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Email La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Request for Information East Portion of Survey Unit L1-010-102
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 02/27/2023
From: Marlayna Vaaler Doell
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
To: Rhex Edwards, Randall Fedors, Stephen Giebel, Pamela Lee, Leah Parks
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, NRC/RGN-III
Doell M
Shared Package
ML23057A009 List:
Download: ML23057A016 (3)



Marlayna Doell To:

Rhex Edwards; Peter Lee; Randall Fedors; Leah Parks; Stephen Giebel Cc:

Clements, John


FW: Request for Information - East Portion of Survey Unit L1-010-102 Date:

Thursday, May 9, 2019 4:08:52 PM Attachments:

L1-010-102 B FSS Plan.pdf 2017 - 2017-1930 - 2221 - 190207 - JOB COVERAGE SURVEY - RPGPA SUMP AREA....pdf 2017 - 2017-2125 - 2221 - 190207 - JOB COVERAGE SURVEY - GAMMA SURVEY OF....pdf 2017 - 2017-2126 - 2221 - 190207 - JOB COVERAGE SURVEY - GAMMA SURVEY OF....pdf 2018 - 2018-0039 - 2221 - 197770 - JOB COVERAGE SURVEY - GAMMA SURVEY OF....pdf A - JOB COVERAGE SURVEY - RPGPA BOUNDING SAMPLING EVENT.PDF A - JOB COVERAGE SURVEY - SOIL SAMPLES FROM SUMP AREA.PDF Importance:


All, Just wanted to pass along the below and attached information regarding LACBWRs (1) activities completed to date in the eastern portion of the turbine building survey unit and (2) planned activities to complete continuing characterization and FSS of the area (and the backfilled RPGPA sump in particular).

I have not had time to fully digest the attachments, but since I am about to head out for the evening and will not be in tomorrow I wanted to pass them along ASAP for your review if desired. LACBWR has also offered to have a call with us if needed next week to discuss any questions or lingering concerns.

So please let me know if you have any of those questions or lingering concerns about this data / overall approach and we can go forward from there. Thank you as always for the support, give me a shout if you have questions or need anything additional, and have a great evening!

Cheers, Marlayna 301.415.3178 From: Jason Q. Spaide [1]

Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2019 5:56 PM To: Doell, Marlayna Vaaler <>

Cc: Scott G. Zoller <>; Gerard P. Van Noordennen

<>; Robert F. Yetter <>;

Nick Williams <>; Joe A. Nowak

<>; Bill M. Bishop <>; Robert M.

Quinn <>


[External_Sender] Request for Information - East Portion of Survey Unit L1-010-102 Marlayna-Good Afternoon. Per your request please find attached and below the requested information for the East Portion of Survey Unit L1-010-102. Attached you will find operational and RA surveys of the RPGPA area and the FSS Plan for L1-010-102-B (RPGPA). The text below clarifies the approach submitted January 9, 2019.

L1-SUB-TDS is a Class 1 sub-grade excavation survey unit. The survey unit consists of the underlying soil post-removal of the Turbine Building/Turbine Building Offices and 1B Diesel Generator Building, as well as associated system lines. The western portion of the original survey unit was previously surveyed as L1-SUB-TDS and the NRC was provided the continuing characterization and FSS data. The eastern portion of the original survey unit did not undergo FSS because of high background readings emanating from the Reactor Building and surrounding environs. The eastern portion of the survey unit (now identified as L1-SUB-TDS A) will undergo FSS under a separate sample plan and will consist of gamma scans over

100% of the surface area and a minimum of 14 soil samples will be collected. The Reactor Plant Generator Plant Area (RPGPA) Sump Area, also within the east portion of the original survey unit, experienced groundwater intrusion due to rising Mississippi River levels and has caused it to become inaccessible. The backfilled RPGPA Sump Area (L1-SUB-TDS B) will undergo FSS via use of GeoProbe technology using a separate sample plan. This survey unit is 258.5 m2 in size and consists of the sloped area boundaries of the original excavation, including the 39 m2 location of the former RPGPA sump.

L1-SUB-TDS B will undergo FSS via GeoProbe sampling as previously discussed in the summary we provided via email on January 9, 2019. LSRP proposes to obtain twenty-eight (28) samples via geo-probe at systematic locations and to the depths of the original excavation, including the deeper depth in the RPGPA Sump. There are two ways that the original depth is known. First, when the original area was being excavated, the digging stopped at the 620 (20 below grade level) to install a trench box as required by procedure.

The project removed another 2 of soil bringing the lowest depth of the excavation to elevation 618. Additionally, when the GeoProbe sampling is underway and as the push tubes are brought to the surface, past experience confirms that the native soil (sand/silty loam) will be easily distinguishable from the backfill material. Three (3) additional samples will be obtained at judgmental locations, including within the RPGPA Sump. All samples will be counted on site by gamma spectroscopy and as a conservative measure all samples will be sent to the offsite lab for tritium analysis. Per LTP requirements, 10% of the samples will be sent to an offsite laboratory for HTD (Sr-90) analysis. In addition, a minimum of one sample beyond the 10% minimum will be selected at random, also for Sr-90 analysis. Additionally, if levels of residual radioactivity in an individual soil sample exceed a SOF of 0.1 (using Operational DCGLs), then the sample(s) will be analyzed for Sr-90. This area is to the East and up-gradient of positive H-3 indications in well clusters MW-202 and MW-203.

As previously committed to the NRC, LSRP will perform continuing characterization in the combined L1-SUB-TDS A and L1-SUB-TDS B survey units. LSRP will collect seven (7) soil samples via geo-probe. The locations will be biased to areas closer to the location of the suspected broken drain lines under the Turbine Building (to the west within the survey units) and the locations of potential tritium contamination (to the east of the survey units between the RPGPA Sump and the Reactor Building). Per LTP requirements, 10% of all samples collected in a survey unit will be analyzed for HTD radionuclides. In addition, a minimum of one sample beyond the 10% minimum will be selected at random, also for HTD radionuclide analysis. Additionally, if levels of residual radioactivity in an individual soil sample exceed a Sum-of-Fractions (SOF) of 0.1 (using Operational DCGLs), then the sample(s) will be analyzed for the HTD radionuclides. All samples selected for HTD analysis during continuing characterization will be analyzed for the full suite of radionuclides (including H-3) from Table 5-1 of the LTP. As a conservative measure, the remaining five (5) samples will be analyzed for H-3.

If you have any questions or would like to set up a call to discuss further please let me know a time that is convenient for you and I will arrange a call.

Best Regards, Jason Q Spaide LACBWR D&D Manager LaCrosseSolutions S4601 State Hwy 35 Genoa, WI 54632 Cell: (314) 440-3915 Work Cell: (608) 386-8359 Office: (608) 689-4210