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| number = ML13296A029
| number = ML13296A029
| issue date = 10/18/2013
| issue date = 10/18/2013
| title = Hatch Initial Exam 2013-301 Final RO Written Exam
| title = Initial Exam 2013-301 Final RO Written Exam
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| author affiliation = NRC/RGN-II
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{{#Wiki_filter:ES-401                          Site-Specific RO Written Examination                    Form ES-401-7 Cover Sheet U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Site-Specific RO Written Examination Applicant Information Name:            E. I. HATCH 2013-301 RO NRC EXAM MASTER EXAM Date: September 1
g th 2013                      Facility/Unit: Plant E. I. Hatch Region:          I      II X  iii El IV El          Reactor Type: W      El CE El BW El GE X Start Time:                                          Finish Time:
Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top of the answer sheets. To pass the examination, you must achieve a final grade of at least 80.00 percent. Examination papers will be collected 6 hours after the examination begins.
Applicant Certification All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.
Applicants Signature Results Examination Value                                                                              Points Applicants Score                                                                              Points Applicants Grade                                                                            Percent
: 1. 201003A2.09 001 UNIT 1 Reactor Startup is in progress with control rod 22-43 at position 12.
o Reactor Pressure is 780 psig A malfunction in the CRD system results in the following:
o  Charging Water Pressure is 890 psig o  CRD ACCUMULATOR PRESS LOW OR LEVEL HIGH, (603-148) o  HCU 22-43 local Accumulator pressure is 910 psig o  Highest CRDM temperature is 240°F JAW 34AB-Cl 1-00 1, Loss of CRD System, the next REQUIRED action, and the BASES for the action, is to A immediately scram the reactor lAW 34AB-C71-001-l, Scram Procedure, because withdrawn control rods may fail to completely scram at lower reactor pressures B. immediately scram the reactor JAW 34AB-C71-001-1, Scram Procedure, because withdrawn control rods may experience slower scram times due to over heating C. restore charging water header pressure to 940 psig within 20 minutes because withdrawn control rods may fail to completely scram at lower reactor pressures D. restore charging water header pressure to 940 psig within 20 minutes because withdrawn control rods may experience slower scram times due to over heating 1
: 2. 203000K6.02 001 UNIT 2 is operating at RTP.
At 12:55 125V DC CABINET 2D, 2R25-S004 is deenergized and the following annunciators are actuated:
o  LOSS OF OFF SITE POWER, (652-102) o  4160V BUS 2E OR 600V BUS 2C DC OFF, (652-115) o  BATTERY VOLTS LOW OR FUSE TROUBLE, (652-119) o  BATTERY CHARGER MALFU1$CTION, (652-120)
At 13:00 a LOCA on UNIT 2 occurs.
At 13:02 ONLY the        RHR pumps will have automatically started and be available for LPCI injection.
A. AandB B. AandD C BandC D. CandD 2
: 3. 204000K1.15 001 UNIT 2 is at RTP with 2G31-COO1A, A RWCU Pump in service.
At 12:00 the following annunciator illuminates:
o RWCU SYS LEAK, (602-421)
The above annunciator actuates when RWCU System differential flow exceeds the setpoint of__________ gpm.
At 12:01, the A RWCU Pump will A 56; have tripped B. 56; continue operating C. 60; have tripped D. 60; continue operating 3
: 4. 205000K5.02 001 Unit 2 is shutdown with the A ioop of RHR in Shutdown Cooling (SDC).
RWCU is in service controlling reactor water level.
The following occurs:
Time      Event 10:00    2G3 1-F033, RWCU Dump valve, fails open and cannot be closed 10:35    RWL is two (2) inches AND 2G31-F033 is isolated 10:40    An operator restores RWL to normal At 10:40, with NO additional operator action, 2E1 1 -F008, RHR SDC Suction valve, will              and the RHR pump will A have traveled close; have tripped B. have traveled close; still be operating C. remain open; have tripped D. remain open; still be operating 4
: 5. 205000K5.03 001 Unit 1 is in Mode 4 with Shutdown Cooling in service.
The following conditions exist:
o Recirculation Pumps            Secured oRHRBPump flow                  5500 gpm o All other RHR Pumps          Standby JAW 34S0-E11-0l0-1, Residual Heat Removal System, which ONE of the following identifies the MINIMUM corrected reactor water level that must be maintained by the OATC?
A. +32 B. +34 C. +42 D +54 5
: 6. 206000A1.08 001 Unit 2 is shutdown with HPCI operating in Pressure Control mode.
An event occurs causing CST level to start decreasing.
The leak is isolated with current CST level stable at 20 inches.
Five (5) minutes after CST level stabilizes at 20 inches, 2E41-F004, CST Suction valve, will            and HPCI will be operating A. have traveled closed; in Pressure Control mode B have traveled closed; on Minimum Flow C. still be open; in Pressure Control mode D. still be open; on Minimum Flow 6
: 7. 209001K3.01 001 Following a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) on Unit 1 AND a loss of all RHR pumps.
Both Core Spray pumps and RHR Service Water (RHRSW) pump ID are operating to maintain reactor water level. The following plant conditions currently exist:
o RPV level                      -65 inches and steady o Core Spray pump 1A flow        2100 gpm o Core Spray pump lB flow        4200 gpm o RHRSW pump ID flow              4000 gprn Subsequently, lE 4160 VAC bus de-energizes.
Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?
After lE 4160 VAC bus de-energizes, RPV water level will start decreasing at a rate equivalent to a loss of approximately              gpm of injection flow.
A 2100 B. 4200 C. 6100 D. 8200 7
: 8. 209001K3.03 001 Unit 2 was operating at 100% RTP when the following alarms are received:
o 601-107, Core Spray Sys II Logic Power Failure, alarm, ILLUMiNATED o 601-310, Core Spray Sys I Logic Power Failure, alarm, ILLUMINATED Subsequently, a break inside the Drywell results in the following:
o Drywell pressure              1.9 psig slowly rising o RWL                            -108 inches and steady o RHR pumps                      Running on minimum flow Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?
The Emergency Diesel Generators                  automatically start.
The Core Spray pumps                be manually started.
A. will NOT; can NOT B will NOT; can C. will; can NOT D. will; can 8
: 9. 211000K2.02 001 Unit 2 is at 100% power when a loss of a 600 VAC Motor Control Center (MCC) occurs.
The following equipment indications exist:
o 2E11-F009, RHR SDC Suction Vlv                Indication is available o 2E1 1-FO15B, RHR Inboard Injection V1v 11        Indication is available o 2E21-FOI5B, Core Spray Test Vlv              Indication is NOT available o RPS Alternate Power Available Light            Indication is NOT available With these indications, If SBLC injection is required,          SLC pump will START and              SBLC squib valve(s) will fire.
: 10. 212000A3.02 001 Given the following plant conditions on Unit 2:
o Reactor Water Level Narrow Range, 2B21-NO8OB, has failed downscale.
1      Bi              B2 I
I        E2B21-N6SOB          N6SOD TUI 271A                      2C71A K69                      TC6DI TripLogic I IC7IA-                    2C71A)
IE6BT 2,C71A-                  2C71A.
Which ONE of the following describes the Reactor Protection System (RPS) Response?
The 2C71A-K14B relay will be The solenoids for the Backup Scram Valves will be A. Deenergized; Energized B Deenergized; Deenergized C. Energized; Energized D. Energized; Deenergized 10
ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM H. 212000A4.15 001 UNIT 2 is operating at 90% RTP when a transient occurs resulting in the following conditions:
o Reactor Pressure is currently 930 psig (highest reached 1100 psig) o RWL is currently +37 inches (lowest reached -65 inches)
The following indications exist on 2H1 l-P602 panel:
                                        . ASDA 2B31-SOO2A 2R22-SOO1 ASDB 2B31-SOO2B 2R22-SOO2 NOTE: All green lights above are ILLUMINATED All red lights above are EXTINGUISHED With the above conditions, The ASD A and B Input Breakers The risk of thermal stratification will be REDUCED by A responded as designed; resetting the reactor scram B. responded as designed; maximizing CRD flow C. did NOT respond as designed; resetting the reactor scram D. did NOT respond as designed; maximizing CRD flow 11
: 12. 215001A4.03 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP with the A Channel Transversing In-Core Probe (TIP) inserted in the core.
o Steam is being discharged into Unit 2 Reactor Building o The steam is confirmed to be coming from the TIP room oA manual scram is inserted o RWL lowers to -20 before being restored to +9 inches o Five (5) minutes after a manual withdrawal command was initiated, the status of the A Channel TIP is indicated below:
                      .                                                        VALVE CONTROL 2C51 -.J600.3A SQUIB  SHEAR VLV        BALL VALVE        TE MONITOR    MONITOR      OPEN      CLOSED  I*I.AY a                                          PURGE OF                ON MONITOR            FIRE CHANNEL A C51.JQO4A Five (5) minutes after the manual withdrawal command was initiated, the EXPECTED location of the A TiP is in the                    position, and Based on the above conditions, the A TIP Shear valve                                to be fired JAW 34AB-C71-001-2, Scram Procedure.
At In Shield; is REQUIRED B. In Shield; is NOT REQUIRED C. Indexer (Parked);
is REQUIRED D. Indexer (Parked);
: 13. 215002G2.4.4 001 Unit 2 operating at 62% of RTP and performing a rod pattern adjustment.
The current step is to withdraw Control Rod (CR) 42-39 from position 28 to position 30.
After releasing the rod movement control switch the following indications exist:
o 603 -202, RBM UPSCALE OR INOPERATIVE o 603-23 8, ROD OUT BLOCK o Rod Withdraw Permissive light is EXTiNGUISHED o CR 42-3 9 settles at position 34 With the above plant conditions, the operator is REQUIRED to enter A. 34AB-C71-001-2, Scram Procedure, and scram the reactor B. 34AB-C1l-005-2, Control Rod Insertion Methods, and drive in CR 42-39 to position 02 C. 34G0-OPS-065-0, Control Rod Movement, and immediately return CR 42-39 to its correct position D 34AB-Cl1-004-2, Mispositioned Control Rods, and recover CR 42-39 per reactor engineering recommendations 13
: 14. 215003K4.05 001 Unit 2 is starting up with the following indications observed at 2H 11 -P603:
The following lights are ILLUMINATED:
                  - IRM A thru H RETRCT PERMIT
                  - IRM A thru H SELECT
                  - POWER ON o All Source Range Monitors (SRM) and Intermediate Range Monitors (IRM) were selected and driven in following a scram 3 days ago.
The Drive Out button is depressed for 15 seconds and then released with NO change occurring in these indications.
Based on the above conditions the M1NIIVIUM action(s) required to withdraw the IRMs is to A. depress the Drive Out button an additional time B depress the Drive In button, then depress the Drive Out button C. clear the Retract Permit light, then depress the Drive Out button D. depress the Power On button twice, then depress the Drive Out button 14
: 15. 215004K1.02 001 A Unit 2 reactor startup is in progress with the following indications:
o All IRMs are indicating between 20/125 60/125 on Range 6 HIGHEST indicating SRMs:
o SRMA                      1.5xlO c
5  ps o SRMB                      cps 4
0 L
With the above indications, the Reactor Manual Control ROD OUT light will be due to A. EXTINGUISHED; SRMA ONLY B EXTINGUISHED; BOTH SRM A and SRM B C. ILLUMINATED; SRM A ONLY D. ILLUMINATED; BOTH SRM A and SRM B 15
: 16. 215005A4.06 001 Which one of the following completes the statement below regarding the Power Range Neutron Monitoring System Operability?
lAW 34SV-C51.-003-l, LPRM Operational Status, each APRM must have a MINIMUM of__________ Operable LPRMs, with AT LEAST                    Operable LPRMs per axial level to be considered operable.
A. 14; 1
B. 14; 3
C. 17; 1
D 17; 3
: 17. 217000K5.06 001 34SV-E5 1-002-2, RCIC Pump Operability Surveillance, is in progress on Unit 2.
The MiNiMUM RCIC turbine speed required for prolonged operation which ensures adequate oil pressure for proper turbine governor operation is          rpm.
During RCIC pump operation, the Torus water temperature will increase at a rate of approximately                °F/br.
A. 3000; 3
B. 3000; 30 Cs 2000; 3
D. 2000; 30 17
: 18. 218000K3.01 001 Unit 2 was at 100% RTP when the following occurred concurrently:
o Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) o A complete Loss of Off Site Power (LOSP)
At 0800, the following conditions exist:
o Reactor water level                  -95, DECREASING 2 per minute o Reactor pressure                    900 psig, DECREASING 25 psig per minute o Drywell pressure                    4.0 psig, slowly INCREASING The following ADS panel indications concurrently exist:
Based on the above conditions and with NO additional operator actions, which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?
At 0820, ONLY                will be injecting into the RPV.
A. HPCI B Core Spray and RHR C. HPCI and the Cond. Booster Pumps D. Core Spray, RHR and the Cond. Booster Pumps 18
: 19. 223001A105 001 Unit 2 experiences a transient from 100% RTP with SPDS out of service.
The following conditions occur:
o HPCI Equipment Room Temp High is                155°F o RWL is                                          +37 inches (lowest RWL reached +9 inches) o Drywell Pressure is                              1.9 psig Based on the above conditions, the              valves will AUTOMATICALLY isolate, and the associated valves can be verified isolated by monitoring indications on A PCIV Group II; 2H1 1-P601 and P700 panels B. PCIVGroupII; ONLY 2H1 1-P601 panel C. PCIV Group III; 2Hl l-P601 and P700 panels D. PCIV Group III; ONLY 2H1 1-P601 panel 19
: 20. 223002A2.11 001 Unit 2 Main Control Room has been evacuated.
Local SBLC injection is required due to an ATWS condition.
