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GEH License Amendment Request Modification- Permanent Cessation of the GE Nuclear Test Reactor (Ntr) and Possession Only Authorization
Person / Time
Site: Vallecitos Nuclear Center
Issue date: 02/12/2024
From: Murray S
GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Document Control Desk
Download: ML24043A044 (1)


GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy

  • HITACHI Scott P. Murray Mana ger, Facility Licen sing

3901 Ca stle Hayne Road P.O. Bo x 7 80 M240026 W ilmington, NC 284 02 USA February 12, 2024 T (910) 8 19-5950 scott. m u rray@ge.c o m U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-001 10 CFR 50.90


GEH License Amendment Request Modification-Permanent Cessation of the GE Nuclear Test Reactor (NTR) and Possession Only Authorization

References : 1) NRC License R-33, Docket 0500073, General Electric Hitachi (GEH) Nuclear Test Reactor (NTR)

2) GEH License Amendment Request - Permanent Cessation of the GE Nuclear Test Reactor (NTR) and Possession Only Authorization, 10/6/23 (ML23279A110)
3) Letter, S. Murray (GEH) to NRC Document Control Desk, "GEH Response to NRC Request for Additional Information, 12/15/23 (ML23349A047)
4) GEH/NRC Possession-Only License Audit Meeting, 2/8/24 GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas LLC (GEH) is withdrawing a commitment made in the NTR possession-only license amendment request (Reference 2) and offers this explanation.

In paragraph 2, bullet 3, GEH stated that the control room console key will be placed in the off position, removed, and be locked in a secured location away from the facility. This commitment was discussed during a meeting between the NRC and GEH (Reference 4) as not necessary because it will not be possible to start the reactor or otherwise affect reactivity in the reactor from the console under the possession -only license for the following reasons :

1. Safety and control rods will be fully inserted and restrained from any movement. This is according to technical specifications 3.2. 1, 4.2. 1, and 5.3.1.
2. Manual poison sheets (MPS) w ill be installed, locked in place, and the keys for the MPS will be removed from the facility. This is according to technical specifications 3.2.2, 4.2.2, and 5.3. 1.

Please proceed with issuance of the amended possession only license conditions that GEH accepted on December 15, 2023 (Reference 3). Contact me If you have any questions or concerns regarding this request.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Sincec ;:=vt m ~

s~~ay, Manager ~

Facility Licensing

cc: NRC Region IV Administrator J. D. Parrott, USNRC/NMSS/DUWP/RDB J. M. Borromeo, Branch Chief, USNRC/NRR/DANU/UNPL G. A. Wertz, USNRC/NRR/DANU/UNPL SPM 24-011