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NRC-2018-000831 - Resp 10 - Interim, Agency Records Subject to the Request Are Enclosed, Part 9 of 14
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/04/2021
Shared Package
ML21071A165 List:
Download: ML21071A175 (156)


Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 21 Apr 201717:55:38 +0000 To: Frankl, Istvan


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Attachments: Harvesting One Pager 4-21-17.docx Here you go Steve.


Matt From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Friday, April 21, 201712:22 PM To: Hiser, Matthew


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Thanks, Matt.

It's almost done. I have attached my final comments/revisions.

Steve From: Hiser, M atthew Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 11:41 AM To: Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Hi Steve, OK, I've updated the one-pager with your edits and responded to a couple questions.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 30 l-415-24541 Office: TWFN I 0D62 From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:19 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <>


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop

Sorry for being so late with my review.

I left my mark-ups on your chair.

Thanks, Steve From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 1:51 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Hi Steve, Here is the one-pager with input from Rob, Pat, and I.


Matt From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 5:24 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop

Matt, One of the action items that came out of the bi-weekly CMB/CIB status meeting today was Brian's request for a DE "one-pager" on the harvesting workshop.

Please align on this with Rob and get a draft to me for review by next Monday.

Thanks, Steve

Ex-Plant M aterials Harvesting One-Pager Motivation:

_* _ Ex-plant materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service p lant operat ing condit ions (temperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.h

  • o Generally, research involves accelerated, simulat ed aging cond it ions in a lab which may not be as representative of actual in-service agingtiA lil~e ¥iFgiR mateFials tested ,,mdeF siF1rnlated EOAaitiOAS iA ti1e la~ Commented [IF1J: Perhaps this should be a sub-bullet o Highly representative ~at1:1Fe ef ma terials (actual plant components) and aging conditions with clarifications.

reduces the uncertaint y associated with the applicabilit y of tl:te-research findi ngs. Commented [IFZJ: Please be more specific.

  • W ith plants shutting down both in the U.S. and Europe, t here are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants.
  • Insights from ex-plant harvesting would support regulatory decisions for subsequent license renewal (SLR), and could have implications for the current license period o There is a task in the new draft UNR for SLR from NRR/DLR requesting RES to investigate opportunities for harvesting where* appropriat e.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRC staff and int erested st akeholders to have greater aw areness and knowledge of the benefits and challenges associat ed with ex-plant harvesting.
  • Support initiation of specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs by leveraging limit ed NRC resources to produce highly representative technica l data of materials degradation for extended plant operation.

Workshop Summary:

  • NRC staff host ed a 2-day workshop on M arch 7-8, 2017 with interested stakehold ers, including domestic and international utilit ies and research organizations, to discuss benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting. Views and insight s from various pa rties cont ributed to the discussion
  • Workshop participants gave presentations and actively engaged in open discussion of different aspects of ex-plant materials harvesting o Sessions covered m otivation for harvesting, data needs, sources of materials, lessons learned, the practical aspects of harvesting, and harvesting decision-making and planning
  • The discussion focused on t he importance of clearly identifying t he need and purpose for performing a harvesting project.

All part icipants agreed harvest ing is a complex and expensive proposition, but one that can be worthwhile if t he need is clearly defined and addressed.

  • The insights f rom utilities and decommissioning contractors were extremely va luable.

o NRC staff and stakeholders are bett er informed and aware of t he benefits and challenges associat ed with ex-plant harvesting.

Path Forward:

  • Detailed workshop summary report to be distributed among meeting participants by M ay 2017
  • PNNL report on a strategic approach to ex-plant harvesting to be completeg by May 2017
  • Developing alignment wit hin NRC on prioritization of harvesting data needs in four primary areas:

o RPV, RPV internals and other metals, electrical cables and components, concrete

  • RES staff will engage with interested workshop participants on prioritizing data needs and developing a database identifying sources of materials for harvesting

Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thu, 20 Apr 2017 15:41:12 +0000 To: Frankl, Istvan


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvest ing Workshop Attachments: Harvesting One Pager 4-20-17.docx Hi Steve, OK, I've updated the one-pager with your edits and responded to a couple questions.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 30 l-415-24541 Office: TWFN I 0D62 From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:19 PM To: Hiser, Matthew


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Sorry for being so late with my review.

I left my mark-ups on your chair.

Thanks, Steve From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 1:51 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Hi Steve, Here is the one-pager with input from Rob, Pat, and I.


Matt From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Monday, M arch 20, 2017 5:24 PM

To: Hiser, Matthew <>


ACTION : One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop

Matt, One of the action items that came out of the bi-weekly CMB/CIB status meeting today was Brian's request for a DE "one-pager" on the harvesting workshop.

Please align on this with Rob and get a draft to me for review by next Monday.

Thanks ,


Ex-Plant M aterials Harvesting One-Pager Motivation:

  • Ex-plant materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service p lant operat ing condit ions (temperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.), unlike virgin materials tested under simulated condit ions in the lab o Highly representative nature of materials and aging conditions reduces the uncertainty associated w ith the applicability of the research findings.
  • With plants shutting down both in the U.S. and Europe, t here are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants.
  • Insights from ex-plant harvesting would support regulatory decisions for subsequent license renewal (SLR), and could have implicat ions for t he current license period o There is a task in the new draft UNR for SLR from NRR/DLR requesting RES to investigate opportunities for harvesting where* appropriat e.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRC staff and interested st akeholders t o have greater awareness and knowledge of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.
  • Support initiation of specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs by leveraging limited NRC resources to produce highly representative technica l data of materials degradation for ext ended plant operation.

Workshop Summary:

  • NRC staff hosted a 2-day workshop on March 7-8, 2017 with interested stakeholders, including domestic and international utilit ies and research organizations, to discuss benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting. Views and insight s from various parties contributed to the discussion
  • Workshop participants gave presentations and actively engaged in open discussion of different aspects of ex-plant materials harvesting o Sessions covered motivation for harvesting, data needs, sources of materials, lessons learned, the practical aspect s of harvesting, and harvesting decision-making and planning
  • The discussion focused on the importance of clearly identifying the need and purpose for performing a harvesting project.

All participants agreed harvest ing is a complex and expensive proposition, but one that ca n be worthwhile if the need is clearly defined and addressed.

  • The insights from utilities and decommissioning contractors were extremely va luable.

o NRC staff and stakeholders are better informed and aware of the benefits and cha llenges associated w ith ex-plant harvesting.

Path Forward:

  • Detailed workshop summary report to be distributed among meeting participants by M ay 2017
  • PNNL report on a strategic approach to ex-plant harvesting to be complet e by May 2017 Commented [HIM1 ]: IF comment: irradiated?
  • Developing alignment within NRC on prioritization of harvesting data needs in four primary areas:

o RPV, RPV internals and other metals, electrical cables and components, f:oncret~ MAH: Both irradiated and unirradiated concrete components are of interest

  • RES staff will engage with interested workshop participants on prioritizing data needs and developing a database identifying sources of materials for harvesting Commented [HIM2]: IF: who is going to manage this database?

MAH: TBD .. , perhaps DOE?

From: Hiser, Matthew Note to requester:

Attachment is Sent: Fri, 24 Mar 2017 17:51 :17 +0000 immediately following .

To: Frankl, Istvan


RE: ACTION : One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Attachments: Harvesting One Pager.docx Hi Steve, Here is the one-pager with input from Rob, Pat, and I.


Matt From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 5:24 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <>


ACTION : One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop

Matt, One of the action items that came out of the bi-weekly CMB/CIB status meeting today was Brian's request for a DE "one-pager" on the harvesting workshop .

Please align on this with Rob and get a draft to me for review by next Monday.

Thanks ,


Ex-Plant Materi als Harvesting One-Pager Motivation :

  • Ex-plant materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions (temperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.), unlike virgin materials tested under simulated conditions in the lab, which reduces the uncertainty associated with the applicability of the aging conditions.

o With the wave of plants sh utting down both in the U.S. and Europe, there are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants.

  • Insights from ex-plant harvesting research would support r egulatory decisions for subsequent license renewal (SLR), and could have implications for the current license period depending on the findings.

o There is a task in the new draft UNR for SLR from NRR/DLR requesting RES to investigate opportunities for harvesting where appropriate.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRC staff and interested stakeholders to have greater awareness and knowledge of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.
  • Facilitate contacts and communication to enable specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs to be initiated, leveraging limited NRC resources to produce highly representative technical data of materials degradation for extended plant operation.

Workshop Summary:

  • NRC staff host ed a 2-day workshop with interested stakeholders, including domestic and international utilities and research organizations, to discuss benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting. Views and insights from various parties contributed to the discussion
  • Workshop participants gav,e presentations and actively engaged in open discussion of different aspects of ex-plant materials harvesting o Sessions covered motivation for harvesting, data needs, sources of materials, lessons learned, the practical aspects of harvesting, and harvesting decision-making and planning
  • The discussion focused on the importance of clearly identifying the need and purpose for performing a harvesting project.

o All participants agreed harvesting is a complex and expensive proposition, but one that can be worthwhile if the need to be addressed is clearly defined and addressed by the planned harvesting project.

  • The insights from the utility and decommissioning contractor perspective were extremely valuable to the discussion.

o NRC staff and stakeholders are better informed and aware of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.

Path Forward:

  • Detailed workshop summary report to be distributed among meeting participants by May 2017
  • PNNL report on a strategic approach to ex-plant harvesting to be complete by May 2017
  • Developing alignment with in NRC on prioritization of harvesting data needs in four primary areas:

o RPV, internals and other metals, electrical, concret e

  • RES staff will engage with interested workshop participants on prioritizing data needs and developing a database identifying sources of materials for harvesting

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 24 Mar 2017 17:47:56 +0000 To: Tregoning, Robert;Purtscher, Patrick


RE: ACTION : One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Thanks guys!

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 1:34 PM To: Hiser, M atthew <M atthew.>; Purtscher, Pat rick <Patrick.Purtscher@>


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Matt:

Generally looks fine but I would tweak the last 2 bullets:

  • Developing Internal alignment within NRC on prioritization of harvesting data needs in four primary areas:

o RPV, internals and other metals, electrical, concrete

  • RES staff will engage with interest ed workshop participants on prioritizing data needs and developing a database identifying sources of materials for harvesting database Rob Rob ert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Hiser, M atthew Sent: Friday, M arch 24, 201711:45 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


FW: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvest ing Workshop Hi Rob and Pat, Here is my first stab at the harvesting one-pager Steve mentioned below. Please take a look and edit as needed and I'll send back to Steve.



From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 5:24 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <>


ACTION : One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop

Matt, One of the action items that came out of the bi-weekly CMB/CIB status meeting today was Brian's request for a DE "one-pager" on the harvesting workshop.

Please align on this with Rob and get a draft to me for review by next Monday.

Thanks ,


Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following.

From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Fri, 21 Apr 201712:22:06 -0400 To: Hiser, Matthew


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Attachments: Harvesting One Pager 4-20-17 (IF).docx Thanks, Matt.

It's almost done. I have attached my final comments/revisions.

Steve From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thursday, April 20, 201711:41 AM To: Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Hi Steve, OK, I've updated the one-pager with your edits and responded to a couple questions.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Co1Tosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 30 l -4 15-24541 Office: TWFN I 0D62 M From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2017 5:19 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


RE: ACTION: One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Sorry for being so late with my review.

I left my mark-ups on your chair.

Thanks, Steve From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 1:51 PM

To: Frankl, Istvan <>


RE : ACTION : One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop Hi Steve, Here is the one-pager with input from Rob, Pat, and I.


Matt From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Monday, March 20, 2017 5:24 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <>


ACTION : One-pager on the Harvesting Workshop

Matt, One of the action items that came out of the bi-weekly CMB/CIB status meeting today was Brian's request for a DE "one-pager" on the harvesting workshop .

Please align on this with Rob and get a draft to me for review by next Monday.

Thanks ,


Ex-Plant M aterials Harvesting One-Pager Motivation:

  • Ex-plant materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service p lant operat ing condit ions (temperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.), !u nlike virgin materials t est ed under simulated conditions in the la~ Commented [IF1 ): Perhaps this should be a sub-bullet o Highly representative nature of materials and aging conditions reduces the uncertainty with clarifications.

associated w ith the applicability of the-research f indings. Commented [IF2]: Please be more specific.

  • With plants shutting down both in the U.S. and Europe, t here are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants.
  • Insights from ex-plant harvesting would support regulatory decisions for subsequent license renewal (SLR), and could have implicat ions for t he current license period o There is a task in the new draft UNR for SLR from NRR/DLR requesting RES to investigate opportunities for harvesting where* appropriat e.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRC staff and int erested st akeholders t o have greater aw areness and knowledge of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.
  • Support initiation of specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs by leveraging limited NRC resources to produce highly representative technica l data of materials degradation for ext ended plant operation.

Workshop Summary:

  • NRC staff hosted a 2-day workshop on March 7-8, 2017 with interested stakeholders, including domestic and international utilit ies and research organizations, to discuss benefit s and challenges associated with ex-plant harvest ing. Views and insight s from various parties cont ributed to the discussion
  • Workshop participants gave present ations and actively engaged in open discussion of different aspects of ex-plant materials harvesting o Sessions covered motivation for harvesting, data needs, sources of materials, lessons learned, the practical aspect s of harvesting, and harvesting decision-making and planning
  • The discussion focused on the importance of clearly identifying the need and purpose for performing a harvesting project.

All participants agreed harvest ing is a complex and expensive proposition, but one that ca n be worthwhile if t he need is clearly defined and addressed.

  • The insights from utilities and decommissioning contractors were extremely va luable.

o NRC staff and stakeholders are better informed and aware of t he benefits and challenges associated w ith ex-plant harvesting.

Path Forward:

  • Detailed workshop summary report to be distributed among meeting participants by M ay 2017
  • PNNL report on a strategic approach to ex-plant harvesting to be complet e,£ by May 2017 Commented [HIM3]: IF comment: irradiated?
  • Developing alignment within NRC on prioritization of harvesting data needs in four primary areas:

o RPV, RPV internals and other metals, electrica l cables and components, f:oncret~ MAH: Both irradiated and unirradiated concrete components are of interest

  • RES staff will engage with interested workshop participants on prioritizing data needs and developing a database identifying sources of materials for harvesting Commented [HIM4]: IF: who is going to manage this database?

MAH: TBD .. , perhaps DOE?

Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following.

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Fri, 12 Jan 2018 14:51:39 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew


RE: ACTION: input to bilateral meeting planning sheets for RIC Attachments: Steering Committee Briefing on IASCC Code Case 1-11 jcp comm rlt.pptx I'm in but on a conference call that will end around 10:00. I'll call you when it's over. I've made some changes but think it will be easiest to finish the rest over the phone. Pull up these slides and we'll go over them when I call.

Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 9:48 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <Robert>


RE: ACTION: input to bilateral meeting planning sheets for RIC Hi Rob, (b)(6)

I'm working from home today-you can give me a call a~.__ _ _ _.__!1just tried your office number but you weren't there ...


Matt From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 9:39 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


RE: ACTION: input to bilateral meeting planning sheets for RIC Where are you working today? I want to talk to you about the briefing slides ....

Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324

fax: 301-415-6671 From: Hiser, M atthew Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 8 :22 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>;

Audrain, M argaret <>


RE: ACTION: input to bilateral meeting planning sheets for RIC Hi guys, Here is my stab at some language for those RIC meeting talking points - any other thoughts or edits?

1. Request for engagement on materials harvesting from decommissioned reactors_
  • Overview - Components or materials may be harvested from decommissioning reactors, with particular interest in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel, reactor internals, concrete, and cables. NRC is pursuing a comprehensive strategy towards ex-plant harvesting, which involves identifying high-value materials to harvest based on matching available materials for harvesting with prioritized data needs.
  • Regulatory Need - Harvested materials may be tested to assess the effects of in-plant conditions on component integrity, with focus on aging-related degradation relevant to subsequent license renewal
  • Status - NRC is seeking other organizations that are interested in prioritizing data needs for harvesting and identifying optimal opportunities for harvesting.
2. Request for engagement on materials harvesting from decommissioned reactors
  • Overview- Components or materials may be harvested from decommissioning reactors, with particular interest in reactor pressure vessel (RPV) steel, reactor internals, concrete , and cables. NRC 1s pursuing a comprehensive strategy towards ex-plant harvesting, which involves 1dent1fymg high-value materials to harvest based on matching available materials for harvesting with pnont1zed data needs

- Regulatory Need - Harvested materials may be tested to assess the effects of in-plant conditions on component integrity. with focus on aging-related degradation relevant to subsequent license r~ ~I

  • ~ - NRC 1s seeking other orqanizat1ons that are interested in pnont1zmg data needs for harvesting and 1dent,fymg optimal opportunities for harvesting.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 30 l-415-24541 Office: TWFN 10D62 M

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Monday, January 08, 2018 7:44 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Purtscher, Patrick <>;

Audrain, Margaret <>


FW: ACTION: input to bilateral meeting planning sheets for RIC Guys:

See email below and attachments from Greg on upcoming RIC discussions with several countries. There are bullets related to harvesting on France, Japan, and South Korea but we may want to change the wording to reflect the broader harvesting effort that we're doing (i.e.,

not simply requesting materials but developing a strategy to see what high value materials/components may be available and then proceeding accordingly). Does someone want to take a stab at modifying the bullets? Also, I think we should also add this as a topic with Germany and Canada. Thoughts on this?

Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Oberson, Greg Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 3:31 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>; Iyengar, Raj <>; Boyce (RES), Tom

<>; Seber, Dogan <>; Jenkins, Ronaldo

<>; Miller, Kenneth A <>; Ake, Jon

<>; Birla, Sushil <>; Pires, Jose <>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Homiack, Matthew <>; Gardocki, Stanley <>

Cc: Regan, Christopher <>


ACTION : input to bilateral meeting planning sheets for RIC BCs & Sls:

RES is preparing for bilateral meetings with Canada, France, Japan, Germany, and South Korea at RIC. IPT has requested that for each country, that we provide a listing of requests for assistance or engagement to help support our research programs. These are not intended to document ongoing collaborations, but rather new requests. I've started lists using info previously submitted under the "international prioritization" activity. Please add/delete/edit. The status line should indicate if you have had any previously discussions or interactions on the topic. If you have had none, you should indicate as such. You can mark up these sheets and email back to me. I will consolidate the list. Please aim to provide by Jan. 16. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Greg Steering Committee Briefing on IASCC Code Case Matt Hiser Jeff Poehler

Purpose and Context


Brief committee on planned NRC negative vote on IASCC code case (CC).

