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2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 05/14/2021
From: Rasmussen M
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML21134A095 (58)


TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Post Office Box2000,Decatur, Alabama35609-2000 May14,2021 10CFR50.4 ATTN:Document Control Desk U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C.

20555-0001 BrownsFerry Nuclear

Plant, Units 1,2,and3 RenewedFacility Operating License Nos.DPR-33, DPR-52, andDPR-68 NRCDocket Nos.

50-259, 50-260, and50-296


2020AnnualRadiological Environmental OperatingReport Inaccordance withtheBrownsFerry Nuclear PlantTechnical Specification 5.6.2 and Offsite DoseCalculation Manual Administrative Control Section 5.1,theTennessee Valley Authority issubmitting the2020Annual Radiological Environmental OperatingReport for Browns Ferry Nuclear

Plant, Units 1,2,and3.Enclosed isthe subject report fortheperiod ofJanuary 1,2020,through December 31,2020.

Therearenonewregulatory commitments contained within this letter.

Ifyouhaveany questions, please contact J.L.Paulat(256) 729-2636.

Respectfully, M.M.Rasmussen Site VicePresident


2020Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report cc(w/Enclosures):

NRCRegional Administrator

- Region II NRCSenior Resident Inspector

- BrownsFerry Nuclear Plant NRCProject Manager

- BrownsFerry Nuclear Plant 1\\14 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Post Office Box 2000, Decatur, Alabama 35609-2000 May 14, 2021 ATTN: Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555-0001 Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3 10 CFR 50.4 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-33, DPR-52, and DPR-68 NRC Docket Nos. 50-259, 50-260, and 50-296


2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report In accordance with the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Technical Specification 5.6.2 and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Administrative Control Section 5.1, the Tennessee Valley Authority is submitting the 2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant, Units 1, 2, and 3. Enclosed is the subject report for the period of January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020.

There are no new regulatory commitments contained within this letter. If you have any questions, please contact J. L. Paul at (256) 729-2636.

Respectfully, M. M. Rasmussen Site Vice President


2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report cc (w/ Enclosures):

NRC Regional Administrator - Region II NRC Senior Resident Inspector - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant NRC Project Manager - Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant

ENCLOSURE BrownsFerry Nuclear Plant Units 1,2,and3 2020 AnnualRadiological Environmental Operating Report SeeEnclosed ENCLOSURE Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Units 1, 2, and 3 2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report See Enclosed

ii i

i i

May2021 Prepared under contract by Chesapeake Nuclear

Services, Inc.

andGELLaboratories, LLC Laboratories ac


Chesapeake Nuclear Services amember ofTheGELGroupIvc 2020 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report Tennessee Valley Authority Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant May 2021 Prepared under contract by Chesapeake Nuclear Services, Inc. and GEL Laboratories, LLC

§111 I Laboratories LLc a member of The GEL Group INC

TABLEOFCONTENTS Executive Summary.

1 Introduction 2

Naturally Occurring andBackground Radioactivity 2

Electric PowerProduction.

3 SiteandPlant Description.

.5 Radiological EnvironmentalMonitoring Program

.7 Direct Radiation Monitoring 10 Measurement Techniques 10 Results.

10 Atmospheric Monitoring.

13 Sample Collection andAnalysis 13 Results.

13 Terrestrial Monitoring.

. 15 Sample Collection andAnalysis 15 Results.

15 Liquid Pathway Monitoring.

16 Sample Collection andAnalysis 16 Results.

16 Assessment andEvaluation 18 Results.

18 Conclusions 18 References 19 Appendix A

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program andSampling Locations 20 Appendix B

ProgramModifications 29 Appendix C

Program Deviations.

,31 Appendix D

Analytical Procedures 33 Appendix E

LowerLimits OfDetection 35 Appendix F

Quality Assurance

/Quality Control Program.

.39 Appendix G


.42 Appendix H

DataTables andFigures.

.45 Appendix I

Errata toPrevious Annual Environmental Operating Reports.

.53 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


Executive Summary.

Introduction TABLE OF CONTENTS Naturally Occurring and Background Radioactivity.

Electric Power Production.

Site and Plant Description.

Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Direct Radiation Monitoring Measurement Techniques Results.

Atmospheric Monitoring.

Sample Collection and Analysis Results.

Terrestrial Monitoring.

Sample Collection and Analysis Results.

Liquid Pathway Monitoring.

Sample Collection and Analysis Results..

Assessment and Evaluation Results.

Conclusions References Appendix A Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program and Sampling Locations Appendix B Program Modifications Appendix C Program Deviations.

Appendix D Analytical Procedures Appendix E Lower Limits Of Detection Appendix F Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Program.

Appendix G Land Use Census Appendix H Data Tables and Figures Appendix I Errata to Previous Annual Environmental Operating Reports.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR 1

2 2



,7 10 10 10 13 13 13

                        • 15 15

. 15 16 16 16 18 18 18 19 20












This report describes theRadiological Environmental Monitoring Program(REMP) conducted bythe Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) fortheBrownsFerryNuclear Plant (BFN) during the2020monitoring period.Theprogram isconducted inaccordance withregulatory requirements to monitorthe environment per10 CFR 20,10CFR50,applicable NUREGs(U.S.

NRC,1991) andBFNOffsite Dose Calculation requirements (Tennessee Valley Authority, 2019).

TheREMPincludes thecollection and subsequent determination of radioactive material contentinenvironmental samples.

Various typesof samples arecollected within the vicinity oftheplant, including

air, water,foodcrops,
soil, fish and shoreline sediment; anddirectradiation levels aremeasured.

Theradiation levels ofthesesamples are measured andcompared with results from controlstations, whicharelocated outside theplant's near

vicinity, andwithenvironmental data collected atBrownsFerryNuclear Plant prior tooperations (preoperational data).

This report contains an evaluation oftheresults fromthis monitoring program and resulting potential impact ofBFNoperationson the environment andthegeneral public.

Allenvironmental samples insupport oftheREMP were collected byTVAand/or contractor personnel.

Allenvironmental mediawereanalyzed byGELLaboratories, LLCexceptforenvironmental dosimeters, which wereanalyzed byLandauer.

Theevaluation ofall results andthegeneration ofthis report were performed byChesapeake Nuclear

Services, Inc.


There wasnodetectable increase inthebackground direct radiation levels normally observed intheareas surrounding

theplant, asmeasured byenvironmental dosimeters.In 2020, tracequantities ofcesium-137(Cs-137) weremeasured inmostsoil andoneshoreline sedimentsample, frombothindicator and control locations.

Theconcentrations weretypical ofthelevels expected tobe present intheenvironment frompastnuclear weapons.

Thefallout fromaccidents attheChernobyl plantin the Ukraine in1986and theFukushima plant inJapanin2011werealsopotential contributors tothe low levelsofCs-137 measured inenvironmental samples.

Therewas no identified increase inCs-137levels attributed by BrownsFerry.

Lowlevels ofgrossbetaactivity weredetected insomedrinking watersamples, butthis canbeattributed tonatural radioactivity.

Tritium wasnotdetected inanywatersamples taken insupport oftheREMP.Onlynaturally occurring radioactivity wasidentified inallfish andlocal cropsamples, as well airparticulate samples.

Insummary,themeasured levels ofradioactivity intheenvironmental samples weretypicalof background levels; there wasnoidentified increase inexposure tomembersofthepublic attributable to theoperations oftheBrownsFerry Nuclear Plant.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


EXECUTIVE SUM MARY This report describes the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) conducted by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant (BFN) during the 2020 monitoring period.

The program is conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements to monitor the environment per 10 CFR 20, 10 CFR 50, applicable NUREGs (U.S. NRC, 1991) and BFN Offsite Dose Calculation requirements (Tennessee Valley Authority, 2019). The REMP includes the collection and subsequent determination of radioactive material content in environmental samples. Various types of samples are collected within the vicinity of the plant, including air, water, food crops, soil, fish and shoreline sediment; and direct radiation levels are measured. The radiation levels of these samples are measured and compared with results from control stations, which are located outside the plant's near vicinity, and with environmental data collected at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant prior to operations (preoperational data). This report contains an evaluation of the results from this monitoring program and resulting potential impact of BFN operations on the environment and the general public.

All environmental samples in support of the REMP were collected by TVA and/or contractor personnel.

All environmental media were analyzed by GEL Laboratories, LLC except for environmental dosimeters, which were analyzed by Landauer. The evaluation of all results and the generation of this report were performed by Chesapeake Nuclear Services, Inc. and GEL Laboratories.

There was no detectable increase in the background direct radiation levels normally observed in the areas surrounding the plant, as measured by environmental dosimeters. In 2020, trace quantities of cesium-137 (Cs-137) were measured in most soil and one shoreline sediment sample, from both indicator and control locations. The concentrations were typical of the levels expected to be present in the environment from past nuclear weapons. The fallout from accidents at the Chernobyl plant in the Ukraine in 1986 and the Fukushima plant in Japan in 2011 were also potential contributors to the low levels of Cs-137 measured in environmental samples. There was no identified increase in Cs-137 levels attributed by Browns Ferry. Low levels of gross beta activity were detected in some drinking water samples, but this can be attributed to natural radioactivity. Tritium was not detected in any water samples taken in support of the REMP. Only naturally occurring radioactivity was identified in all fish and local crop samples, as well air particulate samples.

In summary, the measured levels of radioactivity in the environmental samples were typical of background levels; there was no identified increase in exposure to members of the public attributable to the operations of the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


INTRODUCTION This report describes andsummarizes theresults ofradioactivity measurements ofsamples collected in theenvironment around BFN.Themeasurements aremadetocomply withtherequirements of10CFR 50,AppendixA, Criterion 64and10CFR50,Appendix I,Section IV.B.2, IV.B.3 andIV.Ctodetermine potential effects on public healthandsafety.

This report satisfies theannual reporting requirements of BFNTechnical Specification 5.6.2andOffsite DoseCalculation Manual(ODCM)

Administrative Control 5.1.

Inaddition toreportingthe data prescribed byspecific requirements, otherinformation isincluded to correlate thesignificance ofresults measured bythis monitoring program tothelevels ofenvironmental radiation resulting fromnaturally occurring radioactivematerials.

Mostmaterials inourworldtoday containtrace amounts ofnaturally occurring, primordial radioactivity.

Potassium-40 (K-40),

with ahalf-life of1.3billion

years, isacommonradioactive element foundnaturally inourenvironment.

Approximately 0.01percent of all potassium isradioactive potassium-40.

Other examples ofnaturally occurring radioactivity areberyllium-7 (Be-7),bismuth-212 and214(Bi-212 andBi-214),

lead-210 and214(Pb-210 andPb-214),

thallium-208 (TI-208),

actinium-228 (Ac-228),

uranium-235 anduranium-238 (U-235 andU-238),

thorium-234 (Th-234),

radium-226 (Ra-226),

radon-220 andradon-222(Rn-220 andRn-222),

carbon-14 (C-14),

andhydrogen-3 (H-3, commonly called tritium).

These naturally occurring radioactive elements areinthesoil,

ourfood, our drinking water,andourbodies.

Radiation emitted fromthesematerials makeup partoflow-level natural backgroundradiation exposures.

Radiation emitted fromcosmicraysistheremainder.

Itispossible togetanideaoftherelative hazard ofdifferent typesofradiation sources byevaluatingthe amountofradiation theU.S.population receives fromeachgeneral typeof radiation source.The information inTable 1 isprimarily adapted fromtheU.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S.

NRC, February 1996) andNational Council OnRadiation Protection (National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements, March2009).

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


INTRODUCTION This report describes and summarizes the results of radioactivity measurements of samples collected in the environment around BFN. The measurements are made to comply with the requirements of 10 CFR 50, Appendix A, Criterion 64 and 10 CFR 50, Appendix I, Section IV.B.2, IV.B.3 and IV.C to determine potential effects on public health and safety. This report satisfies the annual reporting requirements of BFN Technical Specification 5.6.2 and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) Administrative Control 5.1.

In addition to reporting the data prescribed by specific requirements, other information is included to correlate the significance of results measured by this monitoring program to the levels of environmental radiation resulting from naturally occurring radioactive materials.

Naturally Occurring and Background Radioactivity Most materials in our world today contain trace amounts of naturally occurring, primordial radioactivity.

Potassium-40 (K-40), with a half-life of 1.3 billion years, is a common radioactive element found naturally in our environment. Approximately 0.01 percent of all potassium is radioactive potassium-40. Other examples of naturally occurring radioactivity are beryllium-7 (Be-7), bismuth-212 and 214 (Bi-212 and Bi-214), lead-210 and 214 (Pb-210 and Pb-214), thallium-208 (Tl-208), actinium-228 (Ac-228), uranium-235 and uranium-238 (U-235 and U-238), thorium-234 (Th-234), radium-226 (Ra-226), radon-220 and radon-222 (Rn-220 and Rn-222), carbon-14 (C-14), and hydrogen-3 (H-3, commonly called tritium). These naturally occurring radioactive elements are in the soil, our food, our drinking water, and our bodies.

Radiation emitted from these materials make up part of low-level natural background radiation exposures. Radiation emitted from cosmic rays is the remainder.

It is possible to get an idea of the relative hazard of different types of radiation sources by evaluating the amount of radiation the U.S. population receives from each general type of radiation source. The information in Table 1 is primarily adapted from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (U.S. NRC, February 1996) and National Council On Radiation Protection (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, March 2009).

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


Table 1

- U.S.General Population Average DoseEquivalent Estimates NaturalBackground DoseEquivalent Cosmic 33 Terrestrial21 Inthebody 29 Radon 228 Total 311 Medical (effective doseequivalent) 300 Nuclear energy 0.28 Consumer Products 13 TOTAL 624.28 iOne-thousandth ofaRoentgen Equivalent Man(rem).

Bycomparison, theNRC's annual radiation doselimit forthe public fromanylicensed

activity, suchasanuclear
plant, is100mrem.


above, natural background radiation doseequivalent totheU.S.

population istypically several thousand timeshigher thanthat normally received fromnuclear plants.

This perspective illustrates that routine nuclear plant operations result inpopulation radiationdoses that aresmall fractions ofthedosefromnatural background radiation.

AsTable1 shows, theuseofradiation andradioactive materials formedical usesresults inaneffective dose equivalent on average totheU.S.

population thatisessentially thesameasthatcausedbynatural background cosmic andterrestrial radiation.

Electric PowerProduction Nuclear powerplants aresimilar inmanyrespects toconventional coalburning(or other fossil fuel) electrical generating plants.

Thebasic process behind electrical powerproduction inpowerplants isthat fuel isusedtoheat watertoproduce steam,whichprovides theforce toturnturbines andgenerators.In anuclear powerplant, thefuel isuraniumandtheheatisproduced inthereactor through thefission of theuranium.

Nuclear plants include manycomplex systems tocontrol thenuclear fission process andto safeguard against thepossibility ofreactor malfunction.

Thenuclear reactions produce radionuclide byproducts, commonly referred toasfission andactivation products.

Verysmall amountsofthese fission andactivation products arereleased intotheplant systems.

Thisradioactive material canbetransported throughout plant systemsandsomeofitmaybereleased totheenvironment inanauthorized and controlled manner.

Paths through whichradioactivity fromanuclear powerplant isroutinely released aremonitored.

Liquid andgaseous effluent monitors record theradiation levels foreachrelease.

Thesemonitors also provide alarm mechanisms toprompttermination ofanyabnormal releases before limits areexceeded.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


Table 1 - U.S. General Population Average Dose Equivalent Estimates Source millirem (mrem); per year per person Natural Background Dose Equivalent Cosmic 33 Terrestrial 21 In the body 29 Radon 228 Total 311 Medical (effective dose equivalent) 300 Nuclear energy 0.28 Consumer Products 13 TOTAL 624.28

One-thousandth of a Roentgen Equivalent Man (rem). By comparison, the NRC's annual radiation dose limit for the public from any licensed activity, such as a nuclear plant, is 100 mrem.

As can be seen from the data presented above, natural background radiation dose equivalent to the U.S.

population is typically several thousand times higher than that normally received from nuclear plants.

This perspective illustrates that routine nuclear plant operations result in population radiation doses that are small fractions of the dose from natural background radiation. As Table 1 shows, the use of radiation and radioactive materials for medical uses results in an effective dose equivalent on average to the U.S.

population that is essentially the same as that caused by natural background cosmic and terrestrial radiation.

Electric Power Production Nuclear power plants are similar in many respects to conventional coal burning (or other fossil fuel) electrical generating plants. The basic process behind electrical power production in power plants is that fuel is used to heat water to produce steam, which provides the force to turn turbines and generators. In a nuclear power plant, the fuel is uranium and the heat is produced in the reactor through the fission of the uranium. Nuclear plants include many complex systems to control the nuclear fission process and to safeguard against the possibility of reactor malfunction. The nuclear reactions produce radionuclide byproducts, commonly referred to as fission and activation products. Very small amounts of these fission and activation products are released into the plant systems. This radioactive material can be transported throughout plant systems and some of it may be released to the environment in an authorized and controlled manner.

