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Proposed Tech Specs Revising Section Re Boron Dilution
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Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 10/05/1989
Shared Package
ML20248H198 List:
NUDOCS 8910110211
Download: ML20248H199 (11)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ -- REACTIVITY CONTROL' SYSTEMS CHARGING PUMPS - OPERATING LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION At least two independent charging pumps shall be OPERABLE. APPLICA8ILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4. ACTION: ' With only one charging pump OPERABLE, restore at least two charging pumps to OPERABLE status within 72 hours or be in at least HOT STAN08Y and borat SHUTDOWN MARGIN equivalent to the requirements of Specification or, whichever is applicable, within the next 6 hours; restore at least two charging pumps to OPERABLE status within the next 7 days or be in COLD SHUTDOWN within the next 30 hours. SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS Each required charging pump shall be demonstrated OPERABLE at least once every 18 months by verifying that each charging pump starts in response to an SIAS test signal. , I l i WATERFORD - UNIT 3 3/4 1-9 AMENDMENT NO. 11 691011G211 691005 FDR ADOCK 05000382 P PDC 3


REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS SORON DILUTION LINITING CO W ITION FOR OPERATION Boron concentration shall be verified consistant with SHUTDOWN MARGIN requirements of Specifications,, and 3.9.1. Boron j

                                                   ' dilution events shall be precluded by;
a. Either two boron dilution alarms (startup channel high eeutron flux) shall be OPERABLE with the alams set in accordance w9th Specifica-tion, or the primary makeup water flow pathes the Reactor l Coolant system shall be isolated, and

, . . b. Do not operate the plant in the configuration prohibited by i Tables 3.1-1 through 3.1-5. I APPLICABILITY: IEIDES 3, 4, 5, and 6. 1 ACTION:

a. With the boron concentration not consistant with rseoired $NUTDOWN MARGIN, initista amargency boration.
b. With one boron dilution alam inoperable and the primary makeup water i flow path to the Reactor Coolant System net isolated, determine '

Reactor Coelant Systam boron concentration within 1 hour and at least at the monitoring frequency specified in Tables 3.1-1 through 3.1-5. l c. With both boron dilution alarms inoperable and the primary makeup l water flow path to the Reactor Coolant System not isolated, determine ' the Reactor Coolant System boron concentration by two independent means within 1 hour and at least at the monitoring frequency specified in Tables 3.1-1 through 3.1-5; otherwise, immediately suspend all operations involving positive reactivity changes or CORE ALTERATIONS (1f applicable). I l l l WATERFORD - UNIT 3 3/4 1-15 AMENONENT NO. I,48 { i i

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          ,'             ' REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS
                               -LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION (Continued)

ACTION: (Continued) z

d. With the requirements of Specification not satisfied. l immediately remove power from charging pumps to comply with the above requirement or isolate the primary makeup water flow path to the j- Reactor Coolant System.
e. The previsions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.
                            .                                                                                                                                        ]

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS i The provisions of Speciffestion 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into M00E 3 from MODE 2. I .Each required boron dilutfan alare shall be demonstrated OPERABLE by the perfomance of a CHANNEL CHECK at, least once per 12 hours, a CHANNEL ' FUNC770NAL TEST at least once per 31 days, and a CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per la months. I If the primary makeup water flow path to the Reactor Coolant System is isolated to fulfill the required primary makeup water flow path to the Reacter. coolant System shall:be verified to be isolated by either locked closed manual valves, deactivated automatic valves secured in the isolation position, or by power being removed from all charging puups, at least once per, ) 24 hours. ) The requirements of Specification shall be verified at least once per 24 hours. [ Each required boron dilution alam setpoint shall be adjusted to less than or equal to twice (2x) the existing neutron flux (eps) at the follow-ing frequencies: l l a. At feest once per 5 hours if the reactor has been shut down less l than 25 hours;

b. At least once per 24 hours if the reactor has been shut down greater than er equal to 25 hours but less than 7 days;
c. At least once per 7 days if the reactor has been shut down greater than or equal to 7 days.

