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ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Two physically independent A.C. circuits between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class lE distribution system (vital bus system) shall be: a. Determined OPERABLE at least once per 7 days by verifying correct breaker alignments, power availability, and b. Demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 months during shutdown by transferring (manually and automatically) vital bus supply from one 13/4 kv transformer to the other 13/4 kv transformer.
4.8.l.l.2 Each diesel generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE: Two physically independent A.C. circuits between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class lE distribution system (vital bus system) shall be:
: a. In accordance with the frequency specified in Table 4.8-1 on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by: 1. Verifying the fuel level in its day tank.* 2. Verifying the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in lesa than :"ril or equal to 10 seconds*.
: a.       Determined OPERABLE at least once per 7 days by verifying correct breaker alignments, power availability, and
The generator voltage and frequency shall 'fZ.*ft.ltcE c.J ''" be 3950 and 4580 volte and 60 +/- 1. 2 Hz within 13 seconds after '_\ .... ''1t* _...,
: b.       Demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 months during shutdown by transferring (manually and automatically) vital bus supply from one 13/4 kv transformer to the other 13/4 kv transformer.
__________________________________________ "SU.T b. c. Subsequently, verifying the generator is synchronized, gradually loaded to 2500-2600 kw**, and operates at a load of 2500-2600 kw for greater than or equal to 60 minutes. 3. Verifying the diesel generator is aligned to provide standby power to the associated vital bus. At least once per 31 days and after each operation of the diesel where the period of operation was greater than or equal to one hour by checking for and removing accumulated water from the day tanks. by At least once per 6 monthalthe diesel generator shall be started from ambient conditions and.accelerated to *at leaot 900 rpm in less than or equal to 10 seconds*.
4.8.l.l.2         Each diesel generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
The generator voltage and frequency shall be 3950 and 4580 volts and 60 + 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the star signal. The generator shall be synchronized to its emergency bus, loaded to 2500-2600**
: a.       In accordance with the frequency specified in Table 4.8-1 on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:
kw in less than or equal to 60 seconds, and operate at a load of 2500-2600 kw for at least 60 minutes. This test, if it is performed so it coincides with the testing required by Surveillance Requirement, may also serve to concurrently meet those requirements.
: 1.     Verifying the fuel level in its day tank.*
IJ:fh 'io 1-to.Je 3 1 10 a,.J., !. '1580 vol-ts SALEM -UNIT 1 9610030114 960925 PDR ADOCK 05000272 p PDR 3/4 8-3 Amendment No. 148 J
: 2.     Verifying the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in lesa than
:"ril           or equal to 10 seconds*. The generator voltage and frequency shall
: d. At least once per 18 months during shutdown by: 1. Subjecting the diesel to an inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with its manufacturer's recommendations for this class of standby service, 2. Verifying that, on rejection of a load greater 820 kw, the voltage and frequency are restored volt*
'fZ.ft.ltcE c.J ''"             be ~ 3950 and ~ 4580 volte and 60 +/- 1. 2 Hz within 13 seconds after
1 1.2*Hz within 4 seconds. 5&:-e t.o.G than or equal to
_\ . . ~ ''1t* -~~lt~h~e:_:st~a:rt.:_:s~i~g~n:a~l:*
-'3,/0 'l'J@D 3. Simulating a losa of offaite power by itself, and: 4. a) b) Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus. Verifying the diesel starts on the auto-start signal*, energizes the vital bus with permanently connected loads within 13 seconds, energizes the auto-connected shutdown through th* load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the shutdown ioad**'/he steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bus shall be maintained at > and < .see volts and 69 + i.* Hz during this te*t. -at10 -4'/r:>o ,o.S Verifying that on an ESF actuation test signal without losa of offsite power the diesel generator starts on the auto-start signal and operates on standby for greater than or equal to 5 minutes*.
rlJ/. e generator vo tage and frequency s a be ,? 3950 and s 4580 volts '12fl.Pr(f;i,.Ji and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the auto-start signal and "f:r' shall be maintained within these limits during this test. s. 6. '-------------------------------------=------------------
_..., ~                          __________________________________________-:----;,;~
Not Used. Simulating a loss of offsite power in conjunction with an ESF actuation teat signal, and: a) Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus. b) Verifying the diesel starts on the auto-start signal*, energizes the vital bu* with permanently connected loads within 13 aeconda, energizes the auto-connected emergency (accident) load* through the load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the emergency steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bus shall be maintained at ,?
  '                                                                                                      "SU.T Subsequently, verifying the generator is synchronized, gradually loaded to 2500-2600 kw**, and operates at a load of 2500-2600 kw for greater than or equal to 60 minutes.
S and AO + Li Hz during this test. 3Cilo L/i/o.O
: 3. Verifying the diesel generator is aligned to provide standby power to the associated vital bus.
"'cl. '! roo.s-SALEM -UNIT l 3/4 8-4 Amendment Noo 148 
: b.      At least once per 31 days and after each operation of the diesel where the period of operation was greater than or equal to one hour by checking for and removing accumulated water from the day tanks.
-* .. ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) c) Verifying that all nonessential automatic diesel generator trips (i.e., other than engine overspeed, lube oil pressure low, 4 KV bus differential and generator differential), are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the vital bus concurrent with a safety injection actuation signal. 7. Verifying the diesel generator operates for _at least 24 hours*. During the first 2 hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2760-2860 kw.** During the remaining 22 hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2500-2600 kw**. The steady state voltage and frequency shall be maintained at 2 and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz during this test. 3'1c 8. Verifying that the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator do not exceed the two hour rating of 2860 kw. 9. Verifying that with the diesel generator operating in a test mode (connected to its bus), a simulated safety injection signal overrides
by veri~1;"~"~---------------
.. the test mode by (1) returning the diesel generator to standby operation*and (2) automatically energizing the loads with offsite power. e. At least once per ten years or after any modifications which could affect diesel generator interdependence by starting all diesel generators simultaneously*, during shutdown, and verifying that all diesel generators accelerate to at least less than or equal to f. seconds. &a.s th 13 At least once per 18 months, the following test shall be performed within 5 minutes of diesel shutdown after the diesel has operated for at least two hours at 2500-2600 kw**: """I Verifvinq]the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in less than or equal to 10 seconds*.
: c.      At least once per 6 monthalthe diesel generator shall be started from ambient conditions and.accelerated to *at leaot 900 rpm in less than or equal to 10 seconds*. The generator voltage and frequency shall be ~
The generator voltage and frequency shall be 2 3950 volts and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the l., ... .CO-.\':,alt
3950 and ~ 4580 volts and 60 + 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the star signal.
..,..,111 n _
The generator shall be synchronized to its emergency bus, loaded to 2500-2600** kw in less than or equal to 60 seconds, and operate at a load of 2500-2600 kw for at least 60 minutes.
signal. The diesel fuel oil storage and .transfer system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
This test, if it is performed so it coincides with the testing required by Surveillance Requirement, may also serve to concurrently meet those requirements.
: a. At least once per 31 days by: 1. Verifying the each of the above required fuel storage tanks. 2. Verifying that both fuel transfer pumps can be started and transfer fuel from the fuel storage tanks to the day tanks. SALEM -UNIT i 3/4 B-5 Amendment No. 170 
IJ:fh       'io 1-to.Je 1'14.;l\+~;...,J. ~ 3 110 a,.J., !. '1580 vol-ts SALEM - UNIT 1                                 3/4 8-3                 Amendment No. 148 9610030114 960925 PDR ADOCK 05000272 p                          PDR
*-. b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a .sample of diesel fuel from each of the above required fuel storage tanks is within the acceptable limits specified in Table i of ASTH 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment. Reports -All diesel generator failures, valid or non-valid, shall be reported to the Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Specification