When initiating SBLC from outside the Control Room, A. 2G3 1-FOOl, RWCU Inboard Isolation, must be closed from the valve breaker on 2R24-S022, 250V D.C. MCC 2B-ESS DiV I B. 2G3 1-FOOl, RWCU Inboard Isolation, will automatically close when a SBLC pump is started C 2G3 l-F004, RWCU Outboard Isolation, must be closed from the valve breaker on 2R24-S022, 250V D.C. MCC 2B-ESS DIV 1 D. 2G3 1 -F004, RWCU Outboard Isolation, will automatically close when a SBLC pump is started 20
: 21. 226001K6.04 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when the following annunicator is received:
o 60 1-333, JOCKEY PUMP SYS A DISCH PRESS LOW o Jockey Pump System A discharge pressure is 45 psig Based on the above conditions, a Core Spray Jockey Pump              receive an automatic start signal.
If this condition is NOT corrected, the potential exist to drain        of RHR Drywell Spray piping.
A. will; BOTH divisions B will; ONLY one (1) division C. will NOT; BOTH divisions D. will NOT; ONLY one (1) division 21
: 22. 233000K4.06 001 Unit 2 is in a refueling outage when a rupture of the Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup (FPCC) return line to the fuel pool occurs.
Which ONE of the following identifies the FPCC pump low suction pressure trip setpoint and a design feature which will minimize the inventory loss from the Fuel Pool?
A 8 psig; The Anti-Siphon check valves on the return lines re-position B. 8psig; The Diffusers on the return lines become uncovered C. l8psig; The Anti-Siphon check valves on the return lines re-position D. l8psig; The Diffusers on the return lines become uncovered 22
: 23. 239001K5.05 001 Unit 2 is at 5% RTP with the Reactor Mode switch in STARTUP when the following annunciator is received:
o 603-214, MAiN STEAM LINE FLOW A HIGH The MINIMUM listed value that will cause 603-2 14, MAIN STEAM LINE FLOW A HIGH, alarm to be received is The Main Steam Line High Flow isolation signal          bypassed in STARTUP.
A. 170 psid; is Bb/ 170 psid; is NOT C. 137 psid; is D. l37psid; is NOT 23
: 24. 239002K2.01 001 Which ONE of the following combinations are the power supplies to the Unit 2 SRV solenoids?
AY 2R25-SOOl, 125V DC CABINET 2A and 2R25-S002, 125V DC CABINET 2B B. 2R25-S002, 125V DC CABINET 2B and 2R25-S003, 125V DC CABINET 2C C. 2R25-S003, 125V DC CABINET 2C and 2R25-S004, 125V DC CABINET 2D D. 2R25-S004, l25V DC CABINET 2D and 2R25-S005, 125V DC CABINET 2E 24
: 25. 241000K3,03 001 Unit 2 is operating at 15% RIP with the Main Turbine in Chest Warming.
Subsequently, throttle pressure transmitters malfunction causing all Main Turbine Bypass Valves to fully open.
When the Main Turbine Bypass Valves open, indicated Reactor Water Level will INITIALLY_______
Selecting the Close Valves button on the Turbine HMI screen              CLOSE the Main Turbine Bypass valves.
A. decrease; will NOT B. decrease; will C increase; will NOT D. increase; will 25
: 26. 245000K410 001 Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?
During a main turbine trip, all extraction non-return (ENR) check valves supplying steam to the feedwater heaters will              and the 2Nl I-FOO4A&B, 2nd Stage MSR Reheat Steam Supply Valves, will A. remain open; remain open B. remain open; automatically close C automatically close; remain open D. automatically close; automatically close 26
: 27. 259002A4.08 001 Unit 2 is at 50% power, performing a Startup.
o Reactor Feed Pump Turbine (RFPT) 2B is in service in automatic control Due to intermittent problems with the 2A RFPT M/A station, 2C32-R6O1A, Maintenance has taken 2C32-R6O1A to the maintenance shop for repair.
The Shift Supervisor directs placing the 2A RFPT in service lAW 34S0-N21-007-2, Condensate and Feedwater System, section 7.3.7, RFPT Alternate Startup.
The reason that the 2A RFPT speed will initially be stopped at 1000 RPM is to In this mode of operation, the Speed Setter switch can raise the 2A RFPT speed to a MAXIMUM value of__________
A allow oil temperature to increase; 5800rpm B. allow oil temperature to increase; 3500rpm C. verify proper operation of the trip circuit; 5800rpm D. verify proper operation of the trip circuit; 3500rpm 27
ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM 28._261000A2.07 001 An electrical fault on Unit 2 results in 2R25-S036, ESSENTIAL CABINET 2A, de-energizing.
The effect the loss of this bus will have on the Unit 2 SBGT System is that 2T46- FOO1A, SBGT Filter Inlet & 2T46-FOO2A, SBGT Fan 2A Disch Dampers will fail With regards to SBGT system the crew will enter A Open; 34AB-R25-002-2, Loss Of Instrument Buses, and manually start 213 SBGT fan B. Open; 34AB-T22-003-2, Secondary Containment Control, and confirm automatic start of 2B SBGT System C. Closed; 34AB-R25-002-2, Loss Of Instrument Buses, and manually start 2B SBGT fan D. Closed; 34AB-T22-003-2, Secondary Containment Control, and confirm automatic start of 2B SBGT System 28
: 29. 261000K103 001 JAW 3 1EO-EOP-012-2, Primary Containment Control (PC Flow Chart), the MAXIMUM listed Suppression Pool Water Level that ALLOWS venting of the Suppression Chamber using the Standby Gas Treament System is A. 190 inches B. 210 inches C 290 inches D. 340 inches 29
262001K6.03 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP.
o 4160 VAC 2E, 2R22-S005, is powered from Startup Auxilary Transformer (SAT) 2C Subsequently, GENERATOR PROTECTION CIRCUIT ENERGIZED, (651-206), annunciator is received.
Generator amps MUST be below a MAXIMUM of___________________ in 2 minutes, or a Main Generator trip will occur.
If the Main Generator trips and with NO operator actions, the MAXIIVIUM number of Station Service Buses that will be ENERGIZED is A. 6,466 amps; Four (4)
B. 6,466 amps; Zero (0)
C. 20,232 amps; Four (4)
D 20,232 amps; Zero (0) 30
: 31. 262002G2.4.4_001 Unit 2 is operating at 90% RTP.
At 10:00, a loss of electrical power results in the following conditions: (this is a partial list) o Reactor power begins increasing at 0.2% per minute o Loss of rod position information system (RPIS) o Loss of RWL and RPV pressure recorders on 2H11-P603 o Main Condenser vacuum is 27.5 in. Hg vac, lowering at 0.2 in. Hg vac per minute At 10:02, maintenance is dispatched to investigate the electrical power loss.
At 10:04, with the above plant conditions, entry into                , is REQUIRED.
A. 34AB-R25-OOl-2, Loss of Vital AC, and 34AB-C71-001-2, SCRAM Procedure B. 34AB-R25-002-2, Loss of Instrument Buses, and 34AB-C71-00l-2, SCRAM Procedure C 34AB-R25-00l-2, Loss of Vital AC, and 34AB-N21-001-2, Loss of Feedwater Heating D. 34AB-R25-002-2, Loss of Instrument Buses, and 34AB-N21-001-2, Loss of Feedwater Heating 31
: 32. 263000A3.01 001 The Unit 2 Station Service Battery Charger amps can be monitored on Panel If 600 VAC 2C, 2R23-S003, deenergizes, the associated 600 VAC supply breakers to the 125/250 VDC Station Service Battery Chargers            AUTOMATICALLY open.
A. 2H11-P651; will B. 2H11-P651; will NOT C 2H11-P655; will D. 2H11-P655; will NOT 32
: 33. 264000G2242 001 Unit 2 is in MODE 2 with EDG 2A semi-annual surveillance in progress. The EDG 2A mode switch is in TEST and is paralleled to the bus.
The following conditions occur:
o EDG 2A Lube Oil Temperature increases and peaks at 235°F o EDG 2A Jacket Coolant Temperature increases and peaks at 200°F o EDG 2A trips EDG 2A received a trip signal from lAW TS            REQUIRED to be operable for the current plant mode.
A. Lube Oil Temperature; ONLY one Unit 2 EDG is B Lube Oil Temperature; BOTHUnit2EDGsare C. Jacket Coolant Temperature; ONLY one Unit 2 EDG is D. Jacket Coolant Temperature; BOTH Unit 2 EDGs are 33
JLT-08 RO NRC EXAM 34.26g000Al.o200l Unit 2 Radwaste is performing a discharge to the canal.
The Radwaste discharge to the canal              if dilution flow drops to 9,500 gpm AND if a specific discharge is terminated,          permissible with the existing permit.
A. will automatically terminate; NO restarts are B will automatically terminate; ONLY one (1) restart is C. must be manually terminated; NO restarts are D. must be manually terminated; ONLY one (1) restart is 34
: 35. 286000K2.02 001 An earthquake occurs resulting in the following plant conditions:
o Fire header piping ruptures lowest header pressure reached was 87 psig o 1E 4160 VAC Bus DEENERGIZES (cannot be restored) o 2F 4160 VAC Bus DEENERGIZES (cannot be restored)
Assuming that this is the LOWEST pressure achieved, which ONE of the following predicts how the fire pumps respond?
A. ONLY the electric fire pump starts B ONLY the A and B diesel fire pumps start C. ONLY the electric fire pump and the A diesel fire pump starts D. BOTH the A and B diesel fire pumps and the electric fire pump starts 35
: 36. 295001AK2.06 001 Unit 2 is operating at 96% RTP with 92% Core Flow when a malfunction occurs resulting in the following conditions:
o The 2K Condensate Booster pump (CBP) trips o The 2A Reactor Feedwater pump trips o +24 inches is the lowest Reactor Water Level during the transient Plant Hatch U2 Power/Flow Map (2804 MWth) 120 APRN4 STPSrarnL                              1125 1
vihsr,tcun ,nfl)
        ,90 C
60 0
I I                                      CALTTION:
In:icirah hw 1ndi,tions I.
L ni Flow MIhw jj 40 (4 ) 4 j
[  o                      70 4(2)
Core Flow (% of Rated)                          Rd. 34G0-OPS-005-2 After the plant stabilizes and with NO operator action, the plant will be operating at approximately                on the Power To Flow Map above.
A Point A B. Point B C. Point C D. PointD 36
: 37. 295003AK1.02 001 Unit 2 RHR Loop A is in Suppression Pool Cooling mode.
At 12:00, A LOSS OF OFF SITE POWER occurs on Unit 2.
At 12:10, Plant conditions are:
o Emergency buses ENERGIZED o Reactor water level: -80 inches (stable) o RPV pressure: 980 PSIG o Drywell pressure: 1.9 PSIG (stable)
At 12:15, and with NO operator action, A. ALL RHR and RHRSW pumps will be off B ALL RHR pumps will be running and ALL RHRSW pumps will be off C. ONLY the RHR and RHRSW pumps which were running prior to 12:00 will be running D. ONLY the RHR pumps which were running prior to 12:00 will be running and ALL RHRSW pumps will be off 37
: 38. 295004G2.1.7 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when the following panel indications occur:
Subsequently, o Unit 2 Reactor is manually scrammed o Main turbine is manually tripped o Main Generator output breakers are opened o 4160 VAC Station Service Buses 2A-2D DEENERGIZED when the Main Generator output breakers were opened For the above conditions:
4160 VAC Station Service Buses, 2A-2D,                respond as expected.
If needed for RWL control,            can be used for injection.
A. did; RCIC B did; HPCI C. did NOT; RCIC D. did NOT; HPCI 38
: 39. 295005AK3.02 001 Unit 2 is operating at the end of the current fuel cycle.
The function of the End Of Cycle Recirc Pump Trip (EOC-RPT) on a Main Turbine trip, is to provide additional margin to the The              used for determining the thermal power at which the EOC-RPT function is activated.
A. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) Thermal limit; APRMs are B. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) Thermal limit; Main Turbine First Stage Pressure is C. Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) Safety limit; APRMs are D Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) Safety limit; Main Turbine First Stage Pressure is 39
: 40. 295006AA1.01 001 Unit 1 is in a refueling outage.
o Reactor Mode Switch position          REFUEL o SRM Shorting Links                    iNSTALLED Subsequently, the following occurs:
o 1C IRM fails upscale.
What is the expected status of the 1H11-P603 panel WHITE RPS Scram Group A and B lights?
: 41. 295009AK1.02 001 Unit 1 is at 35% RTP with the IA RFPT in service, when a malfunction results in a reduction in Feedwater flow and a lowering RWL.
Speed Limiter #1 will FIRST be activated when        for at least 15 seconds and is designed to maintain A. RWL reduces to +20 inches; NPSH for the Recirc Pumps B. RWL reduces to +20 inches; Plant availability ONLY C Total feedwater flow reduces to less than 20%;
NPSH for the Recirc Pumps D. Total feedwater flow reduces to less than 20%;
Plant availability ONLY 41
: 42. 295010AA2.06_001 Unit 2 was operating at 100% RTP when a leak occurred inside the drywell.
At 9:55, the reactor is shutdown.
At 10:00, the following conditions exist:
o Bulk Average Drywell Temperature is 140°F, increasing at 5°F per minute o Drywell Pressure is 1.0 psig, increasing at 0.5 psig per minute Given that the leak remains constant, the Primary Containment temperature and pressure rate of increase at 10:05, will be            the rate at 10:00.
At 10:05, lAW 34AB-T23-002-2, Small Pipe Break Inside Primary Containment, RPV water level corrections            REQUIRED to be performed.
A. higher than; are NOT B higher than; are C. thesameas; are NOT D. the same as; are 42
: 43. 295012AK3.O1 001 Unit 2 is at 100% RTP when Drywell (DW) Temperature starts slowly increasing.
The following DW cooling fans are in STANDBY (ALL other DW cooling fans are operating with their control switches in RUN):
o 2T47-BOO8B o 2T47-BOO9B With the current DW cooling fan alignment, 2T47-BOO8B                  be MANUALLY started to provide additional DW cooling.
Exceeding the Primary Containment Design Temperature of__________ may result in the degradation of the Primary Containment structure under accident loads.
A. CAN; 281°F B. CAN; 340°F C. CANNOT; 281°F D CANNOT; 340°F 43
: 44. 295013G2.4.18_001 Unit 1 is operating at 75% with the following conditions:
o Safety Relief Valve (SRV) 0 is leaking o Torus temperature              102°F, and increasing slowly The LOWEST Torus temperature which REQUIRES placing the Rx Mode Switch in Shutdown occurs at a Torus temperature of________
The EOP bases for placing the Rx Mode Switch in Shutdown at this Torus temperature is A. 111°F; to ensure the MiNIMUM NPSH is maintained for RCIC and ECCS pumps taking a suction from the Torus B 111°F; because this value EXCEEDS the MAXIMUM allowed by Unit I Technical Specifications C. 121°F; to ensure the MINIMUM NPSH is maintained for RCIC and ECCS pumps taking a suction from the Torus D. 121°F; because this value EXCEEDS the MAXIMUM allowed by Unit I Technical Specifications 44
: 45. 295016AA2.07 001 The Unit 2 control room has been abandoned and 31RS-OPS-001-2, Shutdown From Outside Control Room, is being implemented.
Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?
Torus pressure can be determined using JAW EOPs, if Unit 2 Torus pressure is determined to be 10.5 psig,      REQUIRED to be initiated from outside the Control Room.
