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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20217H46618 October 1999Forwards Changes to EPIPs IAW 10CFR50.54(q) & 10CFR50,App E, Section V.Details of Changes Encl
ML20216J82430 September 1999Notifies of Removal of NRC Headquarters & Region III Offices from Controlled Copy Distribution of Certain CE Documents. Specific Documents,Associated Controlled Copy Numbers & NRC Location Affected Are Shown on Attachment to Ltr
ML20216H36420 September 1999Forwards NRC Form 536 in Response to AL 99-03, Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExamsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
HL-5839, Forwards Three New & One Revised Relief Requests for Third 10-year Interval ISI Program for Plant,Developed to Clarify Documentation Requirements,To Propose Alternate Exam Requirements IAW ASME Code Cases N-598 & N-57316 September 1999Forwards Three New & One Revised Relief Requests for Third 10-year Interval ISI Program for Plant,Developed to Clarify Documentation Requirements,To Propose Alternate Exam Requirements IAW ASME Code Cases N-598 & N-573Hydrostatic
HL-5837, Informs That Recent Evaluation of Inservice Testing Program Activities Has Resulted in Requirement for Snoc to Revise Two Existing Requests for Relief,Withdraw One Request for Relief & Revise One Existing Cold SD Justification13 September 1999Informs That Recent Evaluation of Inservice Testing Program Activities Has Resulted in Requirement for Snoc to Revise Two Existing Requests for Relief,Withdraw One Request for Relief & Revise One Existing Cold SD JustificationStroke time
Cold shutdown justification
HL-5832, Submits Comments Concerning Reactor Vessel Integrity Database (Rvid),Version 2 for Plant Hatch,Per NRC1 September 1999Submits Comments Concerning Reactor Vessel Integrity Database (Rvid),Version 2 for Plant Hatch,Per NRC
ML20211G12227 August 1999Forwards fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data for Each of Comm Ed Nuclear Power Stations & Corporate Support Employees within Scope of Rule for six-month Period Ending 990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d)Fitness for Duty
HL-5825, Forwards Response to Informal NRC RAI Re Proposed Emergency Actions Levels Associated with Independent Spent Fuel Storage Operations20 August 1999Forwards Response to Informal NRC RAI Re Proposed Emergency Actions Levels Associated with Independent Spent Fuel Storage Operations
HL-5788, Forwards Owner Activity Repts,Form OAR-1 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant for First Period of Third 10-yr Interval ISI Program.Repts Are for Unit 2 Refueling Outages 13 & 1419 August 1999Forwards Owner Activity Repts,Form OAR-1 for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant for First Period of Third 10-yr Interval ISI Program.Repts Are for Unit 2 Refueling Outages 13 & 14
HL-5827, Forwards Fitness for Duty Performance Data for six-month Reporting period,Jan-June 1999,as Required by 10CFR26.71(d)19 August 1999Forwards Fitness for Duty Performance Data for six-month Reporting period,Jan-June 1999,as Required by 10CFR26.71(d)Fitness for Duty
HL-5824, Requests Exemption from Expedited Implementation Requirements of Paragraph 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B) as Applicable to Containment General Visual Exams of Subsection Iwe,Table IWE-2500-1,Category E-A,Item E1.1118 August 1999Requests Exemption from Expedited Implementation Requirements of Paragraph 10CFR50.55a(g)(6)(ii)(B) as Applicable to Containment General Visual Exams of Subsection Iwe,Table IWE-2500-1,Category E-A,Item E1.11Coatings
ML20210N5656 August 1999Forwards Rev 8 to Nuclear Generating Stations Emergency Plan, for Plants.With Summary of ChangesSafe Shutdown
Fitness for Duty
Health Physics Network