Paths through which radioactivity from a nuclear power plant is routinely released are monitored. Liquid and gaseous effluent monitors record the radiation levels for each release. These monitors also provide alarm mechanisms to prompt termination of any abnormal releases before limits are exceeded.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


Releases aremonitoredattheonsite points ofrelease.

Theradiological environmental monitoring

program, which measurestheenvironmental radiation inareasaround
theplant, provides aconfirmation that releases arebeing properly controlled andmonitored intheplant andthat anyresulting levels inthe environment are withintheestablished regulatory limits andasmall fraction ofthenatural background radiation levels.

Inthisway,therelease ofradioactive materials fromtheplant istightly controlled, and verification isprovided thatthepublic isnotexposed tosignificant levels ofradiation orradioactive materials astheresult ofplantoperations.

TheBFNODCM,whichdescribes theprogramrequired bytheplant Technical Specifications, prescribes limits fortherelease ofradioactive effluents, aswell aslimits fordoses tothegeneral public fromthe release ofthese effluents.

TheNRC's annual doselimit toamember ofthepublic forall licensees is100mrem.TheNRC's regulations fornuclear powerplants require implementing aphilosophy of"as lowasreasonably achievable,"

where thedosetoa memberofthepublic from radioactive materialsreleased fromnuclear powerplants to unrestricted areasisfurther limited onaperunit operating basis tothefollowing:

LLquiSLE[flugint;i Total body 5 3 mrem/yr Anyorgan 510mrem/yr Gaseous Effluents Noble gases:

Total body 55mrem/yr Gammaair 5 10mrad/yr Betaair 5 20mrad/yr Particulates:

Anyorgan 5 15mrem/yr Inaddition toNRC's regulations, theEPAstandard forthetotal dosetothepublic inthevicinity of a nuclear powerplant, established intheEnvironmental DoseStandard of40CFR190,isasfollows:

Total Body 525mrem/yr Thyroid 575mrem/yr Anyother organ 525mrem/yr Table E-1ofthis report presents acomparison ofthenominal lower limits ofdetection (LLD) fortheBFN monitoring programwiththeregulatory limits formaximumannual average concentration released to unrestricted areas.

Thetable also includes theconcentrations ofradioactive materials intheenvironment thatwouldrequire aspecial report totheNRC.Itshould benoted thatthelevels ofradioactive materials intheenvironmental samples aretypically notdetectable, being belowtherequired detection

level, with onlynaturally occurring radionuclides having measurable levels.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


Releases are monitored at the onsite points of release.

The radiological environmental monitoring program, which measures the environmental radiation in areas around the plant, provides a confirmation that releases are being properly controlled and monitored in the plant and that any resulting levels in the environment are within the established regulatory limits and a small fraction of the natural background radiation levels. In this way, the release of radioactive materials from the plant is tightly controlled, and verification is provided that the public is not exposed to significant levels of radiation or radioactive materials as the result of plant operations.

The BFN ODCM, which describes the program required by the plant Technical Specifications, prescribes limits for the release of radioactive effluents, as well as limits for doses to the general public from the release of these effluents.

The NRC's annual dose limit to a member of the public for all licensees is 100 mrem. The NRC's regulations for nuclear power plants require implementing a philosophy of "as low as reasonably achievable," where the dose to a member of the public from radioactive materials released from nuclear power plants to unrestricted areas is further limited on a per unit operating basis to the following:

Liquid Effluents Total body Any organ Gaseous Effluents Noble gases:

Total body Gamma air Beta air Particulates:

Any organ s; 3 mrem/yr s; 10 mrem/yr s; 5 mrem/yr

5 10 mrad/yr s; 20 mrad/yr
5 15 mrem/yr In addition to NRC's regulations, the EPA standard for the total dose to the public in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant, established in the Environmental Dose Standard of 40 CFR 190, is as follows:

Total Body Thyroid Any other organ

5 25 mrem/yr
5 75 mrem/yr
5 25 mrem/yr Table E-1 of this report presents a comparison of the nominal lower limits of detection (LLD) for the BFN monitoring program with the regulatory limits for maximum annual average concentration released to unrestricted areas. The table also includes the concentrations of radioactive materials in the environment that would require a special report to the NRC. It should be noted that the levels of radioactive materials in the environmental samples are typically not detectable, being below the required detection level, with only naturally occurring radionuclides having measurable levels.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


SITEANDPLANTDESCRIPTION BFNislocated onthenorth shore ofWheeler Reservoir atTennessee River Mile294inLimestone County innorth Alabama (seeFigure1).

Wheeler Reservoir averages 1to1-1/2 miles inwidthinthevicinity of theplant.

TheBFN sitecontains approximately 840acres.Thedominant character ofland useissmall, scattered villagesand homes inanagricultural area.Manyrelatively large farming operations occupy muchoftheland onthe north sideoftheriver immediately surrounding theplant.

Theprincipal crops grownintheareaarecorn and cotton.

Approximately 1,397people live within a5-mile radius oftheplant.

ThetownofAthens hasapopulation ofabout 29,500 andisapproximately 10milesnortheast ofBFN.Approximately 52,250 people live inthe city ofDecatur 10miles southeast.The cities ofMadison andHuntsville haveacombined population of approximately 227,000 starting 20miles east ofthesite.

Arearecreation facilities aredeveloped along the Tennessee River.

Thenearest facilities arepublic use areaslocated 2to3miles fromthesite.

Thecity of Decatur hasalarge municipal recreation

area, Point Mallard
Park, approximately 15miles upstreamofthe site. TheTennesseeRiver isalso apopular sport fishing area.

BFNconsists ofthree boiling waterreactors.

Unit1achieved criticality onAugust17,1973,andbegan commercial operation onAugust1, 1974.Unit2began commercial operation onMarch1,1975.Afire in thecable trayson March22,1975,forced theshutdown ofboth reactors.

Units1 and2 resumed operation andUnit3began testing inAugust 1976.Unit3began commercial operation onMarch1,1977.

Allthree units wereshutdownfromMarch1985toMay1991.Unit2was restarted May24,1991and Unit3 restarted on November 19,1995.Recovery workforUnit1wascompleted andtheunitwas restarted onMay22,2007.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


SITE AND PLANT DESCRIPTION BFN is located on the north shore of Wheeler Reservoir at Tennessee River Mile 294 in Limestone County in north Alabama (see Figure 1). Wheeler Reservoir averages 1 to 1-1/2 miles in width in the vicinity of the plant. The BFN site contains approximately 840 acres. The dominant character of land use is small, scattered villages and homes in an agricultural area. Many relatively large farming operations occupy much of the land on the north side of the river immediately surrounding the plant. The principal crops grown in the area are corn and cotton.

Approximately 1,397 people live within a 5-mile radius of the plant. The town of Athens has a population of about 29,500 and is approximately 10 miles northeast of BFN. Approximately 52,250 people live in the city of Decatur 10 miles southeast. The cities of Madison and Huntsville have a combined population of approximately 227,000 starting 20 miles east of the site.

Area recreation facilities are developed along the Tennessee River. The nearest facilities are public use areas located 2 to 3 miles from the site. The city of Decatur has a large municipal recreation area, Point Mallard Park, approximately 15 miles upstream of the site. The Tennessee River is also a popular sport fishing area.

BFN consists of three boiling water reactors. Unit 1 achieved criticality on August 17, 1973, and began commercial operation on August 1, 1974. Unit 2 began commercial operation on March 1, 1975. A fire in the cable trays on March 22, 1975, forced the shutdown of both reactors. Units 1 and 2 resumed operation and Unit 3 began testing in August 1976. Unit 3 began commercial operation on March 1, 1977.

All three units were shut down from March 1985 to May 1991. Unit 2 was restarted May 24, 1991 and Unit 3 restarted on November 19, 1995. Recovery work for Unit 1 was completed and the unit was restarted on May 22, 2007.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


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RADIOLOGlCAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Bydesign, the radiation andradioactive materials generated inanuclear reactor arecontained within the reactor andplant support systems.

Thereareplanned routine releases fromtheseplant

systems, but planteffluent radiation monitorsaredesigned to monitorthesereleases to theenvironment.

Environmental monitoring isafinal verification that thesystems areperforming asdesigned andplanned.

Themonitoring program isdesigned tomonitor thepathways between theplant andthepeople inthe immediate vicinity ofthe plant.

Sampletypesarechosensothatthepotential fordetection of radioactivity intheenvironment willbemaximized. TheRadiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) andsampling locationsfor BFN areoutlined inAppendix A.

Therearetwoprimary pathways bywhich radioactive materials canmovethrough theenvironment to humans:

airandwater(reference Figure 2). Theairpathway canbeseparated into twocomponents:

the direct (airborne) pathway andtheindirect(ground orterrestrial) pathway.

Thedirect airborne pathway consists ofdirect radiation andinhalation byhumans.


pathway, radioactive materials maybedeposited ontheground, withdirect exposure toindividuals, and/or uptake byplants andthe subsequently ingested byanimals and/or humans.Human exposure through theliquid pathway may result fromdrinking water,eating
fish, orbydirect exposure attheshoreline.

Thetypesofsamples collected inthis program aredesigned tomonitor these pathways.

Manyfactors wereconsidered indetermining thelocations forcollecting environmental samples.

The locations fortheatmospheric monitoring stations weredeterminedfrom acritical pathway analysis based onweather

patterns, doseprojections, population distribution, andland use.

Terrestrial sampling stations wereselected after reviewing thelocal landuses,including thelocations of dairy animals andgardens in conjunction withtheairpathway analysis.

Liquid pathway stations were selected basedon dose projections, wateruseinformation, andavailability ofmedia such asfish andsediment.

TableA-2lists the sampling stations andthetypesofsamples collected.

Modifications madetotheBFNmonitoring program in2020arereported inAppendix B.Deviations tothesampling programduring 2020 are included in Appendix C.

To determine theamountofradioactivity intheenvironment prior to theoperation of

BFN, a

preoperational REMPwasinitiated in1968andconducted until theplant beganoperation in1973.

Sampling andanalyses conducted during thepreoperational phasehasprovided datathat canbeusedto establish normal background levels forvarious radionuclides intheenvironment.

Thepreoperational monitoring program isaveryimportant partoftheoverall program.


the1950s, 1960s,
and1970s, atmospheric nuclear weaponstesting released radioactive material totheenvironment causing increases inbackground radiation levels.

Knowledge ofpreexisting radionuclide patterns inthe environment permits a determination, through comparison andtrending

analyses, ofanyincrease attributable toBFNoperation.

Thedetermination ofenvironmental impactduring theoperating phasealsoexamines changes inthe background that maybeattributable tosources other thanBFN.This potential contribution isdetermined withcontrol stations thathavebeenestablished intheenvironment outside anylikely influence fromthe plant.

Results ofenvironmental samples taken atcontrol stations (far fromtheplant) arecompared with 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM By design, the radiation and radioactive materials generated in a nuclear reactor are contained within the reactor and plant support systems. There are planned routine releases from these plant systems, but plant effluent radiation monitors are designed to monitor these releases to the environment.

Environmental monitoring is a final verification that the systems are performing as designed and planned.

The monitoring program is designed to monitor the pathways between the plant and the people in the immediate vicinity of the plant.

Sample types are chosen so that the potential for detection of radioactivity in the environment will be maximized. The Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) and sampling locations for BFN are outlined in Appendix A.

There are two primary pathways by which radioactive materials can move through the environment to humans: air and water (reference Figure 2). The air pathway can be separated into two components: the direct (airborne) pathway and the indirect (ground or terrestrial) pathway. The direct airborne pathway consists of direct radiation and inhalation by humans. In the terrestrial pathway, radioactive materials may be deposited on the ground, with direct exposure to individuals, and/or uptake by plants and the subsequently ingested by animals and/or humans. Human exposure through the liquid pathway may result from drinking water, eating fish, or by direct exposure at the shoreline. The types of samples collected in this program are designed to monitor these pathways.

Many factors were considered in determining the locations for collecting environmental samples. The locations for the atmospheric monitoring stations were determined from a critical pathway analysis based on weather patterns, dose projections, population distribution, and land use. Terrestrial sampling stations were selected after reviewing the local land uses, including the locations of dairy animals and gardens in conjunction with the air pathway analysis.

Liquid pathway stations were selected based on dose projections, water use information, and availability of media such as fish and sediment. Table A-2 lists the sampling stations and the types of samples collected. Modifications made to the BFN monitoring program in 2020 are reported in Appendix B. Deviations to the sampling program during 2020 are included in Appendix C.

To determine the amount of radioactivity in the environment prior to the operation of BFN, a preoperational REMP was initiated in 1968 and conducted until the plant began operation in 1973.

Sampling and analyses conducted during the preoperational phase has provided data that can be used to establish normal background levels for various radionuclides in the environment.

The preoperational monitoring program is a very important part of the overall program. During the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, atmospheric nuclear weapons testing released radioactive material to the environment causing increases in background radiation levels. Knowledge of preexisting radionuclide patterns in the environment permits a determination, through comparison and trending analyses, of any increase attributable to BFN operation.

The determination of environmental impact during the operating phase also examines changes in the background that may be attributable to sources other than BFN. This potential contribution is determined with control stations that have been established in the environment outside any likely influence from the plant. Results of environmental samples taken at control stations (far from the plant) are compared with 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


those fromindicatorstations (near theplant) toaidinthedetermination ofanycontribution fromBFN operation.

In2020the sample analyseswereperformed bythecontracted laboratory, GELLaboratories, LLC,based inCharleston, SC.

Analyses wereconducted inaccordance withwritten andapproved procedures and arebased on industry established standard analytical methods.

A summaryoftheanalysis techniques andmethodologyis presented inAppendix D.

AsshowninTable E-1,the analytical methodsusedtodetermine theradionuclide contentofsamples collected intheenvironment are verysensitive andcapable ofdetecting small amountsofradioactivity.

Thesensitivity ofthemeasurement process isdefined intermsofthelowerlimit ofdetection (LLD).

A description ofthenominal LLDs for the Radioanalytical Laboratory ispresented inAppendix E.

Thelaboratory applies acomprehensive quality assurance/quality control program tomonitor laboratory performance throughout theyear.Oneof the keypurposesoftheQA/QC programistoprovide early identification ofanyproblems inthe measurement process sotheycanbecorrected inatimely manner.

Thisprogramincludes instrument

checks, toensure thattheradiation measurementinstruments are working
properly, andtheanalysis ofquality control samples.

Aspartofaninterlaboratory comparison

program, thelaboratory participates ina blind sample program administrated byEckert

& ziegler Analytics.

Acomplete description ofthequality control program ispresented inAppendix F.

Anannual landusecensusisconducted forthepurposeofidentifying changesinthelandusesaround theplant andpotential forchanges inexposure pathways andlocations.

Appendix Gcontains theresults oftheannual landusecensus.

Datatables summarizing thesample analysis results arepresented in Appendix H.Finally, Appendix Icontains anyerrata fromprevious AREORs.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR

[8) those from indicator stations (near the plant) to aid in the determination of any contribution from BFN operation.

In 2020 the sample analyses were performed by the contracted laboratory, GEL Laboratories, LLC, based in Charleston, SC.

Analyses were conducted in accordance with written and approved procedures and are based on industry established standard analytical methods. A summary of the analysis techniques and methodology is presented in Appendix D.

As shown in Table E-1, the analytical methods used to determine the radionuclide content of samples collected in the environment are very sensitive and capable of detecting small amounts of radioactivity.

The sensitivity of the measurement process is defined in terms of the lower limit of detection (LLD). A description of the nominal LLDs for the Radioanalytical Laboratory is presented in Appendix E.

The laboratory applies a comprehensive quality assurance/quality control program to monitor laboratory performance throughout the year. One of the key purposes of the QA/QC program is to provide early identification of any problems in the measurement process so they can be corrected in a timely manner.

This program includes instrument checks, to ensure that the radiation measurement instruments are working properly, and the analysis of quality control samples. As part of an interlaboratory comparison program, the laboratory participates in a blind sample program administrated by Eckert & Ziegler Analytics. A complete description of the quality control program is presented in Appendix F.

An annual land use census is conducted for the purpose of identifying changes in the land uses around the plant and potential for changes in exposure pathways and locations. Appendix G contains the results of the annual land use census. Data tables summarizing the sample analysis results are presented in Appendix H. Finally, Appendix I contains any errata from previous AREORs.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


Figure 2


":4 Dilu A

osphere A hornReleases Plume Exposure Liquid Releases DilutedByLake MAN 3,g,,g, Consumed ByMan (Milk,Meat)

Shoreline Exposure Consumed ByAnimals o

Drinking Water Fish Vegetation Uptake FromSoil 2020Browns FerryAREOR



~ <::3/4F*?S\\ +/-=0~






Diluted By Atmosphere Airborne Releases D


Plume Exposure D

D MAN Liquid Releases Diluted By Lake Animals ConsumS By Man ~


Shoreline 0

Exposure Consumed


By Animals D


Vegetation Uptake From Soil..___ _____

---J 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR Drinking Water


DIRECTRADIATION MONITORING Direct radiation levelsaremeasured atvarious monitoring points aroundtheplant site.These measurements include contributions fromcosmicradiation, radioactivity intheground, fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testsconducted inthepast, andanyradioactivity that maybepresent from plant operations.Any plant contribution tothetotal direct radiation componentissmall compared to that from background. Therefore, anin-depth

analysis, comparing thevariation inmeasurements andthe background fluctuation,is undertaken toidentify anysignificant plant contribution.

