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Forwards Insp Repts 50-282/98-07 & 50-306/98-07 on 980329- 0511 & Notice of Violations Re Failure to Promptly Correct Conditions Adverse to Quality
Person / Time
Site: Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 06/05/1998
From: Grant G
To: Wadley M
Shared Package
ML20248M130 List:
50-282-98-07, 50-282-98-7, 50-306-98-07, 50-306-98-7, NUDOCS 9806150045
Download: ML20248M129 (3)

See also: IR 05000282/1998007


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      #gu49'o                               NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMM!SSION
                                                                                                                        UNITED STATES
    8'            'h,
                                                                                                                                      PEGION lil
    g               g                                                                          801 WARRENVILLE ROAD
                   $                                                                       LISLE, ILLINOIS 60532-4351
      %gg *                                                                                                 June 5, 1998
            Mr. M. Wadley, Vice President
            Nuclear Generation
            Northem States Power Company
            414 Nicollet Mall
            Minneapolis, MN 55401
            SUBJECT:         PRAIRIE ISLAND INSPECTION REPORT 50-282/98007(DRP);
                             50-306/98007(DRP); AND NOTICE OF VIOLATION
            Dear Mr. Wadley:
            On May 11,1998, the NRC completed an inspection at your Prairie Island Nuclear Generating
            Plant. The enclosed report presents the results of that inspection.
            During the six-week period covered by this inspection, several problems were identified with
            engineering activities including engineering support to maintenance, surveillance testing, and
            operations activities. Some of the issues were identified by the plant staff, but others were
            identified by the NRC. Violations of regulatory requirements were identified concoming two
            instances of failure to promptly correct conditions adverse to quality, two instances of procedures
            that did not contain enough information to ensure successful performance of maintenance and
            testing activities, and one instance of failure to develop testing for a safety-related system that
            was installed over 2 % years ago. In addition, weaknesses were identified in the Individual Plant
            Examination submittal and the computerized equipment database. Three unresolved items
            conceming equipment operability, Technical Specification compliance, and performance of a
            safety evaluation were identified which may be considered violations of regulatory requirements
            when more information becomes available. All of the issues, taken together, raise a concem on
            the part of the NRC regarding the quality of engineering and engineering support at the facility.-
            The violations are cited in the enclosed Notice of Violation (Notice), and the circumstances
            surrounding the violations are described in detail in the enclosed report. Please note that you are
            required to respond to this letter and should follow the instructions specified in the enclosed
            Notice when preparing your response. The NRC will use your response, in part, to determine
            whether further enforcement action is necessary to ensure compliance with regulatory -                                                         /
            In the response, we also request that you include the results of your revised evaluation of                                                      !
            whether the temporary modification installed for the cooling water strainer backwash valves
            constitutes an unreviewed safety question.

! 9906150045 990605 F t

           PDR      ADOCK 05000282

i' G PDR

  .                                                            _       _    _ _ -   _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _

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          M. Wadley                                        -2-
          In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the NRC's " Rules of Practice," a copy of this letter, its
          enclosures, and your response will be pis.ced in the NRC Public Document Room.

f Sincerely, L l Geoffrey E. Grant, Director L- Division of Reactor Projects L Docket Nos.: 50-282; 50-306 ) l' License Nos.: DPR-42; DPR-60 j

          Enclosures:   1.       Notice of Violation
2. Inspection Report

i 50-282/98007(DRP); L 50-306/98007(DRP) ! l- cc w/encis: Plant Manager, Prairie Island [ State Liaison Officer, State I

                          of Minnesota
State Liaison Officer, State
of Wisconsin
                        Tribal Council
                          Prairie Island Dakota Community

i' I l [-

        , DOCUMENT NAME: R:\lnsprpts\ powers \prai\pra98007.drp
          1. - . - m -- - . c . co m                                .-    = v . c. . . .                                      ,c . . .
           OFFICE -            Rill !          6    Rill            6    Rlli                                       F, Rlli         g
           NAME'               Kunowski:migy       Shear [[              JMcB       g                                  Grangh
           DATe                Shui          V           yhp                      g/h                                   G/f/97
                                                                                                                         '  '
                                              OFFICIAL RECORD COPY

l !:

       M. Wadley                        -3-
       CAC (E-Mail)
       Project Mgr., NRR w/encls
       C. Paperiello, Rill w/encls
       J. Caldwell, Rill w/encls
       B. Clayton, Rill w/encls
       SRI Prairie Island w/encls
       DRP w/encls
       TSS w/encls
       DRS (2) w/encis
       Rill PRR w/encls
       PUBLIC lE-01 w/encls
       Docket File w/encls
       LEO (E-Mail)
       DOCDESK (E-Mai:)

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