  • Code Case (CCt (ASME Section XI) provides crack growth reference curves for irradiated stainless steels in LWR environments

- This CC would principally be used in ei;aluation of to evaluate flaws identified by NDE during reactor internals inspections

  • Similar curves currently exist in the NRC-approved BWRVIP-99-A for BWR applications up to a fluence of ,v4 dpa

- This CC expands beyond the BWRVIP-99-A curves to a broader higher fluence range and environments and both BWR and PWR environments

  • ASME Code Status CC The code case has been approved through the task group and working group levels with NRC voting negative at each level CC The code case is on the agenda for the Subgroup, Evaluation Standards and likely the ASME Standards committee in February

Description of IASCC Code Case

  • Uses two empirically fit models to generate a predicted predict crack growth rate (CGR) as a function of a number of parameters One model predicts irradiated yield strength knowing fluence, temperature, cold wor k, and material

- One model predict CGR using irradiated yield strength and knowing temperature and applied stress intensity factor, K

  • Unique aspect is that ilrradiation effect is accounted for through the yield stress strength model Used to predict irradiated yield stress as a function of fluence, temperature, material cold work and alloy
  • Unique aspects of this approach

- The effect of fluence only alters the irradiated yield strength

- Other ASME CGR models are not directly correlated with yield strength

  • The resulting yield stress value is used as an input to the CGR model along with temperature and environment
  • CGR model provides as output a crack growth curve as a function of fluence and applied stress intensity factor, K

N RC Concerns

  • Applicable fluence range There is very limited data above 20 dpa particularly from for LWR irradiation conditions
  • Preliminary data from Zorita materials testing shows some evidence of increasing CGR at higher fluence levels Minimal impact on industry
  • The only field applications above 20 dpa are very high fluence PWR components, such as baffle plates
  • Applicable stress intensity (K)range There is vVery limited data at low K values
  • The little available data shows a nonconservative bias to the model at low K Likely uses of this CC may be used at would be lo\¥ K due to low operating stresses on reactor internals and irradiation-induced stress relaxation on welds
  • Yield stress model Uncertainty and scatter in data could cause predicted CGR to be non-conservative by as much as factor of 10 Effect of cold work on saturated yield stress could non-conservatively bias CGR for certain cold-worked materials
  • Material applicability

Fluence Range of Available Data 3

0 Irradiated NWC Data u - - Residual Trend (N.S.)


C0 2

N 0::

C) 1 u 0 0 ci

.Q I

0 -----



e § u -1 Cl) 0 "C


~ -2 3 C>


-3 Dose -u 0

T"" 2 ---------------< -

o Irradiated Low-ECP Data Residual Trend (N.S)

M 0 10 20 30 40 0::


Dose, dpa 1



.Q I

0 0


u a:; -1 ii, -----

0 0

"C 0 0 0


C, 0

-2 0

-3 0 10 20 30 40 50 Dose, dpa

K Range of Available Data 3

C0 2 -

o Irradiated NWC Data Residual Trend (N.S.)

C0 N



~ 1 C) 0 I

0 ---

0:: 3

(.!) 0

(.) o Irradiated Low-ECP Data 0

-a; -1 (.)

Residual Trend (N.S.)

-0 ,...

0 2 ~ - - - - - - - - - - ----- -

0 M

~C) -2 et::

(!) 0 E u 1 K Cl


-3 0 10 20 30

- I et::


0 0 0 00 O 0 O Stress Intensity Factor K, MPam u -1


-0 0 0 cPo 0




-2 0

-3 0 10 20 30 40 Stress Intensity Factor K , MPam

Current Status

  • NRC staff has provided multiple rounds of comments on the Code Case

- Industry has responded to these comments, which have addressed some of the staff concerns

  • Staff held a call with industry on Nov. 30 to discuss NRC concerns

- Limited progress made during this call

- The code case has been approved through the task group and working group levels with NRC voting negative at each level

- The code case is on the agenda for the subgroup and likely the ASME Standards committee in February

Staff Proposal for Next Steps

  • ASME Code Staff will plan to vote negative at the subgroup SGES and Standards committee based on the identified concerns, particularly the applicable fluence range
  • Future Rulemaking If changes are not made to the CC to address NRC staff concerns, the staff would propose accepting this CC with likely conditions on the:
  • Applicable fluence range
  • Applicable K range
  • Yield stress model
  • Material applicability

Backup Slides (4)

  • * . ; 1 --

Yield Stress Model Effect of Dose, fl~terial Category, and Pre-irradiation Cold Work or Welding on Yield Stress Model Equation lrr~iated Yield Stress of Austenitic Stainless Steels a-0 .2 =B2 exp[ - m'(Tc- 330)]

Curves Plotted at 550°F (288°C) where Intermediate results, MPa r Pre-irradiation strengthening 1200 parameter (0 :<=:; r :<=:; 0.2) d Dose in dpa 1000 m' Temperature coefficient, 1/°C Application temperature of metal at (0

~ flaw location, 'C

!E 800 u0 _2 Model estimate of irradiated yield VI-VI 100 ksi stress at the application temperature 600 Q)

- - Mo-Bearing (316) Category, 20% cw for use in eq. (1), MPa


- Mo-Bearing (316) Category, no cw Measured 0'0.2 vs. Model Estimates from MRP-135-Q) 400 ---- Non-Mo (304) Category, 20% CW


~ Non-Mo (304) Category, no CW Rev. 1 for Types 316, 316Ti & 316NG, SA and CW 200 .....- - -----===============

1021 n/ cm2 E > 1 MeV 1022 n/c m 2 E > 1 0 1: 1 Line and Bounds are from Iha 9

~ 1000 Models of Type 316 SA & CW Data >

0 5 Dose,dpa 10 15  ::ii;

<n II)

/ 80 ine 800


  • 0



> 600

, /

0 Cl)


>"' . / /

_, 400 / 5th percentile f!

, - * - 95th percentile II)

Data on Type 316 & 316Ti SA Cl)

ii; 200 Type 316, Ti, NG Data, SA/CW Not Listed
  • ChalM!net Outlier, Type 316 Not Listed o Data on Initially CW Types 316, Ti, NG o ~~~--~~--~~--~~~

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 MRP-135-Rev 1 Model Value of Yield Stress, MPa

Crack Growth Rate Model NWC Code Case Curve vs. Normalized Data at 288 °c and 700 MPa (~4.3 dpa) Crack Growth Rate Equation da -- C S r v

<Yo, K ,,

1.E-03 dt -

Normalized NWC Data Ranked < 3 where: C is a constant coefficient for

- 1.E-04 VI E

E New 75th Percentile NWC Disposition Curve BWRVIP-99-ANWC Dispos ition Curve environment ST is an adjustment factor for application

-11' 1.E-05 0 o NWC Code Case Curve temperature v and 17 are exponents

--- I 0.

~ cr0 2 is the irradiated yield stress for the 0

0 1.E-06 material at the flaw location


0 BWRVIP-99-A NWC Curve 00 00 1.E-07 HWC & PWR Code Case Curve vs. Normalized


Data at 288 °C and 700 MPa (~4.3 dpa)

"O c,;i "O

1.E-08 1.E-03 o Normalized Low-ECP Data Ranked < 3 1.E-09 ..._......_._. . . .__..__. . . . . . ._ __._...__......_. . . .___.. ._....... . . ._ e Ill 1.E-04 -

New 75th Percentile HWC Disposition Curve

- BWRVIP-99-A HWC Disposition Curve 0 10 20 30 E_ 1.E-05 Stress Intensity Factor K, MPam ;f C._* . 'I fo r Calculating IASCC Crac k Growth Rat e at5SO"F (288'0C) ~ 1.E-06 0

0 U .S. Customary W~tar Environments Co effici*nt C

[Note 1)

SI Coefficient C

[Note 1) Exponent E xponent u

0 1.E-07 da/Jlt in mm's, 00

~, 550"F (288"C) dal.Q! in .,Jbr,

  • OO O'u 1l onK 00 c,u l'I MPa, and o u in~, and Ki'1 MPa"'1 ~ 1.E-08 Kin !!2'oln. ~

"'C BM normal water 8 91 x10-" 284 x1Ct11 2 675 2 486

'iii 1.E-09 chem1S1Jy (NV>C) "'C 8\o\R hydrogen water 3 31 x1(tl) 135x10 11 2 547 2 504 chem1S1Jy (HV>C) 1.E-10 PJI.R pm,ary _ , , 3.31 xl0-13 1.35 x 10*11 2.547 2.504 0 10 20 30 40 Stress Intensity Factor K, MPam

NWC Residual plots 3

3 r,:::========,- - - - - - - ~

0 lrrad1aled NWC Daw 0 Irradiated NIM: Data 0

- - Residual Trend (N. S.}

- - ResKlual Trend (N.S.) ~ 2 co N

er C)


c;; 0 0 0 ..2

' 0 er O - o o er C)

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0 0 ai -1 (.) -1 "0 iii 0 0 "0


ci -2

..2 fC)

-2 Yield Stress ..2 Dose

-3 -3 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 10 20 30 40 50 Irradiated Yield Stress, MPa Dose, dpa 3 r::========:::;-------,

o ~ated tNIC Data 3

o tradiated tNIC Data

~ 2

- - Residual Trend (N.S.} co co 2 - - Residual Trend (N.S.}


~ er C) C)

£ Cl

£ 1 Cl

..2 0 ..2

' 0 t -- --;at-t: ' 0 er ~

C) C)


0 ai -1 -a; -1 "0 "0 0


!!= :E ci -2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---1 j -2

..2 Temperature K

-3 .__.....__.____,....__.___..___._....._.........__.____,...._....__.___._....._.........~

-3 260 280 300 320 340 0 10 20 30 40 sec Test Temperature, *c St ress Intensity Factor K, MPam

PWR/HWC Residual plots 3 3 u

0 2

0 Irradiated Low-ECP Data (J


..... 2 0 Irradiated Low-ECP Data

..,..... - - Residual Trend (N.S.)

.., - - Residual Trend {N .S.)

0::: 0:::

(!) (!)



ci Cl

..Q ..Q 0

0 0 ci ci -o - - - - - .

(!) (!) 0

(.) (.) 0

-a; -1 -a; -1

-0 -0 0 0 0 0

!!:  :!!: -2 ci -2 ci

..Q ..Q

-3 -3 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 0 10 20 30 40 50 Irradiat ed Yield Stress, M Pa D ose, dpa 3 3 0 Irradiated Low-EC P Data 0 Irradiated Low-ECP Data (J (J 0 - - Residual Trend (N.S.)

..... 2

.., - - Residual Trend (Significant) 0

.., 2 0:::


1 8 0:::

(!) 0

~ (J Cl c'i Cb

..Q ..Q 00 0 0 ' 0 ci


ci 0 0


(J (J 6

-a; -1 -a; -1 0

-0 -0 0 0 cPo 0

!!:  :!!: 0

~ -2 ci -2

..Q ..Q

-3 -3 260 280 300 320 340 360 0 10 20 30 40 S C C Test Tempera t u re, *c Stress Intensity F actor K , MPa m

Fluence range of data Non-Mo, NWC Non-Mo, HWC & PWR 1.E-04 -------- - tlWC tlon-Mo Code Case Curve 1.E-04 -------""" - Low-ECP Hon-Mo Code Case Curve

  • AS Heat 304L. BOR-60 irradiation
  • AS Heat 304L, BOR-60 irradiation e SW02 304L, BOR~0 irradiation e SW02 304L , BOR~ irradiation 0 SW Heat 304L, BWR irradiation 1.E-05 + Chooz CFA 304, PWR irradiation e"' 1.E-05 0


SW Heat 304L, BWR irradiation Chooz CFA 304. PWR irradiation e"'

E D Three 304L Heats. BWR irradiation E

.,,.: O 2522 Heat 347, PWR irradiation

-ti 1.E-06 .,,ci! 1.E-06 D Three 304L Heats. BWR irradiation "co + "i CD 0 cii cii 1.E-07 00 e 1.E-07 e

0 0 z 0

z 1.E-08 1.E-08


1.E-09 1.E - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 Dose, dpa Dose, dpa The higher-ranked data (< 3) are normalized to 288°C, log average K, and constant K testing, consistent with the plotted Code Case curves. 34

Low K Data 1.E-04 - - NWC Code Case Curve 1 .E-04 - - HWC & PWR Code Case Curve 0 NWC K < 10 Data Ranked < 3 0 PWR K < 10 Data Ranked < 3 V,

E "' 0 HWC & PWR K < 10 Data Ranked > 3 NWC K < 10 Data Ranked > 3 E E 1 .E-05 HWC & PWR K < 10 Data Not Ranked 1.E-05 E ti NWC K < 6.1 Test Interrupt Data


coco u 6 HWC & PWR K < 6.3 Test Interrupt Data N


-0 "O

V, 1.E-06 N

.2 "O

a, 1.E-06

, vi 1 .E-07


cu ~

E cu "O

1.E-07 "O

iii "O

la 1 .E-08 "O

a, "O

a, V,

cu 1.E-08 a, "'

la a,

1 .E-09



1.E-09 1 .E-10 1.E-09 1.E-08 1.E-07 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-10 1.E-09 1.E-08 1.E-07 1.E-06 1.E-05 1.E-04 Mean NWC Model da/dt at 2ss*c, mm/s Mean Low-ECP Model da/dt at 2ss*c, mm/s

Field Data from UT Inspections 1.00E-03 CGR from UT Inspections

  • Plant A (H4) (1.25 in.)

I- Plant B H4 (1.5 in.)

New NWC Curve, 1.5 in. Shroud, 1.8 dpa & Plant C H4 (2.0 in.)


-...;" 0 Plant D H4 (2.0 in.)

,,,,..----- ... ........ ~"'-:::*, - - - - - r -- - Plant E H4 (2.0 in.)

-:S 1.00E-04 >-

- - 1.6 ksi +weld Rs- 30% (2.0 in shroud) ~

BWRVIP-99-A NWC Curve, 1.25 in. Shroud 1.00E-06.___a_ _ ____,'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,,_..,.,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~

0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 ter ASME PVP2015-45323 Paper Figure 7. Normalized depth

Note to requester: Attachments are From: Frankl, Istvan immediately following.

Sent: Tue, 3 Apr 2018 15:47:02 +0000 To: Audrain, Margaret Cc: Hiser, Matthew


RE: ACTION: Potential Topics for Materials Exchange Meeting May 22- 26 Attachments: Initial Agenda 2018-05 Mater ials Tech Info Exch Pub Mtg 29-18.docx, Initial Technical Topics for NRC-lndustry May 2018 Materials Exchange 29-2018.docx

Meg, You will have only 10-15 minutes to summarize the topic.

I don't yet have the list of attendees, only the draft initial topics and agenda which I circulated earlier (attached).

Thanks, Steve From: Audrain, Margaret Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 11:33 AM To: Frankl, Istvan <>; Hiser, Matthew <>


RE: ACTION: Potential Topics for Materials Exchange Meeting May 22-26 Yes, of course, if you think there would be interest. Who's the industry counterparts? I've presented our current research plan/results a few times in the last year at conferences so I wouldn't want to take up too much time over a new topic.

From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 11:28 AM To: Audrain, Margaret <>; Hiser, Matthew <>


ACTION: Potential Topics for Materials Exchange Meeting May 22-26 Importance: High Meg and Matt, Rob has proposed additional topics for the upcoming materials exchange meeting with industry in late May.

This is a great opportunity to align with industry on harvesting as well as PWSCC CGR. Can you support these topics as RES leads?

Please reply ASAP.

Thanks, Steve

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 11:00 AM To: Frankl, Istvan <>


FW: Potential Topics for Materials Exchange Meeting May 22-26 Steve:

Other potential CMB topics - Steve, I think it would be also good to consider presentations on the following CMB topics:

1. Harvesting - Current plans and activities
2. IAD - confirmatory testing plans
3. PWSCC Crack Growth - Current research plans and results These don't have to be long presentations. I think the harvesting and IAD ones could be 10 minutes each. The PWSCC one could be 10 - 15 minutes .....

Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Monday, April 02, 2018 6:52 PM To: Iyengar, Raj <Ra>; Hiser, Allen <>; Alley, David

<>; Rud land, David <>; Tregoning, Robert

<>; Ruffin, Steve <>

Cc: Focht, Eric <>; Audrain, M argaret <>; Hull, Amy

<>; Moyer, Carol <>


RE: Potential Topics for Materials Exchange Meeting May 22-26 Allen et al.

I would like to propose three more topics from RES/DE:

1) Review of Additive Manufacturing for Reactor Materials and Components - NRC Efforts with RES support - NRO lead: J. Burke, RES lead: A. Hull (Considering the eventual merger of NRR and NRO) (15 mins)
2) Status Update on the PWSCC Initiation Program - Lead: E. Focht (15 mins.)
3) Status of Subsequent License Renewal (SLR) Confirmatory Research - Lead: C.

Moyer (10-15 mins.)

Thanks, Steve F.

From: Iyengar, Raj Sent: Friday, M arch 30, 2018 11:31 AM To: Hiser, Allen <Allen>; Alley, David <>; Rudland, David

<>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Frankl, Istvan

<>; Ruffin, St eve <>


RE: Potential Topics for Materials Exchange M eeting May 22-26 Allen et al.

I made some edits in the attached document.

Time-permitting and if you all agree, I would like to propose two short overview topics:

1) Materials/Comp Int for Advanced non-light waters - NRC Efforts - Lead; Matt M. with RES support (Considering the eventual merger of NRR and NRO) (15 mins)
2) Overview of RES Support in Materials and Comp. INt for Operating Reactors (15 mins)

Raj From: Hiser, Allen Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2018 1:17 PM To: Alley, David <>; Rudland, David <>; Iyengar, Raj

<>; Tregoning, Robert <Robert.Tregon>; Frankl, Istvan

<>; Ruffin, Steve <>


Potential Topics for Materials Exchange Meeting May 22-26 Importance: High We need to identify topics for the May 22-24 materials exchange meeting with industry - all day May 22 and 23, until noon on the 24th.

We may have additional meetings with the industry on Monday the 21 st (PFM and the RES TLR on exclusion of embrittlement effects with b.T < 25°F) and the afternoon of Thursday the 24th (RES fluence program status).

I have attached the 2017 NRC topic list (with initial deletions) and the 2017 final agenda (with initial deletions) from the meeting last year. The latter provides the list of industry program status reports. Please share with your staff as you consider appropriate Please identify any additions or deletions by noon on Tuesday (April 3), along with appropriate staff contacts/presenters. .

I would like to get the agenda pinned down with industry by the end of next week.




