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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20207H35314 June 1999Summary of 990317 Meeting with SCE Re Issues Staff Identified in Review of 980910 License Amend Application & Exemption Request to Remove Hydrogen Monitoring & Control Sys from SONGS Licensing Basis.Meeting Attendee List EnclExemption Request
Fuel cladding
ML20196K2784 January 1999Summary of 981217 Meeting with Util to Discuss Plans & Activities Re Spent Fuel Storage at Plant.List of Attendees & Handouts EnclEarthquake
ML20236F78630 June 1998Summary of 980623 Meeting W/Vynp Re Plans & Activities Related to long-term Spent Fuel Storage Plans.List of Attendees & Copies of Handouts Distributed at Meeting Encl
ML20216B8557 May 1998Summary of 980429 Meeting W/Southern California Edison in Rockville,Maryland Re Proposed Amend to TS to Allow Operation of Plant at Reduced Tcold in Reactor Coolant Sys. W/Meeting Slides & List of Meeting Attendees
ML20216H57516 April 1998Summary of 980407 Meeting W/Vynp Re Plans & Activities Re Assurance of Adequate Net Positive Head for Certain safety- Related Pumps.List of Meeting Attendees & Copies of Meeting Handouts Encl
ML20217J91131 March 1998Summary of 980324 Meeting W/Representative of Vynpc Re Torus Strainer Installation,Post Installation Torus Testing & Containment Analysis Methodology.List of Attendees & Handouts Distributed at Meeting
ML20203A35329 January 1998Summary of 971223 Meeting W/Sce in Rockville,Md to Discuss Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly Relief Request.List of Attendees & Slides EnclBoric Acid
Stress corrosion cracking
Pressure Boundary Leakage
Unidentified leakage
ML20199G7126 November 1997Summary of 971023 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Results of Steam Generator Tube Degradation & Run Time Analysis for SONGS Unit 2.List of Attendees & Slides EnclBoric Acid
ML20198Q5215 November 1997Summary of 971103 Meeting W/Vynpc in Rockville,Md on Plans & Activities Re Submittal & Implementation of Improved TS at Plant.List of Attendees,Handout of Plant Presentation & W Beckners Comments Encl
ML20211P4999 October 1997Summary of 970917 Meeting W/Vynp in Rockville,Maryland Re ASME Code Case N560.List of Meeting Attendees,Meeting Agenda & Meeting Handouts EnclProbabilistic Risk Assessment
Stress corrosion cracking
Thermal fatigue
Water hammer
ML20137X1133 April 1997Summary of 970326 Meeting W/Vynp in Rockville,Md to Discuss Licensee Engineering,Improved Ts,Correction Actions & Plant Goals for 1997.List of Attendees & Presentation Matls Encl
ML20133M43416 January 1997Summary of 961223 Meeting W/Vynp Re Licensee Request to Be Briefed on Vynp Plan for Analysis in Preparation for Vermont Yankee Fuel Cycle 20 Reload.List of Attendees & Handouts Encl
ML20148B5764 October 1996Summary of 434th Meeting of ACRS on 960912-13 Re Capability of SCAP/RELAP5 Code to Predict SG Temps During Severe AccidentsProbabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20129G49229 August 1996Summary of 433rd ACRS Meeting on 960808-10 Re Design Changes Proposed by Asea Brown Boveri - C-E Re Certification of Sys 80+ Design,Secy 96-128,proposed Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.8,revs to Reg Guides 1.84,1.85 & 1.147 & Rev 3 to Reg Guide 1.105Probabilistic Risk Assessment
ML20058N48515 December 1993Summary of 931119 Meeting W/Sce in Rockville,Md Re Proposed Decommissioning Plan for SONGS 1.List of Attendees Encl
ML20059L8359 November 1993Summary of 931025 Meeting W/Util in Bolton,Ma Re Status of Open Licensing Issues Involving Plant.Attendees Listed in Encl 1Reactor Vessel Water Level
ML20057D16827 September 1993Summary of 930805 Meeting W/Util Re Methods of Providing Control Room Operators W/Optimal Info on Instrument Accuracies Under Harsh Environ Conditions.List of Attendees & Util Slides Encl
ML20058M18622 September 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-35 on 930915
ML20059C83221 July 1993Summary of 398th ACRS Meeting on 930610-11 in Bethesda,Md Re SECY-93-113,public Comments on Advanced LWR Severe Accident Plant performance,SECY-93-067 & Reactor Operating Experience Related to Salem Unit 2 & Indian Point Unit 3Reactor Vessel Water Level
Probabilistic Risk Assessment
License Renewal
ML20056E21215 June 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-21 on 930609
ML20056D83426 May 1993Summary of Operator Reactors Event Meeting 93-18 on 930519Loop seal
Excess Flow Check Valve
ML20056D98418 May 1993Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 93-17 on 930512
ML20128E7684 February 1993Summary of 921216 Meeting W/Vynp in Rockville,Md Re Licensing Issues Related to Plant.List of Attendees EnclBackfit
ML20128F3482 February 1993Summary of 920113 Meeting W/Util Re Commercial Grade Dedication at PlantCommercial Grade Dedication