A. SPDS in the TSC; BOTH Torus and Drywell Sprays are B SPDS in the TSC; ONLY Torus Spray is C. a permanently mounted gauge on the 87 level of the Reactor Building; BOTH Torus and Drywell Sprays are D. a permanently mounted gauge on the 87 level of the Reactor Building; ONLY Torus Spray is 45
: 46. 295017AA1.05 001 Unit 2 is operating at 65% RTP, currently shutting down due to suspected fuel leakers.
Subsequently, a steam leak occurs in the Turbine Building resulting in the following:
o 10:00 A Valid Group 1 Isolation signal is generated NO Group 1 Isolation valves change position (Automatically nor Manually) o 10:12 Offsite radioactivity release rate increases to 0.75 mRlhr Which ONE of the choices below completes both statements?
At 10:12, the Offsite radioactivity release rate            above the entry condition of 31EO-EOP-014-2, RR- RADIOACTIVITY RELEASE CONTROL, EOP flowchart.
At 10:15, the PRIMARY Display on SPDS for the Group 1 Status Indicator box will have                BACKGROUND.
A is; aRED B. is; an ORANGE C. is NOT; aRED D. is NOT; an ORANGE 46
: 47. 2950 18AK306 001 Unit 2 is operating at 5% power with PSW/RBCCW Hx dP adjusted to 12 psid.
Subsequently, two (2) RBCCW pumps fail and will NOT run.
NOTE:      2P41-F491, PSW Outlet Valve From RBCCW Hx With the two (2) RBCCW pumps failed, annunciator, HX PSW/RBCCW DIFF PRESS LOW, (650-23 8),            be ILLUMiNATED.
To RETURN the PSW/RBCCW Hx dP to 12 psid, the SO will throttle 2P41-F491 in the direction.
A. will; CLOSE B. will; OPEN C. will NOT; CLOSE D will NOT; OPEN 47
: 48. 2950 19AA2.02 001 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.
o ALL Nitrogen backup system valves to the Non-Interruptible Essential Air Header have been DANGER TAGGED in the closed position Subsequently, the following occurs:
o Unit 1 experiences a loss of all Unit I Station Service Air Compressors o The air cross-tie valve between Unit 1 and Unit 2 CANNOT be opened due to a bent stem.
Based on the current plant conditions, which ONE of the following identifies the FINAL MSIV position?
A. The Inboard and Outboard MSIVs will remain OPEN.
B. The Inboard gj4 Outboard MSIVs will eventually drift CLOSED.
C The Inboard MSIVs will remain OPEN; The Outboard MSIVs will eventually drift CLOSED.
D. The Inboard MSIVs will eventually drift CLOSED; The Outboard MSIVs will remain OPEN.
: 49. 295021G2.2.40 001 Unit 2 is shutdown with the following conditons:
0 Rxpressure                        134 psig o 2A Rx Recirculation pump          Running o 2B Rx Recirculation pump          Off Which ONE of the choices below completes BOTH the following statement?
JAW Tech Spec 3.4.7, t Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Shutdown Cooling System Hot Shutdown?? the MINIMUM number of RHR Shutdown Cooling (SDC) subsystems REQUIRED to be operable, (without requiring entry into a Required Action Statement)
(RAS),  is Also, JAW with Tech Spec 3.4.7 and with current plant conditions,            RHR SDC subsystem is required to be in operation.
A. one; one B. one; neither C. two; one D two; neither 49
: 50. 295023AA2.03 001 Unit 2 is in a Forced Refueling outage due to several fuel leakers in the core.
The Refueling crew is removing a failed fuel bundle from the Unit 2 reactor to the Unit 1 Fuel Prep Machine (FPM).
The Bridge Uperator is currently traveling in the Transfer Canal with one of the failed bundles in the normal Full Up position, when the Refueling Bridge becomes stuck in the Transfer Canal.
Maintenance is in the process of determining why the Refueling Bridge will NOT move.
Subsequently, the Unit 2 Main Steam line plugs fail causing the Reactor Cavity and Fuel Pool water levels to decrease.
o Releases from the exposed failed bundle results in increasing Radioactive Airborne contamination levels on the Refuel Floor.
o Radiation levels on the Refuel Floor reach 1200 mr/hr JAW 34AB-G41-002-2, Decreasing Rx Well/Fuel Pool Water Level, Health Physics is directed to establish a manned control point              of the Unit 2 Reactor Building.
When water level drops to the Main Steam lines, the fuel seated in the FUEL POOL RACKS will_______
A. on the 203 elevation; still be covered B. on the 203 elevation; be uncovered C outside; still be covered D. outside; be uncovered 50
ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM 51.295024EA2.o600l A steam line break inside the Drywell has occurred on Unit 1.
o Drywell pressure is 15.5 psig and slowly increasing o Torus pressure is 14.1 psig and slowly increasing o Subquently Drywell Sprays are placed in service at 4.300 gpm flow The Torus water temperature will heat up At this Drywell Spray flow rate, a uniform Drywell spray pattern A uniformly throughout the Torus due to the design of the downcomers; will NOT be guaranteed B. uniformly throughout the Torus due to the design of the downcomers; will be guaranteed C. directly under the leak due to the energy being added directly to the Torus water in that area; will NOT be guaranteed D. directly under the leak due to the energy being added directly to the Torus water in that area; will be guaranteed 51
: 52. 295025G2.127 001 Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?
JAW TS 3.4.3, Safety/Relief Valves (S/RVs), the SRV Safety function requires a MiNIMUM of__________ SRVs to be operable.
If reactor pressure peaks at 1300 psig, the Reactor Coolant System Safety Limit pressure              have been exceeded.
A. 10; will B 10; will NOT C.5; will D.5; will NOT 52
: 53. 295026EK3.04 001 An ATWS is in progress on Unit 2 with 3 1EO-EOP-01 1-2, RCA RPV Control (ATWS),
flowchart in progress.
Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?
JAW EOP defmitions the reason SBLC is injected before exceeding the BuT Curve (Graph 5) is to ensure that Hot Shutdown Boron Weight is injected before exceeding the At 8% RTP, the HIGHEST listed Torus temperature at which operation on the BuT Curve (Graph 5) will continue to be in the SAFE area is Reference Provided A. Primary Containment Pressure Limit; 130°F B. Primary Containment Pressure Limit; 140°F; C Heat Capacity Temperature Limit; 13 0°F D. Heat Capacity Temperature Limit; 140°F; 53
: 54. 295028EA 1.03 001 Unit 2 was at 100% power when a small leak occurred inside the Drywell (DW).
The following conditions now exist:
o Drywell Pressure:                            2.2 psig o HIGHEST Drywell Temperature Point:            240°F Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?
JAW 31E0-EOP-100-2, Miscellaneous Emergency Overrides, the2A DW Chiller A. is NOT allowed to be restarted, because this DW temperature is above the allowed winding temperature for restart of the DW Cooling Fan Motors B. is NOT allowed to be restarted, because at this DW temperature the potential for a rupture in the DW coolers exist C is allowed to be restarted. The operator must first place the LOCA override switch to BYPASS and then reset the 86 Lockout relay at the DW Chiller breaker D. is allowed to be restarted. The operator must first reset the 86 Lockout relay at the DW Chiller breaker and then place the LOCA override switch to BYPASS 54
: 55. 295030EK1.02 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% power when a Loss of Coolant Accident occurs.
o The High Pressure Coolant Injection system is being used to control RPV water level o The 2A RHR pump is placed in Suppression Pool Cooling o !2A?? RHR pump flow t                                  7,000 gpm o Torus Level                          135 inches o Torus Temperature                    225°F o Torus Pressure                        8 psig Which ONE of the following choices completes this statement?
RHR pump 2A operation is in the                region of the RHR NPSH Limit graph and Reference Provided A. safe; flow must be maintained at or below its current flow rate B. safe; flow is required to be increased to maximize suppression pool cooling C. unsafe; reducing flow will NOT restore operation to the safe area of the graph D unsafe; reducing flow to 5,000 gpm will restore operation to the safe area of the graph 55
: 56. 29503 1EA1.05 001 Unit 2 is at 100% RTP when the following occurs:
o All normal Feedwater is lost o RWL is -50 inches 110W CONTROLLIK PUMP SUCTION        PUMP 3ISCH      TURB INLET        TURB EXH      TURE SPEED                    2 ES 1-KG 12 PRESS          PRESS          PRESS            PRESS        2E51.R610 2E51-R604        2E51-R601      2E51-R602        2E5I-R6O        I25VDC CAB 2A 125Y8C CAB ZA    12500C CAB 24  I2WBC CAB 2A      125V0C CAB 24 29.1          63.8          0985                0.1
                  *95                1500        1500            200 z              =
                  +70 1200 1200 160
                  +50 I  PFLIGICT I ONSE1GINT 900 900 120 L
                  -            600            BOO            90 120                          =
300            300            40 I.                            p   
                  ,....--1O s              S:            S A
                  -20                                      I   
                        -30          a              o                0 Based on the above indications, the RCIC flow controller should be A. left in Automatic, and RCIC injection flow will start increasing reactor vessel level B. left in Automatic, but RCIC should be tripped because it is pumping 500 gpm through a feedwater line break C placed in Manual, and the controller output should be increased until discharge pressure is greater than 985 psig D. placed in Manual, but the controller output should be decreased until RCIC flow is 400 gpm.
: 57. 295035EA1.01 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when a Feedwater transient results in a full Secondary Containment isolation. The following Unit 2 indications currently exist:
o  SBGT 2A                        running o  SBGT 2B                        running o  2T46-R604A, Rx Bldg. dP        -0.75 inches H0 2
o  2T46-R604B, Rx Bldg. dP        -0.70 inches H0 2
Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?
JAW 34S0-T46-00l-2 Standby Gas Treatment System, the operator is REQUJRED to          to limit the release of radioactive material.
JAW 31E0-EOP-014-2, SC Secondary Containment Control, RR Radioactivity Release Control flowchart, an entry condition            exist.
A. place one SBGT in standby; does B place one SBGT in standby; does NOT C. operate both SBGTs; does D. operate both SBGTs; does NOT 57
: 58. 295037EK2.12 001 Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a reactor scram occurred.
IIvIMEDIATELY following the scram, the APRMs indicate reactor power is at 5%.
o Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) has NOT been injected.
10 minutes LATER Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) displays the following:
SI.I .1 ILSI OK              SEQUENCE SQA I BPWS MODE OPERATE BIO(KS        WJI1IDRAW      STEP l              POWER BELOW LPSP AL!. RODS IN:                                    NO SI ItIIl)OWN:                                  YIS ROI)S NOl 1tJLLIN:                          01 X I .INI ROI)S                                    UXLI Based on these conditions, which ONE of the following completes both of these statements?
JAW 31E0-EOP-103-1, Control Rod Insertion Methods, RWM                                    REQUIRED to be bypassed to insert control rods.
With the current control rod configuration, the reactor                          remain subcritical under ALL conditions, without boron injection.
A is; will B. is; will NOT C. is NOT; will D. is NOT; will NOT 58
: 59. 295038EK1.01 001 A core damaging event occurs on Unit 1 which results in the release of radioactive IODINE to the public.
The part of the human body which is the most significantly impacted by the release of radioactive IODiNE is the The NPO will determine the Projected Offsite dose to the public using A. skin; 73EP-EIP-015-O, Offsite Dose Assessment B. skin; 73EP-EIP-O1 8-0, Prompt Offsite Dose Assessment C. thyroid; 73EP-EIP-015-0, Offsite Dose Assessment D thyroid; 73EP-EIP-018-0, Prompt Offsite Dose Assessment 59
: 60. 300000A2.O1 001                                                      -
Unit 2 is operating at 15% RTP with Air Dryer, 2P52-DIO1B, DANGER Tagged out of service.
Subsequently, a malfunction with Air Dryer, 2P52-DIO1A, results in downstream air pressure slowly decreasing and stablilizing at 40 psig.
When the air pressure downstream of2P52-D1OIA reaches 40 psig,              will have automatically CLOSED.
JAW 34AB-P5 1-001-2, Loss Of Instrument And Service Air System Or Water Intrusion Into The Service Air System, RWL will be controlled using the A. 2P52-F015, Non-Essential Inst. Air Isolation Valve; 2N2 1-Fill, S/U Level Control Valve B 2P52-F015, Non-Essential Inst. Air Isolation Valve; 2N2 i-Fl 10, S/U Level Control Bypass Valve C. 2P52-F565, Rx Bldg Inst N  2 To Non-Jnt Air El. 185 Isol Valve; 2N2 1-Fl 11, S/U Level Control Valve D. 2P52-F565, Rx Bldg Inst N  2 To Non-Int Air El. 185 Isol Valve; 2N2 1-Fl 10, S/U Level Control Bypass Valve 60
: 61. 300000K1.03 001 Unit 2 is shutting down for a refueling outage.
o Instrument Air has been aligned to the Drywell (DW) o At 10:00 a pneumatics header line breaks inside the DW causing an air flow rate of 50 SCFM Which ONE of the following choices completes this statement?
The DW pneumatics header isolation valves associated with the broken header automatically isolate A. will; immediately I3 will; following a 10 minute delay C. will NOT; because the Instrument Air flow is less than the DW Pneumatics isolation setpoint D. will NOT; because the flow element is upstream of where the Instrument Air ties into the DW Pneumatics header 61
: 62. 400000A1.01 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP with the 2A and 2B RBCCW pumps in service.
Subsequently, the following occurs:
o 600VAC 2D Bus supply breaker trips due to a bus fault o Maintenance has NOT identified the location of the fault Which ONE of the choices below correctly completes the following statements?
Ten (10) minutes after the bus fault, RBCCW flow to the Drywell will be  before the 600VAC 2D Bus supply breaker tripped.
The operator will monitor RBCCW flow to the Drywell at Panel A. significantly lower than; 2H1 l-P602 B. significantly lower than; 2H1 1-P650 C. approximately the same as; 2H1 l-P602 D approximately the same as; 2Hl l-P650 62
: 63. 500000EK2,07 001 Unit 2 has experienced an accident that results in these Primary Containment parameters:
o  Drywell (DW) Hydrogen concentration          8%
o  DW Oxygen concentration                      7%