11601 LANDSDOWN STREET, NORTH BETHESDA, MD 20852 Tuesday, May 2322, 204-72018 Time Presentation Topic Presenter Oraanization 0830 Introduction and Welcome NRC - Wilson/Lubinski 0845 -"~ " I Df"' -*- * -** *--

. - - ~ -~

  • -...,~*~

- l=liseF NRG 0900 02 - NEI 03-08 Overview Dyle - EPRI 0945 03 - BWRVIP update Odell - BWRVIP 1020 Break 1040 04 - MRP Update Hoehn - MRP 1130 05 - PWROG MSC update Mal ikowski - PWROG 1200 Lunch 1315 06 - Weldinq Proqram update McCracken - WRTC 1345 07 - Primary Systems Corrosion Research Demma - EPRI update 1415 08 - Thermal Fatique update Crooker - MRP 1440 Break 1500 09 - Peening confirmatory research status Alley - NRC 10 - RES status on Weld Residual Stress Benson - NRC 1540 NUREG 11 - NRC Modeling Approach for Welds after Alley - NRC 1600 Mechanical Stress Improvement Process 1630 12 - xLPR status and NRR plans Kalikian - NRC 1700 Public comment NRC 1715 Adiourn NRC



11601 LANDSDOWN STREET, NORTH BETHESDA, MD 20852 Wednesday, May ~23, 2-0-1-12018 Time Presentation Topic Presenter Organization 0830 1J B+P a J stat1:is ~ ReA§tb'/0AS ~JRG HardiA ePRI 0900 14 CarboA MacrosegregatioA R1:idlaAd ~JRG 1015 15 - Aooendix H status Rudland - NRC 1045 Break 1100 16 - sec Growth in Low Alloy Steels Carter - EPRI 1130 17 - Update on BWR water chemistry Pathania - EPRI 1200 Lunch 1300 18 - Weldinq issues and Code aoolications McCracken - WRTC 1330 19 - Advance Welding - Irradiated Material McCracken - WRTC 1400 20 - PWR vessel internals Poehler - NRC Amberae/Malikowski - Industry 151 5 Break 1530 21 - Baffle Former Bolt issues Poehler - NRC Amberge/Malikowski - Industry 171 5 Public comment NRC 1730 Adiourn NRC



11601 LANDSDOWN STREET, NORTH BETHESDA, MD 20852 Thursday, May 2524, 20-1--72018 Time Presentation Topic Presenter Organization 0830 22 - Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics (PFM) Cumblidge/ Raynaud - NRC 23 - NRR independent flaw evaluations to Collins - NRC 0930 support relief requests 1000 24 - Codes and standards update Hoffman - NRC 1015 Break 4-WQ ~a G, gb~ stat1:.1s l=lissi:: t>JRG 1045 Discussion, Capture Action Items NRC and Industry 1115 Public Comment NRC 1130 Adjourn NRC

Topics for lndustry/NRC M at erials Technical Information Exchange Meeting May 22-24@ NRC headquarters in Rockville, MD (ver. 3/29/2018)

1. Carbon macro segregation lalovanec
a. Industry: Plans and schedule
b. NRG activities

~.LBaffle-former Bolts - Poehler

a. Industry: Recent OE
b. Industry: Guidance changes
i. NRC Assessment of Industry Guidance
c. Industry: Status/results from hot cell work

~b_PFM - Cumblidge/Raynaud

a. NRC motivation and plans for guidance development
b. NRC status ancl schedule
c. Public involvement
d. Training (Kirk)
4. NRG status on BTP 5 3 Sheng

~.l_Thermal fatigue - Cumblidge

a. Industry: Operating experience
b. Industry: Any plans for program changes 6-:-~NRR independent flaw evaluations to support relief requests - Collins
a. Development of the RES Flaw Evaluation Software for DM Welds and possible expansion
b. Identify the requested flaw evaluation inputs for NRR staff to perform flaw evaluations
i. provide clarity to licensee's regarding what we are reviewing ii. minimize the need for RAI questions just to obtain inputs for flaw analysis

+:-~RES status on Weld Residual Stress NU REG - Collins

a. Provide a basis status of the review
b. Solicit stakeholder input for consideration in the final NUREG scheduled for 09/2017 for NRR review

&§,_Discuss NRC use of xFEM as a tool to simulate PWSCC flaw growth in complex three-di mensional geometries - Collins

a. Provide current basis for the RES choice of working with xFEM
b. Solicit stakeholder input for literature search and future RES research plan.

9'-L_PWR vessel internals - Poehler

a. MRP-227 Rev. 1 review status
b. Review of MRP-227 Action Item Reports
c. Industry: Guide cards - OE and guidance changes
d. Industry: Status of 80 year RVI evaluation
e. Process for gap assessments


8 _._ _ BWR water chemistry status (BWRVIP-62, 75) - Cheruvenki th_9_._ _xLPR - status of deliverables and NRR plans for review - Hovanec/Homiack

12. Changes to NEI 03 08 lndustP; H-:-10. NRR re structuring in FY2018 l-liser

~11. Status of research on peening - Industry (Alley) 5-,12. NRC Modeling Approach for MSIP'ed Welds -Alley/Benson

From: Audrain, Margaret Sent: Fri, 17 Nov 201712:42:52 -0500 To: Purtscher, Patrick;Hiser, Matthew


RE: ANL Harvesting Trip Great, the 13 th works best for me. Sending the email shortly.

Meg From: Purtscher, Patrick Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 12:42 PM To: Audrain, Margaret <>; Hiser, Matthew <>


RE: ANL Harvesting Trip I am fine with the letter. Dec. 13 is OK for the harvesting meeting, I think I will travel on the 12th and talk to just the SG team, planning to leave the 13th open for harvesting.

Pat From: Audrain, Margaret Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:53 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: ANL Harvesting Trip Yes, I didn't know how to spell Yiren's name or who else we should include, hence the "et al"!

Dec 13 or 14 would be my preferred days. I'm good with your changes.


From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 3:05 PM To: Audrain, Margaret <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: ANL Harvesting Trip My suggested edits below are in redline strikeout.

I also threw in a date of December 13 for the visit. Would that work well for your two schedules?

I think it'd be good to use this email to at least reserve the date for the visit/meeting .


Matt From: Audrain, Margaret Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2017 2:06 PM

To: Hiser, Matthew <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


ANL Harvesting Trip First attempt at ANL letter. Edit away!

Dear Bodgan,

Yiren, and??? et all, A few of us at the NRC is looking into(, and me), are setting up a database of materials related to ex-plant materials ror--a harvesting program. A few NRC staff, including Meg Audrain, Matt Hiser, Pat Purtscher, and Rob Tregoning, are involved with this harvesting effort. One of our first steps is to identify materials available from past harvesting programs that may be available in "boneyards" at various labs. We'd like to schedule a visit to ANL to be our "guinea pig" site to get rolling with the effort. Pat Purtscher and Meg Audrain would be the NRC staff attending this visit.

We have four main material areas of interest, aligned w ith NRC's focus areas for SLR: RPV, RVI , cables, & concrete. We-aAG are interested in what materials ANL may have available Ras from past programs w ith the NRC, DOE and others. Our emphasis is in the four areas outlined earlier, but not necessarily limited to those four. Materials of interest also don't necessarily have to be material from plants w ith extensive service history if they may be of research value for other reasons.

We hope to assemble an inventory of available materials related to consider for a harvesting program like, or in potentially in coordination with, that in t he INL NSUF Nuclear Fuels and Materials Library (NFML). Last week, we had a call with staff from INL that are involved with the NSUF NFML and both sides see potential synergies between our interests and the established NSUF specimen library.

Would you all be available and have the resources to meet with us to discuss go over the materials AN L has in inventory? We hope that all of you, with the potential assistance of prior ANL staff such as Omesh Chopra and Bill Shack, will may be able to begin identifying materials of interest before the visit in mid-December we make the trip. This would involve be some limited prep preliminary work on your part and then roughly a half day in person meeting.

We are thinking about planning the trip in mid-Dec, perhaps on Wed., December 13. Would you be available to meet on that date? Would this give you enough time to compile some information on material of potential interest? We would be happy to GaR have a phone call in advance to better describe what we're looking for if that would help.

Thanks, Meg, Matt, and Pat and Rob

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 10 Feb 201714:15:42 +0000 To: Tregoning, Robert;Purtscher, Patrick


Re: AW: AW: Interest in Harvesting Workshop Hi Rob, To be honest, with MAI not coming, EPRI not presenting in session 2, CRIEPI only presenting in Sessions 1 and 4 (and no other Japanese t al ks), we have some room in al l but Session 4. Here's the current table based on latest emails. The red shaded lines are slots we'd expected from Japan, MAI, or EPRI.

I' d suggest offering him a slot in session 1 to cover "the role of GRS" and their interest in harvesting and also session 3 if he can quickly go through what plants ar e decommissioning in Germany.

Session To le Or anllatlon S eaker Status EPRI Sherr Bernhoft DOE Rich ~

Why our organization is interested in harvesting NRC Robert Tregoning Taku Aral Em alls exchanged PANEL DISCUSSION Overvie w of data needs best addressed by harvesting Pradeep Ramuhalll Keith Leonard Perspective on det ailed data needs from harvesting Available materials from decommlsslonln lants and ast A vailable materials from operating reactors and past harvesting A vailable m at erials at DOE labs from past harvesting programs Upcoming decomm ission ing sites International sources of materials Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned/ Prior Experience NRC CRIEPI Taku Aral Decom missioning process and harvesting: schedule, site-specific; Energy Solut ions Gerry van N oordennen Confirm ed w it h intro slides Ut ility-Owner perspective on harvesting and decommissioning Dominion Bill Zipp Conf irmed w ith Intro slides International decommissioning and h arvesting experience Germany? Em alls exchanged Technical Information needed f orlnf ormed harvest ln decisions PNNL f orNRC Pradee Ramuhalll EPRI DOE Rich Reister Perspective on fut ure h arvest ing p lanning NRC Rob ert Tregon ing PANEL DISCUSSION Discussion of Next St eps / Actions Thanks !


From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 7:27 AM To: Hiser, M atthew; Purtscher, Pat rick


FW: AW: AW: Interest in Harvesting Workshop Seems like a better talk for session 1?

Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From : Jendrich, Uwe Dr. [1]

Sent: Friday, February 10, 2017 7:14 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Sievers, Jurgen Dr.<>; Hiser, Matthew <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender] AW: AW: Interest in Harvesting Workshop

Rob, Thank you for the information about the workshop.

I am willing to give a short presentation in session 3: Role of GRS, plants in decommissioning in Germany.

Another contact address of a state-owned company dedicated to dismantling (Greifswald (WWER 440),

German research reactors, presumably involved in KWO(PWR at Obrigheim)) :

EWN Entsorgungswerk fur Nuklearanlagen GmbH Postfach 1125 17507 Lubmin Technical Director: Henry Cordes Telefon 038354 4-5000 Kind regards Uwe Von: Tregoning, Robert []

Gese ndet: Mittwoch, 8. Februar 2017 19:12 An: Jendrich, Uwe Dr.

Cc: Sievers, JUrgen Dr.; Hiser, Matthew; Purtscher, Patrick Betreff: RE: AW: Interest in Harvesting Workshop


Thanks for your reply. I'm glad you'll be attending the workshop. I've attached a presentation file that has logistical information, the overall workshop objectives, and objectives for individual sessions. Would you be willing to make a presentation in 1 or more of these sessions? In general the presentations should be short (e.g., a few slides at most for sessions 1 and 5; and at most 20 - 30 minutes for one of the other sessions) and the plan is to have everything be informal so that the preparation time is not too great and we leave plenty of time for discussion.

Please let me know if you would be amenable to this and if you have any questions about the workshop.

Also, thank you for the contact information at VGB Powertech. We will certainly contact Dr.

Mohrbach. Let me know if you have any luck finding any other contacts. We've currently trying to reach someone at EBnW.

Warm regards, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Jendrich, Uwe Dr. [2]

Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2017 12:02 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Sievers, Jurgen Dr. <>


[External_Sender] AW : Interest in Harvesting Workshop

Dear Rob,

Please apologize my late reply due to two weeks ofl * * + ( ~)(El)

As answers to your questions:

1. I am planning to participate in the workshop. I just need the traveling permits etc.
2. I try to contact a couple of people to find out persons responsible for decommissioning. These will certainly be different for the plants from different operators. You may also try Mr.

Mohrbach at the headqarter of the Association of all power plant operators (VGB Powertech, Dr. Ludger Mohrbach, Tel: +49 2018128 221, E-Mail: )

Kind regards Uwe

Dr. Uwe Jendrich Gesellschaft fur Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH Abteilung Anlagenkonzepte / Plant Concepts Department Bereich Reaktorsicherheitsanalysen / Reactor Safety Analyses Division Schwertnergasse 1 50667 Koln Germany Phone: +49 221 2068-879 Fax: +49 221 2068-10879 E-Mail: de Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Parl. Staatssekretarin Rita Schwarzeli.ihr-Sutter Geschaftsfuhrer: Uwe Stoll, Hans J. Steinhauer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Kain, HRB 7665 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Koln Disclaimer:'email-disclaimer Von: Tregoning, Robert []

Gesendet: Montag, 30. Januar 2017 13:31 An: Jendrich, Uwe Dr.

Cc: Sievers, JUrgen Dr.

Betreff: RE: Interest in Harvesting Workshop Dr. Jendrich:

I just want to follow up on the information that I sent you on the Harvesting Workshop that will be held on March 7 - 8, 2017 at the U.S. NRG Headquarters in Rockville, MD USA. I have two questions that I'm hoping you can help me with.

1. Will you or a colleague from GRS attend and hopefully participate in the workshop?

2 . We would like to invite a participant from a German decommissioning company. We currently have participants representing U.S. decommissioning companies but the German situation is both unique and different compared to the U.S. Is there someone in one of these companies that you can put me in touch with? I'm aware of a few companies but I would prefer not to just randomly contact them.

Thank you so much for your consideration and support of the workshop.

All the best, Rob

Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2017 4:56 PM To: Jendrich, Uwe Dr. <>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <Matt hew.Hiser>; Purtscher, Patrick <Patrick.Purt scher@>


Interest in Harvesting Workshop

Dear Dr. Jendrich:

Thank you so much for your email and your interest in getting more information about the harvesting workshop. I've attached a workshop announcement as well as a condensed workshop agenda for your information. You can see that we are planning five unique sessions as part of the workshop. Each session has a specific theme, or objective, as outlined below (and in the attached agenda).

1. Session 1 will consist of short presentations and a panel discussion on the motivation for harvesting.
2. Session 2 will discuss data needs best met through harvesting.
3. Session 3 will discuss sources of materials for harvesting programs
4. Session 4 will discuss lessons-learned from past harvesting programs and practical aspects associated with harvesting.
5. Session 5 will attempt to summarize the workshop and planning a harvesting program , as well as discuss actions and next steps Please let me know if you have any questions or would like any additional information after reviewing the attachments. Thank you again for your interest.
Regards, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Jendrich, Uwe Dr.

Sent: Monday, January 16, 2017 3:38 AM

To: Tregoning, Robert <>


[External_Sender) Interest in Harvesting Workshop

Dear Mr. Tregoning,

I am interested in the topic of the Harvesting Workshop.

Can you please provide me with more detailed information .

Thank you.

With kind regards Uwe Jendrich Dr. Uwe Jendrich Gesellschaft fur Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH Abteilung Anlagenkonzepte / Plant Concepts Department Bereich Reaktorsicherheitsanalysen / Reactor Safety Analyses Division Schwertnergasse 1 50667 Koln Germany Phone: +49 221 2068-879 Fax: +49 221 2068-10879 E-Mail: /GRS de .DE Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates : Parl. Staatssekretarin Rita Schwarzeluhr-Sutter Geschaftsfi.ihrer: Uwe Stoll , Hans J . Steinhauer Registergericht: Amtsgericht Koln, HRB 7665 Sitz der Gesellschaft: Koln Disclaimer: www.grs .de/content/email-discla imer

Note to requester: The box with the X inside it is the Word attachment, which is immediately following.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 16:26:19 +0000 To: Tregoning, Robert;lyengar, Raj


RE: Bi-weekly coordiantion call Attachments: Harvesting Workshop Announcement 10-17-16 .docx Hi Raj, Here is the latest info on the workshop. I wouldn't share the actual document just yet, but feel free to use it for verbal discussion.


Matt From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 12:24 PM To: Iyengar, Raj <>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <>


RE: Bi-weekly coordiantion call Raj:

Please cover the latest SLR guidance document status and plans: we're basically in the internal review and concurrence portion of the process.

Also, please provide information on the latest plans for the material harvesting workshop during the RIC. Matt can provide you with the latest information on this.

I guess I would cover PLIM as well to see what keynote speakers from NRC are going to be requested.

You also might want to mention that you'll be briefing Mike W. on SLR activities I also presume you'll recap your AREVA trip and highlight any more of these (are there any?)

I'm sure you'll have many other things to cover © Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Iyengar, Raj Sent: Tuesday, Oct ober 18, 2016 12:18 PM To: Tregoning, Robert <Robert.Tregon>


RE: Bi-weekly coordiantion call

Rob, Thanks. Do you want me to mention anything during the call?

Raj From: Tregon ing, Robert Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 12:14 PM To: Bernhoft, Sherry <>; Rich Reister (Richard

<>; Iyengar, Raj <Raj>

Cc: Hull, Amy <>


RE: Bi-weekly coordiantion call Sherry/Rich:

I've got a conflict with another meeting this afternoon and, unfortunately, will not be on this week's call.

Regards, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324

fax : 301 -415-6671

Original Appointm ent-----

From: Bernhoft, Sherry [3]

Sent: Thu rsday, September 29, 2016 3:52 PM To: Bern hoft, Sherry; Rich Reister (; Tregoning, Robert ;

Iyengar, Raj Cc: Hull, Amy


[Externa l_Sender] Bi-weekly coordiantion ca ll When: Tuesday, October 18, 20 16 2:00 PM-3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) East ern Time (US & Canada).

Where: 1-855-797-948 5 PIN I IJP}(?_L Please note new conference call #

Thanks Sherry

      • This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or exempt from disclosure under app licable law.

Unless otherwise expressed in this message by the sender or except as may be allowed by separate written agreement between EPRI and recipient or recipient's employer, any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others of this message is prohibited and this message is not intended to be an electronic signature, instrument or anything that may form a legally binding agreement with EPRI. If you are not the intended recipient, p lease contact the sender by reply email and permanently delete all copies of this message. Please be advised that the message and its contents may be disclosed, accessed and reviewed by the sender's email system administrator and/or provider. ***

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Location: NRC HQ in Rockville, MD Potential Dates:

  • March 16-17, 2017 - Thursday/Friday of RIC week
  • March 20-21, 2017 - Monday/Tuesday after RIC Motivation:
  • There are increasing opportunities to harvest the safety-critical components from decommissioning plants, both domestic and international.
  • The harvested materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions (temperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.), unlike virgin materials tested under simulated conditions in the lab.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRC staff and interested stakeholders to have greater awareness and knowledge of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.
  • Facilitate contacts and communication to enable specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs to be initiated.