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Nuclear Accident Reporting System
Severe Accident Management Guideline
Deep Dose Equivalent
Minimum staff
Fire Protection Program
ML20210M9132 August 1999Forwards Response to NRC AL 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates, for Fys 2000 & 2001 for ComedUltimate heat sink
Exemption Request
Power Uprate
HL-5814, Forwards New Relief Requests for Third 10-year Interval Inservice Insp Program for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.New Relief Requests Were Developed to Propose Alternate Insps & to Allow Use of ASME Code Cases N-605,N-508-1,N-323-1 & N-52830 July 1999Forwards New Relief Requests for Third 10-year Interval Inservice Insp Program for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.New Relief Requests Were Developed to Propose Alternate Insps & to Allow Use of ASME Code Cases N-605,N-508-1,N-323-1 & N-528Coatings
Flow Accelerated Corrosion
05000366/LER-1999-007, Forwards LER 99-007-00 Re Personnel Error & Inadequate Corrective Action Causing Automatic Reactor Shutdown27 July 1999Forwards LER 99-007-00 Re Personnel Error & Inadequate Corrective Action Causing Automatic Reactor Shutdown
ML20210D29620 July 1999Forwards Corrected Info for DNPS Unit 3 MOR for June 1999. Year-to Date Forced Outage Hours Should Have Read 70 Hours Instead of 0 on Page 8.Error Also Affected Cumulative Forced Outage Hours Which Should Have Been 24,761
HL-5810, Forwards Rev 17B to Ei Hatch FSAR & Rev 14B to Fire Hazards Analysis & Fire Protection Program, for Plant.Encls Reflect Changes Made Since Previous Submittal.With Instructions15 July 1999Forwards Rev 17B to Ei Hatch FSAR & Rev 14B to Fire Hazards Analysis & Fire Protection Program, for Plant.Encls Reflect Changes Made Since Previous Submittal.With InstructionsFire Protection Program
HL-5808, Forwards Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Unit 1 Extended Power Uprate Startup Test Rept for Cycle 19. Rept Summarizes Startup Testing Performed on Unit 1 Following Implementation of Extended Uprate During Eighteenth Refueling Outage15 July 1999Forwards Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant,Unit 1 Extended Power Uprate Startup Test Rept for Cycle 19. Rept Summarizes Startup Testing Performed on Unit 1 Following Implementation of Extended Uprate During Eighteenth Refueling Outage
HL-5807, Estimates That Seventeen (17) Submittals Will Be Made During Fy 2000 & Two (2) Submittals Will Be Made During Fy 2001,in Response to Administative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates14 July 1999Estimates That Seventeen (17) Submittals Will Be Made During Fy 2000 & Two (2) Submittals Will Be Made During Fy 2001,in Response to Administative Ltr 99-02, Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates
ML20210J10910 July 1999Submits Suggestions & Concerns Re Y2K & Nuclear Power PlantsSiren
HL-5804, Informs NRC That on or After 991018,SNOC Plans to Begin Storing Spent Fuel in Ei Hatch ISFSI IAW General License Issued,Per 10CFR72.2109 July 1999Informs NRC That on or After 991018,SNOC Plans to Begin Storing Spent Fuel in Ei Hatch ISFSI IAW General License Issued,Per 10CFR72.210
HL-5796, Forwards Response to NRC 990331 Request for Supplemental Info Re SNC Earlier GL 95-07 Responses.Gl 95-07 Evaluation Sheets for Units 1 & 2 RHR Torus Spray Isolation Valves Are Encl9 July 1999Forwards Response to NRC 990331 Request for Supplemental Info Re SNC Earlier GL 95-07 Responses.Gl 95-07 Evaluation Sheets for Units 1 & 2 RHR Torus Spray Isolation Valves Are EnclStroke time
HL-5801, Forwards New Relief Requests for Third 10-Yr Interval ISI Program for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.New Relief Requests RR-25 & RR-26 Were Developed to Propose Alternate Repair Techniques IAW ASME Code N-562 & N-561,respectively9 July 1999Forwards New Relief Requests for Third 10-Yr Interval ISI Program for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.New Relief Requests RR-25 & RR-26 Were Developed to Propose Alternate Repair Techniques IAW ASME Code N-562 & N-561,respectivelyWeld Overlay