o  DW pressure                                  24 psig and slowly increasing o  Torus level                                  155 inches With the above conditions and lAW 31 EO-PCG-OO 1-2, Primary Containment Gas Control chart:
The operator is required to vent the              the containment atmosphere using the A. DW to reduce the flammability of CAD Loop System two (2) inch valves B. DW to reduce the flammability of EMERGENCY Vent System eighteen (18) inch valves C! Torus to reduce the flammability and scrub; CAD Loop System two (2) inch valves D. Torus to reduce the flammability and scrub; EMERGENCY Vent System eighteen (18) inch valves 63
ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM 64._600000AK1.01_001 An electrical fire is reported on Unit 1 in the !?1FH 4160 VAC bus.
The fire suppression that is available in this room is A. automatically actuated Carbon Dioxide agent B. automatically actuated Halon agent C manually actuated Carbon Dioxide agent D. manually actuated Halon agent 64
: 65. 700000AK2.03 001 BOTH units are operating at 100% power when a grid disturbance occurs.
The following indications occur on 1S40-R600, 230 KV voltmeter, on panel 1H11-P653:
Time              1S40-R600 10:00              236kV 10:05              236kV 10:10              232kV 10:15              224kv The NCC has notified the control room crews that 230 KV Bus voltage cannot be maintained above the normal minimum voltage.
JAW 34AB-S 11-001-0, Operation With Degraded System Voltage, which ONE of the following is the EARLIEST time 230 kV Bus voltage is BELOW the normal minimum voltage AND a REQUIRED action for this voltage?
A. 10:10; Transfer Station Service Buses to their alternate supply.
B 10:10; Initiate a one hour Required Action Statement C. 10:15; Transfer Station Service Buses to their alternate supply D. 10:15; Initiate a one hour Required Action Statement 65
: 66. G2.1.1 001 JAW NMP-OS-007, Conduct of Operations, EXCLUDING shift turnover walkdowns:
The Operator at the Controls (OATC) is required to walkdown the front Control Room panels a MINIMUM of every The walkdowns                required to be documented in the Unit Control Log.
Ay two (2) hours; are B. two (2)hours; are NOT C. one(1)hour; are D. one (1) hour; are NOT 66
: 67. G2.1.8 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP.
JAW 34S0-B3 1-001-2, Reactor Recirculation System, which ONE of the following describes the MINIMUM qualification and the coordination requirements for changing Recirc Pump A speed locally?
A Nuclear Plant Operator In Training (NPOIT) can perform the LOCAL speed adjustment if A. a licensed Nuclear Plant Operator is present at the local ASD A Cabinet and communication with the Control Room is NOT required B. a licensed Nuclear Plant Operator is present at the local ASD A Cabinet and notifies the Control Room only after the speed adjustment has been made C. an active Senior Reactor Operator is present at the local ASD A Cabinet and notifies the Control Room only after the speed adjustment has been made D an active Senior Reactor Operator is present at the local ASD A Cabinet and in constant communication with the Main Control Room 67
: 68. G2.1.20 001 JAW NMP-OS-007-OO 1, Conduct of Operations Standards and Expectations, under normal, stable plant conditions, performing ARP steps out of order A. IS allowed with NO other NPO concurrence required B. IS allowed but ONLY after the concurrence of an additional NPO C IS NOT allowed since ARP steps are to be performed in the sequence they are written D. IS NOT allowed since ALL procedures are to be performed in the sequence they are written 68
: 69. G2.2.21 001 Unit 1 is in day 20 of a 27 day planned Refueling outage.
Motor replacement is complete for 1E11-FOO7B, RHR Minimum Flow valve, and the operability surveillance is in progress.
JAW 34S V-El 1-002-1, RHR Valve Operability, To time 1E1 1-FOO7B OPEN, the NPO will START the stopwatch when the When IE11-FOO7B has traveled OPEN, the valve stem position indication REQUIRED to be confirmed LOCALLY.
A control switch is placed to OPEN; is
: 13. control switch is placed to OPEN; is NOT C. red light FIRST illuminates; is D. red light FIRST illuminates; is NOT; 69
: 70. G2.2.22 001 Unit 2 is operating at 90% power.
At 10:00:
o Drywell (DW) pressure is 1.0 psig.
o DW pressure begins going up at 0.05  psig/minute lAW Tech Spec Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO), Drywell    Pressure, which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?
With the above trend, the EARLIEST listed time that an entry into a Required Action Statement (RAS) for DW pressure is DW pressure is required to be restored to within limit NO later than            from entering the RAS.
A. 10:04; 15 minutes B. 10:04; 1 hour C. 10:16; 15 minutes Dy 10:16; 1 hour 70
: 71. G2.2.36_001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP in Type  A Secondary Containment.
t The following equipment has  been inoperable for one day (RAS written):
o  SBGT 2A breaker will NOT reset Which ONE    of the following maintenance activities, if it resulted in tripping the feeder breaker to the MCC,  would  REQUIRE  ently into an additional Tech Spec RAS for the SBGT System?
Troubleshooting on the feeder breaker to A. Reactor Bldg MCC-2D, 2R24-S014 B. Reactor Bldg MCC-2A, 2R24-S013 C Reactor Bldg MCC-2B, 2R24-S012 D. Reactor Bldg MCC-2C, 2R24-S01 1 71
: 72. G2.3.11 001 Which ONE of the following is the BASIS for restarting the Reactor Building (RB) Ventilation when executing 31E0-EOP-014-2, SC Secondary Containment Control RR Radioactivity Release Control?
Restarting the RB Ventilation maintains              AND assures a release from the RB Ventilation System is monitored prior to exiting the A. equipment operability ONLY; Main Stack B. equipment operability ONLY; Reactor Building Stack C. control of RB temperature and pressure; Main Stack D control of RB temperature and pressure; Reactor Building Stack 72
: 73. G2.3.13_001 Unit 1 is shutting down for a refueling outage.
o A normal Initial Drywell (DW) entry at power is required.
Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement JAW 31G0-OPS-005-0, Primary Containment Entry.
Before a normal Initial DW entry is allowed, Oxygen (02) concentration must be at least and reactor power must be less than or equal to A. 19.5%;
B 19.5%;
C. 23.5%;
D. 23.5%;
: 74. G2.4.16 001 Unit 2 has experienced a complete loss of offsite power (LOSP).
The following conditions exist on Unit 2:
o ONLY 4160 VAC bus 2E is energized o Drywell pressure is currently 1.0 psig and rising 0.1 psig per minute o RWL is -5 inches slowly increasing o 34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout, in progress o 3 1EO-EOP-0l0-2, RC Flow Chart, in progress With the above conditions, actions in the              takes precedent over actions in any other procedure.
34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout procedure, will be EXITED when a MiNIMUM of__________ 4160V Emergency buses are energized on Unit 2.
A 34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout procedure; two (2)
B. 34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout procedure; three (3)
C. EOP procedures; two (2)
D. EOP procedures; three (3) 74
: 75. G2.4.5 001 A Fuel Handling accident on Unit 1 results in a radioactive release.
The type of procedure that will provide the DETAILED guidance for notifying state and local agencies of the Fuel Handling accident release is If a conflict exists between a Fleet procedure and a Site procedure, the governing guidance will come from the                procedure.
A. NMP-EP, Nuclear Management Procedures for Emergency Preparedness; Site B NMP-EP, Nuclear Management Procedures for Emergency Preparedness; Fleet C. NMP-RP, Nuclear Management Procedures for Radiation Protection; Site D. NMP-RP, Nuclear Management Procedures for Radiation Protection; Fleet End of Test                                    75
ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM Answers
#  JD                    0 1 201003A2,09 1          A 2  203000K6.02 1          C 3  204000K1.15 1          A 4  205000K5.02 1          A 5  205000K5.03 1          D 6  206000A1.08 1          B 7  209001K3.01 1          A 8  209001K3.03 1          B 9  211000K2.021          A 10 212000A3.02 1          B 11 212000A4.15 1          A 12 215001A4.03 I          A 13 215002G2.4.4 1        D 14 215003K4.05 1          B 15 215004K1.02 1          B 16 215005A4.06 1          D 17 217000K5.06 1          C 18 218000K3.01 1          B 19 223001A3.05 1          A 20 223002A2.11 I          C 21 226001K604 1          B 22 233000K4.06 1          A 23 239001K5,05 1          B 24 239002K2.01 1          A 25 241000K3.03 1          C 26 245000K4.10 1          C 27 259002A4.08 I          A 28 261000A2.07 1          A 29 261000K1.03 I          C 30 262001K6.03 1          D 31 262002G2.4.4 1        C 32 263000A3.01 1          C 33 264000G2.2.42 1        B 34 268000A1.02 1          B 35 286000K2.02 1          B 36 295001AK2.06 1        A 37 295003AK1.02 1        B 38 295004G2.1.7 1        B 39 295005AK3.02 I        D 40 295006AA1.01 1        B 41 295009AK1.02 1        C 42 295010AA2.06 1        B 43 295012AK3.O1 1        D 44 295013G2.4.18 1        B 45 295016AA2.07 I        B 46 295017AA1.05 1        A 47 295018AK3.06 I        D
A ID                    0 48    295019AA2.02 1        C 49    295021G2.2,40 1      D 50    295023AA2.03 1        C 51    295024EA2.06 1        A 52    295025G2.1.27 1      B 53    295026EK3.04 1        C 54    295028EA1.03 1        C 55    295030EK1.02 1        D 56    295031EA1.05 1        C 57    295035EA1.01 1        B 58    295037EK2.12 1        A 59    295038EK1.01 1        D 60    300000A2.O1 1        B 61    300000K1.03 1        B 62    400000A1.01 1        D 63    500000EK107 1        C 64    600000AK1.01 1        C 65    700000AK2.03 1        B 66    G2.1.1 1              A 67    G2.1.8 1              D 68    G2.1.201              C 69    G2.2.21 1            A 70    G2.2.22 1            D 71    G2.2.36 1            C 72    G2.3.11 1            D 73    G2.3.13 1            B 74    G2.4.16 1            A 75    G2.4.5 1              B SECTION 1 (75 items)  75.00
: 1. Unit 2 EOP Graph 5, BuT Curve
: 2. Unit 2 EOP Graph 12A, RHR NPSHLimit, (Torus Water Level At orAbove 146) &
Unit 2 EOP Graph 12B, RHR NPSH Limit, (Torus Water Level Below 146 9
GRAPH 5                                                                    UNIT 2 BORON INJECTION INITIATION TEMPERATURE 170 160 TORUS 150 WATER TEMP 140
(°F) 130 120 110 100 0      2      4        6          8        10 12 14 16 18 20 REACTOR POWER (%)
NOTE: May use SPDS Emergency Displays in place of this Graph.
GRAPH 12A                                                                                UNIT 2 RHR Pump NPSH Limit (Suppression Pool Water Level At or Above 146)
(°F) 0              2000              4000              6000 8000        10000  12000 FLOW (gpm)
NOTE: May use SPDS Emergency Displays in place of this Graph.
Suppression Chamber Pressure.
      ** Safe operating region is below the applicable pressure line.
GRAPH 12B                                                                          UNIT 2 RHR Pump NPSH Limit (Suppression Pool Water Level Below 146)
FLOW (gpm)
NOTE: May use SPDS Emergency Displays in place of this Graph.
* Suppression Chamber Pressure.
Safe operating region is below the applicable pressure line.
HATCH 2013-.301 ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM answers
#  ID                            Points  0 1  201003A2.09 1                    1.00  A 2  203000K6.02 1                    1.00  C 3  204000K1.15 1                    1.00  A 4  205000K5.02 1                    1.00  A 5  205000K5.03 1                    1.00  D 6  206000A1.08 1                    1.00  B 7  209001K3.01 1                    1.00  A 8  209001K3.03 1                    1.00  B 9  211000K2.02 1                    1.00  A 10 212000A3.02 1                    1.00  B 11 212000A4.15 1                    1.00  A 12 215001A4.03 1                    1.00  A 13 215002G2.4.4 1                  1.00  D 14 215003K4.05 1                    1.00  B 15 215004K1.02 1                    1.00  B 16 215005A4.06 1                    1.00  D 17 217000K5.06 1                    1.00  C 18 218000K3.01 1                    1.00  B 19 223001A3.05 1                    1.00  A 20 223002A2.11 1                    1.00  C 21 226001K6.04 1                    1.00  B 22 233000K4.06 1                    1.00  A 23 239001K5.05 1                    1.00  B 24 239002K2.01 1                    1.00  A 25 241000K3.03 1                    1.00  C 26 245000K4.10 1                    1.00  C 27 259002A4.08 1                    1.00  A 28 261000A2.07 1                    1.00  A 29 261000K1.03 1                    1.00  C 30 262001K6.03 1                    1.00  D 31 262002G2.4.4 1                  1.00  C 32 263000A3.01 1                    1.00  C 33 264000G2.2.42 1                  1.00  B 34 268000A1.02 1                    1.00  B 35 286000K2.02 1                    1.00  B 36 295001AK2.06 1                  1.00  A 37 295003AK1.02 1                  1.00  B 38 295004G2.1.7 1                  1.00  B 39 295005AK3.02 1                  1.00  D 40 295006AA1.01 1                  1.00  B 41 295009AK1.02 1                  1.00  C 42 295010AA2.06 1                  1.00  B 43 295012AK3.O1 1                  1.00  D 44 295013G2.4.18 1                  1.00  B 45 295016AA2.07 1                  1.00  B 46 295017AA1.05 1                  1.00  A 47 2950 18AK3.06 1                  1.00  D
#    ID              Points 0 48    295019AA2.02 1    1.00 C 49    295021G2.2.40 1  1.00 D 50    295023AA2.03 1    1.00 C 51    295024EA2.06 1    1.00 A 52    295025G2.1.27 1  1.00 B 53    295026EK3 04 1    100  C 54    295028EA1.03 1    1.00 C 55    295030EK1.02 1    1.00 D 56    29503 1EA1.05 1  1.00 C 57    295035EA1.01 1    1.00 B 58    295037EK2.12 1    1.00 A 59    295038EK1.01 1    1.00 D 60    300000A2.O1 1    1.00 B 61    300000K1.03 1    1.00 B 62  400000A1.01 1      1.00 D 63    500000EK2.07 1    1.00 C 64    600000AK1.01 1    1.00 C 65    700000AK2.03 1    1.00 B 66    G2.1.1 1          1.00 A 67  G2.1.8 1          1.00 D 68    G2.1.20 1        1.00 C 69  G2.2.21 1          1.00 A 70  G2.2.22 1          1.00 D 71  G2.2.36 1          1.00 C 72    G2.3.11 1        1.00 D 73  G2.3.13 1          1.00 B 74  G2.4.16 1          1.00 A 75  G2.4.5 1          1.00 B SECTION 1 (75 items)  75.00}}