====6.9.2 within====
30 days. Reports of diesel generator failures shall include the information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide l .'1oe, Revision 1, August 1977. If the number of failures in the last 100 valid tests (on a per nuclear unit basis) is greater than or equal to 7, the report shall be supplemented to include the additional information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide * *oe, Revision 1, August 1977. Surveillance testing be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding engine prelube, warm-up and loading (unless loading times are specified in the individual Surveillance Requirements) . ** This band is meant as guidance to preclude routine exceedances of the diesel generator manufacturer's design ratings. Loads in excess of this band for special testing or momentary variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidate the test. SALEM -tmIT 1 3/4 8-Sa Amendment No. 170 
.. e e 3/4.8 EL!c:IllICA,L POWIB 5XSTJ:MS BASU ..............................................................................
: d.     At least once per 18 months during shutdown by:
3/4.1.l and 3/4.8.2 A.C. SOUBCJS NfP ONSITJ: PQWljB QISTJSiltzIION SXSTJ:MS Th* OPEJtAmILITT of th* A.C. and D.C power *ourc** and ***ocitted dietribution
: 1. Subjecting the diesel to an inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with its manufacturer's recommendations for this class of standby service,
*Y*tema durinq operation enaur** that *uff icient power will b* avail&Dl*
: 2. Verifying that, on rejection of a load greater than or equal to 820 kw, the voltage and frequency are restored to>~ ands~
to eupply th* *afety related equipment required for l) the eat* ehutdovn of the facility, and 2) the miti;ation and control of accident condition*
volt* and~e 1 1.2*Hz within 4 seconds.                 - '3,/0      'l'J@D
within the facility.
                                      ~ 5&:-e ~ ~ t.o.G
Th* minimua *pecified independent and redundant A.c. and D.c. power *ourc** and di*trU,ution
: 3. Simulating a losa of offaite power by itself, and:
*Y*t ... *atiafy th* requir ... nta of General D**i;n Criterion 17 of A;rs-ndia
a)    Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus.
*A* to 10 era Part so. Th* ACTIOH requir ... nt* apecified for the level* of deqradation of the paver aourc** provide r**triction upon continued facility operation .
b)     Verifying the diesel starts on the auto-start signal*,
with the l***l of deqradation.
energizes the vital bus with permanently connected loads within 13 seconds, energizes the auto-connected shutdown ~cads through th* load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the shutdown ioad**'/he steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bus shall be maintained at > ~ and < .see volts and 69 +
The OPSaAaILITY of the power *ourc** are conaiatent with th* initial condition
during this te*t.       - at10    - 4'/r:>o i.*  Hz
***uaptiona of the accident analy*** and are ba*ed upon maintaining at leaat two independent
                                                                                      ~sa.e ~J. ~ ,o.S
**t* of on*it* A.c. and D.C. power aourc** and ***ociated di*tril)ution
: 4. Verifying that on an ESF actuation test signal without losa of offsite power the diesel generator starts on the auto-start signal and operates on standby for greater than or equal to 5 minutes*.
*Y*t91!19 OPSJtAaLI durin9 accident condition*
rlJ/.         e generator vo tage and frequency s a    be ,? 3950 and s 4580 volts
coincident with an ***Wied lo** of of f*it* power and ain;l* failure of one oneit* A.C. aource. The OPSJtA.aILITY Of th* *iniaua *pecified A.C. &Ad D.C. power *cure** and a**oeiated diatrU,Ution
'12fl.Pr(f;i,.Ji          and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the auto-start signal and I~ "f:r' ~                shall be maintained within these limits during this test.
*yat ... durin; *hutdown and refueling enaur** that ll the facility can be eaintained in the *hutdown or refuelin; condition for extended time period* and 2) *ufficient inatrumentation and control capability i* availa):)le for menitorin; and maintaining the unit atatua. The Surveillance Requir ... nt* for demon*tratin; th* OPERAIILITY of th* di***l ;enerator*
are ba*ed upon the recoancndationa of 1te9Ulatory Cuid* 1.9, *selection of Di***l Generator Set capacity for Standby Power Supplie*,*
March 10, 1971, and Guide 1.101, *Periodic T**tin; of Di***l Generator Unit* U*ed a* Oft*it* Electric Power Sy*t ... at Nuclear Power Plant*,* .. i*ion 1, Au9U*t 1977.
Not Used.
ror the purpo*** of **t&Dliahin9 initial condition*
: 6. Simulating a loss of offsite power in conjunction with an ESF actuation teat signal, and:
for *urv*illance teatin;, *ambient condition**
a)    Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus.
mean that th* di***l lube oil temperature i* 120 : 20 deqr ..
b)    Verifying the diesel starts on the auto-start signal*,
* r. The *inimwll luDe oil temperatur*
energizes the vital bu* with permanently connected loads within 13 aeconda, energizes the auto-connected emergency (accident) load* through the load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the emergency Ioada.~fhe steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bus shall be maintained at ,? ~and S ~volts and AO + Li Hz during this test.        3Cilo        L/i/o.O
for an OPIRAILI di***l i* 100 d99r ..
                                ~ ss.~ "'cl. '! roo.s-SALEM -  UNIT l                         3/4 8-4                    Amendment Noo    148
* r. L'..U)e oil heater* are d**i;ned to maintain th* oil temperature at 120 deqr ..
* r. 3/4.1.l ILJiCTJSICN, IOPIPMQT PJ!OTICTIYI pEVIC!!! containment electrical penetration*
and penetration conductor*
  -*             SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) c)   Verifying that all nonessential automatic diesel generator trips (i.e., other than engine overspeed, lube oil pressure low, 4 KV bus differential and generator differential), are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the vital bus concurrent with a safety injection actuation signal.
are protected by either deener9i&iAq circuit* not required durin; reactor operation or by d.-on*tratin9 the OPmtAaILI'l'Y of prillary and backup ov*rcurrent protection circuit brealc8r*
: 7. Verifying the diesel generator operates for _at least 24 hours*.
duriAq periodic *urveillance.
During the first 2 hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2760-2860 kw.** During the remaining 22 hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2500-2600 kw**. The steady state voltage and frequency shall be maintained at 2 ~ and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz during this test.                3'1c
: 8. Verifying that the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator do not exceed the two hour rating of 2860 kw.
frequency applic&Dl*
: 9. Verifying that with the diesel generator operating in a test mode (connected to its bus), a simulated safety injection signal overrides .. the test mode by (1) returning the diesel generator to standby operation*and (2) automatically energizing the emer~ency loads with offsite power.
to aolded ca .. circuit breakers and lower volta;e circuit brealc8r*
: e.        At least once per ten years or after any modifications which could affect diesel generator interdependence by starting all diesel generators simultaneously*, during shutdown, and verifying that all diesel generators accelerate to at least 9e&-&#xa3;'t'~-in less than or equal to
provide* ***urance of brealc8r reliaoility by t**tiAq at l*a*t one repre .. ntati** *Ample of each manufacturer'*
                          ~ seconds.                          &a.s th 13
brand of 111C11lded ca .. and lower voltage circuit brealc8r*.
: f.        At least once per 18 months, the following test shall be performed within 5 minutes of diesel shutdown after the diesel has operated for at least two hours at 2500-2600 kw**:
Sacb aanufacturer'*
                                                                                                      """I Verifvinq]the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in less than or equal to 10 seconds*. The generator voltage and frequency shall be
aoldod SALD -OllIT 1 I 3/4 1-1 A9e"d-9nt No. 148 
~P<..t<<:a~'fP/ 2 3950 volts and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the l~~-1
... ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.8.l.l.l Two phy8ically independent A.C. circuits between the offsite tran*mi**ion network and the onsite Clasa lE distribution
.,... .CO-.\':,alt n ..,..,111
*Y*tem (vital bus *Y*tem) *hall bes a. Determined OPERABLE at l*a*t once per 7 day* by verifying correct breaker alignment*, power availability, and b. Demon*trated OPERABLE at l*a*t once per 18 month* during *hutdown by tran*f*rrinq (manually and automatically) vital bu* *upply from one 13/4 kv tran*former to the other 13/4 kv tran*former.
_ ~tart~~~~:.:..-----------------:----___,.J signal. Each di***l generator The diesel fuel oil storage and .transfer system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
*hall be demon*trated OPERABLE:
: a. At least once per 31 days by:
: a. In accordance with th* frequency
: 1. Verifying the each of the above required fuel storage tanks.
*pecified in Table 4.B-1 on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by: 1. Verifyinq the fuel level in it* day tank. 2. th* di***l *tart* and accelerate*
: 2. Verifying that both fuel transfer pumps can be started and transfer fuel from the fuel storage tanks to the day tanks.
to 900 rpm in lea* than A.1-r::r or equal to 10 **cond**.
SALEM - UNIT i                             3/4 B-5                Amendment No. 170
The generator voltage and frequency
*hall r..t:JflTJu;.. be 3950 and 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 *econda after
