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 Issue dateTitleTopic
PY-CEI-NRR-2438, Informs That DBNPS & Pnpp Staffs Have Modified or Withdrawn Several of Positions Proposed within Re Request for Approval of Qap.Revised Positions Encl14 October 1999Informs That DBNPS & Pnpp Staffs Have Modified or Withdrawn Several of Positions Proposed within Re Request for Approval of Qap.Revised Positions Encl
PY-CEI-NRR-2435, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-440/99-13.Corrective Actions:Ts SRs with Incorrect Descriptions Were Annotated to Ensure That CR Operators Are Aware That ACs Are Effect13 October 1999Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-440/99-13.Corrective Actions:Ts SRs with Incorrect Descriptions Were Annotated to Ensure That CR Operators Are Aware That ACs Are Effect
ML20217F58113 October 1999Forwards Insp Data & Naesco Evaluation of a EDG Exhaust Insp Conducted on 990407.Insp Ensured That Unacceptable Wall Thinning Will Not Occur During 40-year Design Lifetime of Sys
ML20217F58413 October 1999Requests Revocation of License OP-11038-1 for GE Kingsley. Individual Has Been Reassigned to Position within Naesco
ML20217B8625 October 1999Forwards Rev 28,change 1 to EPIP Er 1.1, Classification & Emergencies, Per 10CFR50.54(q).Rev to Procedure Does Not Decrease Effectiveness of Seabrook Station Radiological Emergency Plan
ML20217B7471 October 1999Provides Notification of Change in PCT of More than 50 F,Per Requirements of 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(i),(ii).Tabulation of Large Break LOCA PCT Margin Utilization Applicable to Seabrook Station,Encl
ML20212G58123 September 1999Informs That Licenses for Ta Lentz,License SOP-31449,PJ Arthur,License SOP-30921-1 & Dp Mott,License SOP-31500 Are Considered to Have Expired,Iaw 10CFR50.74(a),10CFR55.5 & 10CFR55.55
PY-CEI-NRR-2432, Forwards NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Exam Data, in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams21 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 536, Operator Licensing Exam Data, in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExamsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML20212G50721 September 1999Submits Complaint to NRC Re NRC Failure to Cite Seabrook Station NPP Operators for Failing to Periodically Calibrate & Establish Adequate Measures to Insure That Relay Equipment Met All Required Calibration Settings Prior to Installation
ML20212B95117 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 396 for MG Sketchley,License SOP-10685, Along with Supporting Medical Exam Info.Nrc Form 396 Has Been Superceded by Revised Version Dtd 971222,which Was Previously Submitted to NRC on 990812.Encl Withheld
PY-CEI-NRR-2428, Submits Resolution to Seventh Question Proposed within NRC 980615 RAI Relating to Cooling Water Sys That Serve Containment Air Coolers & Assessment,Post Accident,Of Potential Water Hammer & two-phase Flow Conditions16 September 1999Submits Resolution to Seventh Question Proposed within NRC 980615 RAI Relating to Cooling Water Sys That Serve Containment Air Coolers & Assessment,Post Accident,Of Potential Water Hammer & two-phase Flow Conditions
ML20212C36215 September 1999Forwards Rev 34 to Seabrook Station Radiological Emergency Plan & Rev 85 to Seabrook Station Emergency Response Manual, Per 10CFR50,App E & 10CFR50.4
ML20212D01514 September 1999Requests Cancellation of NPDES Permit 3II00036.Permit Has Been Incorporated in Permit 3IB00016*ED.Discharge Point Sources & Associated Fees Currently Covered Under Permit 3IB00016*ED
PY-CEI-NRR-2431, Forwards Revised Emergency Plan for Perry NPP, IAW 10CFR50.54(q).Changes Constitute Revs,Temporary Changes or Reissued Pages9 September 1999Forwards Revised Emergency Plan for Perry NPP, IAW 10CFR50.54(q).Changes Constitute Revs,Temporary Changes or Reissued Pages
ML20211Q8528 September 1999Informs That Rl Couture,License SOP-11027,terminated Employment at Naesco on 990907.Revocation of License Requested