Latest revision as of 01:51, 6 February 2020

Initial Exam 2013-301 Final RO Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: Hatch  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 10/18/2013
Southern Nuclear Operating Co
Download: ML13296A029 (84)


ES-401 Site-Specific RO Written Examination Form ES-401-7 Cover Sheet U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Site-Specific RO Written Examination Applicant Information Name: E. I. HATCH 2013-301 RO NRC EXAM MASTER EXAM Date: September 1

g th 2013 Facility/Unit: Plant E. I. Hatch Region: I II X iii El IV El Reactor Type: W El CE El BW El GE X Start Time: Finish Time:

Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top of the answer sheets. To pass the examination, you must achieve a final grade of at least 80.00 percent. Examination papers will be collected 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> after the examination begins.

Applicant Certification All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

Applicants Signature Results Examination Value Points Applicants Score Points Applicants Grade Percent


1. 201003A2.09 001 UNIT 1 Reactor Startup is in progress with control rod 22-43 at position 12.

o Reactor Pressure is 780 psig A malfunction in the CRD system results in the following:

o Charging Water Pressure is 890 psig o CRD ACCUMULATOR PRESS LOW OR LEVEL HIGH, (603-148) o HCU 22-43 local Accumulator pressure is 910 psig o Highest CRDM temperature is 240°F JAW 34AB-Cl 1-00 1, Loss of CRD System, the next REQUIRED action, and the BASES for the action, is to A immediately scram the reactor lAW 34AB-C71-001-l, Scram Procedure, because withdrawn control rods may fail to completely scram at lower reactor pressures B. immediately scram the reactor JAW 34AB-C71-001-1, Scram Procedure, because withdrawn control rods may experience slower scram times due to over heating C. restore charging water header pressure to 940 psig within 20 minutes because withdrawn control rods may fail to completely scram at lower reactor pressures D. restore charging water header pressure to 940 psig within 20 minutes because withdrawn control rods may experience slower scram times due to over heating 1


2. 203000K6.02 001 UNIT 2 is operating at RTP.

At 12:55 125V DC CABINET 2D, 2R25-S004 is deenergized and the following annunciators are actuated:


At 13:00 a LOCA on UNIT 2 occurs.

At 13:02 ONLY the RHR pumps will have automatically started and be available for LPCI injection.

A. AandB B. AandD C BandC D. CandD 2


3. 204000K1.15 001 UNIT 2 is at RTP with 2G31-COO1A, A RWCU Pump in service.

At 12:00 the following annunciator illuminates:

o RWCU SYS LEAK, (602-421)

The above annunciator actuates when RWCU System differential flow exceeds the setpoint of__________ gpm.

At 12:01, the A RWCU Pump will A 56; have tripped B. 56; continue operating C. 60; have tripped D. 60; continue operating 3


4. 205000K5.02 001 Unit 2 is shutdown with the A ioop of RHR in Shutdown Cooling (SDC).

RWCU is in service controlling reactor water level.

The following occurs:

Time Event 10:00 2G3 1-F033, RWCU Dump valve, fails open and cannot be closed 10:35 RWL is two (2) inches AND 2G31-F033 is isolated 10:40 An operator restores RWL to normal At 10:40, with NO additional operator action, 2E1 1 -F008, RHR SDC Suction valve, will and the RHR pump will A have traveled close; have tripped B. have traveled close; still be operating C. remain open; have tripped D. remain open; still be operating 4


5. 205000K5.03 001 Unit 1 is in Mode 4 with Shutdown Cooling in service.

The following conditions exist:

o Recirculation Pumps Secured oRHRBPump flow 5500 gpm o All other RHR Pumps Standby JAW 34S0-E11-0l0-1, Residual Heat Removal System, which ONE of the following identifies the MINIMUM corrected reactor water level that must be maintained by the OATC?

A. +32 B. +34 C. +42 D +54 5


6. 206000A1.08 001 Unit 2 is shutdown with HPCI operating in Pressure Control mode.

An event occurs causing CST level to start decreasing.

The leak is isolated with current CST level stable at 20 inches.

Five (5) minutes after CST level stabilizes at 20 inches, 2E41-F004, CST Suction valve, will and HPCI will be operating A. have traveled closed; in Pressure Control mode B have traveled closed; on Minimum Flow C. still be open; in Pressure Control mode D. still be open; on Minimum Flow 6


7. 209001K3.01 001 Following a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) on Unit 1 AND a loss of all RHR pumps.

Both Core Spray pumps and RHR Service Water (RHRSW) pump ID are operating to maintain reactor water level. The following plant conditions currently exist:

o RPV level -65 inches and steady o Core Spray pump 1A flow 2100 gpm o Core Spray pump lB flow 4200 gpm o RHRSW pump ID flow 4000 gprn Subsequently, lE 4160 VAC bus de-energizes.

Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?

After lE 4160 VAC bus de-energizes, RPV water level will start decreasing at a rate equivalent to a loss of approximately gpm of injection flow.

A 2100 B. 4200 C. 6100 D. 8200 7


8. 209001K3.03 001 Unit 2 was operating at 100% RTP when the following alarms are received:

o 601-107, Core Spray Sys II Logic Power Failure, alarm, ILLUMiNATED o 601-310, Core Spray Sys I Logic Power Failure, alarm, ILLUMINATED Subsequently, a break inside the Drywell results in the following:

o Drywell pressure 1.9 psig slowly rising o RWL -108 inches and steady o RHR pumps Running on minimum flow Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?

The Emergency Diesel Generators automatically start.

The Core Spray pumps be manually started.

A. will NOT; can NOT B will NOT; can C. will; can NOT D. will; can 8


9. 211000K2.02 001 Unit 2 is at 100% power when a loss of a 600 VAC Motor Control Center (MCC) occurs.

The following equipment indications exist:

o 2E11-F009, RHR SDC Suction Vlv Indication is available o 2E1 1-FO15B, RHR Inboard Injection V1v 11 Indication is available o 2E21-FOI5B, Core Spray Test Vlv Indication is NOT available o RPS Alternate Power Available Light Indication is NOT available With these indications, If SBLC injection is required, SLC pump will START and SBLC squib valve(s) will fire.



10. 212000A3.02 001 Given the following plant conditions on Unit 2:

o Reactor Water Level Narrow Range, 2B21-NO8OB, has failed downscale.

1 Bi B2 I

I E2B21-N6SOB N6SOD TUI 271A 2C71A K69 TC6DI TripLogic I IC7IA- 2C71A)

IE6BT 2,C71A- 2C71A.


Which ONE of the following describes the Reactor Protection System (RPS) Response?

The 2C71A-K14B relay will be The solenoids for the Backup Scram Valves will be A. Deenergized; Energized B Deenergized; Deenergized C. Energized; Energized D. Energized; Deenergized 10

ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM H. 212000A4.15 001 UNIT 2 is operating at 90% RTP when a transient occurs resulting in the following conditions:

o Reactor Pressure is currently 930 psig (highest reached 1100 psig) o RWL is currently +37 inches (lowest reached -65 inches)

The following indications exist on 2H1 l-P602 panel:

. ASDA 2B31-SOO2A 2R22-SOO1 ASDB 2B31-SOO2B 2R22-SOO2 NOTE: All green lights above are ILLUMINATED All red lights above are EXTINGUISHED With the above conditions, The ASD A and B Input Breakers The risk of thermal stratification will be REDUCED by A responded as designed; resetting the reactor scram B. responded as designed; maximizing CRD flow C. did NOT respond as designed; resetting the reactor scram D. did NOT respond as designed; maximizing CRD flow 11


12. 215001A4.03 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP with the A Channel Transversing In-Core Probe (TIP) inserted in the core.

o Steam is being discharged into Unit 2 Reactor Building o The steam is confirmed to be coming from the TIP room oA manual scram is inserted o RWL lowers to -20 before being restored to +9 inches o Five (5) minutes after a manual withdrawal command was initiated, the status of the A Channel TIP is indicated below:

. VALVE CONTROL 2C51 -.J600.3A SQUIB SHEAR VLV BALL VALVE TE MONITOR MONITOR OPEN CLOSED I*I.AY a PURGE OF ON MONITOR FIRE CHANNEL A C51.JQO4A Five (5) minutes after the manual withdrawal command was initiated, the EXPECTED location of the A TiP is in the position, and Based on the above conditions, the A TIP Shear valve to be fired JAW 34AB-C71-001-2, Scram Procedure.

At In Shield; is REQUIRED B. In Shield; is NOT REQUIRED C. Indexer (Parked);

is REQUIRED D. Indexer (Parked);



13. 215002G2.4.4 001 Unit 2 operating at 62% of RTP and performing a rod pattern adjustment.

The current step is to withdraw Control Rod (CR) 42-39 from position 28 to position 30.

After releasing the rod movement control switch the following indications exist:

o 603 -202, RBM UPSCALE OR INOPERATIVE o 603-23 8, ROD OUT BLOCK o Rod Withdraw Permissive light is EXTiNGUISHED o CR 42-3 9 settles at position 34 With the above plant conditions, the operator is REQUIRED to enter A. 34AB-C71-001-2, Scram Procedure, and scram the reactor B. 34AB-C1l-005-2, Control Rod Insertion Methods, and drive in CR 42-39 to position 02 C. 34G0-OPS-065-0, Control Rod Movement, and immediately return CR 42-39 to its correct position D 34AB-Cl1-004-2, Mispositioned Control Rods, and recover CR 42-39 per reactor engineering recommendations 13


14. 215003K4.05 001 Unit 2 is starting up with the following indications observed at 2H 11 -P603:

The following lights are ILLUMINATED:




- POWER ON o All Source Range Monitors (SRM) and Intermediate Range Monitors (IRM) were selected and driven in following a scram 3 days ago.

The Drive Out button is depressed for 15 seconds and then released with NO change occurring in these indications.

Based on the above conditions the M1NIIVIUM action(s) required to withdraw the IRMs is to A. depress the Drive Out button an additional time B depress the Drive In button, then depress the Drive Out button C. clear the Retract Permit light, then depress the Drive Out button D. depress the Power On button twice, then depress the Drive Out button 14


15. 215004K1.02 001 A Unit 2 reactor startup is in progress with the following indications:

o All IRMs are indicating between 20/125 60/125 on Range 6 HIGHEST indicating SRMs:

o SRMA 1.5xlO c

5 ps o SRMB cps 4


0 L

With the above indications, the Reactor Manual Control ROD OUT light will be due to A. EXTINGUISHED; SRMA ONLY B EXTINGUISHED; BOTH SRM A and SRM B C. ILLUMINATED; SRM A ONLY D. ILLUMINATED; BOTH SRM A and SRM B 15


16. 215005A4.06 001 Which one of the following completes the statement below regarding the Power Range Neutron Monitoring System Operability?

lAW 34SV-C51.-003-l, LPRM Operational Status, each APRM must have a MINIMUM of__________ Operable LPRMs, with AT LEAST Operable LPRMs per axial level to be considered operable.

A. 14; 1

B. 14; 3

C. 17; 1

D 17; 3



17. 217000K5.06 001 34SV-E5 1-002-2, RCIC Pump Operability Surveillance, is in progress on Unit 2.

The MiNiMUM RCIC turbine speed required for prolonged operation which ensures adequate oil pressure for proper turbine governor operation is rpm.

During RCIC pump operation, the Torus water temperature will increase at a rate of approximately °F/br.

A. 3000; 3

B. 3000; 30 Cs 2000; 3

D. 2000; 30 17


18. 218000K3.01 001 Unit 2 was at 100% RTP when the following occurred concurrently:

o Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) o A complete Loss of Off Site Power (LOSP)

At 0800, the following conditions exist:

o Reactor water level -95, DECREASING 2 per minute o Reactor pressure 900 psig, DECREASING 25 psig per minute o Drywell pressure 4.0 psig, slowly INCREASING The following ADS panel indications concurrently exist:

Based on the above conditions and with NO additional operator actions, which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?

At 0820, ONLY will be injecting into the RPV.

A. HPCI B Core Spray and RHR C. HPCI and the Cond. Booster Pumps D. Core Spray, RHR and the Cond. Booster Pumps 18


19. 223001A105 001 Unit 2 experiences a transient from 100% RTP with SPDS out of service.

The following conditions occur:

o HPCI Equipment Room Temp High is 155°F o RWL is +37 inches (lowest RWL reached +9 inches) o Drywell Pressure is 1.9 psig Based on the above conditions, the valves will AUTOMATICALLY isolate, and the associated valves can be verified isolated by monitoring indications on A PCIV Group II; 2H1 1-P601 and P700 panels B. PCIVGroupII; ONLY 2H1 1-P601 panel C. PCIV Group III; 2Hl l-P601 and P700 panels D. PCIV Group III; ONLY 2H1 1-P601 panel 19


20. 223002A2.11 001 Unit 2 Main Control Room has been evacuated.

Local SBLC injection is required due to an ATWS condition.

When initiating SBLC from outside the Control Room, A. 2G3 1-FOOl, RWCU Inboard Isolation, must be closed from the valve breaker on 2R24-S022, 250V D.C. MCC 2B-ESS DiV I B. 2G3 1-FOOl, RWCU Inboard Isolation, will automatically close when a SBLC pump is started C 2G3 l-F004, RWCU Outboard Isolation, must be closed from the valve breaker on 2R24-S022, 250V D.C. MCC 2B-ESS DIV 1 D. 2G3 1 -F004, RWCU Outboard Isolation, will automatically close when a SBLC pump is started 20


21. 226001K6.04 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when the following annunicator is received:

o 60 1-333, JOCKEY PUMP SYS A DISCH PRESS LOW o Jockey Pump System A discharge pressure is 45 psig Based on the above conditions, a Core Spray Jockey Pump receive an automatic start signal.

