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| issue date = 06/19/1986
| issue date = 06/19/1986
| title = Requests Permission to Apply Code Case N-411 Re Spectral Damping Values Used in Piping Stress Analysis Instead of Section Iii,Div I,Table N-1230-1 Values.Fee Paid
| title = Requests Permission to Apply Code Case N-411 Re Spectral Damping Values Used in Piping Stress Analysis Instead of Section Iii,Div I,Table N-1230-1 Values.Fee Paid
| author name = WOODY C O
| author name = Woody C
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| author affiliation = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
| addressee name = DENTON H R
| addressee name = Denton H
| docket = 05000000, 05000250, 05000251, 05000335, 05000389
| docket = 05000000, 05000250, 05000251, 05000335, 05000389
Line 19: Line 19:

NO DOCKET 4: Genev ic Docket 05000000 Turkey Point Planti Unit 3i Flov ida Poroer and Ligh+C 05000250 Turkey Point Plant.Unit 4i Florida Pa>ocr and Ligh+C 05000251 St.Lucie Planti Unit li Flov ida Power Zc Light Co.05000335 St.Lucie Planti Unit 2i Flov ida Power 8c Light Co 05000389 AUTHOR AFFXLI AT I ON Florida.Power~c Light Co.RECIPIENT AFFILIATION Office of Nuclear Reactov Regulation.
ACCESS/QN NBR: 8606240371         DOC. DATE: 86/06/19     NOTARIZED: NO           DOCKET 4:
Direc tov (post 851125  
FAC IL: 50-000 Genev ic Docket                                                   05000000 50-250 Turkey Point Planti Unit       3i Flov ida Poroer and Ligh+     C 05000250 50-251 Turkey Point Plant. Unit       4i Florida Pa>ocr and Ligh+       C 05000251 50-335 St. Lucie Planti Unit li       Flov ida Power Zc Light Co.         05000335 5O-389 St. Lucie Planti Unit 2i       Flov ida Power 8c Light Co         05000389 AUTH. NAl'tE          AUTHOR AFFXLIATI ON WOODY'. Q.            Florida. Power ~c Light Co.
REC IP. NAME          RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTQNi H. R.        Office of Nuclear Reactov Regulation. Direc tov (post 851125

Requests pev mission to apply Code Case N-411 v e spectral damping values used in piping stress analysis instead of Section Ill>Div I>Table N-1230-1 values.Fee paid.DISTRIBUTION CODE'001D COPXES RECEIVED: LTR i ENCL'IZE: TITLE: QR Submittal:
Requests pev mission to apply Code Case N-411 v e spectral damping values used in piping stress analysis instead of Section Ill> Div I> Table N-1230-1 values. Fee paid.
General Distribution NOTES: RECXP IENT ID CODE/NANE pNR-A EB PWR-A EICSB PNR-A FOB PWR-A PD2 LA PNR-A PD2 PD 01 licDONALD, D pNR-*PSB PNR-A RSB INTERNAL: ADN/LFNB ELD/HDS2 NRR/GRAS RGN2 COPIES LTTR ENCL 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 0 5 5 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 RECIPXENT ID CODE/NANE PWR-B EB PNR-B PEICSB PWR-B FOB PWR-B PD8 LA PWR-B PD8 PD 01 TOURIGNY>E PNR-B PEICSB PNR-B RSB ELD/HDSO N/HFT/TSCB REG FIL 04 COP IES LTTR ENCL 1 2 0 5 5 1 1 0 1 1 EXTERNAL: EGZcG BRUSQUE>S NRC PDR 02 1 1 1 1 LPDR NSIC 03.2 2 05 1 1 TOTAL NUl']HER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR 38 ENCL 32 IM)MJ'Il I fl'II*;I I M I I r MM fl"-'i fiff, f I I~f I M'I I P,M If J fl)P I"I Iif I.Mq I M'I I Mi il,>>'-1" 3" f II C'I I, M M-]'3',.lP/f lI I fi 0 i'+i 87>FLORIDA POWER&LIGHT COMPANY JQQ 1 9198B L-86-209 Mr.Harold R: Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.20555
TITLE:   QR Submittal: General Distribution NOTES:
RECXP IENT       COPIES            RECIPXENT          COP IES ID CODE/NANE       LTTR ENCL        ID CODE/NANE        LTTR ENCL pNR-A EB               1      1    PWR-B EB                      1 PWR-A EICSB            2      2    PNR-B PEICSB            2 PNR-A FOB              1     1     PWR-B FOB PWR-A PD2 LA            1      0    PWR-B PD8 LA                   0 PNR-A PD2 PD 01        5      5    PWR-B PD8 PD 01         5      5 licDONALD, D                  1    TOURIGNY> E pNR-*  PSB                    1    PNR-B PEICSB PNR-A RSB                      1    PNR-B RSB                     1 INTERNAL: ADN/LFNB                  1      0    ELD/HDSO               1      0 ELD/HDS2                1      0    N   / HFT/TSCB               1 NRR/GRAS                      0    REG   FIL       04           1 RGN2                          1 EXTERNAL:   EGZcG BRUSQUE> S       1     1     LPDR             03   .2     2 NRC PDR          02    1      1    NSIC            05     1     1 TOTAL NUl']HER OF COPIES REQUIRED: LTTR         38   ENCL   32