I  .*
: b. c. Sub**quently, verifying the generator i* *ynchronized, gradually loaded to 2500-2600 kw**, and operates at a load of 2500-2600 kw for greater than or equal to 60 minute*. 3. Verifying th* die**l generator i* aligned to provide standby power to the a**ociated vital bu*. At lea*t once per 31 day* and after each operation of the diesel where the period of operation wa* greater than or equal to l hour by checking for and water from th* day tank*. Df At l*a*t once per 6 di***l generator
*hall be *tarted from ambient condit n* and accelerated to at lea*t 900 rpm in lea* than or equal to 10 **cond***
The generator voltage and frequency shall be 3950 and 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the start dgnal. The qenerator
: b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a .sample of diesel fuel from each of the above required fuel storage tanks is within the acceptable limits specified in Table i of ASTH 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.
*hall be synchronized to it* emergency bus, loaded to 2500-2600** Reports - All diesel generator failures, valid or non-valid, shall be reported to the Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 30 days. Reports of diesel generator failures shall include the information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide l .'1oe, Revision 1, August 1977. If the number of failures in the last 100 valid tests (on a per nuclear unit basis) is greater than or equal to 7, the report shall be supplemented to include the additional information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide * *oe, Revision 1, August 1977.
Jew in l*** than or equal to 60 *econd*, and operate at a load of 2500-2600 Jew for at lea*t 60 minute*. Thi* te*t, if it i* performed
Surveillance testing  ~      be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding engine prelube, warm-up and loading (unless loading times are specified in the individual Surveillance Requirements) .
*o it coincide*
        **     This band is meant as guidance to preclude routine exceedances of the diesel generator manufacturer's design ratings. Loads in excess of this band for special testing or momentary variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidate the test.
with the t**ting required by surveillance Requirement 4.a.1.1.2.a.2, may al*o serve to concurrently meet those requirements.
SALEM - tmIT 1                        3/4 8-Sa                Amendment No. 170
SALEM -UNIT 2 3/4 B-3 Amendment No. l26 
  ..                    e                                    e 3/4.8      EL!c:IllICA,L POWIB 5XSTJ:MS BASU 3/4.1.l and 3/4.8.2          A.C. SOUBCJS NfP ONSITJ: PQWljB QISTJSiltzIION SXSTJ:MS Th* OPEJtAmILITT of th* A.C. and D.C power *ourc** and ***ocitted dietribution *Y*tema durinq operation enaur** that *uff icient power will b*
avail&Dl* to eupply th* *afety related equipment required for l) the eat*
ehutdovn of the facility, and 2) the miti;ation and control of accident condition* within the facility. Th* minimua *pecified independent and redundant A.c. and D.c. power *ourc** and di*trU,ution *Y*t ... *atiafy th*
requir ...nta of General D**i;n Criterion 17 of A;rs-ndia *A* to 10 era Part so.
Th* ACTIOH requir ...nt* apecified for the level* of deqradation of the paver aourc** provide r**triction upon continued facility operation .
commen*ur~t* with the l***l of deqradation.           The OPSaAaILITY of the power
        *ourc** are conaiatent with th* initial condition ***uaptiona of the accident analy*** and are ba*ed upon maintaining at leaat two independent **t* of on*it* A.c. and D.C. power aourc** and ***ociated di*tril)ution *Y*t91!19 OPSJtAaLI durin9 accident condition* coincident with an          ***Wied  lo** of of f*it*
power and ain;l* failure of one oneit* A.C. aource.
The OPSJtA.aILITY Of th* *iniaua *pecified A.C. &Ad D.C. power        *cure** and a**oeiated diatrU,Ution *yat... durin; *hutdown and refueling enaur** that ll the facility can be eaintained in the *hutdown or refuelin; condition for extended time period* and 2) *ufficient inatrumentation and control capability i* availa):)le for menitorin; and maintaining the unit atatua.
The Surveillance Requir...nt* for demon*tratin; th* OPERAIILITY of th*
di***l ;enerator* are ba*ed upon the recoancndationa of 1te9Ulatory Cuid* 1.9,
        *selection of Di***l Generator Set capacity for Standby Power Supplie*,*
March 10, 1971, and ~latory Guide 1.101, *Periodic T**tin; of Di***l Generator Unit* U*ed a* Oft*it* Electric Power Sy*t... at Nuclear Power Plant*,* ~. . i*ion 1, Au9U*t 1977.
ror the    purpo*** of **t&Dliahin9 initial condition* for *urv*illance teatin;, *ambient condition** mean that th* di***l lube oil temperature i* 120 : 20 deqr. .* r. The *inimwll luDe oil temperatur* for an OPIRAILI di***l i* 100 d99r. .* r. L'..U)e oil heater* are d**i;ned to maintain th* oil temperature at approxieat*~Y 120 deqr. .* r.
containment electrical penetration* and penetration conductor* are protected by either deener9i&iAq circuit* not required durin; reactor operation or by d.-on*tratin9 the OPmtAaILI'l'Y of prillary and backup ov*rcurrent protection circuit brealc8r* duriAq periodic *urveillance.
Th* *u~illance frequency applic&Dl* to aolded ca.. circuit breakers and lower volta;e circuit brealc8r* provide* ***urance of brealc8r reliaoility by t**tiAq at l*a*t one repre..ntati** *Ample of each manufacturer'* brand of 111C11lded ca. . and lower voltage circuit brealc8r*. Sacb aanufacturer'* aoldod SALD - OllIT 1                            I 3/4 1-1                    A9e"d-9nt No. 148
ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.8.l.l.l Two phy8ically independent A.C. circuits between the offsite tran*mi**ion network and the onsite Clasa lE distribution *Y*tem (vital bus
                  *Y*tem) *hall bes
: a. Determined OPERABLE at l*a*t once per 7 day* by verifying correct breaker alignment*, power availability, and
: b. Demon*trated OPERABLE at l*a*t once per 18 month* during *hutdown by tran*f*rrinq (manually and automatically) vital bu* *upply from one 13/4 kv tran*former to the other 13/4 kv tran*former.   Each di***l generator *hall be demon*trated OPERABLE:
: a. In accordance with th* frequency *pecified in Table 4.B-1 on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:
: 1. Verifyinq the fuel level in it* day tank.
: 2.              th* di***l *tart* and accelerate* to 900 rpm in lea* than t>~    A.1-r::r ~t&deg;7'1I      or equal to 10 **cond**. The generator voltage and frequency *hall r..t:JflTJu;..
* 1~      be ~ 3950 and ~ 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 *econda after I~ ~A'' ~~th~*:..-=*~t~a~rt~*~i~g~n~a~l~*-----------------------------------------------~~=::/
Sub**quently, verifying the generator i* *ynchronized, gradually loaded to 2500-2600 kw**, and operates at a load of 2500-2600 kw for greater than or equal to 60 minute*.
: 3. Verifying th* die**l generator i* aligned to provide standby power to the a**ociated vital bu*.
: b. At lea*t once per 31 day* and after each operation of the diesel where the period of operation wa* greater than or equal to l hour by checking for and removinglaccum~la:*d water from th* day tank*.
Df ~er,ty.nEJ--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----
: c. At l*a*t once per 6 month~th* di***l generator *hall be *tarted from ambient condit n* and accelerated to at lea*t 900 rpm in lea* than or equal to 10 **cond*** The generator voltage and frequency shall be
                        ~ 3950 and ~ 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the start dgnal.
The qenerator *hall be synchronized to it* emergency bus, loaded to 2500-2600** Jew in l*** than or equal to 60 *econd*, and operate at a load of 2500-2600 Jew for at lea*t 60 minute*.
Thi* te*t, if it i* performed *o it coincide* with the t**ting required by surveillance Requirement 4.a.1.1.2.a.2, may al*o serve to concurrently meet those requirements.
SALEM - UNIT 2                        3/4 B-3                Amendment No. l26
(        .._ ..
: d.
: d.
* At l*a*t once per 18 months during shutdown by: l. Subjecting the di***l to an in*pection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with it* manufacturer'*
* At l*a*t once per 18 months during shutdown by:
recommendations for thi* cla** of *tandby *ervice, 2. Verifying that, on rejection of a load of greater than or equal to 820 kw, the voltage and frequency are r**tored  
: l. Subjecting the di***l to an in*pection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with it* manufacturer'* recommendations for thi* cla** of *tandby *ervice,
+6-8Q volt* and 60 t
: 2. Verifying that, on rejection of a load of greater than or equal to 820 kw, the voltage and frequency are r**tored to~ ~and~ +6-8Q volt* and 60 t
* l."2' Hz within 4 second*. 3'110 q'/o_o ,? .SB. 8 ,_,.J. C. D
* l."2' Hz within 4 second*.                                                                 3'110           q'/o_o
* 5" . 3. Simulating a lo** of off*ite power by it**lf, and: a) b) Verifyinq de-energization of the vital bu* and load shedding from the vital bu*. Verifying the dieael *tart* on the auto-*tart  
                                                  ,? .SB. 8 ,_,.J. ~ C. D
*ignal*, energize*
* 5"                   .
the vital bu* with permanently connected loads* within 13 **cond*, energize*
: 3. Simulating a lo** of off*ite power by it**lf, and:
th* auto-connected  
a)       Verifyinq de-energization of the vital bu* and load shedding from the vital bu*.
*hutdown load* through f the load **quencer and operate* for greater than or equal to 5 minute* whil* it* generator i* loaded with th* *hutdown o-f tkse  
b)        Verifying the dieael *tart* on the auto-*tart *ignal*,
't.fbe *teady *t&te voltage and frequency Of the vital bu* , *hall be maintained and S 4'!'8&volt*