Workshop Topics:

  • Harvesting decision-making and prioritization o Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting o Technical information needed in advance of harvesting
  • Sources of materials:

o Decommissioning reactors o Operating reactors - replaced components o Previous harvesting programs - "boneyards" o Tracking availlable materials

  • Harvesting process o Lessons learned from harvesting experience o Perspective of utility-owner and decommissioning contractor on harvesting o Communication and coordination between decommissioning and researchers
  • International collaborative programs on specific components at specific plants

From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 14:23:40 +0000 To: Hiser, Matthew Cc: Audrain, Margaret;Purtscher, Patrick


RE: DE Briefing on Harvesting Note to requester: Attachment Attachments: Harvesting One Pager 12-1-17 (IF).docx is immediately following.

Importance: High

Matt, I have attached my revisions and comments.

Are you planning to draft slides as well? Please see my comment on this in the attachment.

Also, Chris declined the briefing scheduled for Monday. Usually, briefings like this cannot be completed in less than an hour. I would have liked the briefing to take place before the ANL trip but please try to reschedule to address Chris' request.

Thanks, Steve From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, December 01, 2017 3:33 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Purtscher, Pat rick <>; Audrain, Margaret <>


DE Briefing on Harvesting Hi Steve, I have attached a draft one-pager that could be used to brief Brian and Chris on t he harvesting efforts in the context of their quest ions regarding the ANL travel. Do you m ind if I go ahead and schedu le something with t hem for next week?

M eg, Pat, and Rob, please feel free to edit/ comment on this d raft one-pager as necessary.



Ex-Plant Materia ls Harvesting UpdatcOne Pager Motivation and Objective:

  • Ex-plant materials are valuable for confirmatory testing because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operat ing conditions (t emperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.)

o Generally, research involves accelerated, simulat ed aging conditions in a lab which may not be as representative of actual in-service aging o Highly representative materials (actual plant components) and aging condit ions reduces the uncertainty associated with t he applicability of research findings.

  • With plants shutting down both in the U.S. and Europe, t here are increasing opportu nities to harvest components from decommissioning plants.
  • Insights from ex-plant harvest ing would support regulat ory decisions for subsequent license renewal (SLR), and could have implications for the current license period o ~here is a t ask in the new UNR for SLR from NRR/DLR requesting RES to investigat e opportunities for harvesting where appropriate, Commented [Fl1): Please summarize full scope of this task including related database.

Past Activities:

  • Workshop in March 2017 o NRC staff host ed a 2-day workshor, w ith interested stakeholders, including domest ic and internationa l utilities and research organizations, to discuss benefits and chal lenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.

o Sessions covered motivation for harvesting, data needs, sources of materials, lessons learned, the practical aspect s of harvesting, and harvesting decision-making and planning o The discussion focused on t he Importance of clearly identifying t he need and purpose for performing a harvesting project. All participants agreed harvesting is a complex and expensive proposition, but one that can be worthwhile if the need is clearly defined and addressed.

  • PNNL Report on Harvesting Criteria o PNNL has produced a draft final report for NRC on criteria for harvesting decision-making and planning o Provides overview of past harvesting efforts and lessons learned as well as suggestions for approach to prioritize data needs for harvesting
  • PLiM o NRC staff provided a presentation, poster, and paper for the recent PLiM conference in October 2017.

Path Forward:

  • Focused on two parallel efforts:

o Developing alignment within NRC on prioritizat ion of harvesting dat a needs Use cri teria identified in PNNL report !Q_establish effective prioritization scheme for relevant areas: RPV, RPV internals and other metals, electrical components, concrete Commented [Fl2]: Please mention above that this is o [Developing a database identifying sources of materials for harvestin~ supported by the SLR UNR.

  • ~tart w it h lab-based "boneyards" of prior harvested materials Commented [FI3J: This needs to be expanded in this
  • Visits to ANL, PNNL, and pRN~ (leveraged with already planned travel) support one-pager or on separate slides to address DE management comments/questions on the ANL and this activity follow-on trips (please see my prior email on this).

Coordi nate with DOE NSUF Nuclear Fuel and M aterials Library (NFML) run by INL as Commented [Fl4]: There is no approved travel to appropriate and beneficial ORNL in 2018.

Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 16:21:28 +0000 To: Frankl, Istvan Cc: Audrain, Margaret;Purtscher, Patrick


RE: DE Briefing on Harvesting Attachments: Harvesting One Pager 12-6-17 (IF) mah.docx Hi Steve, If it's OK with you, I'd prefer to keep it to a one-pager (or 1+ pager) and not go to the effort making slides. My updated one-pager addressing your comments/ accepting your edits is attached.

I scheduled this for 30 minutes at Rob' s suggestion. He didn't think they would need longer than that, although perhaps this is new material for Chris. Brian accepted the meeting request for Monday, but I will try to reschedule, perhaps for Friday the 15th if you will be in the office. That shows free on everyone's calendar. I'll work with the AAs. (Meg and Pat, can you do next Friday?)


Matt From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 9:24 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>

Cc: Audrain, Margaret <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: DE Briefing on Harvesting Importance: High

Matt, I have attached my revisions and comments.

Are you planning to draft slides as well? Please see my comment on this in the attachment.

Also, Chris declined the briefing scheduled for Monday. Usually, briefings like this cannot be completed in less than an hour. I would have liked the briefing to take place before the ANL trip but please try to reschedule to address Chris' request.

Thanks, Steve From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, December 01, 2017 3:33 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>; Audrain, Margaret <>


DE Briefing on Harvesting

Hi Steve, I have attached a draft one-pager that could be used to brief Brian and Chris on the harvesting efforts in the context of their questions regarding the ANL travel. Do you mind if I go ahead and schedule something with them for next week?

Meg, Pat, and Rob, please feel free to edit/ comment on this draft one-pager as necessary.



Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Update Motivation and Objective:

  • Ex-plant materials are valuable for confirmatory testing because t hey have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions (t emperature, irradiation, coolant, etc.)

o Generally, research involves accelerated, simulat ed aging conditions in a lab which may not be as representative of actual in-service aging o Highly representative materials (actual plant components) and aging condit ions reduces the unce rtainty associated with t he applicability of research findings.

  • Wit h plants shutting down both in the U.S. and Europe, t here are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants.
  • Insights from ex-plant harvest ing would support regulatory decisions for subsequent license renewal (SLR), and could have implicat ions for the current license period 2-§here is a t ask in the new UNR for SLR from NRR/DLR requesting RES to investigat e opportunities for harvesting where appropriate, Commented [Fl1): Please summarize full scope of e
  • Requests RES to develop a database to prioritize needs best addressed by harvesting this task including related database.

and develop a process to eva luate the suitability of materials availabl e for harvesting Past Activities:

  • W orkshop in March 2017 o NRC staff hosted a 2-day workshop w ith interested stakeholders, including domestic and internationa l utilities and research organizations, to discuss benefits and chal lenges associated w ith ex-plant harvesting.

o Sessions covered motivation for harvesting, data needs, sources of materials, lessons learned, the practical aspect s of harvesting, and harvesting decision-making and planning o The discussion focused on t he importance of clearly identifying the need and purpose for performing a harvesting project. All participants agreed harvesting is a complex and expensive proposition, but one that can be worthwhile if the need is clearly defined and addressed .

  • PNNL Report on Harvesting Criteria o PNNL has produced a draft final report for NRC on criteria for harvesting decision-making and planning o Provides overview of past harvesting efforts and lessons learned as w ell as suggest ions for approach to prioritize data needs for harvesting
  • PliM o NRC staff provided a present ation, post er, and paper for the recent PliM conference In October 2017.

Commented [Fl2]: Please mention above that this Is Path Forward: ~ ported by the SLR UNR. _

  • Focused on two parallel efforts: Commented [Fl3J: This needs to be expanded in this o Developing alignment wit hin NRC on prioritization of harvest ing dat a needs one-pager or on separate slides to add ress DE management comments/questions on the ANL and Use criteria identified in PNNL report to establish effective prioritization scheme for follow-on trips (please see my prior email on this).

relevant areas: RPV, RPV internals and other metals, electrical components, concrete Commented [HIM4R4]: I added a little more detail o [Developing a database identifying sources of mat erials for harvestin~ as requested in UNR here. Chris' question was how this fits into the broader

=....j;tart with lab-based "boneyards" of prior harvested material~ strategy. I think the full one-pager helps explain that.

We'll probably also bring our example "data needs

    • " Low-hanging fruit" opportunities before tackling more cha llenging prospect of priormzation* table for them to look at as well to help decommissioning plants things make more sense.
  • Visits t o ANL, PNNL, and p RN~ (leveraged w ith already planned travel) support Commented [FIS]: There is no approved travel to t his act ivity ORNL in 2018.

Coordi nate w ith DOE NSUF Nuclear Fuel and M at erials Library (NFM L) run by INL as Commented [HIM6R6]: Meg and I are approved to appropriate and beneficial to leverage limited NRC resources attend the ICG-EAC in Knoxville in April 2018.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thu, 10 Nov 2016 21:14:52 +0000 To: Ramuhalli, Pradeep;Purtscher, Patrick


RE: Draft report Note to requester: Attachment Attachments: Workshop Agenda 11-4-16.docx is immediately following.

Hi Pradeep, Thank you for the update today. We will take a look at the report and provide you feedback and understand you will be fleshing out a couple sections a bit more.

I have attached the current draft agenda for the harvesting workshop for your information and any comments or suggestions.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-24541 Office: TWFN 10D62 From: Ramuhalli, Pradeep [4]

Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2016 3:17 PM To: Hiser, M atthew <M atthew.>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


[External_Sender] Draft report M att, Pat, The attached document is a draft and should be treated as such. As discussed, the document is missing some references, and is awaiting some input for the sections on information tools for harvesting. Also note that the section on examples is being rewritten to homogenize the language.

Any feedback on the updates is appreciated.

On the other items:

  • We would prefer to combine the report and the workshop summary and issue a single report.

This should help with managing costs associated with producing the report, and will ensure that the report incl udes t he latest information from the workshop.

  • I will work with our financial specialists to see where we stand on spending to date and anticipated costs through January. I will touch base with Pat on Monday about this.
  • As discussed, it would lbe helpful to have two people from PNNL (me, plus our materials SME) attend the workshop. This (and the associat ed planning and post-workshop summary generation) will require a modification to the scope and costs on the contract.

Please let me know when you receive this.

With best regards, Pradeep Pradeep Ramuhal li, PhD Senior Research Scientist, Applied Physics Group Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 902 Battelle Blvd .

P.O.Box 999, MSIN K5-26 Richland, WA 99352 Tel: 509-375-2763 Email : http ://www.pnnl .gov

Draft Agenda - March 7-8, 2017 Harvesting Workshop Tuesday, March 7, 2017 Introduction

  • NRC overview of workshop purpose and objectives 8:00 - 8:10 Session 1: Lessons learned from harvesting experience
  • EPRI Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned 8:10 - 8:45 o Zorita, Baffle Bolts, Barsebeck, etc.
  • DOE Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned 8:45 -9:20 o Zion , etc.
  • NRC Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned 9:20 -9:50 o Shoreham, St. Lucie, Zorita, Zion, etc.

BREAK 9:50 - 10:05

  • Japan - JNES / JNRA 10:05 - 10:40 o International Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned DISCUSSION 10:40 - 11 :30 LUNCH 11 :30 - 12:30 Session 2: Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting
  • PNNL/NRC 12:30 -12:55 o Overview of data needs best addressed by harvesting
  • Belgium - Tractebel 12:55 - 1:20 o Perspective on harvesting data needs, particularly RPV
  • Korea - KAERI? 1:20 -1 :45 o Perspective on harvesting data needs, Kori plant
  • Switzerland - ENSI or PSI? 1:45 - 2:10 o Perspective on harvesting data needs, Muhleberg DISCUSSION 2:10 - 2:45 BREAK 2:45 - 3:00 Session 3: Sources of Materials
  • NRC 3:00 - 3:15 o Available materials from decommissioning plants and past harvesting programs
  • EPRI/NEI 3:15 - 3:45 o Available materials from operating reactors and past harvesting programs
  • DOE (ORNL?) 3:45 - 4: 15 o Available materials at DOE labs from past harvesting programs
  • International harvesting opportunities

DISCUSSION 4:45 - 5:30 Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Session 4: Practical aspects of Harvesting

  • US decommissioning company 8:00 - 8:40 o Decommissioning process vs. harvesting: schedule, site-specific, timing for different components
  • International decommissioning company- Germany? 8:40 -9:20 o Decommissioning and harvesting plans and experience
  • US utility 9:20 -10:00 o Decommissioning process and plans o Owner perspective on harvesting and decommissioning BREAK 10:00 - 10:15
  • Researcher perspective - EPRI or DOE or international 10:15 - 10:45 o Practical challlenges to plan for and carry out harvesting DISCUSSION 10:45 - 11 :45 LUNCH 11:45 - 12:45 Session 5: Harvesting Decision-making
  • PNNL/NRC 12:45 - 1:15 o Technical information needed for informed harvesting decisions
  • EPRI/NEI 1:15 - 1:45 o Balancing costs and benefits to ensure value from harvesting
  • DOE 1:45 - 2:15 o Applying past experience to future harvesting decisions
  • International - ? 2:15 - 2:45 o Harvesting decision-making
  • DISCUSSION 2:45 - 4:00 o Potential harvesting partnerships RPV, internals, piping, concrete, cables US, international opportunities

Discussion Topics

  • Harvesting decision-making and prioritization o Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting o Technical information needed in advance of harvesting
  • Sources of materials:

o Decommissioning reactors o Operating reactors - replaced components o Previous harvesting programs - "boneyards" o Tracking available materials

  • Harvesting process o Lessons learned from harvesting experience o Perspective of utility-owner and decommissioning contractor on harvesting o Communication and coordination between decommissioning and researchers
  • International collaborative programs on specific components at specific plants

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Wed, 21 Feb 2018 12:49 :52 +0000 To: Hull, Amy


RE: draft SLR one-pager Feb2018.docx Note to requester: Attachment is Attachments: SLR one-pager Feb2018_cem.docx immediately following .

Amy, You packed a lot of information into two pages - that's great. I made some editorial suggestions in the attached.

Carol From: Hull, Amy Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2018 5:20 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <lstvan>

Cc: Moyer, Carol <Caro l.>


draft SLR one-pager Feb2018.docx Draft document, The quad chart I made in the upper left hand corner of document needs some finessing . Please take a look.

February 2018 Research to Support the Review of Subsequent License Renewal Applications Issue: As nuclear power plants (NPPs) age, components degrade due to exposure to temperature, neutron irradiation, stress, and/or corrosive media. Research is being conducted to understand the causes and control of degradation mechanisms and provide reasonable assurance of safe operation as NPPs age, particularly beyond the first extended operating period and into subsequent license renewal (SLR).

Fig 1: From top lert, clockwise: representation of the four most significant technical issues: RPV embriUlemenl, IAD of baffle bolt in PWR: concrete degradation. and cable aging.

Key Messages:

  • The NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) staff continues to work with the industry, Department of Energy (DOE), and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to leverage research to ensure that aging effects will be adequately managed during the 60 to 80 year operating period.
  • RES staff is collaborating with EPRl's Long-Term Operations (LTO) program and DOE's Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) staff on SLR-related research topics. The four most significant technical issues as identified in the SRM on SECY 14-006 (ADAMS ML14241A578) are reactor pressure vessel (RPV) neutron embrittlement, irradiation-assisted degradation (IAD) in reactor internals, concrete degradation, and electrical cable qualification and condition assessment.
  • The SLR guidance documents were completed in 2017-2018 and consist of 2693 pages in 4 reports (NUREG-2191, 2192, 2221, and 2222); significant progress has been made in addressing the key technical issues therein.
  • SLR applicants may need to augment their aging management plans to address these issues in their applications, unless and until a generic safety basis can be established through this ongoing research.
  • The first SLR application was received in late January 2018, from Florida Power & Light for Turkey Point. Near-term research will inform staff reviews of the initial SLR applications.
  • Long-term confirmatory research will augment the technical basis for updating regulatory guidance in the future, as necessary, and inform staff reviews of future SLR applications.


  • Working together, INRR and RES conducted three audits to investigate the effectiveness of Commented [CM1): Is this intended to be only an aging management programs (AMPs) used in the plant operating period from 40 to 60 years.

The findings from the audits is-are documented in ~ "Review of Aging Management Programs: Compendium of Insights from License Renewal Applications and from AMP Effectiveness Audits Conducted to Inform Subsequent License Renewal Guidance NRC-lntemal document? If so, RES and NRR may be OK without definitions.

Commented [CM2]: TLR Is undefined. I suggest either "'in the report" or simply "'in."

Documents," (ADAMS Accession No. ML16167A076).

February 2018 technical issues for nuclear power reactor operation beyond 60 years.

  • The AMP audits and EMDA volumes provided NRC with over 800 suggestions for changes lo the license renewal guidance and aging management program activities found acceptable for operation from 60 to 80 years.
  • To support their SLR applications, applicants need to demonstrate that the effects of aging will be adequately managed for an operating period from 60 to 80 years. RES was requested (UNR-2017-006) to assist NRR in holding meetings on these issues, participating and interacting with the DOE and other industry organizations, cataloguing the materials needed for research, and documenting the status and products of research for SLR.

Current Status:

RES has ongoing activities in the following categories, as described in UNR-3017-006 (ML17227A483):

Task 1: Hold NRG/industry workshops on the status of research activities to address and evaluate aging degradation issues identified in the SRM on SECY 14-0016 and in NUREG-2191 .

Task 2 : Develop and implement a long-term strategy for obtaining information on materials degradation from decommissioned NPPs, as well as from ex-plant components harvested from operating plants.

Task 3: Continue to develop domestic and international partnerships to share expertise, capabilities, and resources related to aging management research.

Task 4 : Periodically evaluate significant technical issues germane to review of SLR applications.

Task 5: Provide expert assistance, as requested , with reviewing SLR applications Next Steps/Path-Forward:

  • RES will continue to provide NRR with information from the research programs and make recomme ndations regarding potential impacts to regulatory or inspection criteria.
  • RES interfaces with other international efforts, such as the International Forum for Reactor Aging Management (IFRAM), and participates in techn ical meetings focused on some elements of proactive management of materials degradation. These efforts leverage l ~highly:-skilled resources outside the NRC to support RES goals in SLR research .
  • RES/DE and NRR/DMLR are identifying research vehicles to address any technical gaps. The SRM-SECY-2014-0016 emphasized "the need to strive for satisfactory resolution of these issues prior to the NRG beginning a review of any SLR application."
  • RES staff continues to interact with the DOE-LWRS Program, EPRl's LTO initiatives, and IFRAM to monitor relevant developments and, where appropriate, !Q_engage in Joint research activities. The NRC staff is performing the necessary confirmatory research to support timely and efficient reviews of future SLR applications.

Contact Information:

Amy Hull and Carol Moyer Senior Materials Engineers Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Division of Engineering Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Fig 2: Florida Power & Light Co. (FPL) officially submitted the first subsequent license renewal application on January 30,.2018 for Turkey Point Nuclear Gonorating Units 3 and 4 In accordance with goneral information required by 10 CFR 54.1 7 and 10 CFR 54.19 and technical information required by 10 CFR 54.21, 10 CFR 54.22, and 10 CFR 54.23.


