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 Issue dateTitleTopic
PMNS20240596, Public Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, LLC to Discuss Methods to Review Plant-Specific Topical Reports for H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 226 April 2024Public Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, LLC to Discuss Methods to Review Plant-Specific Topical Reports for H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2Subsequent License Renewal
PMNS20240492, Duke Sites Annual Assessment Meeting10 April 2024Duke Sites Annual Assessment Meeting
PMNS20230406, Meeting with Duke Energy to Discuss License Amendment Request to Add Feedwater Isolation on Steam Generator Level High-High to Technical Specifications13 April 2023Meeting with Duke Energy to Discuss License Amendment Request to Add Feedwater Isolation on Steam Generator Level High-High to Technical Specifications
PMNS20230333, Annual Assessment Meeting29 March 2023Annual Assessment Meeting
PMNS20220916, Public Meeting with Duke Energy to Discuss a Planned TSTF-577, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections, Revision 1, License Amendment Request Supplement for H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 29 September 2022Public Meeting with Duke Energy to Discuss a Planned TSTF-577, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections, Revision 1, License Amendment Request Supplement for H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2
PMNS20220536, Duke Energy Progress, LLC Discussion Regarding TSTF-577 Request for Additional Information Response Regarding for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 225 May 2022Duke Energy Progress, LLC Discussion Regarding TSTF-577 Request for Additional Information Response Regarding for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2
PMNS20220533, Pre-submittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, LLC to Discuss a Future Licensing Submittal Regarding Proposed Technical Specification 3.3.2 for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 219 May 2022Pre-submittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, LLC to Discuss a Future Licensing Submittal Regarding Proposed Technical Specification 3.3.2 for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2
PMNS20220375, Pre-submittal Public Meeting with Duke Energy to Discuss the Proposed License Amendment Request to Revise Surveillance Frequency for Reactor Cooling System Pressurized Isolation Valve19 April 2022Pre-submittal Public Meeting with Duke Energy to Discuss the Proposed License Amendment Request to Revise Surveillance Frequency for Reactor Cooling System Pressurized Isolation Valve
PMNS20220324, Annual Assessment Meeting30 March 2022Annual Assessment Meeting
PMNS20220260, Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, LLC to Discuss a Future Licensing Submittal Regarding Proposed Removal of 4.160 Kv Bus 2 from Surveillance Requirements (SR) for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No.15 March 2022Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, LLC to Discuss a Future Licensing Submittal Regarding Proposed Removal of 4.160 Kv Bus 2 from Surveillance Requirements (SR) for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2
PMNS20220016, Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, LLC to Discuss a Future Licensing Submittal Regarding Proposed Revision to Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.3, ECCS - Shutdown, for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 212 January 2022Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, LLC to Discuss a Future Licensing Submittal Regarding Proposed Revision to Technical Specification (TS) 3.5.3, ECCS - Shutdown, for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2
PMNS20210775, Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, Llc., to Discuss a Future Licensing Submittal of TSTF-577, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 210 June 2021Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, Llc., to Discuss a Future Licensing Submittal of TSTF-577, Revised Frequencies for Steam Generator Tube Inspections for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2Pandemic
PMNS20210460, Annual Assessment Meeting15 April 2021Annual Assessment Meeting
PMNS20210152, Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, Llc. to Discuss a Future Relief Request Concerning Containment Metallic Liners and Moisture Barriers Inspection Requirements for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 211 February 2021Presubmittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, Llc. to Discuss a Future Relief Request Concerning Containment Metallic Liners and Moisture Barriers Inspection Requirements for the H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2Moisture barrier
ML16103A25514 April 201605/02/2016 Notice of Forthcoming Closed Pre-Submittal Meeting with Duke Energy Progress, Inc., to Discuss Fuel Reload Design Methodology Reports and Proposed LAR Re. H. B. Robinson and Shearon Harris Plants (CAC Nos. MF7443 and MF7444)
ML13295A30622 October 2013Meeting Notice with Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Discuss the Planned Modifications Related to the Fukushima Flood Hazard Reevaluations for the Sites Operated by Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC
IR 05000261/201300818 July 2013Notice of Regulatory Conference to Discuss One Finding and the Associated Apparent Violation for the H. B. Robinson, Unit 2, (Ref Inspection Report 05000261-13-008)
ML13136A05616 May 20137/23-24/2013 Notice of Public Meeting Announcement with All Region II Licensees, Initial Examination Writers' Workshop