==Dear Mr.Denton:==
RE: St.Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos.50-335 and 50-389 Turkey Point Units 3 and 0 Docket Nos.50-250 and 50-251 Re uest for ASME Code Case N-Oil"A royal 1 Reference Documents:
                                                                                  )MJ Il I
1.NUREG-1061, Volume 2,"Report of the U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Piping Review Committee, Evaluation of'Seismic Designs-A Review of Seismic Design.Requirements for Nuclear Power Piping." 2.L'etter from Thomas M.Novak (NRC)to D.W.Mazur (Washington Public Power Supply System), Docket No.50-060, WNP-I,"Approval of ASME Code Case N-Ol l." In accordance with Article NCA-1100 of the ASME Section III Code, Florida Power R Light Company (FPL)requests Commission approval to apply Code Case N-Ol 1 as described below.Code Case N-011 (copy attached)provides spectral damping values which may be used in lieu of Section III, Division I, Table N-1230-1 values.The original Section III values for spectral damping are identical to those considered acceptable to the Commission in Regulatory Guide 1.61.The N-Ol I damping values are endorsed by Reference I, which recommends that Regulatory Guide 1.61 be revised to incorporate the new criteria.FPL would utilize the new criteria on the St.Lucie and Turkey Point projects as follows: 1.Upon receipt of, Commission approval to utilize the subject Code Case, FPL would authorize the development of new response spectra curves which would reflect the application of the Pressure Vessel Research Committee (PVRC)criteria.Existing response spectra would be retained as Quality Assurance records however, since all existing piping'stress analysis calculations of record make reference to them.Ll:1 860$24037i g00250 PDR ADo PDR p/PEOPLE ,.SERVING PEOPLE I 8~
II fl
Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director L-86-249 Page two 2.'PL is presently engaged in a study to assess the cost feasibility of implementing a comprehensive support optimization (i.e., snubber reduction) program for the St.Lucie project.Should the study yield positive results regarding the cost effectiveness of such an undertaking, FPL may, at our option, utilize the PVRC damping values as the principal tool toward optimizing supports through reanalysis.
                                                                                    *;I I          M I
Depending on the outcome of the St.Lucie effort, a similar snubber reduction effort may be undertaken for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4.3.Until support optimization efforts commence at any of the nuclear units, FPL may use the new PVRC damped response spectra on an interim basis to qualify anomalous piping conditions (such as may be discovered during inservice inspections) to avoid costly corrective actions such as physical modifications to piping or supports.4.Code Case N-4I I may, at FPL's option, be applied to new systems analyzed by response spectrum methods.Code Case N-4I I may also be utilized to qualify proposed modifications to~existin systems.Based on the use of Code Case N-4I I, all piping qualification analyses would continue to include, but not be limited to, verification that: All affected piping supports are properly designed and capable of withstanding revised design loads.Excessive pipe deflections are not introduced when supports are optimized (i.e., displacements would be checked to verify that proper clearances exist with respect to adjacent=structures, components and equipment).
r  MM fl " -'i I
Pipe mounted equipment would also be checked to assure that the equipment could withstand the increased pipe motion.r Postulated pipe break locations have been properly considered.
fiff,                        fI                                                                    I I    'I
'ffected equipment nozzle loads are not adversely affected.Each new analysis or reanalysis performed utilizing the PVRC damping values will include specific reference to Code Case N-4I I in the Quality Assurance Records associated with the calculation.
                ~        f  M I
For each anchor group (analysis package)where the code case is applied, the code case would be applied to the entire analysis (i.e., PVRC damping would not be mixed in a given analysis with Regulatory Guide l.6 I criteria).
If P,M                                J      fl)P  I "I        Iif  I.
Code Case N-4I I will be applied to systems analyzed by response spectrum methods, but not to those using time-history analysis methods.MAS3/00 I/2 Mr.Harold R.Denton, Director L-86-249 Page three The mechanism for implementing the new criteria will be to document Commission approval to utilize Code Case N-4I I in a future amendment to the affected Final Safety Analysis Reports.Additionally, FPL would instruct its contractors performing piping stress analysis calculations to revise affected Quality Assurance Program procedures.