Note to requester: The attachments are immediately following.

From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 06:00:18 -0600 To: Bernhoft, Sherry Cc: Dyle, Robin;Hiser, Matthew


RE: Final agenda for Harvesting workshop Attachments: Harvesting Workshop Announcement.docx, Workshop Agenda 12-12-16.docx Sherry:

The announcement and agenda that I sent you previously are the latest ones. I've attached both again FYI. The announcement won't change further. The final agenda is still evolving.

We won't have a final agenda until we identify all the speakers and titles of talks. I'm shooting for the end of January to pin down most of these details.

Cheers, Rob Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Two White Flint North, M/S T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Bernhoft, Sherry [5]

Sent: Sunday, January 08, 2017 9:55 AM To: Tregoning, Robert <>

Cc: Dyle, Robin <>


[External_Sender] Final agenda for Harvesting workshop Rob Hope you are off to a good start for the New Year Do you have the final announcement and agenda for the Harvesting Workshop?

Sherry Bernhoft Electric Power Research Institute EPRI, Senior Program Manager 1300 West WT Harris Boulevard I Charlotte, NC 28262 704.595.2740 (office)

(b)(6) J..... ...... l(cell)

Email: Together...Shaping the Future of Electricity

      • This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain information that is confidential, privileged or exempt from disclosure under applicable law.

Unless otherwise expressed in this message by the sender or except as may be allowed by separate written agreement between EPRI and recipient or recipient's employer, any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others of this message is prohibited and this message is not intended to be an electronic signature, instrument or anything that may form a legally binding agreement with EPRI. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and permanently delete all copies of this message. Please be advised that the message and its contents may be disclosed, accessed and reviewed by the sender's email system administrator and/or provider. ***

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Location: NRC Headquarters in Rockville, MD, USA Dates: March 7-8, 2017 Motivation:

  • There are increasing opportunities to harvest the safety-critical components from decommissioning plants, both domestic and international.
  • The harvested materials are valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions (temperature, irradiation ,

coolant, etc.), unlike virgin materials tested under simulated conditions in the lab.

  • Data from ex-plant materials should help address technical gaps identified for extended operation of nuclear power plants due to highly relevant aging conditions.

Purpose and Objective:

  • For NRC staff and interested stakeholders to have greater awareness and knowledge of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting.
  • Facilitate contacts and communication to enable Q O O O O 0 specific cooperative ex-plant harvesting programs to be initiated.

Workshop Topics: .. , . 'i.. "

  • Harvesting decision-making and prioritization o Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting o Technical information needed in advance of harvesting
  • Sources of materials:

o Decommissioning reactors o Operating reactors - replaced components o Previous harvesting programs - "boneyards" o Tracking availlable materials

  • Harvesting process o Lessons learned from harvesting experience o Perspective of utility-owner and decommissioning contractor on harvesting o Communication and coordination between decommissioning and researchers
  • International collaborative programs on specific components at specific plants Workshop will consist of solicited presentations followed by discussion periods. If interested in attending or learning more about the workshop, please reach out to the contacts below.

Contacts: Robert Tregoning, Matthew Hiser, Patrick Purtscher,

Draft Agenda - March 7-8, 2017 Harvesting Workshop Tuesday, March 7, 2017 Introduction

  • Overview of workshop purpose and objectives 8:00 - 8:15 o NRC Session 1: Motivation for Harvesting 8:15 - 9:45
  • Why our organization is interested in harvesting (short, 5-10 min presentations) o EPRI o DOE o NRC o MAI or JRC o JNRA
  • PANEL DISCUSSION with prepared questions BREAK 9:45 - 10:00 Session 2: Technical data needs best addressed by harvesting 10:00 - 12:00
  • Overview of data needs best addressed by harvesting o NRC/PNNL
  • Perspective on detailed data needs from harvesting o DOE o EPRI o MAI orJRC LUNCH 12:00 - 1:00
  • Perspective on harvesting data needs 1:00 - 2:15 o JNRA
  • DISCUSSION BREAK 2:15 - 2:30 Session 3: Sources of Materials 2:30 - 5:30
  • Available materials from decommissioning plants and past harvesting programs o NRC
  • Available materials from operating reactors and past harvesting programs o EPRI
  • Available materials at DOE labs from past harvesting programs o DOE (ORNL?)
  • International sources of materials o IAEA?

Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Session 4: Harvesting Experience: Lessons learned and practical aspects 8:00 -12:00

  • Perspective on Harvesting Lessons Learned / Prior Experience o EPRI o DOE o NRC
  • Decommissioning process vs . harvesting: schedule, site-specific, timing for different components o US decommissioning company (Energy Solutions)
  • Decommissioning and harvesting plans and experience o International decommissioning company (Germany?)
  • Owner perspective on harvesting and decommissioning o US utility (Dominion/Kewaunee, other?)
  • DISCUSSION LUNCH 12:00 -1 :00 Session 5: Future Harvesting Program Planning 1:00 -4:00
  • Technical information needed for informed harvesting decisions o NRC/PNNL
  • DISCUSSION of Next Steps/ Actions
  • Perspective on future harvesting planning o EPRI o NRC o DOE o MAI or JRC o JNRA
  • PANEL DISCUSSION with prepared questions

Note to request er:

Attachments are immediately following.

From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 08:40:58 -0600 To: Hiser, Matthew Cc: Purtscher, Patrick;Moyer, Carol


RE: For Review: Harvesting Poster for PLiM Attachments: Harvesting NRC Poster for PLiM_cem_ptp (IF).pptx, PLiM2017_HarvestingPoster_Hiser_F390 (IF).pdf, N RC 665 Harvesting Poster (IF).pdf Importance: High

Matt, Thanks for the reminder. Somehow I did not flag this action on my calendar last week.

I completed my review. The poster looks good. (I only finalized minor fixes that were shown with strikeout.)

Please ask the AAs to put the poster in ADAMS with delayed public release (the date should specified in form 665 and should correspond to the date of the conference). This will make it easier to make changes to the document before the conference.

Meg has recent experience with publishing posters, so please reach out to her for advice on how to get this done ASAP.

Thanks, Steve From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 2:30 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew. Hiser>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


For Review: Harvesting Poster for PLiM

Steve, Matt created the attached Harvesting poster for the PLiM conference. The attached version includes some minor edits by Pat and myself.

Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, September 15, 201711:07 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>; Hull, Amy <>

Cc: Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Amy and Carol,

Here's my initial stab at the harvesting poster for PLiM.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.


Matt From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:26 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Thank you both!

The conference website is here: http://www-pub. Poster guidelines are here: s/PDF plus/2017/cn246/cn246PosterGuidelines. pdf No specific due date is listed for posters.

M. Key Dates and Deadlines Submission of Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and extended synopsis (800 words) 28 May 2017 Submission of Grant Application Form (Form C): 28 May 2017 Notification of acceptance of papers/posters: 30 June 2017 Submission of full paper (only upon request by the IAEA): 18 October 2017 Posters may only be "due" at the conference itself? It would not hurt to have it done by 18 Oct.,

the paper deadline, though. It is unclear to me what they would do with a full paper, if one was not requested by IAEA. But I think you can prepare one, if you like. If they will not publish it as part of PLiM, we can find another home for it, or just release it as an NRC document.

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:12 AM To: Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting OK, I can work with Amy to make a poster. Rob and Pat and our PNNL contractor are also listed as co-authors ...

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:08 AM To: Moyer, Ca rol <>; Hiser, Matthew <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

I think this is a good opportunity to publicize harvesting work and develop collaboration. Task 2 in UNR. I will make the poster. When is it dur?

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 10:57 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <>; Hull, Amy <>


RE : FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting I'm pretty ambivalent about it. Amy, do you have a strong desire to make up a poster for the PLiM? Are there other co-authors to be consulted?

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 7:28 AM To: M oyer, Carol <>


RE : FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Carol, Not terribly interested in a poster... The other thing is then you'd have to babysit the poster during poster session(s)?

I'd suggest we say thanks for the offer, but that's alright... what do you think?


Matt From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Thursday, Ju ly 20, 201712:49 PM To: Hiser, M atthew <Matthew.>


FW: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Matt, I am a bit confused by the pronoun used in this email. ..

Are you interested in doing a poster instead?

Carol From: KRIVANEK, Robert [6]

Sent: Thursday, Ju ly 20, 201711:10 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


[External_Sender) FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

You have just agreed that we will add this paper to poster session.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTD Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r.krivanek@iaea .org I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

t iJ__

i~ j

~ 60Years I A EA Atoms for Peace and Del'elopme111 Follow us on From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Thursday, 20 July 2017 16:10 To: '' <>


FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Carol,

We asked you to submit your synopsis through INDICO (see email below) but it did not happened. So we were not able to send your synopsis to programme committee for evaluation and it will not occur on the conference programme.

Sorry for that but there are currently 300 delegates and 150 synopsis, so we were not able to track each of them separately.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior safety Officer I LTD Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atomic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: IT: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

(4 i

~ 60Years I A EA Atoms for Peace and De1*elop111e11t

Follow us on From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 08:55 To: '' <>

Cc: KHAELSS, Martina <M .Khaelss@>


FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Carol,

Thank you for your synopsis. We have opened INDICO system for this week, so please submit it through the system .

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: IT: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

t iJ__

i~ j

~ 60Years I A EA Atoms for Peace and Del'elopme111 Follow us on D.IIJm** HD From: (]

Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 00:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <R.Krivanek@>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The US NRC would like to propose one more presentation for this autumn's PLiM conference, on harvesting of materials from operating and decommissioning power plants . I understand

from Sherry Bernhoft that you already have an impressive number of abstracts, so I will understand if there is not room in the program for this one. Nevertheless, we would appreciate your consideration of this proposal.

Again , please let me know if you need any additional information. Many thanks, Carol Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research RES/DEICMB 301-415-2153 From: KRIVANEK, Robert [mailto:R.Krivan ek@iaea.org1 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:41 AM To: Moyer, Carol <Caro l. Moyer@>


[External_Sender] RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Carol,

I will arrange it. Thank you .

Best rega rds, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atomic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r.krivanek@i I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

t iJ__

i~ j

~ 60Years I A EA Atoms for Peace and Del'elopme111 Follow us on D.IIJm** HD From: (]

Sent: Monday, 22 May 2017 20:44 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <R.Krivanek@>


RE : RE : CN246_ PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

Since the formal deadline for abstract submissions has passed, I am no longer able to access the lndico system through the PLiM website (https://conferences.iaea .org/indico/evenU134/).

My abstract and Form Bare attached .

Are you able to work with these documents? Is there anything else that you need me to do at this time?

Thanks again for your patience and assistance, Carol From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:59 AM To: 'KRIVANEK, Robert' <>

Cc: Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: RE: CN246_ PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

My abstract is attached to this message, for your info. Separately, I will submit it through the lndico system. Please let me know if you need any other information at this stage.

Thank you, Mrs. Carol Moyer From: KRIVANEK, Robert [7]

Sent: Monday, M ay 22, 2017 2:56 AM To: M oyer, Ca rol <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>


[Ext ernal_Sender] RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr Moyer,

It will be fine if you submit your abstracts this week.

We are looking forward to see a strong NRC delegation in Lyon.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

t iJ__

i~ j

~ 60Years I A EA Atoms for Peace and Del'elopme111 Follow us on D.IIJm** HD From: (]

Sent: Friday, 19 May 2017 23:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <R.Krivanek@>

Cc: KANG, Ki-Sig <K.S.Kang@ iaea .org>; Tregoning, Robert <Robert.Tregon>


RE : CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The U.S. NRC intends to submit several abstracts for consideration for the PLiM conference in October. We have a short delay in completing one of our abstracts. I will be submitting it early next week, and I hope that you still will be able to consider it for the conference.

Thank you, Carol Moyer Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research MS: T-10A36 Washington, DC 20555-0001 301-415-2153 From: R.Krivanek@iaea .org fma ilto :R.Kri vanek@iaea .org]

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 8:44 AM To: R.Krivanek@iaea .org


[External_Sender] CN246_ PliM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear all,

Please be informed that we extended the abstract submission deadl ine to 19 May 2017 and updated the conference accordingly.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atomic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r.krivan I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

t iJ__

i~ j

~ 60Years I A EA Atoms for Peace and Del'elopme111 Follow us on This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

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Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Plate A {41-22" wide)

M. Hise r", P. Purtscher", P. Ra muha llih, A. B. Hull*, and R. Tregoning*

  • u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Washington, D.C., USA hPacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA Plate C (7 .811 Background and Motivation Recent developments in the nuclear industry include stronger interest in extended plant operation and plans to shut down a number of nuclear power plants (NPPs). In the U.S., Potential Criteria for Harvest ing Prioritization there is strong interest in extending NPP lifespans through subsequent license renewal (SLR) A number of criteria may be considered when prioritizing the data from 60 to 80 years. needs for harvesting, including:

Applicabil ity of harvested material for addressing critical gaps Extended plant operation and SLR raise a number of technica l issues that may require further research to understand and quantify aging mechanisms. U.S. utilities and the U.S. Harvesting for critical gaps prioritized over less essential Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have focused on the aging of systems, structures, and t echnical gaps.

components and in particular four key SLR issues: reactor pressure vessel (RPV) Ease of laboratory replication of the degradation scenario embrittlement, irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of reactor internals, concrete For example, simultaneous thermal and irradiation structures and containment degradation, and electrical cable qualification and condition conditions are difficult to replicate, and accelerated aging assessment. may not be feasible for a mechanism sensitive to dose rate.

Meanwhile, in recent years, a number of NPPs, both in the U.S. and internationally, have

  • Unique field aspects of degradation shut down or announced plans to shut down for various reasons, including economic, For example, unusual operating experience or legacy materials (fabrication methods, etc.) no longer available.

political, and technical chal lenges. Unlike in the past when there were very few plants

  • Fleet-wide vs. plant-specific applicability of data shutting down, these new developments provide opportunities for harvesting components that were aged in representative light water reactor (LWR) environments. Greater value in addressing an issue applicable to a larger number of plants.

In a third related development, economic challenges and limited budgets have restricted

  • Harvesting cost and complexity the resources available to support new research, including harvesting programs. Given this For example, harvesting un-irradiated concrete or electrical cables less expensive and less complex than constrained budget environment, aligning interests and leveraging with other organizations harvesting from the reactor internals or RPV.

is important to allow maximum benefit and value for future research programs. Availability of reliable in-service inspection (ISi) techniques for the material/ component Current Activities If mature inspection methods exist and are easy to apply, harvesting may be less valuable.

NRC has recently undertaken an effort, with

  • Availability of materials for harvesting the assistance of Pacific Northwest National
  • Timeliness of the expected research results relative to the objective.

Laboratory (PNNL), to develop a strategic approach to harvesting aged materials from The above potential criteria provide a systematic approach to prioritize data needs for harvesting. Different NPPs. Due to limited opportunities, past organizations may weigh and consider each of these criteria differently based on their interests and perspectives, but harvesting efforts have been reactive to each criterion is likely relevant to some degree for any organization. NRC is interested in engaging with other individual plants shutting down and beginning organizations to prioritize data needs for harvesting and identify areas of common interest.

decommissioning. Given the expected availability of materials from numerous plants Harvesting Database and anticipated research needs to better The NRC is pursuing the development of a database for sources of materials for harvesting, which could include understand aging out to 80 years of operation, the NRC is pursuing a more proactive approach both previously harvested materials and those available for future harvesting. This database wou ld allow for to prioritize the data needs best addressed by aligning of high-priority data needs to the available sources of materials. The level of detail for the database harvesting and identify the best sources of should be appropriate for the factors influencing decision-making. NRC is interested in engaging with other materials to address high-priority data needs organizations in developing the database.

for regulatory research.

The first step in this strategic approach is to Path Forward prioritize data needs for harvesting. A data NRC's experience is that harvesting can yield highly representative and valuable data on materials aging, but these need describes a particular degradation scenario and should be defined with as much efforts wil l be challenging. Having a clearly defined objective and early engagement with other stakeholders are detail as appropriate in terms of t he material keys to success. As specific harvesting opportunities are identified through this strategic approach, the NRC (alloy, composition, etc.) and environment welcomes opportunities for cooperation and leveraging of resources with other interested research organizations.

(temperature, fluence, chemistry, etc.).


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Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants

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Matthew Hiser, Patrick Purtscher, P. Ramuhalli, Amy Hull, Robert Tregoning


Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Power Plant Life Management, Lyon , France, October 23-26, 2017

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\ .....?/ Instructions for completing NRC Form 665 - "Cheat Sheet" (ML15.3.13.A3.1QJ Document Owner Originated By Phone No. (Enter 10 dig its) Mail Stop LAN ID Date Matthew Hiser Carol Moyer (301) 415-2454 T-10A36 MAH3 9/28/2017 If documents are to be put Into a package and have the same release properties, list the Document Titles or Accession Numbers below in the order they should appear. Documents with different release properties and sensitivity levels should be listed on additional forms in the order they should appear. Examples (ML16035A181 J Note: Document Owner is solely responsible for setting the Availability , Document Sensitivity and Document Security Access Level.

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Note to requester: Attachment is immediately following.

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Wed, 27 Sep 201711:31:17 -0400 To: Hiser, Matthew Cc: Purtscher, Patrick;Hull, Amy


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Attachments: Harvesting NRC Poster for PLiM_cem.pptx Hi Matt, I think the poster looks really good. It is wordy, but for what it is, I think that is fine. You have two eye-catching figures in it, at least, even if they are not directly referenced by the text.

I made some nitpicky edits to the text. I also cut a few words that I thought were redundant (in Current Activities) or that made a sentence unnecessarily convoluted (in Harvesting Database).

Amy has her hands full with other near-term stuff this week, I think. Pat - Do you have a chance to provide a second opinion on this? I will do the release form (390) to go with it for Steve's approval.

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 11:07 AM To: Moyer, Ca rol <>; Hull, Amy <>

Cc: Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Amy and Carol, Here's my initial stab at the harvesting poster for PLiM.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.


Matt From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:26 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Thank you both!

The conference website is here: Poster guidelines are here: s/PDFplus/2017/cn246/cn246PosterGuidelines.pdf

No specific due date is listed for posters.

M. Key Dates and Deadlines Submission of Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and extended synopsis (800 words) 28 May 2017 Submission of Grant Application Form (Form C): 28 May 2017 Notification of acceptance of papers/posters: 30 June 2017 Submission of full paper (only upon request by the IAEA): 18 October 2017 Posters may only be "due" at the conference itself? It would not hurt to have it done by 18 Oct.,

the paper deadline, though. It is unclear to me what they would do with a full paper, if one was not requested by IAEA. But I think you can prepare one, if you like. If they will not publish it as part of PLiM, we can find another home for it, or just release it as an NRG document.

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:12 AM To: Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>


RE : FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting OK, I can work with Amy to make a poster. Rob and Pat and our PNNL contractor are also listed as co-authors ...