Thisprocess isfurther described below.

M TheLandauer InLight environmentaldosimeter isusedintheradiological environmental monitoring programforthemeasurementofdirect radiation.

Thisdosimeter contains fourelements consisting of aluminum oxide detectors withopenwindows as wellasplastic andcopper filters.

Thedosimeter is processed using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL)technology todetermine theamountofradiation exposure.

Thedosimeters areplaced approximately onemeterabove theground,withtwoateachmonitoring location.

Sixteen monitoring points arelocated around theplant near thesiteboundary, onelocation in eachofthe16compasssectors.

Onemonitoring pointisalso located ineachofthe16compasssectors atapproximately four tofive miles fromtheplant.

Dosimeters arealso placed atadditional monitoring locations outtoapproximately 32miles fromthesite.

Thedosimeters areexchanged everythree months.

Thedosimeters aresent to Landauer forprocessing andresults reporting.

Thevalues arecorrected fortransit andshielded background exposure. The environmental dosimetry programisconducted inaccordance withthespecifications outlinedin AmericanNational Standards Institute (ANSI) andHealth Physics Society (HPS)

ANSI/HPS N13.37-2014 (Health Physics

Society, 2014) forenvironmental applications ofdosimeters.

Results Forreporting dose,allresults forenvironmental dosimeter measurements arenormalized toastandard quarter(91 days).

Themonitoring locations aregrouped according tothedistance fromtheplant.

The first groupconsists ofallmonitoring points within 2miles oftheplant.

Thesecond groupismadeupof all locations greater than2miles fromtheplant.

Pastdatahaveshownthattheaverage results fromthe locations morethan2miles fromtheplant areessentially thesame.Therefore, forpurposes ofthis

report, monitoring points 2miles orless fromtheplant areidentified as"onsite" stations andlocations greater than2miles areconsidered "offsite."

Thequarterly andannual gammaradiation levels determined fromthedosimeters deployed around BFN in2020aresummarized inTable 2.Forcomparison

purposes, theaverage direct radiation measurements madeinthepreoperational phase ofthemonitoring program arealso shown.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


DIRECT RADIATION MONITORING Direct radiation levels are measured at various monitoring points around the plant site.

These measurements include contributions from cosmic radiation, radioactivity in the ground, fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests conducted in the past, and any radioactivity that may be present from plant operations. Any plant contribution to the total direct radiation component is small compared to that from background. Therefore, an in-depth analysis, comparing the variation in measurements and the background fluctuation, is undertaken to identify any significant plant contribution. This process is further described below.

Measurement Techniques The Landauer lnlight environmental dosimeter is used in the radiological environmental monitoring program for the measurement of direct radiation. This dosimeter contains four elements consisting of aluminum oxide detectors with open windows as well as plastic and copper filters. The dosimeter is processed using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) technology to determine the amount of radiation exposure.

The dosimeters are placed approximately one meter above the ground, with two at each monitoring location. Sixteen monitoring points are located around the plant near the site boundary, one location in each of the 16 compass sectors. One monitoring point is also located in each of the 16 compass sectors at approximately four to five miles from the plant.

Dosimeters are also placed at additional monitoring locations out to approximately 32 miles from the site.

The dosimeters are exchanged every three months. The dosimeters are sent to Landauer for processing and results reporting.

The values are corrected for transit and shielded background exposure. The environmental dosimetry program is conducted in accordance with the specifications outlined in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Health Physics Society (HPS) ANSI/HPS NB.37-2014 (Health Physics Society, 2014) for environmental applications of dosimeters.

Results For reporting dose, all results for environmental dosimeter measurements are normalized to a standard quarter (91 days). The monitoring locations are grouped according to the distance from the plant. The first group consists of all monitoring points within 2 miles of the plant. The second group is made up of all locations greater than 2 miles from the plant. Past data have shown that the average results from the locations more than 2 miles from the plant are essentially the same. Therefore, for purposes of this report, monitoring points 2 miles or less from the plant are identified as "onsite" stations and locations greater than 2 miles are considered "offsite."

The quarterly and annual gamma radiation levels determined from the dosimeters deployed around BFN in 2020 are summarized in Table 2. For comparison purposes, the average direct radiation measurements made in the preoperational phase of the monitoring program are also shown.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


Table 2 AverageExternal GammaRadiation Levels atVarious Distances from BrownsFerry Nuclear Plant for EachQuarter

- 2020 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual Preoperational (mrem/qtr)




Average 0-2 19.1 18.3 19.5 16.7 73.6 71 miles(onsite)a Average

>2 miles 15.8 16.0 16.5 16.6 64.8 59 (offsite)a NOTES

a. Averageoftheindividual measurements intheset ThedatainTable 2indicate thattheaverage quarterlydirect radiation levels attheBFNonsite stations areapproximately 2.2mrem/quarter higher thanlevelsat the offsite stations.

This equatesto8.8 mrem/year detected attheonsite locations, which isnotstatistically different thanthatmeasured during thepreoperational program.

Evenconsidering this 8.8mrem/yr increase foronsite locations attributable toplant operations, itfalls below the25mremtotal bodylimit for 40 CFR 190.Thedifference inonsite andoffsite averages isconsistent withlevels measured forthepreoperational andconstruction phases of TVAnuclear powerplant

sites, wheretheaverage levels onsite wereslightly higher thanlevels offsite.

Figure 3compares plots ofthedatafromtheonsite stations withthose from the offsite stationsoverthe period from1977through 2020.Landauer InLight Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL)dosimeters havebeendeployed since2007,replacing thePanasonic UD-814dosimeters usedduring theprevious years.Beginning with2018,themethodology forevaluating andreporting theenvironmental direct radiation exposure wasmodified, toreflect recommendations contained inANSIN13.37-2014.

A study wasperformed todetermine thedosereceived bydosimeters thatareusedasunexposed controls to accountforthetransit dosetoalldosimeters andtheshielded storage dosetotheunexposedcontrol dosimeters.

This inturnwasusedtocorrectly accountfortheextraneous dosethatshould beremoved fromthegross measurements asmeasured bythefield dosimeters.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


Table 2 - Average External Gamma Radiation Levels at Various Distances from Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant for Each Quarter - 2020 Average External Gamma Radiation Levels Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual Preoperational (mrem/qtr)






Average 0-2 19.1 18.3 19.5 16.7 73.6 71 miles (onsite)*

Average >2 miles 15.8 16.0 16.5 16.6 64.8 59 (offsite)*



Average of the individual measurements in the set The data in Table 2 indicate that the average quarterly direct radiation levels at the BFN onsite stations are approximately 2.2 mrem/quarter higher than levels at the offsite stations. This equates to 8.8 mrem/year detected at the onsite locations, which is not statistically different than that measured during the preoperational program. Even considering this 8.8 mrem/yr increase for onsite locations attributable to plant operations, it falls below the 25 mrem total body limit for 40 CFR 190. The difference in onsite and offsite averages is consistent with levels measured for the preoperational and construction phases of TVA nuclear power plant sites, where the average levels onsite were slightly higher than levels offsite.

Figure 3 compares plots of the data from the onsite stations with those from the offsite stations over the period from 1977 through 2020. Landauer lnLight Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dosimeters have been deployed since 2007, replacing the Panasonic UD-814 dosimeters used during the previous years. Beginning with 2018, the methodology for evaluating and reporting the environmental direct radiation exposure was modified, to reflect recommendations contained in ANSI NB.37-2014. A study was performed to determine the dose received by dosimeters that are used as unexposed controls to account for the transit dose to all dosimeters and the shielded storage dose to the unexposed control dosimeters. This in turn was used to correctly account for the extraneous dose that should be removed from the gross measurements as measured by the field dosimeters.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


Figure 3

- AverageDirect Radiation Direct Radiation Levels BrownsFerry Nuclear Plant FourQuarter Moving Average 25 20 a


y 4

3 Y@

Pab b

cR cf gb a,t b


@pacrsq d %8c Qc h

- )

agW ofctcc@Rb#

b mf 8 10 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 Calendar Year TableH-1contains theresults oftheindividual monitoring stations.

Theresults reported in2020are consistent withhistorical andpreoperational

results, indicating thatthere isnomeasurable increase in direct radiation levels intheoffsite environment attributable to the operation ofBFN.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


Figure 3 -Average Direct Radiation


'ii 20






(/J 15 et:

E Direct Radiation Levels Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Four Quarter Moving Average 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 2021 Calendar Year On-Site

-o-Off-Site I Table H-1 contains the results of the individual monitoring stations. The results reported in 2020 are consistent with historical and preoperational results, indicating that there is no measurable increase in direct radiation levels in the offsite environment attributable to the operation of BFN.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


ATMOSPHERIC MONITORING Theatmospheric monitoring network isdivided intothreegroupsidentified

aslocal, perimeter, and remote.Inthe current program,sixlocal airmonitoring stations arelocated onoradjacent totheplant site inthegeneral direction ofhighest windfrequency.

Threeofthese stations (LM-1, LM-2,andLM-3) arelocated on the plant sideoftheTennessee Riverandtwostations (LM-6 andLM-7) arelocated immediately across the river fromtheplant site.

Oneadditional station (station LM-4) islocated atthe pointofmaximumpredicted offsite concentration ofradionuclides basedon historical meteorological data.

Threeindicator air monitoring stations(PM-1, PM-2andPM-3) areincommunities outto13miles fromtheplant, andtwocontrol stations (RM-1 andRM-6) arelocated outto32miles.

Themonitoring programandthelocations ofmonitoring stations areidentified inthetables andfigures ofAppendix A.

Results fromtheanalysis ofsamples inthe atmospheric pathway arepresented inTable H-2through Table H-4.Radioactivity levels identified inthisreporting periodareconsistent withbackground radioactivity levels.

M Airparticulates arecollected bycontinuously sampling air at aflow rateofapproximately2cubic feet per minute(cfm) through a2-inch glass fiber filter.

Thesampling system consistsofapump,a magnehelic gaugeformeasuring thepressure dropacrossthesystem, andadry gas meter. Thisallows foranaccurate determination ofthevolume ofairpassing through thefilter.

Thesampling systemishoused inametal structure.

Thefilter iscontained inasampling headmounted ontheoutside ofthemonitoringstructure.

Thefilter isreplaced weekly.

Eachfilter isanalyzed forgrossbetaactivity at least 3daysafter collection toallow timeforthenaturally occurring radon daughters todecay.

Monthly composites ofthefilters from eachlocation areanalyzed bygammaspectroscopy.

Atmospheric radioiodine is collected usinga commercially available cartridge containing triethylenediamine (TEDA)-impregnated charcoal.

This systemisdesigned tocollect iodine inboththe elemental formandasorganic compounds.

Thecartridge isinthesamesampling head as theair particulate filter andisdownstream oftheparticulate filter.

Thecartridge ischanged atthesame time as theparticulate filter andsamples thesamevolume ofair.Eachcartridge isanalyzed for iodine-131(l-131) bygammaspectroscopy analysis.

Results Theresults fromtheanalysis ofairparticulate samples aresummarized inTable H-2.Grossbetaactivity levels in2020wereconsistent withlevels reported inprevious years.Theannual average grossbeta concentration was0.032pCi/m3 inindicator and0.033pCi/m3 incontrol locations.

Theannual averages ofthegrossbetaactivity inairparticulate filters fortheyears1968-2020 arepresented inFigure H-1.

Increased levels duetofallout fromatmospheric nuclear weaponstesting areevident, especially

in1969, 1970,1971,1977,1978,and1981.Evidence ofasmall increase resulting fromtheChernobyl accident canalsobeseenin1986.Thesepatterns areconsistent withdatafrommonitoring programs conducted byTVAatother nuclear powerplant sites.

GELLaboratories, LLCtookoverradiochemistry analysis for theBFNREMPprogramin2017.Since thatchange, theairfilter grossbetaresults increased fromalong-termaverage ofapproximately 0.02pCi/m3 toapproximately 0.03pCi/m3-This slight increase istheresult 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


ATMOSPHERIC MONITORING The atmospheric monitoring network is divided into three groups identified as local, perimeter, and remote. In the current program, six local air monitoring stations are located on or adjacent to the plant site in the general direction of highest wind frequency. Three of these stations (LM-1, LM-2, and LM-3) are located on the plant side of the Tennessee River and two stations (LM-6 and LM-7) are located immediately across the river from the plant site. One additional station (station LM-4) is located at the point of maximum predicted offsite concentration of radionuclides based on historical meteorological data. Three indicator air monitoring stations (PM-1, PM-2 and PM-3) are in communities out to 13 miles from the plant, and two control stations (RM-1 and RM-6) are located out to 32 miles. The monitoring program and the locations of monitoring stations are identified in the tables and figures of Appendix A.

Results from the analysis of samples in the atmospheric pathway are presented in Table H-2 through Table H-4. Radioactivity levels identified in this reporting period are consistent with background radioactivity levels.

Sample Collection and Analysis Air particulates are collected by continuously sampling air at a flow rate of approximately 2 cubic feet per minute (cfm) through a 2-inch glass fiber filter. The sampling system consists of a pump, a magnehelic gauge for measuring the pressure drop across the system, and a dry gas meter. This allows for an accurate determination of the volume of air passing through the filter. The sampling system is housed in a metal structure. The filter is contained in a sampling head mounted on the outside of the monitoring structure.

The filter is replaced weekly. Each filter is analyzed for gross beta activity at least 3 days after collection to allow time for the naturally occurring radon daughters to decay. Monthly composites of the filters from each location are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.

Atmospheric radioiodine is collected using a

commercially available cartridge containing triethylenediamine (TEDA)-impregnated charcoal. This system is designed to collect iodine in both the elemental form and as organic compounds. The cartridge is in the same sampling head as the air particulate filter and is downstream of the particulate filter. The cartridge is changed at the same time as the particulate filter and samples the same volume of air. Each cartridge is analyzed for iodine-131 (1-131) by gamma spectroscopy analysis.

Results The results from the analysis of air particulate samples are summarized in Table H-2. Gross beta activity levels in 2020 were consistent with levels reported in previous years. The annual average gross beta concentration was 0.032 pCi/m 3 in indicator and 0.033 pCi/m 3 in control locations. The annual averages of the gross beta activity in air particulate filters for the years 1968-2020 are presented in Figure H-1.

Increased levels due to fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing are evident, especially in 1969, 1970, 1971, 1977, 1978, and 1981. Evidence of a small increase resulting from the Chernobyl accident can also be seen in 1986. These patterns are consistent with data from monitoring programs conducted by TVA at other nuclear power plant sites. GEL Laboratories, LLC took over radiochemistry analysis for the BFN REMP program in 2017. Since that change, the air filter gross beta results increased from a long-term average of approximately 0.02 pCi/m 3 to approximately 0.03 pCi/m 3 This slight increase is the result 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


of the newlaboratoryusing adifferent calibration source(Tc-99) thantheprior laboratory (Sr-90),

which resulted ina slightlyhigher correlation oftheinstrument measurement tothecorresponding calculated airconcentration.

Thecurrentresults areconsistent betweenindicator andcontrol

samples, and consistent with results fromother nuclear powerplant environmental monitoring programs.

Onlynaturallyoccurring radionuclides wereidentified bythemonthly gammaspectral analysis oftheair particulate samples.

There wasnoI-131 detected inanycharcoal cartridge samples during 2020.The charcoal cartridge analysis results arereported inTableH-3,andthegammaspectroscopy results are reported inTable H-4.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR

[14) of the new laboratory using a different calibration source (Tc-99) than the prior laboratory (Sr-90), which resulted in a slightly higher correlation of the instrument measurement to the corresponding calculated air concentration.

The current results are consistent between indicator and control samples, and consistent with results from other nuclear power plant environmental monitoring programs.

Only naturally occurring radionuclides were identified by the monthly gamma spectral analysis of the air particulate samples. There was no 1-131 detected in any charcoal cartridge samples during 2020. The charcoal cartridge analysis results are reported in Table H-3, and the gamma spectroscopy results are reported in Table H-4.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


TERRESTRIAL MONITORING Terrestrial monitoring isaccomplishedbycollecting samples ofenvironmental mediarepresenting the transport of radioactive material fromtheatmosphere tothegroundandvarious foodproducts.


example, radioactive material maybedeposited onvegetation andbeingested byconsuming vegetables oritmaybedeposited on pasturegrasswheredairy cattle aregrazing.