ML13106A33717 April 2013Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Duke Energy, Inc. Concerning the Relocation of the Emergency Operating Facilities
ML13094A3894 April 2013Meeting Notice with Public to Discuss the NRC Reactor Oversight Process Annual Assessment of Your H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant
ML13072B20219 March 2013Meeting Notice with Duke Energy Concerning NFPA-805 Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants License Amendment Request for Catawba, McGuire, and H. B. RobinsonProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Fire Protection Program
ML12314A02913 November 2012Forthcoming Meeting Notice Via Conference Call with Duke Energy Regarding Generic Letter 2004-02 and NRC Staff Review of Draft Proposed Strainer Fiber Bypass Test Plant for H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2
ML12300A40326 October 201211/8/2012 Meeting Notice with Duke Energy to Discuss NRC Order on Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-design-Basis External EventsFLEX
ML12284A46112 October 2012Forthcoming Meeting Notice with Duke Energy to Discuss NRC Order on Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External EventsFLEX
ML12221A2617 August 201209/25-26/2012 Noticeo of Meeting Announcement - 2012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Initial Examination Writers' Workshop
ML12076A15316 March 20124/11/2012 - Meeting Announcement - Category 1 Public Meeting - Annual Assessment of H. B. Robinson Steam Electric PlantOpen House
ML11236017924 August 20118/25/2011- Robinson Nuclear Plant Regulatory Performance Meeting SlidesCondition Adverse to Quality
ML11223189111 August 2011Meeting Announcement - Category One - Regulatory Performance Meeting - Robinson Nuclear Plant - Docket No. 50-261Condition Adverse to Quality
ML11180A0161 July 2011Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Carolina Power & Light Company Regarding H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit No. 2, to Introduce the New Management Team and Discuss Strategic Plan
ML1115403882 June 201108/02-03/2011 Meeting Announcement - 2011 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Initial Examination Writers Workshop
ML11117016127 April 2011Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting with Robinson Nuclear Plant Performance Improvement Plan
ML11084063129 March 2011Notice of Forthcoming Pre-Application Meeting with Carolina Power & Light Co. and Florida Power Corp., Brunswick Units 1 & 2, Crystal River Unit 3, and H.B. Robinson Unit 2, to Discuss Transition to the Requirements of National Fire..
ML1106305324 March 2011Confirming Category 1 Public Meeting Scheduled for 03/24/11 Regarding Annual Assessment of H.B Robinson Steam Electric Plant
ML10294038321 October 2010Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting Announcement with H. B. Robinson - Regulatory and Enforcement ConferencePreliminary White Finding
ML1015501434 June 201008/17-18/2010 Meeting Announcement - 2010 NRC Initial Exam Writers WorkshopLicense Renewal
ML10138059018 May 2010Meeting Announcement - Public Meeting - AIT Team Exit for H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant
ML10119000228 April 2010Notice of Meeting with Carolina Power and Light Company to Discuss H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Fire Event on March 28, 2010
ML10081030122 March 2010Notice of Meeting with Carolina Power and Light Company to Discuss NRC Reactor Oversight Process Annual Assessment of H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2
ML10019100529 January 2010Notice of Conference Call with Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., to Discuss H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant, Unit 2, Generic Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Response
ML09180045329 June 2009Meeting Announcement - Category 2 Public Meeting, 2009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Initial Examination Development WorkshopLicense Renewal
ML0912708617 May 2009Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting with Carolina Power & Light and Florida Power Corp., Regarding Brunswick Performance and Organizational Alignment within the CompanyLicense Renewal
ML0909605936 April 2009Notice of Meeting with Carolina Power & Light Company to Discuss the NRC Reactor Oversight Process Annual Assessment of H.B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2Open House
ML0825209368 September 2008Notice of Public Category 1 Meeting with Carolina Power & Light and Florida Power Corporation Organizational Alignment within the CompanyLicense Renewal
ML08196002811 July 200808/05-06/2008-Notice of Meeting - 2008 Us Nuclear Regulatory Commission Initial Examination Development WorkshopLicense Renewal
ML08108007617 April 2008Notice of Category 1 Public Meeting with Carolina Power and Light Company Annual Assessment of H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant
ML07194019613 July 2007Notice of Public Meeting with H. B. Robinson to Discuss Overall Robinson Unit 2 Status
ML07137060717 May 2007Notice of Meeting for NRC Training Managers' Conference Hosting by Rgn II
ML0712202402 May 2007Notice of Meeting with Carolina Power & Light Co to Discuss NRC Reactor Oversight Process Annual Assessment of H.B. Robinson Unit 2
ML0618700745 July 2006and 07/20/2006 Meeting Announcement 2006 NRC Initial Exam Development Workshop to Clarify the Exam Development Process and Question Development for Both the Written and Operating Portion of the Initial ExaminationJob Performance Measure
License Renewal
ML06076048417 March 2006Meeting Announcement - Public Meeting H. B. Robinson Steam Electric Plant Unit 2