IMq    M I
Please note that permission to utilize Code Case N-4I I damping values has already been granted to another nuclear project (see Reference 2).To support existing schedules for initiating support optimization efforts, FPL would appreciate receiving Commission approval to apply Code Case N-4I I criteria to St.Lucie Units I and 2 and Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 by August I5, l 986.FPL Check No.I366 is attached in accordance with the fee schedule specified in IO CFR l70.2 I.Very truly yours, C.O.Wood Group Vic resident Nuclear Energy COW/MAS/gp Attachments cc: Ashok C.Thadani, Director, PWR Project Directorate II8 Lester S.Rubenstein, Director, PWR Project Directorate II2 Dr.J.Nelson Grace, USNRC, Region II Harold F.Reis, Esquire, Newman&Holtzinger MAS3/00 I/3 CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE CA5R N-411-1 Approval Date: February 20, 1986 See Numerical Index for expfratfon and any reafffrmarfon darer.Case N411-1 Alternative Damping Values for Response Spectra Analysis of Class 1, 2, and 3 Piping Section I I I, Division 1 Inquiry: What alternatives to the damping values given in Section III, Division 1, Table N-1230-1 are acceptable for use in response spectra analysis of Class 1, 2, and 3 piping?Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that for Section III, Division 1, Class 1, 2, and 3 construction, the damping value for response spectra analysis of piping shown in Fig.1 may be used as an alternative to those given in Table N-1230.1.The damping value in Fig.1 is applicable to both Operating Basis Earthquakes and Safe Shutdown Earth-quakes a'nd is independent of pipe diameter.The damping value in Fig.1 is also applicable to other response spectra-type dynamic loads for which the response spectra is generated after being filtered through the building structure.
                                        'I Mi II il,>>
Damping values to be used with spectra with responses above 33 Hs shall be evaluated and designated by the designer.This Case number shall be shown in the documenta.
                                                      '-1" 3"     f C'I                      I, M
tion for this analysis and on the Code Data Report." 3 as C CL 2 E O I I I I I I 1 I I I 0 0 10 20 Frequency, Hz FIG.1 DAMPING VALUES FOR RESPONSE.SPECTRA ANALYSIS OF PIPING 33 817 SUPP.13-NC}}
f lI I fi
0 i'+i 87>
FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY JQQ  1  9198B L-86-209 Mr. Harold R: Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555
==Dear Mr. Denton:==
RE:    St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Turkey Point Units 3 and 0 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 1
Re uest for ASME Code Case N-Oil "A      royal Reference Documents:
: 1. NUREG-1061, Volume 2, "Report of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Piping Review Committee, Evaluation of'Seismic Designs-A Review of Seismic Design. Requirements for Nuclear Power Piping."
: 2. L'etter from Thomas M. Novak (NRC) to D. W. Mazur (Washington Public Power Supply System), Docket No. 50-060, WNP-I, "Approval of ASME Code Case N-Ol l."
In accordance with Article NCA-1100 of the ASME Section III Code, Florida Power R Light Company (FPL) requests Commission approval to apply Code Case N-Ol 1 as described below.
Code Case N-011 (copy attached) provides spectral damping values which may be used in lieu of Section III, Division I, Table N-1230-1 values. The original Section III values for spectral damping are identical to those considered acceptable to the Commission in Regulatory Guide 1.61. The N-Ol I damping values are endorsed by Reference I, which recommends that Regulatory Guide 1.61 be revised to incorporate the new criteria. FPL would utilize the new criteria on the St. Lucie and Turkey Point projects as follows:
: 1. Upon receipt of, Commission approval to utilize the subject Code Case, FPL would authorize the development of new response spectra curves which would reflect the application of the Pressure Vessel Research Committee (PVRC) criteria. Existing response spectra would be retained as Quality Assurance records however, since all existing piping 'stress analysis calculations of record make reference to them.
860$ 24037i        g00250 PDR    ADo          PDR Ll:1              p              /
I 8 ~
Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director L-86-249 Page two 2.'PL          is presently engaged in a study to assess the cost feasibility of implementing a comprehensive support optimization (i.e., snubber reduction) program for the St. Lucie project. Should the study yield positive results regarding the cost effectiveness of such an undertaking, FPL may, at our option, utilize the PVRC damping values as the principal tool toward optimizing supports through reanalysis.