Whenthecow ingests the radioactive material,some ofitmaybetransferred tothemilkandconsumed byhumanswhodrink the milk.Therefore, samples of milk(if applicable),soil, andfoodcropsarecollected andanalyzed to determine potential impacts from exposure through thesepathways.

Theresults fromtheanalysis of these samples areshowninTable H-5 andTable H-6.

A landusecensusisconducted annually tolocatemilkproducing animals andgardens within a5-mile radius oftheplant.

Nomilk-producing animals wereidentified within 5miles oftheplant.

There wereno newlocations ofgardens thatwouldcall for a change inthemonitoring program.

Theresults ofthe2020 land usecensus arepresented inAppendix G.

M Soil samples arecollected annually fromthearea surrounding eachairmonitoring station.

Thesamples arecollected witheither a"cookie cutter" oranauger typesampler.

Afterdrying andgrinding, thesample isanalyzed bygammaspectroscopy.

Whenthegammaanalysis is complete, thesample isanalyzed for Sr-89andSr-90.

Samples representative offoodcropsraised intheareaneartheplant are obtained fromindividual gardens insectors withthehigher predicted D/Qs, whereavailable.

Types of foods mayvaryfromyear toyearasaresult ofchanges inthelocal vegetable gardens.


ofapples, cabbage, corn,green
beans, carrots, andtomatoeswerecollected fromlocal gardens in2020.Samples ofthese samefood cropswerepurchased fromareaproduce markets orprivate gardens toserveascontrol samples.

The edible portion ofeachsample isanalyzed bygammaspectroscopy.

There arenomilkproducing animals within 5miles ofthefacility, sonomilksamples wereobtained in 2020.

Results Theonlyfission oractivation product identified, abovenominal LLD,insoil samples wasCs-137.The average concentration measured insamples fromindicator locations was 156pCi/kg.

Theaverage concentration forcontrol locations was96pCi/kg.

Theseconcentrations areconsistent withlevels previously reported fromfallout.

Allother radionuclides reported werenaturally occurring isotopes.

Theresults oftheanalysis ofsoil samples arereported inTable H-5.A plot oftheannual average Cs-137 concentrations insoil ispresented inFigure H-2.Theconcentration ofCs-137 insoil issteadily decreasing duetothecessation ofweaponstesting intheatmosphere, the30-year half-life ofCs-137 andtransport through theenvironment.

Analyses offoodsamples indicated nocontribution fromplant activities.

Theresults arereported inTable H-6.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


TERRESTRIAL MONITORING Terrestrial monitoring is accomplished by collecting samples of environmental media representing the transport of radioactive material from the atmosphere to the ground and various food products. For example, radioactive material may be deposited on vegetation and be ingested by consuming vegetables or it may be deposited on pasture grass where dairy cattle are grazing. When the cow ingests the radioactive material, some of it may be transferred to the milk and consumed by humans who drink the milk. Therefore, samples of milk (if applicable), soil, and food crops are collected and analyzed to determine potential impacts from exposure through these pathways. The results from the analysis of these samples are shown in Table H-5 and Table H-6.

A land use census is conducted annually to locate milk producing animals and gardens within a 5-mile radius of the plant. No milk-producing animals were identified within 5 miles of the plant. There were no new locations of gardens that would call for a change in the monitoring program. The results of the 2020 land use census are presented in Appendix G.

Sample Collection and Analysis Soil samples are collected annually from the area surrounding each air monitoring station. The samples are collected with either a "cookie cutter" or an auger type sampler. After drying and grinding, the sample is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy. When the gamma analysis is complete, the sample is analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90.

Samples representative of food crops raised in the area near the plant are obtained from individual gardens in sectors with the higher predicted D/Qs, where available. Types of foods may vary from year to year as a result of changes in the local vegetable gardens. Samples of apples, cabbage, corn, green beans, carrots, and tomatoes were collected from local gardens in 2020. Samples of these same food crops were purchased from area produce markets or private gardens to serve as control samples. The edible portion of each sample is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.

There are no milk producing animals within 5 miles of the facility, so no milk samples were obtained in 2020.

Results The only fission or activation product identified, above nominal LLD, in soil samples was Cs-137. The average concentration measured in samples from indicator locations was 156 pCi/kg.

The average concentration for control locations was 96 pCi/kg. These concentrations are consistent with levels previously reported from fallout. All other radionuclides reported were naturally occurring isotopes.

The results of the analysis of soil samples are reported in Table H-5. A plot of the annual average Cs-137 concentrations in soil is presented in Figure H-2. The concentration of Cs-137 in soil is steadily decreasing due to the cessation of weapons testing in the atmosphere, the 30-year half-life of Cs-137 and transport through the environment.

Analyses of food samples indicated no contribution from plant activities. The results are reported in Table H-6.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


LIQ.UID PATHWAY MONITORING Potentialexposures fromtheliquid pathway canoccurfromdrinking water,ingestion

offish, anddirect radiation exposure to radioactive materials deposited inshoreline sediment.

Theliquid pathway monitoring program conducted during 2020included thecollection ofsamples ofsurface (river/reservoi

water, groundwater, drinking water,fish, andshoreline sediment.

Samples fromthereservoir are collected both upstream and downstream fromtheplant.

Results fromtheanalysis ofaquatic samples arepresented inTable H-7 through Table H-11.

M Samples ofsurface waterarecollected from theTennesseeRiver using automatic sampling systems from onedownstream station andoneupstream station.

Theupstream sample iscollected fromtherawwater intake attheDecatur, Alabama waterplant (TRM 306) andisutilized asacontrol sampling location for bothsurface anddrinking water.Atimer turns on thesystematleast onceevery twohours.

Theline is

flushed, andasamplecollected intoa collection container.

A one-gallon sample isremoved fromthe container everymonthandtheremaining waterinthe jug isdiscarded.

Themonthly composite sample isanalyzed bygammaspectroscopy andgrossbeta analysis.

Aquarterly composite sample isanalyzed for tritium byliquid scintillation counting.

Samples arealsocollected byan automatic sampling systemat the first downstream drinking water

intake, WestMorgan

- EastLawrence WaterAuthority (TRM 286.5). This sample ofrawuntreated water iscollected attheintake fromthewaterplant.

Thesesamples arecollected inthesamemannerasthe surface watersamples.

Thesemonthly samples areanalyzed bygamma spectroscopy andgrossbeta analysis.

Aquarterly composite isanalyzed fortritium.

Atotherselected locations, grabsamples arecollected fromdrinking watersystems, whichusethe Tennessee River astheir source.Thesesamples areanalyzed everymonthbygamma spectroscopy and grossbetaanalysis.

Aquarterly composite sample fromeachstation isanalyzed for tritium.

Agroundwater well onsite isequipped withanautomatic watersampler.

Waterisalso collected from a private wellinanareaunaffected byBFN.Samples fromthewells arecollected every month and a composite sample isanalyzed quarterly bygammaspectroscopy andtritium.

Samples ofcommercial andgamefish species arecollected semiannually fromeachofthetworeservoirs:

thereservoir onwhichtheplant islocated (Wheeler Reservoir) andtheupstreamreservoir (Guntersville Reservoir).

Thesamples arecollected using acombination ofnetting techniques andelectrofishing.

To sample edible portions ofthefish, thefish arefilleted.

After drying andgrinding, thesamples areanalyzed bygammaspectroscopy.

Shoreline sediment iscollected fromtwodownstream recreational useareasandoneupstreamlocation.

Thesamples arecollected atthenormal waterlevel shoreline andanalyzed bygammaspectroscopy.

Results Onlynaturally occurring isotopes wereidentified bygammaspectral analysis ofsurface water.Although tritium isoccasionally detected insurface watersamples, itwasnotdetected inanycontrol orindicator 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


LIQUID PATHWAY MONITORING Potential exposures from the liquid pathway can occur from drinking water, ingestion of fish, and direct radiation exposure to radioactive materials deposited in shoreline sediment.

The liquid pathway monitoring program conducted during 2020 included the collection of samples of surface (river/reservoir) water, groundwater, drinking water, fish, and shoreline sediment.

Samples from the reservoir are collected both upstream and downstream from the plant. Results from the analysis of aquatic samples are presented in Table H-7 through Table H-11.

Sample Collection and Analysis Samples of surface water are collected from the Tennessee River using automatic sampling systems from one downstream station and one upstream station. The upstream sample is collected from the raw water intake at the Decatur, Alabama water plant (TRM 306) and is utilized as a control sampling location for both surface and drinking water. A timer turns on the system at least once every two hours. The line is flushed, and a sample collected into a collection container. A one-gallon sample is removed from the container every month and the remaining water in the jug is discarded. The monthly composite sample is analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and gross beta analysis. A quarterly composite sample is analyzed for tritium by liquid scintillation counting.

Samples are also collected by an automatic sampling system at the first downstream drinking water intake, West Morgan - East Lawrence Water Authority (TRM 286.5). This sample of raw untreated water is collected at the intake from the water plant. These samples are collected in the same manner as the surface water samples. These monthly samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy and gross beta analysis. A quarterly composite is analyzed for tritium.

At other selected locations, grab samples are collected from drinking water systems, which use the Tennessee River as their source. These samples are analyzed every month by gamma spectroscopy and gross beta analysis. A quarterly composite sample from each station is analyzed for tritium.

A groundwater well onsite is equipped with an automatic water sampler. Water is also collected from a private well in an area unaffected by BFN. Samples from the wells are collected every month and a composite sample is analyzed quarterly by gamma spectroscopy and tritium.

Samples of commercial and game fish species are collected semiannually from each of the two reservoirs:

the reservoir on which the plant is located (Wheeler Reservoir) and the upstream reservoir (Guntersville Reservoir). The samples are collected using a combination of netting techniques and electrofishing. To sample edible portions of the fish, the fish are filleted. After drying and grinding, the samples are analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.

Shoreline sediment is collected from two downstream recreational use areas and one upstream location.

The samples are collected at the normal water level shoreline and analyzed by gamma spectroscopy.

Results Only naturally occurring isotopes were identified by gamma spectral analysis of surface water. Although tritium is occasionally detected in surface water samples, it was not detected in any control or indicator 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


surface watersamples in2020.Asummarytable oftheresults forthis reporting period isshowninTable H-7.

Nofission or activation products weredetected bythegammaortritium analysis ofpublic drinking water.

Positive gross beta resultswereidentified inthreesamples fromtwo(offour) indicator locations, averaging 3.35pCi/L.

Nopositivegrossbetawasidentified inthecontrol location samples.

Theseresults areconsistent with previous monitoring results.

Like surface water,tritium isoccasionally identified in drinking watersamples, but wasnotdetected inanycontrol orindicator drinking watersamples in2020.

Theresults areshowninTable H-8.

Nofission oractivation products were detected bygammaspectroscopy inREMPgroundwater samples fromBFNREMPmonitoring locations.

Tritium wasnotdetected inanyREMPwell watersamples in2020.

Results fromtheanalysis ofgroundwater samples arepresented inTable H-9.

In2020,gamefish (largemouth bass) andcommercial fish (channel orflathead catfish) weresampled and analyzed frombothcontrol andindicator locations.

Nofission oractivation products wereidentified in anyofthesamples.

Theresults aresummarized in Table H-10.

Shoreline sediment wassampled fromthree locations, two indicator andonecontrol.

Oneindicator sample ofshoreline sediment waspositive forCs-137,at a level of78pCi/kg.

Thisissimilar toother low level positive results inthepast, andnotindicative ofa new or on-going release fromthefacility.

The results oftheanalysis ofshoreline sediment areprovided inTable H-11.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR

[17) surface water samples in 2020. A summary table of the results for this reporting period is shown in Table H-7.

No fission or activation products were detected by the gamma or tritium analysis of public drinking water.

Positive gross beta results were identified in three samples from two (of four) indicator locations, averaging 3.35 pCi/L. No positive gross beta was identified in the control location samples. These results are consistent with previous monitoring results.

Like surface water, tritium is occasionally identified in drinking water samples, but was not detected in any control or indicator drinking water samples in 2020.

The results are shown in Table H-8.

No fission or activation products were detected by gamma spectroscopy in REMP groundwater samples from BFN REMP monitoring locations. Tritium was not detected in any REMP well water samples in 2020.

Results from the analysis of groundwater samples are presented in Table H-9.

In 2020, game fish (largemouth bass) and commercial fish (channel or flathead catfish) were sampled and analyzed from both control and indicator locations. No fission or activation products were identified in any of the samples. The results are summarized in Table H-10.

Shoreline sediment was sampled from three locations, two indicator and one control. One indicator sample of shoreline sediment was positive for Cs-137, at a level of 78 pCi/kg. This is similar to other low level positive results in the past, and not indicative of a new or on-going release from the facility. The results of the analysis of shoreline sediment are provided in Table H-11.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


ASSESSMENT ANDEVALUATION Results Asstated earlier inthereport,theestimated increase inradiation doseequivalent tothepublic resulting fromtheoperation ofBFNisnegligiblewhencompared tothedosefromnatural background radiation.

Theresults fromeach environmental samplearecompared withtheconcentrations fromthe corresponding controlstations andappropriatepreoperational andbackground datatodetermine influences fromtheplant. During this reportingperiod, Cs-137 wasidentified abovethenominal LLDin soil andshoreline sediment samples.

TheCs-137detected inthese samples wasconsistent withlevels generally found intheenvironment as theresult ofpastnuclear weaponstesting.

Thelowlevels ofgross betaactivity measured insomewater samples representconcentrations thatareattributed tonatural radioactivity.

Conclusions The2020radiological environmental monitoring program results demonstratethat exposure tomembers ofthegeneral

public, whichmayhavebeenattributable to BFN, isasmall fraction ofregulatory limits and essentially indistinguishable fromthenatural background radiation.

Thelevels ofradioactivity reported herein areprimarily theresult offallout ornatural background.

Any activity, whichmaybepresent inthe environment asaresult ofplant operations, doesnotrepresenta significant contribution totheexposure ofmembersofthepublic.

Theresults confirm that radioactive effluents fromtheplant arecontrolled, maintaining releases aslowasreasonably achievable (ALARA) andtoasmall fraction ofthelimits fordoses tomembersofthepublic.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION Results As stated earlier in the report, the estimated increase in radiation dose equivalent to the public resulting from the operation of BFN is negligible when compared to the dose from natural background radiation.

The results from each environmental sample are compared with the concentrations from the corresponding control stations and appropriate preoperational and background data to determine influences from the plant. During this reporting period, Cs-137 was identified above the nominal LLD in soil and shoreline sediment samples. The Cs-137 detected in these samples was consistent with levels generally found in the environment as the result of past nuclear weapons testing. The low levels of gross beta activity measured in some water samples represent concentrations that are attributed to natural radioactivity.

Conclusions The 2020 radiological environmental monitoring program results demonstrate that exposure to members of the general public, which may have been attributable to BFN, is a small fraction of regulatory limits and essentially indistinguishable from the natural background radiation. The levels of radioactivity reported herein are primarily the result of fallout or natural background. Any activity, which may be present in the environment as a result of plant operations, does not represent a significant contribution to the exposure of members of the public. The results confirm that radioactive effluents from the plant are controlled, maintaining releases as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) and to a small fraction of the limits for doses to members of the public.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR


REFERENCES GEL.(2021). 2020 AnnualQuality Assurance Reportfor theREMP.Charleston, SC.

Health Physics Society.

(2014).ANSI/HPS N13.37Environmental Dosimetry

- Criteria for SystemDesign and Implementation.

HealthPhysics Society.

National Council on Radiation Protection andMeasurements.

(March 2009).

NCRPReport No.160, lonizing Radiation Exposure ofthePopulation oftheUnited States.

NCRP,Washington, D.C.

Tennessee Valley Authority.

(2019). Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Offsite DoseCalculation

Manual, 0-ODCM-001,Revision 25.


NUREG-1302 OffsiteDose Calculation ManualGuidance:

Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for Boiling WaterReactors, Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement No.1.Washington, D.C.

USNRC.Retrieved from U.S.NRC.(February 1996).

Instruction ConcerningRisks from Occupational Exposure.

USNRC,Washington, D.C.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


REFERENCES GEL. (2021). 2020 Annual Quality Assurance Report for the REMP. Charleston, SC.

Health Physics Society. (2014). ANSI/HPS N13.37 Environmental Dosimetry-Criteria for System Design and Implementation. Health Physics Society.

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. (March 2009). NCRP Report No. 160, Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population of the United States. NCRP, Washington, D.C.

Tennessee Valley Authority. (2019). Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Of/site Dose Calculation Manual, 0-ODCM-001, Revision 25.

U.S. NRC. (1991). NUREG-1302 Of/site Dose Calculation Manual Guidance: Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for Boiling Water Reactors, Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement No. 1. Washington, D.C.