energize* the vital bu* with permanently connected loads* within 13 **cond*, energize* th* auto-connected *hutdown load* through f           the load **quencer and operate* for greater than or equal to 1\-~re~~aCA,"'tio~                    5 minute* whil* it* generator i* loaded with th* *hutdown o-f tkse         l6LJ.s~ -----rr:o:":a:":di':*:-.~*'t.fbe *teady *t&te voltage and frequency Of the vital bu*
and + 1 .during thi* te*t. 3910 l/'!t>D ,?$1.8 ;,.J,  
                            ,             *hall be maintained at~~ and S 4'!'8&volt* and ~Q + 1 ~Hz
: 4. Verifying that on an !SF actuation teat signal without loss of off eit* power the di***l generator start* on the auto-*tart signal and o rat** on etandb for greater than or e al to 5 u es*.
                                          .during thi* te*t.                               3910                     l/'!t>D                   ,?$1.8 ;,.J, ~tJJ.$"
The generator voltage and frequency  
: 4. Verifying that on an !SF actuation teat signal without loss of off eit* power the di***l generator start* on the auto-*tart signal and o rat** on etandb for greater than or e al to 5                                                                 u es*.
*hall 3950 and S 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 second* after the auto-start signal and 1,J.setl:r li'l {3 ''  
  ~<J\<'e"'c;.;t'l>f            The generator voltage and frequency *hall be~ 3950 and S 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 second* after the auto-start signal and 1,J.setl:r li'l{3 '' ~ ...:*~h~a~l~l:__!b:*~m=a~i~n~t:a~i:,:n:ed:_w::it:h:i:n~t::h:e:.:*::e~l~im::::i~t.:*~du~r!:.!:in~gL:t:.!h:!.:i.~**~t:!:e~s~t:.:...-----
: 5. 6. Deleted Simulating a lo** of off*it* power in conjunction with an ESF actuation te*t *ignal, and *> b) Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus. Verifying the diesel *tart* on the signal*, energize*
: 5. Deleted
the vital bu* with permanently connected loads within 13 **cond*, energize*
: 6. Simulating a lo** of off*it* power in conjunction with an ESF actuation te*t *ignal, and
th* auto-connected emergency (accident) load* through the load sequencer and operate* for greater than or equal to 5 minute* while it* generator i* loaded with the emergency fhe steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bu* shall be maintained at and S 11"5&9 volts and 60 l. 1. i Hz during this teat. 3ct to cjl/O 0 S8.6 a."J l;D.S' SALEM -UNIT 2 3/4 8-4 Amendment No. 126 I. .. .. :: ELECTRICAL POWER :;?YSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) cl Verifying that all nonessential automatic diesel generator trips (i.e., other than engine overspeed, lube oil pressure low, 4 KV Bus differential and generator differential) are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the vital bus concurrent with a safety injection actuation signal. 7. Verifying the diesel generator operates for at least 24 hours*. During the first 2 hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2760-2860 kw**. During the remaining 22 hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2500-2600 kw**. The steady state voltage and frequency shall be maintained at > and 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz during this test. -3'10 8. Verifying that the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator do not exceed the two hour rating of 2860 kw. 9. Verifying that with the diesel generator operating in a test mode (connected to its bus), a simulated safety injection signal overrides the test mode by (1) returning the diesel generator to standby and (2) automatically energizing the emergency loads with offsite power. e. At least once per 10 years or after any modifications which could affect diesel generator interdependence by starting all diesel generators simultaneously*, during and verifying that all diesel generators accelerate to at least 966 tptn in less than or equal to -tt seconds. .58.8 Ha r.:s f. At least once per 18 months, the following test shall be performed within 5 minutes of diesel shutdown after the diesel has operated for at least two hours at 2500-2600 kw**: Verif ing the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in less than or equal to 10 seconds*.
                                *>       Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus.
The generator voltage and frequency shall be z 3950 volts and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the The diesel fuel oil storage and system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:  
b)        Verifying the diesel *tart* on the auto-*tar~ signal*,
: a. At least once per 31 days by: 1. Verifying the level in each of the above required fuel storage tanks. 2. Verifying that both fuel transfer pumps can be started and transfer fuel from the fuel storage tanks to the day tanks. SALEM -UNIT 2 3/4 8-5 Amendment No. 1 :;J 6 .,, ,. *. ELECTRICN, POID SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued)  
energize* the vital bu* with permanently connected loads within 13 **cond*, energize* th* auto-connected emergency (accident) load* through the load sequencer and operate* for greater than or equal to 5 minute* while it* generator i* loaded with the emergency loada~ fhe steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bu* shall be maintained at ~ ~ and S 11"5&9 volts and 60 l. 1. i Hz during this teat.                                       3ct to                     cjl/O 0
                                      ~ S8.6 a."J ~ l;D.S' SALEM - UNIT 2                                               3/4 8-4                                               Amendment No. 126
I. .. ..
ELECTRICAL POWER :;?YSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) cl   Verifying that all nonessential automatic diesel generator trips (i.e., other than engine overspeed, lube oil pressure low, 4 KV Bus differential and generator differential) are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the vital bus concurrent with a safety injection actuation signal.
: 7. Verifying the diesel generator operates for at least 24 hours*.
During the first 2 hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2760-2860 kw**. During the remaining 22 hours of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2500-2600 kw**. The steady state voltage and frequency shall be maintained at > ~ and
                            ~ 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz during this test.             - 3'10
: 8. Verifying that the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator do not exceed the two hour rating of 2860 kw.
: 9. Verifying that with the diesel generator operating in a test mode (connected to its bus), a simulated safety injection signal overrides the test mode by (1) returning the diesel generator to standby operati~n and (2) automatically energizing the emergency loads with offsite power.
: e. At least once per 10 years or after any modifications which could affect diesel generator interdependence by starting all diesel generators simultaneously*, during shut~own, and verifying that all diesel generators accelerate to at least 966 tptn in less than or equal to
                      -tt seconds.                       .58.8 Ha r.:s
: f. At least once per 18 months, the following test shall be performed within 5 minutes of diesel shutdown after the diesel has operated for at least two hours at 2500-2600 kw**:
Verif ing the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in less than or tz,EfU\~ ~[M          equal to 10 seconds*. The generator voltage and frequency shall be z 3950 volts and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the l~se:tY-~~~ ~ st;a~rtS_Js~i~gn~a~l~*------------------~----~--------------------~~~J The diesel fuel oil storage and   transfe~ system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
: a. At least once per 31 days by:
: 1. Verifying the level in each of the above required fuel storage tanks.
: 2. Verifying that both fuel transfer pumps can be started and transfer fuel from the fuel storage tanks to the day tanks.
SALEM - UNIT 2                       3/4 8-5                 Amendment No. 1 :;J
6   .,, -~- ,.
: b. At least once per 92 days *by verifying that. a sample of diesel fuel from each of the above required fue.l st:o.rage tanks is within the acceptable limits specified in Table: l of ASTM 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.
: b. At least once per 92 days *by verifying that. a sample of diesel fuel from each of the above required fue.l st:o.rage tanks is within the acceptable limits specified in Table: l of ASTM 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.
4.8.l.l.4 Reports -All diesel generator failures, valid or non-valid, shall be reported to the Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Specification  
4.8.l.l.4 Reports - All diesel generator failures, valid or non-valid, shall be reported to the Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 30 days. Reports of diesel generator failures shall include the information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision 1, August 1977. If the number of failures in the last 100 valid tests (on a per nuclear unit basis) is greater than or equal to 7, the report shall be supplemented to include the additional information recommen~ed in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision l, August 1977.
              .. surveillance testing ~      be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding engine, warm-up and loading (unless loading times are specified in the individual Surveillance Requirements).
                **  This band is meant as guidance to preclude routine exceedances of the diesel generator manufacturer's design ratings. Loads in excess of this band for special testing or momentary variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidate the test.
SALEM - UNT.T 2                      3/4 8-6                  Amendment No.1S2