Depending    on the outcome of the St. Lucie effort, a similar snubber reduction effort may be undertaken for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4.
: 3.      Until support optimization efforts commence at any of the nuclear units, FPL may use the new PVRC damped response spectra on an interim basis to qualify anomalous piping conditions (such as may be discovered during inservice inspections) to avoid costly corrective actions such as physical modifications to piping or supports.
: 4.     Code Case N-4I I may, at FPL's option, be applied to new systems analyzed by response spectrum methods. Code Case N-4I I may also be utilized to qualify proposed modifications to~existin systems.
Based on the use       of Code Case N-4I I, all piping qualification analyses would continue to include, but not be limited to, verification that:
All affected piping supports are         properly designed     and         capable of withstanding revised design loads.
Excessive pipe deflections are not introduced when supports are optimized (i.e., displacements would be checked to verify that proper clearances exist with respect to adjacent= structures, components and equipment). Pipe mounted equipment would also be checked to assure that the equipment could withstand the increased pipe motion.
r Postulated pipe break locations have been properly considered.
equipment nozzle loads are not adversely affected.     'ffected Each new analysis or reanalysis performed utilizing the PVRC damping values will include specific reference to Code Case N-4I I in the Quality Assurance Records associated with the calculation. For each anchor group (analysis package) where the code case is applied, the code case would be applied to the entire analysis (i.e., PVRC damping would not be mixed in a given analysis with Regulatory Guide l.6 I criteria).
Code Case N-4I I will be applied to systems analyzed by response                     spectrum methods, but not to those using time-history analysis methods.
MAS3/00 I /2
Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director L-86-249 Page three The mechanism for implementing the new criteria will be to document Commission approval to utilize Code Case N-4I I in a future amendment to the affected Final Safety Analysis Reports. Additionally, FPL would instruct its contractors performing piping stress analysis calculations to revise affected Quality Assurance Program procedures.
Please   note that permission to utilize Code Case N-4I I damping values has already been granted to another nuclear project (see Reference 2). To support existing schedules for initiating support optimization efforts, FPL would appreciate receiving Commission approval to apply Code Case N-4I I criteria to St. Lucie Units I and 2 and Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 by August I5, l 986.
FPL Check No. I366 is attached in accordance with the fee schedule specified in IO CFR l70.2 I.
Very truly yours, C. O. Wood Group Vic resident Nuclear Energy COW/MAS/gp Attachments cc:   Ashok C. Thadani, Director, PWR Project Directorate II8 Lester S. Rubenstein, Director, PWR Project Directorate II2 Dr. J. Nelson Grace, USNRC, Region II Harold F. Reis, Esquire, Newman & Holtzinger MAS3/00 I /3
CA5R N-411-1 CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Approval Date: February 20, 1986 See Numerical Index for expfratfon and any reafffrmarfon darer.
Case N411-1 Alternative Damping Values for Response Spectra Analysis of Class 1, 2, and 3 Piping Section I I I, Division 1 Inquiry: What alternatives to the damping values given in Section III, Division 1, Table N-1230-1 are acceptable for use in response spectra analysis of Class 1, 2, and 3 piping?
3 Reply:   It is the opinion of the Committee that for             as                I I
Section III, Division 1, Class 1, 2, and 3 construction,               C 2              I the damping value for response spectra analysis of piping CL E                I shown in Fig. 1 may be used as an alternative to those               O I
I given in Table N-1230.1.                                                 1 I
The damping value in Fig. 1 is applicable to both                                                   I I
Operating Basis Earthquakes and Safe Shutdown Earth-0 quakes a'nd is independent of pipe diameter.                               0          10            20      33 The damping value in Fig. 1 is also applicable to other                                 Frequency, Hz response spectra-type dynamic loads for which the response spectra is generated after being filtered through the building structure.                                                 FIG. 1  DAMPING VALUES FOR RESPONSE Damping values to be used with spectra with responses                       .SPECTRA ANALYSIS OF PIPING above 33 Hs shall be evaluated and designated by the designer.
This Case number shall be shown in the documenta.
tion for this analysis and on the Code Data Report.
817 SUPP. 13- NC}}