USNRC. Retrieved from http:/ / U.S. NRC. (February 1996). Instruction Concerning Risks from Occupational Exposure. USNRC, Washington, D.C.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR








Tabe A1Browns Ferry Radioogica Environmena Monioring Program 1.ARBORNE a.Paricuaes 6sampes rom ocaions indifferen secors Continuous samper operaion Anayze orgross bea aornear hesie boundary

LM1, LM2,
LM3, wih sampe coecion aeas radioaciviy

>24 hours

LM4, LM6 and LM7 once per 7days more oowing ier change.

frequeny ifrequired by dus Perorm gamma iso sampes from communiies approximaey 10 oading.

anaysis on each sampe ifm rom pan

PM1, PM2 and PM3 gross bea

>10imes yeary mean oconro sa sampes rom conro ocaions

>10mies Composie aeas oncepe hepan RM1 and RM6 31days byocaion or gamma specroscopy b.Radioiodine Sampes rom same ocaions as air paricuates Continuous sampe operaion 131 bygamma scan on each wih fiercoection aeas sampe.

once per 7days.


Soi Sampes rom same ocaion as air paricuaes Once every year Gamma

scan, Sr89, Sr90 once per year a.Dosimeer 2ormore dosimeers paced aor near hesite Aeas once per 92 days Gamma dose once per 92 days boundary ineach of he 16secors.

2ormore dosimee paced asations ocated approx 5mies rom he pant ineach o

he 16secors.

2ormore dosim in aeas 8addiion ocaion of specia

ineres, incuding aeast 2

conro saion 2020 Brow Ferry AREO 21 of Eaguency Anay.sis 2.DRECT Table A Browns Ferry Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Exposure Pathway and/or Sample











a. Dosimeters Number of Sam_ples and Locationsa 6 samples from locations (in different sectors) at or near the site boundary (LM-1, LM-2, LM-3, LM-4, LM-6 and LM-7) 3 samples from communities approximately 10 miles from plant (PM-1, PM-2 and PM-3) 2 samples from control locations> 10 miles from the plant (RM-1 and RM-6)

Samples from same locations as air particulates Samples from same location as air particulates 2 or more dosimeters placed at or near the site boundary in each of the 16 sectors.

2 or more dosimeters placed at stations located approximately 5 miles from the plant in each of the 16 sectors.

2 or more dosimeters in at least 8 additional locations of special interest, including at least 2 control stations.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR Sampling and Collection Frequency Continuous sampler operation with sample collection at least once per 7 days (more frequently if required by dust loading).

Continuous sample operation with filter collection at least once per 7 days.

Once every year At least once per 92 days APPENDIX A Type and Frequency of Analysis Analyze for gross beta radioactivity~ 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> following filter change.

Perform gamma isotopic analysis on each sample if gross beta > 10 times yearly mean of control sample.

Composite at least once per 31 days (by location) for gamma spectroscopy.

1-131 by gamma scan on each sample.

Gamma scan, Sr-89, Sr-90 once per year Gamma dose once per 92 days



Tabe A1Browns Ferry Radioogica Environmena Monioring Program Coninued 3.WATERBORNE a.Surace Waer 1sampe downsream rom pan discharge Coected byautomaic Gamma scan aeas once per TRM 2935 sequeniaype samper wih 31 days.

Composie or composie sampes coeced riium aeas once per 92 sampe a

aconro ocaion upstream from over aperiod ofapproximaey day pan discharge TRM 306 31days.

b.Drinking Waer 1sampe a

he irspoabe surace waer Coected byautomaic Gross bea and gamma scanas downsream rom hepant sequeniaype samper wih eas once per 31 da 2865 composie sampe coeced a

Composie orriium anaysis 1sampe a

aconro ocaion TRM 306 3addiiona sampes ofpoabe surface waer Grab sampe aken rom he rom hepan TRM

2749, TRM waer suppy at aaciiy us and TRM 2596 waer rom hepubic suppy being moniored.

Sampe coected aeast once per 31 days.

c.Ground waer 1sampe adjacen ohepan We 6R Coected byautomaic Composie orgamma scan sequenia samper wih and riium aeas once per composie sampes coeced 92days.

over aperiod ofapproxim 31days.

1sampe a

aconro ocaion upgradien from Grab sampe aken aeas hepan Farm B

once per 31days.

2020 Brow Ferry AREO 22 of Eequerg Anay.sis Table A Browns Ferry Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (Continued)

Exposure Pathway and/or Sample



a. Surface Water

Drinking Water


Ground water Number of SamQles and Locationsa 1 sample downstream from plant discharge (TRM 293.5) 1 sample at a control location upstream from the plant discharge (TRM 306) 1 sample at the first potable surface water supply downstream from the plant (TRM 286.5) 1 sample at a control location (TRM 306) 3 additional samples of potable surface water downstream from the plant (TRM 274.9, TRM 259.8 and TRM 259.6) 1 sample adjacent to the plant (Well 6R) 1 sample at a control location up gradient from the plant (Farm B) 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR Sampling and Collection Frequency Collected by automatic sequential-type samplerb with composite samples collected over a period of approximately 31 days.

Collected by automatic sequential-type samplerb with composite sample collected at least once per 31 days.

Grab sample taken from the water supply at a facility using water from the public supply being monitored. Sample collected at least once per 31 days.

Collected by automatic sequential-type samplerb with composite samples collected over a period of approximately 31 days.

Grab sample taken at least once per 31 days.

APPENDIX A Type and Frequency of Analysis Gamma scan at least once per 31 days. Composite for tritium at least once per 92 days.

Gross beta and gamma scan at least once per 31 days.

Composite for tritium analysis at least once per 92 days.

Composite for gamma scan and tritium at least once per 92 days.



Tabe A1Browns Ferry Radioogica Environmena Monioring Program Coninued d.Shoreine Sedimen 1sampe rom each o

aeas wodownsream Aeast once per 184 days Gamma scan of each sampe ocaions wihrecreaiona use.

TRM 293 and TRM 2795 1sampe rom aconro ocaion upstream rom pan discharge TRM 305 a.Mik Sampes rom miking animas wihin 8km.

Aeast once per 15 days when Gamma scan and 131 on animas are onpasure; aeas each sampe.

Sr89 and Sr sampe rom miking anima atconro once per 31 days aoher imes aeas once per 92 da 1530 km.

See ODCM ormore deais on mik samping requiremens b.Fish 2sampes represening commercia and game SemiAnnuay ateas once Gamma scan onedibe species inGunersvie Reservoir above he per 184 days porions pan.

2sampes represening commercia and game species inWheeer Reservoir near the pan.

c.Food Producs Sampes oood crops such

asgreens, corn, Aeas once per year aime Gamma scan onedibe green
beans, omaoes and poaoes grown at ofharves.

porions privae gardens and/or arms in heimmediat viciniy o


1sampe oeach o

hesame foods grown at greaer han 10 mies rom he pant.

aSamp ocaio are show on Figure A1hro Figure A3.

Sam sha becoec bycoecin an aiquo ainerv no excee 2hour 2020 Brow Ferry AREO 23 of Frequerg Anay.sis 4.NGESTON Table A Browns Ferry Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (Continued)

Exposure Pathway and/or Sample


Shoreline Sediment








Food Products Number of SamQles and Locationsa 1 sample from each of at least two downstream locations with recreational use. (TRM 293 and TRM 279.5) 1 sample from a control location upstream from plant discharge (TRM 305)

Samples from milking animals within 8 km.

One sample from milking animal at control location 15-30 km.

(See ODCM for more details on milk sampling requirements) 2 samples representing commercial and game species in Guntersville Reservoir above the plant.

2 samples representing commercial and game species in Wheeler Reservoir near the plant.

Samples of food crops such as greens, corn, green beans, tomatoes and potatoes grown at private gardens and/or farms in the immediate vicinity of the plant.

1 sample of each of the same foods grown at greater than 10 miles from the plant.

  • Sample locations are shown on Figure A-1 through Figure A-3.

b Samples shall be collected by collecting an aliquot at intervals not exceeding 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR Sampling and Collection Frequency At least once per 184 days At least once per 15 days when animals are on pasture; at least once per 31 days at other times Semi-Annually (at least once per 184 days)

At least once per year at time of harvest.

APPENDIX A Type and Frequency of Analysis Gamma scan of each sample Gamma scan and 1-131 on each sample. Sr-89 and Sr-90 at least once per 92 days Gamma scan on edible portions Gamma scan on edible portions



Table A-2

- BrownsFerry REMPSampling Locations Map ApproximateIndicator (1)

Station Distance orControl Number" Station Sector (miles)


Samples Collectedb 1

PM-1 NW 13.8 I


PM-2 NE 10.9 I


PM-3 SSE 7.5 I


LM-7 W

2.1 I


RM-1 W

31.0 C


RM-6 E

23.4 C


LM-1 NNW 1.0 I


LM-2 NNE 0.9 I


LM-3 ENE 0.9 I

AP,CF,S 10 LM-4 NNW 1.7 I

AP,CF,S 11 LM-6 SSW 3.0 I

AP,CF,S 12 FarmB NNW 6.8 C

W 24 TRMc306 12.0d C

PW,SW 25 TRM259.6 34.4d I

PW 26 TRM274.9 19.1d I

PW 28 TRM293.5 0.5d I

SW 70 TRM259.8 34.2d I

PW 71 TRM286.5 7.5d I

PW 72 TRM305 11.0d C

SS 73 TRM293 1.0d I

SS 74 TRM279.5 14.5d I

SS 76 Well6R NW 0.12 I

W Wheeler Reservoir (TRM 275

- 349)


Guntersville Reservoir (TRM 349

- 424)


aSeeFigure A-1through Figure A-3 bSample Codes:


Airparticulate filter PW=

Public water SS=

Shoreline sediment F=

Fish V =

Vegetation SW=

Surface water M =

Milk S=

Soil W=

Wellwater CF=

Charcoal Filter cTRM= Tennessee River Mile d DiStan Cefromplant discharge atTennessee River Mile(TRM) 294 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


Table A Browns Ferry REMP Sampling Locations Map Station Number*

Station 1

PM-1 2

PM-2 3

PM-3 4

LM-7 5

RM-1 6

RM-6 7

LM-1 8

LM-2 9

LM-3 10 LM-4 11 LM-6 12 Farm B 24 TRMC 306 25 TRM 259.6 26 TRM 274.9 28 TRM 293.5 70 TRM 259.8 71 TRM 286.5 72 TRM 305 73 TRM 293 74 TRM 279.5 76 Well 6R Wheeler Reservoir (TRM 275 - 349)

Guntersville Reservoir (TRM 349 - 424) a See Figure A-1 through Figure A-3 b Sample Codes:

AP =

Air particulate filter F =

Fish M =

Milk CF=

Charcoal Filter c TRM = Tennessee River Mile Approximate Distance Sector (miles)

NW 13.8 NE 10.9 SSE 7.5 w

2.1 w

31.0 E

23.4 NNW 1.0 NNE 0.9 ENE 0.9 NNW 1.7 SSW 3.0 NNW 6.8 12.0d 34.4d 19.ld 0.5d 34.2d 7.5d 11.0d l.0d 14.Sd NW 0.12 PW=

Public water V =

Vegetation S =

Soil d Distance from plant discharge at Tennessee River Mile (TRM) 294 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR APPENDIX A Indicator {I) or Control (C)

Samples Collectedb I












w C







ss I

ss I

ss I

w I


F SS =

Shoreline sediment SW=

Surface water W =

Well water



Table A-3

- BrownsFerry Environmental Dosimeter Locations Distance Onsite or gat.ion sestar

[milest offsitea 1

NW-3 NW 13.8 Off 2

NE-3 NE 10.9 Off 3

SSE-2 SSE 7.5 Off 5

W-3 W

31.0 Off 6

E-3 E

23.1 Off 7

N-1 NNW 1.0 On 8

NNE-1 NNE 0.9 On 9

ENE-1 ENE 0.9 On 10 NNW-2 NNW 1.7 On 38 N-2 N

5.0 Off 39 NNE-2 NNE 0.7 On 40 NNE-3 NNE 5.2 Off 41 NE-1 NE 0.8 On 42 NE-2 NE 5.0 Off 43 ENE-2 ENE 6.2 Off 44 E-1 E

0.8 On 45 E-2 E

5.2 Off 46 ESE-1 ESE 0.9 On 47 ESE-2 ESE 3.0 Off 48 SE-1 SE 0.5 On 49 SE-2 SE 5.4 Off 50 SSE-1 SSE 5.1 Off 51 S-1 S

3.1 Off 52 S-2 S

4.8 Off 53 SSW-1 SSW 3.0 Off 54 SSW-2 SSW 4.4 Off 55 SW-1 SW 1.9 On 56 SW-2 SW 4.7 Off 58 WSW-1 WSW 2.7 Off 59 WSW-2 WSW 5.1 Off 60 WSW-3 WSW 10.5 Off 61 W-1 W

1.9 On 62 W-2 W

4.7 Off 64 WNW-1 WNW 3.3 Off 65 WNW-2 WNW 4.4 Off 66 NW-1 NW 2.2 Off 67 NW-2 NW 5.3 Off 68 NNW-1 NNW 1.0 On 69 NNW-3 NNW 5.2 Off 75 N-1A N

1.0 On a Dosimeters designated "onsite" arelocated 2miles orless fromtheplant; "offsite" arelocated morethan2miles fromtheplant.

SeeFigure A-1through Figure A-3.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX A Table A Browns Ferry Environmental Dosimeter Locations Distance Onsite or Station Sector (miles)

Off site*

1 NW-3 NW 13.8 Off 2

NE-3 NE 10.9 Off 3

SSE-2 SSE 7.5 Off 5

W-3 w

31.0 Off 6

E-3 E

23.1 Off 7

N-1 NNW 1.0 On 8

NNE-1 NNE 0.9 On 9

ENE-1 ENE 0.9 On 10 NNW-2 NNW 1.7 On 38 N-2 N

5.0 Off 39 NNE-2 NNE 0.7 On 40 NNE-3 NNE 5.2 Off 41 NE-1 NE 0.8 On 42 NE-2 NE 5.0 Off 43 ENE-2 ENE 6.2 Off 44 E-1 E

0.8 On 45 E-2 E

5.2 Off 46 ESE-1 ESE 0.9 On 47 ESE-2 ESE 3.0 Off 48 SE-1 SE 0.5 On 49 SE-2 SE 5.4 Off 50 SSE-1 SSE 5.1 Off 51 S-1 s

3.1 Off 52 S-2 s

4.8 Off 53 SSW-1 SSW 3.0 Off 54 SSW-2 SSW 4.4 Off 55 SW-1 SW 1.9 On 56 SW-2 SW 4.7 Off 58 WSW-1 WSW 2.7 Off 59 WSW-2 WSW 5.1 Off 60 WSW-3 WSW 10.5 Off 61 W-1 w

1.9 On 62 W-2 w

4.7 Off 64 WNW-1 WNW 3.3 Off 65 WNW-2 WNW 4.4 Off 66 NW-1 NW 2.2 Off 67 NW-2 NW 5.3 Off 68 NNW-1 NNW 1.0 On 69 NNW-3 NNW 5.2 Off 75 N-lA N

1.0 On a Dosimeters designated "onsite" are located 2 miles or less from the plant; "offsite" are located more than 2 miles from the plant. See Figure A-1 through Figure A-3.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



Figure A-1

- Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations within 1mileofPlant 5

348.75 11.25 NNW NNE

' 75 326.2 7

s 33.75

  • 8 NW g

N 303.75 39 56.25 I


ENE 28 N

281.25 78.75 N

, % /

  • 44 W

7 f





.46 WSW g

ESE 123.75 236.25 SW SE 213.75 146.25 SSW SSE 191.25 168.75 g

Scale O

Mile 1

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX A Figure A Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations within 1 mile of Plant 5

348.75 N

11.25 281.25 78.75 w

E 258.75 101.25 191.25 s

168. 75 Scale 0

Mile 1

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



Figure A-2

- Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations 1

- 5miles from Plant 348.5 ips

-y--m--c NNW l '--









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2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX A Figure A Radiological Environmental Monitoring Locations 1 - 5 miles from Plant 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



Figure A-3

- Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations Greater than5miles from Plant 34B.75




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191',25 C'-16'8.75 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX A Figure A Radiological Environmental Sampling Locations Greater than 5 miles from Plant 1/1 o-,-----,,o


Ri 26 e

s 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR








In2020, there werenomodifications totheBrownsFerry Nuclear PowerPlant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program sampling locations, analysis
types, orfrequency.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX B Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Modifications In 2020, there were no modifications to the Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program sampling locations, analysis types, or frequency.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR







APPENDIX C Media LocationDate CR Issue Air Filter LM-1 1/6/2020 1577242 Belt foundoffpulley, nosample collected.

Charcoal Filter (ID 1101)

AirFilter RM-6 1/6/2020 1577244 Badmotor,no samplecollected.

Motor Charcoal Filter(ID 1215) replaced.

AirFilter LM-2 5/19/2020 1609438 Missed sample.

Unitfoundoff, replaced Charcoal Filter(ID 1102) badtoggle switch.

AirFilter LM-2 9/8/2020 1636021 Toggle switch vibrated

loose, resulting in Charcoal Filter(ID 1102) lowsample volume.