ML20211J9293 September 1999Forwards mark-ups & Retypes of Proposed Conforming License Changes Required in Connection with Transfers Being Sought in 990615 Application of Montaup Electric Co & New England Power Co for Transfer of Licenses & Ownership InterestsSafe Shutdown
Fire Protection Program
ML20211N8783 September 1999Forwards Response to 990820 RFI Re NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExamsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
ML20211M3222 September 1999Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp of License NPF-86 & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty. Corrective Actions:Conducted Prompt Review of Layoff Decision to Determine Relevant Facts
ML20211J8811 September 1999Forwards Comments on Seabrook Station Review of Reactor Vessel Integrity Database (Rvid)(Version 2).Minor Discrepancies Were Noted.Proposed Changes Are Encl in Order to Correct Discrepancies
ML20211J8411 September 1999Forwards Updated NRC Form 396 for E Decosta,Nrc License OP-10655-1.Without Encl
ML20211G91927 August 1999Informs NRC That Name of New Company, Ref in Order Approving Application Re Corporate Merger Is Nstar Which Is Massachusetts Business Trust
PY-CEI-NRR-2425, Forwards Copy of Oh EPA Approval for Use of Nalco 7348 & Nalco 7468 at Pnpp,Iaw License NPF-58,App B,Epp,Section 3.226 August 1999Forwards Copy of Oh EPA Approval for Use of Nalco 7348 & Nalco 7468 at Pnpp,Iaw License NPF-58,App B,Epp,Section 3.2
ML20211G77624 August 1999Expresses Great Concern Re Lack of Enforcement Actions Against Seabrook Station Despite Citations NRC Has Issued for Violations of Seabrook Operating License
ML20211J21723 August 1999Expresses Disappointment with Lack of Enforcement Action Against Seabrook Station Despite Repeated Safety Violations
ML20211J49721 August 1999Submits Comments Re Violations Cited in Early Mar & 990509 Insps
ML20211H83619 August 1999Submits Concerns Re Violations at Seabrook Station
PY-CEI-NRR-2411, Informs That Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Co Has Developed Corporate QA Program Manual for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station & Perry Nuclear Power Plant,As Discussed on 990318 Between Util & Nrc.Revised USAR Pages,Encl19 August 1999Informs That Firstenergy Nuclear Operating Co Has Developed Corporate QA Program Manual for Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station & Perry Nuclear Power Plant,As Discussed on 990318 Between Util & Nrc.Revised USAR Pages,EnclNon-Destructive Examination
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Nondestructive Examination
Local Leak Rate Testing
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
Stress corrosion cracking
Commercial Grade
ML20211J32415 August 1999Expresses Disappointment in Apparent Failure of NRC to Cite Seabrook Station NPP for Recent Violations of Safety Regulations Uncovered During Recent Insps in Mar & May
ML20211J18315 August 1999Submits Concerns Over Serious Deficiencies at Seabrook Station That NRC Has Declined to Take Enforcement Actions Against
ML20211J20713 August 1999Expresses Concerns Re Violations Occurring Recently at Seabrook Nuclear Power Station.Requests Effort to See That Measures Taken to Stop Flagrant,Continuing Violations That Hold Danger to Workers & Community
ML20210S20012 August 1999Forwards NRC Forms 398 & 396 in Support of Applications for Renewal of Operator Licenses for Individuals Listed Below. Without Encls
ML20210R95811 August 1999Forwards ISI Exam Rept of Seabrook Station, for RFO 6, Period 3,for Insps Conducted Prior to & During Sixth Refueling Outage Concluded on 990510
ML20210R84011 August 1999Forwards Response to NRC Second RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of SR Power-Operated Gate Valves
ML20210S39611 August 1999Requests That Ten Listed Individuals Be Registered to Take 991006 BWR Gfes of Written Operating Licensing Exam.Two Listed Personnel Will Have Access to Exams Before Exams Are AdministeredGeneric Fundamentals Examination
