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2021 Cert Annual Financial Report
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 02/03/2022
From: Halliburton B, Nalefski S
Environmental Properties Management
To: Koch A, James Smith
Smith J
Shared Package
ML22132A186 List:
Download: ML22132A190 (5)


environmental properties management, LLC February 3, 2022 Pam Dizikes Attorney, Office of the General Counsel Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality 707 N, Robinson P.O. Box 1677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1677 Paul Davis, Project Manager Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality 707 N. Robinson PO Box 1677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1677 Chief, Environmental Enforcement Section Environment and Natural Resources Division U.S. Department of Justice P.O.Box 7611 Washington, DC 20044-7611 File Ref. No. 90-11-3-09688 P. Clayton Eubanks Assistant Attorney General Environmental Protection Unit Office of the Attorney General of Oklahoma 313 N.E. 21st Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Robert William Yalen Assistant United States Attorney Office of the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York 86 Chambers Street, Third Floor New York, NY 10007 Robert. Y alen@usdoi. gov Andrea Koch, Deputy Director Decommissioning & Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mailstop T-8F5 Washington, DC 20555-0001 James Smith, Project Manager United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Hollis Luzecky, Attorney-Advisor United States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Site Remediation Enforcement, Regional Support Division 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW (Mail Code 2272A)

Washington, DC 20460

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:

Environmental Properties Management, LLC, Trustee for the Cimarron Environmental Response Trust, hereby submits the attached financial statements for the following Trust Accounts to the beneficiaries of the Cimarron Trust:

(1) C imarron Trust Federal Environmental Cost Account (2) Cimarron Trust State Environmental Cost Account (3) Cimarron Trust Administrative Account 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, M0 64114 Phone: 816-333-9400 Fax:816-822-3463

environmental properties management, LLC Page 2 February 3, 2022 Beneficiary Letter The attached financial statements cover the period from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021 and are submitted pursuant to the Cimarron Trusts obligations under paragraph 6.1 of the Environmental Response Trust Agreement.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions pertaining to the attached.

Sincerely, Stephan L. Nalefski Vice President Bill Halliburton Trust Administrator Attachments (2) 9400 Ward Parkway Kansas City, MO 64114 Phone: 816-333-9400 Fax:816-822-3463

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets 31-Dec-21 ASSETS Current Assets Cash Equivalents Accrued Income Total Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current Liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued Property Taxes Total Current Liabilities Net Assets Administrative Account Federal Account State Account Total 3,620,754.22 323.10 55,623,679.34 323.10 12,574,770.37 2,584.73 71,819,203.94 3,230.93 3,621,077.32 55,624,002.44 12,577,355.10 71,822,434.87 3,621,077.32 55,624,002.44 12,577,355.10 71,822,434.87 29,486.11 664.00 367,160.55 12,207.08 408,853.74 664.00 30,150.11 367,160.55 12,207.08 409,517.74 3,590,927.21 55,256,841.89 12,565,148.03 71,412,917.13 3,621,077.32 55,624,002.44 12,577,355.10 71,822,434.87 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Statement of Receipts and Expenses and Changes in Net Assets Year to Date thru December 31, 2021 Administrative Federal State Account Account Account Total RECEIPTS Interest Income 7,481.17 113,915.12 25,220.22 146,616.51 Trust Distributions Easement/Lease/Property Sale Income 3,003.07 3,003.07 24,024.21 30,030.35 TOTAL RECEIPTS 10,484.24 116,918.19 49,244.43 176,646.86 Proposed EXPENSES Budget Administrative Expenses Trustee & Administrator Fees 145,477.25 145,477.25 251,402.00 Site Maintenance & Security 4,035.50 4,035.50 11,600.00 Utilities 5,139.75 5,139.75 8,000.00 Legal & Professional Fees 7,937.00 7,937.00 10,000.00 Taxes 664.00 664.00 2,000.00 163,253.50 163,253.50 283,002.00 Federal Expenses License Compliance 542,900.05 542,900.05 697,895.00 License Admendment Request 919,007.13 919,007.13 2,489,141.80 Agency Fees 373,941.00 373,941.00 800,000.00 1,835,848.18 1,835,848.18 3,987,036.80 State Expenses License Admendment Request 67,333.40 67,333.40 181,611.20 Agency Fees 15,426.06 15,426.06 66,000.00 82,759.46 82,759.46 247,611.20 Unanticipated Work Additional Activities 138,540.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 163,253.50 1,835,848.18 82,759.46 2,081,861.14 4,656,190.00 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (152,769.26)




NET ASSETS, beginning of period 3,743,696.47 56,975,771.89 12,598,663.50 73,318,131.86

$ 3,590,927.21

$ 55,256,841.90

$ 12,565,148.47

$ 71,412,917.58 Over (Under)

Budget (105,924.75)














$ (2,574,328.86)

NET ASSETS, end of period

Cimarron Environmental Response Trust Statement of Receipts and Expenses and Changes in Net Assets For Quarter ending December 31, 2021 Administrative Account RECEIPTS Interest Income 1,828.92 Trust Distributions Easement/Lease/Properly Sale Income 781.16 Federal Account 28,121.52 781.16 State Account 6,284.16 6,249.12 Total 36,234.60 7,811.44 TOTAL RECEIPTS 2,610.08 28,902.68 12,533.28 44,046.04 EXPENSES Administrative Expenses Trustee & Administrator Fees 50,058.23 50,058.23 Site Maintenance & Security 878.36 878.36 Utilities 1,235.90 1,235.90 Legal & Professional Fees 4,820.00 4,820.00 Taxes 146.50 146.50 57,138.99 57,138.99 Federal Expenses License Compliance 245,442.00 245,442.00 License Admendment Request 369,477.32 369,477.32 Agency Fees 148,230.00 148,230.00 763,149.32 763,149.32 State Expenses License Admendment Request 27,030.92 27,030.92 Agency Fees 27,030.92 27,030.92 Unanticipated Work Additional Activities TOTAL EXPENSES 57,138.99 763,149.32 27,030.92 847,319.23 CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (54,528.91)




NET ASSETS, beginning of period 3,645,456.12 55,991,088.54 12,579,646.11 72,216,190.77 NET ASSETS, end of period 3,590,927.21 55,256,841.90 12,565,148.47 71,412,917.58