AirFilter LM-2 9/14/2020 1638364 Breaker

tripped, resulted inlowvolume.

Charcoal Filter(ID 1102 FoodProductsIndicator 10/5/2020 1642382 Potatoeswerenotavailable tobecollected therefore carrots werecollected instead.

AirFilter LM-1 11/24/2020 1654508 Breaker tripped,lowsample volume.

Charcoal Filter(ID 1101)

AirFilter LM-6 12/15/2020 1659047 Monitor not working duetobelt offpulley.

Charcoal Filter(ID 1206)

Direct Radiation E-1 12/31/2020 16620944QDosimetermissing duetobeing hitby (12A/B) treetrimming equipment.

Bothdosimeters atthelocation weremissing.

Direct Radiation SSW-1 12/31/2020 1662248 4QDosimeter missing dueto being hitby (32A/B) lawnmower.

Both dosimeters at the location weremissing.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX C Program Deviations Media Location Date CR Issue Air Filter LM-1 1/6/2020 1577242 Belt found off pulley, no sample collected.

Charcoal Filter (ID 1101)

Air Filter RM-6 1/6/2020 1577244 Bad motor, no sample collected. Motor Charcoal Filter (ID 1215) replaced.

Air Filter LM-2 5/19/2020 1609438 Missed sample. Unit found off, replaced Charcoal Filter (ID 1102) bad toggle switch.

Air Filter LM-2 9/8/2020 1636021 Toggle switch vibrated loose, resulting in Charcoal Filter (ID 1102) low sample volume.

Air Filter LM-2 9/14/2020 1638364 Breaker tripped, resulted in low volume.

Charcoal Filter (ID 1102 Food Products Indicator 10/5/2020 1642382 Potatoes were not available to be collected therefore carrots were collected instead.

Air Filter LM-1 11/24/2020 1654508 Breaker tripped, low sample volume.

Charcoal Filter (ID 1101)

Air Filter LM-6 12/15/2020 1659047 Monitor not working due to belt off pulley.

Charcoal Filter (ID 1206)

Direct Radiation E-1 12/31/2020 1662094 4Q Dosimeter missing due to being hit by (12A/B) tree trimming equipment. Both dosimeters at the location were missing.

Direct Radiation SSW-1 12/31/2020 1662248 4Q Dosimeter missing due to being hit by (32A/B) lawnmower. Both dosimeters at the location were missing.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR








Aga[y.ti.calPro.cedures Analyses ofenvironmental samples areperformed byGELLaboratories, LLCinCharleston, SC.Analysis of environmental dosimeters areperformed byLandauer, Inc.inGlenwood, IL.Analysis procedures are based onaccepted methods andsummarized below.

Thegrossbeta measurements aremadewithanautomatic lowbackground counting system.Normal counting times are50 minutes.

Watersamples areprepared byevaporating 400milliliter (mL) ofsamples toneardryness, transferring toastainlesssteel

planchet, andcompleting theevaporation process.

Air particulate filters arecounted directly inashallow planchet.

Gammaanalyses areperformed in various counting geometries depending on thesample typeand volume.

All gammacountsareobtained withgermanium typedetectors interfaced withahighresolution gammaspectroscopy system.All samples requiring gammaanalysis areanalyzed inthis manner.

Thenecessary efficiency

values, weight-efficiency curves,andgeometrytables areestablished and maintained oneachdetector andcounting system.

A seriesofdaily andperiodic quality control checks areperformed tomonitor counting instrumentation.

System logbooks andcontrol charts areusedto document theresults ofthequality control checks.

Thespecific analysis ofI-131inmilkisperformed by first isolating andpurifying theiodine by radiochemical separation andthencounting thefinal precipitate ona beta-gamma coincidence counting system.

Thenormal counttimeis480minutes.

ThentheI-131 iscounted bygammaspectroscopy utilizing highresolution Gedetectors.

After a radiochemical separation, milksamples analyzed forSr-89 and Sr-90 arecounted on a low background betacounting system.

Thesample iscounted asecond timeafter a minimum ingrowth period ofsixdays.

Fromthetwocounts, theSr-89 andSr-90 concentrations canbedetermined.

Watersamples areanalyzed fortritium content byfirst distilling aportion ofthe sample and thencounting byliquid scintillation.

Acommercially available scintillation cocktail isused.

TheLandauer InLight Environmental Dosimetry Systemisusedformeasuring direct radiationin the REMP.

Landauer hasperformed typetesting ofthis systeminaccordance withANSIN13.37-2014 standards.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX D Analytical Procedures Analyses of environmental samples are performed by GEL Laboratories, LLC in Charleston, SC. Analysis of environmental dosimeters are performed by Landauer, Inc. in Glenwood, IL. Analysis procedures are based on accepted methods and summarized below.

The gross beta measurements are made with an automatic low background counting system. Normal counting times are 50 minutes. Water samples are prepared by evaporating 400 milliliter (ml) of samples to near dryness, transferring to a stainless steel planchet, and completing the evaporation process. Air particulate filters are counted directly in a shallow planchet.

Gamma analyses are performed in various counting geometries depending on the sample type and volume. All gamma counts are obtained with germanium type detectors interfaced with a high resolution gamma spectroscopy system. All samples requiring gamma analysis are analyzed in this manner.

The necessary efficiency values, weight-efficiency curves, and geometry tables are established and maintained on each detector and counting system. A series of daily and periodic quality control checks are performed to monitor counting instrumentation. System logbooks and control charts are used to document the results of the quality control checks.

The specific analysis of 1-131 in milk is performed by first isolating and purifying the iodine by radiochemical separation and then counting the final precipitate on a beta-gamma coincidence counting system. The normal count time is 480 minutes. Then the 1-131 is counted by gamma spectroscopy utilizing high resolution Ge detectors.

After a radiochemical separation, milk samples analyzed for Sr-89 and Sr-90 are counted on a low background beta counting system. The sample is counted a second time after a minimum ingrowth period of six days. From the two counts, the Sr-89 and Sr-90 concentrations can be determined.

Water samples are analyzed for tritium content by first distilling a portion of the sample and then counting by liquid scintillation. A commercially available scintillation cocktail is used.

The Landauer lnlight Environmental Dosimetry System is used for measuring direct radiation in the REMP.

Landauer has performed type testing of this system in accordance with ANSI N13.37-2014 standards.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR








Lower LimitsofDetection Many factors influence theLowerLimit ofDetection (LLD) foraspecific analysis

method, including sample
size, count
time, countingefficiency, chemical processes, radioactive decayfactors, andinterfering isotopes encountered inthesample.

Nominal LLDvalues fortheenvironmental monitoring program are calculated based on system parameter values foreachofthecomponents asidentified above,in accordance with the methodology prescribed intheODCM.Thecurrentnominal LLDvalues achieved by theradioanalytical lab are listed inTable E-2andTable E-3.Forcomparison, themaximumvalues forthe lower limits ofdetectionspecified intheODCMaregiveninTable E-4.

Table E-1

- Comparison of Program LowerLimits ofDetection withtheRegulatory Limits for Maximum Annual AverageEffluent Concentration Released toUnrestricted AreasandReporting Levels M

10CFR20 Nominal 10CFR20 Nominal Effluent Lower Effluent Lower Concentration ReportingLimit of Concentration ReportingLimit of Anal.ysifiLiglita Lilvit[b, c


[jD1jta H-3 1,000,000 20,000 270 100,000 Cr-51 500,000 45 30,000 0.02 Mn-54 30,000 1000 5

1,000 0.005 Fe-59 10,000 400 10 500 0.005 Co-58 20,000 1000 5

1,000 0.005 Co-60 3,000 300 5

50 0.005 zn-65 5,000 300 10 400 0.005 Sr-89 8,000 1,000 Sr-90 500 6

Nb-95 30,000 400 5

2,000 0.0005 zr-95 20,000 400 10 400 0.005 Ru-103 30,000 5

900 0.005 Ru-106 3,000 40 20 0.02 I-131 1,000 2

0.4 200 0.9 0.005 Cs-134 900 30 5

200 10 0.005 Cs-137 1,000 50 5

200 20 0.005 Ce-144 3,000 30 40 0.01 Ba-140 8,000 200 25 2,000 0.015 La-140 9,000 200 10 2,000 0.01 aSource:

Table 2ofAppendix Bto10CFR20.1001-20.2401 bForthose reporting levels andlower limits ofdetection that

areblank, novalue isgiveninthereference cSource:

BFNOffsite DoseCalculation

Manual, Table 2.3-3 dSource:

Table E-2andTableE-3ofthis report.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX E Lower Limits of Detection Many factors influence the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) for a specific analysis method, including sample size, count time, counting efficiency, chemical processes, radioactive decay factors, and interfering isotopes encountered in the sample. Nominal LLD values for the environmental monitoring program are calculated based on system parameter values for each of the components as identified above, in accordance with the methodology prescribed in the ODCM. The current nominal LLD values achieved by the radioanalytical lab are listed in Table E-2 and Table E-3. For comparison, the maximum values for the lower limits of detection specified in the ODCM are given in Table E-4.

Table E Comparison of Program Lower Limits of Detection with the Regulatory Limits for Maximum Annual Average Effluent Concentration Released to Unrestricted Areas and Reporting Levels Concentrations in Water {QCiLLiter)

Concentrations in Air {QCiLm 3) 10 CFR 20 Nominal 10 CFR 20 Nominal Effluent Lower Effluent Lower Concentration Reporting Limit of Concentration Reporting Limit of Analysis Limit*

Levelb, c Detectiond Limit*

Leve lb, c Detectiond H-3 1,000,000 20,000 270 100,000 Cr-51 500,000 45 30,000 0.02 Mn-54 30,000 1000 5

1,000 0.005 Fe-59 10,000 400 10 500 0.005 Co-58 20,000 1000 5

1,000 0.005 Co-60 3,000 300 5

50 0.005 Zn-65 5,000 300 10 400 0.005 Sr-89 8,000 1,000 Sr-90 500 6

Nb-95 30,000 400 5

2,000 0.0005 Zr-95 20,000 400 10 400 0.005 Ru-103 30,000 5

900 0.005 Ru-106 3,000 40 20 0.02 1-131 1,000 2

0.4 200 0.9 0.005 Cs-134 900 30 5

200 10 0.005 Cs-137 1,000 50 5

200 20 0.005 Ce-144 3,000 30 40 0.01 Ba-140 8,000 200 25 2,000 0.015 La-140 9,000 200 10 2,000 0.01 a Source: Table 2 of Appendix B to 10 CFR 20.1001-20.2401 b For those reporting levels and lower limits of detection that are blank, no value is given in the reference c Source: BFN Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Table 2.3-3 d Source: Table E-2 and Table E-3 of this report.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



Table E-2

- NominalLLDValues

- Radiochemical Airborne Particulate or Wet Sediment Git;ifts Wa.tfirMi.[Eysigfitatigri a.gsi.So.i.1 Analysis




fpC.1/.Eg dry.1 Grossbeta 0.002 1.9 H-3 3.0 270 I-131 0.4 0.4 6.0 Sr-89 3.5 1.6 Sr-90 2.0 0.4 Table E-3

- Nominal LLDValues

- GammaAnalysis Food AirborneCharcoalWaterand Wet Sediment Fish Products Pittticulgitfi Fi[tfirM((E yfigfitiition agsi.Soil[pC[/.kgh

[pC[/.kgt Anjilyis[p.g/.m3[p.g/.m3[p.gAl [p.g/.Egagill

[p.g/.hg dty.1Eggil g!itl Ce-141 0.005 0.02 10 35 0.10 0.07 20 Ce-144 0.01 0.07 30 115 0.20 0.15 60 Cr-51 0.02 0.15 45 200 0.35 0.30 95 I-131 0.005 0.03 10 60 0.25 0.20 20 Ru-103 0.005 0.02 5

25 0.03 0.03 25 Ru-106 0.02 0.12 40 190 0.20 0.15 90 Cs-134 0.005 0.02 5

30 0.03 0.03 10 Cs-137 0.005 0.02 5

25 0.03 0.03 10 zr-95 0.005 0.03 10 45 0.05 0.05 45 Nb-95 0.005 0.02 5

30 0.04 0.25 10 Co-58 0.005 0.02 5

20 0.03 0.03 10 Mn-54 0.005 0.02 5

20 0.03 0.03 10 zn-65 0.005 0.03 10 45 0.05 0.05 45 Co-60 0.005 0.02 5

20 0.03 0.03 10 K-40 0.04 0.30 100 400 0.75 0.40 250 Ba-140 0.015 0.07 25 130 0.30 0.30 50 La-140 0.01 0.04 10 50 0.20 0.20 25 Fe-59 0.005 0.04 10 40 0.05 0.08 25 Be-7 0.02 0.15 45 200 0.25 0.25 90 Pb-212 0.005 0.03 15 40 0.10 0.04 40 Pb-214 0.005 0.07 20 80 0.15 0.10 80 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


Table E Nominal LLD Values - Radiochemical Analysis Gross beta H-3 1-131 Sr-89 Sr-90 Airborne Particulate or Gases (pCi/m 3) 0.002 3.0 Water


1.9 270 0.4 Milk


0.4 3.5 2.0 Table E Nominal LLD Values - Gamma Analysis Airborne Charcoal Water and Particulate Filter Milk Analysis (pCi/m 3)



Ce-141 0.005 0.02 10 Ce-144 0.01 0.07 30 Cr-51 0.02 0.15 45 1-131 0.005 0.03 10 Ru-103 0.005 0.02 5

Ru-106 0.02 0.12 40 Cs-134 0.005 0.02 5

Cs-137 0.005 0.02 5

Zr-95 0.005 0.03 10 Nb-95 0.005 0.02 5

Co-58 0.005 0.02 5

Mn-54 0.005 0.02 5

Zn-65 0.005 0.03 10 Co-60 0.005 0.02 5

K-40 0.04 0.30 100 Ba-140 0.015 0.07 25 La-140 0.01 0.04 10 Fe-59 0.005 0.04 10 Be-7 0.02 0.15 45 Pb-212 0.005 0.03 15 Pb-214 0.005 0.07 20 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR Wet Vegetation (pCi/kg. wet) 6.0 Wet Vegetation (pCi/kg, wet) 35 115 200 60 25 190 30 25 45 30 20 20 45 20 400 130 50 40 200 40 80 Sediment and Soil (pCi/kg. dry) 1.6 0.4 Sediment and Soil (pCi/kg, dry) 0.10 0.20 0.35 0.25 0.03 0.20 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.75 0.30 0.20 0.05 0.25 0.10 0.15 APPENDIX E Food Fish Products (pCi/kg.


wet) wet) 0.07 20 0.15 60 0.30 95 0.20 20 0.03 25 0.15 90 0.03 10 0.03 10 0.05 45 0.25 10 0.03 10 0.03 10 0.05 45 0.03 10 0.40 250 0.30 50 0.20 25 0.08 25 0.25 90 0.04 40 0.10 80



Table E-3

- Nominal LLDValues

- GammaAnalysis (continued)

Food Airborne Charcoal Waterand Wet Sediment Fish Products Paj1Lculate F((terMilk yegetation ans[





[pCEm3 fpCUL)[pCifkg, wetl[pCEkgdry[wetl wet1 Bi-214 0.005 0.05 20 55 0.15 0.10 40 Bi-212 0.02 0.20 50 250 0.45 0.25 130 TI-208 0.002 0.02 10 30 0.06 0.03 30 Ra-224 0.75 Ra-226 0.15 Ac-228 0.01 0.07 20 70 0.25 0.10 50 Pa-234m 800 4.0 Table E-4-MaximumValues for LowerLimits of Detection (LLD)

Airborne Particulate or Fish Food Watftr Gigifyi


M((E Pros[ust.s Sfts((nlgint Analy.sis[pCV.L[ [pCifm3 wgil


[pCilhg,wetl[pCifEgdry.1 Grossbeta 4

0.01 H-3 20005 Mn-54 15 130 Fe-59 30 260 Co-58, 60 15 130 zn-65 30 260 zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 I-131 lb 0.07 1

60 Cs-134 15 0.05 130 15 60 150 Cs-137 18 0.06 150 18 80 180 Ba-140 60 60 La-140 15 15 Notes

a. lfnodrinking waterpathway
exists, avalue of3000pCi/L maybeused
b. Ifnodrinking waterpathway
exists, avalue of15pCi/L maybeused.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX E Table E Nominal LLD Values - Gamma Analysis (continued)

Food Airborne Charcoal Water and Wet Sediment Fish Products Particulate Filter Milk Vegetation and Soil


{QCiLkg, Analysis

{QCiLm 3)

{QCiLm 3) fQQL_IJ

{QCiLkg, wet)

{QCiLkg, dry) wet) wet)

Bi-214 0.005 0.05 20 55 0.15 0.10 40 Bi-212 0.02 0.20 50 250 0.45 0.25 130 Tl-208 0.002 0.02 10 30 0.06 0.03 30 Ra-224 0.75 Ra-226 0.15 Ac-228 0.01 0.07 20 70 0.25 0.10 50 Pa-234m 800 4.0 Table E-4 -Maximum Values for Lower Limits of Detection (LLD)

Airborne Particulate or Fish Food Water Gases

{QCiLkg, Milk Products Sediment Analysis fQQL_IJ

{QCiLm 3) wet) fQQL_IJ

{QCiLkg, wet)

{QCiLkg, d[Y)

Gross beta 4

0.01 H-3 2000*

Mn-54 15 130 Fe-59 30 260 Co-58, 60 15 130 Zn-65 30 260 Zr-95 30 Nb-95 15 1-131 lb 0.07 1

60 Cs-134 15 0.05 130 15 60 150 Cs-137 18 0.06 150 18 80 180 Ba-140 60 60 La-140 15 15 Notes


If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 3000 pCi/L may be used


If no drinking water pathway exists, a value of 15 pCi/L may be used.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



2020BrownsFerry AREOR





A quality assurance programisemployedbytheoffsite vendorlaboratory to ensurethatthe environmental monitoring dataarereliable.