Liquid penetrant
ML20196J9131 July 1999Submits Status of Nuclear Property Insurance Currently Maintained for Braidwood,Byron,Dresden,Lasalle County,Quad Cities & Zion Nuclear Power Stations,Per 10CFR50.54(w)(3)
ML20196J9061 July 1999Provides Evidence That Util Maintains Guarantee of Payment of Deferred Premiums in Amount of $10 Million for Each of Thirteen Reactors,Per 10CFR140.21
ML20209B82430 June 1999Forwards Five 3.5 Inch Computer Diskettes Containing Revised Annual Dose Repts for 1994 Through 1998 for Individuals Receiving Neutron Dose Not Previously Included in Reported Total Effective Dose Equivalent Values.Without Diskettes
HL-5790, Responds to NRC RAI Re GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Nuclear Power Plants21 June 1999Responds to NRC RAI Re GL 98-01, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Nuclear Power Plants
ML20195E3457 June 1999Forwards 3.5 Inch Computer Diskette Containing Revised File Format for Annual Dose Rept for 1998,per 990520 Telcon Request from Nrc.Each Station Data Is Preceded by Header Record,Which Provides Info Necessary to Identify Data
ML20195D6354 June 1999Notifies NRC of Actions That Has Been Taken in Accordance with 10CFR26, Fitness for Duty ProgramsFitness for Duty
HL-5763, Informs That Util Is Changing Responsibility for Periodic Concerns Program Review,Per Insp Repts 50-321/95-12 & 50-366/95-12.Reviews Will Now Be Performed Under Direction of Vice President & Corporate Counsel20 May 1999Informs That Util Is Changing Responsibility for Periodic Concerns Program Review,Per Insp Repts 50-321/95-12 & 50-366/95-12.Reviews Will Now Be Performed Under Direction of Vice President & Corporate Counsel
ML20195B23019 May 1999Requests Approval of Proposed Changes to QA Topical Rept CE-1-A,rev 66a.Attachment a Describes Changes,Reason for Change & Basis for Concluding That Revised QAP Incorporating Proposed Changes Continues to Satisfy 10CFR50AppB
HL-5785, Forwards New Relief Requests RR-V-16 for Third 10-yr Interval Inservice Testing Program for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.Relief Request Was Developed to Propose Alternate Schedule for Replacement of HPCI Rupture Disks18 May 1999Forwards New Relief Requests RR-V-16 for Third 10-yr Interval Inservice Testing Program for Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant.Relief Request Was Developed to Propose Alternate Schedule for Replacement of HPCI Rupture Disks
ML20206F53830 April 1999Forwards Magnetic Tape Containing Annual Dose Repts for 1998 for Braidwood,Byron,Dresden,Lasalle County,Quad Cities & Zion Nuclear Power Stations,Per 10CFR20.2206(c).Without Magnetic Tape
HL-5777, Notifies NRC That Exam Coverage for One Weld Exceeded Criteria for Plant.Reasons for Exam Coverage Being Less than Initially Estimated as Listed26 April 1999Notifies NRC That Exam Coverage for One Weld Exceeded Criteria for Plant.Reasons for Exam Coverage Being Less than Initially Estimated as Listed
ML20206B15022 April 1999Forwards 1998 Occupational Radiation Exposure for Dresden Nuclear Power Station,Units 1,2 & 3. Rept Was Revised to Rept Only Individual Radiation Exposures Greater than 100 MremDeep Dose Equivalent
ML20206B24720 April 1999Informs That SE Kuczynski Has Been Transferred to Position No Longer Requiring SRO License.Cancel License SOP-31030-1, Effective 990412
HL-5758, Forwards Response to NRC 990129 RAI Re GL 96-05 Program at Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant9 April 1999Forwards Response to NRC 990129 RAI Re GL 96-05 Program at Ei Hatch Nuclear PlantStroke time
Anchor Darling