PY-CEI-NRR-2421, Forwards Semiannual fitness-for-duty Rept,Iaw 10CFR26.71(d) for Pnpp Covering Period of 990101-99063010 August 1999Forwards Semiannual fitness-for-duty Rept,Iaw 10CFR26.71(d) for Pnpp Covering Period of 990101-990630Fitness for Duty
PY-CEI-NRR-2422, Forwards Addl Info Re ASME Section IX Relief Request (IR-023) for Inservice Examination Program at Pnpp,Submitted on 98082610 August 1999Forwards Addl Info Re ASME Section IX Relief Request (IR-023) for Inservice Examination Program at Pnpp,Submitted on 980826
PY-CEI-NRR-2423, Provides Final Response to NRC GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Remediation of Meteorological Monitoring Sys Has Been Completed & Ppnp Facility Is Now Y2K Ready10 August 1999Provides Final Response to NRC GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Remediation of Meteorological Monitoring Sys Has Been Completed & Ppnp Facility Is Now Y2K Ready
ML20210R79310 August 1999Forwards Cycle 7 Startup Rept for Seabrook Station, IAW Requirements of TS
PY-CEI-NRR-2417, Forwards NP0059-007, Pnpp - Unit 1 ISI Summary Rept Results for Outage 7 (1999) First Period,Second Interval, IAW ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,1989 Edition,Article IWA-60002 August 1999Forwards NP0059-007, Pnpp - Unit 1 ISI Summary Rept Results for Outage 7 (1999) First Period,Second Interval, IAW ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI,1989 Edition,Article IWA-6000
ML20210K32830 July 1999Forwards Response to NRC RAI Re License Amend Request 98-17. North Atlantic Concurs with Staff That Bases Should State That Maintaining ECCS Piping Full of Water from RWST to Reactor Coolant Sys Ensures Sys Will Perform Properly
ML20210H09227 July 1999Forwards Naesc Semi-Annual Fitness-for-Duty Rept,Jan-June 1999, Per 10CFR26.71(d).Rept Includes Data from 990101- 0610
ML20210H89927 July 1999Forwards Tabulation of Current LBLOCA & SBLOCA Peak Clad Temp Margin Utilization Tables Applicable to Seabrook Station
PY-CEI-NRR-2419, Forwards Four Copies of Rev 27 to Pnpp Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Changes Have Been Determined Not to Decrease Effectiveness of Security Plan.Rev Withheld21 July 1999Forwards Four Copies of Rev 27 to Pnpp Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Changes Have Been Determined Not to Decrease Effectiveness of Security Plan.Rev Withheld
PY-CEI-NRR-2415, Submits Estimate of Number of Licensing Submittal for FY00 & 01,for Pnpp,Per Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates19 July 1999Submits Estimate of Number of Licensing Submittal for FY00 & 01,for Pnpp,Per Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates
ML20210S99118 July 1999Requests NRC Intervene for All Shareholders of New England Electric System & to Help with Merger with National Grid Group & That NRC Petition Security & Exchange Commission to Investigate Matter Relative to No Shareholder Options
ML20210A25215 July 1999Forwards Rev 33 to Seabrook Station Radiological Emergency Plan & Rev 84 to Seabrook Station Emergency Response Manual
ML20210A64415 July 1999Advises That Listed Operator Licenses for Company Personnel Have Expired,As of 990715,per 10CFR50.74(a) & 10CFR55.5. Individuals Listed Have Assumed Responsibilities at Pnpp That Do Not Require Operator Licenses
ML20209J06014 July 1999Forwards Rev 11 to Vols 1-10 of State of Nh Radiological Emergency Response Plan & Vols 11-50 to Town Radiological Emergency Response Plans,In Support of Vermont Yankee & Seabrook Station.Vols 17-19 of Were Not Included
ML20209G1359 July 1999Forwards Relief Request Re Repair Welding on SA-351 Matl to Be Installed in Seabrook Station SW Pumps & SW Cooling Tower PumpsUltimate heat sink
Liquid penetrant
ML20209D2876 July 1999Submits Response to NRC AL 99-02,re Numerical Estimate of Licensing Actions Expected to Be Submitted in Fy 2000 & 2001.Schedule Does Not Include Activities Which Meet AL Definition of Complex Review