ST-HL-AE-2073, Forwards Revised FSAR Section 9.5.1, Fire Protection Sys. Changes Incorporated for Consistency W/Fire Hazards Analysis Rept & Other Design Documents

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Forwards Revised FSAR Section 9.5.1, Fire Protection Sys. Changes Incorporated for Consistency W/Fire Hazards Analysis Rept & Other Design Documents
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/29/1987
From: Wisenburg M
ST-HL-AE-2073, NUDOCS 8705050104
Download: ML20210A515 (14)



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w l I

The Light  !

@OE f flouston Lighting & Power P.O. Ilox 1700 llouston, Texas 77001 (713)228-9211 r

April 29, 1987 i ST-HL-AE-2073 File No.: G9.17 10CFR50 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 South Texas Project Units 1 and 2 Docket Nos. STN 50-498, STN 50-499 FSAR Revisions Concerning Section 9.5.1; Fire Protection Systems Attached is revised FSAR Section 9.5.1, " Fire Protection Systems". These changes are being incorporated for consistency with the Fire Hazards Analysis Report and other STP design documents.

HIAP believes that conclusions previously reached in the SER remain valid. If you should have any questions on this matter, please contact Mr. J. S. Phelps at (713) 993-1367.

9 M. R. W senburg Deputy P oject Mana JSP/yd


Revised FSAR section 9.5.1 00 Ll/NRC/fd 8705050104 870429 PDR F

ADOCK 05000498 PDR.



'*- ST'-HL-AE-2073 Houston Lighting & Power Company f.: 17 j cc:


i: Regional Administrator, Region IV M.B. Lee /J.E. Malaski i Nuclear Regulatory Commission . City of Austin 611 Ryan Plaza Drive,. Suite 1000 P.O. Box 1088

-Arlington, TX 76011 Austin,-TX 78767-8814.

I ~ N. Prasad Kadambi, Project Manager. A. von'Rosenberg/M.T. Hardt

' U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission City Public Service Board 7920 Norfolk Avenue P.O. Box 1771'

. Bethesda, MD .20814- San Antonio, TX 78296 Robert L. Perch, Project Manager Advisory Committee _ on Reactor Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue- 1717 H Street

'Bethesda, MD 20814 Washington, DC 20555 Dan R.' Carpenter Senior Resident Inspector / Operations c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission-i .. P.O. Box 910' '

' Bay City, TX 77414

'Claude E. Johnson Senior Resident Inspector /STP

c/o U.S. Nuclear Regulatory a Commission i P.O. Box 910 Bay City, TX 77414 .

M.D. Schwarz , Jr. , Esquire ,

l Baker & Botts 1 -One Shell Plaza Houston, TX 77002 J.R. Newman, Esquire Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.

1615 L Street, N.W.

j .Washington, DC 20036 ,

l  :

1 T.V. Shockley/R.L. Range

. Central Power-& Light Company P. O. Box 2121 Corpus Christi, TX 78403 i


l 1

i L1/NRC/fd Revised 2/3/87 i


In all cases, adequate fire detection and protection of the systems and -

1 co nents and bringare the provided plant to tocold allow the fire brigade to manually extinguish the fire shutdown. g these areas is described in the Fire Hazard Analysis ReportThe protection prov .

possible, adequate fire detection and protection The protec-are installed l47


tion coatings, anc provided is composed of fire suppression systems indicated in the FHAR. thermal barriers or fire stops, or a combination of these, the use o

, as l3 specific deviations are identified and justified in the rFHAR. I 47 Fi The and isolation rated fire barriers, and separation criteria utilized of in the m 47 Safe shutdown can then be accomplished using the remaining ns.

t train o Safety-related structures are primarily of reinf6rced concrete constru ti a structural steel framing and provide ample inherent fire resistance cforon on walls, floors, and ceilings which separate redundant systems Exposed struc-tural steel is protected with spray-applied fireproofing material h aving a 47 the low fire loading. fire rating of at least 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> except where e to it was deem Within the safety-related structures, interior walls, partitions, structural components, ing are noncombustible or have acceptably lowradiation and materials for insulation, ratings forshielding f and sound47proof/N flame spread, and smoke development. uel contribution, are listed by a nationally recognized Interior finishes testing are noncombustible laboratory as having orfuel cont i bution, flame spread, and smoke develop ratings of 25 or less r-Materials i having being a rating of noncombustible. 50 or less are considered in the fire hazard as analysis  !