====6.9.2 within====
t_ -**~
30 days. Reports of diesel generator failures shall include the information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision 1, August 1977. If the number of failures in the last 100 valid tests (on a per nuclear unit basis) is greater than or equal to 7, the report shall be supplemented to include the additional information in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision l, August 1977. .. surveillance testing be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding engine, warm-up and loading (unless loading times are specified in the individual Surveillance Requirements).
** This band is meant as guidance to preclude routine exceedances of the diesel generator manufacturer's design ratings. Loads in excess of this band for special testing or momentary variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidate the test. SALEM -UNT.T 2 3/4 8-6 Amendment No.1S2 t_
-.. , . ..
J/4.8.1 N!Q l/4.8.2       A.C. SOqBCIS AND ONSITI POWIR DISTBIIQTION SXSTJ:MS Th* OPS~ILITY of th* A.C. and D.C power *ourc** and a**ociated di*triDution *Y*t ... during operation *n*ur** that *ufficient power will be avail&Dl* to *upply th* eafety related equipnent required for 1) th* eafe
* 3/4.8 ILICTBICA,L POWJR SYSTEMS BA.SIS *******----****m**************************************************************
                *hutdown of the facility, and 2) th* mitigation and control of accid*nt condition* within th* facility. The *inimwl *pecified ind*pendent and redundant A.c. and D.C. power *ourc** and di*tribution *y*tem* *atiefy th*
requir...nt* of General D**i;n Criterion 17 of-Appendix *A* to 10 CPR Part so.
of th* A.C. and D.C power *ourc** and a**ociated di*triDution  
Th* ACTION requir...nt* *pecif ied for the level* of degradation of th*
*Y*t ... during operation  
power *ourc** provide r**triction upcn continu9d facility operation commen*urat* with th* level of deqradation. The OPIJtAllILITY of th* pcw*r
*n*ur** that *ufficient power will be avail&Dl*
                *ourc** ar* con*i*t*nt with th* initial condition &**wnption* of th* accident analy*** and ar* ba*ed upcn maintaining at l*a*t two independent     **t-8 of on*it* A.C. and D.C. power *ourc** and a**ociated di*tribution *Y*tem*
to *upply th* eafety related equipnent required for 1) th* eafe *hutdown of the facility, and 2) th* mitigation and control of accid*nt condition*
OPIRABLI during accid*nt condition* coincid*nt with an a**umed lo** of*
within th* facility.
power and *ingle failur* of on* on*it* A.C. *ourc*.
The *inimwl *pecified ind*pendent and redundant A.c. and D.C. power *ourc** and di*tribution  
Th* OPSRABILITY of th* minilllwa *pecified A.C. and D.C. power eourc** and
*y*tem* *atiefy th* requir ... nt* of General D**i;n Criterion 17 of-Appendix  
                ***ociated di*tribution *yetem* during ehutdown and refueling *n*ur8* that 1) th* facility can be maintained in th* *hutdown or refu*ling condition for extended time period*, and 2) eufficient in*trwnentation and control cap&Dility i* availabl* for monitoring and maintaining th* unit etatue.
*A* to 10 CPR Part so. Th* ACTION requir ... nt* *pecif ied for the level* of degradation of th* power *ourc** provide r**triction upcn continu9d facility operation commen*urat*
Th* Surveillance Requirement* for demon*trating th* OPERABILITY of the di***l generator* are ba**d upcn th* recommendation* of Requlatory Guide 1.9,
with th* level of deqradation.
                *selection of Di***l Generator Set capacity for Stancll)y Power Suppli**,*
The OPIJtAllILITY of th* pcw*r *ourc** ar* con*i*t*nt with th* initial condition  
March 10, 1971, and Regulatory Guide 1.108, *Periodic T**ting of Di***l Generator Unit* U*ed a* Oft*ite llectric Power Sy*t... at Nuclear Power
/ltlSE:l:l~tu~lant*,* Revi*ion 1, Augu*t 1977.
of th* accident analy*** and ar* ba*ed upcn maintaining at l*a*t two independent  
ror th*   purpo*** of **tabli*hing initial condition* for *urveillanc*
**t-8 of on*it* A.C. and D.C. power *ourc** and a**ociated di*tribution  
t**ting, *ambient condition** mean that th* di***l lube oil temperature i* 120 ~ 20 deqr. .* r. Th* minimwl lube oil temperature for an OPERABLE di***l i* 100 deqr. .* r. Lube oil heater* are d**igned to maintain th* oil temperature at approximately 120 deqr*** r.
*Y*tem* OPIRABLI during accid*nt condition*
31,. a. 3   n !STBIC:N. 1ogIPM1HT psouCIIVI   osvicss cont~nt *l*ctrical penetration* and pen*tration conductor* are prot*cted by *ither deen*rgizin9 circuit* not required during r*actor operation or by demon*trating th* OPERABILITY of primary and backup ov*rcurrent protection circuit break*r* during periodic *urv*illance.
coincid*nt with an a**umed lo** of* power and *ingle failur* of on* on*it* A.C. *ourc*. Th* OPSRABILITY of th* minilllwa  
Th* *urv*illanc* frequency applic&Dl* to molded ca** circuit breaker* and lower voltage circuit br**k*r* provide*- a**uranc* of br*aker reli&Dility cy t**ting at lea*t on* repr***ntativ* *ample of each manufactur*r'* brand of molded ca** and lower voltage circuit break*r*. Each manufactur*r'* molded SALIX - UHIT 2                         B 3/4 B-1               Amendment No.}}
*pecified A.C. and D.C. power eourc** and ***ociated di*tribution  
*yetem* during ehutdown and refueling  
*n*ur8* that 1) th* facility can be maintained in th* *hutdown or refu*ling condition for extended time period*, and 2) eufficient in*trwnentation and control cap&Dility i* availabl*
for monitoring and maintaining th* unit etatue. Th* Surveillance Requirement*
for demon*trating th* OPERABILITY of the di***l generator*
are ba**d upcn th* recommendation*
of Requlatory Guide 1.9, *selection of Di***l Generator Set capacity for Stancll)y Power Suppli**,*
March 10, 1971, and Regulatory Guide 1.108, *Periodic T**ting of Di***l Generator Unit* U*ed a* Oft*ite llectric Power Sy*t ... at Nuclear Power Revi*ion 1, Augu*t 1977. ror th* purpo*** of **tabli*hing initial condition*
for *urveillanc*
t**ting, *ambient condition**
mean that th* di***l lube oil temperature i* 120 20 deqr ..
* r. Th* minimwl lube oil temperature for an OPERABLE di***l i* 100 deqr ..
* r. Lube oil heater* are d**igned to maintain th* oil temperature at approximately 120 deqr*** r. 31,. a. 3 n !STBIC:N.
1ogIPM1HT psouCIIVI osvicss  
*l*ctrical penetration*
and pen*tration conductor*
are prot*cted by *ither deen*rgizin9 circuit* not required during r*actor operation or by demon*trating th* OPERABILITY of primary and backup ov*rcurrent protection circuit break*r* during periodic *urv*illance.
Th* *urv*illanc*
frequency applic&Dl*
to molded ca** circuit breaker* and lower voltage circuit br**k*r* provide*-a**uranc*
of br*aker reli&Dility cy t**ting at lea*t on* repr***ntativ*  
*ample of each manufactur*r'*
brand of molded ca** and lower voltage circuit break*r*.
Each manufactur*r'*
molded SALIX -UHIT 2 B 3/4 B-1 Amendment No.}}