WATERFORD - UNIT 3 3/4 1-16 AMENDMENT No. 5,48 l (. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . - _ - -

TABLE 3.1-1 r RECUIR 3 MONITORING FREQUENCIES FOR BACKUP BORON , l ILU rION )titcTION A5 A FUNCT::0N OF OPERATING C ARG;;NG PMP5 AW P . ANT OPERA'::0NAL MDE5 FOR K,ff GREMER-THAN 0.98 K,ff >0.98 OPERATIONAL Weber of Goerotina Charnian PuRDs* M00E O 1 2 3 3 12 hours 0.75 hours Operation not allowed ** 4 12 hours Operation not allowed ** I 5 RCS filled i 8 hours Operation not allowed ** 1 5 RCS partially- 8 hours Operation not allowed"* drained  : 6 Operation not allowed **

  • Charging pop OPERABILITY for any period of time shall constitute OPERABILITY for the entire monitorin0 friupsency.

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                                   **The precluded naaber of charging' pumps shell be verifind to be                   'l inoperable by rocking out their motor circuit breakers.

I l l 1 WATERFORD - UNIT 3 3/4 1-17 AMENDENT N0. f. 48 l

TABLE 3.1-2

                                             '    RENIRED MONITORING FREQUENCIES FOR BACKUP B0RON ltLUTICN DETtCTION AS A FUNCT"0N OF OP ERATING C 'i ENG PUNPS AND PLANT OPERA"IONA . N00E5 FOR K,ff EREnTER THAN 0.97 AND LESS THAN Olt EQUAL TO 0.98 0.98 > K,ff >0.97 OPERATIONAL                        Number of Goeratino Charoino Punos*

MDE 0 1 2 3 3 12 hours 2.0 hours 0.5 hours Operation not allowed ** 4 12 hours 0.75 hours Operation not allowed ** l  : 5 RCS filled 8 hours 1.0 hours Operation not allowed ** 5 RCS partially 8 hours 0.75 hours Operation not allowed ** drained 5 Operation not allowed **

                               " Charging pump OPERABILITY for any period of time shall constitute OPERA 8ILITY for the entire monitoring frequency.
                             **The precluded n eber of charging pumps shall be verified to be inoperable by                  l racking out their motor circuit breakers.

I 1 l l 1 WATERFORD - UNIT 3 3/4 1-17a AMENDMENT No. f 48 1 --._-_________::-_______._____-.______ i

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                           ,                                                                   TABLE 3.1-3 RE'UIRED MONITORING FREQUENCIi!$ FOR BACKUP BORON DI .UTION )titCTION A5 A FUNCT"0N OF OPERATING C AtG"M'i P MP5 AND P .Ah7 OPERA'IONA.ICDES FOR K,ff g EnI;x THAN 0.96 40D LESS THAN 01t EQUA. TO 0.97 0.97 3,K,ff >0.96 OPERATIONAL                            Number of Coeratino Charnino Pumps
  • MODE' 0 1 2 3 1 i

3 12 hours 3.0 hours 1.25 hours Q.5 hours 4' 12 hours 1.5 hours 0.5 hours Operation not allowed ** 5 RCS filled 8 hours 1.5 hours 0.5 hours Operation not allowed ** 5 ACS partially 8 hours 0.75 hours Operation not allowed ** drained 6 Operation not allswed**

  • Charging pump OPERABILITY for arty period of time shall constitute' OPERABILITY for the entire monitoring frequency.
                                                          **The precluded number of charging pumps shall be verified tu be                     l inoperable by racking out their motor circuit breakers.

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l l l l i idATERFORD - UNIT 3 3/4 1-17b AMOIDMENT NO. f,48 I l I 1


  • l MDOE O 1 2 3 1

3 12 hours 4.0 hours 2.0 hours 1.0 hours 4 12 hours 2.25 hours 0.75 hours Operation not allowed ** 5 RCS filled 8 hours 2.5 hours 0.75 hours Operation not allowed ** 5 RCS partially 8 hours 2.0 hours 0.5 hours operation drained not allowed" 6 Operation not allowed **

  • Charging pump OPERABILITY for ariy period of time shall constitute OPERABILITY for the entire monitoring frequency.
                                     **The precluded number of charging pumps shall be verified to be                                                            l inoperable by racking out their notar circuit breakers.