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:08 AM To: M oyer, Carol <>; Hiser, M atthew <>


RE: FW: PLi M abstract on harvesting I think this is a good opportunity to publicize harvesting work and develop collaboration. Task 2 in UNR. I will make the poster. When is it dur?

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 10:57 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting I'm pretty ambivalent about it. Amy, do you have a strong desire to make up a poster for the PLiM? Are there other co-authors to be consulted?

-Carol From: Hiser, M atthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 7:28 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Hi Carol, Not terribly interested in a poster... The other thing is then you'd have to babysit the poster during poster session(s)?

I'd suggest we say thanks for the offer, but that's alright... what do you think?


Matt From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Thursday, July 20, 201712:49 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


FW: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Matt, I am a bit confused by the pronoun used in this email. ..

Are you interested in doing a poster instead?

Carol From: KRIVANEK, Robert [

Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 11:10 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


[External_Sender] FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting You have just agreed that we will add this paper to poster session.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I Intern at ional Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r. I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

<@) 60Years I A EA Ato1111 for Pi*an* mu/ D, l't'lop111e11t

Follow us on From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Thursday, 20 July 2017 16:10 To: '' <>


FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Carol,

We asked you to submit your synopsis through INDICO (see email below) but it did not happened. So we were not able to send your synopsis to programme committee for evaluation and it will not occur on the conference programme.

Sorry for that but there are currently 300 delegates and 150 synopsis, so we were not able to track each of them separately.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager

Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atomic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1} 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1} 2600-26007 I 60 Yea~

IAEA 10111 for P <let mul D1*1* lopmt*111 Follow us on From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 08:55 To: '' <>

Cc: KHAELSS, Martina <>


FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Carol,

Thank you for your synopsis. We have opened INDICO system for this week, so please submit it through the system.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

(~ )

~ 60Years IA EA ,\u,111.1 for l'<'CIC<' mu/ D<*re/opm<'llf Follow us on

From: [m ailto:Carol.M]

Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 00:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <>

Cc: Hiser, M atthew <M atthew.>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The US NRC would like to propose one more presentation for this autumn's PLiM conference, on harvesting of materials from operating and decommissioning power plants. I understand from Sherry Bernhoft that you already have an impressive number of abstracts, so I will understand if there is not room in the program for this one. Nevertheless, we would appreciate your consideration of this proposal.

Again , please let me know if you need any additional information. Many thanks, Carol Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research RES/DEICMB 301-415-2153 From: KRIVANEK, Robert

Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:41 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


[External_Sender] RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Carol,

I will arrange it. Thank you.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r. krivanek@ I T: (+43*1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43*1) 2600-26007 I

( AL


~ 60Years I A EA AW111f for Peace ""cl Dcn*/op111,*11t

Follow us on (I.J!bg ** Im From: [8]

Sent: Monday, 22 May 2017 20:44 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <R.Krivanek@>


RE: RE : CN246_ PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

Since the formal deadline for abstract submissions has passed, I am no longer able to access the lndico system through the PLiM website (https://conferences.iaea.orq/indico/event/134/).

My abstract and Form Bare attached.

Are you able to work with these documents? Is there anything else that you need me to do at this time?

Thanks again for your patience and assistance, Carol

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:59 AM To: 'KRIVANEK, Robert' <>

Cc: Frankl, Istvan <lstvan.Frank>


RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

My abstract is attached to this message, for your info. Separately, I will submit it through the lndico system. Please let me know if you need any other information at this stage.

Thank you, Mrs. Carol Moyer From: KRIVANEK, Robert]

Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 2 :56 AM To: Moyer, Carol <Carol. Moyer@>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>


(External_Sender] RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr Moyer,

It will be fine if you submit your abstracts this week.

We are looking forward to see a strong NRC delegation in Lyon.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I tj )

~~ 60Years I A EA A1t11111 for f>c1'1n' mu/ Dc*1*c*lo1n111'1'f

Follow us on (I.J!bg ** Im From: [9]

Sent: Friday, 19 May 2017 23:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <R.Krivanek@>

Cc: KANG, Ki-Sig <K.S.Kang@iaea .org>; Tregoning, Robert <Robert.Tregoning@nrc .gov>


RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The U.S. NRC intends to submit several abstracts for consideration for the PLiM conference in October. We have a short delay in completing one of our abstracts. I will be submitting it early next week, and I hope that you still will be able to consider it for the conference.

Thank you ,

Carol Moyer Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research MS: T-10A36 Washington, DC 20555-0001 301 -415-2153 From: R.Krivanek@iaea .org (ma ilto :R.Kri vanek@iaea .org1 Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 8:44 AM To: R.Krivanek@iaea .org


[External_Sender) CN246_ PliM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear all,

Please be informed that we extended the abstract submission deadline to 19 May 2017 and updated the conference accordingly.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r.krivanek@i I T: (+43-1} 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1} 2600-26007 I 60 Years I A EA Atom for P,*a e and D,*,* lopnu flt

Follow us on This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this

communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only fo r the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Plate A {41-22" wide)

M. Hiser', P. Purtscher', P. Ramuhallib, A. B. Hulla, R. Trego ning', and C. E. Moyer'

  • u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Washington, D.C., USA bPacific Northwest Nat ional Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA Plate C (7.811 Background and Motivation Recent developments in the nuclear industry include stronger interest in extended plant operation and plans to shut down a number of nuclear power plants (NPPs). In the U.S., Pot ential Criteria for Harvesting Pr iorit ization there is strong interest in extending NPP lifespans through subsequent license renewal (SLR) A number of criteria may be considered when prioritizing the data from 60 to 80 years. needs for harvesting, including:

Applicability of harvested material for addressing critical gaps Extended plant operation and SLR raise a number of technica l issues that may require further resea rch to understand and quantify aging mechanisms. U.S. utilities and the U.S. Harvesting for crit ical gaps prioritized over less essential Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have focused on the aging of systems, structures, and t echnical gaps.

components and in particular four key SLR issues: reactor pressure vessel (RPV) Ease of laboratory replication of the degradation scenario embrittlement, irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of reactor int ernals, concrete For example, simultaneous thermal and irradiation structures and containment degradation, and electrical cable qualification and condition conditions are difficult to replicate, and accelerated aging assessment. may not be feasible for a mechanism sensitive to dose rate.

Meanwhile, in recent years, a number of NPPs, both in the U.S. and internationally, have

  • Unique field aspects of degradation shut down or announced plans to shut down for various reasons, including economic, For example, unusual operating experience or legacy materials (fabrication methods, etc.) no longer available.

political, and technical chal lenges. Unlike in t he past when t here were very few plants

  • Fleet-wide vs. plant-specific applicability of data shutting down, these new developments provide opportunities for harvesting components that were aged in representative light water reactor (LWR) environments. Greater value in addressing an issue applicable to a larger number of plants.

In a third related development, economic challenges and limited budgets have restricted

  • Harvesting cost and complexity the resources available to support new research, including harvesting programs. Given this For example, harvesting un-irradiated concrete or electrical cables less expensive and less complex than constrained budget environment, aligning interests and leveraging with other organizations harvesting from t he reactor internals or RPV.

is important to allow maximum benefit and value for fut ure research programs.

  • Availability of reliable in-service inspection (ISi) techniques for the materi al / component Current Act ivit ies If mature inspection methods exist and are easy to apply, harvesting may be less valuable.

NRC has recently undertaken an effort, with

  • Availability of materials for harvest ing the assistance of Pacific Northwest National
  • Timeliness of the expected resea rch results relative to the objective.

Laboratory (PNNL), to develop a st rategic approach to harvesting aged materials from The above potential criteria provide a systematic approach to prioritize data needs for harvesting. Different NPPs. Due to limited opportunities, past organizat ions may weigh and consider each of these criteria differently based on their interest s and perspectives, but harvesting efforts have been reactive to each crit erion is likely relevant to some degree for any organization. NRC is interested in engaging wit h other individual plants shutting down and beginning organizations to prioritize data needs for harvesting and identify areas of common interest.

decommissioning. Given the expected availability of materials from numerous plants Harvesting Database and anticipated research needs to better Another activity NRC is pursuing is the potential development of a database for sources of materials for understand aging out to 80 years of operation, the NRC is pursuing a more proactive approach harvesting, which could include both previously harvested materials and t hose available for future harvesting. This to prioritize the data needs best addressed by database would allow for aligning of high-priority data needs to the available sources of materials. As with tl'le harvesting and identify the best sources of data Aeeas effert, The level of detail for the saurees af materials database should be appropriate for the factors materials to address high-priorit y data needs influencing decision-making. NRC is interested in engaging with other organizations to develop a database for for regulatory research.

sources of materials for harvesting.

The first step in this strategic approach is to prioritize data needs for harvesting. A data Path Forward need describes a particular degradation scenario {EeA1iliAatieA ef A1aterial aAG NRC's experience is that harvesting can yield highly representative and valuable data on materials aging, but these eA,.ireAA1eAlj and should be defined with as efforts may be expensive and chal lenging. Having a clearly defi ned objective and early engagement with other much detail as appropriate in terms of the stakeholders, including the NPP from which harvesting will take place, are key t o success. As specific harvest ing material (alloy, composition, etc.) and opportunities are identified through this strategic approach, the NRC welcomes opportunities for cooperation and environment (temperature, fluence, chemistry, etc.). leveraging of resources with other interested research organizations.

From: Purtscher, Patrick Sent: Wed, 27 Sep 201712:05:49-0400 Note to requester: Attachment is To: Moyer, Carol;Hiser, Matthew immediately following.

Cc: Hull, Amy


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Attachments: Harvesting NRC Poster for PLiM_cem- ptp comments.pptx Here are some more nitpicky edits to consider or reject before you give it to Steve.

Pat From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 11:31 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>

Cc: Purtscher, Patrick <Patrick.>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Matt, I think the poster looks really good. It is wordy, but for what it is, I think that is fine. You have two eye-catching figures in it, at least, even if they are not directly referenced by the text.

I made some nitpicky edits to the text. I also cut a few words that I thought were redundant (in Current Activities) or that made a sentence unnecessarily convoluted (in Harvesting Database).

Amy has her hands full with other near-term stuff this week, I think. Pat - Do you have a chance to provide a second opinion on this? I will do the release form (390) to go with it for Steve's approval.

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 11:07 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>; Hull, Amy <>

Cc: Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Amy and Carol, Here' s my initial stab at the harvesting poster for PLiM.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.



From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:26 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Thank you both!

The conference website is here: http://www-pub. Nuclear-Power-Plant-Life-Management Poster guidelines are here: http://www-pub.iaea.orq/MTCD/Meetinq s/PDFplus/201 7/cn246/cn246PosterGuidelines. pdf No specific due date is listed for posters.

M. Key Dates and Deadlines Submission of Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and extended synopsis (800 words) 28 May 2017 Submission of Grant Application Form (Form C): 28 May 2017 Notification of acceptance of papers/posters: 30 June 2017 Submission of full paper (only upon request by the IAEA): 18 October 2017 Posters may only be "due" at the conference itself? It would not hurt to have it done by 18 Oct.,

the paper deadline, though. It is unclear to me what they would do with a full paper, if one was not requested by IAEA. But I think you can prepare one, if you like. If they will not publish it as part of PLiM, we can find another home for it, or just release it as an NRC document.

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:12 AM To: Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting OK, I can work with Amy to make a poster. Rob and Pat and our PNNL contractor are also listed as co-authors ...

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, July 21, 201711:08 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>; Hiser, Matthew <Mat t hew.Hiser@>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting I think this is a good opportunity to publicize harvesting work and develop collaboration. Task 2 in UNR. I will make the poster. When is it dur?

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 10:57 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

I'm pretty ambivalent about it. Amy, do you have a strong desire to make up a poster for the PLiM? Are there other co-authors to be consulted?

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 7:28 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Carol, Not terribly interested in a poster ... The other thing is then you'd have to babysit the poster during post er session(s)?

I'd suggest w e say thanks for the offer, but that' s alright... what do you think?


M att From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Thursday, July 20, 201712:49 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


FW: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Matt, I am a bit confused by the pronoun used in this email. ..

Are you interested in doing a poster instead?

Carol From: KRIVANEK, Robert [10]

Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 11:10 AM To: Moyer, Ca rol <>


[External_Sender) FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting You have just agreed that w e will add this paper to poster session.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I Inte rn ational Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

60 Years I A EA Atom for Pi ace mu/ I) rdopm nr Follow us on From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Thursday, 20 July 2017 16:10 To: '' <>


FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Carol,

We asked you to submit your synopsis through INDICO (see email below) but it did not happened. So we were not able to send your synopsis to programme committee for evaluation and it will not occur on the conference programme.

Sorry for that but there are currently 300 delegates and 150 synopsis, so we were not able to track each of them separately.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

(~ )

~ 60Years IA EA ,\u,111.1 for l'<'CIC<' mu/ D<*re/opm<'llf Follow us on

From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 08:55 To: '' <>

Cc: KHAELSS, Martin a <>


FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Carol,

Thank you for your synopsis. We have opened INDICO system for this week, so please submit it through the system.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior safety Officer I LTD Programme Manager Operational Safety Section I Division of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atomic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I 60 Yeal I A EA Ato1111 for P. CIC<' mul D<*1*elop111< 111

Follow us on (I.J!bg ** Im From: [11]

Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 00:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <R.Krivanek@>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The US NRC would like to propose one more presentation for this autumn's PLiM conference, on harvesting of materials from operating and decommission ing power plants. I understand from Sherry Bernhoft that you already have an impressive number of abstracts, so I will understand if there is not room in the program for this one. Nevertheless, we would appreciate your consideration of this proposal.

Again , please let me know if you need any additional information . Many thanks,

Carol Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research RESIDEICMB 301-415-2153 From: KRIVANEK, Robert [mai lto:R.Krivanek@iaea.o rg1 Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:41 AM To: Moyer, Carol <Ca rol. Moyer@n>


[External_Sender] RE : RE : CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Carol,

I will arrange it . Thank you .

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section I Division of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atomic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r.krivanek@i I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I 60 Years I A EA t\101111 for Pt'tl t* a11cl /Jt*1* lopmt'/11

Follow us on (I.J!bg ** Im From: [12]

Sent: Monday, 22 May 2017 20:44 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <R.Krivanek@>


RE: RE : CN246_ PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

Since the formal deadline for abstract submissions has passed, I am no longer able to access the lndico system through the PLiM website (https://conferences.iaea.orq/indico/event/134/).

My abstract and Form Bare attached.

Are you able to work with these documents? Is there anything else that you need me to do at this time?

Thanks again for your patience and assistance, Carol

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:59 AM To: 'KRIVANEK, Robert' <>

Cc: Frankl, Istvan <lstvan.Frank>


RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

My abstract is attached to this message, for your info. Separately, I will submit it through the lndico system. Please let me know if you need any other information at this stage.

Thank you, Mrs. Carol Moyer From: KRIVANEK, Robert]

Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 2 :56 AM To: Moyer, Carol <Carol. Moyer@>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>


(External_Sender] RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr Moyer,

It will be fine if you submit your abstracts this week.

We are looking forward to see a strong NRC delegation in Lyon.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I tj )

~~ 60Years I A EA A1t11111 for f>c1'1n' mu/ Dc*1*c*lo1n111'1'f

Follow us on (I.J!bg ** Im From: [13]

Sent: Friday, 19 May 2017 23:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <R.Krivanek@>

Cc: KANG, Ki-Sig <K.S.Kang@iaea .org>; Tregoning, Robert <Robert.Tregoning@nrc .gov>


RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The U.S. NRC intends to submit several abstracts for consideration for the PLiM conference in October. We have a short delay in completing one of our abstracts. I will be submitting it early next week, and I hope that you still will be able to consider it for the conference.

Thank you ,

Carol Moyer Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research MS: T-10A36 Washington, DC 20555-0001 301 -415-2153 From: R.Krivanek@iaea .org (ma ilto :R.Kri vanek@iaea .org1 Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 8:44 AM To: R.Krivanek@iaea .org


[External_Sender) CN246_ PliM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear all,

Please be informed that we extended the abstract submission deadline to 19 May 2017 and updated the conference accordingly.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r.krivanek@i I T: (+43-1} 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1} 2600-26007 I 60 Years I A EA Atom for P,*a e and D,*,* lopnu flt

Follow us on This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this

communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only fo r the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Plate A {41-22" wide)

M. Hiser', P. Purtscher', P. Ramuhallib, A. B. Hulla, R. Trego ning', and C. E. Moyer'

  • u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Washington, D.C., USA bPacific Northwest Nat ional Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA Plate C (7.811 Background and Motivation Recent developments in the nuclear industry include stronger interest in extended plant operation and plans to shut down a number of nuclear power plants (NPPs). In the U.S., Pot ential Criteria for Harvesting Pr iorit ization there is strong interest in extending NPP lifespans through subsequent license renewal (SLR) A number of criteria may be considered when prioritizing the data from 60 to 80 years. needs for harvesting, including:

Applicability of harvested material for addressing critical gaps Extended plant operation and SLR raise a number of technica l issues that may require further resea rch to understand and quantify aging mechanisms. U.S. utilities and the U.S. Harvesting for crit ical gaps prioritized over less essential Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have focused on the aging of systems, structures, and t echnical gaps.

components and in particular four key SLR issues: reactor pressure vessel (RPV) Ease of laboratory replication of the degradation scenario embrittlement, irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of reactor int ernals, concrete For example, simultaneous thermal and irradiation structures and containment degradation, and electrical cable qualification and condition conditions are difficult to replicate, and accelerated aging assessment. may not be feasible for a mechanism sensitive to dose rate.

Meanwhile, in recent years, a number of NPPs, both in the U.S. and internationally, have

  • Unique field aspects of degradation shut down or announced plans to shut down for various reasons, including economic, For example, unusual operating experience or legacy materials (fabrication methods, etc.) no longer available.

political, and technical chal lenges. Unlike in t he past when t here were very few plants

  • Fleet-wide vs. plant-specific applicability of data shutting down, these new developments provide opportunities for harvesting components that were aged in representative light water reactor (LWR) environments. Greater value in addressing an issue applicable to a larger number of plants.

In a third related development, economic challenges and limited budgets have restricted

  • Harvesting cost and complexity the resources available to support new research, including harvesting programs. Given this For example, harvesting un-irradiated concrete or electrical cables less expensive and less complex than constrained budget environment, aligning interests and leveraging with other organizations harvesting from t he reactor internals or RPV.

is important to allow maximum benefit and value for fut ure research programs.

  • Availability of reliable in-service inspection (ISi) techniques for the materi al / component Current Act ivit ies If mature inspection methods exist and are easy to apply, harvesting may be less valuable.

NRC has recently undertaken an effort, with

  • Availability of materials for harvest ing the assistance of Pacific Northwest National
  • Timeliness of the expected resea rch results relative to the objective.