The use of suspended ceilings withi I Where these ceilings are necessary,n safety-related structures is minimized.

such as in the control room, personnel are of noncombustible construction. and offices, the ceilings and their facilities, health physics area supports

, s' may contain lighting and communication circuits in steel conduit or47fire deT taction circuits in aluminum sheathing (ALS). -

A wet pipe cprinkler system is

! ceiling and are not readily accessible 4:::provided for the one case whe

! provided for access above the portion of the control room with a suspendedS:


i Adequate floor drains are installed throughoutandsafety-relat 1

systems and hose streams from the standpipe systems.g certain areas such as

[%s s5b%ew ,

pmc6 sendta sp% h proosdd diW.u2.), A.M WE.WM e med )5 d<g H ( Rett.

I Wov-voog y c vsi<.\ Wo m - T6sbv ko de m i l*P e t h eN 6 t' b q M c % t v too m h d D"'M SO N (Raam oso) ma G.w& (oo O (R ** U N) 4". w ot p(S v'd*A M %v d va E s b we o s.JW .1 i

n a ree.oWd % dcEm s 4 adj ed cs<<$dws wel toom 5.

9.5-2 Amendment 54 i

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} the control room - ' eft ^ crr :::: [which are not provided with fixed water spray or sprinkler systems, are not provided with floor drains. Any water

(]~ from hose streams used in these areas is removed by the adjacent corridor drains, and precautions have been taken in these areas to prevent runoff water

-from damaging safety-related equipment. Floor drains which may collect water from a radioactive area are routed to the Liquid Weste Processing System. l47 Drains in areas containing combustible liquids are designed to prevent the possibility system.

of fire spreading from one area to another through the drainage 47 C

As in the majority of fires, the principal toxic gas produced by a fire occur- l3 ring in areas where manual fire supression will be used would be carbon monox-ide.

Other toxic gases may be evolved in small quantities, depending upon the exact composition of any combustibles located in the vicinity of a fire. .The 47 removal of smoke and toxic gases required to enable fire fighting personnel to-enter an area is discussed in the FHAR, Section

Ti.. n ' - y erfer. :M-;d; : f r:;;;12 tier errifer:d ia ib e==isa J ;i-Fi. 7 e:estica @ :: rre yr rid:f 1: *eLI. ".3-2. L 47 ItetA/

A System Description. Standpipe and hose systems, together with portable extinguishers, are provided in all buildings throughout the plant, except for the Domineralizer Building and Essential Cooling Water (ECW) intake structuresj which are provided with ou ide fire hydrantsyand the Fire Pump House,which is provided with an automa c wet pipe sprinkler and an outside 47 fire hydrant.

yg ym


In addition, fixed fire suppression systems are installed as required.

The type of fire protection provided for each plant area is provided in Table

' 9.5-3 and is discussed in greater detail by fire area and zone in Section 3.0 47 of the FHAR.

Fire Protection System Piping and Instrument Diagrams (P& ids) are provided as Figures 9.5.1-51 through 9.5.1-58. 47 Fire Protection Water Supply System: Plant fire protection '

systems which utilize water are supplied by an underground piping ring main l 47 system. This undergroung ing main is installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 240 he system piping is of cement-lined, ductile iron with push-on joints, and the thrust forces are restrained by tie-rods and l 47 clamps. The entire underground piping system is cathodically protected.

l The STP plant layout comprises two units, approximately 600 ft apart. The underground ring main encompasses both units, and a cross-connection routed between the units connects the north and south sides of the ring to form a figure-eight configuration. The piping used in the primary ring main is of 14-in. nominal size, and can supply the largest water demand of any hasard if 47 that part of the main which would have normally provided the shortest path to the hazard area is out of service.