l I e \


WATERFORD - UNIT 3 3/4 1-17c AMENOMENT NO. 5,48 i

l TABLE 3.1-5 RE UIR 3 BCNITORING FREQUENCIES FOR BACKUP BORON . ltILJ ' ION )ETECTION AS A FUNCT::0N OF OPERATING C AR3;:NO PAIP5 ANO P'. ANT OPERA";:0NA. MODES FOR i K,ff g TMWI OR EQUAL TO 0.s5 x,,,10.s5 OPERATIONAL Number of Operatino Charnino Pumps" MODE O 1 2 3 - 3 12 hours 5.0 hours 2.0 hours 1.0 hours , 4 22 hours 3.0 hours 1.0 hours 0.5 hours ) 5 RCS filled 8 hours 3.0 hours 1.25 hours 0.5 hours 5 RCS partially 8 hours 2.75 hours 1.0 heurt Operation not allowed ** drained 6 24 hours 2.25 hours 0.75 hours Operation not allowed **

           " Charging pep OPERABILITY for any period of time shall constitute OPERABILITY for the entire eenitoring frequency.
          **The precluded number of charging peps shall be verified to be inoperable by                    l racking out their, motor circuit breakers.
  • WATERFORD - UNIT 3 3/4 1-17d APEICMENT NO. f. 48

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gwwaowouatmeeoumzumusomm -{ BORON DILUTf0N- j i . LIMITING CONDITION FOR OPERATION i I Boron concentration shall be verified consistent with SHUTDOWN l j MARGIN requirements of Specification, 3.1.1. 2, and 3. 9.1. Boron I dilution events shall be precluded by either "a" nt "b" below. j a 1. Two boron dilution alarms'(startup channel high neutron flux) shall be OPERABLE with the alarms set in accordance with < Specification j And 1

2. 1. If the plant is in MODE 4, then remove power to at least one i charging pump,
11. If the plant is in MODE 5 with keff s 0.97, then remove power to at least one charging pump. ,

1 111.If the plant is in MODE 5 with keff > 0.97, then remove power to at least two charging pumps. I iv.lf the plant is in MODE 6, then remove power to at least two charging pumps. 9R

b. 1. The primary makeup water flow path to the reactor coolant system shall be isolated AI1.4
2. Do not operate the plant in the configurations prohibited by Tables 3.1-1 through 3.1-5 for the current MODE.

APPLICABILITY: MODES 3*, 4, 5, and 6

  • While any shutdown CEA is less than 145 inches withdrawn.


a. With the baron concentration not consistent with required ,

SHUTDOWN MARGIN, initiate emergency boration. '

b. With one boron dilution alarm inoperable and the primary makeup water flow path to the reactor coolant system not isolated, determine reactor coolant system boron concentration within one hour and at least at the monitoring frequency specified in Tables 3.1-1 through 3.1-5.
c. With both boron dilution alarms inoperable and the primary makeup water flow path to the reactor coolant system not isolated, determine the reactor coolant system boron concentration by two independent means within one hour and at least at the monitoring frequency specified in Tables 3.1-1 through 3.1-5; l otherwise, immediately suspend all operations involving positive l reactivity changes or CORE ALTERATIONS (if applicable).
             ,.                             REACTIVITY CONTROL SYSTEMS


d. hith the requirements of Specification not satisfied. l
                                                     . immediately remove power from charging pumps to comply with the above
                                                     ' requirement or isolate the primary makeup water flow path to the Reactor Coolant System. _
e. The provisions of Specifications 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 are not applicable.

SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS The provisions of Specification 4.0.4 are not applicable for entry into MODE 3 from MDDE 2. Each required boron dilution alars shall be demonstrated 0PERABLE ' by the performance of a CHANNEL CHECE at least once per 12 hours, a CHANNEL FUNCTIONAL TEST at least once per 31 days, and a CHANNEL CALIBRATION at least once per 18 months. onem ,noo: b If the primary make ter flow path to the Reactor Coolant System is isolated to fulfill$ the required primary makeup water flow path

                                       . to the Reactor. coolant Systes shall:be verified to be isolated by either locked closed manual valves, deactivated automatic valves secured in the isolation position, or by power being removed from all charging pumps, at least once per, 24 hours.                                                                    M L A 4 7 oc

( m au> ADD: 3 a . 2 9 . 6 . 2. i The requirements of Specification @.1.2.9[Dsha11 be verified at least once per 24 hours. l Each required boron dilution alarm setpoint shall be adjusted'to less than or equal to twice (2x) the existing neutron flux (cps) at the follow-ing frequencies:

a. At least once per 5 hours if the reactor has been shut down less than 25 hours;
b. At least once per 24 hours if the reactor has been shut down greater than er equal to 25 hours but less than 7 days;
c. At least once per 7 days if the reactor has been shut down greater than or aqual to 7 days.

