Waste Management.

The TDHE determination is expected by February 15, 1988. Classified waste both contaminated and uncontaminated, will be transferred to DOE for storage or burial at the ORGDP.

(d) Water Discharge . Permit: All waste water will be directed into the ORGDP sanitary sewer system for treatment.

The biodegradable cooling tower waste water and blowdown as well as the machine cooling water wastes, will also be directed to ORGDP facilities. A water discharge, permit is not expected to be required.  :.

TDHE-Division .of Water Management la expected rto provide a determination by February 15,1988.


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