Latest revision as of 05:26, 3 February 2020

Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.8.1 Re EDG Testing
Person / Time
Site: Salem  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 09/25/1996
Public Service Enterprise Group
Shared Package
ML18102A432 List:
NUDOCS 9610030114
Download: ML18102A433 (10)




================================================================== Two physically independent A.C. circuits between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class lE distribution system (vital bus system) shall be:

a. Determined OPERABLE at least once per 7 days by verifying correct breaker alignments, power availability, and
b. Demonstrated OPERABLE at least once per 18 months during shutdown by transferring (manually and automatically) vital bus supply from one 13/4 kv transformer to the other 13/4 kv transformer.

4.8.l.l.2 Each diesel generator shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. In accordance with the frequency specified in Table 4.8-1 on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:
1. Verifying the fuel level in its day tank.*
2. Verifying the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in lesa than
"ril or equal to 10 seconds*. The generator voltage and frequency shall

'fZ.ft.ltcE c.J " be ~ 3950 and ~ 4580 volte and 60 +/- 1. 2 Hz within 13 seconds after

_\ . . ~ 1t* -~~lt~h~e:_:st~a:rt.:_:s~i~g~n:a~l:*


_..., ~ __________________________________________-:----;,;~

' "SU.T Subsequently, verifying the generator is synchronized, gradually loaded to 2500-2600 kw**, and operates at a load of 2500-2600 kw for greater than or equal to 60 minutes.

3. Verifying the diesel generator is aligned to provide standby power to the associated vital bus.
b. At least once per 31 days and after each operation of the diesel where the period of operation was greater than or equal to one hour by checking for and removing accumulated water from the day tanks.

by veri~1;"~"~---------------

c. At least once per 6 monthalthe diesel generator shall be started from ambient conditions and.accelerated to *at leaot 900 rpm in less than or equal to 10 seconds*. The generator voltage and frequency shall be ~

3950 and ~ 4580 volts and 60 + 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the star signal.

The generator shall be synchronized to its emergency bus, loaded to 2500-2600** kw in less than or equal to 60 seconds, and operate at a load of 2500-2600 kw for at least 60 minutes.

This test, if it is performed so it coincides with the testing required by Surveillance Requirement, may also serve to concurrently meet those requirements.

IJ:fh 'io 1-to.Je 1'14.;l\+~;...,J. ~ 3 110 a,.J., !. '1580 vol-ts SALEM - UNIT 1 3/4 8-3 Amendment No. 148 9610030114 960925 PDR ADOCK 05000272 p PDR


d. At least once per 18 months during shutdown by:
1. Subjecting the diesel to an inspection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with its manufacturer's recommendations for this class of standby service,
2. Verifying that, on rejection of a load greater than or equal to 820 kw, the voltage and frequency are restored to>~ ands~

volt* and~e 1 1.2*Hz within 4 seconds. - '3,/0 'l'J@D

~ 5&:-e ~ ~ t.o.G

3. Simulating a losa of offaite power by itself, and:

a) Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus.

b) Verifying the diesel starts on the auto-start signal*,

energizes the vital bus with permanently connected loads within 13 seconds, energizes the auto-connected shutdown ~cads through th* load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the shutdown ioad**'/he steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bus shall be maintained at > ~ and < .see volts and 69 +

during this te*t. - at10 - 4'/r:>o i.* Hz

~sa.e ~J. ~ ,o.S

4. Verifying that on an ESF actuation test signal without losa of offsite power the diesel generator starts on the auto-start signal and operates on standby for greater than or equal to 5 minutes*.

rlJ/. e generator vo tage and frequency s a be ,? 3950 and s 4580 volts

'12fl.Pr(f;i,.Ji and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the auto-start signal and I~ "f:r' ~ shall be maintained within these limits during this test.



Not Used.

6. Simulating a loss of offsite power in conjunction with an ESF actuation teat signal, and:

a) Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus.

b) Verifying the diesel starts on the auto-start signal*,

energizes the vital bu* with permanently connected loads within 13 aeconda, energizes the auto-connected emergency (accident) load* through the load sequencer and operates for greater than or equal to 5 minutes while its generator is loaded with the emergency Ioada.~fhe steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bus shall be maintained at ,? ~and S ~volts and AO + Li Hz during this test. 3Cilo L/i/o.O

~ ss.~ "'cl. '! roo.s-SALEM - UNIT l 3/4 8-4 Amendment Noo 148


-* SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) c) Verifying that all nonessential automatic diesel generator trips (i.e., other than engine overspeed, lube oil pressure low, 4 KV bus differential and generator differential), are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the vital bus concurrent with a safety injection actuation signal.

7. Verifying the diesel generator operates for _at least 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s*.

During the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2760-2860 kw.** During the remaining 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2500-2600 kw**. The steady state voltage and frequency shall be maintained at 2 ~ and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz during this test. 3'1c

8. Verifying that the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator do not exceed the two hour rating of 2860 kw.
9. Verifying that with the diesel generator operating in a test mode (connected to its bus), a simulated safety injection signal overrides .. the test mode by (1) returning the diesel generator to standby operation*and (2) automatically energizing the emer~ency loads with offsite power.
e. At least once per ten years or after any modifications which could affect diesel generator interdependence by starting all diesel generators simultaneously*, during shutdown, and verifying that all diesel generators accelerate to at least 9e&-£'t'~-in less than or equal to

~ seconds. &a.s th 13

f. At least once per 18 months, the following test shall be performed within 5 minutes of diesel shutdown after the diesel has operated for at least two hours at 2500-2600 kw**:

"""I Verifvinq]the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in less than or equal to 10 seconds*. The generator voltage and frequency shall be

~P<..t<<:a~'fP/ 2 3950 volts and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the l~~-1

.,... .CO-.\':,alt n ..,..,111

_ ~tart~~~~:.:..-----------------:----___,.J signal. The diesel fuel oil storage and .transfer system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by:
1. Verifying the each of the above required fuel storage tanks.
2. Verifying that both fuel transfer pumps can be started and transfer fuel from the fuel storage tanks to the day tanks.

SALEM - UNIT i 3/4 B-5 Amendment No. 170

I .*



b. At least once per 92 days by verifying that a .sample of diesel fuel from each of the above required fuel storage tanks is within the acceptable limits specified in Table i of ASTH 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment. Reports - All diesel generator failures, valid or non-valid, shall be reported to the Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 30 days. Reports of diesel generator failures shall include the information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide l .'1oe, Revision 1, August 1977. If the number of failures in the last 100 valid tests (on a per nuclear unit basis) is greater than or equal to 7, the report shall be supplemented to include the additional information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide * *oe, Revision 1, August 1977.