HL-5761, Forwards Revised Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant Psp,Effective 990331,per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Justification & Detailed Instructions Encl.Plan Withheld,Per 10CFR73.2131 March 1999Forwards Revised Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant Psp,Effective 990331,per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Justification & Detailed Instructions Encl.Plan Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21
ML20205K58431 March 1999Submits Rept on Status of Decommissioning Funding for Reactors Owned by Comm Ed.Attachment 1 Contains Amount of Decommissioning Funds Estimated to Be Required Pursuant to 10CFR50.75(b) & (C)
ML20196K70031 March 1999Forwards Dresden Nuclear Power Station,Units 1,2 & 3 Radioactive Effluent Release Rept,Jan-Dec 1998. ODCM Was Submitted by Ltr in Accordance with Dresden TS 6.9.A.4 of Dresden Tech Specs Section 6.14.A.3Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
HL-5750, Forwards Status of Decommissining Funding,Per Requirements 10CFR50.75(f)(1),on Behalf of Licensed Owners of Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant30 March 1999Forwards Status of Decommissining Funding,Per Requirements 10CFR50.75(f)(1),on Behalf of Licensed Owners of Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant
ML20205D72326 March 1999Informs That Region III Emergency Preparedness Inspector Will Be Provided Copy of Comed Exercise Manual for 990526 Annual Exercise at DNPS
ML20205H14925 March 1999Forwards Info for OLs DPR-7 & NPF-5 Re Financial Assurance Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors,Per 10CFR50.75(f)(1).Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia Is One of Licensed Owners of Ei Hatch,Owning 17.7% of Facility
ML20205H14124 March 1999Forwards Info for OLs DPR-7 & NPF-5 Re Financial Assurance Requirement for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors,Per 10CFR50.75(f)(1).Oglethorpe Power Corp Is One of Licensed Owners of Ei Hatch,Units 1 & 2,owning 30% of Facility
ML20205B42423 March 1999Provides Results of drive-in Drill Conducted on 990208,as Well as Augmentation Phone Drills Conducted Since 981015,as Committed to in UtilMinimum staff
HL-5754, Forwards Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Extended Power Uprate Startup Test Rept for Cycle 15, IAW Regulatory Commitments.Testing Identified No Major Problems.Startup Testing for Unit 1 Is Scheduled for Spring 1999 RFO22 March 1999Forwards Ei Hatch Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Extended Power Uprate Startup Test Rept for Cycle 15, IAW Regulatory Commitments.Testing Identified No Major Problems.Startup Testing for Unit 1 Is Scheduled for Spring 1999 RFO
ML20205H13822 March 1999Forwards Info for OLs DPR-7 & NPF-5 Re Financial Assurance Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors,Per 10CFR50.75(f)(1).Georgia Power Is One of Licensed Owners of Ei Hatch,Units 1 & 2,owning 50.1% of Facility
ML20205H15816 March 1999Forwards Info for OLs DPR-5 & NPF-7 Re Financial Assurance Requirements for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Reactors,Per 10CFR50.75(f)(1).Dalton Utilities Is One of Licensed Owners of Ei Hatch,Units 1 & 2,owning 2.2% of Facility
HL-5753, Submits Response to Five Criteria Described in NUREG/CR-6396 Section 3.3.2.Attachment Contains Relief Request RR-P-14, Which Has Been Revised & Enhanced to Include Addl Info to Justify Proposed Alternative16 March 1999Submits Response to Five Criteria Described in NUREG/CR-6396 Section 3.3.2.Attachment Contains Relief Request RR-P-14, Which Has Been Revised & Enhanced to Include Addl Info to Justify Proposed Alternative
HL-5757, Informs That SNC Withdraws SNC Proposed Rev to Plant Hatch QA Program Submitted 99012715 March 1999Informs That SNC Withdraws SNC Proposed Rev to Plant Hatch QA Program Submitted 990127