Sectional isolation valves of the post indicator type are installed in the

[ ' ring main to permit the isolation of any part of the main without removing coverage from any area of the plant. g 9.5-3 Amendment 47



,P6GE %_OF i9 i

/ Equipment in the fire protection systems conforms to the standards of the National Fire Protection i Association listed on Table 9.5-2. All known deviations to the NFPA codes have been identified. Exceptions are required for deviations / conditions such as seismic requirements, etc.

4 1

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t_P. AGE JLOF Ip l

t Branches are taken from the ring main to supply the building internal protec- j tion systems and the special equipment protection systems, as required. Post ,I , '

indicator valves are installed in all such branches as they leave the main, to )
parait the isolation of any system.

In addition to supplying the building internal and special equipment protec-j tion systems, the ring main also provides water for the Yard Fire Protection

] System. This system comprises fire hydrants strategically located at approxi-

{ mately 250-ft intervals to provide a good fire-fighting capability. Special l47 attention is given to the placement of hydrants in the vicinity of fire j) hrzards such as the turbine lube oil area, oil-filled transformers, auxiliary i boilers, fuel oil storage area, etc. Each fire hydrant is contained in a hose house which, as a minimum, is equipped with hoses and nossles as required by kNFPA24f9tydrantsaretwo-wayandarefittedwithhosevalves. Threads on hydrant hose valves and hose equipment are National Hose Thread. This hose 47 thread is also used by fire departments and brigades in the vicinity of the

! oite.

Three UL-listed fire water pumps, installed in three separate cubicles within a fire pump hours, are used to provide the required water pressure and flow in the system. Prior to fire water pump start, required water pressure is main- 13 i tcined by an electric jockey pump.

l Each pump is complete with a diesel-engine driver, a fire pump controller, dual starting batteries, and a 550-gallon diesel fuel oil storage tank. The

] three pumps complete with the above accessories, are separated by 3-hour rated i fire barriers and the entire building is provided with a wet pipe sprinkler

] fire protection system. The# eptire fire pump installation meets or exceeds })#

l the requirements of riFPA 20 aYd re

! Unit 1 ::' "-if 2 control roo$ quired alarms are transmitted tc 68the j g 9 . A N M t. t

  • P k Ecch pump has a rated capacity lof 2,500 gal / min at 125 psig and is capable of providing at least 150 percent lof the rated capacity at not less than 65 per-cent of the total rated head. j.".ny :ini;1; y .'c'an provide 100 percent of the 47 i flow required for any single system protecting a safety-related area including
ample flow for additional hose streams. All three pumps discharge into a common header which forms part of the ring main system.

! The three pumps take suction through 14-in.-diameter suction pipes from a l47

) 16-in.-diameter header which in turn is supplied with water from two l 300,000-gallon fire water storage tanks. Two 14-in.-diameter pipe connections are provided between each storage tank and the 16-in.- diameter header (total i four 14-in.-diameter pipes). Isolating valves are provided at the suction j nozzles of the tanks and in each of the 14- in.-diameter pipes as they join i the header. Similar valves are provided in the 16-in. header and in each of j the three 14-in.-diameter pump suction lines as they leave the header. Thus, ,

, any pump or combination of pumps can take suction from either or both fire '

l 8

water storage tanks. In addition, a check valve is provided adjacent to the j isolating valve on each of the four tank suction lines at the header so that a j rupture or leak in either tank does not permit the other tank to be drained

, through the interconnecting piping. Both tanks are used only for fire water ctorage, and no outlets are provided for connection to any other system. ,


9.5-4 Amendment 47

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i 4

I *

.STP FSAR ATTACHMENT ST HL AE WO 4 PAGE m,OF 4 j i The water supply to refill the fire, W tanks is normally provided from

]l }

i the Fresh Water System, which takes suction from a settling basin and can refill one tank in 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> or less. In the event of a failure in this system, l47 I the tank is refilled directly from the site well water system.