Surveillance testing ~ be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding engine prelube, warm-up and loading (unless loading times are specified in the individual Surveillance Requirements) .

    • This band is meant as guidance to preclude routine exceedances of the diesel generator manufacturer's design ratings. Loads in excess of this band for special testing or momentary variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidate the test.

SALEM - tmIT 1 3/4 8-Sa Amendment No. 170

.. e e 3/4.8 EL!c:IllICA,L POWIB 5XSTJ:MS BASU 3/4.1.l and 3/4.8.2 A.C. SOUBCJS NfP ONSITJ: PQWljB QISTJSiltzIION SXSTJ:MS Th* OPEJtAmILITT of th* A.C. and D.C power *ourc** and ***ocitted dietribution *Y*tema durinq operation enaur** that *uff icient power will b*

avail&Dl* to eupply th* *afety related equipment required for l) the eat*

ehutdovn of the facility, and 2) the miti;ation and control of accident condition* within the facility. Th* minimua *pecified independent and redundant A.c. and D.c. power *ourc** and di*trU,ution *Y*t ... *atiafy th*

requir ...nta of General D**i;n Criterion 17 of A;rs-ndia *A* to 10 era Part so.

Th* ACTIOH requir ...nt* apecified for the level* of deqradation of the paver aourc** provide r**triction upon continued facility operation .

commen*ur~t* with the l***l of deqradation. The OPSaAaILITY of the power

  • ourc** are conaiatent with th* initial condition ***uaptiona of the accident analy*** and are ba*ed upon maintaining at leaat two independent **t* of on*it* A.c. and D.C. power aourc** and ***ociated di*tril)ution *Y*t91!19 OPSJtAaLI durin9 accident condition* coincident with an ***Wied lo** of of f*it*

power and ain;l* failure of one oneit* A.C. aource.

The OPSJtA.aILITY Of th* *iniaua *pecified A.C. &Ad D.C. power *cure** and a**oeiated diatrU,Ution *yat... durin; *hutdown and refueling enaur** that ll the facility can be eaintained in the *hutdown or refuelin; condition for extended time period* and 2) *ufficient inatrumentation and control capability i* availa):)le for menitorin; and maintaining the unit atatua.

The Surveillance Requir...nt* for demon*tratin; th* OPERAIILITY of th*

di***l ;enerator* are ba*ed upon the recoancndationa of 1te9Ulatory Cuid* 1.9,

  • selection of Di***l Generator Set capacity for Standby Power Supplie*,*

March 10, 1971, and ~latory Guide 1.101, *Periodic T**tin; of Di***l Generator Unit* U*ed a* Oft*it* Electric Power Sy*t... at Nuclear Power Plant*,* ~. . i*ion 1, Au9U*t 1977.


ror the purpo*** of **t&Dliahin9 initial condition* for *urv*illance teatin;, *ambient condition** mean that th* di***l lube oil temperature i* 120 : 20 deqr. .* r. The *inimwll luDe oil temperatur* for an OPIRAILI di***l i* 100 d99r. .* r. L'..U)e oil heater* are d**i;ned to maintain th* oil temperature at approxieat*~Y 120 deqr. .* r.


containment electrical penetration* and penetration conductor* are protected by either deener9i&iAq circuit* not required durin; reactor operation or by d.-on*tratin9 the OPmtAaILI'l'Y of prillary and backup ov*rcurrent protection circuit brealc8r* duriAq periodic *urveillance.

Th* *u~illance frequency applic&Dl* to aolded ca.. circuit breakers and lower volta;e circuit brealc8r* provide* ***urance of brealc8r reliaoility by t**tiAq at l*a*t one repre..ntati** *Ample of each manufacturer'* brand of 111C11lded ca. . and lower voltage circuit brealc8r*. Sacb aanufacturer'* aoldod SALD - OllIT 1 I 3/4 1-1 A9e"d-9nt No. 148

ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS 4.8.l.l.l Two phy8ically independent A.C. circuits between the offsite tran*mi**ion network and the onsite Clasa lE distribution *Y*tem (vital bus

  • Y*tem) *hall bes
a. Determined OPERABLE at l*a*t once per 7 day* by verifying correct breaker alignment*, power availability, and
b. Demon*trated OPERABLE at l*a*t once per 18 month* during *hutdown by tran*f*rrinq (manually and automatically) vital bu* *upply from one 13/4 kv tran*former to the other 13/4 kv tran*former. Each di***l generator *hall be demon*trated OPERABLE:

a. In accordance with th* frequency *pecified in Table 4.B-1 on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by:
1. Verifyinq the fuel level in it* day tank.
2. th* di***l *tart* and accelerate* to 900 rpm in lea* than t>~ A.1-r::r ~t°7'1I or equal to 10 **cond**. The generator voltage and frequency *hall r..t:JflTJu;..
  • 1~ be ~ 3950 and ~ 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 *econda after I~ ~A ~~th~*:..-=*~t~a~rt~*~i~g~n~a~l~*-----------------------------------------------~~=::/

Sub**quently, verifying the generator i* *ynchronized, gradually loaded to 2500-2600 kw**, and operates at a load of 2500-2600 kw for greater than or equal to 60 minute*.

3. Verifying th* die**l generator i* aligned to provide standby power to the a**ociated vital bu*.
b. At lea*t once per 31 day* and after each operation of the diesel where the period of operation wa* greater than or equal to l hour by checking for and removinglaccum~la:*d water from th* day tank*.

Df ~er,ty.nEJ--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----

c. At l*a*t once per 6 month~th* di***l generator *hall be *tarted from ambient condit n* and accelerated to at lea*t 900 rpm in lea* than or equal to 10 **cond*** The generator voltage and frequency shall be

~ 3950 and ~ 4580 volt* and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the start dgnal.

The qenerator *hall be synchronized to it* emergency bus, loaded to 2500-2600** Jew in l*** than or equal to 60 *econd*, and operate at a load of 2500-2600 Jew for at lea*t 60 minute*.

Thi* te*t, if it i* performed *o it coincide* with the t**ting required by surveillance Requirement 4.a.1.1.2.a.2, may al*o serve to concurrently meet those requirements.

SALEM - UNIT 2 3/4 B-3 Amendment No. l26

( .._ ..


  • At l*a*t once per 18 months during shutdown by:
l. Subjecting the di***l to an in*pection in accordance with procedures prepared in conjunction with it* manufacturer'* recommendations for thi* cla** of *tandby *ervice,
2. Verifying that, on rejection of a load of greater than or equal to 820 kw, the voltage and frequency are r**tored to~ ~and~ +6-8Q volt* and 60 t
  • l."2' Hz within 4 second*. 3'110 q'/o_o

,? .SB. 8 ,_,.J. ~ C. D

  • 5" .
3. Simulating a lo** of off*ite power by it**lf, and:

a) Verifyinq de-energization of the vital bu* and load shedding from the vital bu*.

b) Verifying the dieael *tart* on the auto-*tart *ignal*,

energize* the vital bu* with permanently connected loads* within 13 **cond*, energize* th* auto-connected *hutdown load* through f the load **quencer and operate* for greater than or equal to 1\-~re~~aCA,"'tio~ 5 minute* whil* it* generator i* loaded with th* *hutdown o-f tkse l6LJ.s~ -----rr:o:":a:":di':*:-.~*'t.fbe *teady *t&te voltage and frequency Of the vital bu*

, *hall be maintained at~~ and S 4'!'8&volt* and ~Q + 1 ~Hz

.during thi* te*t. 3910 l/'!t>D ,?$1.8 ;,.J, ~tJJ.$"

4. Verifying that on an !SF actuation teat signal without loss of off eit* power the di***l generator start* on the auto-*tart signal and o rat** on etandb for greater than or e al to 5 u es*.

