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Directs NRC to Perform Prompt Insp of Causes,Safety Implications & Associated Operator Actions During Loss of Offsite Power Event on 871112
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 11/13/1987
From: Russell W
To: Johnston W
Shared Package
ML20245D175 List:
FOIA-88-198 NUDOCS 8905300247
Download: ML20247F996 (3)


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2: i 13 NOV 1987-

-MEMORANDUM FOR: William V. Johnston, Director

, Division.of Reactor Safety FROM: William T. Russell Regional Administrator


AUGMENTED INSPECTION TEAM - LOSS OF ALL OFFSITE POWER AT PILGRIM You are directed to perform a prompt inspection of the causes,. safety implica-

'tions, and associated operator actions during the loss of offsite power event at Pilgrim Station on November 12, 1987. The inspection shall be in accordance with NRC Manual Chapter 0513, Part III, and additional instructions in this memorandum.

DRS is assigned to conduct this inspection and J..Durr is designated as the Team Leader. The team will also include the provision for participation by


OBJECTIVE The general objectives of the AIT are to:

a. Conduct a timely, thorough, and systematic inspection related to the circumstances surrounding the loss of offsite power.
b. . Ass'ess .the safety significance of the events and communicate to Regional and Headquarters management the facts and safety concerns related to the problems identified.
c. Collect, analyze, and document all relevant data and factual information to determine the causes, conditions and circumstances' the events.

SCOPE OF THE INSPECTION The AIT response should identify and document the relevant facts and determine the probable causes and should be limited to the issues directly related to the loss of offsite power event and operator responses.

Specifically, the AIT should:

a. Develop a chronology of the event.

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s Memorandu[forWilliamV.Johnston 2 13 NOV 1987 '

b. -Review.the precursors-to this loss of offsite power event.
c. Review the~ vulnerability of the Pilgrim design to station blackout events  ;

and-assess the generic implications of this event.

d. Review the. sequence of events and the resulting system responses and' evaluate them from. the perspective of the proposed Station Blackout Rule.

e- Review the adequacy of previous corrective actions to loss of offsite' power events.

f. Review the adequacy of precautionary measures taken in anticipation of adverse weather on November 12, 1987.
g. Review the licensee command and control'of the loss of offsite power event,
h. Review the complicating factors associated with the event on November 12, 1987,
i. Gather information from previous recent loss of offsite power events at Pilgrim'and assess wnat actions be taken by NRC.
j. Assess.the need to perform an Independent Investigation Team review at Pilgrim.


SCHEDULE' The AIT sha.Il be dispatched to the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station not later than November 15,.1987, and shall remain there as long as necessary to accomplish the objectives of this inspection. expected that this will take no longer than five working days.

A written report on this inspection will be provided to me by November 30, 1987.


The assigned team members are as follows:

4 J. Durr, DRS, RI, Team Leader D. Haverkamp, DRP, RI, Deputy Team Leader H. Eichenholz, SRI - Yankee Rowe

.D. Ruscitto, RI - Seabrook L. Briggs, DRS, RI P. Baranowsky, EAB, NRR R. Wessman, PDI-3, NRR M. Chiramal, ROAB, AEOD

& ., w-Wi lliam T. Russell gional Administrator

Memorand,um fdr William V. Johnston 3 13 NOV 1987 cc:

J. M. Allan, DRA W. F. Kane, DRP T. T. Martin, DRSS' bec:

Team Members S. Collins, DRP J. Wiggins, DRP R. Blough, DRP L.-Doerflein, DRP t

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