Thisprogramincludes theuseofwritten, approved procedures in performing thework,provisions forstaff training andcertification, internal self-assessments of program performance, audits byvarious external organizations, andalaboratory quality control program.

Thequality control program employed bytheradioanalytical laboratory isdesigned toensurethatthe sampling andanalysis process isworking asintended.

Theprogramincludes equipment checks andthe analysis ofquality control

samples, alongwithroutine field samples.

Instrument quality control checks include background countrate and counts reproducibility.

Inaddition tothese twogeneral

checks, other quality control checks areperformed on thevarietyofdetectors usedinthelaboratory.

Theexactnature ofthesechecks depends onthetypeof device andthemethoditusestodetect radiation orstorethe information obtained.

Quality control samples ofa variety oftypes are used bythelaboratory toverify theperformance of different portions oftheanalytical process.

Thesequality control samples include

blanks, field duplicates, process duplicates, matrix
spikes, laboratory control
samples, andindependent cross-checks.

Blanks aresamples whichcontain nomeasurable radioactivity or noactivityofthetypebeing measured.

Suchsamples areanalyzed todetermine whether there isanycontamination orcross-contamination of equipment,

reagents, processed
samples, orinterferences from isotopes otherthantheonesbeing measured.

Matrix spikes arefield samples thathavebeenspiked withknownlowlevels ofspecific targetisotopes.

Recovery oftheknownamountallow theanalyst todetermine ifanyinterferences areexhibited fromthe field sample's matrix.

Laboratory control samples areanother typeofquality control sample.

A known amount ofradioactivity isaddedtoasample mediumandprocessed along withtheother QCandfield samplesin the analytical batch.

Laboratory control samples provide theassurance thatallaspects oftheprocess have been successfully completed within thecriteria established byStandard Operating Procedure.

Another category ofquality control samples iscross-check samples.

Thelaboratory procures single-blind performance evaluation samples fromEckert

&ziegler Analytics toverify theanalysis ofsample matrices processed atthelaboratory.

Samples arereceived ona quarterly basis.

Thelaboratory's Third-Party Cross-Check Programprovides environmental matrices encountered ina typical nuclear utility REMP.

Onceperformance evaluation samples havebeenprepared inaccordance withtheinstructions fromthe performance evaluator

provider, samples aremanagedandanalyzed inthesame manneras environmental samples.

Thesesamples haveaknownamountofradioactivity addedandarepresented tothelabstaff labeled ascross-check samples.

Thelaboratory doesnotknowthetruevalue oftheactivity addedtothesample.

Suchsamples testthebestperformance ofthelaboratory bydetermining ifthe laboratory canfindthe"right answer."

Thesesamples provide information abouttheaccuracy ofthe measurementprocess.

Further information isavailable aboutthevariability oftheprocess ifmultiple analyses arerequested onthesamesample.Likematrix spikes orlaboratory control

samples, these 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX F Quality Assurance/ Quality Control Program A quality assurance program is employed by the offsite vendor laboratory to ensure that the environmental monitoring data are reliable.

This program includes the use of written, approved procedures in performing the work, provisions for staff training and certification, internal self-assessments of program performance, audits by various external organizations, and a laboratory quality control program.

The quality control program employed by the radioanalytical laboratory is designed to ensure that the sampling and analysis process is working as intended. The program includes equipment checks and the analysis of quality control samples, along with routine field samples. Instrument quality control checks include background count rate and counts reproducibility. In addition to these two general checks, other quality control checks are performed on the variety of detectors used in the laboratory. The exact nature of these checks depends on the type of device and the method it uses to detect radiation or store the information obtained.

Quality control samples of a variety of types are used by the laboratory to verify the performance of different portions of the analytical process. These quality control samples include blanks, field duplicates, process duplicates, matrix spikes, laboratory control samples, and independent cross-checks.

Blanks are samples which contain no measurable radioactivity or no activity of the type being measured.

Such samples are analyzed to determine whether there is any contamination or cross-contamination of equipment, reagents, processed samples, or interferences from isotopes other than the ones being measured.

Matrix spikes are field samples that have been spiked with known low levels of specific target isotopes.

Recovery of the known amount allow the analyst to determine if any interferences are exhibited from the field sample's matrix.

Laboratory control samples are another type of quality control sample. A known amount of radioactivity is added to a sample medium and processed along with the other QC and field samples in the analytical batch. Laboratory control samples provide the assurance that all aspects of the process have been successfully completed within the criteria established by Standard Operating Procedure.

Another category of quality control samples is cross-check samples. The laboratory procures single-blind performance evaluation samples from Eckert & Ziegler Analytics to verify the analysis of sample matrices processed at the laboratory. Samples are received on a quarterly basis. The laboratory's Third-Party Cross-Check Program provides environmental matrices encountered in a typical nuclear utility REMP.

Once performance evaluation samples have been prepared in accordance with the instructions from the performance evaluator provider, samples are managed and analyzed in the same manner as environmental samples. These samples have a known amount of radioactivity added and are presented to the lab staff labeled as cross-check samples. The laboratory does not know the true value of the activity added to the sample. Such samples test the best performance of the laboratory by determining if the laboratory can find the "right answer." These samples provide information about the accuracy of the measurement process. Further information is available about the variability of the process if multiple analyses are requested on the same sample. Like matrix spikes or laboratory control samples, these 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



samples canalsobespiked withlowlevels ofactivity totestdetection limits.

Theanalysis results for internal cross-check samples metprogramperformance goals for2020.

Thequality control dataareroutinely collected, examined andreported tolaboratory supervisory personnel.They arecheckedfortrends, problem

areas, orother indications that aportion oftheanalytical process needscorrection orimprovement. Theresult isameasurementprocess thatprovides reliable andverifiable data and issensitive enough tomeasurethepresence ofradioactivity farbelowthelevels whichcould beharmful to humans.

PertheGEL2020Annual Environmental Quality Assurance (QA)

Report(GEL, 2021),

forty-five (45) radioisotopes associated with seven (7) matrix types(air

filter, cartridge, water,milk,
soil, liquid and vegetation) wereanalyzed under GEL's Performance Evaluation programinparticipation
withERA, Department ofEnergyMixed Analyte Performance Evaluate Program(MAPEP),


& ziegler Analytics.

Matrix typeswererepresentative ofclient analyses performed during 2020.Ofthefour hundred fifty-six (456) total

results, 97.1%

(443 of456) werefoundtobeacceptable within thePT providers three sigmaorother statistical criteria.


&ziegler Analytics Environmental Cross CheckProgram, GELwasprovided ninety-one (91) individual environmental analyses.

Theaccuracy of eachresult reported toEckert

& ziegler Analytics,Inc. ismeasured bytheratio ofGEL'sresult tothe knownvalue.

Allresults fell within GEL's acceptance criteria (100% within acceptance).

Theradioanalytical labperformance in2020meetsthecriteria described inReg.Guide 4.15andANSl/HPS N13.37-2014.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX F samples can also be spiked with low levels of activity to test detection limits. The analysis results for internal cross-check samples met program performance goals for 2020.

The quality control data are routinely collected, examined and reported to laboratory supervisory personnel. They are checked for trends, problem areas, or other indications that a portion of the analytical process needs correction or improvement. The result is a measurement process that provides reliable and verifiable data and is sensitive enough to measure the presence of radioactivity far below the levels which could be harmful to humans.

Per the GEL 2020 Annual Environmental Quality Assurance (QA) Report (GEL, 2021), forty-five (45) radioisotopes associated with seven (7) matrix types (air filter, cartridge, water, milk, soil, liquid and vegetation) were analyzed under GEL's Performance Evaluation program in participation with ERA, Department of Energy Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluate Program (MAPEP), and Eckert & Ziegler Analytics. Matrix types were representative of client analyses performed during 2020. Of the four hundred fifty-six (456) total results, 97.1% (443 of 456) were found to be acceptable within the PT providers three sigma or other statistical criteria. For the Eckert & Ziegler Analytics Environmental Cross Check Program, GEL was provided ninety-one (91) individual environmental analyses. The accuracy of each result reported to Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc. is measured by the ratio of GEL's result to the known value. All results fell within GEL's acceptance criteria (100% within acceptance).

The radioanalytical lab performance in 2020 meets the criteria described in Reg. Guide 4.15 and ANSI/HPS NB.37-2014.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR








Land UseCensus A land use census wasconducted inaccordance withtheprovisions ofODCMControl 1.3.2 toidentify the locationof the nearest milkanimal, thenearest residence, andthenearest garden ofgreater than500 square feet(50 m2)producing fresh leafy vegetables ineachof16meteorological sectors within adistance of5miles (8

km) from theplant.

Theland usecensusalso identifies all gardens ofgreater than500square feet producing fresh leafy vegetables within adistance of3miles (5km)fromtheplant.

Thelandusecensus was conducted during thegrowing seasoninJune2020using appropriate techniques suchasdoor-to-door

survey, mail survey,telephone
survey, aerial
survey, orinformation fromlocal agricultural authorities orother reliable sources.Sectors anddistances weredetermined using aglobal positioning system(GPS).

Thelocation ofthenearest resident was unchanged inall sectors in2020.

Thelocation ofthenearestgarden greater than 500ft2 waschanged orupdated intwosectors.

These updated locations didnotresult inanychanges in the required sampling locations orsampling media; new locations aresummarized below:

Table G-1

- 2020Updated Nearest Garden 2019Nearest 2020 Nearest Garden Garden sector (meters)


N 2540 6200 NNE 6390 6150 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX G Land Use Census A land use census was conducted in accordance with the provisions of ODCM Control 1.3.2 to identify the location of the nearest milk animal, the nearest residence, and the nearest garden of greater than 500 square feet (50 m 2 ) producing fresh leafy vegetables in each of 16 meteorological sectors within a distance of 5 miles (8 km) from the plant. The land use census also identifies all gardens of greater than 500 square feet producing fresh leafy vegetables within a distance of 3 miles (5 km) from the plant.

The land use census was conducted during the growing season in June 2020 using appropriate techniques such as door-to-door survey, mail survey, telephone survey, aerial survey, or information from local agricultural authorities or other reliable sources. Sectors and distances were determined using a global positioning system (GPS).

The location of the nearest resident was unchanged in all sectors in 2020.

The location of the nearest garden greater than 500 ft 2 was changed or updated in two sectors. These updated locations did not result in any changes in the required sampling locations or sampling media; new locations are summarized below:

Table G 2020 Updated Nearest Garden Sector N

NNE 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR 2019 Nearest Garden (meters) 2540 6390 2020 Nearest Garden (meters) 6200 6150



In 2020 nomilklocations wereidentified within an8-km(5miles) radius oftheplant site.

BrownsFerry gaseous effluents arecharacterized asanelevated release.

Asa result, BFNisrequired toidentify all.

qualifying gardens outto3 miles, inaccordance withregulatory requirements andtheBrownsFerry ODCM(Tennessee Valley Authority, 2019).

The2020land usecensusidentified atotal oftwoadditional gardens within 3miles that arenotthenearest gardens tothesite, intheir sector.

Results ofthe2020 Land UseCensusdidnotidentify theneedforanychanges tothesampling locations orsampling mediaascurrently requiredbytheBFNREMP.

Table G-2

- BrownsFerry LandUse Census Results Nearest Nearest Nearest Milk Additional Meteorological Resident Garden ProductionGardens Sector (meters)



N 2440 6200 NNE 2620 6150 NE 2020 4290 ENE 2510 7680 E

1410 1530 4240 ESE 1750 2070 4500 SE SSE S

4540 4540 SSW 4160 4880 SW 4940 4940 WSW 4040 4330 W

2660 8020 WNW 5280 NW 3150 NNW 1650 4350 2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX G In 2020 no milk locations were identified within an 8-km (5 miles) radius of the plant site. Browns Ferry gaseous effluents are characterized as an elevated release. As a result, BFN is required to identify !!ti qualifying gardens out to 3 miles, in accordance with regulatory requirements and the Browns Ferry ODCM (Tennessee Valley Authority, 2019). The 2020 land use census identified a total of two additional gardens within 3 miles that are not the nearest gardens to the site, in their sector.

Results of the 2020 Land Use Census did not identify the need for any changes to the sampling locations or sampling media as currently required by the BFN REMP.

Table G Browns Ferry Land Use Census Results Nearest Nearest Nearest Milk Additional Meteorological Resident Garden Production Gardens Sector (meters)




N 2440 6200 NNE 2620 6150 NE 2020 4290 ENE 2510 7680 E

1410 1530 4240 ESE 1750 2070 4500 SE SSE s

4540 4540 SSW 4160 4880 SW 4940 4940 WSW 4040 4330 w

2660 8020 WNW 5280 NW 3150 NNW 1650 4350 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR








Table H-1

- IndividualDosimeter Stations atBrownsFerry Nuclear Plant Map Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual Loc.

Station Dir.

Distance 2020 2020 2020 2020 Exposure No.

Number (degrees)



(mrem/yr) 1 NW-3 310 13.8 15.2 13.5 16.4 12.4 57.4 2

NE-3 56 10.9 15.6 14.6 19.4 16.4 65.9 3

SSE-2 165 7.5 15.2 15.7 15.4 13.4 59.6 5

W-3 275 31.0 15.2 17.8 14.9 16.9 64.7 6

E-3 90 23.1 14.7 18.9 17.9 19.4 70.8 7

N-1 348 1.0 20.8 20.5 20.9 18.4 80.6 8

NNE-1 12 0.9 16.6 17.8 20.4 17.9 72.6 9

ENE-1 61 0.9 18.9 19.5 20.4 19.4 78.1 10 NNW-2 331 1.7 19.4 16.8 20.9 19.9 76.9 38 N-2 1

5.0 15.6 15.1 13.9 17.9 62.5 39 NNE-2 31 0.7 18.9 17.3 21.4 19.9 77.4 40 NNE-3 19 5.2 15.2 15.1 15.4 15.9 61.5 41 NE-1 51 0.8 21.3 19.5 21.4 19.4 81.4 42 NE-2 49 5.0 16.1 15.1 19.4 17.9 68.4 43 ENE-2 62 6.2 19.9 16.2 17.9 16.9 70.8 44 E-1 85 0.8 23.6 20.5 22.9 67.0 45 E-2 91 5.2 17.5 16.8 17.4 17.9 69.5 46 ESE-1 110 0.9 17.5 17.3 19.4 19.4 73.5 47 ESE-2 112 3.0 16.1 18.4 16.9 17.4 68.7 48 SE-1 130 0.5 18.9 17.3 21.9 17.9 75.9 49 SE-2 135 5.4 15.2 21.6 16.9 18.4 72.0 50 SSE-1 163 5.1 16.1 16.8 17.9 19.4 70.1 51 S-1 185 3.1 15.2 16.8 16.9 17.4 66.1 52 S-2 182 4.8 11.9 16.8 14.4 14.4 57.4 53 SSW-1 203 3.0 16.6 14.6 15.9 47.0 54 SSW-2 199 4.4 15.6 16.8 16.9 16.4 65.6 55 SW-1 228 1.9 15.6 17.8 10.4 14.4 58.2 56 SW-2 219 4.7 16.1 17.3 12.4 14.4 60.1 58 WSW-1 244 2.7 14.2 13.0 14.9 16.4 58.4 59 WSW-2 251 5.1 17.0 14.6 17.9 20.9 70.3 60 WSW-3 257 10.5 16.6 13.5 14.9 14.9 59.8 61 W-1 275 1.9 17.0 15.7 16.4 17.9 66.9 62 W-2 268 4.7 13.8 15.1 14.9 16.4 60.1 64 WNW-1 291 3.3 16.6 15.7 17.4 14.4 64.0 65 WNW-2 293 4.4 14.7 15.7 18.4 16.9 65.6 66 NW-1 326 2.2 15.2 13.5 14.4 15.4 58.4 67 NW-2 321 5.3 18.4 16.8 17.9 16.4 69.4 68 NNW-1 331 1.0 19.4 17.8 17.4 16.9 71.4 69 NNW-3 339 5.2 16.1 16.8 18.4 16.9 68.1 75 N-1A 355 1.0 20.3 20.0 19.9 19.4 79.5 NOTES

a. Dosimeters atlocation E-1andSSW-1during Q4werelost inthefield.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX H Table H Individual Dosimeter Stations at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Map Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Annual Loe.