~<J\<'e"'c;.;t'l>f The generator voltage and frequency *hall be~ 3950 and S 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 second* after the auto-start signal and 1,J.setl:r li'l{3 ~ ...:*~h~a~l~l:__!b:*~m=a~i~n~t:a~i:,:n:ed:_w::it:h:i:n~t::h:e:.:*::e~l~im::::i~t.:*~du~r!:.!:in~gL:t:.!h:!.:i.~**~t:!:e~s~t:.:...-----

5. Deleted
6. Simulating a lo** of off*it* power in conjunction with an ESF actuation te*t *ignal, and
  • > Verifying de-energization of the vital bus and load shedding from the vital bus.

b) Verifying the diesel *tart* on the auto-*tar~ signal*,

energize* the vital bu* with permanently connected loads within 13 **cond*, energize* th* auto-connected emergency (accident) load* through the load sequencer and operate* for greater than or equal to 5 minute* while it* generator i* loaded with the emergency loada~ fhe steady state voltage and frequency of the vital bu* shall be maintained at ~ ~ and S 11"5&9 volts and 60 l. 1. i Hz during this teat. 3ct to cjl/O 0

~ S8.6 a."J ~ l;D.S' SALEM - UNIT 2 3/4 8-4 Amendment No. 126

I. .. ..

ELECTRICAL POWER :;?YSTEMS SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS (Continued) cl Verifying that all nonessential automatic diesel generator trips (i.e., other than engine overspeed, lube oil pressure low, 4 KV Bus differential and generator differential) are automatically bypassed upon loss of voltage on the vital bus concurrent with a safety injection actuation signal.

7. Verifying the diesel generator operates for at least 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />s*.

During the first 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2760-2860 kw**. During the remaining 22 hours2.546296e-4 days <br />0.00611 hours <br />3.637566e-5 weeks <br />8.371e-6 months <br /> of this test, the diesel generator shall be loaded to 2500-2600 kw**. The steady state voltage and frequency shall be maintained at > ~ and

~ 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz during this test. - 3'10

8. Verifying that the auto-connected loads to each diesel generator do not exceed the two hour rating of 2860 kw.
9. Verifying that with the diesel generator operating in a test mode (connected to its bus), a simulated safety injection signal overrides the test mode by (1) returning the diesel generator to standby operati~n and (2) automatically energizing the emergency loads with offsite power.
e. At least once per 10 years or after any modifications which could affect diesel generator interdependence by starting all diesel generators simultaneously*, during shut~own, and verifying that all diesel generators accelerate to at least 966 tptn in less than or equal to

-tt seconds. .58.8 Ha r.:s

f. At least once per 18 months, the following test shall be performed within 5 minutes of diesel shutdown after the diesel has operated for at least two hours at 2500-2600 kw**:

Verif ing the diesel starts and accelerates to 900 rpm in less than or tz,EfU\~ ~[M equal to 10 seconds*. The generator voltage and frequency shall be z 3950 volts and s 4580 volts and 60 +/- 1.2 Hz within 13 seconds after the l~se:tY-~~~ ~ st;a~rtS_Js~i~gn~a~l~*------------------~----~--------------------~~~J The diesel fuel oil storage and transfe~ system shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:

a. At least once per 31 days by:
1. Verifying the level in each of the above required fuel storage tanks.
2. Verifying that both fuel transfer pumps can be started and transfer fuel from the fuel storage tanks to the day tanks.

SALEM - UNIT 2 3/4 8-5 Amendment No. 1 :;J

6 .,, -~- ,.


b. At least once per 92 days *by verifying that. a sample of diesel fuel from each of the above required fue.l st:o.rage tanks is within the acceptable limits specified in Table: l of ASTM 0975-77 when checked for viscosity, water and sediment.

4.8.l.l.4 Reports - All diesel generator failures, valid or non-valid, shall be reported to the Commission in a Special Report pursuant to Specification 6.9.2 within 30 days. Reports of diesel generator failures shall include the information recommended in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision 1, August 1977. If the number of failures in the last 100 valid tests (on a per nuclear unit basis) is greater than or equal to 7, the report shall be supplemented to include the additional information recommen~ed in Regulatory Position C.3.b of Regulatory Guide 1.108, Revision l, August 1977.

.. surveillance testing ~ be conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations regarding engine, warm-up and loading (unless loading times are specified in the individual Surveillance Requirements).

    • This band is meant as guidance to preclude routine exceedances of the diesel generator manufacturer's design ratings. Loads in excess of this band for special testing or momentary variations due to changing bus loads shall not invalidate the test.

SALEM - UNT.T 2 3/4 8-6 Amendment No.1S2

t_ -**~


              • ----****m**************************************************************

J/4.8.1 N!Q l/4.8.2 A.C. SOqBCIS AND ONSITI POWIR DISTBIIQTION SXSTJ:MS Th* OPS~ILITY of th* A.C. and D.C power *ourc** and a**ociated di*triDution *Y*t ... during operation *n*ur** that *ufficient power will be avail&Dl* to *upply th* eafety related equipnent required for 1) th* eafe

  • hutdown of the facility, and 2) th* mitigation and control of accid*nt condition* within th* facility. The *inimwl *pecified ind*pendent and redundant A.c. and D.C. power *ourc** and di*tribution *y*tem* *atiefy th*

requir...nt* of General D**i;n Criterion 17 of-Appendix *A* to 10 CPR Part so.

Th* ACTION requir...nt* *pecif ied for the level* of degradation of th*

power *ourc** provide r**triction upcn continu9d facility operation commen*urat* with th* level of deqradation. The OPIJtAllILITY of th* pcw*r

  • ourc** ar* con*i*t*nt with th* initial condition &**wnption* of th* accident analy*** and ar* ba*ed upcn maintaining at l*a*t two independent **t-8 of on*it* A.C. and D.C. power *ourc** and a**ociated di*tribution *Y*tem*

OPIRABLI during accid*nt condition* coincid*nt with an a**umed lo** of*

power and *ingle failur* of on* on*it* A.C. *ourc*.

Th* OPSRABILITY of th* minilllwa *pecified A.C. and D.C. power eourc** and

      • ociated di*tribution *yetem* during ehutdown and refueling *n*ur8* that 1) th* facility can be maintained in th* *hutdown or refu*ling condition for extended time period*, and 2) eufficient in*trwnentation and control cap&Dility i* availabl* for monitoring and maintaining th* unit etatue.

Th* Surveillance Requirement* for demon*trating th* OPERABILITY of the di***l generator* are ba**d upcn th* recommendation* of Requlatory Guide 1.9,

  • selection of Di***l Generator Set capacity for Stancll)y Power Suppli**,*

March 10, 1971, and Regulatory Guide 1.108, *Periodic T**ting of Di***l Generator Unit* U*ed a* Oft*ite llectric Power Sy*t... at Nuclear Power

/ltlSE:l:l~tu~lant*,* Revi*ion 1, Augu*t 1977.

ror th* purpo*** of **tabli*hing initial condition* for *urveillanc*

t**ting, *ambient condition** mean that th* di***l lube oil temperature i* 120 ~ 20 deqr. .* r. Th* minimwl lube oil temperature for an OPERABLE di***l i* 100 deqr. .* r. Lube oil heater* are d**igned to maintain th* oil temperature at approximately 120 deqr*** r.

31,. a. 3 n !STBIC:N. 1ogIPM1HT psouCIIVI osvicss cont~nt *l*ctrical penetration* and pen*tration conductor* are prot*cted by *ither deen*rgizin9 circuit* not required during r*actor operation or by demon*trating th* OPERABILITY of primary and backup ov*rcurrent protection circuit break*r* during periodic *urv*illance.

Th* *urv*illanc* frequency applic&Dl* to molded ca** circuit breaker* and lower voltage circuit br**k*r* provide*- a**uranc* of br*aker reli&Dility cy t**ting at lea*t on* repr***ntativ* *ample of each manufactur*r'* brand of molded ca** and lower voltage circuit break*r*. Each manufactur*r'* molded SALIX - UHIT 2 B 3/4 B-1 Amendment No.