Laboratory (PNNL), to develop a st rategic approach to harvesting aged materials from The above potential criteria provide a systematic approach to prioritize data needs for harvesting. Different NPPs. Due to limited opportunities, past organizat ions may weigh and consider each of these criteria differently based on their interest s and perspectives, but harvesting efforts have been reactive to each crit erion is likely relevant to some degree for any organization. NRC is interested in engaging wit h other individual plants shutting down and beginning organizations to prioritize data needs for harvesting and identify areas of common interest.

decommissioning. Given the expected availability of materials from numerous plants Harvesting Database and anticipated research needs to better "Aeticter aeti><it\' The NRC is pursuing-is-the J)eteRtial development of a database for sources of materials for understand aging out to 80 years of operation, the NRC is pursuing a more proactive approach harvesting, which could include both previously harvested materials and t hose available for future harvesting. This to prioritize the data needs best addressed by database would allow for aligning of high-priority data needs to the available sources of materials. As witict ticte harvesting and identify the best sources of data Aeeas effert, The level of detail for the seurees ef materials database should be appropriate for the factors materials to address high-priorit y data needs influencing decision-making. NRC is interested in engaging with other organizations ta in developing a the for regulatory research.

database fe r seurees ef A1aterials for ictar*estiRg.

The first step in this strategic approach is to prioritize data needs for harvesting. A data Path Forward need describes a particular degradation scenario {EeA1iliAatieA ef A1aterial aAG NRC's experience is that harvesting can yield highly representative and valuable data on materials aging, but these eA,.ireAA1eAlj and should be defined with as efforts ma>; will be eMJleRsi~*e aRa challenging. Having a clearly defined objective and early engagement with other much detail as appropriate in terms of the stakeholders, iAEluaiAg tlcte ~JPP f reA1 wlctiEA ictar*estiRg will t alEe 11laee, are keys t o success. As specific harvesting material (alloy, composition, etc.) and opportunities are identified through this strategic approach, the NRC welcomes opportunities for cooperation and environment (temperature, fluence, chemistry, etc.). leveraging of resources with other interested research organizations.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Fri, 22 Sep 2017 12:19:11 +0000 Note to requester: Attachment is To: Moyer, Carol;Hull, Amy immediately following.

Cc: Purtscher, Patrick


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Attachments: Harvesting NRC Poster for PLiM.PPTX I just wanted to send a reminder on this poster for PLiM. It looks like the lead time for a poster is 2-3 weeks ( print/graphics.html), so we really need to finalize this quickly. I will be on travel next week, so I hope you guys may be able to run with this and get it signed off by Steve next week.

The contact for printing posters is .


Matt From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, September 15, 201711:07 AM To: Moyer, Carol ; Hull, Amy Cc: Purtscher, Patrick


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Amy and Carol, Here's my initial stab at the harvesting poster for PLiM.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.


Matt From: M oyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:26 AM To: Hiser, M atthew <>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Thank you both!

The conference website is here: Poster guidelines are here: s/PDFplus/2017/cn246/cn246PosterGuidelines. pdf No specific due date is listed for posters.

M. Key Dates and Deadlines Submission of Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and extended synopsis (800 words) 28 May 2017 Submission of Grant Application Form (Form C): 28 May 2017 Notification of acceptance of papers/posters: 30 June 2017 Submission of full paper (only upon request by the IAEA): 18 October 2017 Posters may only be "due" at the conference itself? It would not hurt to have it done by 18 Oct.,

the paper deadline, though . l t is unclear to me what they would do with a full paper, if one was not requested by IAEA. But I think you can prepare one, if you like. If they will not publish it as part of PLiM, we can find another home for it, or just release it as an NRC document.

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:12 AM To: Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting OK, I can work with Amy to make a poster. Rob and Pat and our PNNL contractor are also listed as co-authors ...

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, July 21, 201711:08 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>; Hiser, Matthew <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting I think this is a good opportunity to publicize harvesting work and develop collaboration. Task 2 in UNR. I will make the poster. When is it dur?

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 201710:57 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting I'm pretty ambivalent about it. Amy, do you have a strong desire to make up a poster for the PLiM? Are there other co-authors to be consulted?

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 7:28 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Carol,

Not terribly interested in a poster... The other thing is then you'd have to babysit the poster during poster session(s)?

I'd suggest we say thanks for the offer, but that's alright... what do you think?


Matt From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Thursday, July 20, 201712:49 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


FW: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Matt, I am a bit confused by the pronoun used in this email ...

Are you interested in doing a poster instead?

Carol From: KRIVANEK, Robert (mailto:R.Krivanek@

Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 11:10 AM To: Moyer, Ca rol <>


(External_Sender) FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting You have just agreed that we will add this paper to poster session.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atomic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r. krivanek@ I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

(@,} 60 Years I A EA J\tnmt for A*t1ce t111d Dl'l'elopme11r From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Thursday, 20 July 2017 16:10

To: '' <>


FW: PLiM abstract on !harvesting

Dear Carol,

We asked you to submit your synopsis through INDICO (see email below) but it did not happened. So we were not able to send your synopsis to programme committee for evaluation and it will not occur on the conference programme.

Sorry for that but there are currently 300 delegates and 150 synopsis, so we were not able to track each of them separately.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r. I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

' A1~)

W 60Years I A EA ,\tom~ for Pc*an* mu/ l>1*n*lo1111u*11r From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 08:55 To: '' <>

Cc: KHAELSS, Martina <M .Khae>


FW: PLiM abstract on !harvesting

Dear Carol,

Thank you for your synopsis. We have opened INDICO system for this week, so please submit it through the system.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Age ncy I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

(# )

~ 60Years I A EA Atomt for Peace mu/ J)crelop111e11t Follow us on ~ **(m From: (

Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 00:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <M>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The US NRC would like to propose one more presentation for this autumn's PLiM conference, on harvesting of materials from operating and decommissioning power plants. I understand from Sherry Bernhoft that you already have an impressive number of abstracts, so I will understand if there is not room in the program for this one. Nevertheless, we would appreciate your consideration of this proposal.

Again, please let me know if you need any additional information. Many thanks, Carol Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research RESIDEICMB 301-415-2153 From: KRIVANEK, Robert (]

Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:41 AM To: M oyer, Carol <>


(External_Sender) RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Carol,

I will arrange it. Thank you.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I

LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Aust ria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600 26007 I (j )

~ 60Years IA EA Atm111 for P1*e1n* mu/ D,*1*r/op1111*11t From: [

Sent: Monday, 22 May 2017 20:44 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <>


RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

Since the formal deadline for abstract submissions has passed, I am no longer able to access the lndico system through the PLiM website ( My abstract and Form B are attached.

Are you able to work with these documents? Is there anything else that you need me to do at this time?

Thanks again for your patience and assistance, Carol From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:59 AM To: 'KRIVANEK, Robert' <>

Cc: Frankl, Istvan <lstvan.Frankl@>


RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

My abstract is attached to this message, for your info. Separately, I will submit it through the lndico system. Please let me know if you need any other information at this stage.

Thank you, Mrs. Carol Moyer From: KRIVANEK, Robert

Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 2 :56 AM

To: Moyer, Ca rol <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>


[External_Sender) RE: CN246_PliM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr Moyer,

It will be fine if you submit your abstracts this week.

We are looking forward to see a strong NRC delegation in Lyon.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I Intern ational Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I (j )

~ 60Years I A EA Aum11 for J't>t1n* "'"I Dc*relc,p111c*111 From: [14]

Sent: Friday, 19 May 2017 23:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <>

Cc: KANG, Ki-Sig <>; Tregoning, Robert <>


RE : CN246_PliM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 M ay 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The U.S. NRC intends to submit several abstracts for consideration for the PLiM conference in October. We have a short delay in completing one of our abstracts. I will be submitting it early next week, and I hope that you still will be able to consider it for the conference.

Thank you, Carol Moyer Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research MS: T-10A36 Washington, DC 20555-0001 301-415-2153

From: [15]

Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 8:44 AM To:


[External_Sender] CN246_PUM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear all,

Please be informed that we extended the abstract submission deadline to 19 May 2017 and updated the conference accordingly.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

( ~iL)

~ 60Years I A EA Atmm for Pt*an* and Derelopment This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this emai l message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this conununication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended on ly for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Plate A {41-22" wklel M. Hiser', P. Purtscher', P. Ramuhallib, A. B. Hulla, R. Tregoning', and C. E. Moyer'

  • u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Washington, D.C., USA bPacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA Plate C (7.811 Background and Motivation Recent developments in the nuclear industry include stronger interest in extended plant operation and plans to shut down a number of nuclear power plants (NPPs) In the U.S., Potential Criteria for Harvesting Prioritization there is strong interest in extending NPP lifespans through subsequent license renewal (SLR) A number of criteria may be considered when prioritizing the data from 60 to 80 years. needs for harvesting, including:

Applicabil ity of harvested material for addressing critical gaps Extended plant operation and SLR raise a number of technica l issues that may require further research to understand aging mechanisms. U.S. utilities and the U.S. Nuclear Harvesting for critical gaps prioritized over less essential Regulatory Commission (NRC) have focused on the aging of systems, structures, and t echnical gaps.

components and in particular four key SLR issues: reactor pressure vessel (RPV) Ease of laboratory replication of the degradation scenario embrittlement, irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of reactor internals, concrete For example, simultaneous thermal and irradiation structures and containment degradation, and electrical cable qualification and condition conditions are difficult to replicate or accelerated aging assessment. may not be feasible for a mechanism sensitive to dose rate.

Meanwhile, in recent years, a number of NPPs, both in the U.S. and internationally, have

  • Unique field aspects of degradation shut down or announced plans to shut down for various reasons, including economic, For example, unusual operating experience or legacy materials (fabrication methods, etc.) no longer available.

political, and technical cha llenges. Unlike in the past when there were very few plants

  • Fleet-wide vs. plant-specific applicability of data shutting down, these new developments provide opportunities for harvesting components that were aged in representative light water reactor (LWR) environments. Greater value in addressing an issue applicable to a larger number of plants.

In a third related development, economic challenges and limited budgets have restricted

  • Harvesting cost and complexity the resources available to support new research, including harvesting programs. Given this For example, harvesting unirradiated concrete or electrical cables less expensive and less complex than constrained budget environment, aligning interests and leveraging with other organizations harvesting from the reactor internals or RPV.

is important to allow maximum benefit and value for fut ure research programs.

  • Availability of reliable in-service inspection (ISi) techniques for the material / component Current Activities If mature inspection methods exist and are easy to apply, harvesting may be less valuable.

NRC has recently undertaken an effort, with

  • Availability of materials for harvest ing the assistance of Pacific Northwest National
  • Timeliness of the expected research results relative to the objective.

Lab (PNNL), to develop a strategic approach for harvesting aged materials from NPPs. Due to

  • The above potential criteria provide a systematic approach to prioritize data needs for harvesting. Different limited opportunities, past harvesting efforts organizations may weigh and consider each of these criteria differently based on their interests and perspectives, have been reactive to individual plants but each criteria is likely relevant to some degree for any organization. NRC is interested in engaging with other shutting down and beginning organizations to prioritize data needs for harvesting and identify areas of common interest.

decommissioning. Given the expected availability of materials from numerous plants Harvesting Database and anticipated research needs to better Another activity NRC is pursuing is the potential development of a database for sources of materials for understand aging out to 80 years of operation, the NRC is pursuing a more proactive approach harvesting, which could include both previously harvested materials and those available for future harvesting. This to prioritize the data needs best addressed by database would allow for aligning of high-priority data needs to the available sources of materials. As with the harvesting and identify the best sources of data needs effort, the level of detail for the sources of materials database should be appropriate for the factors materials to address high-priority data needs influencing decision-making. NRC is interested in engaging with other organizations to develop a database for for regulatory research.

sources of materials for harvesting.

The first step in this strategic approach is to prioritize data needs for harvesting. A data Path Forward need describes a particular degradation scenario (combination of material and NRC's experience is that harvesting can yield highly representative and valuable data on materials aging, but these environment) and should be defined with as efforts may be expensive and chal lenging. Having a clearly defi ned objective and early engagement with other much detail as appropriate in terms of the stakeholders, including the NPP from which harvesting will take place, are key to success. As specific harvesting material (alloy, composition, etc.) and opportunities are identified through this strategic approach, the NRC welcomes opportunities for cooperation and environment (temperature, fluence, chemistry, etc.). leveraging resources with other interested research organizations.

From: Hiser, Matthew Note to requester:

Sent: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 15:06:51 +0000 Attachment is To: Moyer, Carol;Hull, Amy immediately following.

Cc: Purtscher, Patrick


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Attachments: Harvesting NRC Poster for PLiM.pptx Hi Amy and Carol, Here's my initial stab at the harvesting poster for PLiM.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.


Matt From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:26 AM To: Hiser, Matthew; Hull, Amy


RE: FW: PLi M abstract on harvesting Thank you both!

The conference website is here: Poster guidelines are here: s/PDFplus/2017/cn246/cn246PosterGuidelines.pdf No specific due date is listed for posters.

M. Key Dates and Deadlines Submission of Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and extended synopsis (800 words) 28 May 2017 Submission of Grant Application Form (Form C): 28 May 2017 Notification of acceptance of papers/posters: 30 June 2017 Submission of full paper (only upon request by the IAEA): 18 October 2017 Posters may only be "due" at the conference itself? It would not hurt to have it done by 18 Oct.,

the paper deadline, though. l t is unclear to me what they would do with a full paper, if one was not requested by IAEA. But I think you can prepare one, if you like. If they will not publish it as part of PLiM, we can find another home for it, or just release it as an NRC document.

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:12 AM

To: Hull, Amy <>; Moyer, Carol <>


RE: FW: PLi M abstract on harvesting OK, I can work with Amy to make a poster. Rob and Pat and our PNNL contractor are also listed as co-authors ...

From: Hull, Amy Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 11:08 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>; Hiser, Matthew <>


RE: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting I think this is a good opportunity to publicize harvesting work and develop collaboration. Task 2 in UNR. I will make the poster. When is it dur?

From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 10:57 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <M atthew.>; Hull, Amy <>


RE: FW: PLiM abst ract on harvesting I'm pretty ambivalent about it. Amy, do you have a strong desire to make up a poster for the PLiM? Are there other co-authors to be consulted?

-Carol From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, July 21, 2017 7:28 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


RE : FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting Hi Carol, Not terribly interested in a poster... The other thing is then you'd have to babysit the poster during poster session(s)?

I'd suggest we say thanks for the offer, but that's alright... what do you think?


Matt From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Thursday, July 20, 201712:49 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


FW: FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting

Matt, I am a bit confused by the pronoun used in this email. ..

Are you interested in doing a poster instead?

Carol From : KRIVANEK, Robert (]

Sent: Thursday, July 20, 201711:10 AM To: Moyer, Ca rol <>


(External_Sender] FW: PLiM abstract on harvesting You have just agreed that we will add this paper to poster session.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: r. I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

~ 60Years I A EA Atmm for Peaa and Del'elopment From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Thursday, 20 July 2017 16:10 To: '' <Carol.Moyer@>


FW: PLiM abstract on !harvesting

Dear Carol,

We asked you to submit your synopsis through INDICO (see email below) but it did not happened. So we were not able to send your synopsis to programme committee for evaluation and it will not occur on the conference programme.

Sorry for that but there are currently 300 delegates and 150 synopsis, so we were not able to track each of them separately.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I


Email: [ T: (+43-1} 2600-22018 [ F: (+43-1} 2600-26007 I

~ 60 Years I A EA Atmm for l'eact' and D< relop111('11f From: KRIVANEK, Robert Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 08:55 To: '' <>

Cc: KHAELSS, Martina <>


FW: PLiM abstract on [harvesting

Dear Carol,

Thank you for your synopsis. We have opened INDICO system for this week, so please submit it through the system.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section I Division of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria [

Email: [ T: (+43-1} 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I (j

~ 60Years


I A EA 1\to11n for l'mn* and D,*relopm"11f Follow us on ~

From: (

Sent: Friday, 26 May 2017 00:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <>

Cc: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Tregoning, Robert <>; Frankl, Istvan <>


PLiM abstract on harvesting

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The US NRC would like to propose one more presentation for this autumn's PLiM conference, on harvesting of materials from operating and decommissioning power plants. I understand from Sherry Bernhoft that you already have an impressive number of abstracts, so I will understand if there is not room in the program for this one. Nevertheless, we would appreciate your consideration of this proposal.

Again, please let me know if you need any additional information. Many thanks, Carol Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research RESIDEICMB 301-415-2153 From: KRIVANEK, Robert

Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2017 2:41 AM To: Moyer, Carol <>


[External_Sender) RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Carol,

I will arrange it. Thank you.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I Intern ational At omic Energy Age ncy I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+431) 2600 22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600 26007 I

( £J ,1

~~ ,

~ 60Years I A EA Ato1111 for Pean* and /)(*1*rlop11u*11t Follow us on mt.

From: [mailto:Carol.M

Sent: Monday, 22 May 2017 20:44 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <>


RE: RE: CN246_pLiM_Abstract deadline ext ended to 19 M ay 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

Since the formal deadline for abstract submissions has passed, I am no longer able to access the lndico system through the PLiM website ( My abstract and Form B are attached.

Are you able to work with these documents? Is there anyt hing else that you need me to do at this time?

Thanks again for your patience and assistance, Carol From: Moyer, Carol Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 10:59 AM To: 'KRIVANEK, Robert' <>

Cc: Frankl, Istvan <lstvan.Frank>


RE: RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

My abstract is attached to this message, for your info. Separately, I will submit it through the lndico system. Please let me know if you need any other information at this stage.

Thank you, Mrs. Carol Moyer From: KRIVANEK, Robert (]

Sent: Monday, May 22, 2017 2:56 AM To: Moyer, Ca rol <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>


(External_Sender) RE: CN246_PliM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear Mr Moyer,

It will be fine if you submit your abstracts this week.

We are looking forward to see a strong NRC delegation in Lyon.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section I Division of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600-26007 I

(j )

~ 60Years I A EA Atomt for Peace mu/ Dcrelop111e11t Follow us on ~ **(m From: (

Sent: Friday, 19 May 2017 23:19 To: KRIVANEK, Robert <>

Cc: KANG, Ki-Sig <>; Tregoning, Robert <>


RE: CN246_PLiM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 M ay 2017

Dear Mr. Krivanek,

The U.S. NRC intends to submit several abstracts for consideration for the PLiM conference in October. We have a short delay in completing one of our abstracts. I will be submitting it early next week, and I hope that you still will be able to consider it for the conference.

Thank you, Carol Moyer Carol E. Moyer Sr. Materials Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research MS: T-10A36 Washington, DC 20555-0001 301-415-2153 From: (mailto:R.Krivanek@iaea.org1 Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 8:44 AM To: R.Krivanek@iaea .org


(External_Sender) CN246_ PliM_Abstract deadline extended to 19 May 2017

Dear all,

Please be informed t hat we extended the abstract submission deadli ne to 19 May 2017 and updated the conference accordingly.