Station Dir.

Distance 2020 2020 2020 2020 Exposure No.

Number (degrees)



(mrem/yr) 1 NW-3 310 13.8 15.2 13.5 16.4 12.4 57.4 2

NE-3 56 10.9 15.6 14.6 19.4 16.4 65.9 3

SSE-2 165 7.5 15.2 15.7 15.4 13.4 59.6 5

W-3 275 31.0 15.2 17.8 14.9 16.9 64.7 6

E-3 90 23.1 14.7 18.9 17.9 19.4 70.8 7

N-1 348 1.0 20.8 20.5 20.9 18.4 80.6 8

NNE-1 12 0.9 16.6 17.8 20.4 17.9 72.6 9

ENE-1 61 0.9 18.9 19.5 20.4 19.4 78.1 10 NNW-2 331 1.7 19.4 16.8 20.9 19.9 76.9 38 N-2 1

5.0 15.6 15.1 13.9 17.9 62.5 39 NNE-2 31 0.7 18.9 17.3 21.4 19.9 77.4 40 NNE-3 19 5.2 15.2 15.1 15.4 15.9 61.5 41 NE-1 51 0.8 21.3 19.5 21.4 19.4 81.4 42 NE-2 49 5.0 16.1 15.1 19.4 17.9 68.4 43 ENE-2 62 6.2 19.9 16.2 17.9 16.9 70.8 44 E-1 85 0.8 23.6 20.5 22.9 67.0 45 E-2 91 5.2 17.5 16.8 17.4 17.9 69.5 46 ESE-1 110 0.9 17.5 17.3 19.4 19.4 73.5 47 ESE-2 112 3.0 16.1 18.4 16.9 17.4 68.7 48 SE-1 130 0.5 18.9 17.3 21.9 17.9 75.9 49 5E-2 135 5.4 15.2 21.6 16.9 18.4 72.0 50 55E-1 163 5.1 16.1 16.8 17.9 19.4 70.1 51 5-1 185 3.1 15.2 16.8 16.9 17.4 66.1 52 5-2 182 4.8 11.9 16.8 14.4 14.4 57.4 53 55W-1 203 3.0 16.6 14.6 15.9 47.0 54 55W-2 199 4.4 15.6 16.8 16.9 16.4 65.6 55 5W-1 228 1.9 15.6 17.8 10.4 14.4 58.2 56 5W-2 219 4.7 16.1 17.3 12.4 14.4 60.1 58 W5W-1 244 2.7 14.2 13.0 14.9 16.4 58.4 59 W5W-2 251 5.1 17.0 14.6 17.9 20.9 70.3 60 W5W-3 257 10.5 16.6 13.5 14.9 14.9 59.8 61 W-1 275 1.9 17.0 15.7 16.4 17.9 66.9 62 W-2 268 4.7 13.8 15.1 14.9 16.4 60.1 64 WNW-1 291 3.3 16.6 15.7 17.4 14.4 64.0 65 WNW-2 293 4.4 14.7 15.7 18.4 16.9 65.6 66 NW-1 326 2.2 15.2 13.5 14.4 15.4 58.4 67 NW-2 321 5.3 18.4 16.8 17.9 16.4 69.4 68 NNW-1 331 1.0 19.4 17.8 17.4 16.9 71.4 69 NNW-3 339 5.2 16.1 16.8 18.4 16.9 68.1 75 N-lA 355 1.0 20.3 20.0 19.9 19.4 79.5 NOTES


Dosimeters at location E-1 and SSW-1 during Q4 were lost in the field.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



Pahway oDeecionRe Perormed Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Co Uni LLDa Mean RangeMea Direcion Range 0032 464/464 0033 52/52 0033 10 Gross Bea 567 001 M3, 09 Mi.

EN000 0078 0020 0068 0018 0074 Pa 2020 Brow Ferry AREO 47 AConro Tabe H2Weeky Airborne Paricuae Gross Bea Sampe Lower Limi Andicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua Mea and Number o

Locaions Locaions a.

D ishe apiori imi aspescibed by heODCM.

Figure H1Average Bea Aciviy inAir Fiers Annua Aveage Bea Aciviy nAi es Bowns e e

a mi NOTS Air Fier PCi/m Ai.

. w Ts Table H Weekly Airborne Particulate Gross Beta Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Type and Number of Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

(Measurement Unit)


Range Air Filter Inhalation Gross Beta 567 0.01 0.032 (464/464)

(pCi/m 3}

(0.017 - 0.078)



LLD is the a priori limit as prescribed by the ODCM.

Figure H-1 -Average Beta Activity in Air Filters 0.2500




.12 0.1500


o:,. 0.1000




<( 0.0500 0.0000 1965 1970 1975 Annual Average Beta Activity in Air FIiters Browns Ferry 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Indicator

........,_ Control -- Preoperational Avg 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR 2005 APPENDIX H Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Locations Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements LM-3, 0.9 Mi. ENE 0.033 (52/52) 0.033 (103/103) 0 (0.020 - 0.068)

(0.018-0.074) 2010 2015 2020



Pahway oDeecionRe Perormed Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Co Uni LLD a

Mean RangeMea Direcion Range nhaaion 131 567 007 D0/464 D

D D0/103 0

PCi/m Tabe H3Weeky Airborne odine131 Radioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Andicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua Mea and Number o

Locaions Locaions a.The em D"

asused means haesus had noideniied aciviy above heminimum deecabe.

Tabe H4Monhy Composie Airborne Paricuae Gamma Radioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Aindicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua Me and Number o

LocaionsLo Anaysis Perormed Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Coun R

Uni LLD Mean RangeMe Direcion Range nhaaion 143 Vaious D0/117 D

D D0/26 0s a.Naua occuing adionucides wee obseved inmonhy composie airsampes.

b.See Tabe 1hough Tabe 4

o heequired and nomina Ds orindividua radionucide viagamma isoopic anaysis.

2020 Brow Ferry AREO 48 AConro A

M Nonrouine Gamma Acivaed Charcoa NOTS NOTS Air Fier pCi/m APPENDIX H Table H Weekly Airborne lodine-131 Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported (Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements Activated Charcoal Inhalation 1-131 567 0.07

< LLD' (0/464)



< LLD (0/103) 0 (pCi/m 3}



The term "< LLD" as used means that results had no identified activity above the minimum detectable.

Table H Monthly Composite Airborne Particulate Gamma Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported (Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements Air Filter Inhalation Gamma Various b

< LLD (0/117)

< LLD (0/26) 143


< LLD 0

(pCi/m 3}

Isotopic" NOTES


Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in monthly composite air samples.


See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



Pahway Anaysis Perormed "Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Coun Re Uni LLD Mean RangeMea Direcion Range 11Vaious D0/9 D


0/2 0

Soi Direc Radiaion 156 7/9 203 1/1 96 1/2 11 180

PM1, 138 Mi.

NW0p 63203 203 203 96 96 Sr89 11 16 D0/9 D

D D0/2 0

Sr90 11 04 D0/9 D

D D0/2 0

a.Naua occuing adionucides were obseved insoisampes.

b.Cs137 isheonynonnaua adionucide posiivey ideniied as par o

hegamma isoopic anaysis c.See Tabe 1hrough Tabe 4

o herequired and nomina Ds orindividua radionucides viagamma isoopic anaysis.

Figure H2Average Cs137 Radioaciviy inSoi 3025 ch AConro 2020 Brow Ferry AREO 49 Tabe H5Annua SoiRadioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Andicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua Mea and Number o

.Locaions Locaions Gamma soopic wvof


.2 e

965 970 975 980 985 990 1995 2000 2005 200 205 2020 Gndi eCon Peop Avea 00 040c>

Q ge e

,,,,f, Average Cs137 Radioactivit inSoi Browns Ferry p



00 NOTS j't 10 n

,74 n


.5 Table H Annual Soil Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

(Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Gamma Isotopic a 11 Various c

< LLD (0/9)



< LLD (0/2)

Soil Direct Radiation Cs-137b 11 180 156 (7/9)

PM-1, 13.8 Mi. NW 203 (1/1) 96 (1/2)

(pCi/kg) 63 - 203 203 - 203 96 - 96 Sr-89 11 1.6

< LLD (0/9)



< LLD (0/2)

Sr-90 11 0.4

< LLD (0/9)



< LLD (0/2)



Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in soil samples.


Cs-137 is the only non-natural radionuclide positively identified as part of the gamma isotopic analysis


See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.

Figure H-2 -Average Cs-137 Radioactivity in Soil 3.0 2.5

~ 2.0 u


1.5 B 1.0


0.5 0.0 1965 1970 Average Cs-137 Radioactivity in Soil Browns Ferry 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005




Control -- Preoperational Average 2020 Browns Ferry AREOR 2010 2015 2020


APPENDIX H Non-routine Reported Measurements 0

0 0



Pahway oDeecionRe Perormed Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Co Uni LLD Mean RangeMea Direcion Range 2Vaious D0/


D 0/1 0

2Vaious D0/1 D


0/1 0

2Vaious D0/1 D

D D0/1 0

2Vaious D0/1 D

D D0/1 0

2Vaious D0/


D0/1 0

2Vaious D0/1 D

D D0/1 0

a.Naua occuing adionucides wee obseved inoca crop sampes b.See Tabe 1hough Tabe 4or heequired and nomina Ds orindividua radionucides via gamma isoopic anaysis.

Tabe H7Monhy Surface Waer Radioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Andicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua M

and Number o

LocaionsL Anaysis Perormed Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Coun R

Uni LLD Mean RangeM Direcion Range Surace Waer Direc 26 Vaious D0/13 D

D D0/13 0

Tiium 8

2000 D0/4 D

D D0/4 0

a.Naua occuing adionu wee obseved insurace wae sampes.

b.Tiium anaysis osuace wae isequied quaery per heBNODCM.

c.See Tabe 1hrough Tabe 4

o he equied and nomina Ds orindivid radio viagamm isoop anay 2020 Brow Ferry AREO 50 AConro ACo Nonroui Tabe H6Annua Loca Crop Radioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Andicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua Mea and Number o

Locaions Locaions Gamma Appes ingesion Gamma pCi/kg soopic Cabbage ingesion Gamma pCi/kg soopic Corn ingesion Gamma pCi/kg soopic Carros ingesion Gamma pCi/kg soopic Green Beans Gamma ingesion pCi/kg soopic Tomaoes ingesion Gamma pCi/kg soopic NOTS Exposur pCi/L NOTS APPENDIX H Table H Annual Local Crop Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported (Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements Apples Ingestion Gamma Various b

< LLD (0/1)

< LLD (0/1) 2


< LLD 0


Isotopic a Cabbage Ingestion Gamma Various b

< LLD (0/1)

< LLD (0/1) 2


< LLD 0


Isotopic a Corn Ingestion Gamma Various b

< LLD (0/1)

< LLD (0/1) 2


< LLD 0


Isotopic a Carrots Ingestion Gamma Various b

< LLD (0/1)

< LLD (0/1) 2


< LLD 0


Isotopic a Green Beans Gamma Various b Ingestion (pCi/kg) 2 Isotopic a

< LLD (0/1)



< LLD (0/1) 0 Tomatoes Ingestion Gamma Various b

< LLD (0/1)

< LLD (0/1) 2


< LLD 0


Isotopic a NOTES


Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in local crop samples


See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.

Table H Monthly Surface Water Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported (Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements Gamma 26 Various c

< LLD (0/13)



< LLD (0/13) 0 Surface Water Direct Exposure (pCi/L)

Isotopic a Tritium b 8


< LLD (0/4)



< LLD (0/4) 0 NOTES


Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in surface water samples.


Tritium analysis of surface water is required quarterly per the BFN ODCM.


See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



Pahway oDeecionRe Perormed Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Co Uni LLD Mean RangeMea Direcion Range 335 3/52 37 2/1 Bea 65 40 TRM 2749 D0/13 0D Waer 266 397 343 397 ngesion Gamma pCi/L soopic NOTS Tabe H8Monhy Pubic Drinking Waer Radioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Andicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua Mea and Number o

Locaions Locaions 65Vaious D0/52 D

D D0/13 0

Triium 20 2000 D0/16 D

D D0/4 0

a.Naua occuing radionucides wee obseved indrining wae sampes.

b.See Tabe 1hrough Tabe 4

o herequied and nomina Ds orindividua radionucides via gamma isoopic anaysis.

c.Tiium anaysis odining wae isequied quaery per heBN ODCM.

Tabe H9Quarery We Ground Waer Radioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Andicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua Me and Number o

LocaionsLo Anaysis Perormed "Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Coun R

Uni LLD Mean RangeM Direcion Range Ground Waer 8Vaious D0/4 D

D D0/4 0

Tiium 8

2000 D0/4 D

D D0/4 0

a.Naua occuing adionuci were observed inground wae sampes.

b.See Tabe 1hough Tabe 4

o he equired andnomina Ds orindividua radionu viagamma isoopic anaysis 2020 Brow Ferry AREO 51 AConro A

M Nonrouine Gamma ingesion pCi/L NOTS APPENDIX H Table H Monthly Public Drinking Water Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported (Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements Gross Beta 65 4.0 3.35 (3/52)

TRM 274.9 3.7 (2/13)

< LLD (0/13) 0 Drinking Water 2.66-3.97 3.43-3.97 Ingestion Gamma 65 Various b

< LLD (0/52)



< LLD (0/13) 0 (pCi/L)


< LLD (0/16)



< LLD (0/4) 0 NOTES


Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in drinking water samples.


See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.


Tritium analysis of drinking water is required quarterly per the BFN ODCM.

Table H Quarterly Well (Ground) Water Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported (Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements Gamma 8

Various b

< LLD (0/4)



< LLD (0/4) 0 Ground Water Ingestion (pCi/L)



< LLD (0/4)



< LLD (0/4) 0 NOTES


Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in ground water samples.


See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR



Pahway oDeecionRe Perormed Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Co Uni LLD Mean RangeMea Direcion Range 4Vaious D0/2 D


0/2 0

4Vaious D0/2 D

D D0/2 0

a.Naua occuing adionucides were observed inishsampes.

b.See Tabe 1hough Tabe 4

o heequied and nomina Ds orindividua radionucides viagamma isoopic anaysis.

Tabe H11 SemiAnnua Shoreine Sedimen Radioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Aindicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua M

and Number o

LocaionsLo Anaysis Perormed "Mean Coun

Name, Disance and Mean Coun R

Uni LLD Mean RangeM Direcion Range Gamma 78 1/4 oeWheee S.Park TRM 78 1

Radiaio 6

Vaious D0/2 0

78 78 2795 78 78 a.Naua occuing adionuci wee obseved inshoreine sedimen sampes.

b.See Tabe 1hough Tabe 4

o he equied andnomina Ds orindividua radionu viagamma isoopic anaysi 2020 Brow Ferry AREO 52 AConro A

M Nonrouine Tabe H10SemiAnnua Fish Radioaciviy Sampe Lower Limi Andicaor ocaion wih Highes Annua Mea and Number o

Locaions Locaions Game Fish large Mouh Bass Gamma ngesion soopic pCi/kg Commercia Fish Channe Caish Gamma ngesion soopic PCi/kg Shorein Sedimen pCi/kg NOTS NOTS APPENDIX H Table H Semi-Annual Fish Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported (Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements Game Fish - Large Mouth Bass Gamma Various b

< LLD (0/2)

< LLD (0/2)

Ingestion 4


< LLD 0

Isotopic *


Commercial Fish -

Channel Catfish Gamma Various b

< LLD (0/2)

< LLD (0/2)

Ingestion 4


< LLD 0

Isotopic *




Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in fish samples.


See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.

Table H Semi-Annual Shoreline Sediment Radioactivity Sample Lower Limit All Indicator Location with Highest Annual Mean All Control Non-routine Type and Number of Locations Locations Pathway Analysis Performed of Detection Mean (Count)

Name, Distance and Mean (Count)

Reported (Measurement Unit)


Range Direction Mean (Range)

Range Measurements Shoreline Sediment 78 (1/4) 78 (1/2)

Direct Radiation Gamma Various b Joe Wheeler St. Park (TRM

< LLD (0/2) 6 0



  • 78-78 279.5) 78 - 78 NOTES

Natural occurring radionuclides were observed in shoreline sediment samples.


See Table E-1 through Table E-4 for the required and nominal LLDs for individual radionuclides via gamma isotopic analysis.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR








Errata toPreviousAREORs Noerratato previous AREORshavebeenidentified in2020.

2020BrownsFerry AREOR


APPENDIX I Errata to Previous AREORs No errata to previous AREORs have been identified in 2020.

2020 Browns Ferry AREOR