ML20059C73130 January 1993Summary of 391st ACRS Meeting on 921105-07 in Bethesda,Md Re NRC Regulatory Analysis Guidelines & Reactor Operating Events & Occurrences,Shearon Harris Plant Loss of High Head SI & LaSalle Overfill Due to Failure of MFW Pumps to TripReactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance
License Renewal
Water hammer
ML20126E75214 December 1992Summary of 921119 Meeting W/Bg&E & SCE Re Document Retrieval Sys Development & Programs.List of Attendees Also Encl
ML20217C5123 July 1991Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 91-12 on 910626
ML20058K03123 November 1990Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 90-28 on 901114 Re Reactor Scrams for Wk Ending 901111.Attendees ListedWeld Overlay
ML20062C81116 October 1990Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 90-25 on 901010.List of Attendees,Reactor Scram Statistics & Tabulation of Events Encl
ML20247R01621 September 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-34 on 890920 to Brief Senior Managers & Regional Offices on Selected Events That Occured Since Last MeetingSafe Shutdown
ML20247E3646 September 1989Summary of 890717 Meeting W/Numarc,B&W Owners Group & Representatives of Lead Plants Re Status of STS Amends & Outstanding Issues Associated W/Lead Plant STS Submittals
ML20247D5295 September 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-31 on 890830.Significant Event for Input Into NRC Performance Indicator Program IdentifiedLoop seal
ML20246K21724 August 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-30 on 890823 Re Reactor Trip W/Multiple Instrumentation & Equipment Failures at DC Cook Unit 2 on 890814 & Auxiliary Feedwater Flows at Hb RobinsonFuel cladding
ML20247K24724 August 1989Trip Rept of Staff 890718-19,21 & 0801-02 Visits to Nuclear Power Plants to Gather Info Re Industry Actions to Address Loss of Oil Malfunctions of Rosemount Models 1153 & 1154 Transmitters
ML20245G5423 August 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-28 on 890802.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Summaries of Reactor Scrams for Wks Ending 890723 & 30 Encl
ML20248B5173 August 1989Summary of 890725 Interface Meeting W/Util in Birrmingham,Al Re Sonopco/Util Corporate Organization Including Generic Activities & Initiatives Re Plants.Agenda & Viewgraphs EnclLicense Renewal
Exemption Request
ML20246P77713 July 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-26 on 890712.Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events Presented in Encl 2.List of Attendees Also Encl
ML20246F86922 June 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-24 on 890621.On 890615,potential Unmonitored Primary Coolant Release Path to Environ Discovered at WPPSS-2.On 890617,loss of Offsite Power Occurred at Brunswick,Unit 2
ML20245G64115 June 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-23 on 890614.On 890607,multiple Electrical Distribution Sys Problems Occurred at Oconee,Units 1,2 & 3.On 890610,unit Power Signal Caused ScramUnanalyzed Condition
ML20245F2228 June 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-21 on 890531.List of Attendees & Related Info Encl
ML20245A38530 May 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-20 on 890524.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclInternal Flooding
ML20247M79624 May 1989Summary of 890502 Meeting W/Util,Sargent & Lundy & Rl Cloud Assoc in Rockville,Md Re Nonlinear Piping Analyses Used to Justify Removal of Snubbers & Pipe Supports.List of Attendees & Presentation by Licensee & Contractors Encl
ML20247K09023 May 1989Summary of 890517 Meeting W/Inpo Re Similarities & Differences Between Performance Indicator Programs.Detailed Discussion Encl
ML20247J70519 May 1989Summary of 890501 Meeting w/C-E Owners Group in Rockville,Md Re Diverse Emergency Feedwater Actuation Sys,Per 10CFR50.62 Requirements.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs Encl. Record CopyAnticipated operational occurrence
Exemption Request
ML20247J69919 May 1989Summary of 890501 Meeting w/C-E Owners Group in Rockville,Md Re Diverse Emergency Feedwater Actuation Sys,Per 10CFR50.62 Requirements.List of Meeting Attendees & Viewgraphs EnclExemption Request
ML20247D34416 May 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-19 on 890510.List of Attendees,Events Discussed & Significant Elements of Events & Rept of long-term Followup Assignments & Summary of Scrams for Wk Ending 890507 EnclBoric Acid
ML20247K10116 May 1989Summary of 890517 Meeting W/Inpo in Bethesda,Md Re Similarities & Differences Between INPO & NRC Performance Indicators
ML20246L7285 May 1989Summary of 890503 Meeting W/Util in Rockville,Md Re Containment Vessel Structural Integrity Tech Specs for Plants.List of Attendees & Licensee Presentation EnclScaffolding
ML20055E3454 May 1989Summary of 890501 Meeting Re Status of Util Effluents & Water Mgt Program & 1988 Annual Radiation Environ Operating Rept.Supporting Info Encl
ML20246C3264 May 1989Summary of Operating Reactors Events Meeting 89-18 on 890503