Latest revision as of 23:43, 3 February 2020

Requests Permission to Apply Code Case N-411 Re Spectral Damping Values Used in Piping Stress Analysis Instead of Section Iii,Div I,Table N-1230-1 Values.Fee Paid
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point, 05000000
Issue date: 06/19/1986
From: Woody C
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-1061 L-86-249, NUDOCS 8606240371
Download: ML17342A587 (8)




FAC IL: 50-000 Genev ic Docket 05000000 50-250 Turkey Point Planti Unit 3i Flov ida Poroer and Ligh+ C 05000250 50-251 Turkey Point Plant. Unit 4i Florida Pa>ocr and Ligh+ C 05000251 50-335 St. Lucie Planti Unit li Flov ida Power Zc Light Co. 05000335 5O-389 St. Lucie Planti Unit 2i Flov ida Power 8c Light Co 05000389 AUTH. NAl'tE AUTHOR AFFXLIATI ON WOODY'. Q. Florida. Power ~c Light Co.

REC IP. NAME RECIPIENT AFFILIATION DENTQNi H. R. Office of Nuclear Reactov Regulation. Direc tov (post 851125


Requests pev mission to apply Code Case N-411 v e spectral damping values used in piping stress analysis instead of Section Ill> Div I> Table N-1230-1 values. Fee paid.


TITLE: QR Submittal: General Distribution NOTES:



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0 i'+i 87>

FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY JQQ 1 9198B L-86-209 Mr. Harold R: Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

Dear Mr. Denton:

RE: St. Lucie Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. 50-335 and 50-389 Turkey Point Units 3 and 0 Docket Nos. 50-250 and 50-251 1

Re uest for ASME Code Case N-Oil "A royal Reference Documents:

1. NUREG-1061, Volume 2, "Report of the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Piping Review Committee, Evaluation of'Seismic Designs-A Review of Seismic Design. Requirements for Nuclear Power Piping."
2. L'etter from Thomas M. Novak (NRC) to D. W. Mazur (Washington Public Power Supply System), Docket No.50-060, WNP-I, "Approval of ASME Code Case N-Ol l."

In accordance with Article NCA-1100 of the ASME Section III Code, Florida Power R Light Company (FPL) requests Commission approval to apply Code Case N-Ol 1 as described below.

Code Case N-011 (copy attached) provides spectral damping values which may be used in lieu of Section III, Division I, Table N-1230-1 values. The original Section III values for spectral damping are identical to those considered acceptable to the Commission in Regulatory Guide 1.61. The N-Ol I damping values are endorsed by Reference I, which recommends that Regulatory Guide 1.61 be revised to incorporate the new criteria. FPL would utilize the new criteria on the St. Lucie and Turkey Point projects as follows:

1. Upon receipt of, Commission approval to utilize the subject Code Case, FPL would authorize the development of new response spectra curves which would reflect the application of the Pressure Vessel Research Committee (PVRC) criteria. Existing response spectra would be retained as Quality Assurance records however, since all existing piping 'stress analysis calculations of record make reference to them.

860$ 24037i g00250 PDR ADo PDR Ll:1 p /


I 8 ~

Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director L-86-249 Page two 2.'PL is presently engaged in a study to assess the cost feasibility of implementing a comprehensive support optimization (i.e., snubber reduction) program for the St. Lucie project. Should the study yield positive results regarding the cost effectiveness of such an undertaking, FPL may, at our option, utilize the PVRC damping values as the principal tool toward optimizing supports through reanalysis.