Best regards, Mr Robert KRIVANEK I Senior Safety Officer I

LTO Programme Manager Operational Safety Section IDivision of Nuclear Installation Safety I Department of Nuclear Safety and Security I International Atom ic Energy Agency I Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Aust ria I Email: I T: (+43-1) 2600-22018 I F: (+43-1) 2600 26007 I

('.ffe) 60 Years I A EA Atm111 for P1*e1n* mu/ D1*1*r/op1111*11t This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this conummication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this conununication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then de lete it from your system.

This e mai l message is inte nded on ly for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in thi s email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then de lete it from your system.

This email message is intended only for the use of the named recipient. Information contained in this email message and its attachments may be privileged, confidential and protected from disc losure. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not read, copy, use or disclose this communication to others. Also please notify the sender by replying to this message and then delete it from your system.

Harvesting of Aged Materials from Operating and Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants Plate A {41-22" wklel M. Hiser', P. Purtscher', P. Ramuhallib, A. B. Hulla, R. Tregoning', and C. E. Moyer'

  • u.s. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), Washington, D.C., USA bPacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA Plate C (7.811 Background and Motivation Recent developments in the nuclear industry include stronger interest in extended plant operation and plans to shut down a number of nuclear power plants (NPPs) In the U.S., Potential Criteria for Harvesting Prioritization there is strong interest in extending NPP lifespans through subsequent license renewal (SLR) A number of criteria may be considered when prioritizing the data from 60 to 80 years. needs for harvesting, including:

Applicabil ity of harvested material for addressing critical gaps Extended plant operation and SLR raise a number of technica l issues that may require further research to understand aging mechanisms. U.S. utilities and the U.S. Nuclear Harvesting for critical gaps prioritized over less essential Regulatory Commission (NRC) have focused on the aging of systems, structures, and t echnical gaps.

components and in particular four key SLR issues: reactor pressure vessel (RPV) Ease of laboratory replication of the degradation scenario embrittlement, irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of reactor internals, concrete For example, simultaneous thermal and irradiation structures and containment degradation, and electrical cable qualification and condition conditions are difficult to replicate or accelerated aging assessment. may not be feasible for a mechanism sensitive to dose rate.

Meanwhile, in recent years, a number of NPPs, both in the U.S. and internationally, have

  • Unique field aspects of degradation shut down or announced plans to shut down for various reasons, including economic, For example, unusual operating experience or legacy materials (fabrication methods, etc.) no longer available.

political, and technical cha llenges. Unlike in the past when there were very few plants

  • Fleet-wide vs. plant-specific applicability of data shutting down, these new developments provide opportunities for harvesting components that were aged in representative light water reactor (LWR) environments. Greater value in addressing an issue applicable to a larger number of plants.

In a third related development, economic challenges and limited budgets have restricted

  • Harvesting cost and complexity the resources available to support new research, including harvesting programs. Given this For example, harvesting unirradiated concrete or electrical cables less expensive and less complex than constrained budget environment, aligning interests and leveraging with other organizations harvesting from the reactor internals or RPV.

is important to allow maximum benefit and value for fut ure research programs.

  • Availability of reliable in-service inspection (ISi) techniques for the material / component Current Activities If mature inspection methods exist and are easy to apply, harvesting may be less valuable.

NRC has recently undertaken an effort, with

  • Availability of materials for harvest ing the assistance of Pacific Northwest National
  • Timeliness of the expected research results relative to the objective.

Lab (PNNL), to develop a strategic approach for harvesting aged materials from NPPs. Due to

  • The above potential criteria provide a systematic approach to prioritize data needs for harvesting. Different limited opportunities, past harvesting efforts organizations may weigh and consider each of these criteria differently based on their interests and perspectives, have been reactive to individual plants but each criteria is likely relevant to some degree for any organization. NRC is interested in engaging with other shutting down and beginning organizations to prioritize data needs for harvesting and identify areas of common interest.

decommissioning. Given the expected availability of materials from numerous plants Harvesting Database and anticipated research needs to better Another activity NRC is pursuing is the potential development of a database for sources of materials for understand aging out to 80 years of operation, the NRC is pursuing a more proactive approach harvesting, which could include both previously harvested materials and those available for future harvesting. This to prioritize the data needs best addressed by database would allow for aligning of high-priority data needs to the available sources of materials. As with the harvesting and identify the best sources of data needs effort, the level of detail for the sources of materials database should be appropriate for the factors materials to address high-priority data needs influencing decision-making. NRC is interested in engaging with other organizations to develop a database for for regulatory research.

sources of materials for harvesting.

The first step in this strategic approach is to prioritize data needs for harvesting. A data Path Forward need describes a particular degradation scenario (combination of material and NRC's experience is that harvesting can yield highly representative and valuable data on materials aging, but these environment) and should be defined with as efforts may be expensive and chal lenging. Having a clearly defi ned objective and early engagement with other much detail as appropriate in terms of the stakeholders, including the NPP from which harvesting will take place, are key to success. As specific harvesting material (alloy, composition, etc.) and opportunities are identified through this strategic approach, the NRC welcomes opportunities for cooperation and environment (temperature, fluence, chemistry, etc.). leveraging resources with other interested research organizations.

From: Hiser, Matthew Note to requester: Attachment Sent: Fri, 24 Feb 201717:43:06 +0000 is immediately following.

To: Frankl, Istvan


RE: Harvesting Announcement Email Attachments: Harvesting Workshop Attendees.docx Hi Steve, No, I haven't received any more presentation titles since the agenda I sent yesterday, so that is the latest.

I have attached a list of attendees, both external and NRC.


Matt From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 12:30 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


RE: Harvesting Announcement Email Importance: High

Matt, I expect questions from my NRR counterparts, so please send me the preliminary list of attendees and their affiliation. If from NRC, please identify the office/division/branch .

I am ready to send the announcement, so if you have more up-to-date draft agenda, please attach it to your response.

Thanks, Steve From: Frankl, Istvan Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 9:31 AM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>


RE: Harvesting Announcement Email Thanks, Matt.



From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 9:27 AM To: Frankl, Istvan <>


RE: Harvesting Announcement Email Hi Steve, Feel free to go ahead and send the email if you like Rob's edits. They're fine with me ...


Matt From: Tregoning, Robert Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 3:45 PM To: Hiser, Matthew <Matthew.>; Frankl, Istvan <>

Cc: Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: Harvesting Announcement Email Matt:

See my suggested edits and comments;

Dear RES and NRR BCs:

RES is hosting a workshop on ex-plant materials harvesting at NRC headquarters on March 7-8, 2017. The scope includes aAJ' metallic, electrical, and concrete materials or components that could benefit from harvesting, including metallic, electrica l, and concrete components. I have attached the agenda and workshop introduction slides that cover meeting logistics, motivation, approach, expected outcome, and session expectations.

This workshop includes about two dozen external participants, including representatives from DOE and EPRI as well as international research organizations iR from Japan, Europe, and Canada. Unfortunately, these is limited space available for NRG staff in the room. 1Ne have roached out to selected staff in RES and NRR to participate in the room to ensure we can fully support the workshop topics. {I would delete this; why do we need to raise this and provide a negative impression}. A webinar will be available to allow additional NRC staff to observe and participate in the workshop: .

If you have any questions or need additional information about the workshop, please contact myself or Matt Hiser on my staff.

Sincerely, Steve Frankl Robert Tregoning Technical Advisor for Materials US Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Two White Flint North, M/5 T-10 A36 11545 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 ph: 301-415-2324 fax: 301-415-6671 From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 2:23 PM To: Frankl, Istvan <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


RE: Harvesting Announcement Email Updated attachments with sl ight tweaks per our discussion Steve (added "draft" label to agenda given missing presentation titles, added summary report bullet to expected outcome slide).

Rob and Pat, feel free to wordsmith email below before Steve sends it out tomorrow.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 30 l-415-24541 Office: TWFN I 0D62 From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 9:27 AM To: Frankl, Istvan <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


Harvesting Announcement Email Email to send to following RES and NRR BCs regarding workshop. Please take a look and provide any comments or feedback today if possible, so Steve can send email.

Send to:

RES/DE/CIB - Raj Iyengar RES/DE/ICEEB - Ian Jung RES/DE/SGSEB - Dogan Seber NRR/DLR/RARB - Dennis Morey NRR/DLR/RASB - Brian Wittick NRR/DLR/RSRG - Steve Bloom NRR/DE/EPNB - Dave Alley NRR/DE/EVIB - Dave Rudland NRR/DE/EEEB - Jake Zimmerman

Dear RES and NRR BCs:

RES is hosting a workshop on ex-plant materials harvesting at NRC headquarters on March 7-8, 2017. The scope includes any materials that could benefit from harvesting, includ ing metallic, electrical , and concrete components . I have attached the agenda and workshop introduction slides that cover meeting logistics, motivation, approach , expected outcome, and session expectations.

This workshop includes about two dozen external participants, including representatives from DOE and EPRI as well as international research organizations in Japan , Europe , and Canada .

Unfortunately, these is limited space available for NRC staff in the room . We have reached out to selected staff in RES and NRR to participate in the room to ensure we can fully support the workshop topics. A webinar will be available to allow additional NRC staff to observe and participate : https://attendee .

If you have any questions or need additional information about the workshop, please contact myself or Matt Hiser on my staff.

Sincerely, Steve Frankl Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US uclear Regulatory Commission I Office of uclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Office: TWFN J0D62

Workshop Attendees Name Ore:anization Taku Arai CRIEPI Sadao Higuchi CRIEPI Japan Kazunobu Sakamoto JNRA Yasuhiro Chimi JAEA Uwe Jendrich GRS Europe Rachid Chaouadi SCK-CEN Guy Roussel BelV Daniel Tello CNSC Canada Desire Ndomba CNSC Karen Huynh AECL Gerrv van Noordennen Enerev us Bill Zipp Dominion industry Arzu Alpan Westinghouse Sherrv Bernhoft EPRI Robin Dyle EPRI EPRI Jean Smith EPRI Al Ahluwalia EPRI Tom Rosseel ORNL Rich Reister DOE Keith Leonard ORNL DOE Mikhail A. Sokolov ORNL John Wagner INL John Jackson INL Pradeep Ramuhalli PNNL Pat Purtscher RES/DE/CMB NRC Rob Tregoning, RES/DE NRC Matt Hiser, RES/DE/CMB NRC Mita Sircar, RES/DIE/SGSEB NRC NRC Tom Koshy, RES/DE/ICEEB NRC NRR/DE metals NRC NRR/DLR metals NRC NRR concrete NRC

Note to requester:

Attachments are immediately following.

From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 19 :22:32 +0000 To: Frankl, Istvan Cc: Tregoning, Robert;Purtscher, Patrick


RE: Harvesting Announcement Email Attachments: Harvesting Workshop Draft Agenda.docx, Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop.pptx Updated attachments with slight tweaks per our discussion Steve (added "draft" label to agenda given missing presentation titles, added summary report bullet to expected outcome slide).

Rob and Pat, feel free to wordsmith email below before Steve sends it out tomorrow.


Matt Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US Nuclear Regulatory Commission I Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division ofEngineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 30 l-415-24541 Office: TWFN I 0D62 From: Hiser, Matthew Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 9:27 AM To: Frankl, Istvan <>

Cc: Tregoning, Robert <>; Purtscher, Patrick <>


Harvesting Announcement Email Email to send to following RES and NRR BCs regarding workshop. Please take a look and provide any comments or feedback today if possible, so Steve can send email.

Send to:

RES/DE/CIB - Raj Iyengar RES/DE/ICEEB - Ian Jung RES/DE/SGSEB - Dogan Seber NRR/DLR/RARB - Dennis Morey NRR/DLR/RASB - Brian Wittick NRR/DLR/RSRG - Steve Bloom NRR/DE/EPNB - Dave Alley NRR/DE/EVIB - Dave Rudland NRR/DE/EEEB - Jake Zimmerman

Dear RES and NRR BCs:

RES is hosting a workshop on ex-plant materials harvesting at NRC headquarters on March 7-8, 2017. The scope includes any materials that could benefit from harvesting, including metallic,

electrical , and concrete components . I have attached the agenda and workshop introduction slides that cover meeting logistics, motivation, approach, expected outcome, and session expectations.

This workshop includes about two dozen external participants, including representatives from DOE and EPRI as well as international research organizations in Japan, Europe , and Canada.

Unfortunately, these is limited space available for NRC staff in the room . We have reached out to selected staff in RES and NRR to participate in the room to ensure we can fully support the workshop topics. A webinar will be available to allow additional NRC staff to observe and participate: https://attendee .

If you have any questions or need additional information about the workshop, please contact myself or Matt Hiser on my staff.

Sincerely, Steve Frankl Matthew Hiser Materials Engineer US uclear Regulatory Commission I Office of uclear Regulatory Research Division of ngineering I Corrosion and Metallurgy Branch Phone: 301-415-2454 I Office: TWFN J0D62

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop Draft Agenda Tuesday, March 7 Session Time On~anization Speaker Presentation Title Intro 8:00 NRC Welcome and Introduction to Workshop EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Reister 8:15- 8:45 NRC Robert Tregoning NRC Perspect ive on M ot ivation for Harvesting 1

GRS Uwe Jendrich CRIEPI Taku Arai 8:45- 9:45 DISCUSSION 9:45-10:00 BREAK 10:00-PNNL (for NRC) Pradeep Ramuhalli Data Needs Best Addressed By Harvesting 10:20 10:20-NRC M atthew Hiser High-Priority Data Needs for Harvesting 10:30 10:30- LWRS Program Perspective on the Technical DOE Keith Leonard 10:55 Needs for Harvesting 2

10:55- Review of past RPV sampling test programs SCK-CEN Rachid Chaouadi 11:20 and perspective for long term operation 11:20- Importance of Harvesting to Evaluate Westinghouse Arzu Alpan 11:45 Radiation Effect s on Concrete Properties 11:45-DISCUSSION 12:30 12:30 -2:00 LUNCH Sources of Materials: Past NRC Harvesting and 2:00- 2:15 NRC M atthew Hiser U.S. Decommissioning Plants 2:15- 2:30 EPRI Al Ahluwalia 2:30 - 2:45 DOE/ORNL Tom Rosseel 2:45- 3:00 DOE/I NL John Jackson NSUF Materia l Sample Library Gerry van 3:00- 3:15 Energy Solutions 3 Noordennen Potential Harvest ing of Concrete from M ihama 3:15- 3:30 Westinghouse Arzu Alpan Unit 1 3:30- 3:45 BREAK 3:45 -4:00 GRS Uwe Jendrich 4:00-4:15 CNSC Daniel Tello 4:15 - 5:00 DISCUSSION

Wednesday, March 8 Session Time Or~anization Speaker Presentation Title 8:00 - 8:30 EPRI Jean Sm ith 8:30 - 9:00 DOE Tom Rosseel NRC Perspective on Harvesting Experience and 9:00 - 9:30 NRC Matt hew Hiser Lessons Learned 9:30-10:00 CRIEPI Taku Arai 4

10:00-10:15 BREAK Energy Gerry van 10:15 - 10:45 Solutions Noordennen 10:45 - 11: 15 Dominion Bil l Zipp 11:15 - 12:00 DISCUSSION 12:00-1 :30 LUNCH PNNL (for Technical Information Needed for Informed 1:30 - 1:45 Pradeep Ramuhalli NRC) Harvesting Decisions 1:45 - 2:30 DISCUSSION 2:30 - 3:00 Action Items and Next Steps 5

EPRI Sherry Bernhoft DOE Rich Re ister 3:00 - 4 :00 Closing Thoughts NRC Robert Tregoning ALL

Ex-Plant Materials Harvesting Workshop March 7-8, 2017 USNRC HQ Rockville, MD, USA

Meeting Logistics

  • Workshop will be held at NRC's Three White Flint North building Directly adjacent to the White Flint Metro station Nearest hotel within walking distance: Bethesda North Marriott Hotel &

Conference Center

  • Workshop is a non-public meeting to encourage open discussion

- Presentations and meeting summary will be distributed among meeting participants only

  • GoToMeeting webinar will be available to support additional attendees Webinar attendees will be primarily observers
  • Limited opportunities for webinar attendee participation in discussion if time allows Discussion will be recorded through GoToMeeting software to aid capturing discussion in meeting summary


  • With plants shutting down both in the U.S. and internationally, there are increasing opportunities to harvest components from decommissioning plants

- Past harvesting efforts generally more reactive as opportunities arose, rather than proactively planned

  • Ex-plant materials may be valuable because they have been exposed to actual in-service plant operating conditions

- Can reduce the uncertainty associated with the applicability of the aging conditions

  • Insights from research on harvested materials can address technical data needs identified for extended plant operation
  • Lessons learned from past harvesting programs can help improve future harvesting efforts Challenges encountered in previous programs can be shared and mitigated or avoided in future programs


  • Domestic and international researchers, industry, regulators, and decommissioning companies' discuss benefits and challenges with ex-plant harvesting

- Encourage sharing of lessons learned as well as areas of common interest

  • Workshop consists of topical sessions with short presentations and significant time for open discussion

- Goal is to maximize engagement among meeting participants

  • Scope includes any materials aging issue that could benefit from harvesting, including metals, cables, and concrete

Expected Outcome

  • Participants become better informed and aware of the benefits and challenges associated with ex-plant harvesting
  • Discussions help identify areas of common interest for harvesting to address technical data needs
  • Presentations and discussions provide the starting point for a "database" of harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Contacts are made among research organizations to allow for further discussion of specific harvesting projects
  • Workshop summary documenting discussion will be distributed among participants

Session Expectations

  • Session 1 Motivation for Harvesting Perspective from panel participants on their organizations' interest in and motivation for harvesting Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion
  • Session 2 Technical Data Needs for Harvesting

- Presenters share high-priority data needs that may be best addressed by harvesting

  • Where does harvesting hold particular value compared to other sources of technical data 15-20 minute presentations followed by open discussion of technical data needs for harvesting

Session Expectations

  • Session 3 Sources of Materials Information on previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Materials located at research and vendor facilities
  • Decommissioning plants that may allow for future harvesting Short 5-10 minute presentations followed by open discussion Starting point for potential database of previously harvested materials and future harvesting opportunities
  • Session 4 Harvesting Experience: Lessons Learned and Practical Aspects Improving future efforts with lessons learned from past programs
  • Pitfalls to avoid and strategies to improve likelihood of success Practical perspective from non-researchers on how harvesting interfaces with the decommissioning process International decommissioning and harvesting experience 20-30 minute presentations followed by open discussion

Session Expectations

  • Session 5 Future Harvesting Program Planning

- Technical and logistical information needed when planning a specific harvesting program Perspective from panel participants on the workshop Next steps and actions from workshop Potential areas of common interest for future harvesting programs Brief (5-10 minute) presentation from each panel member followed by general discussion