.} Cablina Areas: jor cabling areas outside Containment are

! ire barriers. Automatic wet pipe sprinkler protection, at ,

1 enclosedby3-hour theceilinglevel,*h {illisprovidedthrou5outthecablespreadingroomsand h

! power cable vault. For concentrated cable in trays outside of the cable

. spreading rooms and power cable vault where the cable tray sections are not 54

[ 1 readilyg ecessible to an effective hose stream, automatic wet pipe sprinkler i systensp ill i;'provided at the ceiling level. The sprinkler systegrill be*-

i j s t hydraulically designed to provide an average density of 0.3 spa /ft8 over any

! 3000 sq. ft of floor area. Specific areas covered are described in detail in Section 3.0 of the IHAR.

t, us&M Lo -----'-

A 4 , L 5: i up : n r Ffire suppression,i: ur'Ystandpipes es& hoses awJ j  ;

el: ; vi M portable extinguishersfprovided throughout the building.

a c4.

Cables used in these areas are designed to be wetted without electrical ,

il faulting.

1 Each cabling area contains only one train of redundant safety related cables-  :

? except the train B cable spreading / power cable area which contains several train C cable trays. The train C trays pass vertically through the train B j area and terminate in the main control room. Alternate shutdown capability is

provided for these circuits as described in the FHAR. ,

r i 1 47  !

l( Cabling in these areas meets the IEEE 383-1974 flame test with specific excep-

tions as noted in the FHAR.

l Within each separate cable division, different classes of cables, such as i medium-voltage cables, low-voltage cables, and instrument cables, are

{ installed in cable trays or raceways specifically dedicated to each class, i Where cable trays are arranged in tiers, the' cables are installed in the tiers j in order of fault energy, whenever possible, with the highest fault energy j cables in the upper trays and ' instrumentation cables in the lower trays. r l Spatial separation is provided between cables of redundant safety-related i i divisions, and also between cables of safety-related and non-safety-related i divisions, in accordance with the requirements of IEEE Standard 384-1974 and l Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.75.



i Switchaear Rooms: The train A, B, and C switchgear rooms are

\ separated from each other by 3-hour fire barriers gA W switchgear room % ere S l } ne= % d with fire detection and alarms (see Section Portable 1 carbon dioxide type extinguishers are provided adjacent to cne switchgear

! rooms, and manual hose stations on the building standpipe system are available in the vicinity of each switchgear room. Only variable pattern nozzles having no straight stream capability and specifically approved for use on electrical fires are installed on hose stations in the vicinity of switchgear rooms.

i i Cables passing through the ESF switchgear rooms, and not directly associated j with those rooms, are kept to a minimum. -

, l47 l (' ) ( ucA d A L setdd brewd> peM semb 53h cem.d. M 94k l

sMS % in & syvbd sem& s%% ta % c % d k o d s W % s-9.5-5 Amendment 54 i

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ATTACHMENT ST.HL-AE oWI3 STP FSAR PAGE O~Fi'L-hose lengths of 100 ft are utilized as permitted by NFPA 14'. The system l 47 design is such that all locations in the building are within reach of at least one hose stream. Braided, noncollapsible hoses installed on hose reels are used throughout the TGB.

Backup fire protection is provided by portable fire extinguishers. The type, i size, number, and locations of these extinguishers are determined by the l 55 i nature of the hazards, but in all cases meet or exceed the requirements of l 47 i NFPA 10:@T The water spray fixed systems, standpipe and hose systems, and preaction l 12 sprinkler systems installed in the TCB are supplied with water from a 6-in.

-diameter pipe header, having a U-shaped configuration, installed beneath the mezzanine level. The ends of the header are connected to the plant underground ring main system at widely separated points. The header is norma-lly supplied with water from both points of the main, but isolating valves of the post indicator type are provided at the connections to the main, such that the header may be supplied from one point only in the event of damage to part of the main.

In addition, isolating valves of the outside screw and yoke type are installed at each end of the header at the inlets to the building, and also at strategic intervals around the header to permit isolation of any damaged section.

l 12 All pipe connections from the header to fire protection systems and standpipes are provided with isolating valves as they leave the header, such that the isolation of any system does not affect the operability of any other system.

The automatic wet pipe sprinkler systems in the TCB are supplied with water directly from the underground ring main. In addition, a backup supply is 12 provided from the TCB internal header. Turbine Lube 011 Area: The turbine lube oil area comprises a l47 lube oil reservoir, clean and dirty oil storage tanks, and a lube oil condi-tioner located outdoors and adjacent to the southwest corner of the TCB. The lube oil reservoir is a horizontally positioned cylindrical steel tank, 114 in. in diameter by 432 in. in length, located on a curbed concrete slab at El. 44.0 ft. The clean and dirty oil tanks are cylindrical steel tanks, of 23,000 gallons each, located at El 21.5 ft below the reservoir. Two-hour fire-rated walls are provided for the TGB adjacent to the lube oil area for exposure protection.