Depending on the outcome of the St. Lucie effort, a similar snubber reduction effort may be undertaken for Turkey Point Units 3 and 4.

3. Until support optimization efforts commence at any of the nuclear units, FPL may use the new PVRC damped response spectra on an interim basis to qualify anomalous piping conditions (such as may be discovered during inservice inspections) to avoid costly corrective actions such as physical modifications to piping or supports.
4. Code Case N-4I I may, at FPL's option, be applied to new systems analyzed by response spectrum methods. Code Case N-4I I may also be utilized to qualify proposed modifications to~existin systems.

Based on the use of Code Case N-4I I, all piping qualification analyses would continue to include, but not be limited to, verification that:

All affected piping supports are properly designed and capable of withstanding revised design loads.

Excessive pipe deflections are not introduced when supports are optimized (i.e., displacements would be checked to verify that proper clearances exist with respect to adjacent= structures, components and equipment). Pipe mounted equipment would also be checked to assure that the equipment could withstand the increased pipe motion.

r Postulated pipe break locations have been properly considered.

equipment nozzle loads are not adversely affected. 'ffected Each new analysis or reanalysis performed utilizing the PVRC damping values will include specific reference to Code Case N-4I I in the Quality Assurance Records associated with the calculation. For each anchor group (analysis package) where the code case is applied, the code case would be applied to the entire analysis (i.e., PVRC damping would not be mixed in a given analysis with Regulatory Guide l.6 I criteria).

Code Case N-4I I will be applied to systems analyzed by response spectrum methods, but not to those using time-history analysis methods.

MAS3/00 I /2

Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director L-86-249 Page three The mechanism for implementing the new criteria will be to document Commission approval to utilize Code Case N-4I I in a future amendment to the affected Final Safety Analysis Reports. Additionally, FPL would instruct its contractors performing piping stress analysis calculations to revise affected Quality Assurance Program procedures.

Please note that permission to utilize Code Case N-4I I damping values has already been granted to another nuclear project (see Reference 2). To support existing schedules for initiating support optimization efforts, FPL would appreciate receiving Commission approval to apply Code Case N-4I I criteria to St. Lucie Units I and 2 and Turkey Point Units 3 and 4 by August I5, l 986.

FPL Check No. I366 is attached in accordance with the fee schedule specified in IO CFR l70.2 I.

Very truly yours, C. O. Wood Group Vic resident Nuclear Energy COW/MAS/gp Attachments cc: Ashok C. Thadani, Director, PWR Project Directorate II8 Lester S. Rubenstein, Director, PWR Project Directorate II2 Dr. J. Nelson Grace, USNRC, Region II Harold F. Reis, Esquire, Newman & Holtzinger MAS3/00 I /3

CA5R N-411-1 CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE Approval Date: February 20, 1986 See Numerical Index for expfratfon and any reafffrmarfon darer.

Case N411-1 Alternative Damping Values for Response Spectra Analysis of Class 1, 2, and 3 Piping Section I I I, Division 1 Inquiry: What alternatives to the damping values given in Section III, Division 1, Table N-1230-1 are acceptable for use in response spectra analysis of Class 1, 2, and 3 piping?

3 Reply: It is the opinion of the Committee that for as I I

Section III, Division 1, Class 1, 2, and 3 construction, C 2 I the damping value for response spectra analysis of piping CL E I shown in Fig. 1 may be used as an alternative to those O I

I given in Table N-1230.1. 1 I

The damping value in Fig. 1 is applicable to both I I

Operating Basis Earthquakes and Safe Shutdown Earth-0 quakes a'nd is independent of pipe diameter. 0 10 20 33 The damping value in Fig. 1 is also applicable to other Frequency, Hz response spectra-type dynamic loads for which the response spectra is generated after being filtered through the building structure. FIG. 1 DAMPING VALUES FOR RESPONSE Damping values to be used with spectra with responses .SPECTRA ANALYSIS OF PIPING above 33 Hs shall be evaluated and designated by the designer.

This Case number shall be shown in the documenta.

tion for this analysis and on the Code Data Report.

817 SUPP. 13- NC