If this condition is NOT corrected, the potential exist to drain of RHR Drywell Spray piping.

A. will; BOTH divisions B will; ONLY one (1) division C. will NOT; BOTH divisions D. will NOT; ONLY one (1) division 21


22. 233000K4.06 001 Unit 2 is in a refueling outage when a rupture of the Fuel Pool Cooling and Cleanup (FPCC) return line to the fuel pool occurs.

Which ONE of the following identifies the FPCC pump low suction pressure trip setpoint and a design feature which will minimize the inventory loss from the Fuel Pool?

A 8 psig; The Anti-Siphon check valves on the return lines re-position B. 8psig; The Diffusers on the return lines become uncovered C. l8psig; The Anti-Siphon check valves on the return lines re-position D. l8psig; The Diffusers on the return lines become uncovered 22


23. 239001K5.05 001 Unit 2 is at 5% RTP with the Reactor Mode switch in STARTUP when the following annunciator is received:

o 603-214, MAiN STEAM LINE FLOW A HIGH The MINIMUM listed value that will cause 603-2 14, MAIN STEAM LINE FLOW A HIGH, alarm to be received is The Main Steam Line High Flow isolation signal bypassed in STARTUP.

A. 170 psid; is Bb/ 170 psid; is NOT C. 137 psid; is D. l37psid; is NOT 23


24. 239002K2.01 001 Which ONE of the following combinations are the power supplies to the Unit 2 SRV solenoids?

AY 2R25-SOOl, 125V DC CABINET 2A and 2R25-S002, 125V DC CABINET 2B B. 2R25-S002, 125V DC CABINET 2B and 2R25-S003, 125V DC CABINET 2C C. 2R25-S003, 125V DC CABINET 2C and 2R25-S004, 125V DC CABINET 2D D. 2R25-S004, l25V DC CABINET 2D and 2R25-S005, 125V DC CABINET 2E 24


25. 241000K3,03 001 Unit 2 is operating at 15% RIP with the Main Turbine in Chest Warming.

Subsequently, throttle pressure transmitters malfunction causing all Main Turbine Bypass Valves to fully open.

When the Main Turbine Bypass Valves open, indicated Reactor Water Level will INITIALLY_______

Selecting the Close Valves button on the Turbine HMI screen CLOSE the Main Turbine Bypass valves.

A. decrease; will NOT B. decrease; will C increase; will NOT D. increase; will 25


26. 245000K410 001 Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?

During a main turbine trip, all extraction non-return (ENR) check valves supplying steam to the feedwater heaters will and the 2Nl I-FOO4A&B, 2nd Stage MSR Reheat Steam Supply Valves, will A. remain open; remain open B. remain open; automatically close C automatically close; remain open D. automatically close; automatically close 26


27. 259002A4.08 001 Unit 2 is at 50% power, performing a Startup.

o Reactor Feed Pump Turbine (RFPT) 2B is in service in automatic control Due to intermittent problems with the 2A RFPT M/A station, 2C32-R6O1A, Maintenance has taken 2C32-R6O1A to the maintenance shop for repair.

The Shift Supervisor directs placing the 2A RFPT in service lAW 34S0-N21-007-2, Condensate and Feedwater System, section 7.3.7, RFPT Alternate Startup.

The reason that the 2A RFPT speed will initially be stopped at 1000 RPM is to In this mode of operation, the Speed Setter switch can raise the 2A RFPT speed to a MAXIMUM value of__________

A allow oil temperature to increase; 5800rpm B. allow oil temperature to increase; 3500rpm C. verify proper operation of the trip circuit; 5800rpm D. verify proper operation of the trip circuit; 3500rpm 27

ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM 28._261000A2.07 001 An electrical fault on Unit 2 results in 2R25-S036, ESSENTIAL CABINET 2A, de-energizing.

The effect the loss of this bus will have on the Unit 2 SBGT System is that 2T46- FOO1A, SBGT Filter Inlet & 2T46-FOO2A, SBGT Fan 2A Disch Dampers will fail With regards to SBGT system the crew will enter A Open; 34AB-R25-002-2, Loss Of Instrument Buses, and manually start 213 SBGT fan B. Open; 34AB-T22-003-2, Secondary Containment Control, and confirm automatic start of 2B SBGT System C. Closed; 34AB-R25-002-2, Loss Of Instrument Buses, and manually start 2B SBGT fan D. Closed; 34AB-T22-003-2, Secondary Containment Control, and confirm automatic start of 2B SBGT System 28


29. 261000K103 001 JAW 3 1EO-EOP-012-2, Primary Containment Control (PC Flow Chart), the MAXIMUM listed Suppression Pool Water Level that ALLOWS venting of the Suppression Chamber using the Standby Gas Treament System is A. 190 inches B. 210 inches C 290 inches D. 340 inches 29


262001K6.03 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP.

o 4160 VAC 2E, 2R22-S005, is powered from Startup Auxilary Transformer (SAT) 2C Subsequently, GENERATOR PROTECTION CIRCUIT ENERGIZED, (651-206), annunciator is received.

Generator amps MUST be below a MAXIMUM of___________________ in 2 minutes, or a Main Generator trip will occur.

If the Main Generator trips and with NO operator actions, the MAXIIVIUM number of Station Service Buses that will be ENERGIZED is A. 6,466 amps; Four (4)

B. 6,466 amps; Zero (0)

C. 20,232 amps; Four (4)

D 20,232 amps; Zero (0) 30


31. 262002G2.4.4_001 Unit 2 is operating at 90% RTP.

At 10:00, a loss of electrical power results in the following conditions: (this is a partial list) o Reactor power begins increasing at 0.2% per minute o Loss of rod position information system (RPIS) o Loss of RWL and RPV pressure recorders on 2H11-P603 o Main Condenser vacuum is 27.5 in. Hg vac, lowering at 0.2 in. Hg vac per minute At 10:02, maintenance is dispatched to investigate the electrical power loss.

At 10:04, with the above plant conditions, entry into , is REQUIRED.

A. 34AB-R25-OOl-2, Loss of Vital AC, and 34AB-C71-001-2, SCRAM Procedure B. 34AB-R25-002-2, Loss of Instrument Buses, and 34AB-C71-00l-2, SCRAM Procedure C 34AB-R25-00l-2, Loss of Vital AC, and 34AB-N21-001-2, Loss of Feedwater Heating D. 34AB-R25-002-2, Loss of Instrument Buses, and 34AB-N21-001-2, Loss of Feedwater Heating 31


32. 263000A3.01 001 The Unit 2 Station Service Battery Charger amps can be monitored on Panel If 600 VAC 2C, 2R23-S003, deenergizes, the associated 600 VAC supply breakers to the 125/250 VDC Station Service Battery Chargers AUTOMATICALLY open.

A. 2H11-P651; will B. 2H11-P651; will NOT C 2H11-P655; will D. 2H11-P655; will NOT 32


33. 264000G2242 001 Unit 2 is in MODE 2 with EDG 2A semi-annual surveillance in progress. The EDG 2A mode switch is in TEST and is paralleled to the bus.

The following conditions occur:

o EDG 2A Lube Oil Temperature increases and peaks at 235°F o EDG 2A Jacket Coolant Temperature increases and peaks at 200°F o EDG 2A trips EDG 2A received a trip signal from lAW TS REQUIRED to be operable for the current plant mode.

A. Lube Oil Temperature; ONLY one Unit 2 EDG is B Lube Oil Temperature; BOTHUnit2EDGsare C. Jacket Coolant Temperature; ONLY one Unit 2 EDG is D. Jacket Coolant Temperature; BOTH Unit 2 EDGs are 33

JLT-08 RO NRC EXAM 34.26g000Al.o200l Unit 2 Radwaste is performing a discharge to the canal.

The Radwaste discharge to the canal if dilution flow drops to 9,500 gpm AND if a specific discharge is terminated, permissible with the existing permit.

A. will automatically terminate; NO restarts are B will automatically terminate; ONLY one (1) restart is C. must be manually terminated; NO restarts are D. must be manually terminated; ONLY one (1) restart is 34


35. 286000K2.02 001 An earthquake occurs resulting in the following plant conditions:

o Fire header piping ruptures lowest header pressure reached was 87 psig o 1E 4160 VAC Bus DEENERGIZES (cannot be restored) o 2F 4160 VAC Bus DEENERGIZES (cannot be restored)

Assuming that this is the LOWEST pressure achieved, which ONE of the following predicts how the fire pumps respond?

A. ONLY the electric fire pump starts B ONLY the A and B diesel fire pumps start C. ONLY the electric fire pump and the A diesel fire pump starts D. BOTH the A and B diesel fire pumps and the electric fire pump starts 35


36. 295001AK2.06 001 Unit 2 is operating at 96% RTP with 92% Core Flow when a malfunction occurs resulting in the following conditions:

o The 2K Condensate Booster pump (CBP) trips o The 2A Reactor Feedwater pump trips o +24 inches is the lowest Reactor Water Level during the transient Plant Hatch U2 Power/Flow Map (2804 MWth) 120 APRN4 STPSrarnL 1125 1

vihsr,tcun ,nfl)

,90 C

60 0


In:icirah hw 1ndi,tions I.

L ni Flow MIhw jj 40 (4 ) 4 j

[ o 70 4(2)

Core Flow (% of Rated) Rd. 34G0-OPS-005-2 After the plant stabilizes and with NO operator action, the plant will be operating at approximately on the Power To Flow Map above.

A Point A B. Point B C. Point C D. PointD 36


37. 295003AK1.02 001 Unit 2 RHR Loop A is in Suppression Pool Cooling mode.

At 12:00, A LOSS OF OFF SITE POWER occurs on Unit 2.

At 12:10, Plant conditions are:

o Emergency buses ENERGIZED o Reactor water level: -80 inches (stable) o RPV pressure: 980 PSIG o Drywell pressure: 1.9 PSIG (stable)

At 12:15, and with NO operator action, A. ALL RHR and RHRSW pumps will be off B ALL RHR pumps will be running and ALL RHRSW pumps will be off C. ONLY the RHR and RHRSW pumps which were running prior to 12:00 will be running D. ONLY the RHR pumps which were running prior to 12:00 will be running and ALL RHRSW pumps will be off 37


38. 295004G2.1.7 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when the following panel indications occur:

Subsequently, o Unit 2 Reactor is manually scrammed o Main turbine is manually tripped o Main Generator output breakers are opened o 4160 VAC Station Service Buses 2A-2D DEENERGIZED when the Main Generator output breakers were opened For the above conditions:

4160 VAC Station Service Buses, 2A-2D, respond as expected.

If needed for RWL control, can be used for injection.

A. did; RCIC B did; HPCI C. did NOT; RCIC D. did NOT; HPCI 38


39. 295005AK3.02 001 Unit 2 is operating at the end of the current fuel cycle.

The function of the End Of Cycle Recirc Pump Trip (EOC-RPT) on a Main Turbine trip, is to provide additional margin to the The used for determining the thermal power at which the EOC-RPT function is activated.

A. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) Thermal limit; APRMs are B. Average Planar Linear Heat Generation Rate (APLHGR) Thermal limit; Main Turbine First Stage Pressure is C. Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) Safety limit; APRMs are D Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) Safety limit; Main Turbine First Stage Pressure is 39


40. 295006AA1.01 001 Unit 1 is in a refueling outage.

o Reactor Mode Switch position REFUEL o SRM Shorting Links iNSTALLED Subsequently, the following occurs:

o 1C IRM fails upscale.

What is the expected status of the 1H11-P603 panel WHITE RPS Scram Group A and B lights?



41. 295009AK1.02 001 Unit 1 is at 35% RTP with the IA RFPT in service, when a malfunction results in a reduction in Feedwater flow and a lowering RWL.

Speed Limiter #1 will FIRST be activated when for at least 15 seconds and is designed to maintain A. RWL reduces to +20 inches; NPSH for the Recirc Pumps B. RWL reduces to +20 inches; Plant availability ONLY C Total feedwater flow reduces to less than 20%;

NPSH for the Recirc Pumps D. Total feedwater flow reduces to less than 20%;

Plant availability ONLY 41


42. 295010AA2.06_001 Unit 2 was operating at 100% RTP when a leak occurred inside the drywell.

At 9:55, the reactor is shutdown.

At 10:00, the following conditions exist:

o Bulk Average Drywell Temperature is 140°F, increasing at 5°F per minute o Drywell Pressure is 1.0 psig, increasing at 0.5 psig per minute Given that the leak remains constant, the Primary Containment temperature and pressure rate of increase at 10:05, will be the rate at 10:00.

At 10:05, lAW 34AB-T23-002-2, Small Pipe Break Inside Primary Containment, RPV water level corrections REQUIRED to be performed.

A. higher than; are NOT B higher than; are C. thesameas; are NOT D. the same as; are 42


43. 295012AK3.O1 001 Unit 2 is at 100% RTP when Drywell (DW) Temperature starts slowly increasing.

The following DW cooling fans are in STANDBY (ALL other DW cooling fans are operating with their control switches in RUN):

o 2T47-BOO8B o 2T47-BOO9B With the current DW cooling fan alignment, 2T47-BOO8B be MANUALLY started to provide additional DW cooling.

Exceeding the Primary Containment Design Temperature of__________ may result in the degradation of the Primary Containment structure under accident loads.

A. CAN; 281°F B. CAN; 340°F C. CANNOT; 281°F D CANNOT; 340°F 43


44. 295013G2.4.18_001 Unit 1 is operating at 75% with the following conditions:

o Safety Relief Valve (SRV) 0 is leaking o Torus temperature 102°F, and increasing slowly The LOWEST Torus temperature which REQUIRES placing the Rx Mode Switch in Shutdown occurs at a Torus temperature of________

The EOP bases for placing the Rx Mode Switch in Shutdown at this Torus temperature is A. 111°F; to ensure the MiNIMUM NPSH is maintained for RCIC and ECCS pumps taking a suction from the Torus B 111°F; because this value EXCEEDS the MAXIMUM allowed by Unit I Technical Specifications C. 121°F; to ensure the MINIMUM NPSH is maintained for RCIC and ECCS pumps taking a suction from the Torus D. 121°F; because this value EXCEEDS the MAXIMUM allowed by Unit I Technical Specifications 44


45. 295016AA2.07 001 The Unit 2 control room has been abandoned and 31RS-OPS-001-2, Shutdown From Outside Control Room, is being implemented.

Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?

Torus pressure can be determined using JAW EOPs, if Unit 2 Torus pressure is determined to be 10.5 psig, REQUIRED to be initiated from outside the Control Room.

A. SPDS in the TSC; BOTH Torus and Drywell Sprays are B SPDS in the TSC; ONLY Torus Spray is C. a permanently mounted gauge on the 87 level of the Reactor Building; BOTH Torus and Drywell Sprays are D. a permanently mounted gauge on the 87 level of the Reactor Building; ONLY Torus Spray is 45


46. 295017AA1.05 001 Unit 2 is operating at 65% RTP, currently shutting down due to suspected fuel leakers.

Subsequently, a steam leak occurs in the Turbine Building resulting in the following:

o 10:00 A Valid Group 1 Isolation signal is generated NO Group 1 Isolation valves change position (Automatically nor Manually) o 10:12 Offsite radioactivity release rate increases to 0.75 mRlhr Which ONE of the choices below completes both statements?

At 10:12, the Offsite radioactivity release rate above the entry condition of 31EO-EOP-014-2, RR- RADIOACTIVITY RELEASE CONTROL, EOP flowchart.

At 10:15, the PRIMARY Display on SPDS for the Group 1 Status Indicator box will have BACKGROUND.

A is; aRED B. is; an ORANGE C. is NOT; aRED D. is NOT; an ORANGE 46


47. 2950 18AK306 001 Unit 2 is operating at 5% power with PSW/RBCCW Hx dP adjusted to 12 psid.

Subsequently, two (2) RBCCW pumps fail and will NOT run.

NOTE: 2P41-F491, PSW Outlet Valve From RBCCW Hx With the two (2) RBCCW pumps failed, annunciator, HX PSW/RBCCW DIFF PRESS LOW, (650-23 8), be ILLUMiNATED.

To RETURN the PSW/RBCCW Hx dP to 12 psid, the SO will throttle 2P41-F491 in the direction.

A. will; CLOSE B. will; OPEN C. will NOT; CLOSE D will NOT; OPEN 47


48. 2950 19AA2.02 001 Unit 1 is operating at 100% power.

o ALL Nitrogen backup system valves to the Non-Interruptible Essential Air Header have been DANGER TAGGED in the closed position Subsequently, the following occurs:

o Unit 1 experiences a loss of all Unit I Station Service Air Compressors o The air cross-tie valve between Unit 1 and Unit 2 CANNOT be opened due to a bent stem.

Based on the current plant conditions, which ONE of the following identifies the FINAL MSIV position?

A. The Inboard and Outboard MSIVs will remain OPEN.

B. The Inboard gj4 Outboard MSIVs will eventually drift CLOSED.

C The Inboard MSIVs will remain OPEN; The Outboard MSIVs will eventually drift CLOSED.

D. The Inboard MSIVs will eventually drift CLOSED; The Outboard MSIVs will remain OPEN.



49. 295021G2.2.40 001 Unit 2 is shutdown with the following conditons:

0 Rxpressure 134 psig o 2A Rx Recirculation pump Running o 2B Rx Recirculation pump Off Which ONE of the choices below completes BOTH the following statement?

JAW Tech Spec 3.4.7, t Residual Heat Removal (RHR) Shutdown Cooling System Hot Shutdown?? the MINIMUM number of RHR Shutdown Cooling (SDC) subsystems REQUIRED to be operable, (without requiring entry into a Required Action Statement)

(RAS), is Also, JAW with Tech Spec 3.4.7 and with current plant conditions, RHR SDC subsystem is required to be in operation.

A. one; one B. one; neither C. two; one D two; neither 49


50. 295023AA2.03 001 Unit 2 is in a Forced Refueling outage due to several fuel leakers in the core.

The Refueling crew is removing a failed fuel bundle from the Unit 2 reactor to the Unit 1 Fuel Prep Machine (FPM).

The Bridge Uperator is currently traveling in the Transfer Canal with one of the failed bundles in the normal Full Up position, when the Refueling Bridge becomes stuck in the Transfer Canal.

Maintenance is in the process of determining why the Refueling Bridge will NOT move.

Subsequently, the Unit 2 Main Steam line plugs fail causing the Reactor Cavity and Fuel Pool water levels to decrease.

o Releases from the exposed failed bundle results in increasing Radioactive Airborne contamination levels on the Refuel Floor.

o Radiation levels on the Refuel Floor reach 1200 mr/hr JAW 34AB-G41-002-2, Decreasing Rx Well/Fuel Pool Water Level, Health Physics is directed to establish a manned control point of the Unit 2 Reactor Building.

When water level drops to the Main Steam lines, the fuel seated in the FUEL POOL RACKS will_______

A. on the 203 elevation; still be covered B. on the 203 elevation; be uncovered C outside; still be covered D. outside; be uncovered 50

ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM 51.295024EA2.o600l A steam line break inside the Drywell has occurred on Unit 1.

o Drywell pressure is 15.5 psig and slowly increasing o Torus pressure is 14.1 psig and slowly increasing o Subquently Drywell Sprays are placed in service at 4.300 gpm flow The Torus water temperature will heat up At this Drywell Spray flow rate, a uniform Drywell spray pattern A uniformly throughout the Torus due to the design of the downcomers; will NOT be guaranteed B. uniformly throughout the Torus due to the design of the downcomers; will be guaranteed C. directly under the leak due to the energy being added directly to the Torus water in that area; will NOT be guaranteed D. directly under the leak due to the energy being added directly to the Torus water in that area; will be guaranteed 51


52. 295025G2.127 001 Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?

JAW TS 3.4.3, Safety/Relief Valves (S/RVs), the SRV Safety function requires a MiNIMUM of__________ SRVs to be operable.

If reactor pressure peaks at 1300 psig, the Reactor Coolant System Safety Limit pressure have been exceeded.

A. 10; will B 10; will NOT C.5; will D.5; will NOT 52


53. 295026EK3.04 001 An ATWS is in progress on Unit 2 with 3 1EO-EOP-01 1-2, RCA RPV Control (ATWS),

flowchart in progress.

Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?

JAW EOP defmitions the reason SBLC is injected before exceeding the BuT Curve (Graph 5) is to ensure that Hot Shutdown Boron Weight is injected before exceeding the At 8% RTP, the HIGHEST listed Torus temperature at which operation on the BuT Curve (Graph 5) will continue to be in the SAFE area is Reference Provided A. Primary Containment Pressure Limit; 130°F B. Primary Containment Pressure Limit; 140°F; C Heat Capacity Temperature Limit; 13 0°F D. Heat Capacity Temperature Limit; 140°F; 53


54. 295028EA 1.03 001 Unit 2 was at 100% power when a small leak occurred inside the Drywell (DW).

The following conditions now exist:

o Drywell Pressure: 2.2 psig o HIGHEST Drywell Temperature Point: 240°F Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement?

JAW 31E0-EOP-100-2, Miscellaneous Emergency Overrides, the2A DW Chiller A. is NOT allowed to be restarted, because this DW temperature is above the allowed winding temperature for restart of the DW Cooling Fan Motors B. is NOT allowed to be restarted, because at this DW temperature the potential for a rupture in the DW coolers exist C is allowed to be restarted. The operator must first place the LOCA override switch to BYPASS and then reset the 86 Lockout relay at the DW Chiller breaker D. is allowed to be restarted. The operator must first reset the 86 Lockout relay at the DW Chiller breaker and then place the LOCA override switch to BYPASS 54


55. 295030EK1.02 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% power when a Loss of Coolant Accident occurs.

o The High Pressure Coolant Injection system is being used to control RPV water level o The 2A RHR pump is placed in Suppression Pool Cooling o !2A?? RHR pump flow t 7,000 gpm o Torus Level 135 inches o Torus Temperature 225°F o Torus Pressure 8 psig Which ONE of the following choices completes this statement?

RHR pump 2A operation is in the region of the RHR NPSH Limit graph and Reference Provided A. safe; flow must be maintained at or below its current flow rate B. safe; flow is required to be increased to maximize suppression pool cooling C. unsafe; reducing flow will NOT restore operation to the safe area of the graph D unsafe; reducing flow to 5,000 gpm will restore operation to the safe area of the graph 55


56. 29503 1EA1.05 001 Unit 2 is at 100% RTP when the following occurs:

o All normal Feedwater is lost o RWL is -50 inches 110W CONTROLLIK PUMP SUCTION PUMP 3ISCH TURB INLET TURB EXH TURE SPEED 2 ES 1-KG 12 PRESS PRESS PRESS PRESS 2E51.R610 2E51-R604 2E51-R601 2E51-R602 2E5I-R6O I25VDC CAB 2A 125Y8C CAB ZA 12500C CAB 24 I2WBC CAB 2A 125V0C CAB 24 29.1 63.8 0985 0.1

  • 95 1500 1500 200 z =

+70 1200 1200 160

+50 I PFLIGICT I ONSE1GINT 900 900 120 L

- 600 BOO 90 120 =

300 300 40 I. p

,....--1O s S: S A

-20 I

-30 a o 0 Based on the above indications, the RCIC flow controller should be A. left in Automatic, and RCIC injection flow will start increasing reactor vessel level B. left in Automatic, but RCIC should be tripped because it is pumping 500 gpm through a feedwater line break C placed in Manual, and the controller output should be increased until discharge pressure is greater than 985 psig D. placed in Manual, but the controller output should be decreased until RCIC flow is 400 gpm.



57. 295035EA1.01 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP when a Feedwater transient results in a full Secondary Containment isolation. The following Unit 2 indications currently exist:

o SBGT 2A running o SBGT 2B running o 2T46-R604A, Rx Bldg. dP -0.75 inches H0 2

o 2T46-R604B, Rx Bldg. dP -0.70 inches H0 2

Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?

JAW 34S0-T46-00l-2 Standby Gas Treatment System, the operator is REQUJRED to to limit the release of radioactive material.

JAW 31E0-EOP-014-2, SC Secondary Containment Control, RR Radioactivity Release Control flowchart, an entry condition exist.

A. place one SBGT in standby; does B place one SBGT in standby; does NOT C. operate both SBGTs; does D. operate both SBGTs; does NOT 57


58. 295037EK2.12 001 Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a reactor scram occurred.

IIvIMEDIATELY following the scram, the APRMs indicate reactor power is at 5%.

o Standby Liquid Control (SBLC) has NOT been injected.

10 minutes LATER Rod Worth Minimizer (RWM) displays the following:

SI.I .1 ILSI OK SEQUENCE SQA I BPWS MODE OPERATE BIO(KS WJI1IDRAW STEP l POWER BELOW LPSP AL!. RODS IN: NO SI ItIIl)OWN: YIS ROI)S NOl 1tJLLIN: 01 X I .INI ROI)S UXLI Based on these conditions, which ONE of the following completes both of these statements?

JAW 31E0-EOP-103-1, Control Rod Insertion Methods, RWM REQUIRED to be bypassed to insert control rods.

With the current control rod configuration, the reactor remain subcritical under ALL conditions, without boron injection.

A is; will B. is; will NOT C. is NOT; will D. is NOT; will NOT 58


59. 295038EK1.01 001 A core damaging event occurs on Unit 1 which results in the release of radioactive IODINE to the public.

The part of the human body which is the most significantly impacted by the release of radioactive IODiNE is the The NPO will determine the Projected Offsite dose to the public using A. skin; 73EP-EIP-015-O, Offsite Dose Assessment B. skin; 73EP-EIP-O1 8-0, Prompt Offsite Dose Assessment C. thyroid; 73EP-EIP-015-0, Offsite Dose Assessment D thyroid; 73EP-EIP-018-0, Prompt Offsite Dose Assessment 59


60. 300000A2.O1 001 -

Unit 2 is operating at 15% RTP with Air Dryer, 2P52-DIO1B, DANGER Tagged out of service.

Subsequently, a malfunction with Air Dryer, 2P52-DIO1A, results in downstream air pressure slowly decreasing and stablilizing at 40 psig.

When the air pressure downstream of2P52-D1OIA reaches 40 psig, will have automatically CLOSED.

JAW 34AB-P5 1-001-2, Loss Of Instrument And Service Air System Or Water Intrusion Into The Service Air System, RWL will be controlled using the A. 2P52-F015, Non-Essential Inst. Air Isolation Valve; 2N2 1-Fill, S/U Level Control Valve B 2P52-F015, Non-Essential Inst. Air Isolation Valve; 2N2 i-Fl 10, S/U Level Control Bypass Valve C. 2P52-F565, Rx Bldg Inst N 2 To Non-Jnt Air El. 185 Isol Valve; 2N2 1-Fl 11, S/U Level Control Valve D. 2P52-F565, Rx Bldg Inst N 2 To Non-Int Air El. 185 Isol Valve; 2N2 1-Fl 10, S/U Level Control Bypass Valve 60


61. 300000K1.03 001 Unit 2 is shutting down for a refueling outage.

o Instrument Air has been aligned to the Drywell (DW) o At 10:00 a pneumatics header line breaks inside the DW causing an air flow rate of 50 SCFM Which ONE of the following choices completes this statement?

The DW pneumatics header isolation valves associated with the broken header automatically isolate A. will; immediately I3 will; following a 10 minute delay C. will NOT; because the Instrument Air flow is less than the DW Pneumatics isolation setpoint D. will NOT; because the flow element is upstream of where the Instrument Air ties into the DW Pneumatics header 61


62. 400000A1.01 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP with the 2A and 2B RBCCW pumps in service.

Subsequently, the following occurs:

o 600VAC 2D Bus supply breaker trips due to a bus fault o Maintenance has NOT identified the location of the fault Which ONE of the choices below correctly completes the following statements?

Ten (10) minutes after the bus fault, RBCCW flow to the Drywell will be before the 600VAC 2D Bus supply breaker tripped.