The lube oil area is protected by two independent water spray fixed systems:  !

one for the reservoir at El. 44.0 ft and one for the tanks and conditioner below. These systems utilize solid cone directional spray nozzles to provide essentially complete direct impingement onto exposed surfaces of the equip-ment, including floor areas within the curbs. The spray systems are designed ,

l in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 15,Tnd the design densities are l47 l 0.25gpm/ft{

l Water is supplied for these systems directly from the underground ring main. I The discharge for each system is controlled by an electrically operated deluge l valve located within the TCB, actuated by the Fire Detection System for the lube oil area (see Section In case of failure of the deluge g valve electrical operator, or total failure of both the primary and backup 9.5-11 Amendment 55 l



,,,..ud -eleMc apegE ] @ I A.

). HVAC Carbon Filters: A} fixed water spray deluge system is provided for the HVAC carbon filters in the EAB, MAB, FHB and RCB of each unit. The areas of protection are as follows:

M\Ae e , Cleanup UnityEAB El 10'-0" c,p.\ k.=**

e Cleanup Unit3 EAB El. 35'-0" g$.t A..--

e , Cleanup Unit,EAB El. 60'-0" AW 15 5 e Technical Support CenterpUnit EAB El. 86' 0" 3

I e (,p.\ be

, Makeup Unit)EAB El. 86'-0" e C'[y\(l..*-

Makeup Unitj EAB El. 86'-0"

.u e , ^Makeup Unitj EAB El. 86'-0" is W e

SampleRoomUni$MABEl.41'-0" 3 ,


c. W Radiation Chemistry 1.ab , Unit j MAB El. 41' 0" s,b e HVAC Exhaust Subsystem,Unitj FHB El. 30'-0" W

e HVAC Exhaust Subsystem, Unit y FHB El. 30'-0" e

f.W 55 HVAC Exhaust Subsystem, Unity FHB El 42'-6" f.W e HVAC Exhaust Subsystem, Unit y FHB El. 42' 6" (W

e HVAC Exhaust Subsystem, Unit 3 FHB El. 53' 3" e

(W H/AC Exhaust Subsystem, Unit,FHB El. 53'-3" e Nontainment Carbon Filter Unity RCB El. 52'-0" e Containment Carbon Filter Unit3 RCB El. 52'-0" i

The deluge system to each of q the carbon filters is designed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 15fw[th a design density of not less than 0.25 gpm/fta for hori::ontal beds and 3.2 gpm/f t 8 for vertical beds.

l,3 3

Dual setpoint continuous thermistor type detectors are provided to alarm both high and high high charcoal temperatures. The deluge valves are manually actuated by hand switches located in the control room and locally. p Fire Protection Detection. Control, and Alarm Svstem:

A comprehensive Fire Detection, Control, and Alarm System is installed throughout the plant. The primary operation of this system is automatically governed by a series of local control panels conveniently located throughout the plant.

The Fire Protection System control panels monitor the general plant area fire detectors and monitor and/or control all of the special hazard fire protection systems to ensure their continuous availability. Alarms are transmitted from the local panels to the fire protection data acquisition system in the main control room.

( -i put modow6t Mw g 9.51) Amendment $8 e .,s m es o , m % g ,e, e % d%e . . ~ t h N c u b m M hc3 g g p u h.

Valvt4 Vt m e t4 % p eck O rt dM d b O*J C uM . os.4

i 1


STP FSAR P.AG.E g OF 13- Preaction Sprinkler Systems (Manus 1)' - The TG bearings are l 47 i( protected by a preaction sprinkler system. The fire detectors used are ther.

mostatic, spot-type heat detectors with rate compensation.

I A control panel continuously monitors the Fire Detection System associated with each preaction sprinkler system. -Upon receipt of an indication of fire from any detector, the panel activates a fire alarm bell in the protected i area. A visible indication is provided on the panel to show which system is indicating a fire alarm.

