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(External) La Crosse Class 1 Review Questions
Person / Time
Site: La Crosse  File:Dairyland Power Cooperative icon.png
Issue date: 05/31/2022
From: Marlayna Vaaler Doell
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
To: Steven Roberts, Van Noordennen G
Doell M, 310-415-3178
Shared Package
ML33377A350 List:
Download: ML22277A475 (3)



Doell, Marlayna To:

Gerard P. Van Noordennen-ext; Sarah Roberts Cc:

Joe A. Nowak; Robert F. Yetter; Scott G. Zoller; Jason Q. Spaide


RE: RE: [EXTERNAL] La Crosse Class 1 Review Questions Date:

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 10:16:00 AM Thanks Gerry et al!

It looks like we could have everyone available on our end for a call on the La Crosse Class 1 survey unit review at any of the below times next week, so please let me know which one works best on your end and I can send out a Teams scheduler ASAP:

Tuesday June 7th from 12-1 PM EDT, 1-2 PM EDT, -OR-3-4 PM EDT Wednesday, June 8th from 11-12 PM EDT, 1:30 -2:30 PM EDT, -OR-3-4 PM EDT

There were also a couple more items identified by the reviewers that we would like to see if we can get our hands on and/or discuss during the call, which are captured below:

1. As a follow on to Item 3 below, might we have the scan location information and/or maps for all scans associated with the WTB (original FSS scans prior to remediation, scans done post remediation inside the remediated area prior to backfill, scans done post-remediation outside the remediated area prior to backfill, and any scans done of Geoprobe samples post backfill)?
2. Could we procure these two reference documents from the La Crosse LTP:
a. EnergySolutions GG-EO-313196-RS-RP-001, LACBWR Radiological Characterization Survey Report for October and November 2014 Field Work - November 2015.
b. EnergySolutions LC-RS-PN-164017-001, LACBWR Radiological Characterization Survey Report for June thru August 2015 Field Work - November 2015.

As you can see, the majority of the questions at this point revolve around the WTB FSS activities, so if we can be prepared to have a discussion of what occurred during FSS, the subsequent remediation, backfilling, etc., I think that will help a lot in jogging all of our memories and being able to capture everything appropriately in the SER writeup.

Thanks as always, give me a shout if you have questions or need anything additional, and I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend!

Cheers, Marlayna 301.415.3178

From: Gerard P. Van Noordennen-ext <>

Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 2:42 AM To: Doell, Marlayna <>; Sarah Roberts <>

Cc: Joe A. Nowak <>


[External_Sender] RE: [EXTERNAL] La Crosse Class 1 Review Questions

Marlayna, Let me know when you want to have the conference call. If you can give me a couple time slots that would be helpful if people cant make one of them.

Gerry van Noordennen Senior Vice President Regulatory Affairs EnergySolutions

121 W. Trade Street, Suite 2700 Charlotte, NC 28202 Cell: 860-462-9707

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From: Doell, Marlayna <>

Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2022 12:24 PM To: Gerard P. Van Noordennen-ext <>; Sarah Roberts


Cc: Joe A. Nowak <>


[EXTERNAL] La Crosse Class 1 Review Questions

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Hi Gerry, Sarah, and Joe,

I hope that you are having a great week so far! I wanted to reach out to see if your folks would be amenable/available in the next couple of weeks for a call on La Crosse to address a couple of

clarifying questions on the Class 1 review, similar to what we did for the Class 2/3 review.

These calls have proven very useful for our staff to complete the SER writeups without having to resort to formal questions, so hopefully we can keep that trend going! We may end up needing more than one of these as the review progresses, but if we can get the first one on the books sometime in June that should help us stay on track for having this all DONE this fiscal year.

The topics that have already come up are captured below for awareness and to help get the right folks involved, and I will provide any others as they crop up. If any of these are things you would be able to provide informally in advance of the call that would be great too! Please let me know if that all sounds reasonable on your end and we can figure out the rest from there.

1. Please describe how you calculated the action level value for the scans in Survey Unit L1-010-101C (WTB Excavation). See Page 23 of the release record, which states: The Action Level for scanning was established as the average background plus 22,140 cpm. The 22,140 cpm value is equal to the scanning instrumentation response to a Cs-137 concentration of 12 pCi/g.

The staff was not able to reproduce the 22,140 cpm from data in RS-TD-313196-006, Ludlum Model 44-10 Detector Sensitivity.

2. Could we procure a copy of Condition Report ES-LCR-CR-2017-0073 (Reference 12 to the FSSR for Survey Unit L1-010-101C), which was issued on October 9, 2017?
3. Could we procure a map of the scan lanes for Survey Unit L1-010-101C? If possible, could the map overlay where the scan lanes were onto Figure 16-1, Systematic Sample Locations Map?

Could you also indicate which portion of the survey unit had the additional remediation in Figure 16-1?

Thanks as always, I hope you all have some fun plans for the long weekend, and I look forward to talking with you soon!


Marlayna Vaaler Doell


Decommissioning Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NMSS/DUWP/RDB

Phone: 301.415.3178 Mobile: 440.668.7399 Home: 605.348.2334 E-mail: Office Location: Fulltime Telework from Rapid City, South Dakota!

Mail Stop: T-5A10