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ML20217F64029 September 1999Forwards B&W Svcs,Inc Liquid Effluent Summary Rept for Jan- June 1999. Source & Special Nuclear Matls Described in 10CFR40.46 & 10CFR70.59 Are No Longer Possessed or Used as Described in Sections
ML20211H95210 August 1999Informs That to NRC Contained Typo.Cover Ltr Should Have Stated Rept Period as Being First semi-annual Rept for 1999.Corrected Cover Ltr Encl
ML20211H9608 August 1999Submits Gaseous Effluent Rept for Second Semi-Annual Period of 1998, for Lynchburg Mfg Facility Site Located,Iaw Provisions of 10CFR70.59
ML20217K9638 August 1999Forwards Gaseous Effluent Rept for First Semi-Annual Period of 1999 for Lynchburg Manufacturing Facility. Without Encl
ML20209C13329 June 1999Forwards Proprietary Rev 13 to Fundamental Nuclear Matls Control (Fnmc) Plan to Reflect Organization Changes, Editorial Changes & Other Clarifications.Proprietary Encl Withheld
ML20209B31028 June 1999Submits Third Required Response to GL 98-03, NMSS Licensees & Certificate Holders Y2K Readiness Programs. All Safety & Safeguard Sys Completed Remediation & Are Y2K Ready
ML20207A4025 May 1999Offers Listed Info Re Planned Efforts for Release of Wet Weather Stream,In Accord with H Felsher 981214 Request
ML20206S22419 January 1999Forwards Rev 0 to B&W Svcs,Inc Parks Facility Final Survey Rept for 1996 Remediated Area Outfall 3. Licensee Requests NRC Approval for Release for Unrestricted Use of Limited Area of Outfall 3
ML20199J3758 January 1999Forwards Proprietary Rev 2 to Special Nuclear Matl (SNM) & Source Matl (SM) Physical Inventory Summary Rept, Representing Inventory from 970415-980421.Changes Are Indicated by side-bar.Proprietary Info Withheld
ML20198L15228 December 1998Submits Second Required Response to NRC GL 98-03 Re Yr 2000 Readiness Programs.Facility Created Comprehensive Listing of All Computer Related Sys & Applications
ML20198A60614 December 1998Informs NRC of Intention of Framatome Cogema Fuels to Initate Operation of Chemistry Lab at Lynchburg Mfg Facility Under Provisions of SNM-1168,Chapter 1,Section 1.5.3
ML20196E33025 November 1998Forwards Characterization & Final Status Survey Plan for Wet Weather Stream, for NRC Review & Approval.Licensee Would Like to Begin Survey Work in Feb 1999,following NRC Approval of Intended Scope of Work & Details in Plan
ML20195G6256 November 1998Responds to 981105 Inquiry Re Principal Contact Between Framatome Cogema Fuwls & NRC Upon Conveyance of 981005 Amend Request & Organization Changes Therein
ML20151X76015 September 1998Submits Response to GL 98-03 Re NMSS Licensee & Certificate Holders Yr 2000 Readiness Programs
ML20151Z40514 September 1998Submits Info to Support Licensee Request Dtd 980625,as Per Request of Felsher on NRC Behalf
ML20151W7788 September 1998Forwards Response to Re Wet Weather Stream Release.Revised Table of Data,Table 6-2,originally Included with 980429 Submittal Attached to Encl.Calculation C98-01, Encl
ML20237C16914 August 1998Provides Info That Supports Licensee Request Dtd 980625,as Requested by Ma Lamastra
ML20237C16711 August 1998Provides Written Rept Re 980811 Single,Unoccupied Vehicle Accident That Occurred on Licensee Premises
ML20237A4266 August 1998Forwards Copy of Framatome Cogema Fuels Emergency Procedure Which Is Currently Being Revised.Current Procedure Requires Rev in Respect to Listed Items.Rev Is Due by 980930
ML20236P7449 July 1998Forwards Revised Proprietary Special Nuclear Matl (SNM) & Source Matl (SM) Physical Inventory Summary Rept, Representing Inventory for 970415-980421.Changes Are Indicated by Side Bar.Proprietary Info Withheld
ML20237F24130 June 1998Forwards Rev 3 to Security Plan,To Reflect Strengthening of Program.Primary Change Focuses Upon Transfer of Plan Ownership from Manager of Safety & Licensing to Manager of Lynchburg Manufacturing Facility (Lmf)
ML20236F91426 June 1998Informs That During Author Absence from Facility Starting 980626,listed Persons Authorized to Act as Manager Safety & Licensing on All Matters That Require Immediate Attention
ML20249C01019 June 1998Forwards Proprietary Revised Special Nuclear Matl (SNM) & Source Matl (SM) Physical Inventory Summary Rept, Representing Inventory from 980415-21.Changes Are Indicated by Sidebar
ML20249B3829 June 1998Forwards Proprietary & non-proprietary Info to Be Discussed at 980610 Meeting W/Nrc Re TRs & Fuel Performance Issues. Proprietary Info Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790
ML20248A85920 May 1998Forwards Proprietary SNM & Source Matl Physical Inventory Summary Rept, Conducted on 980421.Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790(d)
ML20248A93218 May 1998Submits Analytical Results for Soil Samples Collected from Framatome Cogema Fuels,Lynchburg,Va.Results Presented in Tables 1 & 2 Respectively
ML20247J21029 April 1998Forwards Radiological Survey Rept,Wet Weather Stream Survey, Including Apps F-1 Through F-4.Area Known as Wet Weather Stream Should Be Considered Released for Unrestricted Use.Outstanding Issues Re Noted Area,Addressed
ML20217N70620 March 1998Provides follow-up to Telcon of 980319 & Concerns Submittal of Info Requested by in Support of NRC Review of Parks Facility Decommissioning Plan
ML20217E72519 March 1998Submits Rept Re Conditions of Approval in Coc 9203 Not Being Observed in Making Shipment,Iaw 10CFR71.95(c).During Recent Maint of Dhtf Containers,Designated Drums Were Found to Have Body & Lid Thickness Not Specified in Coc 9203
ML20198E8115 January 1998Forwards Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-1201/97-06.Corrective Actions:Nrc Insp Rept & NOV Reviewed W/Designated Auditor of Health Physics & Nuclear Criticality Audits for First Half of 1998
ML20198C27713 December 1997Forwards Proprietary Rev 12 to Fundamental Nuclear Control Plan, Which Incorporates NRC Requested Addl Info Contained in .Proprietary Info Withheld
ML20202G44324 November 1997Responds to 971030 RAI Re Amend to Framatome Cogema Fuels Organizational Changes.Addl Info Requested,Responses & Details of Changes in Each Chapter,Encl
ML20210U8501 August 1997Requests Registration as User of Model RA-2 & RA-3 Packages
ML20217J65831 July 1997Forwards Proprietary Amended Fundamental Nuclear Matls Control Plan, Reflecting Recommendations Made by Intl Assessment Team & Nrc.Amended Plan Withheld,Per 10CFR2.790