Manual switches are located in the main control' room to manual-electrically l i open an electrically actuated deluge valve that controls the water supply to , 55 each proaction sprinkler system. Water is then admitted to the system and discharges from any sprinkler heads that open. A " water flowing" alarm is i also provided in the area of the bearings and in the control room. Upon receipt of this alarm, the operator is assured that the deluge valve has operated.



In addition to monitoring fire conditions, the panels monitor other conditions necessary to ensure the availability and proper operation of each detection and preaction sprinkler system. Upon receipt of any off-normal condition, i visible and audible indications of the trouble are provided at the panel.

The off-normal conditions include:

i o

1 I

55 Detection circuit trouble

'( o Delugevalvesolenoidcircuittrouble(,TG O o Water flow switch circuit trouble l 47 ,

o System low water pressure I

.o System isolating valve closed o Control panel primary power failure l

l A pair of normally open contacts is provided in the appropriate control panel II 47 ,

l for " trouble" and " fire" conditions for each preaction sprinkler system. The l j contacts are designed to close upon receipt of these conditions and are used -

t to initiate alarms in the control room (see Section , Preaction Sprinkler System (Automatic) - The areas pro-b tected by theofautomatic and portions preaction the Administration sprinkler Building systems and the Lighting are Diesel the DGB engine Generator 4

Building. Control panels continuously monitor the Fire Detection Systems associated with each preaction sprinkler system. l 12


i j' Two complete detection circuits are provided for each system to protect the 47

< DGB engine rooms and the Lighting Diesel Generator Building. The fire detec-i tors used are thermostatic, spot-type heat detectors with rate compensation. i The two detection circuits utilize the cross-zone principle, by which, upon I j receipt of an indication of fire from one detection circuit, a control panel j

i. will annunciate a " fire alert." Upon receipt of an indication of fire from l l( ) both detection circuits concurrently, a control panel automatically opens the electrically actuated deluge valve that controls the water supply to the l


9.5 19 Amendment 55 i


' ST HL AE 70 95 PAGE 'i OF l a.

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. ST.HL-AE do? 3 STP FSAR PAGE l 0_OF t 9-The fire detectors used for water spray systems protecting hazards other than

cabling areas are thermostatic, spot-type heat detectors with rate compen-1 sation or continuous thermistor type in the. case of HVAC carbon filters. l47 Control panels continuously monitor the Fire Detection System associated with each of the water spray fixed systems. Upon receipt of an indication of fire 3

from any detector, the appropriate control panel automatically opens the elec-trically actuated deluge valve that controls the water supply to the spray system associated with that detector. The panel also activates a fire alarm bell local to the protected area. A visible indication-is provided on the panel to show which system is indicating a fire alarm. The HVAC carbon fil- l55

' tersdelugevalves{aremanual-electricallyactuated.

l wa Rc6 ch b5 dest velvto In addition to monitoring for fire conditions, the panels monitor other condi- l47 1

_tions necessary to ensure the availability and proper operation of each detec-i' tion and water spray system. Upon receipt of any off-normal condition, visi-ble and audible " trouble" indications are provided at the appropriate panel.

The off-normal conditions include:

i e Detection circuit trouble e Deluge valve solenoid circuit trouble

.l e Water flowing switch circuit trouble l

} e Manual fire alarm switch circuit trouble p5 lk e System low water pressure (47 e System isolating valve closed I e e

bh d.\db3 Mn orm(W A C. M.m bbf e Control panel primary power failure A pair of normally open contacts is provided in the appropriate control panel l47 l for " trouble" and " fire" conditions for each water spray fixed system. The' contacts are designed to close upon receipt of these conditions and are used to initiate alarms in the control room (see Section l '.' Standpipe Systems (Vet) - A list of areas protected by l 47
standpipe systems is provided in Table 9.5-3. These systems are manual and j normally wet, and there is no automatic retion required from a local control j panel for these systems to be operated.