The operator will monitor RBCCW flow to the Drywell at Panel A. significantly lower than; 2H1 l-P602 B. significantly lower than; 2H1 1-P650 C. approximately the same as; 2H1 l-P602 D approximately the same as; 2Hl l-P650 62


63. 500000EK2,07 001 Unit 2 has experienced an accident that results in these Primary Containment parameters:

o Drywell (DW) Hydrogen concentration 8%

o DW Oxygen concentration 7%

o DW pressure 24 psig and slowly increasing o Torus level 155 inches With the above conditions and lAW 31 EO-PCG-OO 1-2, Primary Containment Gas Control chart:

The operator is required to vent the the containment atmosphere using the A. DW to reduce the flammability of CAD Loop System two (2) inch valves B. DW to reduce the flammability of EMERGENCY Vent System eighteen (18) inch valves C! Torus to reduce the flammability and scrub; CAD Loop System two (2) inch valves D. Torus to reduce the flammability and scrub; EMERGENCY Vent System eighteen (18) inch valves 63

ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM 64._600000AK1.01_001 An electrical fire is reported on Unit 1 in the !?1FH 4160 VAC bus.

The fire suppression that is available in this room is A. automatically actuated Carbon Dioxide agent B. automatically actuated Halon agent C manually actuated Carbon Dioxide agent D. manually actuated Halon agent 64


65. 700000AK2.03 001 BOTH units are operating at 100% power when a grid disturbance occurs.

The following indications occur on 1S40-R600, 230 KV voltmeter, on panel 1H11-P653:

Time 1S40-R600 10:00 236kV 10:05 236kV 10:10 232kV 10:15 224kv The NCC has notified the control room crews that 230 KV Bus voltage cannot be maintained above the normal minimum voltage.

JAW 34AB-S 11-001-0, Operation With Degraded System Voltage, which ONE of the following is the EARLIEST time 230 kV Bus voltage is BELOW the normal minimum voltage AND a REQUIRED action for this voltage?

A. 10:10; Transfer Station Service Buses to their alternate supply.

B 10:10; Initiate a one hour Required Action Statement C. 10:15; Transfer Station Service Buses to their alternate supply D. 10:15; Initiate a one hour Required Action Statement 65


66. G2.1.1 001 JAW NMP-OS-007, Conduct of Operations, EXCLUDING shift turnover walkdowns:

The Operator at the Controls (OATC) is required to walkdown the front Control Room panels a MINIMUM of every The walkdowns required to be documented in the Unit Control Log.

Ay two (2) hours; are B. two (2)hours; are NOT C. one(1)hour; are D. one (1) hour; are NOT 66


67. G2.1.8 001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP.

JAW 34S0-B3 1-001-2, Reactor Recirculation System, which ONE of the following describes the MINIMUM qualification and the coordination requirements for changing Recirc Pump A speed locally?

A Nuclear Plant Operator In Training (NPOIT) can perform the LOCAL speed adjustment if A. a licensed Nuclear Plant Operator is present at the local ASD A Cabinet and communication with the Control Room is NOT required B. a licensed Nuclear Plant Operator is present at the local ASD A Cabinet and notifies the Control Room only after the speed adjustment has been made C. an active Senior Reactor Operator is present at the local ASD A Cabinet and notifies the Control Room only after the speed adjustment has been made D an active Senior Reactor Operator is present at the local ASD A Cabinet and in constant communication with the Main Control Room 67


68. G2.1.20 001 JAW NMP-OS-007-OO 1, Conduct of Operations Standards and Expectations, under normal, stable plant conditions, performing ARP steps out of order A. IS allowed with NO other NPO concurrence required B. IS allowed but ONLY after the concurrence of an additional NPO C IS NOT allowed since ARP steps are to be performed in the sequence they are written D. IS NOT allowed since ALL procedures are to be performed in the sequence they are written 68


69. G2.2.21 001 Unit 1 is in day 20 of a 27 day planned Refueling outage.

Motor replacement is complete for 1E11-FOO7B, RHR Minimum Flow valve, and the operability surveillance is in progress.

JAW 34S V-El 1-002-1, RHR Valve Operability, To time 1E1 1-FOO7B OPEN, the NPO will START the stopwatch when the When IE11-FOO7B has traveled OPEN, the valve stem position indication REQUIRED to be confirmed LOCALLY.

A control switch is placed to OPEN; is

13. control switch is placed to OPEN; is NOT C. red light FIRST illuminates; is D. red light FIRST illuminates; is NOT; 69


70. G2.2.22 001 Unit 2 is operating at 90% power.

At 10:00:

o Drywell (DW) pressure is 1.0 psig.

o DW pressure begins going up at 0.05 psig/minute lAW Tech Spec Limiting Condition for Operation (LCO), Drywell Pressure, which ONE of the choices below completes the following statements?

With the above trend, the EARLIEST listed time that an entry into a Required Action Statement (RAS) for DW pressure is DW pressure is required to be restored to within limit NO later than from entering the RAS.

A. 10:04; 15 minutes B. 10:04; 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> C. 10:16; 15 minutes Dy 10:16; 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> 70


71. G2.2.36_001 Unit 2 is operating at 100% RTP in Type A Secondary Containment.

t The following equipment has been inoperable for one day (RAS written):

o SBGT 2A breaker will NOT reset Which ONE of the following maintenance activities, if it resulted in tripping the feeder breaker to the MCC, would REQUIRE ently into an additional Tech Spec RAS for the SBGT System?

Troubleshooting on the feeder breaker to A. Reactor Bldg MCC-2D, 2R24-S014 B. Reactor Bldg MCC-2A, 2R24-S013 C Reactor Bldg MCC-2B, 2R24-S012 D. Reactor Bldg MCC-2C, 2R24-S01 1 71


72. G2.3.11 001 Which ONE of the following is the BASIS for restarting the Reactor Building (RB) Ventilation when executing 31E0-EOP-014-2, SC Secondary Containment Control RR Radioactivity Release Control?

Restarting the RB Ventilation maintains AND assures a release from the RB Ventilation System is monitored prior to exiting the A. equipment operability ONLY; Main Stack B. equipment operability ONLY; Reactor Building Stack C. control of RB temperature and pressure; Main Stack D control of RB temperature and pressure; Reactor Building Stack 72


73. G2.3.13_001 Unit 1 is shutting down for a refueling outage.

o A normal Initial Drywell (DW) entry at power is required.

Which ONE of the choices below completes the following statement JAW 31G0-OPS-005-0, Primary Containment Entry.

Before a normal Initial DW entry is allowed, Oxygen (02) concentration must be at least and reactor power must be less than or equal to A. 19.5%;


B 19.5%;


C. 23.5%;


D. 23.5%;




74. G2.4.16 001 Unit 2 has experienced a complete loss of offsite power (LOSP).

The following conditions exist on Unit 2:

o ONLY 4160 VAC bus 2E is energized o Drywell pressure is currently 1.0 psig and rising 0.1 psig per minute o RWL is -5 inches slowly increasing o 34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout, in progress o 3 1EO-EOP-0l0-2, RC Flow Chart, in progress With the above conditions, actions in the takes precedent over actions in any other procedure.

34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout procedure, will be EXITED when a MiNIMUM of__________ 4160V Emergency buses are energized on Unit 2.

A 34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout procedure; two (2)

B. 34AB-R22-003-2, Station Blackout procedure; three (3)

C. EOP procedures; two (2)

D. EOP procedures; three (3) 74


75. G2.4.5 001 A Fuel Handling accident on Unit 1 results in a radioactive release.

The type of procedure that will provide the DETAILED guidance for notifying state and local agencies of the Fuel Handling accident release is If a conflict exists between a Fleet procedure and a Site procedure, the governing guidance will come from the procedure.

A. NMP-EP, Nuclear Management Procedures for Emergency Preparedness; Site B NMP-EP, Nuclear Management Procedures for Emergency Preparedness; Fleet C. NMP-RP, Nuclear Management Procedures for Radiation Protection; Site D. NMP-RP, Nuclear Management Procedures for Radiation Protection; Fleet End of Test 75

ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM Answers

  1. JD 0 1 201003A2,09 1 A 2 203000K6.02 1 C 3 204000K1.15 1 A 4 205000K5.02 1 A 5 205000K5.03 1 D 6 206000A1.08 1 B 7 209001K3.01 1 A 8 209001K3.03 1 B 9 211000K2.021 A 10 212000A3.02 1 B 11 212000A4.15 1 A 12 215001A4.03 I A 13 215002G2.4.4 1 D 14 215003K4.05 1 B 15 215004K1.02 1 B 16 215005A4.06 1 D 17 217000K5.06 1 C 18 218000K3.01 1 B 19 223001A3.05 1 A 20 223002A2.11 I C 21 226001K604 1 B 22 233000K4.06 1 A 23 239001K5,05 1 B 24 239002K2.01 1 A 25 241000K3.03 1 C 26 245000K4.10 1 C 27 259002A4.08 I A 28 261000A2.07 1 A 29 261000K1.03 I C 30 262001K6.03 1 D 31 262002G2.4.4 1 C 32 263000A3.01 1 C 33 264000G2.2.42 1 B 34 268000A1.02 1 B 35 286000K2.02 1 B 36 295001AK2.06 1 A 37 295003AK1.02 1 B 38 295004G2.1.7 1 B 39 295005AK3.02 I D 40 295006AA1.01 1 B 41 295009AK1.02 1 C 42 295010AA2.06 1 B 43 295012AK3.O1 1 D 44 295013G2.4.18 1 B 45 295016AA2.07 I B 46 295017AA1.05 1 A 47 295018AK3.06 I D

A ID 0 48 295019AA2.02 1 C 49 295021G2.2,40 1 D 50 295023AA2.03 1 C 51 295024EA2.06 1 A 52 295025G2.1.27 1 B 53 295026EK3.04 1 C 54 295028EA1.03 1 C 55 295030EK1.02 1 D 56 295031EA1.05 1 C 57 295035EA1.01 1 B 58 295037EK2.12 1 A 59 295038EK1.01 1 D 60 300000A2.O1 1 B 61 300000K1.03 1 B 62 400000A1.01 1 D 63 500000EK107 1 C 64 600000AK1.01 1 C 65 700000AK2.03 1 B 66 G2.1.1 1 A 67 G2.1.8 1 D 68 G2.1.201 C 69 G2.2.21 1 A 70 G2.2.22 1 D 71 G2.2.36 1 C 72 G2.3.11 1 D 73 G2.3.13 1 B 74 G2.4.16 1 A 75 G2.4.5 1 B SECTION 1 (75 items) 75.00


1. Unit 2 EOP Graph 5, BuT Curve
2. Unit 2 EOP Graph 12A, RHR NPSHLimit, (Torus Water Level At orAbove 146) &

Unit 2 EOP Graph 12B, RHR NPSH Limit, (Torus Water Level Below 146 9


(°F) 130 120 110 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 REACTOR POWER (%)

NOTE: May use SPDS Emergency Displays in place of this Graph.

GRAPH 12A UNIT 2 RHR Pump NPSH Limit (Suppression Pool Water Level At or Above 146)


(°F) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 FLOW (gpm)

NOTE: May use SPDS Emergency Displays in place of this Graph.

Suppression Chamber Pressure.

    • Safe operating region is below the applicable pressure line.

GRAPH 12B UNIT 2 RHR Pump NPSH Limit (Suppression Pool Water Level Below 146)



FLOW (gpm)

NOTE: May use SPDS Emergency Displays in place of this Graph.

  • Suppression Chamber Pressure.

Safe operating region is below the applicable pressure line.

HATCH 2013-.301 ILT-08 RO NRC EXAM answers

  1. ID Points 0 1 201003A2.09 1 1.00 A 2 203000K6.02 1 1.00 C 3 204000K1.15 1 1.00 A 4 205000K5.02 1 1.00 A 5 205000K5.03 1 1.00 D 6 206000A1.08 1 1.00 B 7 209001K3.01 1 1.00 A 8 209001K3.03 1 1.00 B 9 211000K2.02 1 1.00 A 10 212000A3.02 1 1.00 B 11 212000A4.15 1 1.00 A 12 215001A4.03 1 1.00 A 13 215002G2.4.4 1 1.00 D 14 215003K4.05 1 1.00 B 15 215004K1.02 1 1.00 B 16 215005A4.06 1 1.00 D 17 217000K5.06 1 1.00 C 18 218000K3.01 1 1.00 B 19 223001A3.05 1 1.00 A 20 223002A2.11 1 1.00 C 21 226001K6.04 1 1.00 B 22 233000K4.06 1 1.00 A 23 239001K5.05 1 1.00 B 24 239002K2.01 1 1.00 A 25 241000K3.03 1 1.00 C 26 245000K4.10 1 1.00 C 27 259002A4.08 1 1.00 A 28 261000A2.07 1 1.00 A 29 261000K1.03 1 1.00 C 30 262001K6.03 1 1.00 D 31 262002G2.4.4 1 1.00 C 32 263000A3.01 1 1.00 C 33 264000G2.2.42 1 1.00 B 34 268000A1.02 1 1.00 B 35 286000K2.02 1 1.00 B 36 295001AK2.06 1 1.00 A 37 295003AK1.02 1 1.00 B 38 295004G2.1.7 1 1.00 B 39 295005AK3.02 1 1.00 D 40 295006AA1.01 1 1.00 B 41 295009AK1.02 1 1.00 C 42 295010AA2.06 1 1.00 B 43 295012AK3.O1 1 1.00 D 44 295013G2.4.18 1 1.00 B 45 295016AA2.07 1 1.00 B 46 295017AA1.05 1 1.00 A 47 2950 18AK3.06 1 1.00 D


  1. ID Points 0 48 295019AA2.02 1 1.00 C 49 295021G2.2.40 1 1.00 D 50 295023AA2.03 1 1.00 C 51 295024EA2.06 1 1.00 A 52 295025G2.1.27 1 1.00 B 53 295026EK3 04 1 100 C 54 295028EA1.03 1 1.00 C 55 295030EK1.02 1 1.00 D 56 29503 1EA1.05 1 1.00 C 57 295035EA1.01 1 1.00 B 58 295037EK2.12 1 1.00 A 59 295038EK1.01 1 1.00 D 60 300000A2.O1 1 1.00 B 61 300000K1.03 1 1.00 B 62 400000A1.01 1 1.00 D 63 500000EK2.07 1 1.00 C 64 600000AK1.01 1 1.00 C 65 700000AK2.03 1 1.00 B 66 G2.1.1 1 1.00 A 67 G2.1.8 1 1.00 D 68 G2.1.20 1 1.00 C 69 G2.2.21 1 1.00 A 70 G2.2.22 1 1.00 D 71 G2.2.36 1 1.00 C 72 G2.3.11 1 1.00 D 73 G2.3.13 1 1.00 B 74 G2.4.16 1 1.00 A 75 G2.4.5 1 1.00 B SECTION 1 (75 items) 75.00