! Control panels do, however, monitor conditions necessary to ensure the avail-j ability and proper operation of each system. Upon receipt of any off-normal i

condition, visible and audible " trouble" indications are provided at the i appropriate panel, l

The off normal conditions include

j e System isolating valve closed

{j e System low water pressure l55 i e Control panel primary power failure f 9.5 21 Amendment 55 i

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! STP FSAR PAGE il 0F l} -- ,

The operability of fire protection systems required to protect safe shutdown capability will be assured through the implementation of an administrative

, program similar to the requirements of Revisien 5 of NUREG-0452. This program 4

will include testing requirements, compensatory actions for systems out of 58

service, and QA audits of program implementation. It will cover those systems, including suppression systems, detection systems, and fire barriers, which are identified in the Fire Hazards Analysis Report as protecting areas / zones containing safe shutdown equipment or cabling.

I Other fire protection systems and equipment will not be included in the administrative or QA programs described above; however, operability testing of

.i a similar nature will be conducted as necessary for property protection and J personnel safety reasons. The need for compensatory actions will be evaluated

on a case by case basis.

4 f Fire Brigade: A five member fire brigade consisting of the l Chemical Operations Foreman (Brigade Leader) and four other members of the - MO.

Chemical Operations shift crew will be maintained'on each shift. These  ;

4 employees will receive annual physical examinations for strenuous activity and J

will be given training on safety-related systems and other systems as neces-j sary.

Fire brigade members will be provided with protective equipment as described

, below: -

1. Turnout gear including bunker coat, boots, gloves, helmet, and self con-l tained breathing apparatus (SCBA). At least 10 SCBAs with full-face 1 positive-pressure masks will be available for fire brigade personnel.

l 2. Portable lights.


3. Communications equipment.
4. Ventilation equipment.
5. Portable extinguishers.

, At least one hour of extra air in bottles will be available onsite for each of j the ten SCBAs. In addition, a sufficient supply of air will be maintained onsite to supply the five man fire brigade for six hours, g

( The fire brigade training program will include initial training, periodic 4 retraining, and fireground practice sessions. Additional information con- .

cerning fire protection training including fire brigade training, general l employee training, training for offsite fire departments, and contractor / tem. .

i porary employee training is provided in Section 13.2.3. )

f Each shift fire brigade will conduct planned quarterly meetings to review changes in the fire protection program, plant modifications, changes in fire preplans, and other related subjects of interest.

I Drills will be conducted quarterly for each shift fire brigade. Watch station

, assignments will be considered in planning drills i an effort to ensure that j ( each fire brigade member participates in at least7 drillfperyear. Addi. l l tional information concerning frequency, purpose, and content of drills is j i provided in Section 13.2.3. i j 9.5 28 Amendment 58 l




, )

ISSUED BY NUMBER TITLE-NFPA 10-1975 Portable Fire Extinguishers NFPA 11-1976 Foam Extinguishing Systems NFPA 12A-1977 Halon 1301 Extinguishing Systems NFPA 13-1976 Sprinkler Systems NFPA 14-1976 Standpipe and Hose Systems NFPA 15-1977 Water Spray Fixed Systema j NFPA 16-1974 Deluge Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems

! and Foam Water Spray Systems NFPA 20-1976 Centrifugal Fire Pumps NFPA 22-1976 Water Tanks NFPA 24-1973 Private Fire Service Mains and 47 3

4 their Appurtenances

.4 il,161 NFPA 30 ,1SR Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code i NFPA 37-1975 Installation and Use of Stationary l Combustion Engines and Gas Turbines ,

l NFPA 50A-1973 Gaseous Hydrogen Systems i NFPA 72D-1975 Proprietary Protective Signalling Systems NFPA 72E-1978 Automatic Fire Detectors

NFPA 232-1975 Protection of Recorde l
NFPA 194-1974 Screw Threads and Gaskets for Fire Hose j connections i l W74 NFPA 196 M Fire Hose

! N PA S t, - iris p<g Q Fln '6<53 *cktd i, ea F-PA H g .(gqi H.e,Mo n Chw".cd th}g I NFPA ,3 . igg o t. 3NmgNeMn I

ranPA 3 o . gs s ah.J t.Ac<Av;<. C .la:.

i i

I 9.5-59d Amendment 47

.. . - . - . - - . . - - . . . _ - . - . . _ . . - . . . - . - . - . - . - . - . . ., - --_. - - - .